NOVEMBER Newsletter - First United Methodist Church


NOVEMBER Newsletter - First United Methodist Church
NOVEMBER Newsletter
Vol. 25, Number 11, November, 2015
Thanksgiving is A Way Out
Have you ever caught yourself in the feeling of
ingratitude? It may not be immediately apparent that it is
one of the most powerful temptations we face as human
beings, and yet I would place my ‘bets’ on it being a part
of every classic sin: sloth, pride, vanity, denial, envy, fear,
gluttony, or anger.
Ingratitude or dissatisfaction can open our minds and
hearts to any number of thoughts and actions that slowly
lead to spiritual death.
I hear it in the passing
conversations and on the radio talk shows “I hate this
weather” or “I can’t stand to be in Hobby Lobby with the
mix of Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas all
jumbled on top of each other.” Slowly the temptation is in
the air and a false sense of guilt begins to suffocate and
lead us human beings into sinful coping behaviors to try
and address the unmet desire, ingratitude, or dissatisfaction with reality as we perceive it.
Martin Luther, the father of the Protestant Reformation, is
given credit for three essential elements to spiritual
growth: prayer (talking to God), meditation (listening to
God), and temptation (depending on God). The following
scripture gives us another reminder that temptation is a
part of our human existence. It is common to all;
therefore, God transforms it into an opportunity for
depending on his grace to see us through it, overcome it,
and pick us back up when we fall into sin.
So knowing that this common temptation experienced by
all is coming in large quantity, it is important to prepare
for it in the most diligent way. First stand on the truth of
scripture: God is faithful and will not let you be tempted
beyond what you can bear. God will also provide A Way
Out so you can endure it. Second stand on the experience of those who rely on God’s powerful spirit: It is not
you who will overcome the temptation, it is the Spirit of
God within you that gives strength to bear.
Third it
stands to reason that if God promises a way out, God
has given us intelligence to practice avoiding techniques
and strategies of starving temptation with better choices.
Finally, it is the Spirit of Thanksgiving that can be
nurtured by a continual practice of giving thanks to God
in all things. I believe Thanksgiving is the guardian of
all hearts.
May the gifts of God be ever more apparent as we trust
God to give us a way out of our cycles of sin. The Great
Thanksgiving is a season for every day.
Grace and Peace,
Pastor Laura
P.S. A grateful appreciation for a preacher like Craig
Groeschel, Senior Pastor of Life Church, who reminded me
of A Way Out.
No temptation has overtaken you except what is
common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will
not let you be tempted beyond what you can
bear. But when you are tempted, he will also
provide a way out so that you can endure it.
-1 Corinthians 10:13 (NIV)
The coming weeks allow for a number of temptations to
cross our path. Material gifts become even more emphasized in catalogs and advertisement. The desire for
loving relationships is nurtured on every romantic movie
script and book. Family gatherings are celebrated, glamorized, or criticized for their dysfunction. All of it becomes
a field mined with the temptation toward ingratitude.
Lectionary Readings
Our worship life is organized
around the Revised Common
Lectionary—a system of reading through the entire Bible in
a 3-year cycle. You are invited
and encouraged to use these
scripture passages in your devotional time.
Sunday Morning Schedule:
8:00 a.m. Worship (Eucharist)
Weekly Holy Communion
9:15 a.m. Sunday School
10:30 a.m. Worship
Monthly Holy Communion on 1st Sunday
November 1 - All Saints Day 9 (DAYLIGHT SAVINGS ENDS)
Isaiah 25-6-9
Psalm 24 (UMH 755)
Revelation 21:1-6a
John 11:32-44
Ruth 1:1-18
Hebrews 9:11-14
Psalm146 (UMH 858)
Mark 12:28-34
23rd Sunday after Pentecost
9:00-10:00 a.m. - Cross Talk
(Ed. Wing)
9:15-10:00 a.m. - New Beginnings
9:15-10:15 a.m. - Family Faith Class
(Ed. Wing)
9:15-10:30 a.m. - Coffee Café
(First Sunday of the Month)
9:15-10:00 a.m. - First Connections
Meet the Pastor and Learn about the
local church community
(Meets the Second Sunday of the Month)
8:00 a.m. Children ages 0-4 Years
9:15 a.m. Family Faith Class
Ed. Wing
6th-12th Grades
Rec. Room
November 8 - 24th Sunday after Pentecost
Ruth 3:1-5; 4:13-17
Hebrews 9:24-28
Psalm 127 or Psalm 42 (UMH 777)
Mark 12:38-44
November 15 - 25th Sunday after Pentecost
1 Samuel 1:4-20
1 Samuel 2:1-10 or Psalm 113 (UMH 834)
Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18) Mark 13:1-8
November 22 - Last Sunday after Pentecost
2 Samuel 23:1-7
Revelation 1:4b-8
Psalm 132:1-12 (UMH 849)
John 18:33-37
November 29 - 1st Sunday of Advent
Jeremiah 33:14-16
1 Thessalonians 3:9-13
Psalm 25:1-10 (UMH 756)
Luke 21:25-36
November 29
1st Sunday of Advent
December 6
2nd Sunday of Advent:
St Nicholas Day Celebration
December 13
3rd Sunday of Advent:
December 20
4th Sunday of Advent:
Lesson and Carols
Christmas Eve Services
5:00 p.m. Service of Drums
7:00 p.m. Communion and Candlelight
Children are always welcome in worship. Children's activities
are available in the Narthex.
