June 2014 Newsletter - Dalziel St. Andrew`s Parish Church


June 2014 Newsletter - Dalziel St. Andrew`s Parish Church
Dalziel St. Andrew’s Parish Church
‘The Kirk at The Cross’
Believing in Christ – Belonging to Christ – Becoming like Christ
“What do you mean, ‘If I can’?” Jesus asked.
“Anything is possible if a person believes.”
(Mark 9: 23)
Kirk Matters
Congregational Newsletter
June - August 2014
The Manse of Dalziel St. Andrew’s Parish Church
Dear friends
The eggs-citement of Easter, along with the eggs-uberance of the
children, still rings in my ears and resounds in my heart. We are so
very blessed to know the hope of Christ, as crucified and risen Lord.
And, as the youngsters in our crèche and Sunday school show us every
week, it’s a message for all ages. 
In fact, one of the wonderful things about being part of the
congregation at Dalziel St. Andrew’s is that everyone is important, from toddlers to “recycled” teenagers. However, let me remind you
that we should always work hard at understanding each other, making
room for the different approaches to church that each generation
brings. This is why it saddens me when I hear some folk who seem to
“tut-tut” at even the smallest noise made by wee ones in our
sanctuary. Thank goodness we no longer live in a culture where
“children must be seen and not heard.” By the way, it’s just as bad when a younger person speaks disparagingly of their seniors as
“wrinklies.” 
Jesus calls us to live together in harmony. We are to show the love
that He gives us through our care and concern for one another on a
daily basis. Do you recall how, when the disciples were less than
convinced, Christ welcomed little children with open arms and blessed
them? He did the same with those who were elderly, sick and
marginalised. Wherever people erected barriers between races and
genders, or those of divergent social and spiritual status, He tore those
obstacles down with His teaching and His actions, allowing God’s love to flow freely.
In a few weeks, we will welcome the summer – a time to relax. Let’s try to do that also in the way we relate to each other in Christ’s church, and for His glory. The LORD bless you all.
Derek W. Hughes
Dates for your Diary
Sunday 1st June 2014
Sacrament of Holy Communion
11:00am and 6:30pm
Sunday 8th June 2014
Messy Church event at 3:30pm in the halls.
Thursday 12th June 2014
Kirk Session meeting at 7:30pm in small hall
Sunday 15th June 2014
Annual service of Thanksgiving
Airbles Cemetery at 3:00pm
Thursday 19th June 2014
Congregational Board meeting at 7:30pm in small hall
Sunday 22nd June 2014
All-age worship at 11:00am
to end the Sunday school session
Service within Glenview Court at 3:00pm
Watch out every Sunday for worship services,
which are live-streamed, filmed and uploaded
to our church YouTube channel.
Kirk Session
The Kirk Session met on Thursday 12 December 2013. Thirty-eight (38)
elders were present, with Sixteen (16) apologies according to Sederunt
BUSINESS ARISING: Holy Baptism: The Moderator informed the Kirk
Session that he had been in touch with the Presbytery Clerk (Rev. Dr.
John McPake) regarding the way we administer Holy Baptism. The
Presbytery Clerk has offered to come and speak to the Kirk Session
regarding the background to the Panel of Doctrine’s Deliverance on Holy Baptism to the 2003 General Assembly. It was agreed by the Kirk
Session to invite the Rev. John McPake to speak on this subject at
February’s meeting.
CORRESPONDENCE: Parish Statistics: A letter was received from the
Church of Scotland Statistics for Mission Group making available
information on parish Statistics that could be downloaded from the
Internet. The Moderator outlined these parish statistics to the Kirk
Session. Paper copies and an e-mail link would be made available to
elders. Presbytery of Hamilton: Extracts from the Presbytery of
Hamilton minutes of 3 December 2013 were received. These were
regarding application for qualifying reductions in 2014 Ministry and
Mission contributions and urging Kirk Sessions to review their salary
rates to ensure all employees are paid the living wage. This was
remitted to the Congregational Board. World Mission Council: The
January edition (Focusing on HIV) of the World Mission Council’s Magazine was received. This would be posted on the notice board.
Elaine Geddes: Correspondence was received from Elaine Geddes, on
behalf of the Sunday School, thanking the Kirk Session for their
generous donation from the Lawson Bequest. This donation was
greatly appreciated and would go towards annual expenses.
PRESBYTERY REPORT: The Presbytery Report of the 3 December 2013
meeting was presented by Stephen Day. The retirement of the Rev.
