Owensboro AIDS Memorial Candlelight Vigil - Tri


Owensboro AIDS Memorial Candlelight Vigil - Tri
Vol. 30 Issue 5
May 2012
Owensboro AIDS Memorial
Candlelight Vigil is on May 20
The Owensboro Unitarian Universalist Congregation will be a part of the International AIDs Candlelight Services
held on Sunday, May 20. A reception will begin at 7pm and the vigil at 7:30pm. An offering will be taken to benefit the
Tri-State AIDS Holiday Project. Please bring a personal care item to donate to Matthew 25. The church is located at
1221 Cedar Street in Owensboro.
For updates on the Vanderburgh County civil rights ordinance, monitor our web Site at www.TSAGL.org and/or ‘like’
the Tri-State Alliance on Facebook. For those who have not yet written letters, please write a letter to the Commissioners asking them to vote YES on adding age, disability, gender identity and sexual orientation to the county’s civil
rights ordinance. Write them at Vanderburgh County Commissioners, Room 305 Civic Center Complex, 1 NW
Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd, Evansville IN 47708. The City Council passed a similar ordinance unanimously last
year, and Mayor Weinzapfel approved the changes. So thanks to the City of Evansville, 85% of the county is already
covered by this ordinance. But we need YOUR help to make sure the ENTIRE county is covered!
June 10 Pride Picnic Seeks
Performers & Sponsors
The annual TSA Pride Picnic will once again be
held at Burdette Park’s Bishea Shelter, on
Sunday, June 10 from 12 noon—8pm. The group
is seeking musical performers for 2pm—6pm the
day of the picnic, and drag queens and kings to
donate their performances (tips benefitting the
TSA Youth Group) from 6-8pm. Corporate
sponsorships for the event are available at the
rates of $200, $100 & $25. To volunteer or for
more information contact Wally at 812-480-0204
or [email protected].
Queen Latifah (left) shakes the hand of TSA Youth Group
President Lindsey Fehribach at the April 12 Diversity
Lectures Series. Latifah spoke in favor of Vanderburgh
County passing an inclusive civil rights ordinance at the
Donations Accepted for Memorial Scholarship
In response to recent requests, the Tri-State Alliance does provide for a memorial scholarship program. Donations
can be sent to TSA Scholarships, PO Box 2901, Evansville, IN 47728. Please let us know in whose memory and/or
in whose honor you are making the contribution, and we will list the memorial contribution in the Tri-State Alliance
newsletter and on our web site.
Unitarian Universalist Congregation
1221 Cedar Street, Owensboro, KY
Sunday, May 20, 7pm Reception, 7:30pm Vigil
An offering will benefit the Tri-State AIDS Holiday Project
Please bring a personal care item to be donated to Matthew 25 AIDS Services
Remember TSA in Your Will
TSA Educational Presentations
By Wally Paynter
Making a difference in our community is important. TSA has
worked to serve our community since 1980. To make a difference in our community, donations of time and money have always been very important.
One way to continue to make a difference is by remembering
TSA in your estate planning. I choose to volunteer for the 3
charities that are the most important to me and my life (TSA,
MDA and 1st Presbyterian Church).
As I prepared my will, I have included TSA, MDA and my
church in my estate planning. Though this will not be a lot of
money, it will be my way to help make a difference in the future
after I am gone.
I would like to encourage you to consider the Tri-State Alliance as your prepare your estate. Our legal name is the TriState Alliance, Inc., our address is PO Box 2901, Evansville, IN
47728, and our Federal ID number is 35-1636272. Whether
you remember us in your will, life estate or in your life insurance, you can help us continue to make a difference. TSA has
served our region for 32 years, and your consideration will help
us continue to make a difference into the future! Contact me at
812-480-0204 or [email protected] for more information.
Gay & Lesbian Images in American Film. Lecture includes an overview of historical Hollywood and the fate of all minorities in American
movies from silent era to 1970s. Portions of the HBO Documentary
“The Celluloid Closet” are used, as are brief film clips from other pre
1967 American films depicting GLBT images.
The Hidden Holocaust: Lecture gives brief overview of the historical
evolution of the GLBT population in Europe during the latter 19th and
early 20th century, culminating in the Gay Renaissance of Berlin in the
1920’s. The documentary Paragraph 175 is shown, presenting the few
survivors of the Nazi death camps and their personal stories.
4000 Years of GLBT History: A power point presentation showing
images from around the world of GLBT people and events from a little
known Egyptian tomb from 2400 BC, to the current status of the campaign for marriage equality in the US and Europe.