5:00 p.m.
UM Youth Fellowship
Rec. Room
First United Methodist Church of Rockport
Phone No. 361-729-1659.
The Rockport Beacon is published monthly by the
First United Methodist Church of Rockport, 801 E.
Main Street, Rockport, Texas 78382.
Rev. Laura Hewett-Becker, Senior Pastor ………………… x2248
Susan Jamison, Business Manager………………………… x2574
Monica Franklin, Administrative Assistant…………………. x2576
Stefany Simmons, Dir of Family Ministries……..….………. x2575
Ouida Bliss Richardson, Music Ministries.…………………. x2577
Kathy Wilson, RN, Wesley Nurse…………………………… x2578
Alfredo Gonzales, Custodian………………………………… x2501
Kathy Daniels, FLT Director…………………………………. X2584
Wendy Bryan, Youth Director………………………………. x2580
Send address changes to The Rockport Beacon,
P. O. Box 1045, Rockport, Texas 78381.
First Sunday
Coffee/Soda Bistro
November 1
Cross Talk Sunday
School Class
New Study
9:00 a.m.
serving Fresh Ginger-ale, Italian
Cream Sodas, Kahlua Coffee,
Mocha Coffee,
Juice, Coffee and Decaf,
and Sweet Treats
We are studying the life and
teachings of the Apostle Paul,
based on The Call, a book by
Adam Hamilton.
During the
study, we will not only learn about Paul's incredible life,
but we will also be asked repeatedly to examine how
Paul's experiences and teachings are relevant to our own
lives and spiritual growth. All are welcome to attend.
Cross Talk Sunday School hosts the First Sunday fellowship open between first and second service, during Sunday School and after second service. Make sure you
mark your calendar and plan to come meet some new
people, visit, and share some incredibly good coffees,
sodas and goodies with each other! This is a great way
to introduce your friends and neighbors to our church as
well as to get to know people. And a great connection
between the first and second congregations. Hope to see
you there!!
New Beginnings Sunday School Class
9:15 a.m.
For Adults over 50.
This is a discussion
study on the Book of
Acts. This study of the
Scripture follows the
beginning of the church
and how it relates to
our world today. The
leadership is done on a rotation of facilitators. Student
books are furnished. Come join this interesting biblical
study. This could be a beginning for you!
November 10
Coastal Bend Day of Giving is a 24 hour online opportunity to raise funds for nonprofits at the forefront of assisting
the neediest of our neighbors. This community givetogether begins at midnight on November 10 with a minimum gift of only $10. Each of the 40 participating nonprofits is eligible for a $16,250 match, enabling them
November 8 - 9:15 a.m. FH 3
FUMC’s nonprofit is Good Samaritans so if we give to
Good Sam on November 10, that money will be matched
up to $16,250.00. This gives an opportunity for all to
make a huge difference in this organization.
“Join a gathering with Pastor Laura for those interested in
being a part of this congregation.” Understanding the
Journey of Discipleship within the context of the local
church. The time together will be focused on one of the
major themes from the book of Ephesians.
November 8: God’s People
December 13: God’s Call
Open your hearts and your pocketbooks and/or wallets
and give to this great cause.
Wednesday Night Fellowship Dinners (WNFDs)
Wednesday, November 4
7:00 a.m.
If you would be interested in being a lay speaker or have a topic
you would like addressed, please let Barbara Klemm know. Her
email is [email protected] or 361- 244-2878. We
are also looking for Meal Coordinators. If you have questions,
please contact Jeannie or Rob Coe at 210-601-6132 or [email protected] menus will be announced in the
Church Alive. Please sign up either on your Friendship Card on
Sundays OR you can call the church up until Tuesday afternoon
and add your name to the list! There is also a sig-up sheet
located in the Narthex on the reception desk. This is a great
opportunity to bring friends and neighbors and introduce them to
our church!
