City within a city - Airport City Belgrade


City within a city - Airport City Belgrade
Awarded as THE BEST
Airport City Belgrade newsletter
C i t y
August / 2014 n ° 15
w i t h i n
c i t y
Airport City is this year celebrating ten years since the
Airport City slavi ove godine deset godina od početka
start of our project. This decade anniversary is a reason
projekta. Okrugao jubilej, razlog za ponos i slavlje i
for pride, celebration and a summer party... However,
veliku letnju žurku... ipak, rešili smo da umesto toga
instead of partying we have decided to help someone in
pomognemo nekome kome treba više. Biće sijaset prilika
greater need. There will be a host of opportunities in the
u budućnosti da slavimo i da se zabavimo. Ovo je bila
future to celebrate and have fun. This was a decision of
odluka tima i managmenta ACB-a: kada je Novartis
the team and management of ACB and, when Novartis
podelio s nama priču o Domu zdravlja u Obrenovcu
shared the story of the Obrenovac Health Centre with
razmislili smo i odlučili da damo svoj doprinos ali i da
us, we also decided to provide our contribution but also
pozovemo sve vas, naše klijente i prijatelje, da nam se
to invite all of you, our clients and friends, to join us.
Airport City Belgrade newsletter
Airport City Belgrade newsletter
Rec urednika
Dear friends,
Dragi prijatelji,
This deceptive and rainy summer-that-never-was has forced
Ovo varljivo i kišnovito leto koje-kao-i-da-to-nije pomerilo
many plans to be moved and changed some beautiful tra-
je mnoge planove i promenilo neke lepe tradicionalne
ditional happenings at our park. The Avenue, which is the
sadržaje u našem parku. Avenija koja je idealno mesto
perfect place for the summer break programmes that we all
za summer break programe koje svi volimo nije zažive-
love, has not been brought to life – mostly due to rain every
la uglavnom zbog svakodnevnih kiša. Ali to ne znači da
day. However, this does not mean that we will not try to
nećemo pokušati da to pretvorimo u “Jesenju sonatu” na
convert it into an Autumn Sonata on the Avenue...
We wish you a great holiday and to see you in September.
Želimo vam lep odmor i vidimo se u septembru.
> Avenue... Avenue... Avenue...
Editor’s word
Marina Deleon
Communication Advisor
Marina Deleon
Communication Advisor
> Your SMILES guys are the most valuable addition to Avenue!
communication space
Photo Luka Trajković
Since July of this year we have had a new exhibition space
at Airport City. Our Avenue has long since become a true
gathering place for daily communication between residents
and visitors to Airport City. During the period of warmer
days, which so far has mainly covered the period from May
to the first half of November, most people spend at least
a brief time in the Avenue, using their break time, going
to or from restaurants, buying little things, going to the
bank or doing business with other tenants. According to
our estimates, the business park is visited daily by around
5,000 people, including employees and visitors. Lately there
is a trend for residents from the surrounding New Belgrade
communities to visit our Avenue during summer, who have
discovered this beautiful and landscaped oasis. This means
that your messages on the boards will be seen/read by a
large number of people who are a very desirable target for
businesses, but also for commercial messages.
For the staging of open-air exhibitions we have four panels
available in the form of cubes (16 fields in total) and three
triangular (9 fields) dimensions attached. This kind of concept of space that has been set in the form of fractured
lines will attract many visitors and our experience to date
has shown that similar sporadic projects had a serious effect.
We hope that this new communication channel will also
prove interesting to our clients and companies wanting to
share information about their activities, products, their CSR
activities or other relevant content. Considering that it is
not intended as a classic advertising space, our team will be
happy to help you with the concept of exhibitions.
Od jula ove godine imaćemo novi izložbeni prostor u Airport City-ju. Naša Avenija je već odavno postala pravo mesto
okupljanja i dnevne komunikacije za stanare kao i za posetioce Airport City-ja. Za vreme toplijih dana, što je do sada
uglavnom obuhvatalo period od maja do prve polovine novembra, većina se zadrži barem na kratko u Aveniji, koristeći
pauzu, idući ili se vraćajući iz restorana, kupujući sitnice,
odlazeći u banku ili obavljajući poslove s drugim klijentima.
Po našim procenama u poslovni park dnevno dolazi oko
5.000 ljudi, zaposlenih i posetilaca. U poslednje vreme postoji i trend da se leti ovde mogu videti i stanari iz okolnih
novobeogradskih naselja koji su otkrili Aveniju kao lepu i
uredjenu oazu. To znači da će vašu poruku na izložbenim
panoima videti i pročitati veliki broj ljudi koji su vrlo poželjna ciljna grupa za biznis i za komercijalne poruke.
Za organizaciju izložbe na otvorenom stoje vam na raspolaganju 4 panoa u obliku kocke (16 polja ukupno) i 3 trougla
(9 polja). Ovako koncipiran postor koji se postavlja u obliku
razlomljene linije privlači punu pažnju posetilaca i po našem
dosadašnjem iskustvu slični sporadični projekti koje smo radili imali su efekta.
Nadamo se da će ovaj novi komunikacijski kanal biti zanimljiv i našim klijentima i drugim firmama koje žele da
podele informaciju o svojoj delatnosti, proizvodu, o svom
CSR-u ili neki drugi relevantan sadržaj. Obzirom da to nije
zamišljeno kao klasičan reklamni prostor naš kreativni tim će
vam rado pomoći oko koncepta izložbe.
Airport City Belgrade newsletter
> Interview
Gabriel Dina
Managing Director at Novartis Serbia
The greatest values are not
measured in money
Novartis donation to Obrenovac Health Centre
When we chose the X-ray department as a priority for equipping, we realised that we had
nowhere to install the most modern appliances
- the space of the old X-ray department was
flooded. It is very easy to find a partner for
this project: I turned to our friends at Airport
City, Adir El Al and his team, and they immediately agreed to participate and to restore
that part of the building to a functional state
in order for us to make that equipment operational as soon as possible, said Mr Dina.
Airport City also decided to dedicate its
planned initiative for Smile after towards the
Obrenovac Health Centre. We hope that we
will also be joined by other companies operating in Airport City. Obrenovac still needs
much of this brave and worthy world in order
to restore basic healthcare services to a normal level. So, should we try to help with the
dialysis centre? We will inform everyone once
we know the precise situation and needs.
“We were given great support in donating to those flooded in Obrenovac by our partner from Toshiba, whose x-ray machine was sent to Obrenovac instead of
Manchester, as well as our friends at Airport City, who
are participating in the renewal of premises for mentioned equipment”, Whats Up was told by Gabriel Dina,
Managing Director at the representative office of Novartis, a company that made one of the largest donations of
equipment that allowed the Obrenovac health centre to
return to its normal functioning.
He reminded us that he comes from the Romanian border town of Timisoara, where there is a large Serbian
minority, and that he is familiar with the mentality of our
people, but that he was nevertheless surprised and deeply
moved by the solidarity and courage demonstrated during
the recent devastating floods in Serbia.
Big globally, small in Serbia
“The greatest values are not measured in money,” said Gabriel Dina. In response to our
question about the operations of his company,
which has been doing business on the Serbian
market since 1999, he said that he did not
want to discuss problems. “Novartis is a major company in the world, but a small player
in Serbia,” he said, adding that he is still an
We spoke to Dina following the gathering for the Airport
City Avenue exhibition marking the anniversary of ACB
doing business and introducing the initiative “for Smile
after”, as a reminder that it is time to contribute to restoring life to flooded areas. The event took place just a
day after Novartis made its donation to the Obrenovac
Health Centre.
“Money is not the most important element in helping people in need and that is why I do not want to talk about
Airport City Belgrade newsletter
The greatest values are not measured in
specific amounts,” said Dina. He said that they chose to
help the health centre because it is the only medical institution not only in Obrenovac, but covering the villages in
a 30-kilometre radius, and because of the sacrifice shown
by the employees of this facility during the floods.
“The health centre was completely flooded, but the doctors and medical staff worked and remained on call 24
hours a day at the Obrenovac Hotel, providing support
for the people who stayed in Obrenovac. That meant a
lot to not only as concrete assistance, but also as moral
support and assurances that the doctors are there if need
be,” said Dina, adding that he personally, as a doctor by
profession, was impressed by the dedication of his colleagues. “I’ve worked in intensive care and I know what
it means to save lives. I’m Happy that I now work for a
company that is willing to help people in need,” said Dina.
He explained that not only had the health centre’s building been left in ruins, but that almost its entire fleet
of vehicles was also destroyed. Of the 18 vehicles that
were parked at the health centre when the flood wave
swept through, 16 vehicles were destroyed, including
four ambulances. “With the director of the Obrenovac
Health Centre, Maja Todorović, we toured the grounds
and decided what to do in order for this health facility
to become operational again as soon as possible. We decided on repairing the emergency centre and radiology
department. However, the dialysis centre was also closed,
which threatened the lives of 57 regular patients. That’s
why we immediately purchased three vehicles: two ambulances and a medical car for transporting patients. It was
not easy to deliver these vehicles quickly, because they are
ordered and require special equipment, but we managed,”
said Dina.
