The Aqua Probes - Shamballa School


The Aqua Probes - Shamballa School
2001 - 2007
All Papers
The energy of Shamballa is so new and so strange that it is hard for human beings to know it for what it is –
the demonstration of the Will of God in new and potent livingness.
(Alice A. Bailey; The Destiny of the Nations)
Contents (Links)
General Information ........................................................................................................................................... 4
Technique of the Presence ................................................................................................................................. 5
THEME: The Key Sound of the Next Revelation ........................................................................................... 6
Short Paper in the Key Sound 7+5=12 (Bruce Lyon) ........................................................................................ 7
Crosses and Alcyone (Bruce Lyon) ................................................................................................................. 11
Key Sound – Solar Atom (Bruce Lyon) .......................................................................................................... 13
The Revelation of the Third Phase of the Teachings (Bruce Lyon) ................................................................ 14
The Key Sound (Stephen Pugh)........................................................................................................................ 19
Key Sound – Final Paper (Stephen Pugh) ........................................................................................................ 27
Key Sound I (Cedric Dumas) ............................................................................................................................ 31
The Key Sound II – Charts (Cedric Dumas)..................................................................................................... 35
From the Five elements to Initiation (an atomic-human-logoic process) (Cedric Dumas) .............................. 39
Key Sound (Philip Lindsay) .............................................................................................................................. 42
Seed thought or key sound for next revelation (Vicktorya Stone) .................................................................... 44
Key not – final (Vicktorya Stone) ..................................................................................................................... 47
The Seed (Keith Bailey) ................................................................................................................................... 52
Key Sound (Lynda Vugler) ............................................................................................................................... 55
Key Sound – Opening Paper (Leoni Hodgson) ................................................................................................ 57
THEME: The Mystery of Time and Space .................................................................................................... 60
The Mystery of Time and Space (Bruce Lyon) ............................................................................................... 61
Time & Space Inquiry (Joleen Du Bois) ........................................................................................................... 63
Introductory Paper (Barbara Mare) ................................................................................................................... 65
A Paper on Peace, Purpose, Space and Time (Bruce Lyon) ............................................................................ 66
Formula III (Joleen Du Bois) ............................................................................................................................ 72
Formula III in relation to the Law of Sacrifice (Barbara Mare) ....................................................................... 74
Time and Space 2 + 2 = 4 (Stephen Pugh) ...................................................................................................... 79
Time and Space (Vicktorya Stone) ................................................................................................................... 80
Group on The moon chain (Group) ................................................................................................................. 82
Time (Bruce Lyon) .......................................................................................................................................... 88
THEME: Rule Thirteen – The Hidden Mystery ........................................................................................... 89
Rule Thirteen (Barbara Mare) .......................................................................................................................... 90
What is the Hidden Mystery of the Planet? (Bruce Lyon)............................................................................... 99
A Paper on Naming (Bruce Lyon) ................................................................................................................. 100
Aquarius Full Moon Chart 2003 (Joleen DuBois) .......................................................................................... 102
Introductory Paper (Vicktorya Stone) ............................................................................................................. 104
THEME: The Aquarian Christ ..................................................................................................................... 109
Compilation on the Aquarian Christ from the Bailey Works ........................................................................ 110
The Soul is not enough (Bruce Lyon) ............................................................................................................ 117
A Paper on Avatars and the Aquarian Christ (Bruce Lyon) .......................................................................... 121
The Aquarian Christ, and the role of the New World Servers (Leoni Hodgson) ........................................... 130
The Aquarian Christ (Donna Mitchell Moniak) .............................................................................................. 136
Process of Direct Healing by the Overshadowing Energies of Aquarian Christ (Harry Milton) ................... 143
Every Man a Christ (Pam Nissen) .................................................................................................................. 145
The Aquarian Christ and the Group Disciple (Joleen DuBois) ...................................................................... 147
The Aquarian Avatar – Tiphareth to Daath (Donna M. Brown) ..................................................................... 150
The Aquarian Christ and Education (Suchitra Davenport) ............................................................................. 154
Freedom (Sharon Lyon) .................................................................................................................................. 161
The Sword of the Aquarian Christ (Clarence L Harvey) ................................................................................ 166
The Aquarian Mirror (Cynthia Ohlman) ......................................................................................................... 169
The Aquarian Christ – Seeing and Relationship (Darren Roth) ..................................................................... 173
The Aquarian Christ and Invocation (Gill Goodison) .................................................................................... 176
The Instrument of the Reappearance (Glen Knape) ....................................................................................... 178
THEME: Life More Abundant ..................................................................................................................... 179
The Deathless (Bruce Lyon) .......................................................................................................................... 180
THEME: DK's Zodiacal Meditations ........................................................................................................... 181
The Great Aquarian Adventure - Opportunity for Synthesis (Sharon Lyon) ................................................ 182
Chart Geometry (Mariana Bjorklund) ............................................................................................................. 190
The Golden Triangle (Martin Vieweg) ........................................................................................................... 192
Hierarchy (Gill Goodison) .............................................................................................................................. 194
The Light of the Monad (Bruce Lyon) ........................................................................................................... 197
Man and His Symbols – Microcosmic and Macrocosmic (Sharon Lyon) ...................................................... 202
Science of Triangles and Sacred Geometry (Jan Detrich) .............................................................................. 204
Synthetic Geometry (Mario & Linda) ............................................................................................................. 209
Taurus-Pisces-Scorpio (Suchitra Davenport) .................................................................................................. 214
The Divine Bomber (Lars Vibe Hansen) ........................................................................................................ 217
Sun Door at the End of Time – Mythology & Science (Bruce Lyon) ............................................................ 218
Universal Geometry (Antonella Nobilio)........................................................................................................ 222
The Word of Power (Bruce Lyon) ................................................................................................................. 227
THEME: Uranus and the Restoration of the Mysteries ............................................................................. 236
Uranus Compilation – Bailey, Roerich, Blavatsky ........................................................................................ 237
Uranus, Money, Manifestation and the Mysteries (Barbara Mare) ................................................................ 248
Uranus the Synthesiser (Antonella Nobilio) ................................................................................................... 251
Uranus, Revealer of the Hidden Mystery (Sharon Lyon) ............................................................................... 253
Uranus and the Restoration of the Mysteries: The Heavenly Vision (Sharon Lyon) ..................................... 255
Uranus & Gaia (Bruce Lyon) ......................................................................................................................... 258
General Information
The aim of the Aquarian Adventure is to deepen our connection to, and demand further revelation from, the
emerging energies and ideas at the core of the Trans-Himalayan Teachings.
The method is the creation of an invocative group field through united intentional focus. We use the
Technique of the Presence (a technique of Agni Yoga) in the attempt to become what the Master DK has
called an 'adventuring intuitive' or 'intruding agent of light' into the raincloud of the Teachings waiting to
The new is revealed when that which has been given has been understood and applied and so the inquiry is
for those who have demonstrated some success in the application of the teachings to their own field of
endeavour and are seeking further empowerment.
The inquiry is a five day event requiring a primary focus of time and energy for each participant during that
time. The process is as follows:
A key theme or topic is chosen.
Three days before full moon: Each participant writes an introductory paper outlining his or her
particular intentions for the inquiry – their specific approach to the overall theme.
Over the next three days each participant researches through meditation and study what there is to
currently 'know' about the sub theme they have chosen. Individual and group meditations using the
Technique of the Presence are encouraged as well as regular sharing on email.
Between twenty-four and twelve hours before the full moon each member submits a paper
essentialising what has been harvested from their inquiry so far.
During the day of the full moon the group let all manasic activity cease and enters into an inner
invocatory demand holding the tension through the time of the full moon and remaining open to
Over the two days after the full moon each member shares any insights or revelations received.
The group inquiry is then synthesised and relevant information is shared on this site.
Technique of the Presence
Short Version
1. Point of tension. Complete control of personal self – fitted for soul contact.
2. Fusion with Soul or the Angel.
3. Holding the mind steady in the light of the soul. Allowing the soul to take over holding the point of
4. Definite and sustained effort to sense the Presence. The effort to 'see in the light the Angel radiates,
the point of light behind all phenomenal appearances'. (The personal self, held in the light of the
soul, is attempting contact with the monad – B.L.)
5. Having sensed the Presence we seek to achieve understanding of that which, through the medium of
form, is seeking to embody the high purpose at any particular point in the evolutionary cycle.
6. Lifting of some world issue that seeks revelation into the 'triple light of the intuition' – personal light,
soul light and light of the Presence.
7. Resulting in:
a) Insight
b) Recognition
8. Preparation for revelation of that which was received through.
a) Relinquishing the Higher Way
b) Refocus in soul
c) Pause for constructive thinking
d) Formulation of thought-form
e) Pause preceding presentation
9. Presentation of revelation. The fiery ordeal
10. Descent of revelation into illusion and glamour
Even Shorter Version
Personality Tension
Soul Fusion
Release Tension to Soul
Sense Presence
Ascertain Purpose
Demand Key
Preparation for Release
Release and Burn
Let it Sink
Aquarius Adventure
Aquarius 2001
THEME: The Key Sound of the Next Revelation
It should be noted that there are seven forms of light, related to the substance of the seven planes. These are
stimulated and enhanced by the twelve forms of light of the twelve Creative Hierarchies, related each of
them to one or other of the twelve signs of the zodiac. On this I may not enlarge as it concerns the mysteries
of the higher initiations. I simply make the statement so that it may be appreciated by you as an occult fact to
the proof of which you may not yet have access. A paralleling statement would be that the light of the seven
centres in man (when enhanced by the light of the seven planetary centres) and the five kingdoms in nature
(7+5=12), plus the twelve lights of the zodiac will produce a consummation of "light" effectiveness which
will make possible the expression of the whole. This, through the medium of humanity. This is a basic
statement which means little to you as yet but which will – in the next century – form a seed thought or "key
sound" for the next revelation of the Ageless Wisdom.” (EA, 563)
Short Paper in the Key Sound 7+5=12
(Bruce Lyon)
I have chosen to focus upon the relationship between the five liberated hierarchies upon the cosmic astral
plane and the seven hierarchies of the cosmic physical. We know that the second solar system is focused
upon the 'son' aspect and that the drama of the son has three acts.
1. The separation of the Son from the Mother
One could say that this stage is still incomplete and hence the global Oedipus complex. The five hierarchies
that were to have achieved in the last system did not quite make it. The fifth or Cancer hierarchy still has a
few apron strings to cut. This we are told is linked to the 'failure' of the Buddha regarding 'too much
compassion' and has its roots in the moon chain when 'compassionate zeal' led our Planetary Logos to open
his arms a little too wide to that which should have been left to develop on its own. The Atlantis drama as
well appeared to be the result of too much being given too soon.
The overall impression we get is that there is that within the devic astral life of our planet that has not
become 'detached' enough and hence the astral body is not yet able to function independently of the
physical/etheric. One might imagine that the 'stickiness' is on the three highest levels of the Logoic plane
and that this is a correspondence to the human soul being 'stuck' in the causal body on the three higher levels
of the mental plane.
There are three separate 'crucifixions' being undergone as part of this detachment.
First, the planetary Logos is undergoing the fourth sub-initiation of the second major cosmic initiation on the
fourth sub-plane of the cosmic astral plane. This involves the Aries or second hierarchy. It is reasonable to
assume that this is being undergone in the fifth sub-race of the fifth root-race of the fourth round (a
Planetary Logos masters one sub-plane of the cosmic astral with each round). The result of this crucifixion is
that the polarisation will be able to shift to the third sub-plane where the Planetary Logs of Venus is
polarised and the second cosmic initiation can take place in the fifth round.
The second crucifixion is being undergone by the fifth or Cancer hierarchy on the seventh sub-plane of the
cosmic astral. This hierarchy is struggling to free itself from the cosmic physical plane and 'Shamballa' as
the crown centre is where this conflict takes place.
The third crucifixion is being undergone by the ninth or Scorpio hierarchy on the buddhic plane as the
human soul attempts to free itself from the causal body. Thus a direct relationship is established between the
human soul, Shamballa and the will of the planetary Logos.
The chart below may make this clearer. It includes a comparison between the personality of a human being
and the personality of the Solar Logos.
This latter is AGNI, the sum total of fire which makes up the three worlds of Logoic manifestation. Agni
expresses as a unity, represented by the orange sphere and connected to the fifth ray. Agni expresses as a
duality represented by the light blue spheres and related to the sixth ray. Agni expresses as a triplicity
represented by the violet spheres and related to the seventh ray.
Agni is also the sub-stance of the twenty one lower cosmic sub-planes and these together with the threefold,
dual and synthetic expression make up the twenty-seven laws of fire (21+3+2+1=27). The centre of the
orange sphere is the fourth sub-plane of the cosmic astral where the Planetary Logos is polarised. The centre
of the lower blue sphere is Shamballa (there must be a corresponding centre between the cosmic astral and
mental planes – any ideas?). The centre of the lower violet sphere is the buddhic plane. The relationship
between the centres of interpenetrating spheres can be said to be a 'fourth dimensional' connection, but that
is another whole subject.
A simple way of understanding the way these three points of tension operate is to imagine them as points of
at-one-ment between the highest and lowest planes of any sphere. Thus the human point brings the energies
of the logoic plane or Leo hierarchy into relationship with the physical or Aquarian plane. Shamballa brings
the Pisces hierarchy, where Venus is polarised into relationship with the Capricorn hierarchy and the
Planetary Logos, once the whole cosmic antahkarana is built, brings the energy from the Solar causal body
all the way down to the physical plane so that eventually, in the next system the Solar Will can be fully
anchored on the planet.
2. The Son weds the Mother
Within the Solar personality, the son expresses on the cosmic astral plane. We are told that there are five
great words connected with the U or Vishnu aspect and seven great words related to M or the Brahma
aspect. The five of sentiency, the solar psychic life expresses through the seven of form. We are told that
there is a light within substance – the light of the planes and also the light of the creative hierarchies which
is the light of consciousness working through the substance of the planes.
In addition, it seems clear that the creative hierarchies can work through each other so that, in that light, we
shall see light. The five liberated hierarchies have already mastered and liberated themselves from the
substance of the lower planes of the cosmic physical – in fact the process of their liberation in the last
system is what has resulted in the light that is to be found within the substance of the planes and therefore
incurs a karmic obligation.
These liberated hierarchies, by shining their light through the light of the seven hierarchies currently
working in form, are able to help them liberate more rapidly and at the same time adjust thereby the light
within the substance of the planes. The way this occurs is illustrated in the second chart which confines its
scope to the lower blue sphere of Agni – the unity within a greater duality of the cosmic astral and physical
Initially, before consciousness is fully developed the higher spheres are reflected into the lower and operate
in an inverted fashion. Within the cosmic physical plane, the monad is reflected via the buddhic into the
astral plane until the antahkarana has been built. Within the physical/astral planes the light of the first
hierarchy is reflected from the third sub-plane of the cosmic astral into the fifth sub-plane of the cosmic
physical. This reflection is the key to the relationship between the third and fifth rays and the Mystery of
On the third sub-plane of the cosmic astral, the Planetary Logos of Venus is polarised. Venus synthesises the
five liberated hierarchies and represents the height of achievement on the cosmic astral plane. Venus is now
striving upwards under Pisces towards identification with the Father aspect or cosmic mental plane.
Earth is positioned midway between the mother and father aspect of the Logoic personality. The reflection
of this upwards striving on the cosmic astral is experienced as the 'fall' of Venus on the fifth sub-plane of the
cosmic physical – the mental plane.
Paradoxically it is the success of Venus on the cosmic astral that results in the driving of human
consciousness into the lower two planes. This fall is both an act of limitation and redemption. The
'reflection' of the upper five hierarchies into the first five planes of the cosmic physical explains why these
latter are solar planes and expresses the dual nature of manas: 5+5=10 the number of Capricorn.
Once the antahkarana is built from the cosmic astral plane through Shamballa, Hierarchy and humanity, the
five liberated hierarchies can operate in an upright fashion rather than inverted.
The resulting relationships between the hierarchies and their rulers are tabled here:
(Upright & Inverted)
Pisces Pluto
Mercury Aries
Capricorn Venus
Taurus Vulcan
Capricorn Venus
Sagittarius Mars
Gemini Earth
Sagittarius Mars
Cancer Neptune
1. Aries – The Light of Life Itself. This is the dim point of light found at the centre of the cycle of
manifestation, faint and flickering. It is the "searchlight of the Logos, seeking that which can be used"
for divine expression.
2. Taurus – The penetrating Light of the Path. This is a beam of light, streaming forth from the point in
Aries, and revealing the area of light control.
3. Gemini – The Light of Interplay. This is a line of light beams, revealing that which opposes or the
basic duality of manifestation, the relationship of spirit and of form. (EA, 329)
Note that the only consistent relationship is between Aries ruled by Uranus and Scorpio ruled by
Mercury. The Light of Life meets the Light of Day. Man, Mercury, under the stimulus of electric fire,
realises his essential nature and lifts his gaze to the monad. As a result, the light of Venus representing
the liberated hierarchies is lifted from her 'fall' on the mental plane and rises upright on the atmic plane
creating the higher antahkarana. The fourth and fifth hierarchies 'marry', creating the nine of the initiate
and the planes of the triad, 3, 4 and 5 are brought into right relationship.
(As an aside there is a link here too between the reason why the 9th, 10th and 11th hierarchies are the key
to Agni and the cycles of Vishnu, and the reason solar fire expresses on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th planes of our
At the third degree, the cause of the fall is realised. At the fourth it is reversed and at the fifth degree man
has mastered the five lower sub-planes of the cosmic physical with the aid of Venus who has done the
same on the cosmic astral. Pluto breaks us free from Saturn. In the third chain, round, root race etc., there
is always the fall represented by the downward pointed pentagram. In the fifth round, root-race etc. there
is always a resurrection represented by the upright pentagram.
3. The Son arises and goes to the Father
The wedding of the cosmic astral and physical planes results in the driving of consciousness into matter
and also its ultimate resurrection. The externalisation of the Hierarchy is a part of this process. Humanity
is being redeemed, not because of its worthiness from the human perspective but because striving
upwards simultaneously requires the descent into matter. What we call 'love' is the desire or astral nature
of the Logos.
Once that is fully expressed on Earth (which will happen by the liberated hierarchies operating through
the hierarchies expressing through the seven planes) then the planetary logos can take the second cosmic
initiation and free his astral body from the cosmic physical. The focus of the logos will then shift to the
integration of His astral and mental nature represented by the upper blue sphere in Chart 1 above.
Finally, in the next system, the Solar Logos will integrate the mental, astral and physical bodies of the
whole system and take the third cosmic initiation.
In this solar system the Logoic astral and etheric bodies are being brought into relationship (God is UMing)! The five liberated hierarchies from the last system are assisting the development of the hierarchies
of this system by operating through them. Twelve planes are involved and twelve hierarchies developing
consciousness on the planes. Ten of the planes are influenced by manas, which operates in a dual fashion
– upright and inverted.
The correspondence in man is the seven centres in the etheric body, with the soul as the fifth principle
pouring its influence through five of them. Twelve is also the number of petals in the lotus. Nine, the
number of initiation, resulting from the fusion of the fourth and fifth hierarchy plus three, the synthesis
of atma around the jewel. The mental plane is 'the council chamber of the three divinities' because three
lights merge here. The light of the fifth (ninth) hierarchy on its own plane.
The Venusian light via the first hierarchy on third sub-plane of the cosmic astral reflected via Shamballa.
The light from the causal body on the cosmic mental plane, reflected via the planetary logos and the
second hierarchy on the cosmic astral plane. These same 'lights' meet in a more conscious way on the
atmic plane when man becomes a master and liberates himself from the five worlds of human evolution.
Crosses and Alcyone
(Bruce Lyon)
A few more thoughts on numbers and crosses.
Mental polarisation – holding the mind steady in the light helps us move from the mutable to the fixed
cross (2+3=5 – the number of consciousness). The TOP [technique of the presence] is helping us move
from the fixed to the cardinal cross or from soul into triad (2+1=3) perhaps there is a technique used by
the Masters at the sixth degree which help them step out of the system of three crosses (1+2+3=6). They
become the seventh point at the centre synthesising all six arms of the system and then leave on one of
the paths through the centres on the monadic plane.
This progression starts with the twelve; the seven become five become three become one (which is the
seventh), which is recognised as the synthesis and origin of the twelve. 12+7+5+3+1=28 – the number of
ideas in the mind of God and the stars in Capricorn. (Stephen, that is a great and very timely compilation
on Alcyone.)
Two quotes in particular struck me:
The energies coming from Alcyone impregnated the substance of the universe with the quality of mind.
As a consequence of this most ancient activity, the same force was present at the time of individualization
in this solar system, for it is in this system, and primarily upon our planet, the Earth, that the major results
of that early activity have made themselves felt. Two of our planets, the Earth (non-sacred) and Uranus
(sacred), are directly the product of this third ray activity. This is of great importance to remember. I
would also ask you to link this thought with the teaching that through the divine center of intelligent
activity which we call humanity, the fourth kingdom in nature will eventually act as the mediating
principle to all the three lower kingdoms. Humanity is the divine Messenger to the world of form; it is
essentially Mercury, bringing light and life to other divine manifestations and of this all divine world
Saviors are the eternal symbols (EA, 200)
There are four constellations, as you know, which convey the required energies which will make humanity
divine. They are Aries, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. I need not enter into an analysis of them as this was
covered when we studied each of them earlier and separately. I would, however, like to point out that each
of these constellations is closely connected, as a transmitter of energy, with certain stars, lying outside our
zodiac altogether, thus connecting our tiny planet with certain great focal points of energy.
Aries, the initiator of impulses (either the impulse to incarnate or the impulse to return to the originating
source) is closely in touch with one of the stars in the Great Bear to which we give the name "Pointer" in
common parlance. This Pointer is a "major star of direction" because through it (in this world cycle) flows
the will to unify and to bring about synthesis. This is the force which brings about the fusion or integration
of the personality, the at-one-ment of personality and soul, the unification of humanity or the Great
Approach of the Hierarchy to Humanity. It will produce also the integration of our Earth into the body of
the "sacred planets" and the consequent establishing of a triangle of force composed of the Pointer, Aries
and our Earth. This triangular relationship will have a potent effect upon the solar system as well as upon
the planet itself and is also one of the factors producing the shift in the Earth's axis. Related to this triangle
is a secondary one within our sun's orbit, composed of Vulcan, Pluto and the Earth. In the Archives of the
Great Lodge this is referred, to symbolically as […] (EA, 482)
These quotes indicate the path of liberation from the fixed cross. The Human hierarchy is Scorpio,
situated on the buddhic plane between the highest and the lowest – Leo and Aquarius seeking to make
the atonement. Now we know Taurus, the liberating light is the fourth arm of this cross on the fifth sub-
plane of the cosmic astral. Yet it is only through reaching up to Aries that the Will energy is contacted
which will allow for Victory on the buddhic plane.
Humanity is Mercury (ruler of buddhic plane) and Mercury must bring down the electric fire of Uranus
(ruler of fourth sub-plane of cosmic astral) in order to fuse spirit and matter and achieve his own
liberation from matter thereby. The earlier Chart I sent on the Hierarchies makes this clearer if anyone is
interested to follow up this line of thought. The planes on either side of Aries, where the Planetary Logos
of our Earth is polarised are ruled by Vulcan and Pluto which makes a particular triangle which is the
equivalent to our spiritual triad on the cosmic astral planes.
The other triangle is between Aries, Taurus and Gemini, ruled by Uranus, Vulcan and Earth. This
triangle is AGNI – the combined light of the ninth, tenth and eleventh hierarchies and the key to the
cycles of Vishnu.
The counterpart of this triangle on the cosmic physical plane is the buddhic, astral and mental planes –
Scorpio, Sagittarius and Capricorn ruled by Mercury, Mars and Venus.
These hierarchies ARE humanity in expression. The energy of Aries provides the will and wakeup call to
remind us of our essential nature in Scorpio. Taurus balances the fixed cross so that we can stand in the
centre. And Gemini relates the opposites allowing us to bring Leo and Sagittarius together and thus make
the atonement, liberating the human kingdom in the process.
One more thought on Alcyone:
If this is the great SUN around which the seven solar systems turn, is there perhaps a galactic centre
around which Alcyone also turns.
Is this the black hole currently in the direction of Sagittarius?
Might “Sun, Black, Antahkarana” also refer to the relationship between Alcyone and this galactic hub?
Key Sound – Solar Atom
(Bruce Lyon)
The following quote from TCF, 1183 generates an inner image of the beauty of the Solar design, so I
include it for our interest. I am also attaching an outer image [image lost] that seeks to convey a little of
this design and one that illustrates the cosmic antahkarana [image lost] as it is built between the centres
of interpenetrating spheres.
The streams of energy which pour forth through the medium of the Sun from the egoic lotus and which are
in reality "logoic Soul energy" attract to them that which is akin to them in vibration. This may sound
rather like the statement of a platitude, but is susceptible of really deep significance to the student, being
accountable for all systemic phenomena. These streams pass in different directions, and in the knowledge
of occult direction comes knowledge of the various hierarchies of being, and the secret of the esoteric
The main stream of energy enters at the top depression in the solar sphere and passes through the entire
ring-pass-not, bisecting it into two halves. With this stream enters that group of active lives whom we call
the "Lords of Karma." They preside over the attractive forces, and distribute them justly.
They enter, pass to the centre of the sphere and there (if I may so express it) locate, and set up the "Holy
Temple of Divine Justice," sending out to the four quarters of the circle the four Maharajahs, their
representatives. So is the equal armed Cross formed-and all the wheels of energy set in motion. This is
conditioned by the karmic seeds of an earlier system, and only that substance is utilised by the Logos, and
only those lives come into manifestation who have set up a mutual attraction.
These five streams of living energy (the one and the four) are the basis of the onward march of all things;
these are sometimes esoterically called "the forward moving Lives." They embody the Will of the Logos.
It is the note they sound and the attractive pull which they initiate which bring into contact with the solar
sphere a group of existences whose mode of activity is spiral and not forward.
These groups are seven in number and pass into manifestation [Page 1184] through what is for them a
great door of Initiation. In some of the occult books, these seven groups are spoken of as the "seven
cosmic Initiates Who have passed within the Heart, and there remain until the test is passed." These are
the seven Hierarchies of Beings, the seven Dhyan Chohans. They spiral into manifestation, cutting across
the fourfold cross, and touching the cruciform stream of energy in certain places. The places where the
streams of love energy cross the streams of will and karmic energy are mystically called the "Caves of
dual light" and when a reincarnating or liberated jiva enters one of these Caves in the course of his
pilgrimage, he takes an initiation, and passes on to a higher turn of the spiral.
Another stream of energy follows a different route, which is a little difficult to make clear. This particular
set of active lives enter the heart shaped depression, pass around the edge of the ring-pass-not to the
lowest part of the solar sphere and then mount upwards, coming into opposition therefore with the stream
of downpouring energy. This stream of force is called "lunar" force for lack of a better term. They form
the body of the raja Lord of each of the planes, and are governed by the Law of Economy.
All these streams of energy form geometrical designs of great beauty to the eye of the initiated seer. We
have the transverse and bisecting lines, the seven lines of force which form the planes, and the seven
spiralling lines, thus forming lines of systemic latitude and longitude, and their interplay and interaction
produce a whole of wondrous beauty and design. When these are visualised in colour, and seen in their
true radiance, it will be realised that the point of attainment of our solar Logos is very high, for the beauty
of the logoic Soul is expressed by that which is seen. (TCF, 1183-84)
The Revelation of the Third Phase of the Teachings
(Bruce Lyon)
The Master D.K. has indicated that there are three phases of the Teachings, planned by Hierarchy to
precede and condition the Aquarian Age. It has been His responsibility to give out these Teachings and
He has done so in three stages, the last of which is still to come.
In Rays and Initiations, p. 255, as part of Rule XIII he outlines these stages as follows:
1. Preparatory, given 1875-1890 … written down by H.P.B.
2. Intermediate, given 1919-1949… written down by A.A.B.
3. Revelatory, emerging after 1975 … to be given on a worldwide scale via the radio.
In the next century and early in the century an initiate will appear and will carry on this teaching. It will be
under the same 'impression,' for my task is not yet completed and this series of bridging treatises between
the material knowledge of man and the science of the initiates has still another phase to run. The
remainder of this century, as I told you elsewhere, must be dedicated to rebuilding the shrine of man's
living, to reconstructing the form of humanity's life, to reconstituting the new civilisation upon the
foundations of the old, and to the reorganising of the structures of world thought, world politics, plus the
redistribution of the world's resources in conformity to divine purpose. Then and only then will it be
possible to carry the revelation further.
It is the contention of this paper, that the initiate mentioned, is in fact, a group.
Master D.K. gives us this information in the middle of a training manual for group initiation. Further, he
gives it to us in context. The very next lines are:
It is with the above indicated sequence in mind that I come to the analysis of the sentences in Rule XIII,
beginning with the first: 1. Let the group get ready to reveal the hidden mystery.
He goes on to outline for us as much as he can give about the nature of this revelation. And he builds all
this upon a careful presentation of the keynotes of the Teaching that has already been given out. The
Secret Doctrine laying the preparatory work – giving to humanity their history from the perspective of
the soul and placing it within a universal context. The works of Alice Bailey relating humanity to
Hierarchy, teaching the new psychology, giving teachings about discipleship and the New Group of
World Servers.
The leading edge of the Bailey teachings are those on Shamballa and the training for group initiation.
The Master D.K. indicates that it is necessary for humanity to understand and respond directly to the
stream of purpose from Shamballa in order to create a freely circulating triangle of energy that will allow
the revelation of a divine quality that stands behind and expresses through the already revealed qualities
of will, love and intelligence.
I am including the following long quote from Rule XIII as it clearly expresses the process of this
revelation and is essential to the discussion of the subject.
See you, therefore, the necessity of eventually organising a group in the world which will be so constituted
and so carefully chosen and interiorly related that all its members are initiates, all have created their own
"rainbow bridges" with understanding and accuracy, and all can now work in such complete unity that the
group antahkarana becomes a channel of unimpeded communication direct from Shamballa to the group
because every member of the group is a member of the Hierarchy. In this manner the three planetary
centres arrive at the needed relationship, and another great triangle reaches true functioning activity. When
this takes place, a revelation undreamt of will be manifested upon the Earth; a new divine quality, of
which no knowledge at present exists, will make its presence felt, and the work of the Buddha and of the
Christ, and the work of the coming Avatar, will be superseded by One for Whom both Shamballa and the
Hierarchy have unitedly waited and of Whom the doctrine of the Messiah and the doctrine of Avatars have
been and are today only the dim distant symbols. They preserve this concept of the Great Revelation in the
consciousness of men, in the expectancy which the Hierarchy evidences, and through the "preparatory
work" now being undertaken at Shamballa.
The group, therefore, to whom I address this instruction is not the group or groups who will first receive
these papers. The instruction is intended for a group which will come later and which will prepare the
way, and of which some of the more advanced aspirants can form part if they "walk humbly with their
God." This, my brother, is one of the most advanced injunctions in any of the world Scriptures and is
found in The Bible. It has no reference to humility as usually interpreted and understood. It signifies the
ability to view all life with a sense of divine proportion and from the angle of spiritual mathematics, and
(paradoxical as this may sound) with no sense of dualism. The usual meaning is not correct. It involves
acceptance and comprehension of purpose, and this in such a manner that the consecrated personalityunder control of the Monad, via the antahkarana, and in cooperation with the one known God-walks the
ways of Earth as a channel for the three divine qualities (love, will and intelligence), but also as a channel
for that which these three qualities will enable him later to sense, know and reveal.
These are solemn and important statements. They have within them the element of prophecy, but it is
prophecy which has no relation to the salvation of humanity in any sense at all. It is related to an active
Appearance which will, under the Law of Synthesis, indicate That which the three great planetary centres
of divine life are unitedly intended to reveal. Something lies behind the three divine aspects of so great an
importance, beauty and revelatory strength that all the happenings of all time, up to the present emerging
Aquarian Age, have been only the initial and the initiatory preparation."
Solemn and important statements indeed and easy to dismiss as rightfully pertaining to others - unless of
course they don't. Which brings us neatly to the subject of destiny, and this quote from Dina II, 312:
What we are dealing with here, in connection with initiate training, is the impending realisation for which
any opening cycle attests its waiting, and for the new truths and the expanded spiritual presentations which
it is the destiny of the initiate to bring to the people. You will note that I choose the word "destiny" in
preference to the word "karma" because in this type of work the initiate is working and practising and
progressing under a Law of Destiny. This law affects the Ashram and the Hierarchy as a whole, and
neither is under the Law of Karma, as usually understood. This Law of Destiny has been brought into
being since the foundation of the Hierarchy on Earth; it is the result of the pledged and united dedication
to service which is the outstanding note of the united Ashrams.
Destiny supersedes karma when the enlightened conscious choice of the disciple is aligned with the
conscious choice his soul, 'already an initiate of all degrees' has already made. This conscious claiming
of our own destiny allows poor old Saturn and the Lords of Karma to let go of the burden of holding it
for us and get on with more important things.
The next revelation involves humanity - not as the result of the revelation (individual-isation) or as the
recipient of the revelation (initiation) but as the source of it (identification). In order for the triangle to
circulate, what is required is for humanity to play its part, consciously, freely and with responsibility.
Humanity is fusing with Hierarchy at the same time that Hierarchy is fusing with Shamballa. The result
will be a consummating light in which the mystery will be revealed.
What we already know of this mystery is also given by the Master D.K. in Rule XIII:
All that I can tell you about that mystery is that it concerns the purpose and the reason for which our
planetary Logos took incarnation and became the informing Life of our planet, the Earth; it concerns the
necessity, inherent in His Own nature, to reach a point upon the cosmic ladder of evolution which would
make Him-as a result-the informing Life of a sacred planet. Forget not that our planet is not yet a sacred
planet, though it is close to that great transformation. The cosmic secret of this transforming process is one
that Sanat Kumara is now learning, and when That which overshadows Him during this incarnation has
wrought the needed changes through a process of transformation and transmutation, then a great
Transfiguration will take place and He will take His place among those empowered to work through a
sacred planet.
We also know that this revelation is related to the appearance of the schools because we are told in Rule
The unknown, unseen and unheard purpose of Sanat Kumara. It is the secret of life itself and is known
only to Him alone. In its initial phase of this new expression, it works through the Manu and the Master
Morya; it is that which veils the central mystery which all esoteric schools-if true to their inaugurating
impulse-will eventually reveal.
What that is we do not yet know, but it is hinted at in Rule XIII.
And also that it relates to the Sirian Law of Freedom This mysteriously "exerted influence," this
"pulling away" from form (as we might simply call it), emanates from Sirius and for it we have no name;
it is the law of which the three cosmic laws-the Laws of Synthesis, of Attraction and of Economy-are only
aspects. None of these three subsidiary laws imposes any rule or limitation upon the Lord of the World.
The Law of Freedom, however, does impose certain restrictions, if one can use such a paradoxical phrase.
It is responsible for His being known as the "Great Sacrifice," for (under the control of this law) He
created our planetary life and all that is within and upon it, in order to learn to wield this law with full
understanding, in full consciousness, and yet at the same time to bring release to the myriad forms of His
creation. (R&I, 416)
We are told that the personnel of the world group will all of them be "radiant centres" to a greater or
lesser degree. It is likely that they will be at different levels of initiation, but a minimum of the second
degree and probably past that point between the second and third, whereupon they can be trusted with a
glimpse of the Purpose.
Later in the rule we are told that each will need to formulate their own 'mental proposition' of what this
purpose is:
The purpose of Deity is necessarily embodied in a mental proposition; it is through this mental proposition
that the three Buddhas of Activity implement Their work. I can put it no clearer. There will come a time
in the experience of all initiates when-each for himself-a formulation of this mental proposition will
be absolutely necessary. By means of this, each initiate will embody his individual understanding of
the divine purpose as the Plan has been revealed to him. This he can do only through the means of
group experience, in cooperation with his group and when the group-as a whole-has reached a
similar point of realisation has together touched the fringes of this highest of all revelations for
humanity. When, for the first time, they succeed in doing this, they will come-as a group-under the direct
emanation of the Higher Three and under an aspect of the Council Chamber at Shamballa which has been
hitherto unknown and unrealised. This will connote a high stage of initiation of the group and is, in effect,
connected with inter-hierarchical activity. It is a working out into the consciousness of the group members
of an event which has taken place within the Ashram of Sanat Kumara, the Hierarchy itself; this takes
place through the stimulation of all the Ashrams at a certain Full Moon, and concerns the relation of
the Ashrams as a whole to Shamballa, and not to Humanity. (R&I, 270)
There is a good reason to assume that the full moon in question is Aquarius, related as it is to Alcyone
and Shamballa as distinct from the Leo full moon's relationship to Sirius.
As pointed out by Stephen, the symbol for Alcyone is a six-pointed star with a seventh point in the
centre. The symbol for Sirius is a five-pointed star. When these are united, Hierarchy fuses with
Shamballa, having already fused with humanity and the whole planet is able to take initiation.
This brings us back to the seed or 'key sound' for the next revelation of the Ageless Wisdom as indicated
by Master D.K. in Esoteric Astrology, p. 463:
It should be noted that there are seven forms of light, related to the substance of the seven planes. These
are stimulated and enhanced by the twelve forms of light of the twelve Creative Hierarchies, related each
of them to one or other of the twelve signs of the zodiac. On this I may not enlarge as it concerns the
mysteries of the higher initiations. I simply make the statement so that it may be appreciated by you as an
occult fact to the proof of which you may not yet have access. A paralleling statement would be that the
light of the seven centres in man (when enhanced by the light of the seven planetary centres) and the five
kingdoms in nature (7+5=12), plus the twelve lights of the zodiac will produce a consummation of "light"
effectiveness which will make possible the expression of the whole. This, through the medium of
humanity. This is a basic statement which means little to you as yet but which will-in the next centuryform a seed thought or "key sound" for the next revelation of the Ageless Wisdom."
Seven plus five equals twelve, plus twelve equals twenty four, the number of Shamballa. We are told that
when the group together touches the fringes of the revelation then they will come for the first time - as a
group - under the direct emanation of the Higher Three or the Buddhas of Activity who are related to
Saturn and surround Sanat Kumara. 7+5=12+12=24. Shamballa. In Shamballa we connect with the three
Buddhas and through them a central energy, the "eye in the triangle". 24+3+1=28, which brings us to
Capricorn, initiation and back to the perfect 10. The five liberated hierarchies must free themselves from
the seven planes.
In order for this to happen, humans must free their solar angels and take responsibility for their own
evolutionary alignment. They do this through freely choosing to align their will with the Higher Will and
"obeying to the point of crucifixion the order of service".
This requires the co-joining of the Sirian Law of Freedom with the Aquarian, shall we call it: Law of
Identification with a Greater Whole? When the Planetary Logos frees his astral body from his
etheric/physical He will be able to take the second cosmic initiation and begin to gradually shift his
polarisation on to the mental plane. When a human takes the second initiation his outer life begins to
reflect the plan of the soul. He begins to 'walk his talk', if you like.
For the Planetary Logos to take the second initiation, the physical plane life on earth must reflect the
soul-purpose held in the planetary causal body and relayed through the cosmic astral plane to Shamballa
and the Hierarchy upon the etheric planes of the cosmic physical. Humanity cannot be given that purpose
until they are enlightened enough about the Hierarchical Plan to understand and become willing to
cooperate with the Purpose as it is held in Shamballa.
This is why that Purpose is guarded so closely. Earth is a planet of rebellion and if that Purpose was
widely known, the rebellion would at once become more intelligent and effective. That is why the
education of humanity is such an important part of the Hierarchical Plan.
It is the taking of the responsibility, by humanity, for the implementation of that Plan and eventually that
Purpose, which will allow Hierarchy and eventually Sanat Kumara to take their attention off the cosmic
physical and turn it to the cosmic astral and mental planes and begin to coordinate the whole system.
This act, by humanity as a group, spread out through time and space will enable them to step out from
under the Law of Karma and operate under the Law of Destiny.
Which returns me to our group process on this last Aquarian full moon. We just happen to represent
humanity, fused with hierarchy at this time and in a shared (virtual) space. The next revelation, the
schools, the fourteen rules, masonry, the new world religion, the new astrology are all intimately
interwoven. It seems obvious that, in order for them to take shape we must not only cooperate with each
other but realise quite clearly in our own consciousness, that we are each other. That the consciously
chosen commitment to, the developing capacity to achieve, and total responsibility for, the same
ashramic purpose, is the diamond that fuses us.
Of course, our outer expressions, under the law of freedom, will be different and we each have different
capacities and understandings and are at different relative levels of development. Further we are at
different stages of developing our individual contributions to the group purpose. I recognise others in this
group who are further advanced than myself and have been working on this for longer. The point is, that
we are beginning to recognise each other and thereby, the destiny of the initiate that we collectively ARE.
In was a great joy to be part of a group process where the purpose was inspiring enough to draw from
each the best that we were able to offer. A purpose that took our focus off our own projects and
contributions into the diamond that unites us. I look forward to the unfolding expression of our shared
At a minimum, I take responsibility for initiating a similar process at the next Aquarian full moon and
would also like to make our papers available on a website for selected others if you are agreed.
The Key Sound
(Stephen Pugh)
Man, it might be stated, is the expression of seven principles and of the life expression or activity of five
planes. In this 7 + 5 is to be found the clue to the mystery of the seven and the five zodiacal constellations.
(EA, 427)
At the third initiation he stands before the One Initiator, the Lord of the World, and "sees His star shine
forth" and hears the sound which – to quote the Old Commentary.
"...Pours forth from that central point of power where substance and the outer life have met together,
where spirit utters loud the cry which drew the form to meet the highest need; where energy comes forth
and blends with force and (in the blending) music had its start within the sphere of blending and of being
"Man only hears the distant sound and knows it not for what it is. The disciple hears the sound and sees its
form. The one who stands for the third time upon the mountain top hears a clear note and [82]
knows it as his own, as ours, as yours, and yet the note which none have sounded forth."
Salutations to the Great Goddess Alcyone. It is most fitting to begin this paper on a dedication note
offered to Alcyone, the eldest of the Seven Sisters, the great star of the Individual and the star of
Humanity. Alcyone is the star, which governs the month and sign of Aquarius in the same way, for
example, that Sirius, the Dog Star governs its opposite sign Leo. At the full Moon of Aquarius the
energies of Alcyone pour through and are at their most intensified peak in the annual cycle. Alcyone is
the great illuminating and guiding star of the third Human center. Above and beyond all other stars
Alcyone is expressive of the cosmic Whole and best represents, as the Hub of the Wheel, the
consummated point of effective light of the 12, the 7, the 3 and the 1.
It is Alcyone, the central star, which is the supreme symbol of the great process of Aquarian Group
Initiation. Let me next continue by reminding us all of the goal of Aquarian Age as given by DK:
The Achievement of the Hierarchy – The self-consciousness of Leo gives place to the group
consciousness of Aquarius.
The FUTURE - The merging of the human center and the Hierarchy.
Soul Expansion – Recognition of relation. (EA, 492)
The work of the Fellow Craft – The building and service of the temple of humanity.
On the mystery of the relationship between the seven forms of light, the substance of the seven planes
and their relationship to the 12 forms of Light of the 12 Creative Hierarchies, the Tibetan is not free to
expound because such explanations and cosmic correlations pertain, as he says, to “the mysteries of the
higher initiations”. I simply make the statement so that all who read this realize my relative inadequacy
of Knowledge; a feeling I’m sure we must all feel. With that disclaimer in hand, I can say that in my
attempt to shed any light at all on this theme, I have strictly endeavored to follow the trail of the path
indicated by the “paralleling” statement and then sought to ring out the changes and exercise the Law of
Correspondence and Analogy. As well, I have – through carefully constructed text reference – sought to
adequately define the Whole of the paradigmatic framework, archetypal blueprints, abstract themes and
integral concepts associated with the Occult cosmological interpretation of the ‘expression of the whole
Here is the key sentence to begin our reasoning:
A paralleling statement would be that the light of the seven centers in man (when enhanced by the light of
the seven planetary centers) and the five kingdoms in nature (7 + 5 = 12), plus the twelve lights of the
zodiac will produce a consummation of "light" effectiveness which will make possible the expression of
the whole. This is accomplished through the medium of humanity.
Immediately we are given a reflexive microcosmic correspondence to study. And, this in theory, if and
when successfully studied and accomplished should or may allow some light to be shed on the
macrocosmic correlations which pertain to the higher mysteries.
In the first place; the augmentation of the seven centers in man by the seven planetary centers is governed
under a great Law. It is termed the Law of Supplementary Seven and I recommend reading it again in Rule
VIII. The Rays and the Initiations, prior to proceeding with my commentary. In the second place Man is
the five-pointed star or vehicle in manifestation. The 7 +5 = 12 stand for his completed nature as 12 is the
number of the completed Temple. Again, occultly speaking, Man is composed of seven principles in a
fivefold form. It is the fifth Initiation on the Atmic plane, which completes the perfection of Man in the
Great Redemptive Planetary Effort.
We need next to define in technical astrological and zodiacal terms just what a Ray is. It is hard to avoid
this type of explanation because of the ray/solar system/zodiacal framework of DK’s paralleling
statement. Keep in mind; every cosmic Ray is dual that is, the recipient and custodian of energy of the
seven solar systems and the 12 constellations. This is explained on page 26 of Esoteric Astrology.
Proposition One - Every ray life is an expression of a solar life and every planet is therefore:
1. Linked with every other planetary life.
2. Animated by energy pouring into it from the seven solar systems, of which ours is one.
3. Actuated by three streams of force:
a. Coming from solar systems other than our own.
b. Our own solar system.
c. Our own planetary life.
Proposition Two - Each one of the ray lives is the recipient and the custodian of energies coming from
1. The seven solar systems.
2. The twelve constellations.
Before we penetrate further into the consideration of the definition of a solar ray, I would like to reemphasize two points which D.K. makes:
First of all, that we are considering esoteric influences and not astrology, per se. Our subject is the seven
rays and [27] their relationship to the zodiacal constellations - or - in other words - the interaction of the
seven great Lives, which inform our solar system with the twelve constellations, which compose our
Secondly, that we have necessarily to study these energies and their interplay from the angle of their effect
upon the planet, and incidentally, their effect upon the forms in the various kingdoms of nature and
particularly in connection with the fourth kingdom, the human, and with individual man - average man,
the disciple and the initiate. (EA, 28)
Upon this activity and its understanding depends the whole science of astrology; in this statement I give
you a clue which may some day revolutionize the present approach to astrology. (D.K.)
Furthermore, we have been advised, that the center/ray/number/ and figure values will have to be selfascertained and the subject of human research. We have been informed that the necessary hints and clues
have already been given to enable the human center to unfold the third phase of the Ageless Wisdom
Teachings based upon the correct understanding and correlation of Phase I and Phase II through H.P.B.
and A.A.B.
In Destiny of the Nations D.K. says:
I cannot give you the relation of the planetary centers to the human being. Too much knowledge would be
given too soon and prior to the time when there is enough love present in human nature to offset the
possible misuse of energy with its often-disastrous consequences. The colors, [106] the mathematical rate
of the higher vibrations, which emanate from the centers - individual and planetary - and the quality
(esoterically understood) of the energies must be the subject of human research and self-ascertained. The
clues and the hints have been given in the Ageless Wisdom.
From this statements of the Tibetan’s the entire onus and responsibility in the next immediately available
unfoldment of the Ageless Wisdom is squarely on the Human center. One suggestive thought that I
would venture is that the Key Note is the Unified Sound of the Perfect 10 “perfectly keyed” to the
numerical values and mathematical “notes” of the Seven Rays and their corresponding Centers,
macrocosmic and microcosmic, precise mathematical rates of vibration, rhythm and cycles of emanatory
impulses. I link this to the Perfect 10 of the Ashram of Sanat Kumara, as well. We must try to
scientifically and accurately hear and reproduce the right rate of vibration and key note sounds of the
Seven Rays on the physical plane. A lengthy study, extensive meditation, visualization and an applied
scientific knowledge of the correct ray value figures and colors is certainly, in my view necessary prior
to bringing about the results specified in Rays and the Initiations in Rule VIII .The Law of
Supplementary Seven. I would offer or suggest the thought that meditation and visualization on the
numerical formula and geometric symbols of the Seven Rays would help result automatically to begin to
establish a synchronous vibration and chronological contiguity between the Seven Lesser or
microcosmic centers and the Greater Seven planetary or macrocosmic centers.
Now, take a quick look at Rule VIII again for a moment:
Rule VIII.
For Disciples and Initiates: Let the group find within itself response to the greater seven groups which carry
out the hierarchical will with love and understanding. The group contains all seven, the perfect group. The
lesser seven, the greater seven and the planetary seven form one great whole, and these the group must know.
When this is realized and the Law of the Supplementary Seven is understood, let the group understand the
Three and then the ONE. This they can do with the united breath and the unified rhythm.
1. The seven greater groups - The seven groups or Ashrams within the Hierarchy.
The Hierarchy
 These carry out the hierarchical will, which is love.
 They work through love and understanding.
 Each is presided over by a Chohan and a group is called an Ashram.
 These major Ashrams have many affiliated Ashrams, presided over by a Master on the same ray as the
Chohan, and are capable at any moment of being absorbed into the primary Ashram.
 The perfect or complete group is the Hierarchy itself, containing all the seven major Ashrams and their
2. The Planetary seven groups - The seven rays, the central septenate of energy.
 These embody the will of Shamballa, which is divine purpose.
 They work as life energy, as quality, and produce appearance.
 Each is presided over by one of the seven Spirits before the Throne; by one of the seven Ray Lords.
 Each of these rays has its seven subrays which relate it to all the other rays.
 These seven rays can, under divine purpose, be reabsorbed into the Three and then into the One.
3. The lesser seven - The seven types of men and also the seven root races.
 These embody the intelligence of the Logos as it expresses itself through creativity.
They are learning to work intelligently with matter in order to develop love in response to divine purpose which is will or life.
Each of the seven types, responsive to one or [151] other of the seven rays, is conditioned or ruled by its
prototype, the soul on its own plane.
These major types or races of men have many subraces and subsidiary types, developed during the
evolutionary process; all will eventually demonstrate the seven major types.
The perfect type is the Christ, the Heavenly Man, Who expresses all the major types and Who is the
"pattern of things as they are."
4. The supplementary seven - The seven centers of energy in the individual man.
 These together embody the combined forces of the planetary life as registered by the perfected individual.
They will eventually enable the man to achieve perfection.
 They enable the individual to respond to material forces, to soul energy and spiritual life, and they
constitute a complete response apparatus to the planetary life, purpose, intent and form.
 Each of the seven centers is responsive to one or other of the seven rays and their qualities under the
conditioning energy of the soul ray and the forces, emanating from the environment.
 These centers develop progressively and under the impact of circumstances and the Law of the
Supplementary Seven, but all will eventually express in some measure the seven types of ray energy.
 The Law of the Supplementary Seven can be worded as follows:
"The Law demands the entrance of that which can effect a change.
The Law demands that right direction should then guide the entering forces.
The Law demands that the changes thus effected remove the form, bring quality to light and lay the emphasis
upon life. [152]
The Law demands that this is brought about by the One, working through the Three, energizing the Seven and
creating the straight line from there to here, and ending in a point which ignores the Three."
When, the rule goes on, this is understood and applied, then four things happen:
The group must understand the nature of the Three.
The nature of the One must be grasped and comprehended.
The group must work through the medium of the united breath.
The group must attain a unified rhythm.
Here you have a relatively simple analysis (on the face of it, though not in reality) of a complex rule which the
initiate has to apply to himself once he has grasped the significance of the seven basic postulates. The first
seven rules provide the framework within which his work has to be done. The last seven rules concern various
significant matters which, step by step, are revealed to the initiate as his consciousness is expanded. They
relate to:
1. The work which the initiate must accomplish within himself.
2. The group relations of the initiate and his absolute need to work with his group and as an integrated
and conscious part of it.
3. The place which invocation and evocation must take as instruments in his pledged intelligent service.
4. The blending of the four lessons which the applicant has to master and the four lessons which the
initiate has to complete in order that a complete fusion of personality and Monad can be brought
5. The significance of resurrection and ascension, particularly the latter, because little has been given out
to date anent ascension.
This Law of the Supplementary Seven is concerned with the inflow of energy from the seven planetary centers
to the seven groups or types of men, via the seven groups within the Hierarchy. In this work of transmission
the seven centers of the initiate are used as agencies; their work, therefore, is not the interrelated work of right
transmission of energy within the septenary constitution of the etheric body of the individual initiate,
implementing his life expression, but is the task of being responsive to the seven types of planetary energy
which are received in a pure state. It is then channeled through the seven centers, in the initiate's etheric
vehicle and out into the world of men as regenerative and constructive forces. These living spiritual energies transmitted by the individual initiate from the planetary centers - are handled by him under a great uniform
plan and are the means whereby salvation (to use an old familiar word) can come to the aid of humanity. This
is the "saving force" in its various aspects, of which the Great Invocation speaks: "The hour of service of the
Saving Force has now arrived". (The Externalization of the Hierarchy, Page 249.) [159] The high Initiates
(Those above the rank of Master) work with the energies coming from the seven planets of the solar system at
this time active; these feed or implement the seven planetary centers. But initiates below the rank of Master
apply the Law of the Supplementary Seven, and they are therefore working solely with the seven centers
within the Form of the One in Whom we live and move and have our being. (RAI, 148-159 )
It becomes clear how necessary it is to know the figures for the cycles of emanatory impulses of the seven
Universal Rays and to further realize that there is a great uniform Lodge Plan Cosmic, Solar, Planetary and
Human and an identical mathematical standard precisely applied throughout the sevenfold inter-related
centers of the cosmic Whole. But, besides knowing the figures for the seven types of spiral-cyclic ray
emanations we also need to be fully cognizant of the role, place, function and purpose of the 12 signs of the
Zodiac and their transition and interlude figures both in and between any two signs in the cycle of the
greater zodiac. D.K clearly informs us, archetypically speaking, of the Higher Cosmic Correspondences and
the true Symbol of what the 12 constellations of the zodiac actually constitute as one center or One Cosmic
Whole, within the Great cosmic body of the OAWNMBS. In The Rays and the Initiations, Part Two,
Introductory Remarks, D.K. states:
The zodiacal wheel is itself essentially a cosmic center; it is a twelve petalled lotus, but it is a twelve petal led
lotus within the thousand-petal led lotus of an unknown cosmic Entity, the One referred to in my earlier books
as the One About Whom Naught May Be Said.
Keep in mind as well;
It must be remembered that, from certain angles, the circle of twelve signs or constellations constitutes a
special unity which revolves within our universe of heavens as our planet revolves in the center of our circle
of influences. (Esoteric Psychology II, pg.196)
The wheel, therefore, moves not only clockwise, but both ways at once and also at right angles to itself. (EA,
Furthermore, as we do know based upon the Law of Correspondence and Analogy, there is a direct between
the 12 petal led center in the Highest head center and the 12 petals of the cosmic Logoic Heart center within
the body of the OAWNMBS.
The center in the cosmic body of the ONE ABOUT WHOM NOUGHT MAY BE SAID of which our solar
Logos is the embodied force is the heart center. Here we have one of the clues to the mystery of electricity.
The sacred planets, with certain allied etheric spheres within the ring-pass-not, are parts of that heart center,
and are 'petals in the Lotus,' or in the heart center of that great unknown Existence Who stands to the
solar Logos as He in His turn stands to the Heavenly [512] Men Who are His centers, and specially as He
stands to the particular Heavenly Man Who is the embodied force of the logoic Heart center. Therefore, it
will be apparent to the careful student that the entire force and energy of the system and its life quality will be
that which we call (having perforce to use handicapping, misleading words) LOVE. This will account for the
fact that the force that plays through that cosmic heart center will be the paramount force found in the
manifestation of a solar Logos, and of a Heavenly Man; it will likewise produce its microcosmic analogy, and
reflective reactions; hence the relative importance of the astral permanent atom within the causal periphery. It
is in the direct line of active force emanating from the cosmic existence, and passing to it in ever lessening
degree, via the solar Logos in His system of love, and the planetary Logos within a scheme, the Dragon of
Wisdom-Love. (TCF, 512)
The solar system is (from the higher cosmic planes) seen as a vast blue lotus and so on down the scale; even
the tiny atom of substance can be so considered... The solar system is a twelve-petal led lotus, each petal
being formed of forty-nine lesser petals. (TCF, 1018)
They are, therefore, one and all an expression of His love nature, and it is for this reason that buddhi is found
at the heart of the tiniest atom, or what we call in this [1226] system, electric fire. For the positive central life
of every form is but an expression of cosmic buddhi, and the down pouring of a love which has its source in
the Heart of the Solar Logos; this is itself an emanating principle from the ONE ABOVE OUR LOGOS, HE
Our sun is the embodiment of the heart, or love aspect, of the Logos (Who is Himself the
of ONE
The next step is to grasp or understand the nature of the intimate connection and relationship of the circle of
seven solar systems within the circle of the 12 constellations and appreciate the unproven “occult fact” that
they share the same cosmic center, the great “star of the Individual” Alcyone, the Central Spiritual Sun. Both
wheels form major centers within the Cosmic Great Body of the OAWNMBS; both wheels therefore revolve
around the “Star of the Individual.
The Tibetan does say:
Ponder on this and remember also that our Sun is traveling through space (carrying our solar system along in
its sphere of influence) around our own central and conditioning star, which it has been rightly presumed,
exists in the constellation Taurus, the Bull, being found in the Pleiades. At the same time it appears, from the
standpoint of our planet, to be passing through the twelve signs of the zodiac; this is a symbol
macrocosmically considered, of the dramatic centralized point of view of the individual human being, the
microcosm. It is interesting to [E.A.112] compare the symbolism and the underlying truth connected with the
lesser and the greater zodiacs and with their twelve-month and their 25,000-year cycles. They bear out much
that I have given you anent the soul, influenced by the esoteric planets eventually, and the personality,
influenced by the orthodox planets. The greater zodiac is symbolic of the soul and the lesser of the personality.
In the personality cycle, the lesser zodiac conditions the personality career and the twelve planetary houses are
of dominant importance. Later the influence of the twelve signs supersedes the influence of the planets.
The great sweep of the sun around the greater zodiac (a period of 250,000 years, or a complete round) came to
an end when the sun entered Pisces over two thousand years ago. This process of passing out of, or entering
into, a particular sign and cyclic influence covers a period of five thousand years where this greater round or
cycle is concerned. This period of five thousand years covers the complete cycle of transition until complete
freedom to function under the inspiration of the new sign is completed. We are, therefore, not yet free from
incidental turmoil. [EA]
Our ray charts as given by DK change every 25,000 years as we [Sol] transits out of one sign in to the next
sign in the cycle of the Greater Zodiac. In other words, as DK says just before giving the famous tabulation
X the ray relationships to the signs of the zodiac are relative only for a 25,000-year period.
Question: What are the figures incidental to the orbital revolutionary sweeps of the other six solar Logoi
around the Central Spiritual Sun? Our sun [Sol] takes 250,000 years and so we know that the dual cipher
“25” is a key cipher for one type of spiral-cyclic force from out of the seven types. We know that we have
ray and zodiacal cycles base on “25” from the 250,000 year cycle to 25,000 year, 2,500 to 250 to even the
25 year hierarchical cycle of conclaves within every 100 year first ray racial period of the Planetary
Manu. For instance, how long does the Great Bear spend in each sign of the Zodiac, of the Pleiades or
Draco? What are the transition and interlude figures for the sweep of the other six solar Logoi through the
12 signs in the cycle of the Greater Zodiac? The Tibetan has given us the figures for the transition and
interlude figures for our Sun. For example, to continue the path of enquiry we might do well to ask the
subsequent logical question; what is the period of the orbital revolutionary sweep of the sun Sirius around
Alcyone? We must do this because:
In His turn, the Sirian Logos forms one of the seven Grand Heavenly Men, who are the centers in the body of
We must also ask what Logoic etheric center from out of the seven, is it the expression? Is its motion based
on the number “5”? Sirius B, for illustration, does orbit Sirius A in a 50-year period! Is the orbital
revolutionary sweep of Sirius 500,000 years, twice that of our sun but half that of the proposed 1,000,000
year sweep of the Bear around Alcyone.
Further, I think we would do well to remind ourselves have the fact of the Pleiades and that they are an
expression of one Major of sevenfold center in the body of the OAWNMBS. If so, what are their respective
ray periods and sweep around the Central Cosmic Sun? Obviously they are closest to the cosmic Sun as
Alcyone itself is one of the Seven Sisters, the Eldest, I could only imagine. As logic would dictate, their
revolutionary cycle is the shortest out of the seven cycles.
And what just as importantly, do we do with the figures for the first ray sweep of the Great Bear? We do
know that: All that originates on the first Ray is controlled by spiral-cyclic impulses based on the number 10
and its multiples such as 100, 1,000, 100,000 and 1,000,000. These figures are given out by A.A.B., on page
265 of Esoteric Psychology I.
The seven stars in the constellation of the Great Bear are the correspondences to the seven head centers in the
body of that Being, greater than our Logos. (TCF, 183)
The first 'seven stars' are not planetary. They are the leading stars of seven constellations, which turn [656]
around with the Great Bear (S.D. III, 195)
Or, take the case of the solar Logos of Draco, the Dragon:
A hint lies in the fact that the constellation of the Dragon has the same relation to the ONE greater than our
Logos as the center at the base of the spine has to a human being. It concerns stimulation, and vitalization
with a consequent coordination of the manifesting fires.
Draco is therefore, the expression of one of the seven systemic Ray Centers revolving around the central Sun
of the OAWNMBS. The questions to ask, once again, are the following: what is the length of time of its
revolutionary sweep around the cosmic Sun and how much time does it spend it each sign in the cycle of the
greater zodiac?
So the further questions we must ask here is what are the transition period and interlude figures for the
sweep of the seven solar Logoi through the cycle of the greater zodiac.
Again, I forward the thought that the keynote or Key sound is the cosmic “voice” of the Unified Septenary
circle of inner solar ray Logoi and is based on the Perfect “10” of the cosmic whole and composed of the
specific mathematical rates of vibration of the Seven Ray Centers.
A close study of Rule X TWM is key to understanding the dual relations existing between the circle of seven
and the wheel of 12. A close study of Rule X in a TWM goes much further to shed light on the solar Logoic
ray relations to the solar zodiac of 12 signs and the seven planetary centers of our solar system.
When, through meditation and service, plus the discipline of the lunar bodies, a man comes consciously and
definitely under his soul ray, then he comes as definitely under the influence of one or other of the seven
solar systems, as they focus their energy through one or other of the [12 signs] constellations (TWM, 438)
This circle of solar systems affects paramount the soul and it becomes the focal point of spiritual energies.
This is the problem of the soul on its own plane, - responsiveness to these types of energy, and, of them, the
personality is totally unaware. (TWM, 438)
The inner group of seven major or systemic energies produces their effect upon the man who is living
above the diaphragm, and work through the seven representative centers in the head. Four of them focus
through the throat center, the heart center, the ajna and head centers. Three are held latent in the region of the
head centers (the thousand petal led lotus) and only enter into functioning activity after the third initiation. It
will be evident therefore how complicated from the standpoint of the horoscope (as well as of the individual
problem) is this meeting of the energies of two types of constellations in the case of the man who is neither
purely human nor purely spiritual.
(Note DK’s phrasing: two types of constellations – seven solar systems and 12 signs.)
I proposition that the seven types of spiral-cyclic solar Ray energy are based upon the orbital revolutionary
periods of the seven solar Logoi as they sweep around Alcyone and pass through the 12 signs is the cycle of
the greater zodiac. It is unacceptable philosophically, astrologically, astronomically and certainly
cosmologically not to link the emanating source of the seven types of spiral-cyclic motions to the seven
solar Rays and, further speaking, in fact, quite unsound not to link their key notes as originating from the
principle Laya Centers which form the body of the inner circle of “seven solar systems” as given to us by the
The cycles of the Greater and Lesser Zodiac form the 12 + 12 = 24 = Shamballa mathematical equation
given by DK in RI’s which we all know so well.
The Shamballa Whole is symbolized by the union of the 12 of the lesser cycle of the zodiac with the 12 of
the greater cycle of the zodiac. The circle or path of the “greater” seven and the “lesser” seven both take
place within the circumscribed arena of the 12-pedaled cosmic heart center in the 1000-petaled head center
of the OAWNMBS. DK says:
The number 24 is of deep interest, expressing as it does the double 12 - the greater and the lesser zodiac.
Just as the number 6 expresses space, so the number 24 expresses time, and is the key to the great cycle of
manifestation. It is the clue to all cyclic appearance or incarnation. Its two figures define the method of
evolution; 2 equals the quality of love-wisdom, working under the Law of Attraction and drawing man from
one point of attainment to another; whilst 4 indicates the technique of conflict and the achieving of harmony
through that conflict; 4 is also the number of the human hierarchy, and 2 is the number of the spiritual
In conclusion I can only reaffirm my basic and fundamental proposition that the Key Sound of the Aquarian
Age is based upon the Key Notes of the greater and lesser Centers of the Seven Universal Rays of the One
cosmic Lodge. I believe that Alcyone, at the Hub of the Wheel is the cosmic source of the Key Sound (the
six revolve around the mysterious seventh). Our discipleship group task is to align our individual seven
centers with the planetary centers. One of our principle tasks is now to figure out the ray/center numbers –
macrocosmic and microcosmic - and get to work in a more scientific and truly occult, not mystical mode. To
best accomplish this we need to first factually know their numerical values, mathematical rates of rhythm,
and emanatory cycles.
Key Sound – Final Paper
(Stephen Pugh)
Herein is my Laya Yoga synthesis expression of the penetration into the Key Sound of the next Revelation
of the Ageless Wisdom:
The Key Note of Shamballa is the Sound of the Competed Whole. The multiplicity of ray and zodiacal
influences are synthesized in the two many petalled Lotuses of the Head and heart centers of the Initiate.
From DK:
This, on a tiny scale, is true of the centers in the etheric body of the disciple; they too evidence the same dual
activity, once the Path of Discipleship is trodden and the Path of Initiation is entered. The zodiacal wheel is
itself essentially a cosmic center; it is a twelve-petalled lotus, but it is a twelve-petalled lotus within the
thousand-petalled lotus of an unknown cosmic Entity, the One referred to in my earlier books as the One
about Whom naught may be said.
The multiplicity of zodiacal influences have eventually a dual effect: one upon Shamballa (the planetary head
center) and the other upon the Hierarchy (the planetary heart center); the effect is also felt in the head center
and the heart center of every initiate. This final dual activity is registered by the initiate of the highest degrees
when he undergoes the eighth and ninth initiations. […] (RAI, 339)
This logically led to a further investigation into the internal atomic etheric construction of the respective
Lotus. What follows:
5. The head center in its twofold divisions:
a. Between the eyebrows, consisting of ninety-six petals, one-half of the lotus being rose and yellow, and the
other half blue and purple.
b. The very top of the head. A center consisting of twelve major petals of white and gold, and nine hundred
and sixty secondary petals arranged around the central twelve. This makes a total of ten hundred and sixtyeight petals in the two head centers (making the one center) or three hundred and fifty-six triplicities. All these
figures have an occult significance. (TCF, 186)
In connection with the etheric centers, we should note the fact that the major head center is twofold in
structure, and consists of a lotus of ninety-six petals between the eyebrows, and of a twelve-petalled lotus at
the top of the head, with ninety-six petals in a subsidiary whorl. The significance of these figures is profound.
In every case the figure twelve is met with, showing a definite relation to the basic psychic lotuses on egoic
levels. Twelve multiplied by eight stands for the twelve petals in each case, while in the figure eight lies
hidden the idea of duality: [860]
1. The four of the quaternary,
2. The four of the egoic auric egg (the three aspects, and the ring-pass-not.)
We must note also, that the idea of twelve in connection with the centers is found in three of them:
1. The higher head center,
2. The secondary head center,
3. The heart center.
If the student studies this condition, and links up the idea of the three tiers of petals in the twelve-petalled
lotus, he may find illumination. More it is not possible to give at this stage.
It is only when the etheric centers – the two head centers and the heart center – are fully active with their
twelve petals completely unfolded that the central circle of petals in the egoic lotus (the fourth or inner circle)
unfolds. The significance of the four circles in the egoic lotus, and the eight circles of twelve petals each in the
etheric lotuses on the mental plane is of great importance. (TCF, 859-60)
One of the fundamental concepts which is grasped by all magical workers, is that both will and desire are
force emanations. They differ in quality and vibration, but are essentially currents of energy, one forming an
initial vortex or center of activity, being centrifugal, and the other being centripetal, and the main factor in the
accretion of matter into a form around the central vortex. This can be seen demonstrating in an interesting way
in the case of the egoic lotus, where we have the will aspect forming the "jewel in the lotus," or the inner
[1018] center of electrical energy, and the desire or love aspect forming the egoic lotus itself, or the form
which hides the center. The analogy in all form building holds good for gods, men and atoms. The solar
system is (from the higher cosmic planes), seen as a vast blue lotus, and so on down the scale; even the tiny
atom of substance can be so considered. The distinction between these various lotuses exists in the number
and arrangement of the petals. The solar system is literally a twelve-petalled lotus, each petal being formed of
forty-nine lesser petals. The planetary lotuses differ in each scheme, and one of the secrets of initiation is
revealed when the number of the petals of
1. Our earth planet,
2. Our planetary polar opposite,
3. Our complementary or equilibrising planet,
is committed to the initiate. Armed with this knowledge, he can then work out certain formulas of magic
which enable him to create in the three spheres. It is the same basic concept which governs thought form
building, and which enables a magician of white magic to produce objective phenomena on the physical plane.
He works with the two types of energy, will and desire, and their equilibrising is what leads to the balancing
of the pairs of opposites, and the subsequent release of energy-substance in the formation of the physical plane
structure. The magician has to know the following facts:
The formulas for the two aspects of logoic energy, will and desire. This is literally apprehension of the note
and formula of the Brahma or substance aspect, and the note and formula of the Vishnu, or building aspect.
One he ascertains because he has mastered matter; the other is revealed to him when he has achieved group
consciousness. [1019]
The formula for the particular type of energy substance which he is seeking to employ. This will have relation
to that particular petal in the solar lotus from which the desired force emanates.
The formula for the particular type of energy which is transmitted to him via one or other of the three circles
of petals in his own egoic lotus.
The formula for the particular petal in a circle of petals with which he may choose to work. All these concern
primarily the will aspect, as far as the thought form to be produced is concerned, for the magician is the will,
or purpose, or spirit behind the objective phenomenon which he is in process of producing. (TCF, 1017-19)
Further, I took special advantage of the timing of the occasion of the Aquarian full Moon to meditate on the
available energy emanating from Alcyone which is its ruling star, the Central Spiritual Sun. The close
cosmic relationship of Alcyone, the third Ray and Uranus and the Earth as products of its outpouring in the
third solar system were most illuminating to reflect, meditate and study upon. It appears quite likely that
Uranus and the Earth are very closely linked by the fact that they both have third ray personalities and first
Ray Monads. A comprehensive meditation on the Earth Scheme was inevitable at this point and needed to
inclusively round out the theme. The question remains; what center in the solar logoic body is the Earth
Scheme. Its key numbers are 777 so we should not be surprised to see its close relationship to Uranus,
sacred Logos of the 7th Ray and the "home of Electric Fire". We know that both Uranus and the Earth
Schemes have close links to Draco, the Dragon, and the cosmic Base of the Spine center. Let me further
illustrate the close connections. The cycles of unfoldment of the Lotus petals are on 1 st, 3rd and 7th number
ray lines on the Earth Scheme. For example, the septenate of 100 year century periods, are composed with a
90 year period composed of three 30 year periods with a 10 year synthesizing decade at the end in each 100
year century.
In these three circles of petals lies concealed another clue to the mystery of the 777 incarnations. The figures
do not convey an exact number of years, but are figurative and symbolical; they are intended to convey the
thought of three cycles of varying duration, based upon the septenary nature of the manifesting monad.
First. The 700 incarnations. These concern the unfoldment of the outer circle. This is the longest period. The
initial vibration is slow and heavy, and millennia of lives have to elapse before the interchange of energy
between the Ego and its reflection, the personal self (the lower threefold man) is such that the consciousness
of the man occultly "awakens" in the Hall of Learning. For advanced man at this time these incarnations took
place upon the moon chain and in some cases upon certain planets connected with the inner round. This is the
circumstance which necessitated his "coming-in" during the Atlantean root-race. Men of this type refused to
incarnate earlier, as the bodies were too coarse; this was the cyclic reflection (on the lowest plane) of the
refusal of the Monads to incarnate at the dawn of manvantaric opportunity. No real "sin" was committed; it
was their privilege to discriminate, and this refusal has its [826] bearing upon conditions upon Earth, being the
basis of the great class distinctions which - in every land - have been so fruitful of trouble and the esoteric
foundation of the "caste" system, so abused now in India. The problem of labor and capital has its roots in the
subjective distinction between "equipped and unequipped" Egos, between those units of the human family on
earth who have passed out of the Hall of Ignorance, and those who are yet groping in its dark and gloomy
corridors; between those Egos who are only "bud" Egos, and those who have organized the outer circle of
petals, and whose petals are ready to open up.
The idea of a septenate of centuries must be carefully pondered upon, and as ever in all occult matters, the
idea of triplicity must be also borne in mind with a synthesizing period, which is a summation of the triple
3 periods of 3 tens
1 synthesizing period
--------100 years.
This seven times repeated
90 years.
10 years.
--------700 years.
Each cycle (again figurative cycles) leaves one of the petals more vitalized, and has a definite effect on each.
Second. The 70 incarnations. These concern the unfoldment of the middle circle. Much may be learned from a
consideration of the occult significance involved in the sending out of their followers by any initiate (such as
the Christ) in groups of seventy, going two and two. These seventy incarnations primarily effect the
development of love in the personal life, the evolution of the astral nature, based on the recognition of the
pairs of opposites, and their equilibrising in love and service.
This cycle covers the period passed by the man in the [827] Hall of Learning and has its correspondence in the
Atlantean root-race and its conflict between the Lords of the Dark Face and the Brotherhood of Light. Within
the life of each individual, a similar conflict wages during this period, ending with the final kurukshetra or
battleground which earns for the man the right to tread the Probationary Path, and eventually the privilege to
stand before the Portal of Initiation. Again the numerical significance of the numbers must be studied; this
time they are hid in the number ten, or three cycles of three lesser periods, each making nine, and one
synthesizing period, leading up to the consummation of one period within the greater cycle; this is signified by
the ten of relative perfection. The interplay between kamic impulse and manasic energy has produced a
realization within the consciousness of the Ego of that [828] which he has learned within the two Halls; the
outer circle of petals is unfolded, and the central ring is ready to open. (TCF, 825-28)
The key numbers here are of profound interest because they belong to the 1st, 3rd and 7th rays, the "1", the
"9" and the "7" respectively. Now please read the following reference paying close attention to the phrases
Impulse towards activity.........................................Ray III
Active impulse towards organization..........................Ray VII
Active organized impulse towards a definite purpose.....Ray I
As to the significance of the word "life" our task is well-nigh insuperable, for no human being has, or can
have, any comprehension of the nature of life until he has attained the third initiation. I repeat this with
emphasis, and in order to impress upon you the futility of idle speculation upon this subject. Disciples who
have undergone the third initiation and have climbed the mount of Transfiguration can - from that high point glimpse the radiance of the subjective center of energy (the central spiritual sun of The Secret Doctrine) and
so gain a flash of realization as to the meaning of the word "life." But they cannot, and they dare not, pass on
the knowledge gained. Their efforts to convey such information would be futile, and language itself would be
inadequate to the task. Life is not what anyone has hitherto surmised. Energy (in contradistinction to force,
and using the word to express the emanating center which differentiates into forces) is not what idle
speculation has portrayed it to be. Life is the synthesis of all activity - an activity which is a blend of many
energies, for life is the sum total of the energies of the seven solar systems, of which our solar system is but
one. These, in their totality, are the expression of the activity of that Being Who is designated in our
hierarchical archives as the "One About Whom Naught May Be Said." This sevenfold cosmic energy, the
fused and blended energies of seven solar systems, including ours, sweeps automatically through each of the
seven, carrying the qualities of
1. Impulse towards activity.
2. Active impulse towards organization.
3. Active organized impulse towards a definite purpose.
I have worded these impulses as above in order to show the emergent tendency through their mutual interplay.
This triple energetic impulse, borne on the impetus of the seven great [151] breaths or rays, started the world
process of Becoming, and manifested as the urge towards evolution, - towards an evolution which is active,
organized, and which works undeviatingly and unerringly towards a specific goal. This goal is known in its
fullest measure only to that incomprehensible Existence Who works through seven solar systems (in their turn
the expression of seven great Lives) just as our solar Deity works through the seven planetary Logoi. All this
has been hinted at and outlined in A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, and I do not purpose enlarging upon it here. I
would point out, however, because it has a definite bearing on the evolution of quality in the human family,
that the seven creative Builders or planetary Logoi of our solar system are embodiments of the will, energy,
and magnetic force which streams through Them from the seven solar systems into Their various spheres of
activity. Thus, through Their united activity, the organized solar system is produced, whose energies are in
constant circulation and whose emerging qualities are balanced and demonstrated throughout the entire
system. All parts of the solar system are interdependent; all the forces and energies are in constant flux and
mutation; all of them sweep in great pulsations, and through a form of rhythmic breathing, around the entire
solar atom; so that the qualities of every solar life, pouring through the seven ray forms, permeate every form
within the solar ring-pass-not, and thus link every form with every other form. Note therefore the fact that
each of the seven rays or creative Builders embodies the energy, will, love and purpose of the Lord of the
solar system, as that Lord in His turn embodies an aspect of the energy, will, love and purpose of the "One
About Whom Naught May Be Said." Therefore the first proposition to be grasped by the student of the rays is
as follows: (EP I, 150-1)
The dominate power of the 1, 3, 7 Ray lines, that is the expression of the Great Bear, Pleiades and Draco are
evident and enormous as witnessed even by their immense physical magnitude.