All men are invited to join us for our monthly fellowship and
reflection .
Women’s Bible Study
Tuesdays thru
November 17, 10:00am
Crosstalk Sunday School
A bible study for women written by Melissa Spoelstra called
“Jeremiah - Daring to Hope in an Unstable World.” Come join
in this exciting study showing how God offers us a better
choice if we surrender to his will.
Windswept Oaks
Emmaus Group
Thursday, November 5
at 6:00 p.m.
Fellowship Hall 3
Windswept Oaks will be hosting a 4th
Day Reunion Gathering with a potluck
supper with fellowship and 4th Day
Service following.
On November 14, from 6:00 p.m. to
8:00 p.m., there is a Coastal Bend
Emmaus Community Gathering at
Asbury UMC, 7501 South Staples
Street, Corpus Christi. Please bring
covered dish items as follows: A-F side dishes, veggies or
salads, G-P Main (Meat) Dish, and Q-Z desserts, fruits or
breads. They are asking for non-perishable canned or boxed
food items to be gifted to the Asbury Church Food Pantry.
Crazy Quilters
On Wednesday, Crazy Quilters are running a production line to
create pockets for little crosses. These little crosses in their
pockets will be pinned to quilts and tote bags that are given
away. The pocket crosses will also be given away at the
Piecemakers Quilt Show in January. Each pocket cross will
have a bible attached. There is also a quilt show coming January 30 and 31, 2016, to be held at the Rockport-Fulton High
School. Crazy Quilters meets at the church on Wednesday of
each week from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
2015 Benevolent Bucket
The FUMC Outreach Ministries Team met on January 15,
2015 and designated the following Benevolent Bucket causes
for the year:
Card Ministry
We need a few artistic or experienced paper crafters to help
design cards and prepare supplies for assembly. And we need
quite a few willing hearts and hands (no talent or experience
needed!) to put the cards together. If you don’t fit into either of
those categories, but you’re interested in participating, a monetary donation for supplies/tools or a donation of a book of
“Forever” stamps would be greatly appreciated!
Card makers will meet for a couple of hours, approximately
once a month to assemble these lovely works of art. If you’re
interested in helping in any way, please contact: Karen Shirer
830-928-3741 [email protected]
Prescription Assistance
Youth Group
Good Samaritans
Children’s Ministry
Access Counseling
Castaway Building Fund
Shoes for Little Souls
Good Samaritans - Kid Care
True Vineyards
HealthCare Ministries Team to purchase
an AED Device
Good Samaritans
Community Table
Community Thanksgiving
Sunday, November 22
To be held at the First Baptist Church, 1515 North Live
Oak Street, Rockport, Texas.
Please watch Church Alive
for more information.
Each Tuesday, from 4:15 to 6:30 p.m., at the First Presbyterian Church (301 Hwy 35 North), a free meal is offered to anyone in the community who wants to come. Different churches
in the area rotate hosting it each week. The annual Thanksgiving Community Table will be held November 24. FUMC
will be contributing Green Bean Casserole using Pat Speck’s
recipe. Volunteers are needed to help with this incredible outreach. We need two people to prepare the casserole for approximately 500 people in our church’s kitchen and then taken
to the Presbyterian Church by 3:00 p.m. There is a sign-up
sheet on the Receptionist Desk in the Narthex for needed volunteers. If you are interested in serving, or have any questions, please contact Joe Wilson at 210-854-5637.
AIM for the Coast
November 6th & 7th
If you are seeking spiritual growth through Bible studies,
daily devotionals, or classes to help you develop as a
Christian leader, there are a wealth of resources available online. Here are just a few:
Fri: 7:00 PM Glow Run
Fri: 8:00 PM Concert
Sat: 9:00AM Bike Ride
The Upper Room
Daily Devotionals are available at
The Upper Room also offers spiritual formation resources that are accessible anytime and anywhere. Visit for more
For more information,
visit AIM Hospice
Discipleship Ministries of the United Methodist Church
offers many opportunities for online learning and leadership development. Visit
webinars to see what’s coming up, or to watch archived
webinars. Here are two of the webinars coming in November:
This year the Family Faith Class is partnering with Communities in Schools (CIS) to help provide families in
need with Thanksgiving food baskets. CIS is committed
to helping children and youth stay in - and succeed - in
 November 3, 10:00 a.m. Children’s Spirituality: 8
Tools Children Use to Help Them Experience God
 November 19, 10:00 a.m. The Means of Grace offers scriptures in many translations as well as a wide variety of online Bible studies,
devotionals, and other resources.