He stated that the company also purchased a latest generation digital x-ray device that no one else in Serbia
possesses. Again it was not easy because these devices
are also ordered months in advance, but help came from
Toshiba Beolaser, representative of this company in Ser-
Kada smo izabrali rentgen odelenje kao prioritet za opremu shvatili smo da najmoderniji
aparat nemamo gde da instaliramo – prostorije starog rentgen odelenja su bile poplavljene. Bilo je veoma jednostavno da nadjem
partnere za ovaj poduhvat: obratio sam se
prijateljima iz Airport City-ja, Adiru El Al-u i
njegovom timu, i oni su odmah pristali da se
uključe i da taj deo zgrade dovedu u funkcionalno stanje da bismo opremu što pre pustili
u rad, kazao je gospodin Dina.
Airport City je ujedno rešio da planiranu inicijativu for smile after usmeri na Dom zdravlja u
Obrenovcu. Nadamo da će nam se priključiti i
druge kompanije koje posluju u Airport City-ju.
Ovom hrabrom i vrednom svetu u Obrenovcu
mnogo toga sada treba da bi osnovna zdravstvena zaštita bila na normalnom nivou. Pa da
pokušamo da pomognemo oko centra za dijalizu? Javićemo vam se svima kada budemo imali
preciznu situaciju i potrebe.
„Novac nije najvažnija stavka u pomaganju ljudima u nevolji i zato ne želim da govorim o konkretnim sumama“,
kazao je Dina. On je naveo da su se opredelili za pomoć
Domu zdravlja jer je to jedina zdravstvena ustanova ne
samo u Obrenovcu nego u selima u prečniku od 30 kilometara, ali i zbog požrtvovanja koje su pokazali zaposleni
u ovoj ustanovi za vreme poplava.
“Dom zdravlja je bio potpuno poplavljen, ali su zaposleni
lekari i medicinsko osoblje radili i dežurali 24 sata dnevno
u hotelu Obrenovac i ukazivali pomoć ljudima koji su ostali
u Obrenovcu. Značilo je to mnogo ne samo kao konkretna
pomoć nego i kao moralna podrška i sigurnost da su lekari
tu ako ustreba”, rekao je Dina. I dodao da je on lično, kao
lekar po profesiji, bio impresioniran posvećenošću svojih kolega. ”Radio sam na intenzivnoj nezi i znam šta znači spasavanje života. Srećan sam što sada radim u kompaniji koja
je spremna da pomogne ljudima u nevolji”, rekao je Dina.
On je naveo da je ruinirana ne samo zgrada Doma zdravlja
nego je skoro uništen i ceo vozni park. Od 18 vozila koliko
ih je bilo na parkingu Doma kada je zapljusnuo poplavni talas uništeno je 16 vozila, među kojima i četiri vozila hitne
pomoći. “Sa direktorkom Doma zdravlja Obrenovac, Majom
Todorović obišli smo teren i odlučivali šta da uradimo da se
ovaj Dom što pre osposobi za rad. Odlučili smo se za osposobljavanje Urgentnog centra i radiologije. Međutim i Centar
za dijalizu je bio zatvoren, što je ugrožavalo život 57 redovnih
pacijenata. Zato smo odmah nabavili tri vozila: dva vozila
hitne pomoći i jedan medicinski auto za prevoz pacijenata.
Nije bilo lako brzo dopremiti ova vozila jer se ona naručuju,
potrebna je specijalna oprema, ali smo uspeli”, kazao je Dina.
On je naveo da je kupljen digitalni rentgen najnovije generacije kakav nema niko drugi u Srbiji. Ni to nije bilo lako
jer se ovakvi aparati naručuju mesecima unapred, ali pomoć je stigla od Tošiba Beolasera, zastupnika ove kompanije u Srbiji. Rentgen je iz Japana krenuo put Mančestera,
ali je tamošnja bolnica dozvolila da promeni maršrutu i
ode u Obrenovac, rekao je Dina. On je naveo da je Dom
zdravlja dobio i novi kolor dopler, ali i veliki kompresor sa
dodatnom opremom za stomatološko odeljenje.
Ljiljana Lukić
bia. The x-ray machine had set out from Japan bound for
Manchester, but the hospital there allowed the route to
be changed to go through Obrenovac, said Dina. He said
that the health centre also received a new colour doppler
and a large compressor with additional accessories for the
dental department.
“Veliku podršku u realizaciji donacije poplavljenom Obrenovcu pružili su nam partneri kao kompanija Tošiba, čiji je
rentgen umesto u Mančester prosleđen u Obrenovac, kao i
prijatelji iz Airport City-ja koji su nam pomogli oko renoviranja prostora za isti rengen aparat”, izjavio je za Whats Up,
Gabriel Dina, generalni direktor predstavništva Novartis-a,
kompanije koja je jednom od najvećih donacija u opremi
omogućila Domu zdravlja u Obrenovcu da se vrati u normalno funkcionisanje.
On je podsetio da dolazi iz rumunskog pograničnog grada
Temišvara u kome postoji velika srpska manjinska zajednica
i da mu je poznat mentalitet našeg naroda, ali da je i pored
toga bio iznenađen i duboko dirnut solidarnošću i hrabrošću
pokazanom za vreme nedavnih katastrofalnih poplava u Srbiji.
Razgovor smo vodili posle skupa kojim je Airport City u
svojoj aveniji prigodnom izložbom obeležio godišnjicu poslovanja i predstavio inicijativu “for Smile after“ kao podsećanje da je još uvek vreme za doprinos vraćanju života
u poplavljena područja. Event se odigrao samo dan posle
predaje Novartisove donacije Domu zdravlja u Obrenovcu.
Veliki u svetu, mali u Srbiji
“Najveće vrednosti se ne mere novcem”, rekao
je Gabriel Dina. Na pitanje da kaže nešto o
poslovanju svoje kompanije koja je od 1999.
godine na ovom tržištu, on je odgovorio da o
problemima ne želi da govori. “Novartis je velika kompanija u svetu, ali mala u Srbiji”, rekao
je on. I dodao da je ipak optimista.
In the aftermath of devastating floods in Obrenovac, we at Novartis anticipated the tremendous health care needs
to be faced by local community once evacuated population will be returning to the city. Early meeting with health
care authorities in local Dom Zdravlje made us aware of most pressing needs to be faced by local population, for
whom DZ is the key local health care institutions. Our global corporate donation amounting to Euro 250,000 went
into purchasing new critical equipment such as 2 fully equipped ambulances, one van for daily transportation to
Belgrade of patients undergoing dialysis, modern digital Roentgen device, ultrasound, and technical equipment for
the functioning of the main stomatology unit in Obrenovac. Restoring full functionality of local health care services
is key to life getting back to normal and preventing further sufferance in the local community.
Airport City Belgrade newsletter
I don’t work here, I just came to read a book at Airport City. I
live near Fontana and in truth there are parks closer to me, but
I find it very pretty here. Here it is tranquil, like you are not in
When we talk about the floods, I am thrilled by the positive
energy that awakened in us during this disaster. I think we’re all
aware of how difficult we are living, but also that there are people for whom life is much tougher now. If anything bad happens
in your home and you break just one thing that you have to buy
to replace, that represents a problem today, while for some their
whole house and everything they owned has been destroyed.
You know how you are and how much love everything is created
with... and that everything can be gone in an instant. Horrible!
It was torturous listening to the rain drumming continuously for
48 hours, let alone losing everything.
My parents are in Kragujevac, so when they said they were preparing for a storm, even though the worst weather was not with
them, I was scared for them. And so it is until the next rain.
My sons and I helped. And I’m proud of how our kids, including
mine of course, are humane. I think they gave us a great lesson
and that we, as a society, have not appreciated how smart,
humane and big hearted they are.
Milanka Milutinović Mirković, gošća Airport City-ja
Posle kiše radne akcije
Ja ne radim ovde, samo sam došla da čitam knjigu u Airport
City-ju. Stanujem blizu Fontane i istina je da imam i bliže parkove, ali ovde mi je mnogo lepo. Ovde je mirno, kao da niste
u Beogradu.
Kada pričamo o poplavama oduševljena sam pozitivnom energijom koja se probudila u nama u toku ove katastrofe. Mislim da smo svi svesni kako teško živimo, ali i da postoje ljudi
kojima je sada mnogo teže nego nama. Ako vam se u kući
bilo šta loše desi, ako samo jednu stvar upropastite i morate
da je kupite, to danas predstavlja problem, a nekima je čitava kuća stradala i sve što su imali. Znate kako ste i sa koliko
ljubavi sve stvarali... i da vam to tek tako sve ode u jednom
trenutku. Strašno! Ubitačno je bilo slušati kišu kako dobuje
48 sati neprestano, a kamoli biti poplavljen.
