- DalCasa


- DalCasa
ISSN 1845-2086
ory word
Stare dalmatinske kuće, koje su godinama bile devastirane i zapuštene, uskoro bi mogle postati jedna od turističkih zanimljivosti. Ministarstvo kulture, pod motom “Očuvajmo djedovinu“, otvorilo je natječaj i obznanilo da će sufinancirati obnovu tradicijske
arhitekture, tj. objekata koji su dovedeni pod kategoriju “ruralne baštine“. Tužno je da
nam djedovina i objekti od kulturno-povijesnog značenja leže zapušteni, a istodobno
smo svjedoci velike betonizacije i svakodnevne gradnje objekata bez imalo duše.
Tužno je, također, što sami ne prepoznajemo arhitektonsku vrijednost starih kamenih
kuća te ih gledamo kao opterećenje i odgovornost, dok stranci “lude“ za njima. Nadajmo se da će hvalevrijedna intervencija s državnog vrha unijeti ravnotežu na tržište
nekretninske baštine te potaknuti vlasnike i potencijalne investore na obnovu.
Vrata svoje stare/nove kuće otvorio nam je Karim Rashid, jedan od najpoznatijih imena u svijetu suvremenog dizajna danas. Zanimljava žuto-plava montažna kućica iz
50-ih godina, jedna je od rijetkih očuvanih takozvanih tech-built kuća koje je dizajnirao Carl Koch. Iako vanjski izgled nije promijenjen, ulaskom u kuću, ulazi se u jedan
sasvim novi neoavangardni svijet dizajna, svojstven njezinu vlasniku.
A ako vi obnavljate svoju kuću ili stan, mnoštvo zanimljivih savjeta pronaći ćete na
našim stranicama, od savjeta za odabir najbolje klimatizacije do pregleda novih trendova u kupaonici. Pišite nam o čemu želite čitati, jer vaše mišljenje nam je bitno.
Old Dalmatian houses, which have been devastated and neglected for years, could
soon be transformed into attractive sights for tourists. Ministry of Culture, under the slogan “Let’s Preserve Our Heritage”, has opened a contest and announced to co-finance the renovation process of traditional architecture, which stands for the objects
that have been accepted into the “rural heritage” category. It is sad that our heritage
and objects with cultural and historical meaning are left neglected, while we’re simultaneously witnessing excessive exposure to concrete and continuous construction of
soulless objects. It is also sad that we are not able to recognize the architectonic value
of these old stone houses by ourselves, as we perceive them as little more than extraburden and responsibility while foreigners are crazy about them. Let’s hope that this
much-needed government intervention brings some balance to the market of realestate heritage, as well as encourages the owners and potential investors to start the
renovation process.
Karim Rashid, one of the most recognizable figures in the world of modern design,
opened the doors of his old/new house to us. The interesting yellow/blue prefabricated house from the fifties is one of the rare
preserved so-called tech-built houses that were designed
by Carl Koch. Although the house’s outside look has remained unchanged, the mere process of entering the
house opens up a whole new neo-avant-garde world of
design, which is very characteristic of its owner.
And if you’re about to start renovating your house or
apartment, you can find many interesting pieces of advice on our pages, from how to choose the best air conditioning to overviews of new bathroom trends. Keep writing to us about what you want to reed, because your
opinion truly matters to us.
DAL’CASA d.o.o.
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Predsjednik uprave/Chairman of the Board:
Jakša Mrčela
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Glavna urednica/Editor-in-chief:
dipl. ing. Ana Perišin
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Uredništvo/Editorial staff:
Nikola Čelan
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Danijela Mandušić
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Grafički urednik/Graphic editor:
Vojan Koceić
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Marketing i prodaja oglasa/Marketing and advertising:
Maja Kalinić, dipl. oec.
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Kontakt telefon: +385 (0)98 330 477
Ivana Radeljić Vrdoljak
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Kontakt telefon: +385 (0)99 230 5973
Ivana Duplančić
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Prijevod na engleski/English translation:
Zoran Abaza
Nataša Bodrožić, Martina Kocijan, Hajdi Mihanović,
Ivan Mladina, Maja Nožina, Aleksandar Vrtarić
Tisak d.d., Distripress, Tim Press, Slobodna Dalmacija,
Glas Istre
Fotografija na naslovnici/Cover photo:
Tiskara Meić / Rotooffset
“Oèuvajmo djedovinu“ – udomimo domove djedova
/ “Let’s Preserve Our Heritage” – Providing for Our
Grandfathers’ Homes
Jean Nouvel – ovogodišnji laureat Pritzkerove nagrade /
Jean Nouvel – This Year’s Winner of the Pritzker Award
Dnevni boravak grada / The Town Living Room
Najbolje od novinske fotografije / The Best of
Newspaper Photography
Madeira: Otok zaèuðujuæe prirode i vjeènog proljeæa /
The Island of Astonishing Nature and Eternal Spring
Luksuzni a la carte na europskoj meði / Luxurious a la
carte on the European Border
ANA Elizabet: Intimne parole / Intimate Slogans
Okus mora u dahu Afrodite / The Flavour of Sea with
a Touch of Aphrodite
Karim Rashid – razigrano utoèište u prirodi nedaleko
od New Yorka / Karim Rashid – Playful Shelter in Nature Outside of New York
Suvremena arhitektura vješto uklopljena u viktorijansku londonsku èetvrt / Modern Architecture Skilfully
Adapted to a Victorian Neighbourhood in London
Klimatizacija prostora – pripremite se za vruæe ljeto /
Air Conditioning – Prepare Yourself for a Hot Summer
Ujedinite funkcionalnost s glamurom / Combine
Functionality with Glamour
Vjeèni život plastike / The Eternal Life of Plastic
Kaktus – skulpturalni izdanak antidizajna /
Cactus – A Sculptural Sample of Anti-Design
U boji tirkiza / In the Colour of Turquoise
Tema broja
“OÈUVAJMO DJEDOVINU”udomimo domove djedova
Kamena kuća – prava vrijednost ili rupa bez dna? Pregled novije povijesti i porasta zanimanja
za kamenu kuću u nas daje kontradiktorne podatke. Inozemna navala na asortiman kamenih
kuća, izazvana je, osim prihvatljivim cijenama, ponajviše činjenicom da je riječ o atraktivnim
odmorištima za kupovno sposobne strance, i to mahom u ljetnoj sezoni. Domaći vlasnici kuća
rješavaju se baštine sistematski, budući da je ona za njih dodatno opterećenje i odgovornost.
Može li intervencija s državnog vrha unijeti ravnotežu na tržište nekretninske baštine
Piše: Nikola Èelan
d neovisnosti, pa kroz buran tranzicijski proces koji je uslijedio, skretanje pažnje na arhitektonsku baštinu događalo se ne samo
potaknuto naglim izvanjskim impulsom, zanimanjem inozemnih subjekata, nego, u kroničnoj hrvatskoj maniri, i usprkos usađenim estetskim navadama
Hrvata. U čitavoj je priči znakovito da se sam interes
stranaca za kupnju i uređenje tih objekata u konačnici redovito realizirao u tradicionalnom duhu te njihovoj
vlastitoj nakani i aranžmanu. Stoga ostaje zaključiti kako
je u fenomenu buđenja svijesti domicilnog stanovništva o vrijednostima tradicionalne izgradnje, po tko zna
koji put riječ o apsurdnom slijedu gdje ključnu ulogu u
Foto: Arhiva DalCase
pokretanju događaja odigravaju oni koji bi na poprište
trebali doći na samom kraju procesa – kao potrošači.
Još je više neobično uočimo li kako u slučaju stranih
investitora u lokalne nekretninske vrijednosti, u pravilu
nije riječ o institucionalnim subjektima, nego najčešće o privatnim osobama – zaljubljenicima u baštinu,
ili jednostavno pripadnicima osviještenih nacionalnih
zajednica, kupovno sposobnim pojedincima željnim
odmora i turističkog iskustva u ozračju autentičnosti i
izvornosti ambijenta.
Odlučivanje i organizacija
Tako se u nas tek 2006. dogodila osjetna institucio-
Ministarstvo kulture nudi materijalna sredstva za
obnovu objekata koji su dovedeni pod kategoriju
“ruralne baštine“ / Ministry of Culture is offering
material goods for renovation of those objects that
were considered as “rural heritage“
Vila Vicina u Milni odličan je primjer uspješne obnove stare kamene kuće / Villa
Vicina in Milna is good example of very
successful renovation of old stone house
nalna reakcija s javnim odjekom. Ministarstvo kulture,
potaknuto sve učestalijom devastacijom objekata u
dalmatinskom zaleđu, otvorilo je natječaj s tristotinjak
prijavljenih pojedinaca. Tom su prigodom, pod geslom
“Očuvajmo djedovinu”, ponuđena materijalna sredstva za obnovu objekata koji su dovedeni pod kategoriju “ruralne baštine”. Za nju je ministar Božo Biškupić
sklon izjaviti kako je njezina vrijednost jednaka onoj sakralnih građevina, arheoloških nalaza ili povijesno-memorijalnih spomenika, a ovaj je događaj na državnoj
razini važan ponajprije stoga što u sebi nosi začetak
održive i trajno primjenjive metodologije kojom bi se
zaštitila bogata arhitektonska baština kamenih kuća i
drugih, uglavnom ruralnih, objekata od kulturno-povijesnog značenja.
Prije svega ta se metodologija počela provoditi odlukom Ministarstva o obvezi konzervatorskih odjela u Splitu, Trogiru i Imotskom da registriraju ruralne spomeničke
cjeline. Također je odaslan i prijedlog Hrvatskom vijeću
za kulturna dobra da pojačano skrbi o ruralnoj baštini i
da se takvim programima da prioritet. To otprilike znači
da će dio novca za obnovu dobivati prvo one kuće
koje su vrijedne i zaštićene u spomeničkim i ambijen16
talnim cjelinama nekog naselja. Ministarstvo kulture,
odnosno Konzervatorski odjel Split, zatim je napravilo
popis od osamdesetak ambijentalnih cjelina koje treba zaštititi. Obnova je pokrenuta kreditima i projektom
Etno-eko, a Ministarstvo je već dodijelilo pet milijuna
kuna za rehabilitaciju sela i pojedinačnih graditeljskih
Posebna kategorija, postupak unutar ove metodologije, jest uvođenje tzv. preventivne zaštite. Prema njemu
se nekim posebno vrijednim objektima a priori posvećuje posebna pažnja i zaštita. Kao objekti podložni
ovoj restauraciji, navode se, primjerice, Gojsalića dvori
u Poljicima, čuveni po heroini Mili Gojsalić, kao potencijalan muzej pučke arhitekture cetinskog kraja, naselje
Umi pokraj Tugara te neka naselja kod Imotskog. Paralelno je otvoren i novi natječaj s dvadesetak lokacija u
najavi i barem njih desetak koje bi mogle i trebale ući u
prioritetni program. Konzervatorski odjel u Splitu registrirao je 27 spomeničkih cjelina, a preventivno zaštitio njih
oko 40. Za devet sela Splitsko-dalmatinske županije lani
je sastavljena konzervatorska dokumentacija.
Čemu teže i u kojem se smjeru kreću ovi napori ministarstava (u međuvremenu su se u širu akciju uključili i Mi-
Tema broja
Tvrtka Orvas 2004. godine kompletno je renovirala tradicionalnu
dalmatinsku kuću u Sumartinu, koju danas iznajmljuje / Company
Orvas has completely renovated in 2004 traditional Dalmatian house
in Sumartin, which is for rent today
nistarstvo gospodarstva te Ministarstvo mora, turizma,
prometa i veza)? Konzervatori objašnjavaju kako će u
svrhu kodifikacije znanja s područja obnavljanja baštine, ali i gradnje novih zgrada u skladu s ambijentalnim
cjelinama tradicijske arhitekture, biti sastavljen priručnik, svojevrsna arhitektonska čitanka, zbirka propisa
tradicijske arhitekture koji će vrijediti za teritorij čitave
zemlje. Tako će se propisati morfologija gradnje, boje
i drugi arhitektonski elementi, materijali i način njihove
upotrebe i oblikovanja. Time će se, vjeruju konzervatori,
izbjeći neznalačka primjena stranih elemenata i prakse
uvezene iz drugih zemalja bez kriterija i sukladnosti s hrvatskom tradicijom, izazvana uglavnom inercijom nabave u stranim trgovačkim lancima i kupnjom gotovih
Da ne bi bilo zabune, u skladu sa svime izrečenim u uvodu o ključnom utjecaju stranaca kod primarnog promišljanja vrijednosti arhitektonske baštine, konzervatori, a
ponajmanje vladajuće strukture, ne žele otežati pristup
strancima, koji su se već pokazali kao bolji njezini staratelji od dokazano sistematski maćehinske domicilne
paske. Jedan od primjera u medijima je često navođen
slučaj Velšanina koji već neko vrijeme obnavlja stare ka-
mene kuće na Hvaru. No o čemu je zapravo riječ kod
metodike obnove starih kamenih kuća u Hrvatskoj?
Obnova i zaštita – tehnički aspekt
Vanjske intervencije na zatečenom objektu s vrijednošću za baštinu trebale bi biti minimalne. Gabariti kuće,
dakle, trebaju ostati netaknuti, veličina prozorskih i ostalih otvora također. Kod odabira materijala, preferira se
kamen i tu se otvara područje novog poduzetništva
vezanog uz zamah ove globalne rekonstrukcije baštine
u Hrvatskoj. Kod obnove ruralnog korpusa nekretnina, u
obzir ne dolazi bilo kakav kamen. Kao posebna, tražena vrijednost, najčešće se navodi ručno klesani kamen,
tradicionalni materijal gradnje. Zbog toga su kamene
kuće unaprijed u tržišnoj prednosti, što nije slučajno, jer
je taj materijal izvrsna toplinska izolacija budući da ljeti
hladi, a zimi sprječava prodor hladnoće. A kako bi se
izbjegle pogreške kod obnove kamenih zidova, fugiranja i zaštite od vlage, od kojih su najčešće promašena
boja i tekstura fuge te umetanje drugoga, najčešće jeftinijeg i nekvalitetnijeg tipa kamena u postojeći kameni zid, dobar izbor jest konzultacija i nabava fasadnih
materijala kod za to specijaliziranih tvrtki.
Hotel San Rocco - drevno obiteljsko imanje, slijedeći najstrože kriterije restauracije, pretvoreno je u ekskluzivni turistički kompleks / San
Rocco Hotel - Old peasant property, following the high class restoration to its former glory, has become an exclusive tourist resort
Kontakt sa stručnjacima u praksi se pokazao nenadomjestivim kod rješavanja još jednog univerzalnog problema
starih kuća, a to je problem vlage. Primjeri iz svakodnevice upozoravaju na povremeno doslovno ručno vađenje
kamena iz zidova kako bi se postavio izolator – smola i
slično. Vlaga je, međutim, zimi vrlo teško rješiv problem,
pogotovo u zaleđu naših primorskih krajeva. Odstupanja
iz mediteranske u kontinentalnu klimu u njima u oštrom,
burnom zimskom razdoblju čine temperature teško prilagođenima i u novogradnji, a kamoli u poroznim zidovima
starih ognjišnica. Nije slučajno zato da stranci, znajući za
ove probleme, revno kupuju naše stare kuće, dok ih je
naše stanovništvo spremno sve jeftinije prodavati. Inozemna navala na asortiman kamenih kuća, započeta od
Istre, preko Dalmacije (u susjednoj Crnoj Gori stranci, prije svih Britanci, već su starosjedioci) do okolica gradskih
središta poput Dubrovnika, Splita i Šibenika, uzrokovana
je, osim prihvatljivim cijenama, ponajviše činjenicom da
je riječ o atraktivnim odmorištima za kupovno sposobne
strance, i to mahom u ljetnoj sezoni. Domaći vlasnici
kuća rješavaju se baštine sistematski, budući da je ona
za njih dodatno opterećenje i odgovornost.
Donedavno, preciznije do trenutka kad se Vlada institucionalno počela posvećivati očuvanju i obnovi baštine, možda najpodcjenjenije su bile kamene kuće u
samim gradovima. U odnosu na cijene novijih stambenih objekata, one su se često prodavale i upola jeftinije. Iako uglavnom trebaju skupu i temeljitu adaptaciju,
danas vlasnici objekata kupljenih u vremenima takvih
cjenovnih “spreadinga” počinju ostvarivati prednosti
zbog svojih ulaganja. Najam kamenih kuća strancima
u ljetnim mjesecima naplaćuje se osjetno skuplje te se
očekuje kako će takav trend dalekovidnim vlasnicima
u skorom roku ne samo vratiti investirana sredstva nego
i eksponencijalno uvećati profit u budućnosti.
Kontrolirana komercijalizacija ovog važnog segmenta
hrvatskog kulturnog i civilizacijskog identiteta svojim će
se polivalentnim potencijalom proširiti na mnoge gospodarske grane te na koncu dovesti Hrvatsku u red
razvijenih tržišta nekretninske baštine.
Obnova stare kamene kuće u Lumbardi
trajala je pet godina / Renovation of old
stone house in Lumbarda took five years,
“Let’s Preserve Our Heritage”
- Providing for Our
Grandfathers’ Homes
A stone house – true value or a bottomless hole? The overview of recent history and increase
of interest for our stone houses provides contradictory information. Increased foreign demand
for the stone-house assortment is primarily provoked, along with acceptable prices, by the
fact that we’re talking about attractive vacation spots for foreign people with plenty of money,
predominantly during the summer season. Local homeowners are systematically releasing their
heritage, since they see it as little more than extra-burden and responsibility. Can government
intervention bring any balance to the market of real-estate heritage?
Written by: Nikola Èelan
ver since independence and through the tumultuous transition period that followed, drawing attention to architectonic heritage occurred not
only when it was provoked with sudden outside
impulses and increased interest of foreign subjects, but
also, in typical Croatian manner, despite rooted aesthetical habits of the Croatians. What is significant about this
whole story is that the foreigners’ very interest to buy and
decorate these objects would ultimately be realized in
traditional manner and thanks to their own intent and arrangements. Therefore, we must come to the conclusion
that the phenomenon of local population’s awakened
Photo: DalCasa archive
awareness regarding the value of traditional construction
was once again instigated by an absurd turn of events,
in which the key role for the start of the process goes to
those that should come to the forefront at the very end of
the process – the consumers themselves. It is even more
unusual when we point out that those foreign investors
into local real-estate values don’t appear in the form of
institutional subjects, but rather as private people – lovers of heritage, or simply members of conscious national
units, individuals with plenty of money that just want a
nice vacation and a tourist experience amidst the aura
of authenticity and original ambience.
Cover st
Obitelj Devaux iz Engleske, poštujući kamen i mediteransko podneblje,
stvorila je moderan i funkcionalan prostor / Devaux family from England,
having a respect for the stone and Mediterranean climate, have created a modern and functional space
Decision Making and Organization
It wasn’t until 2006 that we witnessed a significant institutional reaction with public effect. Ministry of Culture, encouraged by the increased devastation of objects in Dalmatian background, announced a contest with about
three hundred applied individuals. Under the “Let’s Preserve Our Heritage” slogan, this marked the offering of
material goods for renovation of those objects that were
considered as “rural heritage”. Minister Božo Biškupić has
a tendency to say that its value equals those of sacral
buildings, archaeological sights or historical-memorial
monuments, and this government-level event is primarily
important because it contains the origin of maintainable
and permanently applicable methodology that can
protect rich architectonic heritage of stone houses and
other, predominantly rural, objects that have a cultural
and historical impact.
First and foremost, this methodology got underway with
the Ministry decision that ordered conservatory offices
in Split, Trogir and Imotski to register rural monument
units. They also conceived a preposition for the Croatian
Council for Cultural Properties to increase the level of
care for rural heritage and to make such projects a priority. That would mean that parts of the renovation money
would primarily go to those houses that have value and
are protected in monumental and ambience sections
of a settlement. Ministry of Culture, or Conservatory Office Split, then proceeded to make a list of about eighty
ambience units that require protection. The renovation
process was started with credits and the “Etno-Eco”
project, while the Ministry already awarded five million
kunas for rehabilitation of villages and individual construction units.
A special category or procedure within this methodology is the enforcement of the so-called preventive protection. It states that some of particularly valuable objects would a priori receive special care and attention.
Examples of objects that are submitted to this type of restoration are Gojsalić Castle in Poljica, which are famous
for heroine Mila Gojsalić and are a potential museum of
folk architecture in the Cetina area; furthermore, there
is settlement Umi near Tugar and some settlements near
Imotski. A new contest was simultaneously opened, and
it featured about twenty announced locations, at least
ten of which could and should make it to the priority programme. Conservatory Office Split registered 27 monument units, while offering preventive protection to about
40 of them. During the course of last year, conservatory
documentation was put together for nine villages in the
Split-Dalmatia County.
Cover st
Stare kamene kuće imaju šarma / Old
stone houses have a pelnty of charm
Obnovljena kuća obitelji Devaux u Cavtatu /
Renovated house of family Devaux in Cavtat
What is the purpose and what is the direction of these
Ministry efforts (as of late, some efforts were made by the
Ministry of Economy and the Ministry of Sea, Tourism, Traffic and Connections)? Conservers explain that they will put
together a manual, which will resemble an architectonic
read book, with the purpose of offering codification of
knowledge in the field of heritage preservation, as well as to
help construct new buildings that complement ambience
units of traditional architecture. That manual will contain a
collection of regulations for traditional architecture that will
be obligatory for the entire country. It will help define the
morphology of construction, usage of colours and other architectonic elements, materials and the way they are used
and shaped. Conservers believe that it will help everyone
to avoid non-professional usage of foreign elements and
practices that have been introduced via foreign countries
without any criteria and agreement with Croatian tradition,
which was mostly caused by supplying everything in foreign
shopping malls and buying finalized elements.
However, it must be clear that, despite all that has been said
regarding the crucial influence of foreigners when it comes
to analysing the value of architectonic heritage, conservers
and especially government structures do not want to make
the foreigners’ access any more difficult than it is, especially
as they have already proven themselves to be much better
guardians of that heritage than the systematically unkind
local structures. One of the examples for that thesis is the
media-mentioned Welshman who has spent quite some
time renovating old stone houses in Hvar. However, what
exactly are we talking about when we mention the methodology for renovating old stone houses in Croatia?
Renovation and Protection – The Technical Aspect
Outside interventions on the object that has heritage value
should be minimal. The house boundaries should remain
intact, as well as the size of windows and other openings.
While choosing the material, stone is strongly recommended, and that’s where we touch upon a new form of entrepreneurship that is connected with the increase of the heritage reconstruction process in Croatia. While renovating
the rural real-estate corpus, you cannot use just any type
of stone. If you want special and desired value, you must
use hand-processed stone, which is a traditional construction material. That is the reason stone houses have predetermined advantage on the market, which is no accident,
as this material possesses excellent heat isolation that cools
the space down in the summer, while keeping away the
cold during wintertime. In order to avoid mistakes during
processes of renovating stonewalls, providing fugacity or
moisture protection, the most common of which are mismanaging paint or fugue textures and inserting different,
mostly cheaper type of stone that doesn’t have the same
quality, it is always an excellent choice to consult experts
and supply yourself with façade materials by going to specialized companies in that field.
In practice, contacting experts has proven to be irreplaceable while trying to solve another universal problem in old
houses, and that is the moisture problem. Some everyday
examples warn us that sometimes people literally remove
stones from the walls in order to insert an isolator – resin or
something like that. However, it must be said that moisture
is a very difficult problem to solve during winter, especially in
the background of our coastal areas. Major differences be-
Novac za obnovu dobivat će prvo one kuće koje su vrijedne
i zaštićene u spomeničkim i ambijentalnim cjelinama nekog
naselja / The money would primarily go to those houses that
have value and are protected in monumental and ambience
sections of a settlement
tween Mediterranean and continental types of climate
during the harsh, windy winter period make it difficult for
new buildings to adapt to these temperatures, and that
is only increased when we’re talking about porous walls
of old traditional houses. It’s no wonder that foreigners,
aware of all these problems, are devotedly buying our
old houses, while our population is eager to sell them at
decreasing prices. Large foreign demand for our stonehouse assortment (foreigners, especially British people,
are already considered locals in neighbouring Montenegro), which was started in Istria, through Dalmatia and
surrounding city centres like Dubrovnik, Split and Šibenik,
is not only caused by acceptable prices. It is also provoked by the fact that we’re talking about attractive
vacation spots for foreigners with plenty of money, predominantly during the summer season. Local homeowners are systematically releasing their heritage, since they
see it as little more than extra-burden and responsibility.
Up until recently, which is the moment when the Govern-
Cover st
ment started getting institutionally involved in the process
of preserving and renovating our heritage, stone houses in
cities themselves may have been the most underestimated. Considering the prices of newer residential objects,
they were often being sold at half a price. Although they
mostly need a thorough and expensive renovation work,
owners of those objects, who have bought them during
the period of such spreading of prices, are now starting
to get ahead thanks to their investments. Leasing stone
houses to strangers during summer months is charged
much more now, and it is expected that those far-sighted
owners will not only get their investments back, but will
also significantly enlarge their profits in the future.
Controlled commercialisation of this important segment
of Croatia’s cultural and civilization identity will spread to
numerous economy branches due to its multifunctional
potential, which will ultimately lead Croatia into the line
of countries with developed markets for real-estate heritage.
- ovogodišnji
Šezdeset dvogodišnji francuski arhitekt Jean
Nouvel dobitnik je ovogodišnje nagrade
Pritzker, najuglednijega svjetskog priznanja
na području arhitekture, svojevrsnog arhitektonskog pandana Nobelovoj nagradi
Piše: Danijela Mandušiæ
ajprestižniju arhitektonsku nagradu Pritzker,
od 1979. godine dodjeljuje zaklada Hyatt,
a pobjednika bira sedmeročlani ocjenjivački sud koji čine ugledni svjetski arhitekti,
povjesničari i profesori. Nagrada se sastoji od brončane medalje i novčanog iznosa od 100.000 američkih dolara, koji će Jeanu Nouvelu biti dodijeljeni
na svečanosti u Kongresnoj knjižnici u Washingtonu
2. lipnja. Ovaj osebujni arhitekt u svojoj je dugoj karijeri arhitektonski dotaknuo gotovo svaki kontinent,
a njegove su se građevine uvijek isticale originalnošću i posebnom simbiozom s okolinom i gradovima
u kojima su nastajale. “Za Nouvela ne postoji ‘stil’ ili
‘a priori’. Za njega postoji kontekst, interpretiran u
najširem smislu te riječi kako bi uključio kulturu, lokaciju, program i klijenta, a to ga provocira da za svaki
projekt razvije različitu strategiju”, izjavio je predsjednik žirija Lord Palumbo pri objavi ovogodišnjeg dobitnika nagrade.
Tour de verre, sedamdeset petokatni toranj koji
se nadovezuje na Muzej suvremene umjetnosti
u New Yorku / 75 story tower for a site adjacent
to the Museum of Modern Art in New York
Originalna osobnost
U gotovo četiri desetljeća bavljenja arhitekturom,
Jean Nouvel je projektirao više od dvjesto zdanja različitih namjena u domovini Francuskoj, diljem Euro-
Unutrašnjost Pariške filharmonije koja se još gradi / Interior
of Paris Philharmonic which construction is still in progress
pe, Azije i u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama. Svjetsku je
slavu stekao 1987. godine gradnjom Instituta arapskog
svijeta (Institut du Monde Arabe) u Parizu. U obrazloženju ocjenjivačkog suda Pritzkerove nagrade navode se
i njegovi projekti tornja Dentsu u Tokiju, tornja Agbar u
Barceloni i kazališta Guthrie u Minneapolisu.
Tehnički precizne, njegove zgrade oslobođene su straha od korištenja snažne geste i pune emocija. Nouvel
kontinuirano istražuje, tako da u njegovoj arhitekturi ne
postoji pojam “stila”. Od početka svoje arhitektonske
karijere, 70-ih godina prošlog stoljeća, Nouvel stvara
vlastiti arhitektonski izraz izvan kanona moderne i postmoderne, pa ga se čak naziva i hipermodernistom, ali
on je svakako jedna od najoriginalnijih osobnosti na današnjem arhitektonskom nebu.
Nouvelova jedinstvenost je upravo u širini područja interesa i hrabrosti izraza. U projektu Opere u Japanu, koji
je radio zajedno s Philippeom Starckom 1986. godine,
zgrada je zamišljena kao divovska crna kutija glazbenog instrumenta koji se nazire na vanjskom plaštu, a
same dvorane oblikovane su kao amorfna izlivena forma zlatne boje, kao svojevrsni instrument. Ovaj koncept
poslije primjenjuje i na projektu zgrade Opere u Lyonu.
Projekt “tornja bez završetka”, Tour sans fin u Parizu, s
kojim je pobijedio na natječaju 1989. godine, zbog zanimljive igre mijenjanjem materijala fasade, izgleda kao
da nema kraja, kao da nestaje u nebu. Kreće iz crne
granitne baze preko aluminijske fasade te završava
prozirnim staklenim omotačem na vrhu.
Građevina Instituta arapskog svijeta u Parizu, s kojom je
stekao svjetsku afirmaciju 1987., također ima zanimljivu
fasadu. Nouvel arapsku ornamentiranu fasadu stvara
korištenjem sofisticiranoga tehnološkog mehanizma od
fotografskih leća koje se otvaraju i zatvaraju ovisno o
količini sunca. Stambena zgrada Nemausus u Nimesu
izgleda kao stroj životinjskog oblika, a u nedavno dovršenom projektu Muzeja Quai Branly u Parizu opet je
predmet zanimanja fasada, na kojoj stvara apstraktnu
sliku vegetacijom.
Jedan od Nouvelovih najnovijih arhitektonskih radova
je i podružnica slavnoga francuskog muzeja Louvrea u
četvrti Saadiyat u Abu Dhabiju, koja će biti otvorena
2012. godine. No sličnost s Louvreom je samo prividna.
Svaki od Nouvelovih dizajna posjeduje jedinstveni kontekst, dok istodobno koristi tehnologije i materijale sadašnjeg vremena. Iako ih to nakon nekog vremena čini
nesuvremenim, ovaj arhitekt nije zabrinut. “Nemoguće
je stvoriti zgradu na koju neće utjecati vrijeme. To ne
Podružnica slavnoga francuskog muzeja Louvrea u
Abu Dhabiju, koja će biti otvorena 2012. godine /
Branch of famous French museum Louvre in Abu
Dhabi, which will be opened in 2012.
Jean Nouvel
mogu zamisliti”, kaže Nouvel. “Volim kad se točno zna
datum, odnosno trenutak kada je zgrada nastala. Ako
sada izgradiš zgradu, tri stoljeća poslije to neće biti ista
zgrada. Znanost napreduje, kao i tehnologija. Grad je
poput muzeja i ono što je zanimljivo jest kada unutar
te arhitektonske parade možeš pronaći načine razmišljanja i osjećaje proteklih generacija”, zaključuje ovaj
cijenjeni arhitekt. Nouvel još dodaje da je ovo doba zaokupljeno odnosima svjetlosti i materije te kako jedno
drugo čini vidljivim. “Što arhitektura izgleda jednostavnije, to je složenija”, pojašnjava Nouvel.
Izrazito produktivan arhitekt
Nouvel je izrazito produktivan arhitekt, i gotovo svakim
projektom otvara novo područje rada. Njegova je arhitektura snažno smještena u konkretan prostor, a njegove zgrade je nemoguće doživjeti preko reprodukcija
ili nacrta. Fizički osjećaj boravka ispred golemih staklenih ploha Cartierove fondacije u Parizu, gdje dimenzija
stakla naizgled neemotivno i sterilno pročelje pretvara
u izrazito dramatično, nije moguće prepoznati kroz fotografije, kao i dojam ulaska ispod namjerno preniskog
stropa Instituta arapskog svijeta u Parizu.