John Jackson, Cleland Parish Church and the translation of Karen
Harbison, Hamilton, Trinity Parish Church to Westburn, Greenock was
intimated. A report was given to presbytery on the Overture Under
Barrier Act, General Assembly 2013, with regard to Appeals Act. This
overture was carried by 113 votes for and 0 votes against.
A presentation was given by a member of Larkhall chaplaincy team
entitled ‘A Place to Be’. BEFRIEND MOTHERWELL: The Moderator informed the Kirk Session
that Befriend Motherwell has been granted an award of £22,500 with
a time scale of two years. The Church of Scotland ‘Go For It’ Main Grant Funding Committee has approved this award conditional on a
50% matching contribution. The Moderator stated that this would be
the last ‘Go For It’ award. Befriend Motherwell has met all its befriending targets for 2012-2013.
ORGANISATION REPORTS: Men’s Club: Douglas Barr gave the report
from his and Roy Simpson’s visit to the Men’s Club on 21 October 2013. They received a warm welcome from President Iain Guthrie. The
evening commenced with devotions consisting of Prayer, Bible
Reading and a strong rendition of a hymn. The guest speaker on the
evening was Kenny Clark an expert on local history. The Men’s Club is well organised and have about 28 members with an average of 22
attending each night. We are extremely fortunate to have such an
active Men’s Club, which is in safe hands, and the Kirk Session need have no fears for their immediate future. Nursery: June Adam gave
the report on her and Margaret Day’s visit to the Nursery. They have a role of 19 children with 12 present on the day of their visit. They have
an adequate numbers of volunteer helpers and the Nursery is healthy
and well organised. Brownies/Rainbows: Nancy Beck and Cathie
Hastie visited the Brownies and the Rainbows. The Rainbows now have
two new leaders who should be ready to operate on their own in the
New Year. The Brownies are a lively bunch of girls and enthusiastically
join in the games that are organised for them. It is a delight to visit
these organisation’s and see that the spirit of Guiding is still alive and
well in Dalziel St. Andrew’s. Prayer Groups: Sybil Miller and David
Young visited both Prayer Groups who meet in the Sanctuary Prayer
Room. Revd. Derek Hughes leads the Monday group with seven ladies
present on the night. They started with a continuing study of the
Matthew 5 beatitudes. Updates and progress reports were given on
people and situations to be prayed and thanked for. Anne Kerr leads
the Wednesday Group. There were six ladies present at the time of
our visit. The meeting opened with a song followed by a bible reading.
Updates were given on people and situations to pray for and thanks
for progress made. Prayer request cards are used and each person is
encouraged to pray for someone or a situation. These are treated in
the strictest confidence. Both meetings were informal, uplifting,
encouraging and very friendly. New members would be made most
welcome and it is important that we should continue to encourage
and support both our prayer groups. Young Adults Group: Janet
Dunbar and Fraser Graham visited the Young Adults Group at Liann
and Colin Weir’s Home on 11 November 2013. Five new members have recently joined. The basic format of food fellowship followed by
Christian teaching and discussion remains the same.. The evening
concluded with a time of prayer. It was uplifting to be surrounded by
like-minded people who are prepared to take time to discover more
fully what Jesus means to them. We ask the Kirk Session to continue to
prayerfully and practically help this group on their journey of faith.
LAWSON BEQUEST: The Treasurer, William Brown, stated that the
total interest accrued this year from the Lawson Bequest was £2400.
The Kirk Session recommended that this be distributed as follows:
Boys’ Brigade and Girls’ Brigade £775 each, Brownies and Rainbows £500 and the Sunday School £350. The Youth Fellowship is not
meeting at the present time and the Young Adults Group have
intimated that they do not require funding for the time being.
CHRISTMAS FAYRE: The Session Clerk thanked all who had helped in
any way to make this year’s Christmas Fayre such a success.
FIRST AIDERS: Iain Guthrie informed the Kirk Session that while on
Welcome Duty, Sunday 8 December 2013, there had been difficulty
identifying the duty First Aider when a member of the congregation
took unwell. After discussion the Kirk Session decided that the Duty
First Aider has to report to the leader of the Welcome Group prior to
the beginning of the service and sit at the rear of the church in
designated seats where they have a clear view of the congregation.
The Session Clerk to arrange a meeting of all First Aiders to discuss
procedures and equipment required and also identify qualified First
Aiders willing to join the First Aiders rota.
The Kirk Session was delighted to welcome in by profession of faith:Mary Durnion, 425 Merry Street, Motherwell, ML1 4BP.
James Durnion, 425 Merry Street, Motherwell, ML1 4BP.
