Have a Blessed Christmas and New Year


Have a Blessed Christmas and New Year
Archdiocese of Milwaukee
Have a Blessed Christmas and New Year
Dear Friends,
I noticed a Little Blue Book on the table
in the back of the Church. The Little
Blue Book reflects on the Infancy
Narrative according to Matthew and has
been carefully crafted to help you
explore the depths of Scripture and
deepen your relationship with Christ.
The word "advent," from the Latin
adventus (Greek parousia), means
"coming" or "arrival." The season of
Advent is focused on the "coming" of
Jesus as Messiah (Christ or King). Our
worship, scripture readings, and prayers
not only prepare us spiritually for
Christmas (his first coming), but also for
his eventual second coming. This is why
the Scripture readings during Advent
include both Old Testament passages
related to the expected Messiah, and
New Testament passages concerning
Jesus' second coming as judge of all
people. Also, passages about John the
Baptist, the precursor who prepared the
way for the Messiah, are read.
Secular culture and many non-Catholic
churches celebrate the day of
Christmas, but take it outside of the
context of Advent and Christmas tide.
However, Christmas is not meant to be
an isolated day, but a festival of the
Incarnation in the midst of the Church
year. Christmas is only properly
understood after having the preparation
provided by Advent. In the midst of the
secular excesses leading up to
Christmas, Advent provides a welcome
solace and an opportunity to continually
re-orient ourselves to God's will as we
expectantly wait with patriarchs,
prophets, and kings for the true meaning
of Christmas: the Incarnation of God the
I have been kept busy with the strategy
plans for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
Ministry to be submitted to the
Archbishop Listecki. I’m blessed to have
few people from the Deaf and Hard of
Hearing Advisory Council to share their
experience, input and feedback as we
finalize the strategic plans.
2010 ISSUE
I look forward to the upcoming event, the
100th Anniversary of the Ephpheta
Sodality of St. John the Baptist on
February 12, 2011 with a Mass and
Dinner celebration. This is the exact
same date that the Ephpheta group was
established on February 12, 1911 by
Father Eugene Gehl and the Deaf
Community of that time. Please see the
enclosed flyer on page 5 for more
information. Please pray for God’s
blessings on this special event. We also
pray for all the members of Ephpheta
both past and present who have keep
this faithful community together for 100
years to do God’s will of service to one
I look forward to the New Year of 2011, as
we continue to move forward with the
Deaf and Hard of Hearing ministry to
serve one another.
As we continue our journey through
Advent and celebrate Christmas and the
New Year with our family and friends, may
the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with
you always.
Have a Blessed Merry Christmas and a
Prosperous, Happy New Year!
Terri Matenaer, Coordinator
Deaf/Hard of Hearing Ministry
[email protected]
262-672-6823 Video Phone
Terri’s Memo
News around the area
Pentecost Mission
Calendar of Events
Christmas Mass
Bible Study
Ephpheta 100th
Anniversary Flyer
Contact Information
Page 2
Arvilla Rank received Vatican II Award for Service in Society
Fourteen people were honored with the
Archbishop's Vatican II awards for distinguished
service for outstanding contributions to the
church and society on Tuesday, Nov. 9. A prayer
service and award ceremony was held at the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist, 812 N. Jackson St., at 7 p.m. About 12 people from the Deaf
community were on hand to celebrate Arvilla
received her award.
In both her professional and spiritual life, Arvilla
Rank works tirelessly to ensure that Deaf and
Hard of Hearing receive the best Catholic education, services and care available.
Since 1965, Arvilla has been an active member
of the International Catholic Deaf Association of
the United States. From 1981 to 1985, she
served as president at the international level, and
as a board member for an additional 13 years.
Arvilla previously served as a Milwaukee Chapter
7 officer and Midwest Region officer in the same
In addition to her work with the Catholic Deaf Association, Arvilla is a member of the Milwaukee
Archdiocesan Deaf Council, and a member of the
Ephpheta Sodality of St. John the Baptist Catholic Deaf Community, Milwaukee. Arvilla has also
worked with the National Deaf Cursillo.
“Through my experiences with the National
Catholic Office for the Deaf, ICDA-US, and the
National Cursillo, I am in a position to share my
experience with the Archdiocese of Milwaukee,”
Arvilla stated.
