oficiul de stat pentru inventii si marci is.


oficiul de stat pentru inventii si marci is.
Latrlo l)omnul Robert Veress
Puterea - ziar print
Ref. "Solicitare ajutor determinare autenticitate prod LIS"
Stimate Domnule Robert Veress,
Ca raspuns la e-mail-ul dvs. prill care solieitati ajutor prin indicarea demersurilor pc care Ie pute\i WTna
pentru a confirma sau infirma autenticitatea produsului "rochie Chanel" pe care 11 de\ineti, va comunicam
Oficiul de Stat pentru lnventii ~i Marci nu detine competen!e legale In legatura cu aspectele pe care Ie
implica activita\ile de contrafacere, motiv pentru care nu va putem indica In mod concret demersurile pe care ar
fi necesar sa Ie efectuati pentru verificarea autenticiU\\ii / originalita\ii prodllslllui "rochie Ohanel" pc care I!
Pentru a veni In sprijinul dvs., va informam ca, In principiu, titularul marcii este In miisura sa confirme
sau sa infirme dad'! produsele pllrtand marca pe care
de\ine sunt contrafacute sau sunt originale.
In condi\iiJe In care titularul marcii Chane I a confirmat ca ,produsul pe care 11 de\ineti este contrafacut ~i
In masura In care considera\i ca v-au fost Incalcate drepturile In calitate de consumator, va pute\i adresa Oficiului
pentru Proteqia Consumatorilor eu
sesizare In acest sens.
eu respect,
Direct r General
Director Dire. a Juridica
Serviciul Juridic
cons. jur. <3tl~~~rtl
Ghica nr. 5, Sector 3, Bucure~ti
Teldoll cell/ralii: --I0-21-306.08.0UO/;02'.
128 l'i
International Registration Number
Registration date
http://www.w ipo. i nUromari n/mark-detaiJ .xhtml
printed 21.04.2016
D:>QA IZ -10
Some of you may be experiencing some inconsistency while using our web service. We apologize for any
inconvenience. We are doing everything we can to solve the issue as soon as possible.
201151 - CHANEL
Date of the registration
1BO Expected expiration date of the registration/renewal
270 Language of the application
Name and address of the holder of the registration
135, avenue Charles de Gaulle
r is a national
842 Legal nature of the hol'der (legal entity) and State, and, where applicable, territory within that State where the
legal entity is organized
Societe par Actions Simplifiee, France
750 Address for correspondence
135, avenue Charles de Gaulle
770 Name and address of the previous holder
CHANEL, Sociele anonyme
135, avenue Charles de Gaulle
5Jl6L Mark
internationai Cia"ssification of Goods and Services for the Purposes of the Registration of iviarks (Nic:e
01 Chemicals used in industry, science, photography, agriculture, horticulture and forestry, natural and artificial
fertilizers, fire extinguishing compositions, chemical tempering and soldering preparations, chemical substances
for preserVing foodstuffs, tanning substances, adhesive substances for industrial use, resins.
02 Colorants, varnishes, lacquers, preservatives against rust and wood deterioration, dyestuffs, mordants, resins,
metals in foil and powder form for painters and decorators.
05 Pharmaceutical, veterinary and sanitary products, dietetic goods for children and the sick, plasters, materials for
dressings, materials for filling teeth and making dental impressions, disinfectants, preparations for weed and
pest control.
14 Precious metals and their alloys and objects made of these materials or coated therewith (excluding cutlery,
forks and spoons), jewellery, precious stones, clocks and watches and ot er chronometric instruments.
16 Paper and paper articles, cardboard and cardboard articles, printed matter, newspapers and periodicals, books
bookbinding material, photographs, stationery, adhesive materials (stationery), artists' supplies, paintbrushes,
typewr.ilers and office supplies, instructional or teaching material (except apparatus), playing cards, printers'
type, printing blocks.
17 Gutta-percha, elastic gum, balata and substitutes, objects made thereof, packing, stopping and insulating
materials, asbestos, mica and products thereof, non-metallic flexible pipes.
18 Leather and imitation leather, articles made from these materials, skins and hides, trunks and suitcases,
umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks, whips, harnesses and saddlery.
20 Furniture, mirrors, frames, articles made of wood, cork, reed, cane, wicker, horn, bone, ivory, whalebone, shell,
amber, mother-of-pearl, meerschaum, Celluloid and substitutes of all these materials.
21 Small portable household and kitchen utensils and containers (not of precious metals or coated therewith),
combs and sponges, brushes, brush-making materials, cleaning implements and equipment, steel wool,
glassware, porcelain and earthenware.
23 Thread and yarn.
24 Fabrics, bed and table covers, textile goods.
25 Clothing, including boots, shoes and slippers.
26 Lace and embroidery, ribbons and braids, buttons, snap fasteners, hooks and eyes, pins and needles, artifici
URL 27 Rugs, door mats, mats, linoleum and other products for covering floors, wall coverings.
