[arket - Chaddock


[arket - Chaddock
APRIL 16MAY 1,2016
VOL.40 N0.33
Upholstery sees digitaliDandate [arket
The good, the bad and the ugly of online marketing
Furniture/Today explores the
imperative of ecommerce
for each product category,
starting on p150.
I-ITGH POINT - For some
upholstery manufacturers, the
growing necessity to include a
digital strategy in their overall
marketing can stretch human
and financial resources, but they
recognize it is more of a mandate than an option in today's
highly competitive marketplace.
"The stakes are very high,"
said Doug Collie~ La-Z-Boy
senior vice president, CMO
and president, international.
"Companies Like Wayfair are
redefining what customers'
expectations should be of their
digital experiences."
Indiana-based Best Home
Furnishings is one upholstery
manufacturer that takes an active and aggressive approach to
its online presence. "This is the
new way to market," said Eric
Vollmer, senior marketing strategist, Best Home. "From an advertising and marketing role, the
egies, p128
Internet is a big part of what we
discuss and do regularly. Our
website is a living, breathing and
dynamic sales piece for us.
"As a manufacturer, you'd
think you're competing with
other manufacturers, but that's
not the case when you're talking about the digital world," he
said. "We find we're competing
against the big box guys and
non-traditional furniture stores."
One of first questions a
manufacturer must tackle p150
IH FC Building 0 1030
310 N. Hamilton St. , Space 201
The Wells wing chair from
the Tobi Fairley for CR Laine
Upholst ery collection is shown
in Little Rock Cobolt from
Duralee, a bold magenta-andcobalt print grounded by black
and tan.
Hooker Furniture targets designers,
retailers with solid wood dining program
I-ITGH POINT - Hooker Furniture is launching a solid alder
dining program at market that
aims to serve the growing demand for solid wood, heirloom
quality furniture among retailers
and designers alike.
Preservation Trust offers
four dining tables, including a
rectangular leg, a round pedes-
ta~ a trestle base and craftsmaninspired transitional base table.
The tops of these tables, as well
as companion slatback, x-back
and ladderback chairs and a 60inch long bench, come in three
finishes - macchiato, baguette
and toasted sesame. Table bases,
along with companion buffet/
hutch and server units are available in the macchiato finish.
The rectangular tables fea-
ture tops in 74-inch and 99-inch
lengths, while the round comes
in 48-inch and 60-inch sizes.
The sideboard is 66 by 36
inches, while the buffet is 44
by 36 inches. The companion
hutch is 42 inches tall.
The company is adding the
category at a time when solid
wood furniture is being offered
by domestic resources and importers alike. Companies p188
121 N. Hamilton St.
·he Harmony nightstand is
art of the new Carson line.
The casual contemporary
piece is shown in a taupe
gray finish and features a
netal band around the top
edge of the piece.
What's Inside
.•. ,
• • • MONTH • • •
Imports up, exports flat in 2015
Paced by China, Vietnam and India, furniture
imports rose 12% in 2015, the highest level
since 2007. p168
Fazio to be honored at
FIT Bedding Conference
Gary Fazio, who recently retired after a 44-year
career in the mattress industry, will receive cl1e
first-ever Lifetime Bedding Achievement Award
next month in Tucson, Ariz. p6
Hancock & Moore adds
occasional furniture
The upper-end leather upholstery producer is
unveiling a diverse lineup of accent tables, chests
and shelving units at this week's market. p2
116 S. Lindsay St.
The Oya dining table features juxtaposed tubular
wooden legs with detailed edging along the top.
uali counts
Brand story bas ed on materials , fin ish, construction
n today's o f'Lc n s luggis h market place. high e n d 111a nuf'a clurer s need to s ta n d o ut , not
just a mong th eir· d irect compe tito rs. but a lso
amo ng no t-so-d irect compelit o r·s that a rc ofJ'e ri ng ext remely high -value propos iti ons at s ha rpe r
I ha n ever· pr·ices.
Fu mit urcfloda_y asked some of thc indust ry's
most. pro111ine nt. high-e nd case good s resources to
share Llreir· quaJit_y slor·ies. II e re th ey di scuss what
sets Ul Cill apart in tJre marketp lace and how their
lines sta nd o ul frour a ma le ri als, finis h <Uld construeLion per· pccLive among re taile rs and designc r·s alike.
llighl and I lo use ami J essica Charles) r·cp rescnt a
rnind set of' design erupowc r·rrrcn l through d ifT'c rcn lja ti on ,sclceLio n a n d c us to urizat.io n . \ Vc a rc focused
on e nab ling creativity th rnugh arlisana l.local crafts mans hip a nd close pe rson al allcntion.
Jeremy Hoff, presiden t Theod ore Alexander· l lS \ :
Des ign inn ovat io n , bes t. in class logisti cs and
ben ch -mad e he irloom q u ali ty. \.Vhc n deale rs wa lk
irr to our s hO\\TOorn. th e ones that. ha'e dealt wi th
rr s expec t to sec solll c t hing inc r·edib ly d iiTc re n t
from a d esig n s tand po in t.. \Vc have to be th e ones
lead ing d es ign.
nhoI does .J Oil,. !Jm lid rcpr<'SCII/./()1'
tod(~r \
ltiglt-md rewilerldest;o,'fler?
