10/2009 - Temple Israel


10/2009 - Temple Israel
T h e Te m pl e Is r ae l Co n n ec t io n
Adult Education
Religious School
4 -7, 10
Special Services and Programs
Work for You—At Work and In Life. Atria
Books, 2009.
Thaler, Linda Kaplan and Koval, Robin.
The Power of Nice: How to Conquer the
Business World with Kindness. Currency/Doubleday, 2006.
Kung, Hans and Homolka, Rabbi Walter.
Oc t o be r, 20 0 9
Ou r S e v e nty-F irst
Ye a r!
Shapiro, Rabbi Rami. The Hebrew
Prophets: Selections Annotated and
Explained. Skylight Paths Publishing,
Shapiro, Rami. Recovery: The Sacred
Art—The Twelve Steps as Spiritual
Practice. Skylight Paths Publishing,
The Rabbi’s Study How to Do Good and Avoid Evil: A Global
My High Holy Day Ethic from the Sources of Judaism. SkySimon, Rabbi Charles. Building a
Successful Volunteer Culture: FindReading List for light Paths, 2009.
ing Meaning in Service in the Jewish
Lakoff, George. Whose Freedom? The Bat- Community. Jewish Lights Publishtle over America’s Most Important Idea.
ing, 2009.
Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2006.
Tenzer, Debbie. Do One Nice Thing:
Mackenzie, Pastor Don; Falcon, Rabbi
Little Things You Can Do to Make the
Ted; Rahman, Sheikh Jamal. Getting to the World a Lot Nicer. Crown Publishers,
Heart of Interfaith: The Eye-Opening,
Bohler, Carolyn Jane. God the what?
What Our Metaphors for God Reveal
Rabbi and a Sheikh. Skylight Paths PubWolfson, Dr. Ron. The Seven Quesabout Our Beliefs in God. Skylight
tions You’re Asked in Heaven: RePaths Publishing, 2008.
viewing and Renewing Your Life on
Earth. Jewish Lights Publishing,
Bronfman, Edgar M. and Zasloff, Beth. Meszler, Rabbi Joseph B. A Man’s Responsibility:
Hope, Not Fear: A Path to Jewish RenSon,
aissance. St. Martin’s Press, 2008.
Community Leader. Jewish Lights Publish- There are many more books to read
ing, 2008.
and discuss in the months to come.
Brown, Dr. Erica and Galperin, Dr.
Please let me know about books you
Misha. The Case for Jewish PeopleRath, Tom and Clifton, Donald, Ph.D.
are reading so we can create discushood: Can We Be One?
How Full is Your Bucket—Positive Strate- sions that will help us to deepen our
Jewish Lights Publishing, 2009.
gies for Work and Life. Gallup Press, 2004. knowledge and experience!
Felder, Leonard, PhD. Fitting In Is
Sanborn, Mark. You Don’t Need a Title to
Overreated: The Survival Guide for
be a Leader—How Anyone, Anywhere Can
Anyone Who Has Ever Felt Like an
Make a Positive Difference. CurOutsider. Sterling Publishing, 2008.
rency/Doubleday, 2006.
Brown, Dr. Erica. Inspired Jewish Leadership: Practical Approaches to Building strong Communities. Jewish Lights Publishing, 2008.
Fulghum, Robert. What on Earth Have
I Done? - Stories, Observations and
Affirmations. St. Martin’s Press, 2007.
Harari, Haim. A View from the Eye of
the Storm: Terror and Reason in the
Middle East. Regan Books, 2005.
Johnson, Spencer, M.D. Peaks and
Vallues: Making Good and Bad Times
Salkin, Rabbi Jeffrey K. Righteous Gentiles in the Hebrew Bible: Ancient Roles
Models for Sacred Relationships. Jewish
Lights Publishing, 2008.
Sarna, Jonathan D. A Time for Every Purpose: Letters to a Young Jew. Basic Books,
Friday Night
D’var Torah Series
More Than Words:
A Spiritual Lexicon
October 16:
P age 2
O c t obe r, 20 09
From our Co-Presidents, Margie Fisher and Carole Krassner
Dear Friends,
“Everyone can be great because everyone can serve”. (Martin Luther King, Jr.)