For more info contact TSA VP Kelley Coures at [email protected]
Working with Diverse Populations: We meet with substance abuse
treatment facilities, churches, schools, social service and medical
agencies, and university classes to talk about working with GLBT communities in a culturally competent fashion.
Current Issues in the HIV / AIDS Pandemic: From local to international, get an update about the HIV / AIDS Pandemic, and find out how
YOU can make a difference!
For the final 2 presentations, contact Wally Paynter at 812-4800204 or [email protected].
Don’t Put It Off! Call for a Test Today!
Free Syphilis, Chlamydia, & Gonorrhea Testing
420 Mulberry St., Downtown Evansville
812-306-3053 [email protected]
New Hope UCC
1010 East Fourth Street
Downtown Owensboro
Worship Sundays at 11am
God accepts you as you are and so do we.
Religious Education- Sunday @ 9:30 am
Worship- Sunday @10:30 am
Meditation- Thursday @ 6:30pm
www.uucowensboro.org 270-684-1224
An open and affirming congregation…
Zion United
Church of Christ
437 First St., Henderson, KY
Sunday School - 9:30am Worship - 10:30am
Church Phone: 270 826 0605 Rev. Phil Hoy: 812 437 9295
Color Specialist
Hair & Nails
2221 E. Morgan Ave.
Evansville, IN 47711
Shop 437-9482
Cell/Voice Mail 205-5583
The Rainbow Café
(618) 521-2328
Friday Drop-in 7—10pm
A safe place for gay, lesbian, bisexual
and transgender teens and their friends
Jim’s Photography
Same sex weddings, portraits, individual & couples.
Working to meet the photography needs of the
GLBT community!
Jim M. Willis
(812) 909-1529
Wed. May 30
5-8pm, TSA Offices,
501 John St., Evansville
Free food & soft drinks, help with
TSA Newsletter & safer sex kits
TSA Youth Group
Needs Support!
Tri-State Alliance Newsletter
Published & Distributed by
Tri-State Alliance, Inc.
PO Box 2901, Evansville, IN 47728, 812-480-0204,
Help support the region’s GLBT youth under [email protected], www.TSAGL.org
the age of 21. Send a check to the TSA Membership: $25 per year
Youth Group, PO Box 2901, Evansville, IN The TSA newsletter is designed to promote the Tri-State Alliance &
47728, donate a meal or soft drinks by call- inform the regional GLBT communities about local events. TSA is a
501c3 educational organization serving Southwestern
ing 812-480-0204 or [email protected], not-for-profit
Indiana, Western Kentucky & Southern Illinois. By advertising in the
TSA newsletter, our advertisers are stating they welcome GLBT cusor donate on-line at www.TSAGL.org
tomers. They are not indicating their own sexual orientation. Ads,
donations & subscription efforts offset cost of this newsletter. TSA
seeks submissions of articles & ads, but we reserve the right to edit
or refuse any advertisement or article. The TSA Newsletter is the
product of a volunteer organization, & as such, cannot guarantee
distribution dates. Our goal is to distribute the newsletter by the 1st
full weekend of the month. E-mail your article and photos. Tri-State
Alliance, Inc. assumes no responsibility for representation in ads.
Newsletter Advertising Rates:
Full page $200 (Back & inside covers $250), 1/2 page $100, quarter page
$50, business card $25, inserts $1,000. Need your ad designed for you?
(for a reasonable fee) Call Becky at Aztec Printing at 812-422-1462
Archives Seeks Back Issues of TSA News
The Williams-Nichols Archive & Library for LGBT
Studies at the University of Louisville has been actively
collecting monthly issues of Tri-State Alliance News for
the last two decades, but it has a few missing issues. That's where it hopes you can come in.
Missing are older issues primarily from before 1992,
so if you have any of them, you might have to dig deep
into your closet! Other missing issues are July 1994,
February and March 1997, February 1998, and March
The archives and library is a major resource for teachers, students, historians, and the general public and is
believed to be one of the largest in the country. It documents not only local and regional history, but its library
contains books and publications from across the country and around the world. It's the most used section of
the Special Collections division at the university.
For more information, email [email protected] or
call David Williams at 502-636-0935.
Henderson Chevrolet
The TSA Youth Group now meets
every Saturday night at the TSA
offices at 501 John Street
Sales & Leasing Executive
We are still seeking donations of video games,
DVDs and other items. We also need donations
sent to us at TSA Youth Group, PO Box 2901,
Evansville, IN 47728. Only with your help can we
continue to expand. Thanks to everyone who has
Cross that money saving bridge to support TSA!
helped us so far! Contact Wally at 812-480-0204
Bring in this ad when you purchase a car from or [email protected] to make a donation.
