employee training policy 4103 for 2015.2016


employee training policy 4103 for 2015.2016
Expected Behavior in Safe and
Supportive Schools Initiative
Contacts: Assistant Superintendent Donna Hage,
[email protected]
Director of Safety and Discipline Ken Winkie,
[email protected]
Attendance Director Jim Kirby,
[email protected]
Human Resources, [email protected]
Students thrive in an environment of high expectations
and support. Obstacles that prevent a nurturing
environment are detrimental to all students and the
common good of the community and society. The results
of truancy, discipline, and dropouts pose significant
challenges to us all. Instructional leaders, community
members, and parents must work together to identify
proactive measures and harvest support services that
nurture positive behaviors.
Human Resources, [email protected]
™Establish clear, consistent standards per
programmatic level
™Decrease “out of education” incidences
™Increase interventions and proactive
measures to promote positive behavior
Human Resources, [email protected]
School Attendance
Homebound Services
Bullying, Harassment, and Intimidation Prohibition
Student Code of Conduct
Parental Notifications and Permissions
Collaboration with Law Enforcement
Collaboration with Child Protective Services or Others
Search and Seizure
Use of Restraint
Alternative Education
Citizens’ Complaint and Appeals Process
Human Resources, [email protected]
™ This training is intended for all regularly employed Professional
and Service employees.
™ Significant changes to several county policies are detailed in this
presentation as well as in the complete policy, available at
www.harcoboe.com, or within the 2015-2016 Harrison County
Policy and Regulations Guide. See Policy 4103.
™ Annual training for all administrators and staff members is
required, under Policy 4103, during the first staff meeting of a
new school year.
™ Students and parents/guardians are required to sign and return a
contract agreeing to abide by the stipulations in this policy.
Human Resources, [email protected]
Core Belief:
Excellent attendance is essential for a
student’s successful progress in the
instructional program, in proper
contribution in citizenship, and in the
Human Resources, [email protected]
– Excused Absence – verified in writing by the parent
and submitted upon return to school but no later than
five (5) days after return to school; school-approved
curricular/co-curricular activities; failure of bus run;
SAT, IEP, 504 meeting
– Unexcused Absence – not verified in writing by the
parent; any suspended days out of school, any expelled
days, any absences not defined as “excused” above
Human Resources, [email protected]
Attendance Procedures
™ Student may not be suspended for failure to attend class.
™ Student who is physically absent from school is recorded absent.
™ Student must be in class 100 percent of the class period to be counted
™ When a student accumulates three (3) unexcused absences, the
Attendance Director will notify the parent/guardian.
™ At five (5) unexcused absences, a conference with the principal or
designee is required within five (5) days’ receipt of notice.
™ Students are not permitted to withdraw until they reach their 17th
birthday; intervention priority for these students (School-based
Assistance Team, parent meeting, etc.).
™ Five (5) days of parental excuses are permitted during a school
semester. All other parent notes are unexcused.
Human Resources, [email protected]
Make-Up Work
™ Student shall be given opportunity to complete and
make-up work missed.
™ Student is provided a day for each day absent unless
the student had prior knowledge of a test, quiz,
report, homework, etc. due date prior to absence.
™ The county’s Grading Policy (See
www.harcoboe.com.) addresses attendance and daily
participation points as well.
Human Resources, [email protected]
Parent Notification for Attendance
™ Written notice to parent/guardian is provided after three
(3) and five (5) unexcused absences during a school year.
™ Within five (5) days of receipt of said written notice, the
parent/guardian and child shall report in person to the
school to attend a conference with the principal/designee
to discuss causes of unexcused absences.
™ If parent fails to attend a conference within the time frame,
the Attendance Director shall make a complaint to the
™ With ten (10) unexcused absences, Attendance Director
shall make complaint to Magistrate of the county.
™ The magistrate determines probable cause and may issue a
summons or warrant for arrest.
Human Resources, [email protected]
Licensing Privilege
™ A student who is in satisfactory standing with regard to
attendance, behavior, and academic progress, may receive a
Verification of Enrollment Form for the privilege of obtaining a
driver’s license/permit.