Nouvel povezuje arhitekturu i film, čineći tako i arhitekturu dinamičnom umjetnošću. “Arhitektura postoji, kao
i film, u dimenziji vremena i pokreta. Mi doživljavamo,
zamišljamo i čitamo zgradu kroz sekvencije i kadrove.
Izgraditi zgradu znači predvidjeti i tražiti kontraste i veze
u nadovezivanju prostora kroz koje se prolazi.“ Svaka
njegova građevina mora imati neku svoju priču, ovisno
o tome gdje se nalazi u svijetu i u kojem je neposrednom
okruženju. Projekt kulturnog i konferencijskog centra u
Luzernu kadrira pogled na grad i jezero. Slično kao i Le
Corbusier, koji je kadrirao pogled na Unite d’habitation dižući ogradni zid, Nouvel postavlja golemi konzolni
krov koji usmjerava pogled prema dolje, koncentrirajući
ga na jezero.
Za razliku od ostalih velikih arhitektonskih zvijezda današnjice, Nouvel je kroz svoj rad bio društveno angažiran.
Petnaest godina vodio je Pariški bijenale, 1977. je sudjelovao u osnivanju Sindikata arhitekata, organizacije
koja se brine o pravima i cehovskim interesima arhitekata, a 1978. godine osnovao je prvi Pariški bijenale arhitekture.
Unatoč svojim nevjerojatnim dostignućima u arhitekturi,
Nouvel je ostao iznenađen ovim visokim priznanjem, ali
je bio “vrlo počašćen“ što je ušao u elitnu grupu, među
32 dosadašnja Pritzkerova laureata. On je drugi francuski arhitekt koji je osvojio ovu prestižnu nagradu, prvi
je bio Christian de Portzamparc 1994. godine. “Kada
osvojite Pritzkerovu nagradu, imate nove odgovornosti.
To je još jedan razlog da napravite najbolje moguće
građevine, a u nekim slučajevima da uvjerite i druge
da budu što bolji arhitekti”, zaključio je Nouvel.
- This Year’s Winner
of the Pritzker Award
The sixty-two-year-old French architect Jean Nouvel is the winner of
this year’s Pritzker Award, which is the most prestigious award in the
world for the field of architecture, an architectonic parallel of sorts for
the Nobel Prize
Written by: Danijela Mandušiæ
he most prestigious architectonic award
called Pritzker, which has been awarded by
Hyatt Foundation since 1979, is decided on
by an evaluation jury with seven members,
all of which are well-respected architects, historians and professors of the world. The award consists of a bronze medal and 100.000 American
dollars, which will be presented to Jean Nouvel
at an event in the Congress Library in Washington
on June 2nd. This distinctive architect has spent
his long career architectonically affecting almost
every continent, while his buildings always stood
out with their originality and special symbiosis with
the environment and the cities they were built in.
“Nouvel doesn’t acknowledge terms like “style”
or “a priori”. He works depending on the context,
which is interpreted in the broadest sense of that
word in order to include culture, location, programme and the client, and that provokes him
into developing a different strategy for each of
his projects”, said jury president Lord Palumbo
when declaring this year’s winner.
Original Personality
In almost four decades of his architectonic career, Jean Nouvel projected over two hundred
facilities of different purposes in his native France,
across Europe, Asia and in the USA. He became
globally famous in 1987 when he built the Institute
of the Arabic World (“Institut du Monde Arabe”)
in Paris. When offering an explanation for choosing Nouvel, Pritzker Award jury members also
stated his Dentsu Tower in Tokyo, as well as Agbar Tower in Barcelona and Guthrie Theatre in
Although technically precise, his buildings are
free of fear from using strong gestures filled with
emotion. Nouvel is a constant explorer, so you
cannot really define the true “style” of his archi-
Maketa newyorškog Tour de verre / The setup
of New York’s “Tout de verre”
Institut arapskog svijeta (Institut du Monde
Arabe) u Parizu kojim je stekao svjetsku
slavu 1987.
Institute of the Arabic World (Institut du
Monde Arabe) in Paris, by which he became globally famous in 1987
Muzej Quai Branly u Parizu, Francuska / Quai Branly Museum in Paris, France
tecture. Ever since he started working as an architect during the 1970s, Nouvel has created his own architectonic
expression removed from the boundaries of modernism
and postmodernism; he is even sometimes referred to as
a hyper-modernist, but he truly is one of the most original
personalities in today’s architectonic sky.
Nouvel’s uniqueness lies precisely in the broadness of his
area of interests and the courage of his expressions. When
he projected The Opera in Japan, along with Philippe
Starck in 1986, the building was imagined as a gigantic
black box of a musical instrument that appears on the
outside mantle, while the buildings themselves feature
an amorphous molten form of golden colour that resembles one of the instruments. He repeated this concept in
the process of projecting the Opera House in Lyon. The
project of “the tower with no end”, Tour Sans Fin in Paris
that won him the 1989 contest, truly appears to have no
end due to the interesting game of material changes on
the façade, which seems as if it disappears in the sky. It
starts as a black granite base, turns into an aluminium
façade, only to end up as a transparent glass sheet on
the top.
The Arabic Cultural Centre building in Paris, that provided him with worldwide recognition in 1987, also features
an interesting façade. Nouvel creates an Arabic orna28
mented façade by using a sophisticated technological
mechanism made of photographic lenses that open up
and close down depending on the amount of the sun.
Residential building Nemausus I in Nimes resembles an
animal-shaped machine, while the recently completed
project of Museum Quai Branly in Paris again intrigues
with its façade, as it creates an abstract image with its
One of Nouvel’s latest architectonic projects is the branch
of famous French museum Louvre in settlement Saadiyat
in Abu Dhabi, which will be opened in 2012. However,
any resemblance to Louvre is merely superficial. Each
of Nouvel’s designs possesses a unique contest, while simultaneously using today’s technologies and materials.
Although that may result in his projects becoming nonmodern after awhile, this architect isn’t worried. “It is impossible to create a building that won’t be influenced by
the flow of time. I cannot imagine it”, Nouvel says. “I like
to recognize the exact date and moment of some building’s creation. If you construct a building now, it will not
be the same building in three centuries. Science is moving forward, as is technology. A city is like a museum, but
what is interesting within that architectonic parade is the
ability to track down ways of thinking and feelings of past
generations”, this respected architect concludes. Nou-
Nemausus, stambena kuća u Nimesu, Francuska /
Nemausus public housing in Nimes, France
vel also adds that this era is preoccupied with relations
of light and substance, and that one makes the other
visible. “”If architecture looks simpler, it is actually more
complex”, Nouvel explains.
An Architect of Extreme Productivity
Nouvel is an extremely productive architect who opens
a new chapter of his work with almost every passing
project. His architecture is strongly situated in a specific
space, while his buildings are impossible to experience
through reproductions or blueprints. The physical feeling
of standing in front of enormous glass surfaces at Cartier Foundation in Paris, where the glass dimension transforms the seemingly sterile and unemotional façade into
something extremely dramatic, is not something you can
recognize through a photograph, just like the impression
of entering below a purposely under-sized ceiling of the
Arabic Centre in Paris.
Nouvel connects architecture and film, thus turning architecture into a dynamic form of art in the process. “Architecture exists, much like film, within a dimension of time
and movement. We experience, imagine and read a
building through sequences and scenes. Constructing a
building means predicting and looking for contrasts and
connections while putting together the space you pass
through.” Each of his buildings must have its own story,
depending on its position in the world and its immediate environment. The project of cultural and conference
centre in Luzern offers a view over the city and the lake.
Much like Le Corbusier, who creates a view over Unite
d’Habitation by putting up a fence wall, Nouvel installs
an enormous bracket roof that directs people to look
down, thus focusing their view on the lake.
Unlike other great architectonic stars of today, Nouvel
has always been socially active through his work. He ran
the Paris Biennale for fifteen years, participated in the
foundation of Union of Architects in 1977, which is an organization that looks after the rights and guild interests of
architects, and he started the first Paris Biennale of Architecture in 1978.
Despite his amazing achievements in architecture, Nouvel was actually surprised to receive this prestigious award,
but he was also “very honoured” to enter this elite group
of only 32 previous Pritzker winners. He is the second
French architect to receive this meaningful award, with
the first being Christian de Portzamparc in 1994. “When
you win the Pritzker Award, you have new responsibilities.
It is yet another reason to make the best buildings you
can make, and in some cases, to convince other to be
the best possible architects”, Nouvel concludes.
Penezić i Rogina na 11. venecijanskom bijenalu arhitekture
Aaron Betsky, umjetnički direktor 11. po redu arhitektonske izložbe
u sklopu Venecijanskog bijenala, objavio je svoj poziv hrvatskim arhitektima Vinku Peneziću i Krešimiru Rogini da sagrade instalaciju
veličine 150 m2 u Corderija Arsenalu specijalno za potrebe ovogodišnjeg predstavljanja na temu
“Ondje: Arhitektura onkraj građenja”. Instalacija naslovljena
“Tko se boji vuka još u digitalnoj eri” bit će postavljena od
14. rujna do 23. studenoga u
Veneciji, a o uspjehu naših arhitekata govori i činjenica da
su, zajedno sa 24 svojih kolega,
među kojima su najcjenjeniji
arhitekti današnjice Frank Gehry, Herzog & De Meuron, Morphosis i Zaha Hadid, pozvani
da izrade Manifest o izgledu
arhitekture u budućnosti.
Penezić and Rogina at the 11th
Venice Architecture Biennale
Aaron Betsky, artistic director of the 11th architectonic exhibit
within the Venice Biennale, used the official press conference
in Rome to announce his invitation to Croatian architects Vinko
Penezić and Krešimir Rogina to build a 150 m2 installation in Corderija Arsenal, exclusively for the needs of this year’s presentation
with the theme “Out There: Architecture beyond Building”. The
installation is called “Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf in Digital
Age”, and it will be on display from September 14th to September
23rd in Venice. The success of our architects is best illustrated by
the fact that, along with 24 of their peers including the most prestigious architects of our time Frank Gehry, Herzog & De Meuron,
Morphosis and Zaha Hadid, they have been invited to create a
manifesto on how architecture should look in the future.
Namještaj koji ćete tek zavoljeti!
Proljetni kućni sajam u Zagrebu prikazao je
nove pravce i tehnologije u izradi namještaja te
ponudio domaćem tržištu nova rješenja u oblikovanju životnog prostora. U suradnji sa svojim
partnerima iz Hrvatske i regije, tvrtka Kenda je
predstavila bogat asortiman koji će se pojaviti
u prodavaonicama već ovog ljeta. Za sve koji
traže novi i bolji namještaj ili tek pronalaze svoj
stil, ponuđeni su programi blagovaoničkog
namještaja Massivo i Kristina, rješenja za dnevne boravke i blagovaonice koja prate svjetske
trendove u opremanju interijera, a turistička
ponuda je predstavljena kroz četiri kompletirana studija za opremanje turističkih soba.
Španjolska Roca - novi dizajn za
kupaonice na hrvatskom tržištu
Roca, vodeći svjetski proizvođač ekskluzivne kupaoničke opreme, stigao je na
hrvatsko tržište. U Zagrebu
je predstavljena nova linija
proizvoda “Frontalis“, koju
je kreirao ugledni dvojac
Belen i Rafael Moneo, a
namijenjena je klijentima
s visokim zahtjevima u dizajnu i kvaliteti. Španjolska
tvrtka Roca, sa sjedištem u
Barceloni, prisutna je u 115
zemalja u svijetu, a u suradnji s hrvatskom tvrtkom
Inker donosi ekskluzivni
kupaonički namještaj i u
naše domove.
Spanish Roca – New Design for
Bathrooms on the Croatian Market
Roca, the leading world’s manufacturer of exclusive bathroom
equipment, has arrived to the Croatian market. They presented
their new “Frontalis” line of products in Zagreb, and it was created by the respectable duo of Belen and Rafael Moneo while
targeting clients with high demands when it comes to design
and quality. Spanish company Roca, with its headquarters in
Barcelona, is present in 115 countries all over the world, and it is
about to bring exclusive bathroom furniture into our homes in
cooperation with Croatian company Inker.
Furniture You’re Yet to Fall
in Love with
The spring domestic fair in Zagreb demonstrated new directions
and technologies in furniture production, as well as offered the local market some new solutions in the process of shaping a living
space. In cooperation with its partners from Croatia and the region,
company Kenda presented a rich assortment that is about to appear in stores this summer. For all of you who are looking for new
and improved furniture,
or are yet to find your
style, you can choose
between programmes
of dining-room furniture Massivo and Kristina,
as well as solutions for
living rooms and dining
rooms that follow world
trends in interior decoration, while the tourist
offering is presented
through four completed
studios for equipping
tourist rooms.
Kontroverzni projekt slavnog
Franka Gehrya u Brooklynu
Frank Gehry, vremešni arhitekt iza kojeg stoji mnoštvo postmodernističkih arhitektonskih rješenja, još jednom je šokirao
javnost projektom nadogradnje u samom središtu Brooklyna u
New Yorku. Tri nebodera koja dizajnom podsjećaju na lego kockice, radit će se u sklopu
centra Atlantic Yards za
različite namjene: stanovanje, urede te arena The
Barclays s 18 tisuća sjedala. Gehry će dizajnirati
i interijere ovog postmodernističkog zdanja, koje
će biti u cijelosti završeno
2010. Iako su mišljenja
stanovnika Brooklyna o
ovom projektu podijeljena, ipak se svi slažu da je
to još jedno pravo umjetničko djelo ovog velikog
arhitekta, Pritzerova laureata 1989. godine.
A Controversial Project by
Famous Frank Gehry in Brooklyn
Frank Gehry, a veteran architect with many postmodernist architectonic solutions in his resume, has once again shocked the
public with his annexing project in the very centre of Brooklyn,
New York. Three skyscrapers that remind us of Lego bricks with
their design will be built within the Atlantic Yards Centre for different purposes: apartments, offices and Barclays Arena with
18.000 seats. Gehry will also design the interiors in this postmodernist building, which will be completed by 2010. Although
the people of Brooklyn have different opinions regarding this
project, they’re still able to agree that this is another true work of
art by this great architect, winner of the Pritzer Award in 1989.
Hrvatsko dizajnersko društvo
potiče razvoj produkt dizajna
Izložba hrvatskog dizajna 0708, koja će se održati tijekom rujna
i listopada 2008. u Zagrebu, u organizaciji HDD-a, predstavit će
najuspjelija dizajnerska rješenja u protekloj godini u Hrvatskoj. U
odnosu na prethodnu izložbu 040506, izložbom 0708 uvode se
neke promjene: dosadašnje kategorije grafičkog
dizajna i elektroničkih medija objedinjene
su nazivom dizajn vizualnih komunikacija,
a dodane su i zasebne kategorije dizajna
interaktivnih medija te kategorija koncept.
U svrhu poticanja razvoja produkt dizajna u
Hrvatskoj te zbog značajne aktivnosti hrvatskih dizajnera na području dizajna interijera,
uvodi se i mogućnost prijave projekata dizajna elemenata
interijera, što posebno pozdravljamo.
Novi Cityscape u Abu Dhabiju
Arhitektonska tvrtka Aedas predstavila je novi
“landmark” Abu Dhabija
– aerodinamični neboder
ispiriran kutijom za nakit.
Neboder je projektiran
tako da je otvoren prema
eksterijeru mnogim ulazima u prizemlju, a u svojoj
unutrašnjosti skriva prave
dragulje – četiri višeetažne
jedinice koje svojim oblikom podsjećaju na dijamante. Namjena mu je komercijalna i poslovna, a na
svom vrhu imat će galeriju,
in Abu Dhabi
Architectonic company Aedas presented the new landmark of Abu Dhabi – an aerodynamic.
Skyscraper inspired by a jewellery box. The skyscraper was projected in a way that opens it towards the exterior due to many groundfloor entrances, while its interior hides genuine jewels – four multistorey units that feature diamond-like shapes. It will be used for
commercial and business purposes, while its top will feature a gallery, restaurant, coffee shop and a big terrace overlooking the city.
Croatian Designer Society
Encouraging the Growth
of Product Design
Exhibit of Croatian design 0708, which will take place in Zagreb
during September and October of 2008 in organization of Croatian
Designer Society, will present the most successful design solutions in Croatia over the course of last year. When compared with
the previous exhibit 040506, 0708 will introduce some changes:
previous categories of graphic design and electronic media have
been merged as design of visual communications, while there are
also additions of individual categories like design of interactive
media and the concept
category. There is also a
segment introduced with
the purpose of encouraging the growth of prodIZLOŽBA OG
uct design in Croatia, as
well as due to the sigA
nificant level of activity
of Croatian designers
in the field of interior design, and that is
the option of applying projects regarding design of interior
elements, which is something we’re particularly happy to see.
Središnji opuzenski trg dobio je sjajno novo ruho u režiji kultnoga hrvatskog arhitekta Nenada Fabijanića / The central
Opuzen square has received a fabulous new look, courtesy of
legendary Croatian architect Nenad Fabijanić
U oblikovanju novoga ruha središnjega opuzenskog trga, arhitekt Nenad Fabijanić koristi jezik kamenitog podneblja rafinirajući ga
blagim optičkim iluzijama, pritom ispredajući priču koja povezuje povijest i sadašnjost,
dan i noć, pogled i dodir
Piše: Ivan Mladina
vijest o javnome prostoru jedna je od temeljnih i
najdugovječnijih odrednica civilizacije. Prostori i
građevine društvene namjene čine najuočljiviju
i najupečatljiviju većinu svjetskog arheološkog
fundusa, a i danas je razina uređenja javnih prostora
relevantan pokazatelj civilizacijske razine društva.
Posljednjih nekoliko godina hrvatske javne prostore obilježavaju spektakularni, ponekad i kontroverzni projekti,
poput zadarskih morskih orgulja ili obnove splitske Rive.
Opuzen, pitoreskni gradić na rijeci Neretvi, još je jedan
u sretnom nizu južnohrvatskih gradova “probuđene”
svijesti o kvalitetnom javnom prostoru. Središnji trg što
se izduženo, asimetrično proteže do glavne gradske
crkve, dobio je sjajno novo ruho u režiji kultnoga hrvatskog arhitekta Nenada Fabijanića.
Ono što već na prvi pogled izdvaja ovaj projekt jest činjenica da autor niti se inspirira, niti traži utočište u stravaganzi novih i tehnološki sofisticiranih materijala, nego
koristi jezik kamenitog podneblja rafinirajući ga blagim
optičkim iluzijama, pritom ispredajući priču koja povezuje povijest i sadašnjost, dan i noć, pogled i dodir.
Prvi čin ove kompleksne prostorne kompozicije pripada
jednom posebnom zidu. Postavljen na strani trga nasuprot crkve, kirurškom preciznošću odstranjuje neželjene zatečene vizure, istodobno svjedočeći o antičkom
naslijeđu opuzenskog kraja. Pažljivo izrezana cezura u
Golema klupa od bračkoga
sivca oblikovana je od jednog
komada, dužine je gotovo
osam metara i u Guinnessovoj
knjizi rekorda konkurira za najveću monolitnu kamenu klupu
na svijetu/ A huge Brač-stone
bench consists of one single
peace, is eight metres long
and is a contender for the largest monolithic stone bench
in the world in the Guinness
Record Book
platnu zida kadrira scenu upravo slikarske kompozicije, dok se tkivo zida
uvija i urezuje oko svakog eksponata. Namjerno naopako okrenut kapitel antičkog stupa otkriva pogled
na uklesano ime istraživača koji ga
je pronašao, a podna rasvjeta noću
daje bogatom ornamentu kapitela
izvorno projektirane odnose svjetla i
sjene. Kompoziciju zida upotpunjava i snažna horizontala konzolne kamene klupe s koje se otvara sjajna
vizura na sljedeću bitnu sekvenciju
kompozicije trga – parter. Koristeći
dolit kao dominantni materijal opločenja, autor upotrebljava filigranski
obrađen tradicionalni detalj rigola
od “zelenog jadrana” kao snažan
dinamički potez prema crkvi. Rahlost
volumena obodnih zgrada, vješto je
neutralizirana stvaranjem niza poprečnih parternih akcenata također
izvedenih iz istog materijala, što završavaju unikatno izvedenom podnom
rasvjetom. Ulaz u zgradu Gradskog
poglavarstva noću biva naglašen
dramatičnom podnom rasvjetom,
dodatno obogaćujući već spektakularnu noćnu vizuru trga.
Svojevrstan tour-de-force i svakako
najdirljiviji dio cijele prostorne kompozicije jest motiv što se nenadano
pojavljuje u uvučenom dijelu trga
pokraj same crkve. Motiv masline i
kamena, bremenit asocijacijama i
uspomenama, nikoga neće ostaviti
Golema klupa od bračkoga sivca
oblikovana je od jednog komada,
dužine je gotovo osam metara i u Guinnessovoj knjizi rekorda konkurira za
najveću monolitnu kamenu klupu na
svijetu! Njezina senzualna skulpturalnost naprosto poziva na interakciju,
nagrađujući hladom pod maslinom
za sunčana dana ili mekom toplinom
od sunca zagrijanog kamena za svježe večeri. LED rasvjetna traka ispod
klupe, jedan od rijetkih nedvojbeno
suvremenih oblikovnih elemenata cijelog zahvata, pojavljuje se samo u
ulozi diskretnog naglašivača smjera
i dramaturški je izvanredno odmjerena.
Opuzenski trg funkcionira kao savršen
emulator nostalgičnoga, poetskog
raspoloženja. Promišljeni, nenametljivo komponirani i savršeno skrojeni
motivi funkcioniraju besprijekorno
opuštajuće, stvarajući osjećaj odnekle dobro poznatog mjesta, mjesta
gdje se sjećanje spojilo s maštom.
Tkivo zida se uvija i urezuje oko
svakog eksponata / The wall’s tissue
carves and wraps itself around every
item on display
Kapitel namjerno postavljen
naopako / Intentionally reversed
capital of an ancient pillar
Ulaz u zgradu Gradskog poglavarstva noću biva naglašen dramatičnom podnom rasvjetom / The entrance to the town administration building is further
emphasized by dramatic floorlighting at nights
The Town Living Room
While coming up with a new look for the central square in Opuzen, architect Nenad
Fabijanić uses the rocky area’s language by refining it with mild optical illusions,
while simultaneously creating a story that connects past and present, day and
night, glance and touch
Written by: Ivan Mladina
onsciousness of public spaces is one of civilization’s most enduring and thorough characteristics. Spaces and buildings with a public
purpose create the most noticeable and distinctive majority of the world’s archaeological corpus,
and the maintenance level of public spaces is still a relevant indicator of a society’s civilization level.
Over the last several years, Croatian public spaces have
served for some spectacular and sometimes controversial projects, such as the “Sea Organ” project in Zadar
and the renovation work at the Split Riva. Opuzen, a picturesque little town on the coast of river Neretva, is another example within a happy string of south-Croatian
towns that possess an “awakened” consciousness regarding the quality of public spaces. The central square
that reaches the main town church in a prolonged and
asymmetrical manner has received a fabulous new
look, courtesy of legendary Croatian architect Nenad
The one thing that immediately sets this project apart
is the fact that the author never seeks inspiration or a
sanctuary within the stravaganza of new and sophisticated technological materials, but rather chooses to
use the rocky area’s language by refining it with optical
illusions, while also creating a story that connects past
and present, day and night, glance and touch.
The first act of this complex spatial composition belongs
to a very special wall. Positioned on the side of the
square that stands opposite to the church, it removes
unwanted sights in presence with surgical precision,
while simultaneously testifying of the Opuzen area’s ancient heritage. The carefully carved caesura in the wall
canvas focuses on the scene with a composition of a
painting, while the wall’s tissue carves and wraps itself
around every item on display. The intentionally reversed
capital of an ancient pillar reveals a view of the engraved name of the explorer that originally discovered
it, while the night’s floor lighting introduces the capital’s
rich ornament with an originally projected interaction
between light and shadow. The wall’s composition is
also completed by a powerful horizontal aspect of the
console stone bench, which opens a marvellous view
Snažna horizontala konzolne kamene klupe / Powerful horizontal
aspect of the console stone bench
over the square’s next important composition sequence
– the floor. Using a special type of marble as a dominant
paving material, the author uses a filigree-processed
traditional “green Adriatic” detail as a strong dynamical gesture towards the church. The side buildings’ furrow volumes are skilfully neutralized by creating a string
of broadside floor accents that have also been made
of the same material, and they end with uniquely performed floor lighting. The entrance to the town administration building is further emphasized by dramatic floor
lighting at nights, which further enriches the square’s
spectacular night appearance.
The tour de force and certainly the most touching aspect of the entire spatial composition is revealed in a
motif that unexpectedly appears in an indent part of
the square right next to the church. The motif of olive
and stone, filled with associations and memories, will
leave nobody feeling indifferent.
A huge Brač-stone bench consists of one single peace,
is eight metres long and is a contender for the largest
monolithic stone bench in the world in the Guinness
Record Book. Its sculptural sensuality simply begs for
interaction, offering us shade under an olive during a
sunny day or the soft warmth of the sun-heated stone in
a cool evening. The LED lighting strap under the bench,
which is one of the rare unmistakably modern constructive elements in this whole process, has a simple role of
a discrete direction pointer and is dramaturgically wonderfully measured.
The Opuzen Square functions as a perfect emulator of a
nostalgic, poetic mood. Appropriately analysed, unassumingly composed and perfectly created motifs function in an effortlessly relaxing way, creating a sense of
an extremely familiar place where reminiscence is combined with imagination.
Pažljivo izrezana cezura u
platnu zida kadrira scenu
upravo slikarske kompozicije / Carefully carved
censura in the wall canvas focuses on the scene
with a composition of a
od novinske
Kažu da fotografija vrijedi više od tisuću riječi. Izložba najboljih novinskih fotografija
World Press Photo, 51. po redu, i ove je godine započela svoju hrvatsku “turneju” u Splitu,
svečanim otvorenjem na prvomajski praznik u
splitskom akvariju Bačvice, neposredno nakon
svečanog uručenja nagrada najboljim fotografima u Amsterdamu
Piše: Danijela Mandušiæ
Brent Stirnton: Mrtva gorila na nosilima u
istočnom Kongu / Brent Stirnton: Dead mountain gorilla on a strecher in East Congo
orld Press Photo je neovisna neprofitna organizacija osnovana u Nizozemskoj 1955.
godine. Njezin je glavni cilj potpomoći i promicati rad profesionalnih novinskih fotografa u međunarodnim razmjerima te predstaviti njihove
najuspjelije radove, zbog kojih fotografi putuju u žarišta
svjetskih sukoba, a nerijetko riskiraju i vlastiti život ne bi li
“uhvatili” što bolju fotografiju i tako prenijeli svijetu dramatične i najaktualnije vijesti. Najbolja fotografija godine bira se još od davne 1955., a uvijek su te fotografije
dramatično ocrtavale najaktualnija politička pitanja i
konflikte te isticale društvene probleme i nepravde, a
ponekad je samo jedna fotografija godine utjecala i na
razvoj političke situacije na nekom području. Nakon što
je vidio fotografiju Malcoma W. Browna, koja je pobijedila na natječaju 1963., a koja prikazuje budističkog svećenika u Sajgonu koji se samozapalio iz prosvjeda protiv
vjerskog progona od strane vlade Južnog Vijetnama,
tadašnji američki predsjednik je ukinuo potporu toj vladi
te je progon svećenika nakon nekoliko mjeseci prestao.
S godinama postojanja WPP je izrastao u neovisnu platformu fotonovinarstva i slobodnog protoka informacija.
Da bi proveo u djelo svoje ciljeve, World Press Photo organizira najveće i najprestižnije svjetsko natjecanje na
Fotografija iscrpljenog američkog vojnika u Afganistanu pobijedila na 51. natječaju WPP-a
Ove se godine za prestižnu nagradu World Press
Photo natjecalo 5019 fotografa iz 125 zemalja, a
poslano je ukupno čak 80.536 fotografija koje su nastale tijekom 2007. godine u svim dijelovima svijeta i
prikazuju različite teme i motive. Kao i svake godine,
pobjedničke fotografije podsjećaju nas na najaktualnija zbivanja u prošloj godini, ali osim aktualnosti,
tu su i kategorije najuspjelijih fotografija iz svakodnevnog života, portreti (ove godine je prvu nagradu
osvojio portret sada već bivšeg predsjednika Ruske
Federacije Vladimira Putina objavljen u britanskom
The Timesu), zatim kategorije sporta, umjetnosti i zabave te prirode koja je vječna fascinacija fotografa.
Fotografija iscrpljenog američkog vojnika u Afganistanu, snimljena u rujnu prošle godine, autora Tima
Hetheringtona, a objavljena u Vanity Fairu, proglašena je najboljom fotografijom u 2007. godini.
“Ova fotografija prikazuje iscrpljenost čovjeka – i
iscrpljenost naroda. Svi smo povezani s ovim. To je
slika čovjeka na rubu, na kraju puta”, stoji u obrazloženju predsjednika žirija Garyja Knighta.
Nagrade za fotografije u 2007. godini dodijeljene
su 59-orici fotografa iz 23 zemlje. Getty Images Inc.
osvojio je pet nagrada, uključujući vodeća mjesta za pojedinačne priče te nagradu za fotografiju ubojstva voditeljice pakistanske oporbe Benazir
Bhutto, kao i sliku mrtve planinske gorile na nosilima
zaštitara nacionalnog parka u istočnom Kongu. Fotografija Johna Moorea koju je napravio za Getty
Images prikazuje sam trenutak Bhuttina ubojstva
i mutnu eksploziju bombe, a sve to dok ljudi pokušavaju pobjeći s mjesta atentata. Fotografija ranjenog mladića na gay paradi u Budimpešti osvojila je
drugu nagradu u kategoriji suvremenih priča, a tu
su još fotografije koje naglašavaju većinu aktualnih
problema današnjeg društva, kao što su izbjeglištvo,
beskućnici, žrtve seksualnog zlostavljanja i mnoge
druge društvene anomalije. Reutersovi fotografi nisu
osvojili ni jednu nagradu, a njihov rival Associated
Press osvojio ju je u dvije kategorije, i to za fotografiju
raketa ispaljenih u Gazi te za fotografiju komemoracije u povodu 70. obljetnice masakra u Nanjingu u
Kini. U kategoriji umjetnosti i zabave, poljski fotograf
Rafal Milach fotografijama priča zanimljivu priču o
umirovljenim cirkuskim zvijezdama i zalasku te umjetničke discipline u Poljskoj, a u kategoriji prirode nagrade su očekivano većinom pripale National Geographicu.
John Moore: Ubojstvo Benazir Bhutto, prva nagrada u
kategoriji Udarne vijesti / John moore: The murder of Benazir
Bhutto, 1st prize Spot News
Ariana Lindquist: Šangajska djevojka čeka u
backstageu na natjecanju zvanom cosplay /
Ariana Lindquist: Shangai girl is waiting in the
backstage on cosplay competition
polju novinske fotografije, a nagrađene fotografije se predstavljaju na ovoj putujućoj izložbi, koju
godišnje posjeti nekoliko milijuna ljudi u više od 50
zemalja. Osim što priprema izložbe, ta organizacija
pomno prati i potpomaže razvoj fotoreporterstva
te organizira brojne seminare i radionice za fotoreportere u zemljama u razvoju. Svake se godine u
Nizozemskoj pod njihovim pokroviteljstvom organizira majstorska radionica Joop Swart, za talentirane
fotografe na početku karijere.
