Cha-Am Today September 2013


Cha-Am Today September 2013
Volume 10 issue 11 Septemberr 2013
Volume 5 Issue 1 September 2013
The 15Th Shell Eating, Bird Watching
& Squid Catching Festival
Cha-Am 13th – 22nd September 2013
he Cha-Am Municipality, in cooperation with the Tourism catching with visitors being
Authority of Thailand (TAT) and Singha Corporation, is encouraged to join ‘the catch’ in
hosting the 15th Shell Eating, Bird Watching and Squid a hands on way.
Catching in Cha-Am from 13th to 22nd September 2013.
Usually this Festival is held on the
Initiated in 1999 by the Mayor of Cha-Am Mr. Nukul second Saturday of September
Pornsomboonsiri, this annual festival aims to promote tourism and lasts for nine days. However
in Cha-Am during the low season. The Festival highlights squid the TAT is organising a tourism
campaign to promote traveling to
Five Regions in Thailand between
13th and 15th September 2013.
The Festival will coincide with this
TAT promotion this year.
The Shell Eating, Bird Watching and Squid Catching Festival
attracts as many as 36,000 visitors every year who are attracted
to one of the most famous beachfront cities in Thailand. Over the
years the organisers have maintained a high standard to ensure
that all activities are very colourful and interesting.
visitors will see a lot of local and migrating birds near swamps and
in the foothills.
This Festival is one of the big events on the Cha-Am tourism
calendar aiming to attract visitors during the low season.
Our spies tell us that most visitors don’t really eat shells; only shell
This year’s highlight include:
Fresh seafood for sale on the beach
Concerts with famous Thai singer every night
Squid catching in the evening and grilling squid on the beach.
Free guided bird watching in the morning and late afternoon at
Thung Takad Phlee and the Khao Nang Panturat National Park.
Speed boat racing
Fishing Competitions
The Festival is organised during the rainy season because this
is this is the high season for catching squid. Many birds are
migrating from other parts of the world at this time of the year and
sanee–Wasan is a Thai rock band
fronted by brothers Asanee “Pom”
and Wasan “Toe” Chotikul. Among
the band’s hits is a 1989 song that puts
into verse the lengthy ceremonial name
for Bangkok, “Krung Thep Mahanakhon”
The elder brother, Asanee, is known for
his guitar solos and his wild, “rock star”
persona. His way of singing ballads is
often described as broken-heart jiggo
(jiggo is a Thai slang for a bad boy,
a parody from Gigolo in English and
The bespectacled Wasan is known for his sensitive songs and
softer, gentler style. Their songs often include a hook chorus
sung by female backing vocalists.
In concerts they frequently throw autographed guitar picks
into the crowd as souvenirs. They are glued on to their guitar
or microphone stand ready to be handed out. We hope you
can be there to catch one!
When: 28th September 2013
Where: Rama 6 the army camp stadium
Tickets: 200 THB. At the Cha-Am Mayor’s office
The 3Rd Cha-Am
Fishing Competition
Volume 10 issue 11 Septemberr 2013
Mother’s Day Cakes to
The Children of Bangket School
Children from Bangket School, ChaAm, visited Hotel de la Paix to collect
delicious Mother’s Day cakes perfectly
baked by the hotel’s chefs.
Every child at Bangket was presented
with a cake to give to their mother as
a special treat for Mother’s Day. Hotel
de la Paix was eager to help the local
children at Bangket show just how
much they appreciate and love their
“Star of the
he 3rd Cha-Am Fishing Competition will take
place from 13th to 14th September 2013 as a
part of the Shell Eating, Bird Watching and
Squid Catching Festival.
Congratulations to Khun Ton for his
award as Hotel de La Paix’s “Star of
the Month”. A dedicated member of
the Finance team, Khun Ton provides
a friendly service to all departments for
purchasing all the things they need for
the hotel, staff and guests.
This event was first held to coincide with the 1st
Poo Chak Crab Tasting Festival in Cha-Am in
2011 and the second during the Shell Eating, Bird
Watching and Squid Catching Festival last year.
Both enjoyed great success with participation by
tourists and local people alike.
The Competition has 6 categories according to
the fish species: bass, grouper, ray, sheatfish,
croaker and others. The winner and the first
runner up will receive cash and a trophy while the
second runner up will take home an award.