We can’t deny it, fall has definitely arrived. The High Holy Days are behind us and it
October 2
warmed our hearts to see the Sanctuary filled with many guests and temple members. We
Marc and Susan Shepcaro, are very fortunate to have many musically talented members who took part in the service.
in honor of Owen
We thank them all as well as the many temple members who took part in the service with
becoming Bar Mitzvah
readings. A big thank you to our choir who sang so beautifully, as well as the ritual committee for all their behind the scenes work, and Marc Weinstein and family for setting up the
October 9
There are lots of things to look forward to in the month of October at Temple Israel. YesRobin Pastor and
terday, under the direction of the expertise of Colin Williams and with the help from temple
Jeanne Wishengrad
volunteers, who took time on a very chilly day, our Sukkah was built and is now up and
standing. It was wonderful to see the social hall filled with the happy faces and lots of joyful
October 16
chatter as fifty children, along with faculty and parents, busily worked away at making
Jeffrey and Stacey Segil
decorations and then proudly hanging them on the Sukkah. A light Bagel dinner was enin honor of Matthew
joyed by both children and adults after. Soon we will be celebrating Simchat Torah. As Jewish people, we will take pride in seeing the Torah Scrolls being unrolled as everyone stands
becoming Bar Mitzvah
around to watch.
This month we are also welcoming many new members to our temple family. We hope
October 23
To be announced soon!
that you to take the time to meet and speak with each and every one of them. Toward the
end of the month, we will again participate in the pulpit swap. Rabbi Larry will be visiting
October 30
Congregation Etz Hayim in Derry. We ask for your support in attending services that eveEveryone bring something ning when Rabbi Joshua Segal of Congregation Betenu of Amherst will be conducting our
service at Temple Israel. Watch for more information in Rabbi Larry’s weekly update.
to share!
We extend our congratulations to Owen Shepcaro and Matthew Segil, who will become
Bar Mitzvah in October, Samantha Fisher and Jim Troilo on their upcoming wedding. We
offer our best wishes to all.
Thank you to Marc Weinstein, Marc Saunders, Peter Pastor and Bobby Fisher for volunteering to be part of our newly formed Building Maintenance Committee.
Many thanks to everyone who contributed to our very successful food Drive. We encourESHER
age you to continue to support our ongoing Mitzvah Project, providing for the Dover Food
Kesher, Connection, is the
Pantry all year round to help those who are less fortunate.
newsletter for the congregation
We looking forward to seeing all of you at services and other programs. Please feel free
of Temple Israel of Dover,
speak with us and let us know how we are doing. We always welcome suggestions.
Ideas for submissions and letters to the editor are welcomed
from members of the Temple
Israel family and from others
who wish to communicate with
the congregation. All communication with the Editor should
be transmitted by E-mail or
other digital means. Publication is limited by editorial and
space considerations. The
deadline for submission is the
tenth of the month for the following month’s issue of
Tammy Fascetta
[email protected]
Rabbi Larry Karol
[email protected]
[email protected]
Margie and Carole
Temple Israel Board of Trustees
Marjorie Fisher and Carole Krassner,
Marc Hiller, Vice-President;
Lynne DeSantis, Recording Secretary;
Julie Serrano, Corresponding Secretary;
Sam Kirshman, Treasurer;
Ann Isacoff (Sisterhood),
Eve Edelstein-Williams (Sisterhood),
Victoria Fisher, Martin Jaffe, Peter Pastor,
Marc Saunders, Jeffrey Segil, Marc Weinstein.
Monday through Friday.
8:30 am– 1:30pm
1:00-6:00 pm on
Wednesdays when
Religious School
is in session
K e sh er
P a ge 3
A warm thank you to those congregants and
community members who have contributed
to the Capital Campaign in recent months:
Carol & Francis Birch
Michael Blackman and Molly Samson
Sharon & Steve Brody
Cathi Cherry-Liston
Fidelity Charitable Gift
Margie & Bobby Fisher
Forbes Trust
Phil Ginsburg and Carolyn Anderson
Ethlyne Golub
Jonathan & Lauren Harris
Martin & Carole Jaffe
Rabbi Larry & Rhonda Karol
Scott & Lauren Saltman
Jodi & Stuart Scharff
Jill & William Schoonmaker
Temple Israel Sisterhood
John & Erica Tauriello
Colin Williams & Eve Edelstein-Williams
Alan Wolff
This list will be updated in the months to come!
