2011 - Midlothian ISD


2011 - Midlothian ISD
Midlothian Education Foundation Presents:
Showcase of Stars
7th Annual Academic Recognition Banquet
Celebrating Academic Achievement and Teaching Excellence
May 26, 2011
First United Methodist Church of Midlothian
Kristin Zastoupil, MEF Executive Director
Brian Carter, MEF Board of Directors
Catered by Aramark, Service by MHS National Honor Society
Connor Roberts, MHS Senior, Star Emcee
Kristy Hinton, MHS Senior, Star Photographer
Dr. Jerome Stewart, MISD Superintendent
Welcome to the 7th annual Showcase of Stars Academic Recognition banquet.
Education Foundation Board of Directors is pleased to honor students for their academic achievement,
teachers for their commitment to excellence, and parents for their continued support.
The students honored this evening have worked diligently during their high school careers to become
not just outstanding learners, but also superb citizens in our community and fine representatives of
Midlothian High School.
The honored MISD teachers are representative of the fine quality of educators in our community.
They have provided insight, both in education and in the real world, that will allow these students
to excel in the future.
This event is funded solely by donations made to the non-profit organization called the
Midlothian ISD Education Foundation (MEF).
Foundation Mission Statement
The mission of the Midlothian ISD Education Foundation (MEF) is to generate and distribute resources
to the Midlothian Independent School District. These resources will be used to enrich, maintain, and
expand programs needed to meet the District’s stated mission of excellence in education.
A special thank you to the
First United Methodist
Church of Midlothian.
Program printed by
Lincoln Press
(972) 243-6612
Food Catered by
Midlothian ISD Education
Foundation Board of Directors
Dan Altman, Janice Carey, Brenda
Folsom, LaRue Miller, Phil Seay, Scott
Slaydon, Debbie Phillippi, and Dave
Associate Directors
Michelle Gibson, Cheryl McCurley,
Dr. Diane Minger, Richard Norman,
Corine Ramsey, Betty Tryon
Executive Committee
Brian Carter, President
Jamie Wickliffe, Past President
Randy Denton, VP of Development
Vicki Massey, VP of Administration
Tami Tobey, Treasurer
Dolores McClatchey, Board Member
Dr. Jerome Stewart, Secretary
Kristin Zastoupil, Executive Director
Midlothian High School
Dr. Al Hemmle, Principal
MISD Board of Trustees
Phil Seay, President
Jay Roberts, Vice President
Tom Moore, Secretary
Duke Burge
Jim Mentzel
Dr. Wayne Shuffield
Cindy Williams
2010 MEF Donors
Acosta, Eliza
Adkins, Brian & Elizabeth
Adkins, Elizabeth
All-Pro Floors, LLC
Allen, Jerry
Allen, John
Allsup, Kyndle
Almand, Sherry
Altman, Daniel & Cathy
Anderson, Rachel
Arenare, Nicholas or Christa
Arlington ISD Education Foundation
Arnold, Sarah
Arroyo, Monica
Ash Grove Texas, LP
Asher, Christy
Ashley, Risa
Atmos Energy LP
Atterberry, Jeremy & Christy
Awalt, Josh & Autumn
B & B Athletic Supply
Bailey-Coleman, Angela
Bailey, Brenna
Bailey, Jennifer
Bailey, Margie
Ballard, Amy
Bannister, Teresa
Barber, Lexie
Barrentine, Joe
Bartlett, Melissa
Bass, Lindsay
Bates, Bryan & Fonda
Baucum Dan & Jeannie
Baylor Medical Center - Waxahachie
Beard, Kristi
Beard, Nancy
Beckwith, Lana
Beg, Kathy
Bell, Nancy
Beller, Ann
Benesch, Lauren
Benesch, Lisa
Benford, Rob
Benner, Lauren
Berg, Kathy
Bergvall, Lauren
Bergvall, Nancy
Bertinetti, Teena
Bieber, Sharon
Bigbee, Edd
Binford, Paula
Bittick, Clinton & Phyllis
Bittick, Diane
Blackburn, Janice
Blackwell, Brian & Karena
Blackwell, Justin and Heather
Blair, Darla
Blair, Jennifer
Bly, Susan
Boehk, Leslie
Bogy, Kristi
Bolgiano, Melissa
Boniol, Jeanne
Bottelberghe, Brooke
Bowman, Rachel
Bradley, Leisa
Brannies, George
Brannon, Kristan
Brantley, J. Suzanne
Bray, Erin
Brown, Geoff and Dawn
Brown, Scott & Tracy
2010 MEF Donors
Browning, Lisa
Bruton, Krista
Bull, Kimberly
Bullock, Randy & Robin
Bundrick, Sandy
Burke, Candace
Burkhardt, Kari
Bush, Terri
Butler, Gordon
Buttgen, Kim
Byler, Rhonda
Caldwell, Judi
Caloss, Ronald
Campbell (Howard), Briana
Campbell, Jennifer
Cann, Catalina
Canyon Creek Art & Frame
Carbone, Roger or Patricia
Carey, Rex & Janice
Carlisle, Cindy
Carter, Brian & Suzie
Challenner, Phill L. & Nena C.
Champion, Patty
Chapo, Kristina
Chappell, Dawn
Chaves, Renee
Childers, Karen
Circle H
Citizens National Bank
Clark, Amy
Claunch, Sarah
Cleveland, Bobby and Jennifer
Clough Harbour & Associates
Clower, Chelli
CMJ Engineering
Cochran, Nancy
Coker, Amy
Coker, Craig
Colburn, Ashley & Beth
Cole, Brittany
Cole, Donna
Collins, Amy
Condarco, Summer and Cesar
Consalus, Shannon
Coody, Stephanie
Cooper, Heather
Cooper, Hilary
Cooper, Leah
Cooper, Sarah
Copeland, Daelynn
Cornelius, Robbie
Cowan, Joy
Cowell, Cay
Craft, Jocelyn
Crawford, Jane
Crawford, Scott
Crisp, Jane
Crocker, Robyn
Cuellar, Donelle
Cupp, Eric & Melissa
Curry, Mary
Dale, Ann-Michelle
Daley, Amanda
Dallas Lung Consultants
Damiano, Debbie
Daniell, Stephanie
Davidson, Peggy
Davis, Mary
Davis, Vicky
Dawson, Shari
Day, Anita
Decker, James & Kathleen
Devore, Bo
Dickard, Paula S.
DK Haney Roofing
Dobbins, Christine
Dooley, Glenda
Dorris, Anthony
Doskocil, Paula
Doty, Jordan
Doyle, Gay
Drain, Shannon
Drain, Sharon
Dudley, Andra
Dunegan, Jill
Dunn, Jennifer
Educational Technology Learning
Eidson, Rachel
Ellis, Lori
Ellis, Saundra
Embry, Jean
Ennis, Inc.
