ec taiex report


ec taiex report
Original: English
10 February 2014
organized in co-operation with
the Ministry of Health of Montenegro,
the SEE Regional Health Development Centre (RHDC) on Noncommunicable
Diseases (NCD) of Montenegro, Podgorica, and with
the SEE Health Network Executive Committee
on behalf of the South-Eastern Europe Health Network
Report, EC TAIEX Multi-country workshop on monitoring NCDs and health inequalities related to NCDs :
defining minimal set of indicators , INT MARKT 58073, Podgorica, Montenegro, 29-30 January 2015
EC TAIEX SEEHN workshop on monitoring NCDs and health inequalities related to NCDs
A workshop on i monitoring NCDs and health inequalities related to NCDs was organized in Podgorica, Montenegro on
29–30 January 2015 by the Technical Assistance Information Exchange instrument of the European Commission
(TAIEX) in cooperation with the Ministry of Health of Montenegro on behalf of SEEHN and the Regional Health
Development Centre (RHDC) on NCDs of Montenegro. The aim was to identify and propose minimal set of indicators on
NCDs and related health inequalities to be implemented and reported by all SEEHN countries, Kosovo and Turkey.
Key experts from International organizations (including WHO/EURO) presented the activities of their respective
organisations in this area, and representatives of the EU Member States and of the countries of the SEEHN as well as
Kosovo, shared their experiences in the field of monitoring NCDs and health inequalities related to NCDs.
Long-term capacity building
This workshop is part of a series of capacity-building activities led by the RHDCs in Podgorica supported by TAIEX.
Proposed targets identified by RHDC on NCDs have a particular focus on developing uniform NCDs monitoring system
for all SEEHN countries with regular reporting.
Based on the discussions, a series of actions was agreed in principle by the meeting. First task will be to agree by March
2015 if possible, following consultations with all the SEEHN countries, the list of NCDs which require attention at the
SEEHN level, and the corresponding detailed set of indicators. These would be then proposed for approval by the
South-eastern Europe Health Network (SEEHN)
Technical Assistance and Information Exchange instrument (TAIEX)
Report, EC TAIEX Multi-country workshop on monitoring NCDs and health inequalities related to NCDs :
defining minimal set of indicators , INT MARKT 58073, Podgorica, Montenegro, 29-30 January 2015
Family photo: Participants of the EC TAIEX Multicountry Workshop for the SEE Health Network on “Monitoring
Noncommunicable Diseases (NCDs) and Health Inequalities related to NCDs – defining minimal set of indicators”, January
2015, Podgorica, Montenegro
Report, EC TAIEX Multi-country workshop on monitoring NCDs and health inequalities related to NCDs :
defining minimal set of indicators , INT MARKT 58073, Podgorica, Montenegro, 29-30 January 2015
Report, EC TAIEX Multi-country workshop on monitoring NCDs and health inequalities related to NCDs :
defining minimal set of indicators , INT MARKT 58073, Podgorica, Montenegro, 29-30 January 2015
1. This European Commission TAIEX Workshop was organized in co-operation with the Ministry
of Health of Montenegro, on behalf of the South-Eastern Europe Health Network (SEEHN) and
the Regional Health Development Centre (RHDC) on Noncommunicable diseases in Podgorica,
2. It had the following main aims:
a. To review the current situation in SEEHN countries, Kosovo and Turkey in Monitoring
NCDs and health inequalities related to NCDs and health indicators on NCDs, as well as
Recommendations and documents agreed in this field by the European Commission and
WHO/EURO and other International Organizations;
b. To review the current situation in SEEHN countries, Kosovo and Turkey in organizing and
implementing population based registries on NCDs
c. To agree, if possible, on a proposal of a minimal set of indicators on NCDs which would
have to be monitored in all SEEHN countries, Kosovo and Turkey and reported to the centre
of coordination in RHDC on NCDs in Podgorica.
3. The Workshop was Co-Chaired by Dr. Boban Mugosa, Director of IPH of Montenegro and
RHDC on NCDs and Dr. Natasa Terzic, Director, Centre for Health System Development, IPH
Montenegro; the Rapporteur was Dr. Alexandre Berlin, Member of the SEEHN Executive
Committee. Experts from the EU Member States and International Organizations made key
background introductory presentations. Participants from all the SEEHN Countries as well as
Kosovo* and Turkey attended and participated actively in the Workshop. The full Workshop
programme is attached and all presentations are available upon request.