Mazal Tov
to our community members
celebrating happy occasions
in October!
Rachel Fishbein (2), Randy Ann Thomas ( 2), Rabbi
Larry Karol(3), Samantha Weinstein (3), Hannah Mueller (3), Belle Giguere (5), Marc Hiller (6), Lisa Titus
(7), Maria Rubinstein ( 9), Lorraine Goren (12), Alexa
Jackson (14), Mica Wishengrad (16), Sharon Nye (18),
Noah Saunders (18), Jeremy Giguere (21), Carole
Krassner (22), Linda Lyon (24), Emily Behrendt (26),
Sarah Fisher Fuller (28), Andrew Fishbein (29)
Rachael & Andrew Fishbein (9),
Scott & Betty Kaplan (10),
Phil & Carolyn Ginsburg (28)
Temple Israel encourages members to honor the
memory of loved ones and to offer tribute to friends,
relatives and community members through our various Temple funds. Temple Israel expresses its grateful appreciation for the following donations:
General Fund
Florence Pastor, in memory of Harvey Cohen.
Steve and Lorraine Goren, in memory of Nathan Issokson, Samuel Goldstein, Bessie Issokson, and Rose &
Harry Goren
William Ollar & Linda Lyon, 5770 Mitzvah gift.
Anja Legerstee, in memory of her parents.
Carole Krassner, in memory of Harvey Cohn, in honor
of her grandchildren Belle and Jeremy Giguere, and for
High Holy Day service honors.
High Holiday Donations-General Fund
Trisha Feldman & Steve Owen
Jonathan & Lauren Harris
Randy Lopatin
Sheila & Larry Cohen
Donna Whitaker
Mark & Melissa Tobey
Robert & Kathryn Kleiman
Ann & John Ewalt
Cathi Cherry-Liston
Kenneth & Holly Grossman
Sharyn J. Zunz
Rabbi William & Kathryn Leffler Rita Novak
Todd & Loren Selig
Susan Rose
Susan Turner
Audra Cohen Dickinson
Louis & Francine Mroz
Marianne & Jay Goldman
Eric & Janice Miller
Lorraine & Steve Goren
Jonathan Winsor and Jayne Gelman Winsor
Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund
Ann Isacoff, in memory of Philip Verner and Sadie
Burt Cohen and family, thank you to Rabbi Karol for
conducting the minyan in memory of Alice Cohen
Patrick and Marni Nicholas, thank you to Rabbi Karol
for officiating at our son Matthew’s B’rit Milah
High Holy Day Donations–Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund
Leon Hecht
Julie Serrano
Susan Jacobs
Carolyn L’Italien
Hospital Visits: Please keep us informed!
Due to national privacy laws, hospitals are not allowed to
call congregations to inform them that their members have
been admitted as patients. If you know you are going to be
in the hospital in advance, please call the Temple office. If
you find yourself in the hospital unexpectedly, please tell a
nurse that you would like to see the hospital chaplain, who
can call the Temple to let us know that you are there. Rabbi
Karol and your Temple Israel community would like to give
you the care and support that will help you face your health
challenges or concerns.
O c t obe r, 20 09
P age 4
Join us for our
Erev Sukkot
Family Service
on Friday, October 2
at 7:30 pm
Our service will feature
family-friendly prayers
and songs that touch upon
the themes of the holiday.
A festive Oneg Shabbat/Chag will follow!
Our Sukkah Decorators gather
in the Sukkah on September 30!
Shabbat Service
for Renewal of Spirit
Friday, October 16-7:30 pm
Featuring our regular Shabbat prayers along with special
music and readings on the
themes of healing and wholeness. Join us and add your
voice to this enriching
worship experience.
Join us for our Simchat Torah
Family Shabbat (for all ages!)
on Friday, October 9
Tot Shabbat at 6:00 pm
Dairy/Vegetarian Potluck Dinner at 6:30 pm
Service at 7:15 pm
*Ending and beginning the cycle of reading the Torah, including a Torah “unroll”!
*Celebrating with the Torah through music and movement!