I was further surprised to learn however that Vulcan Earth and Pluto form the nucleus triangle of solar Will
which will form the basis of the first ray solar system which is next in sequence and that they are each
related to major stars:
Will to Good
God is Love
first aspect
second aspect
third aspect
All of these correlations are so profound that I am at an utter loss to offer any further words and leave you
each to your own cosmic musings!
Key Sound I
(Cedric Dumas)
Some preliminary thoughts concerning the "next revelation" (forgive this glamorous presentation!):
This revelation could concern the very Technique (the one of the Presence) we use in this meditation. I
realized one aspect of the key we are looking for was maybe in this meditation itself: The next step for
mankind should be a tremendous change concerning the standpoint.
The key remains in the following passage of the Purusha Sukta:
(The text is a hymn from the Yajur Veda called the “Purusha Sukta”, meaning “The utterance of the Cosmic
Person”. It is one of the main vedic hymns.)
1st stance :
Sahasra Sirsha Purushaha
Sahasraksha Sahasra Pat
Sa Bhumim Viswato Vritwa
Atyatishtat Dasangulam
Sahasra = one thousand; Sirsha = head; Purusha = Person. Sahasra = one thousand; Aksha = eyes; sahasra =
one thousand; Pat = feet. Sa = He; Bhumim = the Earth Globe; Viswato = in all directions; Vritwa = having
surrounded. Atyatishtat = He stood beyond; Dasa (ten) + Angulam (units) = ten units.
The Purusha (the Cosmic Person) has thousands heads, thousands eyes, thousands feet. He penetrated the
globe of creation (Bhumim), which He surrounded in all its dimensions. He stood then 10 units beyond these
dimensions (i.e. He represents 10 units more than the creation).
(Extract from discourses of E. K. Krishnamacharya)
(Note: this should be studied according to the graphic called "The perfect 10"
And the graphic called "The constitution of the Great Maharishi":
This text is the purest expression of the Presence. It concerns the Cosmic Person but also by analogy our
Earth Logos. When one realizes the Presence exists through the billions of eyes of animals, into the moving
of the tree's leaves, into the look of our human brothers, into the contact of one's skin with a mineral, then
we begin to understand that the Great Life is above all attention.
ATTENTION is, according to Pythagorean teachings, the life of the monad focused on a specific object. In
psychology the most recent researches on attention permitted to prove that consciousness is a consequence
of attention brought on a specific object: if no attention, no consciousness of the surrounding or inwards
world. This is a step towards a new revelation. When you realize the Monad, this thing so far from our
everyday life understanding and perception, is however present at each moment into us, through our
attention (in fact it is the attention itself), then you realize something of a paramount importance. But as the
monad consciousness is a cosmic shared one, we can say that through our simple attention, the Purusha itself
is experiencing life on its creation, our Earth globe.
Attention/Father + Object/Matter = Consciousness/Son.
And there we enter into the matter of standpoint. If we correctly understand that our Logos is experiencing
its creation through the attention of the living beings, then we see the whole five kingdoms as the eyes, the
heads, the feet of Him. So it becomes possible to understand from His Standpoint (in due limits) what maybe
group consciousness. Just try to occupy by imagination the position of our Logos (it won't harm!): you are
looking at your creation through the thousands of eyes, and you are perceiving it with many other senses,
from various levels, and this happens via the sutratma, this extension of yourself (the Logos) into all the
directions. Each group of your senses are only directed towards the other parts of yourself. And you are
waiting with patience that something happens during billions of years. And one day (a divine day) you feel
something into your attention that has changed. You feel a kind of pressure and effort, and your heart begins
to burn, for you understand some of your senses are beginning to watch in another direction, they try to
watch towards yourself, the One Unique Person. First they are isolated attempts, but it's really a good step.
Then after another thousand years another pressure attracts your attention: the latter is now like an eye
which is trying to see you! Not only some cells, but really an organ! An inner organ is trying to watch you,
the One Person.
This is group consciousness!
And the beginning of the most important event for a planetary consciousness: the first steps of the substance
He tried to redempt towards identification with Himself. (Obviously there must exist other major events!)
This is the question of STANDPOINT: group consciousness may only exist only if we begin to decentralize the
group, only if the latter is able to see himself as an organ of the unique Person, among other organs, carrying
His very life via the group attention. Then the group self-importance and self-centralization may disappear
and die for it won't be anymore its own center of attention. And then the group will be ready for initiation.
This changing of Standpoint is the only way to reach Brotherhood, for you can't imagine to be separated if
you try the logoic point of view: is it possible to reject one's own eye or hand? Let's try to perceive the group
as an eye of the Purusha, is there no change?
The Key Sound II – Charts
(Cedric Dumas)
The idea is to understand the connections between the 12, 7 and 5 as a kind of ideal geometric pattern which
aim could be to express the way the Macrocosm and Microcosm may be linked. We know the word of
power for the seventh ray is: "The Highest and the Lowest Meet". The last past months I used to work a lot
on the subject of Esoteric Astrology through the works of Stephen on the Astrological Key. I must say that
today I realize the importance of this Macrocosmic inquiry for it permitted me recently to make numerous
links with my previous researches on the fifth element.
I would like to give an example. Alchemy is a science which the very bases have been lost for we lost the
key to connect deeply and correctly the Microcosm to the Macrocosm, that is to say a part of the physicophysiological key among the seven of the Secret Doctrine. Alchemy is linked to the impact of zodiacal
energies in the first kingdom, the mineral one. The graphic below shows the possibility to re-activate the
link and above all shows that each part of the creation is able to express a part of the whole, while the human
being, Mankind, is able to express the whole.
First graphic: key sound of the New Age: 7512 - Energetic connexionss developed
Second graphic: key sound of the New Age: 7512 - Cosmic Mandala, Synthetic whole
The third graphic is a focus on the various solar logoi involved in the transmission of the seven rays through
the various planes. It shows on which plane one can find the 7 stellar logoi (and our solar logos) – the seven
centers of the cosmic logos – on which plane one can find the planetary logoi, and the way the planetary
schemes are set up in the multidimensional universe, with their planetary chains and globes. This should
help to understand the macrocosmic organization in a clearer way.
Third graphic: The perfect 10
But it seems to me that we also should ponder on the necessary preliminaries to the future achievement of
this key note. The link between Macrocosm and Microcosm is not only a technical link, involving a good
understanding of the antahkarana building and of the group initiation. The logical and fluid mental system of
concepts, as clear as it may be, is necessary, but is not enough to perform the link as a whole humanity, and
to express the divine Will/ Plan, on Earth. This schemes and patterns are indeed useful as crutches to help us
to direct our thoughts in the right direction and to develop our intuition, but the needed technical knowledge
is of a secondary nature regarding the first necessity to reach the correct level of group consciousness on
Earth. For nothing can be reached beyond the fourth mental level without group consciousness. The
preliminary keynote to the expression of the whole in mankind is BROTHERHOOD. For Brotherhood is
functioning horizontally as well as vertically, and the attempt to express the whole is nothing but the result
of a correctly established ritual of pure hearts working together in the fire of sacrifice, under the virtuous
waves of the Will of God. The principle of resonance of the vibrating spiritual energy is above all a principle
which finds its roots into the heart of the divinity. The Heart is the preliminary requisite to the vibrating and
resonating process that links the two poles of the creation, for between them we find the Planetary
Hierarchy, and the Christ.
So, may these graphics awake into our consciousness the deep feeling of unity, of love and simplicity that
permits the whole to be one, and that helps the human beings to behave as an expression of the purest
beauty, kindness and truth.
7512 - Cosmic Mandala, Synthetic whole
From the Five elements to Initiation (an atomic-human-logoic process)
(Cedric Dumas)
5, the Past – SD (III)
The five represents the five Kumaras, the expression of the past. This expression through the manifestation
of a previous solar system of the third ray permitted the individualized expression of Brahma the 3 through
the 4 lower attributes, manifesting the five pointed star, or the fivefold Brahma. (See TFC, 361)
This expression of the past is what has been developed in the first part of the threefold revelation, the Secret
Doctrine, which is in fact the third part of the teachings, beginning from the three, as with the previous solar
system (the next revelation being the first one, or the last). The Keynote of the Secret Doctrine was 5; for it
dealt a lot with the five elements (and science), the magic aspect of the teachings, linked to the deva
kingdom through the pentagram, their representative symbol through the five classes of devic and elemental
forces (and the five kingdoms), and the rebirth of a solar system by the mean of the cosmic builders. The
symbol is also the one of the first differentiation into polar opposite, giving from the one the four (or from
the third point of the triangle the four) what is happening in the egg when the first cell divides and forms 2
and 4, 8, 16 etc. other cells. We know from H.P.B. that the principle of germination, of the birth from an
egg, the ability of all the four kingdoms to procreate by this mean comes from the third solar system
So the key note of the Secret Doctrine was an expression of the past knowledge of mankind: the rebirth of a
solar system, historical researches through the religions, Anthropogenesis etc. The Secret Doctrine
represents what we need to learn from our past. It is linked to the path of aspirant, as the third of 3
aspects: 3-aspirant, 2-disciple, 1-initiate (Hierarchy).
7, the Present - A.A.B. and D.K. (II)
The second part of the teachings is the expression of the present, of the present solar system. It is the
expression of the 7, the 7 present hierarchies, through the teachings of D.K. on the seven Rays, the seven
stars of the Great Bear, the seven solar systems (coming each from their own constellation) of O AWNMBS.
It's also the teaching concerning the disciple and the soul (2nd aspect linked to quality and the seven rays).
While the aspirant had to learn how to deal with his personal individual (ray 5) problems to reach the
spiritual level (4à5) (remember the problems of personalities with the ST), the disciple has now to deal with
the soul and group consciousness (linked to ray 2). It is also obviously linked to our present solar system of
ray 2.
So the keynote of the second part of the teachings is at present 7, based on the 5 or past (5 Kumaras, Secret
Doctrine) that expresses the present (7 rays and the seven hierarchies).
12, the Future – New Teachings
The third step on the spiritual path is the initiate or all what is linked to the third initiation, the first
hierarchical one, a synthesized approach (as the 3 synthesized the 4, giving the 5 in the previous solar
system). This means that the next teachings will integrate both the knowledge from the SD (5) and from D.K
(7). This will be a synthesized teaching, leading to the ability for a group to reach the third initiation, linked
to the monadic aspect, the first of the three. It is linked to the next solar system of ray 1. And we can add
that as the 5 Kumaras or the 5 hierarchies were the seed of the present system, the 5+7 hierarchies will be
the seed for the third and next system. So the third part of the teachings will concern the future (even if all of
the three parts may concern the present, it will concern the future from the standpoint of mankind, and the
present from standpoint of accepted or nearly accepted disciples).
The next teachings will help the present knowledge (7) to be grounded in the physical plan (substance 3à5)
as a working and demonstrating system, including the knowledge of magic, linked to the spiritual practice,
leading to the third initiation.
Really that's why D.K. said the 5 + 7 = 12 is the keynote for the next teachings!
So, as Stephen often says, the next revelation will come only when the SD will be understood and linked to
the teachings of A.A.B. - This is an occult truth!
Again in the preparatory esoteric schools, I think we'll have to think about the following idea:
The candidates will have passed the first initiation of the threshold, or integrated the bases of 5, the
preliminaries of the aspirant disciple. In the school they will learn the 5 + 7 (SD and A.A.B.) to reach the
level of accepted disciple, just before the 2nd initiation, and will carry on with the practice of the 12 (third
teaching), leading them to the higher occult schools (in the mountains!), with disciples of the 3 rd and 4th
initiation (1st and 2nd hierarchical ones) as loving and enlightened guides, who will train them to attain the
third or first hierarchical initiation.
The link between the 5 and the 7:
This link is the way the second aspect may be linked to the third. The way the rays may be linked to matter
and substance. Substance as the third aspect, mulaprakriti, the root substance of a plane – "koilon" for the
physical plane – crucified and transformed into material particles and atoms by the four elemental
builders/forces. Mulaprakriti animated by Fohat is the root of the Dragon of Life and becomes the latter or
the fifth element when the etheric substance of a plane is animated directly by the creative divine light,
which is Od on the physical plane, and the Sea of Fire on the highest one; it is the astral light in the astral
plane etc. (see the researches of Charles Von Reichenbach on Od energy and various passages in the SD).
H.P.B. calls it the Pater Omnipotens Aether. It is Father-Mother, the powerful living substance, the magical
agent (being able to create living cells from "nothing" for instance, see the researches of Wilhelm Reich).
We are here really facing two teachings, one concerning the matter and substance aspect, the past, and
Karma (Brahma/Saturn). And the other one concerning the quality of a given substance. But we ignore the
way these two conceptual systems interact. This knowledge is the key to the practical occultism which will
be taught through the 12 or third part of the revelation. It is still a knowledge pertaining to the initiates from
the Hierarchy. It will consequently be a very dangerous knowledge designed to the future, and the best way
to transmit and protect it could be through an important amount of images and drawings, for since the
deepest Antiquity this is the very way the knowledge from the ancients has been transmitted and preserved.
So maybe the preparatory schools will have to train the disciples to reach the needed level of intuition so
that they may interpret the new graphical teachings (in any case it is an interesting idea!).
Complementary notes concerning the Dragon energy
The Dragon of Life is polarized at the beginning: Earth aspect, and Solar aspect: the kundalini energy from
the Earth and the one from the Sun, or from the Base center and the Head center.
The base center is a fourfold petalled lotus, or four + the synthesis of the four = 5.
We have 7 centers in the head, and the alta major center which is a synthesizing station for the 6 other lotus
of the body.
When the Dragon of life returns to unity, the four petalled lotus from which emanates the three canals, Ida,
Pingala, Sushumna send the kundalini force in one united canal which is a pure expression of the five. Then
the five, rushes towards the alta major center, the synthetic 7, to unit with the head center. The result of the
meeting is a light as great as the fire of our sun, the monad is contacted, under the eye of Sanat Kumara the
Great Dragon who is applying the stick of initiation leading to the fusion of the 5 and 7 into the 12, the past
and the present emerging into the future. The light is so strong than the man is transfigured by the fusion.
(According to my imagination!)
At this stage, the 12 of the egoic lotus is the focal point of life of the initiate, now led by the monad. But the
aim still remains greater: to reach the 10 of the 5th initiation, the 10 of the monad, the perfect master, the 10
of the next solar system.
All this could certainly been brought in connection with the chains, turns, globe, root and sub races
concerning the third initiation of our Logos, and the same for our sevenfold constellation (7512 Mandala,
and "the Perfect 10" chart).
III (3à5) + II (7) à I (12)
7+5, a vital intermediary step
The AKSD, according to the ideas developed above, is a key to the 5+7, which will lead to the 12 in due
time. The Key permits to link creatively the SD, TFC and the other main books of D.K. Then when a needed
percentage of the students will have accessed to the synthesized understanding of the astrological key and of
the psychological one (which is closely standing behind the astrological one, as its complementary key)
through D.K. and A.A.B., the world disciple substance will be ready for the third part. It could occur in 12
years, for in 2013 will see an alignment of the 27, 9, and 3 year cycle of the NGSM "emergence-impact"
peak, which is of a paramount importance.
Key Sound
(Philip Lindsay)
Seven forms of light related to substance of 7 planes
It should be noted that there are seven forms of light, related to the substance of the seven planes. These are
stimulated and enhanced by the twelve forms of light of the twelve Creative Hierarchies, related each of
them to one or other of the twelve signs of the zodiac. On this I may not enlarge as it concerns the mysteries
of the higher initiations. I simply make the statement so that it may be appreciated by you as an occult fact to
the proof of which you may not yet have access. A paralleling statement would be that the light of the seven
centres in man (when enhanced by the light of the seven planetary centres) and the five kingdoms in nature
(7+5=12), plus the twelve lights of the zodiac will produce a consummation of "light" effectiveness which will
make possible the expression of the whole. This, through the medium of humanity. This is a basic statement
which means little to you as yet but which will—in the next century—form a seed thought or "key sound" for
the next revelation of the Ageless Wisdom.
The above heading is a key quote from the larger quote above. In attempting to keep a focus for this
discussion I am confining myself to that which most directly relates to this quote. The overall context of this
quote is about the crosses and must be seen from the previous part of the discussion by DK in EA, 562:
The Light shines forth because the greater light and the lesser light approach and then invoke each other. Their
blended lights, though not yet one radiant sun, are merging fast. These blended lights reveal the Lighted Way.
(EA, 562)
DK is talking about passing from the mutable (lesser light) to the fixed (greater light) crosses here. The
crosses are the sum totals of the light of the twelve signs, augmented by the ‘light of the 12 Creative
Therefore, the aspirant moves from the “blended radiance” at the Pisces point of the mutable cross, to the
Taurus point of the fixed cross. Here is where “A new light enters in” – the Seven Sisters of the Pleiades,
through Taurus.
The Pleiades are the Mother or Third aspect, which has a direct correspondence to Humanity as the third
centre, generically known as “Light”, in the trinity of Love (Hierarchy) and Power (Shamballa).
Uniquely at this time a large part of Humanity are poised to take the First Initiation, ruled over by Leo. It
corresponds to the light of the Christ anchored within the cave of the Heart and has much to do with a
deeper manasic development within the broader light of the third aspect.
Of course, Leo’s polar opposite Aquarius, into which we are moving upon the larger wheel, has its first
decanate ruled by Saturn, offering opportunity for humanity to move through this first initiatory door. Saturn
is ruler of the Third Ray and has a correspondence to the light of the Pleiades.
The fact that this Initiation is occurring en masse, and that other higher initiations are going on, means that
the centre we call Humanity is steadily increasing in radiance. Hence the substance of the light upon the 7
planes is transforming and this is what DK may mean when he says:
[…] a consummation of light effectiveness which will make possible the expression of the whole. This
through the medium of humanity. (EA, 563)
12 Hierarchies 7 + 1 + 4 liberated.
Builders, Attractive Agents. Embody 7 constellations.
Transmitters from outside solar system to inside.
Informing lives of all planetary schemes in system.
7 Rays are vehicles for the Hierarchies. (TCF1195)
7 Rays + 7 Hierarchies = “Son” form-building aspect.
7 Rays dependent upon quality of Hierarchy. (TCF1196
7 planes – “sheathes” for Hierarchies. (TCF1195)
Each Hierarchy septenary = 49 fires of Brahma – 49 subplanes.
Related to this:
1. Separation is produced by rotary movement. By means of this action, all the spheres became differentiated,
and form, as we know, the following atomic units:
a. The solar system, recognised as a cosmic atom, all the so-called atoms within its periphery being regarded
as molecular.
b. The seven planes, regarded as seven vast spheres, rotating latitudinally within the solar periphery.
c. The seven rays, regarded as the seven veiling forms of the Spirits, themselves spheroidal bands of colour,
rotating longitudinally, and forming (in connection with the seven planes) a vast interlacing network. These
two sets of spheres (planes and rays) form the totality of the solar system, and produce its form spheroidal.
[…] Each ray of light […] is […] a sphere of matter of the utmost tenuity, rotating in a direction opposite to
that of the planes. These rays produce by their mutual interaction a radiatory effect upon each other […]
a. The planes rotate from east to west.
b. The rays rotate from north to south.
[…] By means of this very interaction, the work of the four Maharajahs or Lords of Karma, is made possible;
the quaternary and all sumtotals of four can be seen as one of the basic combinations of matter, produced by
the dual revolutions of planes and rays. (TCF, 152-3)
This latter part of the quote above may refer to the three astrological crosses.
The planes (“sheathes” of the Hierarchies) and the rays (“vehicles” of the Hierarchies) somehow interact to
form the three (3X 4 = 12) crosses?
This is as far as I have managed to get. I would like to explore this theme from the very start over a longer
period of time, starting with the Creative Hierarchies working our way downward into manifestation. As
usual this bought up more questions than answers?
Seed thought or key sound for next revelation
(Vicktorya Stone)
The reference: p. 563, EA:
7 forms of light
Related to
Substance of 7 planes
Stimulated and enhanced by
12 forms of light of the Creative Hierarchies
related to the 12 signs
Parallels …
7 centers in man (when enhanced by light of seven planetary centers)
5 kingdoms in nature (= 12)
12 lights of zodiac
= consummation of “light” effectiveness
… which makes possible expression of the whole, through humanity.
7 centres in man + 5 kingdoms in nature = 12, plus 12 lights of zodiac (= 24)
Aside from the very interesting investigation into the centers, kingdoms, and zodiac … this initial paper just
touches on the numerological suggestions in terms of the type or manner of revelation.
Twenty-four as the double 12, greater and lesser zodiac, 24 (the number of Shamballa, check R&I ref p. 7980) is related to time, the key to the great cycle of manifestation. It is the clue to all cyclic appearance or
incarnation. (Also, 2 is the number of the spiritual hierarchy, 4 is the number of the human hierarchy, and
side by side, suggesting relationship, or one over the other, suggesting the abstraction of humanity into the
spiritual kingdom.
Time-wise, 12 & 24 one full daily cycle = 24 hours in a day; 12 of day; 12 of night. (Again, coloristically,
archetypally the day is 12 hours conditioned by Blue of daytime; 12 by Indigo of night)
Also, 12 months in a year
7 days in a week (often, westernized as 5 ‘work days’ + 2 … for soul?)
What about 5, Vic? Uh …
Anyway, for now, I propose the idea that part of this key sound is related to time, and its annihilation
through “the production of a subjective synthesis in humanity and of a telepathic interplay” - (or in context,
following, page 403-404, in TWM)
[…] What is this plan? […] The plan as at present sensed, and for which the Masters are steadily working,
might be defined as follows:—It is the production of a subjective synthesis in humanity and of a
telepathic interplay which will eventually annihilate time. […] This next development of the plan will
produce in man an understanding [404] —intelligent and cooperative—of the divine purpose for which the
One in Whom we live and move and have our being has deemed it wise to submit to incarnation. […]
therefore strive towards achieving continuity of consciousness and at awakening that inner light […]
Interestingly, also on same page numbers, 403-404 in EH, there is reference about time, the brain, and time’s
persistence due to glamour, persistence of a powerful thought-form and polarisation upon the astral plane.
So – that is what I think we are doing, the quality of group related to the next revelation, and our growing
and potentially more conscious telepathic rapport.
Astrologically, just prior to the key reference, is, page 562, EA:
[…] the acquiescing disciple passes onto the Fixed Cross and prepares for the tests and trials of initiation. This
is expressed for us in the occult symbology of the Old Commentary as follows: "The Light shines forth
because the greater light and the lesser light approach and then invoke each other. Their blended lights,
though not yet one radiant sun, are merging fast. These blended lights reveal the Lighted Way.”
I haven’t investigated much (as I’ve been in deep computer reformat mode for the last two days – ugh!) –
but initially I was struck by the relation of the Supplementary Seven to this theme. I hope to check into this
further, as something seems likely that the 7 head centers are significantly involved here. (Synthesizing the 5
centres up the spine …?)
In terms of blending of greater and lesser lights, relate this to the soul (the TWO) and personality (FOUR)
merging, and again the color references to the blending of blue and orange, p. 675, DINA I, and in the
Stanzas referring to more cosmic levels. Blue and indigo are analogous (blue-indigo as love-wisdom), and
orange, as esoterically flame colored, is the fire of mind and the personality, Agni as the God of Consuming
Fire of the three planes. Blue Water (of Space, - Life More Abundant) blends with Orange Fire. Esoteric
orange – as yellow, flame – related to buddhi(-manas), Mercury, to the 4; blue related to the 2. Blue and
Orange blend and merge, 2 + 4 = 6, the number of space. Several references then refer to when blue and
orange are blended … space is (6), time is Naught (24 = 6, no longer separate events).
If we are told this is a “key sound”, then would the key be Sol? It’s a blue sound then, the Sound of Love (a
TWO) on the plane where orange and blue merge and blend, the 5th – as ‘rose of God’, equaling the sacred
SEVEN of manifestation.
Several references indicate the annihilation of time and development of continuity of consciousness as the
current object of evolution and the plan. Some of these references follow:
Consciousness of the Atom, 137:
The true psychic powers are those which put us in contact with the group … One is the conscious control of
matter. … But the time is coming when we shall consciously control our threefold lower nature. Time
will then not exist for us at all. We shall have that continuity of consciousness upon the three planes of
being—physical, emotional, and mental—which will enable us to live as does the Logos, in that very
metaphysical abstraction, the Eternal Now.
Formulas, Dina II, 283:
THE FORMULAS … this formula has been preserved as sounds or (if I may use so ambiguous a phrase) as
trumpeted words … This third formula concerns Time and the consciousness of the spiritual man who is
unaware of separation, of divisions in time and space or of the spell of the Great Illusion. It deals with the fact
of immortality and with the unshatterable continuity of consciousness and life. …
IHS, 140:
3. A burning away of the etheric web, through the gradual arousing of kundalini and its correct geometrical
progression, and a resultant continuity of consciousness that enables the initiate consciously to utilise time as a
factor on the planes of evolution
TCF, 810:
Therefore, unity is only possible upon the plane of mind. This, if true, must lead to the tendency to develop
within the physical brain a conscious realisation of group affiliations on the mental plane, a conscious
recognition of group relationships, ideals and goal, and a conscious manifestation of that continuity of
consciousness which is the object of evolution at this time. It will further produce the transference of the race
consciousness from the physical plane to the mental, and a consequent solving through "knowledge, love, and
sacrifice" of all present problems.
Next – we return to the paragraph following the original seed thought, EA, 563.
Until the significance of the three Crosses is understood more fully and synthetically by astrologers and
astrological investigators, it is almost impossible to find the needed words which will convey clearly the
intended meaning. There has been no real attempt as yet on the part of astrologers (even the most advanced) to
arrive at a general or synthetic understanding of the effect of the Crosses [Page 564] upon humanity.
So a general understanding of the crosses and their effect upon humanity is needed in order to more fully
grasp this key sound for the next revelation of the teaching.
A bit of musing in astrological terms – the Zodiacs
Externalization of H, 567:
[…] it must be borne in mind that we are entering another greater round of the Zodiac, and this coincides with
the lesser zodiacal activity because Aquarius governs the greater immediate cycle of 25,000 years and is
also the sign into which the sun is now moving for a period of 2300 years—a most amazing happening and
full of import in our planetary history; it is a coincidence of which our planetary Logos is well aware and of
which He is making full and intelligent use. It is a cycle also wherein, for the first time, the three major
planetary centres—Shamballa, Hierarchy and Humanity—are in direct and unimpeded relation, for today the
alignment is correct and adjusted for the first time in planetary history.
Numerological curiosity – the years here, 25,000 = 7, and 2300 = 5, as well as the rays of Aquarius, 5 and 7,
and the number of the senses and kingdoms being 5, and the number of the planes and rays and planets = 7
(which will eventually become 12 sacred planets).
Greater zodiac
of 25,000 (24,000+?)
symbolic of the soul
Lesser zodiac
of 12 months
symbolic of the personality
Key not – final
(Vicktorya Stone)
This has been some of what has stood out for me during this period, it’s not packaged up so well, but
hopefully may provide a hint. I have endeavoured to just sequence some quotes under two categories, which
suggest my most communicable way to say: “the annihilation of time via continuity of consciousness
achieved (through disintegrating of the webs between the etheric and astral levels) by Aquarian groups …
working on full moons”:
My major impressions around the key note for the next revelation, 5+7=12+12=24 … 24 the number of
Shamballa, and of Time … can be articulated under two major lines:
1. Presence, Purpose, and Plan
2. Techniques or Cooperative Understandings that seem relevant in fusing towards the revelation
1. Presence, Purpose & the Plan
Glamour … on the Technique of the Presence, 175-176:
The theme of this technique is, therefore, concerned primarily with: 1. The process of revelation. This process
has been and today is the main testimony and guarantee of the existence, behind the scenes of the phenomenal
life, of a revealing Group or Agency …
TCF, 810
Therefore, unity is only possible upon the plane of mind. This, if true, must lead to the tendency to develop
within the physical brain a conscious realisation of group affiliations on the mental plane, a conscious
recognition of group relationships, ideals and goal, and a conscious manifestation of that continuity of
consciousness which is the object of evolution at this time.
Consciousness of the Atom, 137:
The true psychic powers are those which put us in contact with the group […] One is the conscious control of
matter. […] But the time is coming when we shall consciously control our threefold lower nature. Time
will then not exist for us at all. We shall have that continuity of consciousness upon the three planes of
being—physical, emotional, and mental—which will enable us to live as does the Logos, in that very
metaphysical abstraction, the Eternal Now.
DK describes,
The plan as at present sensed, and for which the Masters are steadily working, might be defined as follows:—
It is the production of a subjective synthesis in humanity and of a telepathic interplay which will eventually
annihilate time. […] This next development of the plan will produce in man an understanding—intelligent
and cooperative—of the divine purpose for which the One in Whom we live and move and have our being has
deemed it wise to submit to incarnation. […] therefore strive towards achieving continuity of consciousness
and at awakening that inner light […] (TWM, 403-404)
TCF, 1226 … about the 7 creative hierarchies …
It is love limiting itself by desire, and for that which is desired. It is love pouring itself out into forms which
are stimulated and aided thereby; it is the fulfilment of divine obligations incurred in the dim and distant
kalpas which antedate the triplicity of solar systems which we can dimly vision, and it is the "Father of Light"
(in a cosmic connotation) pouring Himself out for that which binds Him and which it is His dharma to lift up
to His Throne. It is not possible to picture the revelation of the Love of the solar Logos as it reveals itself to
the eye of the illuminated seer, nor to show the nature of the cosmic Lord of Sacrifice as He limits Himself in
order to save. At each step along the Path, the extent of that love and sacrifice is opened up as the disciple
knows himself to be in tiny measure also a Lord of Sacrifice and Love.
DINA II, 349:
[…] what the planetary Logos sees can be partially (at least) revealed to the initiate, who can tell what
that revelation will bring of results and enlightenment? When the true nature of the will is comprehended and
the self-will of the personality (of a very high order, necessarily), the will of the soul (as demonstrated by the
activity of the highest tier or circle of the egoic petals), atma, expressing itself as the spiritual will, and Sanat
Kumara are also brought, through initiation, into direct alignment, who, again, can predict what the revelation
will be? When, again (as hinted on page 313), the myriad thoughtforms of the concrete or lower mind are seen
as illusion, and the lower mind, the knowledge petals of the egoic lotus, the abstract mind and buddhi or pure
reason are all brought into alignment with the Lords of Karma in a direct relationship and as signifying the
ending of karma in the three worlds, who can foretell the nature of the ensuing revelation? It is alignment
that holds the clue or the key to all these deeply spiritual events.
2. Basis for techniques or intelligent and cooperative understandings
There are many suggestive hints (to me) in regards to the current alignment/opportunity and the perforation
or disintegration of the web between the etheric and astral, the 7 and the 5 on cosmic levels, – here are a
few. For some reason, the unlocking of this key to the next revelation seems related to this process,
planetary, and as (individuals in) a group …
Externalization of H, 567:
[…] it must be borne in mind that we are entering another greater round of the Zodiac, and this coincides with
the lesser zodiacal activity because Aquarius governs the greater immediate cycle of 25,000 years and is
also the sign into which the sun is now moving for a period of 2300 years—a most amazing happening and
full of import in our planetary history; it is a coincidence of which our planetary Logos is well aware and of
which He is making full and intelligent use. It is a cycle also wherein, for the first time, the three major
planetary centres—Shamballa, Hierarchy and Humanity—are in direct and unimpeded relation, for today the
alignment is correct and adjusted for the first time in planetary history.
IHS, 140:
3. A burning away of the etheric web, through the gradual arousing of kundalini and its correct geometrical
progression, and a resultant continuity of consciousness that enables the initiate consciously to utilise time as a
factor on the planes of evolution.
DINA II, 312:
[…] the initiate—in process of receiving revelation—is working outside of time and space, as you understand
it […]
“Three Hierarchies are - in this greater cycle - of profound significance, the fourth or human Creative
Hierarchy and the two deva Hierarchies, the fifth and the sixth.” And again, TCF, 398:
Three hierarchies in particular are concerned with objective manifestation in etheric matter, the fourth, or
strictly human hierarchy, and the fifth and sixth or the deva hierarchies. …
[…] the sixth Hierarchy is the life of the forms of all the etheric bodies of every tangible object. The function
of this Hierarchy is well described in the words of the Old Commentary: "The devas hear the word go forth.
They sacrifice themselves and out of their own substance they build the form desired. They draw life and the
material from themselves, and yield themselves to the divine impulse." (TCF, 1207)
TCF, 83:
Fifth. This etheric web, during incarnation, forms a barrier between the physical and astral planes, which can
only be transcended when consciousness is sufficiently developed to permit of escape. This can be seen in
both the microcosm and the macrocosm.
TCF, 113:
When man begins in a small sense to co-ordinate the buddhic vehicle or, to express it otherwise, when he has
developed the power to contact ever so slightly the buddhic plane, then he begins simultaneously and
consciously to achieve the ability to escape from the etheric web on the physical plane.
[…] Through the power of prolonged sound, carried forward as a great experiment on the battlefields all over
the world during a period of four years (1914-1918), and through the intense emotional strain of the entire
planetary populace, the web of etheric matter (called the "veil of the temple") which separates the
physical and astral planes was rent or torn asunder, and the amazing process of unifying the two worlds
of physical plane living and of astral plane experience was begun and is now slowly going on. It will be
obvious, therefore, that this must bring about vast changes and alterations in the human consciousness. Whilst
it will usher in the age of understanding, of brotherhood and of illumination […]
TCF, 582:
When a man has reached the point where he can sense and see the fourth ether, he is ready for the burning
away of the etheric web, which has its location midway between the third and second subplane matter which
composes his physical body. When this disintegration is effected, the man merges with his astral vehicle,
establishing a consequent continuity of consciousness.
TCF, 660:
As evolution proceeds, the astral body should become positive to the mental, and thus prove incapable of
being swayed by thought currents, and the separative processes of that plane, and negative to the buddhic
plane, or receptive to the forces from that plane. When it has attained equilibrium, and the forces are evenly
balanced, the astral body should become the transmitter from the buddhic plane, the fourth cosmic ether, via
the gaseous, to the dense physical plane. This thought should be studied in connection with the burning of the
etheric web of the planet, thus illumination may come.
An interesting analogy (accurate on general lines [Page 790] though in detail not so apparent) exists between
the building of the antaskarana on mental levelsbetween the mental unit and the manasic permanent atom
(whereby the Path of Liberation is travelled, and man set free) and the opening up of the channel between the
centre at the base of the spine and the brain and thence to the head centre. Through this latter channel man
escapes out of the dense physical body, and continuity of consciousness (between the astral and the physical
planes) is reached. In the one case, through right direction of force, the etheric web no longer forms a barrier;
it is destroyed and the man is fully conscious in the physical brain of what transpires on the astral plane.
TCF, 864:
The etheric web, separating the lower physical consciousness of the brain from the astral plane begins to
undergo a lengthy process of destruction, and the first "rents" in the web occur. It is through these that the
student becomes aware of the inner planes, becomes conscious in the physical brain of the inner happenings
TCF, 944:
The builders of the human personality again are divided into seven main groups; all devas […] come under
one or other of the seven Rays […] According to a man's egoic Ray, so will be the type of deva substance
influenced. […] These elementals are the little entities who, adhering to the plan as embodied by the builders,
blindly construct the fabric of the body, and form the sheaths through which the Ego is to express himself. On
the etheric planes they build the real "form" out of etheric substance, and produce the sheath of intricate lines
of interlacing fiery strands, which is in reality an extension of the sutratma […] The work of the etheric
elementals reaches its primary consummation when the sutratma is connected with the three centres of the
physical nature within the cranium—the pineal gland, the pituitary body, and the alta major centre. […]
Occultly, the most important connection is the entrance of the sutratma into the centre at the top of the head
[…] This is the vital point. The "thread" of life there, by the time the seventh year is reached, has divided
itself into three branches, reaching out to the three centres. […] The etheric web […] separates the two
bodies, astral and physical. A similar corresponding area will be found in the solar system. Through it the
cosmic forces must pass to the different planetary schemes.
EP I, 102-104:
The electrification of the planet through the wide-spread use of electricity is one of the things which is
inaugurating the new age, and which will aid in bringing about the revelation of the presence of the
soul. Before long this intensification will become so great that it will materially assist in the rending of the
veil which separates the astral plane from the physical plane; the dividing etheric web will shortly be
dissipated, and this will permit a more rapid inflow of the third aspect of light. The light from the astral plane
(a starry radiance) and the light of the planet itself will be more closely blended […] This intensification of the
light will continue until A.D. 2025, when there will come a cycle of relative stability and of steady shining
without much augmentation. In the second decanate of Aquarius these three aspects will again be augmented
by increased light from the fourth aspect, that is the light from the soul realm, reaching us via the universal
"chitta" or mind stuff. […] the soul will be recognised as a fact […] The consensus of opinion in the religious
and spiritualistic fields and in the field of biblical prophecy, and likewise a study of the symbolism of the
Pyramid, lead students to believe that the immediate future will see some great event and some unforeseen
spiritual happening. […] the curious power of prevision, the ability to foresee and foretell with accuracy
events coming in the immediate future, or distant happenings. […] There is the power to participate in events
in distant places and to recover the recollection of what transpired with accuracy as to place, personnel and
detail. […] In their wise investigation, in the accumulation of responsible evidence, and in the later
substantiation of the prevision, it will begin to be seen that some factor exists in man which is not bound by
space-time limitations […]
EP I, 369-370:
It is under the influence of the incoming seventh ray […] and at that time the fifth ray was not active as it now
is […] Other cosmic rays will play upon our earth as this seventh ray activity becomes increasingly active, and
the result of their influence will be to facilitate the emergence of the new racial types, and above all else, to
destroy the veil or web which separates the world of the seen and tangible from the world of the unseen and
the intangible, the astral world. Just as there is a veil called "the etheric web" dividing off the various force
centres in the human body, and protecting the head centres from the astral world, so there is a separating web
between the world of physical life and the astral world. This will be destroyed, slowly and certainly, by the
play of the cosmic rays upon our planet. The etheric web which is found between the centres in the spine, and
which is found at the top of the head (protecting the head centre) is destroyed in man's mechanism by the
activity of certain forces found in that mysterious fire which we call the kundalini fire. The cosmic rays of
which the modern scientist is aware constitute aspects of the planetary kundalini, and their effect will be the
same in the body of the planetary Logos, the Earth, as it is in the human body; the etheric web between the
physical and astral planes is in process of destruction, and it is of this event which the sensitives of the world
and the spiritualists prophesy as an imminent happening.”
We also may want to note that Uranus, as the planet which links Leo, Aquarius, and Libra and Aries, also
has relation to the permanent atoms: Aries to mental pa, Libra to Mental Unit, Leo to astral pa, and Aquarius
to etheric pa. Here Aquarius and Leo can somehow be a connecting link to merged consciousness between
the etheric and astral planes? On a planetary scale, is this what a group can attempt to do on the
Aquarius/Leo full moon timing?
The suggested coming revelation is related to the 5th and 7th rays being emphasized in the coming Aquarian
alignment, and in terms of plane resonance, the Capricorn/mental and Aquarius/etheric-physical Hierarchies.
We are further having a movement towards the 7th ray and Aquarius and away from the 6th ray and Pisces
and the 6th creative hierarchy, the astral. There will be no more sea. Pisces, the 6 th ray, Sagittarius, and the
astral plane – and then the kundalinishakti, 6th creative hierarchy (the one most involved with the Path of
Earth Service) is free to ‘rise to His Throne’ once the lunar lords, the astral, is liberated and kundalini rises,
disintegrating the veils. Sagittarius Hierarchy is ruled by the 3rd of the 6th force, red of desire. “It is love,
limiting itself by desire [by the astral plane] … pouring Himself [water/Aquarius like?] out for that which
binds Him and which it is His dharma to lift up to His Throne [Leo like?]”
The Seed
(Keith Bailey)
It should be noted that there are seven forms of light, related to the substance of the seven plane. These are
stimulated and enhanced by the twelve forms of light of the twelve Creative Hierarchies, related each of them
to one or other of the twelve signs of the zodiac. On this I may not enlarge as it concerns the mysteries of the
higher initiations. I simply make the statement so that it may be appreciated by you as an occult fact to the
proof of which you may not yet have access. A paralleling statement would be that the light of the seven
centers in man (when enhanced by the light of the seven planetary centers) and the five kingdoms in nature
(7+5=12), plus the twelve lights of the zodiac will produce a consummation of “light” effectiveness which will
make possible the expression of the whole. This, through the medium of humanity. This is a basic statement
which means little to you as yet but which will—in the next century—form a seed thought or “key sound” for
the next revelation of the Ageless Wisdom.
This is in the section on the Three Crosses, as Phil reminded us, which are, as D.K. mentions at the
beginning of the chapter, “concerned with the wholes or with the syntheses of manifestation and with the
unified experience of an incarnating entity, […]”
I can do little justice to the statement in detail, owing to the press of time, but simply submit a few thoughts
pertaining to light refraction, complementaries and harmonics.
Under the basic dualism of manifestation there is ever the exoteric and the esoteric aspects and it is the
interplay of these which produces all the pairs of opposites. Given (as far at the twelve signs of the zodiac
are concerned) the initial three or trinity of manifestation, we have sequentially, the six of expression. These
six, within their own nature and in time and space, provide the appearance of Deity; they are the six major
aspects, principles and signatures and thus produce normally (or are produced by, more correctly) their six
esoteric counterparts, thus making the various twelves of manifestation: the twelve signs of the zodiac, or
the twelve Creative Hierarchies. For instance, a sign is exoteric in its nature and effects upon the ordinary
clockwise wheel and esoteric in its effects and relationships upon the wheel of the disciple.
The real opposites and the true complementaries are, in the last analysis, that aspect of manifestation which
is exoteric and that which is esoteric. For instance, in relation to the seven planes one could divide them into
a higher esoteric three and lower exoteric three and the lens of refraction is through the medium of the fourth
plane, resolving a septenary division of 3+4 into the basic three. Conversely, the triple blended light
focussed through the medium of the fourth upon the fifth, simultaneously breaks into the seven (repeating
the three and adding four “hues”, which are refractions or mirrors of the three). In the human unit the
blended lights of the higher three are refracted upon the plane of higher manas and there break
simultaneously into the seven lights or groups of Egos, though the resolution will again return to a basic
If the lights of the seven planes are considered in this manner of esoteric and exoteric complementaries, then
their stimulation and enhancement by the lights of the Creative Hierarchies, as they in turn are related to the
twelve lights of the Zodiac, can be refracted through the common denominator of three—when the opposites
are resolved or when there is an accurate balancing of forces.
I realise that this is putting it all simplistically, but it is perhaps only when the truer nature of the occult
science is better understood that this subsidiary science of the balancing of forces will come into its rightful
place in the great field of knowledge. The occult astrology and future system of metaphysical-mathematics
(about which I am not equipped to deal) upon which the entire structure of the science of forces is built will
reveal that certain major constellations are “opposites” because their type of energy evokes the activity of
attraction and repulsion between the two, thus producing a state of constant relationship and a process of
evolutionary balancing.
It is this process of evolutionary balancing that perhaps also refers to the paralleling statement of
D.K.’s. The “light of the seven centers in man […] enhanced by the light of the seven planetary centers”
(would seem to imply that these greater lights of the planetary centers are refracted through the human
centers), and the “five kingdoms in nature” would find perfect expression through man—when perfected—
and these in turn could be considered as the “exoteric” complement or refracted expression of the twelve
Lights of the Zodiac producing that “consummation of ‘light’ effectiveness which will make possible the
expression of the whole.”
“Light is a symptom and an expression of Life.” It is this “life more abundantly” that passes through the
medium of the light when there is a free circulation of energies and forces from the highest to the
lowest. The thought of light refraction brings the subject closer to comprehending a substantial relationship
that can be guaranteed “by virtue of the fact […]” The factors under consideration are therefore not separate
existences from each other, but are harmonics of one another. One exists by virtue of the other because they
are intrinsic to each other. Perhaps metaphysical mathematics will help substantiate the numerical keys or
This seed is indeed a “musical thought.” I could draw a similar parallel through musical relationships and
harmonics but charts would have to be drawn up showing the intervallic relationships. These charts would
show circular relationships of intervals (as harmonics) and the primary relationships would be in intervals of
5ths and 4ths. The relationships between the various aspects mentioned in this “seed” can also therefore be
examined via their “tonal” relationships as harmonics of one another. Therefore, their substantial
relationships are intrinsic to nature itself as “harmonics of a primordial fundamental.” That fundamental is
Light substantially and Sound primarily—“symptoms of Life.”
Another trite illustration that is purely symbolic is that the piano keyboard of an octave has seven “white”
keys and five “black” keys. The seven are the basic SOL-FEG. The “blacks” are the accidentals, sharps or
flats. If one plays a phrase of notes one by one, then we have the gradual revelation of an energy-idea. If one
plays the entire twelve notes simultaneously, then we hear a simultaneous “impact” of sound—a cluster of
tones as a simultaneous and immediate revelation of energy. It is this thought of simultaneity (of existence)
and superimposition of lives within lives that leads eventually to the comprehension and realised awareness
of synthesis and, as Vicktorya brought to our attention, the eventual annihilation of TIME.
Time has run out for me, my friends, and I must therefore hasten.
The Chart in the accompanying document helps to illustrate some of the thoughts mentioned in the above
few notes. It is a derivative chart that I made up several years ago from another that is well familiar to you
all. I have simply added to it. Although it does not deal in totality with this “seed” it does in part, and thus I
hope it “complements” some of the other marvelous contributions submitted by all of you.
Key Sound
(Lynda Vugler)
The focus so far … The following diagram is a visual/astrological portrayal of the relationship between The
Twelve Creative Hierarchies i.e. The Five Kumaras & the Seven States of Being. With a group meditative
focus underway on the suggested passage (EA, 564) and also a wondering of the possible significance of the
Aquarian/Leo full moon usage, plus other more random points of focus over the past few days, a geometric
pattern emerged to do with the relevance of Gemini in several areas; one being the triangles of energetic
synthesis between opposite polarities. Along with the focussing on The Creative Hierachies, (specifically the
tables presented on 34 & 35, EA) and these several other threads, the following manifested, which only
serves to open even more doors of interest which will be delved into more deeply over the next while …
THE TWELVE CREATIVE HIERARCHIES – The Five Kumaras & the Seven States of Being from EA,
Masonry was organised under the influence and impulse of this sign and is governed by it in a most unusual
manner." "That which has entered through the two pillars of Hercules, the disciples (Jachin and Boaz), and
through the sign Gemini, has entered to stay." Apart from the importance of the influences of Gemini as the
dominant power in the Mutable Cross, it is one of the paramount zodiacal signs in that it is the major symbol
of duality in the zodiac. It is the constellation Gemini and its inherent second ray influence which control
every one of the pairs of opposites in the Great Wheel. Gemini, therefore, forms with each of the pairs of
opposites in the Zodiac a third factor, powerfully influencing the other two constellations, and thus forms,
with them, certain great zodiacal triangles. These only become of importance when considering the
horoscopes of advanced human beings or esoteric groups, but eventually-when casting the horoscope of a
disciple or an initiate-the esoteric astrologer will have to consider their potency. This sign is sometimes called
the "constellation of the resolution of duality into a fluid synthesis." Governing as it does all the pairs of
opposites in the zodiac, it preserves the magnetic interplay between them, keeping them fluid in their relations,
in order eventually to facilitate their transmutation into unity, for the two must finally become the One. It
should be remembered that-from the angle of the final development of the twelve zodiacal potencies-the
twelve opposites must become the blended six, and this is brought about by the fusion in consciousness of the
polar [Page 348] opposites. Pause and consider this phrasing. The opposites eternally remain from the point of
view of human reason, but to the initiate whose intuition is functioning they constitute but six great potencies,
because he has achieved "the freedom of the two," as it is sometimes called. For instance, the Leo subject who
has an initiated consciousness preserves the individuality, developed in Leo, as well as the universality of
Aquarius; he can function, if he so chooses, as a fully self-identified individual, yet possesses simultaneously a
fully awakened universal awareness; the same thing can be said of balanced activity and consequent fusion in
all the signs. This analysis constitutes in itself an interesting and far-reaching field of speculation. Gemini is,
therefore, one of the most important of the twelve signs and its influence lies behind everyone of them-a fact
but little realised as yet by astrologers. This will be more fully understood when the triangle of Gemini and
two opposing signs is studied. Because the Ray of Love-Wisdom, the second ray, pours through Gemini it
becomes apparent how true is the occult teaching that love underlies the entire universe. God is love, we are
assured, and this statement is both an exoteric and an esoteric truth. This underlying love of Deity reaches our
solar system primarily through Gemini, which forms, with the constellation of the Great Bear and the Pleiades,
a cosmic triangle. This is the triangle of the cosmic Christ and is the esoteric symbol lying behind the cosmic
Cross. There is ever the eternal triangle to be found behind the fourfold phenomenal appearance. Speaking
symbolically and in the words of the Old Commentary: "Upon the golden triangle, the cosmic Christ
appeared; His head in Gemini; one foot upon the field of the Seven Fathers and the other planted in the field of
the Seven Mothers (these two constellations are sometimes called the Seven Brothers and the Seven Sisters.
A.A.B.). Thus for aeons, the Great One stood, His consciousness in-turned, aware of three but not of four.
Intent, with suddenness, He heard a sound go forth.... Arousing to that cry, He stretched Himself, reached
forth both arms in understanding love, and, lo, the Cross was formed. "He heard the cry of the Mother (Virgo),
of the Seeker (Sagittarius), and of the submerged Fish (Pisces). Then, lo, the Cross of change appeared,
though Gemini remained the head. This is the mystery." In this occult statement is hidden one reason why
Gemini is regarded as an air sign, for it is cosmically related (as are Libra and Aquarius, the other two points
of the airy triplicity) in a most peculiar way to the Great Bear, to the Pleiades and to Sirius. The relation is
essentially a sixfold one, and here you will find a hint as to the resolution of the pairs of opposites-involving
as these three constellations do the three ideas of opposition-equilibrium-synthesis or universal fusion.
Key Sound – Opening Paper
(Leoni Hodgson)
Topic of Analysis - from Esoteric Astrology, the Three Crosses, p. 563.
It should be noted that there are seven forms of light, related to the substance of the seven planes. These are
stimulated and enhanced by the twelve forms of light of the twelve Creative Hierarchies, related each of them
to one or other of the twelve signs of the zodiac. A paralleling statement would be that the light of the seven
centres in man (when enhanced by the light of the seven planetary centres) and the five kingdoms in nature
(7+5=12), plus the twelve lights of the zodiac will produce a consummation of "light" effectiveness which will
make possible the expression of the whole. This, through the medium of humanity. This is a basic statement
which means little to you as yet but which will-in the next century-form a seed thought or "key sound" for the
next revelation of the Ageless Wisdom.
Synthesis, blending, fusion
The point the Tibetan was making leading up to our topic of study, was how the synthesis, blending, fusion
and integration of various energies, reveals something that is more magnificent than its parts. Talking about
the Mutable Cross ...
The synthesis of evolution, its problem and its goal all appear in a united, whole presentation when the
influences are viewed as follows: [Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces]. This culminating radiance is the result
of the focus of life, intention, and energy into a "radiant point of power. 562.
"The theme of all three Crosses is fusion and integration. The fusion of the [...Monad, ego and personality] so that there is an appearance of the blended energies." 563.
And in our topic, this emphasis continues.
[…] will produce a consummation of "light" effectiveness which will make possible the expression of the
whole." 563
Emergence of the 5th Kingdom
To clarify what he was referring to, I focused on the following five phrases:
"the five kingdoms in nature"
"will produce a consummation of "light" effectiveness"
"which will make possible the expression of the whole"
"This, through the medium of humanity"
"in the next century"
Focusing first on point 2. Something is going to be birthed. Its nature is "light." It will be powerful.
Then on point 3, "through the medium of humanity." What do we know about that which is seeking to
express through the human kingdom?
The answer can be found in the following passages from Esoteric Psychology II, where DK was describing
how the human kingdom was birthed from the animal kingdom, under the stimulation of certain energies.
[There...] was a reaction throughout the entire animal kingdom to the inpouring of the three major types of
energy, which expressed themselves through the usual seven types and thus called forth response from those
forms of life which were energised through the medium of the three major centres-heart, head and throat-of
the Being who is the informing life. A tremendous surging upward and a going-forth in response ensued,
which enabled a new kingdom [the human] to emerge.
This same thing it is that is again happening today in the world. There is a pouring in of spiritual energy,
vitalising, transforming ... and a new and higher kingdom [5th] can appear upon the earth." 213.
It is the 5th Kingdom of God - the spiritual Hierarchy of Masters, led by the Christ, which is seeking
expression through the prepared and purified vehicles of the advanced members of the human family. To
further elaborate, the following passages have been selected from DINA I. And note the use of the words –
merging, fusion, blending.
Growing out of the integration of this new group [NGWS], there is being formed in the world that "bridge of
souls and servers" which will make possible the merging of the inner subjective Hierarchy of souls and the
outer world of humanity. This will constitute an actual fusion or blending and will mark the initiation of the
human family through the achievement of its foremost pioneering members. This is the true "marriage in the
Heavens " of which mystical Christianity speaks and the result of this fusion will be the manifestation of the
fifth kingdom in nature, the kingdom of God. ... This will usher in the New Age wherein five kingdoms in
nature will be recognised as existing side by side upon earth. 32.
Note also the mention of the fifth kingdom, tying in point 1 - "and the five kingdoms in nature".
And the timing is right. This emergence is predicted in this century. "This same thing it is that is again
happening today in the world." "This is a basic statement which means little to you as yet but which will-in
the next century-form a seed thought or "key sound" for the next revelation of the Ageless Wisdom."
The formula: 7 + 12 + 12 = 7 + 12 + 12
Since I am hypothesising that our topic is about the emergence of the 5th Kingdom, then the various figures
mentioned in relation to man, I believe are symbolic of the various initiations which have to be taken before
a man is eligible to enter into God's 5th Kingdom. The figures could be an equation which contain the entire
experiences which govern the man as he journeys the Path of Return. There are many correspondences
which can be found. The following are a few intuited ideas.
7 seven forms of light (related to the substance of the seven planes.)
12 twelve forms of light (of the twelve Creative Hierarchies)
12 related to the twelve signs of the zodiac.
A paralleling statement
7 light of the seven centres in man
12 enhanced by the light of the seven planetary centres and the five kingdoms in nature (7+5=12),
12 plus the twelve lights of the zodiac
The first part of the equation relates to the macrocosm – the "body" of the solar Logos, through which man
is evolving, and which provide the tests enabling him to take initiation. 7 + 12 + 12 = 31.
If we add 1 – the number of the One Whose essence permeates the system, we have 32 = 5. A most special
number for man relating as it does to the 5th principle, manas – the key which enables man to eventually
evolve into the 5th Kingdom. In Cosmic Fire, there is mention of the 5th Mahamanvantara or [this?] solar
system, where the solar Logos achieves his fifth major initiation.
The second half of the equation to the microcosm – man. 7 + 12 + 12 = 31 / 4
Four, the number of matter, man crucified in time and space.
The whole equation - 7 + 12 + 12 [+] 7 + 12 + 12 = 62 = 8.
Eight is the number of the Christ. When man has successfully navigated the planes of the solar system, he
truly is the Christed One, the Son of God.
The esoteric work to be done by man in relation to his centres, so the Christ can truly birth in his nature can
be found In the following passages from White Magic.
The emphasis laid upon the dominance of the Christ principle by Christianity has laid a sure foundation for
the work to be done. This truth is curiously substantiated in a study of the number "eight" in connection with
the centres which, we are told, is the number of the Christ. There are eight centres if the spleen is counted,
all of them are multiples of eight with the exception of the centre at the base of the spine which has four
petals, one half of eight. In our day and in the Anglo Saxon mode of writing, the number eight is the basic
symbol of all the centres, for the petals are really in form like a number of superimposed eights. The word
petal is purely pictorial and a centre is formed on this pattern. First, a circle, O; then two circles, touching
each other and making therefore an 8. Then, as the petals increase in number, it is simply a growth of these
double circles, superimposed at differing angles one upon another until we arrive at the thousand-petalled
lotus in the head.
These centres are, in the last analysis, twofold in function. They demonstrate the form building aspect of
divinity and through their activity bring the outer form into manifestation; then towards the end of the
evolutionary cycle-both in the macrocosm and the microcosm-they bring into expression the soul force and
life and produce the incarnation of a fully revealed son of God, with all the powers and knowledge which
divinity contains. 596-7.
In conclusion:
Perhaps the high goal in all of this - from the Logos' perspective, is summarised in the following passages
from Esoteric Psychology II - Rules for Inducing Soul Control, "The Aim of These Rules"
1. The first and primary aim is to establish, through the medium of humanity, an outpost of the
Consciousness of God in the solar system.
2. To found upon earth a powerhouse of such potency and a focal point of such energy that humanity-as
a whole-can be a factor in the solar system, bringing about changes and events of a unique nature in
the planetary life and lives and inducing an interstellar activity.
3. To develop a station of light, through the medium of the fourth kingdom in nature, which will serve
not only the planet, and not only our particular solar system, but the seven systems of which ours is
one. This question of light, bound up as it is with the colours of the seven rays, is as yet an embryo
science, and it would be useless for us to enlarge upon it here.
4. To set up a magnetic centre in the universe, in which the human kingdom and the kingdom of souls
will, united or at-oned, be the point of most intense power, and which will serve the developed Lives
within the radius of the radiance of the One About Whom Naught May Be Said.
Aquarius Adventure
Aquarius 2002
THEME: The Mystery of Time and Space
Formula Three
1. God IS. The Lord for aye stands firm. Being exists alone. Naught else is.
2. Time IS. Being descends to manifest. Creation is. Time then and form agree. Being and time do not
3. Unity IS. The One between comes forth and knows both time and God. But time destroys that middle
One and only Being IS.
4. Space IS. Time and space reverberate and veil the One who stands behind. Pure Being IS-unknown
and unafraid, untouched, for aye unchanged.
5. God IS. Time, space, the middle One (with form and process) go, and yet for aye remain. Pure
reason then suffices.
6. Being cries forth and says: … (untranslatable). Death crumbles all. Existence disappears, yet all for
aye remains-untouched, immutably the same. God IS.
Third Point of Revelation
The Monad is to the Planetary Logos what the third eye is to man.
The Mystery of Time and Space
(Bruce Lyon)
1. Jericho
The ' trumpeted sounds' of Formula three bring the image of Joshua and walls of Jericho strongly to mind. I
ask myself "What will bring the walls of my personality fortress tumbling down?" What is the trumpet of
life more abundant that will obliterate the obstructions and limitations experienced in the three worlds? (I am
having a Pluto/Saturn transit after all!)
A little research links Joshua (son of nun (the fish)) with the fish god Oannes, the moon and soma – see SD
1, 246. Joshua was said to be an earlier incarnation of Jesus where he took the third initiation (see the links
between Formula 3, the third point of revelation and the third initiation). There is also the link between
'sound' and the 'sounds' of this formula.
You read that at the sound of trumpets, sounded a certain number of times after a rhythmical circuit of the
walls of Jericho those walls collapsed. This was made possible by the occult knowledge of the leaders of the
people who – being versed in the science of sound and having studied its destructive and creative effects, –
knew just the moment to apply that science and effect the desired end. (LOM, 194)
Interestingly, Joshua was told to walk around the walls once per day for six days with seven priests blowing
seven horns. There are six words in Formula three. On the seventh day He was told to walk around seven
times and then 'shout'.
It is the great SHOUT of Spirit, accessed via the triad that brings the walls of the personality tumbling down at
the third initiation and allows the transfiguration to take place.
2. The Law of Destiny
In the section on the Points of Revelation (Dina 2, 312 etc.) there is an enigmatic comment upon the Law of
Destiny being established on the planet since the founding of the Hierarchy and the way in which this Law
replaces the Law of Karma at a certain point upon the Path. It is accessed as a result of 'penetration' and
results in 'polarisation' and 'precipitation':
You will note that I choose the word "destiny" in preference to the word "karma" because in this type of work
the initiate is working and practicing and progressing under a Law of Destiny. This law affects the Ashram
and the Hierarchy as a whole, and neither [312] is under the Law of Karma, as usually understood. […] The
effects of penetration (in this case two in number) are simultaneous and not sequential. The polarization of the
consciousness of the initiate, and the consequent condensation of truth, produce an unavoidable precipitation
which occurs in a flash of time; it results in an instantaneous intuitive perception, and this is one of the early
aspects of this dual process. Think this out and remember in this connection that the initiate – in process of
receiving revelation – is working outside of time and space, as you understand it.
And in Esoteric Astrology, 444:
When I say this, I would at the same time point out that the attitude of many students, inevitably participants
in world events, that "such is the Law and such is the Karma of people and nations and such is the predetermined destiny" [Page 444] is far from right. They believe-sometimes sincerely-that all that should be
done is simply to wait for results to appear and for karma and destiny to fulfil itself. Then and not till then, all
will be well. But they forget that karma fulfils itself in relation to the form nature upon which it expends its
energy and that where there is a static condition and a quiescent attitude, the process moves but slowly; the
life then within the form fails to experience the needed, forceful awakening; inevitably then there lies ahead a
repetition of the process until the time comes when activity and response is evoked. This then leads to
resistance to the apparent karmic necessity and this brings about liberation. Only through resistance to evil
(and in this world period and in this kali-yuga, as the Eastern teachers call it, it is an essential basic
attitude) can karma be brought to an end
This seems linked to the first thread on Jericho. It is only through the resistance to apparent karmic necessity
that liberation is achieved. In the face of apparent restriction we have the clear affirmation of the destined
victory of spirit, established beyond doubt at the founding of the Hierarchy and awaiting only its
confirmation in time and space. It is somehow the dynamic assertion of the soul in resistance to the status
quo of the personality, and in affirmation of the eventual monadic destiny that makes a man initiate and
therefore 'the cause of evolution and not the result'.
If the Law of Destiny relates to the future as the Law of Karma relates to the past – I would like to inquire
about that Law which lies behind these two and of which they must be dual expressions – in what way are
the future and the past just expressions of the eternal now?
3. The Fourth Quality of Deity
This is a recurring theme for me. We are told that this fourth quality will gradually reveal itself in this fourth
round. It lies behind the qualities of activity, love and will and is expressed when these three (as expressed
through Shamballa, Hierarchy and Humanity) are in balance. It is related to the cosmic buddhic plane as
will, love and activity are related to the cosmic mental, astral and physical respectively. It is related to the
'saving force' and the Sirian Law of Freedom.
My inquiry lies in the direction of What lies behind Will and Purpose? There is no Peace in Purpose.
Purpose is the resistance to the status quo – the trumpet – the creation of change in a specific direction –
hopefully the direction of harmonisation between spirit and matter. Any consciousness identified with
purpose and creating change however cannot be at peace – it must rest deeper. Peace lies beyond in the
world of the unchanging, where the universe never arose, where matter and spirit are not two but one and
nothing needs to be done or fixed or balanced. And so there is this paradox between the worlds of purpose
and peace. Just as the idea of love and consciousness contain within them a duality in space (something
loves something, something is conscious of something else) so power and purpose contain within them a
duality in time (some idea has power now while some other idea has power later – purpose implies direction
and change and therefore time in which this occurs)
And so, to get outside time and space (even relative time and space), means to experience what is behind the
energies of activity, love and will – what they are essentially synthesised expressions of – just as the
personality is a threefold synthesised subset of the soul. Cosmic Agni is the threefold personality of the
Solar Logos – an incarnated subset of the Solar Soul expressing through three solar systems. What is the
Solar Purpose being expressed here? And what lies behind that?
Short summation of my inquiry:
To explore the way in which the interaction between Being and Form produces direction or 'purpose' in time
and space as a function of their essential indivisibility.
Time & Space Inquiry
(Joleen Du Bois)
The line of thinking that I am studying, within the pursuit of discovery, regarding Formula III "Lead us from
death to immortality" and its six conditioning thoughts in preparation for the Aquarian Full meditation is:
Our solar and planetary Logos
Monad - God - the Antahkarana
The all-seeing "eye" and the Law of Sacrifice
Time and Space
1. The human eye, giving "in-sight" into the phenomenal world, letting in the light, and bringing revelation of
the environment.
2. The eye of the soul, bringing revelation of the nature of the interior worlds, of the kingdom of God and of
the divine plan.
3. The center within the One Life which we call by the unmeaning word "Monad," the spark within the one
Flame. In the final stages of initiation, the Monad becomes the revealer of the purpose of God, of the will of
the planetary Logos and of the door which opens on to the Way of the Higher Evolution. (Dina II, 291)
2. As a result of focused thinking 'in the heart' the spiritual eye opens and becomes the directing agent,
employed consciously by the initiate whilst doing his work under the Law of Sacrifice. (Dina II, 289)
Time and Space:
What is that which was, is and will be: whether there is a Universe or not; whether there be gods
or none? The answer: Space." (Secret Doctrine)
Monad, God and the Antahkarana:
Whoever knows the Thread (Antahkarana)
and the inner Ruler, knows God;
knows the worlds, knows the soul,
knows all."
(The Upanishads)
Solar Logos:
c. The solar Logos is distinguished by His activity on all the planes of the solar system; He is the sumtotal of
all manifestation, from the lowest and densest physical atom up to the most radiant and cosmic ethereal Dhyan
Chohan. This sevenfold vibratory measure is the key of the lowest cosmic plane, and its rate of rhythm can be
felt on the cosmic astral, with a faint response on the cosmic mental. Thus the life of the logoic existence on
cosmic levels, may be seen paralleling the life of a man in the three worlds, the lowest
of the systemic planes.
First. Rotary motion. His life as it cycles through a day of Brahma, can be seen spiraling around His greater
wheel, the ten schemes of a solar system. […]Second. Discriminatory capacity […] Third. Ability to progress,
to increase vibration, and to gain full self-consciousness on cosmic levels. (TCF, 256-257)
e. The solar Logos is governed by the Law of Synthesis. He holds all in synthetic unity of homogeneity. His
subjective life is governed by the Law of Attraction […] (257)
Through each etheric centre man is bringing to perfect vibration some one principle or quality through which
the subjective life may express itself.
Through each scheme in a system, a solar Logos is working at the same thing […]
We have seen that the work to be accomplished is necessarily threefold:
First. The development of individual consciousness.
Second. The development of group consciousness.
Third. The development of God consciousness, of that consciousness in each case which represents the highest
spiritual Source, and which is recognised as the same in essence as the God within the individual, whether
man or solar Logos. (TCF, 294)
a. The solar system repeating its activity....Repetition in Space.
b. A planetary chain repeating its activity..Repetition in Time" (TCF, 274)
Thus we have the production of harmony; first, the basic note of matter, then the note of Spirit gradually
overcoming the lower note and usurping attention till gradually the note of Spirit overpowers all other
Yet it must be borne in mind that it is the note of the life that holds the form together. The note of the Sun,
for instance, holds in just attraction the circling spheres, the planets. The notes synchronise and harmonise
till the stage of adequacy is reached and the period of abstraction. Cyclic evolution proceeds. A human
being, similarly, holds...the atoms of the three bodies together, being to them as the central sun to the
planets. (TCF, 275-276)
These above focussed points of study is within the sphere of consideration of the third formula and the six
conditioning thoughts.
Introductory Paper
(Barbara Mare)
The line of research I am following over the Aquarian full Moon is to do with the nature of Time and Space
and the concepts of Incarnation and Liberation in relation to the Law of Sacrifice. These are key sentences:
There is that which transmutes knowledge into wisdom within a flash of time; there is that which changes
sensitivity into love within an area of space; there is that which alters sacrifice into bliss where neither time
nor space exists. (DINAII, 249)
Basically, it is not desire which prompts return but will and knowledge of the plan. It is not the need for
achieving an ultimate perfection which goads the ego on to experience in form, for the ego is already
perfect. […] It is in order eventually to negate the space-time concept and to prove it an illusion that the
door in Cancer opens to the sacrificing, serving soul. (EA, 324)
The Christ can and does function now upon the atmic plane and embodies within Himself the great Point of
Revelation which has been expressed by me in the words: "The Will is an expression of the Law of
Sacrifice." (DINAII, 426)
[…] the Law of Sacrifice […] [is] the law which governs those states of being which grow out of the
establishment of right human relations. (DINAII, 271)
Substanding this enquiry is a question about the nature of Time and Space in relation to the Three
Aspects: The Will is an expression of the Law of Sacrifice, and this Law plays out in Space and Time,
which seem to relate to the Second and Third Aspects:
There is that which transmutes knowledge into wisdom within a flash of time; there is that which changes
sensitivity into love within an area of space; there is that which alters sacrifice into bliss where neither time
nor space exists. (DINAII, 249)
This is the significance of Space-the field wherein states of Being are brought to the stage of
recognition. When that stage has been reached and the Knower, the Soul, is fully aware and fully conscious,
then there enters in a new factor which also affects space-though in a different way-but which is related to
the monadic Life. That factor is Time. Time is related to the will aspect and is dependent upon the dynamic
life, self-directed, which produces persistence and which demonstrates persistence in that dynamic focus of
intention by periodic or cyclic appearance. (R&I, 106-7)
A Paper on Peace, Purpose, Space and Time
(Bruce Lyon)
This paper is the result of an inquiry into Formula Three which reads as follows:
1. God IS. The Lord for aye stands firm. Being exists alone. Naught else is.
2. Time IS. Being descends to manifest. Creation is. Time then and form agree. Being and time do not agree.
3. Unity IS. The One between comes forth and knows both time and God. But time destroys that middle One
and only Being IS.
4. Space IS. Time and space reverberate and veil the One who stands behind. Pure Being IS-unknown and
unafraid, untouched, for aye unchanged.
5. God IS. Time, space, the middle One (with form and process) go, and yet for aye remain. Pure reason then
6. Being cries forth and says: ... (untranslatable). Death crumbles all. Existence disappears, yet all for aye
remains-untouched, immutably the same. God IS.
I want to begin at the end and work backwards. With the untranslatable trumpeted cry which crumbles all
and in the particular time/space that this point of revelation is designed for – the causal body at the time of
the third initiation. With the shout of spirit that brings down the walls of the personality. This, I am
interpreting as a note of original monadic purpose – the keynote of the life at the core of any manifestation.
The result of its sounding is the destruction of all lesser purposes, the ending of forms that are no longer
serving this purpose and the rearrangement of matter into forms more aligned with this note.
Many Palmer Hall says it this way:
Every element in nature has its individual keynote. If these elements are combined in a composite structure the
result is a chord that, if sounded will disintegrate the compound into its integral parts. Likewise, each
individual has a keynote that, if sounded, will destroy him. The allegory of the walls of Jericho falling when
the trumpets of Israel were sounded is undoubtedly intended to set forth the arcane significance of individual
keynote or vibration.
At first it is the personality walls that crash to the clear note of soul purpose. The personality has been
carefully created (around a core self-identity which is an outpost of the soul) to ensure and perpetuate its
own survival and desires in the three worlds. When the construction and integration of the personality is
complete as a result of being driven by desire, the soul note sounds at the first initiation, desires begin to fail
and the personality loses its centralising purpose and motivation. Old patterns end and a new patterning take
place as the personality recognises the soul-purpose which has been lying at the core. This recognition
begins to shift the identity into that core and the personality re-patterns itself around the soul-purpose. When
the soul- purpose has been completed at the third initiation, the note of the monad sounds forth clearly and
the causal body which has been built up for many lives around the ‘transpersonal I” of the incarnating soul
comes to full completion before being shattered at the fourth as the soul recognises and identifies with the
monadic identity and purpose streaming through the jewel at the centre. We might imagine the identity in
the monadic body undergoing a similar process at a later initiation (7 or 9) when the incarnating jiva is
released from the cosmic physical plane.
When the trumpet note sounds forth, the life is released from a certain ring pass not of time and space. At
the third initiation the consciousness is released from all personality control in the three worlds. The time
ring-pass-not is the birth/death limits of the personality resulting in what is called ‘continuity of
consciousness’. The space ring pass not is the identification with the personality vehicles and the resting of
the identity in the field of the ashram or group soul. At the fifth, seventh and ninth initiation there are similar
releases from ring-pass-nots of successively expansive time and space.
The sounding of the note of purpose ends the limitations of relative space/time. The sounding of the note of
purpose also creates the limitations of space/time. This makes sense – what creates something can also
destroy it, in fact it is the only thing that can.
We might imagine pure being as a blank page – no boundaries, no form, no purpose, no thing. Then being
decides to get up to something. But who decides for there is no self to decide within nothingness? I am
calling this ‘arising of purpose’ within the Being, the ‘numbthing’ (the cross between something and
nothing!). This numbthing does not know itself yet but it is the cause of manifestation. Being now has an
original arising purpose – an intention. This intention gives rise to time and creates a boundary in space
which we might illustrate as a circle with the point being the arising purpose.
Time arises as a result of the gap between the purpose that has arisen in the centre and the capacity of the
matter within the sphere to express that purpose.
If we bring this down to the incarnating monad – the monad decides to incarnate in the ring pass not of a
particular planetary scheme within the solar system. This is the result of an arising purpose which is aligned
with the purpose of the solar and planetary being within which it incarnates. The monad has a purpose to
fulfil through matter and thus time is created – the duration that marks the series of developments that will
be necessary for the matter to perfectly express the monadic purpose. The law of Karma operates when the
matter (or the consciousness working through the matter) acts in such a way that increases the gap (duration)
between the matter and its monadic purpose. The Law of Destiny operates when the matter or consciousness
is moving towards and therefore decreasing the duration required for fulfilment of the monadic purpose.
Time and form agree (they are linked to each other – time is affected by the action of form) Being and time
do not agree. The purpose is fixed – it is held outside the world of becoming – it is not affected by the
activity in time and space.
Left to time, matter will eventually come into alignment with monadic purpose under the Law of Economy.
The will of the monad is reflected into the astral plane and becomes desire which motivates the formation of
the personality. Under the Law of Attraction, the middle one, the soul, comes forth and builds a bridge
between the form (personality) and the monad. The soul has the potential to speed up the process of
alignment exponentially. To use Einstein’s equation we might say
Spirit = matter times consciousness squared
The soul, or consciousness, when it has educated the personality to the purposes of the monad can accelerate
the process of alignment. Time, which has been proceeding under the rotary motion of the Law of Economy
can now become spiral cyclic under the Law of Attraction. However, because consciousness is able to speed
up the process of alignment, it is also able to slow it down. Thus the black and white lodges emerge. The
white lodge uses consciousness to increase the alignment between matter and monad. The black lodge uses
it to decrease the alignment and thus increase the time (and therefore the duration of the dominion of matter)
required for matter and monadic purpose to be fulfilled. This of course is only a temporary delay in the big
scheme of things but has already been impacting on our planetary life through the successes of the material
forces on the moon chain. This is also why the purpose of Sanat Kumara is a closely held secret in
Shamballa. If the black lodge (consciousness aligned with increasing karma) were able to know more
specifically what the purpose is they would be more intelligent in the delay of its fulfilment.
And so, what lies behind the law of Karma (relating to the past) and the law of Destiny (related to the future)
is the Purpose held for the duration of the planetary existence by the Lord of the world, Sanat Kumara. What
lies behind this purpose is the purpose of the Solar Logos and we might imagine, just as there is the black
and white lodge on earth that there is a solar equivalent. Those planetary logoi who are in resistance to solar
logoic purpose thus slow down ‘solar time’ or the time taken for the fulfilment of the solar systemic purpose
and those aligned with the purpose form the planetary ‘white lodge’. We know Earth, Mars and Saturn are
planets of rebellion and therefore pain (the tension between what is and what should be). We also know that
Sanat Kumara is a disciple of the Solar Logos and earth is a sacred planet in the inner worlds but not the
outer. This tells us that the consciousness of the planetary logos is part of the ‘white lodge’ but that his form
or matter aspect is not yet reflecting the consciousness. He is taking the second cosmic initiation and
therefore is attempting to break the control of his astral body and its tendencies towards materiality. We
might imagine that the decision by our Planetary Logos to take on the karmic consciousness developed on
the moon chain has contributed powerfully to the gap between the soul and personality nature of earth.
The mystery of the moon or of the "divine lunatic" is connected somewhat with the revelation (through the
premature compassion of our planetary Logos) of the life of this nature, informing the dense globe of the
moon chain. On His high level, pity awoke in the heart of the planetary Logos for certain involutionary
existences within the moon chain, and (like the Buddha on a lesser scale and at a much later date)
compassionate zeal brought the karmic results with which we are still concerned. The "beast" must be driven
back for his own good to run his cycle, hidden in his den and confined within safe limits until the dawning of a
new system brings him conscious opportunity. (TCF, 847)
The challenges of a second ray soul! By my estimates this failure on the moon chain has slowed the
planetary evolution in time by several hundred million years. This ‘karma’ or delay must be offset by a
corresponding action of the Law of Destiny and this law was put into effect with the founding of the
Hierarchy on the planet. The work of the Hierarchy has been to accelerate the development of consciousness
through active education and participation within the development of humanity. The process of initiation is
itself a forcing process and the group initiation of the Aquarian age will allow a planetary acceleration of
consciousness, aligned through the Hierarchy with the monadic purpose held in Shamballa. This will enable
the Logos to take the second cosmic initiation (in the fifth round and probably on the next chain) as a result
of the inflow of energy from the first ray monad of the planet.
We are told that our Logos should have been (in the normal solar logoic time/space unfoldment) at the
equivalent level of development as the Logos on Venus who has taken the second initiation and is in her
fifth round.
