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Universidad Politécnica Salesiana Events
Publication Date: 9/NOV/2015
Seminar: “Community Environmental Psychology: contexts, people and processe
The psychology major at UPS-Quito will hold the International Seminar titled “Community
Environmental Psychology: contexts, people and processes” so that people can have a place to
reflect and share experiences with a psychosocial perspective and promote good practices in
communities, institutions and organizations.
The speaker will be Esther Wiesenfeld from Universidad Central de Venezuela and a member of
the Community Psychology Network. The event will take place in the Candido Rada Auditorium (El
Giron Campus) from the 9th to the 13th of November from 9am to 5pm.
Register by writing to: [email protected]
Facebook: Graduadas y Graduados Psicología UPS Quito
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