September 2008 - Spectacular Magazine


September 2008 - Spectacular Magazine
September 2008
Vol. IV, Issue IX
Brother Yusef
Page 13
Page Two
September 2008
September 2008
Page Three
Page Four
Assembly returned to
Wednesday, August
27, 2008 for a special
session to consider a
bill vetoed by Gov.
(H2167) would allow
people to haul some
boats without permits and to expand
the times when the
boats could be moved. In the end,
Representatives and the Senate
voted overwhelmingly to override
the governor’s veto, clearing the
way for the bill to become law.
Gov. Easley is the first governor in
state history to use the veto and
he has vetoed nine bills while in
office. This was the first time in
state history the General
Assembly has overridden a veto.
This month, I also wanted to share
some information with you about
how the General Assembly continues to work for the future of
this state. I believe we can all
agree that education is one of the
surest long-term investments we
can make for the people of North
Carolina. There is clear and convincing evidence to show that on
the whole better educated people
earn more and give more back to
their society. We need to make
certain that everyone in this state
who has the ability and interest in
attending college can afford to do
so and that once they’re there
they receive the best education
we can give them.
Over the years, we have made
substantial investments in the
UNC system and the university’s
appropriation this fiscal year is
nearly $2.7 billion. I want to share
a few of the ways over the past
biennium we have tried to make
college more accessible and more
affordable while also improving
the quality of our universities.We
also gave the system $15 million
to use toward campus safety improvements.
I welcome any of
your thoughts and
comments about my
work for you. Please
feel free to call or
write if you have a
continues to grow and as it does,
schools need more money to pay
the basic costs of this growth.This
year, the General Assembly has
agreed to set aside nearly $35 million to help the universities cover
the costs of growth.
D. Hall
_ In addition to the EARN
Scholars program, we increased
access to our world-class universities by increasing financial aid in
the UNC system by nearly $28
million and setting aside another
$8.6 million for state scholarships
and grants.We appropriated $1.75
million in tuition grants for halftime students
_ We enhanced our “529” college
savings fund by allowing more
people to contribute more money
each year to the tax-free
_We set aside $6 million to
expand the Learn & Earn program
and increased funding for the
online component of the program
by $12.5 million. Learn & Earn
allows high school students to
earn college credits while they are
still in high school. High school
students can even earn an associate’s degree online, from their
high school, or at a local community college. The program is free
and allows students to prepare for
college or work with no more
than an extra year of high school
at no additional cost.
September 2008
percent pay raise so that we can NANOENGINEERING SCHOOL
attract the best educators for our _ We appropriated $5 million for
the Joint Graduate School of
_ The state budget includes $4.6 Nanoengineering Building at the
million in matching money to Millennium
establish distinguished professor- Greensboro. The 95,000-squareships on each of the state’s 16 foot facility will be jointly operatconstituent universities. The ed by North Carolina A&T State
Spangler Foundation will provide University and the University of
the remainder of the money.
North Carolina-Greensboro. We
also gave the school $3 million
_ $3 million for a faculty recruiting
more for operations.
and retention fund to attract and
keep university professors.
our state and our university sys- _ North Carolina is a leader
tem continue to grow, we need among states in energy efficiency
more buildings and new programs efforts. Over the past two sesto provide the level of service sions, the General Assembly comexpected of one of the nation’s mitted $76.2 million to plan and
premier institutions. Below are build the Energy Production
some of the highlights of our Infrastructure Center at UNCexpansion of the university sys- Charlotte. Students at the center
will learn how to make better and
more efficient power plants.
Larry D. Hall [email protected]
_ $1.5 million for planning the
remember that you can visit the General
expansion of the medical schools
Assembly’s Web site at to look up
at the University of North bills, view lawmaker biographies and access other
Carolina at Chapel Hill and East information. You can also listen to sessions and
Carolina University.The proposed committee meetings by using the “audio” feature
additional medical students will on the site.
spend their third and fourth years
in clinical rotations in Charlotte,
Asheville, and selected cities in Another Perspective
Eastern North Carolina.
Business & Finance
_ The General Assembly agreed
to $94 million in spending to plan
and operate a new dental school
at ECU, which will have up to ten
clinics serving patients in underserved areas of the state. ECU
plans to heavily recruit students
from rural areas and will encourage students to practice in those
areas. The dental school is set to
open by 2010 at the earliest.
_ $22.5 million to pay lease costs,
hire faculty and staff, and purchase
equipment and supplies for UNC
programs located at the North
Carolina Research Campus at
Kannapolis.The research center is
a collaboration between private
investors, business and the univerFACULTY - We gave university fac- sity system.
ulty and professional staff an 8 NANOSCIENCE AND
Business of Month
Coach’s Corner
Features AKA Story
Lois Deloatch
John Thorpe & Thorpe Family 13
Marion “Mouse” Wiggins
Brother Yusef
From The Publisher’s Desk
Granville County
In The Spotlight
Legal Eagle Advisor
Living Your Faith
News Briefs
Not Just Your Business
Orange County
Out & About
Political & Civic Affairs
Rightchus Truth
Talkback, Too
September 2008
From The Publisher’s Desk...
As we look at all the glamorous presentations at the
conventions we could be reminded of some great
Hollywood or Broadway productions. Looking
around the arenas you might think that there was a
fair sampling from all across America. However, we
all know that is not true, although we would want
to have the world think so. We applaud and cheer
the speeches and video presentations as if we are at
a football game between two teams. But much like
the question after that fabled big game, will there be
much accomplished as a result? In football it just
means you hold the trophy high until next year, or
as in hockey, take a tour with the Stanley Cup or if
you are in the beauty pageant you take a tour with
the crown.
Rising health spending is taking an ever increasing
portion of the everyday worker’s take-home pay.
Many jobs are going to new immigrants, independent contractors, non-profits, etc., that do not result
in healthcare. Approximately 47 Million Americans
nationwide are now uninsured. Many question
whether some families make this decision voluntarily. No doubt, if you have the option to have healthcare or basic necessities to live day to day, what
would you do? Our senior citizens are facing the
question every day of whether to reduce their dose
of medicine by half leaving some money to pay for
other necessities. Remember the gas crisis that has
led to the increase of all of life’s necessities. Well it
impacts those most in need because it raises the
cost of life’s necessities. Is foregoing healthcare
really a voluntary decision?
In 2007 the median household income was
$50,233.00, lower than the $50,641.00 it was in
1999. If the rate of inflation continues to cause the
cost of living to go up and the income goes down,
well as my parents used to say, you run out of
money before you run out of month. The people
below the poverty line rose from 11.3 percent in
2000 to 12.5 percent. That line is set at about
$21,000.00 per year for a family of four. Can you
imagine being able to run a household on such a
meager amount, not to mention trying to afford
healthcare. Is foregoing healthcare really a voluntary decision?
The needs and challenges of the working poor, children and elderly continue without voice; the poor
have no political clout, they live in the shadows.
Sure we have great social service delivery systems,
but it is more about system and less about delivery.
Look at our efforts here in Durham. Promises were
made to end homelessness in ten years. Yet we
commit funds to build a performing arts theatre and
downtown skateboard park with today’s dollars. It
is all about our priorities
and we hate to take
responsibility for developing those priorities. It
is always going to be the
next time that we do the
fair thing or the right
Phyllis D. Coley, Publisher
thing. But somehow the
“next time” never comes. We continue to find ways
to separate individuals in our city and victimize
some for the benefit of others.
Interestingly enough though - the poor can have
some power once in a while.The time of empowerment of the poor comes only at election time. It is
then, or should I say now, that the poor see the
messengers of the candidates and the parties.
Teams of bright-eyed young volunteers comb the
poor neighborhoods, urban and suburban, looking
for voters until Election Day. The parties sponsor
weekly neighborhood canvassing sessions trying to
find every vote.
On Election Day they will be knocking door to door
trying to “flush” out every vote. There will be no
contempt for the poor and elderly on this day, all
votes are prized and cherished. But we all know
after the election the “bright eyes” will be rarely
seen, the knock on the door rarely heard. Strange
thing though, the motivated volunteers have just
seen the needs of the communities around them up
close and personal.
The burden on us will be to vote and the burden on
the winners will be to perform after the election.
Hopefully this time it will be different.
Hopefully we as citizens will learn how to do more
than just be voters, but to be the masters over
politicians that claim to be committed to serving
our needs. Hopefully citizens will forcefully demand
that the promises of campaign season be carried
out. Some say the election is about change and
Obama is your man. But elections are always about
change and we have them every year. There will be
elections other than just president and the question
is whether citizens will “change” the way they participate.
Are you ready for the responsibility of change? Are
you willing to take the responsibility for the actions
of the officials that you elect and who act in your
name? That next look in the mirror should be long
and deep since you will be looking at the new
“decider” as George Bush would say.
Phyllis Coley
Page Five
[email protected]
Spectacular Magazine enlightens,
empowers and entertains African
Americans in Durham, Wake Orange,
Granville, Vance and Person counties
with features, columns, commentaries
and calendars.
Spectacular Magazine is published
monthly and distributed free in
Durham, Wake, Orange, Granville, Vance
and Person counties. Deadline for all
submissions is the 22nd of each month.
Contact us at:
[email protected]
or by mail at:
Post Office 361
Durham, NC 27702
Mail subscriptions are available for
$25.00 per year. Second class postage
is paid in Durham, N. C.
Page Six
The Rightchus Truth
by, their behind was booed
off stage.
Hip hop’s lyrical content
touched every facet of black
life. Not only did it tell the
stories of tough times,
hunger and heartache; hip hop
was a looking glass into the
various dynamics of love and
the intimate relationships we
share with our people.
by Lamont Lilly aka ‘Rightchus’
hands of the FBI and CIA.
Government infiltration and
surveillance pressed rigorously on the backs of those
who were only attempting to
exercise their so-called constitutional rights. Countless
Part I of III:
members of the Black
FROM THE MUDDY WATERS Panther Party were imprisIn attempting to be critical
oned on bogus and trumpedof my beloved hip hop and the
up charges.
industry most people call rap,
one must first ponder on the Defending our community
historical and sociological from the dangers of police
context in which hip hop first brutality and the bombardcame about.
By the late ment of drugs was deemed as
1970’s and early 80’s black “radical,” while COINTELPRO
folk, especially those of us ran rampant doing whatever
residing in the inner-city or they wanted to, and to
more urban communities, had whomever they wanted to.
grown quite irritated, frus- The real black leaders were
trated and bitter; as it was all being killed off, exiled, or
revealed to us that the move- imprisoned regardless of
ments of the 1950’s, 60’s, and their age, gender, religion, or
70’s failed to propel us into organizational affiliation.
the social standings our people had hoped for. The youth This was the backdrop for a
of this particular generation new form of musical expreshad either personally wit- sion made true. This new
nessed or were told first brand was an eclectic manihand of the accounts regard- festation that reflected the
ing the legal victories of the obstacles of poverty and
NAACP, the SCLC, CORE, and unemployment, denied social
opportunities, and the harsh
realities of experiencing the
Up close, they saw and heard invisible black veil of good
the very moving and mesmer- times but painfully hard living.
izing articulations of blackness exerted from figures Initially hip hop encapsulated
such as Malcolm & King, the empowerment and liberaStockley & Hampton, Angela tion a particular genre of
Davis and Kathleen Cleaver. music granted a younger gendisenfranchised
The March on Washington eration;
had come and gone. Hampton, brothers and sisters who
King, Evers, and Malcolm by simply sought the right to
then had all been viscously openly express themselves.
The Black Hip
Power Movement of the late reflected the voice of the
1960’s and 70’s was brought people and through the arts
to an abrupt halt by the of Graffiti, MC-in’, DJ-in’,
Beat Box-in’, and Breakin’,
The following three part essay series was developed
that the truth be brought forth regarding hip hop’s glorious past, nostalgic present, and its hope toward a
brighter future. I give honor and reference to all the
past and present gods of hip hop; hoping that the following words shed a fluorescent light of sincerity
toward their American contributions.
September 2008
Lamont Lilly aka Rightchus
the people became hip hop.
It was the Blues and Jazz
before their pop infiltration.
Hip hop was ours because it
came directly from us; our
streets, our ghettoes, our
innovative hearts and minds.
I was first initiated into hip
hop’s grand nobility by urban
legends such as Eric B. &
Enemy and Pete Rock. My
entry into this ultra-rhythmic world of musical genius
and cultural embracement
was continuously fueled and
molded by others such as: A
Tribe Called Quest, Brand
Digable Planets, Pharcyde,
Black Star, The Roots, De La
Soul, Das EFX, Nas, Tupac
Shakur, Gang Starr, OutKast,
and The Wu-Tang Clan.
It discussed the joys and
pleasures of the infamous
house party, and school
dance. Hip hop shed a much
needed light into our familial
intricacies and personal insecurities. It was an innerscope into the differences
and causality of both black
crime and white crime. It
critiqued and regurgitated
ardently the effects of slavery, racism, and the vast
array of American injustices.
And yeah, it also openly
revealed the social dynamics
of the black underworld; the
life of pimpin’, thuggin’, and
the various ways of making
money in the hood.
The point of emphasis seldom
mentioned is that hip hop
then dissected such topics
within the realms of an
unspoken honor code. The
harsh reality of being black in
America and surrounded by a
cesspool of negativity wasn’t
spoken of like a shameful
secret but it also wasn’t
gloated about and glamorized.
By way of their music, the
older cats would drop their
different view points of reality be it good or bad but
always in return encourage
the young bloods to go to
school, become engaged in
their community, and to make
something of themselves.
During hip hop’s classical
school it was cool to be intelligent. As a matter of fact, it
was a must! Though an artist
may not have possessed a formal education, if your aim was
to rock the crowd and gain
the people’s approval of your
craft, you had better bring
you’re A-game. Sarcasm, wit,
word play, creativity, originality, and flair were all apart of
each individual’s package.
There’s no question that a
song’s beat or track was vitalRightchus Truth
ly important, but if the artist
failed to deliver the lyrical [email protected]
foundations the audience
could relate to or be inspired Continued Next Month: Part II
September 2008
Page Seven
Friends coming together for a
friend via a Benefit Auction on
Sunday September 14th at
Parizades Restaurant to raise
money to pay off her medical
debts asssociated with her
treatments for breast cancer
DURHAM – For Valerie Joseph,
former Miss Black Virginia and
Mrs. Virginia pageant runner up,
Marketing Manager, single
mom, community activist, and
active church member, the
Nationwide Insurance Company
tagline “Life Comes at You
Fast” is very real.
Valerie Joseph
Valerie’s life was on the fast
track, busy helping others and Valerie, a contributing writer for several
living her dreams, when all of a publications, interviewed Sen. Barack
Obama for Spectacular Magazine last
sudden the unspeakable hap- spring. She talked with him about his
pened: she was diagnosed with plans for health insurance for the nation.
breast cancer. The devastating Photo: Chris Hinton
news initially sent Valerie into a related costs the members of the
tailspin (like it would any one of Victory 4 Valerie Committee are
us). What was she going to do, hosting a benefit auction on
and how would she take care of Sunday, September 14th at
her young teenage son?
Parizades Restaurant (2200 W.
A devastating diagnosis like Main Street) in Durham from
cancer can take a tremendous 2:30pm – 5:30pm.
toll not only psychologically Committee consists of several of
and emotionally, but financially Valerie's friends including some
as well. Valerie is now on dis- who are themselves breast cancer
ability, and during this ordeal survivors. There will be many
she has had the sole burden of wonderful gifts and services up
paying for her health insurance for auction.
In an effort to
month), along
let you know more
with maintaining
a home for her
and her son on a
Palmer - a member
of the Victory 4
budget. She has
Valerie Committee
racked up med- relates this story:
ical bills in the
Early one mornthousands
ing in May, I was
walking by the office
at the elementary
school where I'm the
for Valerie has always given back to her art teacher. The secValerie Joseph's community. Even as she was going retary motioned to me
medical expens- through her treatments, Valerie and said, "Mrs.
organized a school supply give-away
es and other with her employer.
Palmer, you have a
phone call." I picked up the phone and
heard Valerie Joseph's voice. "You don't
know me, but I'm a patient at the oncology clinic where your students' artwork
is on display. There is one painting there
by a second grader that is so beautiful to
me. My friend, Linda, who has been
taking me to all of my hospital stays and
some chemo treatments, has been admiring it too. I was wondering if there
would be any way I could get that
painting and give it to Linda to express
my gratitude for all she has done for
me…but I don't know if I can afford it.
I've been out of work for a year because
of my illness."
At that moment, my mind went
back to the summer of 2005. I had just
finished a year of chemotherapy and
radiation treatments for breast cancer
and was thrilled to be doing what I love
to do that evening. I was facilitating an
art "fun" event at my oncology clinic for
cancer patients.
I told Valerie on the phone that I
did know her, and I'd see what I could
do. That very day, I saw my student and
told her about Valerie's request. She
didn't hesitate a single moment, smiled
and simply said, "Well, I could just give
it to her."
As a teacher, I knew this was an
opportunity to make a difference in this
student's life, and I looked for a way to
honor her generosity.
I remembered that Barbara Gibbs,
of WTVD Channel 11, had done a story
on a friend, also a breast cancer survivor, who went to New Your City to
be on Good Morning America and meet
Robin Roberts. I called Barbara and
shared the story of friendship and a little girl's kindness. She agreed to do a
story and we all met at the oncology
clinic for the filming.
I was so touched by who Valerie
was, and by her difficult circumstances,
that behind the scenes, I gave her one of
my own personal paintings, called
"What the World Needs More Of" which
had recently been in my exhibit "The
Healing Power of Love." I suggested
that she and her friends auction the
painting to raise funds to help with
her expenses.
So one thought, one kind deed,
inspired another, and another. A
friend selflessly gives of her time to be
with Valerie during her chemo.
Valerie wants to surprise her with the
beautiful painting. A little girl wants
to help by giving what she has made.
I'm inspired to give my own art.
Friends are now working together to help Valerie, who has done so
much for so many others herself, so she
can pay her medical bills and insurance. And it's all occurring in a space
of generosity, gratitude, kindness,
friendship, and love.
I invite everyone to participate in
the benefit auction at Parizade on
Sunday, September 14, from 2:305:30. You will get to continue this
legacy of giving and making a difference, and have lots of fun, great food,
live jazz music, and even get your
holiday shopping started.