28 Games, toys, gymnastics and sports articles, Christmas tree ornaments and decorations.
29 Meat, fish, poultry and game, meat extracts, preserved, dried and cooked fruit and vegetables, jellies, jams,
eggs, milk and other dairy products, edible oils and fats, tinned foodstuffs,
30 Coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice, tapioca, sago, artificial coffee, flour and preparations made from cereals, bread
biscuits, cakes, pastry and confectionery, edible ice, honey, golden syrup, yeast, baking powder, salt, mustard,
pepper, vinegar, sauces, spices, ice.
31 Agricultural, horticultural and forestry products and grains, live animals, fresh fruit and vegetables, seeds, liVing
plants and natural flowers, animal feed, malt.
32 Beer, ale and porter's ale, mineral and aerated waters and other non-alcoholic drinks, syrups and other
preparations for making beverages.
33 Wines, spirits and liqueurs.
34 Raw or manufactured tobacco, smokers' articles, matches.
882 Basic registration
FR, 26.041957, 89 383
832 Designation(s) under the Madrid Protocol
834 Designation(s) under the Madrid Protocol by virtue of Article 9sexies
AT - BA - BX - CH - CN - CZ - DE - DZ - ES - HR - HU - IT - KP - LI
MC - ME - MK - MN - MZ - PT - RO - RS - SI- SR ­
527 Indications regarding use requirements
Registration: 1977/6 LMi, 01.08.1977, AT,
ex, CH, CS,
DO, DE, OT, Oz, EG, ES, HU, IT, LI, MA, MC, PT,
Statement indicating that protection of the mark is protected for some of the goods and services
requested: OT
Statement indicating that protection of the mark is protected for some of the goods and services
requested: ES
Statement indicating that protection of the mark is protected for some of the goods and services
requested: CS
Continuation of effect: 1993/7 LMi, 17.09.1993, HR, SI
Continuation of effect: 1993/8 LMi, 18.10.1993, Cz, SK
Continuation of effect: 1994/2 LMi, 19.04.1994, MK
Continuation of effect: 1997/5 Gaz, 24.04.1997, SA
http://www.w i po. intJrornarinJmark-detai I.xhtml
: 1997/12 Gaz, 31.07.1997
\-DeSlgnatea corilractingpai'ty(ies) wffich-has n6t-bi:i'en the subject or a renewai(Rule 3i(4)(b}) : EG, MA,
I l T~
Subsequent designation: 1997/14 Gaz, 28.08.1997, KP
Subsequent designation: 2000/13 Gaz, 03.08.2000, MN, MZ
Subsequent designation: 2001/1 Gaz, 15.02.2001, SG
Total provisional refusal of protection: 2001/6 Gaz, 26.04.2001, SG
Opposition possible after the 18 months time limit: 2001/20 Gaz, 08.11.2001, SG
Statement indicating that protection of the mark is protected for some of the goods and services
requested: 2004/4 Gaz, 01.04.2004, SG
Renewal: 2007/26 Gaz, 02.08.2007
Continuation of effect: 2007/38 Gaz, 25.10.2007, ME
Subsequent designation: 2011/46 Gaz, 08.12.2011, CN, KR
Total provisional refusal of protection: 2012/27 Gaz, 26.07.2012, KR
Partial provisional refusal of protection: 2012/32 Gaz, 30.08.2012, CN
Statement indicating the goods and services for which protection of the mark is granted under Rule
18ter(2)(ii) : 2013/7 Gaz, 07.03.2013, KR
Further statement under Rule 18ter(4) indicating that protection of the mark is granted for all the
goods and services requested: 2014/42 Gaz, 30.10.2014, CN
printed: 2104,2016
Some of you may be experiencing some inconsistency while using our web service, We apologize for any
inconvenience. We are doing everything we can to solve the issue as soon as possible.