Presently, in addition to her work at the parish
level, Arvilla works part-time as a project coordinator for the National Catholic Office for the
Deaf. She also teaches religion classes at St.
Andrew’s, Delavan, to the Catholic students at
the Wisconsin School for the Deaf.
Last school term, Arvilla had the
opportunity to work with the confirmation class. This semester, Arvilla is excited to begin working
with the high school students who
have not yet received the sacrament of reconciliation.
Even at the parish level, Arvilla is constantly
working to improve circumstances for the deaf
community. In 2009, just two short years after
joining St. Matthias Parish, Milwaukee, she was
invited to serve as a liaison between the parish
council and the deaf community. In may 2010,
Arvilla was elected to the St. Matthias parish
council. As a result, Arvilla was better able to foster the relationship between the parish council
and the deaf community. She is also a member
of the St. John the Baptist Deaf Community, Milwaukee.
To accomplish all of this, Arvilla draws strength
from her siblings, Shirley, Janet, Sandy and
Merrill, as well as her nieces and nephews. However, it was Jesus, himself, that inspired her to
live a life like Christ. When Jesus said, “Goa dn
spread the Good News,” Arvilla took his message to heart. She also takes comfort in the biblical passage from Jeremiah. “When you look for
me, you will find me. Yes, when you seek me
with all your heart, you will find me with you, said
the LORD, and I will change your lot; I will gather
you together from all the nations and all the
places to which I have banished you, says the
LORD, and bring you back to the place from
which I have exiled you” (Jer 29:13-14)
Reprinted from the Vatican II Award Program book
“By loving others
is the surest way to find Jesus.
Page 3
Holy Hour for Life Prayer Service
January 21, 2011 at 7:00pm
Check if your local parish for more information
Living the Catholic Life
Archdiocesan Respect Life Mass
Day of Penance and Prayer
Saturday, January 22, 2011 at 10:00am
St. Frances Cabrini Parish
1025 South 7th Avenue
West Bend, WI 53095
Please pre-register and
contact Terri Matenaer
at [email protected] to reserve space.
Feb 5, 2011
Mar 5, 2011
Apr 2, 2011
May 7, 2011
What Catholic Believe: A Look
at the U.S. Catholic Catechism
for Adults
The Meaning of Suffering Perspective from the Bible
Ethnicity and Catholicity: The
Demographics of the Church in
A Catholic Understanding of the
The “Heart of the Nation” TV Mass
with Closed Captioning on Sunday mornings
• WITI Fox 6 at 5:30 a.m
• WCGV Channel 24 at 9 a.m.
All Masses are filmed in the Christ King Chapel
at St. Francis de Sales Seminary.
Christmas Day, December 25, 2010
Archbishop Jerome E. Listecki will preside at his
first televised “Heart of the Nation” Mass.
NCOD Pastoral Week
January 14-18, 2011
Renewing the Vision:
40 years as the Hands of Christ
At the W Atlanta Perimeter in Atlanta, GA.
For more information, go to www.ncod.org
Women of Christ
January 29, 2011 from 7:30am-4:00pm
$30.00 per person. For more information, contact
Terri Matenaer at [email protected]
to reserve space.
Men of Christ
February 19, 2011 from 6:30am-5:00pm
$35.00 per person. For more information, contact
Terri Matenaer at [email protected]
to reserve space.
ICDA-US Section
6th Biennial Conference
• WCGV TV24 - 7 a.m.
July 10-15, 2011
• WITI TV6.2 - 11 a.m. (Note – This is not the
“Connected in Christ!”
original Channel 6 station, but the over-the-air At the Marriott Chicago Schaumburg Hotel
digital sub-channel 6.2.)
For more information, go to
• WITI TV6 - 6 p.m. (Note – This is the
original Channel 6 station.)
