The episTle The epi - The Cathedral of St. Paul


The episTle The epi - The Cathedral of St. Paul
The Epistle
NoVember - DECEMber 2010
Family Fall Festival 2010
Official Publication of
Tel.: (516) 483-5700
FAX: (516) 564-8335
e-mail: [email protected]
FR. LUKE M. MELACKRINOS………...............Editor-in-Chief
JOAN PRIESTON………………………..............Chairperson
GUS DRIVAS……………………………….........Editor
THEANA JOANNON………………………........Editor
ERIKA HADJOGLOU- PALMER........................ Layout
GEORGE K. LAVAS..............................................Photographer
Vol. LIX November-December No. 11-12
Parish Council Executive Committee
GEORGE PAPAZICOS, Esq……..........................President
JAMES GEORGAKIS…………...........................Vice President
ANTHONY VACCARI………..............................Secretary
WILLIAM J. LEMBO...........................................Treasurer
GEORGE VORKAS……..…................................Finance Secretary
ANTHONY PANTELIDES...................................Finance Secretary
HARRY RAPTAKIS, Esq.…….............................Legal Advisor
Sunday, Nov. 7th Ephesians 2:14-22
Sunday, Nov. 14th Corinthians 4:9-16 Sunday, Nov. 21st Hebrews 9:1-7 Sunday, Nov. 28th Ephesians 6:10-17
Luke 8:41-56
Luke 10:25-37
Luke 10:38-42, 11:27-28
Luke 18:18-27
Sunday, Dec. 5th
Gal. 5:22-26; 6:1-2
Luke 13:10-17
Sunday, Dec. 12th Ephesians 5:8-19 Luke 14:16-24; Matthew 22:14
Sunday, Dec. 19th Hebrews 11:9-10,32-40 Matthew 1:1-25
Sunday, Dec. 26th Galatians 1:11-19
Matthew 2:13-23
Monday, Nov. 1st Monday, Nov. 8th
Tuesday, Nov. 9th
Sunday, Nov. 14th
Tuesday, Nov. 16th
Sunday, Nov. 21st
Thursday, Nov. 25th Tuesday, Nov. 30th
Sts. Kosmas & Damianos
Synaxis of the Archangels
St. Nektarios the Wonderworker
St. Philip the Apostle
St. Matthew the Apostle and Evangelist
Saturday, Dec. 4th
Monday, Dec. 6th
Thursday, Dec. 9th
Sunday, Dec. 12th
Saturday, Dec. 25th
Sunday, Dec. 26th
Monday, Dec. 27th St. Barbara the Great Martyr
St. Nicholas the Wonderworker
Conception of the Theotokos
St. Spyridon the Wonderworker
Holy Nativity of Jesus Christ
Synaxis of the Theotokos
St. Stephen the First Martyr
Entrance of the Theotokos into the Temple
St. Katherine the Great Martyr
St. Andrew the First-Called Apostle
Cover Photo By John Ellis Kordes
Regular Schedule
Orthros 7:45 a.m.
1st Divine Liturgy 9:00 a.m.
2nd Divine Liturgy 10:45 a.m.
Ορθρος 7:45 π.μ.
Α’ Θεία Λειτουργία 9:00 π.μ.
Β’ Θεία Λειτουργία 10:45 π.μ.
Emergency Telephone Numbers
Father Luke Melackrinos............
Father Andreas Vithoulkas.........
516- 225- 1718
917- 334- 4192
Choir Director and Chanter
Dr. Efstratios Demertzis
Cathedral Secretaries
Nicole Rousakis
Cathi Efstathios
Stewardship Secretary
Hermea Drivas
Adrienne Stamatas-Borbely 516-481-9333 (9-5)
By Father Luke Melackrinos
As I write this article, one word came to mind,
expectations. We all have expectations and
that is certainly the case with our Cathedral
of St. Paul’s family. The clergy, parish
council and staff of the Cathedral expect
the parishioners to offer support in many
different ways and to be wholly committed to her efforts.
The stewards of our Cathedral have expectations and
those are met, for the most part, by the efforts, services and
ministries that reach so many people.
The two sides of this coin are very important, and one
cannot happen without the other. This synergy is the lifeblood
of a healthy parish community such as ours, which is growing
and thriving in ways that were never expected.
Sometimes people’s perceptions come from what they
see on a Sunday. If there is any question about the future of this
parish, I invite you to come to the Cathedral during a Tuesday.
On most Tuesdays, you will see a gym full of young children
gathered together for the Little Angels program.
Go a bit deeper and you will see our nursery school
students learning to read, write and count. The students are also
learning how to pray, cross themselves and some Greek.
Tuesdays are not just for the young, however, our
Tuesday Ladies come each and every Tuesday to help the
Cathedral in any way they can. They offer their services in
so many diverse ways, including, but not limited to, helping
with mailings (such as the Epistle that you hold in your hands)
and handicrafts for the Sunday School Boutique which occurs
annually every November.
Also, our Tuesdays involve prayer. Whether it be the
Little Angels and the nursery school students coming to receive
Holy Communion during a Divine Liturgy, or the faithful
gathered around the miraculous tearing icons of the Panagia,
praying the Paraklesis service.
But why am I writing about Tuesdays and
expectations? Simply put, November is Stewardship month at
the Greek Orthodox Cathedral of St. Paul. It is the one time of
year dedicated to focusing on what our commitment is to the
Cathedral of St. Paul via financial means, our various talents,
and of course our most precious asset, our time.
If all of us do not offer the most that we can to our
Cathedral in these areas, Sundays would not be the joyous days
of Resurrection that they are now, but rather they would be days
of remeniscence of what the Cathedral used to be.
Imagine what a Tuesday would be like without
the support of our Stewards. Certainly without a strong
commitment to Stewardship, Tuesday would be just another
day, with perhaps the doors being shut to the Cathedral faithful
in order to meet our financial obligations. Thankfully, our
stewards are amazing and we have a generous Cathedral family
that continues to thrive so that many people’s expectations are
more than satisfied.
Imagine what more we could do if all of our stewards
would increase their Stewardship just by a little more. The
ministries and the duty of bringing Christ to all people would
be multiplied.
As I was placing the pictures in the middle of the
Epistle, showing the before and after of some of the areas of
work that have been completed by Project Renaissance, I also
thought of expectations. The maintenence of our Cathedral is
an expectation that all of us share and in that expectation we
also share responsibility.
Being that this is Stewardship month, I also would
say that the Parish Council and the committees charged with
the major restoration of our Cathedral have been nothing but
excellent stewards with the funds that have been entrusted to
The quick, but incorrect way to repair the damage done
to our cathedral, would have been to simply send a contractor
up to the dome, do what he thinks is correct and move on.
Through the wisdom of the Project Renaissance
Committee, an architect and an engineer were hired to not only
just address what is currently wrong with our Cathedral but
to what needs to be done for the future of our wonderful
community. All of this was done under the watchful eye of
the architect and engineer that were hired as well as Zack
Lambrinon and Gus Drivas.
We have done so many wonderful things with the contributions that have been entrusted to us. We would love
to do a few more things before we officially say goodbye to
Project Renaissance. Please consider either making a pledge
or increasing the pledge that you have made to this worthwhile
Another worthwhile cause has been undertaken by
our Cathedral family. The main expectation of the Christian
life is to see Christ in all of those around us. We now take
the words of Christ to heart every Friday and Saturday. On
Friday evenings our parishioners gather in our kitchen and
make breakfast (with donated bagels from Bagelman) then
make sack lunches for over 120 people who are in need on the
streets of our neighborhood in Hempstead and distribute them
each Saturday morning. Please join us by preparing the food,
contribution or prayers.
If not you, who?
If not now, when?
If you have not yet submitted your
2010 Stewardship Commitment Card,
please contact the Cathedral Office
Who is your Pilot?
By Father Andreas Vithoulkas
In the Book of Genesis we read God created
the world and everything in it for a “good”
purpose (Gen. 1:29). I believe behind
everything and everyone that has been
created there is a purpose, specifically God’s
purpose. This purpose is to do the will of God throughout our
lives. In James 4:15 we read a warning to those who are over
confident in themselves and do not always consider what
God’s will is for their lives. He says, “For what is your life?