™ Denials:
– Withdrawal from school for more than ten (10) consecutive days
– 15 total unexcused absences during school year
– Failure to earn five (5) credits per year, three (3) of which must be in
a core subject
– Suspension for assault or battery of school employee; possessing
deadly weapon, sale of narcotic drug; conduct that would
constitute a felony under W.Va. Code if committed by an adult;
possessing a controlled substance
Human Resources, [email protected]
Core Belief:
We believe that all students and
employees are entitled to a safe,
secure, positive, productive,
nurturing, equitable, and
harassment-free educational
Human Resources, [email protected]
Bullying, Harassment, &
Intimidation Prohibition
™ All students, employees, staff, coaches, and volunteers
shall report said acts of bullying, harassment and
intimidation to the immediate supervisor immediately.
™ An H1 Form, available at www.harcoboe.com, is to be
completed for all incidences of concern.
™ An H2 Form is completed by school administration and
provided to the complainant, Safety and Discipline
Director, and Title IX Investigator.
™ Any proven incident of bullying, harassment and
intimidation will be reported to the State through WVEIS.
Human Resources, [email protected]
Definition of Bullying, Harassment, &
™ Any intentional gesture, or any intentional electronic, written,
verbal or physical act, communication, transmission or threat that
– Is sufficiently severe, persistent, or pervasive that creates an
intimidating, threatening or emotionally abusive educational
environment for someone
– Disrupts or interferes with the orderly operation of the school
– A reasonable person under the circumstances should know will
have the effect of one or more of the following:
™ Physically harming someone
™ Damaging someone’s property
™ Placing someone in reasonable fear of damage to his person or property
Human Resources, [email protected]
“Cyberbullying” Defined
™ “harassment, intimidation or bullying, in any form,
which is directed toward any student, school district
employee or administrator through the use of the
Internet, electronic mail, mobile telephone, or any
other technology or digital device, whether initiated
on or off school property and has the purpose or
effect of substantially or unreasonably interfering
with an individual’s working or education
environment or otherwise adversely affects an
individual’s working or educational opportunities”
Human Resources, [email protected]
Extent of Coverage
Harrison County Schools prohibits the harassment,
intimidation, or bullying of any student on school
property, on a school bus, at a school bus stop, or at
extra-curricular events. Any individual, group, or
organization affiliated with Harrison County Schools, in
an capacity, including without limitations and
mentoring, “co-op,” shadowing, internships, or
volunteer programs, or as chaperones, sponsors, or
vendors, shall abide by this policy.
Human Resources, [email protected]
Core Belief:
Our schools should undertake proactive,
preventive approaches to ensure a nurturing,
orderly and safe school environment that fosters
learning and personal-social development. We
will create, encourage, and maintain a safe,
drug-free, and fear-free school environment in
the classroom, on the playground, and at schoolsponsored activities.
Human Resources, [email protected]
Level I Violations & Interventions
Disruptive/Disrespectful Behavior
Failure to Serve Detention
Falsifying Identity
Inappropriate Appearance
Failure to Display Good Sportsmanship
™ Inappropriate Display of Affection
Inappropriate Language
Electronic Communication Devices
Vehicle Parking Violation
All violations require:
™ Parent/guardian notification
™ School counseling/interventions
™ Revocation of privileges
™ Other interventions
™ A range of days and
consequences (after school or
lunch detention and ISS second
and third occurrences)
™ See Policy 4103, pp. 18-46, for
more on behaviors, definitions,
and interventions/
Human Resources, [email protected]
Level II Violations & Interventions
™ Gang-related Activity
™ Technology Abuse
™ Insubordination/Unruly
™ Skipping Class
™ Leaving School Without
™ Physical Altercation
™ Loitering
™ Profane Language/Obscene
Gesture/Indecent Act
Toward Student
All interventions require:
™ Parent/guardian notification
™ School counseling/interventions
™ Detention
™ Revocation of priviledges
™ A range of days and consequences
(ISS and/or OSS for second and
third occurrences)
™ Note: Physical Altercation, Loitering,
Technology Abuse, and Gang-related
Activity may warrant law
enforcement notification.