Environmatic Systems of Ft Worth Inc
Escobar, Lisa
Eskins, Todd
Estes McClure & Associates
Everhart, Melissa
Farias, Benilde
Farrell, Christye
Field Turf Inc
Fields, Debbie
Fiorenza, Scott
First Financial Bank
Flores, Laura
Folsom, Sam & Brenda
Ford, Sheryl
Foster, Diane
Fraga, Lauren
Franz, Jeff
Fricke, Meredith
Garippa, Allison
Garippa, Laurie
Garrison, J.W. & Lisa
Garrison, Tama
Gatchalian, Michael
Gentry, Dana
Gerdau Ameristeel
Germany, Stacy
Gilmore, Judith
Gilson, Karen
Gilson, Kim
Goerig, Brittany
Golden, Ashley
Golden, Kelly
Goldman, Sherry
Goldmann, Matthew & Tammy
Gonzalez, Andrea
Gonzalez, Noe
Gossett, Shannon
Gotcher, Judy
Graham, Kim
Graham, Ron
Grant, Linsey
Greitan, Jurae
Gressett, Kelle
Griffith, Justin
Guenther, Marilyn
Guerrero, Monica
Guest, Austin
Guest, Kristi
Guinn, Jason
Gunter, Ervin & Sherrie H.
Gunter, Sherrie
Hackey, Rebecca
Hamilton, Carrie
Hampton, Kevin
2010 MEF Donors
Hansen, Tamara
Hardegree, Erica
Hardegree, Vanessa
Hardin, Sarah
Hardy & Atherton, P.C.
Harp, Iris
Harris, Daniel & Betsy
Harris, Tammy
Hartgraves, Peter M. & Sheri
Hash, Traci
Hatcher, April
Hathorne, Jana L.
Hayes, Brenda
Hayes, Karla
Hayes, Madison
Hayhurst, Janette
Hemphill, J. Danny
Hendrickson, Sharon
Hendrix, Angela
Henke, Cortni
Herrod, Stephanie
Hilco Electric Cooperative, Inc.
Hill, Rodney and Amy
HKS Architects, Inc.
Hofstad, Tammie
Homs, Christine
Hoover, Nikki
Horsley, Shirley
Horton, Shanna
Howard, Tammy
Huff, Kim
Huff, Lori
Hughson, Margo
Humphreys, Dawn
Hutchinson, Kerry
Iman, Lestie
Inmon, Robert or Kathleen
Isaacks, Cathy
Ivey, Charlotte
Ivey, Chris
J.S. Wickliffe Appraisals
Jackson, Lori
James, Kristi
Jasli, Judy
Joe Rust Company
Johansen, Tricia
Johnson, Rebecca
Johnson, Stacee
Johnson, T.R. & B.C.
Kalinec, Janice
Kelm, Caroline
Kemp, Brandy
Kennedy, Tammy
Kent, Mr. & Mrs. G.H.
Kidd, Michael & Tammie
Kids, Jennifer
King, Chris
King, Judy
King, Kaylee
King, Martha
Knight, Chris & Lindsey
Knight, Lisa
Kornman, Terri
Krevolin, Sherrie
Kunn, Melodi
Kwik Kopy Printing
Lackey, Martha
Lakey, Joni
Lander, Linda
Lander, Trent and Marva
LaRue, Gina
Lassetter, Jennifer
Lathan, Robert
2010 MEF Donors
Lemmon, Carol
Leonard, Jennifer
LePori, Dewey
Lewis, Grady & Janice
Liles, Paula
Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson, LLP
Lofgren, Melba
Lone Star Railroad Contractors
Lott, Don & Brenda
Love, Charlene
Lowe, Roxanne
Lowman, Tami
Lucas, Kathy
Lucas, Victoria
Luftis, Bethany Griffin
Mabra, Jennifer
Mach, Brittany
Mach, Robin
Maddox, Rachel
Marshall, Candace
Martin, Amber
Martin, Eva
Maryfield, Sara
Massey, Hershal & Victoria
Masters, Brenda
Matthews, Virginia
Maxwell, Jeannie
Mayes, Rachel
McAfee, Christy
McAllister, Mitch & Olimpia
McCasland, Lori
McChesney, Carol
McClatchey, Clyde & Dolores
McClure, Kristin
McCool, Jo
McCurley, Pat & Cheryl
McDaniel, Amy
McDaniel, Christina
McDonald, Cyndi
McGee, Joan
McGee, Robin
McGrew, Theda
McGuire, Denise
McKinney, Seth
Meinzer, Jennifer
Melichar, Emily
Melton, Kim
Mendoza, Lupe
Mercer, Lynda
Meredith, Lisa
Methodist Mansfield Medical Center
Middlebrooks, Patricia
Midlothian Energy LP
Midlothian Funeral Home
Midlothian Insurance Agency
Midtech Power and Control
MidTexas International Center, Inc.
Millen Oil
Miller, Allison
Miller, Janet
Miller, Kathleen
Miller, Larue
Miller, Lea-Ann
Miller, Lori “Shannon”
Miller, Melanie
Milson, Valree
Minnix, Coley
MISD Athletic Department
Mitchell, Adrienne
Mitchell, Lisa
Mize, Zachary & Amber
Moerbe, Suzanne
Moody, Jr., Rolando
Moore, Jeff and Andria
Moore, Stephanie
Moore, Tammie
Moore, Terry
Moore, Tom & Cyndi
Mooring, Sharon
Morgan Keegan & Co
Morton, Challey
Moss, Heather
Moss, Kylie
Mt. Peak Elementary
Mueller, Cindy
Muldner, AJ
Nanney, Roanna
Nash, Amariss
Navarro College
Neece, Amanda
Neill, Sara
Nelson, Joni
Nix, Johnny E. & Cari D.
Nobles, Dylan
Northcut, David & Claire
O’Brien, Mary Ann
Oakley, Tina
Ocasio, Lourdes
Olson, Leslie
Oncor Electric Delivery Company LLC
Osburn, Janis
Overton, Shelly
Ozga, Patricia
Pace, Hillary
Panza, Teri
Paredes, Carlos
Parrott, Lori
Paschall, Kirk
Payne, Cindy
Penny-Lowe, Amy
PepWear, LLC
2010 MEF Donors
Pertil, Pam
Petrishen, Debi
Phillippi, Debbie
Pincus, Ellen
Poland, Karen
Polewchak, Kelly
Pollard, Jonathon
Pressnell, Karrie
Princeton Review
Prindle, Kelly
Probst, Will
Pruit, John & Pamela
Pruit, Pamela
Ramirez, Candace
Ramsey, Diane
Rawlinson, Amber
Rawlinson, Kim
Ray, Jeanne
Reconnu, Jacqueline
Rector, Mark
Reed, Wells, Benson and Company
Reese, Windy
Richmond, Dawn
Rinehart, Jennifer
Robbins, Dayna
Roberson, Tiffany
Roberts, Kris
Robertson, Nancy
Robinson, Andrea
Rocha, Veronica
Rodgers, Hila
Rogers, Blane
Rogers, Casey
Rogers, Emily
Rogers, Janet
Ross, Megan
Ross, Patrice
Routh, Jodi
Rubel, Sheila
Ruiz, Linda
Rule, Janet
Rush Bus Center
Sanders, Tony & Linda
Savins-Cude, Melanie
Savins, Carol
Schaben, Jill
Schabron, Susan
Schultz, Sarah
Schutz, Aaron
Scott, Joni
Seago, Kathy
Seale, Frank & Ann
Searles, Chandra
Sears, Amy
Seck, Beth Ann
Seybert, Christina
Shivers, Russell
Shuffield, Wayne & Becky
Simmons, Kim
Simpson, Naomi
Simpson, Rachel
Slaydon, La-shea
Smith, Archilene
Smith, Chris
Smith, Christine
Smith, Letitia
Smith, Lindsey
Snow, Jason
Southwest Securities Incorporated
Spartan Psychological Consulting
Spillar, Eryca
Spradley, Michelle
Spriggs, Gerald
Stack, Gayle
Stanley, Christa
Stanley, Emily
Starnes, Socorro
Steele, Lisa
Steinfeldt, Michelle
Stephens, Kristin
Stewart, Beth
Stewart, Bryce or Stephanie
Stewart, Debbie
Stewart, Dr. Jerome and Raquel
Stewart, Morgan
Stickens, Kevin & Noemi
Storm, Vicki
Story, Karyn
Stovall, Jan
Strange, Elizabeth
Stuckert, Kathleen
Succesful Ways, Inc.