It is a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes
away. Instead you should say, “If the Lord wills, we shall
live and do this of that” (James 4:13-16). Pious individuals
are regularly in the habit of reminding themselves of God’s
will. Regardless of what they are doing, whether they are at
home or at work they will always start and finish any task by
saying “God willing.” As Christians we believe that our life’s
purpose is to be united to God’s will. We are reminded of this
direction in our lives every time we come to church.
For example, traditionally, the designated place for
the sermon to be delivered on Sunday in Church is from the
pulpit. The reason for this is that the pulpit represents the
captain’s seat of a vessel. Why? Because the most important
seat in a ship is the captain’s seat. It determines the direction
the vessel will take. If you look up the word drive in the
dictionary, you would find the definition “to guide, control
or direct.” The sermon delivered from the pulpit which is
based on a Scriptural teaching guides the entire church and
everybody in it. Another example is the Rudder. The Rudder
is the canonical teachings of the Church. The reason it is
called “the Rudder” is because it symbolizes the rudder of a
vessel directing it through the water.
As I stated earlier, I believe behind everything and
everyone that has been created there is a purpose. In the
Book of Proverbs we read “the Lord hath made everything
for his own purposes (Prov.16:4)”.
Following the Divine Liturgy, last week a parishioner
approached me and said, “Father, today Church saved my
life.” I thought he was going to tell me how good he felt
coming to church. When I asked him to clarify, I was surprised
to hear what he had to say. He proceeded to tell me that he
was a retired pilot who flew small planes recreationally. His
friends who owned such a plane wanted him to fly with them
that morning. He declined because he had plans to attend
Church services instead. Later, that morning he was informed
that the plane he was scheduled to fly had crashed and that,
unfortunately, one of the passengers had perished in the crash
with the others onboard suffering numerous injuries. On the
one hand, we can say it was not God’s will for him to be on
the plane. God had other plans for him. On the other hand, we
can say not only was it not his time, but his drive, his purpose
to come to church that morning saved his life! Whether it is
your individual life or our church, we must ask the question
“who or what is in the pilot’s seat?”
Every life is driven by something. We are all driven
by different things. Some people are driven by guilt because of
past failures or mistakes in their lives. Some people are driven
by grief because of some loss in their life. Some are driven by
greed, resentment or bitterness. Some may be driven by goals
such as the need for approval and acknowledgement. Every
Church is driven by something. Some churches are driven by
tradition. Some churches are driven by finances, programs or
The point of all this is to make a statement that
God’s purposes are to drive our lives and his church. This
is something we are reminded of at every Divine Liturgy. At
the holiest moment right before communion, the Priest reads
a prayer in the altar which states, “We give thanks to you,
invisible King. By Your infinite power you created all things
and by your mercy You brought everything from nothing into
being. Master, look down from heaven upon those who have
bowed their heads before you; they have bowed not before
flesh and blood but before You, the awesome God. Therefore,
Master, guide the course of our life for our benefit according
to the need of each of us. Sail with those who sail; travel with
those who travel; and heal the sick, Physician of our souls
and bodies” (Divine Liturgy).
This prayer is so powerful because it is all
encompassing, it covers the entire world. The priest is
not talking about the few who are perceptibly present, but
about everyone, everywhere throughout the world. It unites
everyone scattered throughout the world by asking God
to guide our lives and to unite us to Himself through the
partaking of the most precious Body and Blood of His Son
Jesus Christ.
As we approach the great Feast of the Nativity
according to the Flesh of our Lord and God and Savior Jesus
Christ I ask you why do you think that God chose to use a
star to guide the Magi to Bethlehem? I am convinced that it
was not by accident. It was an eternal reminder to them and to
us that in a sea of darkness, it is the light that keeps us going
forward. It is the light of hope and the light of Christ that
leads and dispels the gloom. It is my prayer that the light of
Christmas will shine and enlighten the dark corners of your
life and that you, too, will discover the pathway to Bethlehem
so that we may proclaim with all creation, “Glory to God on
highest on earth peace and good will amongst mankind.”
From the President
by George Papazicos
It’s November, already!
Where did the year go?
As we have done the last
several years, November
is the month we focus on
Stewardship. During the
entire month, the sermons
of our Clergy will have a common theme – true Christian
Stewardship – illustrated by offering back to God and His
Church the magnificent gifts of time, talent and treasure
that He has bestowed on all of us.
The Stewardship Committee expects to start distributing
the packages for 2011 at the Parish Assembly on Sunday,
November 14, and will continue to do so at Fellowship
Hour for another two weeks. Please pick up your packages
promptly and encourage your family and friends to do so.
It saves us the effort and the postage of mailing them out.
The Commitment Card also continues to have a place for
each of you to identify the talents that you can offer to our
We hope that each of you joins the Clergy and members
of the Parish Council on the following Sunday, November
21, by returning your completed Commitment Cards for
2011. If you cannot do so that day, please deliver it to the
Cathedral Office as soon as possible. Of course, please
consider what the Church and our Beloved Cathedral have
meant to you and your family, and what we hope they
will continue to mean to all our families for generations
to come, as you decide what you can offer to the Church
in 2011.
As I write this, we are getting ready to leave for the Holy
Land Pilgrimage, including a visit to St. Catherine’s
Monastery in the Egyptian Sinai desert. I am looking
forward to the trip and thank everyone who has wished us
a safe and rewarding journey. Father Luke expects to put
pictures and stories each day on the Internet about the trip.
Follow us at
We have had a busy time at St. Paul over the last couple of
months. All of our programs have started and, in particular,
we give a special welcome to the many new families that
call the Cathedral of St. Paul their home. We again were
blessed with a beautiful day on Sunday, October 3, hosting
the Family Fall Festival, where all of us, “old” and “new”
could enjoy a full program of activities, have a souvlaki
dinner and go home with tasty loukoumades. Thanks to
Fran Lutfy and her committee for a tremendous effort.
A few days later, on Thursday, October 7, we held our
annual Golf Outing at the Garden City Country Club.
As for our Annual Festivals, we called on our Clergy to
provide us great weather and they came through. We had
an outstanding afternoon of golf, plus a complete lunch
and dinner, and lots of great prizes. Thanks to George
Marinos, George Vorkas and the entire committee for a
great job.
Speaking of the Cathedral as our home, we initiated Project
Renaissance four years ago to renovate our Cathedral
and to restore all of its beauty for our benefit and for the
benefit of generations to come. We started with a long list
of projects and we were heartened that our parishioners
supported the needs of our Cathedral, as you have always
done. We addressed projects on the list as the donations
came in, prioritizing them, while also adding to our list
numerous unexpected projects.
We have recently seen a number of exciting changes and
upgrades, including the completion of the interior and
exterior of the dome, with significantly enhanced lighting,
and we soon expect to continue the renovation of the
Hellenic Room.
We have now reached a critical point where our available
funds are exhausted before all of our necessary projects
have been completed. We need your help to continue our
restoration project. Many of you made a pledge to Project
Renaissance several years ago and have completed it or
are close to completing it. Perhaps you have been blessed,
despite these difficult economic times, and are able to
either increase your pledge or even reach for the next level
of giving. We thank you for all of your support.
Soon after we get back from the Holy Land, we celebrate
Thanksgiving and, right around the corner, Christmas.
Many of our organizations are planning events for these
two celebrations, but the one common function that the
entire community should make sure to attend is the Annual
Community Dance, which will be held at the Jericho
Terrace on Sunday, December 5. Entertainment will
be provided by the Aegean Connection and everyone is
welcome. Stop by our table at Fellowship Hour for details.
We close out the year 2010 and celebrate bringing in 2011
together with a New Year’s Eve Dinner at Jonathan’s
Restaurant. Look out for details.
I again thank you for all you do for our Cathedral and pray
that you and your families continue to be blessed with
health and happiness.
As Amended and Approved on
August 19, 2010
Greek Orthodox Cathedral of Saint Paul
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting of
Thursday, July 15, 2010
The meeting was called to order by President
George Papazicos at 8:10 p.m. Father Andreas led us
in an opening prayer.