Chris Detrick: Treća nagrada u kategoriji
Sportska akcija / Chris Detrick: 3rd price
Sports Action
Roberto Schmidt: Neredi tijekom izbora u Keniji / Roberto41
Schmidt: Riots during elections in Kenia
Rafal Milach: Umirovljeni cirkuski umjetnik, prva nagrada
u kategoriji Umjetnost i zabava / Rafal Milach: Retired
circus artist, 1st price Arts and Entertainment
Philipe Dudouit: Prva nagrada u kategoriji
Ljudi u vijestima / Philipe Dudouit: 1st price
People in News category
Jean Revilard: Prva nagrada u kategoriji Suvremene
teme / Jean Revilard: 1st price in Contemporary Issues
Paul Nicklen: Druga nagrada u kategoriji Priroda / Paul Nicklen: 2nd price
in Nature category
The Best of
They say a photograph is worth more than a
thousand words. The 51st annual exhibit of
best newspaper photos called World Press
Photo once again started its Croatian tour in
Split with a grand opening at Bačvice Aquarium on the 1st-May holiday, immediately after
best photographers received their awards at a
ceremony in Amsterdam
Written by: Danijela Mandušiæ
orld Press Photo is an independent non-profit
organization founded in Holland in 1955. Its
main goal is to support and promote the
work of professional newspaper photographers in international proportions, as well as to promote
their finest achievements that have photographers travelling into the centres of world conflicts and often risking
their lives in order to capture the finest photograph possible that provides the world with dramatic top-priority
news. The best photograph of the year is elected since
1955, and those photos have always dramatically outlined most current political issues and conflicts, as well as
pointed out social problems and injustices, while it sometimes turned out that only one photograph affected the
way a political situation in some area was resolved. After
seeing Malcolm W. Brown’s award-winning photo from
1963, which showed a Buddhist priest from Saigon setting
himself on fire out of protest for the way South Vietnam’s
government disrespected religious freedoms, the American President of the time abolished his support to that
government, which resulted in the stoppage of priest oppression after several months.
Over the course of its existence, the WPP evolved into an
independent platform of photojournalism and free flow
of information. In order to achieve its goals, World Press
Photo organizes the biggest and most prestigious world
Balazs Gardi: Prva nagrada u kategoriji Vijesti / Balasz Gardi: 1st price in General News category
Fotografija iscrpljenog američkog vojnika u Afganistanu, snimljena u rujnu prošle godine, autora Tima Hetheringtona,
a objavljena u Vanity Fairu, proglašena je najboljom fotografijom u 2007.godini. / A photograph of an exhausted
American soldier in Afghanistan, taken in September of last year and published in Vanity Fair, was declared to be
the best photograph of 2007
Eric Refner: Prva nagrada za kategoriju Sport /
Eric Refner: 1st price in Sports category
contest in the field of newspaper photography, while
the awarded pictures are presented through a travelling
exhibit that reaches several million people in over fifty
countries over the course of a year. Besides organizing
the exhibits, this organization carefully observes and supports the development of photojournalism and organizes
numerous seminars and workshops for photojournalists in
developing countries. The professional workshop Joop
Swart is organized every year in Holland under their patronage, and its goal is to help talented photographers in
the beginning of their careers.
A Photograph of an Exhausted American Soldier in Afghanistan Won the 51st WPP Awards
This year’s prestigious World Press Photo Awards featured
5019 photographers from 125 countries, and as many as
80.536 photos were applies as they were taken throughout 2007 in all parts of the world while displaying various
subjects and motifs. Just like every year, the award-winning photos remind us of the most important events over
the course of last year, but besides current events, there
are also categories for most successful photos in the field
of everyday life, portraits (this year’s contest was won
by a portrait of ex-President of the Russian Federation
Vladimir Putin published in UK Times), as well as categories of sports, art, entertainment and nature, which serves
as an eternal inspiration for photographs. A photograph
of an exhausted American soldier in Afghanistan, taken
in September of last year and published in Vanity Fair,
was declared to be the best photograph of 2007.
“This photograph shows human exhaustion – and exhaustion of an entire nation. We are all connected with this.
It is a picture of a person on the edge, on the end of his
road”, states jury president Gary Knight.
Photography awards for 2007 were awarded to 59 photographers from 23 countries. Getty Images Inc. won five
awards, including leading positions for individual stories
and an award for the photograph of a murder of the
leader of Pakistani opposition Benazir Bhutto, as well as
for a picture of a dead mountain gorilla carried by security guards of a national park in eastern Congo. John
Moore’s photo, which he took for Getty Images, shows
the very moment of Bhutto’s murder and a vague bomb
explosion, while people are trying to escape the place
of assassination in the process. The photograph of an injured young man at a gay parade in Budapest won second prize in the category of current stories, and there are
many more photographs that deal with most of today’s
social problems, such as refugees, homeless people, victims of sexual abuse and many other social anomalies.
Reuter photographers didn’t win any of the awards, while
their rivals from Associated Press triumphed in two categories – for a photo of missiles shot in Gaza and for a
photo of a commemoration of 70 years of the Nanjing
massacre in China. As far as the category of art and entertainment, Polish photographer Rafal Milach uses his
pictures to tell an interesting story of retired circus stars
and the downfall of that artistic discipline in Poland, while
the awards in the category of nature mostly went to National Geographic, as expected.
Živahna tržnica na Madeiri / Briskly market on
Otok zaèuðujuæe prirode
i vjeènog proljeæa
Toliko prirodne raznolikosti na jednome mjestu ima samo na Madeiri. Zahvaljujući
svojemu jedinstvenom geografskom položaju, na tom mjestu susreću se mediteranska flora s egzotičnim voćem i raznobojnim tropskim cvijećem začudnih oblika,
stapaju se obale mora s gustim endemskim šumama, susreću se i skladno isprepleću
maurska i kršćanska tradicija, te mediteranska i afrička kultura i civilizacija
Piše: Danijela Mandušiæ
Foto: www.madeiratourism.org
isuću kilometara južno od portugalske obale i petsto kilometara zapadno od obale Maroka, nalazi
se takozvani “plutajući vrt Atlantika”: otok Madeira
i 35 kilometara udaljen otok Porto Santos. Svojom
klimom, kulturnim naslijeđem i bogatstvima, autonomna
portugalska regija Madeira i Porto Santos već su početkom prošlog stoljeća počeli privlačiti turiste. Tada je to
bilo europsko plemstvo željno odmora i ozdravljenja na
blagoj klimi – temperatura nikada ne pada ispod 15 i
nikada se ne diže poviše 25 Celzijevih stupnjeva. Danas
Madeiru, površine od oko 800 četvornih kilometara, posjećuje oko 350.000 turista godišnje iz cijeloga svijeta.
Postoji mogućnost da su još Feničani otkrili ovaj otok
jer ga rimski povjesničar Plinije spominje u svojim spisima kao Grimizni otok, ali prva naseljavanja počela su
relativno kasno, tek početkom 15. stoljeća, kada ga je
slučajno otkrio portugalski moreplovac João Gonçalves
Zarco. On se sa svojim brodom tu sakrio od oluje te je pitomu luku, iz zahvalnosti što ga je spasila od brodoloma,
nazvao Porto Santos (Sveta luka). Nakon toga Madeira
se pod portugalskom zastavom počela naseljavati. Do
početka 16. stoljeća otok je već brojio blizu pet tisuća
stanovnika, koji su se uglavnom bavili uzgojem šećerne
trske. Iako su je stoljećima, zbog izvanrednoga geografskog položaja, pokušavali preuzeti Španjolci i Francuzi,
Madeira je ostala portugalska provincija, a 1976., nakon
demokratske revolucije, Portugal joj je dodijelio autonomiju i do danas je ostala njegova autonomna pokrajina,
koja je, iako duboko u Atlantiku, kao i Portugal, dio Europske unije.
Cvjetni festival /
Flower festival
Grimizna oaza Atlantika
Danas Madeira ima oko 280.000 stanovnika, a glavni
grad Funchal broji oko sto tisuća žitelja. Na tu grimiznu
otočnu oazu u Atlantiku fascinantno je već samo slijetanje zrakoplovom, i to na pistu u Funchalu koja se većim
dijelom proteže na stupovima i zalazi u ocean te zahtijeva veliku vještinu pilota, ali i hrabrost putnika. Otok je
geografski i klimatski izrazito zanimljiv jer se na tako maloj
površini izmjenjuje čak 21 mikroklima, što je pridonijelo
Câmara de Lobos
razvoju iznimno guste, ali i raznovrsne vegetacije koja
privlači turiste željne aktivnog odmora u prirodi.
Na Madeiri mogu uživati i oni koji vole planinariti i šetati prirodom, ali i oni koji se radije prepuštaju suncu i
kupanju. No, za razliku od Kanara, Madeira nije središte
masovnog turizma, nego raj za one koji se žele istinski
odmoriti i opustiti. Ljepote su tolike da posjetitelji neće ni
primijetiti da Madeira i Porto Santos imaju relativno kratku povijest. Tamo nema posebnih arheoloških nalaza i
ostavštine, crkve i palače su tipične provincijalne i tek
na mjestima su očuvane kakve su bile u originalu. Muzeji
na Madeiri ponajviše pokazuju kako su prije živjeli njezini
stanovnici, ali i njihovu kolekcionarsku strast. Naime, na
Madeiri postoje umjetnička djela iz cijelog svijeta, pomno sakupljana tijekom stoljeća.
Začuđujući krajolici
Madeira je posebna po svojim različitim krajolicima. Sa
snježnih se obronaka prelazi na stjenovite pustinjske predjele, iz nasada banana ulazi se u nepregledne vinograde, u kojima se rađa glasovito vino “madeira”. Cijeli otok presijecaju irigacijski kanali, “levadas”, kojima
se pitka voda dovodi u sve dijelove otoka, cjelokupne
dužine čak 2100 km, s 30 kilometara u tunelima i podzemnim prolazima, a na mjestima su stari gotovo stotinu
godina. Tek nedavno su postali i dio turističke ponude
pa je tako moguća šetnja kroz “levadas”, kojom posjetitelji postupno otkrivaju svu raskoš i raznolikost madeirske
flore i faune. Prije nekoliko godina je, zbog sve većeg
zanimanja za ovakvu vrstu aktivnosti, nastao Madeira
walking festival, koji se održava svake godine u siječnju i
privlači sve više i više “šetača”.
Osim Walking festivala, na Madeiri se tijekom cijele godine održavaju različite svečanosti koje slave madeirska
blaga, pa je tako poznat Flower festival (Cvjetni festival)
koji se održava u travnju, a obilježava ga velika “cvjetna
parada”, te festival vina u rujnu, gdje mještani pokazuju
stare načine obrade grožđa i pravljenja vina, a mnogobrojni turisti uživaju u degustacijama i programima.
Turistička sezona na Madeiri i Porto Santosu traje čitavu
godine, no najveća je popunjenost tijekom novogodišnjih blagdana. Portugalci na Madeiri mnogo drže do
katoličkih blagdana, koje obilježavaju festivalima i procesijama. Za Božić, glavni grad Funchal svijetli tisućama
žarulja, spektakularan je vatromet za Novu godinu koji
počinje u starom gradu, a svojim se sirenama slavlju
Plaža u Porto Santosu / Porto Santos Beach
pridružuju i brodovi u luci. Madeirani ipak najviše slave
Uskrs, kada se procesije mogu vidjeti u svakom dijelu
grada, mjesta i sela su okićena cvijećem i zastavama,
a tipično madeirsko jelo espetada se prodaje na malim
štandovima napravljenima od lišća.
Onima koji se za vrijeme odmora najviše vole samo izležavati na plažama, treba naglasiti da Madeira nema
plaže na kakve smo navikli. Na rijetkim ćete dijelovima
naći plažu, no ona je prepuna kamenja, a pijesak je siv,
pa je tu boju preuzelo i more uz obalu. Jedina pješčana plaža na Madeiri jest ona na njezinu najistočnijem
dijelu, poluotoku Sao Lorenzo. No, zato mnoštvo hotela
ima uređene betonske plaže i bazene uz obalu. Hoteli
su iskoristili ono što im je priroda dala, jer je Madeira vulkanskog podrijetla, pa su bazeni napravljeni od lave. I
Madeira i Porto Santos su idealni za vodene sportove,
podvodni ribolov, ronjenje, ali i kopnene aktivnosti, poput penjanja po brdima, golf i jahanje.
A nakon napornog dana najbolje pristaje lagana i svježa domaća hrana. Gastronomska ponuda je jedna od
jačih strana madeirskog turizma. Mnogo vrsta svježe
ribe, morskih plodova, školjki, egzotičnog voća, mnogo
slastica, ali i mesa, može se dobiti u svakom restoranu i
sjajno pristaju uz odlična domaća vina. Iako gotovo svi
restorani nude pravu madeirsku kuhinju, s ribljom juhom,
sabljarkom ili espetadas (vrsta kebaba), smatraju da to
ne moraju reklamirati.
Spoj europskog naslijeđa i afričke raznolikosti
Glavni i najnaseljeniji grad Madeire je Funchal, koji se
nalazi na južnoj strani otoka, okružen grubim strmim stijenama, bogatom vegetacijom i iznimnom raznolikošću
šarenog i mirisnog cvijeća. Na prvi pogled, Funchal je
tipičan mediteranski grad, no kad krenete u šetnju, vidjet ćete da to nije tako. U središtu grada je katedrala,
zvana Se, posvećena 1516. godine. Europskom naslijeđu u gradnji katedrale je suprotstavljena flora i fauna
afričkog kontinenta, a vidljivi su i arapski ornamenti na
krovu, ostavština maurske vladavine. Iznad oltara je slika
flamanskog majstora koja je na Madeiru stigla kao plaća za šećernu trsku. To samo pokazuje da je Madeira
već u 16. stoljeću bila pravo kozmopolitsko mjesto. Sve
su madeirske građevine u kojima su danas muzeji i izložbeni prostori nastale između 15. i 18. stoljeća. Osim što
Madeira ima tri botanička vrta, pažnju plijeni i Vrt orhideja u privatnom vlasništvu. Na Madeiri se uzgajaju broj49
Selo Santana u sjevernom dijelu otoka / A village called Santanain the
northern part of the island
Madeira je pravo mjesto za ljubitelje golfa / Maderira is a
perfect place for golf lovers
ne vrste orhideja, na što su Madeirani posebno ponosni.
Jedno od nezaobilaznih odredišta u Funchalu je šarena
gradska tržnica koja obiluje egzotičnim voćem i morskim
plodovima i prepuna je turista.
Osim slikovitog Funchala, treba spomenuti gradić Monte, koji je do izbijanja Drugog svjetskog rata bio mondeno ljetovalište Europljana, ali i Madeirana, zbog jedinstvene panorame na grad i ocean. U kapelici koja
pripada crkvi Nossa Senhora do Monte, stalno prekriven
cvijećem je sarkofag Karla I., posljednjeg austrijskog
cara, koji je ovamo pobjegao nakon državnog udara
i umro 1922. godine. Monte je prepun starih aristokratskih palača, tamo zvanih “quintae”, koje su okružene
prekrasnim tropskim vrtovima koji prezentiraju svu raskoš
madeirske flore, a u tom malom gradiću nalazi se i muzej
koji ugošćuje dva vrlo zanimljiva stalna postava: veliku
kolekciju madeirskih minerala i suvremenu skulpturu iz
Na istočnoj obali Madeire nalazi se Ponta da Sao Lourenco, dugački i uski poluotok uz kojeg su i dva otočića,
Ilheu de Agostinho i Ilheu de Fora. Tu Madeira nije ni zelena, ni brdovita, nego je više mješavina stepe i pustinje.
Uske staze spuštaju se do malih plaža, a s vrha stijena se
vidi sjeverni dio otoka, a tek stapanje boja neba i mora
u daljini podsjeća koliko smo duboko u oceanu. U selu
Porto da Cruz uzgajaju se šećerna trska i vinova loza, a
to je tek jedno od sela koje se nalazi na planinskim terasama otoka. Najslikovitiji dio otoka je selo u sjevernom
dijelu – Santana. Male kućice bijele boje, sa slamnatim
krovovima i crvenim vratima i prozorima, naseljene su
i jedna su od prepoznatljivosti Madeire. Nedaleko Santane je povijesno selo Sao Vincente koje se nalazi vrlo
blizu morske obale, ali je zapravo u planinama. Vrijeme
kao da je stalo u Sao Vincenteu, kuće su obnovljene, ali
atmosfera je starinska, što se osjeća u svakom restoranu
i trgovini. U Porto Monizu je najljepši prirodni bazen na
Madeiri. Na kraju zaljeva je i otočić od lave – Ilheu Mole.
Cesta od Sao Vincentea do Porto Moniza kroz Seixal je
nezaboravno iskustvo na otoku. Prolazi kroz tunele i vodopade, a iza svakog ugla pojavljuje se nova panoramska slika koja ostavlja bez daha.
Otok Porto Santos je geografski različit od Madeire. Nema
planina ni dubokih dolina, plodnih terasa i živog zelenila
Madeire. No, tamo se nalaze vulkanske stijene koje se
dižu iz mora i visoke su do 500 metara, a tu je i pješčana
plaža duga gotovo osam kilometara zbog koje mnogi turisti dolaze tu na jednodnevne izlete. Vila Baleeira, grad
na Porto Santosu, zapravo je vrlo tiho i mirno mjesto, bez
obzira na turiste. Na otoku je kuća u kojoj je, kažu, godinu
dana živio i Kristofor Kolumbo sa svojom suprugom, kćeri
guvernera Porto Santosa.
Toliko prirodne raznolikosti na jednome mjestu ima samo
na Madeiri. Zahvaljujući svojemu jedinstvenom geografskom položaju, na ovome mjestu susreću se mediteranska
flora s egzotičnim voćem i raznobojnim tropskim cvijećem
začudnih oblika, stapaju se obale mora s gustim endemskim šumama, susreću se i skladno isprepleću maurska i
kršćanska tradicija, te mediteranska i afrička kultura i civilizacija. Zbog kozmopolitskog šarma i srdačne gostoljubivosti lokalnog stanovništva, ali i blage klime, Madeira je
postala omiljeno turističko odredište ljudi željnih bijega, ali
i aktivnog odmora, te istinskih zaljubljenika u prirodu.
Curral das Freiras
The Island of Astonishing
Nature and Eternal Spring
Only in Madeira will you find so much natural diversity in one place. Thanks to its
unique geographic position, this location features Mediterranean flora with exotic fruit
and tropic flowers of different colours and wondrous shapes. It also combines coastal
areas with thick endemic forests, as well as smoothly intertwines Arabic and Christian
tradition, and Mediterranean and African culture and civilization
Written by: Danijela Mandušiæ
Photo: www.madeiratourism.org
Na Madeiri mogu uživati i oni koji vole planinariti i šetati prirodom, ali i oni koji se radije prepuštaju suncu i kupanju / Madeira
can be enjoyed by those who like hiking and walking in nature,
as well as by those who prefer swimming and being in the sun
thousand kilometres south from the Portuguese
coast and five hundred kilometres west from
the coast of Morocco, we find the so-called
“Atlantic’s floating garden”: island Madeira
and island Porto Santos, which is 35 kilometres away.
With its climate, cultural heritage and wealth, autonomous Portuguese region Madeira and Porto Santos have
started attracting tourists way back at the beginning
of last century. At that stage, those tourists came in the
form of European aristocracy that craved for a vacation
and healing effects of the mild climate, as the temperature never falls below 15 degrees and doesn’t get higher
than 25 degrees Celsius. About 350.000 tourists a year
from all over the world visit today’s Madeira, which takes
up about 800 square kilometres.
It is possible that ancient Phoenicians discovered this island because Roman historian Plinius mentioned it in his
files as Purple Island, but first habitants arrived relatively
late, in the early 15th century, when the island was accidentally discovered by Portuguese sailor Joao Goncalves Zarco. He used the island as a shelter from the
storm, so he named this mild harbour Porto Santo (Saint
Harbour) out of gratitude for saving him and his ship.
After that event, Madeira started to receive its population under the Portuguese flag. By the early 16th century, the island already had about five thousand people,
and they mostly worked with sugar cane. Although its
extraordinary geographic position provoked the Spanish
and French to try and capture the island for centuries,
Madeira remained a Portuguese province, and after the
democratic revolution in 1976, Portugal presented the island with its autonomy, and now it has the status of an
autonomous region that, although deep in the Atlantic,
is as much a part of the European Union as Portugal.
Atlantic’s Purple Oasis
Today’s Madeira has about 280.000 habitants, while its
capital Funchal is a home to 100.000 people. This purple island oasis in the Atlantic makes even the process
of landing an airplane truly fascinating, as the runway in
Funchal mostly spreads on poles and enters the ocean,
which demands great skill from the pilot and some courage from the passengers. The island is geographically
and climatically very interesting because as many as 21
microclimates exchange on a very small surface, which
contributed to the very thick and diverse vegetation that
attracts tourists who want an active vacation in nature.
Madeira can be enjoyed by those who like hiking and
walking in nature, as well as by those who prefer swimming and being in the sun. But unlike the Canaries, Madeira doesn’t tend towards mass tourism, but rather represents a heaven for those who truly want to relax and
properly rest. Beauties are of such calibre that visitors
will fail to notice how Madeira and Porto Santos have a
relatively short history. You will not find any archeological
sites or heritages, while churches and palaces are typically provincial and only partly preserved to look like they
originally did. Madeira museums primarily show the ways
of life of its previous generations, but they also prove their
true passion for collecting. This is because Madeira features pieces of art from all over the world that were carefully collected over the centuries.
Astonishing Landscapes
Madeira is very special due to its diverse landscapes.
Snowy hills effortlessly turn into rocky desert areas, while
banana fields lead into enormous vineyards that produce the renowned “Madeira” wine. The entire island
is intersected by irrigation channels called “levadas”,
which bring drinking water into all parts of the island. The
island is 2100 kilometres long with about thirty kilometres
of tunnels and underground passages, which are almost
a hundred years old in some places. They have recently
been included into the tourism offering, so it is now possible to take a walk through “levadas” where the visitors
gradually discover all the richness and diversity of Madeira’s flora and fauna. Several years ago, due to the
increasing interest for this type of activity, the Madeira
Portela, Porto Santos
Walking Festival was started, as it takes place in January
and attracts more and more “walkers” every year. Besides the Walking Festival, Madeira also features different
festivities throughout the year that celebrate its treasures,
so we also have the famous Flower Festival that takes
place in April and is accompanied by the big “flower parade”, as well as the Festival of Wine in September, when
the locals demonstrate old ways of processing grapefruit
and making wine while numerous tourists enjoy sampling
activities and different programmes.
The tourist season in Madeira and Porto Santos goes on
throughout the year, but it is at its most intense during the
New Year holidays. Portuguese people in Madeira love
their catholic holidays, as they celebrate them with different festivals and processions. During Christmas time,
capital Funchal features thousands of light bulbs, while
the New Year features spectacular fireworks that begins
in the old part of town, while boats in the harbour join in
with their sirens. The people in Madeira still care about
Easter the most, and that is when processions can be witnessed in all parts of the town. Every town and village is
decorated with flowers and flags, while the typical Madeira meal espetada is sold in little booths that are made
out of leaves.
For those who like their vacations to feature nothing
more than spending time on beaches, we should point
out that Madeira doesn’t have the beaches we’re accustomed to. If you manage to find one of the rare
beaches, it will be filled with rocks and will feature grey
sand, and the sea will take over that colour as well. The
only sand beach in Madeira is the one at its eastern part,
on the Sao Lorenzo peninsula. However, numerous hotels have maintained concrete beaches and swimming
pools by the coast. The hotels took advantage of what
nature offered, so the pools are made of lava due to
Madeira’s volcanic descent. Both Madeira and Porto
Santos are ideal for water sports, underwater fishing and
diving, as well as some land activities like hill climbing,
golf or horseback riding.
And after a long day, nothing will feel better than light
and fresh local food. The gastronomic offer is one of the
strong suits of Madeira tourism. Many types of fresh fish,
sea food, shells, exotic fruit, pastries and meat can be
ordered in every restaurant and will wonderfully agree
with tremendous local wines. Although almost all restaurants offer true Madeira cuisine with fish soup, swordfish
or espetadas (similar to kebab), they don’t feel that any
advertising is in order.
Combination of European Heritage and African Diversity
Funchal is Madeira’s capital and most populated city. It
is situated on the island’s southern side, and is surrounded
by rough rocks, rich vegetation and extremely diverse
flowers of different colours and aromas. At first glance,
Funchal is just a typical Mediterranean city but once you
look around, you will see that it’s not the case. The city
centre reveals Se Cathedral that was blessed in 1516.
The cathedral construction style presents the European
heritage that opposes the flora and fauna of the African
continent, while the roof features Arabic ornaments that
testify about the Moorish period. There is a painting of a
Flemish artist above the altar that arrived in Madeira as a
way of paying for sugar cane. That only shows that Madeira was already a cosmopolitan area in the 16th century. All of Madeira buildings that feature museums and
exhibit spaces originate from between 15th and 18th
century. Besides for the fact that Madeira has three botanic gardens, attention is also drawn by Orchid Garden
that is in private ownership. Madeira features plenty of
orchid types, which makes the locals particularly proud.
One of Funchal’s unavoidable destinations is the vivacious city market that is filled with exotic types of fruit and
seafood, as well as crowded with tourists.
Besides for the picturesque Funchal, we must also mention a little town called Monte, which had the role of a
trendy vacation spot for Europeans prior to World War 2,
as well as Madeirana, which offers a unique panoramic view over the city and the ocean. The chapel that
Trg s gradskom vijećnicom / Town Hall Square
Glavni grad Funchal broji oko sto tisuća žitelja /
Capital Funchal is a home to 100.000 people
belongs to Nossa Senhora de Monte Church features
a sarcophagus of last Austrian emperor Carl I., and it is
always covered in flowers. Carl I. Escaped to this island
after the coup and died here in 1922. Monte is filled with
archaic aristocratic palaces called “quintae”, which are
surrounded by wonderful tropic gardens that present all
the panache of Madeira’s flora, and that little town also
features a museum that hosts two very interesting permanent displays: a big collection of Madeira’s minerals
and a modern sculpture from Zimbabwe.
Madeira’s eastern coast presents Ponta da Sao Lourenco, which is a long and narrow peninsula that is accompanied by two small islands, Illheu de Agostinho and Illheu de Fora. That’s where Madeira stops being green or
steep, and becomes a mixture of a steppe and a desert.
Narrow tracks lead to small beaches while the rock peaks
offer the view of the island’s northern part, with only the
blending of the sea and the sky to remind us of how far
up the ocean we really are. A village called Porto de
Cruz is where sugar cane and wine are produced, but
it’s only one of the villages that are situated on the island’s mountain terraces. The island’s most picturesque
part is found in the northern part – a village called Santana. Small white houses with straw roofs and red doors
and windows are inhabited and one of Madeira’s trademarks. Not far from Santana, we find a historic village
called Sao Vincente, which is situated near the coast but
actually on a mountain. Time seems to stand still in Sao
Vincente as the houses have been renovated, but the
atmosphere is truly archaic, which can be felt in every
restaurant or store. Porto Maniz offers the loveliest natural
pool in Madeira. The end of the bay reveals a small lava
island – Illheu Mole. The road that leads through Sao Vincente to Porto Maniz and through Seixal is truly a unique
experience. It goes through tunnels and waterfalls, while
every corner offers a new panoramic image that will
leave you breathless.
Island Porto Santos is geographically different than Madeira. It has no mountains or deep valleys, fertile terraces
or Madeira’s vivacious greenery. However, it does feature volcanic rocks that rise from the sea and are about
500 metres high, as well as a sand beach that is almost
eight kilometres long and lures many tourists to one-day
trips. Vila Baaleira, a town in Porto Santos, is actually a
very quiet and peaceful place, regardless of the tourists.
The island features a house that, as they say, served as
a home for Christopher Colombo for about a year, as
he lived here with his wife, the daughter of Porto Santos’
Only Madeira can offer so much diversity in just one
place. Thanks to its unique geographical position, this
is the place where Mediterranean flora combines with
exotic fruit and tropic flowers of different shapes and
colours, as well as where seashores clash with thick endemic forests. Moorish and Christian traditions confront
and intertwine n harmony, as well as Mediterranean and
African cultures and civilizations. Due to the cosmopolitan charm and warm hospitality of the local population,
as well as its mild climate, Madeira has become the favourite tourist destination for all those people that are
craving for a getaway and an active vacation, as well
as for those who are truly in love with nature.
Unutarnje uređenje povjereno je MKV design
studiju / The interior decoration was assigned to
MKV Design Studio
Delicija s kruškom / Delicacy with a pear
Piše: Nikola Èelan
Luksuzni a la carte
na europskoj meði
Zbog simbolike isprepletenosti kultura, zagrebački Zinfandel’s svoje je ime dobio
po vinu, točnije sorti grožđa kaštelanski crljenak, koja je pod tim imenom izvezena
u SAD iz Dalmacije
otel Esplanade u Zagrebu jedan je od simbola
hrvatske metropole još od vremena kad ga je
veliki Miroslav Krleža duhovito označio granicom na kojoj prestaje Balkan, a počinje Europa. Njegova povijest počinje u vrijeme navale putnika
Orient Expressa na Zagreb, kada tadašnji novootvoreni
Palace na Zrinjevcu više nije kapacitetom mogao zadovoljiti nastale potrebe. Hotel je upravo zbog svoga
glavnog razloga – željeznice, trebalo izgraditi u neposrednoj blizini željezničkog kolodvora. Zacrtanu estetsku
putanju, koju Esplanade nije napustio sve do današnjih
dana, mediji su popratili riječima: “Hotel ima odličnu lokaciju, luksuzan je, sofisticiran, izuzetno ugodan i opremljen zadnjim dostignućima moderne tehnike. Postat
će jedan od najpoznatijih međunarodnih hotela. Privatni prostori za pušače, razgovor, glazbu i poslovne
sastanke zadovoljavaju sve potrebe poslovnih putnika.
Intimna atmosfera nekih od navedenih soba savršeno
su mjesto za večeru u dvoje. Velika plesna dvorana ure-
đena jonskim stupovima i skulpturama jako je dojmljiva.
Restoran i bistro također su imali odličan raspored.”
Burna, bogata povijest hotela, u kojoj je on stalno značio
mjesto velikih promjena, kulturnih revolucija grada i zemlje, ne samo u ugostiteljstvu nego i u smislu artikulacije
društvenog i zabavnog života, dovela je Esplanadu do
2002. godine. Tada je hotel zatvoren zbog kompletnog
renoviranja, a unutarnje uređenje povjereno je MKV design studiju. Hotel postaje prvi europski hotel, član obitelji Regent i svoja vrata ponovno otvara 2004. godine
pod nazivom The Regent Esplanade Zagreb. Jedna od
novina u njemu, među ostalim, bio je potpuno novi restoran Zinfandel’s.
Zbog simbolike isprepletenosti kultura, Zinfandel’s je ime
dobio po vinu, točnije sorti grožđa kaštelanski crljenak,
koja je pod tim imenom izvezena u SAD iz Dalmacije.
Vinova loza ujedno je i zaštitni znak osoblja restorana
Zinfandel’s, koje na svojim prslucima i kravatama nosi
izvezene listove grožđa zinfandel. Interijeri restorana u
Na jelovniku Zinfandel’s mogu se naći ukusna i maštovita jela
od ribe, mesa ili povrća / Zinfandel’s menu features tasty and
imaginative meals involving fish, meat and vegetables
Za kuhinju u restoranu zadužen je glavni šef kuhinje
hotela s bogatim međunarodnim iskustvom Marc
Fontenelle / Credit for the restaurant’s cuisine goes
to Marc Fontanelle, head chef of the hotel’s kitchen
with plenty of international experience
skladu su sa svježim, laganim i zdravim kalifornijskim kulinarstvom. Klupe i stolice presvučene su sivo-smeđim antilopom, dok meki stolnjaci boje slonovače daju suvremeni ugođaj restoranu. Prozori u punoj visini, ukrašeni
prozirnim zastorima i bogatim draperijama, gledaju na
slavnu terasu Oleander površine 1000 četvornih metara, koja se nalazila na razglednicama još 1925. godine.