To sum up, the alignment between the personality and the soul on this planet is behind schedule due to
karma taken on by the Logos as a result of failure on the moon chain. In order to accelerate this alignment
and bring the planet back into its proper time/space position, the Law of destiny has been applied through
the Hierarchy and the processes of initiation implemented with the aid of the Solar Logos and the Logos of
This brings me to my third area of inquiry. If karma and destiny are two sides of one coin minted by
purpose, what lies behind purpose? What is the fourth quality of deity that is to be revealed in this fourth
round? The three qualities revealed so far are:
1. Activity, related to the personality and the cosmic physical plane
2. Love related to the soul and the cosmic astral plane
3. Purpose related to the monad and the cosmic mental plane
This fourth quality represents the synthesis of the other three and is related to the cosmic buddhic plane. We
know that cosmic buddhi lies at the heart of every atom and that the release of atomic energy is related to the
revelation of this fourth quality. This release came as a result of the impact of Shamballic purpose upon the
physical plane and is part of an attempt to create a circulation of energies between Shamballa Hierarchy and
Humanity. This circulation is not quite complete as humanity is not yet consciously cooperating and
responding to Shamballic force (see the triangle on page 160 of Rays & Initiations). When this circulation is
achieved then the saving force is released through the ‘eye in the triangle’ and the Great Revelation will
come. Peace will descend on Earth.
I am choosing to identify this fourth quality as ‘Peace’ – not the astral peace of personality fulfilment
through desire but the buddhic peace of completed soul-purpose. There is no peace in purpose – purpose
implies time and space and the achievement of something. Peace must lie beyond purpose and be both its
originator and the result of its achievement in the same way that purpose lies behind love and love lies
behind activity. The greater principle is prior to and gives birth to the lesser but is ‘revealed’ at a later time
in time and space. Therefore Peace cannot be revealed until Purpose has been achieved. Peace cannot
descend on Earth until the Earth has achieved, in personality time and space the necessary soul-purpose
allotted for that time and space. Peace will be revealed once we catch up on our planetary karma and thereby
release ‘pain’ from the planet.
The analogy in the human system is this. Monadic purpose is clothed in the triad and demonstrates as soul
activity upon the abstract mental plane. The causal body is a result of the soul – in –ashram undertaking a
soul purpose in the three worlds. This purpose is reasonably fixed through a long cycle of incarnations and
this fixed purpose is what forms the core of the causal body from which successive incarnations are
‘launched’. Part of this purpose is to ‘solarise’ and synthesise the matter of the personality and bring it to a
point where it is able to begin to express monadic purpose. The ‘masterpiece’ produced by the soul infused
personality at the third degree is the sign of completion of this work. The matter aspect has been perfected
(relatively – i.e. its rebellion tamed and bought into service of the monad) by the soul and so the causal body
is no longer required. It reaches its full energetic expression at the third before being destroyed at the fourth
initiation through the sounding of the monadic WORD.
There is a moment in consciousness as well as in nature when all activity pauses in the growth death cycle.
The moment after a peach has ripened but before it falls. That moment just before the sunrises or after it
sets. The eye in the middle of a hurricane – the exact moment of the equinox. The time you first hold a baby
or carry to completion a discipleship task. A moment where the ‘peace which passeth understanding’ lives
and moves in the heart of all things. In that ‘peace’ we know that all is perfect with the world. Hilarion,
through Mabel Collins expresses the moment in the development of the personality by the soul, thus:
But not till the whole personality of the man is dissolved and melted – not until it is held by the divine
fragment which has created it, as a mere subject for grave experiment and experience – not until the whole
nature has yielded and become subject unto its higher self, can the bloom open. Then will come a calm such as
comes in a tropical country after the heavy rain, when Nature works so swiftly that one may see her action.
Such a calm will come to the harassed spirit. And in the deep silence the mysterious event will occur which
will prove that the way has been found. Call it by what name you will, it is a voice that speaks where there is
none to speak – it is a messenger that comes, a messenger without form or substance; or it is the flower of the
soul that has opened. It cannot be described by any metaphor. But it can be felt after, looked for, and desired,
even amid the raging of the storm. The silence may last a moment of time or it may last a thousand years. But
it will end. Yet you will carry its strength with you. Again and again the battle must be fought and won. It is
only for an interval that Nature can be still. (Light on the Path)
This is the ‘quality’ of deity that is expressed when the first and third aspects are brought into relationship
by the second. When matter for a moment fully expresses all the spirit it is capable of in that cycle.
This quality is coming on this planet. The incoming fourth ray in 2025 and the Externalisation of The
Hierarchy are all part of this Revelation that will occur when the soul of the planet has infused the
personality. The paradox of the fourth ray is the juxtaposition of harmony and conflict. Right at the moment
where spirit and matter are evenly balance they are in greatest conflict – the exact point where the dominion
of one passes into the dominion of the other.
In the ‘space’ of the planes this point is the heart of the ashram on the buddhic plane. After the third
initiation the consciousness of the initiate is freed from confinement in the causal body and released onto the
buddhic plane into the ashram. The heart of the ashram is the point of greatest peace where the Chohan
creates the link to the monadic ashram. The causal body represents fixed soul-purpose, the ashram is where
that purpose originated and the place of return once that purpose is fulfilled.
The ‘time’ of this point within the life cycle of a planet is the midpoint of the fourth root-race of the fourth
round on the fourth globe – in other words Atlantis. This was the point when matter and spirit should
balance equally in time and a shift in dominion occurs between them. The confirmation of the ‘victory of
spirit’ is in the fifth sub-race of the fifth root-race of the fourth round – i.e. now. Hierarchy, as
representatives of the soul of the planet, will demonstrate their control over the personality by externalising
and taking outer control of life in the three worlds.
The fifth kingdom controls the third via the medium of the fourth. The Masters (on the third (fifth) plane)
control the consciousness in the causal bodies of their disciples on the fifth (third) plane via the ashrams on
the fourth.
The failure on the third moon chain (in the past – karma) is overcome through the eventual success on the
fifth mercury chain (in the future – destiny) of this fourth scheme.
On a larger time scale, the focus on the development of the matter aspect in the first solar system is
balanced and offset by the focus on the development of will in the third solar system. This is brought about
through the development of consciousness in the middle or second system.
Once the three systems have been completed in solar systemic time and space, then will the Purpose of the
Solar Logos be fulfilled, He will take the third cosmic initiation. As a result the Peace of the Cosmic
Buddhic Plane will then prevail through His system.
The whole Solar system, being of the fourth order must be destined to bring to a similar point of Peace, the
purpose of two other systems which form with ours a triangle in the cosmic Logos.
The alignment of fours means that this small planet has a part to play within these vast fields of time and
space held together by purpose and ultimately pervaded by Peace.
There are four aims which the Hierarchy has set themselves, under the Law of Destiny to fulfil in order to
bring about this cosmic alignment. They are given in Esoteric Psychology, page 217.
1. The first aim and the primary aim is to establish, through the medium of humanity, an outpost of the
Consciousness of God in the solar system. This is a correspondence, macrocosmically understood, of the
relationship existing between a Master and His group of disciples. This, if pondered on, may serve as a clue to
the significance of our planetary work.
2. To found upon earth (as has already been indicated) a powerhouse of such potency and a focal point of such
energy that humanity—as a whole—can be a factor in the solar system, bringing about changes and events of
a unique nature in the planetary life and lives (and therefore in the system itself) and inducing an interstellar
3. To develop a station of light, through the medium of the fourth kingdom in nature, which will serve not
only the planet, and not only our particular solar system, but the seven systems of which ours is one. This
question of light, bound up as it is with the colours of the seven rays, is as yet an embryo science, and it would
be useless for us to enlarge upon it here.
4. To set up a magnetic centre in the universe, in which the human kingdom and the kingdom of souls will,
united or at-oned, be the point of most intense power, and which will serve the developed Lives within the
radius of the radiance of the One About Whom Naught May Be Said.
An exulted destiny indeed but one which requires the conscious, dedicated and timely cooperation of the
fourth creative hierarchy – humanity.
But revelation of the ultimate perfection, whatever that may be (and we should not limit God by any of our
own pre-conceived ideas), may require the unfolding in man of powers and a mechanism which will enable
him to recognise it, to share in its wonder and its larger sphere of contacts. We ourselves may have to change
in order to express the divine as Christ expressed it, before God can go on to the manifestation of the beauty of
the hidden kingdom. God needs man's cooperation. He calls for men to do His will. We have looked upon this
as a way to our own individual good, which perhaps has been a wrong attitude. We may arise and carry
forward the inner Plan by equipping ourselves towards perfection, in order that God may "see of the travail of
His soul, and shall be satisfied." We may constitute God's crucial experiment. The germ of divine life is in us,
but we ourselves have something to do about it, and the time has come when humanity as a whole must apply
itself to the fostering of the divine life within the racial form. (Bethlehem to Calvary, 278)
Time and space will continue to exist for us in ever expanded fields until the ultimate Purpose is fulfilled.
Peace and perfection, whether on this globe or in the solar system is only relative, partial and momentary
within manifestation but it contains within it the resonance of that first great Trumpet of Being which began
the manifested Universe and will one day bring its walls tumbling down, leaving Nothing to do and None
left to do it. The ‘numbthing’ will have fulfilled its purpose and faded back into Peace.
Formula III
(Joleen Du Bois)
“Lead Us from Death to Immortality”
“Whoever knows the Thread (antahkarana) and the inner Ruler knows God,
knows the worlds, knows the souls, knows all.” The Upanishads
When the antahkarana is wholly constructed, the initiate has Monadic (God) communication.
Sacrifice: Those who are in Monadic communication are inspired to live a life of sacrificial service;
of beauty.
The Monad, Eye, and Solar Logos
The Monad is a Ray of fire from and rooted in the Central Spiritual Sun. The Monad is the seed of the
antahkarana. As the human soul – goes through the steps of purification with Its unfolding vision, a
phenomena occurs in the life of a disciple/initiate which is recognized as “the light in the head.” This
phenomenon is the result of increasing tension upon the pineal and pituitary glands. The increased tension
may find some disciples experiencing a dizziness, light-headedness and feeling abstracted. There is an
increased energy (creative) produced by the unfolding petals of the egoic Lotus. This light can be recognized
as the “Eye” of the soul. The birth of the soul has now taken place. It is, at this point where the awakened,
illumined soul has a glimpse, a momentary experience of the “Eternal Now” for the first time.
As the Solar Logos, in a Cosmic sense, is purifying, evolving and unfolding His vision, “The All-Knowing
Eye,” the human Monad too is undergoing purification and unfolding It’s vision, much in the same manner
the Solar Logos who has not yet reached His full Cosmic Consciousness. The Monad, the Third Eye of the
disciple is now open and channeling the energy of Buddhi. This energy, esoterically understood, is
channeled through the right eye where up until now, the left eye of the disciple has channeled mental energy
throughout the personality unit. (Likewise, our Solar Logos transmits energies to the bodies in his system,
the Solar System.) When this phenomenon occurs, the disciple will, with firsthand experience, realize the
third formula, “Lead us from death to Immortality.”
The Illumined Eye is the central Core of the egoic lotus around which revolves the life of the disciple just as
our sun revolves around Alcyon.
The illumined soul is now known as the Eye of the Monad; it is the Eye of Revelation, and through the law
of attraction and the law of sacrificial service is led from death to immortality. This is the Path of
Discipleship – of Initiation and of Revelation. It is through the illumined Eye the disciple and initiate
experiences the world of meaning; his vision deepens, evolves, and revelation takes place. He experiences
life through straight knowledge – a knowledge, which goes beyond the mind, penetrating into the world of
In being led from death to immortality the soul is undergoing purification through the process of
transformation and transfiguration. Having experienced transfiguration, the soul is now illumined having
achieved a heightened state of consciousness, but like the Solar Logos, is still not fully conscious.
The Solar Logos, through the penetration of his consciousness into every cell, every atom, and every form
within His Ring-Pass-Not, likewise, the illumined and transfigured soul penetrates It’s consciousness into
every atom of the personality unit. Still, the illumined and transfigured soul has not yet penetrated into the
greater mysteries of the Earth Scheme, much in the same way that the Solar Logos has not yet penetrated
into the mysteries of our Galaxy.
To further help reveal the mystery of Formula III, the Secret Doctrine says: “What is that which was, is and
will be: whether there is a universe or not; whether there be gods or none?” The answer is: Space.
Time and Space
Space is an entity. If Space is an entity, then Space is Life, a divine life. When an esotericist considers
Space, he is considering the Lives of the Universe, our solar system, constellations, stars and the gradient
planes of substance.
Time establishes rhythm, events, cycles, evolution. Without rhythm, the symphony (Life) of Space would be
made of chaos.
Time in this world takes the disciple from task to task; the disciple recognizes time as a directive, both
horizontal and vertical, eventually realizing the difference between material time and Space-time, using time
as a progressive rhythm from death to immortality, from the lower three worlds to the Higher Worlds.
The Secret Doctrine indicates that the whole system of nature evinces a progressive march towards a higher
Non-integrated thoughts:
1. The Universal Cosmic Soul is the ‘medium’ between Space (Spirit) and substance (matter). It is the
principle of consciousness.
2. Kalachakra Teachings. The Teachings of the Kalachakra was given to us from Space.
3. Certain illumined ones receive impressions from Space – impressions which become recorded in the
spiritual triad, registered upon the etheric brain, causing them to live a sacrificial life.
4. A disciple recognizes the timelessness of Space when he functions in the higher mental plane and
5. We always exist whether in Space or on earth.
Formula III in relation to the Law of Sacrifice,
The Third Initiation and the nature of Time and Space.
(Barbara Mare)
The key phrase related to Formula III is: “Lead us from death to immortality”. (DINAII, 305) This Formula
“concerns the soul and the egoic lotus. It is related to the transfer of soul energy into the antahkarana,
producing conscious awareness of time and space in terms of the Eternal Now.” (DINAII, 364)
Formula III relates to the Third Initiation of Transfiguration; the initiation of Mind. It signifies that the
disciple has mastered the three lower bodies that constitute the personality. At the Third Initiation the
“fearful conflict” of the Moon and Mars ends in release, clearing the way for Venus, the 5th Ray planet of
Mind. Venus works by synthesis, and here brings about a synthesis of soul and spirit. Through the medium
of the antahkarana the “directing” energy of the higher mind (Manas) is “thrown into the brain” so that the
disciple becomes “guided, directed and controlled by group purpose and by the hierarchical plan”. The
“illuminating energy” of pure reason (Buddhi) pours into the astral body, freeing the disciple from
glamour. The “dynamic energy” of the Atmic plane pours into the mind, revealing “the will-to-good, which
is essentially the will of God”. (R&I, 599) So the antahkarana connects the soul and the Spiritual Triad,
which in turn is an expression of the Monad. So the bridge is built between the realm of death (the
personality incarnate in the three worlds) and the realm of ‘immortality’: The Monad is “the immortal part
of man which reincarnates in the lower kingdoms and gradually progresses through them to man and thence
to the final goal.” (IHS, 221)
At the Third Initiation “through the Law of Sacrifice, the personality is liberated and becomes simply an
agent of the soul”. (DINAII, 398)
Related to Formula III is the Third Point of Revelation:
“The Monad is to the planetary Logos what the third eye is to man.”
DK adds: “These are mysterious words and can only be understood if brought into relation with the previous
revelation” which is: “The will is an expression of the Law of Sacrifice”. (DINAII, 397 & 369)
The Law of Sacrifice and Death “is the controlling factor on the physical plane. The destruction of the form,
in order that the evolving life may progress, is one of the fundamental methods in evolution.” (TCF,
569) Physical evolution ends in death for all forms in the three worlds. The evolution of the incarnated soul
involves an ongoing process of ‘dying’ to the personality. On a higher turn of the spiral the incarnation of
the soul itself is a sacrifice; a commitment to the task of descending into the three worlds to redeem the
matter of the personality. All beings who descend into Matter participate in sacrifice. One of the names of
our Planetary Logos is “The Great Sacrifice”.
DK says that the sacrifice of our Planetary Logos, Sanat Kumara, “was imperative […] He, esoterically, had
no choice, because the decision was inherent in His own nature. Because of this identification, He could not
refuse the invocative appeal of the "seeds of life, striving within the substance of the form, and seeking
added life and light," as the Old Commentary puts it.” (DINAII, 287) It was a recognition of his
responsibility, of his purpose. In this sense, the Law of Sacrifice is connected with karma. Under this law,
“the unit recognises responsibility, identifies itself with the whole, and learns the esoteric significance of the
words: "Having nothing (sacrifice) and yet possessing all things (universality)." [St Paul.]” (DINAII, 26970)
The Law of Sacrifice concerns the development of the third eye: “As a result of focussed thinking "in the
heart" the spiritual eye opens and becomes the directing agent, employed consciously by the initiate whilst
doing his work under the Law of Sacrifice […] As the intellect develops and the power to focus upon the
mental plane grows, the fact of the soul's existence becomes known […] There follows the ability to focus in
the soul consciousness and so to fuse the soul and the mind that an at-one-ment takes place and a man can
then begin to think "in his heart." Then also the "eye of the soul" opens and energy from soul levels,
intelligently utilised, becomes directed from those levels and pours into what is now ambiguously called
"the third eye."” (DINAII, 289-90)
When the human being is manifest but is not yet truly manifested, the triangles which symbolise this
manifestation are the two eyes and the third eye:
1. The right eye—the eye of buddhi, of wisdom and of vision.
2. The left eye—the eye of mind [Manas], of the commonsense and of sight.” (EA, 430)
So the third eye is related to Atma:
The Third Eye the head centre Will. Atma.
The eye of the Father, the Monad.
The first aspect of will or power and purpose. (EH, p.148)
The ajna centre is the centre of personality force and integration. (DINAI, 495) Therefore the connection
between the third eye and the ajna centre creates a link between the Monad and the Personality.
“The Monad is to the planetary Logos what the third eye is to man.” In the individual man:
The jewel, or diamond concealed by the egoic lotus, is the window of the Monad or Spirit whereby he looks
outward into the three worlds. The third eye is the window of the Ego or soul functioning on the physical
plane whereby he looks inward into the three worlds. (TCF, 1130)
The third eye is an energy centre constructed by man; it is a correspondence to the energy centre, the causal
body, constructed by the Monad. (TCF, 1160)
The Planetary Logos “ensouls all the Monads on His ray”. (IHS, 118)
Humanity forms the planetary ajna centre. (EA, 432)
The third eye is the esoteric correspondence to the ajna centre:
This eye of the soul can and does transmit energy to the ajna centre and is itself the agent (before the fourth
initiation) of the energy of the Spiritual Triad. This esoteric relationship is only set up when the soul is
dominating its instrument, the personality […] (EH, 571)
So perhaps the human Monads (or at least those on the Third Ray) form the third eye of the planetary
The Third Initiation is also about the development of the third eye:
The medium of revelation at this initiation is the antahkarana, which is rapidly being constructed and can thus
prove the connecting link and the esoteric mode of vision. The instrument of reception is the third eye
which—for a moment—is temporarily suspended from its task of directing energy upon the physical plane and
then becomes a stationary, receptive organ, turned inward toward the higher light. The head centre is therefore
involved, and a secondary alignment takes place between the ajna centre, the head centre and the soul
body. (DINAII, 399)
This Initiation is ruled by Venus, planet of the Fifth Ray.
I have stated that Humanity is the correspondence in the planetary Life to the ajna centre in individual man.
Earlier I told you that the fifth Ray of Concrete Knowledge is related to the ajna centre and, therefore, in this
present world cycle, you have:
Humanity . . . planetary ajna centre . . . 5th Ray of Knowledge . . . 5th root-race.” (EA, 454)
Intuition is the goal. (EA, 455)
There is a correspondence here between the 3, 4 and 5: The Third Initiation, the third eye. The fourth
Hierarchy, Humanity. The Fifth Ray of Concrete Knowledge. DK says “the student should very carefully
study here the significance of the numbers three, four and five in the evolution of consciousness.” (TCF,
695) The 3, 4 and 5 can be seen as Atma (3rd plane), Buddhi (4th plane) and Manas (5th plane). In a wider
sense the 3, 4 and 5 refer to:
Man the essential triangle of energy, man the square, man upon the Cross, and finally, man the five-pointed
star! In these four simple symbolic forms lies the whole history of the fourth kingdom in nature. The triangle
and the star are subjective expressions of a fixed consciousness, focussed in reality, whilst the square and the
Cross are objective expressions of the man focussed outwardly. (EA, 382)
So the Law of Sacrifice operating in time and space builds the individual and the cosmic antahkarana; for
both the Monad and the third eye are instruments for receiving and expressing the higher light:
The Monad is the source of light, not only to the human family, but it is the receiver of light from the threefold
Sun; it is the lens through which the light of the solar Logos can flow to the planetary Logos, preserving and
holding steady in that light the vision, the purpose, the will and the creative intention of the planetary Logos.
(DINAII, 400)
What does this say about the nature of Time and Space?
The Law of Sacrifice is the underlying impetus behind the entire evolutionary process – at least on our Earth
scheme. This Law is relatively unknown in the other schemes. (R&I, 492) On Earth sacrifice is connected
with suffering, but this is not so for other planetary schemes: “Bliss and Sacrifice are synonymous terms as
far as our solar Logos is concerned, and also for the majority of the planetary Logoi.” (EPII, 102) It was the
failure of the Moon chain that led to our Earth being a planet of pain and suffering: “The secret of the
suffering in the Earth chain, which makes it merit the name of the Sphere of Suffering, and the mystery of
the long and painful watch kept by the SILENT WATCHER [Sanat Kumara] has its origin in the events
which brought the moon chain to a terrific culmination.” This had to do with the identification of these
beings with “the lower principles”; with Matter rather than Spirit. (TCF, 416)
To transcend suffering, one must make a “complete sacrifice of the lower separated self through the power
to "stand in spiritual being"”. (EPII, 100) This is the evolutionary challenge for humanity. It involves a
transition from desire to Will:
The great triplicity of desire—aspiration—direction (will) are only three words which endeavour to describe
the progress and bias of man the personality, man the soul, and man the channel for spirit or life. All three
point inadequately to the cause of the threefold expression which underlies all events, all progress and all
happenings in time and space. (EA, 371)
So Time and Space provide a realm of experience which eventually enables this transition. The state of
“bliss” exists outside of the time-space continuum:
There is that which transmutes knowledge into wisdom within a flash of time; there is that which changes
sensitivity into love within an area of space; there is that which alters sacrifice into bliss where neither time
nor space exists. (DINAII, 248-9)
When we transcend suffering and evolve into a state of bliss, it appears that we pass out of space-time. This
may refer to a psychological or intuitional state. The attainment of ‘Nirvana’? It may mean that bliss is
attained at the sacrifice of the Fourth Initiation on the Buddhic plane when the causal body is destroyed.
(See R&I, 340 & DINAII, 269-70)
Time and Space are the medium of the three worlds into which we incarnate into the experiences of Earth
life and thereby evolve as souls. Time and Space “are simply forms of ideas to express the cyclic activity of
an entity” (TCF, 281), enabling the expression of dimension, extension, motion, change, evolution.
Time and space form the arena in which karma plays out. The law of karma “is identified in time and space
with substance and force”. (EPI, 55) ‘Substance’ is the etheric substratum of Matter; ‘force’ is spiritual
energy manifesting through Matter. Karma works out through Matter. Karma is “the law that governs the
matter of the solar system” because of its evolution from the previous system, which therefore forms the
original ‘cause’ of our current evolution. (TCF, 274) “Manifestation and the Law of Cause and Effect are
related; where manifestation exists, there this great Law—governing substance and innate in matter—must
control and must condition form.” (DINAII, 340) So Time and Space present us with our “divine
opportunity”. (TCF, 1214)
One major distinction between Time and Space lies in the fact that “space is an entity”. (DINAII, 396) That
which we call the universe is a being within which we exist as microcosmic energy centres. The planes are
different vibrational levels of both Matter and Spirit of this one entity. “Space and substance are
synonymous terms; substance is the aggregate of atomic lives out of which all forms are built. This is both
an occult and a scientific truism. Substance is, however, a soul concept, and is only truly known to the
soul.” (R&I, 105-6) Space is the cosmic etheric web that interconnects all beings. Substance “is a soul
concept” because the etheric body is the vehicle of the soul: “When the man is upon the Path of Discipleship
and, therefore, upon the reversed wheel, leading to initiation, the etheric body becomes the transmitter of
soul energy.” (EA, 352) This is the path by which Spirit is expressed through Matter. So Monadic Will is
brought down to the physical plane. The highest Permanent Atom of the human being exists on the Atmic
plane. Under the Law of Sacrifice and Death the final disintegration of the etheric web occurs on the Atmic
plane, and this results in a merging with the monadic consciousness. (TCF, 582&596)
In the state of being which we call the monadic, no difference is recognised between [individual identity and
universality] because […] it is realised that there is no identity apart from universality and no appreciation of
the universal apart from the individual realization […] (R&I, 106)
Therefore all evolution is a series of ‘recognitions’; realisations of the true nature of the cosmos; perceptions
of divine Will. “This is the significance of Space—the field wherein states of Being are brought to the stage
of recognition. (R&I, 106)
The word "recognition" is one of the most important in the language of occultism and holds the clue to the
mystery of Being. It is related to karmic activity and on it the Lords of Time and Space depend.” (TWM, 555)
Under the Law of Sacrifice the disciple transcends the lower personal self for the reality of the wider
vision. Separateness turns to inclusiveness as the perspective widens to the group, to Humanity, to all
Beings. So the Law of Sacrifice “governs those states of being which grow out of the establishment of right
human relations.” (DINAII, 271) This is the work of Venus. Venus (as the exoteric ruler of Libra) rules the
7th House of relationships, teaching right human relations, a sense of social and spiritual values. Right
human relations, making group work possible, are also a theme of the Aquarian Age due to the Fifth Ray
coming through the sign of Aquarius.
It is apparently only when Monadic consciousness has been reached that the factor of Time “enters in”:
When that stage has been reached and the Knower, the Soul, is fully aware and fully conscious, then there
enters in a new factor which also affects space—though in a different way—but which is related to the
monadic Life. That factor is Time. Time is related to the will aspect and is dependent upon the dynamic life,
self-directed, which produces persistence and which demonstrates persistence in that dynamic focus of
intention by periodic or cyclic appearance. (R&I, 106-7)
Perhaps this means that it is only when one reaches Monadic consciousness that one becomes aware of the
true nature of Time; which is that it is an aspect of divine Will.
“Individual purpose must be identified with group purpose, which is as much of the purpose of the Whole or
the One Life as the little life can grasp at any given point in time and space. It is in this sense, esoterically
understood, that time is an event.” (RAI, 107-8) This correlates with other statements that “Time is naught
but a succession of events, as registered by the physical brain consciousness […]” (DINAII, 395) Time and
Space are “but states of consciousness” (TWM, 9) which “can only be conceived as relative to some
conscious entity, to some Thinker.” (TCF, 278) This describes relative Time in the three worlds: The Will
brought into consciousness on the physical plane. Time and Space in the three worlds are an illusion; an
effect of the duality of our solar system. (TCF, 239) It is the deep recognition of one’s own divinity and the
resultant sacrifice of one’s own lower nature that will free the disciple from illusion. This is the aim of all
evolution. Therefore: “It is in order eventually to negate the space-time concept and to prove it an illusion
that the door in Cancer opens to the sacrificing, serving soul.” (EA, 324) Cancer is the sign of incarnation,
channeling Rays Three and Seven, the rays of manifestation.
Divine Will is associated with “direction” in time and space. The energy of divine embodied will “has been
esoterically described as "unavoidable directed purpose."” (EA, 195)
The word "direction" is the key to the evolutionary process, to the concept of light, to the secret of Masonry,
and to the motivating power behind manifestation. (DINAII, 303)
Macrocosmically, Polaris (the Pole Star) is “the Star of Direction—governing Shamballa.” (EA, 197) The
influence of the Pole Star reaches our planet via the sign Aquarius.
The reasons will be noted if the student bears in mind the significance of water as a symbol of the emotions,
which are but a lower manifestation of love-desire. Aquarius is a force centre from which the adept draws the
"water of life" and carries it to the multitude. This force from the Pole Star, via Aquarius, is of special power
at this time and the day of opportunity is therefore great. (TCF, 1263)
Aquarius channels the 5th Ray of Mind. The cosmic Fifth Ray Path has its source in the Pole Star via
Aquarius. The attribute of this Path is “a sense of cosmic direction.” DK says that the Fifth Ray Path is “the
Path the Logos Himself is on.” (The Planetary or Solar Logos?) “It will be apparent to all those students who
have studied with care the world processes in the light of the law of correspondences that the Logos on the
cosmic planes is evolving inner cosmic vision, just as man in his lesser degree is aiming at the same vision
in the system. This might be called the development of the cosmic third EYE.” (TCF, 1264-5)
Polaris is one of the stars of the Little Bear. The energies of the Seven Rays enter our solar system through
the seven stars of the Great Bear, transmitted through the seven stars of the Little Bear (and through Sirius
and the Pleiades). (EA, 85) The seven stars of the Great Bear form the seven head centres of “that Being,
greater than our [Solar] Logos”, OAWNMBS. (TCF, 182) It seems that our Logos is in the process of
orienting towards this cosmic head centre. The three stages of activity related to revelation are “Penetration,
Polarisation and Precipitation”. (DINAII, 310) The orientation to Polaris is literally ‘polarisation’.
Due to precession and the shifting axis of the Earth, Polaris will not always be the Pole Star. DK says that
“certain basic changes in the orientation of the Earth's axis are now taking place”, producing “upheaval,
confusion and cataclysm” (EA, 408); suggestive of initiation. On the cosmic planes as well as in the
microcosm of the individual human being, the development of the vision of the third eye is occurring
according to the Law of Sacrifice, in progress toward the Third Initiation.
Time and Space 2 + 2 = 4
The entire history and evolution of our threefold (dual) solar system can be expressed and summed up in the
simple mathematical equation composed of two digits in a threefold sequence as given: 2 +2 =4
Knowledge, the 1st systemic
+Wisdom, the 2nd 2 … cosmic
the 4 … universal
= Eternal now
These numbers stand for the rays of the solar Logos: 2nd ray personality, 2nd ray soul and 4th ray Monad.
When his three major rays, in three great systemic successive stages, are fused, synthesized and at-one
cosmic Harmonization is achieved and the Golden Age and reign of mahamanvantaric Peace eventuates
until dissolution and melting into the firery synthesis of the third system.
Or again we may add the digits of the rays in the following manner: 2+2+4=8. In these numbers we see the
symbolism of the four noble truths etc, et. al., and the eightfold path, etc.
We may accurately note that in this incarnation of the cosmic Christ, [Sol], on the 4 th buddhic plane of the
system, all three of His major rays are on the 2-4-6 ray line. This should not come as a surprise to students of
the seven rays. Here is yet another major reason to account for the supreme importance of man, the 4 th
creative hierarchy and His pivotal postion and importance in our 4th order solar system.
The following theefold arrangement is also highly suggestive:
The 1st “2”: The systemic ray of love. Personality
The 2nd “2”: The cosmic ray of Love. Soul
The ‘4”:
The universal ray of Bliss. Monad
Symbolism of the “2” and the “4”.
The numbers of Shamballa.
IBEZ = [24.] 9+2+5+8= 24)
Greater and lesser zodiac = 24. (12+12=24)
The numbers of the Tibetan. D.K.=“4” and “2”. Note the dual placements of the “4” and the “2” in His
name. When place on top we see the symbolism of the monadic ray of the solar Logos placed over His egoic
ray. When placed side to side indicating relationship via the dual line of Wisdom-Love, or monadic-buddhic
and, further all this, via the cosmic astral as 4+2=6 and Hierarchy is principally inspired from the 6 th cosmic
astral plane – the plane of cosmic Love.
Humanities completed rainbow bridge at the end of the age will be dominated by the 2nd ray with subsidiary
coloring from the 4th ray.
Time and Space
(Vicktorya Stone)
Right interpretation of this formula gives insight into the past and into the Law of Cause and Effect; it also
gives intelligent appreciation of present opportunity.
[…] this formula has been preserved as sounds or (if I may use so ambiguous a phrase) as trumpeted words.
[…] To the initiate who uses this formula, creating the necessary sounds and enunciating the ancient words in
due place (and these I may not give you), the following six thoughts are emphasised in his consciousness;
these give the intent of the formula as clearly as is possible. […] then some vision may come, some dream
arise in your consciousness, and some power of accomplishment pour in. The Masters use this formula when
faced with death in some form or another (and these words must be used literally). […] death as it affects
God's created universe, producing release or finality, or opening the door to new life and closing the door on a
cycle of manifestation, a civilisation, or a race or nation.
Formula Three
1. God IS. [Un-entified-un-identified Spirit]
The Lord for aye stands firm. Being exists alone. Naught else is.
2. Time IS. [Monadic will and purpose emerges; Son of Necessity; desire …]
Being descends to manifest. Creation is.
Time then and form agree. Being and time do not agree.
3. Unity IS. [Soul duality results from 2-time, 24, and 4-space/time dimension relation]
The One between comes forth and knows both time and God
But time destroys that middle One and only Being IS. [time-monadic will wears away the Soul
consciousness back to Being, God.]
4. Space IS. [matter or vibrational energy, the ‘eternal’ entity that manifests in Universe.]
Time and space reverberate and veil the One who stands behind.
Pure Being IS - unknown and unafraid, untouched, for aye unchanged.
5. God IS.
Time, space, the middle One (with form [space] and process [soul unity, knowing time; monadic
purpose]) go, and yet for aye remain. Pure reason then suffices.
6. Being cries forth and says: ... (untranslatable). Death crumbles all.
Existence disappears, yet all for aye remains-untouched, immutably the same.
God IS
Seems to be some relevance between these 5 stages to statements 2 – 6:
[The 3 to 7 to 12] inter-relation is embodied in one great process of: Transmission. Reception. Absorption.
Relation and Living Activity. The method is one of Invocation and Evocation. In these two sentences, you
have one of the most important clues to the whole evolutionary process; the key to the mystery of time and
space, and the solution of all problems.
………. GOD IS
2. TIME = Transmission
3. UNITY = Reception
4. SPACE = Absorption
5. ALL GO & STAY = Relation
6. CYCLE = Living Activity
…….. GOD IS
solar plexus
Could be that these stages can apply to a different order of centres, depending on the manifesting intention
or the geometrical progression necessary to effect the dissolution of that particular form. (E.g.,
Transmission may come from the throat (3rd aspect), reception to the sacral, absorption to the heart,
relation to the ajna, and living activity to the base.)
I’m pondering if association of these stages to certain centres will be effective in the creating the invocative
pattern needed (underway) at this time. The 5 (active) stages or centres may correlate to the 5 planetary
centres. This is our transition from the 4 that is known (rounds, base centre petals, 4 colours), etc. – the
quaternary, more fully into the 5 of the current (future-oriented) Aryan race, the 5th ray incoming, the 5th
Kingdom. Five is the basis or pattern of 2nd Ray cycles. To invoke 2nd ray, you invoke 5. To get yellow; the
greatest (most illuminating) Light, out of the midnight sky.
[…] these Formulas […] are primarily concerned with the Shamballa or life aspect. They are the only
Formulas or embodied techniques at present extant which have in them the quality which will enable the
aspirant to understand and eventually express the significance of the words of Christ, "Life more abundantly."
These words relate to contact with Shamballa; the result will be the expression of the will aspect. The whole
process of invocation and evocation is tied up with the idea. […] The task of the lesser aspect or group is
invocative, and the success of the invocative rite is called evocation.
[…] these Formulas […] deal with the unfoldment of group consciousness, because it is only in group
formation that, as yet, the Shamballa force of the will can be tapped. […] Only the group, under the proposed
new mode of working and of group initiation, is capable of invoking Shamballa.
Group on The moon chain
Dear Stephen & co,
Thanks for your great compilation work Stephen – I'm just getting in to them now starting with the Earth
Couple of points that struck me:
In this fourth chain, the quaternary dominates, or the synthesis of the three so as to produce a fourth, and
this is one reason for the intensely material nature of those who entered the human kingdom on this planet.
(TCF, 1146)
This seems to relate to the fourth quality of deity, the saving force being revealed through a synthesis of
Shamballa, Hierarchy, humanity - and the dawning of the day of the 'fourth kumara'
The other point of interest is about the cosmic moon. We know the failure on the moon chain has it's analogy in the
scheme represented by the saturn scheme as the 'cosmic moon' ( really the scheme moon ) . The relationship
between the scheme Heavenly Men and their prototypical solarsystems hides the mystery according to TCF 416. Do
you think there is a seven solar system 'moon' ie one of the seven solarsystems being a 'failure'. If so do you think it
might be the Pleiades? As Vic says, if the Gt bear is a Yogi then does that make the Pleades Boo Boo?
Dear Bruce and group,
Your excellent comments caused me to research a bit more deeply again the references to our cosmic moon.
Check out, if you wish, page 1113 of Cosmic Fire wherein much is explained. Thanks!
Dear brothers,
Good morning 7:15am here as I send these first, fresh, opening, morning thoughts out along the
heartfelt path. Ok - here goes; a few thoughts on some great observations, comments and questions:
SDP> I think this particular quote is refreshingly clear and straight forward. We are in the 4th chain out of
seven major in the earth scheme; secondly, we are in the 4th round of the said chain. But as to your question,
you are quite right. All of us, I think it is fair to state, have run up against this roadblock in T.S. literature, as
you say, but most certainly, as well, in the writings of D.K. He also alternates his use of terminology
particularly in reference to the use of the word round in relationship to rounds of rounds, globes, chains etc.
a round is simply in that context referring to a circle of complete globes, chains. I think it is correct to state
that one circuit through or round through seven centers is the archetypical pattern. The time lines are thrown
way off. So yes, the second cosmic Initiation on Judegement Day and the link – on the planetary
antahkarana - between the manasic permanent atom of the PL and the mental unit. Remember, the His 4th
initiation in this 4th chain not in this 4th round.
D.K., at time on this chain theme is just as confusing and at time seemingly contradictory as he is on the
theme of the constellations and solar systems. You know he refers to the logos of the constellation of Draco
as a solar Logos? Go figure!?
For example: the Moon chain can also be counted as the 4th chain in this solar manvantara and the most
material of all. Both D.K. and HPB make mention of this fact. The earth chain is then counted as either the
3rd or the 5th depending on which way you count. Now, you really, don't want me to attempt to explain that
also do you? (smile!) (I do have references later if you insist!)
Love to all,
Also while we are on time the figures given for a year of Brahma and a week don't seem to correlate. If a
week is the period of seven rounds in a scheme then how can a year be the period of seven chains (which is
a scheme, no?). Phillip's paper lays out the time equation well but putting the chains and schemes into a
linear time relationship remains somewhat challenging.
Is Judgement Day in the next chain round (and therefore likely to occurr on the Mercury globe of the Earth
chain) or in the next scheme round (in which case it is likely to occur on the Mercury chain) or both?
In answer to my own query is this quote:
It [Judgement Day] will result in the triumph (the ultimate triumph) of Spirit over matter, in the driving out of
certain groups as yet unable to shake themselves free from the trammels of matter, and who prefer captivity to
the life of the Spirit; it will mark the beginning of the obscuration of our scheme, and the gradual passing into
pralaya, during the remaining two and a half rounds of our entire seven chains. It is an interesting occult fact
that our Earth should now be in her fifth round, and paralleling the Venusian scheme, but the moon chain of
our scheme saw a period of temporary retardation of the evolutionary process of our Heavenly Man; it resulted
in a temporary slowing down of His activities, and caused "lost time,"
Seems clear that this Judgement Day at least is in the fifth scheme round. My supposition is that the
Planetary Logos will take the fourth sub of the second cosmic initiation in this fourth round and in the fourth
chain but probably on the fifth globe – Mercury. Similarly, in the fifth scheme round the second cosmic will
be taken on the Mercury chain (and probably fifth globe of that chain).
If the Moon chain fiasco caused us to be a whole scheme round behind where we should be, my time
equations work that out to be a loss of approximately 846,720,000,000 mortal years. Puts my own (not
insignificant) incarnational stuff ups into perspective.
I think it is correct to state that one circuit through or round through seven centers is the archetypical pattern.
(Bruce Lyon)
The time lines are thrown way off. So yes, the second cosmic Initiation on Judegement Day and the link –
on the planetary antahkarana – between the manasic permanent atom of the Planetary Logos and the mental
unit. Remember, the His 4th initiation in this 4th chain not in this 4th round. (Bruce Lyon)
Yes good point - I think it will actually be in the fifth chain round of this fourth chain within the greater
fourth scheme round - see above.
The earth chain is then counted as either the 3rd or the 5th depending on which way you count. Now, you
really, don't want me to attempt to explain that also do you? (smile!)(I do have references later if you insist!)
Yes, it’s a bugger TCF 596
It is interesting to note that the only planet in the solar system that I am aware of with 0 degree axial
inclination is mercury. Mercury is demonstrating complete axial stabilization with no precessional cycle.
Think about this! Mercury is in what I would term a great golden age within the system. Again, I think that the
Monadic ray of the solar Logos is the 4th great ray, as you know and, the fact that Mercury is perfectly
oriented and aligned with the ecliptic north pole I find highly significant and indicatory or much of profound
occult symbolism. Further, mercury is the planetary school of training for the adepts of the 5th path – the path
that I mantain does not lead from ouir solar system - the ray path. Our solar Logos is the Lord of the 5th Path
(well, at present, at least in my mind, for whatever that is worth! smile!)
Mercury is the only planet given clearly in the charts on the chains and schemes. I too think it is highly
significant to the initiatory process in our whole solar system. Its fourth ray soul would be the perfect
distribution point for the fourth ray monad of Sol. At the second initiation we know that we get a hit from
the monad. Seems fitting that the second cosmic be taken in the mercury scheme, no?
Eciptic north pole is in Draco the Dragon. This symbolism is interesting. We know that Draco transmits force
to our system via the Pleiades, is the source of the 7th ray and basse of the spine center etc. its placement in
this position is most profound. I do not of course know what to really make of it but am meditating on that as
It seems to me that given our known distance from Alcyone and given the known velocity of the anticlockwise movement of our solar system around the CSS, a 5th ray brother should be able to begin to work
out some interesting astronomical models. The inclination of the sun's axis is 7 degrees and 15 minutes. What
is the rate or precession of the equinoxes of the sun in an annual year in the system of 250,000 years - one
sweep of the sun in a moment of time! How could we possibly account for the gravitational affect of the
cosmic moon on our sun causing it to move "backwards" as does the earth.
ummmm looking for a fifth ray brother......!
Again, do we not see how perfectly the law of correspondence and analogy between the earth and the sun
work out. I am truly amazed but when understood in context it becomes very easily exercised with straight
knowledge. How perfectly and imperfectly the earth mirrors and reflects the purpose, plan and process of the
sun. this knowledge is the essence of the greater zodiac and its union with the lesser zodiac in the mind's of
those with shamballic consciousness because the number 24 is the number of Shamballa and the number of the
combination of the two wheels of 12.
Again, we see the theme of duality running throughout. The system of spiritual mathematics is exercised
however without any sense of duality whatsoever because no duality or sense of separation between the
greater and the lesser exists in Shamballic consciousness for it is indeed the result of the union of the
12=12. Of course, I think this whole principle is key to the understanding of the law of the supplementary
seven and rule VIII as well but I know we have discussed this at times a some length. I am just shooting these
thoughts straight off the hip and I hope that they are somewhat clear enough to follow and are making some
Yes – great to encounter your mind again Stephen and happy to be hit by stray bullets at this stage of the
The 24 is profound.
The breaking of 'time and space' is of course relative not absolute. We break our consciousness out of one
ring pass not after another until it’s time to break out of consciousness altogether. An initiate, as you point
out, holds the greater pattern which contains within it, fractal like all the lesser ring-pass-nots his
consciousness was previously trapped in. The breaking of time and space at the third initiation referred to in
formula three is the release from the time and space of the three worlds or Great Illusion - the consciousness
is free then to grasp the whole pattern through buddhi - it is still largely limited by being contained within
the fourth sub-plane of the cosmic physical plane however! What makes such a difference is that this is a
cosmic ether and, flowing through buddhi, can be experienced a full range of higher cosmic energies. At this
time, when all the fours are lined up, the little human consciousness polarised on the buddhic plane is the
recipient of energies flowing down the cosmic antahkarana from the cosmic logos. What a time! Now, if we
can just get 24 people together to hold each other’s soul fingers on the buddhic plane and create a big
container, just think what nectar we might channel through the ol fourth creative hierarchy!
Re the moon failure again: the heavenly man of our scheme is linked to Draco, the Dragon. The failure on the
moon was involved with
1. the sacral center, and,
2. the misuse and misdirection of the kundalini.
The implications and disastrous consequences are obvious and we live with every day.
Oh yes, on the moon we kept trying to sleep our way to the top!! :)
The object of the kundalini is the solar plexus center – again, Judgement Day. It is a dual center, under 5th ray,
law of cleavages, linked with the first ray so the manu will make use to separate and divide the sheep from the
goat - the higher and the lower!
If the thought is that the Earth Scheme is the base chakra and the source of kundalini then Venus is the heart
and being vitalised in the bigger system. However DK says that it is the solar plexus centre of the earth
scheme that the Planetary Logos is trying to activate (the solar plexus centre of the base centre?). This would
mean that within the Earth Scheme there is an attempt to flow energy from the chain representing the base
(earth) to the chain representing the solar plexus (Mercury?). Might make sense if the systemic heart
(Venus) helped us make the transfer of kundalini to the scheme solar plexus (Mercury). If this were so we
would expect a major transfer of souls from the earth chain to the mercury chain during the fifth round of
this chain.
Systemic kundalini goes forward to the vivification of these centres, and at this stage of development certain
centres are more closely allied than others. Just as in connection with our planetary Logos, the three etheric
planets of our chain—Earth, Mercury and Mars—form a triangle of rare importance, so it may be here said
that at the present point in evolution of the logoic centres, Venus, Earth and Saturn form one triangle of
great interest. It is a triangle that is at this time undergoing vivification [Page 182] through the action of
kundalini; it is consequently increasing the vibratory capacity of the centres, which are becoming slowly
fourth-dimensional (TCF, 182)
If the Solar Logos is taking the third then we would expect a head, heart base of spine triangle to be ineffect
– or at least a throat heart base (Saturn, Venus, Earth).
If the Planetary Logos is taking the second cosmic then we would expect a base, heart, solar plexus triangle.
If the Chain Lord is taking the fourth then what triangular relationship might we expect between globes?
The compilations are great Stephen – as is Phillips timeline – they lend great strength to the synthetic
A thought: one complete cycle of 25,000 years (a precessional cycle)corresponds to an egoic cycle of our
planetary Logos and concerns the relationship of (Him) to the solar logos as the later respondsto the
energy of a zodiacal constellation. (I am here just paraphrasing D.K.)
The precessional cycle of the sun - (250,000 x 250,000?) would then by analogy correspond to an egoic
cycle of the solar Logos and concern his relationship to the cosmic logos as the later responds to the energy
of a zodiacal constellation(?)
One precessional cycle Sol is of no more relative importance than a single "Platonic" year. The earth has
experienced counteless - (just kidding)(?)25,000 year periods of precession it its history. So too has the Solar
Logos in his greater history. Remember how DK says a complete revolution is just a moment in time,
already a consummated fact in the eternal now and a fait accompli. The great sweep but a moment in time - I
love that expression.
In any event - these are just extrapolated thoughts abstracted from the ethers spontaneously emerging into
my consciousness as I happily ponder!
We can see how wonderful is the law of Analogy and correspondence. The close connection between sK and
the Solar Logos accounts for much as the former is the personal disciple of the latter - is he not!
SK is the perfect embodiment of the 7th type of force. Hence, the scheme numbers are 777. His relationship
to the sun is the same as the relation of the head center to the base of the spine. that is; once again, the sun is
to the earth what the head is to the base. In the base the "highest and Lowest Meet". How perfectly does the
process of the Planetary logos accurately mirror and reflect that of his great prototype - the solar Logos.
remember; if memory serves me correct SK is on the 6th cosmic path - the Path of Training of the solar
Logoi. Here, again is another major clue. This path leads to the Pleiades - the goal of the seven types – the
souce of the CCS.
With love,
For Joleen
The Moon-chain is the former embodiment of the Earth-chain. The Moon-chain was the fourth and lowest
embodiment in the current solar manvantara, and the earth-chain is the fifth embodiment. [13] The Earthchain embodied one subplane higher than the moon-chain and therefore the moon we see is not the former
physical globe D of the moon-chain but the astral shell or kâma-rûpa of its globe D. ( SD 2:45, 115, 611.
I have temporarily “lost “the reference from D.K. on the earth chain as 3rd or 5th have searched for one hour
now! I did read it and will find it later. CD-scan search on AAB disc does not have it referenced!
For Bruce
“It must be remembered that every scheme has seven chains; that each chain has seven globes, making a
totality of forty-nine globes; [367] that each globe is again in turn occupied, by the life of the Logos during
what we call seven rounds, making literally three hundred and forty-three incarnations, or fresh impulses to
manifest. We must add to these major manifestations such lesser ones as those named by us root-races, and
subraces, also branch races, and thus we are faced with a complexity that is enough to stagger the average
student. The planetary wheel of life turns on its lesser scale the wheel of life of the little pilgrim we call
man; as it turns, it sweeps the life of the evolving planetary Logos into ever new forms and experiences until
the fire of Spirit burns up all lesser fires.”
These may help you. I cannot testify to the figures given. They are from David Pratt’s excellent site. Phillip
has noted some problems with his time lines in some cases but overall he is excellent – a brother on the 5th
A mahâ-manvantara or universal manvantara [16] -- also called a life or age of Brahmâ -- lasts 100 divine
years, a divine year being equal to 360 of Brahmâ's days and nights. The mahâ-manvantara therefore
comprises 36,000 planetary embodiments, and lasts 36,000 x 8,640,000,000 = 311,040,000,000,000 years. It
is followed by a mahâ-pralaya. The moon-chain was the 18,000th embodiment and marked the end of the
first half of the mahâ-manvantara. The earth-chain is the 18,001st embodiment.[17]
Seven planetary rounds = one planetary manvantara or kalpa, or day of Brahmâ,[8] equal to 4,320,000,000
years. It is followed by a planetary pralaya, or night of Brahmâ, a parinirvânic period of the same length.
During the pralaya the lower principles of each globe of the planetary chain disintegrate. At the dawn of the
next planetary manvantara the planetary chain reembodies.
6. The current planetary manvantara of the earth-chain began approximately 2 billion years ago.[9] The
fourth round on globe D began about 320 million years ago.[10] The midpoint was reached in the middle of
the fourth subrace of the fourth root-race, some 4.5 million years ago.[11]
7. Seven planetary manvantaras and pralayas (i.e. seven planetary embodiments) = one (minor) solar
manvantara or solar kalpa, or week of Brahmâ. It is followed by a solar pralaya.
8. During a solar manvantara, the globes of a planetary chain successively embody one subplane lower in
each of the first four embodiments, then one subplane higher in each of the last three embodiments. After
seven embodiments a planetary chain enters a new cosmic plane. During each planetary embodiment, the
globes materialize during the first three and a half rounds and then etherealize, thereby descending and
ascending through seven sub-subplanes.[12]
-----------------------------------------------------------------------[8] Also called a planetary-chain manvantara, and sometimes a mahâ-manvantara (OG 20, 76, 102; FEP
115), or a solar manvantara (FSO 160). A planetary round is sometimes called a minor manvantara (OG
118; FEP 172; Dia 3:409). 'Minor manvantara' can also refer to a globe-round, and 'major manvantara' to a
planetary round (SD 2:308-9), while an obscuration is sometimes called a minor pralaya (SD 1:12fn, 18,
172n; Transactions of the Blavatsky Lodge, 42). 'Minor manvantara' and 'minor pralaya' can also refer to a
planetary manvantara and pralaya (Mahatma Letters [ML], 88, 93-4, 97-8). Note that there are really 12
rounds (FEP 111; Dia 2:260, 3:169, 281, 441-2; SD 2:257).
A planetary round [4] is the passage of a life-wave from globe A to globe G, and lasts, on average,
616,896,000 years.[5] On each globe each life-wave goes through seven stages of development (root-races);
this is known as a globe-round.[6] A planetary round therefore consists of seven globe-rounds.
(Bruce Lyon)
Researching into time I have the following proposition:
A figure we can rely upon is the day of Brahma – the occult period of around 4,320,000,000 (4 billion
This is a chain round consisting of seven globes each of which have had seven root-races.
In order to follow the next steps I need a couple of conventions the journey of the life wave around any
system is called a round the period of seven rounds is called a period so for example, a root-race is a globe
round and the completion of seven root-races is a globe period then we have:
7 root-races = one globe period
7 globe periods = one chain round
7 chain rounds = one chain period
7 chain periods = one scheme round
7 scheme rounds = one scheme period
7 scheme periods = one solar system
The maths works like this:
4,320,000,000 (one chain round) * 7 * 2 (times seven for rounds, times 2 for pralayas)
= 60,480,000,000 (one chain period) *7 *2
=846,720,000,000 (one scheme round) *7*2
= 11,854,080,000,000 (one scheme period) *7*2
= 165,957,000,000,000 (one solar system) * 2
= 331,914,000,000,000
This is not too far from the occult century that we are given for the life of a solar system –
311,040,000,000,000 (TCF 40) (we know different schemes have different numbers of rounds and so on).
The beauty of this system is that it is fractal. Each system is a self-contained part of the greater whole. For
example there are 117,649 rootraces in a solar system spread through 343 globes. Each globe then has 343
separate root-races experienced as the life wave moves 7 times around the scheme, each time making seven
chain circuits that each contains seven root-races. We are probably in the fourth scheme round, definitely in
the fourth chain round and in the fifth footrace so the 173rd root-race that the globe has experienced.
Aquarius Adventure
Aquarius 2003
THEME: Rule Thirteen – The Hidden Mystery
Let the group get ready to reveal the hidden mystery. Let the group demonstrate the higher meaning of the
lessons learnt, and these are four and yet are one. Let the group understand the Law of Synthesis, of unity
and fusion; let the threefold mode of working with that which is dynamic carry the group together towards
the Higher Three where the Will of God holds sway; let Transfiguration follow Transformation, and may
Transmutation disappear. Let the O.M. be heard right at the center of the group, proclaiming God is
All. (RAI, 247)
Rule Thirteen
Let the group get ready to reveal the hidden mystery. Let the group demonstrate the higher meaning of the
lessons learnt, and these are four and yet are one. Let the group understand the Law of Synthesis, of unity and
fusion; let the threefold mode of working with that which is dynamic carry the group together towards the
Higher Three where the Will of God holds sway; let Transfiguration follow Transformation, and may
Transmutation disappear. Let the O.M. be heard right at the center of the group, proclaiming God is
All. (R&I, 247)
The Four Lessons
The four “lessons learnt” are those mentioned in Rule 13 for Applicants which the disciple must
comprehend “before he can be shewn the inmost mystery”. (R&I, 247) The higher meaning of these four are
described by the words: Radiation, Magnetisation, Transmutation and Impartation.
Radiation “describes the result of soul stimulation upon and within every form.” (DON, 123) For “the nature
of the soul is light”. (LOS, 252) Light is electrical vibration. “Whenever the words influence, radiation, or
the power of a ray, are used, we are dealing inferentially with electrical phenomena, or with energy of some
kind.” (TCF, 436) As purification of the vehicles is undertaken the rate of vibration increases and the
disciple moves further into the ashram, becoming a stronger source of light and increasing the illumination
of the ashram. This is group work. “The keynote of the seventh ray disciple is "Radiatory Activity." Hence
the emergence in world thought of certain new ideas — mental radiation or telepathy, the radiatory use of
heat, the discovery of radium. All this connotes seventh ray activity.” (DON, 133)
Electricity “"substands" or "stands back" of all that is objective.” (TCF, 873) The mystery of Electricity is
the secret of the Third Aspect, Brahma. (IHS, 168) This mystery has three keys, each of which is held in the
hands of one of the Buddhas of Activity: “Theirs is the prerogative to control the electrical forces of the
physical plane, and Theirs the right to direct the three major streams of this type of force in connection with
our present globe.” (TCF, 873) The Buddhas of Activity are advisors to Sanat Kumara, the Lord of the
World, who together embody active intelligent loving Will. (IHS, p.39) They are the “Higher Three” of Rule
The Mystery of Electricity is imparted at the Third Initiation, the Transfiguration, an initiation of Mind.
(IHS, 168) It signifies that the disciple has mastered the three lower bodies (etheric/physical, astral and
mental) that constitute the personality. At the Third Initiation the Moon and Mars clear the way for the
influence of Venus, the 5th Ray planet of Mind.
Hierarchical ruler of sign
Creative Hierarchy
V – Human Personality
VI – Lunar Lords
VII – Elemental Lives
Venus works by synthesis, and here brings about a synthesis of soul and spirit. So the disciple, freed from
glamour, becomes a “sensitive revealer” of divine love. (R&I, 599)
Magnetism depends on the existence of positive and negative poles. It is a natural phenomenon of this
dualistic cosmos. It is the attraction between opposites. “[The] Law of Magnetisation […] is another name
for the Law of Attraction.” (R&I, 248) The Law of Attraction “governs the Soul aspect”. (TCF,
1167) Magnetism is the force which draws Spirit down into Matter and Matter up to Spirit. It builds
relationship and group cohesion.
The Law of Attraction is a law of the Second Aspect, Vishnu. (TCF, 215) But in fact magnetism is an
expression of the Second and First Aspects, Love and Will combined, which produce radiation:
People are apt to regard magnetic potency as evidence of love; it is, in reality, evidence of the radiation of love
when enhanced and strengthened by first ray energy. It is the admixture (if I may use such a peculiar term) of
love and will which produces radiation. It is the conscious use by the Hierarchy of the power coming from
Shamballa which results in the magnetic impact and the spiritual "pull" which draws the soul, incarnated in
the body, towards the Ashram. This pull is directed towards the world of souls which is, through its
manifesting units, undergoing experience in the school of life, yet overshadowed by the soul on its own
level. It is this overshadowing soul which absorbs and utilises the magnetic power and which, from soul
levels, transfers it to the souls of men. (R&I, 374-5)
The 1st and 2nd Rays connect through magnetism so that a centre can be held.
Magnetism is also the organisational force of the 7th Ray. The “technique” of this Ray is described:
Above the head of the Magician, and just behind his back, and yet within the room of ordered beauty, a
magnet vast began to oscillate […] It caused the revolution of the man, within the arch, which tottered to a
future fall. The magnet turned him round until he faced the scene and room, unseen before […] Then through
the centre of his heart the magnet poured its force attractive. The magnet poured its force repulsive. It reduced
the chaos until its forms no longer could be seen. Some aspects of a beauty, unrevealed before, emerged. And
from the room a light shone forth and, by its powers and life, forced the Magician to move forward into light,
and leave the arch of peril. (EPII, 171-2)
Transmutation is the passage across from one state of being to another through the agency of fire. (TCF, 476)
It is the alchemical process:
Transmutation is a subject that from the earliest ages has occupied the attention of students, scientists and
alchemists. The power to change, through the application of heat, is of course universally recognised, but the
key to the mystery, or the secret of the systemic formula is advisedly guarded from all searchers […] (TCF,
The transmutation of base substances into gold through the fiery processes of the alchemical retort is the
search for the key to the secrets of Matter, the elixir of immortality, the divine panacea, the formula of Life
itself. The alchemist is Humanity as the magician who has the power to transmute all substance: “[…] in the
transmutation process the magician or alchemist works with deva essence through the control of the lesser
Builders in co-operation with the greater Devas.” (TCF, 487)
On the Path of Discipleship the aspirant to the Mysteries must become “a student of that divine alchemy
which will result in a knowledge of how to transmute the lower force into the higher, of how to transfer his
consciousness into the higher vehicles, and of how to manipulate energy currents so that his own nature is
transformed.” (TCF, 863) Transmutation is “the method whereby...the energy of the three lower centres is
carried up into the three higher centres (head, heart and throat) […] This transmuting process goes forward
under the pressure of daily life experience, under the magnetic effect of soul contact, and as the inevitable
result of evolution itself.” (R&I, 278-9) 777 is the number of transmutation; the symbolic number of lives
before entering the Path of Discipleship, during which this alchemy has its slow beginnings. (TCF, 306)
Eventually transmutation “disappears” out of the life of the disciple, as he becomes instead a force of
transmutation in the lives of others (R&I, 247): “His life must begin to radiate, and to have a magnetic effect
upon others. By this I mean he will begin to influence that which is imprisoned in others, for he will
reach—through his own powerful vibrations—the hidden centre in each one. […] I refer to that spiritual
radiation that is only responded to and realised by those who themselves are becoming aware of the spiritual
centre within the heart.” (TCF, 863)
The process of transmutation is that which creates radiation: “Radiation is transmutation in process of
accomplishment. Transmutation being the liberation of the essence in order that it may seek a new centre,
the process may be recognised as radioactivity technically understood and applied to all atomic bodies
without exception.” (TCF, 478)
Transmutation occurs through the agency of fire. Fire “is ever symbolic of the mind nature.” (BTC,
99) “Man passes into the fifth kingdom [of souls] through the transmutation of the discriminative faculty of
mind”. (TCF, 335) The 5-pointed star (pentagram) symbolises the 5th principle of Manas, Sirius (the source
of Logoic Manas), the 5th Plane (the Manasic), the 5th Ray of Concrete Knowledge, and the planet of the 5th
Ray, Venus. The mystery of the principle of Manas is hidden in the mystery of the Lords of Karma and also
the mystery “of the resolution of the six-pointed star into the five-pointed star.” (TCF, 395) The 6-pointed
star is “the subjective life and the objective form, overshadowed by Spirit” (TCF, p.396) This is the
unredeemed nature, plus the means of its redemption. The 5-pointed star signifies “the evolution, by means
of the five senses in the three worlds [...] of the fifth principle, the attainment of self-consciousness
[…]” (TCF, 696.) Through Manas the 6 becomes the 5 and the disciple is liberated from the control of the
lower nature.
Makara is the name of the 5th Creative Hierarchy which is ruled by Capricorn and the planet Venus. (EA,
35) Makara are the “Crocodiles”, “which live half in the water and half on dry land”; a combination of
desire (water) and animal nature (earth). (EA, 153-4) The Crocodiles represent the human personality. The
Mystery of Makara is the alchemical transmutation of the lower nature into the higher; the victory of the
solar pitris over the lunar pitris; the transition from self-consciousness to Christ consciousness. So Capricorn
rules the Third Initiation, the Transfiguration, in which the disciple gains control of the lower vehicles
through the use of the mind.
‘Makara’ is an anagram for the 5 ‘Kumaras’ who are “the embodiers of [...] manasic force on our
planet”. (TCF, 702-3) The five Kumaras who form the four liberated Creative Hierarchies and the one
Hierarchy on the verge of liberation on the Cosmic Astral plane, “achieved the fullness of manasic life” in
the previous solar system. They are the “Mind-born Sons of Brahma”, the Third Aspect. (TCF, 336) The
five Kumaras are awaiting “resolution” into the First Aspect: The manasic principle “manifests in five ways,
is transmuted into wisdom after its fivefold manifestation, and eventually is resolved into pure will or
power. […] Herein may be found the mystery of the five Kumaras, Who are awaiting the final resolution,
and herein is secreted the knowledge of divine alchemy, which is based on the five elements [Fire, Air,
Earth, Water and Aether], and is concerned with their transformation into a primal element through the
medium of an intermediate stage.” (TCF, 401-2)
Impartation is a hinting at secrets; an intimation of the hidden mystery.
He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to
eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man
knoweth saving he that receiveth it. (Revelation 2:17)
Impartation. Reference to this is made in the Book of Revelation, found in The New Testament. There we are
told that the initiate is given a white stone, and in the stone "a new name" is found written; this is the "hidden
name egoic." I am at a loss at this point as to how to express the higher significance of this. This impartation
marks a climaxing point in the attainment of the point of tension where the Sound can be heard and not the
Word alone. Never forget that the O.M. is simply a symbolically sounded word which is intended to bring into
the minds of those upon the Path those two great points of tension wherein
a. The "hidden name egoic" is conferred upon the disciple. This, as far as he is concerned, is the Word of his
soul ray.
b. The Sound heard of which the O.M. is a symbol. This is the first letter of the sevenfold Name of the
planetary Logos. More upon this subject may not be given, nor am I in a position to give it.” (R&I, 263)
The “hidden mystery” imparted to the disciple is a sound. A sound which conveys to him the note of his
soul, and the beginning of the true name of the being of which we are all part. For the true name of the
planetary Logos is unknown:
The name Sanat Kumara is not His true name; it is only the first letter of that name which is known only to the
Masters, whilst the second letter is known only to the Chohans. The first syllable of His name is known in the
Council Chamber at Shamballa, but the rest of His name remains unknown as yet.” (R&I, 273)
We might here note the fact that the word Ibez is literally in the nature of an acrostic veiling the true name of
the planetary Logos of the earth, one of Whose principles is working in Sanat Kumara, making Him thus a
direct incarnation of the planetary Logos and an expression of His divine consciousness. […] The letters I B
E Z are not the true Sensar letters, if such an inaccurate expression can be used of an ideographic language,
but are simply a Europeanized distortion. The true meaning is only conveyed at the fourth initiation when
the nature of the planetary Logos is revealed […]” (TWM, 379)
Humanity ‘is’ one letter or syllable of the planetary being, reaching ever towards wider understanding.
When we have expanded our consciousness – or perhaps reached beyond consciousness – to become One
with the planetary Logos, that is when we will know his full name. This is Identification. Until then all
words fall short of the naming of things. Language itself is the instrument of Relationship, of separateness,
of duality. It becomes obsolete when Identification is attained.
One of the three Buddhas of Activity is responsible for the act of Identification:
Buddha of 7th Ray: Individualisation. When the spark of mind was given to animal man in Lemuria
18 million years ago.
Buddha of 2nd Ray: Initiation. “His work only begins at the third initiation when the planetary Logos
is the Initiator.” (R&I, 268)
Buddha of 1st Ray: Identification. “This involves what has been called a "moment of opening-up,"
during which the initiate sees that which lies within the cosmic intent and begins to function not only
as a planetary unit but as a cosmic focal point.” (R&I, 269)
The “white stone” is the second or central product of alchemical process. Within the alchemical Opus “there
are three stones, or three works, or three degrees of perfection”. (Stanislas Klossowski de Rola, The Secret
Art of Alchemy, Bounty Books, NY, 1973, p.12) The first stone is the product of the first stage of alchemy,
‘Nigredo’, the blackening. This is the descent into the ‘dark night’, death, crisis. It is about facing the
shadow; the transmutation of the Matter of personality. It is death to the old ways of being.
The second stone is the product of the second stage, ‘Solutio’, the whitening. This is purification, cleansing,
sacrifice. It is about facing the pain of the heart and healing. The discovery of the Love of soul. The specific
phase of Solutio in which the white stone is created is called the ‘Exaltation’ phase. The stone is formed by
This is the beginning of the formation of the White Stone. Through Fixation, the soul nature of substance has
been realized in material form as the White Stone, which thus bears the essence of the four elements, plus the
fifth essence, the spiritual archetype of materiality which lies beyond matter and yet through alchemy can be
brought into outer expression, fixed into earthly form. We note that heat is required from outside to bring this
stage to completion […]
This White or Lunar Stone is the Tincture of the Moon, or the soul Tincture. In terms of the soul development
aspect of alchemy, the White Stone is that inward experience which can act as a sure foundation, that solid
centre in the whirlpool of ever flowing soul forces, from which alchemists can work upon their being, and
anchor their inward development. In this sense, once the alchemist has the White Stone of the soul, he or she
can begin the process of tincting, transforming his or her being from a point of inner security […]
In traditional alchemy this is indicated by its power to transform metals into silver, the Moon metal, but its
power is wider than this, and a true understanding of the essence of the White Stone of the Philosophers, can
only arise when one recognizes the lunar forces that play through material processes, in the mineral realm, in
the plant world, in the animal body, or in the soul of humankind. The White Stone transforms, harmonizes and
catalyses the lunar forces in these realms, and this is its true power […]
The second part of the work is the transformation of the White Stone of the Lunar forces, into the Solar Red
Stone. This is accomplished through a threefold Multiplication […] (The Crowning of Nature – Commentary,
Adam McLean
The formation of the White Stone by “Fixation” applies to the capacity of the mind:
“The Law of Fixation demonstrates principally on the mental plane and has a close connection with manas,
the fifth principle. The mind controls and stabilises, and coherency is the result.” (TCF, 569) It is the
alchemy of mind that enables the transmutation of the lunar forces into the precious metal of silver, and thus
the formation of the White Stone.
The Three and the Five
There is a close relation between the Three and the Five; the Third Aspect of Active Intelligence and the
Fifth Principle of Manas; Matter and Mind. The Mental plane is the fifth from above and the third from
below. The triangle and the five-pointed star are both “subjective expressions of a fixed consciousness”.
(EA, 382) During the first solar system, which was governed by the Third Aspect, “the energies coming
from Alcyone [in the Pleiades] impregnated the substance of the universe with the quality of mind.” (EA,
200) Matter is imbued with Intelligence.
The Buddhas of Activity “embody within Themselves the essence of the third Ray of Active Intelligence,
through which the third aspect can successfully project and express itself. It is these three Buddhas Who were
instrumental in the amazing and occult process of implementing the mental principle upon our planet, and
Who—through Their creative meditation—brought our planet, the Earth, and the planet Venus [5th Ray] into
direct alignment.” (DINAII, 200)
The purpose of Deity is necessarily embodied in a mental proposition; it is through this mental proposition
that the three Buddhas of Activity implement Their work.” (R&I, p.270) Likewise the disciple must
formulate a mental proposition of his own understanding of the divine Plan. “This he can do only through
the means of group experience, in cooperation with his group and when the group—as a whole—has
reached a similar point of realisation has together touched the fringes of this highest of all revelations for
humanity.” (R&I, 270-1)
The Law of Synthesis
“The Law of Synthesis […] [is] the law governing spirit, or the first aspect.” (TCF, 6) It is the law governing
the activities of the Spiritual Triad, and the conditioning law of monadic living. (R&I, 264) It is the Law of
Shamballa. (R&I, p. 249) Sanat Kumara, the Lord of the World, is “the synthesising Unit” of planet Earth.
(TCF, 387)
The first Aspect, or the will to exist, is governed by the Law of Synthesis, and the activities of the cosmic
entities who are its embodiments are governed by the law of enforced unity, and of essential homogeneity. It
is the law that eventually comes into play after spirit and matter are blending, and adapting themselves each to
each; it governs the eventual synthesis of Self with Self, and finally with the All-Self, and also of essence with
essence in contra-distinction to the synthesis of matter and Spirit. It demonstrates as:
1. Abstraction,
2. Spiritual liberation,
3. Destruction of form through the withdrawal of Spirit (the Destroyer aspect)
4. Absolute homogeneity and absolute essential unity,
5. Progressive forward motion. (TCF, p.215-6)
The Law of Synthesis declares that all is One. Its symbol is the Sun: The circle with a point at the centre. For
the Sun is the point in our solar system “from whom all things proceed and to whom all things return”.
(Gayatri) “The Law of Synthesis as a tendency to concentrate at a centre, or to merge.” (TCF, 1183) “It is
the sumtotal, the centre and the periphery, and the circle of manifestation regarded as a unit.” (TCF, 568) “It
controls the movements of the entire ring-pass-not in connection with its cosmic centre.” (TCF, 41) This
Law is Life and death, the beginning and the end, the alpha and omega, for all entities, all centres, all groups
microcosmic and macrocosmic.
In this solar system “of the SON, whose name is Love” (TCF, 176), the Sun is 2nd Ray. Yet all the Seven
Rays are conducted into our solar system through the Sun; and all Rays are aspects of the 1st Ray. The Sun is
the Solar Logos. “Direction, will, purpose and plan are all connected with the solar Logos and with His
evolutionary undertakings in connection with the many lives manifesting in the vehicle of expression which
we call the solar system. All these respond to the influences of the first ray which is, to all intents and
purposes, the energy of divine embodied will”. (EA, 195.) The Sun is the agent of the 1st Ray.
In the microcosm, the Law of Synthesis is a law of group work governing the creation, work and abstraction
or disintegration of the group. This Law is upheld if the group can ‘breathe as One’, holding in balance Will
and Love:
The group angle of the matter can be seen if you remember that the individual initiate, when wielding this law,
draws upon the united energy of the Will as the group is expressing it in "unified rhythm." It is by the use of
the "united breath" of the entire group (as much of it as his individual will can assimilate, focus, use and
direct) that he augments his own will and its directed force. The breath, as we well know, is the life; this Law
is the one wielded by the living or risen Christ, in perfect harmony with the will of Shamballa.” (R&I, 163)
The personnel of the world group which will reveal the hidden mystery will all of them be "radiant centres" to
a greater or lesser degree. They will thus be invocative and evocative. This thought holds the clue to the Law
of Synthesis, of unity and of fusion as given in Rule XIII for initiates.” (R&I, 262)
There is a distinction between synthesis, unity and fusion:
Fusion “is ever related to the conscious merging of soul and substance until a point of equilibrium is
achieved”. Fusion occurs upon the Paths of Probation and Discipleship, up until the Third Initiation.
Unity is achieved after the Third Initiation. “[…] this is only possible when monadic influence can
be consciously registered and when the antahkarana is in process of conscious construction.”
Unity might be regarded as the conscious adaptation of the initiated disciple to the greater whole, as his
absorption into the group through his obedience to the laws of the soul, and as governing his attitude to that in
which he lives and moves and has his being. This goes on until he sees no distinction, registers no differences
and is aware of no separative reaction […] (R&I, pp.265-6)
Synthesis is “the Way of the Higher Evolution” upon the seven cosmic Paths.
Only as disciples build the antahkarana and function as the Spiritual Triad within the monadic Life” is
synthesis possible. (R&I, p.266)
Macrocosmically the Law of Synthesis describes the eventual synthesis of our solar Logos into the larger
Being of which he is a part:
The Mahadeva aspect or the first Logos (who embodies cosmic will) is controlled by the Law of Synthesis, the
cosmic law governing the tendency to unification; only in this case, it is not the unification of matter and
Spirit, but the unification of the seven into the three, and into the one. […] The Law of Synthesis has a direct
connection with One Who is still higher than our Logos, and is the law of control exercised by Him upon the
Logos of our system. This is a spiritual relationship that tends to abstraction or to that synthesis of the spiritual
elements that will result in their conscious return (the whole point lying in that word "conscious") to their
cosmic point of synthesis, or of unification with their source. Their source is the ONE ABOUT WHOM
In this solar system, the 2nd Ray of Love-Wisdom is the synthetic ray. The seven Rays, are eventually
synthesised. “The minor four are blended, we are told, into the third major ray, and the three major rays are
finally merged into the one synthetic ray, the Love-Wisdom Ray (the Dragon of Wisdom, the occult serpent
swallowing its tail).” (TCF, 236) This is Ouroboros, “emblem of infinity, immortality, and Kronos—
“Time””. (SDI, 1:VII)
“Uranus, Neptune and Saturn...are the synthesising planetary schemes […] They are the "reaping" planets.”
(TCF, 777) At the end of the Mahamanvantara “the four schemes which form the logoic Quaternary [Earth,
Mars, Jupiter and Vulcan] will merge into their synthesising scheme, that of Saturn, while Venus and
Mercury will merge into Uranus and Neptune.” (TCF, 405-6) The Seven become the Three and then the
Uranus and Neptune are reflections of the logoic astral and mental permanent atoms. Saturn is in fact the
correspondence to the logoic physical permanent atom. (TCF, 406)
Interestingly, the three Buddhas of Activity “are expressions of the counterparts on cosmic levels of the
energies latent in the three permanent atoms in the three worlds of human endeavour.” (R&I, 206) Perhaps
the association with their three synthesising planets is as follows:
1st Buddha (1st Ray)
2nd Buddha (2nd Ray)
3rd Buddha (7th Ray)
Mental permanent atom
Astral permanent atom
Physical permanent atom
Capricorn/Aquarius Neptune
Saturn is “the focal point for the transmission of cosmic manas”. (TCF, 378) Saturn grounds ideas and
mental structures. Uranus “causes the great transference in the human consciousness from intellectual
perception to intuitive knowledge.” (EA, 139) Uranus frees the mind, liberates crystallised thought-forms so
that a new order can come into being. Uranus is electric fire; Buddhi at the heart of every atom. (TCF,
1225) Neptune is the Christ in the centre, the capacity for identification as the One. It is from the point of
Oneness, the point at the centre of the circle where everything is seen in “divine proportion” (R&I, 258), that
we can remake our mental propositions of Purpose and turn back to Matter, back into incarnation, as a
“Centre of "Saving Force."” (EA, 537)
Transformation and Transfiguration
Transmutation is just the first part of the process of Synthesis. It is the process upon the Probationary Path of
personality soul-infusion. The second step is “Transformation”, which occurs upon the Path of Discipleship:
“[…] the disciple transforms his lower threefold "appearance" or personality and begins to display divine
"quality." His physical body becomes obedient to the dictates of his mind, which is becoming responsive to
the higher mind through the medium of the soul; his emotional nature becomes the receptacle of buddhi or
of the intuition; then, after the third initiation it disappears altogether, and the buddhic vehicle becomes the
main instrument of sentiency. The mind, in due course, is equally transformed by impression from the
higher mind, as it endeavours to implement the will nature of the Monad.” (R&I, 278)
The third stage is “Transfiguration” upon the Path of Initiation from the time of the Third Initiation “wherein
the personality is irradiated by the full light of the soul and the three personality vehicles are completely
transcended; they have become simply forms through which spiritual love may flow out into the world of
men in the salvaging task of creation.” (R&I, 278) At the Transfiguration of the Christ “his face did shine as
the sun”:
And after six days Jesus taketh Peter, James, and John his brother, and bringeth them up into an high mountain
apart. And was transfigured before them: and his face did shine as the sun, and his raiment was white as the
light. And, behold, there appeared unto them Moses and Elias talking with him. Then answered Peter, and said
unto Jesus, Lord, it is good for us to be here: if thou wilt, let us make here three tabernacles: one for thee, and
one for Moses, and one for Elias. While yet he spake, behold, a bright cloud overshadowed them: and behold a
voice out of the cloud, which said, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye him. And
when the disciples heard it, they fell on their face, and were sore afraid. And Jesus came and touched them,
and said, Arise, and be not afraid. And when they had lifted up their eyes, they saw no man, save Jesus only."