Sullivan, Joanne
Sun, Hong Yan
Surplus, Carol
Susan M Mason
Sutton, Arlene
Templeton Demographics LLC
Tenery, Karen
Tennison, John
Terrell, Patricia
Terry, Brenda
Terry, Nichole
Texas Central Business Lines Corporation
The Wallace Group
Thigpen, Stephanie
Thompson, Carrie
Thompson, Jason and Holly
Thompson, Ken & Joyce
Thompson, Tammie
Thorne, Janine
2010 MEF Donors
Thornton, Jana
Tidmore, Dena
Tidmore, Melissa
Tidwell, Christy
Tilory, Cassandra
Timm, Ryan
Tobey, Tim & Tami
Todd, Elizabeth
Tollefsbol, Gregory or Tina
Tomlin, Patsy
Toon, Pennie
Trammel, Angie
Triplett, Kim or Bryan
Truett, Laura
Tucker, Donna
Tulley, Elaine
Turner, Sheri Kemp
Van Amburgh, Michael & Beth
Vaughn, Dana
Vent, Kelly
Vest, Tiffany
Villa, Jean
Vintage Bank
Vlach, Jennifer
VLK Architects, Inc.
Waddill, John S. & Jean A.
Waggoner, Paula
Wagner, Lisa
Wagoner, Cherie
Walker, Jeanne
Walker, Nicole
Walling, Judy
Walsh, Anderson, Brown, Gallegos & Green
Ward, Connie Ann
Ward, Grant
Warren, Christy
Warren, Karen
Watkins, Kristi
Waxler, Troy & Kara
Wayland, Shannon
Weatherly, Ronnie & Carol
Weaver, Catherine
Webber, Robyn
Weddell, Shelia
Welch, Courtney
Wellman, Tiffany
West Ellis County United Way
White, Brenda
White, Nicole
White, Nikki
White, Robin or Amy McDaniel
Whitley, Drs. Timothy & Catrina
Whitworth, Julie
Wickersham, Katherine
Wickersham, Terri
Wickliffe, Gerald & Jamie
Wiginton, Becky
Wiginton, Lee
Wilbourn, Kathy
Williams, Judi
Williams, Shannon
Wilson, Deanna
Wimpee, Johnna
Winders, April
Witherspoon, Ann
Wolf, Monica
Wolfe, Melissa
Wood, Sharla
Worley, Vanya
Wright, Denise and Laban
Wyrtzen, Dave & Mary
Xavier, Tracy
Zach, Lori
Zastoupil, Brendan & Kristin
Zeppa, Ashlea
2010-2011 Memorials
In Memory of Cordell Clanton from
Justin & Heather Blackwell
In Memory of Cordell Clanton from
MISD Athletic Department
In Memory of Cordell Clanton from
Wayne & Jeanne Ray
In Memory of Louise Smith from
George & Liz Kent & Family
In Memory of Rex Rankin from
Mt. Peak Elementary
In Memory of Jean Coleman from
George Brannies
In Memory of Jean Coleman from
Sam & Brenda Folsom
In Memory of Jean Coleman from
Tony & Linda Sanders & Julie,
Jamie, & Jenny
In Memory of Jean Coleman from
Kenny & Joyce Thompson
In Memory of Rev. James Hollis from
Sam & Brenda Folsom
In Memory of David Milson from
Sam & Brenda Folsom
Shannon Auvil
Star Student
James and Michelle Auvil
Future Plans:
Attending the University of Alabama
and majoring in public relations.
Ms. Carol Richtsmeier
Star Teacher
Shannon: During the newspaper’s last deadline, my 9-year-old brother came to sit in
the newsroom with the staff. After only one day, he gave me the verdict: “Mrs.
Richtsmeier is terrifying.” Terrifying or not, Mrs. Richtsmeier has been the teacher
who has helped me reach my potential in news writing and photography; and she
never even made me cry in the process (quite an accomplishment on my part). She’s
an amazing adviser who has always put a lot of faith and trust in me, even when it
seemed as though I was driving the newspaper into the ground with my awful fonts,
random color swatches and overall lameness. So thank you for everything Richie, and
especially for putting up with my lameness throughout my entire high school career. I
wanted to be fun, but I just couldn’t.
Ms. Richtsmeier: While others will remember textbooks, tests and classrooms, we
will remember the chicken, deadlines, naked Barbies, pop tarts and pizza. While
others worried about crowded hallways, dress code and GPAs, we worried about
deadlines, misspelled words, bad photographs and deleting those four things we can’t
talk about. While some questioned the meaning of life, we pondered, “I want to be
fun, but I just can’t.” Thank you for making me a better teacher. As always, it is the
awesomeness that is you. May you be blessed with a life filled with as few Apple Zs as
Alexis Ball
Star Student
Lisa & Chris Ball
Future Plans:
Attending Texas A&M University and
majoring in biomedical sciences while
competing in powerlifting
Mr. Jerod Rye
Star Teacher
Alexis: Even though he was moved my senior year out of powerlifting, Coach Rye coached me
my freshman through junior years. He constantly pushed me to do my best, whether it was
using his witty sarcasm or getting down to business. Turning around to see him celebrating with
me after a lift encouraged me to strive for the top. Coach Rye was always “fired up” about
anything and everything. He is the best motivator, and I could not have succeeded without him,
Coach Carpenter, and Coach Spradley.
Mr. Rye: When I met Lexi as a 9th grader she was typical in the fact that she already knew
everything and had the whole world figured out. What was not typical of her was her unending
desire to compete and push herself to get stronger and become a better lifter. When we were at
a meet, I would tell her what place she was in, and if she wasn’t in first, I would tell her who was
ahead of her. I always got the since that she immediately disliked anyone who was ahead of her.
It was never a question of whether she would beat that girl or not. I would ask her how much
she wanted to lift, and she would reply with, “However much it takes to win!” I always loved
that about Lexi. She never doubted herself, and was always confident she could get the job done.