Aneita Ortiz, CIS Coordinator of Rockport Middle
School, has a goal of creating 33 baskets for families
this year. I would like to challenge our congregation to
see if we can help her beat that goal and provide 50 or
even 100 of these baskets to families in need!
FYI, Aneita will be sharing more information about this
program at our Wednesday Night Fellowship Dinner on
November 11th at 6:00pm.
Parent Involvement Center
Rockport Elementary
619 N. Live Oak
Items needed:
 Mashed potatoes
 Stuffing
 Brown sugar
 Cake mix
 Corn
 Green beans
 Baking potatoes
Did you know that Aransas County ISD (ACISD) has a
Parent Involvement Center which offers a variety of
FREE resources? There are a wealth of parenting books,
learning activities for all ages, and games that you and
your family can do together, and it’s all FREE for you to
check out! They
also offer clothing
for families in need.
In His Service,
Stefany Simmons
Director of Family Ministries
From the Director of Family Ministries ...
Practicing Faith Daily with Your Family
Thankful for Church
As busy as life is, it can seem difficult or even impossible
to find time for practicing faith with our families. Since this
is the month of Thanksgiving, it’s a great time to focus on
being thankful. Here are a few practical ways that you
might consider adding prayers of
gratitude to your daily activities.
You can do these alone or with
your family.
Because October 11th was Children’s Sabbath, I asked
Ava Brandon (8 years old) if she would be willing to share
with the congregation her thoughts about why church is
important to her. She is a very brave young lady and was
excited to do it, so I asked her several questions. In case
you missed it, here are the answers that Ava shared with
the congregation on October 11th:
 Thank God for your own life.
 Me: What is your favorite part about church?
 Thank God for loved ones.
Ava: my friends.
 Thank God for the food he has provided.
 Me: Tell me one thing you have learned at church.
 Thank God for the work he has given you to do.
Ava: that God will never flood the earth again.
Also when I have a hard day, I know I can pray
and God will help me.
 Thank God for helping you through hard times.
 Thank God for His Word.
 Me: How have people in this church shown kindness
 Thank God for his presence in your life.
to you and your family?
Ava: by giving us good food.
Family Faith Class
Sundays, 9:15am-10:15am
Education Wing, 4th door
 Me: Tell me someone who is special to you at church.
Ava: Pastor Laura is special to me because
she helps me learn God’s word.
 Me: What do you like most about our Family Faith
All members of your family are invited to
come together for the purpose of learning
how to worship God together in the church
and how to build faith in their own homes every day. All
are welcome!
Class on Sunday mornings?
Ava: We get to draw and make crafts.
 Me: What do you like most about Kids’ Time on
Wednesday nights?
Ava: We do fun stuff and new people come.
Like last week we made things out of play
November Lessons:
 Nov 1 - Lazarus raised from dead, John 11:32-44
(Meet in Fellowship Hall 3 for Coffee Bistro)
 Nov 8 - Poor widow gives all, Mark 12:38-44
 Nov 15 - Hannah prays, 1 Sam 2:1-10
 Nov 22 - Christ the King, John 18:33-37
 Nov 29 - A Different Kind of Christmas (see below)
 Me: Would it make a difference if you didn’t have
church in your life?
Ava: If I didn’t have church, it would be a
problem because I wouldn’t know how to do
all the stuff church teaches me.
Ava’s answers speak
volumes. I am thankful
for her, and I am thankful
for all of you—my church
family. May God bless
you and your family
abundantly this month
and always.
A Different Kind of Christmas
Family Faith Class
Sunday mornings, 9:15-10:15am
November 29—December 27
Education Wing, 4th door
A Different Kind of Christmas is a fun and inspiring study
for children during the Advent season. Based on Mike
Slaughter’s popular book Christmas Is Not Your Birthday,
this engaging study will help children discover the broader meaning of Jesus’ birth and experience a Christmas
season with more peace and joy than any toy could ever
In His Service,
Stefany Simmons
Spirit FEST
Saturday, November 14
Gates Open 12:00pm
Event Begins 1:00p.m.
This isn’t just for youth! This is a
family event at Whataburger field.
Tickets are $25 General Admission. Contact Pastor Laura if you
need a ride.
For more info:
As I look at the calendar, I question what happened to the
year. 2015 is 10 months gone and I realize that when we
don’t take advantage of today…then it too, is gone.