Malcolm & $100 will be donated to TSA
Join the Vanderburgh County Health Department
Free Nicotine Patch Program JUNE 2012
The Vanderburgh County Department of Health will be offering six weeks of Free Nicotine Patches to help smokers quit!
To be eligible the participant must: Be 18 years old, Cannot be pregnant, Smoke at
least one-pack a day, Obtain a doctor’s permission slip, Attend four one-hour classes
The next set of classes will be held: June 5, 12, 19 and 26th at the Health Department located at 420
Mulberry Street, Evansville. All classes start at 6:00 p.m. and last one hour
To register, or if you have questions, please call Mary Jo Borowiecki, at 812-435-5807 or email her
at [email protected]. Participants must attend all four classes to receive patches!
Indiana Tobacco Quitline at 1-800-QUIT-NOW
Over 650 Students Attend
11th Annual TSA GLBT Prom
Over 650 students attended the 11th Annual TSA GLBT Prom on Saturday, April 21 at
the Airport Holiday Inn. TSA thanks the ENTIRE community for all of its support. To
see pictures from the event, visit the TSA web site or facebook pages. The 12th Annual TSA Prom has already been scheduled for Saturday, April 6, 2013.
Volunteers Needed for TSA Safe Zone Committee
The Tri-State Alliance is creating a safe zone committee that will work to promote safe
zone trainings in different schools and social service agencies in the community, using the
safe zone training currently utilized by the University of Southern Indiana. To volunteer,
please contact Wally Paynter at 812-480-0204 or [email protected].
AIDS License Plates &
Indiana Memorial Available
The Indiana AIDS Memorial at Crown Hill Cemetery is a permanent memorial dedicated to the thousands of
lives lost to the AIDS epidemic. It is located on the northeast corner of section 90 of Crown Hill Cemetery.
Funding for the memorial was possible in part by the Joseph F. Miller Foundation. For an order form, contact
Jason of the Indiana AIDS Fund, 429 East Vermont Suite 300, Indianapolis, IN 46202 or call 317-630-1805,
fax 317-630-1806. Also, please consider choosing the “To Your Health” License Plates at the Bureau
of Motor Vehicles. Part of the proceeds will benefit the Indiana AIDS Fund!
PFLAG Owensboro Meets on Sunday, May 6
PFLAG Owensboro's next meeting is May 6, from 3-5pm. We meet at Journey Fellowship,
1709 Alexander Ave, (corner of Alexander Ave and 18th St) Owensboro, KY, 42303. There is a
need for the LGBT community to have a space to share and ask questions. We have parents,
allies, and friends in the community willing to support this safe place.
All are welcome! Please plan to attend and bring a friend! If you have any questions, you may
call 502-544-6762.
Evansville PFLAG Meets on Tuesday, May 15
to Discuss County Civil Rights Ordinance
The Greater Evansville Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays will meet on Tuesday, May 15 at 7pm at the 1st Presbyterian Church, 609 SE 2nd Street, Downtown Evansville.
The topic of discuss will be the Vanderburgh County Civil Rights Ordinance, and the work that is
needed to pass it to add age, disability, gender identity and sexual orientation. You are welcome
and encouraged to attend this informative monthly meeting.
Spotlight Indianapolis Announces Performers
Under the artistic direction of David Hochoy, nationally recognized artistic director of Dance Kaleidoscope, Spotlight 2012: Seeing Red will feature
the best in dance, theater, music, and spoken word,
Transient Music Festival
The Fourth Wall Ensemble
Brenda Williams
Pride of Indy Jazz Ensemble
Nicholas Owens Dance Company
Indianapolis Men's Chorus
Meridian Song Project
Gregory Hancock Dance Theatre
The Phoenix Theatre
Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra
Dance Kaleidoscope
Indianapolis Opera
Actors Theatre of Indiana
Indiana Repertory Theatre
Indianapolis Chamber Orchestra
Kenyetta Dance Company
Indianapolis Children's Choir
Booth Tarkington Civic Theatre
Asia LaBouche of "The Ladies of Legend at Talbott Street"
Butler Ballet
*The performance lineup is subject to change
All performers, stagehands, technicians and artistic directors donate their time and energy to
make Spotlight a success each year, including the
International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees of Local 30 and American Federation of Musician's - Local #3. Special thanks goes to visiting
artistic director David Dreyfoos and lighting director Laura Glover.
See the other side of this flyer for more
information about Spotlight Indianapolis, or visit
www.spotlightindy.org. This event benefits the
Indiana AIDS Fund, which benefits HIV prevention
efforts throughout Indiana, including the Tri-State
Alliance Youth Group and other worthwhile organizations.
For tickets or more information, visit:

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