Pig Latin - BillyGorilly.com


Pig Latin - BillyGorilly.com
Pig Lati n
Billy Gorilly and the Candy Appletree Family
have fun with
Code Language Just for Fun
l ly G ri l ly
Listen to Billy Gorilly’s Podcast for Kids episode14 and you can hear Billy Gorilly and
his pals speak in Pig Latin. You can even try it yourself.
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What is Pig Latin?
• Pig Latin has nothing to do with Pigs or Latin.
• Pig Latin is a word game played with the English language.
•Words are changed to Pig Latin by taking the letter, or letters before the first vowel
(a,e,i,o,u) and moving it to the end of the word with an “ay” sound after it.
Check it out
For example, “Billy” becomes “illyBay”
Words that begin with a vowel stay the same, but with an “ay” sound at the end.
For example “Owlton” becomes “Owltonay”
Some Tidbits of Information
• According to Wentworth & Flexner’s Dictionary of American Slang, Pig Latin has been
used since the 1770’s.
• Benjamin Franklin used a version of Pig Latin in some of his writings.
• American soldiers during World War II used Pig Latin to keep Soviet soldiers from understanding what they were saying.
• English to Pig Latin Translator
© 2008 BillyGorilly.com Flying Kitten Music/Kingman Publishing
Pig Lati n
Billy Gorilly and the Candy Appletree Family
have fun with
l ly G ri l ly
Learn how to write your name in Pig Latin
Words are changed to Pig Latin by taking the letter, or letters before the first vowel
(a,e,i,o,u) and moving it to the end of the word with an “ay” sound after it. If your
name starts with lets say Tr like Tracy, you would move the first 2 letters to the end.
Tracy would become (acyTray). Try your name by following steps 1-4.
1. Write your name on the line below.
2. Write your name on the line leaving off the first letter. (Billy would be illy)
3. Write you name without the first letter just like #2. Now, add the first
letter of your name to the end. (Billy would be illyB)
4. Write your name as in #3 and add ay to the end.
(Billy would be illyBay)
That’s it! You have written your name in Pig Latin
Listen to Billy Gorilly’s Podcast for Kids episode14 and you can hear Billy Gorilly and his pals speak in Pig Latin.
You can even try it yourself.
Listen at:
© 2008 BillyGorilly.com Flying Kitten Music/Kingman Publishing