Greg Harden, president, lla r·de n F urni ture : ll a rcl en
a n d othe r· high -e nd brands a re merc hand ised very
di iTe rentJy by re ta ile r-s relati ve lo the pre-finan cial
c ri sis pe riod. Hi gh-end prod uc ts have go ne from being brand names tha t. ret.a ilc rs used to a nchor the ir·
own brand image to su ppor·ting t·olcs.
The f Iarden bra nd is m ost. s uccessful fo r those
retaile rs who w1de rstand tJ·rat the re is a leigh -i ncome c us tomer· who wanLs a high-end p roduct. Custo m options, part icul a rly fi ni s h cho iccs, a re features
that. tlle high-income consume r· r·eq uir·cs - and
lhey have to be COli fid e n LLha LLhe r11a11 u faclu re r \\~ II
gel the m 100% righ t ParLi cularly witJ1 111o rc income
co ncen trat.ecl in lir e lop 10% o f in co me earne rs, it. is
vital fo r r·et.ail e1-s to have a prod uct. that will appeal
to Lhal co nsume r.
An o the r reason a re tai ler sh ould c;;u·ry Lhc
II arden br-and is ow· brand r·ecogniLio n Cllld the
preference that. consum ers s lrow for il in indu stry
rnru·kel research . We fi ll a ni c he that appeals Lo the
highe r income cons ume r, and ou r brand le nds a
lot. of c red ibi li ty LO our re tail parLne r-s. \~fe're lllOSL
Dan Bradley. president, C haddock: Chadd ock
represent s a fuJI range of case good s and uphols tery
prod ucts f'ro rn G uy Chaddock Lo Larry Laslo. ~ l ary
Mc DonaJ d <mel David Eas ton. O ur p redomi na tely
made- in-Am erica s to r:r wi th a ra nge of finis hes a n d
distressing Je,·e ls pr·ovidcs Lhc retai le r a one-stop
r·eso w·ce. No t Lo nr e n lion o u r· gr·eaLI.) reduced lead
Linrcs from 2015.
s uccessful when Lhc deale r cnr br·aces Lhe bene fits of
o ur prod ucLs a nd communi ca tes our brand a u ribuLes LO Lhe COnSullle r.
Alex Shuford Ill, preside nt a nd CEO, Cen tu ry
Fun~Lurc: ror Loclay's d es ign -orie nted retaile r; Century ru1d all our related brands (Hancock & Moo re,
John Jokinen, p residen t. a nd CEO, EJ Victor: EJ
Victor gives a dealer a chance Lo savor three highl.r
recogn ized fits hi on brands
lh lph La uren, Kellj
who each approacl res
\Vca.r-slicr and Kale Spade
the market witll diffc re n t styling. O ur success can be
attribu ted to o ffe ring our c nslomers a variety of fres h
des igns Lhal don 'Lcompe te int c rnally with each o th er~
The wor·ld today wanLs fr·esh ideas
good soli d values new materials
notjust copies of past. reruns.
Lynne McArdle, pr·cside nt,Aidcn Parkes: High -end
r·ct.aile r-s are looking for products illaL arc cwTcnLand
have sty le, are well -111ade and offer a value for their
c ustomer'S. By design. Alden Par·kes have a br·oad
Part of Harden Furniture's Cabinetmakers Cherry collection,
The Omni dining table by Century is made with
this table is made with solid cherry and has Arts & Crafts and Shaker design elements.
cluster mapleveneers and has a sweeping acrylic base.
APRIL 16, 2016
ra1 1ge o f' sty les lila I In CCI 0 111' disCCI'IIi ng C'USIOillCI'S'
de mand s. O ur p1·oducLs arc lwa ulif'u ll) <Talicd , well made and availa ble alan C'Xecptional va hu·.
Christian Plasman. prcsidc•JJI , Ma ts uo ka : 0 111· pro d uct d esig n SLJ'alc•t{) is to provi d e lh_e lwsl IJ<II lciln;Jdc
product poss ible w ith the dicn l's sclc·c·tion o f'rin is h
and size as Ihe dri vin g [(weT lo her perso nal se lect io n o r o ur cf es ig11S.
fini sh it brown a nd s li ck il in
wareh ou se. Evel) orde r is
prod11 ced o ne ala 1in1c b) c-r:~f'l s ­
mcn ns i11g the hcsl woods a11d
ve neers in I lie m a rke t. Ou1· fi n ishes arc ty pical I) 17 -24 s teps,
bul nlaJI.) Lim r s wc will create
a cus lo n1 fini s l1 f'nr a si11 glr
FIT: II hat o;ws ofmat('riof.,·,jltu:,-f, u/1(1
COliS/ f'tiCI ion 11/('t/!Orf.\· fw/p (/£,·t lllp,'lli\·/, )'Of//'
GH: ll ardcn is preclomina nll) so lid eheJT)' case
good s a nd bc nc h- l)llill upl10ls tc ry. We arc very
select ive with o ur lumbe r s1anda1·ds a s we can sa\~
lo our s pecifica tions. ll a rd e n a lso o rT<·rs n1o n · 1l1a n
50 SI<Jndard fini s hes and a llows c hang<'s lo s hce11,
dis trcssi11g a nd o l he r pari s or Ihe process. vVc a lso
o fTcr more tha n 800 fa.b1·i cs a 11d leathers.