Beth Palmer
Calleen Herbert
Sharon Sullivan
Anjelica Amable
Harold Bagley
Renee' Barnes
Vera Braswell
Dorothy Brower-Brokaw
Valvria Clark
Phyllis Coley
Cynthia Edwards
Catherine "Joy" Griffin
Brenda McCants
Saundra McDougald
Sherry Meachum
Raymon "BeBe" Moore
Beth Palmer
Linda Perry
Tonya Phillips
Angie Steele
For more info visit or contact
Sharon Sullivan (919) 724-2385 or
Calleen Herbert (919) 596-7257.
Page Eight
Celebrating 110 Years of Service
September 2008
September 2008
Page Nine
By Linda A. Flournoy
Contributing Writer
Marion “Mouse” Wiggins
DURHAM - In 1955, Christine
Wiggins decided to buy an old,
used piano for her son, "Mouse".
Soon after, she bought him a trumpet. Mouse said he had to have it.
Although money wasn't plentiful
in the Wiggins home, the sacrifice
was made, and a lifelong love
affair with music was born. Mrs.
Wiggins saw how desperately her
son wanted the instruments, and
sensed his passion for music. Even
as a young boy, it was in his soul.
Fast-forward 53 years, and
Marion "Mouse" Wiggins' love for
music hasn't waivered, with
Durham now the beneficiary of
his passion. Still known as
"Mouse" in the entertainment
industry, Marion Wiggins, Jr. is
now also known as the Founder
and CEO of The Old School
Enrichment, affectionately known
as, "TOSCEC".
Perfecting The Craft
By the time Marion Wiggins
entered Hillside High School at
age 14, he had been exposed to the
music industry, playing piano with
groups like The Crusaders, at a
time when small combo bands
were replacing the Big Band era.
In high school, Marion played
trumpet, became Student Director
of the band, and transcribed music
from the radio for NCCU's
Marching Band and Hillside High
Marching Band, which the direc-
In the mid-1970's, Mouse Wiggins (far right with hat) was asked to join the New
Central Connection with Donald Byrd (seated right) at NCCU. In a recording session an unidentified engineer (seated left) are group members (back row - left
toright): Aaron Mills, Charlie Brown, Norris Ducket, Stanley Baird and Reggie
Williams; (center with afro) Wesley Jackson. Their hit, "Bull City Party", was recorded with United Artist, and other self-produced records followed.
Submitted Photo
tion of Dr. Joseph Mitchell.
His growth as a musician continued to flourish with paying
gigs, allowing him to pay for
tuition as a student at NCCU
where he played in the band.
Simultaneously, Marion played
with many professional entertainers who performed in the Durham
area including Ike & Tina Turner,
Sam & Dave, and Clarence Carter.
After being promoted to Band
Leader for Chuck Jackson,
Wiggins was responsible for handling special appearances, like
"Soul Train", and conducted the
"Diana Ross Orchestra" at
Carnegie Hall. Other renowned
venues played were the Apollo
Theater in New York, the Regal in
Chicago, The Fox Theatre in
Atlanta, and The Twenty Grand in
In the mid-1970's, he was
asked to join the New Central
Connection with Donald Byrd at
NCCU. Group members included
Stanley Baird, Aaron Mills, Norris
Ducket, Bonnie Clyde, Charlie
Brown, Clifton Cotton and
Reginald Williams. Their hit,
"Bull City Party", was recorded
with United Artist, and other selfproduced records followed.
Early Professional Years
With friend, Cliff Cotton,
Virginia Beach was the first stop
in Wiggins' post-collegiate professional career. They eventually
joined Chuck Jackson's Band,
known for the hit "Any Day
Now", and headlined for famous
acts including Stevie Wonder,
Dionne Warrick, The Temptations,
Patti LaBelle & the Bluebells, and
Wilson Picket. Touring nationally
gave Mouse the opportunity to The Calling In Durham
network with other entertainers
Early in his career, Mouse
and promote the careers of his married and become the father of
Mouse Wiggins (left) in practice studio at The Old School Community Enrichment "old school" musician friends three. Later, in 1978, he married
Center with his former mentor Dr. Joseph Mitchell.
Photos: Maurice Noble back in North Carolina.
Mouse Wiggins continues on page 10
Page Ten
Mouse Wiggins continues
Mouse Wiggins with his wife of over 30
years Justine have been a blessing to the
Christian Community helping to build
church music departments, outreach ministries with prisons, retirement homes,
and Children's Hospital.
his current wife of 30 years,
Justine, who, when they met, was
a performer with a local band.
After their two children were
born, Mouse decided to "come in
from the road".
Settling in Durham, Mouse
Guitarist Aaron Mills in The Old School
Community Enrichment Center’s recording studio. He made his first recording in
the mid-1970's when he, along with
Mouse Wiggins, join the New Central
Connection with Donald Byrd at NCCU.
Other group members included Stanley
Baird, Norris Ducket, Bonnie Clyde,
Charlie Brown, Clifton Cotton and
Reginald Williams.
gave his life to Christ and worked
in the church, and began producing gospel music. Three albums
were produced with Justine, and
friend, Larry Duncan: "The
Wiggins, Mouse & Wife Justine",
"Faith Comes by Hearing", and
"Stand Up with Faith". Through
the years, Marion and Justine have
been a blessing to the Christian
Community helping to build
church music departments, outreach ministries with prisons,
retirement homes, and Children's
In 1993, Wiggins was diagnosed with a debilitating illness
and was placed on disability. As
the disease became progressively
worse, Justine heard a word from
God saying "it was time", and the
couple began pursuing every
avenue available toward their calling. In faith, Justine quit her job at
IBM, and she and Wiggins started
PHP, a company dedicated to
helping the special needs population.
September 2008
Sound engineer and professional jazz musician Willie Hill is adjusting levels during
recording session in the studio at The Old School Community Enrichment Center. The
Center provides students with a facility to learn, practice and perform vocal and
instrumental music with professional musicians using state-of-the-art equipment.
From the success of PHP, the
two were able to pool resources to
take Marion's passion for music to
the community. Mouse's illness
began to abate; and, knowing that
God makes provisions for the
dreams He gives, Wiggins and his
wife once again stepped forward
in faith and opened The Old
School Community Enrichment
A Dream Realized
TOSCEC gives Wiggins an
opportunity to serve the community in a place where love and hope
are felt, and musical dreams and
possibilities can be realized by
inner-city youth and the special
needs population. The purpose of
TOSCEC is to provide students
with a facility to learn, practice
and perform vocal and instrumental music with professional musicians using state-of-the-art equipment. Wiggins fervently expresses that “this Center does not operate just because of us, but is a
vision shared by many where
greatness can be accomplished.”
TOSCEC, located at 1500 E. Club
Boulevard, is hosting a reception on
Wednesday, September 10th at 5:30 p.m.
"Community Day" will be held on
Saturday, September 13th from 11:00
a.m. to 2:00 p.m. For more information
please call 919-220-8135.
Photos: Maurice Noble
(919) 680-0465
September 2008
Page Eleven
By Grace Graham
Features Editor
DURHAM - A dynamic performer
with a powerful voice and an
Deloatch’s concerts are unforgettable. On August 22, 2008 at the
St. Joseph Historic Foundation/
Hayti Heritage Center, she premiered her fourth recording,
Hymn to Freedom: Homage to
Oscar Peterson.
The talented vocalist and
songwriter penned lyrics for three
of the ten compositions on the
disc including two Peterson compositions "Hymn to Freedom" and
"When Summer Comes" and
Bobby Timmons’ ‘Moanin’.
The music was recorded in
November 2006, prior to the
death of Oscar Peterson, a worldrenown pianist and jazz celebrity.
“Peterson and the great musicians with whom he collaborated
such as Ray Brown and Ed
Thigpen represent the essence
of jazz,"
s a y s
who has
a n d
w i t h
m u s i c
greats such
A r t u r o
and Freddy
The August 22nd concert at St.
Joseph’s Historic Foundation/
Hayti Heritage Center was a
tremendous success. With more
than 300 guests in attendance, the
standing-ovation performance
attracted music lovers and jazz
fans from throughout the Triangle
area and far beyond.
Highlights of the concert
included a suite of spirituals per-
p a c k e d ance as a singer began with her
duets: NCCU
d e s s e r t debut into the church choir at the
Jazz Studies
r e c e p t i o n tender age of seven. While living
Director, Dr.
in in Margarettsville, her siblings
Ira Wiggins,
Hayti’s exhi- also showcased their musical talaccompanied
bition hall ents.
Deloatch on
was a real
Her sister, Sandra D,
flute for a
testament to Reddish—a social worker in
stirring rendithe impact Durham— performed as the lead
music has in singer in her brother’s band. And
“Sometimes I
bringing the with a warm smile, Deloatch
Feel Like a
community described her mother’s love for
singing and dancing, “Though my
C h i l d ; ”
Deloatch’s mother loved to sing she was a litpianist Ernest
love affair tle tone deaf - she sang with great
with music enthusiasm, but could not carry a
D u r h a m
in tune very well,” she fondly
native, proMargaretts - recalled.
vided notable
ville, North
Deloatch and her husband, Ed
accompaniC a r o l i n a Gomes, who is the new board
( N o r t h - chair of St. Joseph Historic
B a r b a r a
H a m p t o n Foundation/Hayti
Lois Deloatch
where she Classics, a weekly jazz radio proof “This Little Light of Mine;” was raised. She and her nine sib- gram on WNCU 90.7 FM, North
and an uplifting take on “Down by lings grew up surrounded by vari- Carolina Central University's
the Riverside” was performed ous types of music— gospel, soul, Public Radio Station.
with Duke blues, and rock.
Deloatch said, “With our busy
Jazz Studies
Her parents provided a home schedules we look forward to
D i r e c t o r with an atmosphere that enabled doing the show each week
and bassist, the children to enjoy and explore because it gives us quality time
J o h n numerous art forms. And, with rel- together.“ Committed to giving
atives living in larger cities the back to the community, her work
T h e family had a greater exposure to at the radio station is a way to supacoustics the arts.
port NCCU and the larger commuand ambiDeloatch’s first public appearLois Deloatch continues on page 12
ence of
H a y t i
Center ’s
performa n c e
hall, a
church sanctuary,
provided the perfect setting for an
evening that succeeded in paying
homage to traditional African
American music – spirituals,
blues, and jazz – and legendary
composers such as Duke
Ellington, Fats Waller, and John
The hour-long concert showcased Deloatch’s expertise and tal- Lois Deloatch (right) on performs at her CD Premiere concert held at the St. Joseph’s
ents as vocalist, songwriter, and Performance Center in Hayti Heritage Center in August. The CD is entitled Hymn to
storyteller. Moreover, the jam- Freedom: Homage to Oscar Peterson.
Page Twelve
September 2008
Highlights of the Lois Deloatch’s CD Premiere concert included a suite of spirituals
performed as duets: NCCU Jazz Studies Director, Dr. Ira Wiggins, accompanied
Deloatch on flute for a stirring rendition of “Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless
Child;” pianist Ernest Turner, a Durham native, provided notable accompaniment on
Barbara Cooke’s arrangement of “This Little Light of Mine;” and an uplifting take
on “Down by the Riverside” was performed with Duke Jazz Studies Director and
bassist, John Brown. Pictured left to right: V. Dianne Pledger, CEO - St. Joseph’s
Photo: Mel Brown
Historic Foundation, Inc., Barbara Cooke and Lois Deloatch.
Lois Deloatch (second from left) with musicians that accompained her on her latest
CD are (left to right) Scott Sawyer, Deloatch, Willie Pickens, John Brown and Ed
Photo: Rick Dior
Lois Deloatch continues
Pictured at WNCU 90.7 FM, NCCU's
Radio Station, Deloatch and her husband, Ed Gomes, host Sunday Evening
Classics, a weekly jazz show. It’s her way
of giving back.
nity. Deloatch maintains a close
relationship with the staff and volunteers connected with the station.
For the past eighteen years,
Deloatch has been employed by
Duke University as an Associate
Director of Corporate and
Foundation Relations. She will
receive her graduate degree from
Duke in September and she also
earned an undergraduate degree
from the University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill.
She finds her volunteer work
and position at Duke interesting
and challenging; however, she
manages her dual careers very
well. When it’s a busy time at her
Duke job, she usually does not
book performances out of town.
And when its time to tour and promote her music she arranges well
in advance for time off from her
position at Duke.
explains, “It’s the same as my
friends and family members who
work two jobs, one of mine happens to be my passion – my
careers actually complement each
Deloatch's also find time to
teach workshops, and one particular workshop she selected the
theme "The singer as an interpreter of music," and her first CD
released in 1998, Sunrise, was a
collection of her original compositions. But the line between original work and interpretation shifts
as she often mixes the two, which
she showcases on her tribute
recording to Oscar Peterson.
Whether singing her own
songs or performing standards,
Deloatch said that the goal is the
same: expression. "You bring to
the music who you are, what you
are, and how you feel about it."
To purchase a copy of the CD, visit
September 2008
Page Thirteen
Edward Thorpe—the parents they
described as the glue that held the
family together.
Though it was the first recording
for the entire family, John who
moved to New York at the age of
seventeen, made his first recording many years ago with the
Mighty Jubilairs out of Newberg,
New York, and later a national
release with the Brower Brothers
of Newark, New Jersey.
He is a former radio announcer for the Gospel Train in
Poughkeepsie, NY, and currently
is a member of the GMWA Gospel
Radio Announcer’s Guild.
The talented vocalist also has
written lyrics for the late Willie
Neal Johnson and the Gospel
Keynotes of Tyler, Texas. He was
awarded the Soloist of the Year
Award by the Gospel Counselor
Association in 2005, and nominated for the Newsome Award in June
While living in the northeast,
John shares a story of attending a
Barry White Concert, and the gifted Chante Moore was opening for
Mr. White. Chante requested that
a gentleman from the audience
join her in a song.
John said, “About 30 guys
John K. Thorpe
By Grace Graham
Features Editor
ROXBORO, NC - This a story of
an amazing family who ministers
and uplifts audiences with timeless gospel songs; and on
Saturday, October 11 at 6:00 pm,
John Kermit Thorpe and The
Thorpe Family will record their
first live video at the Kirby Civic
Auditorium in Roxboro. They are
expecting about 800 people
including the TV personality
Reverend Dr. Bobby Jones.
The Thorpe Family made their
first recording, In His Name in
March 2007, and dedicated it to
the memory of their beloved parents, Mr. and Mrs. McCollin
The Thorpe Family
responded, and all were sent back
to their seats.”
John’s friends tried to talk him
into accompanying the vocalist,
but he hesitated. Chante noticed
the urging and invited him to give
it a try. The song went so well, that
he was offered an opportunity to
tour with the singer. However,
John was committed to singing
gospel and enjoyed being associated with the Brower Brothers,
and turned down the offer. Chante
now sings gospel.
Growing up with a singing
mother, John’s greatest wish was
to sing with her in church. He
memorized the song, It Is So
Sweet To Be Saved, and made his
debut as a singer at the tender age
of five. He proudly says the words
of that song became reality.
He admitted that he really
could not sing at that time. One
would think the talented John
Thorpe was being modest when
confessing he could not sing, he
continued, “After I was introduced
to the choir, I stood next to one of
my sisters who would nudge me
when I sang off key.” When brother Bernard joined the interview he
agreed with his younger brother,
The Thorpe Family continues on page 14
Page Fourteen
September 2008
Pictured are members (ive sisters and one brother) of The Thorpe Family of Roxboro,
NC. On Saturday, October 11 at 6:00 pm, John Kermit Thorpe and The Thorpe
Family will record their first live video at the Kirby Civic Auditorium in Roxboro.
They are expecting about 800 people including the TV personality Reverend Dr.
Bobby Jones.
The Thorpe Family continues
he said calmly, “I remember when
John could not sing.”
“I loved to sing and it came
easy, so I sang to the dogs and the
pigs,” John explained. “I remember once singing to approximately
150 pigs.” The family farmed during the time young John was
developing his voice by entertaining farm animals.
Before John was born this
tight knit family had a group
called The Fireside Group.
Fireside was chosen because the
family sang around the fireplace
each evening.
There were six members in the
group, five children and an aunt.
Daddy Thorpe required each child
to know and lead a new song each
evening or bear the sting of the
One evening, Mack, one of the
younger children at that time
could not think of a new song,
however, in a light bulb moment
he began to sing spontaneously
creating his own words. Bernard
gave a short rendition during our
interview of Mack’s impromptu
song: “When I get to heaven I am
going sit my little self down”…
Mack’s quick thinking saved the
How did John, the ninth out of
fourteen children become the
manager of the family group? His
answer was simple and humble, “I
was born to be a blessing.” He is
an anointed man and committed to
serving the Lord.
He returned to Roxboro when
his mother became ill after being
away twenty-six years. He also
went back to the family church,
New Hope Person Baptist
Timberlake, NC, and became a
member of the male chorus.
Following in his footsteps, six of
his brothers also joined the male
The Thorpe family sings
together, but their day jobs are
separate. John is the owner of
Thorpe & Sons Auto Shop.
A native of Roxboro, he and
his wife Stella have six boys.
Stella does not sing with the
group, “she just prays for us,” says
John. Their third son, Jonathan is
part of the James Hall and
Worship and Praise Group of
Brooklyn NY, a national recording
On August 19, three of
Gospel’s freshest, hippest choirs,
to include James Hall and Worship
and Praise came together to
release the album, World’s
Baddest Choirs, which is now in
For additional information on the Live
Video in October you may contact Lillian
Bowser at [email protected] Ms
Bowser is a great supporter of the Thorpe
September 2008
Page Fifteen
DURHAM - He was born Joseph
Oliver Blair, but most everyone
knew him as Brother Yusef.
Brother Yusef Salim was the oldest
child out of nine born to Harry and
Eleanor Blair in Baltimore,
Maryland. He began his musical
career at the age of 14 as a pianist
with the Ken Murray Sextet in
Baltimore. Yusef grew up near the
local musician union hall.
His mother Miss Eleanor or
Mama Blair, whom he called
Mother Teresa in Technicolor, was
a kind, fun-loving, music lover
who offered her home, good food
and piano to union musicians and Photo:
Brett Chambers
well known traveling musicians,
Brother Yusef Salim
who played in hi mother’s living
1930- July 31, 2008
room in jam sessions which sometimes would last until dawn. Early early 1950s, he went to New York York on his way back to Baltimore
on Yusef became fascinated by the City with The Bill Swindell Band after doing 90 one-niters in 1955.
music and learned his craft from and played at the world famous Salim said he “grew on the road
and the road grew on him”. After
the Prysock stint, he spent time in
the U.S. Marine Corps, where he
played in the Marine Band. Yusef
also participated in many jazz performances while in the service and
made life long friends.