™ See Policy 4103, pp. 18-46, for more
on behaviors, definitions, and
Human Resources, [email protected]
Level III Violations & Interventions
Battery Against a Student
Defacing School Property/Vandalism
Setting Off or Tampering with Fire Alarm
Improper or Negligent Operation of Motor Vehicle
Sexual Misconduct
Threat of Injury/Profane Language/Assault
Against an Employee
Imitation Drugs: Possession, Use, Distribution or
Inhalant Abuse
Tobacco/Nicotine/Vapor Products: Possession or
All interventions require:
™ Parent/guardian notification
™ School counseling/intervention
™ Revocation of privileges
™ At Risk Referral (if deemed
™ A range of days and consequences
(Detention (when no ISS available),
ISS and/or OSS)
™ Note: Notification to law
enforcement and/or alternative
education programs or expulsion are
listed for several offenses at this
™ See Policy 4103, pp. 18-46, for more
on behaviors, definitions, and
Human Resources, [email protected]
Level IV Violations & Interventions
™ Battery Against School Employee
™ Felony
™ Possession and/or Use of Dangerous
™ Possession, Sell, Distribution of, or
Under the Influence of Alcohol
™ Possession, Sale, or Distribution of
Controlled Substance
™ Possession of Non-controlled
Prescription Medication and/or
Over-the-Counter Medication
™ Sale or Distribution of Noncontrolled Prescription Medication
and/or Over-the-Counter
™ Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
™ Law enforcement shall immediately be
notified for all Level IV violations.
™ DHHR notification will occur if
deemed necessary by administration or
law enforcement.
™ Parent/guardian notification will be
required for all Level IV violations.
™ Parent/guardian shall meet in person
with the school administration as soon
as possible.
™ Parent/guardian may be invited to be
present during the interview of the
student, provided that such notification
does not compromise overall school/
student safety.
™ See Policy 4103, pp. 18-46, for more on
behaviors, definitions, and
Human Resources, [email protected]
Safe Schools Act
WV Safe Schools Act (§18A-5-1)
™ “(c) The teacher may exclude from his or her classroom or school bus any
student who is guilty of disorderly conduct; who in any manner
interferes with an orderly educational process; who threatens, abuses or
otherwise intimidates or attempts to intimidate a school employee or a
student; who willfully disobeys a school employee; or who uses
abusive or profane language directed at a school employee. Any student
excluded shall be placed under the control of the principal of the school or
a designee. The excluded student may be admitted to the classroom or
school bus only when
– the principal, or a designee, provides written certification to the teacher
that the student may be readmitted and
– specifies the specific type of disciplinary action, if any, that was taken.
– Principal provides written and, if possible, telephonic notice of the action
to the parent/guardian/custodian.
Human Resources, [email protected]
Safe Schools Act: Repeated Suspensions
When a student is excluded from a classroom or a school bus two times in
one semester, and after exhausting all reasonable methods of classroom
discipline provided in the school discipline plan, the student may be
readmitted to the classroom or school bus only after
™ the principal, teacher and, if possible, the parent(s), guardian(s) or
custodian(s) of the student have held a conference to discuss the
student’s disruptive behavior patterns, and
™ the teacher and the principal agree on a course of discipline for the
student, and
™ inform the parent(s), guardian(s) or custodian(s) of the course of action.
Thereafter, if the student’s disruptive behavior persists, upon the teacher’s
request, the principal may, to the extent feasible, transfer the student to
another setting. The Legislature finds that isolating students or placing
them in alternative learning centers may be the best setting for chronically
disruptive students.”
Human Resources, [email protected]
Guidelines for Suspension or Expulsion
™ Student is entitled to informal hearing for suspension of
ten (10) days or less unless student’s conduct is
detrimental to school and hearing needs delayed.
– Principal explains why student is suspended.
– Student is given opportunity to present reasons why he/she
should not be suspended.
™ Suspensions over ten (10) days require formal hearing
with county board of education.
