3dcreatorflyer2016.pub (Read-Only)


3dcreatorflyer2016.pub (Read-Only)
Enables precise
Allows contour,
seams and
surface capture
The ul"mate in a
portable CMM
Time saved will
pay for itself
Provides real-"me
tracking of instruments providing
X, Y, Z and vector
The produc"vity
The Path to Produc vity...
The 3D Creator is a family of 3D measurement and tracking systems used to digi"ze both
small and large objects or track mo"on in real "me. With thousands of systems in use
around the world, the 3D Creator is helping organiza"ons solve difficult problems, deliver
be/er products, and improve their bo/om-line.
Ease of Use, Portability and Range
Not encumbered by mechanical limita"ons, the 3D Creator’s patented op"cal technology
and wireless design permits complete freedom of movement within a large measurement
Dynamic Referencing and Real- me Tracking
A powerful feature of the 3D Creator is its ability to accurately measure or track an object in
mo"on, from in-process inspec"on on the shop floor to computer assisted surgery.
Compa ble with Popular So$ware
The 3D Creator seamlessly interfaces with the most popular metrology and CAD/CAM so4ware solu"ons, including Delcam PowerInspect, PolyWorks, GeoMagic, Aberlink 3D, Aberlink 3D plus CAD, RevWorks, PointMaster, HighRes, TezetCAD Light and 3D Reshaper .
Copyright Anaglyph 2016
Applications by industry
Engineering - Wireless 3D digitizer for reverse engineering and rapid prototyping
Applica ons:
• Design of a4ermarket auto parts and accessories
• Capturing design elements for rapid prototyping
• Design of vehicle sea"ng and furniture
• Crea"on of custom window films
Product Features:
• Complete freedom of movement with the hand-held, wireless probe
• Extremely versa"le, ideal for both small and large object digi"zing
• Compact, all-in-one system for “plug & play” simplicity and easy mobility
Key Benefits:
• Improved produc"vity
Manufacturing - Portable CMM for shop floor inspec"on and robot control
Applica ons:
• Part-to-CAD inspec"on of small and large parts
• First-ar"cle and supplier quality inspec"on
• Tooling and fixture verifica"on and alignment
• Robot programming and control
• Noise, vibra"on, and acous"c imaging
• Aerospace fuselage assembly
Product Features:
• Avoid unnecessary down"me by inspec"ng parts off-line
• Dynamic referencing compensates for movement
• Drama"cally reduce the "me required to program robots
Key Benefits:
• Improved in-process quality
• Increased produc"vity
• Reduced scrap/rework
Medical - Real-"me 3D tracking for computer-aided surgery and therapy
Applica ons:
• Image-guided radia"on therapy
• Minimally invasive neurosurgery
• Pa"ent movement tracking
• Dental implantology
• Orthopedic surgery
Product Features:
• High accuracy due to ac"ve markers and camera resolu"on
• Op"mum tool design due to flexibility of LED placement
• Compact, all-in-one system with wireless capability
Key Benefit:
• Improved surgical outcomes due to improved naviga"on, accuracy, and
Commercial - Portable 3D measurement tool for commercial applica"ons
Applica ons:
• Marine canvas fabrica"on & teak decking
• Conversion vans and custom vehicle up fiCng
• Custom doors, windows, and furniture
• Curved glass and complex window shapes
• As-built documenta"on for construc"on
• Metal tube bending
Product Features:
• Wireless probe provides freedom of movement and the ability to measure
beyond line-of-sight
• Compact, all-in-one system for “plug & play” simplicity and easy mobility
• Ba/ery powered for all-day use in environments without line voltage
Key Benefits:
• Increased produc"vity, simplified workflow and lower cost/rework
Copyright Anaglyph 2016
Technical Information
How does the 3D CREATOR compare to other 3D measurement
The 3D CREATOR works much like a Coordinate Measurement Machine
(CMM), measurement arm or laser tracker, except that it offers complete
freedom of movement, excellent portability, and the ability to measure/
track moving objects. It is also among the most affordable 3D measurement solu"ons on the market.
Technical Data
Acquisi"on speed
Data output
Camera bar length
Probe lengths
Shipping Weight
Opera"ng temperature
Power input
Specifica on
Up to 40 LEDS concurrently
Up to 900 Hz
x, y, z coordinates and u, v vectors
300, 600, 900 & 1200 mm
200, 400, 600 mm
Up to 18 kg (40 lbs)
10-35 °C
100-240 VAC, 50/60 Hz
Up to 100 microns (0.004 inches)
Up to 10 meters
Mul"ple tool capability
Great for scanning applica"ons
User congurable format
Approx. 12, 24, 36 & 48 inches
Approx. 8, 16 & 24 inches
Includes system, accessories and wheeled case
Temperature compensated camera bar
Ba/ery power op"on available
Varies based on camera bar length, range and other factors
Varies based on camera bar length, accuracy and other factors
Field of view
OS compa"bility
Sunlight mi"ga"on
Wireless data transmission
Mul"ple camera systems
Up to 60 degrees
Windows 2000, XP, Vista, and 7
User specified
32 or 64 bit
Wired also available
Create local “GPS” zone
Typical Applica ons
Customer Outcomes
Shop floor part-to-CAD inspec"on
Design of a4ermarket auto parts
Surgical naviga"on, pa"ent monitoring & orthopedics
Spinal analysis, bicycle Cng, and bon density research
Marine fabrica"on, as-built construc"on & automo"ve sea"ng
Key Features
Large Measurement Volume
Wireless & Armless
All-in-One Design
Impressive Accuracy
Dynamic Measurement
Surprisingly Affordable
Improved in-process quality and reduced scrap/rework
Increased produc"vity and reduced development "me
Superior pa"ent outcomes due to be/er naviga"on, accuracy & alignment
Excep"onal accuracy, versa"lity, and affordability
Be/er accuracy, simplified workflow & improved produc"vity
Wide field of view and range of up to 10 meters
Freedom of movement and ability to capture “hidden” points
Compact size, quick setup, and easy to transport
RMS error of 100 microns (0.004 inches) in target area
Accurately measure or track moving objects in real "me
Best-in-class value and a/rac"ve ROI
Contact Informa"on:
Anaglyph Ltd
Suite 33
10 Barley Mow Passage
London W4 4PH
Tel: +44 (0)20 8987 6056
Fax: +44 (0)20 8994 1533
Email : [email protected]
Website: www.anaglyph.co.uk
Copyright Anaglyph 2016