The minutes of the June 17, 2010 meeting were
distributed by Tony Vaccari, Parish Council Secretary.
A motion to approve the minutes was made by Lou
Patrickakos, seconded by George Zakos. Motion
President George Papazicos read the following
­ Letter from Strati Demertzis informing of his
upcoming vacation July 27 to August 6, 2010.
­ Thank you letter from Archbishop Demetrios for
our warm hospitality and benevolent contribution
on the occasion of his visit for the Vespers before
the Feast Day of Saints Peter and Paul.
­ Letter from Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Long
Island thanking us for our donation of unsold
items from the Flea Market
Stewardship Report:
George Papazicos presented the follow report as of
June 30, 2010:
Treasurer’s Report:
Increase (decrease)
Number of Pledges
Amount Pledged Average Pledge
Bill Lembo presented the following report as of June
30, 2010:
Total Cash Assets
Less: Decorations Fund
Less: Renaissance Fund
Net Available Funds
Surplus (Deficit)
Less Proj Ren & Dec Funds (net)
Net Operating Surplus (Deficit)
Month of
Year to Date
June 2010
June 30, 2010
Month of
Year to Date
June 2009
June 30, 2009
A motion to accept the Treasurer’s report was made
by Jim Ginis, seconded by George Zakos. Motion
Clergy Report:
+ Father Andreas reported that Father Luke will be
back from vacation on July 16th.
+ Father Nick’s knee surgery is scheduled for late
July and plans are underway to cover Youth
Liturgy services for the early Fall.
+ Father Andreas reminded us of the upcoming
Dormition of the Theotokos on August 15th and
the fast period in early August.
Youth Report:
Father Andreas reported on the following youth
activities and events:
+ Vacation Bible School, led by Cathy Marinos was
completed and 26 children attended.
+ The Nursery School Summer Program is
underway and includes 17 children.
+ The Summer Basketball Camp is scheduled for
the week of July 17 with 24 children participating.
+ Camp Saint Paul was attended by several of our
youth who had an excellent time.
+ The Boy Scout Troop is having their camping trip
this coming week.
Bill Lembo reported that preliminary results shows
net proceeds of approximately $100,000.00 but a
more complete report will be presented when all of
the invoices are paid and outstanding collections are
Gala Sweepstakes:
Bill Lembo reported that we sold approximately 1500
tickets. A full report will be presented at the next
Parish Council meeting.
Project Renaissance:
Harry Raptakis reported that we are now on a weekly
billing cycle with our contractor. In line with the
prior Parish Council authorization, the Oversight
Committee is approving the issuance of a check in
the amount of $42,036.44 to JCRC to cover the work
completed to date. The work is progressing and there
is roughly $88,000.00 remaining to be paid, including
this payment. Additional funds will not be released
until all work is approved by the Architect and the
project committee.
The Dome Lighting repairs will require the renting
of a lift to enable the electricians to gain access to the
area. A motion was made by Harry Raptakis to rent
a lift at a cost not to exceed $1,000.00 to enable our
electrician to make the necessary repairs, seconded
by Fran Lutfy. Motion carried.
Nominations Committee:
Jim Georgakis reported that he will be organizing
the committee. The terms of the Parish Council
members that are expiring this year are Mary Bassias,
Harry Demiris, George Hadjoglou, John Hajisava,
John Heliotis, Evans Lizardos, Fran Lutfy, George
Papazicos, Tony Vaccari and George Zakos.
Entertainment Committee:
Triphon Kollitides indicated that the committee
is examining the possibility of having our annual
Church Dance at an outside catering facility this year.
A follow up report will be presented at a future Parish
Council meeting.
Greek School PTA:
Fran Lutfy reported that a Wine & Cheese fundraiser
is being planned for Friday, October 15, 2010 which
will include a DJ and outside vendors. Mrs. Lutfy
made a motion to hold a Wine & Cheese fundraiser
in the Hellenic Room on October 15, 2010 with an
admission price to be determined, to charge a fee of
$100.00 per vendor and to waive the customary room
rental fee, seconded by John Heliotis. Motion carried.
Clergy Laity Congress:
George Papazicos discussed the event and activities.
Jim Georgakis reported that he collected material that
was distributed there and he will make it available
to anyone who wishes to review it. Harry Raptakis
added that Father Luke made a presentation about our
Grief and Bereavement Outreach.
Church Golf Outing:
George Marinos reported on the Church Golf Outing
which is scheduled for Thursday, October 7, 2010 at
Garden City Golf Club. The fee is $275.00 per golfer
registered prior to September 20th.
Tony Pantelides reported on the following House
Committee projects:
The sink in the Altar was ordered and installation
is being planned. The project is funded by a
Three estimates have been obtained for painting
the ceilings and bedroom at 2 Kensington Court.
Mr. Pantelides made a motion to contract with
Joe Bruno Decorating to paint the ceilings in the
living room, dining room and bedroom at a cost of
$2,200.00, seconded by Lou Patrickakos. Motion
The columns on the Cassis Building porch are
in need of repair. Mr. Pantelides will evaluate
the options and report at the next Parish Council
The Cathedral Center floor is being resurfaced in
the near future prior to September.
The east wall of the Cathedral Center is in
disrepair. Mr. Pantelides will be meeting with the
contractor to explore several options to repair.
Power-washing is being planned for the front of
the Church next week.
Plans are underway to re-key all of the locks in
the Cathedral Administration building.
Financial Report:
Tony Pantelides presented the invoices to be paid. A
motion was made by Jim Ginis to pay the invoices,
seconded by Kosmas Jannes. Motion carried.
Old Business:
­ Jim Georgakis reported that work on the closet in
Conference Room C is complete at a cost which
is well below the amount budgeted.
­ Fran Lutfy reported that our caretaker Isaac is
now enrolled in the Church’s Healthcare Policy
as previous planned, effective July 1, 2010.
New Business:
­ George Papazicos reported that planning is
underway for an Organization Leadership meeting
in early September. Jim Georgakis will chair this
­ George Papazicos announced that Recognition
Sunday will be September 12th and Registration
Sunday will be September 19th.
­ Harry Raptakis reported that while at the Clergy
Laity Congress, he spoke with His Eminence
Metropolitan Alexios, who extended his best
wishes to the Saint Paul’s community and the
Parish Council.
George Papazicos and Father Luke will be sending
a letter to the Mayor of Hempstead to request a
meeting to discuss community relations.
A motion to adjourn at 9:23 pm was made by George
Marinos, seconded by Dean Mavrovitis. Motion
Respectfully submitted,
Anthony P. Vaccari
Secretary, Parish Council
As Amended and Approved on September 20, 2010
Greek Orthodox Cathedral of Saint Paul
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting of
Thursday, August 19, 2010
The meeting was called to order by President
George Papazicos at 8:05 p.m. Father Luke led us in
an opening prayer.
The minutes of the July 15, 2010 meeting were
distributed by Tony Vaccari, Parish Council Secretary.
A motion to approve the minutes was made by John
Hajisava, seconded by Jim Ginis. Motion carried.
President George Papazicos read the following
­ Thank you note from Jim & Irene Ginis for the
Parish Council Honor Guard at their daughter’s
Memorial Service
­ Thank you note to the Parish Council from
Presvytera Marilyn Magoulias for thoughts and
prayers as well as the gourmet basket after Father
Nick’s knee surgery.
­ Letter from Harry Raptakis, Direct Archdiocesan
District Finance Committee Chairperson,
informing of all the important Finance Committee
dates for the upcoming year. A copy will be given
to our Treasurer.
­ Letter from Jim Germanakos announcing the
Eagle Scout achievement of his son with a request
for use of the Hellenic Room for a reception in
October. A motion was made by Harry Monioudis
to approve use of the Hellenic Room, subject
to availability and waiving the customary fee,
seconded by Jim Stephens. Motion carried.
Letter from our Choir Director, informing the
Parish Council of the scheduled date of September
30 for the annual Choir Dinner asking the Parish
Council to approve payment of the cost.