Christine Fisher, 19 Range Road, Motherwell, ML1 2HT.
Alan Millarvie, 21 Heron View, Motherwell, Ml12FL.
Nicola Mccullough, 21 Heron View, Motherwell, ML12FL.
The Kirk Session was delighted to welcome in by Transfer Certificate:Elizabeth Magunnigal, 50 John Street, Larkhall, ML9 2ET.
The Kirk Session met on Thursday 13 February 2014. Thirty-eight (38)
elders were present, with thirteen (13) apologies according to
Sederunt sheet.
BUSINESS ARISING: Annual Statistical Return: Helen Lawson, Roll
Keeper and Crawford Moffat, Session Clerk, completed the Church of
Scotland Annual Statistical Returns. These were returned to Hamilton
Presbytery Office. There were 524 Communicants on the Roll with 169
persons on the supplementary roll as at 31 December 2013.
CORRESPONDENCE: Revd. David and Mrs Marion Currie: A letter was
received from the Revd. David and Mrs Marion Currie requesting that
their names be withdrawn from the congregational roll. This was
because they had become more and more uncomfortable with the
Church of Scotland’s position on major issues. It was with sadness and regret that the Kirk Session acceded to this request. The Session Clerk
would forward Certificates of Transfer. Presbytery of Hamilton
Stewardship Programme: A request had been received from the
Presbytery of Hamilton Stewardship and Finance Convener, Bob Allan,
requesting information regarding our Stewardship Programme. The
Session Clerk has forwarded the required information. Presbytery of
Hamilton World Mission Convener: The Presbytery of Hamilton World
Mission Convener, Irene Anderson, has written enquiring if any
congregations would be willing to host our mission partner Antony
Short and his family during their visit to the Presbytery of Hamilton in
late April 2014. The moderator has replied to this request and the
Short Family will visit us on the 28 April. World Mission Council: The
February – March edition of World Mission Council magazine, focusing
this month on South Sudan, has been receive. This would be posted on
the notice board. Kirsty McMaster: A letter was received from Kirsty
McMaster, Brownie Guider 19th Motherwell Brownies, thanking the
Kirk Session for the much-appreciated donation from the Lawson
Bequest. Jim Paxton: A letter was received from Jim Paxton, thanking
the congregation of Dalziel St. Andrew’s for all the kindness and encouragement shown to him during his training placement as a
Reader. Church of Scotland: Correspondence was received from the
Church of Scotland regarding the ‘Go For It’ training opportunities and EQUIP resources for mission Workshop/Seminars. These documents
would be posted on the notice board. Revd. Gavin Black:
Correspondence was received from Revd. Gavin Black intimating that
the celebration of the World Day of Prayer would take place at
Crosshill Parish Church, Motherwell on Friday 7 March 2014 at
HOLY BAPTISM: At 8pm the Kirk Session halted normal business and
the Moderator welcomed the Revd. Dr. John McPake, Presbytery Clerk,
to speak on the ‘The Doctrine of Baptism Deliverance’ that he presented to the 2003 General Assembly. After an informative and
instructive talk the Revd. Dr. John McPake answered a series of
questions posed by the Kirk Session on the Church of Scotland’s position on Holy Baptism. The Moderator then thanked the Rev d. Dr.
John McPake on the Kirk Sessions behalf for taking time out of his busy
schedule to give this talk and answer the many questions the Kirk
Session asked. The Kirk Session then resumed normal business and
unanimously decided that anyone who wanted to table a motion on
the position of this congregation on Infant Baptism do so at the next
Kirk Session meeting on 13 March 2014. This would then be discussed
at the 8 May meeting of Kirk Session.
PRESBYTERY REPORT: The Presbytery Report of the 4 February 2014
meeting was presented by Dr Stephen Day. Intimations: The Revd.
Derek Hughes has now been appointed as the convener of the
Ministries Development Committee. Speaker: The Revd. Galloway
spoke about how the Christian aid team based in the Philippines
helped to aid the people caught up in the Philippine Typhoon disaster.
This talk was given from the local perspective as a way to help
presbytery visualise the suffering in this area of the world. She gave an
overview of how Christian Aid Scotland plan to tackle priorities for the
coming year. Conflict is one area looking to focus on areas such as
South Sudan, Iraq and Columbia. The Middle East is of particular
interest to Christian Aid through prayer road-show's. Climate change is
also a focus as well as Gender equality. Business Arising: The normal
business of presbytery went quickly as the main body of the meeting
was given over to a session designed by a group of people from 121 to
find out presbytery views on questions to do with the running of the
lines of communication between presbytery and the national
committees of the church.