Meni su roditelji u Kragujevcu, pa kad su rekli da se sprema oluja
i nevreme iako to nije bilo kod njih, uplašila sam se za njih. I tako
do sledeće kiše. Pomagali smo i ja i moji sinovi. I ponosna sam
na to kako su nam deca, pa i moja naravno, humana. Mislim da
su nam dali jednu veliku lekciju i da im kao društvo nismo pružili
onoliko koliko su oni pametni, humani i velikog srca.
Bogdan Mišković, Price Waterhouse Coopers
Warning also from the skies
Solidarity awakened in all areas and at all levels: at the level
of individuals, families, cities, municipalities... everything. As for
what it is that moved us to action, you should ask a psychologist, but I think it happened at the level of emotion – the feeling
that we are all together, we are one nation and one country and
we should help each other in need. That is something within us
personally, probably some goodness hidden in all of us. I personally experienced it all quite emotionally. My former colleague
lives in Obrenovac. I spoke to him several times and afterwards
we communicated through text messages. I lost my colleague,
then I located him and now he is safe. I’ll see how I can continue
Considering I’m a father of two children, I’m always thinking
about what it would be like if that happened to me. What
would I do with the kids and with myself, in the end. At moments I had a similar feeling as when the bombing occurred. I
am from a small community, from Sombor, so at that time we
all stuck together. I have a feeling that the community that was
then, but that quickly fell away, would once again come together quickly. That fear probably kept people together. In such
circumstances everyone is more willing to share.
I am satisfied at the response of my family, my company and my
community. At the company we had specific donations at both
the local and global levels. We were all informed about it, circular e-mails go round and you feel you are part of a joint project
or effort. As it is a large company, we are in all countries of
the world and such actions are carried out on other continents
everywhere when they are needed. That’s also how it was this
time and I’m happy about that.
Bogdan Mišković, Price Waterhouse Coopers
Opomena i sa neba
Solidarnost se probudila u svim segmentima i na svim nivoima:
na nivou pojedinca, porodice, gradova, opština... svega. Šta je to
što nas je pokrenulo trebalo bi pitati psihologe, ali ja mislim da
se to dogodilo na nivou emocija. Osećaj da smo svi zajedno, da
smo jedan narod i jedna zemlja i da bi trebalo da pomognemo
jedni drugima u nevolji. To je nešto unutar nas samih, verovatno
neka dobrota koja čuči u svakome od nas. Lično sam sve doživeo
prilično emotivno. Moj bivši kolega živi u Obrenovcu, čuo sam se
sa njim nekoliko puta, posle smo komunicirali porukama. Kolega
se gubio, pa sam ga nalazio i sada je na sigurnom. Videću kako
mogu nadalje da pomagnem. S obzirom da sam otac dvoje dece
uvek razmišljam o tome kako bi bilo da se to meni desi. Šta
bih radio sa decom i sa samim sobom... Imao sam na momente
sličan osećaj kao onda kada je bilo bombardovanje. Ja sam iz
male sredine, iz Sombora, tako da smo se tada svi držali zajedno. Društvo koje je bilo tada i koje se brzo osulo imam osećaj
da bi se ponovo brzo okupilo.Verovatno je taj strah držao ljude
zajedno. U takvim okolnostima svi su spremni više da dele. Zadovoljan sam kako je reagovala moja porodica, moja kompanija
i moje okruženje. U kompaniji ismo imali i na lokalnom i na
globalnom nivou određene donacije. Svi smo bili obavešteni o
tome, idu cirkularni e-mailovi i osećate da ste deo jednog zajedničkog projekta i napora. Pošto je to velika kompanija, ima nas u
svim zemljama sveta i na drugim kontinentima ovakve akcije se
sprovode svuda kada je potrebno. Tako je bilo i ovoga puta i ja
sam zadovoljan zbog toga.
Aleksandar Milovac, Elsyes Eastern Europe
People more ready than the state
All of this is somewhat expected. Most people show solidarity
with those who are in distress, so personally I’m not surprised.
Some characteristics probably don’t come into play under normal
circumstances, but that does not mean they do not exist.
It is strange that the response was greater from the people than
some institutions, at least as far as I could notice. Maybe I’m
mistaken, but that’s my personal opinion. The representatives of
the state were more surprised than the people. That surprises
me more than the solidarity shown, which was always present
here during the bombing and other disasters.
What was the trigger is a question for psychologists, but I think
in us there is a deep empathy and solidarity that is not always
evident. And it is evident when accidents and troubles emerge.
In the ’90s we already witnessed how people come together in
Within the company we previously helped others and mutually
helped. We also showed solidarity with the people who were
affected by the floods a decade ago. Within the company we
reacted like everyone else and organized ourselves quickly, but a
system of helping should exist as a system at the state level, in
order for responses not to be spontaneous.
Besides that, no one gives money for nothing and we must use
what we are now being offered in the smartest way, but for that
we need to plan. As I am an engineer, I can say that we apply
that in our work. Without planning, everything is elemental.
I saw the other day that Golubac and Novi Sad have efficient
prefabricated embankments that were acquired after the flooding of 2006. That is quite expensive, but it has now shown to be
a highly effective solution. Those are the only two cities in Serbia
that have something like that. It’s not enough, but they were
taught by a bad experience and managed to do something. As
for the rivers and landslides, experts should decide how to regulate that at the level of the limited opportunities, but certainly
within the framework of a good plan for the future.
Aleksandar Milovac, Elsyes Eestern Europe
Narod spremniji od države
Sve ovo je u neku ruku očekivano. Većina ljudi solidariše se sa
onima koji su nevolji, tako da lično nisam iznenađen. Verovatno
neke osobine ne dolaze do izražaja u normalnim okolnostima ali,
to ne znači da ne postoje.
Čudno je to što je veći odziv naroda nego nekih institucija,
barem ono što sam mogao da primetim. Možda grešim, ali to
je moje lično mišljenje. Više su predstavnici države bili zatečeni
nego narod. Više me to iznenađuje nego pokazana solidarnost
koja je kao i za vreme bombardovanja i drugih katastrofa ovde
uvek prisutna.
Pitanje za psihologe šta je bio okidač, ali ja mislim da postoji
kod nas duboka empatija i solidarnosti koje nisu uvek izražene.
A vide se kada nastupe nesreće i nevolje. Već smo bili svedoci
devedesetih koliko se ljudi zbližavaju u nevolji.
Mi smo i ranije unutar kompanije pomagali druge i pomagali se
medjusobno. Solidarisali smo se i sa ljudima koji su bili pogođeni
poplavama pre desetak godina. U firmi smo reagovali kao i svi
ostali, organizovali se brzo, ali bi sistem pomoći morao da postoji kao sistem na nivou države da se ne bi reagovalo stihijski.
Osim toga niko ne daje pare džabe i moramo iskoristi na najpametniji način ono što nam se sada nudi, ali moramo da planiramo. Pošto sam ja inženjer mogu da kažem da mi to primenjujemo u poslu. Bez planiranja sve je stihija.
Video sam pre neki dan da Golubac i Novi Sad imaju efikasne
montažne nasipe koje su nabavili posle poplava 2006.godine. To
je dosta skupo, ali se sada pokazalo kao veoma efikasno rešenje.
To su jedina dva grada u Srbiji koja imaju tako nešto. Nedovoljno, ali su poučeni lošim iskustvom uspeli nešto da urade. Što
se tiče reka i klizišta trebalo bi stručnjaci da odluče kako to
regulisati. Na nivou ograničenih mogućnosti, ali svakako u okviru
jednog što boljeg planiranje za budućnost.
Jovan Ćiuić, Erste banka
Floods of a lack of culture
The disaster compelled us to take action, as always. Every time disaster befalls us solidarity awakens, that special feeling towards other
people who find themselves in trouble. That’s also what is was like
during the bombing, but that is human after all.
We should show more solidarity even without accidents, but perhaps
we are preoccupied with our daily problems. I think the main reason
is economic. Our standard of living is poor, nobody thinks about
others, everyone’s looking at how to solve their own problems, how
to survive... If our standards were at the right level, like Norway, then
we would certainly be in solidarity always, not just during disasters.
I live close to the DIF Faculty of Sports, one of the points where
evacuated people were housed, and I was there when it was needed. Afterwards they engaged the students. There were three times
as many volunteers as there were people from Obrenovac, because
most of them merely registered and then left to stay with relatives
and friends.