Tijekom dana ovo je svijetao, prirodnim svjetlom osvijetljen restoran, a pažljivo izvedena rasvjeta navečer stvara vrlo zavodljiv prostor. MKV je izbjegao zamku u koju
upadaju mnogi hotelski restorani koji moraju posluživati doručak, ručak i večeru, tako što je izveo delikatno
“zonirana“ područja. Doručak se poslužuje na jednom
kraju glavnog restorana koji je, neosvijetljen, potpuno
zaklonjen od pogleda. S osvjetljenjem se pretvara u dobro definiran prostor bogat umjetničkim djelima, s pozadinskom rasvjetom i skulpturalnim oblicima na stropu.
Ručku je namijenjen ponešto neformalniji prednji dio
Zifandel’sa, dok prozirne zavjese, rasvjeta i dekorativna
metalna vrata koja se navečer mogu zatvoriti stvaraju
intiman prostor pri dnu restorana korištenom za večeru.
Za kuhinju u restoranu zadužen je glavni šef kuhinje hotela s bogatim međunarodnim iskustvom Marc Fontenelle,
osvajač jedne od najuglednijih nagrada za kulinarstvo –
“Kristalne kugle”. Nastavljajući Esplanadinu tradiciju vrhunske gastronomije, svojim odabirom i kombinacijom
okusa, ovaj belgijski kuhar unosi svježinu i kreativnost,
koji povezuju Zagreb s Mediteranom, kontinentalnom
Europom i Dalekim istokom. Na jelovniku restorana Zinfandel’s mogu se naći ukusna i maštovita jela od ribe,
mesa ili povrća, koja su pripremljena na prirodan način
i estetski aranžirana. Personalizirani osvježeni à la carte
jelovnik mijenja svoju ponudu u skladu s godišnjim dobom, a zasniva se na brojnim hladnim i toplim predjelima, juhama, vegetarijanskim jelima, ribljim i mesnim
specijalitetima i tradicionalnim hrvatskim jelima poput
poznatih Esplanadinih štrukli. Oni su već desetljećima
specijalitet hotela, a u njima su imali priliku uživati brojni
uglednici, poput Josephine Baker, Elisabeth Taylor, Louisa Armstronga, kraljice Elizabete II. Pogotovo je njima
bio očaran i veliki gurman Orson Welles. Listu deserata
zaokružuje izbor finih slatkih jela iz cijelog svijeta, a nadopunjuju je domaći specijaliteti, poput paprenjaka i
drugih delikatesa. Vinska lista restorana Zinfandel’s nudi
više od 200 pažljivo odabranih vrsta vina, uglavnom iz
Hrvatske i Kalifornije, ali i iz Francuske, Italije, Španjolske,
Čilea te Australije.
Osoblje restorana Zinfandel’s veliku je pažnju posvetilo
organizaciji gastrokulinarskih događaja, programa i sadržaja. Tako se restoran hvali organizacijom poslovnih
ručkova, romantičnih večeri, večerima velikih vinara te
nedjeljnim obiteljskim brunchevima. A u ljetnom razdoblju oživljava i ekskluzivna terasa Oleander, s pogledom
na Starčevićev trg, gdje se priprema posebna atrakcija.
Uz zvuke latino ritma, posjetitelji mogu uživati u slasnim
kulinarskim kreacijama iz Južne Amerike. Za vruće ljetne mjesece Zinfandel’s najavljuje “neodoljiv egzotičan
jelovnik s raznolikim laganim predjelima, ukusnim juhama, vrhunskim kombinacijama jela i jedinstvenim okusima meksičke, brazilske, argentinske i kubanske kuhinje“,
i tako sve do rujna. Pa, dobrodošli onda u Zagreb i – u
Luxurious a la carte
on the European Border
Due to the symbolism of cultural intertwining, Zinfandel’s in Zagreb received its name
after a type of wine or, to be more precise, after a type of grapefruit called “crljenak” from
Kaštela, which was being exported from Dalmatia to the United States under that name.
Written by: Nikola Èelan
Zinfandel’s je ime dobio po vinu / Zinfandel’s
received its name after a type of wine
otel Esplanade in Zagreb has been one of the
symbols of the Croatian capital ever since
the great Miroslav Krleža humorously referred
to it as the border between Europe and the
Balkans. Its history originally started at a time when an
overwhelming number of passengers arrived to Zagreb
via Orient Express, while the newly opened Palace Hotel in Zrinjevac didn’t have the capacity to satisfy all
the needs. Precisely because of the railway, the hotel
had to be built very close to the railway station. The
determined aesthetical path, which hasn’t been abandoned by Esplanade to this very day, was described by
the media with the following words: “The hotel has an
excellent location, is luxurious, sophisticated, extremely pleasant and equipped with latest achievements
of modern technology. It is bound to become one of
the most famous international hotels. Private rooms
for smokers, conversations, music and business meetings satisfy every need that a business passenger might
have. Intimate atmosphere that is created in some of
the mentioned rooms provides a perfect location for a
dinner in two. A large dancehall decorated with Ionic
pillars and sculptures is very impressive. Restaurant and
bistro also have an excellent arrangement”.
The hotel’s rich and tumultuous history defined it as a
place of grand changes, cultural revolutions in the city
and the country, not only in the accommodation industry, but also in the sense of articulating the social and
Štrukli Esplanade lagano zapečeni u vrhnju / Štrukli
Esplanade slightly glazed with cream
entertainment life. That leads us to 2002, when the hotel
was closed due to complete renovation work, while the
interior decoration was assigned to MKV Design Studio.
The hotel turned into a top European hotel and a member of the Regent family, and it reopened in 2004 as The
Regent Esplanade Zagreb. One of its novelties, among
other things, was presented in the form of a completely
new restaurant named Zinfandel’s.
Due to the symbolism of cultural intertwining, Zinfandel’s
received its name after a type of wine or, to be more
precise, after a type of grapefruit called “crljenak” from
Kaštela, which was being exported from Dalmatia to
the United States under that name. Zinfandel’s restaurant staff also has grapevine as its trademark, as they’re
carrying embroidered leaves of zinfandel grapefruit on
their vests and neckties. The restaurant’s interiors are
completely in harmony with the fresh, light and healthy
Californian cuisine. Benches and chairs are covered
in grey-brown antelope, while soft ivory-coloured tablecloths add a modern vibe to the place. Full-scale
windows, decorated with transparent curtains and
rich draperies, overlook the famous Oleander Terrace
that takes up 1000 square metres, and which has been
present on numerous postcards way back since 1925.
In daytime, the restaurant has an abundance of natural light, while the carefully planned lighting job creates
a very seductive atmosphere at night. MKV avoided a
trap in which many hotel restaurants find themselves in
Personalizirani osvježeni jelovnik mijenja svoju ponudu u
skladu s godišnjim dobom / Personalized and fresh menu
changes its offering according to the season of the year
Riba je često na meniju /
Fish is very often on the menu
when they’re forced to serve breakfast, lunch and dinner, as they created very delicately “zoned” sections
of the restaurant. Breakfast is served in a section that
has no light and is completely devoid of privy eyes. If
you add a little light, it transforms into a well-defined
space rich with works of art that have background lighting, as well as numerous sculptural figures on the ceiling. Lunchtime is reserved for a slightly more informal
front section of Zinfandel’s, while transparent curtains,
lighting and decorative metal doors that are closed in
the evening create an intimate space for dinner near
the restaurant’s bottom.
Credit for the restaurant’s cuisine goes to Marc Fontanelle, head chef of the hotel’s kitchen with plenty
of international experience and winner of one of the
most respected culinary awards – “Crystal Bowl”. Continuing Esplanade’s tradition of top-quality gastronomy,
this Belgian chef used his choice and combination of
flavours to bring in freshness and creativity, which connect Zagreb to the Mediterranean, continental Europe
and the Far East. Zinfandel’s menu features tasty and
imaginative meals involving fish, meat and vegetables,
which are prepared in a natural way while being aesthetically arranged. Personalized and fresh à la carte
menu changes its offering according to the season of
the year, while being based on numerous cold and
warm appetizers, soups, vegetarian meals, fish & meat
specialties and traditional Croatian meals, such as the
Bogata ponuda pića / A rich beverage ofer
renowned Esplanade’s strudels. They have been the
hotel’s specialty for decades, and have been enjoyed
by numerous VIP guests like Josephine Baker, Elizabeth
Taylor, Louis Armstrong and Queen Elizabeth II. It’s worth
mentioning that they have particularly enchanted renowned gourmand Orson Welles. The deserts’ list is
completed by a choice of fine sweet meals from all
over the world, which includes local specialties like gingerbread and other delicacies. Zinfandel’s wine list offers more than 200 carefully chosen wine brands, mostly
from Croatia and California, as well as from France, Italy, Spain, Chile and Australia.
Restaurant Zinfandel’s staff paid great attention to organizing gastro-culinary events, programmes and features. As a result, the restaurant boasts with organizations of business lunches, romantic dinners, evenings of
large wine manufacturers and Sunday family brunches.
The summer period also marks the revitalization of the
Oleander Terrace overlooking Starčević Square, and
it is about to host a special attraction. Accompanied
by the sounds of the Latino rhythm, visitors will get a
chance to enjoy delicious culinary creations from South
America. Zinfandel’s states that these hot summer
months will be enriched with “an irresistible exotic menu
with various light appetizers, tasty soups, supreme meal
combinations and unique flavours of Mexican, Brazilian,
Argentinean and Cuban cuisine” – all the way until September. So, welcome to Zagreb and – bon appetit!
Fine st
Ružièasti mp3
sa zrcalom
Ovaj ružièasti mp3 player dizajniran
je posebno za žene. Umjesto nebrojenih funkcija, on ima samo tri osnovne, što ga èini izrazito jednostavnim
za rukovanje, posjeduje ono što svaka žena uvijek ima pri ruci – zrcalo,
a zahvaljujuæi kompaktnom dizajnu
i malim dimenzijama stane u svaku
Luksuzni LCD
televizor Armani/
Na ovogodišnjemu meðunarodnom milanskom sajmu namještaja predstavljen je novi vrhunski LCD
televizor kao nastavak suradnje
Samsunga i Armanija. Dizajniran
je za zahtjevne klijente jer kombinira sofisticirani dizajn i estetiku
Giorgia Armanija i Samsungove
napredne tehnologije, vodeæe na
podruèju potrošaèke elektronike.
Ovaj televizor izvrsno æe se uklopiti u suvremene interijere, a uz
njega dolazi i stoliæ Brahms od
sjajnog lakiranog drva, posebno dizajniran za novi televizor Samsung/Armani.
za dvoje
Prvi jacuzzi osmišljen je davne
1957. godine te je, razvijan
i usavršavan tijekom godina,
postao sinonim za raskoš i
udobnost. Talijanska tvrtka s
dugogodišnjom tradicijom Jacuzzi svake godine donosi na
tržište nove i suvremenije modele. Ovaj je ovalnog oblika i
dovoljno prostran za dvoje. U
Hrvatskoj ga možete pronaæi u
salonima tvrtke Špina.
Pink mp3 Player
with a Mirror
This pink mp3 player is exclusively designed for women. Instead of featuring
countless functions, this device possesses only three basic ones, which very
much simplifies its usage, but it has that
one thing every woman needs – a mirror. Due to its compact design and small
dimensions, it will fit into every purse.
Luxurious LCD Television Set
This year’s international furniture
fair in Milan witnessed the presentation of the new top-quality
LCD television set as a continuation of Samsung and Armani’s
cooperation. It was designed for
more demanding clients because
it combines Giorgio Armani’s sophisticated design and aesthetics
with Samsung’s advanced technology, which is unparalleled in
the field of consumption electronics. This TV set will wonderfully
fit into modern interiors, and
it comes along a little Brahms
table made of shiny varnished
wood, which is exclusively designed for the new Samsung/Armani TV set.
Jacuzzi for Two
The first jacuzzi was created back
in 1957 and, after years of perfecting and developing it, it became synonymous for luxury and
comfort. Italian company Jacuzzi,
which has years of tradition in this
field of business, keeps coming
up with new, more contemporary
models every year. This version
comes in an oval shape and is spacious enough to receive two people. As far as the Croatian market
goes, you can find it in the showroom of firm Špina.
Kolekcija inspirirana
slavnom Marilyn
Umjetnica Sabina Gaetani iskoristila je
portrete ove ikone 20. stoljeæa te ih
naslikala na namještaju. Tako su
scene iz filma “Princ i plesaèica”
iz 1958. stvorile ovu maštovitu
kolekciju za talijansku kuæu
Moda Arte, kojom dominira
krevet znakovitog naziva Colpo di fulmine (ljubav na prvi pogled).
Strip-ormar kao kreativna
suradnja dvojice talijanskih
Suradnja kultnoga talijanskog strip-crtaèa Guida
Crepaxa i dizajnera Giuseppea Canevesea rezultirala
je prekrasnom umjetnièkom
kolekcijom namještaja. Na
komodama, ormarima, policama i uzglavljima kreveta
oživjeli su Guidovi strip-junaci, originalno kreirani
60-ih godina, na èelu s
karizmatiènom Valentinom, kojoj je Canavese udahnuo
novu svježinu i kreativnim potezom premjestio je iz
prašnjavih stripova u dnevne i spavaæe sobe.
On i Ona inspirirani
Knjigom postanka
Talijanski dizajner Fabio Novembre inspirirao
se samom Knjigom postanka kada je
dizajnirao ove zanimljive sjedalice nazvane
Him & Her. Osnovni oblik sjedalice preuzeo
je od slavne Panton Chair, kojoj je dodao
oblik, odnosno obline, te je stvorio sjedalice
koje, kao ni prvi ljudi, nemaju srama.
A Collection
Inspired by the Famous
Marilyn Monroe
Artist Sabina Gaetani used this 20thcentury icon’s portraits to paint them
on furniture. Therefore, scenes from
the movie “A Prince and a Dancer”
from 1958 created this imaginative
collection for Italian brand Moda
Arte, and it is dominated by a
significantly named bed Colpo di Fulmine (Love at First
Comic Book-Closet as
Creative Cooperation of
Two Italian Artists
Cooperation of legendary Italian
comic-book creator Guido Crepax
and designer Giuseppe Canevese resulted in a beautiful
artistic furniture collection.
The dressers, closets, shelves
and bed heads feature Guido’s
comic-book heroes that were
originally created in the sixties,
led by the charismatic Valentina,
which has been freshened up by
Canevese who creatively relocated
her from dusty comic books into living rooms
and bedrooms.
Him and Her
Inspired by the
Book of Genesis
Italian designer Fabio Novembre inspired himself with the Book of Genesis itself when he designed these interesting chairs called Him & Her.
He borrowed the chairs’ basic form from the
famous Panton Chair, while still adding some
shape outlines, or should we say curves, to
create chairs that, much like the original
people, really have no shame.
Pripremila / Edited by: Danijela Mandušiæ
Dodir umjet
Heaven 180 degrees, 2007.
ANA Elizabet: Intimne parole
“Imaginacija je poput proteze koja se fiksira na stvarnost kako bi se
proizvelo više značenja, više suodnosa među ljudima, sugovornicima”
Piše: Nataša Bodrožiæ
NA Elizabet, nekada samo ANA, umjetnica je
koja posljednjih nekoliko godina živi i radi u Zagrebu. Studirala je restauraciju i konzervaciju
metala na Akademiji primijenjenih umjetnosti
u Beču, a diplomirala na tamošnjoj Likovnoj akademiji,
smjer kiparstvo. Nekoliko je godina radila jedino na skulptorskim projektima, bivajući potpuno u procesu; sama
je izrađivala svoje velike skulpture od aluminija, čelika i
drugih materijala, promišljajući njihovu svakodnevnu,
upotrebnu vrijednost, kroz dinamiku odnosa i šireg društvenog konteksta, često ih vezujući uz intimne životne
situacije, osobe iz neposrednog okruženja.
U početku teški objekti “slobodno lebde” u prostoru opirući se gravitaciji, viseći sa stropa na jedva vidljivim nitima, u gotovo nadrealnoj kompoziciji, raspoređeni u malim grupama. Zaobljenih, ovalnih oblika, nalik glavama
kometa zaustavljenim u čeličnom limu, sami predmeti
stvarali su vlastiti dvodimenzionalni odraz, tamnu sjenu
na podu koja je mijenjala oblik u odnosu na kretanje
svjetla i samog promatrača.
Tijekom vremena, predmeti su spušteni na zemlju. Poliesterske ovalne skulpture označavaju zaokret u ANINU
promišljanju odnosa objekt/okolina, otvarajući ih prema
svijetu koji ih okružuje. “Formalno harmonično poliestersko jaje uklapa se u pejzaž bez ikakvog posredništva
(nema postolje ni bazu), kao da je tu na trenutak zastalo, praveći laganu pauzu dok se ne otkotrlja dalje.” Uz
poticanje individualnih modusa, ANU zanimaju i načini
kako različiti objekti – posebno skulptura – zapremaju
javni, urbani prostor. Javni prostor umjetnica pokušava
filtrirati, učiniti ga intimnijim.
Sljedeća skupina skulptura javlja se u parovima (Hornies iz 1998., Sinkronizirani plivači/MarioANA iz 1999...).
“ANINE skulpture negiraju na specifičan način autonomiju i samodostatnost pojedinog objekta”, ona potencira uslovljavanje međusobnih veza između objekta i
objekta, istraživanje njihove međusobne gravitacije i
ovisnosti, silnica koje ih privlače, razdvajaju i dinamiziraju. To je tema koja se kontinuirano provlači ANINIM
radom. “Slaganje čestica u parove, združivanje poje-
Kućno (pro)svjetljenje, 2005. / Home enlightenment, 2005
dinih jedinica srodnih organskih formi ne odvija se po
unaprijed zadanom automatizmu i diktatu, već se ono
odvija postupno, interakcijski: pojedina forma izaziva
Napetost kao posljedica sagledavanja pozicije umjetnika unutar razvijenog umjetničkog tržišnog sustava s
vlastitim pravilima i simboličkim suficitom, uvjetovala je
suptilni autoričin komentar. Kao reakcija nastaju radovi
poput zaobljene “trbušaste” forme koja kao da prodire
iz samog zida, zaustavljajući se na vanjskoj opni, koja ju
jedva zadržava, a formalno, sama površina skulpture
od poliestera puca. Iste godine, 2000., nastaju radovi
“Skulptura je bolesna?”, pri čemu ANA stavlja zavoj oko
ovalne aluminijske forme, te “Bez naziva”, u kojemu koristi motive popularne kulture (prazne oblačiće kojima
se prikazuje dijalog u stripovima) proizišle iz promišljanja
komunikacijskih kodova tržišnog art svijeta.
Motiv krila u radu ANE Elizabet javlja se kao nastavak
promišljanja o konkretnoj primjeni skulpture. Umjetnica počinje izrađivati “skulpture po mjeri” posvećene
svojim najbližima. “Dakako, ovdje nije riječ o doslovnoj
upotrebi: opravdanost i svrhovitost objekata oblikuje se
postupno, relacijski, kroz ideju poklona. Stvarna vrijedost
predmeta njegov je komunikacijski potencijal.” “Krila
za Maria” (2001.) dobivaju i svoju inačicu u “Travelling
setu”, krilima za putovanja.
Uskoro su i krila prizemljena, dobivaju “nogu” kojom
ostaju pričvršćena za zemlju, bivajući negdje na pola
puta između ovostranog i transcedentnog, materijalnog
i duhovnog. Jedan par ovakvih “prizemljenih krila” bio je
pobjednički rad natječaja za skulpturu u javnom prostoru u austrijskom gradu Eisgarnu 2002., gdje i danas stoji
na jednom od gradskih trgova.
Godine 2005. ANA Elizabet počinje raditi s neonom. Serija
radova “Home enlightenment/ Kućno (pro)svjetljenje”
suptilne su intruzije u privatni prostor, (ne)svjesni registar
želje za pronalaženjem smisla. Ona i dalje ostaje na liniji
propitivanja upotrebnosti umjetničkih objekata, u kontinuiranoj težnji dinamiziranja nestabilnih međusobnih
konstelacija, upotrebljavajući “agresivno svjetlo” neo-
Više svijetla, 2007. / More Light, 2007
Dodir umjet
na za izricanje “intimnih parola”. “Are you here, now?”,
“Light”, “Focus”, “Više svjetla!”, neke su od njezinih poruka koje odašilje u prostore izvan galerijskih zidova, u
prostore privatnih stanova, kafea, iznad ulaza, na neki
način prisiljavajući prolaznika, slučajnog čitatelja da se
zaustavi, malo promisli, prije nego što nastavi dalje.
“Heaven, 180 stupnjeva” zadnji je u seriji radova ANE
Elizabet. Radi se o nizu fotografija u boji, prikazima
neba i oblaka montiranih u cjelinu tako da naglašavaju potencijal našeg vidnog kuta od 180º. Ovdje se
ne radi o replikama neba, uobičajenoj reprezentaciji
stvarnosti putem fotografije. ANINI prikazi funkcioniraju
kao „originalni vizualni predlošci osobnih opsesija i potreba“, otkrivajući “pukotine” u realnom prostoru, izlaz
iz svakodnevne stvarnosti u subjektivni, osobni, izvanrealni svijet umjetnice, i natrag. Istodobno, ANA Elizabet
ostaje u domeni promišljanja “funkcionalnosti” i statusa
umjetničkog djela. Tako je i serija radova “Heaven 180
Degrees”, osmišljena u funkciji “podsjetnika za osobni
“ANINI oblaci podsjetnik su na potencijal našeg uvida,
na potencijal sagledavanja stvarnosti. Istovremeno, oni
preispituju život u urbanoj sredini, bujanje arhitekture
grada koja, kako sama autorica kaže, sužava prostor
tek na pojedinačni svjetlosni isječak – svjetlarnik, prozor,
prostor osvojen, možda zaboravljen među zgradama.
Za ANU grad je zaborav širine neba koja za nju znači
– misaoni prostor, prostor vizije, mjesto susreta sa samim
sobom. Nebo je jedini preostali prostor univerzalne (ne)
pripadnosti. Sto osamdeset stupnjeva, koje umjetnica
spominje u nazivu, sugeriraju nam proces otvaranja vidnog polja, oni su metafora proširenja, čak rasplinjavanja skučenog okvira u kojem jesmo. Prostor vizije je tu,
ali često ostaje neiskorišten.”
Čak i ako ovom radu ANE Elizabet pristupamo isključivo
kroz vizualne kodove, čitanja se ne zaustavljaju na pogledu i prizoru. Priča se nastavlja...
Jer, “Što je slika ako u sebi ne sadrži potencijal nastanka, ako nema nikakve ‘mogućnosti života’? Ništa, doli
mrtva slika.”
Touch of art
Panta Rei, 1997.
Intimate Slogans
“Imagination is like a prosthesis that is attached to reality in order to produce more meanings, more relations between people that communicate with each other”
Written by: Nataša Bodrožiæ
NA Elizabet, or sometimes just ANA, is an artist that has spent the last several years living
and working in Zagreb. She studied restoration
and metal conversion at the Academy of Applied Arts in Vienna, while graduating in sculpturing at
the Vienna Academy of Arts. She exclusively worked
on sculpturing projects for several years, being completely dedicated to the process: she single-handedly
made large sculptures from aluminium, steel and other
materials while analysing their everyday utilization value
through the dynamics of relations and wider social contexts, often connecting them to intimate life situations
and people from her immediate environment.
Heavy objects originally “freely flow” in space resisting
gravity, hanging from the ceiling on barely noticeable
threads in an almost surreal composition, as they are
placed within small groups. Featuring rounded, oval
shapes that resemble comet heads stopped within steel
plate, the objects themselves create their own two-dimensional reflection, similar to a dark shadow on the
floor that changes its shape based on the movement
of light and the observer himself. After some time, the
objects land to the ground. Polyester oval sculptures
signify a turnaround in ANA’s analysis of the object/environment relations, as she opens them up towards the
world that surrounds them. “Formal harmonious polyester egg adjusts to the scenery without any mediation (it
has no pedestal or base) as if it just happened to pause
there for a moment, taking a small break before rolling
on.” Along with encouraging individual modules, ANA is
also interested in ways in which different objects – especially sculptures – define public urban spaces. The artist
attempts to filtrate the public space by making it more
intimate. The next group of sculptures appears in pairs
(Hornies in 1998, Synchronized Swimmers/MarioANA in
1999…). “ANA’s sculptures have a specific way of de71
Pobjednički rad natječaja za skulpturu u javnom prostoru u austrijskom gradu Eisgarnu 2002. / The winner of the
contest for a public-space sculpture in the Austrian city
of Eisgarn in 2002
nying autonomy and self-sufficiency of individual objects”, as she emphasizes the formation of mutual bonds
between the two objects and explores their mutual
gravitations and addictions, as well as things that attract,
separate and add dynamics to their way of functioning.
That is the subject that can always be found in all ANA’s
projects. “Combining particles into pairs, joining individual units of similar organic forms doesn’t happen while
following predetermined automatisms and intentions, as
it takes place gradually and within an interaction; one
form provokes the other.”
Tension as a consequence of analysing the artist’s position within the developed artistic marketing system with
its own rules and symbolic surplus has provoked the author’s subtle comment. This resulted in projects such as
the oval “belly-full” form that seems to penetrate from
the wall itself while stopping on the outside membrane
that barely holds on to it, while the polyester sculpture’s
very surface formally cracks. In the same year of 2000, she
came up with a project called “The Sculpture Is Sick?”,
in which ANA puts a patch around the oval aluminium
form, as well as “No Name” where she uses pop-culture
motifs (empty little clouds that display dialogues in comic
books) that occurred from the analysis of communication codes of the artistic market.
The motif of wings occurs in ANA Elizabet’s work as a continuation of the process of analysing the exact function
of sculptures. The artist starts to create “custom-made”
sculptures that are dedicated to her loved ones. “Naturally, we are not talking about literal usage; the object’s
justification and purpose are defined in a gradual way,
through relations and the idea of a present. The object’s
real value lies in its communication potential.” “Wings for
Mario” (2001) get their other version in “Travelling Set”,
which display wings for travelling.
Soon those wings are grounded, as they receive “a leg”
that keeps them attached to the ground, somewhere
halfway between reality and transcendence, material
and spiritual worlds. A pair of “grounded wings” won the
contest for a public-space sculpture in the Austrian city
of Eisgarn in 2002, and it can still be found on one of the
city squares.
In 2005, ANA Elizabet engages in working with neon. The
“Home Enlightenment” series present subtle intrusions into
private space, as well as an (un)conscious register of desire to find some meaning. It still occupies the line of ana-
Touch of art
High hills, 2003.
Hornies, 1998.
lysing the utilization of artistic objects, as it uses the neon’s
“aggressive light” to express “intimate slogans” within the
continuous desire to add dynamics to unstable mutual
constellations. “Are You Here, Now?”, “Light”, “Focus”,
“More Light!” are some of her messages that find their
way into spaces above gallery walls, such as private
apartments, coffee shops, above the entrance, somehow forcing the passenger and the occasional observer
to stop and think for a second before moving on.
“Heaven, 180 Degrees” is the last in ANA Elizabet’s series
of works. This is a string of photographs in colour that display the sky and clouds assembled into a unit that emphasizes the potential of our 180° visual angle. We’re not
talking about sky replicas here, or the usual representation of reality with a photograph. ANA’s scenes function
as “original visual samples of personal obsessions and
needs” that discover “cracks” in the real space, which
lead out of the everyday reality into the artist’s subjective,
personal, surreal world and back. At the same time, ANA
Elizabet keeps pondering the “functionality” and status
of a work of art. That’s why the “Heaven 180 Degrees”
series served the function of “a reminder for personal
“ANA’s clouds are a reminder of our insight’s potential, as well as the potential of observing reality. At the
same time, they question the quality of life in an urban
centre, as the author claims that the rampaged architecture narrows down our space to the level of an
individual light clip – a lighter, a window, conquered
space, perhaps forgotten among so many buildings.
ANA sees the city as something that makes you forget
about the wideness of sky, which she sees as a space of
thought, vision and confrontation with yourself. The sky
is the only remaining place of universal (un)affiliation.
One hundred and eighty degrees, which the artist
mentions in the title, suggest the process of opening
our field of vision, as they stand as the metaphor for
expansion, or even dissolution of our narrowed frames.
The space of vision is there, it just rarely ends up being
rightfully used.”
Even if we approach this ANA Elizabet’s work exclusively through visual codes, you don’t stop at the mere
sight and scene. The story continues…
Because, “What if the picture itself doesn’t contain the
potential of origin, if it has no possibility of life? Nothing,
just a dead picture.”
Nesmetan pogled na zaljev i luku / The uninhibited
view over the bay and harbour
Hotel raspolaže s 158 soba uređenih u suvremenom ultra-chic stilu /
The hotel features 158 rooms decorated in modern ultra-chic style
Okus mora u dahu Afrodite
S pogledom na luku, svojim položajem, ekskluzivnim sadržajima, vanjštinom
i začudnim interijerima, te ugođajem i udobnošću, hotel Almyra je nadrastao
pojam o Pafosu kao turističko-kulturnom središtu
Piše: Nikola Èelan
Foto: www.designhotels.com
Posebna pažnja posvećena je održavanju bliske komunikacije s mediteranskim okruženjem / Special attention was given to maintaining
intimate communication with the Mediterranean environment
tvorenost moru na mediteranski
način – rezime je stilskog oblikovanja velikog i poznatog gostinskog
objekta što ga na Cipru tvori Almyra, jedno od znamenitijih obiteljskih ljetovališta na mapi globalne turističke ponude.
Pafos je izniman povijesni i kulturni lokalitet
jugozapadnog Cipra. Obilujući znamenitostima još iz antičkog doba, poznat je ponajprije kao mitski zavičaj boginje Afrodite,
najzamamnijega starogrčkog božanstva
koje u sebi utjelovljuje ljepotu, ljubav i ljubavni snošaj. Današnji je Pafos odijeljen od
antičkoga, nekad glavnoga grada čitavog
otoka, mjesta bogatog atraktivnim, očuvanim mozaicima koje je u 1. stoljeću posjetio čak i sveti Pavao Taržanin. Upravo se
taj Novi Pafos razvio kao suvremen, ali opet
autentičan mediteranski kulturni i turistički
fenomen, čega je nadaleko razvikan simbol
hotel Almyra, resort naziva koji podražava
izrazitu morsku orijentaciju jer u prijevodu
znači “okus mora“.
Kao što je mitska Afrodita izrasla iz morske
pjene, na nestajućem valu, tako je i nova Almyra rođena iz bivšega plažnog objekta, hotela izgrađenog 1973. godine na priobalnom
području s vrtovima i u blizini mozaičkih struktura, inače baštine zaštićene u UNESCO-u.