PARISH STATISTICS: The Moderator informed the Kirk Session that an
updated Parish Statistic document was available to download from the
Internet. A link would be sent to the elders on the e-mail list. This link
would also be available on our web site and a hard copy of the
document could be obtained from the office.
MAKEOVER REPORT: The January 2014 Makeover Report was
distributed to each Elder prior to the meeting. The Kirk Session noted
the progress being made in the various phases of the Makeover
Project – Forward for Jesus.
WELCOME ROTA: The Session Clerk informed the Kirk Session that the
Welcome Rota for 2014-2015 had been distributed. Elders were asked
to note that the rota had been moved on by two weeks.
ORGANISATION REPORTS: Girls’ Brigade: Irene Dalton and Margo
Graham visited the Girls’ Brigade in January 2014. Irene Dalton reported that there are 10 commissioned and 2 warrant officers, 2
auxiliaries and 55 girls along with Captain Bogle. The girls are made up
of 4 seekers, 27 juniors and 12 brigaders most of whom attend
regularly. Capitation fees are set at £20 per person this year. The
company raised £3300 for Erskine Hospital last year by crocheting and
selling poppies. The Girls’ and Boys’ Brigades conducted an area leaflet
drop; this had been very successful at encouraging new members to
join. The company are healthy in numbers and in the capable hands of
Captain Bogle and her team of officers and helpers, who must be given
credit for the time and effort they willingly give to the Girls’ Brigade.
Sisterhood: June Millar and Rollo Brant visited the Sisterhood in
February 2014. June Millar reported that our Sisterhood remains
healthy with around 21 ladies on the roll and 18 at any given meeting,
some members come from other churches to enjoy the fellowship and
meet friends. Greetings were passed on from the Kirk Session.
ATTESTATION OF RECORDS: The annual attestation of records for area
3, Motherwell, will take place at the Presbytery Office on the 12 March
2014. The Kirk Session received the following records for submission to
the Presbytery: Kirk Session Minute Book, Financial Court Minute
Book, Communion Roll, Supplementary Roll, Baptismal Register, Child
Protection Register and Property Register.
HOLY COMMUNION: The Session Clerk informed the Kirk Session that
at Holy Communion on the 2 February 2014, cards had been received
from 246 plus 7 visitors at the morning service and 17 plus 1 visitor at
the evening service making a total of 271. This compares with a total
of 273 at the February 2013 Holy Communion. The Session Clerk
thanked all who had helped prepare and serve the elements and the
Moderator for conducting two uplifting and moving services.
FIRST-AIDERS: The Session Clerk informed the Kirk Session that we
now have a total of 6 first-aiders. This means that one could be
allocated to each Welcome Group. A meeting has been arranged for
the group on the 23 February. This is to discuss procedures,
equipment and supply requirements. Douglas Smith our health and
Safety adviser has agreed to be present in an advisory capacity.
MESSY EASTER: The Moderator informed the Kirk Session that after
the success of our Messy Christmas project. It has been decided to
hold a Messy Easter on Sunday the 23 March at 3pm. This is an
initiative to try and encourage extended families with primary and preschool children to come together in a church environment. Sign up
forms are on the notice board for those willing to help.
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The Kirk Session was delighted to welcome in by Transference:Irene Young, 20 Farm St. Motherwell, ML1 3JR (From North
The Kirk Session noted Out by Transference:Mrs Carol Brown, 556 Merry Street, Motherwell, ML1 4BW (To North
Mrs Marion Currie, 69 Kethers Street, Motherwell, ML1 3HN.
Revd. David Currie, 69 Kethers Street, Motherwell, ML1 3HN.
Crawford Moffat
Session Clerk
Church Makeover Project
“Forward for Jesus”
Update to end of April 2013
Organ: Annual maintenance and addressing any “snagging” items will take place about May.
Lift: Work is scheduled to commence on the new lift on 19 May with
the contract accepted. The lift is scheduled for delivery in week
commencing 23 June and will only take a few days to assemble. A
mobile platform lift is also being bought to allow access for all to the
stage area and thus to Rooms L1/L2. All again are asked please to take
care while the lift is being installed.
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Roof: Liaison continues with Heritage Lottery Fund to attempt to
secure the second round pass associated with their grant process.
