
For more information, go to:
Monthly Event
Calendar of Osaka
Setsubun ( Bean-Throwing Festival )
February (
1 Mon)
"Setsubun" is used to mark the end
of winter and summer, and is
derived from the old lunar
calendar. However, "setsubun" has
now come to mean the day before
the first day of spring only. It
usually occurs around February
3rd. On this day, in a custom called
mame-maki, people throw and
scatter roasted soy beans inside
and outside their houses while
saying, "Get goblins out of the
house! Invite happiness into the
Setsubun Yakuyoke Daihoue
During the
event, the
temple is
crowded with
many visitors
who come to
ward off evil
spirits, and
pray for good
luck and fulfillment of various wishes. A statue of
Sho-kannon, the primary object of devotion at the
temple, is open to the public. Goma holy fire prayer
service for protection against misfortune will be
also held for 3 days on 2nd to 4th.
P Abikoyama Taisei Kannon Temple(Abiko Diety of
Mercy) ¥Free ☎ 06-6691-3578
February 3(Wed)
February 1
Lucky Bean−Throwing Festival
The most unique event that celebrities are invited
to scatter peanuts from the rooftop of Tsutenkaku which is an observation deck 100m above
the ground.
P Tsutenkaku T 10:00- (Planned) ¥ Free
(Admission to the observation deck Adult 700yen,
University student 500yen, Junior high and High
school student 400yen, Child 300yen)
☎ 06-6641-9555
February 3
Ohatsu Tenjin
Setsubun Festival
The Mamemaki
event involves
a demon going
around the
and returning
to the shrine.
Later various
events of the Setsubun festival are held such
as the distribution of Udon noodles, Zenzai
sweets and blessed sake (16:30), Scatter
peanuts ritual(18:00) and Ohitaki hermit ritual
of burning homa wood (18:30).
P Tsuyunoten Shrine (Ohatsu Tenjin Shrine)
¥Free ☎ 06-6311-0895
Setsubun festival
(Narita-san Fudoson Temple)
This biggest Setsubun
festival is a bean scattering ritual performed by
noted people from the
entertainment industry
to ward off evil and pray
for happiness, peace and
safety for all the people
for the year. A casual ceremony to invite happiness is open
to everyone. A 200m stage is set in the premises, and a
1,800-liter vessel is displayed in the center.
P Narita-san Fudoson Temple T Bean scattering ritual to
ward off evil 10:30/13:00/15:00, Bean scattering ritual to
invite happiness 12:00/14:00
¥Free ☎ 072-833-8881
February (
3 Wed)
Setsubun Festival
(Ishikiri-Tsurugiya Shrine)
More than 50 priests wearing samurai costume
(kamishimo), including the shrine's chief priest,
scatter beans, peanuts and rice cakes to ward off
evil. Zenzai(sweet red-bean soup with a piece of
rice cake)are offered to the first 4000 arrivals.
P Ishikiri-Tsurugiya Shrine T Distribution of Zenzai
11:00 ¥Free ☎ 0729-82-3621
February 3
(Mizumadera Temple)
A festive bean-scattering
ceremony for expelling evil spirits
attracts many worshippers. Rice
cake with a coin or giveaway distribution is one of the points to see.
P Mizumadera Temple ¥Free
☎ 072-446-1355
February (
3 Wed)
Dojima Yakushido Setsubun Omizukumi Festival
At the Yakushido, a Goma-kugenshu ceremony is
performed with a traditional Goma-daki ritual in which
people toss goma-gi, or prayer sticks, into the fire. In the
shops and restaurants in the Kita-Shinchi area, customers and shop staffs throw good-fortune beans at the
demons to expel them.
P Dojima Yakushido T Omizukumi: 15:00 - 21:00, Goma-
daki: 18:00, Parade with dragon dance and masqueraders: 18:40 (tentative) ¥Free ☎ 06-6345-0006
Ume (Japanese Plum) Blossoms Viewing
Now ‒ Mid March
Hiraoka Park Plum Orchard
The best orchard in Osaka
prefecture for seeing plum
blossoms, with approx.
400 plum trees and over
30 different species.
Tr ees flo w er o v er t w o
months from the early
bloomers in January to the late bloomers in March.
P Hiraoka Park ¥Free ☎ 072-981-2516
Key to symbols P=Place T=Time ¥=Fee ☎=Inquiries
February 2
- March 13
Bonbai Exhibition & Plum Viewing
Bonsai enthusiasts will love this beautiful exhibition.
On this period, Bonbai exhibition will be held indoor.
Bonbai is the dwarf ume trees decollated like Bonsai.
Furthermore at the plum orchard, you can enjoy the
viewing of 130kind of 300 ume trees while relaxing
in Kotatsu. (small table with an electric heater underneath and covered by a quilt)
P Osaka Prefectural Flower Garden (Fululu Garden) T10:00-17:00(Entry till 16:00)
¥Adult: 500yen, High school student 300 yen, Free for Junior high school student and
younger ☎ 0721-63-8739
Monthly Event Calendar of Osaka
February 10(Wed)‒ March 13(Sun)
February 11
- March 13
Plum Festival at Domyoji
Tenmangu Shrine
Tenma Tenjin Plum Festival
A venerable tree over 200 years old, over 50
pots of renowned trees, and treasures of Osaka
Tenmangu Shrine are displayed in Sanshuden.