After his Military service, he
moved back to Baltimore and
played at the clubs around the city.
But Jazz had fallen on hard times
in Baltimore, so there weren’t
many places to play. In 1974 he
and his friend Dahoud were invited to move to Raleigh with their
life long friend, Brother Kenneth
Murray Muhammad. After a three
month stay in Raleigh, they moved
to Durham, NC and helped support
the community’s work there.
Later, he hosted a WUNC-TV
(PBS) thirteen part series called
“Yusef and Friends”. He also
opened a club called “The Salaam
Cultural Center”, which offered
workshops, which helped to train
and further the careers North
Carolina vocalist Eve Cornelious
and Nnenna Freelon, two internationally known jazz musicians.
Yusef received the North Carolina
Brother Yusef protege Nnenna Freelon
performs at his birthday celebration.
Arts Council Jazz Fellowship in
1999. He was also honored with
Special Recognition by the St.
Joseph Historic Foundation, Inc.
His legend lives on in the music of
his prodigies and the hearts of jazz
fans worldwide.
Brother Yusef (keyboards) and friends in 2007 at Spirit of Hayti Awards Gala at the
Washington Duke Hotel. He received the Special Recognition for Contributions to the
Arts Award.
Photo: courtesy of St. Joseph’s Historic Foundation
many unsung master musicians.
Salim was hired at age 17 as
the house pianist at the nearby
world famous Royal Theater. He
stayed there for seven years with a
band headed by Tracy McClair,
who played with the Bama
Collegians and Erskine Hawkins.
While he worked at the Royal
Theater, he performed with such
greats as Sammy Davis Jr., Moms
Mabley and Redd Foxx.
Later in the late 1940s and the
Minton’s Playhouse in Harlem and
Birdland in Manhattan. He met
Charlie Parker, Sonny Stitt, Lester
Young and many others who later
became jazz giants.
He left New York City to tour
with The Red Prysock Band for 7
years, where he played at the
Apollo Theater, Savoy Ballroom,
Chicago’s Regal Theater and
recalled hearing about Charlie
Parker’s death on an intercom at
Pennsylvania Train Station in New
Jazz musicians from the city, state and country came to play during Brother Yusef’s
memorial service held at Hayti Heritage Center which was also the site of his funeral. The number of musicians that participated was a statement to the importance Yusef
played in their lives and in the music industry.
Photo: Maurice Noble
Page Sixteen
September 2008
September 2008
Page Seventeen
Rev. Dr. Archie D. Logan
Greetings in
the name of
Jesus Christ!
and the role
of music in
our worship
services are
impor tant
Rev. Dr. Archie Logan
in the overall spiritual life of the church.
Worship always honors God
by praising Him because we
love and appreciate Him.
Worship has been defined as
an organized, ordered and
planned encounter with God.
The church musician, director
and Minister of Music are very
important member of the
Worship Leadership Team;
along with, the church choir
which plays a significant role in
the worship service. They
minister to the congregation
through celebration and praise
rather than; act as performers:
There is a big difference.
Church musicians are responsible for setting the spiritual
tone of the choir. Church
music is more than just
singing. During worship souls
are saved, the lost find Jesus
and sinners repent. Music
adds a unique beauty to a
church service, whether it is
instrumental, hymn singing,
vocal, congregational or solo.
In many churches the musicians and choir sit in front of
the congregation, in full view.
The "choir stand" or "choir
loft" accompanies the pulpit
area. People attending worship watch the musicians and
the choir during service: They
see your yarns; they see you
talking instead of directing;
they watch you pass notes;
they see the expressions on
your faces; and they read your
attitudes. The church musician has an awesome responsibility in keeping choirs
"decent and in order.
I attended a local congregation a few months ago and
overheard one of the choir
members say to the director
and musicians: "What is
wrong with our choir?" He
went on to talk about the
problems the choir was experiencing: Members were not
attending choir practice; only
a few persons were selected
to do solos; the choir sang
the SAME songs every time
they performed; choir members were not serious about
singing, they came to church
late, chewing gum, and carrying negative evil spirits. The
choir member's main complaint was that choir members did not respect the
musicians, the director or the
Minister of Music. Often
choir rehearsal ended in conflict, confusion.
rehearsals were spent talking
about business and not practicing music.
We must take a serious look
at the role of the church
choir. Singing, leading the
worshipping experience and
praise is biblical: There are
numerous references to
Songs and music in the bible:
In the Old Testament the
songs of Moses [Exodus 15;
Deuteronomy 32:1; Deborah
(Judges 5), Hannah (1 Samuel
2), David (2 Samuel 22), and the
entire Psalms]. In the New
Testament: Mary (Luke 1:4655), Zacharias (Luke 1:68-79),
the angels (Luke 2:13), Simeon
(Luke 2:29), the redeemed
(Revelation 5:9; 19).
of Music rededicate your gifts,
talents and service to God.
Make choir rehearsal SPIRITUAL and SPECIAL, stop
going through the same routines; learn new songs, involve
more people, teach the choir
that they are worship leaders
not performers. Finally keep
I want to suggest that we take a your pastor and music minfresh look at our church music. istry "lifted up in prayer.”
If you are a choir member look
at your commitment to God, it Rev. Dr. Archie Logan
goes beyond your commitment Executive Vice President
to the choir, the musicians, the Apex School of Theology
church or the pastor. If you are Durham, NC
a musician, director or Minister [email protected]
Page Eighteen
September 2008
Reverend Dr. James W. Smith
Church conflict and legal
issues have
always been
matters that
have affected
both the
church and
pastor. But it
just seems
Dr. James Smith
like when it
came to the church, there were
just some things that our ancestors would and could not do.
Churches and pastors were not
involved in court disputes to the
extent that we see now. There
seemed to have been more love,
respect, confidence and trust
toward one another than what
we are seeing in our churches
today. When a pastor walked
down the street or about the
community, people readily recognized him/her as a person of
the cloth. Folks felt that the pastors' words were their bond.
Oh! How things are changing?
Yes, our society and culture are
changing but as Christians, our
love, respect, confidence and
trust for one another must not
change. Hebrews 13:1 says, "Let
brotherly love continue." In the
8th verse of this same chapter, it
states, "Jesus Christ the same
yesterday, and today, and forever." And so society may change
and our culture may change but
our core Christian beliefs
should remain the same.
Some years ago, I was conducting a workshop and was asked
the question, "What do I think
about pastors signing employment contracts with a church?"
I said, "Well, personally I don't
like it." Then I was asked,
"Would I sign one?" To that
question, I said, yes.
You see, I don't like it but I do
understand that the times are
changing. But there are some
real issues that need to be considered. An employment contract for a pastor setting forth,
a) hours he/she needs to spend
at the church and b) days and
times for sick visitation presents
some serious concerns for the
called Pastor.
Now think about this. Does the
church need to tell pastors who
profess to be called by God
what they should do and the
hours they should spend doing
it? Pastors work for the Master
and not the church. Many pastors have gotten up at midnight
and early morning hours to
spend hours with a family in the
emergency room and no one
was aware of it except those
involved. It is tough to do that
when days and hours are specified in a contract. On the other
hand many pastors have not
been diligent in their work for
the Master and therefore have
created a lack of love, respect,
confidence and trust within the
congregations and thereby making employment contracts necessary.
As pastors and churches, let us
not forget that love, respect,
confidence and trust still define
us and, regardless of the changing times, these should remain
the same.
If I can be of service to you,
please do not hesitate to contact me.
Dr. James W. Smith
Church Consultant/Mediator
Pastor, Mt. Calvary Missionary Baptist Church
Email: [email protected]
September 2008
Page Nineteen
8:30 am - 9:30 am
9:30 am
(with refreshments)
11:00 am - 12:00 pm
M/K Room, 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Sanctuary, 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Fellowship Hall - Pastor Stephens
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
2697 Hwy. 56 - Creedmoor, NC
[email protected] or
fax to 1-866-630-3796
by the 15th of the month prior to event
September 10-12 7pm nightly
Wednesday, the speaker will be Rev. Samuel Tunstall and choir of Manasseh Chapel Baptist church, Franklinton,
NC and Union Grove Baptist Church, Youngsville, NC; Thursday will be Rev. Louis Cash and choir of Cleggs
Chapel Community Baptist Church Timberlake, NC; Friday will be Rev. George Jones Jr. and choir of Faith
Missionary Baptist Church Raleigh, NC.
Page Twenty
September 2008
DURHAM - This fall, the Durham
Parks and Recreation Department
will host a series of “Community
Days” for the residents in
The entire family can experience
Recreation Center and learn about
the programs and activities that
are available. There will be food,
fun and entertainment. The events
are free and open to the public.
The dates and times of the
Community Days are:
Saturday, September 6
Forbes Foundation Summer Leadership Academy graduates
(10am – 2pm)
foundation has targeted and
By Kimberle Walker
Neighborhood Center
engaged,” says Winslow Forbes,
Contributing Writer
founder and director of the
Program charts a positive course Foundation. “As gangs and other
for at-risk adolescents and their negative influences are increasingly recruiting pre-adolescents
DURHAM - The Pastor D. L. and pre-teens, the foundation’s
Forbes Youth Foundation held the goal is to identify at-risk youth
graduation exercises of its 2008 and positively intercede to chart
Boot Camp Class July 17th at and lead a more productive course
Central - away from the court system.”
Forbes, who is a veteran offiUniversity’s H. M. Michaux
School of Education Building cer of the Durham Police
Department, says the Forbes
Seventeen youth, ages 10-14, Youth Foundation turned away
graduated having successfully about 70 interested program regiscompleted six weeks of rigorous trants this year with an additional
training, study and nurture includ- 30 calls in the past two weeks.
This year the Durham-based
ing two weeks at Camp Butner
training grounds (a former U.S. program received calls from
Army installation); four weeks at across North Carolina and as far
Central away as Virginia, Georgia and
University; and sessions at The Maryland.
“Families, and single mothers
River Church (Durham).
“This is purposely the especially, are in desperate need of
youngest class of recruits the support in rearing boys and girls
exhibiting discipline problems,
coupled with a lack of interest and
success in school work,” adds
Forbes. “The D. L Forbes Youth
Foundation has a number of
recruit success stories from previous graduating classes and followup support who are no longer
repeat runaways, who have significantly improved their scholastic
Forbes Foundation Founder Winslow achievement and who are choosForbes and wife Purnell (Foundation ing to reject gang involvement and
other negative behaviors.”
Saturday, September 13
(10am – 2pm)
WI Patterson Neighborhood
2614 Crest Street
Saturday, September 20
(10am – 2pm)
ED Mickle Neighborhood Center
1204 N. Alston Avenue
Saturday, September 27
(10am – 2pm)
WD Hill Recreation Center
1308 Fayetteville Street
For more information call (919) 5604355.
September 2008
Page Twenty-One
ken word artist with unique valuepriced artwork;
Lori Leachman – Duke professor,
artist and student of the arts;
Ernie Barnes – NCCU and
Hillside High School Alum,
famous for creating the artwork
attributed to “JJ” on the TV series
Good Times, etc.;
Bob Lee - retired Durham Public
Phyllis Wiley, author and spoken word
artist inspired by Brother Yusef and his
story, as she performed during tribute.
Schools master art teacher;
Bill Pearson – Norman Rockwell
protégé and Hillside High School
Emmett Tilley – Durham Public
School Principal, Duke and
Hillside Alum;
Brett Chambers-NCCU Professor
& Photographer with Brother
Yusef Birthday Party and
Memorial photos.
Business and community leaders along with vendors with
unique gifts will also be on site for
guests to experience a sampling of
more local and emerging talent..
This event is sponsored in part
by The Carolina Theatre 20082009 Performance Series, The
Durham Art Guild’s 2008 Juried
Yusef Tribute contnues on page 22
Class Celebrates 40 Years...
Photo: Brett Chambers
DURHAM - A tribute to and celebration of the life of jazz musican
Brother Yusef headlines the showing of work by art teachers and
their best students continues at the
Artful Gallery by Artful Greetings
located in the UDI Business
Center at 4608-C Industry Lane
through September.
Highlights from this show and
will be a featured during the
monthly Downtown Durham
Third Friday Art Walk September
19th and 20th.
The public is invited to an
encore showing of photos taken at
Brother Yusef’s last birthday party
and the recent memorial perfomance service by Brett Chambers.
This event will run from from
5pm to 8pm Friday September
19th and noon to 5pm on Saturday
September 20th.
Free entertainment, refreshments, admission and gifts will be
provided during this celeration in
downtown Durham at 108 Morris
Street (beside the Durham Arts
Council building near 5 Points).
This celebration will also feature a
Kids Coloring Station for the
young prodigies.
Artwork created and inspired
by teachers will be highlighted
along with performing artists and
a preview of work from the art
show “The Professor and the
Prodigy” which will run throughout September. Featured will be
art by:
Claudio - world renowned South
African graphic, culinary and spo-
DURHAM - The Merrick-Moore High School Class of 1968 celebrated their 40th Anniversary Reunion,
August 29-31, at the Durham Marriott at the Civic Center with a reception on Friday. The highlight of the
weekend was the “Return of the Tigers” Banquet and Dance on Saturday evening. On Sunday, the class
attended Mt. Zoar Baptist Church where classmate, Rev. Nathaniel Holloway, is pastor. Reunion activities
concluded with a tour of the school, which is now an elementary school, and a luncheon. Pictured are 1st
row (l-R): Barbara Privette, Wanda Keith, Nellie Jones, Claudette Battle, Hilda Baker, Maggie Barnette;
2nd row: Dwight Barbee, Nathaniel Holloway, Gloria Cooper, Minnie Williams, Priscilla Scarlett; 3rd row:
Brenda Garner, Faye Brandon, Gwendolyn Gerald, Julia Timberlake, Ester Amos, Michael Turrentine, Sr.,
Joyce Prince; 4th row: Seretha Tucker, Jackie Jones, Virginia Borders, Gayle Harris, Carol Holt, Melvin
Carver, Howard Williams; 5th row: James Bridges, Richard Johnson, Jethro Barber, Lamont Barbee; 6th
row: Christopher Timberlake, Harold Peaks, Nelson Kerr, George Privette, Carl Craig, Ervin Brunson,
William Royster, Donnell Hart, and Larry Barber.
Page Twenty-Two
September 2008
Raleigh – Saint Augustine’s
Boardley Suber announces the
following new appointments:
Dr. Kim Luckes was promoted to executive vice president. She
previously served as vice president for
will prov i d e
leadership and
for academic
and stuDr. Kim Luckes
d e n t
services; strategic planning; the
accreditation and certification
process; personnel management;
and institutional effectiveness.
The executive vice president is a
new position created to provide
additional administrative support.
Dr. Joyce Blackwell is the
new vice president for academic
She was
previously chair of
t h e
of Social
is responsible for
operaDr. Joyce Blackwell
t i o n s
related to instructional programs,
educational policy, academic
planning, academic resources and
faculty personnel actions.
Crystal Roberts joins the
associate vice
president of
worked with
Crystal Roberts
County Schools as the system’s
public information officer.
Dr. Linda Hubbard is the
new assistant
vice president
and student
She was formerly director
Dr. Linda Hubbard Teaching and
Dr. James B. Parham, a consultant, will be serving as the acting dean of the Division of
Business and Computer Sciences.
Dr. Parham received his Ph. D.
from the University of Michigan,
Ann Arbor, with an emphasis in
General Management and a
Masters Degree with an emphasis
in General management and a
masters Degree with an emphasis
in Criminal Justice from Eastern
Kentucky, Richmond, KY. Dr.
Parham also received a Bachelor
of Science degree in mathematics
from Central State University,
Wilberforce, Ohio. Dr. Parham
has served as the dean of the business schools for both Norfolk
State University and Hampton
Dr. Faith E. Speaks joins
Saint Augustine’s College as the
dean of the Division of Social
Sciences and an associate professor. Dr. Speaks received her bachelor’s degree in English and
Liberal Arts from Livingstone
College, Salisbury, N.C.; a
Masters degree in Public
Communications from Fordham
University, Bronx, N.Y.; a Masters
degree in Psychology from North
Carolina A&T; and her Ph.D. in
Guidance and Counseling from
Clark Atlanta University, Atlanta,
Ga. Dr. Speaks also currently
serves as Chief Executive Officer
of Circle One Holistic Health
LITHONIA, GA. - Bishop Eddie
L. Long, Senior Pastor of New
Birth Missionary Baptist Church
in Lithonia, GA has pledged
another substantial gift to his alma
mater, North Carolina Central
University (NCCU). The gift of
one million dollars will be used to
establish the Bishop Eddie L.
Distinguished Professorship Fund.
It is envisioned that the fund
support a distinguish professor
who reflects professional experience as a visionary spiritual
leader, community and world
activist, and demonstrated business leader.
This newly established interdisciplinary professorship is in
addition to the existing scholarship fund that Bishop Long established recently to help students in
need of financial aid.
“We are very grateful for
Bishop Long’s continued support
and commitment to NCCU," said
Chancellor Charlie Nelms. "It is
our hope that his gift will positively enrich the lives of our students
and the wider community.”
Since 1910, the mission of
North Carolina Central University
(NCCU) has been to prepare students academically and professionally to become leaders. NCCU
is a comprehensive institution,
which offers bachelor’s degrees in
more than 100 fields of study and
awards graduate degrees in an
estimated 40 disciplines.
Bishop Long is a 1976 graduate of the NCCU School of
“I am proud to support the students, faculty and administration
Yusef Tribute contnues
Show, The Carolina Times, The
Enrichment Center, Hillside
National Alumni Association and
Scarborough and Hargett Funeral
Home, “A Conversation between
Frederick Douglass and Ralph
For more information about Saint
Emerson…the Play”,
Augustine’s College visit Waldo
Bishop Eddie L. Long
of NCCU,” stated Bishop Long.
“It is truly an honor and a privilege for me to be so involved with
the University that has been an
integral part of my professional
and spiritual development. It is
my sincere wish that by giving
back to the College in this way, I
am helping the next generation of
world leaders that value faith,
hope and love.”
Bishop Eddie Long is one of
America’s leading spiritual leaders and first served as pastor in
1987 for a congregation consisting
of just more than 300 members.
Since his installation, New Birth’s
membership has grown to well
over 25,000. Due to an overwhelming growth in membership,
Bishop Long spearheaded numerous building expansions, land
acquisitions and building development efforts. These efforts led to
the construction of a 3,700-seat
sanctuary in 1991, a Family Life
Center in 1999 and a 10,000-seat
complex in 2001.