Following their support for our sanctuary work two years ago WREN
has again been most helpful and awarded a grant of £39,121 for our
roof and walls overhaul relating to the halls section. Once HLF final
approval is secured we will be able to proceed with the work which we
hope will be completed in the summer. A 12 week contract is
anticipated. Options for a security system to protect the roof have
been explored and are being discussed with our Architect. Police
Scotland is also helping with advice. A separate contract to prune the
overhanging trees to the rear of the building is in hand and will be
actioned once the contract is underway. Our neighbours at GLO are
again most supportive as we will need access over their property.
Caretakers Flat Windows: A contract has been awarded for the
replacement windows which are now being manufactured. Work will
commence, in liaison with Artie and Mabel, as soon as appropriate.
Glenview Court: Some progress is now being made with Bield Housing
Association in relation to the proposed link to Glenview Court.
Thanks: Thanks to all who continue to help in any way.
The Kirk Session and Congregational Board are asked to note progress
being made in the various phases of the Makeover Project – Forward
for Jesus.
Douglas Graham & Alex Baird
Property Convener & Chairman of the Congregational Board
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Congregational Board
The Congregational Board enjoyed a very busy session again and was
so pleased, at the AGM time, to welcome five new volunteer members
who have offered to serve for the next three years. Welcome to Fiona,
Marion, Pauline, David, and Ian.
With Marion Taylor having a well earned rest from duties as Clerk to
the Board after a wonderful 7 years of service a big thank you was
recorded in appreciation. Thankfully Marion is one of the volunteers
who has offered to remain as a Board member.
Marion’s keyboard etc duties have been taken up by Fiona Ross. All on the Board look forward to working with Fiona in the days ahead as we
carry out our tasks for the Lord in Dalziel St. Andrew’s. Welcome and thanks Fiona.
Our Board meetings are intimated on the Notices Sheets and are open
to all.
Alex Baird
Chairman of the Congregational Board
Pilgrimage to the Holy Land
If there is enough interest there may be a prospect of organising a 9
day Pilgrimage to the Holy Land at the end of 2015. Possibly the
October School Holiday week.
Are you interested in going? If so please speak to me soon and we will
see if it looks realistic. I have indicative details and costs available.
Alex Baird, Tel 01698 262915
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Bibles for Africa
“No one can read this book without being convinced that there is Someone here at work besides mere human beings.” (J.B.Phillips)
Our store of Bibles which lie at the front door have lain largely unused
for some time due to the use of our screens and, thankfully, those who
still bring along their own bibles to worship. There remain a good
selection of both the New International Version and also the Good
News Bible for anyone who cares to uplift a bible on their way into
Many of the Good News Bibles had been donated in memory of Mrs
Jenny Williams. I am very grateful to Rankin for agreeing that most
were far better used in parts of the world where they do not have
screens or indeed bibles to read the Word of God. Book Aid were so
very appreciative of the several boxes of Bibles which have now been
shipped overseas with our love and also our prayers that they will
bring knowledge and support to those who hunger after the Word.
In His Service
Alex Baird
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Girls’ Brigade
It's hard to believe that by the time of publication our Awards night for
the session will again be past. It has been a very 'bitty' year as quite a
few joined us during the session whilst badge work still had to be
Joining with 4th Motherwell Girls' Brigade we have 80 going to Heads
of Ayr Farm Park at the beginning of June, so pray for a dry day for us!
Plenty to do and see - including the shop!
Looking forward, we have just signed for up for 50 of us to visit York,
Paris, EuroDisney and Brugge in July 2015. Fundraising to help lower
the cost will start in July, hopefully with good support. It will be mainly
P6/7 who are going but they will be at high school or going by the time
the trip comes round. We also have a healthy ratio of adults - just big
Summer months will be used to recharge our batteries and set out
plans for the year, so that we do the best for the girls. They are all
excited at the moment and we need to hold that enthusiasm.
We welcomed back two officers who recently married - Mrs A Hughes
(nee O'Hara) and Mrs K McCall (nee Irwin). Congratulations to both,
from all the company.
Two of our Officers have now served 10 years with the company, and
we congratulate them - Mrs K McCall and Mrs C Robertson (nee
Relax and re-charge, we might need it!
Liz Bogle
Girls Brigade Captain
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Messy Church has been a welcome addition to the events we run for
young families in our community. Christmas 2013 and Easter 2014
have both been amazing times of sharing in fun, food and friendship.
Some photographs from both occasions can be accessed at our church
website – they look great!
Before the summer holidays arrive, we decided to run one final Messy
Church. This will take place on the afternoon of Pentecost Sunday. As
always, those who have contact with children of Primary of Pre-school
age amongst their family or friends are very welcome to bring them
Of course, we would appreciate if you could pre-register (through the
website) your intention to be with us. This will greatly assist us in
being properly prepared for the numbers we need to cater for on the
day. If the weather is fine, we hope to use the church grounds for
games, and activities. And, we will maybe even be able to share in a
All in all, it promises to be a fantastic day of Spirit-filled fun.