1. Following presentations of the EU and WHO documents and recommendations, as well as
presentations from selected EU Member States, the SEEHN countries as well as Kosovo* and
Turkey presented in detail their current practices in Monitoring NCDs and Health Inequalities
related to NCDs and population based registries on NCDs.
Report, EC TAIEX Multi-country workshop on monitoring NCDs and health inequalities related to NCDs :
defining minimal set of indicators , INT MARKT 58073, Podgorica, Montenegro, 29-30 January 2015
2. A large number of similar monitoring programmes and surveys are carried out in all the
Member States of the SEEHN Region; however comparability of the results and conclusions of
these surveys is difficult.
3. The presentations of expert views from the EU (Hungary and Slovenia) contributed
considerably to the discussions.
4. The Workshop agreed in principle that the following NCDs should be considered in priority as
they have the highest impact on the NCDs burden of disease in the SEEHN Region:
a. Cancers
b. Cardio-vascular Diseases
c. Chronic Respiratory Diseases
d. Diabetes Mellitus
5. A number of Health Impact Indicators were considered such as:
a. tobacco use,
b. alcohol consumption,
c. physical inactivity,
d. obesity and
e. unhealthy diet (salt intake).
6. The issue of Health and Health Related Indicators related to NCDs is complex and of outmost
importance to develop appropriate and targeted prevention actions.
7. The progress in the SEEHN in the field of Monitoring NCDs and health inequalities related to
NCDs (including reporting on defined indicators set) should be presented by the Ministers of
Health at the next SEEHN Ministerial meeting.
1. On the basis of the discussions the RHDC on NCDs has proposed general indicators framework
which included impact indicators (4 major groups of NCDs and 4 risk factors) and process
indicators (types and number of preventive programmes, population based registries, etc) which
were approved in principle.
2. RHDC on NCDs will develop, in close consultation with all the countries of the SEEHN (and
Kosovo and Turkey) a detailed proposal for the minimal set of indicators on NCDs for the
SEEHN Member States, Kosovo and Turkey in order to harmonize monitoring systems and
indicators to be used in the SEEHN. This proposal will be sent to all SEEHN member states,
Kosovo and Turkey by the end of February 2015.
3. The European Commission will be requested to provide comparable information as to the
situation in the EU Member States.
4. The Health Authorities in the Member States of the SEEHN will explore the possibilities of
accessing, at the national level, the data from these surveys and monitoring for further in-depth
Report, EC TAIEX Multi-country workshop on monitoring NCDs and health inequalities related to NCDs :
defining minimal set of indicators , INT MARKT 58073, Podgorica, Montenegro, 29-30 January 2015
5. In addition to the above, the participants agreed to the following practical steps:
a. to help define National Focal Points for NCDs and their clear functions in their respective
b. all SEEHN member states, Kosovo and Turkey will be requested to provide their feedback
on detailed proposal of minimal set of indicators on NCDs by the end of March 2015;
c. On the basis of the information collected from the SEEHN Member States, the need for a
follow-up TAIEX Workshop by June 2015 will have to be explored.
Podgorica, 31/01/2015
Alexandre Berlin
Rapporteur in collaboration with RHDC NCDs in Podgorica
Report, EC TAIEX Multi-country workshop on monitoring NCDs and health inequalities related to NCDs :
defining minimal set of indicators , INT MARKT 58073, Podgorica, Montenegro, 29-30 January 2015
Annex 1.
organized in co-operation with
Ministry of Health of Montenegro, the SEE RHDC on NCDs of
Montenegro, Podgorica, Montenegro
on behalf of the South-Eastern Europe Health Network
Venue :
Best Western Premier Hotel
Podgorica, Montenegro
29 – 30 January 2015
For more information on TAIEX assistance and to download presentations of this event, please go to :
Report, EC TAIEX Multi-country workshop on monitoring NCDs and health inequalities related to NCDs :
defining minimal set of indicators , INT MARKT 58073, Podgorica, Montenegro, 29-30 January 2015
The EC TAIEX Multicountry Workshop has the main aim:
In order to plan and design evidence-based interventions and to be able to measure their impact on
health, it is necessary to establish well designed, functional and sustainable monitoring systems in
each of member countries.
