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All Episodes Gustavo Santaolalla — How Movie Music Moves Us All
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Gustavo Santaolalla On How Movie Music Can...
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On Being - May 22th, 2015
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51 minutes
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On Being - May 22th, 2015
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Gustavo Santaolalla — How Movie
Music Moves Us
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Gustavo Santaolalla On How Movie Music Can
Move Us
Gustavo Santaolalla On How Movie Music Can
Move Us
Movies, for some of us, are a form of modern church. The
Movies, for some of us, are a form of modern church. The
Argentinian composer and musician Gustavo…
Argentinian composer and musician Gustavo…
Global News: 21 May 15 PM Islamic State
seizes Syria's Palmyra
Global News: 21 May 15 PM Islamic State
seizes Syria's Palmyra
Malaysia orders migrant boat rescues / Paracetamol in
Malaysia orders migrant boat rescues / Paracetamol in
pregnancy warning...
pregnancy warning...
From the Archives: Somalia – Back from the
brink - 21 May 2015
From the Archives: Somalia – Back from the
brink - 21 May 2015
Andrew Harding speaks to defectors inside the militant
Andrew Harding speaks to defectors inside the militant
group Al Shabab and asks if Somalia is turning…
group Al Shabab and asks if Somalia is turning…
Kelley James | Musician
Kelley James | Musician
Singer-Songwriter Kelley James discusses life as a
Singer-Songwriter Kelley James discusses life as a
32 minutes left
musician, recalling terrible gigs and finding the will to
Movies, for some of us, are a form of modern church. The
musician, recalling terrible gigs and finding the will to
Movies, for some of us, are a form of modern church. The
constantly improve. He also talks about the creative…
Argentinian composer and musician Gustavo Santaolalla
constantly improve. He also talks about the creative…
Argentinian composer and musician Gustavo Santaolalla
creates cinematic landscapes — movie soundtracks that
LAUNCH Incubator 2: Des Traynor, Intercom
The LAUNCH Incubator series is back! Today’s episode
features returning speaker, Des Traynor, Cofounder of
Intercom, who dazzles with a whole new tactical…
Zeller & Tillich
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Sommer 2015
FH Potsdam
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become soundtracks for life. He's won back-to-back
Academy Awards for his original scores for Brokeback
Mountain and Babel. We experience his humanity and
creative philosophy behind a kind of music that moves us
like no other.
creates cinematic landscapes — movie soundtracks that
LAUNCH Incubator 2: Des Traynor, Intercom
The LAUNCH Incubator series is back! Today’s episode
features returning speaker, Des Traynor, Cofounder of
Intercom, who dazzles with a whole new tactical…
become soundtracks for life. He's won back-to-back
Academy Awards for his original scores for Brokeback
Mountain and Babel. We experience his humanity and
creative philosophy behind a kind of music that moves us
like no other.
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On Being - May 22th, 2015
2 Unplayed
Gustavo Santaolalla — How Movie
Music Moves Us
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51 minutes
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From the Archives: Somalia – Back from the bri...
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BBC Documentaries - May 21st, 2015
3 Unfinished
From the Archives: Somalia – Back
from the brink - 21 May 2015
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26 minutes left
Gustavo Santaolalla On How Movie Music Can
Move Us
From the Archives: Somalia – Back from the
brink - 21 May 2015
It has been nearly four years since the Somali militant group
Movies, for some of us, are a form of modern church. The
Argentinian composer and musician Gustavo…
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BBC Documentaries - May 21st, 2015
3 Unfinished
From the Archives: Somalia – Back
from the brink - 21 May 2015
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26 minutes left
It has been nearly four years since the Somali militant group
al-Shabab was forced out of the capital Mogadishu. Since
From the Archives: Somalia – Back from the
brink - 21 May 2015
Andrew Harding speaks to defectors inside the militant
then, parts of the city have started to come back to life but
Andrew Harding speaks to defectors inside the militant
then, parts of the city have started to come back to life but
group Al Shabab and asks if Somalia is turning…
the security situation remains dangerous.
group Al Shabab and asks if Somalia is turning…
the security situation remains dangerous.
Africa correspondent Andrew Harding returns to Mogadishu
Global News: 21 May 15 PM Islamic State
seizes Syria's Palmyra
Global News: 21 May 15 PM Islamic State
seizes Syria's Palmyra
to talk to security officials charged with keeping the country
Malaysia orders migrant boat rescues / Paracetamol in
al-Shabab was forced out of the capital Mogadishu. Since
Africa correspondent Andrew Harding returns to Mogadishu
to talk to security officials charged with keeping the country
safe, and to speak to al-Shabab defectors who are part of
Global News: 21 May 15 PM Islamic State
seizes Syria's Palmyra
Malaysia orders migrant boat rescues / Paracetamol in
the government’s new amnesty scheme. Is Somalia turning
Malaysia orders migrant boat rescues / Paracetamol in
the government’s new amnesty scheme. Is Somalia turning
pregnancy warning...
pregnancy warning...
the tide against the extremists of al-Shabab?
pregnancy warning...
the tide against the extremists of al-Shabab?