Come and join us on Sunday 8th June 2014
We begin informally at 3:30pm in the hall with tea, coffee, juice,
biscuits and cakes, taking time to catch up with each other, and make
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new friends. This is followed by a period of crafts and games, as well
as a very brief time of relaxed, informal and totally interactive praise in
the church sanctuary, before getting our teeth into some juicy
sausages and burgers! Once again, there will be no charge for the
whole day. We are very grateful to a couple of people in our church
family who have made this possible through their personal generosity.
Come along and enjoy this innovative approach to church.
Share together with others in fun, friendship and faith.
More information and details of how you can be involved are
available through contacting either Lorna Geddes or Lesley Angus.
Social Committee
The Social Committee have held 3 very successful Makeover Tables in
March, April and May with over £1000 being realised. Thanks must go
to Christine Scott who has been helping the Committee raise this sum
of money.
A Craft Table Top Sale and Coffee Morning was held on Saturday 10 th
May and the proceeds are to go to the General Funds.
There will be an American Brunch held on Sunday 6th July courtesy of
the Boys’ Brigade.
The Annual Senior Members Afternoon will be held this year on
Saturday 30th August.
The Committee will have a well-earned break during the summer, but
would like to extend thanks to all who have assisted in our fund raising
Janette Black
Social Committee Convener
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Sunday School and Bible Class
The Sunday School and Bible Class (SSBC) forward plan of lessons for
2014 has included a series of seven lessons on Elijah and Elisha,
Learning more about Jeremiah, a series on the Easter story and seven
lessons on People Jesus Met. Our session will conclude in June by
returning to the Old Testament again to look at the prophet Jonah.
The new session will resume with an all age service on 17th August.
Registration of all children will also take place on this Sunday.
On Sunday 24th August classes start again and a four week programme
will be studied from the Old Testament book of Kings. Go Teach
programme helps our young people to look at all major Bible
characters, events and teaching from the Old and New Testaments
using visual aids, worksheets, puzzles and related activities to reinforce
the teaching aims.
Please continue to pray for the teachers in their planning and teaching
and for the children in their listening and learning.
Thank you to the parents and guardians for bringing their children
regularly to church to be part of the young church family.
The Crèche Department of our Sunday School has again added to their
numbers. We welcome Nicola and Alan Millarvie’s daughter Catherine,
Abi and Daniel Tudor’s son Oliver (Ollie), and the baby son of Scott and Karen Cameron, Luke.
The most recent addition is the baby daughter of one of our SSBC
staff. Congratulations to Marina and her husband David McIlwraith
who welcomed Iona to their family. A little sister for Ruaridh. We are
delighted to add these names to the ever increasing register of the
Sunday school.
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Another happy celebration was the marriage of one of the SSBC
teachers, David Hughes, a teacher in the Bible Class, married Alice
O’Hara, an officer in our Girls’ Brigade. David and Alice were married in our church sanctuary on Thursday 10th April. We wish them both
much happiness and pray God’s blessing on them as they begin their married life together.
Following a successful Messy Easter the next Messy Church will take
place to celebrate Pentecost. It is hoped the children and parents of
Sunday School and Bible Class will come and enjoy outdoor fun and a
BBQ meal on Sunday 8th June. It is important to register in advance.
Advance Notice of SUMMER SUNDAY HOLIDAY CLUB. Following last
year’s successful In ‘The Beginning’ themed club a similar Summer
Club will run during the Sundays of July and August school holidays.
With the 2014 Commonwealth Games taking place this Summer on
the doorstep of our town we will be bang up to date with FIT FOR A
KING which will have a sporting theme! More information will follow
by letter to parents, notice boards and the Church website. A Summer
Holiday Crèche will also run during the six weeks of the club.
As this session draws to a close, the staff will have a well-earned rest.
Sincere thanks to them for the planning and teaching of lessons and
their dedication of sharing their faith with the young people of our
Anne Brown
Sunday School and Bible Class Co-ordinator
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Befriending Motherwell
We enjoyed an “eggsceptional” Easter Bonnet Parade and Afternoon Tea this year and are busy planning some outings. We had great
photographs published in the Motherwell Times and Wishaw Press.
Our Group Befriending work continues with three Groups up and
running and more being explored. A very exciting development but, at
the same time, quite a challenge. We are always in need of volunteers
to assist in our One-to-One Befriending network and also now seek
helpers to assist us in our group work. It is great fun and very
rewarding as we bring company into the lives of our elderly contacts.