Also there will be a café offers Ume light meal
and souvenir shop sells variety of Ume products.
Approx. 800 red and white plum trees in 80 varieties
planted over an area of approx. 33,000m² to comfort
the soul of Sugawara no Michizane, are open to public
worshippers. You can enjoy rituals and outdoor tea
ceremony during this period.
P Osaka Tenmangu Shrine T 9:30 - 16:30(Entry
till 16:00) ¥Adult 500yen, Child 300yen ☎ 06-6353-0025
P Domyoji Tenmangu Shrine T 9:00- ¥ Adult 300yen,
Free for Junior high school student and younger ☎ 072-953-2525
Mid February- Early March
ebruary 20
- March 21
Osaka Castle
Plum Orchard
Expo Park Ume Festival
Over 95 species and about
1,250 Japanese plum trees are
planted in one of Osaka's largest
plum gardens. The trees usually
begin flowering early from the end
of January and are trimmed into
short, wide shapes so that visitors can enjoy them easily without
casting their eyes up.
P Osaka Castle Park ¥Free ☎ 06-6755-4146
There are 124 kinds, 600 Ume trees at
natural culture park, and 37 kinds, 80
Ume trees are at Japanese garden. The
shop for Ume products such as plum jam,
Umeboshi will be open during the festival.
You also have the opportunity to have a
look at Japanese tea ceremony room in
the Japanese Garden where usually not open for public.
P Expo Park ¥ Admission fee to Expo Park: Adult 250yen, Junior high school
and high school student 70yen ☎ 06-6877-7387
Notable Event
February 1(Mon)- 14(Sun)
February 6
Osaka Kappo experience 2016 Winter
Snow Festival
The Kappo style of restaurant dining which involves customers sitting at a
counter while watching chefs opposite
preparing the food - was started in
Osaka in the Meiji era. At Osaka Kappo
experience, a gourmet festival
intended to allow you to enjoy a wonders of a diverse range of good
cuisine, you will have the chance to
relish the world-beating culinary culture of eating out in Osaka.
For this 2days, 170 tons of
natural snow are brought all
the way from Shisou city in
Hyogo where 100 kilometers away. Make snowman,
go tobogganing, play with
snow as much as you want!
Also some stage performances and festival stalls will be there.
P Expo Park T 10:00-16:00 ¥ Admission fee to Expo Park: Adult
P Participating restaurants in Osaka ¥Lunch 2,000yen/3,000yen , Dinner
5,000yen/7,000yen(Other plans are also available) ☎ 06-6442-8443
February 7(Sun)
Next-generation world hobby fair '16
Winter in Osaka
This is the biggest game and
hobby event in Japan and you will
be able to do a lot of things such
as playing the latest games,
buying limited-sale items or new
items before they arrive in stores,
and join fun events like an autograph session.
P Kyocera Dome Osaka T 9:00 -16:00 ☎ 03-5389-8101
February 20(Sat)-March 21(Mon)
The Japan Fine Arts
Exhibition "Nitten"
This is the most popular publicly sponsored exhibition
in Japan. The exhibition is devided into five fields,
Japanese-style painting (nihonga), Western-style
painting (youga), sculpture, industrial arts and crafts,
and calligraphy. 607 pieces of works will be displayed
for a month.
P Osaka City Museum of Fine Arts
T 9:30-17:00 ( Entry till 16:30 )
¥ Adult 1,000 yen, High school and university student 700 yen, Free for junior high school student
and younger ☎ 06-6771-4874
250yen, Junior high school and high school student 70yen
☎ 06-6877-7387
February 13
Japanese traditional
comic storytelling:
English Rakugo Part 9
TENNOJIMURA-YOSE (Tennoji Community
RAKUGO Performance) presents Rakugo, a
Japanese traditional comic storytelling,
especially for visitors from abroad and
foreign residents in Kansai area.
P Sanno fukushi Kaikan T Start at 14:30 ¥500yen ☎ 090-9629-0045
February 28
One of the biggest fashion shows presents real fashion styles and drew a crowd of more than 30,000
people each time. Visitors can enjoy live performances, shopping and food stands of famous restaurants, and try trendy products.
P Kyocera Dome Osaka
T Door Open at 13:00 ‒ Close at 20:30
¥Platinum seat 30,000yen (ADV only)/ Reserved seat
SS 12,000 y en ( ADV only )/ Reser v ed seat S
7,000yen (ADV), 8,000yen (Door)/ Non-reserved seat
3,000yen (ADV), 3,500yen (Door)/ Group ticket
10,000yen for 4 Non-reserved seats (ADV only)
☎ 0570-200-888(Weekdays 10:00 ∼ 18:00)