This year, the Rules of the Competition are as follows:
1. Each participant is allowed to catch as many fish as they can with only 1 assistant;
2. Each participant is allowed to use any fishing gear and bait;
3. If the weight of the fish is equal, the first participant who weighs it is entitled to win;
4. Fish can be weighed from 13th September at 7 p.m. to 14 September at 7 a.m.;
5. Judges will keep all fish after weighing;
6. All participants have to assemble at the Competition starting point at 5 p.m. to attend the opening
ceremony at 6 p.m.
7. The Judges’ decision is considered final.
AT CHA-AM – What’s Missing?
he beach at Cha-Am is often very busy,
especially on weekends and even more so
on long weekends. On the long weekend
of 10th to 12th August, the Mother’s Day long
weekend brought out the beachgoers in droves.
This 5 kilometre long stretch of beach is well loved
by Thai people who travel from Bangkok and
many other places around Thailand to escape
their day to day pressures and enjoy what the
The application fee is 150 THB. Interested competitors can ask for further information at: Sap Jao Lai seaside has to offer.
Shop tel. 032 472 236, Khon Tok Pla Shop tel. 085 429 5823 or staff at the venue on the date of the The first thing you will see a dense forest of beach
Competition from 12 Noon to 5 p.m.
umbrellas stretching the length of the beach. This
means a complete canopy of shade 20 metres parade along the beach offering rides for all ages.
wide with deck chairs and tables for everyone. Photography is a high priority for all especially
There is a foreigner or two but Thai families young couples and teenagers who are eager to
pose (you know the two finger salute) whenever a
dominate this strip of beach.
camera is pointed in their direction.
One of the big advantages the Cha-Am beach
has is public access for all. No domination of the Many people at the beach clearly have no intention
he Management Team and
beach front by private development, it’s open for of making it to the water; the beach umbrella
Staff of the Hotel de la Paix
‘terrace is close enough for them. Not dressed
recently welcomed students
in a way that is too informal but content to enjoy
from Petchburi Vocational College to
So what is available at the beach?
the company of their friends and families without
a special learning experience at Cha
getting wet. Even those who approach the water
Am’s chic designer retreat.
provide a huge variety of Thai food directly to your or take a plunge are often still wearing their ‘street
clothes’. Even kids swim in their shirts, shorts or
Sixty students visited the hotel to
gain valuable insight into the hotel
Drinks, Drinks, Drinks! Just wave your hand long trousers.
and hospitality industry. During
and drinks will arrive; anything you want!
The busy Cha-Am beach scene may not be for
the day the students received
Kid’s Stuff. Kids can find inflatables of all everyone especially those of foreign origin. Of
shapes and colours. A variety of toys is on show course there are many alternative beach options
managers and staff and were
such as polystyrene aeroplanes, plastic spades & available nearby which are less populated or
escorted on an orientation of the
buckets for sand castles and hand held windmills. commercial.
hotel and all its facilities. A sumptuous lunch was also provided, before a fun hotel & hospitality quiz Something to take home. Souvenirs can be
rounded off the day.
bought whether the item is the typical Cha-Am However the main Cha-Am beach is still the most
culturally Thai you can find and a recommended
Nigel Tovey, General Manager, commented that this was many of the students’ first glimpse into the real shell decorations, artwork of all shapes and sizes experience. You may be subject to the occasional
workings of a luxury 5 Star hotel. “Hopefully this will provide the motivation for many of the students to
curious stare, especially from kids who are not
aim for a highly rewarding career in one of the best profession there is,” he added. Local universities Water rides. Whether this is on a banana inhibited in showing their surprise at seeing a
and vocational colleges play a vital part of the growth of the hotel industry and tourism in Thailand and
falang amongst the beachgoers. However if you
opportunity for fun on the water.
Hotel De la Paix is proud to actively support the development local students.
Horse riding. A constant stream of ponies find a friendly face (they are everywhere!) and are
invited to join the table you will be saturated in real
contemporary Thailand culture (and Thai whiskey)
and never be bored.
Petchaburi Students Visit
Hotel De La Paix Cha-Am
Swiss Sheep Farm Cha-Am
a way which may at a future time
he Swiss Sheep Farm now
result in baby alpacas!
has three new star attractions.
Around the middle of July
Alpacas warn the herd about
they proudly took possession of
intruders by making sharp, noisy
three rather exotic alpacas. There
inhalations that sound like a highare two females, named Snow
pitched bray. These three were
and Furby and one male going by
not making any of these sounds,
the name of Porsche. Strangely
perhaps a little nervous but friendly
enough these three were imported
enough and allowing themselves to
from Holland with a price tag of over 500,000 THB be patted. Khun An commented that the biggest
issue for him was trying to give them a bath or
The Alpaca ‘family’ is housed in purpose built shower. Perhaps a little like trying to bathe a cat
accommodation indoors. This is an air-conditioned and a day long process.