Youth MidWinter this year is at
Camp Zephyr! Anyone 6th grade
through 12th grade interested in
MidWinter, we need to sign up
ASAP! The dates are January 2931 (last weekend of January).
Fortunately, in October, we took advantage of opportunities of good weather, a Columbus Day School Vacation
Day, and the generosity of many that helped the youth
camp out on the beach! (A HUGE thank you to Ronnell
Burke, Laura Becker, and Mark Bryan)
We have enjoyed fellowship time with groups as small as
3 and as big as 15. In Sunday School, we are following
The Call – the story and study of Paul. In MYF, we are
working our way down the ‘bucket list’ of things we want
to accomplish and participate in. Here are the items we
can participate in during November!
UMARMY fundraising will
begin soon! Start thinking
about your flamingo nominations!!!
Sunday Nights
November 1—St. Nicholas’ Spirit of Giving
St. Nick Skit read-through and rehearsals during November in preparation of leading in
worship on Dec 6th. We need a
Bishop, several maidens, and a few
others to narrate. Mixed in to the
discussion will be the ‘art of giving in
Wendy Bryan
Youth Director
He gives strength to the weary and increases the power
of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and
young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the
LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings
like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will
walk and not be faint
November 8—Dating and Doweries
November 15—Dating Red Flags
November 22—The Friendship Factor
November 29—Final Rehearsal for St. Nick Skit
AIM Hospice “Glow Event”
Join us on Friday, Nov 6th at 6:30p.m. to help AIM Hospice with their GLOW Event. We will be providing a water
stop/glow station at Veteran’s Memorial Park in Rockport
Harbor area. Wear clothes you won’t mind getting glow
powder on. Runners and walkers are looking forward to
a fun event that supports AIM’s work and that allows
them to get their ‘glow’ on. We will also have a water
stop on Saturday, Nov 7th at the Tule Creek Trailhead
next to Walmart. Be there at 9am so we can provide
water stop for the 9-mile bike event.
Isaiah 40:29-31
Sun. Nov. 22
(directly after worship)
Advent Daily Devotion Writers Needed!
The Worship Committee is planning an Advent Devotional
resources that comes from the local congregation. We
will need at least 23 people willing to write a short devotional reflection on one of the ways in which Christ is Lord
in their life. The Worship Committee will supply a focus
image, scripture text and a writing template similar to the
example that follows:
November 1 - Patty Miller
November 2 - Kim Chapman
November 4 - Bob D’Amico
November 5 - Terry Collins
November 5 - Kathy Daniels
November 6 - Jean Holland
November 6 - Max Kluge
November 7 - Alice Porter
November 7 - Dustin Barre
November 8 - Janice Spears
November 10 - Candi Ward
November 11 - Betsy Sadler
November 12 - Les Freeman
November 14 - Christine Grohman
November 15 - Ed Caldwell
November 15 - Susan Lloyd
November 16 - Lynne Ruf
November 17 - Richard Pifer
November 18 - Marjorie Farrer
November 18 - Beverly Palas
November 22 - Maria Gardner
November 23- Bert Shoopman
November 25 - Lovelyn Hughes
November 25 - Cameron Tonne
November 26 - Bud Crough
November 26 - Jim Fowler
November 26 - Sandra Garrison
Image Focus: The Lord is Strength and Song
Scripture: Exodus 15: 2 (NIV) “the Lord is my strength
and my song; he has become my salvation.”
Your Reflection: ________________________________
Prompt: How has Jesus been your strength and song?
Share a story.
Your Prayer:
A Thought for the Day: ________________________
EX: Migrating Birds strong enough to fly the distance.
The devotion submissions will be placed on the church’s
website and compiled in a booklet for the Advent Season.
Please call the church office if you willing to write and
share your reflections. The deadline for the Devotional
pieces will be due Sunday, November 15. We look forward to sharing this work of worship with our faith family.
November 10 - Lloyd and Charlene Morin
November 12 - Dr. John and Ginger Gay
November 14 - Lin and Melva Turner
November 15 - Shawn and Stefany Simmons
From the Director of
First Learning Tree...
Come, ye thankful people, come,
raise the song of harvest home;
all is safely gathered in, ere the winter storms begin.