Visit Fr. Mike Depcik’s Kitchen
The 20th Annual Memorial Prayer Service
Table to learn more deep love
Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr
for God and to learn more
Monday, January 17, 2011 at 6:30pm
about the Catholic Faith in
St. Martin De Porres Catholic Church
ASL. Please visit his website
128 West Burleigh Street
at www.frmd.org
Milwaukee, WI 53212
Page 4
St. Andrew Church, Delavan
714 E. Walworth Avenue
Delavan, WI 53115
Interpreted Mass
December 25th Christmas Day --- 9:30am
St. Matthias Church, Milwaukee
9306 W. Beloit Rd.
Milwaukee, WI 53227
Signed Mass with Fr. Donald Zerkel
December 24th Christmas Eve
--- 7:00pm in Small Chapel
Interpreted Mass
December 25th Christmas Day
--- 9:00am in Main Church
St. Paul the Apostle Church, Racine
6400 Spring Street
Racine, WI 53406
Interpreted Mass
December 24th Christmas Eve --- 4:30pm
St. Peter Church, Kenosha
2224 30th Avenue
Kenosha, WI 53144
Interpreted Mass
December 24th Christmas Eve --- 10:00pm
St. Joseph Church, Waukesha
818 North East Avenue
Waukesha, WI 53186
Interpreted Mass
December 24th Christmas Eve --- 4:30pm
Water Tower View
Deaf Senior Citizens
3983 S. Prairie Hill Lane
Greenfield, WI 53228
St. Andrew Deaf Ministry
Church Rectory
714 E. Walworth Ave.
Delavan, WI 53115
St. Matthias Deaf Ministry
Parish Center Chapel
9306 W. Beloit Road
Milwaukee, WI 53227
Mondays - 11:00 am
Mondays – 6:30 pm
Mondays – 7:00 pm
January 10, 2011
February 14, 2011
March 14, 2011
April 11, 2011
May 9, 2011
January 10, 2011
February 14, 2011
March 14, 2011
April 11, 2011
May 9, 2011
January 14, 2011
February 21, 2011
March 21, 2011
April 18, 2011
May 16, 2011
For more information, contact Deacon David at
[email protected] or [email protected]
Ministry Formation Program for Catholic Deaf Adults
Fall 2011 - Spring 2012
For more information, contact: Sr. Rita Ann Wigginton, OSU
Ministry Formation Program, 3105 Lexington Road, Louisville, KY 40206
Text or Voice: 502-640-4957 /. VP: 866-371-8658 / Email: [email protected]
Ephpheta Sodality
of St. John the Baptist
celebrating 100th Anniversary
Join us with Archbishop
Jerome Listecki who
will preside the Mass in
celebrating the 100th
Anniversary of
Ephpheta Sodality of
St. John the Baptist.
February 12, 2011
Directions and Map to Archbishop Cousins Center
From the North and West:
Proceed on I-43 south or I-94
east toward downtown Milwaukee and take I-794 east to the
Lake Parkway South. Exit on
Oklahoma Avenue east. Go
east (right) on Oklahoma until
it ends on South Lake Drive,
then turn right (south). Follow
South Lake Drive to the main
entrance of Cousins Center
(on your right).
From the South:
Proceed on I-94 north toward
downtown Milwaukee. After
the airport interchang, exit on
Howard Avenue. Turn right
(east) onto Howard and go 2.8
miles to Packard Avenue.
Turn left onto Packard Avenue
and go 0.3 miles. Turn left
(north) onto South Lake Drive
and go 0.4 miles to the main
entrance of Cousins Center
(on your left).
Where: Archbishop Cousins Center,
3501 South Lake Drive
Milwaukee, WI 53207-0912
$35.00 per person
(each person will receive a gift)
Program: 5:00PM Mass
6:30PM Dinner/Program
Attention: For Deaf-Blind accessibility,
please contact me before 1/12/11.
Include Deaf-Blind Accessibility in the
subject line. [email protected]
262-672-6822(VP) / 262-321-0464(TTY/V)
100th Anniversary Ephpheta Sodality of St. John Reservation Form
Yes, I/We would like to attend the
Ephpheta’s 100th Anniversary
_______ x $35.00
$________ Total amount included
Send and make the check payable to:
Ephpheta 100th Anniversary
c/o Margaret Calteaux
3457 Nicholson Road
Franksville, WI 53216
Terri Matenaer, Coordinator
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Ministry
Archdiocese of Milwaukee
3501 S. Lake Drive
Milwaukee WI 53235
[email protected]
City and Zip Code:
Email address:
Birthdays: husband ____________________ wife _____________________
Cost: $6.00 from January to December 2011.
Newsletter mailed to your home.
Make checks payable to Deaf and Hard of Hearing Ministry .
No cost if emailed.
Mail subscription to:
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Ministry
Archdiocese of Milwaukee
3501 S. Lake Drive
Milwaukee WI 53235
Email requests are welcomed: [email protected]