I don’t think anything will change, because we are always trying to
learn from some mistakes, but we never learn. Emptying the river
is, generally and individually, our lack of culture. We have no environmental awareness, not only for this but for everything else. We
let the water run from the tap, keep the lights on and it’s not about
whether we will pay five dinars less for our electricity, but rather economising that also solves other problems. For example, our dumping
of rubbish in the rivers – in that sense we have always been a very
weak country.
When you start creating order, you should start with the head, fines
are not the solution. Let’s say I have a salary of 25,000 dinars, and you
fine me 20,000 dinars, well I would never pay it. There is no effect
created by unpaid fines. Perhaps the only time there was an effect
was when they started to crackdown on traffic fines, then something
really changed. But basically the main culprits should be fined. Not
a huge fine for someone who dumped rubbish next to the bin, but
rather big construction companies that dump fifty truckloads of rubble out of the landfill. And as for me, as an individual, if I threw a bag,
I should get a warning and a lecture on how harmful and dangerous
that is for all of us.
Jovan Ćiuić, Erste banka
Poplave nekulture
Nesreća nas je naterala na akciju, kao i uvek. Svaki put kad
nas zadesi nesreća probudi se solidarnost, onaj poseban osećaj
prema drugim ljudima koji se nađu u problemu. Tako je bilo i u
bombardovanju, ali to je ljudski na kraju krajeva.
Trebalo bi da budemo solidarniji i bez nesreće, ali možda smo
preokupirani svojim svakodnevnim problemima. Mislim da je
glavni razlog ekonomski. Loš nam je standard, niko ne razmišlja
o drugome, svako gleda svoje probleme da reši, kako da preživi...
Da nam je standard na nivou, recimo Norveške, onda bismo
sigurno bili solidarni uvek, a ne samo u toku nesreće.
Ja stanujem blizu DIF-a, jednog od punktova gde su smeštani
evakuisani ljudi i bio sam tamo dok je trebalo. Posle su angažovali studente. Bilo je tri puta više volontera nego ljudi iz
Obrenovca, jer se većina samo javljala i odlazila dalje kod svojih
rođaka i prijatelja.
Mislim da se ništa neće promeniti jer mi uvek pokušavamo da
učimo iz nekih grešaka, ali nikad ne naučimo. Izlivanje reka je i
generalno i pojedinačno naša nekultura. Nemamo ekološku svest
, ne samo za to nego i za sve drugo. Puštamo da voda teče iz
slavine, držimi upaljeno svetlo i nije stvar u tome da li ćemo platiti
struju pet dinara manje nego u ekonomičnosti koja rešava i druge
probleme. Na primer naše bacanje đubreta u reke - mi smo u tom
smislu oduvek vrlo slaba država. Kada krene uvođenje reda treba
da krene od glave, kazne nisu rešenje. Recimo da ja imam platu
25.000 dinara, a vi me kaznite sa 20.000 dinara, pa ne bih je platio
nikad. Od neprimerenih kazni nema efekta. Možda je jedino bilo
efekata kada je krenulo strožije kažnjavanje u saobraćaju, nešto se
zaista promenilo. Ali suštinski treba kažnjavati glavne krivce. Ne
ogromnom kaznom onoga koji je bacio đubre pored kante, nego
veliko građevinsko preduzeće koje baca pedeset kamiona šuta izvan deponije. A mene, pojedinca, ako sam bacio kesu opomeni i
poduči koliko je to štetno i opasno za sve nas.
Aleksandra Blagojević, WWCT (World Wide Clinical Trails)
Serbia is(not) Somalia
We moved into action. Great solidarity was shown. Everyone
was surprised, but I think the nation had just been dormant.
Unfortunately, we wait for something to happen to us, and
then to react.
Most commonly the extent of this solidarity is compared
with that which we had during the bombing. Even in the foreign media they constantly repeat how great the solidarity is
among us in terms of gathering support and on the ground
and the number of people. I agree that it really is great.
Starting from a personal example, in my immediate vicinity
everyone got involved in helping. Both the company and all
employees. It could not be better. It’s never enough, but this
was really solidarity at the highest level. What concerns me,
however, is what will happen after. Is this just one wave of
enthusiasm that will collapse very quickly?
I talked to my colleagues and friends and we are concerned
that we don’t turn into Somalia, for things not to be all
half-finished, with roads dug and then abandoned. A few
weeks ago I travelled with my husband to Soko Banja by
local roads. We wanted to see something more, not to go
via the motorway. And we were so disappointed by the potholes, the downtrodden and dilapidated façades that can
only imagine after these floods just what these homes will
look like. That’s why I’m simply doubtful that Serbia has the
strength to renovate everything and put things back on their
feet as they should be. Just like in the neighbouring countries. We as individuals cannot do that. We can only support
the people who have suffered, spiritually and materially. In
order to do that a system is required, and a lot is needed to
establish a system, but most of all for our political leadership
to have strength and loyalty towards this nation. We’ll see.
God forbid I’m right...
Aleksandra Blagojević, WWCT( World Wide Clinical Trails)
Srbija (ni)je Somalija
Pokrenuli smo se. Pokazala se velika solidarnost. Svi su bili
iznenađeni, ali ja mislim da je narod samo bio uspavan. Na
žalost, čekamo da nam se nešto dogodi, pa da reagujemo.
Najčešće se veličina ove solidarnosti upoređuje sa onom koju
smo imali tokom bombardovanja. Čak i u stranim medijima
stalno ponavljaju koliko je velika solidarnost među nama u
skupljanju pomoći i na licu mesta i u broju ljudi.Slažem se
da jeste velika.
Počev od ličnog primera, u mojoj bližoj okolini svi su učestvovali u pomoći. I kompanija i svi zaposleni. Ne može bolje.
Nikad nije dovoljno, ali ovo je stvarno bila solidarnost na
najvišem nivou. Ono što mene, međutim, brine jeste šta će
posle da bude. Da li je i ovo samo jedan talas entuzijazma
koji će trajati vrlo kratko?
Pričala sam sa kolegama i prijateljima i brine nas da se ne
pretvorimo u Somaliju, da ne bude sve na pola završeno i
već razrovani putevi tako ostavljeni. Pre par nedelja sam sa
suprugom putovala do Soko Banje lokalnim putevima, hteli
smo da vidimo nešto više, da ne idemo auto putem. I toliko
smo se razočarali rupama, nemaštinom i oronulim fasadama
da mogu da zamislim posle ovih poplava kako će tek ti domovi
da izgledaju. Zato prosto sumnjam da Srbija ima snagu da sve
to renovira i postavi na noge onako kako bi trebalo. Kao u
okolnim zemljama. Mi kao pojedinci ne možemo to da uradimo. Mi možemo samo da podržimo ljude koji su nastradali,
duhovno i materijalno. Da bi se to uradilo potreban je sistem,
a da se sistem uspostavi potrebno je mnogo, ali pre svega da
naše političko rukovodstvo ima snage i lojalnosti prema ovom
narodu. Videćemo. Daj bože da ja nisam u pravu...
in our country. That everything can be arranged, tidy, that
you can know where to throw rubbish away, that it goes to
recycling, that there is environmental awareness, and so on.
That’s why there should be excursions to Airport City.
It surprises me, however, that even here I see some people
still throw cigarette butts on the ground. Why do I mention that? Those who do that little thing will also throw a
cooker in a canal instead of calling someone who will (for
free) take it away. But the state must organize all that.
Fines only help to a certain extent, because without building
awareness about why something is good or bad it will come
down to me dumping the cooker, but only when you’re not
looking. However, if we were offered the option: dispose
of it then and then in order for it to be recycled instead of
being thrown in a canal and explain to me why, then I and
everyone else will accept that, will they not? I hope it is so...
Željko Petrić, Banka Inteza
Uvesti civilnu zaštitu i ekskurzije u ACB
I u ovoj situaciji solidarnost je neophodna za normalan život.
To je normalno u svakom civilizovanom društvu i mislim da
su naše reakcije normalne u ovom trenutku. Ne bi trebalo da
čekamo da se dogodi nevolja ove prirode, pa da se okupimo
kako bismo pomagali jedni drugima.
Zadovoljan sam kako je reagovala moja okolina i moja kompanija. Banka ima ekspoziture na celoj teritoriji Srbije, pa i
na poplavljenim područjima. Imamo interni časopis u kome
su nas obaveštavali koliko je ko ugrožen i kako smo kao
kompanija reagovali i za svoje zaposlene i za širu društvenu
To što su svi iznenađeni reakcijom mladih pokazuje da oni
nisu znali kakav je naš mlad svet. Mladi su danas isto toliko
dobri ili loši kao što su bili i pre sto godina, samo je okruženje
drugo. Mislim pre svega na nove tehnologije koje stvaraju
novu civilizaciju, ali mladi su mladi...