The 2015 Pumpkin Patch is history! Between it and the
Fall Festival, I don’t know which I enjoyed more. Last
year I was not as involved with the Fall Festival as
previous years and we did not even have the Pumpkin
Patch because of limited space. I don’t have totals for
the Pumpkin Patch, but to date we are $800.00 over
sales from 2013 and we still have more days to sell
pumpkins. The Patch will be open fewer days than
2013, and I did not expect to surpass the total sales of
2013 but it must be Charlie’s Brown “the Great
Pumpkin” that is inspiring all of our FLT Parents, FUMC
members and the Rockport community because our
daily sales are off the chart! This year, as many know,
the Patch was relocated to the old FLT Playground. It
has turned out to be an exceptional location. The fence
keeps it secured, the trees offer shade and with the
leaves and hay, it actually fells like a real pumpkin
God our Maker doth provide for our wants to be supplied;
come to God’s own temple, come,
raise the song of harvest home.
Have you ever gone to a Homecoming or
Family Reunion? Everyone's talking at once … about
the work they've been doing, about the good and bad
times they've had, and about their hopes for the future.
Harvest gatherings are much the same. After the work
of harvest is completed, people talk about the food
that has been safely stored for the winter; they
express their thankfulness to God for the harvest; and
they think about the future. Henry Alford's "Come, Ye
Thankful People, Come" talks about just such a
harvest time.
I was prepared for the Fall Festival to be a total wash
out. The skies were ominous, rain always threatening,
but wow what a shock! Our families, the community,
and FUMC members all arrived to support the Festival.
We will even pass our totals from last year’s Festival. I
am completely in shocked by the turn of events. WAY
TO GO!!! The only reason that we are able to do so
well with both of these events, is because of the support
of not only our families, but also our church family.
Many of you have worked in the Pumpkin Patch, helped
to unload pumpkins (Chester Barre ),worked the Fall
Festival, participated in the Silent Auction and even
bought every last item in our Bake Sale. My deepest
appreciation goes out to all of you that have support this
program over the past years. What a treasure this
congregation is!
We are called to be thankful people. This
hymn, like Psalm 100:4, reminds us to come into the
presence of God with grateful hearts. In stanzas two
and three, Alford also remind us of our responsibility to
be fruitful in God’s kingdom. Englishman George J.
Elvey composed the tune, ST.GEORGE’S WINDSOR.
Elvey named the tune after the Chapel of St. George
where he and other famous organists served for years.
Matched with Alford’s lyrics, the joyful and march-like
tune moves us into the future as stanza four urges our
Lord Jesus to come quickly and bring us home.
"Come, Ye Thankful People Come" takes us through
thankfulness for harvest to hopefulness for Advent!
Even so, Lord, quickly come,
bring thy final harvest home;
gather thou thy people in, free from sorrow, free from sin,
November brings a mixture of activities. We always
sponsor a food drive and donate the proceeds to Good
Samaritans. This is an excellent opportunity to teach
our students the act of giving.
Our Annual
Thanksgiving Feast will be on Friday, November 23h at
11:00. This is our gift back to our families to thank them
for all that they do for us throughout the year. We will
be serving close to 200 people and it is so special to
see all of these great people taking time out from their
schedules to sit, eat and visit not only with their children
but also with other families. This event is probably the
one that fills my spirit with joy and gratitude that I am so
blessed to be the Director of First Learning Tree.
Have a Bountiful Thanksgiving!
there, forever purified, in thy presence to abide;
come, with all thine angels, come,
raise the glorious harvest home.
Wednesdays – November 4, 11, and 18
(No rehearsal November 25)
Stay tuned for A Festival of Lessons and Carols:
A Cloud of Witnesses
December 20, 8:00 & 10:30
Ouida ♫
Ouida Bliss Richardson, Director of Music
In His Grace
Don’t forget the Benevolent Bucket on Sunday November 1st. The Health Ministry Team is raising funds to purchase an AED (Automated External Defibrillator) that will
be placed in the fellowship hall, and available for use if
and when the need arises for our congregation. Did you
know the heart disease is the No. 1 cause of death in the
United States? In the United States, someone has a
heart attack every 34 seconds? In 2011, about 326,000
people experienced out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in the
United States. Of those treated by emergency services,
10.6% survived. Of the 19,300 bystander witnessed outof-hospital cardiac arrests in the same year, survival
rates increased to 31.4%. Rapid response to a witnessed
cardiac arrest, and rapid transfer and treatment to a medical facility can save lives.
Nurses Notes
November 2015
Be Thankful for your Good Health, It’s as easy as
Pumpkin Pie!
The season of Thanksgiving is upon us, and working
towards good health during the holiday season can be
difficult with all the great foods that surround us. Use
these 5 tips to help improve your lifestyle:
Increase your water intake. Water is your body's
principal chemical component and makes up
about 60 percent of your body weight. Every
system in your body depends on water. For
example, water flushes toxins out of vital organs,
carries nutrients to your cells, and provides a
moist environment for ear, nose and throat
tissue. According to the Mayo clinic, men should
drink 13 cups, women 9 cups of fluid daily.