From the Archives: Somalia – Back from the
brink - 21 May 2015
From the Archives: Somalia – Back from the
brink - 21 May 2015
From the Archives: Somalia – Back from the
brink - 21 May 2015
Andrew Harding speaks to defectors inside the militant
Andrew Harding speaks to defectors inside the militant
Andrew Harding speaks to defectors inside the militant
group Al Shabab and asks if Somalia is turning…
group Al Shabab and asks if Somalia is turning…
group Al Shabab and asks if Somalia is turning…
Kelley James | Musician
Kelley James | Musician
Kelley James | Musician
Singer-Songwriter Kelley James discusses life as a
Singer-Songwriter Kelley James discusses life as a
Singer-Songwriter Kelley James discusses life as a
musician, recalling terrible gigs and finding the will to
Movies, for some of us, are a form of modern church. The
musician, recalling terrible gigs and finding the will to
musician, recalling terrible gigs and finding the will to
constantly improve. He also talks about the creative…
Argentinian composer and musician Gustavo Santaolalla
constantly improve. He also talks about the creative…
constantly improve. He also talks about the creative…
LAUNCH Incubator 2: Des Traynor, Intercom
LAUNCH Incubator 2: Des Traynor, Intercom
The LAUNCH Incubator series is back! Today’s episode
The LAUNCH Incubator series is back! Today’s episode
features returning speaker, Des Traynor, Cofounder of
features returning speaker, Des Traynor, Cofounder of
Intercom, who dazzles with a whole new tactical…
Intercom, who dazzles with a whole new tactical…
creates cinematic landscapes — movie soundtracks that
LAUNCH Incubator 2: Des Traynor, Intercom
The LAUNCH Incubator series is back! Today’s episode
features returning speaker, Des Traynor, Cofounder of
Intercom, who dazzles with a whole new tactical…
Zeller & Tillich
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Sommer 2015
FH Potsdam
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become soundtracks for life. He's won back-to-back
Academy Awards for his original scores for Brokeback
Mountain and Babel. We experience his humanity and
creative philosophy behind a kind of music that moves us
like no other.
safe, and to speak to al-Shabab defectors who are part of
Use Case 03
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What is Twitter?
24 minutes
What is Twitter?
While traveling from New York City to my new home in Austin, I
Gustavo Santaolalla On How Movie Music Can
Move Us
While traveling from New York City to my new home in
downloaded Twitter onto my phone. I have a sordid history with the social
Austin, I downloaded Twitter onto my phone. I have a
media platform, particularly when its stream of opinions is accessible all
Movies, for some of us, are a form of modern church. The
sordid history with the social media platform…
day, every day. But I wanted something to distract me on the long road
trips, and help pass the time in an unfurnished house. Twitter is nothing if
Argentinian composer and musician Gustavo…
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Global News: 21 May 15 PM Islamic State
seizes Syria's Palmyra
What’s Tech?
Malaysia orders migrant boat rescues / Paracetamol in
pregnancy warning...
By The Verge
The Pipeline
From the Archives: Somalia – Back from the
brink - 21 May 2015
Podcasts For The Weekend
Singer-Songwriter Kelley James discusses life as a
musician, recalling terrible gigs and finding the will to
Movies, for some of us, are a form of modern church. The
constantly improve. He also talks about the creative…
Argentinian composer and musician Gustavo Santaolalla
creates cinematic landscapes — movie soundtracks that
features returning speaker, Des Traynor, Cofounder of
Intercom, who dazzles with a whole new tactical…
the space race, and smart
& Noteworthy
watches track
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Slack Variety Pack
Mathew Jonson's Cobblestone Jazz Mix —
MUTEK 2015 Festival Edition
Mountain and Babel. We experience his humanity and
creative philosophy behind a kind of music that moves us
like no other.
process is so repetitive, it's become this...
What is the Marvel Universe?
the sky, corporations enter the space
strongest openings of all time. As the credits rolled.
race, and smart watches track our every
Tech invites experts to explain the
technology bit by bit, in clear, brief,
enjoyable audio nuggets. These days,
not a competent distraction.
At first, the app did its job, keeping me updated on current events and
interesting stories. Eventually, though, it once again tapped into an inner
depression. For me, this happens every time I let the app become an
addiction. I deleted Twitter again. It wasn't the first time, certainly won't be
you're in good company. The film had one of the
the last. How Twitter came to be is almost as interesting to me as the
platform itself.
To learn more about my frienemy, I invited The Verge's Silicon Valley Editor
Casey Newton to explain the platform's origin and speculate on its future.
Newton understands social media better than anyone I know — his
What is a camera?
Snapchat game is strong — and his analysis of Twitter is illuminating as it
I love my new camera, even though I have little
is accessible.
understanding of how it works. I recently wrote about the
Fuji X100T, which I swear is less complicated than its…
sense of what's around us.
What is the singularity?
become soundtracks for life. He's won back-to-back
Academy Awards for his original scores for Brokeback
a shower, get dressed, and drink a cup of coffee. The
We live in the future, where drones skim
technology is everywhere. Let's make
1 hour 23 minutes
Every day I practice the same routine: I hop out of bed, take
If you watched Avengers: Age of Ultron this weekend,
movement. But how? And why? What's
Kelley James | Musician
The LAUNCH Incubator series is back! Today’s episode
What’s Tech?
skim the sky, corporations enter
group Al Shabab and asks if Somalia is turning…
LAUNCH Incubator 2: Des Traynor, Intercom
You Look Nice Today
We live in the future, where drones
Andrew Harding speaks to defectors inside the militant
Zeller & Tillich
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Sommer 2015
FH Potsdam
What’s Tech - May 19th, 2015
Category: Technology
Boiler Room
If only new episodes of What's Tech appeared on
Language: English
Zaf Love Vinyl Collections
Mondays, we could have run this week's explanation of
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the Singularity on 4/20. That would have beem…