At the same time the SEEHN needs to learn from the best practices in the EU Member States how
to improve its monitoring and surveillance of NCDs and to harmonize its own systems to those of
the EU. Such best practices from EU Member States are in accordance with The Strategy for
Europe on Nutrition, Overweight and Obesity related health issues, The Action Plan on Childhood
Obesity, Council of the EU conclusions on nutrition and physical activity, Council of the EU
Conclusion on promoting health-enhancing physical activity across sectors, EU Rare Diseases
policy, The Article 168 of Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, Decision No
1350/2007/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2007 establishing
Second Programme of Community action in the field of health (2008-2013), Regulation (EC) No
1338/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2008 on Community
statistics on public health and health and safety at work, European Parliament resolution of 15
September 2011 on European Union position and commitment in advance to the UN high-level
meeting on the prevention and control of non- communicable diseases (2013/C 51 E/20) and
Council conclusions on the "Reflection process on modern, responsive and sustainable health
systems", Brussels, 10 December 2013.Determining the minimal set of indicators is necessary
which will be harmonized and therefore comparable, as well as credible and sustainable source of
data for producing national as well as sub-regional and regional reports on NCDs situation in
SEEHN and each of its members.
The indicators should be in compliance with the system of European Core Health Indicators
(ECHI) and the European Cancer Information System (ECIS).
Main outcome of this workshop will aim to:
1) Review of current situtation on monitoring and surveillance of NCDs and Health
inequlities in SEEHN member states
2) Review of the best practices in EU and Region
3) Defining minimal set of indicators for monitoring NCDs and HIs related to NCDs to
compare and measure impact of the interventions…
4) Setting timeframe for reporting on situation regarding the NCDs and HIs related to NCDs
5) Setting next steps in upgrading and improving monitoring systems in the SEEHN Member
States in accordance with EU standards and recommandatons
Beneficiary :
The South-Eastern Europe Health Network
Report, EC TAIEX Multi-country workshop on monitoring NCDs and health inequalities related to NCDs :
defining minimal set of indicators , INT MARKT 58073, Podgorica, Montenegro, 29-30 January 2015
Day 1 : 29 January 2015
 Dr. Boban Mugosa, Director of IPH of Montenegro and RHDC on NCDs
 Nataša Terzić, Director of the Centre for Health System Development
 Dr. Alexandre Berlin, France, Member, SEE Health Network Executive Committee
Opening session:
Welcome speeches:
 Dr Mensud Grbovic, Deputy Minister of Health of Montenegro
 Ass. Prof Boban Mugosa, Director of Institute of Public Health of Montenegro, Head of
 Dr Alexandre Berlin, Member of SEEHN Executive Committee
 Dr. Enrique Loyola, WHO Regional Office for Europe
Session 1:
Monitoring and prevention of NCDs and Health Inequalities related to NCDs –
WHO and EU perspective
Keynote speaker:
Monitoring and prevention of NCDs and Health Inequalities related to NCDs in
selected EU member states: Slovenia, Bulgaria, Romania and Croatia
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Dr. Enrique Loyola, WHO Regional Office for Europe
Assoc. Prof PlamenDimitrov (BUL), National Centre of Public Health,
NFP for NCD for both WHO Europe and SEEHN;
Dr. Tatjana Buzeti(SLO)Centre for Health & Development,
Assoc. Prof PlamenDimitrov (BUL)National Centre of Public Health,
NFP for NCD for both WHO Europe and SEEHN;
Dr Carmen Ungurean(ROM), National Institute of Public Health of
Romania, National Screening Programme;
Dr Verica Kralj, National Institute of Publih Health, Croatia
Coffee break
Session 2:
Presentations of the current situation/activities in SEEHN countries, Kosovo and
