Today Spring, 2016 - Northmont City Schools


Today Spring, 2016 - Northmont City Schools
Northmont Today
Published by the Northmont City School District
Volume 41/3
Spring, 2016
Upcoming Dates: Community support is vital to excellent schools, and the Northmont Community has proven
Board of Education Meeting
Monday, June 13 - 7:00 p.m.
Northwood Elementary PDC
Board of Education Meeting
Monday, July 11 - 7:00 p.m.
Northwood Elementary PDC
Board of Education Meeting
Monday, August 8 - 7:00 p.m.
Northwood Elementary PDC
that education is valued. Northmont City Schools is so thankful for the vote of confidence in the
passage of the recent levy and wants to assure the taxpayers that the district will continue to be
good stewards.
During the 2015-16 school year Northmont City Schools offset operating expenses by $677,464.
This amount is comprised of rebates, reimbursements, and cost-saving measures taken by the
district. Here are a few of our highlights from the long list of savings this year:
*Annual rebate from Southwestern Ohio Educational Purchasing Council $48,158
*Energy Saving Programs $134,270
*Re-purposing of high school equipment and furniture $252,140
“We will continue to make reductions. We will cut an additional $2 million from next year’s
budget, and we are always looking for partnership opportunities to assist us in watching our
dollars,” said Dr. Sarah Zatik, Superintendent.
For important dates, click on
the school calendar located on
the website:
This past year, Northmont City Schools began a new data management system for registering
and verifying student information. Parents completed registration and information verification
through the InfoSnap website. For the 2016-17 school year, the update and verification of
each child’s information (current address, phone numbers, emergency medical release, over
the counter medicine form, model release, handbook and Internet use, and transportation
details) will begin on June 13, 2016. Parents will receive an email from InfoSnap telling when
the program is available to update and verify information. Parents will need to log on to the
InfoSnap website to complete the process.
It is very important to update this information before July 31 because bus routes and
schedules are dependent on the information provided. If a child’s information is not
updated or verified by July 31, the child will not secure bus transportation for the first day
of school.
Parents should check email, including spam files, beginning June 13 for the InfoSnap update
email. Anyone who doesn’t receive the email, should contact 937-832-5065.
As I depart and retire from Northmont after six years as
superintendent, I think back to how blessed I have been to have
been touched by so many wonderful staff, students, parents and
community members. My life has truly been enriched by all of
the personal and professional contacts I’ve made. Organizations
like Northmont Rotary, Northmont Optimists, Community
Table, and the Northmont Chamber of Commerce have also been
instrumental in shaping my time here. Thank you, Northmont!
. . . throughout the community
Northmont partners
with local law
enforcement to assist
in training canines.
Occasionally, the
officers bring the dogs
to the schools to test
them on their abilities.
When this happens,
the building “shelters
in place,” meaning
classrooms are locked
and no students are
in the halls. Regular
classroom instruction
continues as
Northmont City Schools recently received the 2016 Dayton Regional STEM Center’s
STEM Education School-Based Collaboration Award. Gifted Coordinator Jessie Zink,
along with Curriculum Specialist Kristy Geiger and STEM teachers Lisa Fellers, Kim
Schatzley, and Jenn Stormer collaborated on writing the grant for $1000 to support
Northmont’s ongoing efforts in STEM education. Other recently submitted grants are the
Straight A Grant for Project Based Learning, The Toyota Foundation Grant, and the Martha
Holden Jennings Foundation Grant.
DECA Students Fare Well At National Conference
The Northmont DECA chapter recently attended the DECA International Career
Development Conference in Nashville, Tennessee with a chapter high ten students. Three
of the students competing were sophomores, which is a first for the program, as this is
only the second year sophomores have been permitted to enroll in DECA classes.
Northmont also was able to boast being home to the Ohio DECA VP of Marketing,
Senior Naomi Baker.