When I started coaching girls powerlifting 5 years ago there were 3 girls lifters. This year 25 girls
competed, and I think it is directly related to Lexi’s work ethic and success in the sport. So many
other girls have seen what she has been able to accomplish, and it has inspired them to try and
reach higher goals than they thought they ever could have. It is obvious that Lexi’s wok ethic and
desire to compete and be thought of as a winner has carried over into all areas of her life, and I
am excited to see where it takes her in the future. Congrats on becoming a STATE CHAMPION,
and even more so, congrats on becoming a great person.
Andrew Beckman
Star Student
Anne and Chris Beckman
Future Plans:
Attending Texas A&M University at
Corpus Christi with plans to major in
chemistry or a science-related field
Ms. Leigh Dopson
Star Teacher
Andrew: Mrs. Dopson has been an amazing teacher. She teaches in a way that makes
the subject understandable and enjoyable for everyone and does not move on until
everyone understands. It is because of Mrs. Dopson that I will probably end up
majoring in chemistry, and my favorite high school moments were in her class.
Ms. Dopson: I had the pleasure of teaching chemistry to Andrew both his sophomore
and senior years. As a sophomore, he was quiet and hardworking. I knew him best as
the other half of a set of twins and as a manager for the basketball program. But, as a
senior, I have come to know more of the true side of Andrew. He is still hardworking
and relatively quiet, but I now know how smart he really is. He sees the big picture
in Chemistry and can put all the pieces together. I have also seen his sense of humor
and his loyalty to friends. Fourth period AP Chemistry has become like a family, and
I can hear Lauren, Taylor and Scott calling Andrew “Andy”. Andrew, good luck as
you move on to the next phase of your life. Your job here at MHS is done and you are
more than ready for college. Your intelligence, maturity and character will serve you
well. Stay true to the beliefs you have now and enjoy college. These will be some of
the best years of your life.
Kyle Beckman
Star Student
Anne and Chris Beckman
Future Plans:
Attending Texas A&M University with
plans to major in the sciences
Ms. Patti Spillers
Star Teacher
Kyle: Mrs. Spillers has been a huge influence on my future. She has
helped me establish a good work ethic the past two years. I was able to
get through the tough times of her class because of all the encouragement
she gave.
Ms. Spillers: I have had both Kyle and Andy for the past 2 years. I
cannot tell them apart so my name for both of them is KANDY!!! My
goal this year was to be able to tell which one was which!!!! I have been
guessing well the past few months!!! Kyle you are a great student and
person. I hope that you will continue to challenge yourself in the future.
I know that you will be a success at whatever you pursue. Good luck,
Philip Berthelson
Star Student
Joel and Wendy Berthelsen
Future Plans:
Attending the University of Texas at
Austin and majoring in Business Honors
and Plan II Honors
Mr. Pat Richmond
Star Teacher
Philip: When I first had Coach Richmond, he frustrated me easily because he
avidly exercised his loud voice while coaching me in the 8th grade. He helped
teach me to have a better work ethic on the court, so I could be a better athlete.
Upon entering high school I learned that he had been moved up to the JV
basketball coach, so I knew I would have the opportunity of having him as a
coach again. I had him in the 10th grade, and then I had him again in the 11th
grade where he promoted me to the team captain. Coach Richmond has always
respected me as a student, athlete, and a person.
Mr. Richmond: It has been an honor coaching Philip. Philip holds strongly to
his principles and refuses to follow the currents of convenience. He will be
successful wherever he goes because he has great character. I am glad I
contributed a small part to his success. I have high hopes for Philip in his future
endeavors. Good luck, Philip!
Austin Blackburn
Star Student
Becky Thompson and Brad Blackburn
Future Plans:
Attending Texas A&M University and
majoring in aeronautical engineering
Ms. Sarah Hardin
Star Teacher
Austin: Mrs. Hardin has been an inspiration to me because she gave me the opportunity to
discover all the different careers I could pursue as an engineer. One of the first assignments she
gave us in the first engineering class I took with her my sophomore year was to research the
different fields of engineering and what kind of work was specific to each field. I discovered the
one thing all types of engineers have in common is the need to have great problem-solving skills
and the ability to “think outside the box.” Of course, Mrs. Hardin already knew this, so
everything we did in he rclass required us to discover ways to solve problems and create new ways
to do things. Our class projects were always fun, even though at times the projects were
frustrating because I didn’t always know the answers. But instead of just telling me the answers,
Mrs. Hardin challenged me to find out for myself by teaching me that the solution to an problem
is just waiting to be discovered by someone who is willing to take a risk and look at the problem
from a different angle. This has been the most important and meaningful lesson I ever learned in
high school, and I am thankful to Mrs. Hardin for encouraging me and believing in me.
Ms. Hardin: Austin is the king of stealth! While some student are all talk and no show,
Austin quietly, calmly produces FANTASTIC work that speaks for itself! I always love seeing
what he can engineer out of minimal supplies! His problem solving skills are amazing! And
anytime I throw out an extra credit challenge, you can bet that Austin will cash in! Austin’s
engineering internship has not only proven his ability to learn and adapt, but also has exemplified
his level of maturity, responsibility, and integrity as a man. I am confident that Austin will
succeed in all of his endeavors! I expect to hear of great accomplishments in his future! (but since
he is not one to brag, I will have to ask his mom!) Austin - Keep thinking out-of-the-box! You
have mad skills! I can’t wait to see them put to use in the “real world”. When things get tough,
hang in there! Keep setting goals (in real life they will get you a lot more than 5 extra points)!
Make good choices! And don’t ever forget my Friday lectures!
Kyler Brown
Star Student
Charles and Lori Brown
Future Plans:
Attending the University of Texas at
Dallas on scholarship, majoring in
engineering with plans to play baseball for UTD and pursue a career in
Mr. Justin Blackwell
Star Teacher
Baseball and Football
Kyler: Coach Blackwell has been my coach for four years in baseball and
football. He is always upbeat and keeps the atmosphere around him fun.
If he weren’t my coach, I’d want him to be my teammate. Coach Blackwell
has helped me develop as an athlete and as a man by teaching me the value
of determination and how to see and enjoy the best in any situation. His
friendship, honesty and enthusiasm have been sources of comfort to me
in good times and bad. Because my freshman class was his first at MHS, I
know that I have helped him learn a few things, too, as he has grown as a
Mr. Blackwell: Kyler is an unbelievable young man, and I have a
tremendous amount of respect for him. He is one of the most talented
people I have ever been around. It has been such a blessing to have coached
Kyler in football and baseball over the last four years. I can only pray that I
will one day have a child who is as talented, respectful, smart, hard-working,
and athletic as Kyler. I know he will be a great asset to society, and I wish
him the best of luck in all his future endeavors!
Jesse Cantu
Star Student
Ruben & Stepheny Cantu
Future Plans:
Attending Sam Houston State
University and majoring in animation
Mr. Larry Doran
Star Teacher
Jesse: Mr. Doran has taught me for four years in band. Through his class
I learned dedication and expressing a passion for something you love.
His dedication to us taught me to persevere for the things in life you
really care about. He pushes us to always do our best and to continually
grow. Thanks to his expectations, I have achieved at a higher level in all
my studies and inspire me to keep reaching higher. I’m glad to have had
the privilege of being taught by him for four years.