(Matthew 17:1-8)
The Centre
Alchemy is not merely an art or science to teach metallic transmutation, so much as a true and solid science
that teaches how to know the centre of all things, which in the divine language is called the Spirit of
Life.” (Pierre-Jean Fabre, Les Secrets Chymiques, Paris, 1636)
Thus, while in the metaphysical world, the circle with the one central Point in it has no number, and is called
Anupadaka (parentless and numberless)—viz., it can fall under no calculation […] and when the Point having
generated a Line, thus becomes a diameter […] [it stands] for Nature, or the feminine principle. […]
Therefore it is said: “In the world of being, the one Point fructifies the Line—the Virgin Matrix of Kosmos
(the egg-shaped zero)—and the immaculate Mother gives birth to the form that combines all forms.” (SDI,
The “hidden mystery” comes from the centre. This is so on all levels of the macrocosm and the
microcosm. The centre is the Monadic point (Anupadaka). This point is ‘incalculable’ (“can fall under
no calculation”). Although it cannot be described in number, yet from it the entire “spiritual
mathematics” of the cosmos derives. (R&I, 258) The centre is the point of manifestation, of Creativity. It
is the fractal formula of the universe. It is the Word of the Logos. It is a Sound.
“The first aspect works through a Word of Power.
The second aspect works through mantric combinations.
The third aspect works through mathematical formulas.” (TCF, p.771)
When we stand at this Monadic point as individuals and as a group, we are at One with the Creative Source.
This is Synthesis. At the centre Will and Love come together and all is made possible.
The will aspect of the Monad supersedes but does not negate love (which has become, in its turn, instinctual);
a one-pointed, rapier-like assumption of identification takes the place of the inclusiveness hitherto felt and
practised. […] the circle with the point at the centre is symbolic of the perfected man. He is rounded out; he is
inclusive both vertically (soul contact) and horizontally (human relationship), yet he stands at the centre of his
consciousness and of its self-imposed ring-pass-not. From thence he never moves, but is aware all the time of
all that proceeds within his sphere of influence. (R&I, 283)
Everything new comes from the centre. “Always in the centre shall come a new Word.” (BTC, 36) Always
the iteration and reiteration of the fractal formula entering into time and space.
[…] the Law of Change governs the Hierarchy just as it governs Humanity. […] the disciple who functions
under this law [must]: […] Contribute to the wise circulation and direction of the new energies which are
pouring into and through the Ashram. This he does by realising himself as a centre of changing energies. This
is the way the Hierarchy works.” (DINAII, 357)
The Word must again sound forth from the centre—the Centre in the Heavens, and the centre in every human
heart. Each individual soul must hear it for itself alone. Each of us has to pass through that experience wherein
we know ourselves to be a "Word made Flesh" […] (BTC, 38)
To stand at the synthetic point as a group and together sound the OM as an invocation must open
possibilities for the revelation of the hidden mystery.
What is the Hidden Mystery of the Planet?
(Bruce Lyon)
1st ray monad – anchoring a piece of the Solar Will
Behind the three systems and at the heart of each atom is cosmic buddhi
Hidden Mystery is Sanat Kumara’s relationship to the Cosmic Logos and His part in His purpose.
From a Mercury transmission:
If you take the process on to cosmic planes you will see that our Solar Logos is trying to achieve the third
initiation while our planetary logos is reaching for the second. We might translate this as follows. The Solar
Logos is endeavouring to fuse the energies of soul and personality and to thereby carry the will of his soul (the
Sirian will) into expression through his personality – Agni and the ten schemes expressing on the cosmic
mental, astral and physical planes. At the third initiation, this Will energy must reach the base chakra and
awaken the Solar kundalini.
The work of our Planetary Logos is to take the second cosmic initiation. He is attempting to Master the
energies of the cosmic astral plane so that He is able to transmit the Will of His Soul – the Solar Logos
without distortion and inversion onto the cosmic physical plane.
Thus we have an alignment of three wills upon cosmic planes – The Sirian Logos, The Solar Logos and the
Planetary Logos. These wills have their expression upon the first three subplanes of the cosmic physical. The
logoic plane, monadic plane and atmic plane.
Once these three wills have achieved the necessary alignment and interplay, something far greater will be
revealed through their synthetic relationship in the same way that the human soul is revealed through the
integrated personality.
This is the cosmic revelation that will make of this planet a ‘magnetic centre’.
The objectives can (for our purposes) be stated as four in number, but each of these is capable of re-expression
in a number of ways. They simply indicate the four major goals which the Workers with the Plan have set
Themselves. Let us state them succinctly, and later we can somewhat elaborate them:—
1. The first aim and the primary aim is to establish, through the medium of humanity, an outpost of the
Consciousness of God in the solar system. This is a correspondence, macrocosmically understood, of the
relationship existing between a Master and His group of disciples. This, if pondered on, may serve as a clue to
the significance of our planetary work.
2. To found upon earth (as has already been indicated) a powerhouse of such potency and a focal point of such
energy that humanity—as a whole—can be a factor in the solar system, bringing about changes and events of
a unique nature in the planetary life and lives (and therefore in the system itself) and inducing an interstellar
3. To develop a station of light, through the medium of the fourth kingdom in nature, which will serve not
only the planet, and not only our particular solar system, but the seven systems of which ours is one. This
question of light, bound up as it is with the colours of the seven rays, is as yet an embryo science, and it would
be useless for us to enlarge upon it here.
4. To set up a magnetic centre in the universe, in which the human kingdom and the kingdom of souls will,
united or at-oned, be the point of most intense power, and which will serve the developed Lives within the
radius of the radiance of the One About Whom Naught May Be Said. (EP 11 217)
A Paper on Naming
(Bruce Lyon)
4. Impartation. Reference to this is made in the Book of Revelation, found in The New Testament. There we
are told that the initiate is given a white stone, and in the stone "a new name" is found written; this is the
"hidden name egoic." I am at a loss at this point as to how to express the higher significance of this. This
impartation marks a climaxing point in the attainment of the point of tension where the Sound can be heard
and not the Word alone. Never forget that the O.M. is simply a symbolically sounded word which is intended
to bring into the minds of those upon the Path those two great points of tension wherein
a. The "hidden name egoic" is conferred upon the disciple. This, as far as he is concerned, is the Word of
his soul ray.
b. The Sound heard of which the O.M. is a symbol. This is the first letter of the sevenfold Name of the
planetary Logos. More upon this subject may not be given, nor am I in a position to give it. (Rule 13
p. 264)
I would like to lay out a system of naming and numbering that I have been formulating for analysing one’s
Ray structure which is to me, synonymous With knowing one’s true name.
1. We each, like our ‘Father’ have a sevenfold name. This is our ‘Brahma’ or third aspect name. It is made
up of the seven ray influences on each of our seven bodies
Our prototypical name ‘after the Cosmic Father’ would be 1234567 as these are the ‘names’ of the planes.
Individuals have different ray structures however.
The physical body on one ray, the astral on another and so forth. We are familiar with ray structures which
go something like this for example II, I, IV, 3,6,7 meaning a second ray monad, first ray soul, fourth ray
personality, third ray mind, sixth ray astral and seventh ray physical.
What I propose is that we have seven primary vehicles equating to each of the planes (and various lesser
divisions like higher/lower mind, etheric body etc.). Thus we would have an atmic ray, buddhic ray and so
on. My hypothetical sevenfold name might be. 2,1,7,2,3,6,1
2. We each have a threefold name or ‘Vishnu’ name which is made up of the three unifiying ‘entities’ which
we call the monad, soul, and personality. This would be II, I, IV.
Combining my Vishnu and Brahma names I would get II, 2,1,7 I, 7,2,3 IV 3,6,7 Each one of my three names
works through three letters. The atmic and mental planes are the planes of overlap and so they share the
same ‘letter’ with two unifying entities. These two planes would have their own ‘threefoldness’ which
would be unified by the synthetic ray of that plane. For example I might have different rays influencing the
higher mind, lower mind, and ‘son of mind’ but these would all be unified by the third ray in this case at a
certain stage of evolution.
The analogy here with actual names is that we normally have three. For example Bruce Philip Lyon.
Sometimes we are called by one or onther of these names.
Sometimes by all three, and frequently by just the first and last names. This latter situation would equate to
the spirit/matter duality which occurs once the soul or linking principle has done its work. For this analogy
in letters to be accurate the requirement would be for each ‘name’ to have three letters and for the last letter
of each name to be the first letter of the next one.
3. We have a Shiva name which would simply be that of the monad.
4. We have a ‘synthetic’ name. This name is not ours but that of the Planetary Logos and would represent
the ‘seventh’ letter of His name. This is the meaning behind ‘taking our Father’s name’. When we take His
name we adopt His purpose and recognise it as our own.
A planetary Logos operates on seven planes. Conceivably we could have some sense of His physical ray
make up which would likely tell us the role of the globe in the chain. The role of the chain in the scheme
might give us the astral clue and the role of the scheme within the Solar system might give us the mental ray,
these being synthesised by the personality ray of the Logos.
We know that our Planetary Logos is undergoing the second cosmic initiation. This means He is polarised
on the Cosmic astral plane and is seeking to master his astral vehicle. To do this at the second degree we
know that a touch of the monad is necessary and so the PL must be seeking to so condition His astral body
with buddhi that some monadic energy can be present to lift his desire nature away from its focus on form
(the cosmic physical plane). As his desire nature ‘lifts’ free from the physical etheric, those units of
consciousness within the cosmic physical plane who have become identified now with His desire nature,
who have ‘taken their Father’s name’ through that identification, will also lift free.
Aquarius Full Moon Chart 2003:
The full moon chart is very powerful with an inordinate emphasis on Ray One although there is Second and
Seventh Ray presence as well. It seems important to highlight this chart as we enter this full moon period.
To begin, there are four major conjunctions:
Sun conjunct Uranus in Aquarius
Venus conjunct Chiron in Capricorn
Mars conjunct Pluto in Sagittarius
Mercury conjunct Neptune in Aquarius
There are three major oppositions:
Sun oppose Moon (of course)
Mercury/Neptune oppose Jupiter
Mars/Pluto oppose Saturn
Fixed star presence:
Regulus--29 degrees Leo
Alphard-27 degrees Leo
Vega-15 degrees Capricorn
Sirus-14 degrees Cancer
Bellatrix-20 degees Gemini
Gienah-27 degrees Aquarius
I am certainly not a fixed star expert but the chart really grabs your attention when you notice that Chiron
and Venus are conjunct at 14/15 degrees Capricorn, conjunct fixed star Vega and oppose Sirius. In a lecture
by Alice Bailey on Labor XI she talks about Vega …
Entrance into heaven is entrance into the Aquarian age, begun during the last two hundred years. We are told
that about the year two thousand our pole star and another star (Vega) in the heavens will be in conjunction
with one another and the Aquarian age will be fully with us, but only fully with us in the sense that we shall
be entering it and Piscean forces will be receding rapidly. All that transpires in physical plane expression is
due to subjective forces.
Mythologically Vega has to do with magic and Sirius has to do with making the mundane sacred.
Astronomically Sirius is the brightest star and the center of the heavens … or the Sun's Sun. Interestingly
and apropos for the times, the US Sun is conjunct Sirius.
As you are aware Saturn has been conjunct Polaris many times over the past six months and stationed on
that point on several occasions highlighting the Pole Star while Uranus and the present Sun/Moon
opposition is aligned with Regulus, the Heart of the Lion, one of the pointers. In the same lecture on Labor
XI Alice Bailey stated…
There are two lawgivers in the Zodiac, Regulus and Kefus. In Leo we have one of the four royal stars, Regulus
the lawgiver, the law for the individual, the law of selfishness, if you like, the law of competition, the law that
sets every man against his fellowman, the law that makes him grab and grasp, the law under which we live,
the law of competition….Regulus, the law of the individual, has to give place to Kefus, the law of Aquarius.
Interestingly the Moon is conjunct Alphard at the base of this full moon chart. Alphard is the orange star in
the neck of the Hydra, is considered the "Heart of the Hydra" and is about self-control.
Conjunctions always carry an Arian, or Ray One, quality of power, purpose and will while oppositions carry
a Ray Two or relationship quality. With four major conjunctions in this chart and Taurus rising, the "first" of
the fixed signs, also aligned to Ray One activities, this is a powerhouse of Ray One energy dynamics.
The entire secret of divine purpose and planning is hidden in this sign (Taurus), owing fundamentally to the
relationship of the Pleiades, to the Great Bear constellation, and to our solar system. This constitutes one of
the most important triangles in our entire cosmic series of relationships and this importance is also enhanced
by the fact that the "eye of the Bull" is the eye of revelation. (EA, 376)
The esoteric chart ruler, Vulcan, is somewhere at the midheaven of the chart conjunct the Sun/Uranus
conjunction which is oppose the Moon in the fourth house. This major vertical opposition is about as close
energetically as you can get to the relationship of Spirit to Matter. Given the fact that the Moon is conjunct
Alphard, the heart of the Hydra, and the Sun is conjunct fixed star Gienah, which is about soaring to great
heights and the Eagle, it seems we have an auspicious moment in history unfolding concerning the
relationship between Divine Will, the collective will of the people, and the "little wills of men".
Underlying that we have the heart placements of Neptune/Mercury oppose Jupiter in the third and ninth
house which is the voice and the heart/mind of the present times.
The Mars/Pluto conjunction in the 8th house oppose Saturn in the 2nd house indicates activities and issues
around money and a battle over resources on the lower turn and spiritual warfare about higher principles and
values on the higher turn.
It would seem that Love is the one decided factor underlying the times and will determine the outcome of
this period. With Aries on the 12th house, a focused and directed will toward the One and unity will be a
powerful behind the scenes force.
From the centre where the will of God is known
Let purpose guide the little wills of men
The purpose which the Masters know and serve
Introductory Paper
(Vicktorya Stone)
Time to move on: A total transformation of your life is on the horizon. It could be a complete change of
attitude, or a major change in your material circumstances. You should not resist this change; accept it as a
necessary aspect of your life plan. We are here to learn our respective lessons, and change provides us with
the opportunity to work on different aspects of ourselves. … "off with the old, and on with the new". Let go
of any out-dated ideas which confine, and no longer serve you. It is time to move towards a more fulfilling
From Mercury 11.09.02
My real work lies within the etheric body of the planet and, increasingly of the solar system. The flow of
energy through the chakras and nadi points of the planetary life necessitates the working with groups as
‘functional wholes’ within greater wholes. … This process of identification with the larger group can be
speeded up quite substantially if disciples will only follow the principle of occult obedience. Surely the
whole purpose of coming under the influence of a Master is to take instruction and thereby to negotiate the
path more quickly. Spiritual evolution will proceed one way or another as a direct result of the planetary and
solar will. Accelerating that process is part of the experiment in group initiation I have undertaken. It
involves the education of sections of humanity about the purposes and plans of the greater lives in which
they form a part. … Within certain groups however I am trying to apply a more first ray approach with the
conscious cooperation of Master Morya. This approach involves obedience to the will. … I do not ask for
blind obedience but for groups to willingly engage in an experiment – groups willing to ‘try and see’
whether in fact the maxim ‘an initiate knows because he works’ is a fact in reality. … The result of the
integration of these two rays is demonstrated through the seventh ray as spontaneously loving action in the
three worlds, rhythmically undertaken.The keynote of these energies interacting together is ‘grace’.
Let me describe for you how the group process can be speeded up if you are willing to try an experiment.
Firstly I would ask for a change in consciousness in the way that you view your identity. Once you pass
through the stages of ‘acceptance as a group’ that Rule two indicates, there must be a change in identity –
just as the ray of the personality becomes a subray of the soul and the ray of the soul in turn becomes a
subray of the monad, so your personal identity becomes a subset of the group identity. Try to identify
yourselves as one consciousness. This will do more to open your causal fields to each other and increase the
telepathic interplay in the group life.
Secondly begin to think of your purpose as a group as a subset of my purpose. … You may increase
your contact with the ‘Life’ aspect by studying my purpose as I have laid it out to you in the various books.
Study this purpose and adopt it as your own. Identification with My purpose stands between you and
identification with higher purposes than mine. My purpose is your ‘alignment’ with those higher purposes.
Therefore, meditate on my purpose as a gateway to ‘life more abundant’. …
Thirdly, take group responsibility for a piece of my work and gradually increase the level of that
responsibility. There is a difference between ‘identification’ with my purpose and responsibility for
implementing a piece of it. Identification allows the consciousness to blend with purpose of the greater
whole. Responsibility allows that consciousness to implement that purpose within a circumscribed field of
service. These two concepts are intertwined in the Law of Freedom. To take responsibility for the outcome
of a piece of work in the three worlds that is far greater than can be accomplished with the existing resources
at your disposal requires that you work with the second and first aspect together. …
Spiritual underwriting means that one takes responsibility for the actions or non actions of those whom one
educates while at the same time leaving them totally free to take whatever actions they choose. … my
reasons for standing behind such a project as Shamballa School. This project will succeed to the extent that
it demonstrates the power of alignment to the will aspect through occult obedience and the application of the
teachings to life. … The acceptance then of spiritual responsibility involves the acceptance of full
responsibility for the ‘will’ of those in whom you choose to invest your consciousness. This responsibility
must be accepted without any authority, obligation or subtle control over the decisions of those you take
responsibility for. It therefore does not in any way ‘interfere’ with their independence but it does
‘underwrite’ their eventual alignment with purpose. In effect you are taking some of the responsibility of the
Planetary Logos when you willing accept the responsibility for the liberation of certain units within His field
of overall responsibility. Their liberation will only come about through their alignment with His Will and
therefore it becomes your responsibility to ensure that eventually takes place without infringing in any way
the principle of freedom.
… There is a correct timing for everything and so in the meantime I would urge you as a group to
consider the three things I have asked you to do and to undertake an experiment, which if successful will
bring immediate results in terms of an increase in magnetic and radiatory power.
Sacrament of Present Moment, any extraction will do, but this stands out now:
p. 77 “The present moment is like an ambassador announcing the policy of God; the heart declares ‘Thy will
be done,’ and souls, travelling at full speed, never stopping, spread the news far and wide. For them
everything without exception is an instrument and means of sanctification, providing that the present
moment is all that matters. It is no longer a question of supplication or silence, reticence or eloquence,
reading or writing, ideas or apathy, neglect or study of spiritual boks, affluence or destitution, sickness or
health, life or death. All that matters is what the will of God ordains each moment. This is the casting off,
the withdrawal from, the renunciation of, the world, not actually but in effect, to be nothing by or for
ourrselves, to belong totally to god, to please him, making our sole happiness to look on the present moment
as thought nothing else in the world mattered.”
From Mercury: the “four major goals which the Workers with the Plan have set themselves”
1. First and primary aim is to establish an outpost of the Consciousness of God.
2. found upon earth a powerhouse/focal point so that humanity can be a factor in the solar system
inducing interstellar activity.
3. develop a station of light through humanity
4. set up a magnetic centre whereby kingdom of humans and souls will serve the developed Lives in
VSK: Recalling Tibet, when first viewing Mt. Kailash, recognizing it as a planetary anchor point, generator
of force, an impersonal collector and distributor of ‘interstellar’ influences.
M6-2-02: “It is buddhi or the element of air that is able to pervade the three worlds and express itself in
synchornistic and spontaneously appropriate thought speech and action. … An ashram is one consciousness
united by a single purpose … alignment with will of master of ashram … the atmic or will nature of the soul
begins to flow through the etheric body creating a body of fire for the group …”
From AGNI Verse 341:
When the New Era of Fire is indicated, it means it is necessary to master this element. Properly speaking, it
is necessary to assimilate into one’s consciousness the vitality of Fire. But long since I have told you of the
necessary exercise for this, regarding the reception of thoughts into the consciousness. May one presume
that the Teaching is applied to life, if even the thoughts do not receive a new impetus? There where all
remained as of old, do not seek for new seedlings. Where exists the old, the New fire shall sea and life shall
not receive its new blessings. Let the words about Fire not be regarded as abstract symbols. I speak of Fire,
verily existing. Not for the first time does the planet experience the action of this elementy. During each
change of race the Fire approaches as a purgatory stream … in order to approach Fire fearlessly it is
necessary to learn to think about it and to assimilate it in the consciousness. … One must learn to accept the
Teaching simply and to permeate life with it. The fire can be a great blessing.”“
M12-12-01: The teachings on Shamballa as DK’s most important piece of work/purpose …
1. readingess humanity demonstrates to accept responsibility
2. requirement of PL that humanity carry out HIS purpose
etheric body, energetic substitution, four ethers in human under direct control of four cosmic ethers … (VSK
register need increasing for the detailed physiological map/constitution of all levels of man).
Planetarily we are taking the sub-initiation of Air, mastery of 4th subplane of cosmic astral
For man, 4th sub of astral will then relay 4th sub of cosmic mental, for the energies of cosmic buddhi …??
VSK unclear here.
Importance of TIMING: WHAT time is it? Qualitatively considered … (not chronologically or
quantitatively, but from the 2nd aspect of consciousness, what soul TIME is it.) Picture this, as a gestalt, the
qualifying energies, colours …
The bulk of humanity being polarized on the 4th sub of astral, is due to 4th root race (having been)
quantitatively and therefore qualitatively the centre of gravity. This does not apply to the NGWS, or the
initiates and disciples, the success of the present era. We witness the centre of gravity or critical mass shifts
subplane polarization from 4th to 3rd of astral, en masse. Movement into or away from the 3rd or 5th subplane,
through the 4th, inevitably at this level of quaternary results in destruction of the form. It is beneficence, if
seen from the fiery worlds.
4th round, 5th root race, 5th subrace – with the 6th synethesizing coming in.
6th ray in Gemini personality of USA, and hierarchically through soul of UK (6th ray present in the form of
the Gemini Kumara – resonant to Sagittarius, 6th astral plane, premiere relayer of 6th ray. The juncture of
sacral and base, 6th and 7th, Mars/Pluto/Uranus.
DETAILS from the Rules, a most practical of rules for disciples; and the alchemy of applicants
Rule 13. 1 + 3; 10 + 3 = 4
The triangle of the 3 Buddhas, 1, 2 and 7 (10), opening the eye for SK, the 4 th emerging freedom/perfection
The GROUP is SOUL, note of G, Sol: blue disk entered from golden pathway, 4th humanity as antahkarana
rainbow bridge.
Practical light (direct knowledge) = yellow = 4 (heart)
Esoteric light (or love/wisdom) = indigo/blue = 2 (dual head centre)
6 * 7 = 42 yellow * blue = green (perfection of intelligence/form). Green 3 in quaternary manifests (6) in
violet of 7 (robes of rays/light)
DK’s responsibilities
bolded indicate most resonant to VSK:
1. Teachings on Shamballa
a. Nature of will aspect
b. Indications as to underlying purposes of SK
c. Antahkarana
2. New Discipleship
a. Masters
b. Constitution of Hierarchy
c. Meditation based on visualization and imagination, group fusion and service
3. Teaching on Seven Rays
4. Teaching on New Astrology
a. Intermediate between Hierarchy and Humanity
b. Nature of work
c. Triangle of work, goodwill and light
6. Exoteric branch of inner Ashrams (DINA)
7. NWR rituals
This is how DK has asked us to work; my inclination is to surrender to His will … in terms of this rule:
This rule poses:
2 preparatory steps (summarize effects in life of disciples who function as unified group)
4 major undertakings or demonstrations of fitness (4 things disciple must learn before he can
know inmost mystery … mystery concerns the prupose and reason for which our PL took incarnation
and became the informing Life of earth, which will make him a sacred planet.
1st preparatory step:
1. Let the initiate group get ready to reveal the hidden mystery (early in 2000’s) …
This is the blue logos, the solar logos anchoring on green earth … through permeation of buddhic air, via the
fiery worlds or mechanism of fire, etheric body. (Physiology needs done … map correspondences of pineal,
pitutiory, carotid, head, ajna, alta major, Buddhas of Activity …)
“Necessity of organizing a group in the world – IN THIS MANNER the three planetary centres arrive at the
needed relationship … When this takes place, a revelation undreamed of will be manifest upon the earth.”
DREAM = TRUE. Injunction is to make the dream come true … via the Teachings DK is responsible for,
thus we are responsible for.
“Walk humbly with God … no reference to humility usually understood … but signifiying the ability to
view all life with a sense of divine proportion and from the angle of spiritual mathematics” … the elment of
prophecy, which has no relation to the salvation of humanity … related to an active Appearance, which will
under Law of Synthesis indicate that which the 3 great Planetary centres are unitedly intended to reveal.”
R&I … concept of Great Revelation, in expectancy which the Hierarchy evidences [258] and through the
“preparatory work” now being undertaken at Shamballa. Suggest preparatory schools is alignment work
definitely related to this.
Second preparatory step:
2. Let the group demonstrate higher meaning of lesson learnt, these are 4 and yet 1.
4 phases of activity:
1. Radiation (initiate is now a radiating center of light and love: yellow and blue
a. He is an essential factor for unity in the ashram
b. He has begun to form His own ashram
2. Magnetism (ref to rules being foundational for Schools of the Mysteries)
3. Transmutation (achievement, not process, He now weilds this as an instrument of Plan)
4. Impartation
a. In the white stone is a new name/hidden name egoic …
b. the SOUND is heard
arriving at the door to Higher Evolution – realize why sentiency had to be developed, why it had then to be
used, mastered, and finally completely negated, below the level of consciousness …
consciousness into identification build the higher correspondence of the antahkarana. Ashram as expressive
point, humanity brought into 5th kingdom, devic substance substanding, green, gld of human soul, and blue
of logoic will, planetary mental body is human atmic: this is where will of god holds sway.
SK mental to his etheric is our atmic to mental. Green to blue, blue to violet. (See 331 TCF and circular
diagrams provided).
Transfer OM into originating SOUND.
constituent rules underlying 13 are 1, 3, 10 and, synthesizing, the practical yellow 3rd aspect 4
1 = heat, evoked by group love, permits warmth of energetic moving out, before them open out the way,
toghet let the bank of brothrs outward move, towarda a newer tension, let the Cry of invocation issue forth.
3 = dual the moving forward, door left behind, deemand and response are lost in one great sound, god is fire
10 = Army of the voice, let the group widen all rents, OM …
Aquarius Adventure
Aquarius 2003
THEME: The Aquarian Christ
In the past we have had world Saviours-Sons of God who have enunciated a world message and brought an
increase of light to the peoples. Now, in the fullness of time, and through the work of evolution there is
emerging a group who perhaps will bring salvation to the world, and who-embodying the group ideas and
demonstrating the group nature, manifesting in a small way the true significance of the body of Christ, and
giving to the world a picture of the true nature of a spiritual organism-will so stimulate and energize the
thoughts and souls of men that the new age will be ushered in by an outpouring of the love, knowledge and
harmony of God Himself.
Religions in the past have been founded by a great soul, by an Avatar, by an outstanding spiritual
personality, and the stamp of their lives and words and teaching has been set upon the race and has persisted
for many centuries. What will be the effect of the message of a group Avatar? What will be the potency of
the work of a group of knowers of God, enunciating truth and banded together subjectively in the great work
of saving the world? What will be the effect of the mission of a group of world Saviours, not as Christs, but
all knowers of God in some degree, who supplement each other's efforts, reinforce each other's message, and
constitute an organism through which the spiritual energy and principle of spiritual life can make their
presence felt in the world? (TOWM, 330)
Compilation on the Aquarian Christ from the Bailey Works
In the past we have had world Saviours—Sons of God who have enunciated a world message and brought an
increase of light to the peoples. Now, in the fullness of time, and through the work of evolution there is
emerging a group who perhaps will bring salvation to the world, and who—embodying the group ideas and
demonstrating the group nature, manifesting in a small way the true significance of the body of Christ, and
giving to the world a picture of the true nature of a spiritual organism—will so stimulate and energize the
thoughts and souls of men that the new age will be ushered in by an outpouring of the love, knowledge and
harmony of God Himself.
Religions in the past have been founded by a great soul, by an Avatar, by an outstanding spiritual
personality, and the stamp of their lives and words and teaching has been set upon the race and has persisted
for many centuries. What will be the effect of the message of a group Avatar? What will be the potency of
the work of a group of knowers of God, enunciating truth and banded together subjectively in the great work
of saving the world? What will be the effect of the mission of a group of world Saviours, not as Christs, but
all knowers of God in some degree, who supplement each other's efforts, reinforce each other's message, and
constitute an organism through which the spiritual energy and principle of spiritual life can make their
presence felt in the world?
Such a body now exists with its members in every land. Relatively they are few and far between, but
steadily their numbers are increasing and increasingly their message will be felt. In them is rested a spirit of
construction; they are the builders of the new age; to them is given the work of preserving the spirit of truth,
and the reorganizing of the thoughts of men so that the racial mind is controlled and brought into that
meditative and reflective condition which will permit it to recognize the next unfoldment of divinity.
Connected with these two groups, the reactionary doctrinaires and the subjective band of mystics, is the
majority of the new generation of young people who are part of neither band and whose ideas are largely
disorganized by the recognition of both. This majority do not belong to the past and refuse to accept the
authority of that past. They do not belong to the inner group of Knowers who are working at the task of
swinging the thoughts of men into right channels, for they hare not reached as yet the point of knowledge.
They only recognize two things: their need for freedom, and an intense eagerness for knowledge. They
despise the tradition of the past; they reject the old formulations of truth ; and because as yet they stand on
no sure ground but are only in the position of seekers and enquirers, we have our present state of world
upheaval, of apparent license and disruption. It should not be forgotten that this world state is therefore the
result of the clashing of the three types of force prevalent in the world of today.
1. That emanating from the holders with the old tradition, who, emphasizing the forms and the past
produce the destruction of those forms.
2. That emanating from the inner group of mystics, who, under the guidance of the planetary Hierarchy
are building the new form.
3. That emanating from the masses who belong to neither group and who are wielding force as yet
blindly and often unwisely until such time comes when they recognize those constructive channels
into which it can wisely be poured.
Hence the problem of this transition period and hence the necessity for the giving out of teaching which will
enable the seeking aspirant and enquirer to find himself. Hence the need for the laws of the soul and for the
truth as to individual unfoldment to be made clear to those who, rejecting the old tradition, and refusing
recognition to the mystic, yet seek to know themselves as liberated souls. With that knowledge will come
the steady growth of the Building Mystics, for when a man has found his soul and recognizes its relationship
to its mechanism of expression, the threefold lower man, he automatically passes into the consciousness of
the subjective life, begins to work with cause and is no longer lost in the world of effects. Then he finds
himself standing shoulder to shoulder with the mystics and knowers of all time. This is the trend of the
religious impulse at this time and this is the glory of the coming age. TOWM 330
May I repeat and beg you to attend, that this group which is slowly forming is gathered out of every
imaginable group of thinking and intelligent men. As yet, and this may surprise a few, there are not very
many occultists (so-called) among them. This is due to the fact that the occultists are numerically few
in relation to the masses of humanity, and also to their tendency to be sectarian, exclusive and selfrighteous. Selfless humanitarian workers are there; political leaders and economists and scientific workers
in the world's laboratories are also there; churchmen and religious adherents from all the world religions are
there and the practical mystics and a few occultists. The true occultist is rare.
The group is and will be kept entirely subjective. Its members are linked telepathically, or they recognise
each other through the quality of the work they are doing in the outer world and the inclusiveness of the note
they sound. It is inspired from above by the souls of its members and the Great Ones, and is energised into
activity by the need of humanity itself. It is composed of living conscious souls, working through
coordinated personalities. Its symbol is a golden triangle enclosing an even-armed cross with one diamond at
the apex of the triangle. This symbol is never reproduced in form at all. It shines above the heads of all who
are in the group and cannot be seen by anyone (not even a clairvoyant) except a group member, and then
only if—for purposes of work—his recognition needs stimulation. The motto of the group is The Glory Of
The One. TOWM 4
In the cycle which Christ will inaugurate after His reappearance, the goal of all the religious teaching in the
world will be the resurrection of the spirit in mankind; the emphasis will be upon the livingness of the Christ
nature in every human being, and upon the use of the will in bringing about this living transfiguration of the
lower nature. The proof of it will be the risen Christ. This "Way of Resurrection" is the radiant Way, the
lighted Way which leads from one great expression of divinity in man to another; it is the way which
expresses the light of the intelligence, the radiant substance of true love, and the inflexible will which
permits of no defeat or withdrawal. These are the characteristics which will be declarative of the Kingdom
of God. ROC 31
Under the divine will, He had to reappear on Earth in visible Presence. He had to preside over the
materialisation of the Kingdom of God on Earth, and He had to re-institute the Mysteries of Initiation in
such a form that they would prove the basis of the new world religion. Above all, He had to reveal the nature
of the will of God p 72 ROC
The emphasis during the Aquarian Age, the age into which we are fast entering, will shift away from
Bethlehem to Jerusalem, and from the infant Saviour to the Risen Christ. Pisces has seen, during two
thousand years, the spreading light; Aquarius will see the Rising Light, and of both of these the Christ is the
eternal symbol.
The ancient story of the Birth will become universalised and be seen as the story of every disciple and
initiate who takes the first initiation and in his time and place becomes a server and a lightbearer. In the
Aquarian Age two momentous developments will take place:
1. The Birth Initiation will condition human thinking and aspiration everywhere.
2. The religion of the Risen Christ, and not of the newly born Christ or of the crucified Christ, will be
the distinctive keynote. DON 150
In the Aquarian Age, the Risen Christ is Himself the Water-Carrier; He will not this time demonstrate the
perfected life of a Son of God, which was His main mission before; He will appear as the supreme Head of
the Spiritual Hierarchy, meeting the need of the thirsty nations of the world — thirsty for truth, for right
human relations and for loving understanding. He will be recognised this time by all and in His Own Person
will testify to the fact of the resurrection, and hence demonstrate the paralleling fact of the immortality of
the soul, of the spiritual man. The emphasis during the past two thousand years has been on death; it has
coloured all the teaching of the orthodox churches; only one day in the year has been dedicated to the
thought of the resurrection. The emphasis in the Aquarian Age will be on life and freedom from the tomb of
matter, and this is the note which will distinguish the new world religion from all that have preceded it.
DON 151
It is significant that two important episodes are related in the final part of the Gospel story — one preceding
and one following immediately after the apparent death of the Christ. They are:
1. The story of the upper chamber to which the man carrying the water pot and typifying Aquarius led
the disciples, and in which the first communion service was held, participated in by all and
foretelling that great relationship which will distinguish humanity in the coming age, after the tests of
the Piscean Age. Such a communion service has never yet been held, but the New Age will see it
take place.
2. The story of the upper chamber in which the disciples met and arrived at a true recognition of the
Risen Christ and at a perfect and complete understanding of [Page 152] each other in spite of the
symbolic diversity of tongues. They had a touch of prevision, of prophetic insight, and foresaw a
little of the wonder of the Aquarian Age.
The vision in men's minds today is that of the Aquarian Age, even if they recognise it not. The future will
see right relationships, true communion, a sharing of all things (wine, the blood, the life and bread,
economic satisfaction) and goodwill; we have also a picture of the future of humanity when all nations are
united in complete understanding and the diversity of languages — symbolic of differing traditions, cultures,
civilisations and points of view — will provide no barrier to right human relations. At the centre of each of
these pictures is to be found the Christ.
Thus the expressed aims and efforts of the United Nations will be eventually brought to fruition and a new
church of God, gathered out of all religions and spiritual groups, will unitedly bring to an end the great
heresy of separateness. Love, unity, and the Risen Christ will be present, and He will demonstrate to us the
perfect life. DON 152
The Procedure required for the manifestation of "light supernal" takes place when a transitory point of
synthesis is reached and the seven energies are blended into one great energetic Light. These seven energies
have ever, unitedly, created the "light supernal" upon the highest levels of divine expression, but that
revealing light only finds Location when the seventh Ray of Ceremonial Order is active and in process of
manifestation in the three worlds, and necessarily, therefore, upon the seventh plane, the physical plane.
Such a manifestation inevitably takes place in moments of planetary crisis, when the seventh ray is active
and when the Sun is in Aquarius. Such a combination of relationships is being established now, for the
seventh ray is rapidly coming into manifestation and the Sun is in Aquarius, for the Aquarian Age is just
beginning. The Objective of this combination (which has occurred six times during the period of the fifth
root-race) is to bring about illumination and the establishment of order upon the Earth. The first indication of
the possibility of the effectiveness of these divine proposals was the giving out of the New Invocation; its
potency was so great that right conditions had to be considered before its enunciation was possible. That was
the first step in the planned precipitation of the "light supernal"; the second step will be the reappearance of
the Great Lord, Who will act as the lens through which the light can be focussed and adapted to human need.
Conditions are rapidly being brought about whereby this great event of light distribution will be possible.
The Christ can and does function now upon the atmic plane and embodies within Himself the great Point of
Revelation which has been expressed by me in the words: "The Will is an expression of the Law of
Sacrifice." The invocation now mounting from humanity to that high Place where dwells the Christ is, at this
time, focussed in or originates upon the plane of the emotions; because of this, we find the words in the
Scriptures that at the end of the age "the Desire of all Nations" will come forth. The movement to bring
Him—from the angle of the masses—emanates, therefore, from the astral plane. The plans for His coming
are being laid in the higher correspondence of that plane, the buddhic plane, or the plane of pure reason.
The motivating power for His coming is being provided by all disciples and initiates; it is therefore a joint
movement, qualified by the desire and the motivation of the united Hierarchy and Humanity; this Invocation
cannot consequently be denied. Astrologically, the time is propitious; from the planetary angle, great and
momentous events are imminent, as the planetary Logos is taking a cosmic initiation; the energy which
produces order and which magically brings spirit and matter together (the energy of the seventh ray) is
already organising human affairs and these three great coinciding events in time and space make it possible
for the seventh ray energies to reach a high point of fused activity and of blended cooperation.
The result will be the creation of a direct channel for the precipitation of "light supernal" into the three
worlds and its dominant focussing upon the physical plane. Thus will be brought about the new civilisation
and the new world order, and the new approach to divinity will be rendered possible; the initial steps will
then be taken to create the "new heavens and the new earth." You will need here to discriminate carefully
between symbols and facts; more, I need not here indicate. DINA 2 427
The keynote of this effort to eliminate world glamour was sounded by Christ when He said (following the
example of Hermes, Who initiated the process of enlightenment for our race, the Aryan), "I am the Light of
the World."
Disciples must learn the significance of illumination, received in meditation, and the necessity to work with
light as a group for the dissipation of glamour. Hermes and Christ undertook this work of astral
enlightenment and are constantly occupied with this task. Their work in the new age is to be aided by the
intensive activity of certain groups of which this second group is one. Later, when the new civilisation is
nearing appearance, these groups will all have in them two key persons or points of energy through which
the forces of Hermes and the will of Christ will be focussed, and through which They will be enabled to
work. When this takes place, the task of dissipating the world glamour will be much more rapid than it is
today. In the meantime groups of disciples can "nurture and conceal," thus protecting from trouble the germ
or seed of the new Aquarian culture and civilisation along this particular line of freedom. Again, I repeat,
they must do this along with other groups, working along similar lines, either consciously or unconsciously
EXH 39
If all that we now know of God is all that can be known, the divinity of God is but a limited matter. What the
new formulation of truth will be, who can say? But the light is slowly pouring into men's hearts and minds,
and in this lighted radiance they will vision the new truths and arrive at a fresh enunciation of the ancient
wisdom. Through the lens of the illumined mind man will shortly see aspects of divinity hitherto unknown.
May there not be qualities and characteristics of the divine nature which are as yet totally unrecognised and
unknown? Can there not be revelations of God utterly unprecedented, and for which we have no words or
adequate means of expression? The ancient mysteries, so shortly to be restored, must be re-interpreted in the
light of Christianity, and re-adapted [page 21] to meet modern need, for we can now enter into the Holy
Place as intelligent men and women, and not as children looking on at dramatic stories and procedures in
which we, as individuals, play no conscious part. Christ enacted for us the dramatic story of the five
initiations, and urged us to follow in His steps. For this the past era has prepared us, and we can now pass
intelligently into the kingdom of God through the process of initiation. BTC 20
This passing of the Sun into the sign Aquarius is an astronomical fact, as any one can ascertain by writing to
any observatory; it is not an astrological prognostication. The great spiritual achievement and evolutionary
event of that age will be the communion and human relationships established among all peoples, enabling
men everywhere to sit down together in the Presence of the Christ and share the bread and wine (symbols of
nourishment). Preparations for that shared feast (symbolically speaking) are on their way, and those
preparations are being made by the masses of men themselves, as they fight and struggle and legislate for
the economic sustenance of their nations, and as the theme of food occupies the attention of legislators
everywhere. This sharing, beginning on the physical plane, will prove equally true of all human relations
and this will be the great gift of the Aquarian Age to humanity. ROC 80
In June, 1945, at the time of the full moon (so significant a day in the spiritual experience of the Christ), He
definitely and consciously took over His duties and responsibilities as the Teacher and Leader during the
Aquarian solar cycle. He is the first of the great world Teachers to cover two zodiacal cycles—the Piscean
and the Aquarian. This is a statement easily made and written down, but again it involves the three modes or
techniques of appearance to which I have already referred. His outpouring love and spiritual vitality
(augmented by the energies of the Spirit of Peace, the Avatar of Synthesis and the Buddha) were refocussed
and channelled into a great stream, pulled through into expression (if I may word it so inadequately) by the
words of the Invocation, "Let love stream forth into the hearts of men.... Let Light and Love and Power
restore the Plan on Earth."
In those three words—light, love and power—the energies of His three Associates (the great Triangle of
Force which stands in power behind Him) are described: the energy of the Buddha: Light, for the light ever
comes from the East; the energy of the Spirit of Peace: Love, establishing right human relations; the energy
of the Avatar of Synthesis: Power, implementing both light and love. At the centre of this Triangle the Christ
took His stand; from that point His Aquarian work began, and it will continue for two thousand five hundred
years. Thus He inaugurated the new era and, upon the inner spiritual planes, the new world religion began to
take form. The word "religion" concerns relationship, and the era of right human relations and of a right
relation to the Kingdom of God began. Such a statement as this is easily made but its implications are farreaching and stupendous. ROC
Christ can draw upon the energies which are defined by the phrase "life more abundantly," because they will
set loose (in the Aquarian Age) in a new and dynamic manner the new energies needed in order to bring
about restoration and resurrection. This new energy is the "implementing force of universality"; it concerns
the future. This inflow of Aquarian energy is one of the factors which will enable the Christ to complete His
task as world Saviour and world Teacher. ROC 85
The work of Christ, during the Piscean Age, was to relate humanity to the Hierarchy of the planet; in the
Aquarian Age, His work will be to relate this rapidly growing group to that higher centre where the Father is
contacted, where recognition of sonship is accorded and where the divine purpose can be known. Through
the coming work of Christ, the three divine aspects, recognised by all the world religions (including the
Christian religion)—Intelligence or the Universal Mind, Love and Will—will be consciously developed in
mankind; humanity, the spiritual Hierarchy and the "centre where the will of God is known" will be brought
into a more open and general relationship. ROC 88
When the searchlight of the mind is penetrating slowly into hitherto unrecognised aspects of the divine
mind, when the magnetic qualities of the heart are awakening and becoming sensitively responsive to both
the other aspects, then the man becomes able to function in the new unfolding realms of light, love and
service. He is initiate.
These are the mysteries with which the Christ will deal; His acknowledged Presence with us and the
presence of His disciples will make possible a far more rapid development than would otherwise be the case.
The stimulation of the objective Hierarchy will be increasingly potent and the Aquarian Age will see so
many of the sons of men accepting the great Renunciation that world effort will be on the same scale as the
mass education of mankind in the Piscean Age. Materialism as a mass principle will be rejected and the
major spiritual values will assume greater control.
The production of the culture of any given period is simply the reflection of the creative ability and the
precise consciousness of the initiates of the time—those who knew they were initiate and were also
conscious of admittance into direct relation with the Hierarchy. At present, we use neither of these two
words, civilisation and culture, in their rightful sense or with their true meaning. Civilisation is the reflection
in the mass of men of some particular cyclic influence, leading to an initiation. Culture is esoterically related
to those within any era of civilisation who specifically, precisely and in full waking consciousness, through
self-initiated effort, penetrate into those inner realms of thought activity which we call the creative world.
These are the realms which are responsible for the outer civilisation. ROC 129
In the age into which we are now emerging, the Aquarian Age, this mode of group work will reach a very
high point of development, and the world will be saved and reconstructed by groups far more than by
individuals. In the past we have had world saviours—Sons of God Who have given to men a message which
brought an increase of light to the people. Now, in the fullness of time, and through the processes of
evolution, there is emerging a group who will bring salvation to the world and who (embodying group ideas
and emphasising the true meaning of the Church of Christ) will so stimulate and energise the minds and
souls of men that the new age will be ushered in by an outpouring of the Love, Knowledge and Harmony of
God Himself, as well as by the reappearance of the Christ in Whom all these three faculties of divinity will
be embodied. ROC183
Those disciples who are working along this line are the nurturers of the seed of the future intuitional
civilisation, which will come to its full glory in the Aquarian Age. The intuition is the infallibly
sensitive agent, latent in every human being; it is based, as you know, upon direct knowledge,
unimpeded by any instrument normally functioning in the three worlds. Of this intuitional future age,
Christ is the Seed Man, for "He knew what was in man." Today, a group or a unit of groups can be
the nurturers of the seed of the intuition; the cultivation of sensitivity to telepathic impression is one of
the most potent agencies in developing the coming use of the intuitive faculty.
The truly telepathic man is the man who is responsive to impressions coming to him from all forms of
life in the three worlds, but he is also equally responsive to impressions coming to him from the world
of souls and the world of the intuition. It is the development of the telepathic instinct which will
eventually make a man a master in the three worlds, and also in the five worlds of human and
superhuman development. By a process of withdrawal (of occult abstraction) and of concentration
upon the telepathic cult, the whole science of telepathy (as a seed of a future racial potency) can be
developed and understood. This is a process now going forward, and it is going on in two ways:
through the medium of telepathic groups and of telepathic people, and through the medium of
exoteric scientific investigation. The building of the thoughtform which will accustom the race to the
idea of telepathic work is proceeding apace, and the seed of this development is becoming very vital
and powerful and germinating with real rapidity. It is, in the last analysis, the seed of
I would have all disciples begin to train themselves to respond to the Aquarian energy now pouring into the
Hierarchy. Some of you can do so as accepted disciples, and as members of my Ashram. Take advantage,
therefore, of the opportunity for re-energising that comes to all those who have established contact, via their
souls, with the Hierarchy, or who are members of an Ashram, or who, as probationers, are upon the
periphery of the great Ashram of Sanat Kumara, the Hierarchy. This Aquarian influence produces mainly
the intensifying of the hierarchical relationship to Shamballa, and therefore affects every member of His
Ashram, from the Christ down to the most newly accepted disciple.
It is through the disciples that the New Group of World Servers are brought under the stepped-down
Aquarian influences; this has to be an individual matter, largely dependent upon the point of evolution.
Some members of the New Group of World Servers will not respond in any way; they cannot. Others will
respond as fully as their spiritual status permits. This inflow of Aquarian energy is one of the factors which
will enable the Christ to complete His task as World Saviour and World Teacher; it will also enable Him to
take the initiation which lies immediately ahead of Him and for which He has been preparing for close upon
three thousand years—so exalted and peculiar an initiation it is. It is this influence also which has enabled
the Master R. to assume the mantle of the Mahachohan and become the Lord of Civilisation—a civilisation
which will be conditioned by the rhythm of the seventh ray. R& I 232
Rule XII.
Let the group serve as Aquarius indicates; let Mercury speed the group upon the upward Way and let
Taurus bring illumination and the attainment of the vision; let the mark of the Saviour, as the group
toils in Pisces, be seen above the aura of the group. RI 232
The third great change has been in the relation of the Hierarchy to Shamballa, and of this you can
necessarily know and understand little. I could perhaps express the underlying significance to you in
symbolic language. The energy, emanating from Shamballa, has been divided into two direct and distinctive
streams. One stream, embodying the dynamic of purpose, is now pouring into the Hierarchy and into its
seven major Ashrams; another stream, embodying the dynamic of determination or of enlightened
enthusiastic will, is reaching humanity direct, via the New Group of World Servers. Hitherto a blended
stream of Shamballa force has poured into the Hierarchy and has streamed, in its undifferentiated type and
quality, into all the groups within the Hierarchy. Now the quality of determination, or of what the average
person understands by the use of the word "Will," is pouring into the New Group of World Servers, whilst
the energy of dynamic purpose, differentiated into seven diverging streams, is pouring into each of the
"seven points of reception," the Masters' Ashrams within the ring-pass-not of the Hierarchy. These seven
types of purpose embody the seven energies which will reorganise and redefine the hierarchical
undertakings, and thus inaugurate the New Age. These seven purposes might be called: RI 241
As you are well aware, human history has been essentially the history of great spiritual Messengers Who—
from time to time, in the hours of human crisis—have come forth from the secret place of the Most High to
aid, inspire, reveal, lead and direct. It is the history of the presentation of ideas, brought to the attention of
humanity and gradually developed into civilisations and cultures. Such is the urgency of human need at this
time, and such is the opportunity, that one such Son of God is—during this cycle of tension—seeking to
cooperate with the Christ. As a result of Christ's decision and His "spiritual fusion" with the Will of God, the
Avatar of Synthesis has become, for the time being, His close Associate. [Page 77] This is an event of
supreme and planetary importance. His relationship and planned help date from the time of the pronouncing
of the great Invocation and its use by men everywhere. Owing to the stupendous task confronting Christ, the
Avatar of Synthesis will fortify Him, and He will be buttressed by this "Silent Avatar" Who (to speak
symbolically) will "keep His eye upon Him, His hand beneath Him and His heart in unison with His."
This Being is closely related to the Will Aspect of divinity, and His cooperation has been made possible
through Christ's Own attainment along the line of the highest, spiritual will. He works under the great
natural Law of Synthesis, producing at-one-ment, unification and fusion. His function (in unison with the
energy of Christ) is to generate spiritual will in humanity, the will-to-good; His potency works in three fields
of activity at this time:
a. Within the spiritual Hierarchy itself, revealing the nature of the divine will-to-good which the
Kingdom of God must express, and the nature also of divine Purpose.
b. Within the Assembly of the United Nations, though not within the Security Council; He is there
generating a slowly growing will-to-unity.
c. Within the masses of men everywhere, fostering the urge to a general betterment.
His activity is necessarily a mass activity, for He can only channel His energies through the mass
consciousness or through a group conscious entity, such as the Hierarchy, the United Nations or Humanity.
The focal point of His effort and the Agent through which distribution of His energy can be made is the New
Group of World Servers; [Page 78] this group is uniquely related to this Avatar of Synthesis. The bringing
together of all the agents of goodwill (who are responsive to the energy of the divine will-to-good)
constitutes the major objective of the New Group of World Servers and always has been. Their work can
now be constructively and creatively intensified through the association of the Avatar of Synthesis with the
Christ. Their task is to usher in the New Age; in that New Age, the five Kingdoms in Nature will begin to
function as one creative whole. Their work falls into the following parts, functions or activities:
a. The production of a human synthesis or unity which will lead to an universal recognition of the one
humanity, brought about through right human relations.
b. The establishing of right relations with the subhuman kingdoms in nature, leading to the universal
recognition that there is One World.
c. The anchoring of the Kingdom of God, the spiritual Hierarchy of our planet, in open expression on
Earth, thus leading to the universal recognition that the sons of men are one.
These objectives the Avatar of Synthesis will foster and aid and for this purpose He has associated Himself
with the Christ, working through the Hierarchy, under instruction from the "centre where the will of God is
known." These three related events and distributing points of energy have all come into activity during the
point of tension in which Christ and the Hierarchy are at this time held. They all serve to re-direct and focus
energy in relation to humanity, for all are the result of the decision made by Christ after His point of crisis,
and are all connected with the hierarchical preparation for Christ's reappearance. ROC 79
The Soul is not enough
(Bruce Lyon)
This paper is an attempt to link some of the following subjects:
The life principle – Monad, Shamballa, Central Sun etc.
The importance of the fourth plane/subplane.
The coming of the Life energy of the soul in the Second Round.
The dual working of consciousness.
The penetration of science into both the black hole cosmology and the internals of the atom –
quantum physics.
Mercury, Venus, Saturn decanate rulerships of Aquarius.
The Aquarian Christ.
Alternative titles for the paper would be "The application of the Energy of Life to Consciousness" or the
"Adding of Darkness to Light".
To begin we must focus our awareness at the heart of the second system – the human hierarchy on the fourth
plane of buddhi. The human being is that peculiar combination of Mercury and Venus or the Fourth and
Fifth Hierarchies. The human soul, Mercury representing the spirit aspect and its devic counterpart Venus
the consciousness aspect. Mercury sends Venus in two directions – towards the Monad and towards the
personality. In both directions Saturn is encountered – exoteric Saturn on the fourth subplane of the mental
plane separating the solar from lunar lives (or consciousness from form) and esoteric Saturn on the fourth
subplane of the atmic plane separating consciousness from life or Hierarchy from Shamballa. This can all be
seen by examining the hierarchical rulerships of the planes:
Saturn (exoterically Venus)
Venus (exoterically Saturn)
The penetration of the gatekeeper, Saturn by Venus under the direction of Mercury, must happen in two
directions simultaneously at the Third Initiation, thus allowing the monadic energy to flow through the triad
and transfigure the personality.
So in the second system we see an expansion of consciousness from the triad in both directions towards the
higher three planes and towards the lower, resulting in the 'solarisation' of the seven planes. When Christ
linked with Shamballa he simultaneously made it possible to solarise the astral plane. When he took the
Seventh Initiation thus linking with the logoic plane, he made it possible to solarise the physical. This is a
development in consciousness, but underneath consciousness or behind is Life, so that Life must be preexistent but unrealised. In the second system the two planes most important to the Life principle are the
monadic and astral (75 percent of humans are focused on the fourth subplane of the astral).
The coming of the 'serpent energy' in the Second Round is the descent of this Life energy into the sixth
plane prior to the coming of (self-) consciousness. Consciousness on the middle three subplanes is intended
to link the second and sixth subplanes through the building of the antahkarana. The kundalini or dragon
energy anchored in the second chain/round/race etc. is the material source of the 'life of the soul' (“the secret
of life lies hid in the serpent stage”1). The Monad is the spiritual source of the 'life of the soul'. These two
'lives' must meet and know themselves to be one – which they can do on the buddhic plane. It is the monad
that gives the human Hierarchy (Mercury) on the fourth plane the spiritual power to make this atonement,
Bailey, A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p. 893
and it is the 'rising agnisuryans' that give the 'material' power to the soul enabling it to break free of the
causal body.
The way I have expressed this in my book Agni: Way of Fire is as follows:
It is as if a king has had to leave a loving wife in a far land and asks her to remain faithful. He knows that he
will be gone so long that he will be unrecognisable to her on his return so he gives her one of his strongest
swords and tells her to meet all potential suitors on the field of battle. The one she is unable to defeat she will
know is him.2
This is why I say the soul is not enough. Only the monad is able to meet and conquer the 'serpent energy'
and therefore only when the triadal consciousness has penetrated through the fourth subplane of the atmic
into the Life aspect is it safe to awaken kundalini in its full power and consummate the marriage of Shiva
and Shakti. The Dweller and Angel meet and merge.
If we go to the cosmic planes we might look at a similar relationship between Mercury/Venus and the
Sun/Sirius. Our Solar Logos is moving towards the Third cosmic Initiation and therefore trying to link the
Cosmic Logos to the Planetary Logos. Our Planetary Logos (the Great Dragon) is polarised on the fourth
subplane of the cosmic astral. I leave you to make your own correspondences.
In the third solar system we are told that there will be three evolutions – humans (Mercury) deva (Venus)
and 'the mysterious third evolution'3 linked to the planetary entity (Saturn). Now Saturn is the Cosmic Moon
and builds the bridge to the last system. We might think of the 'life' of this entity, currently involutionary and
building form as being motivated by and protecting a solar kundalini – the serpent energy. Earth is
synthesised into Saturn, Venus by Neptune and Mercury by Uranus. Thus we have the synthesis of the three
great schemes.
If we pause to examine what is happening on our planet we note the release of the Shamballa impact
coinciding with both the penetration into the atom and penetration into black hole cosmology. This is man
using Venus to penetrate on the physical plane into the mysteries of 'life' through higher (event horizon) and
lower (shell of the atom) boundaries.
Parallel to this we have the descent of higher Life energies into consciousness, resulting in the synthesising
of different belief systems, the development of international systems like the United Nations (and the
shadow side – attempts at global domination by Hitler, etc.). Spiritual Life is pouring in to the higher
consciousness while at the same time we have had a tremendous release upwards from the collective
unconscious – sexual liberation, empowerment of the feminine principle, modern depth psychology and the
many addictive and obsessive/compulsive patterns associated with the reptile brain and 'life urge' in matter
principle. The energies of 'life in matter' have been suppressed by lower consciousness (Saturn) until the
higher energies of Life (Uranus) were strong enough to meet them. That is increasingly the case, and rather
than polarisation we may find the urge for Trance dance and bungy jumping in the young to arise from the
exact same energy that in its higher octave results in transcendence of consciousness and the experience of
spiritual livingness.
The Age of Aquarius brings Light Supernal to the physical plane and the Reappearance of the Christ. The
three decanates of Aquarius are ruled by Venus, Mercury and Saturn and we are told by DK that:
Ordinarily speaking, the mass of men would pass through the sign via Venus, Mercury and Saturn, for the
undeveloped man is influenced by those qualities which can be best described as instinctual mind or affection
(Venus), which is brotherly love in embryo; by the slow unfoldment of the mind through the activity of
Mercury; finally, as the result of this unfoldment, conflict supervenes and Saturn offers opportunity to suffer
and, through suffering, to learn to choose rightly, to analyse correctly and to decide upon the higher values.
These points must be carefully considered by the astrologer. But at this time, we are at a point of crisis and the
problem takes wider implications, for the reason that, for the first time in its history, humanity is beginning to
mount the Fixed Cross of the disciple, thus reversing its progress upon the circle of the Zodiac. Humanity-as a
Bruce Lyon, Agni: Way of Fire, White Stone Publishing, NZ, 2004
Bailey, A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p. 844
whole and owing to the large proportion of aspirants and thinking idealists-is entering Aquarius, via the open
door of Saturn. At the same time, a very large number of men are in the non-thinking instinctual stage and
their consciousness is predominantly Atlantean. These enter via Venus and hence the conflict.4
Thus we will have the exact same conflict between the energies of Venus and Saturn that the disciple must
reconcile at the Third Initiation but working on a planetary scale. Light Ssupernal is a sevenfold light that
we can link back with a quote from Hilarian:
For the Sun to shine again with "seven-fold light" indicates that at some preceding period of activity the sun in
question with all its burden of life must have been developed to a very much higher degree. For the seven-fold
light here mentioned is the light of the Central Spiritual Sun. If the sun of our solar system were to shine again
with that particular "light," it would be necessary for the energy of each principle of the Central Sun to be
focused upon the Solar Orb again - as in some preceding age when the cyclic law permitted such a like focus.5
Replace 'Sun' with ‘Christ’ and we have an indication of the mission of the Aquarian Christ. This sevenfold
energy – a blending of the seven rays via the Seventh Ray – is focused via the atmic plane into the physical.
It must unite the lower five worlds, Hierarchy and Humanity into one whole – a fusion of the soul and
personality of the planet. This is His great mission, and to fulfill it he needs members of humanity who have
been able to make this at-onement in their own lives in order to 'focalise' this seven-fold light through the
higher mental plane.
That [the release of Great Invocation] was the first step in the planned precipitation of the "light supernal"; the
second step will be the reappearance of the Great Lord, Who will act as the lens through which the light can
be focussed and adapted to human need. Conditions are rapidly being brought about whereby this great event
of light distribution will be possible. The Christ can and does function now upon the atmic plane and
embodies within Himself the great Point of Revelation which has been expressed by me in the words: "The
Will is an expression of the Law of Sacrifice." The invocation now mounting from humanity to that high Place
where dwells the Christ is, at this time, focussed in or originates upon the plane of the emotions; because of
this, we find the words in the Scriptures that at the end of the age "the Desire of all Nations" will come forth.
The movement to bring Him-from the angle of the masses-emanates, therefore, from the astral plane. The
plans for His coming are being laid in the higher correspondence of that plane, the buddhic plane, or the plane
of pure reason.6
The rapid coming of the Avatar Who will found the station of light and power upon the physical plane is
dependent upon the rapid unfoldment and appearance of integrated personalities who love and think and seek
to serve. There has here been given a new hint upon one of the more esoteric aspects of the work of the New
Group of World Servers.7
Today, through human effort and hierarchical endeavour, a great alignment and linking up is taking place, and
Monad-Soul-Personality are being more directly related than has hitherto been possible. One reason for this is
that there are present in incarnation upon the planet many more initiates of the third degree than ever before;
there are many more disciples being prepared for the third initiation; and in this third strictly human race, the
Aryan (using this term in its generic sense and not in its prostituted German connotation), the three aspects of
the personality are now so potent that their magnetic influence and their creative effect are making the
building of the antahkarana an outstanding achievement, thus linking and aligning the three aspects in man.
The same is true of the three divine centres in the planet which embody these divine qualities: Shamballa,
Hierarchy, and Humanity.8
These methods of overshadowing will be largely the ones used by the Great Lord and His Masters at the end
of the century, and for this reason They are sending into incarnation, in every country, disciples who have the
opportunity offered them to respond to the need of humanity. Hence the need of training men and women to
recognise the higher psychism, and the true inspiration and mediumship, and to do this scientifically. In fifty
years time, the need for true psychics and conscious mediums (such as H. P. B., for instance) will be very
great if the Master's plans are to be carried to fruition, and the movement must be set on foot in preparation for
Bailey, Esoteric Astrology, 283.
Theogenesis, Temple of the People, Halcyon, California, 1981.
Bailey, Discipleship in the New Age, vol. 2, p. 426
Bailey, Esoteric Psychology, vol. 2, p, 282
Bailey, The Rays and the Initiations, p 473.
the coming of Him for Whom all nations wait. In this work many have their share, provided they demonstrate
the necessary endurance.9
Linking the above quotes we can see the need for Third Degree initiates or those preparing for this degree to
come together in synthesis creating an ajna centre in the human race so that Light Supernal can be directed
via the Masters on the atmic plane through the higher mental plane (thus reconciling Venus and Saturn).
Behind this and generating the energy of Life is Shamballa, working through the Christ as the representative
of humanity who has linked the energies of all seven cosmic planes in his own being. This Light Supernal is
focused through the planes of the triad and able to reach and lift the concentrated energies of the astral field
(which are themselves an expression of the Life aspect) through the mental field (liberating as a byproduct
those members of humanity who are acting as the lens on the mental plane) to produce at-onement on the
buddhic plane and thus increase the power of the human hierarchy to expand in two directions – towards the
physical and the logoic planes.
Thus we see that the soul is not enough, and it is only when the energy of Shamballa is added to Hierarchy
and able to penetrate into a connection with Humanity itself that the redemption of the personality life of the
planet is attained. This requires the conscious, focused participation of those members of humanity who are
themselves able to act as a bridge between Hierarchy and Humanity and reconcile these two spheres of
activity in themselves thus creating the antahkarana of consciousness that can link the two energies of 'life'
in this system – the monadic and astral planes. Eventually we will see the destiny of the Fourth or human
Hierarchy fulfilled when it can expand its solarising consciousness fully into the physical plane, thus
redeeming matter itself and releasing the 'Light within the form'.
When the lowest of the low, the densest of the dense, and the highest of the high have all been lifted through
the little wills of men, then can the One in Whom we live raise into radiating light the vivid lighted ball of
Earth, and then another greater Voice can say to Him: `Well done! Move on. Light shines.'10 (Dina 2, 315)
"When the radiant light of the Solar Angel is fused with the golden light of the cosmic intermediary, it
awakens from darkness the rush light of anu, the speck."
The "cosmic intermediary" is the term given to the etheric body, which is part and parcel of the universal
ether. It is through the etheric body that all the energies flow, whether emanating from the soul, or from the
sun, or from a planet. Along those living lines of fiery essence pass all the contacts that do not emanate
specifically from the tangible world.
The dark light of the tiny atoms of which the physical vehicle is constructed is responsive to the stimulation
passing down from the soul into its vehicle, and, when the man is under control of the soul, there eventuates
the shining forth of the light throughout the body. This shows as the radiance emanating from the bodies of
adepts and saints, giving the effect of bright and shining light.11
Thus we also see the importance of science using Venus to penetrate into the mysteries of the etheric
physical plane. Scientists create a channel through which the redemption of matter by the soul will
eventually reach consummation.
Bailey, A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, pp. 757-8
Bailey, Discipleship in the New Age, vol. 2, p. 315
Bailey, A Treatise on White Magic, pp. 105-6
A Paper on Avatars and the Aquarian Christ
(Bruce Lyon)
Much information is given in the Secret Doctrine and in the Bailey material on the subject of Avatars. This
paper is an attempt to synthesise some of this information as it relates in particular to the Aquarian Age into
which we are now entering and to the role of humanity with respect to the avataric process.
We are told that an Avatar can be defined as an entity "Coming down with the approval of the higher source
from which it came and with benefit to the place at which it arrives." (ROC, 7), and that there are a variety
of levels of Avatar – cosmic, solar, interplanetary, planetary, and human (TCF, 729). Furthermore, human
avatars can be divided into racial avatars, teaching avatars, ray avatars, transmitting avatars and divine
embodiments (EXH, 297). There are many references to the 'coming avatar' that seem to refer to different
levels of being and must be understood synthetically in order for the full picture to emerge. We will begin by
focusing on the avatars appearing in the three worlds.
The Buddha and the Christ were expressions of transmitting avatars. The Buddha transmitted the energy of
light and the Christ that of Love. We await the appearance of a third avatar who will transmit the energy of
power upon the physical plane and thus the three "Temples of the Mysteries" will be built.
These three Temples of the Mysteries (of which two are already existing, and the third will later appear) are
each of them related to one of the three divine aspects, and the energy of the three major rays pours through
them. [...] Over the Temple upon the mental plane, the Buddha presides and there will consummate His
unfinished work. Over the Temple upon the plane of sentient feeling and of loving aspiration, the Christ
presides, for this is the Temple of the most difficult initiatory processes. […] Later will come an Avatar Who
will achieve neither the full enlightenment of the Buddha nor the full expression of the divine love of the
Christ, but Who will have a large measure of wisdom and of love, plus that "materialising power" which will
enable Him to found a divine powerhouse upon the physical plane. His task, in many ways, is far more
difficult than that of the two preceding Avatars, for He carries in Himself not only the energies of the two
divine principles, already "duly anchored" upon the planet by His two great Brothers, but He has also within
Himself much of a third divine principle, hitherto not used upon our planet. He carries the will of God into
manifestation, and of that will we, as yet, know really nothing. So difficult is His task that the New Group of
World Servers is being trained to assist Him. Thus an aspect of the first ray principle will be anchored by Him
upon earth. (EP 2, 282)
The work of the 'power avatar' will be aided by the coming in of the seventh ray avatar next century.
Next century, when the seventh ray has achieved complete manifestation and the Piscean influence is entirely
removed, the seventh ray Avatar will appear. His work will demonstrate the law, order and rhythm of the
creative process as it works out on the physical plane, blending spirit and matter. And as this ray is called the
Ray of Ceremonial Order or Ritual, He will be largely instrumental in producing those conditions which will
permit of the reappearance upon Earth of the Mysteries of Initiation, of which the Hierarchy is the custodian.
(EXH, 299)
Indeed, we could relate each of these avatars to a particular quality of divinity expressing on a particular
plane. The Buddha transmits the third ray on the fifth or mental plane. The Christ transmits the second ray
on the sixth or astral plane. The 'power avatar' transmits the first ray upon the seventh or physical plane.
Together they therefore express the synthesis of the personality on the three lower planes, coming under the
impression of energies from the three highest.
These Avatars operate synthetically and to understand this we must free ourselves from the Piscean attitude
of focus on an 'individual' and adopt an Aquarian approach, which sees a hierarchy of beings operating
together. Is, for example the coming avatar the 'Avatar of Synthesis', the ‘Spirit of Peace’, the 'rider on the
white horse', the Christ, the Buddha, the seventh ray avatar, Sanat Kumara, a Solar Avatar, The Avatar from
Capricorn, the Avatar from Sirius? The answer must be Yes! We need to understand how all these beings,
and others, operate together to form a great Antahkarana from cosmic to planetary levels of being.
Some hint to this mode of approach is given by the following enigmatic quote from Cosmic Fire, 1195
(bolds mine):
This is true of all men, of the Heavenly Men and of the solar Logos likewise, and there is a mysterious
analogy concerned in the manifestation of the three higher principles in man (which may be considered as
demonstrating through the perfected Adept, the Bodhisattva) and the three higher principles of the solar Logos
as they demonstrate through the major three aspects. They form but one principle showing forth in three ways.
So it is with the unmanifested Monad (unmanifested from the standpoint of the lower man). That Monad
can—at a certain very advanced stage in evolution, and one far beyond that of the Adept—have its
triple simultaneous manifestation, and show forth as a Master in the three worlds, as a Bodhisattva on
His own plane and as the emancipated Dhyani Buddha; yet these Three will be but One, will be the
result of a great spiritual vibration and will perform the triple work which may (from the standpoint of
the three worlds) appear as the work of three separate great Existences. They are forms of three
monadic "vestures," worn by the one Monad as a man wears his three bodies simultaneously, and
functions in them separately.
One or other of these three can, if so He will, occupy a body on the physical plane which will not be simply a
created mayavirupa. This is done in one of two ways: either through the occupancy of a willingly vacated
body, as was the case when the Christ occupied the body of Jesus, or by a divine overshadowing of a disciple,
as has been and will be the case. The quality of the form occupied or used, and the nature of its work depends
upon which of the three higher aspects of the initiating impulse, is manifesting. Very rarely a more
mysterious phenomenon occurs and the overshadowing Buddha, Bodhisattva, or Adept each makes His
"appearance" upon earth thus demonstrating the three aspects of knowledge, love and will and all
taking form.
This may seem to be a great complexity, but it is not so much stranger after all than the phenomenon of the
Monad (in time and space and during evolution) demonstrating forth as the Triad, the Ego and the Personality.
This type of triple Avatar only makes its appearance under a peculiar series of cycles concerned with a group
of Monads who were the most progressed and advanced at the opening of the mahamanvantara. As yet, there
are not many progressed enough to do this triple work; the Buddha and nine others being the only Ones as yet
remaining in touch with our particular planet in this particular manner. A few are as Christ is, and have the
power to make a dual appearance. This type of monad is only found on Rays two, four, six.
Physical plane centric that we are, humans tend to think in terms of ascent when we think of spiritual
growth. However, Avatars descend which is why in the Aquarian age we will see the 'reign of avatars' as
spiritual energy descends on to the physical plane. As we go through the first three human initiations we
think in terms of freedom from the physical, emotional and mental planes. This is a personality perspective.
The soul descends into the mental, astral and physical respectively. At the third initiation, energy from the
monad is bought down onto the physical to awaken the kundalini in the base chakra. The Solar Logos is
taking the third cosmic initiation, therefore energy from the Solar Monad must descend and raise the energy
stored in the base chakra of the system. We might think of units of the fourth hierarchy as a form of solar
kundalini that is being freed by the descent of this extra-systemic energy. This is a collective form of
initiation which is distinct from the sequential piscean approach.
On the Way of Descending Approaches, the Buddha from the mental plane and also upon it, embodied in
Himself the blazing enlightenment which is the result of a rare occurrence—a Cosmic Touch. He challenged
the people to the Path of Light, of which knowledge and wisdom are two aspects. These, when brought into
relationship with each other, produce the light. In a curious and esoteric manner, therefore, the Buddha
embodied in Himself the force and activity of the third ray, of the third aspect of divinity—the divine cosmic
principle of Intelligence. By its fusion with the ray of our solar system (the ray of Love) He expressed
perfectly the significance of light in matter, of the intelligence principle as found in form, and was the Avatar
Who carried in Himself the fully ripened seeds of the past solar system. We should not forget that our present
solar system is, as was stated in A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, the second in a series of three systems.
Then came the next great Avatar, the Christ, Who, enfolding in Himself all that the Buddha had of light and
wisdom (being fully enlightened in the occult and spiritual sense) on the Ray of Descending Approach,
embodied also the peace of inclusiveness, which comes from the Touch of Divine Acquiescence. He was the
embodied force of submission, and He carried the divine approach to the astral plane, the plane of feeling.
Thus two great stations of energy and two major powerhouses of light have been established by these two
Sons of God, and the descent of the divine life into manifestation has been greatly facilitated. The Way is now
opened so that the ascent of the sons of men can become entirely possible. It is around these two ideas of
divine descent and of human corresponding ascent that the coming new religion must be built.
Stations of power exist and have been founded through the work of the various World Saviours. These stations
of power must be contacted by humanity as time transpires, through their individual re-enactment (on a tiny
scale) of the cosmic approaches, or the touches of divinity, dramatically engineered by the cosmic Avatars, the
Buddha and the Christ. It is because the Christ has approached closer to humanity by focussing divine energy
upon the astral plane through His divine acquiescence that He is the First Initiator. From one point of view,
these two centres of force constitute the Temples of Initiation through which all disciples have to pass. This
passing is the theme of the coming new religion.
Mankind has entered into the Temples at the great cosmic Approach of Appropriation in Lemurian times.
Certain of the more advanced sons of men were passed in Atlantean times and still more will be passed in the
immediate future, whilst a fair number will also be raised to immortality, but from the angle of the race it is
the initiation of passing which is ahead for a very large number, and not the initiation of being raised. I am
not here speaking of the so-called five major initiations, but of certain group events which are
predominantly cosmic in nature. The major initiations which are the goal of human endeavor are
individual in nature, and constitute, as it were, a preparatory period of expansions of consciousness.
There were, if I might so express it, seven steps or approaches on the part of the life of God in the subhuman
kingdoms prior to the Approach of Appropriation when humanity individualised. There are, as we know, five
initiations ahead of the world disciples and these are steps towards the Approach of Acquiescence which
will become possible on our planet before long. There are—after these seven and five steps—three more to
be taken before the cosmic Approach of Enlightenment can take place in a far distant future. So humanity
enters into the outer Court of God's love, passes into the Holy Place and is raised in the Secret Place of the
Most High.
Later, the Avatar will emerge Who will embody in Himself all that the Buddha had of enlightenment and all
that Christ had of acquiescing love. He will, however, also embody the energy which produced the Approach
of Appropriation, and when He comes forth, there will transpire a great appropriation by humanity of its
recognised divinity, and the establishing upon earth of a station of light and of power which will make
possible the externalising of the Mysteries of Initiation upon earth. This approach is the cause of much of the
present turmoil, for the Avatar is on His way. (EP II, 279)
We might think of the Buddha as bringing light from the third aspect of the monad onto the mental plane.
The Christ brought the energy of love or the second aspect of the monad from the monadic plane (via the
overshadowing of the Master Jesus taking the fourth initiation on the buddhic plane) onto the astral plane.
We might imagine that the coming avatar will bring the first aspect of the monad from the logoic plane all
the way through to the physical. This line of descent will likely follow the 1,3,5,7 planes – the
overshadowing particularly effecting fifth degree initiates on the atmic plane, third degree initiates on the
mental plane (coming forth into outer prominence) and making possible the institution of the first initiation
in the outer Temple on the physical plane.
The Christ, in taking the seventh initiation on the path of Earth Service, set the scene for His decision to return
as the leader of not only the Piscean Age but also the Aquarian (ROC, 82).
How should we understand His return? We might remember that at His last coming He did not take a
physical form but chose to overshadow the Master Jesus. We are told that He has decided to make physical
contact with Humanity again. What does this mean? We know that at the seventh degree a Master no longer
functions through his own etheric centres. (RI, 699) Further, his consciousness (if we might term it such) is
extra-planetary – participating in the true 'life more abundant'. How is this 'life more abundant' to be
transferred to the etheric physical plane? To understand this in the Aquarian sense we must realise that His
etheric centres are no longer physical but buddhic – in other words the 49 ashrams on the buddhic plane. He
is operating through the cosmic physical etheric and not the systemic physical. The 'body of Christ' IS the
lower three worlds and it is infused and directed from the planetary ethers. Whether or not Masters take
physical bodies is not the point except as demonstration of the highest in the lowest. The true 'return of the
Christ' is a planetary phenomenon. At the third degree the lower three vehicles are fully integrated and come
under synthetic control of the buddhic plane and the ashram. This is why the development of the New Group
of World Servers is so important to the Externalisation process for they collectively serve as the outer
expression of the body of Christ controlled by the planetary etheric. The Return of the Christ is a
'demonstration' of His capacity to control the three worlds – not of His own vehicles – but of the planet as a
whole! Earth's civilisation will become the body of Christ, integrated with and directed by Christed energies
flowing through the planetary etheric.