The ten national qualifiers were:
1st Place - Financial Literacy - Ryan Pullins, Naomi Baker, Sydney Danklef;
2nd Place - Entrepreneurship Franchising - Adrienne Draper;
3rd Place - Creative Marketing - Bethel Aseffa, Rachael Leiter, Abby Mergler;
5th Place - Learn and Earn - Grace Counts, Emily Howard, Riley Jenkins.
Only three percent of all competitors make the finals, and Adrienne Draper placed 7th
on the National stage! DECA Advisor Eric Wagner was also recognized as a Teacher of
Influence as part of the Franklin B. Walter Scholarship from the Montgomery County
Educational Service Center.
. . . throughout the district
Northmont Celebrates 26 Valedictorians!
At the annual “Top of the Class” Dinner on Wednesday, May 18, a record 26
Valedictorians were saluted by school administration. The students, along with
their parents and a special guest who has influenced them during their educational
process, celebrated the accomplishment of a perfect 4.0 grade point average.
This year’s honorees were: Bitania Admasu, Naomi Baker, John Bates, Emma
Bernardi, Frida Calderon Gutierrez, Christopher Chae, Andrew Correll, Sydney
Danklef, Courtney Eilerman, Bethany Groves, Emily Hamant, Dylana Harris,
Brendon Jenkins, Luke Knapke, Emily Kuehl, Welton Lai, Maggie Laing, Clara
Leedy, Rachel Leiter, Akilah Parker, Alexandria Pompeii, Aubri Pritchett, Shawn
Richards, Andrew Schweitzer, Kaylyn Temple, and Ashley Trottier.
NEF Honors Roll of Recognition Recipients
The Class of 2016 Roll of Recognition honorees were recognized with a reception
in their honor on May 22, prior to Graduation. During the graduation ceremony,
community members Dale and Belinda Paugh, alumnus Bruce Clapp, and educator
Wanda Adams (posthumously) were introduced to the assembly.
*The Paughs are the owners of Ideal Image, a Northmont community business that
has been very supportive of Northmont City Schools and the Northmont Education
*Mr. Clapp currently serves as the vice president of the Board of Education and on
the Board of the Miami Valley CTC. He is a 1987 graduate of Northmont.
*Miss Adams taught with passion and humor and connected with students whom
no one else may have noticed. Any student who passed through the halls of
Northmont High School in the late 70s through the early 2000s knew the name
Wanda Adams. She was truly a Northmont institution and a friend to all!
Over 100 senior
students gathered in
the Thunderdome
on May 5 and were
presented with
scholarship money
and grants for future
education. The
Northmont Education
Foundation awarded
over $87,000 in
teacher grants
and Class of 2016
scholarships. During
the past 25 years, the
Education Foundation
has awarded over
$670,000 in grants
and scholarships.
Northmont Board of Education
Northmont City School District
4001 Old Salem Road
Englewood, OH 45322
Information Line
937-832-5037 or
[email protected]
Spring, 2016
Grades 2-7 and 9 -August 17
Grades 8, 10, 11, 12 - August 18
1st Grade - Augusst 19
PK - August 22
Kindergarten - August 23
EE - 6-7 p.m. EH - 5-6 p.m.
UNION - 5-6 p.m.
NM - 6-7 p.m. NW - 6-7 p.m.
Non-Profit Organ.
U.S. Postage
Permit No. 644
Dayton, OH 45401
KELC - PK and Grade 1 - August 18, 5-6 p.m.
MS - August 15, 6-7:30 p.m.
HS - August 17, 6:30 - 8:15 p.m.
New to the District?
Check our web site for important information:
Mr. Tony Thomas, Northmont’s current Assistant Superintendent in
charge of Curriculum, Instruction, and Technology, is the Board of
Education’s choice to fill the position of outgoing Superintendent Dr.
Sarah Zatik. Mr. Thomas has been with Northmont for three years in
his current position and was previously Superintendent of
Tri-Village Schools in Darke County. Prior to that, he was a principal
at the Miami Valley CTC. Mr. Thomas officially begins August 1, 2016.
Our Mission:
The mission of Northmont City Schools is to provide
students an exceptional education with diverse
opportunities so they maximize their potential and are
productive, responsible citizens.