1190042 - CHANEL
Date of the registration
180 Expected expiration date of the registration/renewal
270 Language of the application
~~rrent Status
732 Name and address of the holder of the registration
135 avenue Charles de Gaulle
812 Contracting State or Contracting Organization in the territory of which the holder has a real and effective
industrial or commercial estabHshment
750 Address for correspondence
135 avenue Charles de Gaulle
540 Mark
541 Reproduction of the mark where the m.ark is represented in standard characters
International Classification of Goods and Services for the Purposes of the Registration of Marks (Nice
Classification) - NCL(1 0-2013)
01 Chemicals for use in the manufacture of perfumes, toiletries, cosmetics and soaps; solidified gases for industrial
purposes; acids; isotopes for industrial purposes; fulling preparations for use in textile industry; horticulture
chemicals, except fungicides, herbicides, insecticides and parasiticides; chemical reagents oth~ than for medica
_ _ _ ()Lyeter.i.o.90' use; _~hemicals for use in photogra hy~unproc.~~sed..§rtificial resins; djs(:lersions of plastics;
fertilizers for land; fire protection materials; tempering and soldering preparations; chemicals for preserving food
·---_~l".zymes~for-the food industry;
tanning materia!sradhesives-for use-in industi)/T paper:-pulp.--.J
03 Air fresheners; cosmetics; toiletries; after-shave lotions; essential oils; air fresheners for automobiles, air
fresheners for household use; anti-wrinkle creams; bath oil [cosmetics], bath lotions, bath salts not for medical
use, beauty masks, body oils, body lotions, cleansing milk; hair dye removers; cotton sticks for cosmetic use;
cosmetics for animals; cotton wool for cosmetic use; cosmetic creams; cosmetic preparations for baths; skin
whitening cream; dentifrices, dental bleaching gel, tooth cleansing products; deodorant soaps; deodorants
[perfumery] and deodorants for pets; depilatory preparations; dry shampoos; eyebrow pencils; false eyelashes;
eye shadows; false nails; perfumes, flower extracts [perfumeryj; hair dyes, 1air gel, hair moisturizers, hair
lotions, hair sprays; incense; lavender water; lip gloss, lipstick; make-up powder; make-up removing products;
mascara; nail art stickers, nail care compositions, nail polish; fragrant potpourris, scented water; shampoos,
shampoos for pets; shaving soap; sunscreen preparations [cosmetics]; talcum (powder), powder for toilet use;
soaps for personal use, soaps for toiletry use; toilet water; nail varnish, varnish-removing products; cleaners,
laundry detergents; polishing preparations; creams for leather.
04 Candles; perfumed. candles; oils and greases for shoes and leather; coal and waxes for industrial use; oil, diesel
oil and gas for lighting; dust removers; electrical energy.
05 Air purifying preparations and air fresheners; preparations for the hair, face and body for medical and
pharmaceutical use, including tanning and after-sun creams, lotions, oils, gels, milks, lotions and creams for the
body; sanitary products for medical use; radioactive substances for medical purposes; gases for medical use;
chemical conductors for electrocardiograph electrodes; semen for artificial insemination; sterilizing products;
contact lens cleaning preparations; cultures of microorganisms for medical or veterinary use; dietetic substances
for medical use; veterinary products; pesticides; sanitary tampons; medical ressings; teeth filling material
06 Metal' rings for keys, closures for metal bags; clothes hooks of metal; buckles of metal, chains of metal;
wastebaskets; foot scrapers; crampons [climbing irons]; snap-hooks of metal (climbing irons); pitons of meta;
[mountaineering equipment]; fasteners or fastenings; statues; ornaments for bags, namely letters and numerals
of common metal except type; common metals, unwrought or semi-wrought; valves of metal other than parts of
machines; buildings of metal, railway track materials of metal, wires, non-electric cable couplings of metal; nails;
fittings of metal for furniture; small hardware of metal; keys; safes; pulleys of metal, other than for machines;
packaging containers of metal, signboards of metal; metal cages for wild animals; rods of metal for welding;
anchors; identification bracelets of metal, for hospitals; weather vanes or wind vanes; tree protectors of metal;
traps for wild animals; works of art of common metal; ores of metal; monuments of metal.
08 Electric hair-removing apparatus, hair-removing tweezers; cutlery including spoons, knives, forks and teaspoons;
eyelash curlers; apparatus for curling hair; nail clippers; nail polishers; nail drawers; can openers; manicure and
pedicure kits; electric or non-electric razors, razor blades, razor cases; scissors; sugar tongs; nail file;
hand-operated agricultural implements; spades [hand tools]; saws; bill-hooks; screwdrivers; rakes; meat
choppers; harpoons for fishing; flat irons; grafting tools; side arms, other tha firearms; electric and non-electric
beard and hair trimmers.
http://www. wi po. int/rorI1ari nimark-detai I.xhtml
URL 09 Apparatus and instruments for teaching and education; electronic learning aids; cameras [phot~raphy]: straps
spectacles, e
sun lasses
use; contact
lens~s' stra~s,
cords and
chains for spectacles and sunglasses; spectacle and eyeglass frames; spectacles, sunglasses cases; contact
-lep.ses-<lp.d·cases-fQ eyewear;-earphones;. te!ephQp,es; portable telephones; smartPhones;-mouJe pads; MP3
players; computers; tablets; GPS [global positioning systems]; straps for mobile telephones; LCD screen
protection film for mobile telephones; protective films for PC tablets, bags for PC tablets; electric audio and
video apparatus and instruments; telecommunications apparatus and instruments; electromagnetic wave shield
stickers for mobile telephones; protective covers and cases for mobile telephones; computers and PC tablets;
portable media players; personal digital assistants; electronic diaries and electronic notepads; computer games
apparatus; hands-free kits for telephones; television sets; video screens; headphone set; video recorders;
[audio, video, and radio] receivers; tape recorders; microphones; oVo players; software; juke boxes [for
computers]; pre-recorded electronic media (music); electronically readable printed publications, downloadable
publications, publishing, displaying, tagging, blagging, sharing or other means of distribution of electronic media
or information via the Internet or other communication networks; electronic publications provided online via
databases or via the Internet (inclUding Web sites); cash registers; calculating machines; fire-extinguishing
apparatus; clothing, gloves and shoes for protection against accidents, radiation and fire; protective helmets for
sports and horse riding; goggles for sports; decorative magnets; chronographs [time recording apparatus];
facsimile machines; weighing machines; measures; luminous or mechanical signals; cinematographic cameras;
surveying apparatus and instruments; optical apparatus and instruments; materials for electricity mains [wires,
cables]; electrical GOntrol apparatus, electrolysers, lightning conductors; radiological apparatus for industrial use;
alarms (instruments); electric cells (batteries); exposed cinematographic films; chains not made of precious
metals for mobile telephones.