Spectacular Magazine, Icon
Recording Studios, Toddlers
Academy, Greenfire Development
and the Artful Gallery by Artful
Contact Valerie or Karl Blake at
[email protected] or directly
anytime at 919-235-2958 for more details
or to participate.
September 2008
Page Twenty-Three
Former and current musicians (pictured) met and formed an organization, Durham Musicians Reunited, to inspire younger musicians to follow in their footsteps. Durham
Musicians Reunited plan a reunion concert and to produce a documentary.
Photo: Mel Brown
DURHAM - On a Saturday in late
August 2008, plans to make
Durham’s music history come
alive were started. Over 20 musician met at Hayti Heritage Center
to form an organizations to document and recreate the ‘magic’ of
the Durham music scene.
Durham Musicians Reunited,
formed by James Toomer &
William McLaughlin, held its first
meeting/reception. In addition to
Toomer and McLauglin, the
organizing committee included
Vicki Umstead and Mozella
The organization's vision is to
become a legacy in the black community regarding professional
entertainment the musicians provided in the 60's, 70's & 80's.
Professional artist such as Jerry
Butler, Ike & Tina Turner, Betty
Wright & Johnnie Taylor are just a
few that were accompanied
(backed-up) in Durham during
this time.
Durham Musicians Reunited
was formed to inspire younger
musicians to follow in their footsteps by continuing the legacy.
There are approximately 14
groups & 65 musicians that entertained Durham & other regional
areas during this era.
Durham Musicians Reunited
consists of doctors, educators,
judges, professionals & various
Toomer said, “The common
interest of the group is our passion
for music & entertaining. By
reuniting, we not only spark the
comraderie we had "back-in-the
day", we want to "give back" to
the community that supported us
for over 30 years.”
Another reception is tentively
scheduled (musicians & supporters) for January 2009. “Our ultimate goals are to produce a live
performance & a documentary
about the prosperous & historical
times during the Pettigrew St &
Hayti era,” Toomer explained.
“Most Durham musicians were
influenced by seeing national
black artist come to Durham &
stay in the Biltmore Hotel on
Pettigrew St. Although they were
stars in their own right, we knew
that we would be a part of their
performance that week-end. That
was an honor!”
The organization needs the
community and dignitaries to
donate funds in continuing their
efforts to create this documentary
& legacy for Durham, NC.
For more information, contact James
“Tweet” Tommer via email at
[email protected] or call
(919) 632-7692 or (919) 405-3959 or
contact William McLaughlin via email at
[email protected] or call (252) 9087243.
Missed your copy of SPECTACULAR MAGAZINE?
...Don’t fret! Have your copy mailed to your home!!
Subscriptions available - For details call 919.680-0465
Page Twenty-Four
September 2008
DURHAM - North Carolina Central
University is continuing to offer its
free lecture series sponsored by
the Department of Psychology
along with the Institute for the
Study of Children, Youth and
Families. It is scheduled for every
third Thursday evening of the
month from September 25, 2008,
to April 16, 2009.
These lectures will be open to students as well as to the community.
Held on campus
in the MillerM o r g a n
from 6:30 pm
until 8:30 pm,
the September
25th kick-off
lecture will be
presented by
Dr. Freddie L. Parker
Dr. Freddie L.
Parker, NCCU professor of history.
He has titled his address What A
Journey: Thirty-two Years of
Teaching Black American History.
The theme of the series is
"Excellence in Research, Teaching,
and Service at NCCU.”
Parker is author of the books,
Running for Freedom: Slave
Runaways in NC, 1775-1840 and
Stealing a Little Freedom:
Advertisements for Slave Runaways,
He recently
appeared on several PBS and BBC
television specials, as well as the
University of North Carolina
Center for Public Television speaking as an expert on the black
American experience during the
Civil War and Reconstruction.
Governor Mike Easley appointed
Parker to the North Carolina
Historical Commission in 2001 and
reappointed him in 2007. Parker
is chairman of the AfricanAmerican History Project Advisory
Board at Tryon Palace in New
Bern; member of the Tryon Palace
Commission; member of the
National Register of Historic Places
Committee; and a member of the
Historical Society of North
Carolina. He is a recipient of the
UNC Board of Governors’
Excellence in Teaching Award, and
a member of the Phi Alpha Theta
History Honor Society and the Pi Stone Center for Black Cultural
Gamma Mu International Honor and History (SHSCBCH). While it is
Society in the Social Sciences.
now an independent unit under the
auspices of the Office of the
Parker was born and reared in Provost, the IAAR continues to have
Hillsborough, North Carolina. He a healthy collaborative relationreceived a bachelor’s degree in ship with the SHSCBCH. The IAAR is
history from North Carolina under the interim directorship of
Central University in 1975, the Dr. Tomeiko Ashford Carter.
master’s in history from NCCU in
1977, and the Ph.D. in American For more information contact Shereá D.
History from UNC-Chapel Hill in Burnett at (919) 962-0977 or via email at
[email protected]. Online registration is
Blue Ridge Mountains. Come hear
legendary Jack tales that have
been passed down for generations
in Appalachia.
Artist at Work: Peter Blum
Friday and Sunday,
Sept. 26 and 28
1 pm - 3 pm
Watch this third-generation tinsmith demonstrate how to make
candle stands, cups and other
objects from tin.
For further information about this or other
lectures in the series, please call Dr.
Jonathan Livingston at (919) 530-7776.
Family Day: Colonial North
Saturday, Sept. 27
11 am - 4 pm
Celebrate and explore North
Carolina’s past, from colonization
to the American Revolution, during
this fun-filled and educational
event. Play colonial games, meet
Revolutionary War re-enactors,
make crafts, churn butter and
grind corn, dress in period clothing,
and experience much more.
available via
CHAPEL HILL - The University of
North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Institute of African American
Research (IAAR) will host a folklore
symposium September 12th at
UNC’s Wilson Library.
The symposium, “Myths & Tall
Tales: Folklore in African American
Culture,” will be from 10 a.m. to 3
p.m. in the Pleasants Family
Assembly Room. The event will
explore the role of folklore as a
tradition and staple in African
American culture and history. Lunch
will be provided, therefore it is
requested that you register in
The Keynote Speaker will be Dr.
Valerie A. Johnson of Bennett
College. Panelists will include: Dr.
William Ferris, Dr. Trudier Harris,
and Michelle Lanier.
The Institute of African American
Research (IAAR) was established in
May of 1995. It began as the
research arm of the Sonja Haynes
RALEIGH - Behind the scenes at the
N.C. Museum of History in
Raleigh, staff members diligently
plan quality programs every
month. A full team of museum educators bring in visiting artists, musicians and speakers and plan programs for all ages. These free programs are the best bargain in
town, so come and take advantage The N.C. Museum of History’s hours
of the staff’s efforts.
are Monday through Saturday, 9
to 5 p.m., and Sunday, noon
September’s programs range from a.m.
p.m. Admission is free. The
an activity-packed Family Day museum
is part of the Division of
about colonial North Carolina to a State History
Museums, Office of
workshop about preserving your Archives and History,
family photos. The selections below the N.C. Departmentanofagency
illustrate the variety and depth of Resources. The department’s Web
the museum’s programming. site is
Parking is free on weekends.
For more information about these events,
call 919-807-7900 or access ncmuseuVoting Counts: My Voice, My
Saturday, Sept. 13
10 am - 2 pm
11am -12:30 pm Candidates’
Ages 10 and up
The search is on for the 2009 Miss
To register, call 919-341-2398 or Black North Carolina USA. The
e-mail [email protected].
Miss Black North Carolina USA
Get involved in the electoral Scholarship Pageant is the Official
process as you enjoy patriotic Preliminary to the National Miss
crafts and other hands-on activi- Black USA Scholarship Pageant.
ties. Middle and high school stu- The event will be held in Raleigh
dents may attend the 2008 November 6-8, 2008.
Candidates’ Forum, featuring individuals running for statewide The Miss Black North Carolina
offices. The program is co-spon- Scholarship Pageant® was develsored by Kids Voting NC Wake oped to promote cultural, social,
County, and leadership status, on a state
and national level, within the
Summer Performance Series:
African American Community. It
Alan Hoal
provides a forum for today's
Sunday, Sept. 21
African American woman to
3 pm - 4 pmNorth Carolina’s story- express their viewpoints, talents
telling tradition is as old as the
For Your Information continues on next page
September 2008
Page Twenty-Five
For Your Information continues
RALEIGH - On September 27,
2008 at 8pm, Executive Chef and
television host of “Turn Up The
Heat” G. Garvin and Raleigh’s
premiere Executive Chef Walter
Royal of the Angus Barn, align at
the Progress Energy Center in
Raleigh for “G Garvin Presents:
Cooking Live!”; a live and engaging cooking demonstration followed by an intimate Q&A session.
Each chef will highlight their own
unique take on great cooking, simple recipes while interacting with
Audrey Cox
the attendees. After the show, the
Miss Black North Carolina USA 2008
world-class executive chefs will
and accomplishments to audiences. meet their fans and sign their
The Miss Black North Carolina “G Garvin Presents: Cooking
Pageant System exists to provide Live!” will introduce you to profespersonal and professional oppor- sional and simple cooking techtunities for African American niques, gourmet recipes and preswomen and to promote their voices entation – sure to wow even the
in culture, politics and the communi- harshest critic. Get to know the
ty. The National Miss Black USA chefs, their lives and ask about
Pageant is one of the nation's their cooking methods through a
leading achievement programs as spirited Q&A session.
well as one of the largest
providers of scholarship assistance
for African-American women.
The Miss Black North Carolina USA
program also affords little girls 3
to 8 years old an opportunity to
participate in the "Carolina
Princess Development Program".
This program pairs a little girl with
a Miss Black NC USA contestant.
The contestants serve as a big sister/ mentor to the little princess.
Registration is now open for single
African-American females 18 to
27 years old from across the state
of NC who are looking to make a
difference in their community; as
well as registration for the Miss
Black NC USA Carolina Princess
participants, African-American
females 3 to 8 years old. The
newly crowned Miss Black NC USA
will go on to represent NC in the
Scholarship Pageant in May of
2009 in New York, New York.
For more information, please visit;
[email protected] or call (919)
261-9768. Sponsors are also being
accepted at this time.
California. He would receive
praise and top honors from The Los
Angeles Times and Los Angeles
Magazine. In January 2006, Spirit
Magazine ranked Garvin as one
of the outstanding chefs. G.
Garvin’s first publication features
more than 200 signature “super
simple” recipes. Garvin’s show is
currently in its 4th season of production.
Downtown Durham
Durham Freeway is being totally
renovated into a 159 room Four
Points by Sheraton Durham
Downtown. A new Courtyard by
Marriott is under construction on
the former site of North Carolina
Eye, Ear and Throat Hospital and
the Kings Daughters facility on
Buchanan will open as a 17-room
They will join the Marriott Durham
atop the Durham Civic Center.
Headquarters tower is being renovated, by Greenfire Development,
into a 110 room hotel due to open
in mid 2010, bringing the total
guest rooms Downtown to 684. The
Durham Convention & Visitors
Bureau anticipates there could be
Walter Royal
Walter Royal is a true master of as many as 1000 guest rooms
Southern cuisine and is the Downtown in just a few more
renowned Executive Chef of The years.
Angus Barn restaurant in Raleigh.
In a battle on Iron Chef America
airing on the Food Network, Chef
Royal won rave reviews from the The N.C. Museum of History in
judges and defeated Iron Chef Raleigh offers seven six-week
Cat Cora. In 1997, Royal’s talents online workshops for educators.
won him recognition from the Teachers can earn continuing eduRestaurant Guild International who cation credit, boost their knowlnamed him the Five Star Chef of edge of captivating North
the Year. Other awards include Carolina topics and get ideas for
Best Chef in the Triangle, Top Black classroom activities. These selfChef in America and one of the paced workshops are available to
Top Five Chefs in the Southeast. At public, private and home school
the Angus Barn, Royal oversees the educators.
preparation of more than 5,000 The courses provide up to four CEU
pounds of beef every week.
credits (40 contact hours) but can
be tailored to the number of conThis is one event that any food- tact hours, including regular, readlover can’t miss!
ing and technology credits, needTickets start at $25. For more infor- ed by the registrant. The workG. Garvin
onto shops are $35 per class.
G. Garvin, TVOne Spokesman and
For more information about the workpopular host of TVOne’s “Turn Up
shops, visit http://www.ncmuseumofhistoThe Heat with G. Garvin”, brings HOTEL ROOMS DOUBLE IN A printable
both personality and simplicity to
registration form is available at
the kitchen. Garvin has held the title of Executive Chef at The number of hotel rooms within lateral/profdevelopment.pdf. For addiMorton’s in the Ritz Carlton, Kass one mile of City Center will nearly tional details about the online workshops,
Bah, and Reign; all in Southern double by next year. The property call 919-807-7971, or e-mail
located on Duke Street just off the [email protected].
Page Twenty-Six
September 2008
First African American from North Carolina selected to com- Will compete for national title in Orlando, Florida in
pete for title
CREEDMOOR - Amanda DeVoe
has been selected to compete
for the title of Miss NC Teen
USA. The pageant, to be held
at the High Point Radisson on
November 14th and 15th, is
the first step toward the goal
of Miss Teen USA.
Amanda is a 12th grader at
South Granville High School of
Amanda DeVoe
Creedmoor, where she is the
President of the InterAct Club, which is affiliated with Rotary
International. Amanda's other activities over the years have included
girl scouts, dance, student government, track team, Spanish club and
Theater Arts. She is a member of Union Chapel Missionary Baptist
Church where she participates in the youth choir, dance team, and as
officer in the Sunday School.
The Teen USA pageant is a part of the Miss Universe Organization,
which is owned and trademarked by Donald Trump. The North Carolina
pageant is produced by RPM Productions. Contestants are judged in
three equal categories: swimsuit, evening gown and interview. Other
components the judges consider are, but not limited to: physical fitness, stage presence, poise, confidence, and personality and intelligence. Finally the winner must be a positive role model and of service
to her state.
Amanda has already completed the first part of her goal in becoming
North Carolina's first Miss Teen USA contestant of African American
descent. Amanda was required to submit a questionnaire, photograph,
and complete an extensive telephone interview. After two weeks, she
received notice that she had been chosen to compete. Amanda is looking forward to representing her community well.
DURHAM - Maya Danielle
Bryant, 12, has been selected to represent North
Carolina at the 2008 Miss
American Preteen Pageant.
Maya is in the eighth grade
at Durham School of the
Arts. A member of St.
Joseph's A.M.E. Church, she
sings in the choir and participates in the Young People
and Children's Division
(YPD). Maya is active in her
community and is also a
member of Girl Scout Troop
1675, where she is a Cadet.
She has recently selected to
play Dorothy in the local
production of The Wizard of
Oz. Her goal when she
grows up is to become CEO
of her own successful business.
Maya is the daughter of
Cora Bryant of Durham and
granddaughter of Hattie
As the North Carolina Preteen, Maya will be attending the National
Pageant for her age group at Disney World in Orlando, Florida during
the week of Thanksgiving 2008. She will compete for the National
Pageant title of Miss American Preteen and thousands of dollars in
cash awards, prizes and scholarships.
Since 1983 Miss American Coed Pageants have been the country's most
Amanda is the daughter of Cathy Ray of Butner and Steve DeVoe of popular pageants for girls. The pageant helps girls develop poise, selfSilver Spring, MD.
confidence and the ability to express herself while striving to reinforce
the teachings of her home, school and church.
Sponsors may assist Amanda in this historic endeavor by purchasing
advertisements that will be placed in the pageant book. Additional To assist Maya realize her dream of becoming Miss American Pre-Teen
information can be found on her website at 2009 by purchasing an ad or making a donation online at
samandadevoe. or by contacting Maya at 919-361-2739.
September 2008
Page Twenty-Seven
Irving Joyner,
The nationally acclaimed Blues songster
B.B. King sings the song: The Thrill is
Gone, But the Memories Linger On. This
song is one of this nations treasurers
and elicits wild applause and pleasant
memories whenever it is sung or a
recording of it is played. The song is
about "lost love" and applies so aptly
to the political situation in which
Democratic Presidential candidate
Barack Obama finds himself today in
North Carolina.
Reflecting back to April and May of
2008, many North Carolinians were "on
fire" with the "Obama Fever" and were
actively engaged in efforts to register
voters to support Obama's candidacy.
Fueled by a host of racially insensitive
comments made by Senator Hillary
Clinton, her husband, the former
President, Bill Clinton and several other
Clinton supporters, many of Obama's
strongest and vocal supporters were
African-Americans. To be sure, among
other huge propelling forces behind the
active support of African-Americans were
the historic nature of the campaign and
the refreshing vision which Obama presented.
The Obama enthusiasm produced a
record turnout of voters for the
Democratic Party Primary and more
than 2 million people voted. This
turnout represented an increase of 1.3
million people who voted in the 2004
primary in this State and an increase of
1.2 million over the previous record
breaking turnout in 1992. On the
Democratic Party side, Obama received
over 57% of the vote, an unheard of
accomplishment for an African-American
in North Carolina.
Today, when we are less than two
months from the Presidential election
between Barack Obama and John
McCain, polls suggest that McCain has a
five percentage point lead over Obama.
This and similar poll results in other
States have caused many political
observers, commentators and supporters
to ask why Obama's support isn't
stronger then it APPEARS to be.
Everyone knows that the polls don't
vote and, as a result, you can not determine what is the true support around
the State for Obama's candidacy.
With respect to the first issue: why isn't
Obama obtaining a comparable level of
support during the Presidential campaign, I am reminded of a story that I
heard several years ago. It seems that
a rather pristine lady was downtown
shopping and passed a women's boutique which displayed some sales items
which she liked. She went into the store
and encountered a talking parrot which
immediately looked at her and loudly
exclaimed: "Lady, you sure are ugly."