Turkeyconcerning monitoring and prevention of NCDs and related health inequalities
 Nevila Caushi, Albania
 Avni Shlomit, Israel
 Igor Spiroski, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
 Carolina Cerniciuc, Moldova
Report, EC TAIEX Multi-country workshop on monitoring NCDs and health inequalities related to NCDs :
defining minimal set of indicators , INT MARKT 58073, Podgorica, Montenegro, 29-30 January 2015
 Milica Stanisic and Djurdjica Ostojic, Montenegro
 Nevenka Pavlovic, Serbia
 Merita Berisha, Kosovo
Session 3:
Presentation of the European Cancer Information System - ECIS
Keynote speaker: Dr Nadya Dimitrova (BUL), Bulgarian National Cancer
Registry, Member of European Network of Cancer Registries Steering
 Chair: Ass.Prof Boban Mugoša, Director of IPH of Montenegro
 Rapporteur: Dr Alexandre Berlin, Member of SEEHN Executive Committee
 Q&A
Session 4:
Available population based registries for NCDs
Status in the EU member States, members of the SEE Health Network:
Bulgaria - Dr Nadya Dimitrova (BUL), Bulgarian National Cancer Registry,
Member of European Network of Cancer Registries Steering Committee
Romania – Dr Carmen Ungurean(ROM), National Institute of Public Health
of Romania, National Screening Programme;
Croatia – Dr Mario Sekerija, Institute of Public Health of Croatia
Coffee break
Session 4(Continuation):
Available population based registries for NCDs
Status in the non-EU Member States of the SEE Health Network, Kosovo* and Turkey
 Alban Ylli, Albania
 Inbar Cuker, Israel
 Dance Gudeva Nikovska , The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
 Olga Cernelev, Moldova
 Rajko Strahinja and Dragan Likic, Montenegro
 Aleksandra Vlacic, Serbia
 Ilir Begoli, Kosovo
11 | P a g e
Conclusions of the first day
Report, EC TAIEX Multi-country workshop on monitoring NCDs and health inequalities related to NCDs :
defining minimal set of indicators , INT MARKT 58073, Podgorica, Montenegro, 29-30 January 2015
Day 1 : 30 January 2015
Session 5:
Population based registry (Morbidity Sentinal Stations Programme) for NCDs in
Prof.Dr.RozaÁdány, Department of Preventive Medicine. Faculty of Public
Health. University of Debrecen
Health Indicators on NCDs
WHO perspective
Dr. Fern Greenwell,PhD MPH, Division of Information, Evidence,
Research and Innovation, WHO Regional Office for Europe
Coffee break
Session 6
Health Indicators on NCDs
EU member states:
10 -11
Tatjana Buzeti(SLO), Centre for Health & Development, Murska Sobota
Dr Verica Kralj, IPH of Croatia
SEEHN member states:
11 -13
Gordana Belamaric, Serbia
Elizabeta Zisovska, The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
Avni Shlomit, Israel
Session 7:
Harmonization of the monitoring systems
Discussion on the potential minimal set of indicators to monitor and report in order to
have comparable data and coordinated successful regional response to NCDs and health
inequalities related to NCDs
“Round table” topic
Coffee break
Session 7(Continuation):
Discussion on the potential minimal set of indicators to monitor and report in order to have
comparable data and coordinated successful regional response to NCDs and health
inequalities related to NCDs
“Round table” topic
12 | P a g e
Report, EC TAIEX Multi-country workshop on monitoring NCDs and health inequalities related to NCDs :
defining minimal set of indicators , INT MARKT 58073, Podgorica, Montenegro, 29-30 January 2015
Session 8:
16 -17
Follow-up steps
Draft Decision/Conclusion/Recommendation to be submitted to the SEE Health Network
Closing of the workshop
This meeting is being organised by the
Technical Assistance Information Exchange Instrument of the European
TAIEX on Twitter:#EUTaiex
[email protected];
Telephone: +32-2-296 73 07
13 | P a g e
Report, EC TAIEX Multi-country workshop on monitoring NCDs and health inequalities related to NCDs :
defining minimal set of indicators , INT MARKT 58073, Podgorica, Montenegro, 29-30 January 2015
Annex 2.