‘suite’ (25 degrees) deliberately separate from the An alpaca (Vicugna pacos) is a domesticated
other farm animals with precautions in place to species of South American camelid. It resembles
ensure that their health is maintained and that a small llama in appearance. Alpacas are kept in
there is no contamination from unfamiliar pests or herds that graze on the level heights of the Andes
of southern Peru, northern Bolivia, Ecuador, and
To enter the ‘suite’ plastic overshoes are required
and visitors are restricted in numbers. However
we are glad to report that the alpacas appear to
have settled into their new environment without
noticeable stress under the watchful eye of their
guardian Khun An. On the day we visited Porsche
and Furby were so relaxed they were behaving in
In answer to the question posed in our heading
– what’s missing? The only answer we can
come up with is:
Footnote: The Cha-Am beach is cleared of
deckchairs and umbrellas every Tuesday late
in the afternoon for the beach to be cleaned on
Wednesdays (except during holidays); good job!
include blankets, sweaters, hats, gloves, scarves, fed or given a drink from a bottle.
a wide variety of textiles and ponchos in South Go for a horse ride or on a horse drawn wagon.
America, and sweaters, socks, coats and bedding Feed the ducks and swans.
in other parts of the world. The fiber comes in Practice your archery skills with targets in
more than 52 natural colors.
The Swiss Sheep Farm has many other Try to stay on the mechanical ‘bucking bull’.
attractions and set just below the hillside it’s a very Children’s mini train ride and roundabout.
picturesque venue for an enjoyable family day out. Coffee shop and snacks
For many young couples there is also a romantic ‘Side show’ games
appeal, perhaps a good venue for that first date?
northern Chile at an altitude of 3,500 m (11,500 ft) Our host Khun Arnold took us for a stroll around
to 5,000 m (16,000 ft) above sea level, throughout the grounds where visitors were making the most
the year. Alpacas are considerably smaller than of the many photo opportunities.
llamas, and unlike llamas, they were not bred to What Can You Experience?
be beasts of burden, but were bred specifically for Feed the sheep; they maybe common in
their fiber. Alpaca fiber is used for making knitted many countries but not in Thailand. At last count
and woven items, similar to wool. These items there are 74 sheep at the farm eager to be hand
Entry Monday – Friday 10.00AM to 7.00PM,
Weekend 9.00am to 7.00PM
Adults 50 THB, Children 30 THB
Where: Swiss Sheep Farm is located on the
left hand side as you approach Cha Am on the
highway. Opposite Santonorini park.
Five KMS heading from Cha-Am towards Bangkok
on the right hand side.
Volume 10 issue 11 Septemberr 2013
How To Get To Know Other Business Operators
years and currently there are more than 300
small and medium businesses represented. Biannual general meetings as well as monthly
Committee Meetings are held to ensure an open
line of communication. Membership by business
operators of foreign abstraction is something the
Association is eager to encourage.
Grand Opening October 2013
Of course being an Association Member may be
an added advantage to give business customers
more confidence in their choice of service supplier.
In the past the association has been an instigator of
local Festivals and Events, usually with a strategy
of ‘getting the ball rolling’ then taking a back
seat as the festival or Event’s own management
team takes the lead role. In the future business
seminars with experts in relevant field speaking to
Members are planned.
he primary purpose of the Cha-Am
Businessmen’s Association is help local
businesses develop a cooperative relationship
and to support each other. The main message
offered by the President Khun Tawatchai Oitong
(‘nofilm’) is that the Association is eager to The President’s tenure is for a period of two years
welcome new Members and promote the future with the next election due at the end of 2013.
The current President has a varied and diverse
for local businesses in Cha-Am.
range of business skills which have held him in
The key objectives of the Association are:
good stead in that role. Apart from operating a
Friendship between business operators
‘boutique’ Coffee Shop, he can proudly display his
Face to face meetings between individuals to gallery and portfolio of professional photography
overcome any difficulties.
and he distributes air conditioning equipment.
To exchange information between businesses Truly an eclectic guy!
so that problems can be resolved and solutions
If you have a small or medium business in the
Cha-Am area, why not get on board. There is
A joint approach to differing levels of no doubt you will learn how to do business in
Cha-Am in a more cooperative and mutually
The Association has been around for some 17 beneficial way.
Complete With Husband Minding Centre!