10 Electrical massage apparatus for household use, body exercise medical apparatus; massage gloves; esthetic
massage apparatus; air pillows for medical purposes; medical apparatus and instruments (other than for dental
use); filling instruments for dental use; condoms; cushions for medical use; air cushions for medical purposes;
heating cushions [pads]. electric, for medical use; weaning tools; elastic stockings for medical purposes; ear
picks; mirrors for dentists; hair prostheses; orthopedic articles.
11 Apparatus for lighting, heating, steam generation, cooking, refrigeration, drying, ventilation, water supply and
sanitation; electric coffee machines, electric kettles; refrigerators; incandescent burners; chandeliers; air
deodorizing apparatus; hair driers; apparatus for water-massage baths; lamps; pocket warmers; steam facial
apparatus [saunas]; tanning apparatus; lighting apparatus for vehicles; curling lamps; electric light bulbs;
barbecues; desiccating apparatus; disinfectant apparatus; disposable sterilization pouches; lighters; nuclear
reactors; cooking apparatus and installations; cookers; footwarmers, electric or non-electric; bath tubs;
showers; lighting apparatus and devices (non-electric); electrically heated cushions not for medical use.
12 Vehicles; apparatus for locomotion by land, air, water or rail, including aircraft, bicycles, tricycles, cars, boats,
yachts, motorcycles, bicycle pumps; cable transport apparatus and installations; baby carriages (strollers);
sleighs [vehicles]; vehicle wheel tires; repair outfits for inner tubes; vehicle chassis; covers for vehicle steering
wheels, seat covers for vehicles; roof trunks for vehicles; luggage nets for vehicles; vehicle upholstery; safety
seats for children, for vehicles; head-rests for vehicle seats; security harness for vehicle seats; saddles for
bicycles, cycles or motorcycles; parts for motor vehicles [with the exception of metal locks [non-electric] and
metal registration plates, engine components, motors and engines [other than for land vehicles], electric locks,
electric speed indicators, devices for heating, air-conditioning and lighting, non-electric non-metal locks,
non-metal registration plates; golf carts; shopping carts.
t:.-...:C.,--"----"-'--J.ersonal defense.
-------.. I
14 .A.larm-c!ocks ;-boxes-Of. precious-metal;-jewe!ry cases [casket.s]; busts of precious metaJ.;-.key rings; clocks;
cases; chronometers; dials [clock and watch making]; movements for timepieces; unwrought or semi-wrought
precious metals; watches; watch straps; cases for watches [presentation]; watch chains, watch bezels,
wristwatches; jewelry, bracelets, chains, charms, brooches Uewelry), cloisonne jewelry, earrings; hat ornaments
Uewelryj, pins Uewelryj, medals, necklaces, rings; tie pins, ornamental pins, paste jewelry, jewelry and jewelry
made of horn, bone, ivory and shellfish; metal key holders; fobs of metal; jewelry and ornaments for mobile
15 Musical Instruments including guitars; bags and cases for musical instruments; conductors' batons; dampers br
musical instruments.
16 Bags [envelopes, pouches) of paper or plastics. for packaging; books, boofdets, bookmarks, calendars,
catalogs, cards, checkbook holders, fountain pens, flyers, transfers; cardboard hat boxes; toilet paper; labels,
not of textile; letter trays; magazines [periodicals); money clips; wrapping paper; paintbrushes; paper clips;
paper cutters [office supplies); paper ribbons; passport holders; pens, pencil cases, crayons, fountain pens;
printed publications; erasers, stationery; sealing stamps; table napkins of paper; tissues of paper for removing
make-up; writing brushes; carbon paper, writing paper; postcards; ink stones [ink reservoirs); stamps [seals);
adhesives [glues) for stationery or household purposes; drawing instruments; drawing materials; typewriters
[electric or non-electric]; teaching materials except apparatus; modeling materials; rosaries; embroidery
patterns; industrial packaging containers of paper; stickers; printed matter (printing products); typewriters and
office requisites [except furniture]; plastic materials for packaging; labels, not of textile; paper; hand towels of
paper; paper napkins; plastic film for wrapping; tablecloths of paper; telephone cards (other than magnetic
ones); credit cards (other than magnetic ones); paintings and calligraphic works; photographs [printed).
