Bannerclip Instruction ©Trussworks 2008


Bannerclip Instruction ©Trussworks 2008
Banner Clip
Fabric Graphic Production
For fabric graphics installation
onto EZ6 or EZ12 truss.
Fabric should be opaque and NON STRETCH.
Some minor stretch on the BIAS is okay.
1” x 3mil (1/8”) sintra strips are used at top and bottom.
Sintra should be applied to the entire finished width.
Sew through all layers, leaving enough room
for hardware clips to be attached firmly.
(At least 1/2”)
Cross Section
We always provide
Bottom is finished the same way.
IMPORTANT! If graphic is being viewed from behind the truss,
sintra fold will be applied to the FRONT of the graphic.
3/4” of finished size will be obscured.
(You should still bleed any background images to full height.)
If graphic is being viewed in front of the truss,
sintra fold will be applied to the BACK of the graphic.
Entire finished height will be visible.
Printed side if
graphic will be viewed
from this direction.
Printed side if
graphic will be viewed
from this direction.
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