S pogledom na luku, svojim položajem, ekskluzivnim sadržajima, vanjštinom i začudnim
interijerima, te ugođajem i udobnošću, ovaj
je resort nadrastao i sam pojam o Pafosu
kao turističko-kulturnom središtu. Hotel raspolaže s 158 soba uređenih u suvremenom
ultra-chic stilu, pri čemu je posebna pažnja
posvećena održavanju bliske komunikacije
s mediteranskim okruženjem. Dizajneri Tristan
Auer i Joelle Pleot su kod planiranja interijera
osmislili crno-bijelu matricu, posluživši se elementom ravne linije kako bi se osjetio dah
novoga, ideja promjene u izražaju čitavog
ambijenta. Osim toga, ideja vodilja bila je
naglasiti i povijesno-mitološku dimenziju koju
nosi čitavo područje na kojemu se hotel nalazi. Tako su dizajneri na svoj način poželjeli
podražiti doživljaj Afroditina daha. U kontekstu stilova sedamdesetih, kojima hotel
duguje svoj idejni začetak, taj se pristup manifestira kroz ogoljene elemente namještaja,
kožne sofe i otomane te kombinacije prirodnog i umjetnog osvjetljenja unutar soba. Bizantski lusteri tek su intervencija u restoranu i
predvorju, a služe kako bi se donekle razbio
dojam praktičnosti i jednostavnosti što dominira čitavim objektom. Mnoštvo artističkih
detalja u interijerima, poput gravura brojeva hotelskih soba na podovima pred njima,
ohrabruje posjetitelja na istraživanje i ujedno
na njega djeluje nužno opuštajuće zbog dominacije prirodnih materijala, drveta, uglavnom hrastovine.
Terasasta vanjština hotela prilagođena je
pri renoviranju mediteranskom stereotipu, a posebno
nesmetanom pogledu na zaljev i luku. Osim toga, naglašen je poziv na dokoličarenje, artikuliran sistematski
posloženim brojnim foteljama, sofama i ležaljkama u čitavom eksterijeru unutar resorta. Karakterom Almyra je
obiteljski orijentiran objekt, tako su sobe prostrane kako
bi pružile potrebnu perspektivu odmora obiteljima s više
članova, a dva bazena uređena i opremljena u talijanskom štihu osiguravaju dodatnu pogodnost gostima željnima mirne, svježe vode za dane svog ljetnog bijega u
snovito gnijezdo na otočnim obalama Sredozemlja.
Bogata ponuda
U ponudi hotela su sve standardne značajke jednoga
luksuznog ugostiteljskog objekta. Sobe su opremljene internetskom vezom, videom i akustikom, a na razini cjeline hotel nudi pet dvorana namijenjenih kolektivnoj svrsi,
sastancima. Zajednička je prednost tih dvorana, kapaciteta do 250 osoba, otvorenost danjem svjetlu. Prožeta
mirisom lavande koja uspijeva u vrtovima na kojima je
hotel podignut, Almyra upotpunjuje osjetilnu senzaciju
koja vrijeme provedeno ondje čini nezaboravnim.
Tri su restorana otvorena gostima u kojima se organiziraju tematske gastronomske večeri uz internacionalnu kuhinju. Tako se u “Notiosu“, “Mosaicsu“ i “Ouzeriju“ može
kušati hrana temeljena prije svega na svježoj ribi, zatim
i na atraktivnim fuzijama, primjerice mediteranske s japanskom kuhinjom. Sezonska hrana u restoranima zasniva se na grčkim i raznim lokalnim delicijama.
Pafoska Almyra posebno se ponosi jednim aspektom
svoje ponude, a to su sadržaji namijenjeni najmlađima.
Dugogodišnjim istraživanjima i konzultacijama s internacionalnim autoritetima ugostiteljskih i pedagoških područja, direkcija Almyre zasnovala je i uobličila jedinstven
programski pristup djeci, i to prema njihovu specifičnom
uzrastu. Posebnost tog pristupa, osim samog vremena
i osoblja posvećenog djeci, jest u individualiziranom
tretmanu svakoga od njih, obahvaćenog jednim od
programa. To podrazumijeva potpuno personaliziranu
brigu u slučaju beba, do doslovno klupske zabave za
djecu nešto starijeg uzrasta. Zbog pomno kreiranih sustava čuvanja, zabave i brige za djecu svih dobi, Almyra
je danas poznata kao jedno od globalno najpoželjnijih
obiteljskih odmorišta.
Lounge bar Helios
Jedna od soba / One of the rooms
The Flavour of Sea with
a Touch of Aphrodite
With its view over the harbour, its position, exclusive features, outdoor parts and wondrous
interiors, the Almyra Hotel has exceeded the perception of Pafos as a tourist-cultural centre
Written by: Nikola Èelan
rientation towards the sea in a Mediterranean way – that is enough to describe the
stylistic procedure that created a large and
well-known accommodation object named
Almyra, which is one of Cyprus’ more famous family vacation spots on the global map of tourism offers.
Pafos is an exceptional historical and cultural spot in
southwestern Cyprus. Filled with sights that originate from
ancient times, it is primarily known as the mythical home
of goddess Aphrodite, the most seductive ancient-Greek
deity that embodies beauty, love and romantic intercourse. Today’s Pafos is separated from the island’s capital during the ancient period, as the place was filled with
attractive, well-preserved mosaics that were even visited
by Saint Paul of Tarsus in the 1st century. This precise New
Pafos has developed into a modern, yet authentic Mediterranean cultural and tourist phenomenon, with Almyra
Hotel as its widely renowned symbol that even reflects its
maritime orientation with its name, which stands for “flavour of the sea”.
Just like mythical Aphrodite grow out of the restless sea
on a disappearing wave, the new Almyra was born on
Photo: www.designhotels.com
the ashes of the former beach object, which was a hotel built in 1973 on the coastal area with gardens and in
the vicinity of mosaic structures that are protected by
UNESCO. With its view over the harbour, its position, exclusive features, outdoor parts and wondrous interiors, as
well as its atmosphere and comfort, this resort outgrew
the very perception of Pafos as a tourist-cultural centre.
The hotel features 158 rooms decorated in modern ultrachic style, with special attention given to maintaining intimate communication with the Mediterranean environment. Designers Tristan Auer and Joelle Pleot came up
with a black-and-white matrix during the process of interior planning, while also using the straight-line element in
order to sense a new vibration, an idea of change in the
expression of the entire ambience. In addition to that, the
guiding thought was to emphasize the historical-mythological dimension that is present in the entire area occupied by the hotel. Designers wanted to create their own
way of evoking the experience of Aphrodite’s breath.
Within the context of 1970s styles that the hotel originated
from, this approach manifests itself through bare furniture
elements, leather sofas, ottomans and combinations
Naglašen je poziv na dokoličarenje, artikuliran sistematski
posloženim brojnim foteljama i ležaljkama / Everything
around you invites you to idleness, particularly numerous
systematically arranged armchairs and deckchairs
Ideja vodilja bila je naglasiti i povijesno-mitološku
dimenziju / The guiding thought was to emphasize the
historical-mythological dimension
of natural and artificial lighting within rooms. Byzantine
chandeliers are merely an intervention in the restaurant
and the lobby, and they have the purpose of somewhat
breaking the impression of practicality and simplicity that
dominates the entire object. Numerous artistic details in
the interior, such as engraved hotel-room numbers on the
floors in front of them, encourage visitors to start exploring
and also has a relaxing effect due to the domination of
natural materials, primarily oak wood.
The terrace-dominated exterior of the hotel was adjusted to the Mediterranean stereotype during renovation, with special emphasis put on the uninhibited view
over the bay and harbour. In addition to that, everything
around you invites you to idleness, particularly numerous
systematically arranged armchairs, sofas and deckchairs
that are present all over the resort’s exterior. Almyra has
the character of a family-oriented object, which implies
spacious rooms that provide a perspective of a vacation
for bigger families, while the two swimming pools, which
are decorated and equipped in Italian manner, ensure
additional benefices to all those guests that desire some
peaceful, fresh water during their summer getaway in this
dreamy nest on Mediterranean islands.
The Rich Offering
This hotel offers all those standard features of a luxurious
accommodation object. The rooms feature Internet connection, video and acoustic equipment, while the hotel
as a unit offers five conference halls for collective pur-
Gostima su na raspolaganju tri
restorana / The guests have three
restaurants at their disposal
poses and meetings. These halls, which can receive up
to 250 people, share plenty of daylight orientation as a
big advantage. Covered with aromas of lavender, which
grows in gardens upon which this hotel was built, Almyra
fulfils the tactile sensation that truly turns this visit into an
unforgettable experience.
The guests have three restaurants at their disposal, and
they feature thematic gastronomic evenings with international cuisines. That means that “Notios”, “Mosaics” and
“Ouzeri” offer food that is primarily based on fresh fish, as
well as some attractive fusions like combining Mediterranean and Japanese cuisine. The seasonal food in restaurants is based on Greek and many other local delicacies.
Almyra in Pafos is particularly proud of another aspect of
its offer, and that is the programme aimed for the youngest. After long-time researches and consultations with
international authorities in the fields of accommodation
and education, the Almyra management started and
put together a unique programme for children, according to their specific age. Besides the very time and staff
that is dedicated to children, this approach is special
because it applies individual treatment to every single
child, in line with the predicted programme. That includes
completely personalized care for the babies, while older
children even have literal club parties planned for them.
Due to the carefully created systems of babysitting, entertainment and care for children of all ages, Almyra is
now known as one of globally most desirable family vacation spots.
U domu kod...
Jedna od rijetkih očuvanih takozvanih techbuilt kuća iz 50-ih koje je dizajnirao Carl Koch /
One of the few preserved tech-built houses from
50’s, designed by Carl Koch
Razigrano utoèište u prirodi
nedaleko od New Yorka
Kao i sve što je ovaj izrazito produktivni i razigrani dizajner napravio, njegova kuća za odmor
reflektira njegov upečatljiv i originalan karakter, te je i po njoj jasno koji su njegovi osnovni pokretači, kako u dizajnu, tako i u životu - multifunkcionalnost, suvremenost, te nadasve zaigranost!
Piše: Danijela Mandušiæ
arim Rashid je danas jedno od najpoznatijih i
najznačajnijih imena u svijetu suvremenog dizajna, a iza sebe ima više od 2500 predmeta iz
različitih područja dizajna, kao što su namještaj,
instalacije, rasvjetni predmeti, product design, parfemske bočice, modni dodaci, razni uporabni predmeti,
kućanski uređaji, suvremena tehnološka pomagala...
Foto: Guliver Image/Inside/I.SNITT
Ovaj Egipćanin, koji je odrastao u Kanadi, a danas
ima svoj studio i stalnu adresu u New Yorku, postao je
globalno poznat 1999., nakon dizajna plastične kante
za smeće koja je zbog niske cijene i inovativnog dizajna bila prodana u milijunima primjeraka diljem svijeta.
Rashidova dizajnerska filozofija i tajna njegova uspjeha
jest u njegovu odbijanju da prihvati svakodnevnu “do83
U domu kod...
sadnu” okolinu i snažno uvjerenje da se od svakog uporabnog predmeta može stvoriti malo dizajnersko čudo
te tako unaprijediti kvalitetu života mijenjajući čovjekovu okolinu. O tome najbolje govore i naslovi knjiga koje
je izdao: “Želim promijeniti svijet”, 2001., i “Dizajniraj se”,
2006. godine. Njegov najdraži radni materijal definitivno je plastika, a boje su izrazito žive i razigrane (ružičasta, zelena, žuta), u kombinaciji s bijelom kao osnovom.
Za svoj rad je dobio niz priznanja i nagrada, a neke od
najznačajnijih su I.D. Magazine Annual Design Review,
Red Dot Design Award i Chicago Athaneum Good Design Award.
Kada je tražio kuću za odmor, želio je da to bude negdje u blizini New Yorka jer nije htio, pored stalnih poslovnih putovanja avionom, još i na odmor “letjeti”. Iako
nikad nije mislio da će kupiti kuću na selu jer je alergičan na travu i pelud te je, kako kaže, “pravi gradski
tip”, odlučio je naći utočište u prirodi za vikend-odmor
i bijeg iz grada. Pretragom na internetu našao je za84
Na zidovima vise slike Megan Lang /
The walls feature pictures of Megan Lang
nimljivu žuto-plavu montažnu kućicu iz 50-ih godina,
jednu od rijetkih očuvanih takozvanih tech-built kuća
koje je dizajnirao Carl Koch, kao tada radikalan i jeftin
novitet za masovnu uporabu. Kuća se nalazi u okrugu
Scarborough, 45 minuta vožnje od New Yorka, a promijenila je samo dva vlasnika pa je bila doista očuvana
i spremna za Rashidov “make-over”. On joj nije nimalo
promijenio vanjski izgled, samo je osvježio plavu i žutu
boju vanjskih zidova, te dodao bazen i klimatizaciju.
No, ulaskom u ovu kuću, ulazi se u jedan sasvim novi
neoavangardni svijet suvremenog dizajna.
Šarena oaza za odmor i relaksaciju
Kuća se sastoji od samo dvije etaže – podruma i potkrovlja, pa tako podrum, odnosno prizemna etaža, postaje dnevni prostor, a potkrovlje prostor za spavanje
i odmor. Široki prozori i staklena klizna vrata otvaraju
neveliki interijer kuće prema prirodi koja je okružuje te
omogućuju mnogo svjetla unutar kuće. “Svjetlo ulazi,
Rashid je, naravno, prostor ispunio predmetima koje
je sam dizajnirao / Rashid filled up the rooms with objects he designed himself
nesmetano teče i stalno mijenja nijanse“, kaže Karim
opisujući kuću, “to je ono što najviše volim ovdje. Posebno su mi dragi i podovi te tri sobe na gornjoj etaži koje
kad se otvore stvaraju jedan veliki svijetli prostor.”
Rashid je, naravno, prostor ispunio predmetima koje je
sam dizajnirao, a na zidovima vise (ili su samo naslonjene jer im, kao i namještaju, voli često mijenjati mjesta)
slike njegove sada već bivše supruge, digitalne slikarice Megan Lang. Kuća je ispunjena predmetima iz svih
faza njegova dizajna pa daje svojevrsni presjek Karimova rada. Tako se u dnevnoj sobi nalazi bijela sofa koju
je dizajnirao za Galerkin, koja je upotpunjena crvenobijelim foteljama iz kolekcije za Nienkamper, a trobojni
stolić oblikom i bojama podsjeća na famozni Karimov
dizaj bazena u sklopu hotela Semiramis u Ateni. Sjedalice za blagovaoničkim stolom višefunkcionalne su (što
je u skladu s filozofijom Karimova modernog dizajna),
mogu se koristiti unutra i vani, a predmeti na stolu karakteristični su po svojim bojama i oblicima. “Boja u meni
stvara svojevrsnu spiritualnu euforiju. Ona nam pomaže
da izrazimo naše osjećaje te da prenesemo naš duh u
prostor.” Rashidove boje definitivno su bijela, srebrna i sve
nijanse ružičaste, koju Karim smatra izrazito pozitivnom i
bojom s tisuću lica, svojevrsnom “novom crnom”.
Na gornjoj etaži, u potkrovlju, široka dvokrilna vrata između prostorija otvaraju prostor, a veliki prozori čine ga
svijetlim. Tu su spavaća, radna i gostinska soba sa zanimljivim sofa-krevetom, koji je bio jedna od prvih stvari
koje je Rashid dizajnirao za IDEE. Karimova raznolikost i
razigranost pretače se i na tapete koje je također sam
dizajnirao, a gornjim katom ipak dominiraju malo nježniji
tonovi – zelena i plava.
Kao i sve što je ovaj izrazito produktivni i razigrani dizajner napravio, njegova kuća za odmor u Scarboroughu
reflektira njegov upečatljiv i originalan karakter, te je i po
njoj jasno koji su njegovi osnovni pokretači, kako u dizajnu, tako i u životu – multifunkcionalnost, suvremenost, a
nadasve zaigranost!
At home wit
Radna soba / Work-room
At home wit
Dnevna soba / Living room
Playful Shelter in Nature
Outside of New York
Just like everything this extremely productive and playful designer made, his vacation
house reflects his distinctive and original character, and it once again demonstrates his
basic forms of motivation in both design and life – everything must be multifunctional,
modern and, above all, filled with playfulness
Written by: Danijela Mandušiæ
arim Rashid is one of the most famous and significant names in the world of modern design today,
and he has created over 2500 objects from different fields of design, such as furniture, installations, lighting objects, product design, perfume bottles,
fashion accessories, various usage objects, household
appliances, contemporary technological devices… This
Egyptian, who grew up in Canada and now has a stu-
Photo: Guliver Image/Inside/I.SNITT
dio and resides in New York, became globally known
in 1999 when he designed a plastic trashcan that, due
to its low price and innovative design, ended up being
sold by the millions throughout the world. Rashid’s designer philosophy and the secret of his success is contained in his rejection to accept the “boring” everyday
environment, as well as in his strong belief that every usage object can potentially be turned into a small de87
Karim Rashid i Megan Lang / Karim Rashid and Megan Lang
signer miracle that can improve the quality of life
by changing a person’s surrounding. This is ultimately demonstrated by the titles of his books: “I
Want to Change the World” in 2001 and “Design
Yourself” in 2006. His favourite working material is
definitely plastic, while the colours are extremely
lively and playful (pink, green, yellow), in combination with white as the basis. He has received
numerous awards and recognitions for his work,
the most important of which are I.D. Magazine
Annual Design Review, Red Dot Design Award
and Chicago Athaneum Good Design Award.
When he started searching for a vacation house,
he wanted it to be located near New York because he didn’t want to end up “flying” to his vacation along with all the business flights he takes.
Although he never would have guessed that he
would buy a house in the country, due to him being allergic to grass and pollen and being “a true
city type”, he decided to find a shelter in nature
to take weekend vacations and escape from the
city. While searching on the Internet, he found an
interesting little yellow-blue prefabricated house
from the fifties, one of the few preserved techbuilt houses designed by Carl Koch, which had a
reputation of being a radical and cheap novelty
for massive usage at the time. The house is located in Scarborough County, 45 minutes away
from New York by car, and it changed only two
owners, which means it was really preserved and
ready for Rashid’s makeover. He restrained himself from changing anything about its outdoor
appearance, besides freshening up the blue and
yellow paint on the outdoor walls and adding a
swimming pool and air conditioning. However,
the minute you enter this house, you are entering
a brand new neo-avant-garde world of contemporary design.
Multi-Coloured Oasis for Rest and Relaxation
The house consists of merely two levels – basement and loft, which means that the basement,
or the ground-floor level, becomes a daytime
space, while the loft becomes a space for sleeping and relaxing. Wide windows and sliding glass
doors open a relatively small interior towards the
surrounding nature, which provides plenty of light
in the house. “The light comes in, floats around
uninhibited and keeps changing shades”, Karim
says while describing the house, “and that is what
I like the most about this place. I’m particularly
fond of the floors and the three bedrooms on the
upper floor, which create a big space filled with
light when they open up.”
Naturally, Rashid filled up the rooms with objects
he designed himself, so the walls feature pictures (which are either hanging or are just leaning against the wall, being that Rashid likes to
constantly change their position, much like with
the furniture) of his, now already, ex wife, digital
painter Megan Lang. The house is filled with objects from all phases of his design work, so we’re
At home wit
Gornjim katom dominiraju malo nježniji
tonovi – zelena i plava / The upper floor is
dominated by slightly gentler tones – green
and blue
Spavaća soba u potkrovlju / The bedhroom in the loft
Jedna od vaza koje je dizajnirao Karim / One of
the vases designed by Karim
treated to a slight overview of Karim’s career. The living
room features a white sofa he designed for Galerkin,
which is completed with red-white armchairs from the
Nienkamper collection, while the triple-coloured coffee
table features colours and shapes that bring to mind
Rashid’s famous swimming-pool design within the Semiramis Hotel in Athens. Chairs at the dining-room table are
multifunctional (which agrees with Karim’s philosophy
of modern design) and can be used both indoors and
outdoors, while objects on the table have characteristic
shapes and colours. “Colour fills me with a spiritual euphoria of sorts. It helps us to express our feelings and fill
the space with our spirit.” Rashid’s colours are definitely
white, silver and all shades of pink, which is perceived by
Karim as an extremely positive colour with a thousand
faces, almost to the point of being “the new black”.
On the upper floor, in the loft, we find double-winged
doors between rooms that open the space up, while
the large windows bring in plenty of light. It contains the
bedroom, work-room and a guestroom with an interesting sofa-bed, which was one of the first things Rashid
designed for IDEE. Karim’s diversity and playfulness carries through to the wallpapers, which he also designed
himself, while the upper floor is still dominated by slightly
gentler tones – green and blue.
Just like everything this extremely productive and playful designer made, his vacation house in Scarborough
reflects his distinctive and original character, and it once
again demonstrates his basic forms of motivation in both
design and life – everything must be multifunctional,
modern and, above all, filled with playfulness.
Dom snova
Kuća je gotovo sva u jednoj, prizemnoj etaži, s mnogo
velikih prozora duž cijele građevine koji gledaju na vrt /
The vast majority of the house is located on the groundfloor level, and it features many large windows that
overlook the garden
Suvremena arhitektura vješto
uklopljena u viktorijansku
londonsku èetvrt
Long House prvi je iskorak u dizajn intimnih životnih prostora mladog arhitekta Keitha Williamsa,
a baš tu intimnost obiteljskog života, uz posebnu pažnju da ne naruši panoramu viktorijanskog
dijela Londona, Williams je istaknuo kao osnovno pravilo u gradnji ove kuće
Piše: Danijela Mandušiæ
Foto: Hél�ne Binet
Bazen koji se nalazi ispod prizemne etaže / Swimming pool,
which is located below the ground-floor level
Abercorn Closeu, jednoj od starih londonskih
četvrti, okružena visokim secesijskim zdanjima i
obiteljskim dvorcima iz 19. stoljeća, vješto se skrila prostrana modernistička obiteljska kuća koja
je zbog svoga karakterističnog rasporeda prostora dobila naziv Long House (duga kuća). Tvorac te jedinstvene
građevine, kojom je ušao u konkurenciju od šest najboljih kuća na prošlogodišnjem natjecanju za Kuću godine,
jest arhitekt Keith Williams, poznat po svojim inovativnim
arhitektonskim rješenjima diljem svijeta. Od 2001., kada
je otvorio svoj arhitektonski studio, taj mladi arhitekt niže
uspjehe i nagrade, uglavnom dizajnirajući javne prostore poput kazališta, knjižnica i muzeja, a neki od njegovih
najpoznatijih radova su Unicorn Theatre u Londonu te
najveći svjetski muzej egiptologije, koji je u dovršavanju,
a prostirat će se na čak tristo tisuća četvornih metara u
predgrađu Kaira, u neposrednoj blizini slavnih piramida.
Long House bio je njegov prvi iskorak u dizajn intimnih životnih prostora, a Williams je baš tu intimnost obiteljskog
života, uz posebnu pažnju da ne naruši panoramu viktorijanskog dijela Londona, istaknuo kao osnovno pravilo
u gradnji ove kuće. Na mjestu gdje je izgrađena postojala su dva odvojena stambena prostora koja su velikim
hodnikom spojena u jedan kako bi se dobila prostrana
kuća u obliku slova L, od čak 720 četvornih metara, s velikim unutrašnjim dvorištem potpuno skrivenim od ulice.
Savršeno oklopljena u okoliš
Vanjski zidovi od stare opeke te visoki zid koji odvaja kuću
od dvorišta, ostavština su od starih zdanja, a Williams je
posebno pazio da kuća ne nadvisuje okolne građevine
te se tako savršeno uklapa u okoliš. Kuća je gotovo sva
u jednoj, prizemnoj etaži, s mnogo velikih prozora duž
cijele građevine koji gledaju na vrt. Sastoji se od kuhinje i blagovaonice na koju se s obje strane nastavljaju
prostrani dnevni prostori, minimalistički uređeni, s velikim
bijelim plohama i umjetničkim slikama koje zbog jednostavne dekoracije prostora i bjeline zidova najviše dola93
Dom snova
ze do izražaja. Kuća ima pet spavaćih soba, posebno
krilo za goste, koje je odvojeno hodnikom, i “podzemni”
Jedini dio koji nadvisuje ostatak građevine skladno je
ukomponiran u okolinu jer je Williams iskoristio stare opeke te njihovim miješanjem s plohama od bakra i cinka
dobio izgled vanjskog zida koji skladno korespondira s
okolinom. Mnogo manja gornja etaža formirana je od
dviju jednostavnih fasada, jedne od bijelog ožbukanog
zida, a druge od crvenih opeka karakterističnih za taj
kraj, te je tako Williams pokazao kako se korištenjem tradicionalnih materijala može intervenirati unutar modernističkog volumena i tako stvoriti savršena simbioza tradicionalnih i modernih materijala u službi arhitekture. Na
unutrašnjoj strani građevine vertikalni kontrast je ublažen
te se vanjski zidovi blago spuštaju prema zelenoj horizontali vrta, koja se reflektira na mnogobrojnim staklenim
plohama koje dijele interijer kuće od dvorišta.
Bazen skriven ispod prizemne etaže
Posebno je zanimljivo Williamsovo rješenje bazena koji
se nalazi ispod prizemne etaže, a do njega vodi kupolasti prozračni hodnik na čijem su završetku mini bar i stu94
Pogled na unutrašnje dvorište, potpuno skriveno od ulice /
View to the large inside courtyard that is completely hidden
from the street
bište koje se spušta k bazenu. S obzirom da je iskorištena
podzemna etaža koja se inače ne upotrebljava, bazen
je zaista prostran i pruža jedinstven užitak svakodnevnog
plivanja ispod razine mora u središtu velegrada. Za razliku od bazena, garažna jedinica, koja može primiti dva
vozila, smještena je u prizemlju, na drugom dijelu “duge
kuće”, radi lakšeg pristupa vozilima.
Stručni žiri RIAI-jeve nagrade za Kuću godine uvrstio je
ovu kuću među šest najuspješnjijih jer su prepoznali sofisticiran i vješt način da se unutar očuvane povijesne
četvrti inplantira uspjelo djelo suvremene arhitekture,
a da pritom ne ometa harmoniju, nego, baš naprotiv,
svojim balansiranim volumenima i tradicionalnim detaljima stvori savršen sklad s okolinom. Isticanjem ove kuće
željeli su naglasiti mogućnosti suživota moderne i tradicionalne arhitekture, pogotovo u velikim urbanim središtima kakav je London, te pokazati ostalim arhitektima i
urbanistima u svijetu kako je simbioza tradicije i modernog itekako moguća. Stvarati ovakvu “modernističku
oazu” unutak viktorijanskih gabarita, svakako je bio veliki profesionalni izazov za arhitekta Keitha Williamsa, a
ovo svjetsko priznanje dovoljan je pokazatelj uspješnosti
Modern Architecture Skilfully
Adapted to a Victorian
Neighbourhood in London
Dream home
Written by: Danijela Mandušiæ
Kuća je zbog svoga karakterističnog rasporeda prostora dobila naziv Long House (duga kuća) / The house
got the name Long House due to its specific space
Photo: Hél�ne Binet
Long House represents the first attempt of young architect Keith Williams to design intimate
living spaces, and that precise family-life intimacy, along with special attention to preserve the
panoramic Victorian part of London, was pointed out by Williams as the basic rule in the process of building this house
bercorn Close, one of the older London neighbourhoods surrounded by high secession facilities and 19th-century family castles, smoothly
reveals a spacious modernist family house that
is called Long House due to its specific space management. The creator of this unique facility, which found its
place among six finalists of last year’s House of the Year
Award, is architect Keith Williams, and he is renowned for
his innovative architectonic solutions around the world.
Ever since he opened his architectonic studio in 2001,
this young architect has received numerous awards and
praises, as he mostly designs public spaces like theatres,
libraries and museums. Some of his famous projects include Unicorn Theatre in London, as well as the world’s
largest Egyptology museum, which is currently in the finishing stages of construction and is scheduled to take up
about 300.000 square metres in the suburb of Cairo, very
near the famous pyramids. Long House represented his
first attempt to design intimate living spaces, and Williams pointed out that precise family-life intimacy, along
with special attention to preserve the panoramic Victorian part of London, as the basic rule in the process of
building this house. Its location previously featured two
separated residential facilities, which ended up connected by a large hallway in order to come up with a
spacious L-shaped house that takes up 720 square metres, while also featuring a large inside courtyard that is
completely hidden from the street.
Perfectly in Harmony with Its Environment
Outdoor walls made of old bricks, as well as a high wall
that separates the house from the courtyard, are parts
of the old facilities’ heritage, while Williams paid special
attention not to let the house be any higher than the sur-
rounding buildings, as that would clearly prevent it from
fitting into the area. The vast majority of the house is located on the ground-floor level, and it features many
large windows that overlook the garden. It consists of
the kitchen and the dining room, which leads to spacious living rooms on both ends. Those living rooms are
characterized by minimalist decorations, large white
surfaces and art paintings that are emphasized due to
the space’s simple style of decoration and the whiteness of the walls. The house has five bedrooms, a special
guests’ wing that is separated by a hallway, and an “underground” swimming pool.
The only section of the house that ends up on a higher
position is tastefully adapted to its surrounding. Williams
achieved this by using old bricks and combining them
with copper and zinc surfaces, which resulted in an outdoor wall that is in perfect harmony with its environment.
The much smaller upper storey consists of two simple facades – one featuring a white plastered wall, while the
other features red bricks that are characteristic of the
area. Williams used them as a way of demonstrating
that the usage of traditional materials can be proper
within a modernistic context, thus creating the perfect
symbiosis of traditional and modern materials in the service of architecture. The vertical contrast in the house’s
interior was toned down, while outdoor walls mildly drop
towards the green horizontal garden, which reflects to
numerous glass surfaces that separate the house’s interior from the courtyard.
Dream home
Kuća je minimalistički uređena / The house is decorated in minimalistic style
Vanjski zidovi od stare opeke te visoki zid koji odvaja kuću
od dvorišta / Outdoor walls made of old bricks, as well as a
high wall that separates the house from the courtyard
A Hidden Pool Below the Ground Floor
Williams came up with a particularly interesting solution
for a swimming pool, which is located below the groundfloor level and is introduced by a domed ethereal hallway that ends with a mini-bar and a staircase that leads
to the pool. Considering the fact that it is located at
the underused subterranean level, the swimming pool
is very spacious and provides a unique experience of
spending every day swimming below the sea level in
the centre of a big city. Unlike the swimming pool, the
garage unit, which can accommodate two vehicles, is
situated at the ground-floor level on the other side of
“the long house”, in order to enable an easier access
to the vehicles.
The expert jury of the RIAI House of the Year Award selected this house among six most successful projects because they recognized a skilful and sophisticated way of
implementing a successful modern-architecture project
within a preserved historical neighbourhood without disrupting its harmony; on the contrary, it created a perfect harmony with its environment by using balanced
volumes and traditional details. They hoped that emphasizing this house would point out the possibilities for
co-existence between modern and traditional architecture, especially in urban centres such as London, as well
as demonstrate to other world’s architects and urban
planners that it is possible to accomplish a symbiosis of
modern and traditional. Creating this type of “modernist oasis” within Victorian boundaries must have been a
great professional challenge for architect Keith Williams,
and this worldwide recognition is certainly an adequate
indicator of the project’s success.
Danas su klimatizacijski uređaji povoljniji i dostupniji nego ikad,
proizvode se po zadnjim trendovima / These days, air conditioners are more available and accessible than ever before, they’re
produced in line with the latest trends
Klimatizacija prostora pripremite se za vruæe ljeto
Godinama su klimatizacijski uređaji na zlu glasu, a i danas je mnogo onih koji vjeruju
da imaju loš utjecaj na zdravlje. No, problemi se mogu pojaviti samo ako se pretjeruje
s razlikama u temperaturi – uz pravilno korištenje, klima-uređaji mogu biti od velike pomoći svima onima koji pate od srčanih bolesti i koji izrazito loše podnose visoke ljetne
Piše: Aleksandar Vrtariæ
ilo da se radi o radnoj prostoriji, stambenom prostoru, vikendici ili apartmanu na moru, klimatiziran prostor uvelike pridonosi udobnosti, a ako je
uređaj pravilno odabran i ispravno se koristi, on je
automatski i ekonomičan. Sustavi za hlađenje i grijanje
prostora učinkovita su energetska oprema, a maksimalni učinak se dobiva uz odgovarajuću izolaciju i savjesnu
uporabu. Danas su klimatizacijski uređaji povoljniji i dostupniji nego ikad, proizvode se po zadnjim modnim trendovima, a montaža je brza. Iako se u primorju koriste tijekom
cijele godine (klimatizacijski uređaji su u Dalmaciji i Istri
gotovo potpuno izbacili termoakumulacijske peći iz upotrebe), za raslađivanje u vrućim ljetnim mjesecima klimauređaji su jednako popularni u svim krajevima Hrvatske.
