Parent Info 28 January 2016 Issue 271


Parent Info 28 January 2016 Issue 271
Panaga School
HRF/4, BSP Company Sdn Bhd, Seria, KB 3534, Negara Brunei Darussalam
Telephone: (+673) 3375728/3372139 Teraja, 3372694 Mendaram/Rampayoh
Principal: Tim Robinson 3372355/ 8777271 email: [email protected]
Headteacher Mendaram/Rampayoh: Cindy Bin Tahal 8777028 email: [email protected]
Headteacher Teraja: Andy Ryan 3372404/8988224 email: [email protected]
Senior Admin Support: Jalinah Bte Ali 3375728 email: [email protected]
Admin Support Rampayoh/Mendaram: Zurimah Bte Jumat email: [email protected]
Admin Support Teraja: Hasmah Bte Hj Salleh: [email protected]
Parent Information Letter; Issue 271
Thursday 28th January 2016
Dear Parents,
We are delighted to welcome Michael Ymer into school next week to facilitate some Numeracy training.
Michael is an innovative Maths consultant who will be working with our teachers, LSAs and students. As a
part of his visit, he will also speak to parents about how they are able to support Maths learning at home.
We are hopeful as many of you as possible will join us for his parent presentations. Please see the
attached flyers for information.
Air Conditioners
Recently, we have experienced several issues relating to our A/C units in the school’s new buildings. As a
school, we realise the importance of keeping students, staff and parent helpers cool and healthy. We are
continuing to be extremely proactive in seeking technical help and requesting for these recurring problems
to be resolved. We are receiving support from several departments in BSP (PM/PPA/AEP/AEN); they are
all assisting us with the short and longer term A/C issues we are facing. Over the last 2 weeks, we have
seen significant progress in several areas. As of today, both Rampayoh and Mendaram have at least one
A/C functioning in each classroom. We will continue to work on resolving all A/C issues on a long term
basis. Please speak to any member of the School Leadership Team who will be more than happy to explain
this matter in further detail.
As you have noticed, we have experienced hazy conditions in and around camp over the last few days. We
are continually working with BSP to update us on any change in conditions. We are assessing the situation
daily to decide if and when it is appropriate to keep the children indoors. Should the conditions deteriorate
dramatically over the next weeks, we will discuss further actions.
Teraja hall
The Teraja hall is now reopen. All of the construction work is complete and BSP have authorised us to
again make use of this facility.
PTA bake sale (see flyer attached)
A reminder to our community of the PTA bake sale this coming Saturday. Please support this important
event aimed at raising funds for the PTA and efforts against deforestation on Borneo caused by natural and
man-made disasters.
Attendance reminder for Nursery and Pre-Nursery children
In Mendaram, we have sign-in sheet located outside each classroom. Please remember to sign your child
in every day and sign them out when you pick them up at the end of the morning. If you are late to school or
want to collect your child early, please enter the school through the main entrance at Rampayoh, report to
security and then proceed to the Nursery or Pre-Nursery via the garden entrances, behind the main
hall. When you reach the classroom, please remember to sign your child in on arrival and out when picking
them up from class. Please ensure you have alerted their class teacher of a late arrival or early
departure. Thank you.
A world united in learning
Panaga School
HRF/4, BSP Company Sdn Bhd, Seria, KB 3534, Negara Brunei Darussalam
Telephone: (+673) 3375728/3372139 Teraja, 3372694 Mendaram/Rampayoh
Principal: Tim Robinson 3372355/ 8777271 email: [email protected]
Headteacher Mendaram/Rampayoh: Cindy Bin Tahal 8777028 email: [email protected]
Headteacher Teraja: Andy Ryan 3372404/8988224 email: [email protected]
Senior Admin Support: Jalinah Bte Ali 3375728 email: [email protected]
Admin Support Rampayoh/Mendaram: Zurimah Bte Jumat email: [email protected]
Admin Support Teraja: Hasmah Bte Hj Salleh: [email protected]
2016 Student medical and contact details (update)
Last week, a form was given to every student at Panaga School aiming to collect up-to-date information in
relation to their medical needs and your contact details. It is important that we are aware of any medical
issues that your child has, if they take medication and that all contact and emergency information is up-todate. All information provided in this form is considered confidential. If you would like to speak further about
your child’s medical needs, please contact the Additional Needs Team Leaders:
Jackie Campling (Additional Needs Leader, Teraja): [email protected]
Katy Docherty (Additional Needs Leader, Rampayoh and Mendaram): [email protected]
Thank you for your support in completing and returning these forms.
Sports Training
Please note that Boys and Girls T-Ball will take place on MONDAY and TUESDAY next week.
The schedule for sports training next week:
Year Group
Boys and Girls T-Ball
Teraja Monday
Girls Touch Rugby
Teraja Field
Running Club
Meet at Teraja Friday 6.25am-7am
(P4 & P5 students must entranceway
be accompanied.)
Wednesday 2.30pm-3.30pm
BJSL Football
Well done to all the students who took part in the event today at JIS, Panaga finished second in the event.
Many thanks to all the teachers and parents who supported the event.