18 Leather, raw or semi-worked, imitation leather; mountaineering sticks; backpacks; handbags; briefcases of
leather or imitation leather; walking sticks; checkbook holders of leather; furs [animal skins]; key cases of
leather; pouches of leather; parasols; purses; riding saddles; umbrellas; sctlool satchels; shopping bags; sports
bags; suitcases (carrying cases); travel bags; traveling trunks; umbrella sticks; vanity cases; walking sticks;
wallets; whips; furniture coverings of leather; leather straps; gut for making sausages; clothing for animals;
beauty cases, sold empty); collars for animals; boxes of leather; leather bags for packaging; trimmings of
leather for furniture; harnesses for animals; equipment for horse riding (saddlery); horse blankets; covers for
horse-saddles); leashes for animals.
20 Bottle caps not of metal; covers for clothing; cushions; non-electric fans for personal use; hand mirrors; key
cards; packaging containers of plastic; mirrors; furniture, display stands for cosmetics, perfumes, watches,
jewelry, clothing; counters; costume stands; dinner tables; hairdressers; chairs; massage tables; shelves for
storage; magazine racks; dummies for clothing; showcases [furniture); chairs [seats); sofas; umbrella stands;
containers not of metal; valves, not of metal, other than parts of machines; woven bamboo articles (not including
hats, mats, mattresses), namely bamboo curtains; horn, unworked or semi-worked; numberplates, not of metal;
decorations of plastic for foodstuffs; kennels for household pets; identification bracelets, not of metal, for
hospitals; coffin fittings, not of metal; furniture fittings not of metal; bedding except linen; locks, other than
electric, not of metal; beds; mattresses, pillows, baskets not of metal; signboards of wood or plastic; inflatable
publicity objects; pet cushions; beds for household pets; cases of wood or plastic; furniture; indoor window
http://www. wi po. i ntlromari n/mark-detai l.xhtrnJ
blinds [shades]; embroidery frames; frames; boards; picture frames; mobiles [decoration]; mat!'for infant
__Qlay ens' infant walkers; tent pe s not of m~C!iJleeQ.Lng..!?.§..g0or_cam[ling; fishing baskets' fishing chairs;
plastic key cards, not encoded; works of art made of horn, bone, ivory and shellfish.
21 Household and kitchen utensils including containers (not of precious metal or plated therewith); pouring spouts
for bottles; bottle openers; glass, porcelain and earthenware (not included in other classes) including vases,
candlesticks, cake servers, candy boxes, coasters not of paper and fabric), coffee pots and coffee sets (not of
precious metal), corkscrews, drinking glasses, dishes, fruit bowls of glass, glass bottles (decanters), glass
bowls, glass dishes, jugs, ice buckets, kitchen roll holders, towel rails and towel rings (not of precious metal),
pans, pots, salt and pepper shakers (hand-operated), saucers, salad bOWlS, soup bowls, sugar bowls, tea sets
and teapots; trays; wine cellars; wine funnels; perfume burners; powder puffs; cosmetic utensils; deodorant
apparatus for personal use; 'brushes (except paint brushes); brush for clothes; eyebrow brushes; hair brushes;
shaving brushes; toilet brushes; toothbrushes; combs; comb cases; toilet sponges; toilet sets; soap boxes; soa
dispensers; cleaning instruments; gloves for household use; polishing gloves; gardening gloves; shoe horns;
toothpicks; heat-insulated containers, unworked or semi-worked glass (except glass used in Ibuilding); cages for
pets; electric devices for attracting and killing insects; watering cans; piggy banks; perfume sprayers
22 Bags [envelopes, pouches] of textile for packaging, nets, ropes, vehicle covers; sails [rigging], tents, tarpaulins;
straw wrappers for bottles; body bags; packing [cushioning, stuffing] materials, not of rubber or plastics; raw
fibrous textile materials; tents for mountaineering or camping; mountain-c1i bing ropes; envelopes of textile for
packaging; cobbler's yarns; textile fibers; ropes; packing string.
23 Embroidery thread and yarn for textile use; darning thread and yarn; thread of metal for embroidery; spun wool.
24 Fabrics, knitwear, lined cloth, fabric for clothing; bath linen, wall hangings Df textile; non-wovens [textiies];
household linen, towels of textile, washing mitts; curtains of textile or plastic; covers for cushions; quilts; bed
linen, bed blankets, travel rugs; handkerchiefs of textile; napkins of textile for removing make-up; pillowcases;
table napkins of textile; tablecloths of textile; fiberglass fabrics for textile use; wall hangings made of textile; felt;
covers [Ioosel ,for furniture; fitted toilet lid covers of fabric; marabouts [cloths]; flags, not of paper; shrouds;
traced cloths for embroidery; canvas for tapestry or embroidery; bed clot es; draperies; flannel; tea towels;
labels of cloth; shower curtains of textile or plastic; fabric of imitation animal skins; textile tapestry; coverings of
textile; sleeping bags [sheeting]; knitted fabrics.