Letter from Melanie Donus on behalf of the
St. Nicholas Autism Foundation asking for
permission to hold a fundraiser on September 17th
in the Cathedral Center. Proceeds will help to
offset the costs of the St. Paul’s Pioneers Sunday
School Program. A motion was made by George
Marinos to approve the use of the Cathedral
Center waiving customary fees, seconded by
Andy Andron. Motion carried.
Letter from AHEPA informing the Parish Council
of a Wine Tasting Trip to Eastern LI on either
October 16th or 23rd and requesting permission to
place a poster on the Bulletin Board, promote the
event in the Weekly Bulletin and to sell tickets
during each Fellowship Hour beginning on
Sunday, September 26th. A motion to approve
these requests was made by Jim Ginis, seconded
by Nick Yannios. Motion carried.
The Philoptochos is putting forth a proposal to
collect shoes as part of an Outreach program
during the month of October 2010. George
Papazicos asked the House Committee to locate
an area where the shoes can be stored.
Stewardship Report:
George Papazicos presented the follow report as of
July 31, 2010:
Increase (decrease)
Number of Pledges
Amount Pledged Average Pledge
Clergy Report:
Father Luke reported the following events and
+ There will be a Memorial Service on September
11 for the victims of that tragic day.
+ September 12 is Recognition Sunday and
Grandparents’ Sunday.
+ Registration Sunday is September 19th and two
Divine Liturgies will commence on that date.
+ Direct Archdiocesan District Dept. of Registry
published statistics on Sacraments for 2009.
Cathedral of St. Paul had 78 Baptisms (3rd in
Archdiocese), 6 Chrismations (3rd), 36 Funerals
(4th) and 48 Weddings (2nd), 62% of which were
+ Father Carellas will be with us on Tuesday
August 31 at 7:30pm, to deliver a lecture on the
4th Beatitude.
+ We will be having a “reflection” on various topics
at the beginning of each Parish Council meeting
starting in September.
+ Father Luke has asked that the Church Office
be closed with no business being conducted on
Sundays during the Divine Liturgy prior to the
reading of the Gospel and no meetings during
Paraklesis Services.
Treasurer’s Report:
Bill Lembo presented the following report as of July
31, 2010:
Total Cash Assets
Less: Decorations Fund
Less: Renaissance Fund
Net Available Funds
Surplus (Deficit)
Less Proj Ren & Dec Funds (net)
Net Operating Surplus (Deficit)
Month of July Year to Date Month of July Year to Date
July 2010
July 2009
($157,957) ($1,145,318)
A motion to accept the Treasurer’s report was made
by George Zakos, seconded by Jim Ginis. Motion
Bill Lembo presented a report indicating net proceeds
from the 2010 Festival are approximately $100,000
and he reviewed several selected details. It is expected
there will be a meeting to analyze costs to explore
ways to increase profitability for future Festivals.
Bill Lembo made a motion to approve having a
Festival next year on June 2-5, 2011, seconded by
Tony Pantelides. Motion carried.
Gala Sweepstakes:
Bill Lembo reported that we sold 1518 tickets and
will net approximately $44,000 to $45,000 from the
Gala Sweepstakes. George Papazicos commented
that in consultation with the other members of the
Executive Committee he will be appointing the chairs
of the Committee for this fundraiser next year.
Golf Outing:
George Marinos reminded the Parish Council that the
Annual Church Golf Outing is scheduled for Thursday,
Oct. 7th and reviewed sponsorship opportunities.
Communication will be increasing over the next few
Youth Report:
Father Andreas reported on the following youth
related activities:
+ Camp St. Paul – a few of our youth attended and
enjoyed the week. We would like to see greater
participation in the future.
+ Vacation Bible School was well attended and well
run by Cathy Marinos.
+ St. Paul’s Basketball Camp went well and we are
expecting to do it again next year.
+ Our Summer Nursery School Program was a
success with nearly 20 children in attendance.
+ There will be a Youth Committee Meeting on
August 26th. There will also be a mandatory
parent’s meeting for our Youth Programs early in
the new year.
+ The George D. Pamas Memorial Basketball
League Dinner is scheduled for Tuesday August
+ Plans are underway for the October 3rd Family
Fall Festival. There is a meeting on September
Sunday Church School:
George K. Lavas reported that plans are progressing
for the upcoming year. We will make use of the three
classrooms downstairs. There may be a change to the
first session for the Pioneers Program.
Nursery School:
Harry Raptakis presented a report that was prepared
by Anna Possas. The third successful year of the
program ended with the Graduation of the 4 years old
who are moving up to Kindergarten. The summer
program was so successful it filled up immediately.
This coming year we will have separate classes for
our 2, 3 and 4 year olds.
Nominations Committee:
Jim Georgakis reported the Nominations Committee
consisting of Spyro Georgopalis, Triphon Kollitides,
George Vorkas and Lou Patrickakos is charged with
identifying 12 Nominees, 3 Auditors and a Board of
Elections for the upcoming Elections. The 10 Parish
Council Members whose terms are expiring are Mary
Bassias, Harry Demiris, George Hadjoglou, John
Hajisava, John Heliotis, Evans Lizardos, Fran Lutfy,
George Papazicos, Anthony Vaccari and George
Recognition Committee:
Michael Gurlides made a motion to recognize the
following individuals on Recognition Sunday;
Father Anastasios and Presvytera Georgia Pourakis,
Nicole Rousakis, Maria Arnidis and Michael Possas,
seconded by Triphon Kollitides. Motion carried.
Financial Report:
George Vorkas presented the invoices to be paid. A
motion was made by Jim Ginis to pay the invoices,
seconded by Jim Stephens. Motion carried.
Decorations Committee:
Michael Gurlides reported on several projects
underway. The flooring and walls in the Vestry area
need to be replaced. Details will be reported at a
future meeting.
Toni Kourepinos made a motion to approve the
painting of the Hellenic Room based on an estimate
of $2,400.00 which includes painting the walls and
varnishing the beams, seconded by John Hajisava.
After a lengthy discussion, the motion was defeated.
George Papazicos then asked that several alternatives
regarding the Hellenic Room walls including
sheet rocking be explored by the committee and be
presented at the next Parish Council meeting.
Project Renaissance:
Dome – George C. Possas reported that work on the
dome is nearly complete. .
Human Resources:
Lou Patrickakos reported that the Human Resources
committee has decided to delay the review of any
salary increases until the budget is discussed for 2011
and will delay any increases until then.
Old Business:
There was no old business presented.
New Business:
­ Jim Georgakis reported that plans are underway for
a New Year’s Eve party at Jonathan’s Restaurant.
More details will follow as plans develop.
­ John Hajisava discussed plans for recognition
Sunday. The reception will be hosted by the
members of the Parish Council who will also
sponsor the cost of the breakfast.
A motion to adjourn at 11.20pm was made by Jim
Stephens, seconded by George K. Lavas. Motion
Respectfully submitted,
Anthony P. Vaccari
Secretary, Parish Council
Harry Raptakis made a motion to approve the progress
payment of $20,000 to JCRC for work which is
completed, seconded by George C. Possas. Motion
George C. Possas made a motion to approve the
payment of an invoice by GP Electric of $1905.00
for the repair of the dome lighting which includes
the rental of the lift as well as materials and labor,
seconded by Jim Ginis. Motion carried.
George C. Possas made a motion to approve the
payment of an invoice from the Architect for $2024.76
for services, seconded by George Zakos. Motion
Mr. and Mrs. Club
By Ann Stephens, Secretary
With the fall season under way, the Mr. & Mrs. Club held a delicious Welcome Back Dinner at Uncle
Bacalas’ Restaurant. The food was abundant, drinks were flowing and everyone present thoroughly
enjoyed themselves. We shared thoughts for future events and memories of past gatherings such as the
Cinco de Mayo celebration last May. Fathers Luke and Andreas got into the festive mood and donned
sombreros. Don’t they look great?!
The new Executive Board for the Mr. & Mrs. Club was announced at the Welcome Back Dinner.
April Mavrovitis was gracious enough to accept the position of President. Bill & Marge Lembo will
serve as Vice Presidents, Dean Mavrovitis as Treasurer, Ann Stephens as Corresponding Secretary and
Cathy Vaccari as Social Secretary. Serving on the Executive Board are Olga & Jim Georgakis, Callie
Papazicos, Nick & Nikki Prokos, Jim Stephens and Tony Vaccari.