Incensed by this remark from the parLegal Eagle Advisor continues on page 28
RALEIGH - A coaliAnnually we come
tion of progressive
together for a stateorganizations, hosted
wide meeting that
by The Alliance of
brings Black Elected
North Carolina Black
Officials, important
partners and those
(Alliance), will hold a
interested in public
two-day leadership
policy from across the
state to discuss issues
Williamston, NC on
of importance to the
September 12th - 13th
Eva Clayton
at the NC TeleCenter
community in North
located at 415 East Boulevard at Carolina, and to provide training
the intersection of US 13/17/64. to promote a positive agenda for
Former Congresswoman Eva change. This regional meeting is
Clayton will serve as keynote in keeping with that initiative.”
luncheon speaker on Saturday,
The two-day event will conSeptember 13th.
vene Alliance members, partner
The group, which includes organizations and local communiAction for Children NC, ty-based organizations in 20
Democracy NC, ED Law Eastern NC counties to focus on
Project/NCJC NC, the North information sharing, training and
of benchmarking of important
Development regional factors related to, healthCorporations, Generation Engage, care, criminal justice, political
Planned Parenthood of North effectiveness, economic developCarolina, NC Latino Coalition, the ment and environmental justice.
NAACP State Conference of The goal of this Summit is to build
Branches and the Conservation relationships among participating
Council of NC, joined forces to organizations, to improve compeorganize this Summit after discus- tencies and effectiveness of attensions among organization leader- dees in their advocacy and to idenship indicated a common interest tify implementable action items
in providing greater services to that can lead to near-term
Eastern North Carolina residents. improvements in citizen participa“Many of our organizations are tion and awareness. The Summit
based in Raleigh but our services will include a youth night on
are targeted statewide,” said Friday night that will provide
Brandy Bynum, director of policy young leaders in the region the
and outreach for Action for opportunity to network and disChildren North Carolina. “We cuss issues specifically related to
determined first to share our own youth in the area.
contacts and resources among our
Among a stellar group of prevarious organizations, and then to senters at the event are Moses
reach out to the region to talk with Matthew, president of the NC
community leaders to not only Caucus of Black School Board
share with them the services and Members, Dr. Michelle Ogle of
support we have to offer, but also Maria Parham Hospital Clinic and
to learn what are the perceived Abdul Rasheed of the NC
needs of the people in the area.”
“The Eastern North Carolina Registration is free, and open to the pubSummit,” says Fred Yates, lic, but seating is limited. For further
or to register go to
President of the Alliance, “is per- information or call BTA
fectly aligned with our mission. Public Relations at 1-888-833-5003.
September 2008
Legal Eagle Advisor continues
rot, the woman turned and left the
store. The next day, the woman returned
to the store just to see if the event of
the previous day was an aberration. She
entered the store again and immediately, the parrot said the same thing. This
time, the woman went to the owner of
the boutique and told him what had
happened. The owner apologized and
assured the woman that the parrot
would never do that again. Two days
later, the woman, curious about what
the parrot would do, returned to the
store and entered. She looked at the
parrot and the parrot looked back at
her. Then, the parrot loudly exclaimed:
"Lady, you know."
In the case of Obama's candidacy, "you
know" the answer and that is "Race."
There is a large segment of people in
this State who will do everything in
their power to defeat Obama just
because of his racial identification. John
McCain doesn't even have to campaign
for that vote, all he has to do is have
his name on the ballot and they will
come and vote against Obama. They
would rather vote for a "junk yard
dog" than cast a vote for Obama. That
reaction is to be expected in a political
campaign and there is nothing that you
can do about it.
What is of more concern during this
historic campaign, is where has the love,
excitement and supportive activities
which previously over-flowed among
African-Americans for Obama gone? Is
the lack of action and reactions among
African-Americans more properly
described as a Teddy Pendergrass rendition of "The Love I Lost" and all we
have left are the memories?
I don't mean to suggest that AfricanAmericans should vote for Obama based
on race or that there are no Whites and
members of other racial groups who
also support the Obama campaign. My
focus is on those individuals who loudly proclaimed that, as a result of the
Obama campaign, "our time has
come," but are now seemingly watching this campaign from the sidelines.
More so than anyone else, AfricanAmericans have a lot to lose and gain
from this campaign. This historic effort
to elect the best qualified candidate
who is an African-American will not
occur unless member of our community
begin to get our hands dirty and invest
some sweat equity into the Obama campaign.
You pick up this feeling of complacency
and "lost love" when you don't see
yard signs posted in our community or
hear heated or energetic conversations
and debates about it at the barber
shop, beauty parlor, in church, at the
bar, in schools and colleges or at other
locations which we gather on a regular
basis. Where are the church and community organization vans which are
gathering people to register them to
vote? (The registration period is open
until October 10, 2008) Where are the
decals and bumper stickers on cars and
the Obama stitched tee-shirts or the
placards and posters stuck on light
poles, bill boards and the walls of
vacant buildings? Where is the literature which encourages and provide
information to voters regarding the
early process. (The early voting period
extends from October 16 and continues
through Novemeber 1st) These are just
some of the small signs of excitement
about the Obama candidacy and they
are missing during this campaign.
Page Nineteen
DURHAM - The North Carolina Legislative Black Caucus Foundation, Inc. has
awarded $50,000 in scholarships to 10 North Carolina historically black colleges and
universities (HBCUs). That represents the first installment of the Foundation's
$100,000 pledge to North Carolina HBCUs for the 2008-2009 academic year. The
funds were made possible through the Foundation's 22nd Annual Scholarship weekend where close to 400 legislators, advocates and supporters from across the state
gathered June 27-28 at the Durham Marriott. (Pictured) Members of the Legislative
Black Caucus and representatives of North Carolina HBCUs at the 22nd Annual
NCLBCF, Inc. Scholarship Weekend.
Photo: Mathias Bishop
If Barack Obama is to be elected, it is
going to require maximum contributions
from African-Americans. To be sure, this
election will also require support from
others, but the "others" are seemingly
more excited about and engaged in
this campaign than are AfricanAmericans.
getic and focused response especially by
African-Americans. It will be too late to
respond after the election results have
been tabulated.
We can out-vote those persons who are
"dead-set" in their racially-motivated
opposition to the election of an AfricanAmerican as President. First, we need to
guarantee our individual vote by voting
early and, at the same time, motivate
and direct others to replicate our
efforts. By getting on the campaign trail
even if no one else is there to assist,
you can make a difference.
Approximately 55% of African-Americans
are registered to vote in North Carolina.
An energetic political campaign requires
that these registration figures must be
significantly increased. Statistics suggest
that in a typical Presidential election
year, only 65% of the registered voters
Not everyone is interested in making actually vote; this result will also have By energizing yourself, you can bring
back the "thrill" to which B.B. King
history within the political context. But, to significantly increase.
make reference. Every little bit helps. At
for those who are, there needs to be
some demonstrated interest, excitement This increased voter registration and the end of the day, we want to be able
and tremendous expenditure of energy participation will have to increase to say that we were in the game and
if we are to elect the first African- because, for too many voters in this gave everything that we had in order
American to serve as President of the election, "Race" is the issue and people to come out on the right side of histoUnited States. For African-Americans in will be voting their racial preference ry. If we rise to this challenge, we can
particular, this should be a goal to without regard to the qualifications and loudly proclaim and demonstrate that
which we should eagerly aspire since political views of the candidates. This "our time has come."
Barack Obama possesses the qualifica- voting practice is as offensive as were
tions, political knowledge, wisdom, the many racially insensitive statements Professor Irving Joyner
charisma and appeal necessary to ably which were made during the Democratic North Carolina Central University
Party Primary. To this race-based prac- School of Law
serve as President.
tice, there needs to be an equally ener- [email protected]
September 2008
Page Twenty-Nine
HENDERSON - Area musicians
are invited to Vance-Granville
Community College on Monday,
September 8th to discuss forming
a community band. An informational meeting will begin at 7 pm
in the Civic Center on the college’s main campus in Vance
Michael Stephenson, the college’s new music instructor, will
lead the meeting to discuss the
level of interest in the community
regarding forming a new band.
The proposed group would be a
joint effort between interested citizens and VGCC students, who
would earn college credit for participation.
is sponsoring a good ol’ down
South Gospel Singing program on
Saturday, September 13th at 9am .
Taking place at 250 Welcome
Avenue in Henderson, headquarters of Long Creek Coach Line,
there will be a car and bike show,
horse show, food and fun for all
ages. Performers include Greg
Kelly & The Foundation,
For more information, call Michael Southern Gospel Singers of
Stephenson at (252) 738-3346
Washington, DC, The Mighty
Pilgrim Harmonaires, Lil Cedric,
Gospel Disciples, The Anointed
Caravans, The Loving Sisters, The
Dynamic Silver Stars, The
Thursday, September 11th
Warrenton Echoes, James Martin
5:30 pm – 8:30 p m
& The Harmonetts and many
Downtown Henderson at
more. Admission is $5.00; bus and
Breckenridge Street
van groups welcome.
HENDERSON - The Embers will Call Long Creek to make reservations
play the Downtown Henderson 800-559-4054
stage on Thursday, September 11
at Meet Me in the Street, a free
community concert, coordinated
by the Chamber.
The Embers are a North
Carolina tradition renowned for
their special brand of rhythm and
blues beach music. Since their Saturday, September 13th
inception in 1958, the group has 11am - 3pm
been touring and turning out hit ...smoking hot sauces, beer, wine
songs. Their latest album, "The and music
Show Must Go On," is due for OXFORD - Granville County is
release in September.
home to the largest pepper producFor more information, call the Chamber
er/distributor on the eastern
at 438-8414
seaboard - Bailey Farms. It is also
home to "Spice it Up" Hot Sauce
(2005 New Product of the year).
Saturday, Sept. 13
As the community was searching
9:00 am
for a "Smoking Hot Event" to
Long Creek Coach Line
bring people downtown Oxford...
250 Welcome Ave.
Henderson - Harold Royster, the First Ever NC Hot Sauce
owner of Long Creek Coach Line,
Calendar of Events continues on page 31
Participating in the ribbon-cutting of St. Augustine’s College Gateway Program in
Henderson are St. Augustine’s College President Dianne Boardley Suber (second
from left); James “Pete’ O’Geary, Henderson mayor (second from right); and (right)
Rev. Richard Henderson, Gateway Community Development Corporation chairman.
Augustine’s College is making
higher education convenient for
adults in Henderson who want to
go back to school. The College
celebrated the opening of a new
satellite campus of the Gateway
Program in Henderson Thursday,
August 14th.
The Gateway Program, which
also has campuses in Raleigh and
Rocky Mount, is designed to
allow adult learners to earn their
bachelor’s degrees in two to three
years while attending evening and
weekend classes close to home.
The Henderson campus offers
Organizational Management and
Criminal Justice.
Those gathered for Thursday’s
ribbon-cutting included Dianne
Boardley Suber, Saint Augustine’s
College president; James “Pete’
O’Geary, Henderson mayor; NC
Rep. Michael Wray; and Rev.
Richard Henderson, Gateway
Representatives from the Vance
County Chamber of Commerce,
College and local law enforcement also attending the opening.
O’Geary said he was excited
about the program’s possibilities
and looks forward to a longtermrelationship with Saint
Augustine’s College.
For more information about the Gateway
Program, contact Anthony Young, program coordinator, at (252) 492-6298.
Ask about Vance/Granville Specials!!
Page Thirty
September 2008
September 2008
Coach Steve Powell
As intelligent human beings we
sometimes have a tendency to
take matters into our own hands
when all we need to do, and we
find out later if we had done it,
things would have worked out
much better, if we had just followed the instructions.
ly cooled down and a lot less
agreeable to hands. But there is a
line clearly drawn between what
sacrifices the average person is
not willing to make and those
things one who seeks perfection
embraces as a process relative to
as those activities we have incorporated in our minds as part of
this regimen we call romance.
No matter the goal there is usually a time tested and proven
process to obtain success. Yet we
often choose to ignore what
works and innovatively and spontaneously incorporate what we
think is a better mousetrap. But
when it comes down to it a plan is
always better. Even when cooking
your favorite dish you have a plan.
It may be recorded mentally but
it’s there.And whether you follow
it from repetition or written
notes, there is a plan.
So what is this recipe? Let’s begin
with determining what you want
the end result to look like.
Because if you don’t know what
you want when you start, you’ll
never know whether or not you
get it. And if and when you do get
it, you won’t know you have it. So
I suggest that you know clearly
what you want, not what someone else thinks is good for you but
what you really want.After all you
are the one who has to live with
your decision and sometimes that
ends up being for life.
Plans are good for just about
everything including relations and
matters of the heart.True love has
no parameters or rigid rules that
confines it’s appearance to time
and place. But romance does.
Romance is a voluntary participatory activity. It doesn’t just happen. Unfortunately, we seldom
take the time to think about or
plan how we want our emotional
lives to run.There is a tendency to
believe that whatever will happen,
will happen. And most think that
other than blind faith there is
nothing we can do to influence or
affect the direction or outcome of
our emotional lives. So I thought it
might be a real good thing for us
Now there are short cuts I can to consider developing our own
take that will make the process a personal “recipe for romance”.
little less arduous, which means I
have to be willing to accept the A recipe for romance may mean
consequences of my actions. If I many things to many people. So I’ll
dice the potatoes before I boil first explain what I mean by
them or don’t add celery or romance. Romance is what we
enough onion or no onion at all, need to encourage us to share
mine along with other people our real selves and our real
palates will be exposed to a rude desires with others. It is the
awakening because a decision was process of romance that not only
made not to take the time to exe- makes us realize that sharing is a
cute the procedure of doing what desire but a need as well. The
the directions advised me to do, romance provides the vehicle to
So things go wrong. Yes it would pursue the acquisition of the
be easier to mix the ingredients desired need.We think of flowers,
after the potatoes have complete- candies, fine dinning and dancing
For instance when I prepare my
world famous potato salad there
are certain steps, procedures and
ingredients that must be included
in the process in order that I get
the results that I want. If I don’t
follow the instructions that I have
produced for my self I won’t be
pleased with what I create.
Actually I will be extremely disappointed. I could convince myself
that taking short cuts or eliminating some of steps in the instructions would be alright this time,
but what I want to have when I’m
finished and what I will get will be
two totally different things.
But let’s make it clear.A recipe for
romance is a plan to secure the
satisfaction gained from someone
else wanting to also share with us.
Share the real you. What you
attract will be directly related to
the impressions you leave on others.To attract a bear use honey.To
catch a bird use a worm but if you
use meat to catch a human being
you’ll get a dog every time.
Romance is not solely about the
physical aspects of relationships. In
fact, the sensuality of life is
enhanced by what the mind perceives as stimulating based on
what you need as a person.
Sometimes it is the caring and
understanding from another person who is compassionate not
only about who you are now, but
also more importantly, who you
are longing to become.
I’ll stop here, not because it’s the
end, but rather because it’s just
the beginning. There is so much
more we have to share and we
will in the future. The recipe for
romance has many components
to consider. They’re not complicated but they can be overlooked
if you don’t know what to look for
and if you’re not careful.
Coach Steve Powell
Page Thirty-One
OXFORD - On Tuesday,
September 16th, Dr. Tomasz
Gawecki. of Durham Nephrology
speak on
"Chronic Kidney Disease". Learn
about prevention, treatment of
contributing conditions such as
diabetes and hypertension, and
managing chronic kidney disease.
The program will be held from
11:30 am - 12:30 pm in the
Education Classroom at Granville
Medical Center, 1010 College
Street, Oxford. A free lunch will
be served at 11:30 am; Dr.
Gawecki's presentation will begin
at 11:30 am and will be followed
by a question and answer period.
Seating is limited and advance
registration is required. Please call
919.690.2159 by September 12th
to reserve your seat. When you
call, please leave your name,
address, daytime phone number,
and the number of people in your
Due to the volume of calls,
reservations will not be confirmed, however, you will be contacted if there are no seats available.
Please pass this information
on to your family, friends, and coworkers. (If you need directions,
please phone 919.690.3000.)
Page Thirty-Two
Calendar of Events continues
Contest was born.
The 2nd Annual NC Hot
Sauce Contest will take place on
Main Street September 13 from
11 am – 3 pm. Sample sauces,
beers, wines, and special foods;
enjoy great music from 98.3's
Mike Elliott's Home Grown Hour.
Also on Main Street, enjoy an
Antique Mall Street Festival.
Producers from all across the
state come together for a fun-filled
day, showcasing NC Hot Sauces,
NC Microbreweries, NC Wines,
NC Barbeque Sauces, NC Fiery
Gardeners Plant Sale, Granville
County Museum Treasure Sale
and much, much more
Capture all the history of
Oxford by visiting the Granville
County Museum and their
September Sensations Bazaar, as
well as, at the Harris Exhibit Hall
from 9am – 2pm.
Parking Lot Vendors will be
selling arts, crafts, and handicrafts. Additionally, there is an
Antiques appraisal held inside the
Harris Hall - 1 item $5.00 or 3 for
$10.00. Also see the beautiful
town with a complementary carriage ride.
For more information call 866-693-1217
OXFORD - From 9 am to 4 am on
September 13th, antiques from the
Eastern Seaboard including fine
furniture, sterling, cut glass and
depression glass, porcelains,
antique and estate jewelry, antique
books and small collectibles will
be for sale at the 3rd Annual
Heritage Festival.
The Granville Gardeners
Club's plant sale at the Gazebo in
the Men's Garden Club Park at the
corner of Spring and Wall Streets
will feature mums, other perennials, shrubs, trees, tender perennials, ornamental grasses, vines,
ground covers, bulbs, and some
tropicals. A rustic bird house will
be raffled, and there will be a
silent auction of special items.
For more information call 866-693-1217
Thursday, September 25th
5:30pm - 8:30pm
Downtown Oxford's Parking Lot
Featuring Jim Quick & Coastline
OXFORD - September 25 is the
date for the third “Alive After
Five” event of 2008. Plan to join
everyone and enjoy the incredible
and extremely popular band “Jim
Quick and Coastline.” This last
Chamber-sponsored concert of
2008 will be held in Oxford’s
downtown parking lot at the intersection of Main and Littlejohn
“Mark Twain once said, ‘A
Southerner talks music.’ If this is
true, Coastline speaks volumes.
An eclectic blend of soul, blues
and rock has produced the sound
known as Coastline. From harddriving Carolina back beats, to
Georgia southern rock, from
Cajun inspired grooves, to Texas
and Delta blues --- Coastline truly
defines the sound of historical
Southern music. With finesse,
the pure forms of southern music
are transformed into a modern
contemporary art form.
The inimitable vocals and
humorous antics of lead singer
Jim Quick are captivating and a
perfect hybrid of every essence of
soul. He has won more accolades
than any other entertainer at the
Guitarist, Casey Meyer is the
blues boy in the band. Although
the youngest member of Coastline
in regard to age, Casey slides on
his guitar with the confidence and
grace of his many adored older
mentors. He is essence of
Coastline’s roots and earmark.