Mr. Doran: Jesse, thank you for your example and leadership you have
demonstrated to all who have observed and worked with you. Your
patience, personality and warm smile allow everyone to feel
comfortable around you. Your drive and desire to improve will help
make you a huge success in everything that you pursue. Stay focused and
dream big! As the new chapter in your life opens, remember to take time
for those special people in your life, including yourself. Thank you for
sharing this honor with me, Jesse.
Alissa Courson
Star Student
Robert & Cheri
Future Plans:
Attending University of Texas at Dallas
and majoring in education
Ms. Jennifer Ferranti
Star Teacher
AP Biology
Alissa: In her hilariously sarcastic manner, Ms. Ferranti beat her class
into shape. Frantically, she prepared us for the looming AP test by
cramming our heads full of knowledge. She cares a lot about every one
of her students (even ones that weren’t hers) and wants them to do their
very best. Ms. Ferranti is one of the most excellent teachers I have had at
Ms. Ferranti: Alissa, You were such a great addition to our little 6th
period AP Biology family! Your intelligence and drive really shined
through that shell-shocked look that you had for the first month. It
wasn’t long before your sense of commitment and high academic
standards prevailed and you were setting the pace for the class. I
cannot tell you what an honor it has been to be your teacher, and I am
truly thankful for schedule changes. As you move on, stay as focused as
you are and dream bigger than you thought possible. I know you have
everything that you need to achieve it all. Good Luck!
Kevin Donahoo
Star Student
Michael and Cynthia Donahoo
Future Plans:
Attending Southern Methodist University to earn a degree in mechanical
Mr. Laurencio Arroyo
Star Teacher
Kevin: Mr. Arroyo taught me the saxophone and was an inspiring role model throughout
my middle school years. He was hardworking, had faith in all his student’s abilities, and
did his best to meet everyone on their level. Mr. Arroyo didn’t just teach the band, he gave
students every tool they needed to achieve and gave them every opportunity to enjoy
music. He taught me to love music, and inspired me to go so much further than I could
have alone. To this day, Mr. Arroyo and I still play in ensembles together, and share
wonderful music experiences. I will never forget the impact Mr. Arroyo had on me as a
musician, and I hope that future generations of students will find him as inspiring as I did.
Mr. Arroyo: I had the privilege of starting Kevin in band as a 6th grader. During his years
at middle school, I was fortunate to have had the opportunity to work with him
one-on-one as his private saxophone teacher. I have two fond memories of Kevin while at
the middle school. My first memory was when I challenged Kevin by giving him a huge
featured solo on a jazz band chart entitled “Sophia,” After several weeks of hard practice
and frustration, the performance of “Sophia” came off without a flaw. My second memory
of Kevin was when his mom and dad decided that it was time to buy Kevin a new tenor
saxophone. His parents had asked for my advice and help in purchasing a tenor saxophone.
While at the music store, Kevin must have played on four or five saxophones before deciding on the right one. This was like turning a kid loose in a candy store. Kevin’s desire as a
young band student was to become successful as a saxophonist. With his hard work and
dedication at the middle school and high school levels, he has certainly accomplished that.
Scott Hayden
Star Student
Ellen Hayden
Future Plans:
Attending the University of Texas at
Austin and majoring in mechanical
Mr. Jason Shackelford
Star Teacher
Scott: I had Coach Shack in soccer as a goalkeeper coach from freshman year to junior year. Then when he stopped coaching for the school my senior year I trained
with him outside of school. Coach was probably the only reason I made it through
my senior year of soccer. Going in I was awful, but over the summer he was able to
make me a much better. He is an outstanding coach.
Mr. Shackelford: Scott Hayden....What a class act, great person, student and athlete.
Scott is one of the smartest and funniest people I have ever met. I have known Scott
since he was a freshman coming into the soccer class as a goalkeeper. If you know
Scott, then you quickly realize that he is a man of few words, but the words he does
use are so profound that you find yourself astonished at the fact that he can say so
much with so little. I have worked with Scott as his goalkeeper coach for four years.
Scott and I have had some really interesting conversations during our training
sessions. Strangely enough, every time we trained the weather was absolutely
perfect—even in the middle of winter. After seeing this occur over and over I began
to wonder what Scott was doing to make this happen. The only plausible conclusion I
could come to was that Scott was selling bits of his soul in exchange for good weather.
Scott didn’t disagree. I am truly blessed to have spent the amount of time I have with
Scott. He is an amazing young man, and I am thankful to know him. I’ll miss the
times we had. Good luck at UT!
Ellen Hebert
Star Student
James & Susan Hebert
Future Plans:
Attending Texas A&M University
with plans to earn a master’s degree in
isualization (School of Architecture)
and pursue a Career in Walt Disney
Ms. Beth Stewart
Star Teacher
Ellen: Mrs. Stewart instilled in me a deep appreciation for language arts. The freedom of
expression her students experience allowed me to grow as a writer and expand my
imagination. Over the years, Mrs. Stewart has become a true role model and one of my
valued friends.
Ms. Stewart: It comes as no surprise to me that Ellen Hebert is in the top 5% of students
in her graduating class. A top student in my English II Pre-AP class, Ellen’s list of
priorities will always show academic excellence as the most important. The last two years,
I have gotten to know Ellen better through our school’s Astronomy Club. A member her
sophomore and junior year, Ellen assumed the presidency this year, and our club has never
had more fun or learned so much. None of us will ever forget when we first learned of
interstellar violence such as cannibalistic galaxies and the process of spaghettification. I
don’t know how Ellen finds time to do all she does. Here’s an example of Ellen recapping a
previous evening’s events. “Mrs. Stewart, let me tell you about last evening. I finished three
projects for my AP Art portfolio and typed a three page paper for AP Lit.; then I made one
hundred note cards for AP Economics, and I finished the last five chapters of Crime and
Punishment. And, because that was kind of stressful, I made brownies—would you like
one?” I have a word of advice—no, not for you, Ellen—you don’t need any advice, but for
everyone else: Do NOT tell Ellen she cannot do something. She will prove you wrong,
every time. Ellen Hebert, champion of narwhals everywhere, you truly are an MHS STAR,
and you will be greatly missed.
Austin Hill
Star Student
Mark and Tammy Hill
Future Plans:
Attending the University of Texas and
majoring in mechanical engineering
Ms. Ellen Hayden
Star Teacher
Austin: Ms. Hayden has always been a proponent for knowledge. She not only
wants her students to learn but to really understand what she teaches, and this
quality sets her apart from many of her peers. Ms. Hayden also has an excellent
sense of humor, always ready for a good laugh. As an officer in the science club,
I have had the pleasure of working with Ms. Hayden outside the classroom and
this extra time has allowed her and I to develop a closer relationship. Looking
back, I will always remember the moments spent with Ms. Hayden throughout
high school.
Ms. Hayden: I don’t know that I’ve ever met a more energetic, enthusiastic, and
inquisitive student than Austin. He is continually seeking out new challenges
and attempting to achieve a deeper understanding. He rarely accepts anything
at face value and has always kept me on my toes. I appreciate that he has in turn
challenged me and my depth of knowledge in my subject area. He reminds me
that I can never be complacent and that I too should always try to strive for that
next level. I look forward to seeing where that next level leads Austin. I’m sure
that he will achieve incredible heights.