*Dedication of our new white Torah covers
*September and October Birthday Blessings
Simchat Torah Service
including Yizkor/Memorial prayers on
Saturday, October 10 at 10:30 am—Kiddush following
New Hampshire Reform Rabbis
Pulpit Exchange on Friday, October 23
Temple Israel will join other New Hampshire Reform congregations on December 8 in an annual pulpit exchange. Rabbi
Joshua Segal of Congregation Betenu in Amherst will lead
our service, which will begin at 7:30 pm. Rabbi Segal will
speak about his exploration of history of the Jewish sections
of the cemeteries in our area. Rabbi Karol will be leading
worship that night at Etz Hayim in Derry.
K e sh er
Your advertisement
in the Kesher Newsletter
helps to support
Temple Israel and its programs!
Contact the Temple office
for more information!
P a ge 5
P age 6
O c t obe r, 20 09
Upcoming B’nei Mitzvah
October 3, 2009—Owen Shepcaro
October 17, 2009—Matthew Segil
November 21, 2009—Jessica Costa
December 19, 2009 - Rosie Alleva
January 9, 2010—Ian Lichtenstein
April 10, 2010—Jonathan Venne
June 19, 2010– Sarah Yanofsky
August 7, 2010—Grace Tauriello
September 25, 2010-Leah Mueller
October 2, 2010—Jules Cook
October 23, 2010—Noah Saunders
Our Shabbat
on Friday,
October 30
and Friday,
November 6
at 7:30 pm
will be lay-led with
participation by
the Temple Israel
Singers and
other congregants!
Please join us!
P age 7
O c t obe r, 20 09
Announcing the October meeting of the Eitz Chayim-Tree of Life
Confirmation Program at Temple Israel Dover
Open to post-Bar/Bat Mitzvah Students through 12th Graders!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009 at 6:10-7:15 pm
Sh’lomit Bar-Levav, 2009-2010 Sh’lichah (Israeli Emissary) to New Hampshire, will lead a program and discussion about Israel and Jewish identity.
Please email Rabbi Karol at [email protected]
or call Temple at 603-742-3976
if you plan to join this opportunity for community and informal learning!
We welcome
our new members
who have joined
Temple Israel
within the last year:
Clayton & Pamela Barrows & Ian
Greenland, NH
Victoria Fisher
Rollinsford, NH
Tammy & Elliot Fixler
and Evan, Emmalee, & Jason
Kingston, NH
Polly & Jonathan Flagg
and Gerty, Molly, & Harrison
Greenland, NH
Joshua & Lori Jacobs
and Emma, Lydia, & Hazel
East Kingston, NH
Bev and Mike Kahn
Rye, NH
Rachel Kennon
Rochester, NH
Rabbi Alvin & Marilyn Mars
Durham, NH
David & Hadassah Ramsay
and Wolfe, Will, & Drew
Nottingham, NH
Marianne Rechy & Amy Zirpolo
Sanbornville, NH
Lisa Rockenmacher & Jeff Mather
and Eliana & Hannah
Exeter, NH
Helen Rose
Dover, NH
Temple Israel
Open House
Sunday, October 25,
9:00-10:30 am
Do you know anyone at work, in your neighborhood, or a friend
who is not affiliated with a congregation and might be interesting in
being a part of our community? If so, please invite them to join us
at a NEW MEMBER OPEN HOUSE at the Temple on Sunday
morning, October 25th at 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM. At the Open
House, we will have Temple information, tours of the building,
brief presentations from Temple leaders and members, and, of
course, refreshments! If all members could invite one family, couple, or individual to come to the Open House, we will have a large
crowd!!! We would like to invite all members of the Temple Israel
Board, Sisterhood, and Brotherhood to attend the Open House to
meet, greet,and inform the new potential members.
Thank you and we hope to see you there!
Karen Hiller, Eve Edelstein Williams, and Cathi Cherry-Liston
The Membership Committee
Boker Tov and Book Fair
Sunday, October 25, 2009
10:30 am-12:00 noon
Join us for a “Boker Tov” service from
Gates of Prayer for Young People at
10:30 am, a special story, activities for
all ages and a chance to browse our
2009 BOOK FAIR presented by SayFair Books
(the book fair will run from October 23 until November 4).