25 Clothing, footwear, headgear; clothing for children; layettes, babies' pants, bibs not of paper; bath robes, bathin!
suits, beach clothes, shorts, suspenders, belts [clothing], blouses, shirts, jumpers, cardigans, tee-shirts, skilis,
pullovers, polo shirts, sweaters, vests, underwear, suits [underwear], bras, waistcoats, slips, bodywear, girdles
[underwear], wimples, briefs, petticoats corsets, stockings, stocking suspenders, tights; sleepwear, pajamas,
nightshirts; shirts, dresses, evening dresses; eye masks for sleeping; furs [clothing]; gloves [clothing]. mittens;
hats, caps, swim caps, bandanas, mantillas, night caps, ear muffs [clothing], sun visors [headgearl; hosiery;
men's suits; overcoats, cloaks, raincoats, ponchos; ski gloves, scarves, neck scarves, shawls, collars, neckties;
sock suspenders, socks, sports stockings, tights, leggings; tracksuits; cuffs [clothing); money belts [clothing);
shoes, soccer shoes, ski boots, studs for shoes; shoes (heels for), boots, half-boots, beach shoes, sandals,
bath slippers, bath sandals, slippers; clothing for sports; ceremonial dresses, Korean ceremonial clothing; for
use in schools; costumes for fancy dress; fabric masks, hoods.
URL 26 Artificial flowers; badges for wear, not of precious metal; beads other than for making jewelry; pelt clasps;
barrettes; bows for:Jjle hair; br09s:bE:)~[clothing2.ccessori~~11J.0t of preciQus metal; buckles [£othing
accessories) not of precious metal; elastic bands, embroidery, buttons, hooks and eyelets for clothing and
footwear;-false hair; fastenings for-c1othing.;--l'lair-bandsr hair grips; ornaments for-the hailT-hair extensions; hair
nets; hair pins; lace for edgings; heat patches for repairing textile articles; needle cases; numerals and letters fo
marking linen; ribbons; sewing needles; shoe buckles; shoe fasteners; shoe ornaments; shoulder pads for
clothing; wigs; zip fasteners; embroidering crochet hooks; lace trimmings; air curlers; lace and embroidery;
needles; haberdashery, except yarns; hair coloring caps; hair curling papers; rug hooks; shoe laces; shoe
ornaments [not of precious metal]; tapes for curtain headings; expanding bands for holding sleeves; spangles for
27 Carpets; floor coverings (rugs and mats); wallpaper; bath mats; doormats; tapestry [wall hangings)', not of
textile; artificial turf; mats for sports.
28 Balls for games; billiard cues; body-building apparatus; boomerangs; cricket bags; dolls; clothes for dolls; golf
gloves; bags for golf clubs; golf clubs; golf balls; ice skates; fishing tackle; puppets; ornaments for Christmas
trees, except illumination articles and confectionery; spray guns for paint;
lay balloons; playing cards; rackets;
elbow guards; knee guards; shin guards; head and wrist band (sports); roller skates; windsurfing boards; skatin!
boots with skates attached; skis; covers for skis and surfboards; snowboards; teddy bears; toys for pets;
archery implements; machines for physical exercises; swimming pools [play articles]; plastic race track; fishing
tackle; twirling batons; camouflage equipment [sporting articles]; scratch cards for playing lottery games;
bindings for surf boards; sporting articles (other than golf and mountain climbing articles); climbing harnesses;
games and play things; fairground ride apparatus.
32 Beers; fruit juices and vegetable juices [beverages]; mineral waters and carbonated waters and other
alcohol-free beverages; pellets, syrups, powders and essences for making beverages and soft drinks.