We look forward to many exciting events this year. The Karaoke Oktoberfest is a new addition to the
activities that brought out the performer in all of us! We also scheduled a Salsa and Swing dance lesson
evening that will teach us how to dance! The calendar of events is listed below; note the change of date
for the dancing event. Please check the church website for all updates. We look forward to seeing you.,
Come and join the fun!
November 21
December 31
January 18
February 15
May 3
Salsa & Swing Dance Lessons (members only)
Community New Years Eve Dinner at Jonathan’s Restaurant
Valentine’s Day Dinner
Cinco de Mayo evening
Project Renaissance
When Project Renaissance began over four years
ago, we started with a list of projects and the hope
that our parishioners would support the needs of
our Cathedral as they have always done. The cost of
each item on the project list was estimated and based
on those estimates, the goal was set of raising one
million dollars. The appeal was made from the pulpit
and through the mail. Each of you responded, as we
knew you would, with tremendous support.
As the donations continued to stream in, we
addressed each project on our list, prioritizing them
as best we could, putting them out to bid and hiring
the contractor whom we felt would do the best job
for the most reasonable cost. We began a new project
only when funds became available, never wishing to
put our Cathedral in debt. We were always aware that
our financial solvency is dependent on the continued
support of our parishioners, God blessing us with
good weather for our annual festival and the success
of our Gala Sweepstakes and other fundraisers.
but the expectation has always been that we could
do that a little bit each year in our operating budget.
Unfortunately, the budget barely meets our operating
costs with no room for these additional items.
In short, we need your help just once more to complete
our restoration project. Many of you made a pledge
several years ago and have completed it or are close to
completing it. Perhaps you have been blessed, despite
these difficult economic times, and are able to either
increase your pledge or even reach for the next level
of giving. We ask you to seriously consider doing so
and enable us to complete our restoration project.
Thank you for all of your support: past, present and
to come.
We met the challenge of unexpected projects, replacing
the kitchen stove, the heating and air conditioning
unit and one of our drywells. Some projects came in
under budget and others exceeded budget. Our goal
was always clear: to complete the renovation of our
Cathedral and restore all of its beauty for our benefit
and for the benefit of generations to come. After all, for
each of us, the Cathedral of St. Paul is the place where
our spiritual and social needs are met. It is a place
of joy where we celebrate the Divine Liturgy each
week and on special occasions such as weddings and
baptisms. It is our gathering place where friendships
are formed and strengthened. It is a place of comfort
when we are sick or grieving.
We are exceedingly grateful that we have reached our
initial goal of raising one million dollars, but rising
costs and unforeseen needs have pushed us to a critical
point where our available funds are exhausted before
all of our necessary projects have been completed. We
still need to repave our parking lot, repaint the ceiling
of the Cathedral, repair the choir loft and renovate
the Vestry, just to name a few of the projects on our
list. In hindsight, we probably should have added new
tables and chairs for our facility to the original list,
Project Renaissance
THE DOME BEFORE: Painted yellow concrete, leaking from over 50 years of
harsh changes in the Long Island seasons.
THE DOME AFTER: Newly waterproofed with limestone surface. The
brickwork beneath the dome has been replaced as well as the bottom band of
metal on the dome. Not only aesthetically pleasing, but very appropriate to our
climate. Our dome is now ready for the next 50+ years!
The Dome Windows: Before on the left, after on the right. Notice the cracking
that certainly contributed to the water intrusion in our beautiful Cathedral.
The windows were cleaned, resealed and re-set, insuring many years of
waterproofimg protection.
In the “after” pictures notice the detail of the beautiful limestone, and the quality
of the leadwork in the repaired stained-glass windows.
Before & After Photos
THE DOME INTERIOR BEFORE: Note the water damage caused by years
of leaking. Later, pieces of plaster began falling causing a hazardous situation.
Also, take note of the lighting. Beyond this photo several lights were
permanently damaged and not working.
THE DOME INTERIOR AFTER: Our beautifully re-constructed dome ring.
We added LED lighting to enhance the amazing mosaic reproduction of the
dome in 5th Century Church of the Holy Savior in Chora (modern day Turkey).
THE WINDOWS DETAIL AFTER: With this detail it is easy to see the freshly
cleaned, scraped, painted and sealed stained-glass windows. Notice also, that
the limestone and joints totally seal the dome preventing any form of water
intrusion, all of this work was done under the supervision of experts.
THE WINDOWS DETAIL BEFORE: This picture illustrates perfectly
the flaking yellow paint, together with rusted metal in the stained-glass
windows resting above a large gap which was another path of moisture
to threaten our priceless mosaics.
Stewardship is
Guiding thoughts on elements of
Orthodox Christian Stewardship
Stewardship is giving thanks for all God has
given us; all of our time, all of our talents
and all of our treasure.
Stewardship is how we manage our entire
lives, including our gratitude and what we
give back to God.
As Orthodox Christian Stewards we…
...Receive God’s gifts gratefully and with
...Cultivate these gifts responsibly.
...Share our gifts in love, returning them with
increase to the Lord.
As we enter the month of November, several
activities will undoubtedly fill our everyday lives. We are also reminded on Thanksgiving Day to
give thanks for all we have.
At the Cathedral of Saint Paul, November also
marks “Stewardship Month”. It is this time that
we begin the preparation of our Stewardship
Commitment to our Beloved Cathedral for 2011. This means we should make sure we have
submitted our Stewardship Commitment Cards
for 2010 and have substantially completed our
pledges. It also means that we should reflect
on how we are fulfilled by what our Church has
to offer as we decide what to “give back” in
Time, Talent and Treasure as we complete our
Commitment Cards for 2011.
We will have your 2011 Stewardship packages
ready to be picked up at Fellowship Hour
during the month of November and officially
mark Sunday, November 21st as Stewardship
Sunday, when we will all submit our Commitment
Cards for 2011.
For 2011 we continue the theme of Come and
See, and explore the idea of membership in the
Church, the Body of Christ.
Come and See
This Phrase is simple yet powerful. It calls us to
change our location – physically and spiritually.
If we want to find Christ, we must move toward
Him. We must grow and mature in our faith.
See the World as God’s Gift to You
Come and see God’s many blessings in your life.
What is your response to His gifts? In gratitude
and thanksgiving, you offer your time, talents
and treasure in proportion to what you have
been given.
See God Work through You
Come and see God work through you to serve
His Church and those who seek His Truth.
Giving to the Church is an opportunity – an
opportunity to examine our priorities and values.
It is an opportunity to express our thankfulness,
to give of ourselves and to grow in grace. It is
an opportunity to participate in the work of God.
Come and see what we can do together with
your support.
Sacraments Celebrated at the
Greek Orthodox Cathedral of St. Paul
September 2010
Daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Makrinos
Son of Mr. & Mrs. George Neofytidis
Daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Elias Stampolis
Son of Mr. & Mrs. Andre LoGuidice
Daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Costas Kardiasmenos
Daughters of Mr. & Mrs. Vasilios
Poseidon Soundias & Lisa Klippel
Daniel Rummo & Lisa Panisse
Panagiotis Kostalas & Melissa Elias
Michael Johnson & Kalipso Konstantopoulos
Paul Apotsos & Rachel Rullo
Spiro Giannisis & Rocchiana Russo
Geoge Bousalis & Kalomoira Sarantis
Spiro Tsigonis
Ippokratis G. Mihalos
Vasiliki Topis
October 2010
Son of Mr. & Mrs. Justin Neri
Daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Vlassis
Daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Constantinos
Daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Rigopoulos
Son of Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Wilson
Daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Jimmy Baldea
Daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Klein
Thomas Barry & Christina Aligizakis
Demetrios Gerolimatos & Maria Laliotis
Nicholas Moise & Jillian Desario
Matthew Andrews-Sales & Christina
Dominick Loccisano & Persefoni Pardalis
Evangelos Nikiforidis & Jessica Matzelle
George Katris & Jaclyn Xanthos
Zaher Jaser & Rozina Khoury
Emanuel Theodosiou
Steven Zarras
Despina Cavadias
Mary Frank
Afrodite Koursoumi
Peter J.G. Maris, Jr., M.D
Ophthalmology and Ophthalmologic Surgery
Tel: 516-481-1570
Fax: 516-481-1786
Plaza 230
230 Hilton Avenue
Suite 118
Hempstead, NY 11550
AHEPA Constantine Cassis Chapter #170
By Howard Abbondondelo, President
Our chapter year has started off with much excitement.