His partner in crime, Albert
Rogers on bass, comes to
Coastline via The Band and
Grayson Hugh not to mention
Albert’s a great singer in his own
right. The multi-talented Glen
Tippett rounds out this perfect culmination of musicians. This virtuoso is a highly trained saxophonist and keyboardist and completes this unique sound of the
[email protected]
0r fax 866-630-3796
by the 15th of the month
before the event.
September 2008
September 2008
Page Thirty-Three
CHAPEL HILL - The global significance of 1968 and 1969 will be
a topic of reflection during the
2008-2009 academic year at the
University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill’s Sonja Haynes Stone
Center for Black Culture and
Fall programs will begin
September 11th with “The Time is
Radicalize,” a panel discussion
with 1968 Olympian Tommie
Smith. Smith is one of the
Olympic athletes who participated
in the black-gloved fist gesture at
the 1968 Summer Olympic Games
in Mexico City – a visible challenge to racism and injustice happening in the U.S and the world at
the time.
The center welcomes the public to post their most vivid memories
at, or to
email them to the center, [email protected]. Pictures, videos and
comments all are welcome.
On September 18th, the center’s bi-annual Diaspora Festival
of Black and Independent Film
will open with the screening of
three films. The festival theme,
Permanence of a Racial State,”
highlights contemporary and historical assumptions, beliefs and
traditions regarding race, skin
color and cultural identity.
Founded in 1988, the center is
dedicated to broadening the range
of intellectual discourse about
African diaspora cultures and pursuing challenging examinations of
contemporary issues.
September 11th, 7 pm,
“The Time is Nigh: Organize,
Mobilize, Radicalize.” Tommie
Smith, the Olympic gold medalist
who participated in the clinched
fist, black leather glove salute at
the 1968 Summer Olympic
Games in Mexico City, will discuss this historic Olympic
moment and its impact in the U.S.
and abroad at the height of the
black power movement. Part of
the center’s reflection on the global significance of 1968-69.
screening of “Shirley Chisholm:
Unbought and Unbossed.”
Director and producer Shola
Lynch will introduce and lead a
discussion of this documentary
film that chronicles Chisholm’s
1972 bid for the Democratic presidential nomination and her
dogged refusal to accept the status
quo. Part of the center’s reflection
The Parents’ Pages are a resource
guide for parents that contain
valuable information on programs
and services in the community
CHAPEL HILL - The Orange
County Partnership for Young
Children, a local Smart Start
agency, announces the 2008 edition of the Parents’ Pages, a
resource guide for Orange County
families. This guide is provided
free, in English and Spanish and
contains program and contact
information for a range of support
The Parents’ Pages are updat-
ed every other year and set-up in
an easy-to-use format. Along with
information about local programs
and services, the guide includes
steps to follow for medical emergencies and 10 tips to get involved
with your children. New this year,
the Pages are now available online
as a searchable directory. To view
directory visit
To request copies in English or Spanish
contact the Partnership at 919-967-9091
or [email protected]. The
Partnership will be providing a drop off
service for the Pages once requests are
on the global significance of
September 18, 7 pm, The
“Post Racial Nation? Or
Permanence of a Racial State.”
This program to open the fall
semester Diaspora Festival of
Black and Independent Film
willfeature the screening of three
short films. All explore interactions between Asian-Americans
and African-Americans:
“Akira’s Hip-Hop Shop”
(2007): As the relationship
between a Japanese hip-hop DJ
(Akira) and a black culinary student (Daphne) blossoms, the pair
must deal with racial prejudice
and, for Akira, mounting pressure
from his family to return to Japan.
“Race” (2007), two colleagues, an
African-American man (Jason)
and Asian-American woman
(Hira), are suddenly at odds when
they learn one of them will be promoted to senior vice-president
based on an important presentation they each will give.
“Slowly This” (1995), documents
a conversation about race between
two male friends, one JapaneseAmerican and the other AfricanAmerican.
Fred Ho – a jazz musician, writer
and social activist whose music
often fuses Asian and African
influences – will facilitate a discussion after the screenings.
September 25th, 3:30 p.m.
Reading. UNC alumnus E. Patrick
Johnson will discuss and read
from his latest book, “Sweet Tea:
Black Gay Men of the South,” a
collection of stories from black
gay men who were born, raised
and continue to live in the
Southern United States, but whose
life stories have mostly gone
untold. Johnson is director of
graduate studies and professor in
the performance studies department and professor of AfricanAmerican studies at Northwestern
September 25th, 6:30 pm,
“Pouring Tea: Black Gay Men of
the South Tell Their Tales.” UNC
alumnus E. Patrick Johnson will
perform a staged reading based on
the stories of men he interviewed
for his latest book, “Sweet Tea:
Black Gay Men of the South.” A
pre-show reception will be at 6:30
p.m. The performance will begin
at 7 p.m. Note: The performance
contains adult language.
Events will be in the center, at 150 South
Road west of the Morehead-Patterson
Bell Tower, and free to the public. Visit for parking information or call 962-9001.
CHAPEL HILL - John McWhorter,
a New York Sun columnist and senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute
for Policy Research, will discuss
race and poverty in America on
September 22nd at the University
of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
The free public talk at 7:30 pm
in Memorial Hall will be the 20082009 Frank Porter Graham Lecture
in the College of Arts and Sciences.
The annual lecture brings a variety
of viewpoints on poverty to campus.
McWhorter will speak on
“History in the Making: What We
Know About Poverty and What We
Should Forget.” He will contest
mainstream opinion about the caus-
es of inner-city poverty in the late
20th century and suggest best-practice solutions that are not, in his
words, “founded in a revolutionary
McWhorter newest book, “All
About the Beat: Why Hip Hop Can’t
Save Black America,” points
beyond the “hip-hop revolution” to
a brave new politics for black
America, calling for a renewed
sense of purpose and pride in black
McWhorter’s book “Winning
the Race: Beyond the Crisis in
Black America,” was nominated for
an NAACP Image Award for
Outstanding Literary Work in NonFiction.
Page Thirty-Four
September 2008
The most inspiring and uplifting
sounds you will ever hear are
the voices of children playing
hand clapping games, rhyming, or
singing. And some of the most
clever and humorous storytellers are children.The imagination and creativity of children
are as close to natural ingenuity
we will ever come. Sure one
cannot replace training and disciplined study to hone and
shape a masterpiece but every
work of art is conceived and
incubated in the imagination.
Center for Education Policy
titled, “Choices, Changes, and
Challenges: Curriculum and
Instruction in the NCLB Era,”
which is based on a nationally
representative survey of nearly
350 school districts, reveals several interesting findings.
According to the Center for
Education Policy report, in
order to make room for additional curriculum and instructional time in reading and math
– the two subjects tested for
accountability under the No
Child Left Behind Act – many
districts are simply spending less
time in other subjects that are
not the focus of federal
accountability. Forty-four percent of the school districts studied reported cutting time from
one or more other subjects or
activities at the elementary
level, including science, social
studies, art and music, physical
education, lunch and recess.
The meanings and relevance
given to the songs, lyrical stories
(e.g. raps and rhymes), art work,
and music crafted by children
are ways in which children use
symbols to form community and
self expression. Furthermore,
these acts of creating, sharing
and expressing cultural, comprise a form of capital (cultural)
that is used and valued mostly
by the user--children. Herein
lies the problem.
This is happening in spite of the
Since children don’t’ have much fact that many research findings
power over the actions of adults show a positive correlation
in our society getting rid of between exposing children to
music and arts in the schools or the arts through education and
the failure of governing officials how well children perform in
(e.g. mayors, council members, other areas i.e. reading and
business leaders) to ensure that math. Jack Jennings, CEP’s presevery neighborhood has func- ident and CEO argues, "What
tioning and usable playgrounds, gets tested gets taught.”
recreation centers or parks Jennings further contends:
often becomes a challenge “Under No Child Left Behind,
between David (without his there is reading and math and
slingshot) and Goliath. This is then there is everything else.
ever so clear in the drafting, And because so much is riding
passing and subsequent imple- on the reading and math includmentation of the “Leave No ed on state tests, many schools
Child Behind” federal education have cut back time on other
important subject areas, which
A 2007 report released by the means that some students are
not receiving a broad curriculum.” The report notes that the
increases and decreases are
more prevalent in districts that
are home to struggling schools.
School districts with at least one
school identified for improvement under NCLB reported in
greater proportions school that
they had increased time for
English and/or math at the elementary and middle school levels and had cut back on time for
other subjects since 2001-02
(78 percent) than did districts
without schools identified (57
While the consequences of the
LNCB legislation on the arts
and other courses may be latent
the outcomes are obvious. One
consequence is that the children
whose parents can not afford to
pay for extracurricular activities
e.g. music lessons, art and dance
classes, or science exploration
camps are penalized the greatest. Another consequence is
that while we may be training
children to do well on test, how
well are we educating them to
think creatively and to develop
skills that will help them to succeed socially?
Towards the end of last school
year (2007-08) I had the great
fortune of going to Lincoln
Center (the administrative
building for the Chapel HillCarrboro City Schools) to view
the display of students’ art work
from throughout the district
and across grade levels. Walking
down one end of the hallway to
the other and back up again I
was in awe! The work of the
students was simply incredible.
Shortly thereafter I was invited
by my ten-year old cousin to
come and see her perform in a
multicultural performance celebrating African culture at
Rashkis Elementary school in
Chapel Hill (the principal
Deshera Mack by the way is the
best and a real gift to the district). The songs, music, and
dance routines were phenomenal!
Each of these experiences made
me realize that while we have
been so busy focusing on reading and math, which is important, we have neglected and
robbed our children of much
more valuable and durable education—the cultivation and nurturing of their artistic ingenuity.
This is a sad testament to our
society’s educational system and
most importantly to those
things that apparently we deem
most expendable—ingenuity
and imagination.
Ironically it is these two skills
that appear to be in great
demand and that have certainly
resulted in the creation of many
successful and wealthy people.
Does the name Bill Gates ring a
bell? Maybe the next time we
are drafting seminal education
legislation, it would help to have
a few kids at the table.
Michelle Laws
Michelle Laws can be reached via email at
[email protected].
September 2008
Page Thirty-Five
by Dr. Sharon Elliott-Bynum
Sharon Elliott-Bynum
September is Prostate Cancer
Awareness Month. Prostate cancer is the most common type of
cancer diagnosed in men. Men
should become aware of the risks
and become informed on the
effectiveness of screening.
The prostate is a gland found only
on men. It is just below the bladder and in front of the rectum. It
is about the size of a walnut. The
tube that carries urine (urethra)
runs through the prostate. The
prostate contains cells that make
some of the fluid (semen) that
protects and nourishes the sperm.
If the part of the prostate around
the urethra keeps growing as is
the case with older men, it may
result in problems with urinating,
this is called (Benign Prostatic
Hyperplasia) BPH is not cancer.
Some doctors believe that
prostate cancer begins with very
small changes in the size and
shape of the prostate gland cells.
These changes are known as
Neoplasia). Almost all men have
PIN by the time they reach 50.
These changes are either low
grade or high grade. If a prostate
biopsy shows high grade PIN,
there is a greater chance that
there are cancer cells in your
prostate. For this reason, it will be
watched carefully and may require
another biopsy.
African American men have the
world’s highest rates of prostate
cancer, with more than twice the
mortality of Caucasian Americans.
Prostate Cancer is the second
leading cause of cancer deaths
among men in the United States.
Major risk factors include age (50
yrs +), race (African American),
diet (high fat/low fruits and vegetables) and heredity (father or
brother with prostate cancer
doubles a man’s risk). African
American men are diagnosed at
late, more advance stages of the
the prostate cancer mortality rate
among African American men.
Educational materials that provide
African American men with culturally relevant information about
symptom recognition, screening
guidelines and disease prevention,
must be developed and circulated
widely within the community settings frequented by the target
population to decrease the
knowledge deficit and to allay
fears about the prognosis of
prostate cancer.
Churches across North Carolina
are being mobilized to participate
in the first annual African
Awareness Sunday on September
28, 2008. North Carolina Michael
Easley has endorsed this initiative.
There will be several free prostate
screenings held in the month of
September in Durham.
Please check your area listings for
times and locations.There are two
groups actively working in the
area of Prostate Cancer. The
North Carolina Minority Prostate
Cancer Awareness Action Team
(Al Richmond) contact (919) 9568889, and B.A.P. Caps-Brothers
Awareness Programs, part of the
Black Men’s Health Initiative
(BMHI) (William Robinson) is the
Education and early detection Thank you and God Bless!
modalities such as digital rectal
exams and PSA screening programs hold great promise to slow [email protected]
By Jonathan N. Livingston, Ph.D.
and Dorothy Singleton, Ph.D.
DURHAM - To increase awareness about the importance of
immunization and the health of all
children in our community, North
Carolina Central University’s
Institute for the Study of Children,
Youth, and Families, in conjunction with its Institute for the Study
of Minority Issues, is getting the
word out about early childhood
Throughout the months of
September and October, the
Institute will provide information
on early childhood immunizations, health, and nutrition at
neighborhood stores and community centers. The initiative is
intended to increase awareness of
early childhood programs, services, and learning opportunities in
the Triangle area.
The Institute for the Study of
Children, Youth, and Families
believes that a healthy start for
children in the Triangle community is important in ensuring future
success in school and in life.
Childhood diseases, such as diphtheria, measles, mumps, and
rubella, can cause serious complications and, in some instances,
death. Parents can best protect
their children by making sure that
childhood immunizations are up
to date.
According to the CDC
Immunization Practices and the
Immunizations continues on page 37
Page Thirty-Six
September 2008
to you by
treatment. Medications generally
produce more dramatic changes
than can be accomplished by most
changes alone. But they are not
By L. Francine Chavis, M.D.
Why Lower Cholesterol?
Meg probably should have asked
her doctor for more information.
The role of cholesterol as a risk
factor for heart disease was
established several decades ago.
When total and HDL cholesterol
levels are elevated, there is a
greater chance that plaque will be
deposited within the walls of blood
vessels. While continuing research
has pointed to factors such as
inflammation that play a role in the
disease process, there is still little
doubt about the role of cholesterol.
Jeanne didn’t like to take pills. Eric
got behind on his bills and thought
he could save money by cutting
back on his cholesterol-lowering
medications. Meg simply wasn’t
sold on the idea of treating high
cholesterol–something that she The National Cholesterol Education
couldn’t see and that had no symp- Project recommends that total chotoms.
lesterol should be lower than 200
milligrams/deciliter, and LDL less
Heart disease kills nearly a million
than 100 mg/dL. HDL, the good
Americans a year, and cholesterolcholesterol, should be greater than
lowering medications are fre40 mg/dL, and triglycerides under
quently prescribed to individuals
150 mg/dL.
at high risk. Yet one study found
that about 14 percent of patients In practice, doctors look at a
never filled their prescriptions and patient’s cholesterol profile in the
13 percent didn’t take the drugs context of other risk factors such as
they brought home. After that first smoking, high blood pressure, famprescription, the compliance rate ily history, obesity and a diagnosis
continued to fall; over a five-year of diabetes. If your overall risk of
period, only 26 percent of having a heart attack or stroke is
patients took their medicine regu- low to moderate, your doctor may
not prescribe cholesterol-lowering
medications until the numbers on
Doctors, of course, don’t take the
your test become extreme.
prescription of cholesterol-lowering medications lightly. When cho- On the other hand, some individulesterol is high, the patient is usual- als considered very high risk (such
ly advised to first make lifestyle as those who have suffered a prechanges–a lower fat diet, exercise vious heart attack or persons with
and weight loss. For all but those severe diabetes) may be asked to
deemed to be at highest risk, a get LDL under 70–a level that may
three-month trial of lifestyle be difficult or impossible to reach
changes is usually recommended. without medication.
Even after the drugs are started, To produce the desired effects for
diet and exercise are still consid- the individual patient with the
ered important components of
fewest adverse effects, doctors total cholesterol may become elecan choose one or more medica- vated in a person taking fibrates.
tions from several types available. Combining a fibrate with a statin
medication may take care of this
STATINS are the most effective problem. About one percent of
drugs now available for lowering patients taking such a combination,
total and LDL cholesterol. Since however, experience muscle
they also have few short-term side inflammation that can cause kidney
effects, they are the most frequent- damage.
ly prescribed drugs to lower choNIACIN is usually the best choice
for raising abnormally low levels
Statins work by slowing the pro- of HDL cholesterol. It can also
duction of cholesterol in the liver lower triglycerides and LDL.
and by increasing the liver’s ability to remove cholesterol already in To produce these effects, relatively
the blood. In addition to lowering large doses of niacin are needed.
LDL, these drugs have a modest And while some preparations are
effect on HDL and triglycerides.
available without a prescription,
they should be used only under a
Side effects can occur, although doctor’s direct supervision.
rarely, with any of the statins, so
it’s important for a doctor to moni- In addition to short-term effects
tor treatment. Unusual or unex- such as flushing, high doses of
plained muscle aches or brown niacin are associated with liver
urine–a sign of muscle inflamma- problems, gout and high blood
tion–should be reported immedi- sugar.
The benefit of taking these medBILE ACID SEQUESTRANT med- ications, when they are prescribed,
ications are safe, with a record is without dispute. Three landmark
established over 30 years of use, studies published between 1994
and they are capable of lowering and 1996 established that cholesLDL by 10 to 20 percent. For a terol-lowering medications were
greater effect, they are often used effective in reducing the number of
in combination with statins.
heart attacks, strokes and heartrelated deaths. Many of these
Side effects can include constipa- drugs are now among the most
tion, heartburn, bloating, belching widely prescribed in the country;
and abdominal discomfort. They there’s good reason for patients to
can also raise triglyceride levels.
take full advantage of the benefits
they offer.
INHIBITORS work by blocking the If you take the heart medications
absorption of cholesterol from the your doctor prescribes, you may
small intestine. These are the tack a few years on to your life.
newest class of lipid-lowering According to a study of 31,750
drugs, first approved in 2002. heart patients, those who used
They are useful for persons who cholesterol-lowering statins consiscannot take a statin or cannot tol- tently over a seven-year period
erate a high enough dose.
reduced their risk of death by 48
FIBRATES are usually indicated for
persons with extremely high levels Cholesterol testing is important
of triglycerides (500 mg/dL or Starting at age 20, everyone
higher). Once triglycerides have
Cholesterol continues on page 37
been lowered, however, LDL and
September 2008
Cholesterol continues
should have their cholesterol
checked at least every 5 years by
their health care provider.