Kristy Hinton
Star Photographer
Kim & Keith Hinton
Future Plans:
Attending Stephen F. Austin State
University and majoring in nursing
with plans to attend graduate school and
become a nurse practitioner in the field
of labor and delivery
Ms. Stephanie Prewitt
Star Teacher
English IV
Kristy: Mrs. Prewitt has such a fun and genuine heart for teaching, I will always
remember “Karaoke Fridays” and our crazy class discussions. But most of all I
will remember the many times I have stayed after class to discuss different aspects
of my life with her. From prom dates and dresses to religion and politics, She has
always been there to listen and lend her own personal suggestions. Thank you so
much, Mrs. Prewitt, my high school experience would not be complete without
everything you have done.
Ms. Prewitt: Kristy, you always had a knack for speaking your mind with
enough whimsy that the entire class fell in love with you, and I would wind
up laughing. I think that you have done a beautiful job capturing the spirit of
Midlothian High School in your photographs. My only wish for you is that you
place the girl behind the camera in some of those frames because she is
amazing and deserves to be noticed !!! I will cherish the jousting scene in a tutu,
the amount of hair spray expended trying to give your hair a six inch lift, and
our after class chats. You are a true delight and blessing, and I am very happy for
Kathryn Lane
Star Student
Pam Louder and Mark Lane
Future Plans:
Majoring in theatre with a focus in
musical theatre at the University of
Texas at Austin with plans to become a
professional actress on Broadway
Ms. Jan Wunnenberg
Star Teacher
AP English III
Kathryn: During my junior year, I encountered many changes in school, one of which was
the transition from Pre-AP to AP courses. This was the step in my high school career which
had an impact on my college education. Being in Ms. Wunnenberg’s AP English III class
truly helped me master my potential as a writer. As a teacher, she is the best in preparing
any student for the AP English test. As a person, she is the most caring, sweet, and funny
lady you’ll ever meet. She also always encouraged me to do my best in theatre. She believed
in me and gave me the confidence to conquer my dreams as an actress. Because she was my
teacher, she made my junior year one of the most joyous years of my high school
experience. I will never forget Ms. Wunnenberg.
Ms. Wunnenberg: Kathryn’s sweet temperament and gentle spirit are what I remember
most about the time she spent in English III AP last year. Her passionate desire to act and
perform did not go unnoticed either, as she was most anxious to volunteer to read parts in
the American dramas we read like The Crucible and The Glass Menagerie. She displays an
excellent work ethic and commitment to education by her well-prepared class
presentations, desire to be challenged in higher level academics, and outstanding grades.
Her thespian skills are to be lauded by her participating and casting in notable roles in
theater productions like Liesl in the Sound of Music and Helena in A Midsummer’s Night
Dream. I will always think back with great fondness to the sweet girl in 1st period whose
voice reminded me of the female characters created by Pixar and Disney. I definitely think
she has a future in voice-overs, but she will be fabulously successful, no matter what she
chooses as her career. God bless you, Kathryn.
Ben Larson
Star Student
Del and Geri Larson
Future Plans:
Attending Baylor University and
majoring in mathematics
Mr. Stephen Toon
Star Teacher
Government and Economics
Ben: Mr. Toon’s class is always interesting. Whether he is conspicuously absent on some secret
mission or he is trying to make a basket in Toonball, his class is always enjoyable. What I really
like about Mr. Toon is that he is willing to re-work his schedule for any student. He worked
really late those few days before the AP tests for his students and would not go home until there
were no more questions. Thank you, Mr. Toon.
Mr. Toon: Never was there such an upbeat kid. Everyday. Day in and day out. Ben is that
student who is always enthusiastic and funny and inquisitive all at the same time. Ben is also
always ready. Equally ready. Ready for a joke. Ready to discuss the news of the day. Ready to
banter. And, more than ready to discuss the most difficult subject matter that we offer. Of all
the countless funny moments and comments that I have been privledged to be a part of this
year (and there were tons), those are not what I will remember the most. Instead, it is the look
on Ben’s face when he is about to ask a really good question. I can see it coming. We will be
discussing some complicated concept and Ben will be staring off into the distance. He gets this
glazed look on his face. His wheels are ,turning. It’s Ben’s question face. It is really obvious that
he is mulling over something that we have discussed in the past and is making connections. He’s
thinking things through. Developing scenarios. And after a while, Ben Will ask his question. It’s
always something great. Good students always have good answers. However, great students
always have great questions. And Ben is a great student. It is this intensity and desire to learn and
to know that Ben will take with him to Baylor and beond. It is also this quality that assures me
that Ben will be successful at whatever he does. It has been an incredible privilege and honor to
have had Ben in class this year. Good luck, and go Bears!
Kyle Markwardt
Star Student
Keith and Carol Markwardt
Future Plans:
Attending the University of Texas at
Austin and majoring in mechanical
Mr. Sidney Danner
Star Teacher
Kyle: Coach Danner is, in every sense, of the phrase, one of a kind. He has always been the
driving force in our success in soccer. Somehow he manages to be completely strict with us
while still gaining some laughs. He has taught me lessons both on and off the field, and his
teachings will follow me through college and the rest of my life.
Mr. Danner: Kyle Markwardt is what I consider to be a Renaissance Man in the making.
He is a talented, disciplined soccer player that we have been blessed to have on our varsity
soccer team the last two years. Kyle also has a brilliant mind, which I have seen him use
to further his teammates ability to understand math and physics. He is very unselfish, as
he has always done what was needed. His ability to balance the requirements of playing a
varsity sport and a difficult class load while maintaining high standards in both, is what has
impressed me the most about Kyle. His dedication to what he considers important does
not waiver. We have not always seen eye to eye on everything, such as in his poor choice of
soccer teams to support, his choice in college, or hair style. This has not kept us from
having quality conversations over a variety of subjects, from soccer tactics and teams, books
we have read or should read, social issues, and pretty much anything that needs a good
discussion. I have over my teaching career found few students who I truly consider a friend
and look forward to watching just how far Kyle will go. I am also waiting for that remote
control soccer ball that he has promised to create for us.
Mindy McClean
Star Student
John McClean and Lucy McClean
Future Plans:
Attending Southern Methodist
University to pursue majors in biology
and engineering
Ms. Lorilyn Worley
Star Teacher
AP Literature
Mindy: I came into senior English ready for another regular year, with another great
teacher like I’d had in the past, but I got much more than I was expecting. From the first
day in class and upon meeting Mrs. Worley, I knew that it was going to be an extremely
fun year. She makes it a goal to connect with her students and make her class interesting
and challenging. Mrs. Worley has been much more than a teacher to me. She’s been a great
example, a mentor, and especially a friend that I know I couldn’t ever forget.
Ms. Worley: Mindy is a very bright and creative young woman. She has a wonderful sense
of humor as well as a kind heart. As a student in AP Literature, her class contributions
were always insightful, and I looked forward to hearing what she has to say on just about
any topic. Her sincerity is one trait that stands out most to me. I will never forget some
of the entertaining times when she has stayed in my room through my 7th period conference. Although she was always willing to help with anything I needed, most often we both
were simply trying to encourage each other to stop procrastinating, a vice we both share!