AS: AI cvc1y pri ce point Cc11tury serves, ou r 1ca n1 is
c h ~1rgc d wil h so urc ing a nd usi11g th e hrs tmalrri ~tl s
ava ilab le within Llw limits of' Lhc projec t s pecificati o n. C lass ic tech niques suc h as e ig ht -way hand
Ly ing arc ofte n s till Lhc best, an d o u r team is co ns tant ly looking lor st ronger, mo1·e du rab le metho d s
of' co nstruc t io n .
Additio na lly, o ur crea tive team s arc g iven no
limil a l io ns w he n choos ing a nd so urc in g d ecMaLivc
c lements. The luxury con s ume r expects brands s uc h
as Century Lo ex plore Lhe exolje in textiles. venee rs.
and fi ni s hes and Lo pair those m a te ria ls with LirnehOIIOI'Cd engi nce ri11g a nd c raf'l.
JH· Theodo re lexandc1· s till ma kes rea l f'umilurc.
\Ve have cou n tless vari e l ics o f' unique n1aLerials,
a nd we use real wood carvin gs a nd wc ll -cxccul ed
fini s hes don(' with hand waxing ~U1d hand c ra f'l smans hip. The \a lue e quation is huge. bu l iLis ala
d iflc rc 111 p r·ice po int. \Vc b ring value 10 pre mium
ho m e furni s hin gs.
DB: Chaddoc k is Lruly a be nc h- made. Oll e-al-aLim c 111a nuf'ac l urc r. vVc don 'lmake a bu 11c h o f s LufT;
JJ: AI E.J Vic 1o1: H;tlph La ur·e n uses exquis ite wood s
a11d f~b ri cs LhaL are f(·atured I h ro ughou l its l;u·gc
o rig i11al d es ig n po rtfo lio. Kcl ly Wc<u-stler is the lead er
i11 Ihe c·onlc rnpo 1':'11:V usc o f' cxolic me tal a nd s tone. a ll
inLriealely d esig ned fo r
the d iseri111ina1ing cli e nt s a ro und Lhe 1Hwld .
And Kat(' S pade has a very loyal
and yo uthful f(>llo ll ing, offer·ing
product s Ihal li avr sty le and staying powc1;yc1 wi1l1 un e:~. pcelcd
LM: AI Alde n Parkes, we slarl ''~ l h desig n. l~ach piece
mus t have its own d es ig n inLegriL) and solid con siTue lion. \ Vc a re co ns lanLI) sea rching fo r 11e11. fresh
ma1 c 1·iaJ s and mcd iu111S to wor k with. f-rorn r xolic
veneers 10 m ixing n1c djwns incorporati11g vell um,
s hag reen o r lcaLhc1· wiLh b rass, mc laJs and fu sed
g lass, or eggshe ll inlay a nd lacq uc 1· a ll a rc used Lo
creal~' luxw y with a sc11sc of'
sty le, a se nse o f' hu mor and ,
most impo rlanll), a sense o f'
confid e 11cc.
CP: IVI:iLs uoka's 1naLe riaJs and
techniques arc s pecia lized lo
Lhc co111pa ny wilh eve ry p iece
mad e fo r 1he d es ig ne r and l1i s
e us lo nl c i: A imosl a ll veneers
and fin is hes ca11 be a pplied
to a ny d esig n, a11d cuslo rn iza6 o n o f' a ll s izes a11d s hapes are
wclco111c. '1)1Jieal lead Limes of'
12- 13 \\'Cc ks arc no t jeopardized b.)
s pecial s ize lll1d fi11i sh requests.
The Cutting Edge cocktail
table by Theodore Alexander features a
black lacquered frame with faux horn accents, a glass
inset top and corners with brass edges.
Chaddock's Centre
dining table by Larry Laslo•
features an architecturally inspired trestle base.
It comes standard at 116 inches long and extends to
164 inches with two 24-inc:h leaves.
The Tiffany buffet by Alde10 Parkes is
shown here in a walnut finish with gold
leaf details. The same pie•ce is available in
a white piano finish with
leaf details.
Both versions feature solid brass hardware.
The Duke pedestal dining table by EJ Victor was inspired by American 1930s design. It features twin fluted pedestals on polished nickel
bases that support a stepped platform top and retails at $7,275.
The Origami chest w as dosigned by Christian Lyon
and is made with a matte -finished rare New Guinea
walnut that contrasts with a top and base made with
Japonica wood in a high
retails at $17,280.
APRIL 16, 2016
charcoal finish. It