We say congratulations to our new trustee, Br. Jim Ginis.
On October 13th, we held our annual Spaghetti Dinner, “Traditional
Italian Sunday Gravy”. We thank our co-chairs, Br. C. Dionysios
Dionou-Weiss (also our head chef) and Br. Jim Ginis and their committee
for a most wonderful and very tasty evening. We hope you were able to
join us on October 23rd, for our new event, a Wine Tasting Trip to the
East End. At our regular meeting on October 13th, we welcomed our
new District Governor, Jim Kokotas. Our Thanksgiving Dinner with
the Daughters of Penelope, Pasithea Chapter #141, will be held on Thursday, November 18th, starting
at 7pm. We will be joining the Daughters on December 1st, for their annual Christmas Party. If anyone
is aware of news of one of our brothers falling asleep in the Lord, illness, etc. please inform one of our
officers. If you wish to join the AHEPA, please contact our membership Chairman, Br. John Angelides
at 516-829-4760, or one of our officers. We wish everyone a wonderful year to come.
Grief & Bereavement Support Group
By Kay Pamas
Another year is coming to a close and for us in the Grief & Bereavement Support Group it means that a
very difficult time is approaching, Thanksgiving and Christmas. We should all anticipate the holidays
with happiness and joy-looking forward to spending time with family and friends. Yes, that is definitely
the normal, but for many of us it is not so. We have a few members this year who will be experiencing
these days for the first time without their loved ones. So many questions arise. Can we answer them
at the meeting? No. We do not think so, but we can offer love and compassion. Father Andreas will
be addressing compassion at our memorial Christmas Tree Service on December 15, 2010 at 7:00pm.
He will speak on Luke’s Gospel 7:11-16 “And when the Lord saw her, he had compassion on her and
said to her, “Do not weep”. Father Luke will also be joining us at our December 8th meeting, our last
evening meeting prior to Christmas. Everyone is welcome.
We will once again have our Memorial Christmas Tree in front of the Panaghia Shrine on Wednesday,
December 15th at 7:00pm. You may bring an ornament in memory of your loved one and place it on
the tree. A Trisagion (Memorial Prayer) will be said by Father Luke and Father Andreas.
Refreshments will be served in the Hellenic Room.
Daughters of Penelope Pasithea Chapter #141
By Jacquie Ursini, President
We are back in the swing of things. At our first meeting we discussed our Annual Bake Sale, which
was very successful. Thank you to our Chairperson, Parthena Yakkob and our Daughters for their help
and support.
We met on October 13th to discuss our Annual Honey Party
which was held on October 20th and was a huge success.
Our upcoming schedule is as follows:
Sunday, November 7th our Chapter will be hosting Founder’s
Day to be held at the George Washington Manor.
November 10th we will have a general meeting.
November 18th we will be joining the Ahepans for their
Annual Thanksgiving Day Dinner.
December 1st we will be having our Annual Christmas Party.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone!
More to follow..............
St Paul’s Seniors
By Grace Rosalbo, Secretary
I hope that everyone had a great and restful
summer. Unfortunately, our first meeting on
September 14th was cancelled due to a religious
Our first meeting was on October 12, 2010. It
was a pleasure to see everyone again. Father
Luke gave prayers of thanks followed by lunch
catered by Barbara Filou which turned out to be
very good. We also, discussed future officers for
the year 2011.
We celebrated our 36th Anniversary. Twenty three
birthdays were also celebrated with good wishes
to all the celebrants. We purchased an ad for the
Cathedral Journal and donated the Fellowship
Hours following both Divine Liturgies.
Our next meeting will be Tuesday, November 9,
Eagle Scout Award Given in June, 2010
By George Boulukos, Theodore Roosevelt BSA Council, Scholarship Chairman
The Theodore Roosevelt Council of the Boy Scouts
of America awarded the ninth annual National Eagle Scout
Scholarship to Nicholas D. Monioudis at the recent Scout
Recognition Dinner at King Point Academy. He surpassed all
other applicants because of his involvement and leadership in
the local community, religious community, school, scholastic
achievements and scouting.
Scholastically, he is a member of the National Honor
Society, with an academic schedule filled with AP courses, and
honors classes. He also found time to excel in the school’s
Lacrosse Team, Cross Country and Winter Track teams and
also found time for the high school Jazz Band.
Nicholas is deeply involved in the St. Paul Community.
In addition to the leadership in the Boy Scout Troop, he is an
Altar Boy, an Assistant Sunday School Teacher and a member
of GOYA. He played on the GOYA basketball and volley ball
teams. Nicholas plans to attend the University of Delaware
and aspires to be a high school teacher.
Note: This article was written back in June, when the award was presented. Nicholas is now
enrolled at the University of Delaware, and we wish him continued success!!
20th Annual Golf Outing – October 7, 2010
By George Marinos, Co-Chairman
Thank you to all who participated and contributed to this year’s golf outing at The Garden City Country
Club on October 7. We had a great day of fellowship and fun for a great cause.
We were also blessed with a beautiful day – Thank you Frs. Luke and Andreas! This was our second
year in using one of the local country clubs as a venue and it met all our expectations. We had over forty golfers
attend for the day and a number of friends attend the cocktail hour and dinner. Everyone had a great time at
brunch, on the course and at dinner.
A special thanks to the GCCC for providing us with great accommodations, to all our sponsors and to
everyone that donated their time and prizes: Bob Coccia, Tyrone Constantine, Carol DePieto, Nick Eliopoulos,
The Garden City Country Club, John Gregov, The Hempstead Country Club, George Lavas, Bill Lembo,
Catherine Marinos, Kimon Psihudakis, Gus Rigas, Nick Scandalios and George Vorkas.
Here are the day’s skill winners by category
First Low Gross: Sergio Valentini - 77
Second Low Gross: Michael Stynnes - 80
First Low Net: Tyrone Constantine - 72
Second Low Net: Joe Sequino - 73
Longest Drive: Tyrone Constantine
Closest to Pin Hole #5: Bill Nelson - 4’7”
Closest to Pin Hole #14: Bob Saul - 14”
We look forward to seeing you at the next golf outing. Let’s all help make it a grand event by coming out and
supporting this key fund raising event for the Cathedral!
St. Anna’s Philoptochos
By Athena Kallinikos, President
It is very gratifying that National Philoptochos honored our very own Kay Pamas with a “Certificate of Merit”
for her many decades of devotion and faithful service to Philoptochos and our beloved Cathedral. Kay’s
philanthropic outreach and ministries is an example for all of us to emulate. We are very blessed to have you as
an excellent role model. Congratulations Kay!
St. Anna’s also awarded many more certificates at our Membership Tea on October 27. Thank you, once
again, to Connie Germanakos, Membership Chairwoman, who did an outstanding job putting together the
lovely tea. Our 25 year recipients are: Maria Antoniou, Tina Cassis, Andrian Chriss, Angela Eliopoulos, Connie
Germanakos, Linda Likos, Mary Lombard, Joanne Pappas, Aspasia Tsantilas and Della Verutes. Our 50 year
recipients are: Despina Albanes, also served as President of St. Anna’s, and Catherine Cassimatis. Also that
evening, Eleni Ptizel, our guest artist, shared her amazing talent with us by bringing some of her beautiful and
creative paintings. God Bless you ladies for your continued support and dedication to St. Anna’s Philoptochos.
Our October Shoe Drive for orphan children was very successful. We thank our entire community for your
outreach. Imagine the children’s happiness when they get their first pair of shoes! I especially want to thank the
Sunday School children for their donations and for the special messages they wrote in the shoes. The Tuesday
Ladies were also very thoughtful for collecting money to purchase several pairs of sneakers for this worthy
cause. Thank you to our GOYAns for their help for packing and sending them off.