If you can spare just an hour each week to help in either the one-toone Befriending or the Group work, do get in touch and I will gladly
explain what is involved.
We have been so very fortunate in receiving confirmation of continued
financial support for our project from Go For It (Church of Scotland)
who have awarded us £11,250 for this year and also for next year. We
await the outcome of our funding bid from the Reshaping Care for the
Elderly Consortium.
You can contact me by calling into the church office on either Tuesday
or Wednesday mornings, or by emailing:
[email protected] or by telephone 07796012462.
Thank You.
Liz Magunnigal
Befriending Co-ordinator
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What a Friend we have in Jesus
What a privilege to carry everything to him in prayer
Prayer is so often just words unspoken,
Whispered in tears by a heart that is broken,
For God is already deeply aware
Of the burdens we find too heavy to bear.
And all we need do is seek Him in prayer,
And without a word He will help us to bear
Our trials and troubles, our sickness and sorrow
And show us the way to a brighter tomorrow.
There’s no need at all for impressive prayer,
For the minute we seek God, He’s already there.
(Helen Steiner Rice, Expressions of Joy)
During June, July and August requests for
prayer can be made via the prayer boxes at
the front and rear church doors or via our
church website
Prayer groups will restart in September – look out for details in the next
edition of Kirk Matters
The Prayer Groups
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The Friends We Never Met
When winter winds blow strong and wild, and snow drifts o'er the
They'd gaither roon and thank the Lord for the warmth and cheer their
hame affords.
Their pleasures few they'd kindly share when days were short an fou o'
care, a hearty laugh, a cheery word are treasures far beyond reward.
A welcome now to all who seek,
the comfort of my ingle seat.
Though my humble fare is plain to see,
it’s yours to share who ere you be.
These welcome words spring tae ma mind, that folks were hearty
warm and kind.
For noo they have nae time tae spare, like people raised in yester year.
Auld friendships fade lost in the past, times a' change nothing lasts.
Nae welcome waits inside the door; it seems it's locked for evermore.
A lesson noo we a' should learn,
a chance no man should ever spurn.
The stranger that we now reject,
is but the friend we never met.
Written by Jim Hyslop
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Helping the Deaf &
Hard of Hearing?
With our live streaming of services, and also our recorded services
available on You Tube, we have started on our journey of helping the
deaf by signing one of our prayers each Sunday morning.
New leaflets have been widely distributed to the organisations locally
who work with deaf people.
Please do pray for success as we strive to touch more lives for Jesus in
this way.
Can you help? Do you sign? Do you know of anyone who is able to do
so? We are indebted to Rae Blagg who is taking the lead here. If you
think you can help, or know of anyone who might, do let us know.
Thank you.
Alex Baird
Pipe Organ
The annual maintenance of the organ will take place on the next visit
of Gerhard Walcker who is scheduled to return to Scotland in May. A
few understandable “tweaks” required after such a major restoration and the expected settling in period but it does sound so very special.
Douglas Graham
Property Convener
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Kids in Church
A little boy was overheard praying:
"Lord, if you can't make me a better boy, don't worry about it. I'm
having a real good time like I am."
3-year-old Reese: "Our Father, Who does art in
heaven, Harold is His name. Amen."
After the christening of his baby brother in church, Jason sobbed all
the way home in the back seat of the car. His father asked him three
times what was wrong. Finally, the boy replied, "That preacher said he
wanted us brought up in a Christian home, and I wanted to stay with
you guys."
A Sunday school teacher asked her children as they were on the way
to the church service, "And why is it necessary to be quiet in church?"
One bright little girl replied, "Because people are sleeping."
A father was at the beach with his children when the four-year-old son
ran up to him, grabbed his hand, and led him to the shore where a
seagull lay dead in the sand. "Daddy, what happened to him?" the son
asked. "He died and went to Heaven," the Dad replied. The boy
thought a moment and then said, "Did God throw him back down?"
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Letters and Cards
I would like to thank you for the lovely flowers I received for my
birthday also Liz Bogle who delivered them. It was greatly appreciated.
Margaret Sneddon
I would like to thank you everyone at Dalziel St Andrew’s for the lovely flowers I received for my birthday and thanks also to Jeanette Boyd
who delivered them. It was greatly appreciated.
John Porterfield, 47 Shields Tower
I would like to express my sincere thanks for the beautiful flowers and
good wishes I received on my birthday recently and to the young lady
who delivered them and all those involved.