The three Temples on the mental, astral and physical planes are in effect 'solarised' centres within the
planetary personality. All those whose minds are under soul control are part of the Temple of Light. All
those whose hearts are open and 'christed' are part of the Temple of Love. What remains is for the
demonstration of this light and love upon the physical plane through the inauguration of the Temple of
Power. This outer temple is in effect the 'seed of the coming seventh ray, Aquarian civilisation' where the
wine (life more abundant) and the bread (economics) will be shared according to the dictates of the
planetary soul. When these temples are operating synthetically, we will have the Acquiescence of the
planetary personality (polarised in the emotional body) to the planetary soul.
We will go into the role of humanity in this process more fully later but for now we might research further
into the process of building the cosmic antahkarana. The following diagram expresses the relationship of
Christ, as the coming Avatar, the Rider on the white horse to the three temples.
This lower synthesis is the result of the transmission of energies from a higher triangle representing the
monadic triad.
Thus, the Christ serves as the 'atoning' point between these triangles bringing atma to manas, monadic to
astral and logoic to physical. He is able to do this because He has reached into the highest plane at the
seventh initiation and is therefore able to transmit this energy to the lowest. The Avatar of Synthesis is
primarily a first ray Avatar, assisting the second ray Christ to establish His seventh ray kingdom on earth –
thus the three rays of the synthesis ashram all come in to play. The anthakarana on the cosmic physical plane
is completed from the highest to the lowest.
In those three words—light, love and power—the energies of His three Associates (the great Triangle of Force
which stands in power behind Him) are described: the energy of the Buddha: Light, for the light ever comes
from the East; the energy of the Spirit of Peace: Love, establishing right human relations; the energy of the
Avatar of Synthesis: Power, implementing both light and love. At the centre of this Triangle the Christ took
His stand; from that point His Aquarian work began, and it will continue for two thousand five hundred years.
Thus He inaugurated the new era and, upon the inner spiritual planes, the new world religion began to take
form. The word "religion" concerns relationship, and the era of right human relations and of a right relation to
the Kingdom of God began. Such a statement as this is easily made but its implications are far-reaching and
stupendous. (ROC, 83)
Extending this thought of synthesis on to the cosmic planes we must realise that the Solar Logos is similarly
engaged in a project to synthesise his lower three vehicles. He is working towards the third cosmic initiation
and needs to coordinate His three systems and the three lower cosmic planes into one functioning unit. The
Avatar of Synthesis is a cosmic Avatar and thus liberated from the two lower cosmic planes (TCF, 727). The
Law of Synthesis is that of the cosmic mental plane so this Avatar could be said to represent that energy.
The Spirit of Peace is along the second ray line so could be said to represent the cosmic astral plane, and the
Buddha represents the flower of the earlier system and therefore the cosmic physical plane. If we put these
Avatars – cosmic, solar and human – in a triangle, the centre would be taken by the Avatar from Sirius, a
Cosmic Christ sent to aid in the synthesis of the Solar Personality or Agni. Sirius then, would serve to build
the cosmic antahkarana allowing eventually for the descent of energy from the highest cosmic plane to the
lowest. Thus when we speak of Avatars we must include the cosmic, solar and planetary process as
expressions of one underlying synthetic expression. A planetary avatar arrives to initiate humanity, a solar
avatar arrives to initiate a planetary logos and an avatar from Sirius arrives to initiate a Solar Logos. The
descent of the Christ energy moves through the centre of a whole series of triangles. Elsewhere I have
postulated that in the centre of the major constellational triangle of Great Bear, Sirius, Pleiades is a Cosmic
Logos whose outer form is a galactic or black hole centre and that our galaxy is linked with two others
forming another triangle with the galaxy of Andromeda taking the Christ or Sirius point.
The effect of such a visit as that of the Avatar from Sirius is seen as the sumtotal of civilisation and culture,
viewing these from the standpoint of the entire system and in one flash of time. (TCF, 724)
The three Laws of the lower three cosmic planes are part of one synthetic Law given in Cosmic Fire as The
Law of Being:
In the widest sense of the idea the Laws of Economy and of Synthesis are only divisions of that same cosmic
law of which Attraction and Repulsion are also manifestations. This cosmic law, demonstrating thus in a
threefold manner, might (for lack of a better term) be called the Law of Being, and is of a nature so
incomprehensible to the finite mind of man that he can only sense it partially through the aforesaid three
branches. (TCF, 332)
We might imagine this Law of Being to function on the cosmic buddhic plane and that Sirius serves to step
the energy of this Law into the cosmic mental via the Sirian Law of Freedom – the Freedom to descend from
above and save. It is under this same Law of Freedom that Sanat Kumara became the Great Sacrifice for our
It is also interesting that the Law of Being has particular reference to the base chakra which we know is on
the fourth ether. If Earth were the base chakra in the solar system then it would be found on the buddhic
plane or fourth cosmic ether. We know Earth has a first ray monad and the purpose of the Planetary Logos is
to anchor a seed of Solar Will. If the Solar Logos is taking the third cosmic initiation then it must awaken its
base chakra and raise the kundalini fire through the whole system.
The Centre at the Base of the Spine. This centre is, above everything else, controlled and governed by the Law
of Being, above referred to, and is established where spirit and matter meet and where matter, the Virgin
Mary—under the influence of the Holy Spirit, time energy of the etheric vehicle—is translated "into Heaven,"
there (as the Christian phraseology puts it) "to be seated beside her Son in the house of the Father." (EH, 181)
As a digression Sanat Kumara is also an avatar coming in the third rootrace of the fourth round. He would
seem to therefore have a relationship with the Avatar from Capricorn who arrives in the third round of the
third chain and stays till the fifth round of the fourth chain as also does the Karmic solar Avatar. Hidden in
their mutual relationship no doubt lies the reconciliation of events on the moon chain with those on the earth
chain. In this reconciliation the consciousness principle will be brought into full flower. Venus has a unique
relationship to Capricorn associated with the third initiation and Sanat Kumara has a unique relationship to
Venus. Sanat Kumara is a disciple of the Solar Logos while the Venusian Logos is a disciple to the Sirian
Logos. Sirius may assist in the building and synthesing of the solar egoic lotus in the same way that Venus is
involved with the human one.
The association of Venus and Sirius with the ajna centre has a lower reflection in the New Group of World
I would point out that just as the energies released by use of the first three phrases of the Invocation relate to
the Head, Shamballa; to the Heart, the Hierarchy; and to the Throat centre, Humanity; so the right use of this
fourth phrase will bring into conscious, functioning activity the centre between the eyebrows, the ajna centre
in individual man and in humanity as whole. This centre begins to become active and to function dynamically,
governing and directing the individual energies, once any real measure of personality integration has been
achieved. It is, as you know, the fourth centre found above the diaphragm in the human body and the phrase
which awakens it (both individually and in the group) is this fourth phrase. (EXH, 166) ("May forgiveness on
the part of all men be the keynote at this time" is the fourth phrase - we are now in an international
week of forgiveness - BL)
The ajna centre of the Lord of the World is just beginning to express itself in a recognisable manner through
the New Group of World Servers. This intermediate group—between the Hierarchy and Humanity—is a
carrier of the energy which makes the Plan possible (the Plan of which the Hierarchy is the custodian). This
Plan implements the Purpose, and later, when the New Group of World Servers is organised and is recognised
as a living organism, it will definitely receive energy from Shamballa in a direct reception, via the Hierarchy.
This information is, I realise, of little immediate importance to you, but—towards the end of the century—it
will be found explanatory of much. (RI, 368)
The NGWS as the ajna centre can similarly be placed at the centre of a triangle thus:
The rapid coming of the Avatar Who will found the station of light and power upon the physical plane is
dependent upon the rapid unfoldment and appearance of integrated personalities who love and think and seek
to serve. There has here been given a new hint upon one of the more esoteric aspects of the work of the New
Group of World Servers. (EP, 282)
The New Group of World Servers has a peculiar function and the coordination of this group is essential to
act as a lens through which the energy of the Hierarchy combined with the energy of Shamballa can reach
through humanity to the physical plane and condition the coming civilisation. The key phrase concerning
'forgiveness' has to do with their capacity as an ajna centre, not only to direct energy but to be receptive to
impression – to give themselves up, as a group, on behalf of humanity in order to become the conduit for
planetary etheric energies. This necessarily requires the integration of the personality and will allow many to
take the third initiation as part of this group activity.
Today, through human effort and hierarchical endeavour, a great alignment and linking up is taking place, and
Monad-Soul-Personality are being more directly related than has hitherto been possible. One reason for this is
that there are present in incarnation upon the planet many more initiates of the third degree than ever before;
there are many more disciples being prepared for the third initiation; and in this third strictly human race, the
Aryan (using this term in its generic sense and not in its prostituted German connotation), the three aspects of
the personality are now so potent that their magnetic influence and their creative effect are making the
building of the antahkarana an outstanding achievement, thus linking and aligning the three aspects in man.
The same is true of the three divine centres in the planet which embody these divine qualities: Shamballa,
Hierarchy, and Humanity. (RI, 473)
The focal point of His effort and the Agent through which distribution of His energy can be made is the New
Group of World Servers; this group is uniquely related to this Avatar of Synthesis. The bringing together of all
the agents of goodwill (who are responsive to the energy of the divine will-to-good) constitutes the major
objective of the New Group of World Servers and always has been. Their work can now be constructively and
creatively intensified through the association of the Avatar of Synthesis with the Christ. Their task is to usher
in the New Age; in that New Age, the five Kingdoms in Nature will begin to function as one creative whole.
Their work falls into the following parts, functions or activities:
a. The production of a human synthesis or unity which will lead to an universal recognition of the one
humanity, brought about through right human relations.
b. The establishing of right relations with the subhuman kingdoms in nature, leading to the universal
recognition that there is One World.
c. The anchoring of the Kingdom of God, the spiritual Hierarchy of our planet, in open expression on Earth,
thus leading to the universal recognition that the sons of men are one. (ROC, 79)
This task is aided by the energies both of Aquarius and of the seventh ray
This inflow of Aquarian energy is one of the factors which will enable the Christ to complete His task as
World Saviour and World Teacher; it will also enable Him to take the initiation which lies immediately ahead
of Him and for which He has been preparing for close upon three thousand years—so exalted and peculiar an
initiation it is It is this influence also which has enabled the Master R. to assume the mantle of the
Mahachohan and become the Lord of Civilisation—a civilisation which will be conditioned by the rhythm of
the seventh ray. (R&I, 232)
We know that this is the seventh time that the energies of the seventh ray and Aquarius have coincided in
this fifth rootrace and that this coincidence allows for 'light supernal ' to be known on Earth. Light supernal
is a synthetic light of all seven rays synthesised by the seventh. It is this synthesised light which pours down
the antahkarana between the highest and lowest planes. This is all connected with the fifth point of
"When the light of the seven Rays is blended with that of the seventh Ray, then light supernal can be known."
The implications attendant upon this fifth point are amazing at the first glance, and they demand an immediate
recognition of the two factors of time and space. The significances which are implicit in this point may be
clearer if I paraphrase the statement and thus give you a sense of significance which will give you
understanding. When the energy of the light of all the rays can express itself through the medium of the
seventh ray, then the highest aspect of the divine light can penetrate down into the physical plane (DINA
II, 426)
To sum up a few of these thoughts.
1. The Aquarian Christ is a composite being referring to many levels of Avatar
2. The synthesis occurring between the Solar Logoic personality and Triad is having its effects upon the
cosmic physical plane
3. The Planetary Logos of Earth is seeking to anchor an aspect of the Solar Will through the triangle of
Shamballa, Hierarchy and Humanity.
4. Via the Christ aided by other Avatars the energy of 'light supernal' is bought from the highest plane
of the cosmic physical to the lowest
5. This anchoring results in a synthesis occurring between the cosmic ethers and the three lower worlds.
This synthesis is generated on the buddhic plane through the work of the synthesis ashram and
passed through the lens of the NGWS.
6. The NGWS focuses this light supernal (by turning their back on it) through the three worlds onto the
physical plane.
7. As result of this work, the Temple of the Mysteries can be founded on the physical plane through the
cooperation of first, second and seventh ray avatars.
The NGWS contains those at all levels of development but at its core is composed of initiates of the third
degree who are therefore members of Hierarchy as well as members of Humanity. They form the bridge
between the planetary soul and the planetary personality. They are bought together, not by any outer
organisation or group but by their spiritually instinctive response to the inpouring energy of synthesis which
allows them to recognise each other across their many differentiated lines of work. They are called together
by Hierarchy to form an 'organ' within the body of humanity through which this light supernal can be passed
and through which eventually a new divine quality can be bought to earth.
See you, therefore, the necessity of eventually organising a group in the world which will be so constituted
and so carefully chosen and interiorly related that all its members are initiates, all have created their own
"rainbow bridges" with understanding and accuracy, and all can now work in such complete unity that the
group antahkarana becomes a channel of unimpeded communication direct from Shamballa to the group
because every member of the group is a member of the Hierarchy. In this manner the three planetary centres
arrive at the needed relationship, and another great triangle reaches true functioning activity. When this takes
place, a revelation undreamt of will be manifested upon the Earth; a new divine quality, of which no
knowledge at present exists, will make its presence felt, and the work of the Buddha and of the Christ,
and the work of the coming Avatar, will be superseded by One for Whom both Shamballa and the
Hierarchy have unitedly waited and of Whom the doctrine of the Messiah and the doctrine of Avatars
have been and are today only the dim distant symbols. They preserve this concept of the Great Revelation
in the consciousness of men, in the expectancy which the Hierarchy evidences, and through the "preparatory
work" now being undertaken at Shamballa. (RI, 258)
I like to think that when we come together at the full moon of Aquarius with no other agendas than the
contact and release of 'this light, this 'life more abundant' into the world, that we do our small part in
assisting in the eventual formation of such a group.
The Aquarian Christ
And the role of the New Group of World Servers
(Leoni Hodgson – Brisbane Australia)
The current World Teacher who is responsible for the spiritual destinies of mankind, is known as the Christ
by Christians, the Iman Madhi by Mohammedans, the Bodhisattva and Lord Maitreya in the East. He is also
called the Lord of Love and of Compassion, being a direct channel and focal point for the divine forces of
Love and Wisdom as they affect humanity.
1. The Passage of the Sun through the Zodiac expands Human Consciousness
Many very advanced and blessed “sons of God” have held the position of World Teacher, the tenure term
being usually two and a half thousand years - the approximate period it takes for the evolutionary passage of
the Sun to move through one zodiacal sign in the greater zodiac.
That passage should and does symbolise human evolution. (R&I, 534)
As the Sun progresses through the greater zodiac, the vibration and purpose of the sign it is currently in,
expands human consciousness. This process is managed by the World Teacher. Additionally, a new religion
– imbued with colour and symbolism of the sign, is created. For example ...
When the Sun was in the Age of Taurus, of the Bull, we saw the rise of the Mithraic mysteries which
centred around the sacrifice of the sacred bull. Mithra was the ancient Persian god of light and
The next sign the Sun moved into – that of Aries the Ram, governed the Jewish Religion. The sin of
the children of Israel in the wilderness which enraged Moses, was that they worshipped the golden
calf – the past and obsolete Taurean religion which should have been left behind.
Christ was born into the next sign, Pisces the Fishes. Hence the frequent references to fishes, and fish
symbolism in Christian literature. By rejecting Christ as the Messiah, the Jewish race has remained
in the sign Aries, and locked into a religion from which the Christ Life has moved on. Jews will have
an opportunity to catch up with evolution, if they accept the Aquarian Christ. In the Piscean Age, the
goal was to foster soul alignment, to relate humanity to the spiritual Hierarchy of Souls.
Now the Sun is moving into Aquarius, and the Risen Christ is the Water-Carrier. He will meet the
need of the thirsty nations of the world – thirsty for truth, for right human relations and for loving
understanding. The Aquarian Church will be gathered out of all religions and spiritual groups; and
Love, Universality, and the Risen Christ will be its hallmarks. In the Aquarian Age, the goal is to
foster spiritual alignment, to relate humanity to Shamballa – “the centre where the will of God is
known.” This will enable the “will-to-good” – love imbued with the Power of God, to manifest
through humanity!
2. Ceremonial Inauguration of the Aquarian Christ
Lord Maitreya Christ is the first of the great world Teachers of our humanity, to cover two zodiacal cycles –
the Piscean and Aquarian Ages. This inauguration took place in June 1945, at the full moon.
In June, 1945, at the time of the full moon He definitely and consciously took over His duties and
responsibilities as the Teacher and Leader during the Aquarian solar cycle. (DN, 150)
Leading up to this period, another important decision was made – to give one of the oldest prayers ever
known, to all humanity. Previously, it had only been used by the most exalted, spiritual Beings, and the
Christ Himself only used the ‘Great Invocation’ for the first time at this full moon. (RC, 82)
At the inauguration ceremony, the Christ was sponsored by three most wondrous and powerful Beings, who
formed a triangle of support about him. This great Triangle of Force remains behind Him for the duration of
the Aquarian Age:
The Buddha (bringing the light which shines ever from the East)
The Spirit of Peace (bringing Love, in order to establish right human relations)
The Avatar of Synthesis (bringing spiritual Power). (RC, 82 )
At the centre of this Triangle the Christ took His stand.
Then the outpouring love of the Christ – augmented by the forces of these Three, were refocused and
channelled into a great stream, and pulled into expression on Earth, as the following words of the Great
Invocation were sounded:
“Let love stream forth into the hearts of men....”
“ Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.”
The words Light, love, power, invoking the energies of His three Associates.
Can you visualise the potency, the glory and the wonder of this ceremony, whose participants were of solar
and cosmic stature, and who opened up a great stream of power from cosmic heights, which poured out onto
earth through the angels, initiates and disciples, of all the ashrams?
(See chart analysis later in the paper)
3. The Avatar of Synthesis: co-sponsor of the Aquarian Christ
He is a great Being who originates from outside our solar system, and is under instruction from Shamballa.
He wields and applies first ray energy, and therefore is the channel and director of immense spiritual Power!
Since this great Avatar gave the Christ His support in 1945, more rapid and potent changes for good can be
brought about – the whole of human evolution has quickened under this power and influence!
His note and vibration can only be sensed by those whose individual note is also synthesis and whose life
objective is the will-to-good; such as – Members of the Hierarchy, disciples, aspirants and a few men and
women of goodwill.
His primary purpose on Earth is to foster unity, oneness and inter-relation in humanity.
But He is limited in the extent to which he can work, because He can only channel His energies through a
group conscious entity, such as:
The spiritual Hierarchy, revealing the nature of the divine will-to-good, and divine Purpose;
The Assembly of UN (not the Security Council) generating will-to-unity;
The human masses, fostering the urge to a general betterment.
4. The New Group of World Servers - the body of the Aquarian Christ!
The New Group of World Servers (NGWS), is the primary distribution channel for the Avatar of Synthesis.
Every man and woman in every country who is working to heal the breaches between people, to evoke the
sense of brotherhood, to foster the sense of mutual inter-relation, and who sees no racial, national or
religious barriers, is a member of the NGWS, even if he or she has never heard of it in these terms.
This group is a spiritual organism; it is manifesting the body of Christ!
This means that every member of the NGWS, is in the process of having his or her body irradiated by the
lighted power of the over-shadowing Aquarian Christ , and is being uplifted and transformed – mentally,
emotionally and physically, in order to be able to handle the electrical vibration of the great Lord. Then each
purified personality is absorbed into, and becomes a connective link in the developing organism.
Christ Maitreya is being over-shadowed by the Avatar of Synthesis, who is using our Lord as a channel of
distribution. Therefore, the NGWS – the body of Christ, is the Avatar’s primary distribution channel.
His goal is its goal - and this is to foster unity, oneness and harmonious inter-relations, and resurrect the
livingness of the Christ nature in every human being.
5. How Can We Assist the Aquarian Christ?
1. The most obvious way, is to ensure we meet the criteria required for members of the NGWS - the
distribution channel of the Christ and the Avatar of Synthesis.
This is the goal of the Path of Discipleship leading to initiation - to develop a universal outlook, to
overcome the “heresy of separativeness” in heart and mind, becoming selfless, harmless, inclusive.
And to help establish this fact in the consciousness of humanity, in some practical way. The
members of the NGWS are motivated to right-action, they are “doers”!
2. The Aquarian energy is pouring now, into the Hierarchy.
All true Aquarian-Christ workers are channels for this Water of Life.
We become channels by establishing deeper contact (via our souls), with the Hierarchy - the
Kingdom of Souls! And this is achieved through occult meditation.
These two points are the ABC’s taught in all true esoteric schools; and students who are transforming
their consciousness through right character development, and appropriate spiritual practises, are
automatically being drawn into the body of the Aquarian Christ, and are consciously or
unconsciously assisting the World Teacher in His work!
6. Analysis of 1945, and 2004 charts
The very important inauguration ceremony of the Aquarian Christ took place at the Gemini full moon in
1945, which occurred in late May of that year.
(The Tibetan said it took place in June. However, he is noted as generally saying “the Full Moon of June”
when referring to the Gemini full moon; just as he generally says “the May full moon” when referring to the
Full Moon of Taurus.)
… the Full Moon of June, 1945, which is recognised as the Full Moon of the Christ, just as the Full Moon of
May is that of the Buddha. (RC, 31)
The Importance of Gemini with the Christ and Humanity:
1. Gemini is closely associated with humanity and the Hierarchy because the Sun was in Gemini when
the Hierarchy was founded on Earth. Ever since, the two pillars of Gemini have held a very
important part in the Masonic rituals – it being the oldest spiritual order on earth.
2. As a result of point one, and because the Hierarchy is an outpost of the Lodge on Sirius, Gemini
forms a point of entrance for cosmic energy from Sirius.
3. The Love-Wisdom energy which flows into our system, emanates from Sirius, and Gemini is its
primary channel.
Gemini is also closely related to the Christ, and the Gemini full moon is called the Festival of the Christ and
of Humanity. At this festival, the Christ, as the most senior member of humanity, makes supplication to “the
Gods” on behalf of mankind.
The inauguration ceremony, and the purposes for which it was held, took advantage of the powerful inflow
of Sirian and Ray 2 energy which occurs whenever the Sun passes through Gemini in the smaller annual
Astrology Chart for Gemini Full Moon, 1945
1. Uranus
a. One of the most important configurations in the ceremony chart, is the conjunction of the Sun with
planet Uranus.
b. Uranus is related to the First Aspect of Will – Power, and is the channel for electric fire pouring from
the Central Spiritual Sun. The Avatar of Synthesis is working along this line, and it is likely that He
would draw down cosmic power via Uranus and to a lesser extent Pluto, during the ceremony.
c. Additionally, Uranus rules Aquarius, the age into which the Sun is passing. He is a distributor of
Aquarian energy, and an appropriate systemic representative for this constellation, and of the
Aquarian Age, and of the Will and Power of God, during the ceremony.
d. Uranus embodies the energy of Ray Seven – that of Ceremony, Order and Magic, and this is the ray
force which is currently coming into power, as ray six force goes out!
e. The Tibetan said that when the seventh Ray is active and the Sun is in Aquarius (in the greater
zodiac), then the Aquarian Age can manifest.
2. The Royal Stars – “The Watchers” of the Four Points
Both the Sun and Uranus had their forces supplemented by the star Aldebaran. One of the Royal Stars of
Persia, Aldebaran is called “The Watcher of the East,” and the east has ever been related to the Light of
Hierarchy, to the Master of the Lodge, and to the Christ!
The Moon and Earth were overshadowed by the star Antares, “The Watcher of the West” – at nine degrees
Sagittarius. The west point is related to the Place of Power in the Masonic Craft.
One could hypothesise, that this coming full moon in Aquarius, on the 6th February 2004, is another
important step in the Appearance of the Aquarian Christ, for the Watchers of the North and South are being
Uranus at 1 degree of Pisces, will be conjunct the star Formalhaut – “The Watcher of the South”, and
therefore triggering by opposition aspect, the potency of the royal Star Regulus – “The Watcher of the
North” found at 29 degrees Leo.
From East to West, high spiritual forces were anchored on Earth in 1945 – the vertical alignment axis was in
place. But prepatory horizontal work needed to be done in man, symbolised by the North to South axis,
before the Christ could draw closer. Now that much work has been done in the last 59 years, this axis is
being marked out in the heavens!
After this Aquarian Full Moon, the temple floor is in place, and now work on the building of the Temple of
the Lord can begin in earnest, on a higher or deeper level - based on the Aquarian template!
3. The Triangle of Gemini – Aquarius – Libra
The most powerful forces governing our system are those emanating from the Great Bear, Sirius, and the
Pleiades (represented on Earth by Shamballa, Hierarchy, Humanity), and Gemini, Libra and Aquarius
represent this Triad!
Gemini—forms a point of entrance for cosmic energy from Sirius.
Libra—is related to and transmits the potencies of the Pleiades.
Aquarius—expresses the universal consciousness of the Great Bear. (EA, 349)
Gemini is the most powerfully radiating point of the triangle at this Gemini Full Moon in 1945.
It is interesting, that when this ceremony took place, there were no planets in Aquarius. However, a star
called Sualocin is located at 17 degrees Aquarius, and made an easy connection with Uranus in this period.
Sualocin is known as the Dolphin or Sacred Fish – symbols of Christianity! This symbolises the continuing
connection of the Christ’s work from Pisces into to the Aquarian Age.
Forming a grand trine with Uranus and Sualocin is Neptune, the planet which symbolises the Christ. It is in
Libra which “relates the two in Gemini”. This can be interpreted as Christ bringing Humanity and Hierarchy
– the Kingdom of Man and of Souls, into balance and harmony; and guiding man from being Piscean in
consciousness, to that of Aquarian!
4. The Triangle of Saturn, Jupiter and Leo
On the 6th February 2004, Jupiter and Saturn are almost in the identical positions they were in the 1945
chart, excepting that in 2004, they are both retrograde (the energies are being turned inwards, focusing on
the inner work, rather than being expressed freely out through the personality life). And between these two,
are planets in Leo – Pluto in 1945, the Moon and Earth in 2004.
What can this mean?
Firstly, Saturn – one of the rulers of the Path of Discipleship, has returned to Cancer – governing human
mass consciousness. Supplementing his force is Sirius at 14 degrees Cancer – the “star of initiation.” In this
sign, the Lord of Karma brings adversity, providing opportunity for the aspirant Humanity, to work off
karma, and to pass certain tests of spiritual fitness.
When successful, this enables the student to develop self-consciousness and thus take the 1 initiation – and
this process Leo governs! The Tibetan said that humanity as a whole was on the verge of taking this 1 st
initiatory step, back in the 40’s. Perhaps the Moon (ruling the masses) in Leo suggests this most significant
event is imminent!
When the 1st Initiation is taken, the aspirant steps onto the Path of Discipleship, the Christ seed anchored in
the cave of the heart is stimulated and expanded, and serious spiritual purification work begins. This Jupiter
in Virgo represents.
(It seems significant to me, that this triangle of force appears in both charts, and that the second set of royal
stars “The Watchers of the North and South”, are triggered by Uranus – the Hierophant, in 2004.
I suspect that in the next few years, we see the battle between people who hold to Piscean values, and those
who hold to Aquarian ones, pick up a pace. This providing the tests and self-analysis required for humanity
to take the 1st Initiation. Success will be seen when people of the world generally, begin to “aspire to
something higher and finer.”)
5. Further Points in the 2004 Aquarian Full Moon Chart
The symbology of the Ages of Pisces passing out, and the Aquarian Age coming in; and the Christ moving
focus from the Pisces to Aquarius, is beautifully captured in the chart. This is seen in the movement of the
Sun from its conjunction with Neptune (ruler of Pisces, and expressing Ray 6) just before the full moon, to
its conjunction with Uranus (ruler of Aquarius and expressing the 7th Ray), a fortnight later. Here we see a
“baton change”, as vital life force is handed on from the old regent, to the new.
Neptune – the Christ, is God of the Oceans, Aquarius is the Water Bearer. Here we have another symbol of
the passage from Pisces to Aquarius, and the sounding of the note of the Aquarian Christ.
In Summary:
Uranus leads the way to the future, and his position in Pisces in the chart carries a strong message for the
coming years.
Piscean Age ideals which are needing to be overcome so human consciousness can move forward are: – the
imposition of authority, of paternalism upon the race; a demand for blind devotion; materialism; blind
fanaticism, and lack of intelligent synthesis.
The NGWS must oppose these values, and continually hold before the public gaze the Aquarian Age values
of: right human relations, loving understanding, universality, and the “will-to-good”.
This prepatory phase will last until Uranus leaves Pisces in 2011. And then Neptune (the Christ) enters
Pisces in 2012, and stays there until 2025, the date when some predict, the Christ will “reappear.” Then
Neptune enters Aries, the first sign, symbolising a new spiritual-religious phase beginning for humanity …
the new Aquarian Religion, because Aries is governed on a hierarchy level, by Uranus – forerunner and
symbol of the Aquarian Age!
Transits 6 Feb 2004
05° ‚
Natal Chart
27 May 1945
1:47:09 am UT +0:00
35°S55' 163°E10'
True Node
¸ ¹
17° …
¶ ·
05° ˆ
C ompliments of:Leoni H odgson
1 Biske C ourt, Burpengary Q4505
07 5497 8442
Email: [email protected]
7A21 7A21 7A21
1S39 1S40 1S40 3A42
2A48 2A48 2A48
5 45' 4 '
7S03 7A03 7A03
16° „
¶ ·
Á ˆ
2 42' 4 '
“ ’
’ —‘
01° Ý
5S21 5A22 5A22
5 40' 15' 1 '
¸ À ¹
Ü 18°
56' Ü
4 5 ' 2 40' 3 '
12° 05°00°
16° Š 5 4 '
Event Chart
6 Feb 2004
10:46:33 am EET - 2:00
60°N10' 015°E00'
True Node
C ompliments of:Leoni H odgson
1 Biske C ourt, Burpengary Q4505
07 5497 8442
Email: [email protected]
2A59 7S59 3A06
3S52 3S53 3S53 3A10
4A45 4A45
The Aquarian Christ
(Donna Mitchell Moniak)
Aqua/water arius/engaged in, connected with; aquarius – connected with water.
What water if it is an air sign?
The waters of life.
Aquarius, the last fixed cross sign, the cross of desire and love, is the water bearer – bearing the waters of
the Cosmic Astral plane into the Cosmic Physical. (Higher planes or sources of water might also flow
through Aquarius, but the Cosmic Astral plane will be my focus.) The revelations of Aquarius, new and ever
radical, are the revelations of source – fountain head within the Cosmic Astral plane.
What is Christ? A principle; the second aspect on any level.
Who is Christ?
Any being that has, at least temporarily, put the benefit of other ahead of benefit for self. Any being that
understands and therefore lives the law-fullness of Assistance.
Also, Christ is any being that, for a cycle, chooses to engage the partially known in order to fully Know it,
eventually to be It. And for the It to do the same – though at first It does not know this.
I believe on one level the Planetary Logos is the Aquarian Christ, pouring forth much of his essence from
the Cosmic Astral plane. I believe the Cosmic Astral plane is the immediate source of the waters of
Aquarius (not looking at constellations or Ones about Whom). I believe the keynote of “let desire in form be
ruler” is exact: there was no form below the Cosmic Astral plane (to the Logos’ consciousness) until the
Logos made it so. And His making it so had to do with the Moon chain “problem” of Love and Desire; thus
a hint as to the hierarchical rulership of Aquarius by the Moon. Thus the Logos “moved across the face of
the waters”. That first movement from the non-differentiation of the Cosmic Astral plane created the first
plane of difference – Adi and the topmost layer of the Cosmic Physical plane. For the Logos the inference is
that the Cosmic Physical plane did not exist until he moved.
I also believe that differentiation is naught on the Cosmic Astral plane – at least not as we have a concept of
differentiation and its opposite, ONE WITHOUT OTHER. Therefore, “let desire in form be ruler” is again exact
– Desire, as the Cosmic Astral plane is, is poured forth into that which resulted from the pouring – the
Cosmic Physical plane – and created a reality of differentiation as the only way back to ONE WITHOUT
As an energy then, the Aquarian Christ, Waters of Life am I poured forth, is the energy of with, and it
remains true to its origin even as it moves through the Cosmic Physical plane. I believe the Aquarian Christ
is an influence, not quite an antidote to differentiation, but is the internal of it. Therefore, being the with-in,
it is also the with that was first.
The Aquarian Christ has pulled me into the at-oning of duality, the possible source of duality, and our
mental constructs that maintain duality. Therefore, this probe will look at two related thoughts: a) Aquarian
Christ as an energy whose primary quality and purpose is with, born of the Cosmic Astral plane and b) the
Planetary Logos as an Aquarian Christ.
“Let desire in form be ruler”
What is the source of desire? This probe kept bringing me back to the Cosmic Astral plane. I don’t think the
astral plane, as lived by humanity, gives us much inference as to what the exalted and refined state of the
Cosmic Astral plane might be. Instead we might look to Adi, Monadic, or Buddhic states and planes for
some inference.
A monadic state, experienced from the bottom up, is a sustained state of One Without Other, of
differentiation collapsing into a morphic resonating wave that contains all particles, is not them, yet
Buddhic states vary (ray lines of soul and monad) but have certain factors in common:
Resolution – all things resolve in buddhi;
Light – the encoded light is known, its reason for specificity which is its spectra is understood,
therefore the “mathematics” of light is realized;
Compassion – what compassion actually is is experienced and reduces the mind to a thinking
apparatus. It is the heart – buddhically understood – that knows.
Monads are called “lords of ceaseless persevering devotion.” The Logos is called The Great Sacrifice. These
names infer desire, a boundless and supreme desire. “Let desire in form be ruler” states that desire, Eros, is
the fohat of this planetary system (keeping it local). This keynote is the key that when turned unlocks the
door to why the state of form-ness brings with it the lived construct of duality. The keynote is stating a law
created by this Logos – that desire will rule within form; that as long as there is manifestation there will be
duality born of the desire that created the form or expression in the first place.
Therefore, an important factor of desire (within the life expression this Planetary Logos, since that is all we
can experientially know) is duality or polarity. In the Cosmic Physical plane everything is polarized –
above/below, right/left, before/after. The personality must become negative to the positive influence of the
soul. The soul must eventually become negative to the increasing infusion of the Monad. The proposition is
that LOVE/DESIRE as it circulates throughout the Cosmic Physical plane originates from above it. This LOVE
is the ‘water of life’. The Logos, then, is the Aquarian Christ, the primary means by which LOVE and DESIRE
pour forth into the Cosmic Physical plane.
The Planetary Logos and the Moon
The Moon is the hierarchical ruler of Aquarius. Hierarchical rulers are the
highest turn of the spiral of the energy of the sign in question – its purest
expression, and this placement uses the highest qualities able to be expressed by
the planet ruling.
The Moon rules Aquarius hierarchically.
The Moon – Mother of Form
The Moon debacle
The Moon – astrality, our lunar nature, instinctual, automatic
The Moon – Mother of Form. Is this again telling us and exactitude?
Is it the events on the moon chain or instead the events within the consciousness of the
Logos to which the cryptic swiss cheese story of the moon chain refer that created
Form as we know it? (swiss cheese – lots of holes) And created the planetary laws by
which Form would be lived in, through, and absolved?
The Moon – astrality, our lunar nature, instinctual, automatic. How did astrality
become automatic in the Cosmic Physical plane? It is one thing to consider the
Atlantean root-race and that humanity is still astrally polarized, but what about the rest
of the kingdoms that seem to inherently function by the paradigm of duality and
attraction or group? Most animals herd together (flock, school, pack, pride, migrate,
spawn, rut). Plants grow in bunches (forests, groves, lawns, beds of kelp, fields of
flowers), cross-pollinate – requiring two, and thus thrive. Atoms and molecules cohere,
attract and repel. This fact supplies form, structure, complexity, and reduction to all.
In the Cosmic Physical plane polarity is primary. Because of polarity, we have the phenomenon of
electricity, of sexuality, of the reproduction of all species. Additionally, polarity is not necessarily static.
Wave becomes particle and vice versa.
Aquarian energy, when experienced on an essential level, is by nature at-oned, buddhic, not really
hermaphroditic, but asexual, without gender. Therefore, without polarity (hence brotherhood). Yet, polarity
is core and key to the Cosmic Physical plane.
Is the Moon’s high rulership in Aquarius – the winged man/ the man-god – the buddhically aware human –
telling us something about the mistake on the Moon? Or the origin of duality within the Cosmic Physical
plane? Or both? Is all existence within the Cosmic Physical plane a corrective to too much LOVE too fast
for the Logos within his own fields of expression? Or feeling the vastness and subject/objectless-ness of
Cosmic Astral LOVE – did the Logos fall back into His known – “I AM THAT I AM”? And stating I AMness within a sphere created for AM NONE OTHER – AM IS ALL – did that internal statement in the silent
vacuum of space cause the split – the rift – that became the first differentiation of the Cosmic Physical plane
(Adi) – and thus is the plane where the Logos resides?
The Logos then is Lucifer – Star of the Morning who chose Other.
In choosing such, all suchness would also have the same coloration. All life would be dual, about other. All
life within His expression would require other or at-one-ment to know Life or would not be alive. Molecules
would have no choice but to combine. Plants would have no choice but to reach toward the sun for
sustenance, and to each other to continue the species. Humanity would live the Logos’ decision through all
processes of choice. Yet we can merely choose between; we cannot choose not to choose because we are
part of His Choice.
The Moon might be a “dead planet” but... When due to the increase of ambient night-time lighting, the stars
are blotted out of our night time sky, the Moon remains visible. Is this telling us a story more ancient than
recorded time? The Moon remains; it can even be seen in the day time. And something which became
duality, separation, and at-one-ment is inherent in all the Cosmic Physical plane. I believe the Moon’s
hierarchical rulership of Aquarius is telling us more than Aquarius’ edict to reform matter to fit spiritual
intention. I believe it is telling us why matter in the Cosmic Physical plane needs to be reformed. Because
the Logos was immature or unready to experience the No Difference – ALL WITHOUT OTHER – THERE
IS NO I - of the Cosmic Astral Plane.
The Illusion of Independence
We know the myth of Lucifer, he chose to do it his way. This story is the story of the beginning of self-will.
The illusion of independence is born from that decision. And it is an illusion not just for human beings, but
of course for the Logos as well. Is there actually a self other than the image of one, or the conceptual
adherence to one? Is self the way in which the Logos looked into the Cosmic Astral plane and therefore into
the moon chain, the then current focus of his gaze of creation? Maybe the moon chain was not about desire
and a debacle, but about Unhindered LOVE, a Love for which we humans have no understanding, and
maybe the Logos didn’t either. Maybe it was a door of initiation opened for him, and like kundalini rising
prematurely (kundalini is also the water of life), it caused a disconnect in consciousness, and a split instead
of an at-one-ment. This event galvanized nascent duality – the Logos was overwhelmed by that which was
more than him – and He turned away – thus was Lucifer.
Does the Illusion of Independence stem from the Logos’ act regarding his experience upon and within the
Cosmic Astral plane? - Its unbounded LOVE, its LOVE without Other, its LOVE that required no thing for a
polarity, no surrender to its expression. And when the Logos chose I AM THAT I AM, automatically then
all that He would create would express that I AMness and express it back to Him. From the Gita IX. 4, “All
beings exist in Me, but I do not exist in them” Here the Logos is stating separation, duality.
We, created in his image, replay this myth and the lunar phases over and over again, life time after life time.
The fact that it takes countless lifetimes to arrive at the consciousness level of initiate (third degree) speaks
loudly of how often we say no to LOVE and LIFE instead of yes; as well as how more often we condition it
to suit our comfort zones or personal needs.
The illusion of independence is experienced in all signs, but in Aquarius is most glaring. Aquarius is the
winged man, not an angel, participating in the higher realms as well as walking on the earth. Aquarius
knows intimately the whole – its energy is by nature buddhic. Yet it chooses the path of eccentricity,
individuality, and radicalism. On the higher turn, the radical is just the forerunner, but the average Aquarian
does not know where to fit in, just they want to.
The Christ, historically, stood apart, was shunned by his home town, and his neighbors. He was a bastard
child in a parochial environment. So he, like Aquarius, knew the whole, the utopian (born of the Cosmic
Astral plane) possibilities for life, yet had to walk his walk alone – no one else could do it for him.
Therefore, I see the Logos as the macrocosm of this. Walking alone still (not part of the cosmic spiritual
hierarchy), trying to figure out LOVE that is not based on the dualistic state. As the Aquarian Christ, He
must come to recognize the he is both particle and wave, both whole and Wholistic within the all of Life. He
must recognize his own wings. The waters of life are the vibration that sings through the heavens – air sign
with water imagery. As he poured himself forth into the Cosmic Physical plane, he concretized his Love.
That was the birth of duality. It is the with that is inherent in Him that must be lived by all. Yet he must live
it too.
Illumination of the illusion of independence and the revealing of,
what Thich Nhat Han calls, Interbeing
I believe that the gift of the Solar Angel is not really Self consciousness – that we
and all life on this planet received from our father in heaven, the Logos – but is
ALL Consciousness because they give us that which He is still learning to receive.
Understand, I am not throwing pages upon pages of the blue books out the
window! Instead, I am taking the Tibetan at his word,
All that is possible for me is to grope for those feeble words which will somewhat clothe
the thought. As they clothe they limit […] I talk now in symbols; I manipulate words to
create a certain impression […] I know well how much must be left unrelated and how
seldom it is possible to do more than point out a cosmology, macrocosmic or
microcosmic, which will suffice to convey a temporary picture of divine reality. (TWM,
The Tibetan tells us the solar Angels deposited the spark of consciousness within
infant man, good. When he tells us that they are very highly evolved beings, how
highly evolved? They come from a star, the star that is the father to our Solar
Logos, that seems high to me. It is with this in mind the my heart/mind over and
over again during the last many years has said there is more to the consciousness
piece of the solar Angels than meets the eye.
My understanding is that the Solar Angels are the Cosmic Christ principle in all
cosmos bringing the seed/flame of consciousness to all matter. They bring the
TWO to the Three. I believe there is a hint to this in the reason why the Tibetan
tells us that the majority of human beings end up on the Path to Sirius. “In the
mystery of this influence, and in the secret of the sun Sirius, are hidden the facts of our cosmic evolution”.
(IHS pg. 188)
This probe has led me to intuit and think that the Solar Angels bring that which the Logos could not to life
within His creation – ALL Consciousness. The Logos gave all his creation the ability for self consciousness,
as a result of His decision, which is part of the Moon legacy.
Aquarian Christ Energy
I believe we can experience the energy of the Aquarian Christ through the direct experience of experience.
Experience is inter. Our challenge is to just experience – and not bring any thing or limiting construct of self
to that experience. No thought about it. No thought form around it. No story to report. Instead to live the
experience so completely that there is no I and my experience. No I and my need to remember the
experience. In the fullness of experiencing, in the complete abandon to it, experience is with; as a result
experience and that which was intimately experienced is completely remembered, distinct, and many things
can be related to it or illumined by it. Yet because we began with, we were not separated from; we were not
dual – self and not self, ego and egolessness, soul and monad, part and part. This is the particle/wave-ness of
Aquarius and the energy of the Aquarian Christ. It is both/and/too. It is that because of with, that which
substands difference.
The experience of experiencing uses mind, but does not succumb to its divisions, labels, or the cognitive
faculty’s need for this or that. The experience of experiencing uses feelings, but does not condition the
experience with forethought of pleasure or pain, loss or fulfillment. Yet, and this might be a whiff of
something anent Cosmic Astrality, the experience of experiencing is LIVED so completely that we know,
and we feel. The experience of experiencing is complete.
It is the sovereign science, the sovereign mystery, and the supreme purifier. It is perceived by direct
experience, it accords with dharma (law), it is easy to practice, and it is imperishable. (Gita IX. 2)
An out of perspective analogy to the completeness of this with is born of the 6th Ray which in its purer
expression created the Cosmic Astral plane. Within a human being the 6th ray can manifest as visceral –
deep, penetrating, full body. Ecstasy has this within it as does pain. Visceral does not have to mean or be
experienced negatively, but it is a full experience. The experience of experiencing, the experience of with as
poured forth from the Cosmic Astral plane into the Cosmic Physical might be the origin of locking in, of
feeling within any of the four lower kingdoms of root penetrating earth, of flower opening daily to the sun,
of animals needing their territory and the nature of it, of humans needing one another yet because of
visceral, scared of how much that is true. .
If the energy of the Aquarian Christ is the with of Life, it is not with through identification or shared
identity; no, this would be to maintain the distinctions of the Cosmic Physical plane modality. Identification
requires that there be an other. The Aquarian Christ energy is not this. And its with is not that.
High Tantra is one of the few directions to look for a closeness to this with. I believe the revealing of the
energy of Aquarian Christ is a significant occult reason for the Dalai Lama holding public Kalachakra
teachings and Initiations. The fact that this has happened post the Chinese invasion of Tibet is insignificant.
The fact that this out-ing of the Kalachakra has happened during the last 25 years of the last century, and the
first 25 years of this one, links the restoration of this mystery to stirrings in Shamballa. Furthermore, I
believe these Shamballic stirrings have to do with the Logos’ own relation to the Cosmic Astral plane as His
current Kurukshetra – as He is still experiencing Life as an Identity and not in the postulated wider way of
with. And possibly the Aquarian Christ was the Initiator that the Logos stood before (?) and the experiencing
of that experience is working out through the Cosmic Physical plane of His manifested expression.
[…] transcending the subjective and the objective instead of reducing the one to the other”12[1]
is the core of Tantra. Aquarius also does this. Again the symbols are telling. An air sign with a glyph of
waves. A man with wings who is not an angel. Aquarius, when lived with some awareness, fosters pure
mind and pure mind states as well as brings one to buddhic realization. They need not be combined. In fact,
they should not be. They need not supplant one another either. Instead, the energy of Aquarian Christ
sourced from the Cosmic Astral plane offers full experience of both, therefore full expression of both,
therefore, a hint to what Cosmic Astral is. It is not either/or, yet all duality is immediately the result of its
Life and Teachings of Naropa, Herbert V. Guenther, p. 137.
It, and the energy of the Aquarian Christ, with these factors. With becomes a verb. Each is experienced fully;
neither is reduced to the other or absorbed by the other. Tantra, as an expression of the energy of the
Aquarian Christ, drives us to the edge of directly experiencing Solar Angel nature, human-ness, buddhic
states of reason and compassion, and mind and its information. That
direct experiencing provides a fixity of state, a stability with and
within the experience such that constructs of the habituated mind are
relegated (through the experience) to their rightful place – nonintuitive, object oriented, and objectifying. That, then, is fine –
because it too is fully experienced – and in that magical moment is
not judged but is understood to be what the mind does, and that for
good evolutionary reasons. Yet the mind does tend to do “misplaced
“Contrary to our habitual way of objectifying thought which
necessitates an ever increasing expansion of through forms, the purpose … is to arrive at a state of pure
lucidity, luminosity, and radiancy … undistorted by any concepts.”14
String theory/bubble in the coilon
With each of these, one is not the other. Yet, nor is one not the other. Like a Zen koan, Aquarian Christ
energy born of the Cosmic Astral plane asks us to move within the objectification that seems to turn
separation into factual nature. Aquarian Christ energy
invites us to clean out the Augean stables of our separating tendency. We see this or that so inherently that
we do not experience fully the this or that-ness of anything. We mind it, process it, analyze it. But do we
experience it? To fully experience something leads to more than what it apparently is. Always!
So then, through this probe I arrive at an understanding: that within the microcosm of man, the Aquarian
Christ is the energy that substands at-one-ment, that this energy is not that which binds but that which
looses, thus water is air/air is water. I arrive at an understanding of duality, and that it is not only temporary
in states of expansive awareness (that still are ultimately dualistic), but that it is a temporary state of the
Logos. Our immediate challenge as the microcosm within the paradigm of duality that is the Cosmic
Physical plane is to realize that
This great adventure in consciousness is distinguished from all others in that consciousness deals with itself
alone and with the sole aim of arriving at its own essence – pure consciousness.”15
This takes us into the realm of the Logos, as he is striving to arrive at the pure consciousness of the Cosmic
Astral plane (which again, I don’t think we can infer much about).
Our second challenge is experience. This was the challenge for the Logos, epitomized during His cycle
called the moon chain. That experience was too much for him. (A show of hands of everyone who has had a
spiritual experience that in the moment felt like too much. – yeh, we’ve all experienced that!) Another show
of hands of everyone who has known what they purposefully should do, be doing, but has either forestalled
that, conditioned it, or denied it? Yeh, that’s part of the challenge.
Hercules re-routed two rivers, the river of Life and the river of Love, so that they would pour through a
stable of “misplaced concreteness”. They flowed together, making one dynamic force through the stables
and the land, cleansing it of the debris of separation. Hercules is each human being, coming to the
Ibid. p. 141
Ibid. pg. 141/2
Ibid. pg. 159
understanding that the constructs of mind (which by its nature defines/separates) are just constructs. Even
the Logos is working on this one. Therefore,
To elevate something transitory into an immortal principle shows a lack of wisdom.16
Let the Waters of Life pour forth. Let all come to experience the Life giving waters as they might be
experienced from their source, minimally the Cosmic Astral plane. We can invoke this. But our invocation
cannot be the usual, standing in the voice of duality. It must a fiat sounded from THERE IS NO I THAT VOICES,
Ibid. pg. 155
Process of Direct Healing by the Overshadowing Energies of Aquarian
(Harry Milton)
The following impressions were received in a "state of presence":
A. Invoke the Glory of the One
B. Observe following meditation steps:
1. The larger group gathers in 3 concentric circles: The exoteric group (a reflection of the 49 fires) in the
outer circle, the mesoteric group of seven (a reflection of the 7-ray ashrams) in the middle circle and the
inner group of three (reflecting the 3 points of the Council Chamber) forming a triangle within a circle at the
2. Point of tension on personality level, then vertical and horizontal soul alignment of group members.
3. Fusion of Group Soul.
4. Focussing on the Glory of the One, Experience the "Ring-Pass-Not" of Group Soul expanding, until it
reaches and touches the "Ring-Pass-Not" of Spiritual Hierarchy. Allow the point of tension of Group Soul to
manifest at the point of contact between the two "Ring-Pass-Nots".
5. Experience the Group Soul as one more Point of Light on the Periphery of the 2nd Ray Ashram.
6. Focus at the centre of the 2nd Ray Ashram. Experience the symbol at the centre of the Ashram, a green
emerald with the number 42 engraved on it.
7. Experience a White "A" inverted at the Group Heart Center surrounded by a blue circle background. As a
Group Soul sound silently and continuously the "A" towards the center of the Ashram until complete fusion.
Remain in that state of fusion as needed.
8. Experience Aquarian Christ energies as a Sun at the center of Buddhi, reflecting from Atma the Glory of
the One.
9. As an Ashram experience the silent "A" directed towards Aquarian Christ until complete fusion. Remain
in that state as needed.
10. Withdraw on the periphery of the Ashram as a Group Soul, overshadowed by Aquarian Christ energies.
11. Experience the Group Mandala, the three concentric circles.
12. The inner group of three pause and remain in a "state of presence".
13. They reflect in the Light of the overshadowed Group Soul on a healing thoughtform according to the
Need (which may apply to the planet, a nation, a group or a serving co-worker).
14. They then register the blueprint of that thoughtform on the brain (activating the lower mental).
15. Using the creative imagination they vitalise its manifestation in some detail (activating the astral body).
16. They build the Radiatory Healing triangle on their etheric bodies (Soul, Ajna, Heart Center, Soul – this is
a "closed" triangle, ref.E.H.p.653-655, my notes).
17. The whole group is activated/energised by the Group Soul, as overshadowed by Aquarian Christ. The
symbol over the head of each member (golden triangle enclosing a cross in the middle and a diamond at the
apex, ref. TOWM 4, my notes) becomes potent.
In addition to their horizontal Soul alignment, group members are interlinked through their Heart centers.
Breath is synchronised through all the etheric body centers.
18. The three activate the thoughtform and send it off through Ajna, from the tip of the pyramid of which
they form the base, upon a stream of living, illuminated substance, employing the Group Soul Sound.
A group is not composed of disciples all of whom are being prepared for the same initiation....
A group of disciples such as this is consequently a miniature hierarchy and a hierarchy exists in its various
degrees in order to permit a wide range of effective relationships. RI, Rule11, 213
These methods of overshadowing will be largely the ones used by the Great Lord and His Masters at the end
of the century and for this reason They are sending into incarnation, in every country, disciples who have the
opportunity offered to them to respond to the need of humanity. TCF, 757
Every Man a Christ
(Pam Nissen)
Out of Love, Spirit impregnates matter with Itself, (the Will of God, or in essence, the Christ potential)
which produces in matter a form-making activity. That activity, from the very beginning, is directed toward
the building of an ultimate vehicle of incarnation (the body of Christ). The Soul, which is born of this
interplay, is in essence the indwelling principle of Christ. This principle indwelling both consciousness and
the very substance of the bodies insures and guides the evolutionary development of humanity so that it
must eventually reach its divine destiny. Humanity's free will enables us only to choose the way in which we
shall evolve (whether through pain and loss, or through joy and understanding), but evolve we must, and
eventually to manifest the appearance of Christ. (Creative Thinking, Lesson 38, 485, Lucille Cedercrans)
Christ Consciousness is the Divine Plan. Christ Consciousness is the highest any soul on this planet can
achieve. The Divine Plan is an already produced thoughtform. We don't need to decide what it will be – it
already is. Our job is to see as it makes its appearance in the world of affairs that it is interpreted in its divine
intent and essence as Truth in the world of affairs.
We have become disciples as we have accepted the Ancient Wisdom teachings as Truth and each time we
have had a glimpse of the influence we see making itself known upon humanity, we see a whole new
civilization in the making.
We believe these Truths and automatically take the necessary steps to find those other disciples who believe
the same Truths and are very comfortable with those others who speak in this new terminology, with like
states of consciousness.
Many small groups form and eventually become aware of the larger group - the World Group of Conscious
Servers. What we must realize is the great power potential of belonging to THIS group.
For instance:
One of the most important achievements of the World Group will be to create a magnetic field so strong as
to attract those New Age Souls into the Wisdom who do not know yet that they are disciples.
To become so in tune with the Ashramic group life through meditation and intuition to become receptive to
one particular concept that is being held in focus by the Hierarchy and as a World Group to broadcast that
concept into the mental, emotional and etheric body of humanity with the power of the 1st ray energy
through Divine Love Wisdom, to precipitate that part of the Divine Plan into manifestation in order to give
humanity its choice, the free will to decide if they will follow the way of Truth.
Every concept that we can broadcast raises the vibratory frequency of humanity, changes race-mind
consciousness to a higher level.We must realize that this work for disciples is not only loving our brothers,
but doing something about it. We must be free-flowing channels or agents for the Divine Plan to manifest,
and manifest it will. It is our responsibility to speed up the New Age in this cyclic opportunity when there is
so much chaos in the world. This is our opportunity when the world is in such a state of flux to make our
impression on all of the lives on this planet.
We are the Throat Center of the Planetary Logos. We control humanity's destiny and we can choose to lift
humanity up by its boot straps to a higher level of receptivity.
Christ Consciousness is Soul Consciousness. We are in charge of our own threefold vehicle and are in
charge of the planet's threefold vehicle, to make the changes that we see necessary in the world of affairs.
Not by changing the present thoughtforms but introducing the Divine Plan into those old forms, bringing
Divine Intent into every act.
We each have that spark of Christ Consciousness within us. Let us demonstrate it in thought, word and deed
so as to establish the Divine Plan on earth and every man a Christ.
The Aquarian Christ and the Group Disciple
(Joleen DuBois)
It was in about 600 B.C., under the fiery eyes of Sanat Kumara, that the Piscean Christ took the Initiation of
Transfiguration, becoming the head of the Planetary Hierarchy. He became for humanity, the perfect image
of God. In the Kabbala, he was called the Adam Qadmon, the perfect model of all Form. Now, the Aquarian
Christ, having further perfected Himself during the unfolding Age of Pisces, will serve the Universe as an
image of the Cosmic Magnet as He enters into the Aquarius of the Greater and Lesser Zodiacs. As He enters
into the Lesser Zodiac, the Law of Divisibility will likely be implemented, bringing an Aspect of the Cosmic
Christ into Incarnation within the three worlds, whether it be upon the physical, astral or mental planes of
consciousness or all three.
Who will the Aquarian Christ magnetize the world with the principles of the Aquarian Age?
a. Those who will receive the first wave of energy, within the field of humanity, will be His disciples
and initiates – those with a purified consciousness, those considered to be the more sensitized and
receptive “cells” in the body of the Aquarian Christ. And,
b. overshadowing or occupation. We know that when a Great One descends into the human kingdom
He can reach humanity in four ways:
1. He can overshadow or inspire His disciples;
2. He can appear in subtle bodies
3. He can occupy the personality vehicles of a disciple and use them in the three worlds or
4. He can incarnate in a dense physical body if the physical body is healthy.
How will the body of humanity, in general, receive the energy of the Aquarian Christ? Through a basic law
of physics: the law of magnetism. Magnetism is the power of attraction. Magnetism comes into being when
a Solar energy penetrates (for example) into iron: it then becomes magnetic. We have three kinds of
energies: fire by friction, solar fire and electrical fire. These three kinds of energies create magnetism in
matter. Everything that exists in the world has magnetic properties.
How will this exchange of energy take place? Every time we breathe we cause the sacred Fire exchange
between Space (the Cosmic Christ) and human form. The greater contact the disciple or initiate has with the
Soul, the greater the exchange of fire there is. And likewise, the more polluted the personality, the lesser the
amount of exchange.
Also, through assimilation of energy by way of the seven major chakras, but especially the Crown, Brow
and Throat Centers, which I’ll mention later in this probe.
The result of this magnetization, overshadowing and occupation will bring forth the new civilization.
In the human being there is physical, emotional, mental and spiritual magnetism. For example, the Soul is
the sun. When the light and love of the Soul fuses with our etheric body we become magnetic and people
feel it. When our Soul energy fuses with our astral body, we develop emotional magnetism. When the Soul
fuses with the mental body, we become magnetic mentally. When the higher mind becomes magnetic, the
person becomes flooded by great ideas and visions. When we become intuitively magnetic great currents of
energy of sacrificial service are attracted to us. Such people, disciples and initiates of the world, on all
planes of consciousness, have energy to serve, each dedicating him/herself to do great things.
What will be the immediate “task” of the Aquarian Christ? The Tibetan gives us a hint by way of saying,
“He is going to establish right human relations.” “The main objective and the immediate task of the Christ is
to bring to an end the separateness which exists between man and man, family and family, community and
community, and nation and nation. (EOH, 648) How do we expect this to take place? Through the power
and service of true groups; integrated, magnetic groups. It is through such integrated, magnetic groups, the
dispelling of the glamor of separativeness, replaced with right human relations can be undertaken with world
Such groups are called a Group Disciple. Each such Group would be an organism; each such Group would
be either a petal or a flower in the Hierarchy. To be an organism means that the hearts in such a group are
united. To be an organism means it is one with an inherent life in it. It is the united hearts of the group
members, which creates the organism giving it a vitality, a life-giving power. If the members of the group
are not united in their hearts, there is no nucleus and no magnetism.
It is through the united hearts of the group that the magnetic-radiatory energy of the Aquarian Christ will
flow into the Group Mind, the Soul of the Group Disciple, magnetizing the Group with the inspiration and
ideation of right human relations and the law of synthesis. The group, just as an individual can become
overshadowed, surrendering Itself for use by the Great Lord. The group then becomes transformed through
the magnetic impulse of the Aquarian Christ. The Group Disciple then in turn magnetizes its field or spheres
of influence via its creative labor and sacrificial service.
To better understand this, whether it be the instrument of a human being, or that of a group: A violin, no
matter if it is a Stradivarius or an Amati, two of the most superiorly modeled violins in the world today,
cannot be heard without a sound post perfectly placed within the instrument.
We could by analogy say that the sound post in a human being is made of the three chakra centers: The
Crown, Brow and Throat Centers. It is the activity of these three centers, a triangle which will serve the
disciple as a receiving station to not only receive and assimilate the inflow of energy, but also serve as the
mode of creative expression. The antahkarana is the symbol of the “sound post” of an advanced-perfecting
Last Fall, 2003, I had the joy of listening to Paganini’s violin; a violin of which HPB wrote a story, calling it
I believe, the Ensouled Violin. I’ve not heard such “other world” celestial beauty in the mundane world very
often; it is truly a magnetized violin, magnetized by the fiery energy of the Subtle Worlds. To hear this
violin is to be immediately connected with the Subtle, the Higher Worlds. After becoming magnetized by
the sound of this violin, with indescribable sensations for the length of the music performance, I later began
to research the history of this instrument, learning that it was originally owned by Paganini; the famous
“Cremona” violin. The violin that is now, normally played but once a year, under heavy security.
Let me quote a few words from HPB’s writings:
[…] the almost supernatural or magic art of Nicolo Paganini—the greatest violin player that the world has
ever produced—was often speculated upon, never understood. The sensation he produced upon his audience
was marvellous, overpowering. The great Rossini wept like a sentimental German maiden, upon hearing him
play for the first time. The Princess Eliza of Lucca, sister of the great Napoleon, though he was in her service
as the director of her private orchestra, was for a long time unable to hear him play without fainting. In women
he produced nervous fits and hysterics at his will; stout-hearted men he drove to frenzy. He changed cowards
into heroes, and made the bravest soldiers become as nervous girls.” (Collected Writings, Vol. II).
Was it Paganini himself or the magic of this musical instrument, which had such an incredible effect upon
myself, and upon those HPB described in earlier times. In the Collected Writings it goes on to reveal that the
story of Paganini and his violin, the Cremona, is written either from the pen of Master Hillarion, or was
written by H.P.B. in collaboration with him, hinted at in Letter No. 20 in the Letters from the Masters of the
Wisdom, 1st Series.
The Aquarian Christ must have instruments, His Group Disciples, through which He can play His Cosmic
It is in a group organism that the members find their place and work naturally. There can be no imposition,
no forcing, no dictatorship. Naturally means they are all intuitively working together, in harmony with the
impulse of the Community of Hierarchy and the Christ. It is necessarily a small group, but one that works
telepathically and subjectively with other world Group Disciples. Each Group disciple is like a string on the
Celestial Harp of the Christ.
Each string on the harp can also symbolize a sphere of consciousness. Take for example one physical plane
Group Disciple; that group will also have its “sister” groups on the astral, lower and higher mental planes
and perhaps (though this is more rare) the Intuitional Plane. Some such groups are still young in their
spiritual existence and as such belong to (only) the greater astral group; where other more mature Group
Disciples will belong to all four. If the Discipleship Group is advanced, part of its group will be on the astral
plane, some members will be on the mental plane and a few will be in the Intuitional or Buddhic Plane.
The members that make up the body of the Group Disciple are not counted in huge numbers. For example,
let’s say you have 12 people in your group on the physical plane, you have 24 in the astral plane, fifty in the
mental plane and a few in the Intuitional Plane. Such a Group Disciple is very powerful because of its group
members in the higher planes.
Such a physical plane group will put many into the service of the Community of Hierarchy and the Aquarian
Christ. Each such Group will be kindled with the pure fire of heart.
The Aquarian Avatar
Tiphareth To Daath, The Star and The Qabalah
(Donna M. Brown)
Astrologically, we are transiting into the sign of Aquarius, the sign of the new dispensation poured out to
humanity and to all life. We are told that the great gift of this Aquarian Age will be the coming of a Group
Avatar and a Planetary Teacher, a “Sun of Righteousness” whose fiery radiation will transmit “Life more
abundant” to the earth and to all its inhabitants.
As students of the Ageless Wisdom we are ever alert to the many signs that speak to the veracity of these
teachings on the New Age and The Coming Avatar. To that end, I would like to turn to one of the esoteric
symbol systems with roots in the Mystery religions that can provide us with a fresh perspective on this
auspicious time in which we have the great privilege to be living. This symbol system is the modern
For those not familiar with the Qabalah it is comprised of a vast superstructure of Gnostic thought which
focuses on the Tree of Life as a symbolic representation of Divine Consciousness. The Tree contains ten
sephiroth or emanations consisting of the Supernal Triad, an upper triplicity of divine force, (analogous to
the Christian Trinity) along with a sepentary expression of energy and force, i.e., the seven rays. The Tree of
Life can be likened to an immense circuit or vast energy system, where power flows from the apex of the
Supernal Triad down the Tree and up again.
The first progression of divine emanations begins with Kether (also called the Ancient of Days). From the
activity of Kether emanates two sub-divisions; these are Chockmah, the male-positive force, whose physical
expressions is the Zodiac, and Binah, the female-negative force or great mother whose physical expression
is Saturn. Together these sephira form the great Trinity (The Initiation of the World, Vera Stanley Adler).
From this “Three in One” the following sepentary of divine emanations are derived. They are Chesed,
cohesive intelligence and love, whose physical expression is Jupiter. Next is Geburah, the warrior, whose
physical expression is Mars, then, Tiphareth, beauty, the son, whose expression is the Sun, then Netzach,
occult intelligence, whose expression is Venus, (Hierarchy of mind to our planet). Following these is Hod,
the glory of form which has now been brought down to the mental plane and whose expression is Mercury;
then Yesod, the foundation or machinery of the Universe, whose expression is the Moon, and finally
Malkuth, the kingdom, (our planetary Sprit) whose physical manifestation is Earth (The Initiation of the
World, Vera Stanley Adler).
The Qabalah also portrays the universe as existing in four levels or worlds.
These four worlds form a chain of ever increasing concreteness, from the most
abstract, spiritually rarified levels, to the most dense and material. This is
important to keep in mind as it speaks to the multidimensionality of the Tree
and the various expression of the sephiroth within each of these four worlds.
For example, it explains why Tiphareth (#6 on the Tree) can be seen as
signifying individuation, Christ Consciousness and the Cosmic Christ. This
multidimensionality reflects the fact that our minds are an integral part of the
mind of the Cosmic Christ.
The Tree itself is divided into three Pillars; the sephiroth on the right side are on
the Pillar of Mercy or Mother, those on the left are on the Pillar of Severity or
Father, and those in the center are on the Pillar of Equilibrium, consciousness
or Son. Through a “Science of Triangles” each sephira is balanced by its opposite with the sephria on the
center pillar of the Tree. The process of synthesis and harmonization is an important part of the practical
work with the Hermetic- Qabalah since it is from the Pillar of Equilibrium or (Noble Middle Path) that the
individual and the group can invoke and evoke higher, more refined spiritual energies. Self realization
occurs when the initiate realizes all ten sephiroth, via the major Trinity of Triads within him or herself.
(Diagram # 1: The Descending Lightening Flash)
One of the meditative aids used for ascending Tree is the Major Arcana of the Tarot. These cards or trumps
might be said to represent a synthesis of the chief symbolic languages: numerical, geometrical, astrological,
mythological and theosophical (The Horus Arrangement, Mayanada). Used in conjunction with the Tree
they constitute a rich ontological system that can used for penetrating deeper into the essence of being.
The 22 Trump or Court Cards are allocated to the Paths running between the 10 Emanations on the Tree.
These give us the 32 Paths to Wisdom or steps to the initiations. When the these paths have been traversed
both up and down the Tree we have the sixty-four ways of manifestation, the sixty-four Hexagrams of the I
Ching and the sixty-four members of the occult Hierarchy (The Initiation of the World, Vera Stanley Adler).
While path-working on the Tree will necessarily involve working with all ten emanations and all 22 Major
Arcana, the focus of this paper will be on the synthetic Middle Pillar and those cards that constitute the path
of alignment from Tiphareth, ( # 6, the Self or Christ within) into Daath (Knowledge or Meaning.) Daalth is
the sephira that leads into the Supernal or Logic Triangle. This link or bridge built up between the
aforementioned sephiroth can be likened to both the individual and planetary Antahkarana and to the
emergence of the Aquarian Group Avatar.
Tiphareth or Beauty is, for our purposes, the starting point. But before proceeding to
Triphareth it is important to bear in mind that the Tree can be viewed from the
perspective of both the individual and the group, and in terms of past, present or future.
The glyph of the Tree is a compound symbol reflecting both macrocosmic and
microcosmic evolutionary processes.
It is also necessary to give some additional background on the sephira preceding
Tiphareth. The first rung of spiritual ascent begins with # 10 Malkuth: The Kingdom.
Malkuth pertains to manifest creation and to the world of appearances. It represents the
physical world, the physical body and the animal instincts. However, it is also Spirit
vibrating at its lowest level. To describe it in another way, Kether is in Malkuth and
Malkuth is in Kether. This reveals a correspondence to the Seventh Ray.
Yesod, # 9, the Foundation, corresponds to Pisces and the Moon, to the past and the
Etheric World, Hod # 8 is the concrete mind or passive recognition, and # 7 Netzach,
represents the astral world the emotions and emotional control. When the various
energies in each are realized and brought into balance they form what is known as the Ethical Triangle.
From the Ethical Triangle the aspirant progress to Tiphareth or Beauty which is located in the nerve center
(#6) or at the Heart of the Tree. Tiphareth is regarded as the “Mediating Intelligence” where the upper
sephiroth may enter into communication with the lower ones. The powers of all the other sephiroth flow into
Tiphareth where they are balanced, synthesized and sanctified (The Initiation of the World, Vera Stanley
Adler). From Tiphareth it is possible to work in group formation.
Tiphareth is also the path that has more or less direct access to Kether, the Crown or Infinite Source on the
Tree. At its lowest level Tiphareth is the integrated human being, a vision of the Soul or Soul Contact. At
higher levels it signifies the Inner Christ, the Human Soul, the Causal World and the first of the great
Tiphareth, ultimately synthesizes or balances with Geburah, the Warrior or Strength and with Chesed or
Mercy. Geburah is discipline, endurance, steadfast determination and the controlled and purposeful use of
energy. Chesed is love, beneficence, compassion and generosity. When these are brought into a balance in
Tiphareth we see the beauteous reflection of “His Mercy that endureth forever.”
Not surprisingly, the Tarot Card allocated to this sephira is L` Amoureux, usually translated as The Lover(s).
Its inner meaning, however, is closer to “he who is enamoured,” signifying the yearning for and creation of
harmonious relationship and brotherhood, the ability to think in the heart, and Love as unifying and healing
force. It also speaks to the development of right choice or discrimination, to freedom from the separative,
lower self, to the ability to hold “a point of tension” and to the expression of Soul Love and Solar Light.
Tiphareth, therefore, is our essential nature, the Observer or Self. We might also view it as the First Divine
Recognition – the recognition of the soul-infused personality which serves as the core of group will and
action. Tiphareth expresses as an outpouring of love, consciousness and
harmony which is directed into the world of human endeavour and into the
higher formless worlds.
Tiphareth then, is the heart of the group organism, “who in the fullness of time
and through the work of evolution, and embodying the group ideas (abstracted
from the higher sephira on the Tree) and demonstrating the group nature, can
manifest in a small way the true significance of the Body of Christ” …
Treatise on White Magic.
From Tiphareth we can ascend further up the Tree into the transpersonal or
universal realms. But along the path and between Tiphareth and the direct
influences of the supernal spheres, is the “invisible” sephira of Daath. Also
known as the Door and the Abyss, Daath is said to “veil” the upper Triad. In
terms of pure Qabalistic doctrine, Daath is not represented in the Tree and is
not actually considered a sephira. But the experience of Daath is requisite to
cross the Abyss (the gulf or gap in consciousness) separating the Supernal
Triad (the creators) and the world below (the created.) The Qabalah states that
the level of Daath is as far as the Higher Self or Soul can go. Those seeking union with the Divine must leap
across the Abyss, fearlessly and unaided, creating for him/herself the transition of Daath (The Qabalistic
Tarot, Robert Wang).
Another important idea associated with Daath is that of Knowledge of and Conversation with the Holy
Guardian Angel, i.e., Angel of the Presence. This idea refers to the fusion of personal light, soul light and
the light of the Presence. The ultimate experience of Daath, however, involves willfully relinquishing one’s
acquired powers. In other words, Daath requires a willing sacrifice to God’s Will. These ideas are clearly
suggestive of the need for building the Antahkarana and the encounter between the Angel and the Dweller.
Entrance into Daath represents development of the intuitive faculties, the higher initiations and ultimately,
Monadic realization.
The sign allocated to this part of the path is Aquarius and its symbolic
representative is “The Star.” Our Sun’s present transit into the sign of Aquarius
and its relationship to this part of the Tree should be looked at with special
interest since it represents a highly potent confluence of energies. It speaks to
developments that are currently taking place on both the individual and planetary
The glyph of Aquarius gives us some hints about the influences at play. It
consists of two jagged or wavy lines, one on top of the other. The upper line
might be seen as the Door leading into the formless and fiery worlds and into the
realm of the supernals. The lower line might be viewed as the Abyss or the test
of knowledge, science and power that if misused or disconnected from the
preceding sephiroth can take the individual or group back down the Tree into the
deep sleep and bondage of Malkuth. This dual vibration has special relevance
when seen in the light of the tremendous scientific and technological advancements presently at the disposal
of humankind and to the amassing of vast stores of knowledge, wealth and power. It suggests that humanity
is on the threshold of realizing its inherent potential to co-create a new world. But it also suggests the
importance of linking heart and head to prevent certain and unexpected dangers. These ideas seem to be
borne out by the Tibetan’s comments that Aquarius is a dual sign and signifies two vibrations (Esoteric
Looking at the lines or waves of this glyph from another perspective we can see that they convey the idea of
motion or the ability to move from place to place (perhaps an electromagnetic frequency). The upper line
represents the higher Aquarian vibration, divine inspiration and the intuitive aspect of the mind dispensing
higher knowledge and great ideas to the rational, concrete mind, (the lower line.) From this we can see that
Aquarius brings about a free flow of ideas and interconnectedness. It also facilitates the development of the
insight, intuition and direct knowledge. In this context we might see Aquarian energies as contributing to the
development of the so called “global brain” with its potential for global illumination, transformation and
The Star Card graphically depicts this process on both the individual and collective levels. But before
turning to the symbolism it contains let’s look at the Hebrew letter given to this Card, which is Pe. Pe is said
to represent the influence of the macrocosmos on humankind. It stands for liberation, inspiration and
spiritual perception. It is also said to represent the mouth and the tongue, which gives the teacher, the
spiritual visionary or group, great powers of communication and the ability to broadcast or dispense the
water of consciousness and of “life more abundant” to others.
The Symbolic Language of the card communicates much of the same indicating the nourishing of
humanities spiritual consciousness. The naked figure suggests unmasked or naked truth and the mystery of
revelation. It evokes Venus, the symbol of expansive, life giving power. The connection to Venus, the other
or little sun, is reinforced by the eight pointed stars on the card (Tarot and Individuation, Dr. Irene Gad).
The seven smaller stars seem to refer to the seven sacred planets, the seven interior stars and the seven great
ashrams, all of which imply the presence of seven centers or groups of radiant psychic force. The great
central Star could also be viewed as reference to Kether, the symbol of Divine Fire and Life which is
concentrated and radiated from all the other stars. It may also refer to Sirius, the Central Spiritual Sun about
which our own sun revolves. This correspondence to Sirius also has relevance since the idea of Liberation or
Freedom is so central to this path on the Tree.
One of the other significant symbols is the figure of the water bearer who is shown as pouring out two
streams of water (symbolic of the ocean of space) from her/his jugs. This sacramental dispensation signifies
the pouring forth of stellular consciousness or the “food of the Gods,” dispensed, not to just a few, but to all
creation. This sprit/seed-water is brought down in the way of divine ideas from the fiery realms of the Tree
to the sphere of practical living. In some renditions of this Card the water bearer is shown carefully
combining these life giving waters. This suggests a “Doctrine of Synthesis,” or a wise blending of all the
major religious traditions and authentic systems of self-realization (The Gnosis Link: The New Age). This
blending represents the emergence of the One World Religion.
Looking at the Tree of Life from the angle of the Tibetans teachings there is clear reference to a new
dispensation, to a global mind shift or awakening brought about through the aid of a Group Avatar. This
Group, traversing the path from Tiphareth through Daath and beyond, consists of the aspirants, disciples and
initiates who are working with the Christ on behalf of humanity and all planetary Life. They are the knowers
of God emerging from within the ranks of humanity (and the Tree) who will anchor dynamic truths in the
hearts and minds of wo/men that have never been expressed before. It is this group the Coming One will use
to liberate humanity into a new initiatory level of awareness thereby ushering in the New Age.
The Aquarian Christ and Education
(Suchitra Davenport)
Inspired by this quote below, I sought to attune to the Aquarian Christ energies, to open to the depth of the
moment, to listen, to be led and directed and to receive information via a network of inner and outer sources
which might, in turn, expand my group service as an intuitive and as an educator/healer. I sense that the new
education is to be focused not on books and external sources of information, but is to be focused on the
center and what can be drawn forth from within that center, the Whole, of each student.
Those disciples who are working along this line are the nurturers of the seed of the future intuitional
civilisation, which will come to its full glory in the Aquarian Age. The intuition is the infallibly sensitive
agent, latent in every human being; it is based, as you know, upon direct knowledge, unimpeded by any
instrument normally functioning in the three worlds. Of this intuitional future age, Christ is the Seed Man, for
"He knew what was in man." Today, a group or a unit of groups can be the nurturers of the seed of the
intuition; the cultivation of sensitivity to telepathic impression is one of the most potent agencies in
developing the coming use of the intuitive faculty. (TEV, 35)
I began the Probe with a consecration to service, opening to the Aquarian Christ. Through the Technique of
the Presence, and other meditative processes, I received these words which inform this study.
I also received these grouped phrases in different meditations which carry some “seed” of the incoming
Christ energies, some “touch of His Essence”
The Order of Realization,
A breakthrough.
A new Order of Understanding
This is Being,
This is One
A Focus, an ordered focus.
This Order is Beauty
An experience which words cannot contain or hold.
An experience of within which permeates the outer like the fragrance of a thousand roses.
This Order knows all as It’s Self.
Loves all as It’s Self.
Is at Peace with all as It’s Self.
This Order is a Net woven of Pure Light and Pure Love, cast upon all, encompassing all, imprinting all,
remembering all as It’s Self, as One.