™ W.Va. Code 18A-5-1 and 18A-5-1a require mandatory
suspension and expulsion for a period not less than twelve
(12) consecutive months by the board of education for
possession of deadly weapon, battery of a school
employee, or sale of a narcotic drug.
Human Resources, [email protected]
Administrative Investigation Procedures
™ Principal shall immediately undertake and authorize an
investigation upon receipt of complaint.
™ Investigation may be conducted by school/system officials
or third party designated by the school system.
™ Investigation, at a minimum, consists of personal
interviews with the following, no later than ten (10) school
days following reported violation:
– Complainant
– Accused
– Witnesses
™ Investigator shall make written report to principal.
Human Resources, [email protected]
Collaborative Relationships
™ Child or Adult Protective Services: Administrator asks student if
he/she wants administrator/designee present during interview.
™ Law Enforcement:
– When child is suspected of crime, students 16 or older may be
questioned without parent present. Administration shall attempt to
contact parent prior to questioning.
– Students 14-15 may be questioned when parent present.
Administration shall contact parent.
– Students under 14 must be provided counsel as arranged by law
enforcement through the Prosecutor’s Office.
– If a parent is a suspect, administration shall contact law
enforcement, WVDHHR and Director of Safety and Discipline only.
Human Resources, [email protected]
Students are entitled to be informed of their
right against self-incrimination if they are in a
custodial setting; however, they are not at
liberty to terminate the interrogation and leave.
Students do not have a constitutional right
against self-incrimination when being
questioned by school officials or PROs, acting
under the supervision of school officials who are
investigating school-related misconduct.
Human Resources, [email protected]
Use of Restraint
™ Use of physical force to significantly restrict the free
movement of all or portion of a student’s body
™ Reasonable force may be used to restrain a student from
hurting himself or any other person or property.
™ When a student’s behavior poses threat of imminent,
serious physcial harm to the student or others or serious
property destruction, restraint may be used by a school
employee or independent contractor.
™ Training shall be provided to school employees and
independent contractors determined by the principal.
™ Law enforcement is contacted after the core team has
exhausted all training procedures possible. Provide
response information to law enforcement at time of call.
Human Resources, [email protected]
Use of Restraint: Required Documentation
™ Within one (1) hour following restraint, principal
provides written and verbal notification that restraint
was used and description of the restraint.
™ During same day, an effort shall be made to verbally
notify the parent/guardian.
™ Within one school day, written notification of restraint
must be placed in the mail to the parent/guardian, in
the student’s official school record, and used in
creation or revision of the student’s behavior
intervention plan.
Human Resources, [email protected]
Citizens Complaint & Appeals Process
™ Step 1: Citizen asserts violation of a policy to teacher or principal;
principal holds conference within ten (10) calendar days of event.
™ Step 2: If unresolved, citizen makes written complaint to principal/
immediate supervisor within five (5) days of the meeting; principal/
supervisor holds conference within five (5) days of receipt of complaint;
principal issues written decision within fifteen (15) days of conference.
™ Step 3: If unresolved, citizen makes written complaint to county
superintendent within fifteen (15) days of principal’s written decision;
superintendent holds conference within five (5) days of receipt of
appeal; superintendent issues written decision within fifteen (15) days
of conference or twenty-five (25) of hearing.
™ Step 4: If unresolved, citizen makes written complaint to State
Superintendent of Schools within thirty (30) days of receipt of
superintendent’)s decision. State Superintendent issues final decision
within thirty (30) days of receipt of appeal.
Human Resources, [email protected]
Equal Opportunity
The Harrison County Board of Education does not
discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, religion,
handicapping condition, marital status, or national
origin in employment or in its educational programs
and activities. Inquiries may be referred to the
Title IX Coordinator Sarah Starkey
Harrison County Board of Education
PO Box 1370, Clarksburg, WV 26301
Phone (304) 624-3312
Human Resources, [email protected]
Donna D. Hage, NBCT Ed. S.
Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources & Policy
[email protected]
Ken Winkie,
Director of Safety and Discipline
[email protected]
Jim Kirby, MS
Attendance Director
[email protected]
Human Resources, [email protected]