Želite li osigurati ugodnu temperaturu, čist i svjež zrak čak i
u najnepodonošljivijim ljetnim danima? Klimatizacijski uređaj je definitivno pravo rješenje!
Sve prednosti klimatizacijskih uređaja
Osim jednostavne i brze montaže te činjenice da osiguravaju ugodno okruženje, klima-uređaji su praktični jer ne
zauzimaju puno prostora. Također, osiguravaju čistoću
jer su im ugrađeni filtri koji uništavaju bakterije, a postoje
i uređaji s ugrađenim ionizatorima koji proizvode ozon te
ujedno osiguravaju čist zrak bez neugodnih mirisa. Dovoljno je tek nekoliko minuta nakon uključenja da uređaj
postigne zadanu temperaturu, koja se unaprijed može
odrediti ugrađenim “timerom”. Klimatizacijski uređaji imaju i dodatne korisne funkcije poput ugrađenog ventilacijskog sustava i odvlaživača zraka koji osigurava pravilnu
razinu vlage, čime i onemogućava razvoj gljivica i plijesni
koji su neprijatelji mnogim alergičarima. Godinama su klima-uređaji na zlu glasu, a i danas je mnogo onih koji vjeruju da imaju loš utjecaj na zdravlje. No, problemi se mogu
pojaviti samo ako se pretjeruje s razlikama u temperaturi
– uz pravilno korištenje, klimatizacijski uređaji mogu biti od
velike pomoći svima onima koji pate od srčanih bolesti i
koji izrazito loše podnose visoke ljetne temperature.
Stručnjaci kažu kako tijekom ekstremno visokih temperatura unutarnja temperatura treba biti niža za
najviše osam stupnjeva, pa se toga valja pridržavati. A imaju li klimatizacijski uređaji nedostatke? U
principu, ne. Jedini nedostatak je taj što na izrazito
niskim temperaturama mogu gubiti na snazi. Jasno,
kako bi se dobila otprilike jednaka temperatura u
cijelom stanu, potrebno je instalirati nekoliko uređaja, odnosno “multi split” sustav, pa je nedostatak
ovakvog pothvata jedino financijske naravi.
LG Art cool klima-uređaj izgleda kao slika / LG Art
cool air conditioner looks like a painting
Dimplex podne
klime / Dimplex
floor air conditioners
Kako odabrati pravi uređaj?
Danas se na tržištu mogu pronaći brojni modeli
– kompaktni, jednostavni ili složeni, dvodijelni ili višedijelni “split” sustavi, jači i slabiji, oni povoljniji i oni
skuplji. Pravi uređaj mora biti prilagođen prostoru,
a i njegova namjena mora biti jasna – hoće li uređaj služiti grijanju i hlađenju ili će biti aktivan samo
tijekom ljetnih mjeseci. Dalje, za odgovarajuću
i maksimalnu klimatizaciju, bilo bi poželjno i da je
prostor dobro izoliran. Glavni prioritet kod odabira
klima-uređaja jest odnos snage i učinka, pa što je
taj razmjer povoljniji, i željena temperatura će se
lakše postići, a prema tome i troškovi će biti manji. Prije kupnje klimatizacijskog uređaja potrebno
je provjeriti i električnu instalaciju, posebice u starijim objektima, pa se svakako valja posavjetovati
sa stručnjakom koji će po potrebi izvući novi vod.
Raspolažete li većim stambenim ili uredskim prostorom, svakako odaberite kanalne “multi split” sustave koji vani imaju kondenzator s kompresorom dok
je unutra isparivač s ventilatorom na koji se postavlja cijevni razvod do ostalih prostorija. Osim ugradbenih klimatizacijskih uređaja, danas su gotovo
Klima-uređaj Sanyo u crvenoj boji možete pronaći u Sinestu, na adresi Kralja Držislava 7, Split /
Red air conditioner Sanyo you can find in Sinest on address Kralja Držislava 7, Split
jednako popularni i oni pokretni
koji su izrazito praktični jer se lako
mogu premještati iz jedne u drugu
prostoriju. Istina, ne izgledaju toliko
atraktivno i uredno kao ugradbeni, ali ako se smjeste na pravo mjesto, neće previše “bosti oči”. Kao
i sve ostalo, i klimatizacijski uređaji
imaju svoje cijene – niže i više. Jeftinije modele od nepoznatih i neafirmiranih proizvođača svakako treba izbjegavati jer ipak
su tu mnoge tvrtke koje osim kvalitete jamče i stručno
Ukorak s modom i trendovima
Nezgrapni i neugledni klimatizacijski uređaji stvar su prošlosti. Danas se oni proizvode po sofisticiranim pravilima modernog dizajna, estetike i ergonomije. Moderni
klima-uređaji više nisu tek dio pokućstva, oni su pravi
ukras u stanu. Proizvode se u najrazličitijim varijantama,
primjerice Mirror ili Panel, a cijene su im zaista pristupačne i povoljnije nego ikad. Bez obzira njegujete li tradicionalni stil, klasiku ili ste pobornik minimalizma, svakako
ćete pronaći klima-uređaj po vlastitu ukusu koji će se
savršeno stopiti s vašim prostorom. Pokretni ili montažni
uređaj, to je stvar potrebe i vlastita ukusa, no jedno je
sigurno – uz malo truda svatko će pronaći ono što mu
je potrebno. Do ljeta je ostalo taman toliko vremena
da prošetate po prodavaonicama i odaberete idealni
klimatizacijski uređaj koji će vam u vrućim mjesecima
priuštiti idealnu temperaturu, ali i ugodan san.
Želite li osigurati ugodnu temperaturu, čist i svjež zrak čak i u ljetnim
danima? Klimatizacijski uređaj je definitivno pravo rješenje! / If you
want to ensure pleasant temperatures, clean and fresh air even during summer days? An air conditioner is definitely the way to go!
Air Conditioning - Prepare
Yourself for a Hot Summer
Air conditioners have had a bad reputation for many years now, and even today many people still
believe that they have a bad influence on health. However, problems can occur only if one exaggerates with temperature differences – with proper usage, air conditioners can be very helpful for
those that suffer from heart conditions or have low tolerance for high summer temperatures
Written by: Aleksandar Vrtariæ
Moderni klima-uređaji više nisu tek dio
pokućstva, oni su pravi ukras u stanu /
Modern air conditioners are no longer
just pieces of furniture – they serve all
the functions of proper apartment decorations
egardless of whether we’re talking about an office, residential space, vacation house or a seaside apartment, air conditioning greatly increases
the level of comfort, and if the device is carefully
chosen and properly used, it is automatically economical as well. Systems for space cooling and heating are
efficient energetic equipment, and maximum effect is
achieved if there is a certain level of isolation and conscientious handling. These days, air conditioners are more
available and accessible than ever before, they’re produced in line with the latest fashion trends, and they’re
very quickly assembled as well. Although they are used
throughout the year in the coastal area (air conditioners
have almost completely put thermo-accumulation furnaces out of use in Istria and Dalmatia), air conditioners
are equally popular in all parts of Croatia when it comes
to cooling down during those hot summer months. Do
you want to ensure pleasant temperatures, clean and
fresh air even during those unbearable summer days? An
air conditioner is definitely the way to go!
All Advantages of an Air Conditioner
Besides the simple and fast assembling process and the
fact that they ensure a pleasant environment, air conditioners are practical because they don’t take up a lot of
room. They also ensure a clean surrounding because they
possess built-in filters that destroy any bacteria, as well as
having devices with built-in ionisers that produce ozone
and ensure a clean air without any unpleasant aromas.
It only takes a few minutes after you turn the device on
for it to achieve a certain temperature, which can be
predetermined with a built-in timer. Air conditioners also
have additional useful functions like a built-in ventilation
system or an air moisturizer, which ensures the proper
level of moisture while also killing off any chance of fungi
and mould existence that could hurt many people with
allergies. Air conditioners have had a bad reputation for
many years now, and even today many people still believe that they have a bad influence on health. However,
problems can occur only if one exaggerates with temperature differences – with proper usage, air conditioners
can be very helpful for those that suffer from heart conditions or have low tolerance for high summer temperatures. Experts say that temperature amplitudes shouldn’t
be higher than eight degrees even during the extremely
hot periods, so that is something to keep in mind. And
do air conditioners have any disadvantages? Principally,
no. Their only disadvantage is that they can start losing
power in extremely low temperatures. Naturally, in order
to achieve a similar temperature throughout the apartment, it is necessary to install several devices or a “multisplit” system, which means that the only disadvantage of
this situation might be financial.
How to Choose the Right Device?
It is possible to find all kinds of models on the market today – compact, simple or complex, two-part or multi-part
“split” systems, stronger or weaker, those more accessible
or those more expensive. The right device must be adjusted to the space, and it must have a clear purpose – is it a
heating/cooling device or will it only be active during the
summer months? Furthermore, in order to achieve maxi-
Skrivena klimatizacija / Hidden air conditioning
separator leading to the other rooms. Besides the built-in
air conditioners, mobile ones are almost just as popular
today because they can easily be relocated from one
room to the other. They don’t quite look as attractive
or neat as those that are built in, but if you find the right
place for them, they won’t be “sticking out” too much.
Just like any other product, air conditioners have their
own prices – higher and lower ones. You should certainly
avoid cheaper models from unknown and unconfirmed
manufacturers, as many companies guarantee quality
and expert services.
mum air conditioning, it would be nice if
t h e space in question had a proper level of isolation.
While choosing an air conditioner, the main priority should
be the ratio of power and effect, so as long as that ratio
is satisfactory, the desired temperature will be achieved
more easily and the expenses will be smaller. Prior to buying an air conditioner, you must double-check the electrical installations, especially in older premises, so certainly
consult an expert who will pull out a new conductor wire
if it is necessary. If you have a larger residential space or
office at your disposal, make sure to choose the channelling “multi-split” systems that have a condenser with
a compressor on the outside, while their inside features a
vaporizer with a ventilator that serves as a base for a pipe
Keeping Up with Fashion and Trends
Clumsy and plain-looking air conditioners are a thing of
the past. These days, they are being produced in line with
the sophisticated rules of modern design, aesthetics and
ergonomics. Modern air conditioners are no longer just
pieces of furniture – they serve all the functions of proper
apartment decorations. They are produced in the most
diverse options, for example Mirror or Panel, and their
prices really are more available and accessible then
ever before. Regardless of whether you fancy traditional
style, classics or minimalism, you are guaranteed to find
an air conditioner that you will like and that will perfectly
adapt to your apartment. Whether it is mobile or built-in
is a question of need and taste, but one thing is for sure
– with a little effort, everyone will find exactly what they
need. There is just about enough time till summer for you
to take a stroll around the shops and choose that ideal air
conditioner, which will ensure the ideal temperature and
pleasant dreams during those hot summer months.
Zlatna je nezaobilazna boja ove godine /
Gold is unavoidable colour this year
Piše: Aleksandar Vrtariæ
Ujedinite funkcionalnost
s glamurom
Posljednjih nekoliko godina kupaonica zauzima jedno od vodećih mjesta u svakom doma. Novi
trendovi kupaoničkih sanitarija, namještaja i keramike oduševljavaju svojom raskoši i ljepotom, a mnoštvo novih proizvoda samo proširuje mogućnosti oblikovanja svake kupaonice
sim osnovnog poimanja kupaonice kao namjenskog i funkcionalnog prostora, nove
kupaonice dobivaju jednu posve novu dimenziju. Moderna kupaonica mjesto je u
kojem dominiraju harmonija i opuštajući ambijent, ona
je danas prostor koji ujedinjuje funkcionalnost i hedonizam. Nove kupaoničke sanitarije, namještaj i keramika
oduševljavaju svojom raskoši i ljepotom, a mnoštvo novih proizvoda samo proširuje mogućnosti oblikovanja
Ako je došlo vrijeme za preuređenje vaše kupaonice,
ovaj put iskoristite svoju kreativnost i ukorak s trendom
stvorite kupaonicu koja će nekoliko godina biti vaša
oaza u kojoj ćete se u svakom trenutku osjećati ugo-
Podne i zidne pločice velikih formata vrlo su popularne /
Grand-sized floor and wall tiles are currently very popular
dno, mjesto u kojem ćete se opustiti i okrijepiti
nakon napornog radnog dana. Uz mnoštvo
novih proizvoda za opremanje kupaonica to
neće biti nimalo teško, a osim funkcionalnosti nikako nemojte zaboraviti na užitak jer je
prava samo ona kupaonica iz koje ćete uvijek
izići svježi i opušteni.
Što je u trendu?
Predimenzioniranost kao trend u opremanju interijera provukla se i u kupaonicu. Podne i zidne pločice
velikih formata, još ako su postavljene vodoravno, vrlo
su popularne. Izbor uzoraka je neogračen, od imitacije
drva i kože do različitih staklenih mozaika.
Od boja, ove godine nezaobilazne su zlatna, ljubičasta
i crna, s kojima će svaka kupaonica izgledati glamurozno.
U odabiru umivaonika neće vam biti lako, jer ponuda
je zaista raznolika. Okrugli, kvadratni ili ovalni, samo je
stvar ukusa, ali razmislite i o modernim umivaonicima u
zlatnoj ili crnoj boji te onima sa zabavnim printevima.
Uz hidromasažne kade i tuš-kabine s ugrađenim višestrukim mlaznicama, pretvorit ćete svoju kupaonicu u
pravi mali wellness centar i uvijek ćete imati osigura-
nu relaksaciju nakon
teškog dana, a osim
na izbor sanitarija i keramike, obratite dovoljno pažnje
i na kupaoničku galanteriju.
Ipak su
detalji ono što daje stil i identitet
prostoru. Odaberite galanteriju koja
će dodatno začiniti kupaonicu, a slobodno se poigrajte i s kontrastnim bojama kako biste razbili monotoniju
i prostoru dali potrebnu dinamiku. Vječnoj eleganciji zlata, primjerice, uvijek možete kontrirati s tamnijim
bojama – rezultat će garantirano oduševiti. Uz zlatne
tonove lijepo idu smeđa i mat crna boja, a dodatni luksuz u kupaonicu donijet će i pažljivo odabrani ukrasi,
aranžmani od suhog bilja, pa i odgovarajuća rasvjeta.
Bijela boja je u modi otkada kupaonice postoje. Blaga
i neutralna, ona asocira na čistoću i jednostavnost, no
kombiniranje sa življim detaljima je nužno ako se kao
osnovna podloga koristi bijela keramika. Ljubitelji prirodnog pronaći će i kade te umivaonike od drveta koji
izgledaju atraktivno i luksuzno, no uvijek valja imati na
umu da je drvo materijal koji se ne slaže najbolje s vodom i da ima neke mane. No, ionako se ni jedna kupaonica ne uređuje da bi trajala 50 godina, pa ako je
drvo baš ono što želite, odaberite neki model koji vam
se sviđa i ostvarite svoj san.
U Špinu XXL po svjetske brendove
Ako ste se odlučili za renoviranje kupaonice, pomoć je najbolje potražiti kod stručnjaka. U izložbeno-prodajnom salonu Špina XXL u Dugopolju
pronaći ćete sve što vam treba, od pločica do sanitarija, pa sve do konzultacija s arhitektima. Usmjerena na distribuciju jedino vrhunskih brendova za
uređenje kupaonica i interijera, tvrtka Špina je oko
sebe okupila najznačajnija imena iz svijeta estetike
uređenja interijera.
Umivaonici u različitim bojama. Na slici
su oni tvrtke Catalano / Washbasins in
various colours. On the picture, the ones
from Catalano
Ag ičas
ap ti u
fro / V miva
Ag olet w nik
e c ashb rtke
om asi
pa n
Odaberite pravog
Igranje kućnog majstora i rad po sistemu “uradi sam”
znaju biti vrlo zabavni, no često je krajnji rezultat voda
koja se skuplja u pogrešnom dijelu kupaonice, sanitarije ispod kojih se taloži vlaga, kada koja visi na krivu stranu i slično. Ako već kupujete vrhunske proizvode i želite
savršenu kupaonicu, posao povjerite stručnjaku koji će
kupaonicu preurediti brzo i efikasno. Majstora nemojte
tražiti po susjedstvu, nego odaberite odgovarajuću tvrtku koja će vam ponuditi stručno osoblje, a za izvršene
radove dobit ćete račun i jamstvo za obavljeni posao
pa, pođe li što po zlu, uvijek ćete moći kontaktirati tvrtku i zatražiti pomoć.
Drvene umivaonike i kade proizvodi Agape / Wooden
washbasins and bathtubes are produced in Agape
Combine Functionality
with Glamour
Over the course of the last several years, bathrooms have started to take one of central positions
in every home. New trends of bathroom sanitary facilities, furniture and ceramics enchant with
their panache and beauty, while an abundance of new products will further expand your options
in the process of creating a bathroom
Written by: Aleksandar Vrtariæ
Kada iz kolekcije “Geo”, Kos / Bathtub from the “Geo” collection, Kos
esides the basic understanding of a bathroom
as a functional, purpose-oriented room, new
bathrooms are starting to receive a whole new
dimension. A modern bathroom is dominated
by harmony and relaxed atmosphere, as that is the one
room that combines functionality with hedonism. New
bathroom sanitary facilities, furniture and ceramics enchant with their panache and beauty, while an abundance of new products will further expand your options
in the process of creating a bathroom.
If the time is right to start redecorating your bathroom,
make sure to use your creativity this time and follow the
newest trends to create a bathroom that will serve as
your oasis for the next several years; create a place that
will make you feel comfortable in every moment, and
where you will be able to relax and freshen up after a
difficult day at work. With a variety of new products for
bathroom decorating on the market, that shouldn’t be
too difficult, but don’t let functionality get in the way of
pleasure, because a quality bathroom will always turn
you into a refreshed and relaxed person.
What Is Trendy?
Excessive dimensions as a trend in interior decoration
have found their way into the bathroom as well. Grandsized floor and wall tiles, especially if they’re placed
Jacuzzi za hedoniste / Jacuzzi for hedonists
horizontally, are currently very popular. There are countless sample options, starting with imitation of wood and
leather to different glass mosaics.
As far as colours go, this year is dominated by golden,
purple and black, which are bound to turn every bathroom into a place of glamour. You might have a hard
time picking a lavatory, because the offering is really diverse. Your taste will decide whether you choose round,
square or oval ones, but do consider modern lavatories
in colours of black or gold, as well as the ones with fun
prints If you happen to include hydro-massage tubs and
shower cabins with built-in multiple nozzles, you will turn
your bathroom into a true little wellness centre that will
ensure you plenty of relaxation after a hardworking day.
Besides the choice of sanitary facilities and ceramics,
make sure to pay enough attention to the bathroom
gallantry. After all, details define every room’s style and
identity. Choose a gallantry that will add some extraspice to the bathroom, while making sure that you play
with some contrast colours in order to break up the monotony and provide enough dynamics to the room. The
eternal elegance of gold, for example, can always be
countered with darker colours – the result will never cease
to enchant you. Golden tones also agree with brown
and mat-black, while you can add some extra-luxury
into your bathroom with carefully chosen decorations,
dry-plant arrangements, as well as adequate lighting.
The white colour has been prominent ever since bathrooms first appeared. Its mild and neutral characteristics
associate to cleanliness and simplicity, but it is necessary
to combine it with some vivacious details, especially if
you’re using white ceramics as the basis. Lovers of nature can also choose wooden tubs and lavatories that
are attractive and luxurious, but you must keep in mind
Umivaonik sa zabavnim printom /
Washbasin with playful print
that wood is the material that doesn’t really agree with
water and has certain flaws. However, it’s not like your
bathroom is meant to last 50 years, so if wood is what
your heart is set on, choose one of the models you like
and live your dream.
Pick the Right Craftsman
Playing domestic craftsman and working under the “do
it yourself” system can be really fun, but it often results in
the water collecting in the wrong end of the bathroom,
sanitary facilities being filled with moisture, tub being
oriented towards the wrong side etc. If you’re buying
top-quality products and you want a perfect bathroom,
make sure you hire an expert that will arrange your bathroom in a fast and productive way. Don’t go looking for
a craftsman around the neighbourhood, but make sure
to choose the adequate firm that can offer professional
staff, and when the work is done, you will receive a bill
and a guarantee, which enables you to contact the
firm and ask for help should anything go wrong.
World Brands in Špina XXL
If you decided to redecorate your bathroom, it is always best to look for professional help. Špina XXL in Dugopolje, which serves as an exhibit showroom and a
store, features everything you might need in that process, including tiles and sanitary facilities, and it also
offers you a chance to consult several architects. Oriented towards distributing top-class brands for interior
and bathroom decoration, Špina has gathered some
of the most significant names from the world of interior-design aesthetics.
Vjeèni život plastike
Poželjeli ste “pomladiti” i osvježiti svoj stambeni prostor ili unijeti dašak živosti i
dinamike u svoj poslovni ured? Možda je upravo plastika pravo rješenje...
Piše: Aleksandar Vrtariæ
ako su za prve forme plastike zaslužni izumitelji Charles Goodyear i Alexander Parkes, plastika je dizajnerima postala posebno zanimljiva šezdesetih godina
prošloga stoljeća. Oni su u tome materijalu vidjeli nešto novo, nešto što dopušta rušenje svih granica, nešto
što je do tada bilo nemoguće – kreirati komad namještaja koji prkosi svim zakonima zdravog razuma. Plastika
je šezdesetih godina osvojila svijet, a umjetnici poput
Andyja Warhola i Davida Hockneyja ostavili su značajan utjecaj na tadašnji trend uređivanja interijera. Kako
to obično biva, trend je potrajao toliko dugo dok se ljudi nisu opet zaželjeli nekih drugih, prirodnijih materijala.
No, unatoč tome, plastika je ostala dio svakodnevnog
života i današnji bi život bez nje bio nezamisliv. Brojne
dizajnerske kreacije iz “ludih šezdesetih” danas su izložene po velikim svjetskim muzejima, a mnoge od njih
su nastavile živjeti u novijem ruhu i modernijem obliku
prilagođenom sadašnjem trendu. Posljednjih nekoliko
godina plastika je opet u modi – stolice jajolikog oblika,
one izrađene jednostavnim savijanjem polikarbonatne
ploče, futurističke fotelje, simpatične garniture na napuhavanje, pomalo psihodelične replike ili neobični lu-
Foto: Arhiva DalCase
steri, samo su dio onoga što se danas može pronaći od
ovog jeftinog, ali ipak glamuroznog materijala. Poželjeli
ste “pomladiti” i osvježiti svoj stambeni prostor ili unijeti
dašak živosti i dinamike u svoj poslovni ured? Možda je
upravo plastika pravo rješenje...
Današnji trend
S obzirom na jednostavnost izrade, osnovna karakteristika plastike jest ekonomičnost. Ona jest jeftin materijal, no itekako atraktivan. Karim Rashid i Maarten Baas
su jedni od najpopularnijih dizajnera današnjice, koji su
svoje veliko nadahnuće pronašli upravo u plastici. Hrabro i punom parom nastavili su tamo gdje su stali dizajneri iz šezdesetih godina, no ovaj put namještaj od
plastike je postao još funkcionalniji, ergonomičniji i praktičniji, a izrađuje se u najrazličitijim varijantama, tako
da se sasvim lijepo i prirodno može uklopiti u razne stilove. Polipropilen, polikarbonat, poliuretan i metakrilat
su materijali
koji dopuštaju igre bez granica,
mašti da ujedini svu moguću
kreativnost sa svim pozitivnim
Plastične stolice Panton Junior u svim bojama iz 1959. godine /
Panton junior plastic chair in various colours from 1959.
zini /
Plastic kitchen s cal e,
zzi n
P la s t
i č n a k u h i nj s
plastike. Dizajneri se tako doslovce
igraju sa zakonima ravnoteže, inate se sa svim poznatim pravilima ergonomije ne bi li osmislili nešto novo, bolje i originalnije.
Jasno, u tome itekako uspijevaju, a današnji namještaj
izrađen od plastike je puno kvalitetniji i postojaniji od
onog iz šezdesetih godina. Plastika je lagana, lako se
održava, stolice ili PVC fotelje mogu se jednom rukom
prenositi po stanu, a ako je komad namještaja ili pokućstva pažljivo odabran, on će u dom donijeti pomalo
neobičan, ali i vrlo otmjen, osebujan ugođaj. Današnja
se plastika uspješno uklapa u gotovo svaki dom, a naročito je omiljena kod onih koji izbjegavaju stereotipno
i klasično uređenje interijera. Kompozicije s plastikom mogu predstavljati sam vrh estetike i profinjenog ukusa. Također, dodatna prednost plastičnog
namještaja jest i relativno niska cijena – dizajnerska
stolica može se dobiti već za 1500 kuna, što zaista
nije mnogo, dok se stilski poliuretanski lusteri “s potpisom” mogu dobiti već za petstotinjak kuna.
Današnja se plastika uspješno uklapa u gotovo svaki dom, a naročito je omiljena
kod onih koji izbjegavaju stereotipno i klasično uređenje interijera / Today’s plastic
successfully adapts into almost every home, and those who avoid stereotypical
and classic style of interior decoration especially love it
Umjetno, ali ipak toplo
Uz ostale karakteristike, ovaj namještaj odlikuje i multifunkcionalnost, vedar dizajn te često i vrlo jarke boje.
Činjenica je da su poliuretan, polikarbonat ili metakrilat umjetni materijali, ali zbog toga ne djeluju hladno.
Ne morate sav svoj namještaj zamijeniti plastičnim, no
slobodno se poigrajte s maštom i odaberite neki komad plastičnog namještaja u živoj boji. On će u prostor
donijeti toplinu i dinamiku, čime će automatski razbiti
neželjenu monotoniju. Nepošteno je pisati o plastici i pritom ne spomenuti ljubav mladih prema plastici. Naime,
mladi sve češće odbijaju skupocjen tradicionalan namještaj, a traže nešto jeftino, lako zamjenjivo, praktično,
a istodobno živo, šareno, optimistično i zabavno. Idealno rješenje pronalaze upravo u namještaju i pokućstvu
od plastike, koja s punim pravom danas nosi ime plemenitog materijala. Bez obzira na sve njezine prednosti
i kvalitete, pa čak i prisutnost u svakodnevnom životu,
mnogi imaju pogrešna mišljenja o današnjoj plastici kao
o neekološkome materijalu. Zahvaljujući tehnološkom
napretku i inovativnim materijalima, današnja se plastika lako reciklira proizvodeći pritom trećinu sumpornog
dioksida, približno 90 posto manje otpada i oko 250 posto manje ugljičnog dioksida, pa je prema tome jasno
da se po iskoristivosti ne razlikuje mnogo od ostalih materijala. Plastika je bez sumnje materijal novog doba,
a odlučite li oplemeniti i osvježiti svoj stambeni prostor,
ured ili vrt nekim novim komadom namještaja – svakako
uzmite u obzir vedru i veselu plastiku jer dinamični i topli
ambijenti nikada neće izići iz mode.
Plastični materijali dopuštaju igre bez granica - “Lijena
Mary”, Disguincio / Plastic materials allow you to play
without any boundaries - “Lazy Mary”, Disguincio
The Eternal Life
of Plastic
You wish to make your residential space younger and freshen it up a little, or maybe bring a
breath of life and dynamics into your office? Perhaps plastic is the way to go…
Written by: Aleksandar Vrtariæ
Photo: DalCasa archive
lthough the credit for the first forms of plastic
goes to inventors Charles Goodyear and Alexander Parkes, plastic has become particularly interesting to designers in the 1960s. They
looked at that material and saw something new, something that will demolish all boundaries and make the impossible happen – to create a piece of furniture that defies all laws of sanity. Plastic conquered the world in the
sixties, while artists like Andy Warhol and David Hockney
left a significant mark at the trends of interior decoration
of that time. As it usually happens, the trends lasted so
long that people started looking back to some other,
more natural materials. However, plastic has remained
an integral part of everyday life, and it would be difficult
to imagine life without it these days. Numerous designer creations from “the mad sixties” are now on display
in famous world museums, while many of those creations continued their existence in a new edition and a
more modern shape that is more appropriate to today’s
trends. The last several years saw the return of plastic
into the thick of things – egg-shaped chairs, ones that
are made by simply bending a polycarbonate board,
futuristic armchairs, likeable inflatable ensembles, slightly psychedelic replicas or unusual chandeliers, are just
some of the things made of this cheap-yet-glamorous
material that are now available. You wish to make your
residential space younger and freshen it up a little, or
maybe bring a breath of life and dynamics into your office? Perhaps plastic is the way to go…
Today’s Trend
Considering the simple manufacturing procedure, the
main characteristic of plastic is conservation. It may be
a cheap material, but that doesn’t take anything away
from its attractiveness. Karim Rashid and Maarten Baas
Karim Rashid jedan od najpopularnijih
dizajnera današnjice, koji je svoje nadahnuće pronašao u plastici / Karim
Rashid is one of the most popular designers of our time who founds inspiration in plastic
are among the most popular designers of our time who
found great inspiration in plastic. Courageously and
without hesitation, they continued the processes of designers from the 1960s, but this time around plastic furniture has become even more functional, ergonomic and
practical, while still being made in every possible shape
that allows it to easily and naturally adapt to different
styles. Polypropylene, polycarbonate, polyurethane
and methacrylate are materials that allow you to play
without any boundaries, as they allow imagination to
unite all possible creativity with positive characteristics
of a very available material called plastic. Designers
literally toy with the laws of balance, disobey the acknowledged rules of ergonomics in order to come up
with something new, better and more original. Naturally,
they are very successful at it, which means that today’s
plastic furniture has much more quality and stability than
furniture from the sixties. Plastic is light and easy to maintain; chairs or PVC armchairs can be carried around the
apartment with just one hand, and if a piece of furniture is carefully chosen, it will bring a slightly unusual, but
very classy and distinctive feel into your home. Today’s
plastic successfully adapts into almost every home, and
those who avoid stereotypical and classic style of interior decoration especially love it. Plastic compositions
can represent the very peak of aesthetics and fine taste.
Another advantage of plastic furniture is its relatively low
price – you can buy a designer chair for about 1500 kunas, which really isn’t much, while stylish polyurethane
chandeliers “with signature” are available for about 500
Artificial, but still Warm
Along with other characteristics, this furniture possesses
multi-functionality, bright design and often very strong
Kolekcija “Bubble Club”, Philippe Starck za Kartell /
“Bubble Club” collection, Philippe Starck for Kartell
colours. The fact is that polyurethane, polycarbonate
and methacrylate are artificial materials, but doesn’t
necessarily mean that they are cold. You don’t have
to replace all your furniture with plastic, but feel free
to play with your imagination and choose a piece of
plastic furniture in a bright colour. It will bring warmth
and dynamics into a room, which is bound to automatically break-up any unwelcome monotony. It is unfair to
write about plastic and not mention the love that young
people have for it. The fact is that young people are
increasingly rejecting expensive traditional furniture, as
they are looking for something cheap, replaceable,
practical, yet alive, multi-coloured, optimistic and fun.
They find the ideal solution in furniture that is made of
plastic, which carries the title of “a noble material” with
every right. Regardless of all its advantages and qualities, and even its presence in everyday life, many people still have wrong assumptions about today’s plastic
as a non-ecological material. Due to technical progress
and innovative materials, today’s plastic is easy to recycle while producing about one third of sulphur-dioxide,
about 90 percent less waste and about 250 percent less
of carbon-dioxide, which makes it clear that its utilizing
potential doesn’t really differ from other materials. Plastic is unquestionably the material of the new age, so if
you decide to ennoble and freshen up your residential
space, office or garden with a new piece of furniture
– make sure to consider the bright and cheerful plastic
because dynamic and warm ambiences never go out
of style.