Nadam se da smo nešto naučili iz ove nevolje, ali to je pre
svega lekcija za celo društvo i državu. Ja pamtim kada smo
u gimnaziji išli na obuku iz civilne zaštite, tada o tome neko
morao da brine. A sad nam dolaze Slovenci, sa kojima smo
bili do juče u istoj državi i njihova civilna zaštita nas ovde
organizuje, jer su oni zadržali one pozitivne stvari koje su
nekad u ovoj državi postojale.
Ne bi trebalo da se govori ni reklamira ko je koliko pomogao
- svako je pomogao prema svojim mogućnostima. Da li će
sve da bude sanirano do kraja, ne znam. To je stvar koja bi
trebalo drukčije da se organizuje i da se radi daleko stručnije.
Ne mogu ja da pričam kako graditi nasip, ili kako ga održavati
ili čuvati. To treba da odrede stručnjaci. A s druge strane čuli
ste šta mi građani sve radimo: bacamo sve i svašta gde ne
treba. Sećam se da smo kada sam počeo ovde da radim često
govorili: hvala bogu da postoji ovakav uzorak u našoj državi.
Da sve može da bude uređeno, sređeno, da se zna gde se
baca đubre, da se ide ga reciklaži, da postoji ekološka svest,
itd. Zato ovde u Airport City treba dovoditi ekskurzije.
Iznenađuje me, međutim, da čak i ovde vidim da neki bacaju
još pikavce po podu. Zašto baš to pominjem: onaj ko uradi tu
malu stvar baciće i šporet u kanal umesto da pozove nekoga
ko će (još i džabe) da to odnese. Ali to sve mora država da
organizuje. Kazne pomažu samo donekle, jer bez izgradnje
svesti o tome zašto je to dobro ili loše svešće se na to da
bacim šporet ali onda kada me ne vide. Ali ako mi neko ponudi opciju: iznesi tad i tad da bi se recikliralo da se ne baca
u kanale i objasni mi zašto, onda ću i ja i svako drugi da to
prihvatim, zar ne? Nadam se da je tako...
Željko Petrić, Banca Intesa
Introduce civil protection and excursions to ACB
Even in this situation solidarity is essential for normal life.
That is normal in any civilised society and I think our reactions are normal at this moment. We should not have to wait
for troubles of this nature to happen in order for us to come
together to help each other.
I am satisfied with how the people in my surroundings and
my company reacted. The Bank has branches throughout
Serbia, including in the flooded areas. We have an internal
magazine in which we were informed about how much everyone was at risk and how we responded as a company for
employees and the wider community.
The fact that everyone is surprised by the reaction of young
people shows that they do not know what our young people
are like. Young people today are just as good or bad as they
were a hundred years ago, only the environment is different.
Here I’m primarily thinking of all the new technologies that
create a new civilisation, but the young are young...
I hope we have learned something from this trouble, but it
is primarily a lesson for the whole society and the state. I
remember when in high school we went for civil protection
training, back then someone had to take care of that. And
now the Slovenes come, with whom we were in the same
country until yesterday, and here their civilian protection organizes us, because they kept those positive things that once
existed in this country.
We should not speak of or advertise who offered how much
help – everyone helped in line with their possibilities. Will it
all be repaired by the end, I don’t know. This is a matter that
should be organized differently and conducted far more professionally. I cannot talk about how to build an embankment,
or how to maintain or preserve it. Experts should be appointed for that. On the other hand, you’ve heard everything that
we, as citizens, have been doing: dumping all sorts of things
where they shouldn’t be. I remember when I started working
here I would often say, thank God there is such an example
Violeta Nenić, Eson
Koliko para toliko obnove
Solidarnost je na jako visokom nivou. Velika katastrofa je zadesila
ovu zemlju i ovaj region, prvenstveno Srbiju i Bosnu i Hercegovinu, kao i Hrvatsku. Poplave su se i ranije dešavale, ali ovakve
katastrofe... ne sećam se.
Divno je što su ljudi tako humani i solidarni i što su se odazvali
u ovakvom broju. Svaka im čast. Želim samo da se oni koji su
postradali što pre vrate svojim kućama. Mnogi ljudi su sve izgubili. Pogotovo oni koji su bili izbeglice devedesetih i koji su već
jednom sve izgubili, došli ovde, od usta odvajali i ponovo izgubili
sve, tragedija... Ipak mi imamo puno ljudskosti u sebi. Možda se
to na trenutak izgubi i zaboravi. Imali smo toliko toga na ovim
prostorima, ratove, sankcije, jako teške situacije... a sada poplave.
Ali pokrenulo se ono dobro u nama što se uvek pokaže upravo u
teškim situacijama. Postanemo svesni da se i nama tako nešto, ne
daj bože, može desiti. I šta onda? Trebaće nam pomoć, naravno.
Da se sve ovo sanira trebaće mnogo vremena, jako mnogo sredstava, trebaće mnogo volje i jako mnogo strpljenja. Nadam se da
ćemo imati dovoljno...
Kako se poplave smiruju tako ponovo počinjemo da se okrećemo
sebi. Što nije idealno, ali okolnosti nas na to navode. Nadam se
da će ostati bar malo solidarnosti, malkce duže od „danas“. Moji
roditelji i ja smo odmah odneli stvari u Crveni krst, ono što je bilo
najpotrebnije u tom trenutku. Zadovoljna sam i reakcijom ljudi oko
mene. Niko nije rekao: šta me briga. I to me čini zadovoljnom.
Jasna Đurović, Societe Generale Bank
Happiness is making others happy
It’s unexpected what happened and this is a proper indicator of
how much we all have that human factor in us, which we may
forgot or suppress during particular everyday jobs, in the very fast
pace of life... I think the synergy of all citizens is the only real way
we can help. And that everybody’s equal in this and that it does
not matter who’s a showbiz personality, who’s a businessman,
who’s a politician, who’s a regular employee – we are simply connected by this deep desire to help others.
I am positively surprised and very happy that I belong to this nation. I would like us to have more situations that bind us and can
draw to the surface this goodness in people, but of course for this
to be due to a better occasion and not a tragedy. Never again!
It seems to me that a lot of funds have been raised and that
people showed their will and desire, invested time and it seems
to me that they have patience. It is important that as we were
united in trouble, like during the floods, we are again unified in
rebuilding that city, which was basically inundated, which seems
unrealistic from this perspective. When I think of that week when
it all happened, I think of myself and my family: we were sitting
in Tašmajdan Park having lunch, while about 30 kilometres away
in Obrenovac it was havoc, a catastrophe in which people fought
for their lives. It’s really unbelievable what happened.
We were all very shocked. There’s not a day that we don’t mention it. Even people who have very little showed their humanity
and donated in the way they could. Everyone found a way to
help: we tried to sort out things that may be useful and to initially
help the little children from the flooded areas. We carried water
and food. My unemployed friends helped as volunteers at shelters
for several days without interruption... Actually, I’m so proud of
all of us; it has been shown that we have a considerable level of
Jasna Đurović, Sosiete Ženeral banka
Sreća je druge učiniti srećnim
Violeta Nenić, Eson
You get what you pay for
Solidarity is at a very high level. A great disaster befell this
country and this region, primarily Serbia and Bosnia & Herzegovina, as well as Croatia. Floods have happened before,
but this kind of disaster... I do not remember.
It’s wonderful that people are so humane and show such
solidarity, and that they responded in such numbers. Good
for them. I just want those who have suffered to return
to their homes as soon as possible. Many people have lost
everything. Especially those who were refugees in the ‘90s
and have already lost everything once, come here, built from
nothing and then lost it all again, tragedy... However, we
have a lot of humanity in us. Perhaps this is lost and forgotten in the moment. We’ve had so much of that in this
region, wars, sanctions, very difficult situations... and now
floods. But they triggered that goodness in us that is always
shown precisely in difficult situations. We become aware that
something like that, God forbid, could happen to us. And
then what? We will need help, of course.
Cleaning all this up will require a lot of time, a very lot of
funds; it will need a lot of willingness and a very lot of patience. I hope we will have enough...
As the flood calmed, so we begin again to turn inwards towards ourselves. Which is not ideal, but circumstances lead us
to that. I hope at least a little solidarity will remain, just a fraction longer than “today”. My parents and I immediately took
things to the Red Cross, things that were most needed at that
time. I am also pleased with the reaction of the people around
me. Nobody said: what do I care? And that makes me happy.
Iznenađujuće je šta se desilo i ovo je pravi pokazatelj koliko svi
imamo taj humani faktor u sebi koji smo možda zaboravili ili
potisnuli u svakodnevici odredjenoj poslom, u jako brzom tempu
života... Mislim da je sinergija svih građana jedini pravi način
kako možemo da pomognemo. I da su svi u tome jednaki i da
nema veze ko je estradna ličnost , ko je biznismen, ko je političar,
a ko je običan radnik - prosto nas spaja ta duboka želja da pomognemo drugome.