Please respond to Temple—603-742-3976 or
[email protected] - if you plan to attend!
Sponsored by the Education Committee and the Religious School
K e sh er
P a ge 8
Bubeh Meisehs-From the files of Ann Isacoff
How to Stay Safe in the World Today
1. Avoid riding in automobiles because they are responsible for 20% of all fatal accidents.
2. Do not stay at home because 17% of all accidents occur in the home. (that 37%).
3. Avoid walking on streets or sidewalks because 14% of all accidents occur to pedestrians. (now that's 51%).
4. Avoid traveling by air, trains or buses, as 16% of accidents involve these forms of
transportation. (that's 67%)
5. Of the remaining 33%, 32percent of all deaths occur in hospitals. Above all else avoid
6. You will be pleased to learn that only 0.01% of all deaths occur in a synagogue, and
these are usually related to previous physical disorders.
Therefore, logic tells us that the safest place for you to be at any given point in time is in
your Synagogue..........Torah Study is even safer. The
number of deaths during Torah Study is too small to register.........For safety's sake, go to
Shul as often as possible, and attend Torah Study.
It could save your life. ................"
Author Unknown
Temple Israel doing Mitzvot in the Community
Temple Israel
Mitzvah Project
Please bring food items that can
be donated to the Dover Food
Pantry at any time. We would like
to continue our generosity to people in need throughout the year.
Your help in this act of tzedakah
(righteous giving) and g’milut
chasadim (practicing lovingkindness) is appreciated!!!
Dover Friendly Kitchen
Temple Members serve at the Dover
Friendly Kitchen on the first Thursday of
each month at St. Thomas Church Parish
Hall on Locust Street. Our Temple effort
needs people to help cook, serve and
clean. We are there from 3:45 pm until
around 6:15 pm. Volunteers do not need
to come for the whole time. If anyone
has questions, or could let me know if
they plan to attend, I can be reached at
[email protected] or 749-6849. We
welcome everyone's help! Thank you!
Andra Welch, Coordinator
We send our continued thoughts of healing
to Lorraine Goren and Sue Horowitz.
These certificates
are available from
Hadassah for
$5.00 each
for the purpose of
honoring someone
or remembering
a loved one or friend
who has made an impact
on your life.
For more information,
contact Lorraine Goren
at [email protected]
or 603-742-0777.
K e sh er
P a ge 9
The Jewish Federation of New Hampshire—Main Campaign Event
Thursday, October 15 at 7:30 PM
Federation Building—featuring author Gil Mann
Please join us as the community kicks off our annual campaign. This event will feature Gil
Mann, author of the book: “Sex, God, Christmas & Jews.” This topic is sure to intrigue
members of our Jewish Community and we are looking forward to first hearing (and then
reading) how all these topics relate to Jews today. Gil has very generously donated 150
books so that every family that attends this event will take one of his books home! You will
leave stimulated as he shares his insight into Judaism as practiced (and not practiced) today and provides
many practical suggestions that will enhance any individual’s Jewish life as well as the community at
large. Although there is no charge for this event, please RSVP to the Federation at 627-7679 or
[email protected] so we have enough of the delicious desserts for everyone!
Temple Israel Brotherhood will sponsor a special program on
Sunday, October 18 at 1:00 pm at Temple Israel
featuring a talk by Paul Hodes, Congressional Representative
for New Hampshire’s 2nd District.
Please respond to Alan Goldfarb (603-610-0044)
or Tammy Fascetta in the Temple office ([email protected])
if you plan to attend!
Temple Israel of Dover Brotherhood
Brotherhood will sponsor its First Annual Golf Outing on Sunday, October 4
At 8:30 am—$72 per person includes 18 holes of golf, a luncheon, prizes and and a player’s
package—at Sunningdale Golf Club, 301 Green Street in Somersworth
Call Bob Fisher, 742-6131, to make your reservation.
See below for information on plans for a Brotherhood-sponsored
Western Carribean Cruise in February
For more information, contact Martin Jaffe ([email protected] or
603-343-5269 or Alan Goldfarb (603-610-0044)
Save the Date!!!!