If you go to the Cha-Am Wednesday Night Market
you may choose to enter on the left where a lane
takes you past a variety of food stalls. About 100
metres on the left side and you will come across
one of the features of the Market. This is a very
innovative ‘extra’ to the usual market scene, the
‘Falang Husband Minding Centre’. This free
service provides for the care, protection and safety
of many falang husbands who are not ‘brousers’
while their wives go about their shopping without
concerns. Husbands will then be out from
under your feet, not complaining (“when are we
going home”) and your shopping can procede
undisturbed! All the wives need to do is pay for
drinks (usually beer!) then collect them and take
them home.
The Wednesday Night Market is a Cha-Am
institution and a must visit see for every visitor. As
soon as the sun goes down a usually quiet part
of town comes alive with a huge range of stalls
with vendors offering everything imaginable. The
Market is not really set up as a tourist attraction
and the vast majority of the shoppers are local
Thai people, many of whom are there every week.
However it’s a great Thai experience for travellers
and you can see many of the local produce and
products in one venue. The Market is HUGE!
It would probably take you an hour just to walk
down each ‘shopping lane’ even without actually
stopping to buy.
What Will You Find?
Food: from donuts to dumplings, from bugs to
biscuits, from chicken to chillies, from cockles to
cake, from seafood to sausages and from pasta to
popcorn. And of course Thai delicacies too many
to mention.
For Kids: From stuffed animals to train rides and
from bouncy castles to ballons. Kids just wonder
around with wide eyes unable to decide on which
special treat to take home.
For Adults: From electronics to cosmetics, from
tools to trophies, from shoes to shoulder bags and
as many varieties of t shirts as could could ever
imagine. Clothing of all sorts some new, some
second hand, some original and some may have
‘fallen of the back of a truck’. Videos, CDs and all
the macines to play them.
Animals: Puppies, kittens, fish, rabbits and birds.
Even some ‘look alikes’ that you eventually realise
are really battery powered.
Where is it?
The Market entrance is on Narathip Road starting
at the roundabout about 500 metres before the
Cha-Am Railway Station. From the intersection
of Narathip and Petchaksem Road (traffic lights) if
you are coming from Hua Hin turn left, go straight
on and you can’t miss it. The Market sprawls
through a network of lanes alongside the Railway
Lines, the Government offices and permanent
When Is It Open?
Every Wednesday from sunset (about 5.30pm)
untill about 10.00pm. Early is better as the choice
is better and some stall holders may choose to go
home early.
Our Tips?
Parking may be difficult for vehicles with more
than two wheels, better to leave your car either at
home or outside the area and take a motor bike
Transport away from the Market is limited to
motor bike taxis, so other arrangements may
need to be made if you have a family group.
Don’t eat before you visit or plan to eat later.
There is plenty of choice (with drinks) and you can
find seating for a very casual (no flash restaurants),
entertaining (watch the passing parade) and
delicious (try cooked grasshoppers?) Thai style
dining experience.
Come prepared with suitable footwear. If there
is rain about it may be muddy underfoot so no
high heels!
Take your time. No need to rush around, it’s
likely to be busy so just enjoy mingling with the
ost residents of Hua Hin and Cha-Am will have
driven past The Venezia Development over
past months and seen the buildings take shape and
colour. Some may also have called in to check out
what is in store as the tenants establish their outlets
and business gets under way. Although trade has
already commenced with 80% occupation, we will
have to wait until October (date to be confirmed)
when the Grand Opening will announce to the
Region (and to the rest of Thailand) that The Venezia
has arrived in style!
the Grand Opening in the near future.
But What About the Fashion & Shopping and
Perhaps we need to wait until The Venezia is really
fully operating but the signs are already there that
visitors will soon be able to ‘shop till they drop’ with
361 retailers occupying retail space over an area of
46 Rai (or more than 20,000 square metres.
If you have judged the size and extent of the
development by the road frontage you should be
S-design Co.,Ltd is the Company behind this aware that Venezia is twice as deep as it is wide
development expanding its business into real covering the full area until the railway line at the rear
estate and investing more than 1.2 billion baht. of the property.
The project is a fresh concept of a Venice Lifestyle The area is divided into four main zones:
Destination that offers all-in-one services such 1) Food and beverage zone – pub & restaurants,
as restaurants, fashion village, banks, mini zoo, trendy restaurants, international food chains, famous
and many more within a Venice style building and local restaurants, coffee and bakery shops, etc.
surrounds. About 13 million visitors a year are 2) Leading local and international fashion zone
3) Services zone - supermarket, banks, IT services,
spa, bookstores, etc.