I sensed that this “net” is the Cosmic Christ which seeds all Christs. The Cosmic Christ is the Word. John
the Revelator in his vision on the Isle of Patmos, describes his experience of the Cosmic Christ as “I saw
heaven opened…His eyes were as a flame of fire…and His name is called The Word of God.” In his Gospel
he describes the Word…”In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was
God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by Him; and without Him was not
anything made that was made.”
Origen says,” No one knoweth the Son, for no one can know him who is uncreated, and begotten before
every created nature in its full extent, so well as the Father who begot him; nor can anyone know the Father
so well as the animate Word, who is His Wisdom and Truth.”
In Revelation 21:6 John repeats Christ’s statement that He was at the very beginning of manifestation, “I am
Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end.”
After this “came through” I opened a book left at my door, to this...
In Greek mythology, the so-called robe or veil woven by Harmonia was probably in reference to the
geometrical pattern called a “fishnet”. This entire pattern is governed by the square root of 3, which in the
realm of geometry springs from the vesica pisces, the vessel of the fish. This symbolism predates Christianity,
and represents the woven web of nature or the vivifying power of harmony which informs the pattern of
creation. The Orphics had books called, “The Net” and “The Veil”, and the omphalos stone in the temple of
Apollo at Delphi was covered in a netting pattern. In the language of ancient mysticism, to unravel the veil is
to discover the weaver. (Jesus Christ, Sun of God, 210-211)
And then, beginning with an Aquarian image, these phrases came through …
Pour the water from the bucket,
The sand is dry.
This is how sandcastles are built and creative play proceeds.
Meaning is not lost and no action is wasted, the giving is received, though all inevitably returns to the ocean
in complete fulfillment.
Pull back the curtain,
The celestial song awaits your ears,
And your eyes are ready to see the weaving of the Ages,
The intricacies are now revealed.
All is present now,
Here for the asking,
For the taking.
Simple enough to mold into a golden locket,
Grand enough to illumine all worlds is this Love.
Be still and know that I AM Love.
Disconnect yourself from that which binds,
Twist free.
Fetters do not become you; you cannot become, you cannot be.
Look down at your feet
And will yourself to move.
The Cosmic Dance is seeded in that movement.
Your body carries the choreography and the music.
Each atom a note, a sound of the Holy Breath.
Climb into the cockpit,
The Cosmos awaits your navigation.
The envelope is sealed,
The message is within.
You are the carrier, no need for a stamp.
The imprint is indelible upon your heart
And radiates through your cells a Song, a Sound, a Beacon, a Sun, a Universe.
Hands are clapping.
Another joyous sound unto the Lord.
Palms together in praise and jubilation,
A drumming of the body.
A giving...simple,
Fluttering codes of Light
Through all time.
Each movement of every finger, a continuous lighted pattern stemming from the original Word.
Now you understand,
Just stand under.
You are the hollow reed,
The trumpet vine,
The living vessel filled with every Mystery, all Wisdom, all Knowing from all Time.
You are the answer to the question, turn your eyes and ears inside out and re-member.
Your Heart knows the beat, the rhythm.
You are ALL; your very breath is God.
One experience which was repeated several times this week and seemed meaningful was the crow of a
rooster, beginning well before dawn each morning, bringing to mind these words I had read in a book, “The
cock crows announcing the arrival of the Way-shower. The first cock crows before the dawn when Venus
lights the horizon. And Venus the planet of harmony and love suggests a great awakening.” Venus is the
Way-shower, it relates to the , 5th Ray, the Mind of God. It is the esoteric Ruler of Gemini and part of a
cosmic triangle which includes the Pleiades and the Great Bear. “Gemini is, therefore, one of the most
important of the twelve signs and its influence lies behind everyone of them—a fact but little realised as yet
by astrologers. This will be more fully understood when the triangle of Gemini and two opposing signs is
studied. Because the Ray of Love-Wisdom, the second ray, pours through Gemini it becomes apparent how
true is the occult teaching that love underlies the entire universe. God is love, we are assured, and this
statement is both an exoteric and an esoteric truth. This underlying love of Deity reaches our solar system
primarily through Gemini, which forms, with the constellation of the Great Bear and the Pleiades, a cosmic
triangle. This is the triangle of the cosmic Christ and is the esoteric symbol lying behind the cosmic Cross.
There is ever the eternal triangle to be found behind the fourfold phenomenal appearance. Speaking
symbolically and in the words of the Old Commentary:
Upon the golden triangle, the cosmic Christ appeared; His head in Gemini; one foot upon the field [Page 349]
of the Seven Fathers and the other planted in the field of the Seven Mothers (these two constellations are
sometimes called the Seven Brothers and the Seven Sisters. A.A.B.). Thus for aeons, the Great One stood, His
consciousness in-turned, aware of three but not of four. Intent, with suddenness, He heard a sound go forth....
Arousing to that cry, He stretched Himself, reached forth both arms in understanding love, and, lo, the Cross
was formed. (EA, 348-349)
Understanding then that Gemini,
is related to the etheric body; it is the custodian of conditioning energy and the intermediary, as far as basic
essentials are concerned, between soul and body. These are the two allied brothers. In the average person, the
etheric vehicle is the transmitter of psychic energy, galvanising and coordinating the dense physical body and
permitting, therefore, astral and mental control of the personality. When the man is upon the Path of
Discipleship and, therefore, upon the reversed wheel, leading to initiation, the etheric body becomes the
transmitter of soul energy and not of personality force; the powerful effect of the second Ray of LoveWisdom—working through the subjective six rays, according to ray type—begins steadily to dominate the
vital body, producing consequently the shift of force and of intensity to the centres above the diaphragm. The
power of the personality lessens and wanes whilst that of the soul waxes and grows. There is much to be
learned from the study of the dual activity—higher and lower—of the etheric body and its relation to and
responsiveness to the constellation, Gemini, but it is too abstruse for the ordinary student. It is nevertheless an
esoteric fact to be borne in mind and will be some day of real service to the astrology of the future, for some
day astrology will be lifted up to a higher plane. True interpretation will come and true healing in all
departments of human living through a proper understanding of the available potencies and energies pouring
into the planet at any particular time. (EA, 352-353)
This relationship of Gemini to the etheric body, suggests the etheric body as the vehicle through which the
Christ energies can anchor through humanity, and then into the Earth. If in Aquarius, humanity becomes the
mediating principle, the Son/Sun of God, the Body of Christ, then the whole of Earth, all her Kingdoms then
become Christed, sacred. What is possible individually is then manifested planetarily.
Aquarius relates humanity to the Pleiades and therefore to Taurus in an unusual manner. The key to this
relation is to he found in the word desire, leading, through the transmutative processes of life experience, to
aspiration and finally the relinquishing of desire in Scorpio. Aquarius, Alcyone and Humanity constitute a
most interesting triangle of force. Alcyone is one of the seven Pleiades and is called the "star of the
Individual" and sometimes the "star of intelligence." It was potently active during the previous solar system
wherein the Third Person of the Trinity was peculiarly omnipotent and active, just as today the cosmic Christ,
the Second Person of the Trinity, is peculiarly active in this solar system. The energies coming from Alcyone
impregnated the substance of the universe with the quality of mind. As a consequence of this most ancient
activity, the same force was present at the time of individualisation in this solar system, for it is in this system,
and primarily upon our planet, the Earth, that the major results of that early activity have made themselves
felt. Two of our planets, the Earth (non-sacred) and Uranus (sacred), are directly the product of this third ray
activity. This is of great importance to remember. I would also ask you to link this thought with the
teaching that through the divine centre of intelligent activity which we call humanity, the fourth
kingdom in nature will eventually act as the mediating principle to all the three lower kingdoms.
Humanity is the divine Messenger to the world of form; it is essentially Mercury, bringing light and life to
other divine manifestations and of this, all divine world Saviours are the eternal symbols.” (EA, 200)
It is clear that we have the potential to be transmitters of these higher energies; through our various groups
we can assist the transmission and grounding of these higher frequencies of consciousness on Earth. We can
be a lens through which the Light of the Aquarian Christ can pour. We can embody the frequency of
consciousness which He radiates and pours forth through us. This embodiment through all our activity,
subjective and objective is our service. My sense is that our receptivity to the Pleiades, Alcyone,
particularly, opens the etheric/physical substance of our bodies, allowing a cellular remembrance of some
encoding from the ancient past, the Divine Blueprint which is woven through our DNA. In this way we are
re-membered and become “carriers” then of the new paradigm, the Aquarian Christ paradigm, which is
perhaps the original Plan we are all seeking to restore on Earth. The livingness of brotherhood, Oneness, and
sharing ceases to be an idea and becomes a living expression. We become what we have essentially always
been and yet forgot, Divine Sons of God. Christ immanent and Christ transcendent meet. Heaven and Earth,
Spirit and Matter are at One once again.
Our openness and receptivity are key, as is our willingness to live daily this new paradigm. The full
embodiment and expression through the livingness is what breathes the frequency through the etheric,
anchors it “all the way down”. Our sensitivity and our response develops and expands as we work. This is
how we participate in the unfolding of the Plan. This is how the Plan lives in/through us.
Again and repeatedly, students must remind themselves that we are considering the impact of energy upon
energy units (all qualified and producing appearance) and with the response of those energy units to the
streams of force which reach them from "the furthest centre." It is in the development of response to distant
points of contact and emanating sources of energy that the needed sensitivity is produced. Sensitivity,
generally speaking, is of a threefold nature:
1. Sensitivity to that which is found within oneself. This, when the consciousness is adequately selfsufficient, opens a door for the entrance of energies coming from the "middle centre." I speak in symbols
and for those whose knowledge of cosmic location and of points in time and space will enable them to
comprehend; to the uninitiate, I simply say, "Respond to soul impact."
2. Sensitivity to that which emanates from the "centres left behind" or to those streams of vital energy which
lie active and focussed below the threshold of the waking consciousness. They stir the threads of memory;
they draw backward the glances (and there lies magic in the energy of the eye) of the onward moving
Point, the Pilgrim on his way; they condition through ancient habit the responsiveness of the units in the
3. A developed sensitivity which emerges from the "furthest centre" at first unconsciously employed and
later consciously directed and attuned—a fully magnetic and attractive sensitivity. Forget not that true
interplay imposes the condition of reciprocity and that the two points or termini of a line eventually
vibrate in unison.
A consideration of a hint given earlier as to the symbolism and significance of the three eyes available for
man's use will be found illuminating and their relation to the heart and throat will prove evocative of
knowledge. They relate to the three centres above referred to and in their wider connotation relate to the three
planetary centres: Humanity, Hierarchy and Shamballa; further back still lies a relation to the cosmic centres
of the Great Bear, Sirius and the Pleiades. (EA, 433-434)
It is my sense that as we open to the Aquarian Christ, our abilities to receive information directly will
expand. The awakening and healing that He brings through his vibrational frequency is a quickening, a
lifting-up which we are all already experiencing as we work to prepare the way. We are being opened and
made new. Our consciousness is expanding and anchoring in the brain, our abilities and possibilities are
expanding. We are moving more into the present moment, the eternal now, and in that space we can access
information outside of time. We can experience direct knowledge and unlock wisdom which we have carried
through time. Group consciousness is our experience. Overlays of groups blending into one great geometry
is happening and this Probe is even one manifestation of that. If we counted all the various subjective and
objective groups represented in this probe, and drew the interlocking circles and triangles, what shape would
we be? I and thou cease to be, One Mind, One Heart is becoming our experience. Synchronicities abound as
thought manifests rapidly and minds merge.
As an educator, I wonder about how the forms we have called education, school, teaching will shift as we
move forward, as these Aquarian energies pour in and the Christ’s Light and Love anchor in us more deeply.
As the World Teacher, His Consciousness is our Consciousness. There is only One Consciousness and it is a
result of identification with the One Life as it expresses through Soul. Group Consciousness/Christ
Consciousness permeates through humanity through the Law of Resonance; the embodiment of Soul, the
attunement to Truth and registration of that Truth/Light in the brain. We then transmit this Consciousness
and that transmission is what draws forth a resonance in others. In this way we are educators, those who
“draw out/forth” the Soul with all those we contact. This is the horizontal expression of the vertical
alignment with the One Life. The vertical alignment/relationship of Spirit to Matter and the horizontal
expression of Consciousness meet in the center. The Heart is the center. The Christ is the Heart. This Heart
Center is incarnating into Humanity NOW and this will shift the paradigm of education, as it shifts all others.
At this time, it seems that all experience, all of creation is part of an educational process which is drawing
forth from us the fullness of our inner potential. All forms seem to be in a process of refining, upgrading and
allowing more Life to flow through it. It seems that Freedom is at work here. It seems that everywhere the
form is being shaken, loosened and that which is the more Divine aspect of that form is being freed, released
into full expression. I hear Hallelujahs! And yes, applause, from the inner worlds. I see that education must
be freed from the “classroom” concept of 5 hours a day, 5 days a week. As consciousness expands, we will
know that we are all learning and teaching all the time; all open and free to grow and change and expand
constantly. Education will be seen as an all-encompassing experiential openness to all potential. As
consciousness expands, we will not need to look outside ourselves for our fulfillment, for information, for
love. Learning will be what it IS, a joyful experience, a constant revelation, a myriad of ah-ha moments. We
will see things wholly, move quickly to essence and bypass all the minutia and excess baggage information.
Our minds will work synthetically, seeing the multiple connections between disciplines, the Oneness which
manifest in different ways through various forms.
Education will embody freedom. There will be a recognition of uniqueness within the recognition of
Oneness. The uniqueness will be invited forth, drawn out and encouraged. Courage to be one’s Self will be
built into the atmosphere of life, into the culture of education.
And freedom entails discipline. A soul requires freedom and a personality requires discipline; these two
must be woven together into one thread so that integration and fusion are supported and educated. So
stillness, quiet, meditation, time in nature, inner listening and observation must also be encouraged, taught as
discipline which provides freedom from reaction to outer stimuli, to distraction, to irritation. A discipline
which builds a base from which conscious action can happen and wise choices which expand joy and
creativity can be made. A discipline which insures an inner peace and cultivates compassion. These are
disciplines with no kinship to punishment or shoulds. These are the disciplines which are integrated within
and so insure a culture of freedom and a recognition of the living Christ in all. With the inner disciplines
intact, we can continue to educate ourselves, to encourage ourselves to be all that we can be, to live our
magnificence, to discipline ourselves toward greater fulfillment, deeper joy and constant evolution.
As we live more fully in the now, each moment can be a new revelation. We can stay fresh, open,
spontaneous, as little children, filled with Life. The new education will be a sharing of that openness. A
constant giving and receiving, each drawing forth from the other the beauty which is innate and creating a
sacred synthesis of all the unique experiences and expressions we have individually and collectively lived.
The lines of separation will and must fall away. Communion will be a sacrament lived, received and given.
The new education will be Life more abundant; the living study of relationship of Self/Group to Life, to all
of Creation. All that we need, information, resources will be ours as we live from the inside out and act with
responsibility toward the greater whole. We will be opened to deeper relationship and co-creation with all
the kingdoms. The living Christ will inform everything. The full potential will be drawn forth in all
directions, expanding, growing and cultivating a New Heaven and New Earth. .
And I offer you the following quotes, which came to me with great ease, with no effort, like magic...for your
inspiration and your joy, for the celebration of the Aquarian Christ …
A glow ripples outward from the first spark of conscious reflection. The point of ignition grows larger. The
fire spreads in ever widening circles till finally the whole planet is covered in incandescence.
The very act by which the fine edge of our minds penetrates the absolute is a phenomenon of
emergence...extended to the whole inorganic and organic volume of matter, evolution is now gaining on the
psychic zones of the world and transferring to the spiritual constructs of life.
This great organism lives only because of, and for the sake of, a new soul. Beneath a change of age lies a
change of thought. Where are we to look for it? Where are we to situate this renovating and subtle alteration,
while, without appreciably changing our bodies, has made new creatures of us? In one place, and one place
only, in a new intuition involving a total change in the physiognomy of the universe, in other words, in an
Convergent movement will attain such intensity and such gravity that taken as a whole, mankind will be
forced to reflect upon itself at a single point, to abandon its organ-planetary foothold so as to shift its center on
the transcendent center of its increasing concentration. This will be the end and the fulfillment of the spirit of
the earth. (Pierre Telhard du Chardin, The Phenomenon of Man)
Give to all who seek your aid the fullest measure of your love, for love releases, love djusts and interprets, and
love heals.
Love is the life expression of God himself; love is the coherent force which makes all things whole, and love
is all that is. So let true love, silent, uncomplaining, non-critical, and steadfast be your goal and the quality of
your group life.
By the pure light of love for each other, do you draw near to me, and arrive more rapidly at the Gate which
opens on the Lighted Way.
Be not unduly disturbed. There is no light or dark to the soul, but only existence and love. There is no
separation but only identification with the heart of all love; the more you love, the more love can reach out
through you to others. The chains of love unite the world of men and the world of forms, and they constitute
the great chain of Hierarchy. The spiritual effort you are asked to make is that of developing yourself into a
vibrant and powerful center of the fundamental universal love. (Discipleship in the New Age)
This event is in fact the first fully conscious incarnation of the Eternal One in the collective consciousness of
the world's biosphere.
I would that each ego discover the joy and deep pleasure of being in love with its eternal counterpart, entering
wholeheartedly into that blissful cycle of exchange that will dissolve its fears and bring it the deepest possible
fulfillment. This is the inner marriage, where anima and animus alchemically merge in the crucible of human
flesh, where eternal awareness enters human form to see the world through human eyes. So is the Christ
arisen, the circuitry between heaven and earth completed, charged, animated, and brought to life. (Starseed,
The Third Millenium)
Your sacred seed, your spark of life, awaits only the cooperation of your totally still heart center. When you
have extended this cooperation, the sacred seed will begin to grow, to fulfill its cosmic pattern as the human
hull falls away and allows the holy metamorphosis to be completed. (The Door of Everything)
Sacred writings can lead people to my Spirit, but it is my Spirit working through people that will change the
world. I now send you as agents of my inspiration. (Vision)
Everything that you need exists in the present moment, and this moment is all that exists. In its brief flicker
you will find all the time in the world. Through it you will contact the Living Information that will guide you
with infallible direction. This present moment is the stargate through which you will leave the prison of
human definition and expand into an awareness of divine perception. It is the crack between the worlds, not
only the worlds of past and future, but worlds of time and space, spirit and matter, form and being.
You are where your attention takes you. In fact, you are your attention. If your attention is fragmented, you are
fragmented. When your attention is in the past, you are in the past. When your attention is in the present
moment, you are in the Presence of God and God is present in you. Let yourself die to what really does not
exist and discover what does.
The question is not how much of the Presence of God you can bring into your life, but how much of your life
you can bring into the present. The Presence of God is everywhere, you have only consciously to embrace it
with your attention. (The Starseed Transmissions)
All grades of matter meet in man, and all states of consciousness are possible to him. Mankind can work in all
directions and lift the subhuman kingdom into heaven and bring heaven down to earth. (A Treatise on White
Man is the intermediary bridge between that which is and that which is to be.
The body and life link man to the manifested world and make him its representative and medium of selfexpression, the mind and soul raise him beyond himself and beyond the universe and unite him with the
eternal Unmanifest. He is thus created to bridge the yawning gulf between Matter and Spirit and be the great
reconciler and unifier of what appears to us as eternal opposites in creation. (In the Mother's Light)
When I return it shall be with power and in spirit. The eye of the flesh beholds the Son of Man in the flesh,
but only the eye of the spirit will behold the Son of Man glorified by the Father and appearing on earth in his
own name. Concerning the times of the coming again of the Son of Man, no one in heaven or on earth may
presume to speak. But you should be wise regarding the ripening of an age; you should be alert to discern
the signs of the times. You know when the fig tree shows its tender branches and puts forth its leaves that
summer is near. Likewise, when the world has passed through the long winter of material-mindedness and
you discern the coming of the spiritual springtime of a new dispensation, should you know that the
summertime of a new visitation draws near. (The Urantia Book)
(Sharon Lyon)
The Aquarian Christ is the embodiment of Freedom & the Messenger of Liberation. In this Aquarian Age
the realisation of the underlying Unity of mankind is being stimulated through His spiritual energy as an
attractive force, blending & binding man together toward a unified & greater common good. The illusion of
seperation is being steadily pierced. As the true nature of our being is revealed & expressed through us, our
increasing relationship & identification with the One Life, liberates us.
As Ashramic workers in Service of the Aquarian Christ, Hierarchial intent IS to increase Man's capacity for
Freedom. Alignment with this goal means that we undergo the 'liberating' process within our own being,
through our 'work', in our group processes & through all our relationships & interations everyday. Aided by
the Love of the Christ & through His Ministry, our capacity to embrace Freedom like never before is
heightened. "Life & life more abundantly" is the Will & the promise of the "Aquarian" Christ to humanity.
"In the service of the Christ and with through our conscious alignment to incoming Aquarian influences, our
spiritual 'edge' increasingly merges with & is renewed by, this Light & Freedom Principle. Key to the
journey is a spirit of SURRENDER. The battle lines of the 'little self', rage, protect & defend the so-called
personal will, until the realisation ... "I of my own self can do nothing.' Free me from my self, becomes not
just a nice idea, not just a 'call' ... but a plea.
"Thy Will not my will Father" …
In the surrender of our grimy rags, is anything lost? No … but a Kingdom is gained.
"The intent of the Hierarchy is to increase men's capacity for freedom in order to function effectively with
that "life more abundantly" which the Christ will bring and which demands that the spirit of man be free free to approach divinity and free also to choose the Way of that approach."
"He also instituted the new rules for disciples which permit a much greater freedom to the individual
disciple than do the rules so well known in the past. No obedience is today exacted. The disciple is regarded
as an intelligent agent and is left free to fulfil the requirements as he sees best."
What intensifying should we expect under the influence of the 'Aquarian Christ' Energy, as It sounds Its
It will be more challenging to … retain seperative thoughts, to hate, to maintain personal power & still be
seen as healthy, to fortify the personality's domain, to believe illusion is real, to maintain a seperative wall
against the the force of Shamballic Will – rythmically striking, to bury the truth of your identity & that of
your brother, to not surrender to Higher Will, to not Love, to not see, to stay in bondage, to not be free, to
believe you are alone, to believe you are seperate from the Father, to shrink from destiny, to not find the
Path to God, to not find peace & revel in joy.
It will become easier to ... work towards the liberation of all humanity from darkness & ignorance, to Love
one another, to see the Christ Light in each person, to know the gift of brotherhood, to cooperate, to share, to
unite, to awake, to partake of the covenant & end suffering, to know the value of a true friend & brother in
Christ, to sing, to know victory, to know God in each other & exalt Him, to know freedom, to formulate a
universal platform, to build the Temple.
Astrologically, the decentralisation of the personal will (Leo) to Selfless Service in Aquarius ("Father, Not
My Will but Thy Will be done"), constitutes how much of the immediate Freedom equation?
The Leo experience included the necessity for developing & holding onto personal will. The weight of one's
personal will could be thrown behind a cause, a kingdom, a desire, a relationship, a project. In the new
model there is nothing 'outwardly' to serve. Service is selflessly offered into the subjective life & reality of
the Aquarian center. Personal will is 'increasingly' surrendered & through this process ... a new way forward
is found, a new way of being is revealed, that serves the highest & the many.
When one is 'touched' by the Christ who waits in the heart, decentralisation occurs followed by an
absorption process as the magnetic pull of a 'new center' … reorientates one toward Hierarchy & the ashram.
Developmentally the Plan is sensed & creative work in line with Hierarchial activity begins.
In the perfected Leo (nature) […] Uranus controls and proceeds to make its ideal objective (Neptune) a fact in
consciousness, through sensitivity to the higher vibration and directed intelligent service of the Plan.
It will, when followed, lead the self-centered Leo consciousness into the decentralized, selfless Aquarian
awareness. It will alter the self-service of Leo into the group service of its polar opposite, Aquarius. The
prayer or voiced aspiration of the true (surrendered Leo aspect ) […] can be expressed in the words of Christ,
"Father, not my will but thine be done." (EA, 309-3109)
The process entails periodic crisis whereby 'once again,' we fall humbly to our knees & ask that God 'frees
us' from the burden of maintaining our sense of what 'we think' about anything. Holding on to personal willful-ness, past a certain point, creates not only destruction in one's own system but destroys the sometimes
tentative new shoots of the more 'group centered' Aquarian process.
Leo - Ruler: The Sun, veiling Uranus, the planet of occultism, and that which governs group relations,
organizations and the eleventh House.
It relates the Leo influence to Aquarius.
I Am - the Word of the self-conscious, selfish, individual Leo.
I Am That - the Word of the Leo subject who is rapidly gaining the higher consciousness and preparing for
fresh and universal expression in Aquarius
Acknowledgement must be given to the challenge we face to 'relinquish' control of our lives. The truth is in
fact that we have never actually had any control over our lives, we just thought we did! In the process of
developing Leo self-awareness, self-consciousness, we played at creating or manipulating outer events &
people through our personal will. This lower reflection in the personality is surrendered to Higher Will.
I can do it myself God, gives way to … don’t let me do it myself God!
Part of the learning, even over this probe & full moon build-up has been that no matter how lofty or wise or
advanced, or even not wise a fellow co-workers perspective seems to be, the Aquarian process is NOT about
any single person's view or vision or perspective … it’s not about any of them! Wisdom comes in the
surrender of ALL personal perspectives & standing at times in, NOT KNOWING.
Many times different 'perspectives' come out of residue personality control, and are mainly fear based.
One good indicator of the truth IS that YOU didnt think of it!
What IS more important than being 'right' in mind, is being ONE in the HEART.
UNLESS the forward movement is characterised by and an expression & demonstration of the truth of our
UNDERLYING UNITY, what is it worth?
The outpicturing should be a demonstration of brotherly love, service & compassion.
The mysteries are really just facts of Universal recognition. One of them is the fact about our relationship
with one another. True Aquarian Light reveals to us the ever present reality of ONE-NESS.
The Aquarian Christ bridges duality wherever & on whatever level it is found. The dual note becomes the
ONE note.
One Life & One Love 'join' as these two great streams of force become 'one' blended reality, within our own
The signs of the Aquarian Christ at work in the world will be part of the emergent revelation of the fact
of our completed ONENESS in CHRIST
The truth of this subjective reality is one which the Christ is the symbol of, as well as the exponent.
The creative activity of the Christ spirit works through us ... liberating us through Its PRESENCE in our
Christ expressed in Himself the truth of His relationship with the Father and with us... "I & the Father are
One & you are One with Me."
He himself WAS the Truth embodied ... and it is this same embodied, demonstrated Truth, that will set us
The Christ
He is the Teacher within all those
who speak the word of truth,
the word about the endless Path,
the word about the infinite Life …
He is still teaching.
He is the synthesis of all Laws,
and those who reveal the laws in any
department of life, are revealing Him.
every science,
and any branch of honest search
is the search for Christ.
He is the reality back of everything.
Every true searcher
is revealing a part of Him.
At the end ..His picture will be complete
when people are like Him.
He is the Plan and the vision for Humanity.
The inner communication...
the light of saints,
the life of disciples,
the arrow flying to the Sun.
He is the Silent Watcher
within our souls.
Nothing can be hidden from Him.
He is the witness of every act,
every feeling, of every thought.
But above all, He is the great builder,
the builder of bridges,
bridges in man himself,
bridges between man and man,
between groups, churches and nations...
between humanity and the Kingdom of God..
between the Kingdom of God and the Absolute..
until He becomes All in All.
He is the bridge Himself between all that appears apart..
This is His great labour.
He is the Joy of the Labour of achievement.
He is the wine in the chalice,
the Joy which is tasted by everyone
who comes in contact with his true Self...Christ.
(Saraydarian – Signs of Christ)
What practically, as world servers, constitutes greater alignment with the 'Freedom Principle' within our own
Selfless Service ... freedom from personal self- interest, surrender, not knowing, recognition of the Presence
of Christ in us & in our relationships, group consciousness, no personal claims or attachments to outcome,
heed to dynamic ashramic impulse & its ever moving purpose, increasing trust in one's own alignment,
increasing trust in the Higher Will for the good of All, increased relationship with subjective reality
continuously, centering in causal reality, self-forgetfulness, dedication, more Light, more Joy, creative
spontaneous outpouring, a quality of presence, demonstrated unity, demonstrated service, to know the love
of God & see it reflected in a brother.
It is by means of the 'touchstone' of relationships … 'with one another' … with our group, with Hierarchy,
the Ashram … that the Light breaks, the Kingdom is seen & Christ is revealed.
The task …
The revelation of our underlying unity & at-onement.
This is not only the task of the Aquarian Christ, but the task of us all.
The immediate emphasis is the demonstration of the fact of the Kingdom of God, the planetary Hierarchy.
Who are its members?
We, humanity, are the the citizens of that Kingdom.
The universality of the Kingdom, IS synthesis, IS Unity in action.
Our demonstration as members of 'the Kingdom,' sees other members as Christ does.
Through His eyes all are seen as One.
It is essential that servers everywhere […] get a grasp, fresh and clear, of the work to be done and that they
become "relaying channels and not delaying points of selfish interest" in the divine flow. This takes vision and
courage. It takes courage to adjust their lives - daily and in all relations - to the need of the hour and to the
service of mankind; it takes courage to attack life problems on behalf of others and [196] to obliterate one's
own personal wishes in the emergency and need, and to do so consistently and persistently. However, there is
much to encourage the server. Humanity has now reached a point in development where there is a definite
grasp of the Plan of the Hierarchy - call it brotherhood, sharing, internationalism, unity or what you will.
(TEV, 195-196)
Master Morya says:
The ancients began the teaching by laying their hands upon the heart. Whereupon the Teacher asked, "Dost
thou hear?"
'I hear' answered the pupil.
This is the beating of thy heart, but it is only the first rap upon the gates of the Great Heart. If thou dost not
heed the beat of thy heart, then shall the beat of the Great Heart stun thee. (Heart, 460)
The Sword of the Aquarian Christ
(Clarence L Harvey)
On the day preceding the full moon, at the close of a meditation focus along the line of the Sword, there was
a sudden, smooth yet unexpected movement as the Sword sliced off the heads of the handful of us engaged
in this meditation.
The heads were completely detached from the bodies, seated in lotus posture in an undefined space. The
heads simply floated free, upright, with an expression of serenity.
This was accepted by the meditators without comment, almost as if we had not noticed. It was accepted as a
preparation for detached observation of the coming work to be carried forward in the hearts of the
meditators without mental interference or interpretation.
The nature of the Sword
The following twelve phrases are attempts to sum up the nature of the Sword of the Aquarian Christ, as
appreciated through the group work in this Inquiry:
1. It is a musical instrument. It has a note, activated through the singing voice of the initiate, and this
note has an effect.
2. Through this Sword, golden Caduceic devas are channelled outward with Shamballic potency. It is a
Sword that Heals.
3. It is a Sword of pure Love, evocative of the Christ Life in humanity.
4. The mantric force of the Great Invocation evokes energies which are directed outward through this
Sword. The name of this Sword might be translated as “Light and Love and Power”.
5. The Sword purifies and transforms energies, both internal and environmental.
6. It is an instrument of the Will of the Christ, by which He penetrates deeper into the Heart of Divinity.
7. This Sword is a danger, especially to initiates.
8. It is a Solar Sword. It absorbs and consumes evil.
9. The Sword was forged on Vulcan. It has been precipitated into the hands of the Aquarian Christ as a
result of His work with the Great Invocation.
10. It is synthetic, and specifically tuned (at this time) to the seventh ray.
11. It Pierceth.
12. It handles electric fire.
Other thoughts which may be of value:
The Sword is necessary for the opening of the third and Monadic level of the use of the Great
The Sword of the Aquarian Christ may be related to the Sword of Orion, containing as it does a
vortex nebula out of which new suns are born.
The use of the Sword by the coming Avatar heralds the unveiling of the use of the sword in the
training of initiates during the Aquarian era.
The sword has always been an instrument of Life – misused by man as an instrument of war and
death. The taking up of the sword by initiates is an antidote to the misuse of weaponry by humanity.
The sword is needed in the dispelling of glamour.
Mastery of the sword prepares man for his future work on Sirius.
Ninja Work
From the gates of gold down to the pit of earth, out from the flaming fire down to the circle of gloom, rideth
the secret Avatar, bearing the sword that pierceth. (TCF, 747)
The Aquarian Christ seems to be something of a ninja. The ninja were assassins. They worked in secret,
often at night, shadows in the dark. They had great patience, and apparently had no pride or honour – they
could not be humiliated. They used secret invocations called “juman” to augment their natural skills.
A ninja is one who practices the art of “nin.” Nin is said to mean patience, perseverance, stealth – “Behold, I
come as a thief.” (Rev. 3:3)
Esoterically, NIN is the I-dentity within the heart of the N, the One Energy. The Japanese character “nin” is
made up of two parts or radicals. The upper radical is called yaiba, which refers to the blade of a sword. The
lower radical can be read either as kokoro (heart, soul or spirit) or shin (core, heart, spirit).
The sword of the ninja has a short, straight blade. It is specifically designed for thrusting or piercing.
The penetrating brilliance of swords
Wielded by followers of the Way
Strikes at the evil enemy
Lurking deep within
Their own souls and bodies
O-Sensei Morihei Ueshiba
Founder of Aikido
Final Thoughts
The piercing of the heart of the disciple (humanity) is concerned with the work of the Aquarian Christ as
“Prince of Peace” and is therefore related to the energy drawn from the Spirit of Peace and from Shamballa.
He comes with His Sword as a result of right use of the Great Invocation.
Through the wielding of the Sword of the Aquarian World Teacher, we might look to a new series of power
revelations tinged with the energy of Wisdom, Peace and Synthesis, and expressing as “the Day with us.”
These revelations will take place in the pierced heart of humanity itself, clearing the way for the eventual
emerging of Solar Humanity. The fruit of the Aquarian era will therefore be an acceleration of the
production of “divine brotherhood” based on the capacity of humanity to carry and express the force of the
Solar Life. The Triangles provide the etheric threads along which the life of the one humanity will flow from
heart to heart, magnetically invocative of the triple energy of the Sun, and able thus to withstand and rightly
respond to the teaching influence of Hierarchy and the impelling purpose of Shamballa.
The immediate fiery effect of the Sword work of the Aquarian World Teacher is the anchoring within
humanity of a solar teaching force, able to guide humanity through the current and coming period of
difficulty and darkness, and into the new day of Light more abundantly.
Through the action of the wielded Sword of the Christ, a door has been opened through which His Ninja
forces can enter into world service. The presence of this Ninja force will augment the work of all men and
women of goodwill and bring Light through the piercing of glamour on all three lower planes.
Solar Ch’i to you all, in gratitude for our work together.
The Aquarian Mirror
(Cynthia Ohlman)
Dear fellow Aquarian Probers
This member has found this experience most beneficial and am grateful for the sincere group energy. Like a
mosaic each and every offering has enlightened and revealed a more complete and greater piece of the truth.
As our brother SDP pointed out to many of us who are also on the Cosmocycles group - we are in
preparatory stage for a most auspicious conclave that will occur in 2005. It is this “frame of reference” that
has overshadowed my meditative process especially during this Aquarian probe. There has been an intensity
that demands expression and a welcomed release of that which obstructs. (Even the physical fall!) Thus my
meditative readings as you note have been most Siriusly serious.
As an “eternal pilgrim” I welcome directions and offerings from the Masters of the Ageless Wisdom. It is a
choice to work intelligently with our individual karma and group karma. It is a choice to embrace the
dharma. Virtue is choosen or not? Ignorance is not always bliss and yet, it is often a teacher.
blessings upon all,
love and light,
The Aquarian Mirror – a self assessment!
Mirror, mirror on the wall …
And from the Tibetan, EA, 482:
There are four constellations, as you know, which convey the required energies which will make humanity
divine. They are Aries, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. […] I would like to point out that each of these
constellations is closely connected, as a transmitter of energy, with certain stars, lying outside our zodiac
together, thus connecting our tiny planet with certain great focal points of energy. [Please read p.482-500
These three constellations [Gemini, Libra, & Aquarius], cyclically and eternally, leading the “Eternal Pilgrim”
along the path of mental unfoldment produce in him the final stage of mental evolution upon the Path of
Initiation. Illumination, the term applied to that final stage, is a synthesis of instinct, intellect and intuition.
[…] 3. Aquarius – expresses the activity of the mind which has been initiated into the purposes of the
Universal Mind. It is the sign which brings the soul into active cooperation with the inner plan of God. This
we call service. (EA, 495)
[…] There are other major triangles which are called “triangles in consciousness” and, as you well know, the
most important of these for mankind is the triangle of Cancer, Leo and Aquarius. They are important at this
time because the influence pouring through these three are basically responsible for the growth of the human
understanding and the unfoldment not only of man’s response apparatus, the form nature, but also of his
expanding perception of that which is contacted. The threefold process under these three constellations
produces finally the identification with that which is perceived to be the divine essence, underlying form. This
identification with that which is the subjective and real Self and the consequent withdrawing form that which
is the not-Self. (EA, 496)
[…] the coming process of planetary service through the third divine centre is only truly effective when
Aquarius rules and when our sun is passing through that sign of the zodiac. Hence the immense importance of
the next 2000 years. Therefore, only when a man is a world server and becoming group conscious can this
desired objective of manifestation begin to demonstrate.
2. Aquarius – the World Server, the transmitter of energy which evokes magnetic response. (EA, 201)
With renewed aspiration and in preparation for a greater service we clean our individual and group
Om mani padme hung hri!
From WM:
Certain considerations should be brought to the notice of the disciple which - for the sake of clarity - we will
tabulate. To become an adept it will be necessary for the disciple to:
Enquire the Way.
Obey the inward impulses of the soul.
Pay no attention to any worldly consideration.
Live a life which is an example to others.
These four requirements may sound at the first superficial reading as easy of accomplishment, but if carefully
studied it will become apparent why an adept is a "rare efflorescence of a generation of enquirers." Let us take
up each of these four points:
1. Enquire the Way. We are told by one of the Masters that a whole generation of enquirers may only produce
one adept. Why should this be so? For two reasons:
First, the true enquirer is one who avails himself of the wisdom of his generation, who is the best product of
his own period and yet who remains unsatisfied and with the [584] inner longing for wisdom unappeased. To
him there appears to be something of more importance than knowledge and something of greater moment than
the accumulated experience of his own period and time. He recognizes a step further on and seeks to take it in
order to gain something to add to the quota already gained by his compeers. Nothing satisfies him until he
finds the Way, and nothing appeases the desire at the center of his being except that which is found in the
house of his Father. He is what he is because he has tried all lesser ways and found them wanting, and has
submitted to many guides only to find them "blind leaders of the blind". Nothing is left to him but to become
his own guide and find his own way home alone. In the loneliness which is the lot of every true disciple are
born that self-knowledge and self-reliance which will fit him in his turn to be a Master. This loneliness is not
due to any separative spirit but to the conditions of the Way itself. Aspirants must carefully bear this
distinction in mind.
Secondly, the true enquirer is one whose courage is of that rare kind which enables its possessor to stand
upright and to sound his own clear note in the very midst of the turmoil of the world. He is one who has the
eye trained to see beyond the fogs and miasmas of the earth to that center of peace which presides over all
earth's happenings, and that trained attentive ear which (having caught a whisper of the Voice of the Silence)
is kept tuned to that high vibration and is thus deaf to all lesser alluring voices. This again brings loneliness
and produces that aloofness which all less evolved souls feel when in the presence of those who are forging
A paradoxical situation is brought about from the fact that the disciple is told to enquire the Way and yet there
is none to tell him. Those who know the Way may not speak, knowing that the Path is constructed by the
aspirant as the spider spins its web out of the center [585] of his own being. Thus only those souls flower forth
into adepts in any specific generation who have "trodden the winepress of the wrath of God alone" or who (in
other words) have worked out their karma alone and who have intelligently taken up the task of treading the
Obey the inward impulses of the soul. Well do the teachers of the race instruct the budding initiate to practice
discrimination and train him in the arduous task of distinguishing between:
Instinct and intuition.
Higher and lower mind.
Desire and spiritual impulse.
Selfish aspiration and divine incentive.
The urge emanating from the lunar lords, and the unfoldment of the solar Lord.
It is no easy or flattering task to find oneself out and to discover that perhaps even the service we have
rendered and our longing to study and work has had a basically selfish origin, and resting on a desire for
liberation or a distaste for the humdrum duties of everyday. He who seeks to obey the impulses of the soul has
to cultivate an accuracy of summation and a truthfulness with himself which is rare indeed these days. Let him
say to himself "I must to my own Self be true" and in the private moments of his life and in the secrecy of his
own meditation let him not gloss over one fault, nor excuse himself along a single line. Let him learn to
diagnose his own words, deeds, and motives, and to call things by their true names. Only thus will he train
himself in spiritual discrimination and learn to recognize truth in all things. Only thus will the reality be
arrived at and the true Self known.
3. Pay no consideration to the prudential considerations of worldly science and sagacity. If the aspirant has
need to cultivate a capacity to walk alone, if he has to [586] develop the ability to be truthful in all things, he
has likewise need to cultivate courage. It will be needful for him to run counter consistently to the world's
opinion, and to the very best expression of that opinion, and this with frequency. He has to learn to do the
right thing as he sees and knows it, irrespective of the opinion of earth's greatest and most quoted. He must
depend upon himself and upon the conclusions he himself has come to in his moments of spiritual communion
and illumination. It is here that so many aspirants fail. They do not do the very best they know; they fail to act
in detail as their inner voice tells them; they leave undone certain things which they are prompted to do in
their moments of meditation, and fail to speak the word which their spiritual mentor, the Self, urges them to
speak. It is in the aggregate of these unaccomplished details that the big failures are seen.
There are no trifles in the life of the disciple and an unspoken word or unfulfiled action may prove the factor
which is holding a man from initiation.
4. Live a life which is an example to others. Is it necessary for me to enlarge upon this? It seems as if it should
not be and yet here again is where men fail. What after all is group service? Simply the life of example. He is
the best exponent of the Ageless Wisdom who lives each day in the place where is the life of the disciple; he
does not live it in the place where he thinks he should be. Perhaps after all the quality which produces the
greatest number of failures among aspirants to adeptship is cowardice. Men fail to make good where they are
because they find some reason which makes them think they should be elsewhere. Men run away, almost
unrealizing it, from difficulty, from inharmonious conditions, from places which involve problems, and from
circumstances which call for action of a high sort and which are staged to draw out the best that is in a man,
[587] provided he stays in them. They flee from themselves and from other people, instead of simply living
the life.
The adept speaks no word which can hurt, harm or wound. Therefore he has had to learn the meaning of
speech in the midst of life's turmoil. He wastes no time in self pity or self justification for he knows the law
has placed him where he is, and where he best can serve, and has learnt that difficulties are ever of a man's
own making and the result of his own mental attitude. If the incentive to justify himself occurs he recognizes it
as a temptation to be avoided. He realizes that each word spoken, each deed undertaken and every look and
thought has its effect for good or for evil upon the group.
Is it not apparent therefore why so few achieve and so many fail? (WM, 583-587)
Om mani padme hung hri!
The Aquarian mirror image = true self-assessment - which group?
Mirror, mirror on the wall …
From WM, 632:
To those of us who are working on the inner side, the workers in the world fall into three groups:
1. Those, few and far between, who are true Aquarians. These work under real difficulties, for their vision is
beyond the grasp of the majority, and they meet often lack of understanding, frequent disappointment in their
fellow workers and much loneliness.
2. Those who are straight Pisceans, These work with much greater facility and feid a more rapid response
from those around them. Their work is more doctrinal, less inclusive and coloured by the spirit of separation.
They include the mass of world workers in all the various departments of human thought and welfare.
3. Those Pisceans who are enough developed to respond to the Aquarian message, but who--as yet--cannot
trust themselves to employ the real Aquarian methods of work and message.
For instance, they have in the political field, a sense of internationalism, but they cannot apply it when it
comes to understanding of others. They think they have a universal consciousness, but when it comes to a test,
they discriminate and eliminate. They constitute a much smaller group than the true Pisceans and are doing
good work and filling a much needed place. The problem they present however, to the Aquarian worker lies in
the fact that though they respond to the ideal and regard themselves as of the new age, they are not truly so.
They see a bit of the vision and have grasped the theory but cannot express it in action.
Thus we have these three groups doing much needed work and reaching through their united undertakings the
mass of people and fulfilling thus their dharma. One group works necessarily under the glamour of public
opinion. The intermediate group has a most difficult task to perform, for where there is no clear vision the
voice of their chosen environment and the voice of the inner group of world Knowers are often in conflict and
they are pulled hither and thither as they respond first to one an then to the other. The group of those who
respond more fully to the incoming Aquarian vibration register the voices of the leaders of the other two
groups, but the voice of the guiding Masters and the voice of the group of world Masters serve to guide them
unerringly forward.
I have sought to explain the above modes and methods of work, for the times are hard and clarity of thoughts
needed if the work is to go forward as desired. Even such triple distinctions as exist between the groups are
themselves of a separative tincture, and it is yet impossible to present any idea in its true and synthetic
relation. It is a gain when the many thousands of separative groups can be grouped into three comprehensive
ones and the mind of the disciple be thus freed from detailed analysis of the world situation among the worker
with the Plan. (WM, 632-634)
Om mani padme hung hri!
The Aquarian Christ – Seeing and Relationship
(Darren Roth)
We stand as servers of Life at an important time. And we stand in a place that allows for conscious
reflection on how and what we are to serve. For the masses, these are times of uncertainty, with intense pain
and suffering. They yearn for peace. They require freedom. Even if they are not consciously aware of it,
much of their thought is bent upon it in some way or another. They know not where to turn. So it is that at
the beginning of this momentous age, true servers can step forward with the lamp of wisdom and guide our
brothers out of their own dark shadows. We must not forget that we all have done this in our own evolution
to some degree and this wisdom must be shared. Who would not lend a hand to a drowning brother? Is it any
wonder why depression, suicide and crime are so prevalent? Our friends and brothers can barely live in a
world with no sense of connection to Life and their part in it. As one united group, we can affirm Life and
Love. We can affirm that there is a Way and that the answers are all around. We can guide them out of their
troubled thoughts and in the process bring an end to death and separation. The Aquarian Christ will be the
great revealer of relationship. The ability to truly see and in that seeing, reveal relationship, will be the tool
of the Aquarian disciple. All of life will be illumined and the bonds of love will make visible a Brotherhood
that not only includes humanity, but extends well beyond it.
One aspect of the Aquarian Age will be the return to simplicity and nature. The 7th ray will emphasize the
physical life and this gives opportunity to all servers to work with the incoming influences in a conscious
way. If the disciple is trained in spiritual reading, the natural world will be a vast symbolic treasure house
that can and does reveal the Truth. The beauty of nature is that the masses do not consider it abstract. They
look around and see trees, flowers, birds and beauty. What they may not see is the purpose behind the form
and this can be brought to them. The purpose of life can be discovered in the evolution of a rose or a stone.
We do not need to look far for answers. It will be a great gift to humanity to reveal their connection to all
Life by interpreting the life of other kingdoms. They will begin to see life as one united dance of Will, Love
and Intelligence; sound, color and action. Quite often we are looking for “the Teaching”. Instead we can see
Life and all that it is, as the teaching. When people know how to see, everywhere they look will be a
Education will see a renaissance in the coming age. New forms of learning will be fused with living. This
means that being a student in a classroom will shift perspective to being a student of Life. The Earth will be
the classroom and the lessons that we all once learned sitting behind a desk will be made practical and alive.
The new education will make great use of the natural world and thereby lower the barrier to education
around the globe. Currently, economic resources have much to do with the type of education (if any) that
someone can receive. When humanity is taught how to see, the world will be their classroom and their
interactions with Life, their teachers. The Earth will become “enchanted” to this new student and will greatly
facilitate the bringing of heaven to earth in the minds of humanity. Even the relationship of teacher/student
will change as each person becomes empowered to allow Life to be their Teacher.
One of the advantages of revealing Life in the natural world will be the relational truths gained. Humanity
will begin to feel their connection to the natural world with more certitude and less as an object to be used
and exhausted. When the significance of the other kingdoms is comprehended, the hoarding of resources
will fall into disfavor as this will be seen as both wasteful and not in the best interest of all beings. Right
sharing of resources will ensue; hunger and thirst (physically speaking) will be unheard of.
It is not just the interpretation of the natural world that will be needed. The reading of life and the
illumination of relationship in all areas will be necessary. The world of economics is an excellent example.
Even now, corporations throughout the world are beginning to understand and feel the effects of global
commerce. Their products and services no longer only touch their local communities, but include a vast
outreach of influences in far off lands. As their responsibility to more of humanity grows, their veil of
perceived separation and insulation is slowly being lifted. Corporate scandals and human rights issues are all
indications that the business world is being thrust under the microscope of human consciousness. There,
with the light shining through them, their practices are exposed for what they are. In the end, corporations
will see that they do not operate in a bubble; their decisions and actions effect many aspects of life. The
banking systems and gambling houses of nations (stock exchanges) will undergo serious review. In time,
Capitalism will be seen as a competitive system based on fear that pits brother against brother and nation
against nation. It will be modified and adjusted to meet the new demand for right relationship. All dead ends
in the monetary flow that sit and accumulate in a cesspool of wastefulness while humanity suffers will be
released like a breaking dam as the waters of Life pour through. Disciples of the Aquarian Christ will ensure
the return to flow in economics that will benefit all. The relatedness of all life will again stand revealed.
The invention of the computer marked the beginning of the Aquarian influence technologically. When the
internet was invited and gave birth to the World Wide Web, the computer’s true purpose was revealed as a
grand disseminator of information. The distribution of knowledge to so many in such a short period of time
is unprecedented. It is like an out breath of information that puts all people on the same playing field. The
internet allows a quick way to get humanity “up to speed” on current knowledge and thereby creates a
platform to launch from there. People from all over the world can now research and learn about distant lands
and cultures with ease. The beneficial use of technology is breaking the veils of separation and illumining
the connections to one another. In effect, the psychological distance between all peoples has lessened
considerably by simply making information available. The computer, internet, and telephone, etc. are
today’s communication tools and they are also the precursors to true telepathic interplay. The tremendous
surge and popularity in “wireless” technology is a good indication of humanity’s progress towards this.
Scientists are currently working on “direct communication” between two wireless phones without the use of
cell towers to transmit and relay a signal. This is probably many years off in the future, but the next step
after that will be to simply drop the phone from their hand all together! All of this is very Aquarian and can
be expected, along with the advance in technology across the board. Technology will slowly reveal
relatedness by lessening the distance between people one step at a time. Eventually, it will advance beyond
its own usefulness by illumining its own communication limitations. Science will be the foreteller of much
to come and will for its part, do much to “bring heaven to earth” by proclaiming that the micro is the macro.
Politics will be of special interest as it always has been. It is in the realm of politics and government that
great strides can be made. Every country has a significant impact on the others and we are seeing this more
today than in any other time period. There is not a spot of land on this great Earth that is not claimed by a
group of people under a banner of nationalism. Much of the success of our endeavors will be seen when the
governments of sovereign nations band together in the spirit of brotherhood and the common good. This
communion will not be for capital gain or greater military might, but instead will be simply to affirm the
brotherhood of man. Right human relations and the right distribution of resources will make tremendous
advances through the conscious actions of world governments towards the common good for all peoples.
The mind and thoughts will become of increasing focus in the consciousness of humanity in the many years
to come. This is the next “battlefield” that awaits us. Over the past ages in human history, militaries have
conquered the land, moved on to sea power and now battle for “air supremacy”. Hence, we are seeing an
increase in the battle for the thoughts and minds of the populace. Already, the clinging to one’s own way of
life and truth is becoming increasingly solid. Water is the bonding agent in concrete and yet, it is the same
water that will dissolve this concrete over time and return it to its original state. The disciples of the world
can act now by pouring forth the waters of life upon the setting concrete of separative thought forms. The
longer it is allowed to set, the harder it is to breakdown. In those situations, we find that the “hammer” is
needed. It does not have to be this way. We can divert the rivers through the human mind, “cleanse the
Augean stables” and thereby avoid much pain and suffering. Guidance is needed to establish an
understanding of humanity’s true relationship to one another and that it is their personal truths and
separative thoughts that are at war, not their humanity.
Another revelation in the coming age will be the “bringing of heaven to earth”. There will be many
teachings from disciples that will accomplish this. One of these may be the “synthesis of movement". All
physical objects, although only seen with the naked eye in physical form, actually exist on all 7 Cosmic
Planes simultaneously. What is called the “objective” and “subjective” is a function of the mind to separate
two seemingly different movements and frequently the term subjective is used to describe that which we
cannot see. This is illusion. A human arm is made up of various forms or states of consciousnesses. There is
skin, muscle, blood, bone, "space", etc.; all existing at different levels of vibration and density. When the
arm is moved, by and act of will and desire, to make a brush stroke on a blank canvas, all the states of
consciousness that make up the arm move together. It is one synthesis of movement. There is no subjective
and objective, just movement; just Life. For instance, the "divine marriage" is a thought form that has been
created to explain how two or more things that seem to be different can be experienced as One. They already
exist as One. The divine marriage spoken of is the term for explaining the moment when there is an opening
of experience to a more inclusive reality. It is the realization of what IS. The synthesis of subjective and
objective releases one from duality. In that moment is realized the truth that the created and the creator are
One. There is no separation. There is only Life. This is only one example of expressing the relatedness to
that which is “above” to that which is “below”. The end result in any case will be the breaking down of the
false barriers that currently exist in the thoughts of humanity as to the nature of reality. Essentially, this is
what humanity is here to do; bridge the gap and make the many, One, consciously.
What is being emphasized in all the above is two qualities that will be of importance as it relates to the
Aquarian Christ: Seeing and Relationship. It will be the responsibility of the Aquarian disciple to interpret
the activities of the world and reveal the relatedness found therein. With the eye of insight, disciples of the
Aquarian Christ will move amongst the darkness, bring meaning and shed light upon form. The meaning
will reveal the interdependence and relationship of all life. All that is separative or blocks the natural flow of
Life will be met with a tidal wave of Love, born of the Aquarian Christ. Symbolically and in Truth, “no
stone will be left unturned”. The true understanding of relationship is the keystone to the illumination of
many teachings. Through this, Karma will take on greater meaning. The great heresy of separation will be
lifted and the illusion of death will fall away. The true spirit of Brotherhood will be achieved. All of this will
be inaugurated through the Aquarian Christ. We can expect right human relationship to advance in stride
with the revelations to come. As the cosmic connections of all beings are revealed, separation will be
dissolved in the unity of Life itself. It will be no small task, but the outcome is assured. All human thoughts
created by the human mind can be uncreated by the human mind. They are impermanent and like all things,
must pass. We have but to teach the true meaning of Love. All else will follow. In this way, each disciple is
an outpost of the Aquarian Christ and serves the One Life.
The Aquarian Christ and Invocation
(Gill Goodison)
Insight re-group endeavour
An invocation given and used:
Let the group succeed in Hierarchical endeavour
Let success be theirs whose committment is sure
Let the group be known as magnetic.
Let the Teaching Department know the importance
of politics
May Right Power Hold
Let awareness ensue.
Let Cosmic Fire flow, circulate, and hold
Let Love prevail.
This period of meditational contact with the wider group has produced a batch of Invocation and Mantra,
which are rhythmic, specific for time and place.
Some of them require to be used here in NZ for local conditions: some with more planetary applications: the
key used in making sound is important, and the language one I am becoming more familiar with, through
usage. The jigsaw puzzle process, of reading others’ experiences, and perceptions, puts these neatly in
Practical magicianship requires congruence of three bodies, and specific growing awareness of the role of
the unconscious in manifestation. (p. 947 man as a creator in mental matter - 956 “Man the real Thinker …
thus bring through the plan from higher levels, ascertain his individual share in the plan and then co-operate
in the work of some particular group of Nirmanakayas”
The study in which I am involved has long been in the use of rhythmic group sound, and the power of the
Word, both silent, and sounded.
This is part of the wider study of creative manifestation, and the processes which attend and follow the use
of group invocatory activity.
Aquarius: full Moon:
Will and Love, Mind and Heart, focused with full intent on Goal.
The planetary pull towards magnetic synthesizing Point.
Seeding, sowing through human/nature, the fire/life force, which will eventuate in rhythmic relations.
A covenant is an agreement made between the divine agent, and the lesser being.
Each agree to hold to their plan until it is done.
At various incarnatory periods, the point is different, on the physical plane.
One may necessitate fighting physically within an Army, and never relinquishing the post, despite failure.
On the emotional plane, it may mean holding strong opinion, and speaking out.
On the mental plane, it may mean holding a focus.
At each incarnation, with increasing knowledge, wisdom and power, the sphere of influence grows, the
resonance and rhythm of the individual soul increases, as it functions on its own plane, within in a soul unit,
directing energy through explosions of fire within the mind of God. At the point where Monadic influence
occurs, the magnetisim of the individual mind creates the pull for lesser points of fire : soul will cease: the
point of fire remains…
At this point, cleansing the Augean stables, as a planetary group and individual task seems joyful. What else
is possible? How will new structures and societies proceed, given the clash and disturbance? Seeing the
need. Envisaging the future, linking with those Minds who hold the Plan, grant it if it be achievable ,given
the circumstances, its sustainability, and it evolutionary qualities.
So, quality (beauty, harmony) Life-spark, spirit, Will and appearance (form which holds) are aspects which
will ensure that evolution occurs.
Rhythmic meditation assures the unfolding. When disharmony occurs, the breaking up of collective reality is
The Instrument of the Reappearance
(Glen Knape)
The focus of my inquiry was on the magical motion of consciousness within the Group Life of the Synthetic
Ashram which will outpicture as the Reappearance.
Briefly put, I see the Ashram of Synthesis sounding it note of purpose – to prepare humanity to take
initiation into Soul awareness as a kingdom, so that each member of humanity will be aware (from wherever
they are on the path) that they are Soul.
The Synthetic Ashram is working toward this goal via a new path of initiation, that of Group Initiation, and
it is this process, the precipitation of Group Disciples into appearance, which the Hierarchy will use to
embody themselves when they Reappear.
Each Ashramic Group or Group Disciple is formulated or will formulate around that portion of the Ashramic
Purpose with which its members share a particular karmic relationship. Sharing, then, a fragment of monadic
purpose, that group will, using the Seventh Ray magic of consciousness, work as One Spiritual Soul
Consciousness to transform that group purpose into idea on the buddhic plane, thought-form on the astral,
force on the astral, substance on the physical-etheric, and appearance on the physical-dense.
In the process, each Group Disciple with incarnate a portion of itself in the three lower worlds, and in the
world of affairs. When the major centers of a Group Unit are in expression, including such centers as the
Group Crown or First Ray point, the Group Heart or Second Ray point, the Group Throat or Seventh Ray
point (under this method of working), and the Group Cave or Synthetic Energy point, then that Group
Disciple will be fully in incarnation as a working Unit of service, precipitating its portion of the Ashramic
Group Life.
Now, since the entire Ashramic Group Life is the true body of the Master or monad at its heart, when
enough of the Group Units of an Ashram are fully functional in this way, within the Ashramic Group Life
and within the three lower worlds and in the world of affairs, the monad or Master at the heart of that
Ashram will have incarnated or have Reappeared.
When each of the Major Ashrams of the Seven Rays have Reappeared in this manner, then the body of
Christ will be fully incarnate, and the Aquarian Christ will have Reappeared.
All of this will be accomplished via the practice of the Seventh Ray magic of consciousness, as an effect of
the new Energy of Synthesis being brought to our planetary life by the Avatar of Synthesis, and into the
planetary life by the Synthetic Monad at the heart of the Ashram of Synthesis.
I received quite a bit of additional detail as food for further contemplation, but the above is all I have to
report at this time.
Aquarius Adventure
Aquarius 2005
THEME: Life More Abundant
As Life more abundantly. This life can be known as light, love and power within and above the head of the
disciple of the Christ. This abundant life enables him to cooperate, not only with humanity and with the
spiritual Hierarchy, but also with Shamballa itself-the centre of life in its purest essence. ROC 85
The Law (of Supplementary Seven ) demands the entrance of that which can effect a change.
Bearing in mind what I have elsewhere given, it is obvious that that which must find entrance is that vital
concentrated will which, when set in motion in an individual, in a group, in a nation, in a kingdom of nature
(a planetary centre), and in the planet as a whole, i.e., in all the planetary centres simultaneously, will cause
a stirring, a changed measure, a new movement and momentum, an uprising and a consequent abstraction.
Ponder, therefore, upon this doctrine of abstraction. It covers all life processes, and will convey to you the
eternally lovely secret of Death, which is entrance into life. (R& I, 167)
The world programme is thus being re-adjusted, and the immediate result is chaos. But the new direction is
assured, and nothing can arrest the progress of humanity's entrance into life. Hence the world crisis-the
readjustments, the tendency to fusion and synthesis. The new race, which is immortal, is coming into being,
and yet it is the same race at a new and high point of achievement. The Great Expectation then is that Birth
into the Deathless Race may be realised here and now, as it has been realised already by those of humanity
who have been made Divine. (BTC, 254)
Everyone on this Inquiry seemed to be so engrossed with bathing in 'the waters of life' that no-one had
enough psychological distance to create a word container for their experience!
Here is a poem:
The Deathless
We were always going to die
We knew that at the beginning
It was a given
We chose it
Knowing it came with the territory
Why then now
The drawing back
The clutching and tearing at
The precipice
Whose hands are these that
Seek to delay
The inevitable?
What god in me has
Lost his way
Forgotten his free choice?
Perhaps it is that part
Of me that has yet to know
Of its divine parentage
Perhaps I have come to hold the hand
Of a brother who has yet
To taste the elixir
Of immortality
Yes, I am wings
Come to lift this dark earth
Into realization of its divinity
Neither human nor deva
But yet a third thing
As stubborn and solid as iron
The quivering birth
Of a Life
poured molten from
the kundalini furnace
A fiery breath
Forged into yet another sword
for the once and future king
(Bruce Lyon)
Aquarius Adventure
Aquarius 2006
THEME: DK's Zodiacal Meditations
The old exoteric astrology will still persist and prove its usefulness where the average person is in question,
focussed in his personality life and oriented toward the material world. Much progress toward right
understanding of astrology will come later when certain new meditations on the twelve signs of the zodiac
are made available. When the world again settles down to calmer living and conditions are adjusted to a
more stable rhythm, these meditations can form a potent source of usefulness in ‘brightening the web of life’
and in producing more effective spiritual living among men. (Esoteric Astrology, 498)
Through Alice Bailey the Master DK began to give twelve zodiacal meditations intended for advanced study
and application. He completed three and left the work unfinished and missing key seed thoughts and words
of power. Nevertheless the beginning he gave offered some potent insights into the next phase of working
with the energies of the chart.
A key idea is the triangle between the sun sign, the rising sign and the sign opposite the sun sign (the latter
representing the monadic point in the chart)
The following papers represent some results of working with these meditations and their implications by a
group on the Aquarius full moon 2006.
The Great Aquarian Adventure - Opportunity for Synthesis
(Sharon Lyon)
this we are apt to forget.
“The group, therefore, to whom I address this instruction is not the group or groups who will first receive
these papers. The instruction is intended for a group which will come later and which will prepare the way,
and of which some of the more advanced aspirants can form part if they "walk humbly with their God." This,
my brother, is one of the most advanced injunctions in any of the world Scriptures and is found in The Bible.
It has no reference to humility as usually interpreted and understood. It signifies the ability to view all life
with a sense of divine proportion and from the angle of spiritual mathematics, and (paradoxical as this may
sound) with no sense of dualism.
The usual meaning is not correct. It involves acceptance and comprehension of purpose, and this in such a
manner that the consecrated personality—under control of the Monad, via the antahkarana, and in cooperation
with the one known God—walks the ways of Earth as a channel for the three divine qualities (love, will and
intelligence), but also as a channel for that which these three qualities will enable him later to sense, know and
reveal. These are solemn and important statements.
They have within them the element of prophesy …… related to an active Appearance which will, under the
Law of Synthesis, indicate That which the three great planetary centres of divine life are unitedly intended to
Something lies behind the three divine aspects of so great an importance, beauty and revelatory strength that
all the happenings of all time, up to the present emerging Aquarian Age, have been only the initial and the
initiatory preparation.” (RI, 258)
The One Monad is the Universal Logos, and is the One Cosmic Being
The One Monad knows that IT is essentially THE ABSOLUTE
The One Monad embodies the Destined Pattern. The One Monad ‘becomes’ the Destined Pattern.
The Monad itself is not a vehicle, but THAT which is expressed through a vehicle.
The experience of monadic awareness is an experience of fire. (Infinitisation of Selfhood MDR Monad 12/13)
When the blazing light of the monad is focussed directly upon the personality, via the antahkarana […] it
produces a blazing fire which burns up all hindrances in steady sequential process. When the antahkarana of a
group is rightly constructed, then the individualised group- will disappear in the full consciousness of the
monadic purpose or clear directed will. (RI, 29)
The One Life Essence ‘appears’ under two contrasting aspects: Spirit or Consciousness on one hand, and
matter or vehicle on the other. Spirit and Matter, however, are not independent realities, but are the opposite
poles of the One Reality.
“There is no matter without spirit and there is no spirit without matter.”
The monad or spirit is the “eternal pilgrim” who, in ages past, left the “Father’s Home” on a mission of
redemption. This mission has taken the monad (a “Lord of ceaseless, persevering devotion”) into the lower
three worlds … The monadic plane stands ‘above’ the five worlds of human and superhuman evolution, and
is, as far as man is concerned, the plane of true liberation. Attaining this plane, man becomes (relatively) a
“free spirit”. (Initiation Human & Solar – glossary of planes)
The Synthetic Role of Gemini –
Gemini is sometimes called the "constellation of the resolution of duality into a fluid synthesis."
The at-one-ing process is governed by Gemini.
Gemini is involved as a third point when two opposing signs, or two pairs of opposites are in the
process of being “divinely blended.’ There is always a ‘third point’ when rising to a new & higher
level of consciousness. This point ‘allows’ a ‘relinquishment’ of the dual or polar state.
Gemini […] is the force which produces the changes needed for the evolution of the Christ consciousness at
any particular point in time and space. It is always compatible to the requirement (EA, 345)
Governing as it does all the pairs of opposites in the zodiac, it preserves the magnetic interplay between them,
keeping them fluid in their relations, in order eventually to facilitate their transmutation into unity, for the two
must finally become the One […] from the angle of the final development of the twelve zodiacal potencies—
the twelve opposites must become the blended six, and this is brought about by the fusion in consciousness of
the polar opposites […] the opposites eternally remain from the point of view of human reason, but to the
initiate whose intuition is functioning they constitute but six great potencies, because he has achieved "the
freedom of the two.” (EA, 348)
“In Gemini, Venus reveals the desire of the pairs of opposites for each other for this is the underlying
theme of the entire creative and evolutionary process—the interplay of the opposites. In Capricorn, Venus
reveals to man that desire for the whole, for the universal, which is the hallmark of the initiate and the true
expression of the spiritual life” (EA, 392)
Once the battle between the pairs of opposites is fought to the point of synthesis re-orientation can
take place towards truer values and to the world of reality.
Gemini relates to the Head of the Cosmic Christ.
God is love … is both an exoteric and an esoteric truth.
This underlying love of Deity reaches our solar system primarily through Gemini, which forms, with the
constellation of the Great Bear (Seven Father/Brothers) and the Pleiades (Seven Mothers/Sisters), a cosmic
Gemini Libra & Aquarius are cosmically related (the air triplicity) in a most peculiar way to the Great
Bear, to the Pleiades and to Sirius.
The relation is essentially a sixfold one, and here you will find a hint as to the resolution of the pairs of
Involving as these three constellations do the three ideas of opposition-equilibrium-synthesis or
universal fusion.
1. Gemini—forms a point of entrance for cosmic energy from Sirius.
2. Libra—is related to and transmits the potencies of the Pleiades.
3. Aquarius—expresses the universal consciousness of the Great Bear. ” (from EA 345)
The Law of Polar Union
The focus on polar union in the Zodiacal Meditations is just the first step in a process that has even
greater significance and importance.
This Law not only has individual & group significance, but planetary & cosmic significance as well.
‘Response’ to the Law of Polar Union, allows in group formation, conscious contact with the energy of
synthesis, the energy of Life Itself. “Synthesis - qualified Life in appearance.”
Symbol for the Law – “two balls of fire and the triangle.”
These two centres (ajna & the head center, externalised by the two glands, the pineal gland and the
pituitary body) become vibrant and alive …
A line of contact between them is eventually set up and established with increasing potency…
There is also another line of outgoing fiery power toward the top of the spinal column. …
As the life of the soul gets stronger, the radiance of the centres increases, and the periphery of their sphere of
influence is set up, creating a dual magnetic field.
Esoterically, they are "magnetically impelled towards each other" and towards the stored up energy to be
found in the spine, and localised in the five centres up the spine.
Eventually the interplay is so powerful that a triangle of force appears within the radius of the magnetic
field, and this triangle of light, of living fire, links the three "laya centres."
The symbol is then completed, and the indication is that the disciple is now controlled by the subjective side
of his nature.
He is now governed by the Law of Magnetic Impulse (as the linking of the head centres demonstrates) and
the two aspects of his nature, higher and lower, which constitute the two poles with which he is concerned,
are now united.
The polar union has been brought about. “
Then—corresponding to the directly related Monad and Personality—the head centre, the thousandpetalled lotus, the brahmarandra, is as directly related to the centre at the base of the spine. Thus complete
dualism, in place of the previous triple nature of the divine manifestation, is established:
1. Monad Personality. (With the threefold soul no longer needed.)
2. Head Centre at base of spine. (With the intermediate five centres no longer required.)
The Old Commentary says, in this connection:
Then the three that ranked as all that was, functioning as one and controlling all the seven, no longer are. The
seven, who responded to the three, responding to the One, no longer hear the triple call which determined all
that was. Only the two remain to show the world the beauty of the living God, the wonder of the Will-toGood, the Love which animates the Whole. These two are One, and thus the work, completed, stands. And
then the Angels sing. (TEV, 158)
Polar Union - Summary
The Law of Polar Union - operates on a higher turn of the spiral than The Law of Magnetic Impulse
& The Law of Attraction.
The Law of Attraction brings men and women already functioning as souls, into one group effort.
The Law of Magnetic impulse then assists to control as they “constitute themselves as channels for service
in pure self-forgetfulness.
From the angle of Hierarchy they “have established a contact and are "in touch" with the world of spiritual
realities … so does this group of aligned souls come into contact with certain greater Lives and Forces
of Light, such as the Christ and the Buddha. (p 111)
The Law of Polar Union “governs the interplay, vital but unrealised yet as a potency, between the soul
of the fourth kingdom in nature, the human, and the soul of the three subhuman kingdoms, and
likewise that of the three superhuman kingdoms.
Owing to the major part which humanity has to play in the great scheme or Plan of God, this is the law
which will be the determining law of the race.
Under obedience to this law, humanity will act as a transmitter of light, energy and spiritual potency to the
subhuman kingdoms, and will constitute a channel of communication between "that which is above and that
which is below." Such is the high destiny before the race. (p 112)
In Aquarian formation the consecrated NGWS, subjectively One Group, “reach those Lives Who brood
over humanity and our civilisation, and Who work through the Masters of the Wisdom and the
assembled Hierarchy. This group endeavor will call forth from Them a responsive and magnetic impulse,
which will bring together, through the medium of all the aspiring groups, the overshadowing beneficent
Forces. (p 114)
In the tabulation below there is portrayed a little of what is implied in the words "The Law of Polar Union."
“The whole process concerns consciousness, and the results worked out in consciousness, with the
subsequent physical plane happenings.”
There are, therefore, to be found in this great task the following relations and groupings.
1.The Forces of Light and the Spirit of Peace, embodied Lives of tremendous group potency.
2. The Planetary Hierarchy.
3. The Buddha.
4. The Christ.
5. The New Group of World Servers.
6. Humanity.
Note - the Buddha focuses in Himself the down pouring forces, whilst the Christ focuses in Himself the
outgoing demand and the spiritual aspirations of the entire planet. This makes a planetary alignment of great
Much of the success of this planned endeavor depends upon the intellectual grasp of the members of the
New Group of World Servers in connection with the necessary technique. [p 115]
… a law of the monadic sphere of life (RI, 310)
The Law of Synthesis “governs the thinking of those great Lives Who form the Council of Sanat Kumara in
Shamballa.” (RI 249)
Synthesis …unites the human atom to the Great Lives, Who are the sum total of that which is
a. The stage of atomic energy - pure self centredness.
b. The stage of group coherency – responsibility, recognition of a greater life, sacrifice to the good of the
c. The stage of unified or synthetic existence - separate units of consciousness & groups made up of a
multiplicity of identities … an aggregate of all forms, of all groups, and of all states of consciousness
blended, unified & synthesised into a perfected whole. Call this whole the solar system, nature, or
God. Names matter not. (Sum. Consciousness of the Atom, 27)
“The Law of Synthesis is the law of spiritual existence, and one of the three major laws of our solar
system, as well as of our planet. It is a basic cosmic law, applied from sources of which we know nothing …
It is the law governing the activities of the Spiritual Triad, and the conditioning law of monadic living
…. under the Law of Synthesis the worlds of illusion and glamour are mastered and the control of maya is
The Law of Synthesis reveals the factual nature that "Matter is spirit at its lowest point of manifestation and
spirit is matter at its highest." (HPB)
Let the group understand the Law of Synthesis, of unity and fusion. (Rule XIII for initiates.) The
distinction between synthesis, unity and fusion must be mastered.
Fusion - the individual process of spiritual integration, relating—in full waking consciousness—the three
divine aspects in man.
Unity -the conscious adaptation of the initiated disciple to the greater whole, as his absorption into the group
through his obedience to the laws of the soul, and as governing his attitude to that in which he lives and
moves and has his being.
Synthesis Differentiates – “but a point is reached where man has learnt all that he can learn through the
processes of differentiation to which he has been subjected for aeons.
More must still be learnt if the Way of the Higher Evolution is to be trodden..and a choice between the seven
cosmic Paths made” (RI266)
The Seven (paths) which yet are One; which points to the seven ways and yet those upon the seven ways are
one; which initiates the universal into the many but preserves its integrity; which originates the plan but
preserves intact the purpose; which sees the multiplicity needed under the Law of Sacrifice but subordinates
that law unto the Law of Synthesis; which breathes forth the many Breaths and yet is Life Itself. (RI, 266)
“It is the secret of eventual synthesis, which is the final illumination, seen through the eye of Taurus” Taurus
is a predominant energy influencing & conditioning the NGWS.
It is understandable that everywhere today the ‘note of synthesis’ is ‘the word’ spoken in all groups &
on all disciples & initiates lips.
“The group, therefore, which "serves as Aquarius indicates" is the Hierarchy; the group which is "speeded
upon the upward Way" is the New Group of World Servers. This group is ruled by Taurus, and to it that
divine Taurean energy brings "illumination and the attainment of the vision." (EA, 233)
Taurus is known as the ‘nurturer of all illumination.’ “The initiate sees the New Group of World Servers
brought under the illuminating power of Taurus, with the rest of humanity still under the influence of Pisces”.
(EA, 230)
Ever the importance of Spiritual vision is sounded. The goal of the NGWS, in group formation, is to ‘open the eye.’
The eye of vision of the individual man must likewise open in response to this cosmic light. Hence victory is
inevitable for the potency of cosmic energy will unfailingly and in time subdue and re-orient the energy of
humanity. (EA, 403)
This group is, figuratively speaking, the "bull, rushing forward upon a straight line with its one eye fixed upon
the goal and beaming light. (EA, 233)
Esoteric Keynote … "I see and when the Eye is opened, all is light." The eye of the cosmic Bull of God is
open and from it light pours radiantly forth upon the sons of men. The goal is to provide “a centre of light
within the world of men and of holding up the vision to the sons of men” (EA, 233)
Taurus must bring down what spirit has learned when he ‘pastured in the fiery stars.’
“The entire secret of divine purpose and planning is hidden in this sign, owing fundamentally to the
relation of the Pleiades to the constellation, the Great Bear, and to our solar system. This constitutes one of the
most important triangles in our entire cosmic series of relationships and this importance is also enhanced by
the fact that the "eye of the Bull" is the eye of revelation. The underlying goal of the evolutionary process "the onward rush of the Bull of God," as it is esoterically called - reveals steadily and without cessation the
stupendous and sublime plan of Deity. This is the subject which light reveals.
The import of this is that the energy of will - newly released by Sanat Kumara upon our planet - emanates, via
the head center of the planetary Logos, from the Great Bear; it is stepped down in vibration via one of the
Pleiades (hence its influence upon matter and hence also its pronounced Taurean effects upon humanity) and
so enters into the solar system.
It is there absorbed by that major center of our planetary life to which we give the name, Shamballa. Its effect
is necessarily twofold. It produces in certain nations, races and individuals, a welling up of the self-will or of
the will-to-power which is characteristic of the developed lower nature, the personality aspect of integrated
selfhood. It produces - though less readily - a stimulation of the will-to-serve the plan as it is grasped by the
world aspirants, the world disciples and initiates. Thus are the purposes of Deity materialized.” (EA, 377)
The "interpreter of the divine voice", as Taurus was called in ancient Egypt, can be paraphrased into
Christian terminology and called "the Word made flesh". It is an interesting sidelight on the power of the
zodiacal influences to recall that the bull's-eye lantern can be traced back to the bull's eve in Taurus, and the
pontifical bull, or the papal enunciations which were regarded as interpreters of God's voice, is a term in
common usage today. (EA, 45)
Constantly in this sign comes the emphasis upon struggle. It is a cosmic, planetary and individual
struggle. […] It is the struggle of that which is deeply hidden in darkness to reach the light of day […] It is
the struggle to attain the goal that an increasing light reveals. Taurus is the sign in which desire is
transmuted into aspiration, darkness into illumination.