The Temple Israel Youth Group will hold its first fall gathering
on Sunday, October 25, 2009 at 5:00 pm at Temple—
Be watching for publicity in the next few days!
P age 1 0
O c t obe r, 20 09
Judaism: Roots
and Rituals,
an Introduction to Judaism
course presented by
Rabbi Larry Karol,
will meet on Tuesday nights
at 7:00-8:30 pm
from October 20 through March 2 (No
class November 3
and December 22 and 29).
This series is especially designed for adult
learners, seekers and explorers who want to
know more about the Jewish heritage!
Please let Rabbi Karol know
if you plan to attend by calling Temple Israel
(603-742-3976) or by sending an e-mail to
Rabbi Karol at [email protected].
Beginning Hebrew
Mort Cherim is ready to teach a new
Beginning Hebrew course.
If you are interested, please contact Mort at
[email protected] or call Temple
at 603-742-3976.
Thank you to all congregants and community members who helped to lead our High Holy Day Worship
by participating on the bimah in our services (readers, singers, chanters, ark openers,
Torah holders/carriers/lifters, shofar sounding, and aliyot):
Carole Krassner, Margie Fisher, Julie Serrano, Cathi Cherry-Liston, Lynne DeSantis, Alan Nasberg, Alan Wolff, Joel LaFargue, Roberta Goldsmith, Melissa Tobey, Rabbi Larry Karol, Samantha Weinstein, Savanna Weinstein, Sharon Nye, Randy
Thomas, Craig Stevens, Martin Jaffe, Carol Birch, Lorraine Goren, Steve Goren, Ann Isacoff, Mort Cherim, Sam Kirshman,
Marc Hiller, Karen Hiller, Naomi Kornhauser, Michael Behrendt, Colin Williams, Eve Edelstein Williams, Rachel Kane,
Noah Williams, Erin Sandler, Rhonda Karol, Phil Ginsburg, Sharon Brody, Michael Kaplan, Glicka Kaplan, Donna Goldfarb,
Adam Karol, Judith Rubenstein, Sue Horowitz, Jonah Goldblatt, Nathaniel Goldblatt, Rebecca Costa, Madeline Shuldman,
Simon Wallace, Emily Behrendt, Liza Behrendt, Lev Hirschhorn, Jodie Fisher-Aviles, Leslie Kirshman,
Ruth Wharton-McDonald, Warren Goldblatt, Steve Giguere, Peter Pastor, Marc Weinstein, Lisa Weinstein, Andy Diengott,
Patty Diengott, Rabbi Alvin Mars, Marilyn Mars, Bobby Fisher, Sharon Brody, Steve Brody; Lilah Cherim, Tali Cherim,
Andrew McDonald, Larry Gray, Jeffrey Segil, Stacey Segil, Maria Rubinstein, Lessa Brill, Alan Goldfarb,
Rabbi William Leffler, Kai Leffler, Paul Pasternack, Whitney Pasternack, Ruth Gerstenblatt.
Thank you also to Marc Weinstein and family, for setting up the Sanctuary for the High Holy Days; the Temple Board
of Trustees, for sponsoring the New Year Oneg on September 18; the Ritual Committee, for arranging High Holy Day
honors and sponsoring the bagel brunch on September 20; and Temple Israel Sisterhood (under the direction of Stacey Smith Jackson and Ann Isacoff), for sponsoring and coordinating the Break-the-Fast on September 28).
The Temple Israel Family extends condolences to: Rabbi Lev Baesh and Andrew Martin, on the death of Lev's mother,
Anne Odell, on September 8, 2009 in Exeter, New Hampshire;
Cathi Cherry-Liston, on the death of her uncle, Harvey Cohn, a former Temple Israel congregant, in Marblehead, Massachusetts on September 7.
The family of Doris Stocklan, on Doris’ death on October 1 (information forthcoming on a memorial service time/date).
May their memories be for blessing.