Children and teens that have a
family history of early heart disease or total cholesterol above
240 mg/dL should be screened
Page Thirty-Seven
Grapefruit Connection
If you’re on a cholesterol-lowering
medication, you should avoid
grapefruit juice since it interferes
with the liver’s ability to metabolize these drugs. You should also
talk to your doctor before taking
herbal cholesterol-lowering products.
In summary, to avoid high cholesterol, eat a low fat diet and lots of
fruits and vegetables, and exercise
regularly. If you need to take cholesterol-lowering medication, be
sure to fill your prescription and
take it as directed. It could save
LDL level – this is the “bad” cho- your life.
lesterol that sticks to your arteries
Immunizations continues
and can case blockages.
American Academy of Pediatrics,
HDL level – this is the “good” cho- it is very important for children to
lesterol that helps to prevent build- receive most of their vaccinations
up in your arteries.
during the first two years of life.
They recommend that children
Triglyceride level – this is another receive their shots at birth; 2, 4, 6,
type of “bad” fat in your blood and 12 to 18 months; and between
that can lead to build-up in your 4 to 6 years of age. To get more
information on which shots your
The National Cholesterol Education child needs to take and at what
Program developed the following age, talk to your child’s healthcare
classifications for people over age provider or physician.
Parents should ask physicians
20 that do not have heart disease:
why the child needs a particular
shot, if there are any side effects
and what to do if they occur, and,
Cholesterol less than 200 mg/dL
most importantly, when the next
LDL less than 100 mg/dL
shots are due. Getting this information from your healthcare
Cholesterol between 200 – 239 provider or local health department is free of charge.
Knowing that your child is
safe from harmful diseases will
Cholesterol greater than 240 put your mind at ease as you hanmg/dL
dle any discomfort your child may
have from receiving immunizaFor patients with heart disease, tions.
LDL above 70 mg/dL is too high. In
For more information about
addition, HDL levels less than 35 childhood immunizations, please
mg/dL are considered low and contact your physician or local
increase the risk of heart disease. health department. If you are
interested in helping get the word
Generic Drugs Are Okay
A generic drug may cost a third or out about the importance of early
less than the brand-name version childhood health, contact the
of the same medication. Yet by Institute for the Study of Children
law, the generic drug must contain Youth and Families at 530-7776.
A fasting lipid profile is a detailed
blood test for cholesterol. You will
need to fast for 9 – 12 hours prior
to the test. This test includes:
Jonathan N. Livingston, Ph.D. and
the same active ingredients, work Dorothy Singleton, Ph.D. are co-directhe same way in the body, be tors of the NCCU Institute for the Study
identical in strength and dosage of Children, Youth and Families
and meet the same standards for
purity and quality as the brandA
name drug.
Page Thirty-Eight
September 2008
by Genevia Gee Fulbright, CPA
I too enjoy the song
by Calloway,“I Wanna
Be Rich” but let’s
enhance this anthem
by changing the last
word so we can
recite instead “I
wanna be wealthy.”
down how many times
have you heard about
someone you thought
was wealthy but with a
decrease in annual
income over a relatively short period of time
suddenly they lost
assets including homes
Genevia G. Fulbright
and cars and started
battling with the IRS?
Are some so obsessed with
becoming rich in order to
appear on the series “Lifestyles
of the Rich and Famous” or
their own reality shows?
Consider a title change to
“Lifestyles of the wealthy and
legacy builders.”
My position is that you should
strive to become wealthy if you
are willing to put forth the
effort to become rich.
Rich is:
. Life-style based upon current
. Possessions newly acquired
. High income/cash flow not
necessarily accompanied by
high net worth
. Purchased social prestige and
Wealth is:
. Generational/legacy focused
. A lifestyle not based upon cur
rent work or income
. Abundance of assets and net
worth that generates cash
flow and income
. Affluence/social prestige not
are investing in assets that will
grow in value and not growing
debts will help in your quest to
become wealthy.
Making good financial choices
are especially important during
challenging times so make sure
that you are evaluating where
and how you live. Depending
on what region you live, your
expenses will be a certain perWealthy people are typically:
centage of your income.
. Able to purchase cars for cash ~ Understand how much it takes
financing only for a short-term of your income to live.
period until funds are transferred
For example, if it takes 45% of
. Consulting regularly with “advi- your income for housing, 20%
sors” ~ Attorneys, Investment for food and entertainment,
and Insurance Brokers, CPAs, 38% for federal and state
income taxes, 10% for charity,
personal assistants, etc…
15 % for clothing and personal
. Working because they want to
expenses, etc… it’s time to
work ~ living expenses are
evaluate how you are going to
not dependent upon them
save some money for future or
showing up for work daily
emergency expenses (you’re
. Invested in diversified assets that already negative cash flow by
they are willing to sell ~ that 28%, this means that you are
have the potential to grow in either borrowing or using the
value and/or disburse income principle of your investments).
and cash flow
It’s time to increase your
income, cut back on expenses,
If you have not already read the re-balance your portfolio or all
Millionaire Next Door by Thomas three.
Stanley and William Danko, visit
your local library or go on-line to Again, as you work towards
pickup a copy to familiarize your- wealth to make your desired
self with additional characteristics lifestyle affordable and comof how wealthy individuals live dif- fortable remember you want to
ferently than rich or others.
have a future lifestyle as well.
Whether you’re rich, wealthy or
working-class the life choices you
make with your spending plan
and investment strategies affect
your finances. If you were not one
of those who hit the gene-pool
lottery (and were born into a
wealthy family) taking steps now
to save for a rainy day and adjust
Even before the mortgage melt- you lifestyle to make sure that you
Genevia Gee Fulbright
President/COO of Fulbright & Fulbright,
CPA, PA, a business strategist, tax advisor,
author of Make the Leap: From Mom &
Pop to Good Enough to Sell (Infinity
Publishing). Her sound financial planning
advice tips can be read regularly on For
more info, call: (919)544-0398, e-mail:
[email protected]; Visit Fulbright at
By Brian Simpson
Public Affairs Specialist
Raleigh, NC
RALEIGH - Rocky Mount, North
Carolina native Onita Barnes, age
29, was sentenced in United States
District Court for stealing Social
Security Checks and other
Treasury checks while working as
a postal employee.
According to the Social
Security Administration (SSA)
Office of Inspector General, the
Eastern District of North Carolina
(EDNC) Grand Jury in Raleigh,
NC, indicted Barnes for Theft of
Mail on January 2, 2008.
Additionally, a warrant for Barnes'
arrest was issued in the EDNC.
On January 16, 2008, Barnes
was arrested by agents from the
Social Security Administration's
Office of Inspector General
(SSA/OIG), the United States
Postal Inspection Service (USPIS)
and the United States Postal
Service's Office of Inspector
General (USPS/OIG).
Following the arrest, Barnes
was transported to the Terry
Sanford Federal Building in
Raleigh, NC, to appear before
U.S. Magistrate Judge William A.
Webb, EDNC. Barnes was
released on an Own Recognizance
On July 28, 2008, Barnes was
Social Security continues on page 40
September 2008
Page Thirty-Nine
Co-Owner Todd Bond: entrepreneur,
artist, family man with a plan
Coalition by attending fundraisers and/or
volunteering our time.
By Valerie Whitted
Contributing Writer
VW: How did you get started and get to this
wonderful location?
TB: I’ve been drawing since I can remember.
My family recognized my gift and encouraged
me to draw as often as I could. As a teenager, I switched from comic books to emulating
the graffiti artists from New York that were
popular in the 80’s, and started drawing the
album covers of hip-hop artists, and eventually started air brushing names and pictures
on clothes. It was around that time that I
realized that I could use art as a way of controlling my aggression. And rather then lash
out I could harness that energy and put it
down on paper. From then on, art became my
therapy and a way for me to express my
anger, passion and the pressures every
young black male wrestles with during his
transition to manhood.
DURHAM - Not so long ago, my mother, Lonita
Whitted, was reading Spectacular Magazine
and noticed that one of the parents at her
school was having an art show…neither she
nor I even knew he was an artist. All we
knew was that he was quiet, pleasant, doting
Dad but we soon learned that Todd Bond is an
entrepreneur, artist, as well as, a family man
with a plan.
Upon seeing his work and attending his
showing, we were captivated and have been
continually impressed by he and his wife’s
focus and professionalism. It was not a surprise when he told us that he was ready to
hang out his own shingle, but I wanted to
know more…details!
Valerie Whitted (VW): Todd, you have
just opened a new business…what is FASTFRAME and why should someone do business
with you?
Todd Bond (TB): My wife, Bernice and I
operate a FASTFRAME franchise, which is a
custom picture framing business. Located at
the new Hope Valley Commons Shopping
Center at 1125 W. NC Hwy 54, suite 303 in
Durham, we specialize in residential and commercial custom framing with a strong
commitment to customer
Fastframe, a custom picture framing business, located at new Hope Valley Commons Shopping
center at 1125 W. NC Hwy 54, suite 303 in Durham.
With our own workshop on-site; you do not
have to worry about irreplaceable pictures or
mementos getting lost during shipping. FASTFRAME has developed both conservation and
preservation framing programs, which meet or
exceed the requirements, set by the Library of
Congress to protect your valued treasures.
be shipped to the shop free of charge.
VW: Where do you go to church?
TB: Since relocating to Durham in 2006 my
family has attended services at several local
churches, but has yet to find a church to call
home. Although I must say we have been
drawn to the congregation and the message at
We also stock a variety of African-American Union Baptist Church, which reminds us of the
church we were members of
in Chicago.
VW: What organizations are
you and your family involved
TB: I am a member of the
Durham Art Guild and actively participate in art-related
activities sponsored by the
City of Durham. My artwork
was featured in Mayor Bill
Bell’s office in 2007, as part
of a partnership with the
Durham Arts Council and the
Office of the Mayor in an
effort to showcase local
The foundation of our reputation lies in high quality
craftsmanship, a variety of
products, and industry leading turn around capabilities,
and of course customer service. We stand behind our
services and we offer a oneof-a-kind guarantee, which
covers a customer's complete
satisfaction in design and
craftsmanship. If you are not
Fastframe owners Todd and Bernice Bond with their two children,
completely satisfied with the
Bernice is a member of the
Taylor and Todd, Jr.
design of your finished
Durham Alumnae Chapter of
framed artwork, we will re-craft or re-design artwork, and have access to thousands of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. and volunteers
your piece in the same price range, within 30 published prints, posters and original pieces of her time in support of programs sponsored by
days of the sale for FREE! We also offer a life- art. You can go to our website at the Sorority. We also support local organizatime guarantee on craftsmanship and work-, click on "On Line Art" and browse tions such as the Durham Committee for the
and order conveniently online. Your order will Affairs of Black People and Community Health
Eventually my interest turn towards painting
so being a self taught artist I saved up
enough money to buy an art set and a few
instructional books and taught myself how to
paint and I loved capturing the spirit and
energy of the hip-hop genre. Now in my late
thirties, my love of music has grown to
include reggae, blues and jazz, and I often
communicate with bold hues and vibrant
tones, allowing the colors to convey my emotions to those viewing my work.
Since pencils and paper are relatively inexpensive and were easily affordable when I
was younger, it is still my most comfortable
medium and I still spend a lot of time drawing. I like to do a lot of sketches to make
sure I get the composition of a picture the
way I like and the values a certain way
before I even start to paint. Right now, I use
oil paints on canvas, and pastels on wide
range of paper surfaces in addition to charcoal and pencils to create my art. I like with
pastels because of the vibrant colors and
although they can be messy they are very
The means of showing my artwork have been
through hosting my own shows annually, and
entering in local, national and international
art competitions. I try to have at least one
large show every other year and participate
in local or group shows the remainder of the
Fastframe continues on page 40
Page Forty
Social Security continues
Fastframe continues
sentenced by United States Chief
District Court Judge Terrence W.
Boyle, EDNC, in Raleigh, NC.
Barnes was sentenced to five (5)
years probation on one count of
Theft of Mail and was ordered to
pay $4,382.51 restitution to GE
Money (Lowes) and a $100.00
special assessment fee to the
Don't let this happen to your
Social Security check. To help
protect yourself from identity
thieves, have your benefits paid
directly to your bank account via
direct deposit. Direct deposit is the
safest, most reliable, and most
expedient method of payment.
Contact Social Security at 1800-772-1213 or via the internet
to learn more about direct deposit.
To anonymously report Social
Security fraud to the agency's
Office of Inspector General
(OIG), call 1-800-269-0271 or
complete the online Fraud
Reporting Form at
Also check out the agency's
redesigned home page and various
online services available at
time. I have also had some of my work turned
into limited edition reproductions and lithographs, which I sell on my website
( in addition to originals.
VW: Where did you grow up?
TB: I was born in Chicago, but my family
moved to Oak Park, Michigan, a suburb right
outside of Detroit when I was 3 years old. I
eventually moved back to Chicago when I was
18 and eventually met my wife some 10 years
VW: Tell me about your family?
TB: Both of my parents are retired. My mother recently moved to Durham, from Chicago
and my father still lives in the Midwest. My
wife and I have twins who will be 4 in
December -our daughter, Taylor and our son,
Todd, who is older by two minutes.
I have one older sister, Stephanie, who resides
in Chicago – although my mother is determined to get her to relocate to NC within the
next couple of years.
VW: Why Durham for your family and business?
TB: My wife has family in the North Carolina
area (Durham, Cedar Grove, Charlotte, etc.) and
during our yearly visits we felt as if Durham
would be a great place to raise a family. I
won’t even mention those Chicago winters!
VW: Where did you go to school?
TB: I was educated in the Oak Park, Michigan
Public School System; upon graduation I spent
September 2008
own, and my hope is that
our kids see our entrepreneurial spirit and
realize that they can control their own destinies.
VW: What advice would
you give to young people
about to enter "the REAL
TB: Nothing worth having comes easy. You will
have to make sacrifices
and invest in yourself in
order to make your
Fastframe offers custom framing and framed prints
dreams come true. Also
if you believe in yourself,
a year at Fisk University and due to family sit- never let anyone kill your dreams. Finally, to
uations, had to defer my education for a few quote my wife, “work to live and not live to
years. Eventually I received my Bachelors work.” Meaning you work in order to have to
degree in Business Management from the ability to do the things you love and enjoy.
University of Phoenix.
Never let your job title or material possesVW: Who is your greatest inspiration?
sions define who you are and get caught up in
TB: I would have to say my greatest inspira- living up to how everyone else defines success
tion is my parents. The lessons in values, work (driving the newest cars and buying the most
ethic and the belief I have in my own abilities expensive clothes) because you’ll find yourself
that I’m passing on to my kids were taught to living beyond your means and having to work
me through communication and better yet, the for someone else to pay for material objects
examples my parents set for me.
rather then using that money to further invest
in your future or start your own business.
VW: What are your plans for the future?
TB: To continue to work hard to make FAST- VW: What is the last book you read?
FRAME a success, and keep building a strong TB: Mirror to America, by John Hope Franklin.
foundation that my kids can see as evidence Reading about his amazing life, his committhat anything is possible. You always want ment to documenting the real history of his
your kids to have successes greater then your people and his unwavering drive to succeed is
humbling and motivating.
VW: What do you do to relax?
TB: Believe it or not, spending time with my
kids is the most relaxing thing I do.
VW: What are some of the organizations that
you are a part of?
TB: We recently joined the Durham Chamber
of Commerce and look forward to attending
and providing support and sponsorship to
upcoming events.
VW: What are you are proudest of?
TB: Wow, there are a few things that come to
mind, but being a parent is the ultimate! While
I always thought being a parent meant you
teach your kids from the life experiences you
have, I find myself learning about life from
them, and seeing things from their perspective. My proudest moments are watching them
grow and develop.
VW: Is there anything else we should know
about you and the things you care about?
TB: My favorite “past-time” activities include
vacationing with my family, cooking and playing golf.
September 2008
Page Forty-One
This Is Your Life!...
This is your life! Is it everything you want it to
be? That’s from the song “This is your Life.”
The lyrics go on to say “This is your life, is it
everything you dreamed that it would be?
Yesterday is a kid in the corner, yesterday is
dead and over. This is your life and today is all
you’ve got now.”
Beginning October 2008, Spectacular Magazine
will bring you a new column “This Is Your
Life!” that will focus on those things you can
do now to make you who you want to be. The
column, to be written by Del Mattioli, will
provide you with information to make your life
everything you dreamed that it would be. Del
will inform you on issues that will make today
and tomorrow much better than yesterday. Let
me tell you what makes Del Mattioli qualified
to guide us in our life choices.
Del Mattioli is an agent licensed to sell insurance through New York Life and various other
independent unaffiliated insurance companies
in the states of North Carolina, New York, New
Jersey, South Carolina and South Dakota.
During the more than twenty years Del has
worked with New York Life and various other
companies, she has experienced fulfilling her
life dreams of missionary work through having
compassion for people in handling their financial affairs. In her unique way of working for
people, Del becomes a part of their lives by listening to their dreams and aspirations and by
helping them to become focused on the important things in life: their families. Del is
relentless in educating the people with which
she has contact. She urges them to make some
of their desires realties by providing a conduit
for their families and their futures.
Del Mattioli
Del has received many honors and awards for
her triumphs and tireless efforts. Most notable
for her are the dual features in Essence
Magazine. In 1982 she was featured for being
a successful working woman in New York City.
During this time she was the first African
American woman to reach her status with the
New York Life Company. In the August 2004
issue of Essence, Del is one of four women
across the United States who is featured denoting twenty-five years of successful business
with New York Life.
Del is the proprietor of Mattioli and Associates
which operates in Durham and Wallace, North
Carolina. She enjoys finding creative and
workable solutions for people in business, personal, family in financial, estate and life continuation programs that involve insurance,
retirement and senior solutions. She prides
herself on the wisdom and know-how she
obtained from her mother. Del Mattioli loves
people and people love her. It is the constant
contact with people that keeps her youthful
and energized. Del believes that people are a
commodity that she cannot do without. She
stands firm that she can do a lot with people
and for people but, all things must be done
with the right beginning to reach the desired
Del started her education in the Duplin County
Public School System, graduating from Charity
High School. She pursued a secondary education at Fayetteville State University (FSU).
Upon graduating from FSU, Del went to New
York and immediately began work as a teacher,
a run-way model, and an actress. She later Look for Del Mattioli each month beginning in
began a career with New York Life Insurance the October 2008 issue of Spectacular
Company during which time Del has received an Magazine because...“THIS IS YOUR LIFE!”