It is the search for ‘golden light divine’ which directs the Bull of Life. It’s the search for gold or materiality,
which directs the Bull of Form. “These two must meet; and meeting, clash. Thus vanishes the gold...." (EA,
Rule XII.
Let the group serve as Aquarius indicates; let Mercury speed the group upon the upward Way and let
Taurus bring illumination and the attainment of the vision; let the mark of the Saviour, as the group
toils in Pisces, be seen above the aura of the group.
Taurus has always been connected with light and, therefore, with Christ, who proclaimed himself as the
Light of the World.
The Hierarchy is, therefore, at this time, conditioned by three great constellations:
1. Aquarius—The Custodian of that "life more abundantly" of which the Christ spoke and which He can draw
upon at this time in a new and dynamic manner in order to bring about the restoration needed. This energy is
the "implementing force of universality." It concerns the future.
2. Taurus—The Revealer of the vision, the "eye of the Gods," the donor of illumination. It is that which
concerns the present.
3. Pisces—The Inspiration of the World Saviour, and also the field of salvation. It is the field of force in which
the two other forces must work. It has been produced by the past. (EA, 229)
The Scorpio-Taurus-Pisces triad forms the triangle of initiation, which provides the energy that tests and
perfects the three aspects of personality to reflect the three divine aspects of Father, Son and Holy Spirit and
deal with the relation between the body and the soul. Hercules, Buddha and Christ are the three sons of God
that reflect the perfection of those signs:
In Scorpio Hercules became the triumphant disciple. In Taurus Buddha achieved victory over desire, which
led to his illumination (The consciousness of the Buddha has been called the "diamond-eye." In Pisces the
Christ overcame death and became the world saviour. (EP1, 230).
Virgo is related to Taurus through Vulcan which brings in what might be called the endurance aspect of the
will-to-be which carries the incarnated Son of God through the experiences of the dark time …until the initiate
attains full maturity. When the experience undergone in Virgo is consummated in Pisces and the tests of
Scorpio have led to illumination in Taurus, then the effect of these four energies (Virgo, Pisces, Scorpio,
Taurus) will be to make man the true triangle, expressing the three divine aspects or energies as they come
from the three major conditioning constellations: the Great Bear, the Pleiades and Sirius. . (EA, 251)
There is a symbolic relation between the "eye" in the head of the Bull, the third eye, the light in the head, and
the diamond. (EA, 381)
Where the three lights are blended, where the centres are aroused and the atoms are also vibrating, it
becomes possible for the man to centre all three in the head at will… This is spoken of in the occult writings
of the Masters in these words: "Then the Bull of God carries the light in his forehead, and his eye transmits the
radiance; His head, with magnetic force, resembles the blazing sun, and from the lotus of the head, the path of
light issues. It enters into the Greater Being, producing a living fire. The Bull of God sees the Solar Angel, and
knows that Angel to be the light wherein he walks." (TOWM, 109)
The esoteric ruler of Taurus is Vulcan, Hierarchically also the ruler is Vulcan, conditioning the planet and
determining the fact that man is the macrocosm of the microcosm and that the fourth kingdom fashions or
conditions all subhuman kingdoms.
The light from the eye of the Bull which with ever increasing radiance has guided the struggling soul must
give place eventually to the light of the Sun, for Vulcan is a substitute for the Sun; it is spoken of sometimes
as being veiled by the Sun and at others it stands for the Sun itself. It stands between the man and the Sun,
the soul. Therefore, we have in this connection three symbols of the light:
Taurus —The eye of illumination or light. The Bull's eye. Illumination.
Exoterically—the physical Sun.
Vulcan —The one who reveals that which is deeply hidden and brings it up into the light - Esoterically—the
heart of the Sun.
The Sun.—The great Illuminator. Spiritually—the central spiritual Sun. (EA394)
Thus from every angle, illumination remains the theme of this sign.
Taurus is an expression of the third unmanifested Hierarchy and of this Hierarchy we know nothing beyond
the fact that it is concerned with the light which liberates from death.
Life & Life More Abundantly
Christ’s words – “life & Life more abundantly’ takes on new meaning if you consider that the Monad, the
life principle, the highest spiritual aspect can be said to be on the verge of externalising. When one considers
the whole of the evolutionary consciousness to date – on all levels – the import of this ‘newly externalising ’
LIFE energy can be seen to have been in the process of descent. All along. H.P.B. taught that the
antahkarana was primarily the channel of energy relating forms and their forces to their originating sources
and that across the mental plane (with its three aspects of mind) the life thread necessarily passed, linking
Monad, soul and personality into one living whole.
The only true existence is the Monad on its own plane. The Monad IS Life ITSELF.
Until contact & until the recognition dawns of our own true Identity, we exist on ‘the planes of death.’
“Raise the dead to Life!”
The higher mind (being the lowest aspect of the Spiritual Triad) is a symbolic door admitting the
consciousness of the soul-infused personality into this higher realm of contact and awareness.
May all be lifted out of the dark & into the Light of Day.
The 12 zodiacal signs represent the transformational journey of a human into a divine being. Eventual
success comes when recognition of a new identity … “A Son of God who is also a son of man”
Out of the rocky cave, the Christ emerged and walked again upon the plains of Earth and from that time "the
woman knew Him not." Form had no further hold upon him for He had overcome it in the depths. Into the
cave of Initiation, the light of resurrection streams when the stone at the entrance is rolled away. From life in
the form to the death of the form—deep in the rocky place, down in the crypts of the Temple—the human
being goes. But into that same place, the new life streams, bringing fresh life and liberation; old things pass
away and the darkness becomes light. (EA, 385)
On theme & in perfect Aquarian style the “Aquarian Mantram of Synthesis” (below), was posted on the
Shamballa School e-group today. Included below for those who don’t already have.
The Great Invocation is an Aquarian formula for unity and synthesis:
Unity (Goodwill):
Light + Love + Will → Hierarchy
Synthesis (Will-to-Good):
Light + Love + Power → Shamballa
The Aquarian Mantram of Synthesis
May the liberating Light of the Lord Buddha,
The infinite Love of the Spirit of Peace,
And the unfathomable Power of the Avatar of Synthesis
Restore the Plan of God on Earth.
Chart Geometry
(Mariana Bjorklund)
Chart geometry symbolising group work on the level of soul-personality, soul-monad and personalitymonad.
The Shamballa School report to SES in June 2005 and the suggestion that the Galactic Centre (GC) at some
26 degrees Sagittarius could be used in heliocentric charts to visualise monadic triangles compelled me to
look into the graphic representation of the AQ06 group. 18 of 22 have by now given their Sun: Rising:
Opposite formula, which were used to graphically depict A) Sun: Rising: Opposite in a geocentric chart; B)
“Gemini triangles” that is Sun: Gemini: Opposite (EA 346 – see below) in a geocentric chart and C) Sun:
GC: Opposite in a heliocentric chart
The aim was to get an image for alignment and visualisation and open the way for deeper studies the next
coming days. The chart for the full moon was chosen as background. Visually, the anarchy of graph A is
replaced with harmony and order in graph B and C.
The planets and the group triangles
The triangle graphs show how the different planets are emphasised on different levels in the work of this
group. I have deliberately disregarded aspects between the planets, and look only at the interactions between
the planets and the group triangles. As four Sun: Rising: Opposite formulas are still missing, and as the
group consists of astrologers, I do not go into interpretations or in depth.
All three charts have a Pluto-Ascendant-GC conjunction. In chart A, Jupiter, Mercury and Uranus are most
interactive with the group on the group cross of Taurus-Scorpio and Virgo-Pisces. Pluto, Asc, GC and
Venus are also well placed in Capricorn (hierarchically ruled by Venus) for the two triangles TaurusScorpio-Capricorn and Pisces-Cancer-Capricorn. Aries is an empty sign in this graph.
In graph B with the Gemini triangles Mars, Saturn, Moon, Earth and Uranus become prominent in the
Pisces-Virgo-Gemini triangle, and Jupiter and Mars in the Taurus-Scorpio-Gemini triangle. No planet is
isolated from the triangles. The Libra-Aries axis is empty in this graph.
In the heliocentric chart C Chiron, Neptune, Uranus and Mercury line up on the Sagittarius-Pisces-Virgo
triangle, promising well for an occult inquiry. Pluto, Asc and GC remain with the Taurus-Scorpio group.
Jupiter has no connection with any of the triangles; the other planets are connected to at least two group
members. The Leo-Aquarius axis is very blessed and the only one to involve Venus. Pisces was included in
the two Gemini-Sagittarius members’ triangles because of the instruction in the quote below (EA 346) anent
the Gemini triangles. The Libra-Aries axis is empty in this graph also.
A. Geocentric chart: Triangles in colour of Rising Sun; initials in Sun sign colour.
[Image lost]
B. Geocentric chart: Gemini-triangles in the colour of the Sun sign.
Master DK points out Gemini as the conductor of all opposites in a chart for an esoteric group. In the end of
the EA quote below the Sun in Gemini is mentioned, but the addition of Pisces to create a triangle can only
work if it is valid also for the Sun in Sagittarius. This was used for graph B.
Apart from the importance of the influences of Gemini as the dominant power in the Mutable Cross, it is one
of the paramount zodiacal signs in that it is the major symbol of duality in the zodiac. It is the constellation
Gemini and its inherent second ray influence which control every one of the pairs of opposites in the
Great Wheel. Gemini, therefore, forms with each of the pairs of opposites in the Zodiac a third factor,
powerfully influencing the other two constellations, [Page 347] and thus forms, with them, certain great
zodiacal triangles. These only become of importance when considering the horoscopes of advanced human
beings or esoteric groups, but eventually—when casting the horoscope of a disciple or an initiate—the
esoteric astrologer will have to consider their potency. For instance, in the case of an initiate whose Sun is in
Leo, the triangle of constellation energies determining the interpretation of the horoscope would be LeoAquarius-Gemini. When dealing with a subject whose Sun is in Gemini itself, the conditioning triangle
would be Gemini-Sagittarius and Pisces—the latter forming a part of this triangle because it marks
both the end and the beginning and is, for this great cycle of the zodiac, the Alpha and the Omega. (MB
bold) (EA, 346-347)
The addition of Pisces qualitatively changes the last two graphs (I used the same principle in the heliocentric
chart), and it should be a safeguard also for most small esoteric groups that the purpose of service is present.
“There two or more of you meet in my name, I am present”. Pisces is the Saviour.
[Image lost]
C. Heliocentric chart: Triangles in colour of Opposite; initials in Sun sign colour.
The EA quote above makes the statements in the quote below from the ShS report to SES summer 05 more
valid. The combination of Gemini-triangles and Sagittarius-triangles (with addition of Pisces) for building
the lower and the higher Antahkarana seem to be a possible way and worth investigating further.
As we know an entity such as a planet or sun both revolves on its own axis and moves in orbit around a central
point. The Tibetan indicates that our sun moving around the zodiac needs to be understood in the context of
the zodiac moving around an even greater zodiac and he makes reference to a 250,000 yr cycle around
Alcyone. If we take this extension to its next astronomical level we find the whole galaxy circling around the
black hole at the centre lying in the direction of sagittarius. From the perspective of this centre the two signs
sagittarius and gemini both lie on the same directional axis, as does our solar system. [……………]
The ascendant, as with all mediating principles becomes less important in the soul centred chart but I would
suggest that it is replaced with another key 'orientating point' in the heliocentric chart - that of the direction of
the galactic centre at 26 degrees sagittarius. The chart now forms the purpose of an antahkarana linking the
levels of the disciple together. The monad is represented by the galactic centre around which the sun revolves.
The Sun represents the soul surrounded by his field of service and the planet earth represents the particular
incarnation of the soul upon which it is seeking to carry out a purpose in alignement with the being who
ensouls the planet. The chart now provides a stable centre of reorientated perspective. The disciple has moved
from the personal consciousness of the personality to the group consciousness of the soul and begun to work
on the universal consciousness represented by the galactic centre holding numerous suns in its orbit.
(Shamballa School report to SES 12.6.05.)
The Golden Triangle
Thanks much to Bruce for the paper on “The Light of the Monad.” It opens the mind to the Grand Vision.
For years I have studied esoteric astrology from the angle of life on the Path – examining man’s dilemma at
the various stages along the Way. Now, as I read and absorb the reality of the cosmic schema captured so
succinctly in “The Light of the Monad” I am challenged to link the two worlds: the cosmic circle
surrounding the galactic center” (and all that it contains) and the step-by-step unfoldment of consciousness
within the human psyche (described in the pages of Esoteric Astrology).
There is much to say on this second subject, but first I sense the need to create a link between the two
worlds. To do so I will try to grab hold of “Ariadne’s Thread” as described by HPB in her Collected Works.
This is The Golden Thread, which is also the title of a small book written by Natalie Banks published by
Lucis Trust.
To HPB this thread is much more than the thread that ties all spiritual teachings together (as described by
Ms. Banks). It has cosmic dimensions reflective of the Grand Vision presented by Bruce. The question is
posed to HPB:
Q. In what relation does the Sun, the highest form of Fire we can recognise, stand to Fire as you have
explained it?
A. The Sun, as on our plane, is not even “Solar” fire. The Sun we see, gives nothing of itself, because it is a
reflection; a bundle of electro-magnetic forces, one of the countless milliards of “Knots of Fohat.” Fohat is
called the “Thread of primeval Light,” the “Ball of thread” of Ariadne, indeed, in this labyrinth of chaotic
matter. This thread runs through the seven planes tying itself into knots. Every plane being septenary, there are
thus forty-nine mystical and physical forces, [the] larger knots forming stars, suns and systems, the smaller,
planets, and so on. (CW10, Transactions of the Blavatsky Lodge, VII-VIII, p. 376)
The operative phrase here is “knots of fohat.” (Fohat is related to the Creator, Brahma, the Physical Sun and
manifests as electricity, light and magnetism according to DK.) Knots of fohat on the Golden Thread of
Adriane offer the connecting link needed between the Grand and what I might call, for want of a better
word, the gritty – day to day life on the Path. Larger knots form stars, suns and systems (as described in
Bruce’s diagrams and by HPB). Smaller knots form chakras and lesser wheels of energy and force. They are
The spiritual Path involves re-discovering Ariadne’s thread, guided along the Way by the sun, the planets
and the stars. It involves learning to deal with the knots – consciously, wisely – building them as conscious
points of tension, resolving them through the fusion of opposites, ascending upward, inward (and,
paradoxically, outward), learning to master ascent and descent along the thread of life-consciousness (and)
The guidance along the way, or the progressive influence of the stars (and planets) at each stage of the Path,
can be traced simply by examining the “the line of gold” of which the thread is comprised.
When we look in the Alice Bailey compilation for the word “golden” we find references to:
“… the true spiritual sun, Hidden by a disk of golden light …” (TWM, 60)
“The golden-gleaming … [I am] … of form divine.” (FBC, 149)
“The golden lotus of the heart.” (DINA II, 73)
From the point of view of astrology, we discover that the light of illumination of Taurus is a golden light.
The key that Taurus transforms from a key of knowledge into a key of wisdom is a golden key. The horn of
the unicorn in the sign of initiation (Capricorn) is a golden horn.
This last symbol in gold seems to represent the resolution of the pairs of opposites into a united focus. If we
follow the progression of “the horned signs” of the zodiac (Aries – Taurus – Capricorn), as DK advised, we
discover a descent into duality (symbolized by the down-turned horns of the Creator under Aries’ influence).
Then we find the horns of the earth sign Taurus protecting the golden light in the world of duality. These
horns turn upward, symbolizing eventual aspiration to build the golden thread that links the bodies on the
Way of Return. The duality of the horns is finally resolved in Capricorn with the appearance of the long
straight horn of the unicorn on the Mount of Initiation – surrounded with a golden light. DK describes this
progression nicely:
It is interesting to study the three signs in which the animals have horns: Aries, the downturned horns of the
ram, signifying the coming into manifestation, the involutionary cycle and the experience of the Cardinal
Cross as it expresses the Will-to-manifest of God. Taurus, the up-turned horns of the Bull with the circle
below, depicting the push of man, the Bull of God, towards the goal of illumination and the emergence of the
soul from bondage with the two horns (duality) protecting the "eye of light" in the centre of the Bull's
forehead; this is "the single eye" of the New Testament which makes the "whole body to be full of light."
Then Capricorn, the Goat, related particularly and closely to Aries, but hiding (as an esoteric blind) the
symbolism of the Unicorn in which the two horns and the single eye are blended and depicted by the long
straight horn of the unicorn in the centre of the forehead. (EA, 55)
Interestingly enough, the horn of the unicorn is not only single in nature, it is also spiral-like. It is, it seems,
the blending (the twisting together in fusion) of the opposites – lifted up into heaven in the Golden Light of
the Creator Himself.
This brings us, in principle, if not in fact, to the Golden Triangle alluded to by Bruce in “The Light of the
Monad.” I, for one, will reflect deeply on the relation of the three points linked in golden light: The Great
Bear, the Pleiades and Gemini – the Father (sevenfold), the Mother (sevenfold) and the Son.
(Gill Goodison)
What, in the last analysis, is this Hierarchy? It is a great salvaging corps of dedicated, liberated Units of Life,
working in group formation with all forms and lives in all kingdoms and with all souls particularly. As the
Hierarchy so works, its emphasis is solely on the consciousness aspects of all forms: its present agency of
salvage and service is the mind. (EOH, 526)
The Hierarchy itself is the result of human activity and aspiration; it has been created by humanity. Its
members are human beings who have lived, suffered, achieved, failed, attained success endured death and
passed through the experience of resurrection. They are the same in nature as are those who struggle today
with the processes of disintegration but who – nevertheless – have in them the seed of resurrection. All states
of consciousness are known to Them; They have mastered them as men, thus guaranteeing to humanity the
same ultimate achievement. We are apt to look upon members of the Hierarchy as different radically from
humanity, forgetting that the Hierarchy is a community of successful men, Who earlier submitted Themselves
to the purificatory fires of daily living, working out their own salvation as men and women of affairs, as
business men, as husbands and wives, farmers and rulers, and that they know life, therefore, in all its phases
and gradation (EOH, 472)
[…] we arrive at the door which symbolically stands wide open, so that accepted disciples are taking
initiation, pledged disciples are being accepted, and accepting disciples are taking their pledges.
Thus a great new movement is proceeding and a tremendously increased interplay and interaction is taking
place. This will go on until 2025.During the years intervening between now and then very great changes will
be taking place, and at the Great General Assembly of the Hierarchy – held as usual every century – in 2025
the date will probably be set for the first stage of the externalization of Hierarchy. The present cycle (from
now until that date) is called technically “ “The Stage of the Forerunner”. It is preparatory in nature, testing in
its methods and intended to be revelatory in its techniques and results. (EOH, 529)
As a student, this Aquarian probe, I have been pondering on the process of consciousness, which is
Hierarchical, and the power of thought and words.
p.154 D.K. gives this example
“We know, O Lord of Life and Love,
about the need;
Touch our hearts anew with love,
That we too may love and give.”
It is the thought of the free circulation of energy between the three world centers (Shamballah, Hierarchy, and
Humanity) which motivates this mantric sentence. A study of this will show you the how the implication and
significance of apparently simple words may be far deeper and far more-wide-reaching in effect than you have
been able to conceive.”
D.K here refers to the Great Invocation and the use of the power of imagination and thought creating contact
between Sacrifice and Love.
Suffering is the most effective and most rapid way of evoking world understanding and of burning away the
barriers which human beings have set up to the expression of the Will-to-Good. One of the most beneficent
results of the inflow of the Shamballa force through the focused demand of aspirants and world disciples will
be the intelligent recognition of the uses of pain and suffering. It is this Truth – distorted and selfishly
misapplied and interpreted – which has led certain types of people and certain types of governing bodies
among the nations to take the position that the greater the suffering inflicted (as for instance in war time) and
the greater the process of terrorism, the quicker the end which is desirable and right; they hold often that the
more dire the effects of planned conditions, the more rapidly will the correct consummation be achieved. It is
not the duty or right of man to turn first ray force to selfish ends or material objectives; responsibility cannot
be veiled behind specious and distorted half-truths and evil cannot be done in order that good may come. What
is applied by the Lord of the World in Shamballa under the motive of love, wisdom and selflessness with a
sure touch and a judgement as to times and seasons cannot be so used by those motivated by personality
objectives, either on an individual or a personality scale (for nations as well as individuals have personalities).
Ponder on this and seek enlightenment from the soul. (EOH, 155)
The governing role of Jupiter, (“the throne of Brahma”) transmitter of divine energies from Virgo (“the
cosmic mother” EA, 255) and Aquarius* has already been acknowledged in this probe – Virgo, the
nourisher of the Christ-child, and Aquarius, the group-conscious sign.
p. 136 EA* the sign Aquarius is a dual sign and signifies two vibrations. […] substance and the anima
mundi or imprisoned soul begin to work in mutual tolerance, and in higher Aquarian individual, soul and
spirit are expressing themselves in substance.”[…] the Aquarian recognizes the bond which holds all
together subjectively and in truth […]
D.K. acknowledges the role of the Nirmanakayas, whose energy is responsive to these extra-planetary
forces, and advises the receptive agent, the student, who can
focus your-self in as high a consciousness as you are capable of achieving. Then you aim at complete selfforgetfulness and when that has been gained you direct your attention to the dual activity of the true disciple to
which I earlier referred. i.e. the task of emphasizing a significant understanding of the implications of the
words said and of the results to be achieved. There comes next the sending forth of the words with their
hidden potency and this must be done by you as a soul, using the mind and brain as agents.
D.K. uses the terms
Integration: inhalation of the breath – with-drawing the consciousness
Conscious Activity : right use of interlude between Inhalation and Exhalation
Right Expression: period of Exhalation. This is the sending forth of the forces contacted by an act of will in
order that they mad produce desired ends.
Previous papers have acknowledged the Spirit of Peace/an Avatar or messenger of peace, who may come as
the result of “a potent vibration and note” as a result of joint appeal by Hierarchy of Light and Humanity. It
will “vitalize the responsiveness of humanity, via the influence of Hierarchy, to the will of God which has
for basic intent the bringing of peace on earth. What is peace? It is essentially the establishment of right
human relations, of synthetic rapport with its resultant cooperation, of correct interplay between the three
planetary centers and an illumined, loving understanding of the will of God as it affects humanity and works
out divine intent.”
“A mobilizing of the forces of Light is going on upon the inner side of life. These forces stand ready but the
word of action must come from the Christ, and he will give that word when the people give it to Him. We
are the conditioners of our own destiny. Neither the Christ nor the Hierarchy may, at this stage in human
evolution, take any step vitally affecting humanity unless released into this activity by humanity itself.”
It is the will-to-victory that is needed at this time; it is the will-to-invoke which is needed; it is the will-tofocus and through the focus aid in the great act which the Christ is at this time preparing himself: it is the will
to goodness, to self-control and to the evocation of right action for which the Hierarchy asks today. If
humanity does its part, it will find that Hierarchy more than ready to respond and do its share in bringing
about world release from the Forces of Evil. (EHO, 353)
On p. 392 D.K refers to 7. Certain great Energies of extra-planetary significance Who stand ready to
intervene should the spiritual invocation or the distress of humanity reach the pitch of evocation”
“Massed intent” is what is required from mankind to evoke an extra-planetary response. He lists goodwilling people, visionaries, aspirants, Disciples, Members of the Spiritual Hierarchy, whether in or out of
incarnation, Custodians of the Will, and Extra-planetary Energies who are ready to assist, as being potential
I call you, therefore, everyone, to a great service of demand and of invocation on behalf of humanity – a
demand for the inflow of light upon the decisions of men everywhere. I would ask you to request and expect
the needed enlightenment for those who have to make decision on behalf of men everywhere. Your individual
enlightenment has nothing to do with this demand. It is a selfless motive which is required and which must lie
behind your individual and group demand. You are demanding enlightenment and illumined perception for
those who have to guide the destiny of races, nations, and world groups. (EOH, 467)
In summary:
In pondering on the nature of Hierarchy, on the forces available, the timing, and the nature of this group in
the world, I am aware of the potential available for reaching a “pitch of evocation” which precipitates
more/new action in the world scene.
I have been aware of the intensification of energy in meditation, and the process of personality integration.
I am pondering the “meaning and significance” of the word GOVERNANCE.
The Light of the Monad
(Bruce Lyon)
This polarisation, this point of focussed effort and this attained orientation is the basic idea lying behind the
phrase "the Mountain of Initiation." The initiate "plants his feet upon the mountain top and from that point of
altitude perceives the thought of God, visions the dream within the Mind of God, follows God's eye from
central point to outer goal and sees himself as all that is and yet within the whole." […] Having thus identified
himself through penetration and polarisation with the Plan and with the Will of God (which is the key to
Shamballa), he then proceeds—as a result of this triple recognition—to do his share in materialising the Plan
and in bringing through into outer manifestation and expression as much of that Plan as he can. He thus
becomes first of all an outpost of the Hierarchy (which of necessity means sensitivity to the Shamballa
energy), and then increasingly an Agent of Light—the Light universal, or the Light of the Monad. (Dina 2,
After the third degree when soul and personality are fused the 'light of the monad' or in a planetary sense 'the
dark light of Shamballa' will be expressing through the etheric body.
The lower ethers become sheaths for their corresponding cosmic ether counterparts so that the heart centre
for example becomes a direct transmitter of energy for the monad on the monadic plane. This of course is
the life thread which has always been anchored in the heart but by building the antahkarana we become
conscious of what we always were already and so the life and consciousness threads are merged.
The light of the monad could be said to enter through the ashram on the buddhic plane and then get focused
through the jewel in the causal body before expressing on the etheric plane through the heart centre or
indeed through the core of each etheric chakra. For a Master his heart chakra expresses pure monadic energy
– for a third degree initiate this is perhaps just beginning.
If the monad then is the third eye to the planetary Logos we might ask 'who is looking'. One answer would
be the astrally focused planetary Logos who is on the fourth subplane of the cosmic astral ruled by Aries.
Thus the 'light of life' itself is able to look through the monadic centre as an eye and 'see' all the way through
to the physical etheric plane. His 'life ' would extend there but His 'light' could only reach our physical world
when monads have built their antakarana all the way through – starting at the third degree.
T he Seven & T he Five
Cosmic astral Plane
T aurus
Cosmic physical plane
When the blazing light of the sun is correctly focussed on or through a glass it can cause ignition. When the
blazing light of the Monad is focussed directly upon the personality, via the antahkarana and not specifically
through the soul, it produces a blazing fire which burns up all hindrances in a steady, sequential process (R&I,
The mystery of the eye and its relation to light (esoterically understood) is very great, and as yet no student, no
matter how diligent, knows anything about it. For instance, brother of mine, when the third eye, the inner eye,
and the Monad are brought into direct alignment with "the Eye of God Himself," so that what the planetary
Logos sees can be partially (at least) revealed to the initiate, who can tell what that revelation will bring of
results and enlightenment? When the true nature of the will is comprehended and the self-will of the
personality (of a very high order, necessarily), the will of the soul (as demonstrated by the activity of the
highest tier or circle of the egoic petals), atma, expressing itself as the spiritual will, and Sanat Kumara are
also brought, through initiation, into direct alignment, who, again, can predict what the revelation will be?
(DINA 2, 349)
A second answer to 'who is looking' is the Solar Logos. We know that He is in training for the third cosmic
initiation and so conceivably should be at the stage of being able to send soul energy into His etheric body.
The 'home of the monad' is the sun and so therefore the monadic eye is a focal point for the light and the
sight of the Solar Logos. A human monad then, and his counterpart the Heavenly Man serve as an interface
for the working out of planetary and Solar purpose
We now need to extend the cosmic antahkarana. If our Solar Logos is preparing to take the third cosmic
initiation then he should be approaching the capacity to introduce a monadic touch to his etheric centres –
the Heavenly Men. The Solar monad is on the cosmic monadic plane and we will argue later whether this
should be called a cosmic or galactic Logos. For now let us say that when our Solar Logos and a human
being have both taken the third initiation in their respective environments then it will be the eye of the
cosmic Logos who is able to 'look' out through the human monad and be 'anchored' on our lowest physical
Cosmic Monadic Plane - Solar Monad
Solar Logos in Ashram of one of the Rishis
Casual Body of Sl ( subplane 1 )
Causal Body of PL ( subplane 3 )
Polarisation of PL ( 4th subplane cosmic astral )
Our Monadic Plane - Seven Ashrams - Human monad
49 Ashrams - buddhic plane
human causal body
heart chakra
Now let us look at our location in horizontal 'space'
We have a human centric position on earth. We have a heliocentric perspective and we have a galactic
perspective. These three levels have something in common. There are 100s of millions of galaxies in the
universe. There are hundreds of billions of stars in a galaxy and there are 100s of billions of monads in a
solar system. Points of fire in the great solar flame which is itself but a point of fire with the dark light of a
cosmic 'shamballa'.
Recall Formula V
These words constitute, and when placed in their correct order create, a most potent magical and mantric
formula. It has a tenuous yet definite connection with the third initiation, but it is not this angle with which
you are asked to concern yourselves but with the triangle created and the lines of force set in motion when the
right word finds itself at the apex of the triangle.
The clue to rightly orienting your thinking lies in the realisation of the threefold aspect of the Sun, the unity of
the reality and the dual nature of the antahkarana. More I must not say; it is for you to wrestle with the formula
and unearth or bring to the surface its hidden significance. In line with the hints given in connection with the
other four formulas, the keynote of this one would be:
Lead us from the individual to the Universal. Formula V . . . Deals with the first aspect, with the Will. Relates
to divine Purpose. Shamballa. (DINA 2, 321)
When we shift to a galactic centric system we look out towards the sun and notice it is in Gemini – this is
because from the sun the galactic centre is in Sagittarius.
Gemini is, therefore, one of the most important of the twelve signs and its influence lies behind everyone of
them—a fact but little realised as yet by astrologers. This will be more fully understood when the triangle of
Gemini and two opposing signs is studied. Because the Ray of Love-Wisdom, the second ray, pours through
Gemini it becomes apparent how true is the occult teaching that love underlies the entire universe. God is
love, we are assured, and this statement is both an exoteric and an esoteric truth. This underlying love of Deity
reaches our solar system primarily through Gemini, which forms, with the constellation of the Great Bear and
the Pleiades, a cosmic triangle. This is the triangle of the cosmic Christ and is the esoteric symbol lying behind
the cosmic Cross. There is ever the eternal triangle to be found behind the fourfold phenomenal appearance.
Speaking symbolically and in the words of the Old Commentary:
"Upon the golden triangle, the cosmic Christ appeared; His head in Gemini; one foot upon the field [Page 349]
of the Seven Fathers and the other planted in the field of the Seven Mothers (these two constellations are
sometimes called the Seven Brothers and the Seven Sisters. A.A.B.). Thus for aeons, the Great One stood, His
consciousness in-turned, aware of three but not of four. Intent, with suddenness, He heard a sound go forth....
Arousing to that cry, He stretched Himself, reached forth both arms in understanding love, and, lo, the Cross
was formed.
"He heard the cry of the Mother (Virgo), of the Seeker (Sagittarius), and of the submerged Fish (Pisces).
Then, lo, the Cross of change appeared, though Gemini remained the head. This is the mystery." EA 349
The esoteric rulers of the mutable cross are Earth, Pluto, Vulcan (Moon veiling) and Venus.
To get an idea of the 'scale ' of our local zodiac – most of the stars in our zodiac are within 300ly of the Sun.
The galactic centre is 30,000ly away. The above diagram is NOT to scale. Here's what it would look like
otherwise …
250 my cycle
21 my per sign
our zodiac
black hole at galactic centre
30000 ly
If we extended the signs out to the galactic ecliptic our Solar Logos would spend approximately 21 million
years in each sign as it passed through. There would no doubt be a precessional cycle for this greater zodiac
but I will leave that for someone else to nut out. The lesser zodiac ( our solar systems ) would form a wheel
within this wheel so even our great zodiacal precessional cycles would all take place within one 'sign ' of the
galactic zodiac.
The link between our Sun and the centre of the Galactic Logos is the three constellations of Great Bear
Sirius and Pleiades. If the head of the Cosmic Christ is in Gemini we can relate these other constellations to
centres within this being
Great Bear – head
Sirius – heart (or heart in head)
Pleiades – throat
Sirius is close enough to our sun to form one 'system' as seen from the galactic centre. This triangle of the
three major constellations is major for us being the local manifestation of the Love of God in expression but
relatively minor for 'the big guy'. It matters not whether there are other levels between our sun and the
galactic centre – cosmic logoi, super cosmic logoi etc. for the systemic pattern is the same. They are like
chains and schemes within a solar system. The major levels of being are galaxy, sun, human.
Intermediate between our Solar Logos and planets we have for example Jupiter as the 'eye of the sun'. If
Jupiter had been a little larger it would have become a sun itself and therefore partakes more of solar
principles than the other planets and can therefore form a 'heart'. Sirius, if it was a little larger would be
destined to become a black hole – remembering that the centre of the galaxy is a black hole. Therefore Sirius
can be the heart representative of the galactic Logos in our local solar zone.
Thus we see an alignment that might run
Galactic Logos (via levels of cosmic logoi)
Solar Logos
Human Monad as heart centre
Human soul
Human heart chakra
It is not inconceivable that one day when we ask 'who is looking' through the 'all seeing eye' that the answer
will be the Galactic Logos or even the Universal Logos. The human heart would then be a conscious outpost
for the One Great Life that inhabits our Universe. And so then we must consider that while this is not yet so
in consciousness – it has ever been so in 'Life.' There is literally only One Life and while we are not yet
identified with it – we ARE it nevertheless and it lives in our hearts.
So let me end by referring to the quote which started this inquiry and intersperse an added perspective.
He who sees in the dark light of Shamballa penetrates to that which lies beyond our little sphere [the solar
system BPL] to that which can be sensed behind the holy triangle (Venus, Mercury, the Earth, A.A.B. [Great
Bear, Sirius, Pleiades BPL]). There is to be found the point of radiant fire which shines within the eye (Taurus
AAB [The Heart of the Galactic Logos BPL]), which burns upon the mountain-top (Capricorn AAB [The
Heart of the Sun BPL]) and which the water cannot quench (Aquarius AAB [The heart of man as bearer of the
waters of life BPL]). These are the holiest three.
Man and His Symbols – Microcosmic and Macrocosmic
(Sharon Lyon)
The Aquarian Full Moon Meditation precipitated insights into microcosmic & macrocosmic man.
The following simple realisations emerged from study & reflection on the ‘Heavenly’ &’ Earthly’
The simple diagrams below point to the ‘crude’ yet profound esoteric & exoteric symbology & significance
of the physical (hu-man, god-man) form.
Symbols arise when existence & spirit mingle.
Symbols out-picture inner reality into objective expression revelation comes.
The body is a symbol.
The body is metaphysically alive.
The body - previously an instrument of separation ‘appearing’ like the opposite pole to the universal
Both are ONE
Illusions overturn
The body – a physical experience of the ONE LIFE
The non-physical birth
Life reaches through symbols to lift the veil
No longer symbols but Life in ‘appearance’
The Spirit & Matter - the new androgynine
Inner & outer become ONE
Fragments synthesise
Spirit & Matter reconcile
The beginning & end – The alpha & the omega
God & man ‘real-ise’ each other
The Fourth to the Fifth.
The body, symbolises & attests to the path
[Image Lost]
As a Virgo Sun, spirituality has always had to be ‘grounded’ in ‘hands & feet.’
Out of the harvest of the probe & post full moon in-sights, the following poem emerged …
Spiritual Androgyny
From behind the veil
Your promise has often kissed my face,
Spirit has touched my body
Secretly my feet danced Your song
In my eyes burnt Your Kingdom
My heart - surrendered to Your love unknown
Closer than hands & feet was Your promise,
but only my hope ...
Then today a mirror,
My fingers,
held out Your hand
My feet,
the place where You stood
Your Word
Written in bone
Etched in the curves of my body
My blood filled with the hieroglyphics of Your name,
Pulsed from the Heart of Your Existence
Every sunrise a painted heaven,
Every bird song an angel’s call
Nurtured in ‘the womb of time & space’
Through the age & the aeons,
Your Breath sustained me
The Lily takes Her place
The veil between us
In the breast of Your Silent Fire.
Science of Triangles and Sacred Geometry
(Jan Detrich)
In the Zodiacal Meditations disciples are asked to focus on three constellations, the triple Sun—the Sun,
ascendant and the Sun's opposite and to consider three additional points—the esoteric ruler of the ascendant,
a center in the disciple's etheric body, and the galactic centre. The zodiacal meditations seek to blend and
merge the first two suns, giving way to the third sun. The formulae for three constellations (Aries, Taurus,
Gemini) are delineated.
Constructing a blueprint of the Aquarian Probe group triangles (see attached diagram) the Aries point is
empty and therefore, "stands alone."
In connection with the hierarchies […] Aries and Capricorn in conjunction with 7th and 5th ray energy stand
alone. The other constellations and rays are related in every case. (EA, 68)
Aries is the zodiacal sign through which the first Ray of Will or Power reaches our planetary life. (EA, 91)
Aries is one of the constellations of the Cardinal Cross of the heavens. This is the cross of God, the Father,
and, therefore, of the incarnating monad. (EA, 91)
The Science of Triangles is related to spirit and synthesis. (EA, 478)
"God ever geometrizes." Plato
The inner web of light which is called the etheric body of the planet is essentially a web of triangles and
when the evolutionary process is completed, it will have been organised. EA 479
The effort on Earth today (as seen by the planetary Logos) is to bring about a transformation of the
web of the planet and thus slowly change the existing squares into triangles. EA 479
Triangles…is the science of the universal geometrical blue-print underlying the phenomenal
worlds…EA 468
There is, in truth, a veritable multiplicity of triangles. For the triangle is the basic geometric form of all
manifestation and it is to be seen (by those who have eyes to see) underlying the entire fabric of
manifestation, whether it is the manifestation of a solar system, the manifestation of a zodiacal round, the
cosmic triplicities or the tiny reflection of this divine triple whole we call man. EA 429
The twelve signs of the zodiac fall into two groups of signs, and their related synthesis has much to do
with the Science of Triangles. EA 425
Behind….Great Bear, the Pleiades, and the sun, Sirius, and our solar system, there exists, it must be
remembered, an immense series of interlocking triangles between the stars which compose these
constellations interiorly and our solar system. EA 419
Therefore, the entire cosmic web and solar system is an intricate, constantly moving, interwoven series
of triangles, wherein each triangle emanates three lines or streams of energy (nine in all)…EA 417
Therefore, in all the many triplicities which we shall study, we shall find correspondences to the monad,
the soul and the personality in man; we shall find one line of the triangle embodying determining and
dominating force and two lines which—during a particular cycle—are conditioned by it. EA 415
Thus we see that the Triangle is the first differentiation, its sides however all being described by the
one Ray. HPB, Meeting 7, Lansdown Road, London, 1892
We have completed what I felt possible to communicate anent the Science of Triangles—a science which
concerns the entire subjective pattern of manifestation and the significance of which is closely inter-related
with the Trinity of manifestation. Another name for this science is the Science of Etheric Structure or
Substance. That being so, that science deals with life, quality and appearance in the three worlds of divine
Purpose and Will… EA 498-499
(Buckminster) Fuller's energy mapping uses energetic triangles, in which three lines are not just lying there
but are busy stabilizing the angles opposite them. Fuller describes the dynamic domain of "reality" as a
broad spectrum of energy events, across a small portion of which our senses can "tune." Vector Equilibrium
allows us to conceptually, metaphorically, and spiritually bridge the abyss between the mystical and
scientific perspectives through sacred geometry. It is a key to implicate and explicate order. The Diamond
Body, Iona Miller 1984
Universal Geometry …
"You are not allowed to enter here, unless you know geometry." (Plato's Academy in Athens)
[Image lost]
The universe is based on the dodecahedron which has 12 pentagons (12 x 5 =72).
[Image lost]
The number 72 is a fundamental of our larger time cycle, for our planet's tilted axis is a giant inertia
producing gyroscope that rotates 1 degree through the zodiac formation of stars every 72 years.
This 1° every 72 years is the foundation of life cycles, and resonates in a 9-fold numeral harmonic to our
planet's fundamental heartbeat of 8 hz (9x8hz = 72).
Earth travels around the sun at the speed of 66,600 MPH. 66,600 MPH is 8,325 x 8, and 925 x 72.
The heart has the least effort for pumping blood to the seven major endocrine glands, when operating in a
rhythm of 72 beats per minute. The heart beats with the hologram of the planet and the universe.
A pentagon, with its inhabiting pentagram, is itself comprised of 5 golden mean Phi triangles—triangles
whose sides slant at 72°, and whose base is 36° (half of 72) from the other 4 pentagon PHI triangle bases.
Phi is the basis for the icosahedron and the dodecahedron.
Phi is considered one of the two great treasures of geometry.
The pervasive appearance of phi throughout life and the universe is believed by some to be the signature of
God, a universal constant of design.
Findings reveal that the universe is in the shape of a dodecahedron, a twelve-sided geometric solid with
pentagon faces, all based on phi.
The relative distances of the ten planets and the largest asteroid average to phi.
Phi appears in many basic geometric constructions.
One zodiacal house of 30 x 72 years, can have its temporal holographic clothing perfectly folded into a
dodecahedron, as a fractal of the 12 faces of the zodiacal precession.
All 12 pentagon faces of the dodecahedron perfectly inhabit the 2,160 years of the Great Year in the 60 PHI
triangle apex's to comprise one zodiacal constellation of 30°….
[…] the transformation of the etheric body of the planet to its correct geometry heralds the creation of a
resonant temple to the greater glory of God in the wider universe, connecting the Earth to the music of the
spheres and the cosmos. Triangles Bulletin, 252
The science closest to spirit is higher mathematics, if correctly understood. Hierarchy (1931), 162
What jubilation bursts out of this sight
Into my senses – now I feel it flowing,
Youthful, a sacred fountain of delight,
Through every nerve, my veins are glowing.
Was it a god that made these symbols be
That sooth my feverish unrest,
Filling with joy my anxious breast,
And with mysterious potency
Make nature's hidden powers around me, manifest?
Am I a god? Light grows this page-In these pure lines my eye can see
Creative nature spread in front of me.
But now I grasp the meaning of the sage:
"The realm of spirits is not far away;
Your mind is closed, your heart is dead.
Rise student, bathe without dismay
In heaven's dawn your mortal head."
(He contemplates the symbol.)
All weaves itself into the whole,
Each living in the other's soul.
How heaven's powers climb up and descend.
Passing the golden pails from hand to hand!
Bliss-scented, they are winging
Through sky and earth--their singing
Is ringing through the world.
(Goethe's Faust contemplation of the qabalistic, geometric design of the Macrocosm)
Scorpio – Aquarius – Taurus
The darkness of the experience in Scorpio becomes illumination in Taurus… EA 209
When the experience undergone in Virgo is consummated in Pisces and the tests of Scorpio have led to
illumination in Taurus, then the effect of these four energies (Virgo, Pisces, Scorpio, Taurus) will be to
make man the true triangle, expressing the three divine aspects or energies as they come from the three
major conditioning constellations: the Great Bear, the Pleiades and Sirius. EA 481
Rule XII.
For Disciples and Initiates: Let the group serve as Aquarius indicates; let Mercury speed the group upon the
upward Way and let Taurus bring illumination and the attainment of the vision; let the mark of the Saviour,
as the group toils in Pisces, be seen above the aura of the group.
… The group, therefore, which "serves as Aquarius indicates" is the Hierarchy; the group which is "speeded
upon the upward Way" is the New Group of World Servers. This group is ruled by Taurus, and to it that
divine Taurian energy brings "illumination and the attainment of the vision." RI 229-30
The Hierarchy is, therefore, at this time, conditioned by three great constellations:
1. Aquarius—The Custodian of that "life more abundantly" of which the Christ spoke and which He can
draw upon at this time in a new and dynamic manner in order to bring about the restoration needed. This
energy is the "implementing force of universality." It concerns the future.
2. Taurus—The Revealer of the vision, the "eye of the Gods," the donor of illumination. It is that which
concerns the present.
3. Pisces—The Inspiration of the World Saviour, and also the field of salvation. It is the field of force in
which the two other forces must work. It has been produced by the past. RI 228
There is at this time, owing to the influx of the Shamballa force, the establishing of a peculiar relation or
alignment between the constellation, Taurus (with its own specific alignment with the Pleiades and Great
Bear) the planet, Pluto, and our Earth. This produces much of the present world difficulty and one which the
modern astrologer would do well to consider. It constitutes a major cosmic triangle at this time, conditioning
much that is now happening. EA376
[Image lost]
Taurus – Illumination
Let the Forces of Light bring illumination to mankind.
Taurus—Guards the secret of light and confers illumination upon the initiate. EA 165
In the ancient magic books can be found the term, "Illuminacio Regale," which means the Royal
Illumination. It is such an important principle that Hermes ends his treatise with the words, "Blessed are
those who have chosen the path of Illumination." Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.3.20
It is the secret of eventual synthesis, which is the final illumination, seen through the eye of Taurus. It is
for this reason that this sign is regarded as being one of universal movement… EA 382
In Taurus—Desire is transmuted into aspiration, darkness gives place to light and illumination, the eye of
the Bull is opened which is the spiritual third eye, or the "single eye" of the New Testament. "If thine eye be
single," said the Christ, "thy whole body shall be full of light." EA 143
The Buddha comprehended, through complete illumination, the meaning of both the Mutable and the Fixed
Crosses, for the secret of revelation in Taurus was His, just as the secret of directed energy in Scorpio was
the source of the strength of Hercules. EA 315
[Image lost]
The Diamond
The mineral kingdom is governed astrologically by Taurus, and there is a symbolic relation between the "eye"
in the head of the Bull, the third eye, the light in the head, and the diamond. The consciousness of the Buddha has
been called the "diamond-eye." EPI 230.
The shining forth of the higher self, through the medium of the lower self, produces the revelation of the
divine or spiritual self. The matrix holds the diamond and when the matrix reveals its hidden gem, and
the work of cutting and polishing is accomplished, the glory of the jewel will be seen. When the lotus
plant has grown to maturity, the flower comes to fruition and in the centre of its petals the "Jewel in the
Lotus" (Om mani padme hum) can be seen. EP I 372-3
The jewel, or diamond, concealed by the egoic lotus, is the window of the Monad or Spirit whereby he
looks outward into the three worlds. TCF 1131
"When the jewel sparkles as does the diamond under the influence of the rays of the blazing sun, then the
setting likewise gleams and rays forth light. As the diamond shines with increasing brilliance, the fire is
generated which sets on fire that which held and enclosed." TCF 1131-32
The human being who has taken the highest of all our planetary initiations is termed "the diamond-souled" the man who can perfectly transmit the pure white light and yet reflect equally all the colors of the rainbow,
the seven colors of the chromatic scale. LOS 349.
It is for that reason that the truly illumined man and all who have taken the three highest initiations are
always referred to as "the diamond souled"; they, in their totality constitute the "jewel in the lotus" - that
twelve-petalled lotus which is the symbol and expression of the potency of the planetary Logos. TEV 351.
Its (NGWS) symbol is a golden triangle enclosing an even-armed cross with one diamond at the apex of the
triangle. This symbol is never reproduced in form at all. It shines above the heads of all who are in the group
and cannot be seen by anyone (not even a clairvoyant) except a group member, and then only if - for
purposes of work - his recognition needs stimulation. The motto of the group is The Glory Of The One.
TWM 431.
Synthetic Geometry
(Mario & Linda)
It has been said … “Life without Geometry is one-sided”
It could be said … “Meditation without Synthetic Geometry is lopsided”
Let us consider the AQ06 work thus far, and for discussion purposes only, boil it down to a common
denominator…namely Synthetic Geometry.
From a particular point of view, the Zodiacal Meditations are in actuality a series of Geometric
communications given in word form. A kind of, Occult Mathematics - a projection of Intelligent Purpose,
Intelligent Meaning, and Intelligent Activity.
The words of the Zodiacal Meditations are important because they carry the Worlds of Purpose and Meaning
to us – but in the end, all that is necessary is the inner meaning or sacred language of Synthetic Geometry
and not the words as words.
By using the example of ‘a picture is worth a thousand words’ we can deduce that a properly constructed
Synthetic-Symbol is worth more than all the words ever written. Synthetic symbols defy and escape
description. That is, Synthetic Symbols live in their own domain, where words, descriptions, and
interpretations fall short.
Consider this old adage “If you find It you can’t name It - if you name It you can’t find It”
The “It” is Truth.
Having used words to describe the inadequacy of words, let us continue to look at several facets of the
Diamond in regards to the Zodiacal Meditations and the language being used to impress the group monadic,
atmic, buddhic and manasic mind.
The formula that we have been using of: Sun Sign, Rising Sign, and Opposite Sign as a Triangle with three
points will work for this discussion: Sun sign (points south), Rising sign (points east), and Opposite sign
(points north) can be used as a model for all Triangulations from the highest to the lowest.
The Tibetan’s Meditation Formula appears to focus on the Three signs, but in actuality what the formula is
pointing to, is not the Three but what comes out of the Three, when a proper equation and proportion of the
Three is present. When there is the Divine Proportion of the Three, there is only the One as the Synthesis of
the Three. In actuality there is only the Monad, as a Synthesis of Spirit, Triad, and Personality.
Monad = point of Identity
Spiritual Triad = point of consciousness
Personality = point of appearance
If we align the Opposite Sign (north point) with the atmic permanent atom, the Rising Sign (east point) with
the buddhic permanent atom, and the Sun Sign (south point) with the manasic permanent atom– then a
peculiar set of coordinates are established, where ceremonial magic can take place.
If we step back and observe the Zodiacal Triangle composed of our Three Signs (each point focused at the
first sub plane) - Opposite Sign at the Atmic, Rising Sign at the Buddhic, and Sun Sign at the Mental Plane
on our Cosmic Physical grid - the obvious symbol that shows Itself is the Triangle associated with the
Spiritual Triad, the reflection of the Monad...but there is more.
A ceremonial of the Three Fires, the Three Planetary Centers, the Three Masters of the Ashram of Synthesis
and so on, is what is taking place. By means of the conscious use of the Law of Analogy we can quickly see
that a fourth or hyper-dimensional quality rises, like the Phoenix, out of the Three – which shows itself as a
magical formula for the Fire of Synthesis…and a magical formula or seed thought for the conscious use of
the Zodiacal Triangulations.
In the text on the Zodiacal Meditations, there was a distinction made by the Tibetan under “Conditioning
remarks” in the last sentence of #18 C (The Stage of Evocation) that reads as follows:
The symbolism, in its turn, brought into livingness and usefulness through the medium of a seed thought or
magical formula, rightly used.
The key phrase in the Tibetan’s quote is “through the medium of a seed thought or magical formula rightly
used.” This gives the ‘intruding agents’ a penetrating edge – one that will reveal itself ‘freely and naturally’
as Geometric Symbols in meditation. In turn, these Geometric Symbols can be used as seed thoughts or
magical formulas – in Symbolic or spoken language.
When the Three Fires are brought into a triangulation – that is to say, the Electric blue-white Fire of Spirit
(opposite sign), the Golden fire of Consciousness (rising sign), and the Violet Fire of etheric light substance
(sun sign) – then the Divine Proportion of the Three is present as the Initiate visualizes the Three Fires
merging, fusing, and becoming One Synthetic Flame.
This Perfect Flame is the Fire Of Synthesis or the Deva of Synthesis. The Divine Proportion and Divine
Equation of the Three Fires - as the One. From this point on, the Initiate works with the Synthesis of the
Three, not the Three as a Trinity – but a Synthesis of the Three, which is the One Perfect Flame.
The Tibetan gives us pictures of the Spiritual Triad in His books. Here he gives the etheric domain of the
Masters M, K.H., DK, and R.
[…] on manasic levels the Ashrams as a whole are presided over by the Master R, the Lord of Civilization, so
on buddhic levels all Ashrams are supervised by the Master K.H., with the aid of myself (D.K.) and three
senior initiated disciples… Ashrams on atmic levels are under the control of the […] Master M. (R&I, 169170)
Lucille Cedercrans in her work with the Master R. gives a hint as follows:
A Master stands as Monad to the Soul Life of the Ashram. This means that, it is via the Master that the soul
within the Ashram contacts his own Monad, until such time, as he himself is ready to enter into the monadic
focus. (Advanced Teacher Training, Lesson 7 – 84)
So, when we overlay the Zodiacal Triangle(s) onto the Spiritual Triad (Atmic, Buddhic, and Manasic
permanent atoms) – we are placing the Zodiacal Triangles in direct alignment with the Monadic Focus and
in the magnetic field of the Masters M., K.H, D.K., and R. The Master, according to Cedercrans, stands as
Monad to the Soul Life within Their Ashram. It is by means of our alignment with the Master(s) that we have
a Magnetic-Identity with the Monad.
Monadic Identity has nothing to do with ‘being or attaining’ the Monad, but everything to do with the BeNess of the Monad. This is to what is meant by Magnetic-Identity. In Reality, we can only live within the
Be-Ness, the Magnetic Field, of the Monad. The goal of becoming or being the Monad is not only unrealistic – it is impossible. We can only become what we are – and we are Monadic Identity. The Monad is
not static, not a thing to be attained, not a goal used to prove spiritual accomplishment and attainment. The
Monad is a continuum, a Magnetic Field – a Magnetic Identity that includes the Triad and the
Instrumentality as One Flame – One Indivisible Whole.
Again, through the Law of Analogy we can begin to see the infinite possibilities for the Zodiacal
Meditations and Humanity’s Initiation when the proper coordinates are brought into focus and observed.
This includes the Greater and Lesser Zodiacs, the Sacred Planets, Ruling Planets and their corresponding
etheric centers etc.
Please excuse the lack of Diagrams for the following Triangulations.
The following examples can be adapted or adopted as needed. We have used them. They are here for your
consideration. Use your imagination and visualization to see the simplicity in the following Triangles for
Using the Triangle from the Zodiacal Meditations as a model.
The top point of the Triangle (opposite sign) = the number 1 (electric blue-white fire)
The middle point of the Triangle (rising sign) = the number 2 (golden fire)
The bottom point of the Triangle (sun sign) = the number 3 (violet fire)
The following list can be super-imposed upon the Zodiacal Triangle in a clockwise direction. This can be
done with the eyes open or closed. Use your imagination and eye of vision.
I. The Trinity
1 = Electrical Fire
2 = Solar Fire
3 = Frictional Fire
II. Planetary Triangle
1 = Fire of Planetary Head Center
2 = Fire of Planetary Heart Center
3 = Fire of Planetary Throat Center
III. Monad
1 = Fire of Will
2 = Fire of Wisdom
3 = Fire of Activity
IV. Monadic Alignment
1 = Fire of Monad as the positive pole
2 = Fire of Spiritual Triad as a magnetic field
3 = Fire of the Etheric Brain as the negative pole
V. The Synthetic Ashram
1 = Master M
2 = Master DK
3 = Master R
VI. The Spiritual Triad
1 = Atmic Atom
2 = Intuitional Atom
3 = Manasic Atom
VII. The Path of Return
1 = Head Center (Thousand Petal Lotus) - positive point
2 = Magnetic Field (between the Head Center and the Cave)
3 = The Etheric Cave (in the region of the pineal) – negative point
VIII. Egoic Lotus
1 = Sacrifice Petals
2 = Love Petals
3 = Knowledge Petals
IX. The Mental Body
1 = Abstract Mind
2 = Son of Mind
3 = Concrete Mind
X. Etheric Brain and Its communicating network (etheric center system)
1 = Etheric Atomic Fire
2 = Etheric Molecular Fire
3 = Etheric Cellular Fire
XI. Personality
1 = Fire of the Mental body in total
2 = Fire of the Astral body in total
3 = Fire of the Etheric / Physical body in total
There are more Triangulations that can be intuited and used in Meditation.
To be continued …
Enclosed is a Mantram of Synthesis as a magical formula for meditation
Except for 3 member of the Aquarius Inquiry 2006 – this is the first time this Mantram has been presented to
the World Group. Your meditation impressions and interpretations are welcome.
Let us begin
Mario De La Garza Jr
Path Of Fire Schools
Orange, California USA
Aquarius Full-Moon at 20:44 Pacific Standard Time
Mantram of Synthesis
From the Synthesis of the Three Let Ceremonial Magic bring Harmony and Union through Synthesis
Let Ceremonial Magic bring Purpose and Divine Proportion
Let the Chalice bring a New Epoch of Fire to Earth
From the Synthesis of the Seven Let the Heart direct the burning of all the lesser fires
Let the fires burn from within, and burning, return to the Purpose for which they were created
Let the Accumulations and Vehicles of the Monad transfigure and transform to sound One note
Let Ceremonial Magic bring Wisdom and Light Supernal to Earth
From the Flame within the Chalice Let Synthesis bring:
The Soundless Sound of the One and the many, of the many and the One
The perpetual motion of the Central Flame, through the Three, through the Seven
Of the Seven flames, through the Three, through the One
The Evocation of the Cosmic Heart through the Heart of the World
The Monadic Identity of all Consciousness and Vibrating Substance on Earth
From the Flame within the Cosmic Heart Let the Higher Synthetic Triangle direct the Focal Points who know and serve the Plan
Let the Deva of Synthesis direct the Silent Builders
Let the New Group direct the Spirit of Peace and Forces of Light to Humanity
Let Cosmic Love substantiate the Cosmic Plan Let the Cosmic Vibrations of Harmony through Synthesis sound the Invisible Worlds
In Earth, as Above
As within the Cosmic Christ, so throughout the many and the One
Let Divine Guidance, Harmony, and Grace bring Synthesis to Earth
Here and now …
(Suchitra Davenport)
Notes on experience and expression of zodiacal meditation for Taurus Sun Pisces Rising Scorpio Opposite
Seeking clarity to expand service and deepen Purpose through the Life
TAURUS Vulcan 1st Ray Glorification through Purification
The illumined eye, all is Light
Sees through and penetrates to the Light held within
The density of 3 worlds, the veils are penetrated,
The Real is revealed
The ajna pulses and radiates,
Drawing forth from within That which is Truth, Essence, Revelation, Light
Steadfastness, Strength, Endurance, Spiritual Will, the Peace which Passeth understanding
Vulcan reveals what is hidden and brings it to the Light, it is the Heart of the Sun
Vulcan relates man to the mineral kingdom, the Glory of Shamballa anchors through the densest matter,
Highest to Lowest
In Taurus the Buddha was born, freed himself from desire and became enlightened.
Illumination through struggle.
PISCES Pluto 1st Ray
The asana is one of standing in utter stillness
The feet upon the Earth, the hands uplifted, the eyes straight forward,
In this asana, all that is not Real is absorbed, is drawn in, allowed to flow into the receptive opening of
Surrender to Life, to what IS
Expansion into Being dissolves attachment, shatters forms by holding all focus and energy on the Real, all
absorbs back into the stillness of Being
Shedding skins
Pluto is the Serpent, Ourobouros, the End approaches the Beginning, Pluto resolves duality, is the Healer,
Pisces is the mediator, freeing and expanding Consciousness,
Pluto is associated with the Crown chakra, Shamballa, Pisces rules the feet.
The Highest to the Lowest in full flowing Being. The Purpose manifested on Earth.
The non-tension of Pure Will, a Source of Power with no dissipation, pure concentrated Being
The Real absorbs and brings death to that which cannot resonate to It.
The Beauty of Death is embraced. The New is birthed in Beauty.
“Only he can bear death, who at the core of his being is all sun.” V. Ekelund
Pisces is the Incarnated Christ, Soul and form atoned, the Light of the World
In Pisces the Christ overcame death, became the World Savior
Resurrection through sacrifice.
SCORPIO Mercury 4th Ray
Rules the 4th Creative Hierarchy, humans from the angle of Soul
Governs “the initiates”, true esoteric name for man
Mercury, Will to Harmonize
Reconstruction of New Order birthed from Transmutation
Revelation of Divinity through humanity
4th Ray is mode of development for humanity
Struggle, suffering
The Soul shoots the arrow of death.
The fire of suffering becomes the Light of Consciousness
Yes, I suffer, resistance is futile.
Conscious suffering leads to transcendence.
Mercury’s Light of Day reveals the way, holds the space for awareness
Light of Form, Light of Soul, Light of Life meet, blend and rise.
The Divine Psychologist embodies Mercury.
Illumines the patterns of least resistance by BeingTruth and is beyond thought.
Thought points to the truth but is not the truth
Mercury is Truth, Truth illumines.
The mid-way point, a bridging of opposites, a mediator of conflicted ways
Liberation is service
In Scorpio, Hercules was the triumphant disciple.
Strength through testing.
These 3 constellations form a triangle of initiation
These energies combined will test and perfect the personality
They concern soul and body
They concern the Mutable and Fixed Cross
In Scorpio the reasoning mind solves the test of the physical plane life
In Taurus the development of intuition and sensitve perception solves the test of the astral plane
In Pisces the self-will of the personality mind is raised up into divine will, resulting in inspiration and the
emergence of a World Savior
Scorpio, Taurus, Pisces express together strength, illumination and love in full expression.
The work is clear as these energies flow through the Life.
Be causal.
Be steadfast to access the vision, let the eye be single.
Ground the feet upon the Earth, be a conduit of Light and let it flow through into the densest matter.
Hold the system open, release all tension, allowing all form to dissolve, allowing the New to emerge through
all that is touched.
Be strong, endure, be at Peace.
Be still.
Welcome Death.
Surrender to Life.
Be the mediator, the bridge.
Be Truth.
Illumine the Way
Resist not what is.
Do all as sacred service, burning away self.
Be a Christ Incarnate,
A Savior of the World.
Be held not by birth and death; blaze forth unlimited and free through all appearance and all form,
transfiguring the world.
With you all in the Aquarian energies.
Invoking Pluto at this conjunction with the Galactic Center,
The Divine Bomber
(Lars Vibe Hansen)
Quiet nowThe sleeper has awakened from his aeonean slumber Feeble dreams already fading.
Listen The distant thunder - dark clouds chasing the mountain range A storm is coming.
Strap on your threefold vesture, carefully prepared through long dark nights.
PauseOne last glance at your damp dwelling.
Then the empty streets Seek out the crowds No haste The time is approaching The tension building Silence - suspended motion.
Eye meeting eye Terror giving way to dawning recognition.
This is the appointed time This is the appointed place --Then the Blaze! (the Bliss)
This time I do not bring death
This time I bring LIGHT SUPERNAL
This time I bring THE WATER OF LIFE
Sun Door at the End of Time – Mythology & Science
(Bruce Lyon)
In the words of the gayatri 'unveil to us the face of the true spiritual sun' we find a theme that has been part
of the deep esoteric teaching in many traditions. The great sun, the dark sun, the sun of the sun, the central
spiritual sun, the cosmic magnet, cosmic shamballa etc. are all references to that entity that lies 'through the
sun door'. Christ is a sun god and as the sun he states 'no man comes to the Father except through me'. The
'seat of the Father's throne' was once thought to be Alcyone in the Pleiades and this is also given in the
Bailey teachings and the Secret Doctrine. The orbit of our Sun around this centre is purported to be 250 000
years. In another paper (FORMULA V: Sun, Black, Antahkarana, Leo Paper 2003) I have given the reasons for
why I think this is a blind and Alcyone is a 'stand in' for the real orbit of the Sun around the Galactic Centre
– the black hole that represents the outer form of the Galactic Logos or true Grand Heavenly Man. Our Solar
Logos is but a point of light within the etheric body of this great being as we are but points of light within
the Solar Logos.
While astronomy has only relatively recently established the outer reality we might expect the 'inner truth' to
be preserved for us in the world's esoteric and mythological traditions.
In researching this I found someone had been there before me – Ananda Coomaswarmy, in a collection of
essays, explores a motif of what he calls the "Sundoor at the End of Time" gathered from a number of
traditions. Here is the introduction on line
The keynotes of this motif are:
There is a doorway on the other side of the sun
It is at a crown point or Mt Meru of a vertical axis
To enter it you must pass between the pairs of opposites
You must pass 'in an instant'
You leave the universe and there is no time or space 'there'
It is dangerous and there is usually a toll - the opposites close on a tail feather, stern of a boat etc
There are guardians ( scorpions, centaurs and in one case Indra receives the soma from the lips of the serpent
goddess - kundalini? )
What lies on the other side is soma, immortality or the 'waters of life'
These can be taken back to humanity in two ways
Either the treasure is taken to gain power in which case it brings ruin, or
It is taken in the spirit of sacrifice for the good of the whole in which case it brings bliss.
These two approaches form part of one reality.
Try these quotes holding the zodiacal meds in mind:
The Sundoor itself, thus hidden by the dazzling rays that illumine and enliven every living being, in whom
they operate as the "powers of the soul", is precisely the "point" at the centre of the fiery Wheel, at which they
intersect; and since, it most general case, the sun is "seven-rayed,"[xlvii]and is situated in the middle, whence
the six directions of the cosmic cross (trivrd vajra) extend, so that the universe is "filled" with light, it will be
seen that the way in by what is called the "seventh and best ray," ( light supernal and the seventh ray - BPL )
viz., that which passes through the solar disk and so out of the dimensioned universe, leads as before in die
case of the Clapping Rocks between contrary pairs, in this case East and West, North and South, Zenith and
Nadir. The Way is always a "Middle Way," or as Boethius expresses it, "Truth is a mean between contrary
heresies" (Contra Evtychen VII)
The sun-bright Wheel that guards the supra-solar Otherworld is, naturally the Wheel of the Sun himself which
Indra tears away from the Great Fiend when either he, or the Falcon for him, robs the Scorcher of "all life’s
support" (Rgveda IV.28.2, etc.).[xlv]It is also, in other words, the sparkling sun-hued Brahma Wheel of Fire
of Maitri Upanisad VI.24; and the guarded Sundoor of Jaiminiya Upanisad Brāhmana 1.3, 5 and 6, where the
"opening in the sky" is covered all over (concealed) by rays (the spokes of the "Wheel") and it is only by his
Truth that the Comprehensor "is enabled to pass through the midst of the Sun" and is thus "altogether freed,"
attaining that Immortality, or Water of Life that rises in the Land of Darkness "beyond the Sun". ( bold mine )
It is, then, precisely from"pairs" that liberation must be won, from their conflict that we must escape, if we are
to be freed from our mortality and to be as and when we will: if, in other words, we are to reach the Farther
Shore and Otherworld "where every where and every when are focused," "for it is not in space, nor hath it
poles" (Paradiso, XXIX.22)
Thus the Way "to break out of the universe" (Hermes Trismegistos, Lib. XI.2.9, see note 46) into that other
order of the Divine Darkness[xix] that Dionysius describes as "blinding by excess of light" and where the
Darkness and the Light "stand not distant from one another, but together in one another" (Jacob Boehme,
Three Principles, XIV, 78) is the single track and "strait way" that penetrates the cardinal "point" on which the
contraries turn; their unity is only to be reached by entering in there where they actually coincide. And that is,
in the last analysis, not any where or when, but within you ; "World’s End is not to be found by walking, but it
is within this very fathom-long body that the pilgrimage must be made" (Samyutta Nikaya 1.62),—
Clearly the hero’s quest is never meant to be a one way street – The Holy Grail must be brought back to the
world of manifestation. The Hero becomes a "soma-thief," where Soma is the waters of life, the Golden
Fleece or the golden apples of Jason. It is also called the "vessel of plenty." "No dweller on earth partakes of
the true elixir, but only of substitutes ‘made to be Soma’ by rites of transubstantiation, participation being a
prefiguration or anticipation of the blessed life of the deceased." This transubstantiation is achieved in a ritual
sacrifice that allows the sacrificer to identify himself with the hero who is always a Christ figure, and who as it
were crosses over and brings back the Soma
"The soma can be a nectar or poison depending on how it is drunk. This is why the soma centre is guarded for
if an unprepared soul who still clings to earthly ambitions succceeds in acquiring the soma nectar, the results
are destructive for that soul and for the world"
From Coomaraswamy The Guardians of the SunDoor - last quote from Galactic Alignment by John Major
So where is this 'sundoor' apart from the obvious which is in the heart of the sun. Coomaraswarmy poses
himself this as the fundamental question: At what is the arrow of Sagittarius pointing? We know the answer
now from astronomy – in between the Scorpion, the Centaur and the Serpent the arrow is pointing at the
Galactic Centre! The black hole. The monad of the Sun. A place where literally time and space end in a
singularity and perhaps we 'break out of the universe into that other order of divine darkness' or the 'dark
light of Galactic Shamballa'.
Lets have a look now at science and the metaphysics of 'doorways'. Fourth dimensional movement always
takes place through the centre where the three dimensions meet – the trivrd vajra mentioned above. This is
the centre of a sphere, a six pointed star a cube or an octahedron which have all been used to symbolises a
'self'. In the centre of a chakra is the 'diamond point' . In the centre of the soul is the 'jewel in the lotus'.
These diamonds or jewels represent energy which has been compressed until it reaches a stable crystalline
Consider this:
The Earth's core is made of almost solid iron crystals. In 1995 seismic surveys led scientists to believe there
was one giant crystal 1500 miles across but it now looks as if the picture is more complicated. What we do
know is that there is compressed iron down there in hexagons.
When a star collapses to form a black hole it goes through stages - the final one being compressed iron.
Young stars are hydrogen, and the nuclear reaction converts hydrogen to helium with energy left over. The
left over energy is the star's radiation – heat and light. When most of the hydrogen has been converted to
helium, a new nuclear reaction begins that converts the helium to carbon, with the left over energy released
as radiation. This process continues converting the carbon to oxygen to silicon to iron. Nuclear fusion stops
at iron. If you could slice a very old star in half, it may look (sort of) like this:
from :
This is as far as matter goes before collapsing into a black hole. A star has to end its life with a mass of
about three times that of our sun in order to form a black hole. Our sun is destined to become a white dwarf
– and that means – a diamond!
Twinkling in the sky is a diamond star of 10 billion trillion trillion carats, astronomers have discovered. The
cosmic diamond is a chunk of crystallised carbon, 4,000 km across, some 50 light-years from the Earth in
the constellation Centaurus. It's the compressed heart of an old star that was once bright like our Sun but has
since faded and shrunk. The white dwarf is not only radiant but also rings like a gigantic gong, undergoing
constant pulsations. "By measuring those pulsations, we were able to study the hidden interior of the white
dwarf, just like seismograph measurements of earthquakes allow geologists to study the interior of the Earth.
We figured out that the carbon interior of this white dwarf has solidified to form the galaxy's largest
diamond," says Metcalfe. Astronomers expect our Sun will become a white dwarf when it dies 5 billion
years from now. Some two billion years after that, the Sun's ember core will crystallise as well, leaving a
giant diamond in the centre of the solar system.
"Our Sun will become a diamond that truly is forever," from
So we have the central eye of the earth a molten core of iron – which can be likened to the kundalini fires of
the base chakra of a human being.
We have the sun – the sol – becoming at the end a diamond – likened to the human causal body which, when
the petals open reveal the diamond or jewel at the centre.
And we have a galaxy – whose central point is a black hole – likened to a human monad whose centre is a
doorway or pathway to the cosmic planes
Universal Geometry
(Antonella Nobilio)
"You are not allowed to enter here, unless you know geometry." (Plato's Academy in Athens)
“The Dodecahedron is the form with which God decorated the Universe.” (Plato, Timeo)
The universe is based on the dodecahedron which has 12 pentagons (12 x 5 = 60 not 72 = 12x6).
Basing on Tibetan teachings and on Pythagoras’ (?) harmonical value of Numbers we could say that:
12 is the Number of a creation (3) in expression (4), i.e. of a cycle in expression (the Number of a
“complete cycle” is 24 = 12x2 - “Rays and Initiations”, V)
6 is the Number of “perfect form in Space” (ibid): 6 = 1x2x3 and also 6 = 1+2+3, the synthesis of
triadic Power
5 is the Number of manifestation on mental plan, that is building of thought forms
60 is the Number of 3 cycles between Vulcan (1st Ray) Jupiter (2nd Ray) and Saturn (3th Ray) to build
a Five pointed Star (5 positions of Saturn in the Zodiac whereas Jupiter returns in the same Sign of a
first conjunction) and also a Six pointed Star (6 positions of Jupiter in the Zodiac during 3
conjunctions and 3 oppositions)
… So we can think that 72 = 12x6 or 24x3 is the Number of a perfect cycle in space.
And that 60 = 12x5 is the Number of building a thought form: the superior Triangle of solar Conscience
follows this Law! The Laws of Golden Section φ in Five pointed Star and of π in Six pointed one.
Finally 84 = 12x7 is the Number of perfect completion of a cycle, and 84 is the revolution period of Uranus,
the 7th Ray!
How simple and powerful are Numbers!
The science closest to spirit is higher mathematics, if correctly understood. (EOH, 162)
Here is the Solar Five pointed Star that Solar Conscience is building from 1901 to 2020 (when finally Jupiter
and Saturn will be joint in Aquarius)
And below the double Six pointed Star created by their conjunctions/oppositions and by squares. The cycle
is during 20 terrestrial years so that each five years it occurs such an event.
To the Glory of the One…
(Pisces Cancer Virgo: all prisons become archipelaghi of
Light to prepare the Reappearance of Our beloved Master)
The Word of Power
(Mercury Transmissions relating to the Word of Power)
(Bruce Lyon)
22 September 2005 Equinox
Before beginning to give specific words or formulas I want to discuss the origins of language and in
particular the Senza ‘language’. It is little realised that written language as we know it today has developed
along with the mental life of humanity. This mental life provides a great capacity for objectivity, analysis
and particularisation – an objectivity that is reflected in language. With language we are able to distance
ourselves from experienced phenomena in the inner and outer sense and to contemplate abstractions in quite
a different way than earlier races. The fifth root race has made this possible and living as he is, inside this
racial experience it is difficult for the disciple to comprehend of a different form of linguistic expression. I
have said that Senzar is older and in some sense the precursor of Sanskrit – the oldest written language of
India and the language of the Vedas. I have also indicated that Sensar was a universal language used by
initiates all over the world – a language of the mysteries.
In essence it is a fourth root race language and as such was far more intuitive and fluid than modern
language forms. It used pictographs, sounds and movement to convey, not so much and idea, but an
The mysteries of initiation in earlier times were primarily experiential mysteries and still today the first and
second initiations have a strong ritual component because ritual is a symbolic language. The third initiation
represents freedom from the mental plane but it must be remembered that the mental plane of humanity in
the fifth sub race of the fifth rootrace is a very different thing than it was in the fourth rootrace. The great
‘approaches’ by which the initiate moved his consciousness and identity from the mental plane to the
buddhic were far less cluttered and complex than they are now. The accumulation of thoughtforms that have
developed over the last several hundred thousand years has filled the mental plane resulting in both an
increased capacity for man to climb out of it while at the same time a greater veiling of the buddhic son by
the clouds and fogs of both manas and kama manas.
The third initiation then as now was the experience of the fusion of soul and personality however both these
entities , or in reality aspects of the one entity, were far less invested in the mental plane than they are today.
The language of the initiates was in a peculiar sense the only abstract symbolic language. For most of
humanity then as now, communication needs were mostly met by a simple language of sound and gesture
occasionally accompanied by writing that focused primarily as an accounting system for trade.
Those who were experienced in the mysteries communicated that experience or ‘represented it’ through
symbols – symbols that conveyed the underlying patterns of the energies and forces with which they were
dealing. The hieroglyphics of Egypt, the pictographs and ideographs of China, Japan and south America, the
runes of Scandinavia and the Sumerian cuneiform tablets are all examples of the descent of ideas from the
prototypical Senzar language into the many outer forms that were then developed for mundane purposes.
The glyphs of astrology and the planetary gods had similar origins and are examples of what I mean by
‘depicting the movement of energies”
The glyph for the earth for example is a most ancient symbol , and like other symbols is experientially rather
than conceptually derived. Throughout history men have been drawing a circle on the ground with a stick ,
making two perpendicular diameters and sitting down or standing in the centre for ritual work. This is not
something that needs to be taught ( although it often forms part of indigenous shamanic cultures ) nor is it
something that is derived from an abstract ‘thought’. It is a direct response to energy patterns existing on the
buddhic plane and evokes a natural and automatic response from the human soul It is an often forgotten
point that the human soul has in built all the patterns for initiation and that this is a natural process that
would spontaneously arise even when a human community was left without the stimulating and yeasting
effects of initiates among them.
Those who trace the history of writing morphology, just as those who trace the history of biological
morphology must learn to take into consideration the inner archetypes from which all life springs instead of
placing all their attention on environmental factors, themselves a significant factor in the third aspect.
The human body itself is a potent form of language, revealing many things about its inner correspondence
and when in the control of an initiated or initiating disciple it can become a living medium of expression .
Some of this ‘language’ has come down to us in the mudras of India and the sacred dances and rituals of
many different cultures. Actions, as well were a potent form of communication as the mind/body split
evidenced by modern man was not experienced. Harvesting, climbing a mountain, crossing a river, nurturing
a child - all activities can be conducted within a sacred landscape filled with gods and goddesses and imbued
with meaning. Initiates taught as much through their life expression as through abstract symbols and ideas.
The written language of the adepts , derived from the energetic patterning already latent in the human soul
developed as a way of conveying experiences and information that could not be readily transmitted in a
more direct manner through the presence of a teacher and also as a way of sharing common experience
between initiates of different races and cultures.
To understand the language was not a question of following language ‘rules’ – these were devised later with
alphabets - but was a direct result of the similarity of inner experience between communicators. This is a
rather foreign experience to modern language when it is assumed that one can understand someone who
speaks the same language and it is merely necessary to learn what symbols relate to what consonants and
vowels in order to communicate. Even today the language of symbols is used by adepts and a brother will
recognise a brother across language, racial and cultural divides.