What’s In a Name?
Venezia is the Italian spelling of Venice, Italy. 4) Arts and decor zone
This revered City is famous worldwide as a very The cuisine offered includes sophisticated wine bar
important tourist destination and is renowned for restaurants, steakhouses and many other choices
the following attributes:
of international dining opportunities. Alternatively
Architecture - A rich and diverse architectural less formal snacks, not from the usual franchise
style, the most famous of which is the Gothic style. fast foods but from locally developed, unique food
Music & the Performing Arts - During the 16th outlets.
century, Venice became one of the most important
Fashion covers a huge selection of famous
musical centres of Europe.
Interior Design - It can be argued that Venice brands and design lables as well as Thailand’s
produced the best and most refined Rococo own developing brands with travellers able to find
something quite different from those brands they
Fashion & Shopping - Venice is a major fashion already know well from their home country.
and shopping centre in Italy, on a par with Turin, It’s really impossible to list the individual retail
Vicenza and Naples.
experiences that will soon be fully operational.
Cuisine - Venetian cuisine is characterised by Some large, some small, some in enclosed lanes,
seafood, but also includes garden products from some fronting open promenades. Safe to say a
the islands of the lagoon, rice from the mainland, day will never be enough to fully appreciate the
game, and polenta. Venice combines local shopping and dining experiences that await locals
traditions with influences that are distant.
and visitors to the Venezia.
Literature - Venice has long been a source of
inspiration for authors, poets and playwrights Other Features Soon To Include:
A special activities zone of more than 4,000
as well as being at the forefront of the technical
square metres with a 23 metre high panoramadeveloping of printing and publishing.
view tower.
Art & Printing - Venice, especially during the Middle
Many special activities including Gondola rides, a
Ages, Renaissance and Baroque, was a major
Mini-Train service which runs around the Venezia,
centre of art and developed a unique style known
Mini Zoo, Playground, and a Morning Market.
as the Venetian School. In the Middle-Ages and
2,000 parking lots and a shuttle bus service.
the Renaissance, Venice, along with Florence and
Rome, became one of the most important centres
Our Expectations?
of art in Europe.
Glass - Venice is famous for its ornate glass-work, Very soon The Venezia will be flooded with eager
known as Venetian glass. It is world-renowned for visitors; not only shoppers with high fashion and
culinary tastes, but those wanting a different
being colourful, elaborate, and skilfully made.
Festivals - The Carnival of Venice is held annually Mediterranean cultural experience. Cameras will be
in the city, starting around two weeks before Ash snapping at a rapid rate and young Thai couples
Wednesday and ends on Shrove Tuesday. The are likely to be at the forefront of the wave.
carnival is closely associated with Venetian masks. Our first experience at The Venezia was facilitated
The Venice Biennale is one of the most important by the Business Development Manager Piyarat
events in the arts calendar. The Venice Film Kaewkaw. The high profile and the current
demands of the development’s final stages doesn’t
Festival is the oldest film festival in the world.
allow her much free time for a public relations role
Venice has been described it in The New York and she explained that she misses many phone
Times as “undoubtedly the most beautiful city built calls just because it is constantly engaged.
by man” and by the Times Online as being “one of
Giving Hua Hin and
Europe’s most romantic cities”.
Cha-Am Today her
Wow!............. that’s a lot to live up; but now time and insights
we can understand the inspiration behind this was very much
outstanding new feature on the Hua Hin and appreciated.
expect to be making
Cha-Am landscape.
many more trips to
Visually we can already see some the architectural The Venezia before
style and design that has made Venice such too long to explain
an iconic European destination. Plans are also more about how it is becoming one of our most
on hand to provide some of the art and other significant Regional attractions.
cultural experiences within the recreated Piazza
San Marco including the famous St Mark’s Footnote: Wondering about that nude male figure
Campanile and Basilica. Of course a trip to Venice on the Venezia promenade, about life-size, sitting
would always include experiencing gondolas on on a rock with his chin resting on one hand as
the waterways (the word gondola is of Venetian though deep in thought? This is usually known as
etymology) and riding on horse drawn carriages. The Thinker, a sculpture by Auguste Rodin, often
Additionally we can expect some of the elements used as an image to represent philosophy.
of the famous Venetian Festivals commencing with
Events & Promotion
Volume 10 issue 11 Septemberr 2013
Volume 5 issue 1 Septemberr 2013
Events & Promotion