K e sh er
P a ge 1 1
October 2009
Temple serves Erev Sukkot
at Dover
Family Service Shepcaro Bar
7:30 pm
4:00 pm
4:00-6:00 pm
Board Meeting
7:00 pm
4:00-6:00 pm
6:10-7:15 pm
program featuring
Paul Hodes at
1:00 pm
Te mple Israel
Open House
9:00-10:30 am
Boker Tov/Book
Fair program
10:30 am-12 Noon
Youth Group
5:00 pm
Judaism: Roots
and Rituals
7:00-8:30 pm
Judaism: Roots
and Rituals
7:00-8:30 pm
4:00-6:00 pm
Tot Shabbat/
Chag at 6pm
Dinner 6:30 pm
Simchat Torah
7:15 pm
Simchat Torah
and Yizkor
10:30 am
Shabbat Service Matthew Segil
for Renewal of
Bar Mitzvah
10:00 am
7:30 pm
4:00-6:00 pm
Shabbat Service
Pulpit Exchange
7:30 pm
7:30 pm
P age 1 2
O c t o be r, 20 09
Temple Israel of Dover
P. O. Box 254
Dover, N. H. 03821
(603) 742-3976
T emple Israel is a growing Reform
Jewish congregation that welcomes all
who wish to participate in Jewish
worship, study, and fellowship. Our
mission is to serve as a center for a
Jewish experience of tradition and
prayer, a lifelong Jewish education,
individual and communal acts of
caring, and connection to Israel and
the wider Jewish world.
T emple Israel is a proud member of
the Union for Reform Judaism, one of
more than 800 congregations in the
Reform synagogue movement.
Marjorie Fisher
[email protected]
Carole Krassner
[email protected]
Rabbi Larry Karol
[email protected]
[email protected]
Assistant:Tammy Fascetta
[email protected]
Erev Sukkot Family Service—Friday,
Octobe r 2 at 7:30 pm
on Friday, Octobe r 9: Tot Shabbat,
Dinner & Family Holiday Service
Simchat Torah YIZKOR morning
service on October 10
Shabbat Service for Rene wal of Spirit
on Octobe r 16
Congressional Representative Paul
Hodes to speak on Octobe r 18
Te mple Israel Ope n House on Octobe r 25 at 9:00-10:30 am followe d by
Boker Tov/Book Month program
featuring Book Fair at 10:30 am12:00 Noon
Bar Mitzvah of Owe n She pcaro on
Octobe r 3 and Bar Mitzvah of
Matthe w Segil on Octobe r 17
Judais m Roots and Rituals begins on
Tuesday, Octobe r 20
Week of October 3: Sarah Edelstein (28),
Gertrude Fine (29), Gerald Landgarten (1),
Julius Berenson (1), Sadye Harris (2), Louis
Golub (3)
Week of October 10: Alec Cohen (4), Rachel Beaupre (5), Debora Ginsburg (6), Jack
Briskin (7), Irene Torf (8), Dorothy Cohen
(8), Jack Gotz (9), Samuel K. King (9), Michael Pines (9), Gert Sternberg (10), Lena
Bernstein (10)
Week of October 17: Sylvia Seperson (13),
Martha Shuldman (15), Alex Seigel (15),
Gregory Parsons (16), Sherry Parsons (16),
Gussie Shutzer (16), Edward Black (16),
Henrietta Banner Abeles (16), Boris Traven
(17), Louis Cohen (17), Gloria LoPatin (17),
Clara Fisher (17).
Lifson (23), Leonard Kaplan (24)
Week of October 31: Sidney Kates (26),
Samuel Smokler (26), Evelyn Robbins
(26), Abraham Kaplan (28), Mabel Philips (30), Harold Jacob Edelstein (30), Lt.
Albert N. Edelstein (31), George Hooz
NOTE: Yahrzeits are listed according
to the Hebrew date, so the English date
will vary from year to year. Kaddish
may be recited on the Shabbat following
the date of remembrance. Traditionally
names of the immediate family are
added. It is appropriate to make a donation when adding a name to the Yahrzeit list and at the Yahrzeit date each
year. For information or to add a name
please call Temple at 603-742-3976.
Memorial Wall
Members may add names
of loved ones or reserve
Week of October 24: Norman Stein (18), spaces on the new memoMarc Goldsmith (18), Jakki Wiese (18), rial wall with a minimum
Leon Hirsh (19), Janette Krasin (20), Thelma contribution of $300.
R. Hooz (20), Joseph Baer (21), Bennie Please contact Tammy in the Temple
Davis (22), Alice Weismann (22), Maurice
office for more information.