I would usually be avoiding grading papers, and Mindy would be avoiding practicing her
euphonium. Most of the time we could motivate each other! Mindy, I have no doubt that
you will be successful in anything you attempt. Changes will happen, both good and bad,
but remember Orleanna’s words from The Poisonwood Bible, “To live is to be marked. To
live is to change, to acquire the words of a story.” I can not wait to hear more of your story
in the years to come!
Courtney Mentzel
Star Student
Tim and Lori Mentzel
Future Plans:
Attending Hardin-Simmons University and majoring in theatre with an
emphasis in performance
Ms. Chrystal Findley
Star Teacher
Pre-AP World Geography
Courtney: Mrs. Findley, though I knew her as Ms. Minix, was one of my
favorite and most influential teachers during my freshman year. Though there
were aspects of her class that I despised, such as the time-consuming sketch
maps due each six weeks and of course the dreaded Africa Project. Yet, I realized
that all these assignments were teaching me very important academic skills like
the importance of managing your time properly and learning how to work
effectively and efficiently with others. If Mrs. Findley had not given me these
“horrendous” assignments, I would not be as successful of a student as I am now.
Ms. Findley: Courtney, I am so proud of you for what you have accomplished!
There are some things I will miss now that you are graduating: hearing “Minix”
as you walk down the hall, the occasional “venting” session that is necessary in
order to survive your senior year, and your kind words of wisdom while judging
Africa Projects. Your work ethic these last four years is evident by your
accomplishments. Even as a freshman you would never settle for a 99 on an
assignment when you could talk your way to a 100. I have no doubt your hard
work will continue throughout the rest of your academic career. Good luck at
Hardin Simmons, and I look forward to seeing you on the stage again!
Kaitlyn Moehlman
Star Student
Mike and Tammy Moehlman
Future Plans:
Attending Abilene Christian University
in hopes of becoming a neonatal nurse
Ms. Laura Truett
Star Teacher
Drill Team
Kaitlyn: Mrs. Truett is more than just a teacher or coach. She is a role
model, mentor and friend. She has been here for me for 6 years and always
encouraged me to push myself to my greatest potential. I appreciate all the
time and energy she has devoted to our team and know that all the lessons
she has taught me will influence me for the rest of my life.
Ms. Truett: Walt Disney said, “If you can dream it, you can do it.” When
I read that quote, I think of you. You have always set your dreams high for
yourself and the team. I admire you for always pushing us to try new things
and carry us into the future of Pantherettes. It has been a pleasure to work
with you by my side this year planning all the activities to celebrate our 50th
anniversary. Always believe in your dreams. You will face many pressures
growing up. If you ever need words of encouragement to help overcome
hurdles and handle trials I will always be here for you if you need me. I
wish you the best of luck in everything you do. Remember—all you need is
love—and I love you very much!!
Kathryn Nabinger
Star Student
Patricia and Charles Nabinger
Future Plans:
Attending the University of Texas for a
double major in business marketing and
Ms. Holly McRuiz
Star Teacher
PreAP English I
Kathryn: Mrs. McRuiz was my freshman Pre-AP English teacher. In her
class we read so many books that, to this day, remain on my list of favorites.
I remember that first summer essay that almost everyone bombed, her
random little comments as we read books in class, and hating her projects
when they were assigned, but loving the results of my work. When I’d get
them back she would write “Tom Terrific!” at the top of them all. I cannot
imagine a better teacher to prepare students for high school English classes!
Ms. McRuiz: For beautiful, intelligent Kate Nabinger it was the best of
times, and the worst of times as she began her odyssey for achieving all of
her great expectations from MHS. Kate became a miracle worker at
successfully balancing all of her endeavors through her problem solving
skills even when the best laid plans of mice and men went astray. As she
progressed through the hierarchy of the years from sheep to pigs, she never
stopped her research for the perfect books that she would need to overcome
the feuds of society. Kate, I wish you well as you continue on your journey.
Go forth, and conquer. You are the personification of TOM TERRIFIC!
Love you!
Alexandra Pendergrass
Star Student
Frank & Maria Pendergrass
Future Plans:
United States Naval Academy, Naval
Ms. Kristi Bogy
Star Teacher
Speech & Debate
Alexandra: Over the past four years of my high school career, I have had the privilege of
having Ms. Bogy as a speech teacher and debate coach. Through her patience,
determination, and encouragement, she has instilled confidence in me; a confidence that I
will carry as I embark on the next chapter in my life. More than an instructor, she has been
my mentor and a great friend. Reflected upon the numerous weekends she spends taking
her students to tournaments and the achievement of the debate team, her passion and
dedication demonstrate her success. I will always be thankful to her for introducing me to
debate and for the life skills she has taught me and the rest of her students.
Ms. Bogy: Alexandra, you have been a blessing and joy to teach all four years of your high
school. You started with me in Communication Applications and then ventured into
debate your sophomore year not knowing what to expect. That year was my first year to
teach/coach debate, so you and I grew together through this journey; teaching each other
things along the way and sharing a lot of memories. What a very talented debater you
became, which is shown in your successful record during three years of debating/speaking;
ending your career as the state alternate in debate and a regional qualifier in informative
speaking. Beyond just debating, you have been a staple part of the program as a whole,
guiding/helping new students, encouraging everyone and serving as my “right hand” and
also as my friend. I know that your desire to do your best will keep you successful at
whatever you set out to achieve. Thank you so much for allowing me to be such a big part
of your high school experience. I love you and wish you all the happiness and success this
world has to offer.
Alexis Pendergrass
Star Student
Frank & Maria Pendergrass
Future Plans:
United States Naval Academy, Naval
Ms. Hollye Hess
Star Teacher
Alexis: I will always appreciate having Ms. Hess as my counselor and good
friend. Her encouragement, dedication, and belief in me are far more than
what I could have hoped for. I do not know what I would of done without
her. I am truly grateful for all she has done and all the doors she has opened
for me. Thank you, Ms. Hess.
Ms. Hess: Alexis you have been a dream student and I have learned so
much from you. I remember you coming to sit with me your freshman year
with all your hopes and ambitions. You had very high expectations for
yourself and never once strayed from any challenge presented, including two
Pre-AP math courses at once. I called on you many times to help struggling
students and you were always willing to help with a smile on your
beautiful face. I am certain that you will be highly successful in all your
endeavors, and I wish you all the blessings life has to offer. You have worked
harder than most, and I beam with pride when I tell your story. Please know
that your high school counselor will always be here if you need me!
Andrew Peterson
Star Student
Bill and Colette Peterson
Future Plans:
Attending the University of Texas at
Austin and majoring in aerospace
Mr. Chris Cass
Star Teacher
Band (percussion)
Andrew: Mr. Cass is quite possibly the best thing that has happened to
our band program. Before he came, our drumline wasn’t much to brag
about. But since he has been here, he has completely turned the
drumline around. Now, not only has he made us better players, but the
drumline is a much more fun place to be. He is a fun teacher, and is
always there to help. Thanks to him, I have become a much better
Mr. Cass: Andrew is one of the hardest working people that I know. He
has always been a great example for other students to follow. Andrew is
clearly destined for great things and I’m honored to have had the chance
to help shape the great person that he is. Andrew, good luck at UT!