The sacred language of the adepts was derived from the top down. It arose out of a shared experience or
communion at soul levels and was an attempt to materialise a transverbal understanding. Our modern
communication is largely an attempt, in its higher reaches to bring consciousness that experiences itself as
separate and unique into a common ground for a shared experience of meaning by definition. It works from
the bottom up. We assume that different words ‘mean’ different things to different people and the more
distinctions we make the more words we need. We focus on meaning and have lost the significance of
language. For a language to be truly sacred it must be synthetic and by this I mean its form, its meaning and
its significance must all form part of the communication. Indeed the communication itself is not a
‘transaction between two subjects but the natural flow of energy forming patterns undisturbed by the
ahamkaric principle of those involved. Indeed the coming together of individuals at different times and
places in order to communicate was itself part of the communication. For two adepts for example, the
applied purpose, the time and location of their meeting would form part of the significance of their meeting.
The meaning of their meeting would be as much a function of an experienced inner communion as any outer
exchange of words, symbols or artefacts. Language as we know it these days is therefore really a part of the
form or third aspect of communication. It is a means of conveying ideas and thoughtforms which are
themselves third aspect phenomena. The third aspect contains its own form of intelligence and it is with this
type of intelligence that our linguists and philologists largely deal. For the second and first aspects that lie
behind and within outer language we must look deeper and we must include the level of consciousness and
vibrational identity of the person or culture doing the looking.
With this necessary preamble let me now turn to the subject of a ‘word of power’. A word of power is an
expression where the outer form of the word, the inner meaning of the word and the purpose for which the
word is used form one whole. One of the main reasons for keeping the outer forms of the word ‘sacred’ is to
protect the divine approaches from the accumulation of thoughtforms. In reality the pronouncing of certain
words or mantrams by those with unenlightened consciousness is going to have little real effect for the form
is only one component. It is true that certain words, mantrams and ritual have powerful devic lives
associated with them that can cause havoc by inappropriate invocation by the uninitiated. However no real
or lasting effect is experienced in the world of meaning as a result of activity in the world of effect. The very
idea that all one needs to have an initiatory experience is to be told certain secret formulas or words is itself
a part of the world of illusion and glamour. An initiate is so because of his inherent achieved vibration.
Nothing can prevent him from entering the mysteries when he , through his essential livingness makes the
right demand and nothing that has its origin in the three worlds can assist him in gaining entry when the
necessary soul development is lacking.
A word of power then is a word that has its origins in the world of meaning whch is itself imbued with
significance or planetary purpose. It is an extension of spirit into matter and not the reverse.It is uttered by
the soul as an act of affirmation and creates effects in the world of the personality, not the reverse.
Registering in the brain of the disciple it is a sign that he has cleared his vehicles and lifted his
consciousness to a required degree so that the word of the soul can clothe itself in an outer form accurately
enough for the presence of the soul to be fully felt in matter. This is particularly the case for the word of
power under our current consideration which is associated with the fusion of soul and personality that occurs
at the third degree. The fusion of the energies of the rising sign and the sun sign, with the resultant
awakening to the energy of the opposite sign are the astrological correspondence to the fusion of the soul
and personality which opens the individual initiate to the experience, in consciousness of the monad.
I have said that it is possible for initiates of the first and second degree to have undergone initiation without
the registering of the event in brain consciousness. This is not possible for the initiate of the third degree
because the anchoring of soul consciousness within the physical brain of the initiate is an essential effect of
the initiation itself. The initiate knows who he is as a soul, registering that knowledge in full waking
consciousness. He knows himself as the ‘word made flesh”.
He is himself an expression of the living language of the soul and the sense of subject and object is
dissolved. For there to be communication and relationship between the soul and the personality or between
two individuals requires an experience of duality – a duality which is not recognised by the soul of an
The word of power associated with these astrological meditations is the same for each duality of sun and
rising signs because it is essentially the word associated with the fusion of soul and personality. It is also
related to the so called ‘lost word’ of masonry which is used to ‘raise the master’. By now enough has been
said to realise that it is not just the form of the word that has been lost but the experience of the meaning and
significance of the word of the soul. It is the soul that sounds the word as it masters its instrument. This
word is registered in the physical brain of the instrument in the same way that iron filings form patterns in a
magnetic field or moist ground receives the imprint of a human foot.
The word is the same for all signs because it is synthetric. The initiate will appreciate that all the twelve
meditations which are really 144 different meditative forms when all the combinations of sun and rising
signs are included are in effect one synthetic experience in the life of the initiated soul.
The first syllable of the 'word' is composed of a pictogram as follows:
This pictogram conveys the idea of lightning striking a cross upon a mountain top. The lightning symbolises
the first aspect, the mountain the third with the cross representing the second aspect of the soul as it stands
between the integrated personality and the monad. The cross is the human hierarchy as it fulfills its role as
intermediary culminating eventually in the fourth initiation. This symbol was beautifully outpictured as a
living symbol by the life of the initiate Jesus on Golgotha. The symbol did not originate there however - an
initiate merely brings forth into the consciousness of humanity a living energy energetic pattern which
already exists in the soul of the race. The sun rising over a mountain peak is another simple symbol that
represents the second aspect rising over the third and is evocative to the human soul. In english we might use
the syllable 'zat' or 'sat' which places the order of the symbols in such a way that emphasises the
empowerment of the second aspect or soul as the result of bringing the first and third aspects into
The second symbol of the 'word of power' under consideration, for it is a word of two syllables, can be
expressed as follows:
Here we have the intersecting mountain peaks or the double cross which is peculiarly a symbol associated
with the fourth ray and the human hierarchy. It represents the balancing or at-oneing of spirit and matter
through the agency of the human soul. The first syllable of the word denotes the activity aspect and indicates
therefore the action required to be taken by the initiate - he must climb the mountain of initiation, stand on
the peak of the three worlds of his personality, become the cross - the living bridge or way between worlds
and then he must call down the electric lightning fire of spirit. The second syllable denotes the result
expected as a consequence of the activity correctly undertaken. The initiate will fuse within himself the
energies of soul and personality , and eventually those of spirit and matter.
It is important to grasp that this 'word' is first and formeost a delineation of a pattern of energy - a pattern
which the disciple himself forms a part of and which he is trying to invoke. As a personality he attempts to
visualise this energetic pattern at the ajna centre. As a soul he is attempting to precipitate this pattern within
the consciousness of the personality. When the two aspects, which are really one, coincide then we have the
bursting forth of light and the culmination of an educational process.
If we want to further precipitate this energetic pattern into language we might use the english form of the
sanskrit word 'satva' which can be derived from the above symbols as follows:
It is important to remember that meaning does not derive from languange but language unfolds from
meaning. Like the concrete mind it may be used to veil or reveal. Let not the scholar complain that the
evolution of language must be traced only backwards in time. Language not only devolves from past
revelation but is also evolving to reveal future revelation - for indeed that which is revealed in both cases
lies outside the evolutionary process itself. Synthesis is not created but is the revelation of that which lies
behind the creative process.
It should not surprise the intuitve student that the 'number' of this 'word' is '63' made up of '40' for the first
syllable and '23' for the second and when combined derives the '9' or the number of initiation.
If the disciple is going to 'sound' the word in his consciousness he should endeavour to enunciate the two
syllables with separate emphasis - Sat - va . As a soul he is affirming his direction. "I go to the real" "I reach
for that which is beyond being". Sat is Be-ness. Satva is the rhyhmic realisation of Be-ness by Being. But
Sat and Satva are only words - words that attempt to convey a process for touching a reality which cannot be
The three aspects of personality, soul and spirit which are symbolised by mountain, cross and lightning in
the pictogram for 'Sat' are esentially 'three in one'. They do not exist independently but are the triple form of
a single reality. Something lies behind the triplicity of monad, soul and personality just as a fourth quality of
deity lies behind the three revealed of will, love and activity. This fourth quality or synthetic energy that
expresses through the three, on a planetary level is the 'saving force' which operates through the three
planetary centers of Shamballa, Hierarchy and Humanity once they have been bought into mutual
functioning relationship. It is revealed 'after' the three centres are related but exists 'prior' to their formation.
Thus it is both the cause and the result of their evolution. It is the alpha and the omega of the creative
process itself.
There is an evolved form of the above pictogram or 'word of power' which expresses this truth.
The peculiar property of this "word" is that it can be reflected through either axis of the central cross and the
same five letters will result although they are arranged in three possible combinations.
These five "letters" symbolise the fivefold makara and the five planes of systemic evolution. The initiate
must reveal within his own life that these five are three and the three, one. At the third initiation he brings
the energy of the third plane, the atmic into direct relationship with the seventh or physical plane via the
agency of the fifth or mental plane. At the fifth initiation he has synthesised the lower five planes into atma,
which is itself the third aspect of the threefold monad.
When the five letters that make up these three words are all bought into the central point then they form the
following symbol:
When placed within the ring pass not ( properly represented by a snake eating its tail ) of manifest creation
we have:
This synthetic representation is then a poor rendering of how the 'word of power' is represented in the akasha
and in the ancient books of the Masters once the two-syllabled 'word' has done its work.
It is up to each disciple to utilise the word as a key to unlocking his own revelatory process and each will
find it a rich source of potency if he places it consciously in the appropriate centre while performing the
zodiacal mediation that is relevant to his astrology.
In effect it brings the earth and the sun into direct relationship through the revelation of the monad. It should
be remembered that earth has a first ray monad which complements the first ray soul of Vulcan and the first
ray personality of Pluto. This planet, and in a peculiar way the fourth hierarchy as a whole has a unique task
to perform in the revelation of the Will in the threefold solar system. One other point of interest I can give
you. Astronomically when the earth and sun are conjunct with respect to the moon we have a lunar eclipse.
This is symbolic of the solar life through the agency of the human soul mastering the lunar life. When this
happens in the inner life of the disciple the third initiation can be taken. In the life of mass humanity the
times of the eclipses are particularly valuable in making the collective approach to divinity. The higher
octaves of these eclipses that will be utilised by initiates occurs twice a year when the sun/earth axis also
forms a relationship with the direction of the galactic centre in Sagittarius. When the higher and lower
alignments are both present ie a lunar or solar eclipse occurs when the sun or earth is aligned with the
galactic centre an opportunity of peculiar potency is available.
An extension of the 'word of power' symbol can be used to obtain the OM, the AUM and indeed it is the
simplest form for deriving all 26 letters of the western alphabet. Much can be revealed to the intuitive mind
about the origin, meaning and significance of language thereby.
26 October 2005
I want to give you some information about modes of working with Hierarchy. As you are aware there are
two primary methods by which a group on the outer plane may work with the inner ashram. Both work
according to the occult law of supply and demand.
The united ashram works under the impress of purpose emanating from Shamballa. This purpose is stepped
down through the Master at the centre of an ashram where it is held at a point of tension. This purpose is
then 'coloured' by the particular note of the ashram and clothed in buddhic and manasic sheaths as it works
its way outward into the three worlds. In order for this purpose to work its way outwards it requires groups
that are receptive to its impress. These groups begin by being receptive to manas and the world of ideas - the
esoteric thoughtform. Gradually they become more able to perceive the buddhic flows behind the ideas and
then begin to grasp the purpose that lies back of the presentation. As they equip themselves to be
instruments of that purpose consciously they in effect become outreaches of the inner ashram within the
three worlds. The demand is the demand of the Master for the purpose that he is responsible for to 'work
out'. The supply in this case is the group seeking to come under impression and become energetically
stimulated and purified as the result of an increasingly high level of vibrational flow entering their field. The
clearer and more fitting a sheath the group becomes for the sword of the will the more they will be utilised
within the field of the Master's work. The keynote of these type of groups is "surrender to the will of God".
They are evocative to the Will.
The other way of working with the law of supply and demand is when the demand is made by the outer
group or working disciple. Here the group comes together and formulates its own reflection of purpose upon
the mental plane. It creates a 'mental proposition' usually accompanied by a clear thoughtform of how this
purpose may be expressed through achievable goals upon the outer plane. To the extent that this outer
vitalised thoughform is in alignment with the purpose of the ashram then it invokes a downflow of that
purpose and is thus inspired. This mode of working is more akin to 'taking heaven by storm'. The demand is
made for the energy of purpose to support that which has been initiated in the outer field of activity and the
supply is forthcoming. These two modes of working form the dual expression (invocation and evocation) of
a single electrical process.
We might express them visually as follows:
T he Jewel
It should be remembered that the buddhic plane is the central subplane of the seventh cosmic plane and as
such form the meeting place for the dual energies of spirit and matter (so called). The ashram to be found
there (with its 49 divisions) is one great vortex allowing the passage of energies from the unmanifest to the
manifest and vice versa. You will note that the swastika as the symbol of the seventh ray has relevance to
this dual movement of energy as it occurs on the fourth subplane of the seventh plane. Which way the
swastika turns will depend upon whether invocation or evocation is occurring. When both processes
harmonise you have the 'wheel turning in both directions and upon itself' which is indicative of fourth
dimensional movement. It is important to realise that everything that occurs in the three worlds is the result
of energy flow precipitated from the inner archetypes. Those archetypal patterns exist upon the buddhic
plane as energy flows. When there is no consciousness or middle principle the buddhic plane operates as a
great reflector mirroring the patterns that exist on the higher three planes into the lower (demon est deus
inversus) resulting in what we call the 'intelligence of matter'. This is best seen in the geometrical patterns
present in the natural world from shells to leaves to the human brain. Once consciousness is introduced the
capacity for the lower forms to become self aware begins to come in to play. As they become self aware
they are able to consciously choose which patterns they 'will' emphasise. They are also able to distort the
patterns in a number of ways and to resist them. The human soul upon the buddhic plane is himself a vortex
or meeting place where the higher archetypes and the lower reflections of them can be 'atoned'. Thus one of
the names for the fourth ray is 'perfector of the form'. The jewel in the lotus is the perfect 'form' within the
microcosm carrying as it does the 'seed' of the monadic pattern or archetype. The jewel itself is a
holographic seed component of a larger jewel composed of all three triadal energies and bridging the three
planes of the triad. All individual 'jewels' are then in a real sense part of one 'jewel' as in the mythology of
indra's net. This central jewel forms the means for transmitting the purpose of the planetary logos via the
seven ashrams of the monadic plane throughout his manifest system on the cosmic physical plane.
Atmic Plane
Buddhic Plane
Mental Plane
The 'Word of God'
The Word of God is an energetic blueprint - an archetypal energetic pattern which expresses His purpose
and forms a corporate part of the purpose of the greater Being in which He forms a part. The seventh
purpose of the Solar Logos makes up a seven fold word 'written' upon the buddhic or central plane of the
cosmic physical. The Purpose of our Planetary Logos is likewise a sevenfold purpose - each syllable of this
'word' is the central energetic pattern of one of the seven great ashrams. Each soul is 'seeded' with an aspect
of one of these syllables so for a man to know and sound the word of his own soul he is also sounding the
note of his ashram. When he is able to 'sound' the synthetic seven-fold note of the ashram as a whole he is
beginning to know himself as the 'triple monad'. It remains for him to find the three words which synthesise
the seven and the one word or root sound that has given rise to the whole world in which he has played his
A 'word of power' then is essentially the manifestation of an inner energetic blueprint into a formulation
designed to achieve a particular purpose - in this case the bringing together in fusion of the second and third
aspects of a human being. There are indeed many 'forms' that this energetic formulation can take in the
consciousness of a disciple but the essential significance arises from 'pattern instilled with purpose'. It is up
to the disciple himself following his particular stage of development and ray make up to develop this
esential pattern into a formula for himself. The energetic pattern registers in his consciousness as a symbol
which becomes a word which gives rise to a phrase or seed thought. By giving 'voice' or expression to the
word or thought he merely demonstrates his capacity to bring through purposeful pattern from the ashram on
to the physical plane via his consciousness. When this is done effectively he sets up the correct geometrical
vibration between his seven head centres and the 'word' of his soul becomes 'flesh'.
Aquarius Adventure
Aquarius 2007
THEME: Uranus and the Restoration of the Mysteries
Uranus is the planet of occultism for it veils "that which is essential; it hides that which must be discovered
and, at the right moment, it transmits knowledge of the hidden mystery. (EA, 438)
A call for greater aid is responded to with higher energies […] This may or may not be accompanied by
communication either written or oral. It might help to think of my work in two octaves. One is mercury – the
messenger, the communicator of the teachings via the intuition to the receptive and open mind. The higher
octave is Uranus - the flashing forth of the energy of Life, beyond comprehension, beyond understanding,
timeless, spaceless, the ever present foundation of the world. (Mercury Transmissions, 22.10.03)
Uranus Compilation – Bailey, Roerich, Blavatsky
Uranus Compilation from A. A. Bailey
1. Uranus Connected with the Highly Developed Man:
The moon is a dead form; it has no emanation at all. That is why the moon is spoken of in the ancient
teaching as ‘veiling either Vulcan or Uranus’. This hint or inference has always been here and astrologers
would do well to experiment with this suggestion I have made anent the moon and (instead of working with
the moon) let them work with Vulcan when dealing with the undeveloped or average man and with Uranus
when considering the highly developed man. They would find some interesting and convincing results
eventuate. (EA 14)
2. Uranus and Jupiter at the Fifth Initiation:
At the fifth and final initiation, Uranus and Jupiter appear and produce a ‘beneficent organisation’ of the
totality of energies found in the initiate's equipment. When this reorganisation is complete, the initiate can
then ‘escape from off the wheel and then can truly live’. (EA, 71)
3. Uranus is in a Line of Energy Flow to the Heart Center: (cf. EA, 80)
4. Uranus—Conduit for Energies from the Creative Hierarchies:
Uranus is the planet through which zodiacal energy flows, in connection with the Creative Hierarchies upon
our planet, from one of the stars in the Great Bear. (EA, 98)
5. Uranus’ Work Analogous to that of Mercury:
Uranus embodies the energy of the seventh ray and its work is analogous to that of Mercury, for the seventh
ray is the ray which relates spirit and matter and brings together electric fire and fire by friction, thus
producing manifestation. (EA, 100)
6. Uranus Leads the Soul to the Burning Ground:
Uranus leads the soul to the burning ground during the final stages of the Path, when the fire of Aries and
the fires engendered through the potencies of Uranus produce the flaming heat of the final burning ground.
Through this burning ground, the initiate has finally to pass. (EA, 100)
7. Uranus—Rules the Occult Way:
Uranus rules the occult Way and is, in an esoteric sense, connected with the Hierophant of the Mysteries of
Initiation. (EA, 100)
8. Uranus Brings About the Crisis of the Burning Ground:
The crisis of the burning ground is brought about through the activity of Uranus. This is entered through the
free choice of the initiate who makes his choice in Libra, the point of balance where—usually—the moment
for the reversal of the wheel takes place. There the man has to decide whether to proceed as usual and
according to custom or, reversing the wheel, to pass through the burning ground to liberation. Libra is the
polar opposite to Aries and therefore closely related. (EA, 101)
9. Uranus and Pluto Influencing Soul Life:
Ancient astrology was obviously incomplete but until man became patently responsive to the influences
which come to him from Uranus or Pluto, for instance, which affect the soul life far more than they do the
personality life, they remained undiscovered except by trained esotericists. Today, humanity is rapidly
responding to the higher spiritual influences and, therefore, we can look for the discovery of increasingly
subtle forces. (EA, 114)
10. The Influence of Uranus (in Relation to Aquarius):
He comes then under the influence of Uranus, that mysterious and occult planet. His will is focussed and
developed by the Uranian influences and he develops into a leader. He brings about desired changes and
produces those new conditions which will help the soul of humanity to express itself more freely. (EA, 138)
11. Uranus in Relation to the Third and Seventh Rays:
[…] the third ray expresses itself powerfully through this sign [Aquarius], reaching our planet through
Uranus and the Moon which hides or veils Uranus symbolically in this case. There is, therefore, to be found
the double influence of Uranus, expressing the quality and bringing in the energies of the seventh ray, in one
case, and the third ray in the other. (EA, 138)
12. Uranus—Bringing an Hierarchy to Subjective Realization:
I would here call your attention to the fact that in connection with the Moon, as it is related here to one of
the Creative Hierarchies, you have in the Moon itself the exoteric influences of the ordinary mode of
procedure upon the wheel of life, and in the planet which it veils and hides (in this case the planet Uranus)
you have the esoteric energy which brings this Hierarchy to subjective realisation. (EA, 139)
13. The Nature of Uranian Will:
Uranus—Ray seven—The will to be and to know simultaneously on all planes of manifestation. (EA, 139)
14. Uranus—Spontaneity and Betterment:
Uranus gives innate spontaneous activity and this produces evolutionary development—both natural and
spiritual. It is the urge to better conditions. (EA, 139)
15. Uranus in Relation to Intuition:
Uranus cause the great transference in the human consciousness from intellectual perception to intuitive
knowledge. (EA, 139)
16. Uranus in Relation to Exoteric Science (in the third decanate of the ordinary wheel):
The Moon which here takes the place of Saturn hides the planet Uranus. In this case Uranus, the occult
planet, stands for exoteric science which penetrates into the hidden side of form life, and thus we have the
period wherein man is not alert enough or conscious enough to seize upon opportunity and turn it to esoteric
or soul ends, but can identify himself with the more advanced aspects of form. (EA, 149)
17. Uranus and the Knowledge of that which is Hidden:
desire becomes gained knowledge and the knowledge of that which is hidden at any stage upon the path of
evolution relates the individual to Uranus. (EA, 150)
18. Uranus is Directly Related to Third Ray Activity:
Two of our planets, the Earth (non-sacred) and Uranus (sacred), are directly the product of this third ray
activity. (EA, 200)
19. Uranus (with Jupiter), a Planet of “Beneficent Consummation”:
Jupiter and Uranus—planets of beneficent consummation. The second ray of love and the seventh ray which
fuses spirit and matter ‘to the ultimate glory’ of the solar Logos are in the fullest eventual cooperation. (EA,
20. Uranus—the Occult Life and the Way of Divine Knowledge:
Uranus is the planet whose characteristics are the scientific mind, which at this stage of the disciple’s career,
means that he can begin to live the occult life and the way of divine knowledge can take the place of the
mystic way of feeling. It means also that knowledge can be transmuted into the way of wisdom and light.
This necessarily brings in the will aspect or the influence of the first ray (Vulcan) blended with the seventh
ray (Uranus) producing the desired manifestation upon the physical plane. (EA, 224)
21. Uranus—Initiator of a New Order of Life:
Uranus, therefore, initiates a new order of life and conditions and this—when developed in the life of the
disciple—in its turn produces an understanding of the causes of things as they are, and the desire to change
the old order and the old orientation into the new. This produces a reversal of the wheel. (EA, 224)
22. Uranus and the Unfoldment of Spiritual Consciousness:
Carried forward to its logical conclusion, the influence of Uranus finally produces an unfolded spiritual
consciousness in contradistinction to the human. For this reason, Uranus is exalted in this sign [Scorpio] and
assumes a position of power and of directed influence. (EA, 224-225)
23. Uranus in Relation to the Processes of Concretion and Manifestation:
Uranus is the esoteric ruler and is of supreme importance in this sign for the seventh ray works through this
planet and is the embodiment of the principle of concretion and the materialising of that which is in need of
objective manifestation, through the bringing together of spirit and matter. It is here that the whole mystery
of money lies hid and the creation and production of money. I would like here to point out to you that it is
with the third aspect of divinity and the third aspect alone that the creative process is concerned. It is through
the relation of the three aspects of the third divine manifestation—law, affinity and concretised energy—that
money is created. (EA, 246)
24. Uranus Relates Aries Libra and Aquarius:
Through this planet, Uranus, Libra is related also to Aries and Aquarius and it is through Uranus that the
great pair of opposites, Aries-Libra, are brought into touch with each other in a very deep sense. Through its
activity, an intense interplay takes place, making for the attainment of equilibrium in Libra of that which had
its beginning in Aries. (EA, 247)
25. Uranus in Relation to “God the Father”—the Source:
Uranus—7th Ray of Ceremonial Magic. God the Father. He who relates. The Source of Duality. He who
perceives the end from the beginning. Spiritual consciousness. Intuition to Inspiration. (EA, 247)
26. Associations with Uranus:
Uranus 7th Ray Ceremonial Order, Law or Magic. (EA, 248)
27. Uranus—Conduit for the Central Spiritual Sun:
[…] the central, spiritual Sun pours its influences through Uranus. The activity of Uranus is, however, only
registered at a very advanced stage of development upon the Path and is analogous to that point in the
unfoldment of consciousness wherein, by an act of the will, the conscious and illumined man (focussed in
the highest head centre) arouses the centre at the base of the spine and draws the kundalini fire upwards.
(EA, 296)
28. Uranus upon the Cardinal Cross and in Relation to the Central Spiritual Sun:
Upon the Cardinal Cross, it is the central, spiritual Sun which is called into play, and Uranus is then the
distributing agency and the head centre becomes the centre in the initiate's body through which direction and
control come. (EA, 297)
29. An Important Triangle Involving Uranus:
Heart of the Sun—Mercury—Uranus. (EA, 301)
30. Uranus—Planet of Occult Consciousness:
Uranus—Occult consciousness or that intelligent, fusing condition which produces the scientific
at-one-ment of the two factors, higher and lower self, through the intelligent use of the mind. (EA, 306)
31. Uranus helps a man function […] with full occult knowledge […] (EA, 307)
32. Uranus in Relation to the “Trained Occultist”:
[…] he must also be a trained occultist, mentally polarised and profoundly aware of the realities, forces and
energies of existence and, therefore, free from the ordinary glamours and illusions which colour the
reactions and life of the average man […] The occultist brings “about at-one-ment through the forces which
are reaching him (via Uranus). (EA 307-308)
33. Uranus in Alignment with the “Heart of the Sun”:
Heart of the Sun—The undiscovered planet—Uranus and Neptune—The human Hierarchy—The animal
kingdom. (EA, 308)
34. Uranus—7th ray—organization or directed manifestation. (EA, 308)
35. Relating to the Leo Subject and Uranus (Planet of “Interior Control”):
In the perfected Leo, the loving self-conscious soul (2nd ray) carries its power of expression straight through
from its own plane to the plane of exterior manifestation, but preserves at the same time its interior control
(Uranus) and from that point of achievement, proceeds to make its ideal objective (Neptune) a fact in
consciousness, through sensitivity to the higher vibration and directed intelligent service of the Plan. Ponder
on this summation. (EA, 309)
36. Uranian Expression in the Advanced Leo Individual:
When Uranus controls, the Leo person is significantly the true observer, detached from the material side of
life, but utilizing it as he pleases. His spiritual consciousness is capable of great expression and he can be
[…] both an electric, dynamic leader, a pioneer in new fields of endeavor and also a magnetic center of a
group whether the group is small, as in a home, or vast as in a nation. He is then polarised above the
diaphragm, for the lower more material aspects of life have really no great appeal to him; he is then
profoundly conscious of his own identity, and this makes him dwell definitely in a state of self-awareness,
with its consequently abstracting powers. He is instantly aware, once he is spiritually awakened, of his
motivating impulses, and this leads him to an imposed self-discipline—the thing the Leo subject sorely
needs and which must always be self-imposed and self-applied for he brooks no disciplinary measures
which others may seek to impose. (EA, 309)
37. Uranus as the Mind and as Resistance to Outer Conditioning (with reference to its function in Leo):
The power of the mind, as symbolised by Uranus, is lessened, for it is not the mind which in reality controls
but the Self, or Soul, using and controlling the mind. The man is not then conditioned by his surroundings or
life events but rules them with deliberation, bringing out of circumstances and environment that which he
requires. (EA, 310-311)
38. Uranus—a Cosmic Force:
[…] the cosmic pull of Uranus […] (EA, 323)
39. Uranus and the Hidden Mystery:
Uranus, the planet of the hidden mystery and one of the most occult of all planets […] (EA, 401)
40. Uranus is involved with Sirius and Pisces in a triangle. (cf. EA, 421)
41. Uranus is involved with Saturn and Mercury in a Triangle (in relation to Leo, Pisces and Capricorn). (cf.
EA, 427, 441)
42. Uranus is the “Heavenly Sphere”. (EA, 432)
43. Uranus—the Planet of Occultism:
Uranus is the planet of occultism for it veils ‘that which is essential; it hides that which must be discovered
and, at the right moment, it transmits knowledge of the hidden mystery’. (EA, 438)
44. The Role of Uranus in the Transference of the Disciple’s Focus to the Fifth Kingdom:
The triangle of Pisces-Uranus-Hierarchy is becoming magnetically attractive to the triangle of Humanity.
Uranus and Mercury in combination are dualities which the disciple learns to resolve and in the process of
this resolution he shifts his focus out of the human kingdom into the fifth kingdom, the Hierarchy of souls.
(EA, 438)
45. Uranus, the Transmitter of Sirian Force to the Hierarchy:
It is interesting to note that the seventh Ray of Ceremonial Law and Order works through Uranus which is
today the transmitter of Sirian force via Pisces to the Hierarchy. (EA, 444)
46. Uranus—the Urge to Better Conditions:
The energy of Uranus, pouring upon and into humanity, produces the urge to better conditions to provide
better forms for the occult and esoteric life and to blend more adequately the inner and the outer man. (EA,
47. Uranus in Relation to the Transference of Life from the Moon, and to Transferences and Shifts in
This is one of the reasons why the Moon is spoken of so often as veiling Uranus. The Moon is frequently
used as a blind when Uranus is meant. Today the Moon is a dead world and the reason is that the Uranian
urge became so strong in that far distant time when there were living forms upon the Moon that it led to the
complete and final evacuation of the Moon and the transfer of its life to our planet. Such a transfer is not
necessary today as the consciousness of humanity is such that the needed changes can be brought about
without such a drastic procedure. It is, however, this Uranian influence which lies behind the present shift of
populations throughout Europe and Great Britain and which is responsible for the steady movement of
peoples from East to West, from Asia to Europe in the earlier history of that continent and from Europe to
the Western hemisphere in more modern times. (EA, 446)
48. Uranus—Helping Humanity Take the First Initiation:
[…] it will become apparent to the student that the combination of the influences of Sirius, Leo and Uranus
has been much needed at this time to foster and bring about those conditions which will enable mankind,
under the steady influence of the Hierarchy, to take the first initiation and ‘give birth to the Christ,’ thus
revealing and bringing to the light of day the inner, hidden, spiritual Man. (EA, 447)
49. Uranus—Its Involvement in the Process of the First Initiation (“Rhythmic Awakening”): Finally he [the
disciple] stands ready for the ordeal and the accolade of fire, preceding the first initiation. At that final stage,
Humanity today stands. When (as is now the case) the influence of Uranus is added to the other influences
and the seventh ray is at the same time entering into a major cycle of activity on the Earth, there is then
present the energy needed to precipitate the crisis of initiation and produce a great rhythmic awakening.
(EA, 447)
50. Uranus—Involved in the Response of Second Ray Disciples:
First ray disciples will, for instance, respond to the Shamballa influence, transmitted from Leo and Saturn,
more easily than will second ray disciples. These will in their turn react more rapidly and consistently to the
Hierarchy, transmitting energies from Pisces and Uranus. (EA, 450)
51. Uranus—One of the Planets to which Ordinary Humanity is not Attuned:
At present the mechanism of the majority of the human family is not tuned to the reception of the rays from
Vulcan, Uranus or Neptune whilst Pluto at present only evokes response from groups or from those disciples
who are enough evolved rightly to respond. (EA, 509)
52. Uranus assists in the expression of the sacral center (for both disciples and ordinary humanity). (cf. EA,
53. Uranus—Occultism and Group Relations:
Uranus, the planet of occultism, and that which governs group relations, organizations and the eleventh
House. (EA, 538)
54. Uranus Veiled by the Sun, in Relation to the Leo-Capricorn-Pisces Triangle:
The Sun (Ruling Leo) Veils Uranus, which transmits the seventh ray and is related to the eleventh house.
(cf. EA, 539)
55. Uranus—Promoting the Expansion of Human Self-Consciousness into Group Consciousness:
The self-consciousness aspect of the human being is being steadily expanded under this major interplay
[involving Leo] and through the forces transmitted by Uranus, via the eleventh house, and will ultimately
give place to group consciousness and group relationships and group work. (EA, 541-542)
56. Uranus—Rendering Aries Effective:
It is interesting to realise that Aries, the Inaugurator, is rendered effective on the Earth through the
organising potency of Uranus. (EA, 548)
57. Uranus and its Associations (according to Besant):
Will or Power—Raja Yoga—Uranus (Representing Sun)—Flame. (EA, 648)
58. Uranus and Neptune relate to the “Kingdom of Souls”. (cf. EA, 650)
59. Uranus by Another Name:
Uranus was known by the ancients under another name. (SD I, 126; EA, 672)
60. Uranus Mutilated by Saturn:
Cronus (time) […] is represented as mutilating Uranus […] Absolute time is made to become finite and
conditioned.” (SD I, 450; EA, 672)
61. Uranus not a Star Angel:
Among the three secret orbs or Star Angels, Uranus […] was not included. (SD I, 629; EA, 672)
62. Uranus Synonymous with Cronus:
Uranus […]personified all the creative powers and is synonymous with Cronus. (SD II, 281-282; EA, 672)
63. Uranus as a Mystery Planet of the Ancients:
Uranus was unknown to the ancients and they were forced to reckon the sun amongst the planets […]
Uranus is a modern name but one thing is certain, the ancients had a mystery planet which they never
named. This 7th planet was not the sun but the hidden divine Hierophant. (SD III, 330; EA, 672)
64. Uranus’ School of Magic:
Uranus (7th)—The School of Magic of the tenth order. It is sometimes called ‘the planet of the violet force,’
and its graduates wield the power of cosmic etheric prana. (EA, 693)
65. Uranus and the Ray of Ceremonial Order in Germany:
Ceremonial Order or Ritual, via Uranus. This affects the masses as a whole, as it is the hierarchical ruler and
(because of their point of evolution) leads to their facile standardising and regimenting. The 7th ray also
focusses or ‘grounds the first ray’ and leads to the power direction which is given them. (DN, 78)
66. Uranus and the Ray of Ceremonial Order in Relation to the British Empire:
Ray 7. — Ceremonial Order or Organised Ritual, reaching our planet via Uranus and giving to the Empire
its grounded physical plane control over place and circumstance, its legal fundamentals, in cooperation with
Libra, and its love of order and of rule, thus providing full expression for the first ray energies of the British
Empire. (DN, 84-85)
67. Uranus and the Ray of Order and Magic in Relation to the United States:
Ray 7. — Order and Magic, via Uranus. This influence is inherited from the Atlantean world, which still
rules the territorial aspect of the States, which is a remnant of old Atlantis. It is this that produces the many
magical, spiritualistic and occult groups which flourish today in the States. (DN, 90)
68. Uranus in Relation to the United States:
Ray 4. — This influence appears, as you see, frequently, but this time it is through the Moon as it veils
Uranus. This produces a conflict of a different nature than that which takes place when the Moon veils
Vulcan or transmits the energy of the fourth ray direct. Uranus is the medium for the 7th ray and the
function of its blending with the fourth, via the Moon, is to bring about a magical relationship between the
many diverse nationalities found in the States and so fuse and blend them into an homogeneous whole—
which is not the case at this time. (DN, 91-92)
69. Uranus—Receiving Stimulation from the Logos:
For some time the Logos has turned His attention to the Earth Scheme and to Saturn, whilst Uranus is
receiving stimulation. Much is therefore accentuated, and increased evolutionary development is the
consequence of this divine attention. (TCF, 357-358)
70. Sirius in Relation to Uranus, Neptune and Saturn:
Our solar system is negatively polarised as regards the sun Sirius, which influences our entire system
psychically via the three synthesising schemes—Uranus, Neptune, Saturn—the latter, Saturn, being the focal
point for the transmission of cosmic manas to the entire seven schemes (TCF, 378)
71. Uranus Absorbs Mercury or Venus:
The four schemes which form the logoic Quaternary will merge into their synthesising scheme, that of
Saturn, while Venus and Mercury will merge into Uranus and Neptune. No importance need be attached to
the sequence of these names. The dual fact is all that is necessary to grasp. (TCF, 405-406)
72. Uranus in Relation to the Logoic Mental Permanent Atom:
Neptune, Uranus, and Saturn will, therefore, have absorbed the essence of manifestation and (in connection
with the solar Logos) they correspond to the three permanent atoms in the causal body of a man. We say
‘correspond’ for the analogy is not in detail. Uranus and Neptune are reflections of the logoic astral and
mental permanent atoms. Saturn is in fact the correspondence to the logoic physical permanent atom. (TCF,
73. The Emergence of the Uranus Chain in the Earth Scheme:
In due course of time another merging in the scheme will eventuate and then Uranus (the chain of that name
in our scheme) will flash into objectivity. (TCF, 414)
74. On Uranus Higher Agnishvattas Active; Uranus a “Reaping Planet”:
In the central list of schemes the middle and lower group of Agnishvattas are active. In the others the higher
group and middle group hold sway as these planets are the most occult and sacred in manifestation, and are
concerned only with egos who are on the Path, and who are therefore group-active. In connection with
Uranus, Neptune and Saturn, this might be expected as they are the synthesising planetary schemes, and
provide conditions suitable only for the very advanced stages. They are the ‘reaping’ planets. (TCF, 777)
75. Uranus (with Saturn and Neptune), not yet Fully Stimulated:
The three major planetary schemes (Uranus, Neptune, and Saturn) have not, as yet, received their fullest
stimulation, and will not do so until the ‘energy of the sacred seven’ has been transferred to Them. (TCF,
76. Certain Relationships Concerning Uranus:
Elemental group ... animal kingdom ... Sattvic ... Solar Logos ... Uranus. Father aspect. (TCF, 1138)
77. Uranus as [is] the home of ‘fire electric’. (TCF, 1154; EA, 672)
78. [Uranus is] the planet of the violet force. (TCF, 1177-1178; EA, 693)
79. Uranus—one of the “Absorbing Triangles”:
The absorbing Triangles. This term is applied to the evolutionary schools found located in the three major
planets of our system—Uranus, Neptune and Saturn—and to those found in the three major chains, and three
major globes in a planetary scheme. The Rulers of these planets, chains and globes are called the ‘Divine
Examiners’, and Their work concerns the human kingdom specifically and entirely. (TCF, 1176-1177)
80. The School on Uranus:
Uranus—The School of Magic of the tenth order. It is sometimes called ‘the planet of the violet force’, and
its graduates wield the power of cosmic etheric prana. (TCF, 1177-1178)
81. Uranus in Relation to the First Ray:
Will or Power … Raja Yoga … Uranus (Representing Sun) ... Flame. (EP I, 163)
82. Uranus in Relation to the Kingdom of Souls:
The kingdom of souls: Neptune and Uranus. (EP I, 245)
83. Uranus in Relation to the Fifth Initiation:
When the final initiation is taken, it is the activity of Uranus and the in-pouring force of Jupiter that bring
about the reorganisation which results in the final emancipation. The vastness and complexity of the subject
thus become apparent. (EP I, 246)
84. Uranus (with Jupiter and Venus) in Relation to a Great Life, as are Saturn, Mars, and the Earth:
The potency of this Life is such that He requires three complete schemes—all three closely allied and
interdependent—through which to express Himself. Uranus, Jupiter and Venus are similarly allied in order
to manifest or express a great Life. (EP II, 99)
85. Uranus Rules the Head Center of Advanced Disciples:
The throat centre is ruled by Saturn just as the two head centres are ruled respectively by Uranus (ruling the
head centre) and Mercury (ruling the ajna centre). This is only where the disciple is concerned; the rulership
changes after the third initiation or before the first. (EH, 15)
Agni Yoga Series
Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.4.1:
2.4.1. Not in jest are the planets beyond Uranus mentioned. Often the spirit struck by the cosmic whirl
cannot acclimate itself and make observations, but this is only a question of time and technique. Our
prolonged experiments will prepare for a great deal, as also for lengthy labor. Many of Our experiments
require centuries. So if you feel the endlessness of labor, you know one more of Our feelings - all time is
Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 332:
332. The energies which collect around the seed are impelled along the attraction of the Magnet to the
manifested ray of the luminary, and the property of the ray transmits its potency to the seed; hence the
affinity between the seed and the luminary. The spatial Fire varies in intensity and in the quality of color of
the ray. These basic qualities express the manifested energies which link the various currents correlating
with the Cosmic Magnet. Thus, Our Luminary intensifies these currents which flow in harmony with
evolution. Indeed, the rays which are collecting a new race are directing to a new world and, naturally, they
annihilate everything which does not conform with evolution. And Our Luminary certainly develops the
principles of the nascent new race. Hence, the spatial fires are so intensively absorbed by the Agni Yogi.
When Uranus strains the rays, a new step is affirmed. Through many discoveries, many shiftings, many
perturbations, many researches aiming toward investigation of the highest energies, many astounding
attempts of research into psychic energy, investigations of the properties of a ray and of spatial irradiations,
humanity will be affirmed in its new researches. The rays of Our Luminary prepare a better step for
humanity. Yes, yes, yes! Thus does the ascendance of the ray bring an unavoidable shifting. Thus do the
rays create!
Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 334:
When Uranus draws into coalescence the currents of the subtlest energies, it may be said verily that Uranus
confirms all manifested paths and that its currents impel evolution forward. Thus the currents of the
luminaries quicken the march of events, and the spirit of Our Uranus accelerates the movement of the chain
of evolution. Thus, acute are the angles of correlation. Powerful are the sun's rays at a direct angle, and
likewise the attraction of Uranus. A fiery assimilation then takes place. It is a very serious time. Uranus is
acting! We are preparing that step.
Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 336:
336. Truly, the luminaries act upon each other. Certainly, the power of the striving of the rays, and their
effect, depends upon the combination of the luminaries. When the structure of a luminary is based upon the
manifestation of pure Fire and of the subtle energies, the luminary possesses an advantage and can attract to
itself the saturated Spatial Fire. Thus, Uranus, possessing the properties of the subtle energies, transmutes
other energies. Great is the occult power of the rays of Uranus!
Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 336:
The tensed Cosmic Magnet determines its tension by the currents of the Spatial fire. Thus, the manifestation
of the rays of Uranus evokes varied tensions, and the epoch of the rays of Uranus is under tension through
its correlation with the Cosmic Magnet. Yes, yes, yes!
Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 338:
338. When a battle occurs between Saturn and Uranus, the aspiring Agni Yogi, suffused with the rays of
Uranus, feels all the currents of the cosmic tension. That is why the Agni Yogi so intensely feels the present
battle. Uranus, entering into rulership, strongly evokes the tension of the opposing forces.
Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 343:
The Cosmic Magnet shifts many things. The battle between Saturn and Uranus is naturally reflected upon
the fires of the Chalice. Therefore, the pull of the centers is active at present.
Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 356:
Magnetic needles quiver in changing direction. High tides are the natural result of a change in the direction
of the Magnet. The Spatial Fire strains its magnetism and the subterranean fire is ready to break through.
Hence, the workings of cosmic forces are most intensive. The decisive manifestations will occur in the battle
of Uranus with Saturn. Therefore, although many currents are difficult, they are of much benefit.
Brotherhood (1937) - 373:
Each Lord has his keynote. The Epoch of Maitreya proclaims woman. The manifestation of Maitreya is
linked with the confirmation of the Mother of the World, in the past, present, and future. The Book of Life is
so beautiful. Hierarchy,
There exists a most ancient saying, “Where women are revered and safeguarded, prosperity reigns and the
gods rejoice.” The New Epoch under the rays of Uranus will bring the renaissance of woman. The Epoch of
Maitreya is the Epoch of the Mother of the World. Letters Of Helena Roerich II, 5 April 1938.
Secret Doctrine
Such is the name given in Occult phraseology to man. It means as shown elsewhere, a seven-leaved plant,
and the name has a great significance in the Buddhist legends. So it had, also, under disguise, in the Greek
"myths." The T, or (tau), formed from the figure 7, and the Greek letter [[G]] (gamma), was (see § "Cross
and Circle") the symbol of life, and of life eternal: of earthly life, because [[G]] (gamma) is the symbol of
the Earth (gaia)*; and of "life eternal," because the figure 7 is the symbol of the same life linked with divine
life, the double glyph expressed in geometrical figures being: -a triangle and a quaternary, the symbol of septenary MAN.
The Third Race was pre-eminently the bright shadow, at first, of the gods, whom tradition exiles on Earth
after the allegorical war in Heaven; which became still more allegorical on Earth, for it was the war between
spirit and matter. This war will last till the inner and divine man adjusts his outer terrestrial self to his own
spiritual nature. Till then the dark and fierce passions of the former will be at eternal feud with his master,
the Divine Man. But the animal will be tamed one day, because its nature will be changed, and harmony will
reign once more between the two as before the "Fall," when even mortal man was created by the Elements
and was not born.
The above is made clear in all the great theogonies, principally in the Grecian (see Hesiod and Theogony).
The mutilation of Uranos by his son Kronos, who thus condemns him to impotency, has never been
understood by the modern Mythographers. Yet, it is very plain; and having been universal* (vide foot note
infra), it must have contained a great abstract and philosophical idea, now lost to our modern sages. This
punishment in the allegory marks, indeed "a new period, a second phase in the development of creation," as
justly remarked by Decharme (Mythologie de la Grece Antique, p. 7), who, however, renounces the attempt
to explain it. Uranos has tried to oppose an impediment to that development, or natural evolution, by
destroying all his children as soon as born. Uranos, who personifies all the creative powers of, and in, Chaos
(Space, or the unmanifested Deity) is thus made to pay the penalty; for it is those powers which cause the
Pitris to evolve primordial men from themselves -- as, later on, these men evolve their progeny -- without
any sense or desire for procreation. The work of generation, suspended during a moment, passes into the
hands of Kronos,* time, who unites himself with Rhea (the earth in esotericism -- matter in general), and
thus produces, after celestial -- terrestrial Titans. The whole of this symbolism relates to the mysteries of
[[Vol. 2, Page]] 269 THE SYMBOLISM OF KRONOS.
This allegory is the exoteric version of the esoteric doctrine given in this part of our work. For in Kronos we
see the same story repeated again. As Uranos destroyed his children from Gaia (one, in the world of
manifestation, with Aditi or the Great Cosmic Deep) by confining them in the bosom of the Earth, Tythea,
so Kronos at this second stage of creation destroyed his children from Rhea -- by devouring them. This is an
allusion to the fruitless efforts of Earth or Nature alone to create real human men. (See our Stanzas III. -- X.,
et seq., and also Berosus' account of primeval creation.) Time swallows its own fruitless work. Then comes
Zeus -- Jupiter, who dethrones his father in his turn.** Jupiter the Titan, is Prometheus, in one sense,***
[[Footnote(s)]] ------------------------------------------------* Uranos is a modified Varuna, "the Universal encompasser," the all-embracer, and one of the oldest of the
Vedic deities -- SPACE, the maker of Heaven and Earth, since both are manifested out of his (or its) seed. It
is only later that Varuna became the chief of the Adityas and a kind of Neptune riding on the Leviathan -Makara, now the most sacred and mysterious of the signs of the Zodiac. Varuna, "without whom no creature
can even wink," was degraded like Uranos, and, like him, he fell into generation, his functions, "the grandest
cosmical functions," as Muir calls them, having been lowered down from heaven to earth by exoteric
anthropomorphism. As the same Orientalist says, "The attributes ascribed to Varuna (in the Vedas) impart to
his character a moral elevation and sanctity far surpassing that attributed to any other Vedic Deity." But to
understand correctly the reason of his fall, like that of Uranos, one has to see in every exoteric religion the
imperfect and sinful work of man's fancy, and also to study the mysteries which Varuna is said to have
imparted to Vasishta. Only . . . "his secrets and those of Mitra are not to be revealed to the foolish."
* Kronos is not only [[Chronos]], time, but also, as Breal showed in his Hercule et Cacus (p. 57), comes
from the root Kar, "to make, to create." Whether Breal and Decharme, who quotes him, are as right in saying
that in the Vedas Kronan is a creative god, we have our doubts. Breal probably meant Karma, or rather
Visva-Karma, the creative god, the "Omnificent" and the "great Architect of the world."
** The Titanic struggle, in theogony at least, is the fight for supremacy between the children of Uranos and
Gaia (or Heaven and Earth in their abstract sense), the Titans, against the children of Kronos, whose chief is
Zeus. It is the everlasting struggle going on to this day between the spiritual inner man and the man of flesh,
in one sense.
*** Just as the "Lord God," or Jehovah, is Cain esoterically, and the "tempting serpent" as well, the male
portion of the androgynous Eve, before her "Fall;" the female portion of Adam Kadmon; the left side or
Binah of the right side Chochmah in the first Sephirothal Triad.
Uranus, Money, Manifestation and the Mysteries
(Barbara Mare)
Isn’t it interesting how life conspires to reveal the obvious. And sometimes it takes so long to see it. At this
Aquarian full Moon I was looking forward to closing my door to delve into the ‘hidden Mysteries’. But
instead it seems I have had to spend most of the time trying to get right order into the office accounts, which
I recently have somewhat reluctantly taken on. So finally today I got to close my door. And then I realized
that I had been dealing with Uranian matters all along. Or at least I could have been, had I approached it in
the right way. Otherwise you might say, it was all Saturn and I was just working through my karma. In the
Greek myth Saturn did castrate Uranus, and now I understand why. : )
Yes of course Uranus is about money:
Uranus is the esoteric ruler and is of supreme importance in this sign for the seventh ray works through this
planet and is the embodiment of the principle of concretion and the materialising of that which is in need of
objective manifestation, through the bringing together of spirit and matter. It is here that the whole mystery of
money lies hid […] (EA, 246)
Money is value in manifestation. From the seed of Uranus, Venus was born. Uranus is concerned with
bringing Spirit into Matter. It “brings together electric fire and fire by friction, thus producing
manifestation.” (EA, 100) Money is one kind of manifestation. Uranus is the god of Electric Fire and money
is concretized energy. But the question is, do we really treat money as a sacred charge? The court of the
money changers is the last to be cleared. (RAI, 190). We often forget that the sacred is present within the
most mundane.
In the Aquarian Age it seems there must be a pretty good chance of coming to terms with our money issues,
because not only does Uranus conceal the mystery of money, but Jupiter also has a good track record with
coinage: Competing for the attentions of Danae, the daughter of the King of Argos who had been locked in a
tower, Jupiter cursed Midas with the ‘golden touch’ and then appeared to Danae in her tower room as a
shower of gold.
But getting back to Uranus: Uranus is one of the planets able to extend its influence into this Earth sphere
through its capacity to be veiled by the Moon and the Sun. The Leo – Aquarius arm of the Fixed Cross is its
main axis: The Sun as hierarchical ruler of Leo veils Uranus, as does the Moon as hierarchical ruler of
Aquarius. So Life flows through the highest and the lowest subplanes of the Cosmic Physical plane.
Uranus, planet of the 7th Ray, is able to weave its violet thread through the planes of existence, bringing the
high vibrational energies of Spirit into matter. On cosmic levels “Uranus is the planet through which
zodiacal energy flows, in connection with the Creative Hierarchies upon our planet, from one of the stars in
the Great Bear.” (EA p.98) As a reflection of the Logoic mental permanent Atom, Uranus brings into
manifestation the energies of these five “Mind-born Sons of Brahma”. (EA, 98 & TCF, 336) And the thread
is woven ‘from the highest to the lowest’.
In this fourth chain of this fourth round, in relation to the fourth kingdom of humanity, the 7 th Ray works
closely with the 4th Ray – Uranus works intimately with Mercury, weaving through the planes of the
buddhic and the etheric:
Uranus embodies the energy of the seventh ray and its work is analogous to that of Mercury, for the seventh
ray is the ray which relates spirit and matter and brings together electric fire and fire by friction, thus
producing manifestation. (EA, 100)
The buddhic plane is peculiarly the plane of violet, even though all the colours find their place there; the
Lord of the Ray of Ceremonial Magic, Who embodies the violet ray or hierarchy, has a special relationship
to the buddhic plane. (TCF, 328)
Cosmic Astral Plane
Buddhic subplane. [Planetary Logos is polarised here]
Physical-etheric subplane. (On verge of liberation)
Cosmic Physical Plane
Logoic plane. [Sun veils Uranus?]
Buddhic plane. [Uranus exalted in Scorpio]
Physical-etheric subplane [Moon veils Uranus?]
The lowest subplane of the Cosmic Physical plane – the Aquarius hierarchy – itself has seven subplanes.
The fourth or central subplane or the “fourth ether” is the lowest plane upon which the lower chakras of
humanity are found: the base, sacral and solar plexus. And also the spleen. The fourth ether “is the ether
which the violet ray uses as a medium”. (TCF, 326) It is the realm of the violet devas, which are concerned
with the physical evolution of humanity. So the 7th Ray necessarily has its effects right down at the cellular
(or perhaps even quantum?) level. Evolution is the rarefication of this dense matter. (TCF, 322)
You might say that the 7 Ray works at the edge of the visible: At the cellular level, as well as the cosmic.
The too-small-to-see and the too-big-to-see. It is at the edge of the visible in another way as well: Violet
light has the shortest wavelength of the visible spectrum – 380-420 nm. Beyond 420 nm is ultraviolet light,
which is invisible to the human eye. (
Is ultraviolet part of the spectrum of the 7th Ray? Interestingly in relation to the theme of money, on every
Visa card the image of a bird appears when it is held under ultraviolet light.
( A security feature. But how wonderful to have money with wings,
a reminder of the deva kingdom!
Uranus is one of the transpersonal planets, outside the orbit of Saturn. Uranus rules the 11th house of group
work, the house of Aquarius. And yet Uranus is truly ‘up close and personal’ in that it requires embodiment.
It requires ‘the restoration of the Mysteries’ right here and now through the personal vehicles. Uranus is the
‘awakener’. (EA, 447) It brings Electric Fire right through into the dense matter of the human physicaletheric. It aligns us with the highest Will. It awakens us to Life.
Recently I saw an exhibition about ancient Egypt at Te Papa (the museum in Wellington). Included among
the amulets wrapped in the bandages of a mummy were the familiar ‘square’ and ‘compass’ that we
recognize from Masonic ritual. These builders of the pyramids were the first Masons. The ‘awakening’
hoped for by the ancient Egyptians was a rebirth in the afterlife. Today perhaps time has compacted. The
question is: Can we awaken to Life in the present moment?
Uranus is:
[…] the planet of the violet force," and its graduates wield the power of cosmic etheric prana. (TCF, 1177-8)
The communion of the Aquarian Age is perhaps not bread and wine (the ‘body’ and the ‘blood’), but
something even more basic: Prana, the breath of Life that we all share. The splenic chakra in its lowest
position on the fourth subplane of the seventh plane of the Cosmic Physical Plane circulates prana
throughout the human system. We utilise pranayama to maintain the flow of the breath of Life.
The 7th Ray is the ray of Ceremonial Order and Magic. ‘Magic’ is: “an art employing some occult force of
nature”. ( Magic disrupts our expectations. It fools our senses. It may create glamour
or illusion. It may make visible the normally invisible. The truest White Magic brings into form the divine
essence, the Spirit, that lies behind appearances. The Magus brings into being the hidden Order.
Uranus is the planet of occultism for it veils "that which is essential; it hides that which must be discovered
and, at the right moment, it transmits knowledge of the hidden mystery." (EA, 438)
The 7th Ray makes the esoteric exoteric. It reveals the hidden Mystery. And what is it that is hidden from us?
The truth of our own divinity. Our true conscious recognition and embodiment of the divine Self would put
an end to the duality and separation that characterizes our existence on this Earth plane
Uranus the Synthesiser
(Antonella Nobilio)
Uranus as Lord of the Seventh Ray synthesises Spirit and Matter. His name properly means Heaven as He
is the Energy which rises to the Highest.
He might also be seen as the Luminary of the Hierarchy/Love which synthesises Spirit/Shamballa and
Matter/Humanity so that the saving force of the Planetary Triangle (Shamballa-Hierarchy-Humanity) could
precipitate and rise the vibration. Uranus is the 7th/1st Principle which prepares to the mystery of the
synthetic Forth and One Energy:
These three lines or streams of energy in man may be listed as follows:
Line I
Will. Purpose
1. The Great Bear
2. Leo
3. Saturn
4. Shamballa
Planetary head center
5. Head center
Egoic purpose
6. Base of spine
Personal Will
Line II
Planetary heart center
Heart center
Egoic love
Solar Plexus
Personal desire
Line III
Active Intelligence
The Pleiades
Planetary ajna center
Ajna center
Spiritual mind (abstract)
Throat center
Personal creativity
(EA, 428)
Besides Uranus and Saturn (7th -3rd) might be seen as Those who introduce to the Aquarian mystery of
Love/Will as a synthesis. They are the executive Powers of the One (Sun/Vulcan):
The decisive manifestations will occur in the battle of Uranus with Saturn (Infinity I, 356)
Referring to this we can remind that Their last battle or astrological aspect was the square in 2000 (square
or 90° = 360° : 4 , Harmony through Conflict), when a new decisive manifestation occurred and really began
(in our Group we named that as “The Return of the Christ in the Heart”): Uranus was in Aquarius at a direct
angle with Saturn joint to Jupiter in Taurus very closed to the Pleiades. Then the central Fixed Cross of the
Heart and of the Conscience went up in flames.
Thus the currents of the luminaries quicken the march of events, and the spirit of Our Uranus accelerates the
movement of the chain of evolution. Thus, acute are the angles of correlation. Powerful are the sun's rays at a
direct angle, and likewise the attraction of Uranus. A fiery assimilation then takes place. It is a very serious
time. Uranus is acting! We are preparing that step. (Infinity I, 334)
Uranus suggests few and concise words and messages, so I would like to simply and solemnly synthesize
this 2007 Aquarius probe with the leaves of Morya’s garden:
353. By what power wilt thou gain strength?
How wilt thou attain the fulfillment of Our Work?
By the Power given to Us.
Shall I speak of power when all folly,
all ignorance, all vanity, strive for power?
But I say, and affirm, Our Power is different.
Our Power is sacrifice.
Knowing wherein is podvig,
Knowing that power is sacrifice,
Whilst affirming the victory you will say,
“Lord, let this triumphal cup pass from me.”
Then will you attain the right to create,
And your spirit will be unassailable.
Remember this Book of Sacrifice.
For it reveals the Gates of Fulfillment and Readiness.
And, being prepared, you will know all.
Because all will be opened and given
and told unto you.
But only listen and remember.
And chiefly read, and read again.
Because oft the physical form obscures
the knowledge of the spirit.
And when you behold the prophesied conflagration
you will say,
“This is why yesterday I carried away my possessions.”
And, beholding the lightning, you will bow your head
in reverence to the Will of the Lord.
I said it, I instructed you—cherish it.
Power is Love, Love is Power.
Uranus, Revealer of the Hidden Mystery
(Sharon Lyon)
God lives in me!
The end of duality—seeing things as "both."
No boundaries.
Depart Earth--enter cosmos.
Star-ward seeking.
Uranus, the Hierophant, brings to light the creative power of the universal spirit.
Uranus, the Hierophant, represents the will and purpose of God in all things.
Seventh planet from the Sun.
Seven year cycles.
Twice as far from the Sun as Saturn.
Father of Saturn.
Grandfather of Jupiter.
Great-grandfather of Mars.
The voice of God.
The Robe of Glory.
Creative God of universal space.
"The breakaway planet."
Uranus/Pluto=rebirth into last phase of Christ being.
Uranus in Aries—a time a great invention and initiation. (Ingress 2011; 1927 First trans-continental
flight, stock market crash; 1844 first telegram with message, "What hath God wrought?"
Uranus in Taurus—time of great earth discoveries. (1851 Gold; 1935 radar)
Uranus orbits the Sun on its side. The poles of Uranus point east and west. Its South Pole is pointed
towards Earth. The angle of the tilt of the axis of Uranus is 97 degrees.
The blue planet.
Uranus rules the occult Way and is, in an esoteric sense, connected with the Hierophant of the Mysteries of
Initiation. (EA ,100)
Uranus gives innate spontaneous activity and this produces evolutionary development—both natural and
spiritual. I t is the urge to better conditions. (EA, 139)
Uranus, the planet of the hidden mystery and one of the most occult of the planets […] (EA, 400)
Uranus…veils "that which is essential; it hides that which must be discovered and, at the right moment, it
transmits knowledge of the hidden mystery." (EA, 438)
[…] the third initiation differs somewhat from the other two, inasmuch as through the power of a still more
exalted Hierophant than the Bodhisattva, the electrical fire of pure Spirit, latent in the heart of the Lotus, is
first contacted.
In all these words, "solar angel," "sphere of fire," and "lotus," lies hid some aspect of the central mystery of
human life, but it will only be apparent to those who have eyes to see. (HIS, 116)
Uranus causes the great transference in the human consciousness from intellectual perception to intuitive
knowledge. (EA, 139)
The task of Uranus, hidden in the depths, is to awaken and evoke the intuitive response of Taurus to an everincreasing light until such time that full illumination is achieved […] (EA, 402)
Uranus and the Restoration of the Mysteries: The Heavenly Vision
(Sharon Lyon)
Uranus is the Heavenly Sphere (EA, 432) (Gaia is Earth)
Uranus […] transmits knowledge of the hidden mystery (EA, 438)
The mystery is intimately connected with the realization of the kingdom of God on earth. The Role of
Uranus –Transference of the Disciples Focus to the Fifth Kingdom: Uranus and Mercury in combination are
dualities which the disciple learns to resolve and in the process of this resolution he shifts his focus out of
the human kingdom into the fifth kingdom, the Hierarchy of souls. (EA, 438)
Uranus brings together the two realms, heaven & earth & reveals that in ‘reality’ they are not and have not
ever, been apart. The illuminating power of Mercury gives way to the revelatory nature of Uranus as the
door to the Kingdom of God stands ajar.
Simultaneous with our own awakening divinity is the dawning real-isation, ‘for those who have eyes to see,’
that Heaven is not some distant place but right here in our midst – closer than hands & feet. The truth at the
core of our being is that we are ‘collectively’ the One & only Son, returned to the Fathers House.
While immersed in the dual-natured experience of the fourth Kingdom, heaven & its gifts elude us. An
awareness of the Kingdom of God comes synonymously with the Love & Peace that pervades it.
No awareness of heaven is possible if the world (creation) is regarded fearfully or a sense of division
between creation and creator exists.
A divided mind ‘blocks’ the Kingdom.
The constant sense of being-split, induces constant conflict. Attempts to reconcile the contradictory aspects
of our own ‘apparent’ nature, within the ‘world of appearances,’ fails repeatedly.
Truth and illusion cannot be reconciled.
Of this world of glamor and illusion, Christ knew much, and in Himself demonstrated that true love could
control it. Part of the three great temptations of the Christ in the wilderness was based upon the three aspects
of world glamor: the illusions which the mind creates, the glamor of the emotional plane of experience and
the maze of earthly circumstances.These all threatened to bewilder Him; He met each of them in turn with
the enunciation of a clear-cut principle and not with the wordy arguments of an analytical mind; from that
field of threefold experience He went forth to love, to teach and to heal. (P132 Re-appearance of the Christ)
While entertaining any forms of a dual thought system, the mind stays divided and separated off from the
full real-isation of its own nature as part of the God-Head. Engaged in the dual realm, the experience of the
fourth Kingdom, the gap between our minds & our brothers…between our mind & God’s mind is (only) an
‘imaginary’ walled off area – (ego).
In ‘reality, no actual separation exists.
‘Lead me from the unreal to the real, from darkness to light …’ “Nothing real can be threatened, nothing
unreal exists, herein lies the peace of God.” CIM
Reality cannot be partial. Deny any part, brother, situation or circumstance and you have lost your heavenly
vision. Make peace with the parts, the people, that populate your imagined fragmented self and enter or reenter the Kingdom.
Entrance into the fifth Kingdom, the realm of Being, dissolves the dual state giving way to the new identity
where Creator & Creation are One. Reawakening to Wholeness is the only way to restore the Kingdom &
penetrate the Mystery of Self.
In the heavenly state the truth of wholeness, the truth of the One Self is experienced, the light dawns, joy
Finally the battle is over. We reach the place where peace reigns – for peace IS the condition of the
“ I AM “accepts no split identity. There are no opposing forces to be woven into unity. Fear no longer enters
through a split mind or identity. All conflict subsides as the field of peace returns.
The prodigal son returns to the Fathers House, knowing himself as Spirit lovingly endowed with the Fathers
love and attributes. Creator and Created – completed as ONE
Time stands still. One healing drop of this awareness flows back to an awakening world. God has but one
Son. This one Son is you. The Christ in you awakened and with it the acceptance of the at-one-ment with the
Father. “ “I and the Father are One”
In order that what lays hid in the Mind of God be revealed, we must possess in ourselves the mind of
Christ. This mind must dwell in us and reveal itself ...’ [313]
Once that "mind is in us which is also in Christ" …becomes complete … past sentient control and its entire
area of influence no longer exists. It has no reality, except as a field of service and a realm in which men
wander in despair and bewilderment. The greatest service a man can render his fellowmen is to free himself
from the control of that plane by himself directing its energies through the power of the Christ within. He
will then find that the self-centered forces and the energies of personal desire and of emotional love will be
superseded by a living energy which can be sensed in a large way, though it cannot as yet be appropriated in
its pure essence; this energy, we call the "love of God." It is that free-flowing, outgoing, magnetically
attractive force which leads each pilgrim back to the Father's House. (P131Reappearance of the Christ)
It is your Self that calls. It is Him you answer.
In this awareness heaven vision is restored and the Mystery of the Ages revealed.
He had registered before God and man, and to Himself, His perfection. He emerged from the wilderness
experience tried, tested, and with His divinity completely vindicated. He knew Himself to be God; He had
demonstrated to Himself His divine humanity. And yet, as is the way with all the [132] liberated sons of
God, He could not rest until He had shown us the way. He had to transmit the great energy of the Love of
God. (From Beth to Cav, 132)
“Humanity is the custodian of the hidden mystery, and the difficulty consists in the fact that that which man
conceals from the world is also hidden from himself.
He knows not the wonder of that which he preserves and nourishes … (in him) are the three divine qualities
found in their full flower and together. In man, God the Father has hidden the secret of life; in man, God the
Son has secreted the treasures of wisdom and of love; in man, God the Holy Spirit has implanted the
mystery of manifestation. [313]
“Initiation leads to the stream that, once entered, sweeps a man onward until it carries him to the feet of the
Lord of the World, to the feet of his Father in Heaven, to the feet of the three-fold Logos. Initiation leads to
the cave within whose circumscribing walls the pairs of opposites are known, and the secret of good and evil
is revealed. It leads to the Cross and to that utter sacrifice which must transpire before perfect liberation is
attained, and the initiate stands free of all earth's fetters, held by naught in the three worlds. It leads through
the Hall of Wisdom, and puts into a man's hands the key to all information, systemic and cosmic, in
graduated sequence. It reveals the hidden mystery that lies at the heart of the solar system. It leads from one
state of consciousness to another. As each state is entered the horizon enlarges, the vista extends, and
the comprehension includes more and more, until the expansion reaches a point where the self
embraces all selves, including all that is "moving and unmoving," … as phrased by an ancient
Scripture.” (HIS)
“When this has assumed large proportions and the recognition of these truths is worldwide, then we shall
have the restoration of the Mysteries, the consequent realization that the Kingdom of God is on earth, and
that man is in deed and in truth made in the image of God and must inevitably—through the passing of time
and the discipline of life—manifest his essential divinity, as Christ did.” (POH, 147)
This is the teaching which humanity needs in order to pass from darkness to Light, from the unreal to the
Real and from death to Immortality [122]
Uranus & Gaia
(Bruce Lyon)
All cultures seem to have some version of creation myth that involve the separation of heaven and earth and
the coming in to being of an intermediary world of light or consciousness. The Greek myth has had its most
profound effect upon the Western mind and civilization. HPB calls it the exoteric version of The Secret
Doctrine. We can tell it is the exoteric version right away when we hear in the traditional version of Hesiod
that Uranus was Gaia’s son. Right here we have materialism at its seed – matter gives birth to spirit. The
esoteric version is the reverse – spirit gives birth to matter and Gaia is the child of Uranus who synthesizes
the entire cosmic physical plane. From a Hierarchical perspective the reality is a fusion of both. Spirit is
matter and matter is spirit and so we have in the Orphic mysteries the version where Uranus and Gaia spring
together out of Night – or the void …
This is the ‘first fall’ – one that creates a duality. We can think of the seventh cosmic plane as a circle and at
its central point the human hierarchy on the buddhic plane.
The human being is therefore both the parent of this duality (from the cosmic buddhic plane) and the child
(on the buddhic or fourth plane of the cosmic physical) . In this latter sense we are Mercury – the son of God
and messenger between heaven and earth.
The ‘second fall’ involves the duality of Saturn and Venus. Saturn is the son of Uranus and Gaia. He
castrates his father and replaces him as the patriarchal figure, marrying his sister Rhea. Saturn and Rhea then
have offspring of their own.
Sphere of Uranus/Gaia
Sphere of Saturn/Rhea
From the severed genitals of Uranus, out of the foam of the sea, comes Venus. This is the second fall
resulting in the Fifth Hierarchy, bestowing human beings with self-consciousness at individualization.
Saturn and Venus – the personality and the soul – arise together, and in their struggle with each other, they
create the best and worst of what we call civilization – an out-picturing of human consciousness on Earth. In
his positive aspects Saturn creates a safe container for the nurturing of the soul and for the growth of those
structures of consciousness which will serve spirit. In his negative aspect he is the controlling patriarchy,
restricting and suppressing in particular the power of the goddess – sexuality. Venus in her positive aspects
bestows appreciation of the ‘finer things’ – the finest of them all being spirit itself. In her negative aspects
she seeks to undermine all boundaries through desire.
This duality is not, however, one of sprit and matter – Mother and Father. It is the duality generated between
a Mother’s son (Saturn) and a Father’s daughter (Venus). Saturn and Venus are bought together and this
duality resolved upon the mountaintop of the Third Initiation, and after this time it is the deeper duality of
Uranus and Gaia, or spirit and matter, with which the initiate deals.
In the great sweep of evolution we can see that the second fall is necessary – without self-consciousness
humanity cannot fulfill its role as a spiritually creative agent. That self-consciousness is developed in the
nursery, but at a certain point of time that nursery becomes a confining prison and self-consciousness must
become Self-consciousness. The universal Self must absorb back the individual self. The son of God
(Mercury) and the son of mind (Venus) must marry and know their parents (Uranus and Gaia), and further
know and identify with that Self who stands behind the whole triplicity of Father- Mother-Child.
The struggle between Uranus and Saturn is primarily waged on the atmic plane. Saturn attempts to keep the
potency of Uranus out of the lower five worlds until consciousness and civilization is developed enough to
‘take the seed of the Father’, and Uranus is continually trying to break through into the ‘minds of men’ and
reveal himself. The discovery of the seventh planet from the Sun and the naming of it Uranus began a period
in human civilization where the potency of this heavenly power began to increase. This has begun a great
revolution and renaissance of human civilization which is ongoing. Symbolically it also coincided with the
beginning of outlawing ‘castration’ in modern society – a practise which goes back at least 6500 years.
Castration – in animals and then in man – was used as a ‘civilising’ influence. A eunuch was ‘one who can
be trusted to watch over the inner household’ and they became great beaurocrats (we can see the hand of
Saturn at work here). Ironically the castrati (boys castrated before puberty) were prized in the Church choirs
for having voices that could ‘call unto the heavenly sphere.’
Prior to the First Degree, Uranian energy has the effect of stimulating the sacral centre towards desire of
form. This does not only express itself through sexuality.
Freedom from attachment is brought about as the fires of desire are overcome, and though the sacral centre is
depicted as having specific relation to the sex nature, yet that sex nature (as it expresses itself on the physical
plane) is symbolic of any attachment between the soul and any object of desire other than the spirit.17
We also know that the sacral centre of Humanity is the centre that is used by the materialistic forces18 and
that four major problems will be solved in the next 200 years. These are
Territorial possession
The middle East.19
All are related to ancient fear, and we are given the following meditative formula with which to work:
In the sacral centre lie the ancient racial fears and deep-seated personal desires. Ponder not upon the sacral
centre, for that would bring these ancient inheritances to the surface, but let your work be related to the
creative throat centre. Then perform the following exercise:
1. Sound the OM within the throat centre, as the soul focussed in the ajna centre.
2. See (with the creative imagination) the throat centre as a radiant, vibrant, brilliant reservoir and know it to
be so.
3. Then send forth from that centre a broad and vital stream of energy, down the spine to the sacral centre in
the spine, preserving the stream intact in your consciousness so that no part of it is deflected to the physical
counterparts of the sacral centre, the gonads.
4. Then see the sacral centre (in the spine) as a radiant reservoir of energy, but as energy deflected from
physical creative activity to the destruction of ancient racial fears in the world. Then project that energy out
into the world of men, to aid in the destruction of fear.
5. Next, reaffirming your consciousness positively in the ajna centre, withdraw your attention from the sacral
centre and the throat centre and sound the OM—as the directing disciple—seven times, slowly and
If we apply this formula to the planet as a whole we would have the following:
1. Sound the OM as the soul in the ajna centre (Hierarchy in the NGWS) in the throat centre
(Humanity), visualising the creation of a reservoir of vital life.
2. Send forth this stream of Life to the sacral centre (materialistic forces) taking care that it is deflected
from expression on the physical plane. See then the sacral centre as a radiant reservoir of energy
streaming out into the world to aid in the destruction of fear.
3. Then reaffirming focus in ajna (NGWS) sound the OM seven times (one for each plane of the cosmic
This would be an Aquarian meditation – groups working with groups. Third Degree initiates are those
who have ‘conquered death’ and are in conscious touch with the Life principle. Uranus rules their crown
chakra and they have lifted and sacredised their own lower nature . Standing together as part of the
NGWS or ajna centre of Humanity, they are able to generate a reservoir of that Life and transmit that
vital fearless energy to that centre where desire, distorted by fear, prevails. They can do this because they
are in touch with Light Supernal – a sevenfold light which is the synthesis of the planes (and chakras)
with the soul (7=5=12).
Bailey, The Light of the Soul, p.85
Bailey, The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, p. 87
Bailey, The Destiny of the Hierarchy, p. 34
Bailey, Discipleship in the New Age, vol. 2, p. 747.
Saturn is unable to ‘seal the door’ but can merely attempt to control and limit the activity of the materialistic
forces. We can see this in Iraq, and in another sense, we can see it in the attempts to regulate business and
sexuality. Saturn can limit behaviour but it does not get to the root of the problem. The best a Saturnian
civilization can do is balance the selfish desires of the individual with the needs of society as a whole. At
best an uneasy truce prevails. Venus cannot ‘seal the door’. Love, with all its power to uplift and call to the
best in the human soul, is not enough. There are forces resistant to this power. What is required is the
revelation and affirmation of our true parentage and our essential divinity.
Gradually, behind the scenes but becoming more visible are the players in the original duality. Gaia is
making her presence felt and humanity is suddenly becoming aware that there will be consequences to its
unbridled desire. Uranus, through Hierarchy and recently directly through Shamballic impact, is beginning
to make its presence felt. Like two poles of a great defibrillator this primary duality generate the electric
charge to kick-start the Heart of the system – the human soul – into ‘Life more abundant’.
Uranus, Hierophant of the mysteries, resolves the tension – not by balancing the desires of the individual
and the needs of the whole (as does Saturn through Libra), but by revealing to the individual that he IS the
whole. The individual and universal – Leo and Aquarius – are bought together by Uranus who rules them
both (the highest and lowest) from the hierarchical level.
The same process that involves the transmission of Life in the individual or within the planetary life also
takes place cosmically. Our Solar Logos has yet to take the Third cosmic Initiation, and so a more developed
Logos (the Logos of Sirius) played the part of energy transmitter when the last phase of the anchoring the
mysteries on earth was enacted. Just as the individual soul needs a Christ, so our Solar Logos has his Cosmic
Christ who is in touch with His Father or monadic origin in the galactic centre.
We might illustrate the anchoring of the Sirian mysteries on earth via Uranus as the first pictograph below.
The second shows the remaining phase that corresponds to building the higher aspect of the dual
antahkarana. We might expect our Solar Logos to make His own direct alignment with the galactic centre in
this next phase, and its registration in the consciousness of humanity as a centre in his body seems to be a
critical part of that process.
Phase I
Phase II
The Anchoring of the Mysteries
The Third Planetary initiation is the First solar. The Third solar Initiation is the First Sirian Initiation and, as
we might expect, the Third Sirian is the First galactic or cosmic Initiation. In this way the great
empowerment of the cosmic Life force is transmitted throughout the consciousness of the galaxy, and each
initiate forms part of the transmission of that Life.
What we call the ‘solarisation of a planet’ or the ‘Return of the Christ’ or the ‘Externalistion of the
Hierarchy’ is a single process that is spread throughout time, space and consciousness. The anchoring of the
soul on Earth begins to take hold in the First Degree initiate and consummated in the Third Degree initiate.
Humanity as a whole is undergoing the First Degree and so the planetary sacral centre is being raised to the
throat as the Christ returns.
First Degree, Third Degree and Fifth Degree initiates all experience different consciousness and roles in this
process. For higher initiates, at the same time as the process we call the ‘return of the Christ’, a paralleling
process we might call ‘the return of the Father’ or more accurately ‘the return of the Father/Mother is
occurring’. Of course nothing is really returning as nothing ever left – it is human consciousness that is
doing the re-turning and so experiences the appearance and disappearance of certain ever present realities.
Yes, it is true at a level that Venus is the ‘soul of Earth’ and yes, it is true at a level that the Earth scheme is
synthesized by Saturn. At another level, however, we will experience Earth as the bride and Uranus the
heavenly bridegroom, and at that wedding feast the water will be turned to the wine of communion that the
Aquarian Age promises.
An Aquarian version of the Lord’s Prayer might be more like the following:
Our Father/Mother who art everywhere and when
Hallowed be all names
Thy kingdom is ever present
Our Will is being done
On this Earth as part of Heaven
Let us realize in consciousness
What we experience in Life