Kit for PE and sport
A reminder to students and parents of the correct kit for PE. Students should wear a sports t-shirt and
shorts or tracksuit bottoms along with appropriate trainers. They should bring a hat and full water bottle for
every lesson. Boys and girls should not wear jewellery including rings and necklaces, however, small
studded earing are permitted. Unfortunately, students who wear kit that maybe unsafe for use will not be
allowed to actively participate.
International Day - Thursday/Friday 25th/26th February 2016
We will be holding a planning meeting for everyone who has volunteered to help out on Friday 29th
January at 8.00am. A separate email will communicate further details to our volunteers. Thanks for your
support for this exciting community event.
A world united in learning
Panaga School
HRF/4, BSP Company Sdn Bhd, Seria, KB 3534, Negara Brunei Darussalam
Telephone: (+673) 3375728/3372139 Teraja, 3372694 Mendaram/Rampayoh
Principal: Tim Robinson 3372355/ 8777271 email: [email protected]
Headteacher Mendaram/Rampayoh: Cindy Bin Tahal 8777028 email: [email protected]
Headteacher Teraja: Andy Ryan 3372404/8988224 email: [email protected]
Senior Admin Support: Jalinah Bte Ali 3375728 email: [email protected]
Admin Support Rampayoh/Mendaram: Zurimah Bte Jumat email: [email protected]
Admin Support Teraja: Hasmah Bte Hj Salleh: [email protected]
Science Fair
The PTA plans to host a Science Fair for all Panaga students on Saturday 19th March 2016. The aim of
the event is to foster scientific thinking in a fun and interactive way. Thank you to all who have expressed
an interest in volunteering to make this exciting vision a reality! If you have registered your interest but not
yet received an invitation by email, please contact Rachel Marsden, Community Leader for Learning:
[email protected].
Nursery and Pre-Nursery admissions
Our Nursery and Pre-Nursery sections are now accepting admissions for September 2016. As we
start to plan for the new school year, please return your completed application form to the school office on
Rampayoh as soon as possible. We thank you for your support with this.
Children departing Panaga School
Can we please ask that if your children are leaving Panaga School, you inform our administration office as
soon as possible. All children will receive their half-yearly report next Friday 5th February.
Outdoor Play
P4 are in the process of developing an outdoor play area which will incorporate a mud kitchen. If you have
any old sink units, pots, pans, spades, bowls, etc, can you please can you deliver them to Jo Marshall (4J).
Calendar dates
3: Micheal Ymer’s Numeracy presentation
5: Reports issued
5: Michael Ymer’s Numeracy presentation
5: Half term holiday commences
15: New half term begins
18: BJSL T-Ball at JIS
25: International Community Day (P1 – P8)
26: International Community Day (Nursery), Challenge Day (P1 – P8)
28: Panaga Football Tournament
A world united in learning
Panaga School
Supporting Maths P4-P8
Parent Presentation
Wednesday February 3rd 2016
5.00-6.00 pm
Teraja Hall
Guest Presenter: Michael Ymer
Specialist Mathematics Consultant from Melbourne Australia
Come and join us in this unique opportunity to hear how you
can encourage and support your children’s mathematical
skills at home.
Michael is an enthusiastic and entertaining presenter.
He is involved in many Professional Development
programmes in schools across Australia and Asia.
His clear and practical approach to supporting
children’s learning addresses issues that are often
raised by parents.
So come along and find out:
How children best learn mathematics?
How to help your child become an efficient problem solver?
How to promote quality thinking and learning?
How you can help your child in mathematics?
Maths Presentation
Supporting Maths P1-P3
Friday February 5th 2016
9.40-10.40 am
Rampayoh Hall
Guest Presenter: Michael Ymer
Specialist Mathematics Consultant from Melbourne Australia
Come and join us in this unique opportunity to hear how you can
encourage and support your children’s mathematical skills at home.
Michael is an enthusiastic and entertaining presenter. He is involved in many Professional
Development programmes in schools across Australia and Asia. His clear and practical
approach to supporting children’s learning addresses issues that are often raised by
parents. So come along and find out how you can:
 Help your child to best learn Mathematics.
 Promote creativity with quality thinking and learning and develop
 Develop their problem solving skills.
Borneo Actions Awareness Environmental
50% of the profit made during the
sale will be donated to support
efforts against deforestation in
Borneo and the other half will be
used to benefit Panaga School.
El Nino in 2016 - the Impacts of Forest Fires on Borneo
Saturday January 30th, 9am.
Opening talk at the “Borneo Actions” Environmental Awareness Sale
Panaga Club Main Hall
Associate Professor Ferry Slik from UBD (University of Brunei
Ph.D. From Leiden University, the Netherlands
Conducted research in Indonesia, China and currently in Borneo
We are in the midst of what could become one of the most intense El Nino's of recent decades,
which will probably result in a severe drought. We have already witnessed low rainfall and massive
fires at the end of 2015 and will probably see a repeat of this in the coming months.
This talk will summarize the impacts of forest fires on the forests of Borneo, based on research on
East Kalimantan fires, which were triggered by drought associated with El Nino.
The results of this study are both worrying and hopeful, depending how well countries in the region
will be able to control fire occurrence.
You can make a difference...
Join our awareness event
Talk to Prof. Slik & ask questions
Discover beautiful handicrafts & art
Help the fire-fighting teams to better
prepare for 2016