On October 31st, we celebrated the feast day of the Holy Anagyroi (for November 1st), who were the patron saints
of Philoptochos. We also hosted the fellowship hour. Donations collected that day are sent to the Patriarchate.
Our upcoming events in December are:
December 9th, is the date for our annual spectacular Christmas luncheon “Starlite-Starbrite” at the Westbury
Manor. This year we are very happy to welcome Elene Cassis, granddaughter of Carol, who will be showing
her beautiful collection of exciting and dynamic designs, “Elene Cassis”. It promises to be a memorable event.
Please call our reservation ladies, Denise Hadjoglou at 248-8077 or Sotiroula Constantinou at 783-9036.
Reservations will be taken in the Cathedral Center every Sunday in November.
December 5th and 12th are the dates for our Christmas wreath and grave blanket sale. You can reserve your
wreaths and grave blankets in advance by giving your order to any board member.
December 12th is our Christmas bake sale. We appreciate any homemade goods you can bake.
Our Book Circle is in its fourth year. Check the bulletin for the book we are reading and come down and join
us for our discussions.
Once again we thank you for your continued support and look forward to seeing you at our upcoming events.
With your love and support, Philoptochos is able to help those in need. This past year we have had many
families in need and would not be able to continue our charitable work without YOU!
Please keep your membership current. Dues are still only $25. We welcome men to join as associate members
as well.
School of Religious Education
By Joan Prieston
The 2010-2011 School Year commenced on September 26th. Registration, as of October 10th, totaled
263 students with 22 teachers volunteering their dedicated service to our children.
On September 19th, the annual teachers’ Orientation Program
was held in the Hellenic Room for all the teachers and graduate
assistants. The moderator for the Primary Level was Teena Grosinski;
Intermediate Level, Joan Prieston and the Secondary Level, George
Hadjoglou. The purpose of this program is for the teachers to discuss
the curriculum and suggest ways to enhance the lessons. The group
was also informed that this year the school term will be extended to
June 12, 2011.
Each year the students of the Fourth Grades are issued a Bible to be
used during their religious education until they graduate at the end of
the eleventh grade. On October 10, Father Luke and Father Andreas
presented each student with their individual bible in the Cathedral
after the Divine Liturgy.
The students participated in the “Shoes for Orphan souls” a charitable
endeavor which was sponsored by St. Anna’s Philoptochos Society
through the Buckner Ministries for Humanitarian Aid. The students were encouraged to donate new
shoes for the needy children of the world. It was suggested that sneakers and athletic shoes were
preferable along with socks, shoelaces and a personal note inserted into the shoes for the child receiving
this gift to enjoy. So many children suffer from the lack of a basic need, a good pair of shoes, which
without them puts them at risk for infections which can lead to other medical conditions. In many
countries, children are unable to attend school if they are barefooted. This project enabled our students
to reach out to the unfortunate of the world by performing this Christian act of charity.
On Saturday, November 20, the Sunday School will hold its annual Communion Breakfast. The Clergy
will conduct the Divine Liturgy for our students, their siblings and parents. Following the religious
service, everyone is invited to the Hellenic Room to enjoy the special breakfast that will be served.
On the weekend of November 19th, 20th and 21st the School will again host its annual Holiday
Boutique, their only fundraiser. The event will be held in the Cathedral Center where there will be
many individual sections containing many interesting and handmade articles. The Tuesday Ladies
have been working for one year to create their specialties: the beautiful lighted Christmas trees and
Christmas wreaths with exquisite decorations, the whimsical table arrangements and Christmas scenes,
the artistic handicraft items for wearing and for and for decoration. Not to be forgotten is Yiayia’s Attic
where unusual and vintage treasures can be found. For refreshments there will be homemade pastries,
spinach and cheese pitas, rice pudding and many other Greek delicacies. Our only raffle will offer
many beautiful prizes. Please join us for an enjoyable visit to our Holiday Boutique.
The Solon Society
By C. Dionysios Dionou-Weiss
The Solon Society opened it’s 2010-2011 season on Thursday, October 14th. Our president delivered
a lecture on the origins of Western cuisine. He examined how modern western cuisine can be traced
back to the innovations and cooking of classical Greece. Our next lecture will be on November
11th and will feature Prof. Christos Ioannides, the Director of the Center for Byzantine and Modern
Greek Studies at Queens College. Prof. Ioannides will examine how Greek immigrants in the Unites
States began to organize and establish themselves politically. This will be an informative and timely
lecture. Our annual Christmas Party will be held on December 15th and will take place at the Alpine
Restaurant. All of our members, and friends at St. Paul’s Cathedral, are invited to join us. We will be
posting further details shortly.
In the near future applications will be available for our annual scholarship awards. The qualifications
are based on financial need, grades, and personal accomplishments. All applicants must be of Hellenic
decent in order to apply. Our meetings are held, unless otherwise indicated, on the second Thursday
of the month. We start at 7:30pm with a dessert buffet, coffee and tea. Lectures begin at 8:00pm. We
look forward to seeing our members and friends at our lectures. For further information, email us at
[email protected] .
St. Anna’s Philoptochos
Christmas Luncheon
Thursday, December 9, 2010
11:30 a.m.
The Westbury Manor
1100 Jericho Turnpike, Westbury, NY
Featuring the Designs By A Very Special Shining Star
Elene Cassis
Presenting Her Dynamic, Exciting Collection
Music by: GK Entertainment
Denise Hadjoglou
Sotiroula Constantinou 516-783-9036
Blood Drive
By Kay Pamas
On Tuesday, September 28th, the weather was threatening. The radio and television predicted a tornado.
Schools cancelled all after school activities-BUT 48 parishioners, Thank God, defied the reports, took
a chance and came to St Paul’s to donate a pint of blood, The Gift of Life. We are very grateful to each
and everyone since we were advised by the L.I. Blood Services that the shortage of blood at our local
hospitals was very critical.
Due to this caring gesture, we were able to collect 41 pints of blood, with each pint helping three to
five people. The blood we collected benefited over 120 people. That is fantastic! A special thank
you to the five men, namely Father Luke, Demetrios Dragoumanos, John Gregov, Anthony Vaccari
and George Zakos, who generously donated under a process called “Apheresis Automation Process”
which allows the donor to give two units of red blood cells which offset the ones who could not give.
We hope the twelve people who were postponed due to lack of iron will be more successful in February.
We will once again list the iron rich foods that will help to increase your iron content. Father Luke
says, eat more beans.
We would be remiss if we overlooked our wonderful help. They are there with phone calls the night
before and the day of the drive, by speaking with the donors and helping at the canteen. Thank you,
Hermea Drivas, Theana Joannon (welcome back Theana), Jim Ginis and Roula Zografos.
Finally, we will continue to push for some new donors to offset the ones who are permanently rejected
due to medical reasons or traveling to places not approved by L.I. Blood Services. Please mark your
calendars. The next Blood Drive is Tuesday, February 1, 2011.
Blood Donors
Fr. Luke Melackrinos
Marcus Arianas
George Billiris
Deanna Cerrone
Peter Constandy
Georgia Constantine
Soteroulla Constantinou
Paula Conte
James Delegianis
Mark Delegianis
Katina Demas
Bob Donus
Demetrios Dragoumanos
Faith Drapan
Michael Drapan
Joanne Feldman
Alaine Fitzgerald
Maria Giannopoulos
James Ginis
Irene Gregov
John Gregov
Andrew Grigoriou
George Hadjoglou
Mark Heighington
Alexandra Inglima
Athena Kallinikos
Marie Denise Kratsios
Stephen Makrinos
George Marinos
Deanna McLaughlin
Harry Monioudis
Erika Hadjoglou Palmer
Cathy Pantelides
Christine Papazicos
George Papazicos
Kaliope Papazicos
Sophia Pisano
Joann Politis
Sean Richardson
James Stephens
Shannon Toney
Kalliope Tsigakos
Sophea Tsigakos
Anthony Vaccari
Parthena Vassiliadis
George Zakos
St Paul’s JOY
By Andrea Pagonis
Another year is on its way for our JOY program. Congratulations to our girls team (G-2) for winning
1st place in the JOY soccer league this past season. Job well done girls! Meanwhile, our children have
been gathering on Friday nights and enjoying our various activities. We kicked off our year with our
annual Ice Cream Party and the blessings of Father Luke and Father Andreas. Our Fall Festival was a
success. The children especially had fun painting pumpkins. A brisk fall day was enjoyed by all!