Philippe Starckove stolice “Louis ghost” jedne su od popularnijih danas / Philippe Starck’s “Louis
ghost” chairs are one of the most popular ones today
Kaktus -
skulpturalni izdanak
“Kaktus” je na prvi pogled ekscentričan komad namještaja, humoran i provokativan. Originalni predmet bio je
zelen, a 2007. na Međunarodnom sajmu namještaja u
Milanu, Gufram izlazi s ograničenom serijom “Bijelih kaktusa”. Ovaj osebujni stalak/vješalica za odjeću zasigurno je izrazito upadljiv detalj, ali i poseban skulpturalni
dodatak u bilo kojem okruženju
Piše: Nataša Bodrožiæ
azdoblje od kraja pedesetih godina prošlog stoljeća pa
sve do prve naftne krize 1974. godine, općenito se smatra
razdobljem prosperiteta na Zapadu, obojeno optimizmom,
znanstvenim izumima, tehnološkim promjenama, gospodarskim rastom, socijalnim turbulencijama 1968. i, naravno, glazbom Beatlesa. Sveopći polet pedesetih i šezdesetih potican je neprestanim inovacijama,
ali i razvojem međunarodnog tržišta: potrošači gladni noviteta u okruženju hladnog rata koje je i samo ohrabrivalo oštru konkurenciju, natjecateljski duh među
najmoćnijim nacijama. Ovaj produktivni elan popraćen je i društvenim promjenama: povećanjem socijalne sigurnosti, slobodnog vremena, razvojem turizma, koji
će se razviti u jednu od najmoćnijih gospodarskih grana, enormnim povećanjem
važnosti kulture mladih. Svijet su preplavile mini suknje, pop i rock koncerti, stripovi, motorkotači. Pop kultura je postala sveobuhvatan imaginarij postmodernoga,
potrošačkog svijeta.
“Pop godine” propovijedale su povratak snage predmeta i slike, s procvatom
popularne ikonografije: slika ulice, stripova… Dizajneri, sineasti, arhitekti toga vremena crpe inspiraciju iz istog izvora te brišu granice između pojedinih disciplina.
Promjene stila života vrednovane su i primjenjivane u novim mikrookruženjima, što
je najbolje vidljivo u radu dizajnera Vernera Pantona, Joea Colomba, Archizooma… Uvelike su propitivane vrijednosti prošlih generacija. Sve ono što se vezuje
uz pop, vezuje se i uz antiformalizam. Pop podrazumijeva nestabilne pojmove,
poput mobilnosti, potrošnje, fleksibilnosti te u isto vrijeme prokazuje vrline stalnosti,
stabiliteta, statičnosti, čak i apstrakcije, sve u korist nove neprirodnosti, artificijelnosti.
Sredinom šezdestih u Italiji se javilo nekoliko dizajnerskih grupa koje su svojom ideologijom i estetikom odudarale od talijanskog dizajna toga vremena. Naglašavajući primat kreativne slobode nad funkcionalnim zahtjevima koje je nametala
sama proizvodnja, taj “talijanski radikalni antidizajn” oblikovao se pod utjecajem
pop arta, konceptualne umjetnosti, iluzionizma, naturalizma i nadasve - ironije.
Godine 1966. mala talijanska tvrtka iz Torina specijalizirana za proizvodnju stolica poduzela je radikalan zaokret i pod novim imenom Gufram počela proizvoditi dizajnerski namještaj. Iste godine, u sjevernoj Italiji utemeljene su još dvije
važne radikalne dizajnerske grupe: Archizoom i Superstudio. Odbacujući puku
funkcionalnost i njezin formalizam, u duhu vremena, Gufram provodi generalno
istraživanje transgresija, stvarajući ikoničke predmete talijanskog antidizajna, a njegovo ime i
estetika nerijetko se vezuje uz sintagmu “rock
Poliuretan, materijal koji se isprva koristio u
vojnoj i automobilskoj industriji, a zatim i u
proizvodnji namještaja, bio je uzrok velikog
entuzijazma među dizajnerima i proizvođačima. Pogodan za najrazličitiju upotrebu, od
naturalističkog oponašanja do samogeneriranih metamorfoza, taj je materijal napravio
pravu malu revoluciju.
Guframova serija namještaja “Multiples”,
čija je proizvodnja počela 1967. godine u suradnji s talijanskim umjetnikom Pierom Gillardijem, svoj uspjeh duguje poliuretanskom, plastičnom čudu. Gillardi je za Gufram dizajnirao
prvu seriju pod imenom “Sassi/Kamenje” 1968.,
a tri godine poslije arhitekti iz grupe Strum napravili su “Pratone/Veliku livadu”, jedinicu za sjedenje,
dobar primjer hipertrofirane prirode u obliku saga koji
je sličio na nepokošeni travnjak. Iste je godine predstavljen i
kultni komad “Bocca/Usta”, sofa skulptura inspirirana poznatim
radom Salvadora Dalija, odnosno licem Mae West, koje je zapravo Dalijeva vizija nadrealističkog stana. Godine 1972., Guido Drocco i Franco Mello nastavljaju seriju vješalicom za odjeću “Kaktus”, skulpturalnom formom, nadrealističkim izdankom
antidizajna, inspiriranom stvarnom bodljikavom biljkom.
“Kaktus” je na prvi pogled ekscentričan komad namještaja,
humoran i provokativan. Originalni predmet bio je zelen, a
2007. na Međunarodnom sajmu namještaja u Milanu, Gufram
izlazi s ograničenom serijom “Bijelih kaktusa”. Ovaj osebujni
stalak/vješalica za odjeću zasigurno je izrazito upadljiv detalj,
ali i poseban skulpturalni dodatak u bilo kojem okruženju i, kao
uostalom i drugi Guframovi komadi, provocira maštu, stvarajući dijalog, promišljanje o funkciji i svrsi dizajna danas, ali i
u godinama koje dolaze.
Guido Drocco,
jedan od autora
toga nesvakidašnjeg
poznat i
je i izrazito plodan arhitekt i dizajner, rođen 1942. godine,
čiji se radovi nalaze u Muzeju moderne umjetnosti u New
Yorku, Centru Georges Pompidou u Parizu i mnogim drugim referentnim lokacijama, svjedočeći njegovu ulogu u oblikovanju izgleda cijelog jednog razdoblja.
Dobitnik je mnogih priznanja za svoj rad, koji je
izlagan širom svijeta. Franco Mello, koautor
kultnog “Kaktusa”, rođen 1945. godine, bio
je i kustos nekoliko izložbi koje su se bavile
Guframovom dizajnerskom vizijom.
Upravo je jedna američka izložba u Muzeju
moderne umjetnosti u New Yorku 1972. lansirala Gufram i njegove dizajnere u međunarodnu orbitu. Pod imenom “Italy: a new domestic
landscape”, predstavljena je cijela priča o talijanskom radikalnom pokretu u dizajnu kasnih šezdesetih.
Prepoznavajući da se u modernom društvu predmet
često promatra fetišistički, neki od dizajnera toga vremena željeli su podcrtati tu kvalitetu pripisujući svome
dizajnu eksplicitnu ritualnu osobinu. Predmet je tako
dobio skulpturalnu formu i zamišljen je kao oltar za
kućni obred. Suočeni s erozijom simplicističke doktrine funkcionalizma, neki su dizajneri stvarali predmete čija funkcija ne proizlazi iz njihove forme.
Rozi Hort Art
Oblik im više ne slijedi funkciju, upravo suprotno, agresivno je prikriva.
Newyorška je izložba ujedno označila i kraj ovog pokreta, čiji su predmeti pohranjeni u muzeje diljem
svijeta kao svjedoci jednog vremena, vizije i
vjerovanja da dizajn može promijeniti svijet.
A piece of cult
Cactus - A Sculptural
Sample of Anti-Design
At first, “Cactus” looks like an eccentric piece of furniture that is both humorous and
provocative. The original object was green, but at the International Fair of Furniture in Milan in 2007, Gufram introduced a limited series of “White Cactuses”. This
peculiar stalk/clothes hanger certainly represents an extremely distinctive detail, as
well as a particularly sculptural addition to any environment
Written by: Nataša Bodrožiæ
A piece of cult
he period from the end of the 1950s to the first oil crisis of 1974 is
generally thought of as an era of prosperity on the West, which
was coloured with optimism, scientific inventions, technological changes, economic growth, the 1968 social turbulences
and, naturally, the Beatles music. The overall enthusiasm of the fifties
and the sixties was encouraged by constant innovations, as well
as the growth of the international market: consumers were craving
for novelties in the cold war environment, which encouraged stiff
competition and competitive spirits among the most powerful nations of the world. This productive boost was also accompanied by
social changes: the increase of social security, free time, the growth of tourism, which transformed into one of the most important
branches of economy, as well as the enormous increase of youth
culture importance. The world was overwhelmed with mini skirts,
pop and rock concerts, comic books and motor wheels. Pop
culture became the ever-present realization of the post-modern, consumption world.
“The pop years” stood for the return of the power of objects
and pictures, accompanied by the blossoming of popular
iconography: pictures of streets, comic books… Designers,
“Pratone” - Velika livada / “Pratone” - Great Meadow
moviemakers and architects of that time drew inspiration
from the same source and erased all boundaries between individual disciplines. The changes of lifestyle were
evaluated and applied in new micro-surroundings, which
is most visible in the work of designers like Verner Panton,
Joe Colombo or Archizoom… Values of past generations
were very much put under the microscope. Everything
that is generally attached to pop was also connected
to anti-formalism. Pop assumes unstable terms like mobility, consumption and flexibility, while simultaneously questioning the virtues of stability, permanence, immobility
or even abstraction, all in favour of the new unnatural
During the mid-sixties in Italy, several designer groups
appeared that had a very different sense of ideology
and aesthetics to any Italian designers of that time. By
emphasizing the dominance of creative freedom over
functional demands introduced by manufacturers themselves, this “radical Italian anti-design” was shaped under the influence of pop art, conceptual art, illusionism,
naturalism, and primarily – irony. In 1966, a small Italian
company from Turin, which specialized in manufacturing chairs, went ahead with a radical turnaround and
started manufacturing designer furniture under the new
name Gufram. That same year, two other important radical designer groups were established in northern Italy: Archizoom and Superstudio. By rejecting mere functionality
and its formalism and following the spirit of the era, Gufram went ahead with the general research of transgressions, simultaneously creating iconic objects of Italian
anti-design and forcing everyone to connect their name
and aesthetics with the term “rock furniture”. Polyurethane, a material that was originally used in military and
car industry, was the cause of great enthusiasm among
designers and manufacturers. Convenient for usage of
utmost variety, from naturalistic imitations to self-generated metamorphoses, that material provoked an actual
little revolution.
Gufram’s furniture series called “Multiples”, the production of which started in 1967 in cooperation with Italian
artist Piero Gillardi, owed its success to that plastic miracle called polyurethane. Gillardi designed his first series
for Gufram in 1968 under the name “Sassi/Stones”, while
three years later architects from Strum Group created
“Pratone/Great Meadow”, which was a seating ensemble that presented a good example of hypertrophic nature in the shape of a rug that resembled a lawn that
isn’t maintained. In that same year,
t h e y
a legendary piece called “Bocca”, a sculptured sofa inspired by a famous piece by Salvador Dali, or more precisely a face of Mae West that served as Dali’s vision of
a surreal apartment. In 1972, Guido Drocco and Franco
Mello continued the series with a clothes hanger called
“Cactus”, which features a sculptural form and presents
itself as a surrealist sample of anti-design, inspired by the
actual thorny plant. At first, “Cactus” looks like an eccentric piece of furniture that is both humorous and provocative. The original object was green, but at the International Fair of Furniture in Milan in 2007, Gufran introduced a
limited series of “White Cactuses”. This peculiar stalk/clothes hanger certainly represents an extremely distinctive
detail, but also a particularly sculptural addition to any
environment that, like all other Gufram pieces, provokes
imagination by creating a dialogue, analysing the function and purpose of design today and in the years to come.
Guido Drocco, one of the authors of this extraordinary
object, is a famous and extremely productive architect
and designer. Born in 1942, his works found their place in
the Museum of Modern Arts in New York, as well as Georges Pompidou Centre in Paris and many other referential
locations, which testifies of his role in creating a look of
an entire period of time. He has won many awards for his
work, which has been on display throughout the world.
Franco Mello, co-author of the legendary “Cactus”, was
born in 1945, and he also served as a curator for several
exhibits that dealt with Gufram’s designer vision.
One particular American exhibit in the Museum of Modern Arts in New York in 1972 launched Gufram and his
designers into international heights. Named “Italy: A New
Domestic Landscape”, it presented an entire story about
an Italian radical design movement in the late sixties. Recognizing the fact that modern society often observes an
object in fetishist manner, some of the designers wanted
to underline that quality by adding an explicit ritual characteristic to their design. That provided a sculptural form
to the object, which resulted in an altar for a domestic
ceremony. Confronted with an erosion of functionalism’s
simplistic doctrine, some designers created objects that
had no direct ties between their form and function. Their
shape simply doesn’t follow their function; on the contrary, it aggressively conceals it.
The New York exhibit also marked the end of this movement, as its objects found their place in museums
across the world with the status
of an era, which had a
and belief that design
change the world.
Zagreb, www.interior.hr
Boja tirkiza na zidu (Zidni tapet “Gesso Stripe”) te sofa iz
kolekcije “Gran Paradiso” / Colour of turquoise on the
wall (“Gesso Stripe” wallcover ) and sofa from the“Gran
Paradiso” collection
U boji tirkiza
In th
ERIOR, Ilica 5,
Zagreb, www.interior.hr
ALESSI, www.alessi.com,
MODUS, Tkalčićeva 48, Zagreb
Cjedilo za agrume
“Mandarin” /
LANDO, www.landosrl.com
Sofa iz kolekcije “Gingerbread”,
dizajn Paola Navone / A sofa from
the Gingerbread collection, design
Paola Navone
Pripremila / Edited by: Ana Perišin
U mnogim kulturama tisućama godina tirkiz se
smatrao svetim kamenom koji donosi sreću.
Kombinirajući u sebi svijetloplavu boju neba i
poticajnu zelenu mora, boja tirkiza stvorit će u
nama osjećaj sreće i mira.
Iako omiljena u ljetnim mjesecima, pogotovo
na modnim detaljima, boja tirkiza na velika vrata ulazi u svijet interijera. Ovogodišnji Salone del
Mobile tirkiznu je, uz ljubičastu, istaknuo kao vodeću boju sezone.
For thousands of years, many cultures considered turquoise to be a sacred stone that brings
good fortune. Combining the light-blue colour
of the sky and the encouraging green colour of
the sea, the colour of turquoise will fill us up with
feelings of happiness and serenity. Although it is
favoured during the summer months, especially
on fashion details, the colour of turquoise is making a grand entrance into the interior world. This
year’s Salone del Mobile has underlined the turquoise colour, along with purple, as the leading
colour of the season.
Zealand w
Kantica za zalijevanje
cvijeća retro dizajna /
Retro-designed watering can
Zagreb, www.interior.hr
Sofa u tirkiznoj boji osvježit će cijelu prostoriju /
A sofa in turquoise colour would refresh every room
DOMA Namještaj d.o.o.,
Mekani kauč u tirkiznoj boji / Soft kauch in turquoise colour
DOMA Namještaj d.o.o.,
Vrtni feral orijentalnog izgleda /
Garden lantern with an oriental look
A Na
k za www.do štaj d.o.
e / N a.hr
r sta
VITRA / AAG, Ilica 15, Zagreb, www.aag.hr,
Aluminium Chair iz 1958. godine jedna je od
najpoznatijih stolica Charlesa i Ray Eames / Aluminium Chair from 1958 is one of the most famous
chais designed by Charlesa and Ray Eames
DOMA Namještaj d.o.o.,
Kućica za ptice/ A birdhouse
MARKS & SPENCER / www.marksandspencer.com
Tirkizna boja kao detalj na smeđem jastuku /
Turquoise colour as a detail on a brown cushion
Zagreb, www.interior.hr
Zid spavaće sobe u tirkiznoj boji, samo za najhrabrije /
Wall of bedroom in turquoise colour, only fot the brave ones
MODUS, Tkalčićeva 48,
Dozer za špagete /
Spaghetti dozer
, Tanjuri Tee
, Za
zajn Miriam M
i”, d
gn Miriam M /
A ica
Ša di” c
ssi.com, MODU
S, T
Razigrani sistem polica, dizajn Piero Lissoni /
Playful shelf system, design Piero Lissoni
IITTALA, www.iittala.com,
MODUS, Tkalčićeva 48, Zagreb
Zdjelica iz kolekcije “Teema” / A bowl
from the “Theema” collection
Patricia U
tricia Urq uiola
or, d
n Pa
jski p g, desig
a za
r sea
EMU, www.emuamericas.com
Metalna kanta za voće /
Metal fruit bucket
karta Hrvatske
map of Croatia
ZAGREB glavni grad / capital
BRAČ 130 str.
BRODARICA 133 str.
ČAZMA 136 str.
ÈIOVO 139 str.
KAŠTELIR 141 str.
LOVRAN 142 str.
MAKARSKA 143 str.
140 str.
posebna ponuda
special offer
str. 148
MURTER 144 str.
POREÈ 146 str.
PRIMOŠTEN 147 str.
PULA 148 str.
RAB 149 str.
SEVID 155 str.
SPLIT 156 str.
STANIĆI 157 str.
TROGIR 158 str.
VINKURAN 165 str.
VODICE 166 str.
VRSAR 167 str.
ZAGREB 168 str.
Real est
Prodaje se prekrasna kamena vila s bazenom, građena 2005. godine, potpuno namještena i useljiva. Nalazi se u malom dalmatinskom selu u samom središtu otoka Brača, okružena maslinicima i borovom šumom, nadomak prekrasnih
pješčanih plaža od kojih je udaljena 4-5 km. Vila se sastoji od vinskog podruma, kuhinje, dnevnog boravka, tri spavaće
sobe, dvije kupaonice i terase s koje se pruža pogled na more. Stambena površina iznosi 108 m2. Uređenje je moderno,
gradnja kvalitetna, a istodobno se posebno pazilo da se objekt uklopi u okruženje starih kamenih kuća u blizini. Ispred
vile je smješten i bazen sa slatkom vodom površine 15 m2, uređen grill, vrt te parking za dva automobila. Površina
zemljišta iznosi 432 m2. Lokacija predstavlja savršenu kompoziciju mira i tišine zaleđa jednog od najljepših otoka u
A wonderful stone villa with a swimming pool is on sale, as it was built in 2005 and is completely furnished and ready
for the moving-in process. It is located in a small Dalmatian town on the island of Brač, while being surrounded by olive
groves and pine-tree forests, about 4-5 kilometres from stunning sand beaches. The villa consists of a wine cellar, kitchen,
living room, three bedrooms, two bathrooms and a terrace that overlooks the sea. The house’s residential surface is 108
m2. It is furnished and decorated in modern fashion, the construction work as of high quality, while also making sure that
the object fits into the area of old stone houses nearby. In front of the villa, we find a 15 m2 swimming pool with fresh water, as well as a maintained grill, a garden and two parking spaces. The parcel takes up 432 m2. The location represents
the perfect composition of peace and quiet within one of the most beautiful Dalmatian islands.
Cijena / Price: 199.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 254 5962
Prodaje se prekrasna kamena vila u tihoj uvali, otvorenog pogleda na more, na 1500 m2 zemljišta. Sastoji se od dva
apartmana te luksuznog trosobnog stana površine 117 m2. U prizemlju su dvije garaže sa dva sanitarna čvora, kao i
vinska konoba. Cijela kuća je obložena bračkim kamenom, a ima ukupno 240 m2 terasa oko kuće. Vila ima građevinsku i uporabnu dozvolu.
A wonderful stone villa in a quiet bay is on sale, and it features an open view over the sea while being located on a
1500-m2 parcel. It consists of two apartments and a luxurious three-room apartment with 117 m2 of surface. The ground floor features two garages with two sets of sanitary facilities, as well as a wine cellar. The entire house is paved in
Brač stone, while the terrace surface around the house amounts to 240 m2. The villa possesses construction and usage
Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquiry
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 535 803, +385 (0)95 777 8885
Prodaje se novoizgrađena vila Lungomare u Brodarici, četiri kilometra od Šibenika, na građevnoj parceli od oko 700 m²,
udaljena samo 60 metara od mora, s prekrasnim pogledom na otok Krapanj. Ulaz na autocestu udaljen je samo 10 km, a
benzinska crpka, hoteli, restorani i svi ostali turistički sadržaji su u neposrednoj blizini. Vila je dizajnirana u mediteranskom
stilu sa suvremenim detaljima, sastoji se od šest apartmana koji površinom variraju od 75 do 95 m², a svaki od njih ima
terasu i pogled na more (osim dvaju prizemnih koji imaju vrt). Unutrašnje uređenje je podložno promjenama budućeg
vlasnika, a svi apartmani će biti opremljeni blindo ulaznim vratima, klimatizacijom, najkvalitetnijim talijanskim pločicama,
drvenim podovima, barom u kuhinji i parkirališnim mjestom koje je uključeno u cijenu. Posebno ističemo penthouse apartman na vrhu vile, s golemim dnevnim prostorom u potkrovnoj galeriji.
A newly built villa Lungomare is on sale in Brodarica, which is just four kilometres from Šibenik. The villa is located
on a 700 m2 construction parcel just 60 metres from the sea, and it features a stunning view over island Krapanj. The
entrance to the highway is just 10 km away, while the gas station, hotels, restaurants and all other tourism facilities
are located nearby. The villa was designed in Mediterranean style with contemporary details, and it consists of six
apartments with sizes between 75 and 95 m2 that all feature a terrace and a view over the sea (except for two groundfloor apartments that have a garden). Future owners can change the style of interior decoration, but all the apartments
will feature armoured entrance doors, air conditioning, top-quality Italian tiles, wooden floors, kitchen bar and a
parking space that is included in the price. We particularly point out a penthouse apartment at the top of the villa, which
features an enormous living room in the loft gallery.
Cijena / Price: 157.000 - 199.500 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 254 5962
Novoizgrađena vila sastoji se od sedam apartmana površine od 65 do 95 m2, s parkiralištem ispred kuće. Smještena je na
brdu s predivnim pogledom i okružena mediteranskim raslinjem. Udaljenost od centra i plaže je svega pet minuta. Svaki
apartman je opremljen etažnim grijanjem, klima-uređajem i kvalitetnim parketima, pločicama i stolarijom. Vila s apartmanima posjeduje svu potrebnu dokumentaciju.
The newly built villa consists of seven apartments with surfaces that range from 65 to 95 m2, and it also possesses a parking
lot in front of the house. It is located on a hill with a wonderful view and is surrounded by Mediterranean flora. The town
centre and the beach are both five minutes away. Every apartment features storey heating, air conditioning and high-quality
parquets, tiles and joinery work. The villa with the apartments possesses all the necessary documentation.
Cijena / Price: 2300 €/m2
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 505 8210
www.crozilla.com ID 32595
Unesite broj u crozilla ID tražilicu i saznajte više informacija / Enter the number in crozilla ID search engine and find out more
Prodaje se prekrasno imanje s kućom u okolici Čazme, 60 km od Zagreba. Imanje se nalazi usred guste šume, lovišta,
i od najbliže kuće je udaljeno pet kilometara. Zemljište, uključujući i jezero s fotografije, površine je 12.326 m2, a sama
kuća ima oko 350 m2. Papiri su uredni, 1/1. U okolici su ucrtane biciklističke i planinarske staze. Kuća je izgrađena
1967. godine. Sada se koristi za odmor, dok je nekada bila motel. Na katu je devet soba sa dva ili tri kreveta, dok su u
prizemlju dnevni boravak, kuhinja, blagovaonica i jedna soba. Svaka prostorija ima svoj kamin na drva, tako da ih je u
kući ukupno 11. Uz kuću se kao prateći objekt nalazi i velika drvena sjenica od 45 m2 s vodom, strujom i rasvjetom, te
kućica za spremanje drva.
There is a beautiful estate with a house for sale near Čazma, which is 60 kilometres from Zagreb. The estate is located
in the middle of a thick forest and a hunting area, five kilometres away from the nearest house. The parcel, including
the photograph lake, takes up 12.326 m2, while the house itself takes up 350 m2. The papers are all accounted for,
1/1. There are many cycling and hiking tracks being introduced nearby. The house was built in 1967. It is now used as
a vacation house, while it previously used to be a motel. The upper floor features nine rooms with two or three beds,
while the ground floor consists of the living room, kitchen, dining room and one bedroom. Every room has its own fireplace with wood, which makes the overall number of 11. The house is accompanied by a large 45 m2 wooden arbour
with water, electricity and lighting, as well as a small house for wood storage.
Cijena / Price: 450.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)1 376 8859, +385 (0)91 376 8854
Prodaje se lijepa i prostrana obiteljska kuća u Slatinama, na otoku Čiovu kod Trogira. Ima 100 m² stambenog prostora
na dvije etaže, a okružena je lijepo uređenim terasama i vrtovima. Na posjedu su još i velika garaža, ljetnja kuhinja u
bijelom kamenu te vinski podrum. Iz kuće se pruža predivan pogled na more i okolne otoke, a vlasnik kuće je arhitekt,
tako da je profesionalno i ukusno dizajnirao prostor.
There is a lovely, spacious family house for sale in Slatine, which is a small town on the island of Čiovo near Trogir. It
takes up 100 m2 of residential surface that is divided into two storeys, and it is surrounded by nicely decorated terraces
and gardens. The property also features a large garage, a summer kitchen made of white stone, and a wine cellar. The
house provides a marvellous view over the sea and the surrounding islands, and it’s fair to mention that the owner of the
house is an architect, which guarantees the professionalism and good taste of the house’s design.
Cijena / Price: 375.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)98 385 049
Hrvatsko zagorje
Prodaje se barokni dvorac u Hrvatskom zagorju, jedan je od najljepših dvoraca u Hrvatskoj. Površina je 2460 m2, a na
kompletnom imanju koje se prostire na 10 hektara smješteno je mnoštvo sadržaja, poput vanjskog i unutrašnjeg bazena,
teniskog igrališta, vinske kolibe i vinskog podruma te vinograda sa 600 trsova vinove loze. Dvorcu također pripadaju
i tri jezera. Unutrašnjost dvorca se sastoji od prizemlja s 10 soba, tri kupaonice, tri WC-a, velikom i malom kuhinjom,
blagovaonicom za 30 ljudi, kotlovnicom i spremištem. Na katu se nalazi osam velikih soba i tri kupaonice, te galerija
i biblioteka koja sadrži nekoliko tisuća vrijednih knjiga. Dvorac se prodaje s originalnim namještajem i mnogobrojnim
freskama koje krase zidove.
The baroque castle located in Hrvatsko Zagorje is one of the most beautiful castles in Croatia. The castle takes up 2460 m2,
while the complete 10-hectar estate has plenty of features, including the outdoor and indoor swimming pool, tennis court,
wine cabin, wine cellar and a vineyard with 600 trees of grapevine. The castle also possesses three lakes. The castle’s
interior consists of the ground floor with 10 bedrooms, three bathrooms, three toilets, large and small kitchen, dining room
for thirty people, boiler room and storage. The upper floor features eight large bedrooms and three bathrooms, as well
as a gallery and a library that contains several thousand valuable books. The castle is on sale with original furniture and
numerous frescoes that are prominent on the walls.
Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquiry
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385(0)51 320 702
Kaštelir se nalazi 9 km od Poreča i mora - mjesto je s dobrom infrastrukturom; pošta, banka, restorani, marketi... Prodaje
se novogradnja - kamena kuća ukupne površine 175 m2. Sastoji se od podruma, prizemlja i kata. U podrumu su konoba
i vinoteka, prizemlje zauzimaju prostrani dnevni boravak, kuhinja, spremište, kupaonica i terasa, a na prvom katu su
tri spavaće sobe, kupaonica i terasa s pogledom na more. Kuća će imati četiri klime (grijanje i hlađenje), dva kamina,
uređen okoliš s navodnjavanjem i bazen 6x4 metara.
Kaštelir is found 9 km from Poreč and the sea – it is a town with quality infrastructure; post office, bank, restaurants,
supermarkets… A newly built stone house with 175 m2 of surface is on sale. It consists of the basement, ground floor and
the first floor. The basement reveals a pantry and a wine cellar, while the ground floor features a spacious living room,
kitchen, storage room, bathroom and a terrace. The first floor consists of three bedrooms, bathroom, and a terrace that
overlooks the sea. The house will have four air conditioners (heating and cooling), two fireplaces, a maintained landscape
with flooding and a 6x4-metre swimming pool.
Cijena / Price: 420.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)52 433 801, +385 (0)98 411 430
Prodaje se lijepo namješten stan površine 62 m2 na drugom katu stambene zgrade u Lovranu, svega 500 metara od
mora i centra Lovrana. Iz stana se pruža prekrasan pogled na cijelu Opatijsku rivijeru. Stan je vrlo kvalitetno opremljen
te posjeduje parkirališno mjesto. U cijenu stana uračunat je i namještaj.
A wonderfully furnished apartment is on sale on the second floor of a residential building in Lovran, and it surface is 62 m2.
It is located merely 500 metres from the sea and the centre of Lovran. The apartment provides a wonderful view over the
entire Opatija Riviera. It is furnished in high-quality manner while also possessing a parking space. Furniture value is also
calculated into the price of the apartment.
Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquiry
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 314 037, +385 (0)91 932 45 68
fotografije, skice, dimenzije, opisi i cijene * više od 9.000 proizvoda * planer rasporeda namještaja * prodajna mjesta
Sl. Brod
Stambena zgrada smještena u istočnom dijelu Makarske, na predjelu Dugiš, sastoji se od 30 stanova i okrenuta je istokjugozapad te ima predivan pogled na Makarsko primorje, Dubce i Split. Zgrada ima podzemnu garažu s 30 parkirališnih
mjesta uz mogućnost izravnog ulaska u stambeni dio, te otvaranje daljinskim upravljačem. Nalazi se u blizini škole i
centra grada, te samo 200 do 500 m od mora. Stanovi su iznadprosječno opremljeni visokokvalitetnom keramikom,
stolarijom i PVC stolarijom. Izvedba instalacija stambenih prostora najstrože je kontrolirana.
The residential building located in the eastern part of Makarska, in a neighbourhood called Dugiš, consists of 30 apartments and has an east-southwest orientation, as well as a wonderful view over the Makarska Bay, Dubce and Split. The
building has an underground garage with 30 parking spaces and an option of directly entering the residential section
via remote controller. It is located near a school and the town centre, as well as merely 200 to 500 metres from the
sea. Apartments are furnished in above-average manner, with usage of high-quality ceramics, joinery and PVC joinery.
The performance on the residential spaces’ installations has been very closely controlled.
Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquiry
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)99 474 7817
www.crozilla.com ID 21196
Unesite broj u crozilla ID tražilicu i saznajte više informacija / Enter the number in crozilla ID search engine and find out more
Prodaje se zemljište u Murteru cca 914 m2 s kućom površine 160 m2 na tri etaže, najpogodnija za turističku namjenu
(adaptacija u manji hotel ili apartmane). Trenutačna izgrađenost objekta je 35 posto. Objekt je izrazito dobro lociran
za nautički turizam jer se nalazi između dviju marina, marine Betina i marine Hramina.