33 Alcoholic beverages (except beers); aperitifs; alcoholic cocktails; liqueurs, rice alcohol; rum; vodka; whisky;
34 Smokers' articles, including ashtrays (not of precious metal), cigar cutters, cigar and cigarette cases; tobacco
pouches; lighters for smokers, matches; tobacco, cigars and cigarettes; cigarette paper; cigarette filters
35 Retail services and retail store services; online retail and wholesale services; retail store services provided via a
global computer network; electronic advertising and promotional services, including emails; on-line advertising on
a computer network; opinion polling services; marketing study; services re'lated to business promotion activities
of all kinds, namely distribution of samples, advertising, telemarketing, promotional information campaigns,
organization of exhibitions, fair trade organization, all connected with the sale of a variety of goods, namely
perfumes, toiletries, cosmetics, spectacles and sunglasses, jewelry, watches, handbags, bags, wallets, clothing,
footwear, headgear and accessories; organization of fashion shows; business management assistance;
marketing; business management consultancy; relocation services for businesses; computer file management;
accounting; auditing; rental of vending machines; searches for sponsorship; advertising; rental of advertising
space; dissemination of advertisements; advertising mailing services; dissemination of advertising material
(leaflets, prospectuses, printed matter, samples); arranging newspaper subscriptions for others; publication of
advertising texts; business management; business administration; office functions; distribution of prospectuses,
of samples; business advice, business information or inquiries; business research; commercial or industrial
http://www. wi po. int/romarin/mark-detai I.xhtrnl
management assistance; appraisals for business or industry; accounting; document reproducti~; employment
Clg.E?l1gje~cQmput~ile ll1anagement; data input and processing services; computer file re.ntal; organization of
exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; modeling services for advertising or sales promotion;
biH-pos-tip.g,shop window dressing; import-export-agency;sa!espr-omotioll for-athers; market research; auctions
promotion of goods on television with offers of sales; organization of events for commercial purposes;
administration of exhibition sites; presentation of goods on all communication media for retail sale; commercial
information and advice for consumers; business administration of the licensing of goods and services; arranging
of telecommunication service subscriptions for others; bringing together, for the benefit of others, of various
leather goods, jewelry, timepieces, optical goods, stationery, pens, umbrellas, glassware, porcelain, cutlery,
sporting goods, household linen, furnishings, smokers' articles, clothing and footwear and telecommunication
apparatus (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods;
bringing together, for the benefit of others of various leather goods, jewelry, timepieces, optical goods,
stationery, pens, umbrellas, glassware, porcelain, cutlery, sporting goods, household linen, furniture, articles for
smokers, clothing and footwear and telecommunications apparatus (excluding the transport thereof), enabling
the consumer to examine such products on a Web site and purchase those goods conveniently; retail sale of
stationery, leather goods, jewelry, timepieces, optical goods, pens, umbrellas, glassware, porcelain, cutlery,
sporting goods, household linen, furnishings, articles for smokers, clothing and footwear and telecommunication
36 Insurance of clothing and fashion; financing services; art appraisal; real-estate property management; insurance
brokerage; real estate brokers; securities brokerage; surety services; financial sponsorship; charitable fund
raising; trusteeship; pawnbrokerage,
37 Cleaning of clothing; clock and watch repair; clothing repair, dry cleaning, renovation of clothing, shoe repair;
laundry services, interior design (upholstery); construction information, cO:lstruction; mining extraction;
repair; heating equipment installation and repair; installation and repair of electric apparatus; interference
suppression in electrical apparatus; medical apparatus installation and repair; motor vehicle maintenance and
repair; airplane maintenance and repair; shipbuilding; repair of photographic apparatus; safe maintenance and
repair; rustproofing; retreading of tires; furniture maintenance; disinfecting.
38 Interactive broadcasting services for the presentation of goods; news
communications by radio,
telegraph, telephone or videophone, television, broadcasting; services for the transmission of information by date
communication; message sending; transmission of telegrams; computer-aSSisted image transmission;
transmission of data by teleprinter; radio and television programs; rental of message-sending apparatus, access
time to computer networks; communication by computer terminals; communications (transmission) on an open
closed global computer network; information on telecommunication; providing access to a computer network;
downloading of games, digitized data, financial services, stock exchange services; rental of access time to
global computer networks; broadcasting of television programs; providing telecommunication channels for
teleshopping services; communication and telecommunication services relating to fashion or beauty, on computer
terminals, peripherals, e'lectronic equipment and digital transmission equipment; transmission and broadcasting
of data, sound andl images relating to fashion and/or beauty; provision of information on fashion and beauty via
computer terminals or any other means of telecommunication, and over the Internet; interactive communications
and broadcasting of multimedia programs by the computerization of text, still or animated images and musical
sound relating to fashion and/or beauty; provision of access to Internet forums relating to fashion or beauty;
provision of telecommunications and connections to the Internet or databases relating to fashion and/or beauty;
provision of access to electronic sites on a global computer network for disseminating documents and
information on fashion or beauty.
-- I
39 Arranging of tours; packaging of goods; wrapping (packaging) of goods; storage of goods; transport and
storage-of goods' rescue sePJice.s;.-boat transpo!=-t; vehicle breakdown assistance [towing]; pooting; vehicle
rental; carting; storage; rental of diving suits; distribution of energy; operating canal locks; messaging [mail or
goods]; transport by pipeline; rental of wheelchairs; launching of satellites for others; bottling services.
40 Air freshening and cooling services; cloth cutting; dressmaking; tailoring services; processing of materials for
in the manufacture of perfumes and cosmetics; treatment of textiles; material treatment information; metal
treating; woodworking; paper finishing; window tinting treatment, being surface coating; pottery firing; food and
drink preservation; stripping; photographic printing; waste treatment (transformation); treatment of water;
framing of works of art.
41 Organization of beauty contests; organization and conducting of shows, exhibitions, conferences and seminars
on fashion and/or beauty; educational and training services relating to fashion and/or beauty; publishing of
electronic publications relating to fashion and/or beauty; nightclubs; providing karaoke services; videotape film
production; production of radio and television programs; rental of equipment for games; animal training;
for artists.