Happy Thanksgiving and Blessings to all.
Kathy Wilson
Wesley Nurse, RN
3 John 1:2—“Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good
health and that all may go well with you, even as your
soul is getting along well.”
Fill half your plate with fruits and vegetables.
According to the USDA, eating a diet rich in
vegetables and fruits as part of an overall healthy
diet may reduce risk for heart disease, including
heart attack and stroke; it also may help protect
against certain types of cancers. Also eating
vegetables and fruits rich in potassium as part of
an overall healthy diet may lower blood pressure,
and may also reduce the risk of developing
kidney stones and help to decrease bone loss.
Diabetes Support Group
Second Tuesday of the Month
10:00 a.m.
Do you or a loved one have diabetes? Diabetes Support
Group meets the second Tuesday of each month. Please
join Kathy Wilson, Wesley Nurse on Tuesday October
13th at 10:00 a.m. in Fellowship Hall for support and fellowship.
Change to whole grains. Consuming whole grains as
part of a healthy diet may reduce the risk of heart
disease, and may help with weight management.
Brown Bag Mental Health
Support Group
Increase your physical activity. After eating
Thanksgiving dinner, go for a walk on the beach
with your family and friends. The American Heart
Association recommends 150 minutes of
moderate physical activity weekly or 30 minutes
at least 5 days per week. Physical activity may
help reduce blood pressure, blood sugar, and
cholesterol levels.
Every Wednesday at noon in the Rec Room, a group
meets led by Laura Lopez, LPC, Behavioral Health
Counselor with Methodist Healthcare Ministries. She is
also available for one-on-one counseling. Please call
Laura Lopez at 361-652-3572 for more information.
Prescription Assistance
Mondays from 1:00-4:00pm
See your Wesley Nurse for a screening. Regular
health exams and tests can help find problems
before they start. By getting the right health
services, screenings, and treatments, you are
taking steps that help your chances for living a
longer, healthier life.
The Prescription Assistance Program is in need of volunteers. If you are interested in helping people obtain their
unaffordable medications, please come by the new conference room, Room 3 (down the hall and around the
corner from church staff offices) on Monday afternoons
between 1:00-4:00pm to learn more about the program.
Carol Freeman (361-332-9482), Judy Goodner (361-7907793), Ray Saenz (361-729-5836), or Melva Turner (361
-729-3634) will explain the program. Interested persons
will be trained.
Thank you to the Health Ministry and all who helped
make the Breast Cancer Awareness Dinner and the
Lunch and Learn on the Stages of Grief a wonderful
success. Special thanks to the dishwashers, you lighten
the load greatly.
property are all on target and will be completed next
year. We can all be proud of this important effort for the
children of Rockport/Fulton.
I would like to commend and thank the Finance Committee members, namely, Pastor Laura Becker, Paulette
Kluge, Walter Abbott, Susie Black, Ray Saenz for all their
hard work and for Susan Jamison’s support as the staff
liason. On behalf of the members, I wish everyone a
happy and safe holiday season. We can all be grateful
for the Lord’s blessings each and every day; therefore,
this quote by John Wesley is fitting:
“Do all the good you can, by all the means you can,
in all the places you can, at all times you can,
to all the people you can, as long as ever you can.”
I have been privileged to chair the Finance Committee
for the last two years and am pleased to report that our
church is in good financial shape. We are in that positive
mode because of you and your work on behalf of the
FUMC. Thank you for your service to this important part
of our church operations.
Again, thank you for your support of our fine church.
Linda Valdez
Scripture calls us to give as Jesus gave to us:
This is my last gift to you, this example of a way of life: a
life of hard work, a life of helping the weak, a life that
echoes every day those words of Jesus our King, who
said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.”
Acts 20:35 (The Voice)
Our church programs and ministries are supported by
your giving and without that help we would not be the
church we are today. We have passed a budget for
2016 of $480,907.90 which represents about a 5.5%
increase from 2015. Our increases were in the outreach,
nurturing and education budgets, which develop programs for our members and the community. This also
fits perfectly with our church’s overall mission, “Grow
Families in Christ.” If you wish a copy of the budget, it is
available in Susan Jamison’s office.
We have been particularly blessed by our Castaways
income and the support of our church members and
others who volunteer at Castaways. The income estimate for 2016 from Castaways is $100,000, about 20%
of our total budget. We hope to narrow this percentage
margin in the future so that our operational expenses are
more fully funded by tithes and offerings.