A 914 m2 parcel in Murter is on sale, and it features a three-storey house that takes up 160 m2, which is very convenient
for tourism ventures (adaptation into a smaller hotel or apartments). The object’s construction process is about 35%
completed. The object has an extremely convenient location for nautical tourism as it is placed between two marinas,
the one in Betina and the one in Hramina.
Cijena / Price: 300.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 4640 100
www.crozilla.com ID 40847
Unesite broj u crozilla ID tražilicu i saznajte više informacija / Enter the number in crozilla ID search engine and find out more
Prodaje se obiteljska kuća u Poreču (naselje Finida) udaljena samo 15-ak minuta hoda od gradskoga središta, te 10-ak
minuta hoda od mora. Sastoji se od šest luksuzno opremljenih stanova i garaže s 10 parkirališnih mjesta. Okućnica je
hortikulturno uređena palmama, lavandom i travom. Objekt se prodaje u cjelini, a moguća je i prodaja pojedinačno
po stanovima. Ima četiri stana veličine od 52 m² do 60 m² i dva stana po 140 m². Svi su stanovi kompletno opremljeni,
imaju centralno grijanje i klima-uređaje. Objekt također posjeduje i automatsko navodnjavanje.
A family house is on sale in Poreč (settlement Finida), and it is just 15 minutes away from the city centre and about 10
minutes away from the sea. It consists of six luxuriously equipped apartments and a garage with 10 parking spaces. The
courtyard is decorated in horticultural manner with palms, lavender and grass. The object is put on sale as a unit, but there
is an option of buying individual apartments. Four apartments have surfaces that range between 52 m2 and 60 m2, while
two apartments take up 140 m2. All apartments are completely furnished, and they have central heating and air conditioning. The object also possesses automatic watering.
Cijena / Price: ona upit / on inquiry
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)52 431 155, +385 (0)98 421 718
U primoštenskom zaleđu, na brdu s kojeg se pruža prekrasan pogled na more i stari dio Primoštena, prodaje se građevinsko zemljište od 2400 m², s lokacijskom dozvolom za luksuznu vilu s bazenom. Zemljište se nalazi 35 km od aerodroma, 5 km od marine, 25 km od autoceste te samo 1 km od prekrasnih primoštenskih plaža. Po projektu, vila se sastoji
od podruma, prizemlja i prvog kata, smještena je na osami, dok se ujedno zabava i vrhunski restorani nalaze na dohvat
ruke. U podrumu objekta su garaža, kotlovnica i praonica rublja, dvije saune, ostava, WC i gusterna, a površina mu je
151,36 m². Prizemlje je površine 152,07 m², a čine ga: dnevni boravak, blagovaonica, kuhinja, spavaća soba, WC s
tuš-kabinom, ulazni prostor, pretprostor i stubište. Na prvom katu su tri spavaće sobe, kupaonica, dva WC-a, galerija,
prostorija za posteljinu, terasa i stubište. Ukupna stambena površina prvog kata je 131,49 m², a ukupna stambena površina cijelog objekta je 434,92 m².
In the Primošten area, on a hill that provides a wonderful view over the sea and the old part of Primošten, we find a
2400 m2 construction parcel for sale, and it comes with a location licence for a luxurious villa with a swimming pool.
The parcel is located 35 km from the airport, 5 km from the marina, 25 km from the highway and just 1 km from the
beautiful beaches of Primošten. According to the project, the villa consists of the basement, ground floor and first
floor, and is located on a peaceful place, but still fairly close to entertainment and top-quality restaurants. The object’s
basement features a garage, boiler room, laundry room, two saunas, pantry, toilet and water tank, while its surface
is 151,36 m2. The ground floor takes up 152,07 m2, and it consists of: living room, dining room, kitchen, bedroom,
bathroom with a shower tub, entrance room, hallway and staircase. The first floor features three bedrooms, bathroom,
two toilets, gallery, linen storage, terrace and a staircase. The overall residential surface of the first floor is 131,49 m2,
while the entire object has 434,92 m2 of overall residential surface.
Cijena / Price: 500.000 - 1.500.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 254 5962
Prodaje se prekrasna vila koja se nalazi u samom masliniku, 500 metara udaljena od mora. Smještena je u malom
ribarskom mjestu Vabriga, 9 km udaljenom od Poreča i 5 km od Novigrada. Izgrađena je po novom konceptu koji
kombinira tradicionalnu mediteransku arhitekturu sa suvremenom kvalitetom gradnje i udobnosti. Opremljena je vratima i prozorima od mahagonija, najkvalitetnijom keramikom, uz suvremeni dizajn interijera. Kompleks se sastoji od
četiri vile u kojima se nalazi četiri-osam apartmana površine od 50 do 120 m2.
A wonderful villa, which is located in the midst of an olive grove about 500 metres from the sea, has been put up for
sale. It is located in a small fishermen village Vabriga, 9 km away from Poreč and 5 km away from Novigrad. It was built
under a new concept that combines traditional Mediterranean architecture with modern standards of construction quality
and comfort. It features mahogany doors and windows, as well as top-quality ceramics and a modern design interior. The
complex features four villas that reveal four to eight apartments, with their surfaces ranging from 50 to 120 m2.
Cijena / Price: 2700 - 3300 €/m2
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 314 037, +385 (0)91 932 45 68
Prodaje se jedinstvena vila s luksuzno opremljenim apartmanima površine od 64 m2 i 70 m2, s izdvojenim ostavama, u
elitnom dijelu Raba, u neposrednoj blizini centra i mora. Apartmani su suvremenog modernog dizajna, keramika je vrhunske kvalitete, terase su komforne, a vila posjeduje i veliki zajednički vanjski bazen, uređeni park s igralištem za djecu,
te podzemnu garažu. Iako u neposrednom dodiru sa samim središtem otoka Raba, odlikuje je izuzetno mirna lokacija.
Unique villa containing luxury equipped apartments is on sale. Apartments are between 64 and 70 m2, located in the elite
part of Rab, very close to the see and center of town. They are modern designed, the ceramics are top-quality, and the
terraces are comfort, and the villa also has a big joint swimming pool, horticultural developed park with the playground
for kids, and underground garage. Although it is in close contact with the center of the city, it still has extremely peaceful
Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquiry
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)51 724 958
Prodaje se urbana vila sa dva dvoetažna stana, svaki površine 135 m2, s pripadajućom okućnicom, samo 50 m od plaže
i s lijepim pogledom na more. Smještena je u novoizgrađenom elitnom naselju urbanih vila, a posjeduje privatan kolni
prilaz, kao i put do mora. Vilu odlikuje suvremena tehnologija građenja i korištenje najkvalitetnijih materijala, čime je
postignuta visoka kvaliteta izgrađenih objekata.
There is an urban villa with a couple of two-storey apartments for sale. Each of the apartments has 135 m2 of surface with
an accompanying courtyard, and it is located just 50 metres from the beach with a lovely view over the sea. It is located
in a newly built elite settlement of urban villas, while also possessing a private driveway and a path to the sea. The villas
are characterized by modern construction technology and usage of top-quality materials, which resulted in a high level of
quality of constructed objects.
Cijena / Price: 180.000 € + PDV / VAT
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)51 724 958
Na Rabu se prodaje jedinstvena novouređena vila na dvije etaže s ograđenom, kultiviranom okućnicom, u blizini stare
gradske jezgre. Stambena površina vile iznosi cca 255 m², a površina okućnice cca 400 m². Vila ima predivan pogled
na more od kojeg je udaljena samo 30 m, a unutrašnjost vile čini sedam spavaćih soba s kupaonicama i terasama.
There is a unique newly built two-storey villa on sale in Rab, and it features a fenced cultivated courtyard. It is located near
the old city centre, and it has a residential surface of about 255 m2, while the courtyard takes up about 400 m2. The villa
offers a wonderful view of the sea that is just 30 metres away, while the villa’s interior consists of seven bedrooms with
bathrooms and terraces.
Cijena / Price: 450.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)51 724 958
U Banjolu, malenome mjestu na otoku Rabu, poznatom po čistom moru i prekrasnim pješčanim uvalama, prodaje se
novoizgrađena urbana vila s bazenom, na mirnoj lokaciji i s prekrasnom panoramom. Unutrašnjost vile se sastoji od tri
stana površine 94 m², 115 m² i 124 m², s uređenom okućnicom, koju odlikuje obilje mediteranskog bilja.
In Banjol, which is a small town on the island of Rab known for its clean sea and wonderful sand beaches, we find a newly
built urban villa on a peaceful location for sale, and it features a swimming pool and a stunning panorama. The villa’s
interior consists of three apartments with surfaces of 94 m2, 115 m2 and 124 m2, while the courtyard is very maintained
and filled with Mediterranean plants.
Cijena / Price: 3000 €/m²
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)51 724 958
Vila Irina nalazi se u uvali Sevid, 35 metara od mora. Okružena je zelenom okućnicom od 1100 m2, u sklopu koje
su bazen s masažom, velike kaskadne terase te garaža sa šest mjesta. Vila je ukupne površine 380 m2, a sastoji se od
prizemlja površine 160 m2, u kojem se nalazi kuhinja, blagovaonica, dnevna soba, kupaonica te dvije terase. Prvi kat
je površinom nešto manji, 85 m2, a sastoji se od tri spavaće sobe s kupaonicama i prostranim terasama. Zadnja etaža
je visoko potkrovlje površine 65 m2, u kojem su dvije spavaće sobe, kupaonica te terasa s pogledom. Uz obiteljsku
rezidenciju nalaze se još dva dvosobna apartmana od 160 m2, s odvojenim ulazima i dva mjesta za parkiranje.
Villa Irina is located in Sevid Beach, just 35 metres from the water. It is surrounded by an 1100 m2 green courtyard, within
which we can find a swimming pool with massage, large cascade terraces and a garage with six parking spaces. The
villa’s overall surface is 380 m2, and it consists of a 160 m2 ground floor, which reveals a kitchen, dining room, living
room, bathroom and two terraces. The first floor is somewhat smaller, as it occupies merely 85 m2, and it consists of three
bedrooms with bathrooms and spacious terraces. The top storey comes in the form of an elevated 65 m2 loft, which features two bedrooms, bathroom and a terrace with a view. The family residence is accompanied by a couple of two-room
apartments with 160 m2 of surface, which feature separated entrances and two parking spaces.
Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquiry
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 260 792, +385 (0)98 411 775
www.crozilla.com ID 32953
Unesite broj u crozilla ID tražilicu i saznajte više informacija / Enter the number in crozilla ID search engine and find out more
Predbilježite se za svoju budućnost!
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Prodaje se luksuzna kamena vila u drugom redu do mora, s nesmetanim panoramskim pogledom. Nalazi se 4 km južno
od Omiša prema Brelima, samo 30 m od mora. Sastoji se od tri etaže i prizemlja u kojem su dvije garaže na daljinsko
upravljanje. Svaka soba ima veliku terasu s pogledom na more. Na prvoj etaži je i prostrana terasa s ljetnom kuhinjom
i malim bazenom za djecu. Kuća je klimatizirana, te je provedeno i centralno solarno grijanje. Ispred kuće nalazi se
prekrasna šljunčana plaža, kao i šetnica uz more.
A luxurious stone villa is on sale, and it is located second in line to the sea while featuring an uninhibited panoramic view.
The villa is found 4 km south of Omiš in the direction of Brela, merely 30 metres from the sea. It consists of three storeys
and the ground floor that features two garages with remote control. Every room possesses a large terrace overlooking
the sea. The first level features a spacious terrace with a summer kitchen and a small swimming pool for children. The
house has air conditioning, as well as central solar heating. In front of the house, we find a wonderful gravel beach and
a walking path by the sea.
Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquiry
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 535 803, +385 (0)95 777 8885
Prodaju se apartmani u novoizgrađenom objektu koji se nalazi 200 m od mora. Riječ je o dvije zgrade, četverokatnice,
od kojih svaka ima osam stanova. Stanovi su opremljeni parlafonom, PVC stolarijom, protuprovalnim vratima, inoks
ogradama, klimatizacijom, keramičkim pločicama prve klase, a objekti su još imaju granitno stubište, bazen, parkirna
mjesta te pogled na glavnu plažu. Useljenje je planirano za prosinac 2008.
Apartments are on sale in a newly built object that is located 200 metres from the sea. They are situated in two four-storey
buildings, each of them having eight apartments. Apartments feature speakerphones, PVC joinery, anti-burglary doors,
fences made of non-corrosive steel, air conditioning, first-class ceramic tiles, as well as granite staircases, swimming pool,
parking spaces and a view over the main beach. The moving-in process is planned for December 2008.
Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquiry
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 314 037, +385 (0)91 932 4568
Prodaje se predivna nova vila, prvi red do mora, izgrađena na zemljištu od 1050 m2, s mnoštvom umjetničkih detalja u
bijelom bračkom kamenu koji krase interijer i eksterijer, garažom, bazenima, vrtovima punim cvijeća, borova i palmi, te
kaminima koji oplemenjuju unutrašnjost koja odiše stilom i šarmom. S mnogobrojnih terasa pruža se pogled na nezaboravan mediteranski krajolik i more.
A wonderful new villa is on sale, and it is located on a 1052 m2 parcel that is first in line to the sea. The villa features
plenty of artistic details in white Brač stone that are prominent in both the interior and the exterior, as well as the garage,
swimming pools, gardens filled with flowers, pine trees and palms. The interior also reveals lovely fireplaces that add
extra-style and charm. Numerous terraces reveal a view over the unforgettable Mediterranean scenery and the sea.
Cijena / Price: 2.400.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)98 385 049
Prodaju se novi apartmani u objektu koji posjeduje i bazen, vrt te garaže. Svaki apartman ima veliku terasu s predivnim
pogledom na more i otoke. Pri gradnji su korišteni najkvalitetniji materijali, a kupaonica i kuhinja opremljeni su suvremenim namještajem.
New apartments are on sale in an object that also possesses a swimming pool, garden and garages. Every apartment has
a large terrace that provides a wonderful view over the sea and the islands. Top-quality materials were used during the
construction process, while bathroom and kitchen were furnished with contemporary furniture.
Cijena / Price: 2300 €/m2
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)98 385 049
Prodaje se prekrasna vila na otoku Čiovu, u mjestu Okrugu Gornjem, nedavno potpuno obnovljena. Vila se sastoji od
prizemlja i dva kata. U prizemlju ima 225 m2 stambenog prostora, 100 m2 terase, vrt, bazen te parking. Prvi kat ima
130 m2 stambenog prostora, 56 m2 terase, vrt i garažu, dok drugi kat ima 158 m2 stambenog prostora, 67 m2 terase
i garažu. Sve terase i podovi popločani su granitom u raznim bojama i nijansama. Unutrašnjost je modernizirana, s
podnim grijanjem koje koristi uljnu peć i solarnim grijanjem za toplu vodu na svim katovima; osim toga gornja dva kata
su klimatizirana.
A wonderful villa is on sale in Okrug Gornji on the island of Čiovo, and it has recently been completely renovated. The
villa consists of the ground floor and two upper floors. The ground floor has 225 m2 of residential surface, 100 m2 of
terrace surface, as well as a garden, swimming pool and parking. The first floor features 130 m2 of residential surface,
56 m2 of terrace surface, garden and garage, while the second floor takes up 158 m2 of residential surface, 67 m2 of
terrace surface and a garage. All terraces and floors are paved in granite, which comes in different colours and shades.
The interior is modernized with floor heating that uses an oil heater and with solar heating for hot water on all floors. The
two upper floors have air conditioning.
Cijena / Price: 1.650.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)22 213 506, +385 (0)91 754 4313
U Trogiru se prodaje hotel na zemljištu površine 19.000 m2, u prvom redu do mora. Objekti u sklopu hotela su 90
posto dovršeni i raspolažu površinom od 5400 m2 korisnog prostora. Sadrže 22 ekskluzivna apartmana, restoran,
tavernu, wellness-centar, zatvoreni bazen, veliki otvoreni bazen, fitness, kongresnu dvoranu, koncertnu dvoranu,
vinoteku, garaže, terase itd. Lokacijska dozvola postoji za gradnju još većeg objekta na istom zemljištu te male lučice
There is a hotel for sale in Trogir, and it stands on a parcel that occupies 19.000 m2 right by the sea. The objects within the
hotel are 90% finished and they feature 5400 m2 of useful space. There are 22 exclusive apartments, restaurant, tavern,
wellness-centre, indoor swimming pool, big outdoor swimming pool, fitness, conference hall, concert hall, wine cellar, garages, terraces etc. A location license has been granted for the construction of an even bigger object on the same parcel,
as well as a small port in front of it.
Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquiry
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 231 911
Na samom jugu istarskog poluotoka nalazi se Aurora – novo luksuzno naselje u zelenoj oazi, samo 500-injak metara
udaljeno od mora. Aurora obuhvaća tri stambena objekta s ukupno sedam dvosobnih i 10 jednosobnih luksuznih
stanova, površine od 42 do 143 m2. Svaki stan ima spremište, garažno i parkirališno mjesto natkriveno ozelenjenim
nadstrešnicama, a stanovi u prizemlju imaju i privatne ograđene vrtove površine od 20 do 80 m2. Panoramska dizala
povezivat će sve etaže, podovi će biti obloženi bračkim kamenom, prvoklasnom talijanskom keramikom i egzotičnim
parketom, a stanovima će upravljati inteligentni sustavi. Useljenje prvih stanara očekuje se krajem 2008. godine.
At the very south of the Istrian Peninsula, we find Aurora – a new luxurious settlement located in a green oasis just 500
metres from the sea. Aurora encompasses three residential objects with the overall amount of seven two-bedroom and
ten one-bedroom luxurious apartments, the sizes of which range from 42 to 143 m2. Each apartment has a storage
room, garage spot and parking space below greenery-filled canopies, while ground-floor apartments also have private
fenced gardens with surfaces from 20 to 80 m2. Panoramic elevators will connect all storeys, the floors will be covered
in Brač stone, first-class Italian ceramics and exotic parquets, while all apartments will be managed by intelligent
systems. The first tenants are expected to move in near the end of 2008.
Cijena / Price: 150.000 - 450.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)52 619 356, +385 (0)98 758 504
Ovaj ekskluzivni hotel nalazi se uz samo more, na sunčanoj obali Jadranskog mora, udaljen je 12 km od Šibenika
i vrlo blizu autoceste. Najbliže zračne luke su u Splitu i u Zadru, a u blizini se nalaze i dva nacionalna parka: Krka i
Kornati. Vodice su jedan od najvećih i najatraktivnijih turističkih središta u Dalmaciji. Ovaj hotel kompletno je uređen,
sastoji se od tri kata na kojima se nalazi 21 soba s kupaonicom, od kojih većina ima balkone koji gledaju na more, a
hotel ima još i dvije velike terase ispred restorana u prizemlju. Tu se nalazi i ograđeno igralište za djecu i prekrasan,
hortikulturno uređen vrt.
This exclusive hotel is located right next to the sea on the sunny coast of the Adriatic Sea, just 12 km away from Šibenik
and very close to the highway. The nearest airports are found in Split and Zadar, while its immediate environment also
reveals two national parks: Krka and Kornati. Vodice is one of the biggest and most attractive tourism resorts in Dalmatia.
This hotel is completely furnished, and it consists of three floors that reveal 21 rooms with bathrooms. Most of the rooms
have a balcony that overlooks the sea, while the hotel also has two large terraces in front of the restaurant on the ground
floor. That’s where we find an enclosed playground for the children and a wonderful horticultural garden.
Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquiry
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 314 037, +385 (0)91 932 45 68
Prodaje se samostojeća kuća 8 km od Vrsara i mora, površine 160 m2, na dvije etaže. U prizemlju su dnevni boravak s
kaminom, kuhinja, kupaonica, natkrivena terasa, a na prvom katu tri sobe, dvije kupaonice i balkon koji pruža otvoren
panoramski pogled na okolicu i more. U sklopu kuće nalazi se još garaža i bazen (4x8 m). Prva faza centralnog grijanja
i klime je dovršena, okućnica ima 700 m2, a unutarnje uređenje je prepušteno želji klijenta.
A detached house is on sale 8 km from Vrsar and the sea; its surface is 160 m2 and it spreads over two floors. The ground
floor features a living room with a fireplace, kitchen, bathroom and a covered terrace, while the first floor reveals three
bedrooms, two bathrooms and a balcony that overlooks an open panoramic view over the scenery and the sea. The house
also features a garage and a swimming pool (4x8 metres). The first phase of the central heating and air conditioning is
finished. The courtyard spreads across 700 m2, while the interior decoration process has been submitted to the client’s
Cijena / Price: 385.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)52 433 801, +385 (0)98 411 430
Prodaju se vrhunski opremljeni stanovi površina 35, 98, 108, 141 i 144 m2. Svi imaju pripadajuće parkirališno mjesto
u podzemnoj garaži. Uz dizalo u zgradi, vrhunsku opremljenost i inteligentnu tehnologiju u svakom stanu, ekskluzivnost
osigurava i odlična lokacija u blizini tramvaja, škole, vrtića, pošte i banke.
Superbly furnished apartments are on sale, and their surfaces are 35, 98, 108, 141 and 144 m2. They all receive an
accompanying parking space in the underground garage. Besides the presence of an elevator in the building, as well as
top-notch equipment and intelligent technology in every apartment, the apartments’ exclusivity is also contained in their
excellent location near the tram station, schools, kindergartens, post office and the bank.
Cijena / Price: 2290 - 2600 €/m2
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)1 4860 677, +385 (0)1 4860 114
www.crozilla.com ID 29525
Unesite broj u crozilla ID tražilicu i saznajte više informacija / Enter the number in crozilla ID search engine and find out more
Stambena zgrada smještena na Zavrtnici sastoji se od vrhunski opremljenih stanova površine od 33 do 97 m2, garaža,
parkirališnih mjesta u podzemnoj garaži i dva dizala. Dodatnu atraktivnost zgradi daju odlična prometna povezanost,
blizina autobusnog kolodvora, poslovne zone i trgovačkih centara. Tijekom izgradnje svim potencijalnim kupcima dostupni su stambeni krediti Zagrebačke banke. Stanovi su useljivi od travnja 2009. godine.
A residential building located in Zavrtnica consists of superbly furnished apartments with surfaces that range from 33 to
97 m2, as well as of garages, parking spaces in the underground garage and two elevators. The building’s attractiveness
is even furthered by excellent traffic connections, as well by the closeness of the bus station, business area and shopping
malls. During the construction process, all potential customers have access to residential credits in the Zagreb Bank. The
moving-in process will begin in April of 2009.
Cijena / Price: 2450 - 2650 €/m2
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)1 4860 677, +385 (0)1 4860 114
www.crozilla.com ID 29496
Unesite broj u crozilla ID tražilicu i saznajte više informacija / Enter the number in crozilla ID search engine and find out more
Prodaje se atraktivan stan u novogradnji u zagrebačkom naselju Šestine, na prvom katu s liftom. Pogodan je za obitelj
jer ima tri spavaće sobe, dnevnu sobu, dvije kupaonice, kuhinju s blagavaonicom te dva garažna mjesta. Ukupna površina stana je 99,95 m2. Stan je opremljen protuprovalnim vratima, vanjskom stolarijom od plastificiranog aluminija,
klimama LG u svim sobama, sanitarijama Galassia, slavinama Zucchetti, prvoklasnom keramikom, podnim grijanjem u
kupaonicama, hrastovim parketima, telefonskim/internet i TV priključcima u svakoj sobi, etažnim plinskim grijanjem te
videoportafonom. Svaka urbana vila sastoji se od pet stanova, te ima lift i okućnicu.
An attractive newly built apartment is on sale in Šestine, which is a neighbourhood in Zagreb. It is located on the first floor
with an elevator, and is very convenient for a family because it possesses three bedrooms, living room, two bathrooms,
kitchen with dining room and two garage spaces. The apartment’s overall surface is 99,95 m2. The apartment features
anti-burglary doors, outside joinery with plastic-tinged aluminium, LG air conditioners in all rooms, Galassia sanitary
facilities, Zucchetti faucets, first-class ceramics, floor heating in bathrooms, oak parquets, telephone/Internet and TV connections in every room, storey gas heating and a video-speakerphone. Every urban villa consists of five apartments, while
also having an elevator and a courtyard.
Cijena / Price: 256.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)98 352 677
www.crozilla.com ID 38949
Unesite broj u crozilla ID tražilicu i saznajte više informacija / Enter the number in crozilla ID search engine and find out more
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Prodaje se četverosoban stan u potkrovlju urbane vile od dva kata u novogradnji. Sastoji se od dvevnog boravka,
kuhinje, tri spavaće sobe, dvije kupaonice, terase, natkrivenog ulaznog prostora, terase i vrta. Površina samog stana
je 94,26 m2, a ukupna površina s dodacima 140,65 m2. Stan je bogato opremljen; ima garažna vrata segmentno
podizna s daljinskim upravljanjem, unutarnja vrata izrađena su po mjeri i viša su od standarda, parketi su od tikovine, stubišta opločena tamnim granitom. Stan je opremljen videoparlafonima i sistemom alarma, a kupaonice imaju
električno podno grijanje. Grijanje stanova je etažno plinsko, a svaka soba ima klima-uređaj LG koji je smješten na
način da ne narušava izgled zgrade. Unutarnja i vanjska popločenja su izvedena od granitnih ploča, a vanjski zidovi
su popločani grubo klesanim kamenom s ugradbenom rasvjetom.
A four-room apartment is on sale in the loft of an urban two-floor villa that has recently been built. It consists of the living
room, kitchen, three bedrooms, two bathrooms, terrace, covered entrance space, terrace and garden. The apartment
itself takes up 94,26 m2, while the overall surface with additions amounts to 140,65 m2. The apartment is luxuriously
furnished; it has remote-controlled garage doors, while the inside doors are custom-made and higher than standard
practices. Parquets are made of teakwood, while the stairway is paved in dark granite. The apartment has video-speakerphones and an alarm system at its disposal, while the bathroom features electrical floor heating. The apartments’
heating system uses gas and is individual for every floor, while every room features an LG air conditioner that is placed
in a manner that doesn’t disrupt the building’s appearance. Both the interior and the exterior are paved in granite boards, while the outdoor walls feature roughly processed stone and built-in lighting.
Cijena / Price: 337.560 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 464 0100
www.crozilla.com ID 000-040-077
Unesite broj u crozilla ID tražilicu i saznajte više informacija / Enter the number in crozilla ID search engine and find out more
U zagrebačkom naselju Središće – zapad, u neposrednoj blizini jezera Bundek, u okolišu u kojem dominiraju zelene površine i zgrade kulturnog sadržaja, vrlo dobre prometne povezanosti (tek par minuta pješice do tramvaja i autobusa), te
svega 10-ak minuta do užeg središta Zagreba, prodaje se više stanova u novogradnji površine od 41 do 130 m2. Stanovi
se nalaze u stambeno-poslovnim zgradama elitnog tipa i visoke kvalitete. Svaka zgrada sastoji se od dva podzemna nivoa s
garažama i parkirnim mjestima, prizemlja te sedam nadzemnih etaža. Na podzemnom nivou nalazi se i opremljena fitness
dvorana sa saunom i sanitarijama, površine cca 70 m2, namijenjena zajedničkom korištenju stanara. Rok dovršetka radova:
Pogodnost: Porez na promet nekretnina snosi prodavatelj.
In settlement Središće-West in Zagreb, very near Lake Bundek and just 10 minutes from the centre of Zagreb, within an
environment that is dominated by green surfaces and maintained buildings, as well as very good traffic connection (just a
few minutes away from tram and bus stations), we find numerous new apartments for sale, with surfaces that range from
41 to 130 m2. Apartments are placed in elite residential-business buildings, and their quality is unquestionable. Every
building consists of two underground levels with garages and parking spaces, as well as the ground floor and seven upper
floors. The underground level also reveals a fully equipped 70 m2-fitness gym with a sauna and sanitary facilities, and it is
planned to be used by all the tenants in the building. The construction process should be finished by May 31st 2009.
Extra-convenience: The seller will take care of the real-estate tax
Cijena / Price: 2.290 - 2.600 €/m2
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)1 6636 505
www.crozilla.com ID 41038
Unesite broj u crozilla ID tražilicu i saznajte više informacija / Enter the number in crozilla ID search engine and find out more
Prodaju se ekskluzivni troetažni stanovi smješteni u kućama u nizu u novogradnji. Svaki stan ima površinu od 177 m2 i dva
parkirališna mjesta. Interijeri stanova su vrhunski uređeni i opremljeni alarmnim sustavom, videofonom i visokom
tehnologijom. Kuće u nizu smještene su u mirnom okruženju, u neposrednoj blizini osnovne škole i restorana. Kuće
posjeduju potpunu dokumentaciju (lokacijska dozvola, vlasnički list, građevinska dozvola, uporabna dozvola u
ishođenju), a dovršene su 15. travnja 2008.
Exclusive three-storey apartments are on sale, and they are located in a line of newly built houses. Every apartment has
177 m2 of surface and two parking spaces. The apartments’ interiors are supremely furnished, as they feature alarm systems, videophones and all sorts of high technology. The line of houses is located within a peaceful neighbourhood, in the
immediate vicinity of a school and a restaurant. The houses possess all the necessary documentation (location licence,
ownership certificate and construction license, while the usage licence is currently being approved), and they were finished
on April 15th 2008.
Cijena / Price:
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)1 2914 337, +385 (0)98 208 367
www.crozilla.com ID 29752
Unesite broj u crozilla ID tražilicu i saznajte više informacija / Enter the number in crozilla ID search engine and find out more
Prodaje se novi dvoetažni stan s bazenom na prvom katu urbane vile u predjelu Sveti Duh u Zagrebu, ukupnog
prostora 251,86 m2, a od toga je za stanovanje 175,96 m2. Na prvoj etaži ovog prostranog stana su blagovaonica
i dnevni boravak, kuhinja, tri kupaonice, od kojih jedna ima i saunu, bazenski prostor, dvije sobe, dvije terase i vrt.
Na gornjoj etaži su još dvije spavaće sobe, kupaonica, praonica rublja, garaža i lođa. Opremljen je vrhunskom
opremom, posjeduje bazen, u sobama je hrastov parket velikih dimenzija, ima automatsku kontrolu grijanja/hlađenja,
svjetla i roleta, protuprovalni sustav – 8-zonski alarm u svim prostorijama, videonadzor, kontrola ulaza, metereološka
stanica, audiosustav, internet, a čak je i garaža s grijanjem, vodom i daljinskim otvaranjem vrata. Useljenje se planira
u srpnju 2008.
A new two-storey apartment with a swimming pool is on sale, and it is located on the first floor of an urban villa in Sveti
Duh, Zagreb. The overall surface of the space is 251,86 m2, while the living capacity is limited to 175,96 m2. The lower
floor of this spacious apartment consists of the dining room, living room, kitchen, three bathrooms, one of which has a
sauna, as well as a swimming-pool space, two rooms, two terraces and a garden. The upper floor reveals two more bedrooms, bathroom, laundry room, garage and a loggia. It is supremely furnished, possesses a swimming pool, while the
rooms feature grand-sized oak parquet, automatic heating/cooling system, automatically controlled lights and blinders,
an anti-burglary system, 8-zone alarm in every room, video supervision, entrance control, meteorological connection,
audio system and Internet, while even the garage features a heating system, water and remote-controlled door opening.
The moving-in process is planned for July of 2008.
Cijena / Price: 654.836 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 464 0100
www.crozilla.com ID 35648
Unesite broj u crozilla ID tražilicu i saznajte više informacija / Enter the number in crozilla ID search engine and find out more
Zagreb - Ekskluzivni stanovi u podsljemenskoj zoni - Šestine
Zagreb - Exclusive apartments in Šestine - at the foot of Sljeme zone
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Zagreb - Ekskluzivni stanovi u podsljemenskoj zoni - Šestine
Zagreb - Exclusive apartments in Šestine - at the foot of Sljeme zone

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