Jessica Price
Star Student
Rob & Sharon Price
Future Plans:
Attending Southwestern Assemblies of
God University with plans to major in
theatre, law, or marketing
Ms. Stephanie Pierce
Star Teacher
Jessica: I am blessed to have been under Ms. Pierce’s direction for my
four years in theatre. She has taught me so many things about theatre
and myself. I am so grateful for her patience in the classroom, on stage,
and in every day life. Thank you, Ms. Pierce, for helping me grow in my
passion for theatre. I will never forget you!
Ms. Pierce: Jessica is the kind of student every teacher dreams of. She is
positive, upbeat, creative, and very talented. Over the past 4 years I have
had the privilege to see her blossom not only into an excellent student
and actress, but into an amazing young woman as well. Best of luck in
all your future endeavors, Jess!
Connor John Roberts
Star Emcee
Jay and Kathy Roberts
Future Plans:
Attending Tarleton State University and
majoring in business with hopes to also
play baseball
Mr. Ray Hydes
Star Teacher
Connor: Coach Hydes is the Head Coach for Panther Baseball and he is
also the Coach I most respect. He has been coaching baseball longer than I
have been alive, and he has more knowledge of baseball than anyone I have
been around. I was able to be coached by him for four years, and I learned
so much from him. Not just about baseball, but about life lessons he would
talk to us about. I was honored to be a part of his baseball program.
Mr. Hydes: Connor, you are a true man of character. God has created in you
to be a man of integrity who has such a compassion for others and the desire
to serve God. Your work ethic and passion for excellence has set a fantastic
example for your peers and teammates not to mention your coaches and
teachers. You have showed great character and class both as a student and
an athlete. You have been a pleasure and a blessing to coach the last 4 years.
As an educator and coach it is an honor to say that it is student/athletes like
you that make my job easier and completely rewarding. Thank you, Connor,
for allowing me to be apart of your life.
Collin Roland
Star Student
Kevin Roland
Future Plans:
Attending the University of Texas at
Austin and majoring in philosophy and
English with plans to teach
Mr. Steven Hammons
Star Teacher
U.S. History
Collin: Whimsical, interesting, and colorful. Mr. Hammons embodies all of these
adjectives as an educator. He was never at a loss for an analogy or a rambling tale
concerning reptilian apparel. His love for his subject is refreshing and inspires me to
attempt to acquire that same vigor for my own studies.
Mr. Hammons: As educators, we work to build relationships with our students, and each
one develops in its own unique way. The relationship that I have developed with
Collin means a lot to me because it is one in which I feel I have learned more from him
than perhaps he has learned from me. What impressed me last school year about
Collin was his character and his focus to do what was right and responsible in the midst of
a chapter in his life that was challenging and uncertain. During the school year, he
displayed dignity and determination at a very young age in dealing with a life situation
that often tears people of lesser character apart. On days when I knew it was hard for him
to keep going, he came to class with a smile and a focus and zeal to learn. When he missed
school, he always took care to make -up his work. And when the class discussion
demanded an analysis or question of a higher order, he was there with input. He was truly
a joy with whom to share a learning environment. Whatever circumstances life throws at
him in the future, I am confident he possesses the skills and character needed to weather
the storm and to emerge stronger than ever. In the future when I have chapters in my life
beyond my control, I will always think of Collin as a source of perseverance and
inspiration. Best wishes, Collin, as you embark on this new and exciting chapter in your
Hannah Vam Amburgh
Star Student
Michael and Beth Van Amburgh
Future Plans:
Attending the University of Oklahoma and
majoring in public relations/marketing in
hopes of pursuing a fashion merchandising
Ms. Aly Gaither
Star Teacher
Pre-AP English
Hannah: Though Mrs. Gaither was early in her career when she taught me,
it was immediately evident teaching was her passion. Her class provided
an entertaining and engaging learning experience in an otherwise awkward
stage of my middle school life. I will never forget how she turned her
classroom into the middle of the ocean for our reading of The Cay, during
which we were forced to remain on our rafts (blankets) and keep from being
eaten by the sharks (students). Mrs. Gaither truly worked to build
relationships with her students and did a fantastic job at it. Even after I
finished her class, she offered to help me whenever needed and always
provided a smile. Thank you, Mrs. Gaither for being a wonderful and
inspirational teacher.
Ms. Gaither: Hannah, you have made an unforgettable impact on my life.
Your motivation, leadership, and that bright smile always remind me of why
I love being an educator. I know you will reach for the stars in everything
you do. The world is yours, and I can’t wait to hear of all your continued
accomplishments (I’m sure there will be some singing and maybe a little
acting along the way). I am so proud of you! God bless!
Christian Dylan Velasquez
Star Student
Jesse and Jennifer Velasquez
Future Plans:
Attending the University of Oklahoma
and majoring in chemistry with plans to
become an interventional cardiologist
Ms. Donna Smith
Star Teacher
Christian: Ms. Smith helped me tremendously to hone my artistic skills. Whenever I had a
question on what medium to use, or how to use a new supply, I felt comfortable going to her to
ask for help, and she would have plenty of advice and tips for how to practice. There were many
times when I was disappointed with how a work was turning out, but Ms. Smith knew what
small changes could greatly improve the piece I was working on. As we prepared for the AP
submission of our works, Ms. Smith opened her doors after hours and on weekends so that we
could finish before it became crunch time and the stress started piling on. Ms. Smith was always
ready to lend a helping hand, and my artistic talent has grown tremendously through her
Ms. Smith: Christian and I have known each other only for his 11th and 12th grade years at
MHS. In that short span he has become one of those rare individuals you meet in your lives that
whenever you meet them again you’ll still feel the positive energy between you. I knew when
I had him in my “crazy” 7th period Art I class that he was going to be my saving grace to get
through that year. He was always remarkable in his insights to each art project we did. I always
encourage these types of students to pursue the AP art program if I know they can withstand the
the pressure and hard work involved. I asked Christian early in the year to go into AP art since he
was a junior and he agreed he would like to. Then he left at mid-term to join the swim team at
Mansfield I.S.D. He said he would continue to work on his art. I was worried he had too many
“irons-in-the fire.” Most AP students have Art II before they enter AP art. They need to start the
year with at least 12 artworks so they can complete their portfolio with 24 pieces in early May.
He was amazing all year and “backstroked” with ease completing his strong portfolio. Christian’s
middle initials should be “A.P.” He’s in AP everything. Christian’s got a full-ride to O.U. to enter
the medical profession as a heart surgeon. He’s captured my heart and I would welcome him to
operate on my heart anytime. All I can say to him is never change your lust for learning - it will
keep you believing that life is so good.
Since beginning in April 2004, the Midlothian ISD Education Foundation has
given over $250,000 to Midlothian ISD through innovative teaching progams,
student recognition banquets, scholarships, and various other programs.
For more information about MEF, please visit our website at www.misdef.org
and follow us on Facebook @facebook.com/misdef.
The MEF also produced the first MHS alumni directory in 2010.
New graduates can register at www.misdalumni.org and follow alumni news