1. Roza Adany, Department of Preventive Medicine. Faculty of Public Health. University of
2. Alexandre Berlin, Member, SEE Health Network Executive Committee
3. Tatjana Buzeti(SLO), Centre for Health & Development, Murska Sobota
4. Nadya Dimitrova (BUL), Bulgarian National Cancer Registry, Member of European Network of
Cancer Registries Steering Committee
5. Plamen Dimitrov, National Centre of Public Health, NFP for NCD for both WHO Europe and
6. Fern Greenwell, PhD MPH, Division of Information, Evidence, Research and Innovation, WHO
Regional Office for Europe
7. Enrique Loyola, WHO Regional Office for Europe
8. Carmen Ungurean(ROM), National Institute of Public Health of Romania, National Screening
1. Alban Ylli, Institute of Public health, Albania
2. Jonida Seferi, Ministry of Health, Albania
3. Nevila Caushi, Ministry of Health, Albania
4. Tonin Bushaj, Regional Hospital Lezha, Albania
5. Verica Kralj, Croatian National Institute of Public Health, Croatia
6. Ivana Brkić Biloš, Croatian National Institute of Public Health, Croatia
7. Mario Šekerija, Croatian National Institute of Public Health, Croatia
8. Davor Plažanin, Croatian National Institute of Public Health, Croatia
9. Inbar Zucker, Ministry of Health, Israel
10. Avni Shlomit, Ministry of Health, Israel
11. Igor Spiroski, Institute of Public Health of the Republic of Macedonia, FYR Macedonia
12. Nermina Fakovikj, Ministry of health, FYR Macedonia
13. Sanja Sazdovska, Ministry of health, FYR Macedonia
14. Dance Gudeva Nikovska, Ministry of health, FYR Macedonia
15. Elizabeta Zisovska, Agency for quality and accreditation of HC facilities, FYR Macedonia
16. Carolina Cerniciuc, Ministry of Health , Republic of Moldova
17. Olga Cernelev, National Public Health Centre, republic of Moldova
18. Gordana Belamaric, Ministry of Health, Republic Serbia
19. Ana Jovicevic, Institute for Oncology and Radiology of Serbia, Belgrade, Republic Serbia
20. Nevenka Pavlovic, Institute of Public Health of Belgrade, Republic Serbia
21. Aleksandra Vlačić, Ministry of Health, Republic Serbia
22. Mutlu Ince, Ministry for European Union Affairs, Turkey
23. Naser Ramdani, National Institute of Public Health, Kosovo
24. Merita Berisha, National Institute of Public Health, Kosovo
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Report, EC TAIEX Multi-country workshop on monitoring NCDs and health inequalities related to NCDs :
defining minimal set of indicators , INT MARKT 58073, Podgorica, Montenegro, 29-30 January 2015
25. Ilir Begolli, National Institute of Public Health, Kosovo
26. Gani Shabani, Ministry of Health, Kosovo
27. Mentor Sadiku, Ministry of Health, Kosovo
Remark: None of the participants from Bosnia and Herzegovina participated. Only one participant
from Turkey arrived for the event.
1. Boban Mugosa, Institute of Public Health of Montenegro
2. Mensud Grbovic, Ministry of Health of Montenegro
3. Natasa Terzic, Institute of Public Health of Montenegro
4. Milica Stanisic, Institute of Public Health of Montenegro
5. Vladimir Janjevic, Institute of Public Health of Montenegro
6. Rajko Strahinja, Institute of Public Health of Montenegro
7. Djurdjica Ostojic, Institute of Public Health of Montenegro
8. Dragan Likic, Institute of Public Health of Montenegro
9. Adrijana Vujovic, Institute of Public Health of Montenegro
10. Jovana Vukovic-Lekovic, Institute of Public Health of Montenegro
11. Ljiljana Golubovic, Institute of Public Health of Montenegro
12. Veselinka Beatovic, Institute of Public Health of Montenegro
13. Zorica Djordjevic, Institute of Public Health of Montenegro
14. Ivana Joksimovic, Institute of Public Health of Montenegro
15. Rada Sparavalo, General Hospital Niksic
16. Igor Bjeladinovic, General Hospital Kotor
17. Valentina Kalinic, General Hospital Bar
18. Mirjana Nedovic Vukovic, Institute of Public Health of Montenegro
19. Snezana Radovanic, General Hospital Berane
20. Snezana Vujosevic, Clinical Centre of Montenegro
21. Olivera Boskovic, Clinical Centre of Montenegro
22. Aneta Boskovic, Clinical Centre of Montenegro
23. Mirko Saranovic, General Hospital Bar
24. Lea Riger, General Hospital Niksic
25. Milovan Kalezic, Clinical Centre of Montenegro
26. Dijana Asanović, Clinical Centre of Montenegro
27. Nebojsa Crnogorac, Clinical Centre of Montenegro
28. Danilo Martinovic, Clinical centre of Montenegro
29. Mirjana Djuranovic, Ministry of Health of Montenegro
30. Nina Milovic, Ministry of Health of Montenegro
31. Katarina Bogavac, Ministry of Health of Montenegro
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