Pozitivno sam iznenađena i jako srećna zbog toga što pripadam
ovoj naciji. Ja bih volela da imamo više situacija koje nas spajaju
i koje mogu da izvuku na površinu ovo dobro u ljudima, naravno
da to budu bolji povodi, a ne tragedije. Ne ponovilo se!
Čini mi se da je dosta sredstava prikupljeno i da su ljudi pokazali
volju i želju, uložili vreme i čini mi se kao da imaju strpljenja.
Bitno je da kao što smo bili ujedinjeni u nevolji kao što je poplava budemo jedinstveni u tome da opet da izgradimo taj grad
koji je u suštini ceo potonuo, što je izgleda nestvarno iz ove
perspektive. Kad pomislim na tu nedelju kada se sve dogodilo,
setim se sebe i svoje porodice: sedimo u Tašmajdanskom parku i
ručamo, a na tridesetak kilometara odatle u Obrenovcu pustoš,
katastrofa u kojoj su se ljudi borili za život. Stvarno je neverovatno ono što se desilo.
Bili smo svi baš potreseni. Nema dana da to ne spomenemo.
Čak i ljudi koji imaju baš malo pokazali su svoju humanost i
donirali na onaj način na koji mogu. Svako je našao način da
pomogne: trudili smo se da proberemo stvar koje mogu da budu
korisne i da u prvi mah pomognemo toj dečici sa poplavljenih
područja. Nosili smo vodu, hranu. Moje prijateljice koje ne rade
pomagale su kao volonteri po prihvatilištima po nekoliko dana
bez prekida...U stvari baš sam ponosna na sve nas, pokazalo se
da imamo zavidan nivo empatije!
Milanka Milutinović Mirković, visitor to Airport City
Work activities follow the rain
Airport City Belgrade newsletter
Airport City Belgrade newsletter
For Smile After
Exhibition on Avenue
Airport City Belgrade newsletter
We know that the majority of you – just like us and Novartis –
made corporate donations to the initial flood relief effort when
it was most needed. We also know that many people have
considered what else could be done and how that enthusiastic
and generous help from the first moment could be extended
into the following period. That’s why we believe an idea that
will be close to your hearts is the notion of all of us together, as
ACB, “adopting” this important institution for Obrenovac and
helping the people who work there and those who depend on
the health centre’s optimal functioning, as this place provides
healthcare services to the 70,000 inhabitants of Obrenovac.
Considering that all of the facility’s buildings were flooded and
it is necessary to restore everything, there is plenty of room for
all of your personal contributions, small and large, and every
small and large corporate donation, idea or positive energy that
you are willing to share.
We will start with restoration of the part of the building that
will house a new X-ray centre, the equipment for which was
donated by Novartis. We have already confirmed that we will
be joined by a bank team in our campaign to beautify the park
around the health centre. We also know that we have been
assisted in clean-up operations by companies we cooperate
with. And we thank them for that.
With the exhibition we organised, we wanted to remind
everyone about the beautiful moments and smiles elicited from
various ABC residents and guests by the various programmes
on the ACB Avenue in recent years. Over time our Avenue
has become a meeting place in the fullest sense of that notion
and the main artery of Airport City. It is the place where your
smiles reign – look at the part of the exhibition that addresses
this aspect. We believe that, through all of our little initiatives,
part of this positive, creative and winning energy of work and
life will overflow beyond the Avenue and return some smiles
to the faces of our fellow citizens in Obrenovac. We know that
those of you who participate in this beauty of giving will be
lured into smiling. Welcome!
Znamo da je većina kompanija dala korporativnu donaciju u
prvom trenutku za saniranje najneophodnijeg, kao što smo to
učinili i mi i Novartis. Znamo takođe da je mnogo ljudi razmišljalo šta i kako učiniti da se entuzijazam i nesebična pomoć s
tog prvog trenutka produži i na period posle. Zato verujemo da
će vam biti bliska ideja da svi zajedno kao ACB „adoptiramo“
ovu važnu ustanovu za Obrenovac i pomognemo ljudima koji
tamo rade i onima koji zavise od optimalnog funkcionisanja
Doma zdravlja, jer to je mesto koje se brine za zdravlje 70.000
žitelja Obrenovca. Obzirom da su sve zgrade potopljene i da
je potrebno sve obnoviti ima mesta za svaku vašu ličnu, malu
i veliku i svaku korporativnu malu i veliku donaciju, ideju ili
pozitivnu energiju koju ste spremni da podelite.
Mi ćemo početi od sanacije dela zgrade u koji će biti smešten
novi rentgen centar za koji je opremu donirao Novartis. Već
sada znamo da će nam se jedan bankarski tim pridružiti u akciji ulepšavanja parka oko Doma zdravlja. Znamo i da su nam
oko sanacije pomogle firme s kojima saradjujemo. Hvala im na
Izložbom koju smo organizovali želeli smo da se podsetimo
lepih trenutaka i osmeha koji su razni programi na Aveniji izmamili stanarima ACB-a i gostima u proteklim godinama. S vremenom Avenija je postala u punom smislu mesto okupljanja i
glavna arterija Airport City-a. Ona je mesto na kome caruju vaši
osmesi – pogledajte deo izložbe koji o tome govori. Verujemo
da će se kroz sve naše male akcije deo ove pozitivne, kreativne i
pobedničke radne i životne energije preliti izvan Avenije i vratiti
poneki osmeh našim sugradjanima u Obrenovcu. Znamo da će
vama koji budete učestvovali u tome lepota davanja izmamiti
osmeh. Dobrodošli!
Photo Luka Trajković
Airport City Belgrade newsletter
Airport City Belgrade newsletter
Marina Deleon,
Communication Advisor of ACB
vezu da svojim činjenjem izazovete i pozitivan efekat i
pozitivnu identifikaciju kod svog tima i kod šire javnosti i
da možda inspirišete druge na slično činjenje...
Pillars of solidarity
As such, everything is open and anyone who desires and
is able to stage an exhibition that could be interesting is
welcome to do so.
We planned our exhibition with the sponsorship assistance of Societe General Bank’s ACB branch. The original
idea was to remind all of us together of some beautiful
and happy events that have taken place on the Avenue
from 2005 to this day. Of course, this was the idea before the floods occurred. Now, in light of the initiatives
we discussed, the exhibition will be on the theme: for
Smile after. We will try, by offering reminders of all previous smiles on the Avenue, to use this activity of ours to
entice (symbolic) smiles on the faces of those hit by the
Why has the ACB Avenue become
so important?
“As soon as a state of emergency was declared due to the
biggest natural disaster to befall this country, Airport City
also responded to the appeal of the Fund for Assistance
set up by the Republic of Serbia, believing that to be the
most appropriate way to help in rebuilding infrastructure,” says Airport City Belgrade Communications Advisor
Marina Deleon, speaking for Whats up. She also said that
the campaign will not stop at this and announced the
possibility of organizing concrete activities within Airport
City, “which will have a name, surname and address.”
What were you considering?
The working title of the project is “Period after” (the floods)... but the closest to what we wanted would be: for
Smile after... These are all working versions of the name
of the project, but the essence is the same.
What we would like to do is devoted to the period that
occurs afterwards. We all have experience that in the first
instance it is important to have good will and to invest
a lot of enthusiasm and then, if energy is not added to
that story, the enthusiasm subsides. Perhaps not at a high
speed, but it typically happens within a period of time
that is sufficient for the initial image of the major disaster
to fade and for the focus to return to our daily worries,
desires and interests... And with floods and other major
disasters the needs are long-term. Those hardest hit are
the people who return to their devastated towns and
homes. We will rebuild the roads, but what will all those
poor people do with their homes, gardens, yards, property and the work they did to make a living? We watched
all the heart-breaking images of people who do not have
enough years or opportunities left to acquire everything
all over again. We also watched the sad images of children
who should return to their ruined schools or nurseries.
Who will you help specifically?
Each of these stories is unique. And everyone needs help,
but companies simply have to find something that will be a
filter for selection. We will try to find the right address or
institutions essential for a normal life in the days afterwards,
or indeed a personal story that has a broader significance,
because as a company you always have an additional responsibility for your actions to cause a positive effect and be
positively identified with by your team and the wider public,
and perhaps even to inspire others to similar deeds...
Will your clients also participate in that?
We would love it very much if our clients joined us in this.
We’ve heard a lot of comments that provided us with direction to think in this way – clients asked whether we, as
a natural link between them, would organize something
here in which they could participate, either individually or
as companies. Most of them were involved in some form
or other in the initial help and donations for infrastructure, but people think similarly to us: one should also find
ways to help in the days after the disaster.