Hopefully, next year the Finance Committee will start a
Stewardship Education Program to help us all realize the
importance of our regular tithes. You will be hearing
much more about this after the first of the year. The
importance of supporting our operations budget cannot
be overemphasized.
I cannot close without mentioning your support for the
First Learning Tree School. Our pledges to pay for the
A convenient alternative to
writing checks…
Enjoy the convenience of electronic giving
In a few short minutes, you can make a onetime gift or set up a donation that will
process automatically on a recurring basis.
Recurring donations are convenient and
provide our church with much needed
consistent support throughout the year. To
give online, visit our church’s website and
locate the link to donate.
How to get started….
Visit our website:
Our church offers electronic giving, which allows
you to make donations on a scheduled, automatic
basis. If you are writing checks and preparing
envelopes every week, you will especially
appreciate electronic giving. It is convenient for you
and provides much-needed donation consistency for
our church.
Give Online
Please go to the church website and
click on the “Online Giving” button to
register online. This will cut down on
paperwork and records retention in our
office and will allow you more privacy
and security for your personal
information. We wish to provide
everyone the easiest manner in which to
share the blessings that God has
provided us.
If you have any questions, please do not
hesitate to contact Susan Jamison,
Business Manager, in the office. The
phone number is 361-729-1659 or email
is [email protected].
continue to be a
The Finance
Committee of FUMC
Offering Our Prayers, Presence, Gifts, Service, and Witness
Prayers and Presence
I learned, in a Grief workshop, a poignant quote that has
stuck with me:
“The Presence of their absence is so
strong.” It is beyond our control to change this ‘presence’
but we do have the opportunity among the living to be
present and offer the gift of a smile, a gentle hug, or
comforting gaze.
As we anticipate the holiday seasons around the corner,
remember to pray for yourselves and each other, for
everyone carries a grief to bear and share.
the cost and effectiveness of our ministries and
missions. Your gifts are a direct response to God’s
blessings in your life. With hope, seeing this chart
will show that your tithes and gifts are being used to
build God’s Kingdom here and within the
connectional ministries of the United Methodist
Church. Growing disciples, worshiping our God
and Savior, keeping our facilities available and
hospitable for ministry and outreach, and
developing spiritual and church leaders continue to
be ways we can be the hands and feet of Christ.
STEWARDSHIP IN ACTION! In 2016, what actions
can we take to Glorify God to build his Kingdom?
Financially Faithful!
September’s income** was 24,297.04 with Castaway’s
income of $11,327.93 for a total of $35,624.97. Our
expenses came in at $46,223.05 for a Net Income
-$10,5987.08. Twice a year we encounter a month when
we have 3 pay periods. That always appears negative
but balances itself out over the next few months. Please
consider what you will commit to God in your tithe; the
ministries of our church and community are blessed by
all you have to offer. If you are traveling you can go to
our church website and give
online. On the home page click on the “Online Giving”
button and you will be directed from there by our Vanco
EFT Service. Check out the VANCO insert in this
newsletter for more information!! We pray for safe
travels for our returning Winter family!
**Income consists of Identified giving, Sunday School offerings
and unidentified giving (cash received when we pass the plate).
Susan Jamison, Business Manager
[email protected]
How do your generous gifts translate into action within
our church? Are we managing God’s resources in a
way that shows our thanks and dependence on him?
This chart gives an overview of the 2015 budget/
expenses and how they directly touch the ministries of
our church. While our monthly income and expense
reports show exactly how much income we had and
who we paid out expenses to, they don’t always reflect
Good Samaritans
Continues to need your time and talent. Volunteers are
needed in the pantry, reception, and interview areas. We
will train. Come support Good Samaritans.
From the Coastal Bend District Superintendent Eradio Valverde, Jr.
Thanksgiving prayer
Author and radio host Garrison Keillor put a unique spin on
expressing gratitude for special meals. He painted the following table prayer on his dining-room wall, encouraging
guests to sing it together before eating:
O Lord, we thank Thee for this food, For every blessing,
every good. For earthly sustenance and love Bestowed on
us from heaven above. Be present at our table, Lord. Be
here and everywhere adored. Thy children bless and grant
that we May feast in paradise with Thee.
“It’s inspiring to hear 15 people find harmony around the
Thanksgiving table,” Keillor writes. Singing together “sets a
tone. No crying in the cranberries. … There is much to be
grateful for.”
“Let Your Light So Shine...”
Matthew 5:16
Mission Statement
Growing Families in Christ
through Nurture, Outreach, and Witness.
P.O. BOX 1045
ROCKPORT, TEXAS 78381-1045
(361) 729-1659