MBA in Management and Business Education
Phyllis Coley - Publisher
from Long Island University (New York).
Alpha Kappa Alpha’s Sisterhood Durham’s Alpha Zeta Omega
Pilgrimages to Washington, DC
Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha
Sorority along with thousands of
WASHINGTON, DC - Alpha Zeta members from around the world
Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa made a solemn pilgrimage to the
Alpha Sorority of Durham had founding home of Howard
about one hundred of its members University.
traveling to the group's birthplace
Among the local members
to honor the past, chart the future, attending
party a little and even witness the
rollout of a new Barbie doll
designed in their honor.
January 2008, Alpha Kappa
Alpha Sorority, Inc. became the
first African-American Sorority to
reach its 100-year milestone. As
part of the celebration of 100 years
of service to the nation and the
world, Alpha Kappa Alpha
Sorority held three different pil- AKAs Courtney Hudson, her mother Mrs.
grimages each comprising 1,908 Cheryl Hudson and grandmother Zelphia
symbolic steps representing the Watson, past president of Durham’s
year the sorority was founded. The Alpha Zeta Omega chapter.
first walk was to highlight and Celebration were Mrs. Betty
honor the founders. The second McNair and Mrs. Zelphia Watson.
walk had a focus on physical fit- A former president of the Durham
ness, and the third walk was a Chapter, Mrs. Watson was joined
Unity March with a non-partisan by her daughter, Mrs. Cheryl W.
political focus.
In commemoration, from Courtney Hudson, comprising
January 12-15, 2008 members of
AKA story continues on page 42
Triangle Area Chapters of AKA assemble at the State Capitol for AKA Global Walk
Page Forty-Two
September 2008
AKA story continues
three generations of AKAs.
There was a series of joyous
and solemn tributes to salute
Howard University’s Alpha chapter on its centennial and reflect on
the journey that took them from
nine founding members of Alpha
chapter in 1908 on one campus of
Howard University, to over
200,000 members in nearly 1000
chapters worldwide. Two of the
nine founding members, sisters
Beulah and Lillie Burke, were
from Hertford, North Carolina.
1908 Global Centennial
Durham AKAs Rosa Small Gayle Crews
walk 1908 steps at the State Capitol.
On June 28th, over 50,000
members of Durham’s Alpha Zeta
Omega Chapter joined other triangle area AKA’s as well as sorority
members around the world to participate in a synchronized ESP
1908 Global Centennial Walk.
Linking hands and stepping off at
the same time worldwide, the
members sent a strong statement
Emotional, Spiritual and Physical
Members of Alpha Zeta Omega AKA’s from Durham, attended their Mid Atlantic Regional Luncheon. Pictured (Front Row - left
to right): Victoria Washington, Cynthia English, Jacinita Bazemore, Julia Fairley, Alice Hughley, and Norma Martin; (Row 2 left to right): Audrey Boykin, Bernadine Harris, Zelphia Watson, Iris Lane, Cheryl Hudson, Pearlie Hudson., Tara Fike, Mattie
Moss, Constance Dickens; (Row 3 - Left to right): Jacqueline Jeffrey, Jacinta Allmond , Toni Terri. Also attending were Sandra
Armstrong, LaHarve Johnson, Betty Brown, Pat Tapp, Darnell Tabron, Janeen Gammage, Claudette Howell, Brenda Dixon,
Eurydice Smith, Claudine Lewis, Pam Clark, and Sabrina Speller.
Area AKA chapters joining
Alpha Zeta Omega chapter of
Durham were Sigma Tau Omega
Chapter in Cary,
Omega Chapter
in Raleigh, Mu
O m i c r o n
Omega Chapter
in Chapel Hill,
and Chi Rho
Omega Chapter
in Knightdale
who assembled
at the State
in AKAs and Deltas
Raleigh to par- March.
ticipate in the historic Global
Centennial Walk.
In another show of solidarity,
members participated in the third
Centennial Walk in Washington,
DC July 17, 2008. This activity
had a non partisan political focus
that included voter registration.
Pennsylvania Avenue was shut
down as thousands of members of
African-American sororities and
Durham AKAs Francine Davis Norma fraternities dubbed ‘The Devine
Martin Victoria Washington making the Nine’ marched from the National
Global Walk in Raleigh.
Council for Negro Women
Headquarters to the U.S. Capitol.
The Devine Nine came to take
part in the centennial celebration of Alpha
Kappa Alpha
sorority, the first
sorority. Along
the walk, other
Greek organization members
marched enthusiastically with
greet at the Unity AKA’s to show
support for this
historic milestone in its history.
The Largest Sit-Down Dinner
Ever at the Washington
Convention Center
The DC Convention Center
was host to a sea of pink and green
during this biennial international
meeting. The Sorority celebrated
its founding while working to
achieve its business goals. It also
focused on mobilizing an
informed and educated populace
about the significance of the
upcoming 2008 elections.
About 2000 AKA’s from the
Mid-Atlantic Region, of which the
triangle area AKAs are a part,
joined other AKAs in this momentous Centennial Celebration.
Sunday morning, July 12,
Alpha Zeta Omega members participated in the Ecumenical
Service where each attendee
received a bible with a beautiful
pink and green floral cover. The
bible included a very special message from the Centennial
International President, Dr.
Barbara McKenzie, as the sorority
enters its second millennium.
The Public Meeting convened
Sunday evening. Approximately
30,000 attendees filed into Hall E
of the Washington Convention
Center for this phase of the
Centennial celebration. AKA
members, families, friends, and
representatives from the Devine
Nine gathered to honor Alpha
Kappa Alpha Sorority in her 100th
year. Participants viewed a video
AKA Story continues on page 43
September 2008
AKA Story continues
presentation of The History of
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority—the
First 100 Years.
Later in the evening, the
Awards Presentations took place.
Candidate Barack Obama was
presented the Eleanor Roosevelt
Award for Distinguished Service
and Secretary of State Dr. AKAs Pat Tapp & Darnell Tabron,
in chic outfits at the Regional
Condoleezza Rice was also recog- dressed
Written remarks from
Senator Obama thanking the July15th. AKAs donned hats,
sorority for recognizing him and gloves and classy chic ensembles
his wife Michelle brought excite- for this grand occasion. That
ment from the crowd. Also during night, Washington skies over the
the public meeting several influ- Potomac River lit up in fireworks
ential women were named to be of pink and green lights. AKA’s
inducted into Alpha Kappa Alpha enjoyed singing, dancing and
viewing the fireSorority.
those mentioned for
On Thursday,
17th after the
honor were Mrs.
Unity March, the
Michelle Obama,
and Mrs. Vivian
Convention Center
Stringer, Coach of
and its catering partthe Rutgers’ Girls
Basketball Team.
NBSE, hosted the
Tuesday, July
largest-known ban14th, a very solemn
quet-style dinner in
Ivy Beyond the Wall
the history of contribute was given for
ventions worldwide.
all deceased AKAs
since the 2006
and Gala
N a t i o n a l
was given for nearly
The Mid Atlantic Zeta Omega Member, in classy 30,000 members and
on her way to the Mid g u e s t s .
which hat
Atlantic Regional Luncheon.
included members of
used over 300,000
Alpha Zeta Omega
AKA’s from Durham, attended dining utensils, and tableware was
their Mid Atlantic Regional set against 3.5 miles of linen tableLuncheon
Wednesday, cloths and seven miles of pink and
green napkins for the event.
To help accommodate the
unprecedented number of attendees, the Center's catering operations solicited assistance from
wait staff throughout the East
Coast. Centerplate's network of
chefs and convention center professionals used personnel and
equipment from New York,
Denver and Dallas to assist. In
addition to the regular catering
staff, Centerplate/NBSE brought
in an additional 300 chefs, 46
managers, 65 captains, 32 distribution assistants and 1,200 waiters.
Celebrating 50th
Looking Toward the Future
According to AKA member
CBN, while many undergraduate members admit having
fun participating in step shows
and hanging out with their sisters,
they each look forward to ensuring that AKA is able to celebrate
another 100 years.
"We are excited to help uphold
the founding principles," said a
sociology major at Old Dominion
University. Older, more seasoned
members agree.
"Meeting up with old friends
and connecting with perfect
strangers who smile and say 'hi,'
it's all so beautiful," said one
sorority member, who was initiated in 1954. "I have faith that we're
going in the right direction."
Claudette Howell, Basileus
of Alpha Zeta Omega
Chapter of Alpha Kappa
Alpha Sorority, Inc., was
among the honorees at the
Durham Chapter of
Charms’ Mad Hatters
Luncheon. The luncheon,
which is an annual event,
honors first ladies of the
community. Spectacular
Magazine regrets that her
name was omitted.
Durham AKAs Julia Fairley, Victoria Washington, and Norma Martin in Washington.
Page Forty-Three
Claudette Howell
Rev. & Shirley Holliday
Rev. Bernard Holliday and
Shirley James Holliday celebrated their fiftieth year of
marriage on July 19, 2008 with
a luncheon at the Sheraton
Imperial Hotel hosted by their
three children, Maynard,
Cheryl and Elizabeth, and six
grandchildren. Family and
friends from as far away as
California and Rhode Island,
where Rev. Holliday was
Pastor, attended the luncheon.
Since the couple relocated to
Creedmoor, he is currently an
Interim Pastor and Community
Activist. Mrs. Holliday, a life
member of the Alpha Kappa
Alpha Sorority, Inc., is a
retired librarian, and has been
involved in numerous volunteer activities; chief among
them is becoming a charter
member of the nonprofit group
The Center for Living of
Creedmoor. She also recently
celebrated the fiftieth year
since her graduation from
University. In 2002, the
Granville County Chamber of
Commerce presented an award
for Outstanding Community
Service to Rev. Bernard and
Shirley Holliday for being
founders of the Center for
Living and making a difference in their community and
touching the lives of those
around them. Photo: Jimmy Allen
Page Forty-Four
September 2008
The 21st Annual Bull Durham Blues Festival (BDBF) will be held 7 p.m., Thursday, September 18th at the St. Joseph's Performance Hall/Hayti
Heritage Center, Friday, September 19th and Saturday September 20th, at the Durham Bulls Athletic Park (DBAP) from 6 p.m. - 11 p.m. Performing
on Thursday are Scott Ainslie and Ernie Hawkins along with M.S.G.-The Acoustic Blues Trio from Hampton, Virginia. Singer/pianist Marcia Ball headlines Friday night. Joining the line-up are Muscle Shoals R&B singer Clarence Carter, accordionist, singer and songwriter Rosie Ledet and Contagious
Blues Band. Saturday night the BDBF brings to the stage the legendary musician Taj Mahal, the soul blues styling of Denise LaSalle, six string guitarist Bernard Allison and The Big Road Blues Band. Volunteers are vital to the Blues Festival. "We could not make this awesome event happen
without our volunteers," proclaims V. Dianne Pledger, Blues Festival Executive Director and CEO of St. Joseph's Historic Foundation, Inc. "To show
how much they are valued and appreciated, we throw a party for the volunteers
each year." This year the Volunteer Mix and Mingle was held on August 21st in
Bay 7 at American Tobacco Campus after a volunteer training session at the
DBAP. There was food, beverages, prizes and music provided by local blues
band, Hip Sauce. If you would like to volunteer or you need tickets for the 21st
Annual Bull Durham Blues Festival, call the Blues Festival Hotline at (919) 6831709 ext. 33. Here are some highlights of the Blues Festival Volunteer Mix and
Mingle. Photos: Maurice Noble
September 2008
Page Forty-Five
DURHAM - Spoken word artist
Joseph (aka Church da Poet)
Churchwell, founder of Black
Poetry Theatre, brings his production BLACK POETRY back to
Manbites Dog Theater for an
encore showing. BLACK POETRY is a mixed media piece incorporating music, dance and original
The production features spoken word artists Dasan Ahanu,
Kemet, Cami Brown Suga, and
“Dom” Alexander. Their combination of rhyme, rhythm and
music coupled with their originality and thoughtful words makes
for an evening filled with thoughtprovoking theatre. Local dance
troupe Crimson Verge, from
Southern High School, contributes dance to the performance,
with music from vocalist and guitarist Liz Herrera.
Beginning in the summer of
2007, Black Poetry Theatre, a
company of local artists, started
producing plays in North
Carolina. The company has toured
Featured Artist:
Willie Hill
CD Title: May I
Year: 2008
Record Label: Joy Records
Style: Smooth Jazz
Musicians: Willie Hill
(bass, acoustic guitar,
drum programming, keyboards, percusssions)
Photo credit:
three productions, BLACK
Their mission is to expand the
understanding of spoken word and
foster appreciation for the power
of modern contemporary poetry
by presenting it in a traditional
theatrical setting. Black Poetry
Theatre also seeks to raise cultural
awareness through the use of performance arts as a tool of cultural
expression and to encourage arts
in the community.
This performance is presented
as part of Manbites Dog Theater's
Other Voices series. There will be
one performance only on Saturday
Continuum" is the story of two
black women - one in South
Central Los Angeles and the other
in Harare, Zimbabwe - and how
their simultaneous HIV diagnoses
bring the international AIDS epidemic down to very human terms.
Company at the University of
North Carolina at Chapel Hill will
open its intimate PRC 2 secondstage series with "In the
Continuum" September 10th -14th
in the Center for Dramatic Art on
Black Poetry continues on page 46
In the Continuum continues on page 46
In 2006, I reviewed Willie Hill's
Natural Evolution album, which I
classified as having a purely
soft, mellow, almost ethereal
feel about it. It was
an album expressly
made for that consoling, pampering
state of being, the
one we yearn for
right after a hard
day at work.
did an excellent job of
luring me and several
others, I'm sure into
that quiet place of
peace and reflection with island
rhythms and caressing violins.
May I picks up where Natural
Evolution left off, leaving the
door to "that place" open wide
so as to allow us entry once
again to experience the ultimate
experience in solace through
jazz and R&B.
Original Cast of Black Poetry
turns a tune well in this direction. When he couples it with
The first and title track escorts his magical strings reminiscent
us through the of
door with confi- Unlimited Orchestra, it's clear
dence and as this is his area of expertise
we plop down in and he claims it definitively.
some mental
soft cushiony No stranger to the lazy, hazy
chair, further blues of R&B, selections like
serenades us "Wonderful" are handled with
with subtle much finesse and the total
i s l a n d R&B feel is even more evident
rhythms via here on cuts like "Ocean
tunes like Waves." Bottom line, Hill again
" J u s t delivers another aural treat.
Jazzin" and "A Song Tracks: May I, Just Jazzin,
For FeFe." No tune is ever far It's Alright, Wonderful, Today
away from the room where Hill I Feel You, Ocean Waves, A
places us, and it is truly com- Song For FeFe, Falltime,
fortable. Nothing extremely Happiness
complicated, no obscure timing,
no electronic manipulations. Record
Just very exotic, acoustic,
Reviewed by: Ronald Jackson
placid, and melodic music. Hill
Page Forty-Six
September 2008
Last stand: Bernie Mac (left), Isaac Hayes (center) and Samuel L Jackson (right) in
the upcoming film Soul Men.
HOLLYWOOD, CA - August 910, 2008 was a depressing weekend for great black artists. In the
span of 48 hours the entertainment
industry has lost a legendary
music icon in the form of Isaac
Hayes, and comedian and awardwinning actor in Bernie Mac. It’s
bad news for one movie in particular, a soon to be released film
called Soul Men.
In one weekend, a significant
portion of the movie’s primary
cast has been wiped out. The film
stars Samuel L. Jackson, Bernie
Mac, and yes, the recently late,
great Isaac Hayes in the story of
two estranged soul legends
(played by Jackson and Mac) who
reunite at the Apollo Theater to
honor their recently deceased
band leader.
Death is a big subject in the
film. The entire plot of the movie
revolves around Mac and Jackson
eulogizing the death of their
friend, played by Hayes, with
music. When Isaac Hayes and
Bernie Mac signed up to star
alongside each other in the
upcoming movie, nobody could
have predicted both men would be
dead before the film's release.
And by an incredible coincidence which is sure to give the
film's other star, Samuel L
Jackson, the willies, Hayes and
Mac passed away just one day
Mac died from complications
relating to pneumonia in a
Chicago hospital on the morning
of August 9th at age 50, while
Hayes was found slumped by a
treadmill at his home in Memphis
on Sunday August 10th.
The Shaft composer died in
the hospital that afternoon at the
age of 65. Authorities have
revealed the cause of death as a
Now director Malcolm Lee is
planning to re-edit Soul Men
ahead of its American release in
November to honor the two men.
Lee, the cousin of film-maker
Spike Lee, said: “This isn't like
The Dark Knight where Heath
Ledger died while editing was in
its infancy. Most of our editing is
done. We'll go back and see if
there is anything we can do better.
I want my movie to be a tribute to
both of them.”
Missed your copy of SPECTACULAR? Don’t fret...have your copy
mailed to you!! Call for details 919.680.0465
In the Continuum continues
Country Club Road.
The New York Times described
playwrights Danai Gurira and
Nikkole Salter as "a pair of fiercely talented young women" and
hailed "In the Continuum" as one
of the Ten Best Plays seen OffBroadway in 2005. According to
National Public Radio, "each
(actor in the play) goes on a personal journey, encountering various characters and cultural bias as
they try to come to grips" with
their situation.
Liesl Tommy will direct
PlayMakers' production. Her
extensive regional and New York
theatre credits include dual world
premieres of "The Good Negro" at
New York's Public Theatre and the
Dallas Theater Center, as well as
shows at the Sundance Theatre
Black Poetry continues
September 20th at 8:15 pm at
Manbites Dog Theater, 703 Foster
Street in Durham.
Berkshire Theatre Festival, The
Juilliard School and NYU's
Strasberg Institute.
Because of the demand for
tickets to this series, PlayMakers
has added Sunday evening performances to the run of each PRC²
production. "In the Continuum"
will be performed at 8pm nightly
September 10th -14th and 2pm on
September 14th in the center's
Elizabeth Price Kenan Theatre.
People interested in participating as panelists after a play during
the PRC² series should contact
Jeff Meanza, PlayMakers director
of education and outreach, at
[email protected].
For more information, visit or call (919) 962-PLAY.
Tickets are $15 for regular admission; $8
for student rush tickets. Purchase online: or by
phone: 919.682.3343. (Student rush tickets are door sales only)
September 2008
Page Forty-Seven
Page Forty-Eight
September 2008