What did the floods force you to drop from
your annual work agenda and what did they
This year’s programme of events on the Avenue has changed completely. We wanted May
and June, as has been the case to date, to be a
celebration of spring, the start of summer and
good vibrations. This year, unfortunately, that
was not possible. The weather was unstable
for a long time, and afterwards it was inappropriate to launch such programmes, but we
certainly don’t think we should permanently
abandon the Avenue of good vibrations – on
the contrary, it always provides extra motivation and is positive for working performance.
We must live such that we enable those who
can to make a profit and act in order to help
those in difficulties.
How will you celebrate Airport City’s
birthday this year?
The birthday of Airport City was on the last day of June.
The project started ten years ago and the first phase was
completed on the first day of July 2005, thus we decided
this year to mark July as the month of ACB. We planned
an open-air exhibition on the Avenue, because to date
we have been assured repeatedly that people are very
interested in standing in front of panels displaying certain
information and that’s why we decided to create another
channel of communication for customers and visitors.
That will be a permanent space for exhibitions for our
clients, for ACB and for interested external companies.
The Avenue is the meeting place and lifeblood of Airport
City. People are used to coming there, chatting, sitting,
drinking or eating something in the cafés. And it’s really
become a true gathering place, while at the beginning of
construction of our business park we were not sure that
it would really be able to assume the function of a square,
which was the initial idea of architect Rami Wimmer.
„Čim je proglašeno vanredno stanje zbog najveće prirodne katastrofe koja je zadesila ovu zemlju i Airport City
je odazvao apelu Fonda za pomoć koji je osnovala Republika Srbija, smatrajući da u je to naprimereniji način
da se pomogne u obnovi infrastrukture”. U razgovoru za
Whats up, savetnica za komunikacije u kompaniji Airport
City Beograd, Marina Deleon kazala je da se akcija neće
zaustaviti na ovome i najavila je mogućnost organizovanje
konkretnih akcija u okviru Airport City-ja „koje će imati
ime, prezime i adresu.”
Da li će i vaši klijenti učestvovati u tome?
Vrlo bismo voleli kada bi nam se klijenti u tome pridružili.
Čuli smo dosta komentara koji su za nas bili putokaz da
razmišljamo u ovom pravcu - klijenti su pitali hoćemo li mi
kao prirodna spona izmedju njih organizovati ovde nešto
u čemu bi mogli oni da učestvuju bilo individualno ili kao
firme. Većina njih je učestvovala u nekom obliku one prve
pomoći i donacija za infrastrukturu, ali ljudi razmišljaju
slično kao i mi: trebalo bi naći načina da se pomogne i u
danu posle katastrofe.
Šta su poplave izbrisale iz vaše ovogodišnje
radne agende, a šta su promenile?
Ovogodišnji plan događanja na Aveniji potpuno je promenjen. Želeli smo da maj i juni budu
kao i do sada proslave proleća, početka leta i
dobrog raspoloženja. Ove godine to nažalost
nije bilo moguće. Vreme je dugo bilo nestabilno, posle je bilo neprimereno počinjati takve
programe ali svakako ne mislimo da treba za
stalno odložiti Aveniju dobrog raspoloženja –
naprotiv ona je uvek dodatna motivacija i pozitivna za radni učinak. Treba živeti tako što
ćemo omogućiti onima koji mogu da privređuju
da to i čine kako bi mogli da pomognu i onima
kojima je teško.
Kako ćete obeležiti ove godine
rođendan Airport City-ja?
Poslednjeg dana juna je rođendan Airport City-ja. Projekat
je započet pre deset godina a prva faza je bila završena
prvog dana jula 2005, te smo rešili ove godine da obeležimo juli kao mesec ACB-a. Planirali smo izložbu na otvorenom u Aveniji pošto smo se do sada više puta uverili da
su ljudi vrlo zainteresovani da stanu ispred panoa koji im
šalju određene informacije i zato smo rešili da stvorimo još
jedan kanal komunikacije za klijente i posetioce. Biće to
stalni prostor za izložbe otvoren za naše klijente za ACB
kao i za zainteresovane kompanije sa strane. Znači sve je
otvoreno, pa je svako ko može i hoće da napravi izložbu
koja bi mogla da bude zanimljiva dobrodošao.
Našu izložbu smo planirali uz sponzorsku pomoć filijale
Societe General banke u ACB-u. Prvobitna ideja nam je
bila da se podsetimo svi zajedno na neke lepe i vesele
dogadjaje na Aveniji od 2005. do danas. To je naravno bila
ideja pre nego što se desila poplava. Sada u svetlu inicijative o kojoj smo razgovarale izložba će biti na temu: for
Smile After. Pokušaćemo podsećajući na sve ranije osmehe na Aveniji da svojim akcijama izmamimo (simbolično)
osmeh na licima onih koje je nesreća pogodila.
Zašto je Avenija postala toliko značajna?
Avenija je mesto okupljanja i žila kucavica Airport Cityja. Ljudi su navikli da tu dođu, porazgovaraju, da sednu,
popiju ili pojedu nešto u kafićima. I to je stvarno postalo
pravo mesto okupljanja, za koje na početku gradnje našeg
biznis parka nismo bili sigurni da će zaista uspeti da preuzme
funkciju trga, što je i bila inicijalna ideja arhitekte Ramija
Ljiljana Lukić
O čemu ste razmišljali?
Radni naslov projekta je: period posle (poplave), „Period
after“...ali najbliže onome što smo želeli bilo bi: for Smile
after....Sve su to radne verzije naziva projekta - ali suština
je ista.
Ono što bismo voleli da uradimo posvećeno je periodu koji
nastupa posle. Svi imamo iskustvo da je u prvom trenutku
važna dobra volja i da se puno entuzijazma uloži i onda,
ukoliko se ne dodaje energija u tu priču, entuzijazam splasne. Možda ne velikom brzinom, ali to se po pravilu događa u nekom vremenskom roku potrebnom da nam ta
prva slika velike kastrfe izbledi i da fokus predje na naše
svakodnevne brige, želje i inetersovanja...A kod poplava i
drugih velikih nesreća potrebe su dugoročne. Pogadjeni su
najviše konkretni ljudi koji se vraćaju u razorene gradove
i domove. Mi ćemo obnoviti puteve, ali šta će svi oni
jadni ljudi raditi sa svojim kućama, baštama, okućnicama,
imovinom i poslovima od kojih su živeli? Gledali smo svi
potresne slike ljudi koji nemaju više ni dovoljno godina ni
mogućnosti da steknu sve ponovo. Isto tako smo gledali
tužne slike dece koja bi trebalo da se vrate u svoju školu
ili obdanište koje je takođe razrušeno.
Kome ćete konkretno pomoći?
Svaka od tih priča je priča za sebe. I svakome treba pomoći, ali prosto naprosto kompanije moraju da pronađu nešto što će biti filter za izbor. Pokušaćemo da pronađemo
pravu adresu koja je ili institucija neophodna za normalan
život u danu posle ili uistinu ličnu priču koja ima i neko
šire značenje jer kao kompanija uvek imate i dodatnu oba-
Photo Luka Trajković
Airport City Belgrade newsletter
Airport City Belgrade newsletter
> Ecology
Climate change: risks and opportunities
Whoever doesn’t listen to the song
will listen to the storm
Costs of disasters quadrupled
Climate change is increasingly in focus, but not enough is known
about it, nor is enough being done for those living at the end of
this century to be able to await a calmer situation than the current
inhabitants of the planet. We remind ourselves of this every 5th June,
on the International Day for Environmental Protection, but ever more
regularly on other days in different places, because there is almost no
part of the world that has not felt the impact of nature’s wrath, in
the aftermath of which remain fears that such natural disasters and
catastrophes could be repeated, could hit even harder, endangering
health, destroying food or disrupting the ecological balance.
This is slowly becoming part of the (sub)conscious of every person,
but there is no real shared response and concerns are growing that
instead of the song that is a metaphor for the sounds of nature at
its best, we will increasingly listen to storms and the rage of nature
(to paraphrase the title of one of the songs of ex-Yugoslav era band
Bijelo Dugme). In this spirit, UN Resident Coordinator in Serbia,
Irena Vojáčková-Sollorano, has said: “the more we understand nature, the more we will be able to protect ourselves from her spirits.”
“When we look at the floods and landslides, we see that much of it
could have been prevented. Neglected channels are a sign that we
do not take care of waste and do not recycle enough. Landslides
are a sign that houses were built without planning,” says VojáčkováSollorano, speaking in general terms, but primarily with a view to
events in Serbia.
It seems almost unbelievable, but the majority of Serbian citizens
do not know that in 1972 the United Nations General Assembly,
upon the proposal of the representatives of the then Yugoslavia (of
which Serbia was an integral part), established World Environment
Day. Some 42 years have passed since then but it seems, at least
according to the devastating consequences of this spring’s catastrophic flooding, that the issue of environmental protection has
deteriorated in Serbia.