42 Authentication of works of art; research and development services for cosmetics and perfumes; interior
decoration for fashion shops; fashion design services; packaging design services; quality control; geological
research; chemistry services; biological research; meteorological information; testing of materials; architecture;
software design; graphic arts designing services.
43 Services for providing food and beverages, inclUding bar services, cafes, restaurants, fast-food restaurants and
snack-bars, tea rooms; temporary accommodation including hotels, motels, tourist homes, retirement homes for
the elderly and rental of meeting fOoms; day-nurseries [creches]; boarding for animals; rental of chairs, tables,
table linen and glassware.
44 Hygienic and beauty care for human beings or animals including aromatherapy services; beauty salon services;
cosmetology services; floristry; beauty salon and hairdressing services; health spa services; manicure services;
massage services; opticians' services; sauna services; skin care services; tattooing; Turkish baths; flower
arranging; animal grooming.
45 Legal services; security services for the protection of property or persons; personal and social services providec
by others to meet the needs of individuals, including the rental of clothing, social chaperoning, planning and
organization of ceremonies; security consultancy, services for occupying dwellings in the absence of residents;
undertaking; intellectual property licensing.
882 Basic registration
FR, 17.05.2013,133977083
300 Data relating to priority under the Paris Convention and other data relating to registration of the mark in the
country of origin
FR, 24.01.2013, 133977083
832 Designation(s) under the Madrid Protocol
~L Designation(s) under the Madrid Protocol by virtue of Article 9sexies
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Statement of grant of protection made under Rule 18ter(1) : 2014/13 Gaz, 10.04.2014, MC
Statement of grant of protection made under Rule 18ter(1) : 2014/16 Gaz, 01.05.2014, BX
Ex Officio examination completed but opposition or observations by third parties still possible, under
Rule 18bis(1) : 2014/25 Gaz, 03.07.2014, HU
Ex Officio examination completed but opposition or observations by third parties still posSible, under
Rule 18bis(1) : 2014/25 Gaz, 03.07.2014, RO
Partial provisional refusal of protection: 2014/25 Gaz, 03.07.2014, AT
Partial provisional refusal of protection: 2014/26 Gaz, 10.07.2014, DE
Statement of grant of protection made under Rule 18ter(1) : 2014/25 Gaz, 03.07.2014, SI
Statement of grant of protection made under Rule 18ter(1) : 2014/28 Gaz, 24.07.2014, ES
Total ,provisional refusal of protection: 2014/26 Gaz, 10.07.2014, KR
Statement of grant of protection made under Rule 18ter(1) : 2014/28 Gaz, 24.07.2014, PT
Statement of gra_nt of protection made under Rule 18ter(1) : 2014/29 Gaz, 31.07.2014, MN
Statement of grant of protection made under Rule 18ter(1) : 2014/36 Gaz, 18.09.2014, SK
Statement of grant of protection made under Rule 18ter(1) : 2014/38 Gaz, 02.10.2014, DZ
Statement of grant of protection made under Rule 18ter(1) : 2014/37 Gaz, 25.09.2014, HU
Statement of grant of protection made under Rule 18ter(1) : 2014/40 Gaz, 16.10.2014, IT
Statement indicating the goods and services for which protection of the mark is granted under Rule
18ter(2)(ii) : 2014/42 Gaz, 30.10.2014, DE
Statement indicating the goods and services for which protection of the mark is granted under Rule
18ter(2)(ii) : 2014/47 Gaz, 04.12.2014, AT
Statement of grant of protection made under Rule 18ter(1) : 2014/47 Gaz, 04.12.2014, CZ
Statement of grant of protection made under Rule 18ter(1): 2014/49 Gaz, 18.12.2014, RO
Partial provisional refusal of protection: 2015/1 Gaz, 15.01.2015, eN
Statement of grant of protection made under Rule 18ter(1) : 2014/51 Gaz, 01.01.2015, RS
Statement of grant of protection made under Rule 18ter(1) : 2015/1 Gaz, 15.01.2015, HR
Statement of grant of protection made under Rule 18ter(1) : 2015/4 Gaz, 05.02.2015, ME
Statement of grant of protection made under Rule 18ter(1) : 2015/6 Gaz, 19.02.2015, VN
Statement of grant of protection made under Rule 18ter(1) : 2015/6 Gaz, 19.02.2015, BA
Statement of grant of IProtection made under Rule 18ter(1) : 2015/7 Gaz, 26.02.2015, LI
Statement of grant of protection made under Rule 18ter(1) : 2015/7 Gaz, 26.02.2015, CH
Opposition possible after the 18 months time limit: 2015/22 Gaz, 11.06.2015, KR
http://www. w ipo. i nt/romarin/mark-detai I:xhtml
UR6tateme~t indicating-;h~ goods and services for which protection of the mark is granted un~~
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