Our annual Costume Party will take place on October 29th and our very first Movie Night is scheduled
for November 12th at Herricks Movie Theater. Tickets must be purchased in advance for this event.
On December 10th, we will have our special night of making Christmas cards and ornaments for The
Fulton Commons, an assisted living retirement home. In addition, we will be hosting our Annual
Christmas Party on December 17th. All are welcome!
By Georgia Constantine
The new GOYA year is off to a great start. There are over 80 members and we meet Wednesday evenings
from 8:00 to 9:45. Even before our annual “Welcome Back Ice Cream Social” in mid September, we
gathered in Connecticut for a Direct Archdiocesan District-Wide Event. It was a fun filled day of
activities including basketball, swimming, kayaking, tennis and volleyball, just to name a few, with
Goyans from all over New York and Connecticut.
October was a very busy month. It started off with the Community Youth Festival for which many
Goyans volunteered at the sweets stand, petting zoo and inflatable rides. We went to the All Saints
Monastery in Calverton to visit with Sisters Photini and Theonymphe whom we had met at one of our
meetings. Our afternoon together began with yard work around the monastery, followed by vesper
services and dinner. It was a very special day with very special people. After we said goodbye, we
headed to a local farm to test our bravery as we navigated our way around a corn maze in the dark.
I’m happy to say we all found our way out which was good because the next day we gathered at
Eisenhower Park for the 17th annual “Walk-long for Lupus” to help raise money for a cure. At the end
of the month our bravery was tested again when we visited the Bayville Haunted Firehouse.
The first inter-GOYA dance was hosted by Archangel Michael Church which many St. Paul’s Goyans
attended. There are eight dances every year hosted by different Long Island parishes. What a great
way to see old friends, make new friends and show off your dance moves. We have the pleasure of
hosting the next dance on November 12. Come join in the fun! New members are always welcomed!
Επεξήγηση της εικόνας των Χριστουγέννων
1) Στο κέντρο της εικόνας δεσπόζει η μορφή της
Παναγίας Θεοτόκου, που είναι το κύριο πρόσωπο
της παρούσας εορτής. Τυλιγμένη σεμνά στο κόκκινο
μαφόριό της, στέκεται γονατιστή σε στάση ευλαβείας
και απορίας συγχρόνως, με τα χέρια στο στήθος
σταυρωμένα. Απορεί για τον τρόπο τον ανέκφραστο
της Γεννήσεως και ατενίζει με ευλάβεια και δέος «το
βρέφος το τεχθέν».
με τα τρία άστρα,
που είναι σύμβολα
της (προ τόκου, εν
τόκω και μετά τόκον
3) Το σπήλαιο στο
κέντρο είναι σκοτεινό.
Ο αγιογράφος μ’
θέλει να δηλώσει ότι
πριν από την Γέννηση
όλη η ανθρωπότητα
ήταν στο σκοτάδι
της άγνοιας και της
4) Ένα άστρο από
τον ουρανό, ρίχνει το
πλούσιο και λαμπρό
φως του μέσα στο
σπήλαιο. Είναι το φως
της Θείας Χάριτος, γι
αυτό και διακρίνεται
στο κέντρο του ένας
5) Μέσα στη φάτνη,
πάνω στο λευκό λίκνο κάθεται ο Χριστός σαν βρέφος,
τυλιγμένο σε λευκά σπάργανα. Την κεφαλή Του
περιβάλλει φωτοστέφανο, σύμβολο της Θεότητός
6) Δύο ζώα, ένας όνος και ένα βόδι, βρίσκονται κοντά
Του, συμβολίζοντας την αλογία των εθνών, και
προσφέροντας την θαλπωρή της παρουσίας τους.
Ταυτόχρονα ο αγιογράφος υπενθυμίζει στον θεατή
ότι πρέπει να φανεί φρονιμότερος των αλόγων ζώων,
με την ευγνωμοσύνη του προς τον ενανθρωπήσαντα
Κύριο και Θεό.
7) Έξω από την φάτνη και δεξιά στέκεται Άγγελος
Κυρίου που έχει την χείρα εκτεταμένη και ομιλεί με
τον βοσκό μεταφέροντάς του το χαρμόσυνο μήνυμα
της Γεννήσεως του Χριστού.
8) Πλησίον άλλος βοσκός καθιστός παίζει φλογέρα
και ελκύει τα πρόβατα που τον περιστοιχίζουν.
9) Στο επάνω αριστερό μέρος της εικόνας πλήθος
Αγγέλων σε στάση κινήσεως, άλλοι βλέπουν προς
το φωτεινό άστρο και άλλοι προς τους έφιππους
Μάγους, που εικονίζονται ακριβώς από κάτω με
πορεία προς το σπήλαιο, για να προσκυνήσουν τον
γεννηθέντα Βασιλέα Χριστό, και να του προσφέρουν
τα πολύτιμά τους
10) Στο κάτω αριστερό
μέρος της εικόνας, ο
γέροντας σε ηλικία και
σύνεση Ιωσήφ, κάθεται
παράδοξο γεγονός. Η
θέση του Ιωσήφ, στην
άκρη της παράστασης
και σε ικανή απόσταση
το βρέφος και την
Μητέρα του, είναι
η πλέον σωστή και
εύλογη, αφού αυτός
δεν έχει ουσιαστική
σχέση με το γεγονός
της Γεννήσεως του
11) Δίπλα στον Ιωσήφ
στέκεται ένας βοσκός
με την πλούσια κάπα
του και στηρίζεται σε
μια μεγάλη ράβδο.
Κατά τους ερμηνευτές,
πρόκειται για τον
κοινό έχθρό διάβολο,
με μορφή ανθρώπου βοσκού, που σπέρνει
λογισμούς αμφιβολίας
στον Ιωσήφ, για να
του θολώση την εμπιστοσύνη στην Παρθένο Μαρία,
της οποίας ανέλαβε την κηδεμονία. Στο κάτω δεξιό
μέρος της εικόνας, δύο γυναίκες - μαίες, βοηθούν
στην περιποίηση του νεογέννητου βρέφους. Η μία
χύνει νερό στη λεκάνη, και η άλλη με το ένα χέρι
δοκιμάζει την θερμότητά του και με το άλλο κρατεί
τον Χριστό με σκοπό να τον πλύνει, όπως γίνεται
πάντοτε μετά την γέννηση ενός παιδιού.
12) Την εικόνα στολίζουν στοιχεία της φύσεως, όπως
δένδρα και διάφορα φυτά της γης, που εικονίζονται
διάσπαρτα για να θυμίζουν ότι όλη η κτίση
συμμετείχε στο μεγάλο γεγονός της Γεννήσεως του
Σωτήρα Χριστού.
Marathon Bank
Greek Orthodox Cathedral of St. Paul
N o n - P r o f i t
U.S. Postage
Hempstead, NY
Permit No, 72
110 Cathedral Avenue
Hempstead, NY 11550
Kallinikos Funeral Services, Inc.
In association with
Towers Funeral Home Inc.
Funeral Arrangements
Services available in most communities of the Metropolitan Area
Arrangements for out-of-state and international burials
Arrangements and consultations
Irrevocable trust accounts for Medicaid
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Kallinikos Funeral
Krissie Kallinikos
Funeral Director
Licensed Manager
George Frangiadakis William C. Kallinikos
Funeral Director
Funeral Director
The Kallinikos family has been assisting the families of Saint Paul for over a decade. We take
pride in serving the families with great care, compassion, personalized attention, and
24 Hour Service
Telephone 516 764 5191
Funeral and pre-need arrangements can be conducted in the privacy of your home
2681 Long Beach Road, Oceanside, NY 11572