“Poor development of green energy can lead to an energy crisis in
the future,” warned the senior UN official, noting that recovering
from the floods will take a long time and should be worked on regionally, since the natural disaster hit several neighbouring countries.
Representative of the EU delegation in Serbia, Freek Janmaat, reminded that from 2014 to 2020 a significant portion of the €200 million
of pre-accession funds will be dedicated to the ecology and expressed
his hope that Serbia will successfully meet the challenges of harmonising domestic legislation with the demanding regulations of the EU
in the field of environmental protection. According to Janmaat, it is
important to establish a clear plan for investment in the environment
and to make mature projects, but he says there must also be special
funds that will be used to finance environmental projects, which also
represent a development opportunity for any country.
One example confirming this is Germany, where the economy and
ecology are linked and cooperate excellently. The basis for this is
provided by strict environmental laws that were introduced in the
1980s and forced the German economy to find appropriate technological solutions and adapt to these rules. Today German companies
are among the largest exporters of green technology to the world,
while ecology is a development opportunity for the 21st century.
Director of the Agency for the Environmental Protection of Serbia,
Filip Radović, believes that this is a good example. “The road to
sustainable development is very important for every country, and
the European Union leads the world in this context,” he said, noting
that in the early 20th century there were very few cars, but that
there will be 755 million by 2015, while in just two or three decades
China alone will reach this number of vehicles. “Space is used more
for parking cars than for green space,” said Radović.
The European Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Response, Kristalina Georgieva, warned on the occasion of World Environment Day that is necessary to increase budgets allocated to the
prevention and repair of damage caused by natural disasters. According to Georgieva, only 4% of the funds intended for natural disasters are allocated for prevention and preparation against potential
disasters, while 96% of funds are spent on rehabilitation, while
every dollar invested in prevention saves four dollars in terms of
the consequences of disasters. “It is important to protect the most
vulnerable parts of the population during natural disasters, such
as children, women, the elderly and those living with disabilities,
because 80% of the victims of natural disasters are precisely those
categories of the population,” said the European commissioner.
Klimatske promene sve više su u fokusu, ali se o njima ne zna dovoljno, niti čini dovoljno da bi kraj ovog veka oni koji budu tada živeli
dočekali spokojnije od današnjih stanovnika planete. Na to se podsećamo svakog 5. juna na Međunarodni dan zaštite životne okoline,
ali sve češće i nekim drugim danima na različitim mestima, jer skoro
da nema dela sveta koji nije osetio udarce pobesnele prirode posle
kojih ostaju strepnje da bi prirodne nepogode i katastrofe mogle
da se ponove, da udare još jače, ugroze zdravlje, unište proizvodnju
hrane ili da naruše ekološku ravnotežu.
To polako postaje deo (pod)svesti svakog čoveka, ali pravog zajedničkog odgovora nema, pa raste zebnja da će se umesto pesme
koja je metafora za zvuke prirode u njenom najboljem izdanju sve
više slušati oluja, odnosno bes prirode (da parafraziramo naslov
jedne od pesama Bijelog dugmeta iz eks-Yu ere). U tom duhu i
visoki predstavnik UN u Srbiji Irena Vojačkova Solorano poručuje:
“ što više razumemo prirodu, više ćemo moći da se zaštitimo od
njenih duhova”.
“Kada pogledamo poplave i klizišta vidimo da se mnogo toga moglo
sprečiti. Zapušteni kanali su znak da ne brinemo o otpadu i ne
recikliramo dovoljno. Klizišta su znak da su kuće neplanski građene”,
kaže Vojačkova Solorano. Misleći generalno, ali pre svega s pogledom uprenim na Srbiju.
Zvuči skoro neverovatno, ali većina građana Srbije i ne zna da je Generalna skupština Ujedinjenih nacija 1972. godine na predlog predstavnika tadašnje SFRJ ustanovila Međunarodni dan životne sredine.
Od tada je prošlo 42 godine pa se čini, bar prema razarajućim
posledicama katastrofalnih poplava ovog proleća, da se po pitanju
zaštite životne sredine u Srbiji išlo unazad.
“Slab razvoj zelene energije može dovesti do energetske krize u budućnosti”, upozorila je Vojačkova Solorano, ukazujući da će oporavak
od poplava biti dugotrajan, i da na njemu treba raditi regionalno, jer
su elementarne nepogode pogodile više susednih zemalja.
Predstavnik delegacije EU u Srbiji Frek Janmat podseća da će od
2014. do 2020. od 200 miliona evra iz predpristupnih fondova,
The annual costs incurred due to natural disasters
worldwide have quadrupled on average over the
past three decades – it was confirmed at the
conference dedicated to the environment on 5th
June in Manila, which gathered together 200 representatives from 49 countries and organizations in order to discuss protection against natural
disasters at the interstate level.
The annual global cost of rehabilitation after damage caused by natural disasters increased from
$50 billion in the 1980s to $200 billion in the last
ten years. During the last three or four years,
these costs have exceeded $200 billion annually.
Troškovi od nepogoda učetvorostručeni
Godišnji troškovi zbog elementarnih nepogoda u
svetu u proseku su učetvorostručeni u poslednje
tri decenije, rečeno je na Konferenciji posvećenoj
zaštiti životne sredine, održanoj 5. juna u Manili,
na kojoj se okupilo 200 predstavnika iz 49 zemalja i organizacija kako bi na državnom nivou
diskutovali o zaštiti od prirodnih katostrofa.
Godišnji globalni troškovi za sanaciju šteta izazvanih prirodnim nepogodama porasli su sa 50
milijardi dolara, koliko su iznosili 80-tih godina,
na 200 milijardi dolara u poslednjih deset godina.
Tokom poslednje tri, četiri godine ovi troškovi su
na godišnjem nivou premašili 200 milijardi dolara
znatan deo biti namenjen ekologiji i izražava očekivanje da će Srbija uspešno odgovoriti izazovima koje nosi usklađivanje domaćih sa
zahtevnim propisima EU u oblasti životne sredine. Janmat poručuje
da je važno uspostaviti jasan plan investicija u ekologiji i napraviti
zrele projekte, ali da moraju da postoje i posebni fondovi iz kojih
će se finansirati ekološki projekti, koji su ujedno i razvojna šansa
svake zemlje.
Jedan od primera koji to potvrđuju je Nemačka u kojoj su ekonomija i
ekologija povezane i odlično sarađuju. Osnova su strogi ekološki zakoni
uvedeni 80-ih godina prošlog veka, koji su naterali nemačku privredu
da nađe odgovarajuća tehnološka rešenja i prilagodi se tim pravilima.
Nemačke kompanije su danas medju najvećim izvoznicima zelenih tehnologija u svetu, a ekologija je razvojna šansa dvadesetprvog veka.
Direktor Agencije za zaštitu životne sredine Srbije Filip Radović
smatra da je to dobar primer. “Put ka održivom razvoju je veoma
značajan za svaku zemlju, a Evropska unija prednjači u tom kontekstu” , ocenio je on. I podsetio da je početkom 20. veka bilo vrlo
malo automobila, a da će ih 2015. godine biti 755 miliona, dok će
za dve- tri decenije samo Kina dostići taj broj automobila. “Više se
koristi prostora za parkiranje automobila nego za zelene površine”,
kazao je Radović.
Evropska komesarka za humanitarnu pomoć, Kristalina Georgijeva,
upozorila je povodom obeležavanja Međunarodnog dana zaštite životne sredine da je potrebno povećati budžete namenjene prevenciji i saniranju šteta izazvanih prirodnim katastrofama. Georgijeva
navodi da je samo 4% sredstava namenjenih prirodnim katastrofama alocirano za prevenciju i pripremu od eventualnih nepogoda,
dok se 96 % sredstava troši na sanaciju, kao i da svaki dolar uložen
u prevenciju omogućava uštedu od četiri dolara u pogledu posledica
od nepogoda. “Važno je zaštiti najranjivije delove populacije tokom
prirodnih katastrofa, kao što su deca, žene, stari i hendikepirani,
jer 80 % žrtava elementarnih nepogoda su upravo iz tih kategorija
stanovništva”, kaže evropska predstavnica.
Sponzor ove izložbe je SOCIETE GENERALE SRBIJA - ekspozitura Airport City
Societe Generale Srbija is the sponsor of the exhibition
Thank you!
Airport City Belgrade newsletter
Airport City Belgrade newsletter
Your SMILES guys are the most valuable
addition to Avenue!
Airport City Belgrade newsletter
Koncept i urednik / Editor in Chief: Marina Deleon
Novinari saradnici / Journalist contribution: Ljiljana Lukić
Prevod / Translation: Mark Pullen
Foto / Photo: LukaTrajković / Predrag Todorović
Dizajn / Design: Avantguarde