Walter Wilson, 36 Strathclyde Rd
I would like to thank Derek and my friends in the Church for visits,
prayers and cards I received. I am very grateful.
Jean Wyper, 38 Forgewood Rd
I would like to thank Derek and all at Dalziel St Andrew’s for the lovely flowers I received for my birthday. Thanks also to Donna for delivering
Nan Chapman, 5 Reid Grove
I would like to .express my sincere thanks to Derek for the lovely service
he gave my dad at Holytown Crematorium and also for the church
flowers. Thanks also to the lady who delivered them.
Lesley Hill and family
Thank you for the lovely flowers I received following my stay in
Mrs G McAulay
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Just a short note to say ‘thank you’ for the beautiful flowers I received on my birthday.
Jean Stodart, 546 Merry St
Thank you very much for the Church flowers which I received on my
birthday. I would like to thank you also for the sermons on the Psalm
23. The choir should also be praised for their singing. God Bless.
Cathie Hastie, 15 Dalzell Drive
Letters, cards, e-mails and telephone calls have also been received
from the following people, expressing appreciation for cards,
prayers, flowers and support 
May Brown, Mary Cardwell, Nan Brown,
Margaret Reid, Pearl Weir, Cathie Lilly, Janet Main,
Jean and Jack McEwan, Tom and Ann Sneden,
John Richards, Etta Thomson
Thank You!
Glasgow City Mission have expressed their sincere thanks for
the 400+ Easter Eggs which were donated by the congregation. They
were distributed to their City Centre project and their Child & Family
centre project in Govan. (A copy of the letter is on the notice board)
If anyone has a special date or event they would like to have noted in
Kirk Matters please let us know by either contacting the Church Office
or emailing [email protected]
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Looking Forward
Be a looker-forward and not a looker-back.
Be a presser-onward upon life’s stony track.
Don’t waste time regretting the things you cannot mend.
Anticipate good fortune at every twist and bend.
Keep going, never doubting the outcome of your dreams.
Have faith in their fulfilment, though dark the future seems.
Believe that somewhere, somehow, God’s purpose will unfold.
And the present grey horizon, be turned to blue and gold.
Give thanks for every blessing, your job, your home, your friends.
Don’t take these things for granted, a grateful spirit lendsA glory and a meaning to pathways drear and dun,
Expect a bright tomorrow and turn towards the sun.
Patience Strong
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Congregational Register
BAPTISM: the LORD bless you and keep you
Luke Cameron,
infant son of Scott and Karen (nee Dalton)
on Sunday 2nd March 2014
MARRIAGES: joined together by God’s love Alice O’Hara and David Hughes
on Thursday 10th April 2014
Elaine Nicol Dow and Brian Smith
on Thursday 1st May 2014
Jillian Elizabeth Graham and Gavin Gillen
on Thursday 22nd May 2014
FUNERALS: left this world, but not forgotten
Janet (Jenny) Kean, Kirknowe Nursing Home, Wishaw
Anne Neilson Harris, 10 Harvest Drive, Motherwell
Agnes McLellan, 194 Loanhead Road, Newarthill
Mary Dyer Laird, Monklands Hospital, Coatbridge
Tom McRoberts Hill, Park Springs Home, Motherwell
Margaret Dunlop Clark, Park Springs Home, Motherwell
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Flowers in the Chancel
June 2014
July 2014
August 2014
Mary Colquhoun, 28 Henderson Court
Susan Duncan, 11 Wellview Drive
Margaret Mair, 17 Airbles Farm Road
Margaret Colquhoun, 168 Westwood Road
Anne Gillespie, 11 Clyde Tower
Edith Ross, 6 Glenhead Drive
Irene Ormiston, 43 Cadzow Street
Helen Lawson, 25 Saffron Crescent,
Flower Fund (donations welcome)
Anna Gibson, 37 Airbles Drive
Betty Morton, 35 Muirhouse Road
Liz Bogle, 157 Machanhill Road, Larkhall
Margo Graham, 26 Dalzell Avenue
Flower Fund (donations welcome)
A.H. in Memoriam
Janet Dunbar, 11 Cassels Street
Jean Paterson, 145 Airbles Road
Ismay Ferguson, 5 Cunningham Street
Myra McPhail, 18 Forgewood Road
Jeanette Reford, 45 Kirknethan
Rae Blagg, 97 Fyfe Drive
Flower Fund (donations welcome)
Aileen Hamilton, 26 Ross Drive
Flower Fund (donations welcome)
Helen Thomas, 13 Fort Street
Flower Fund (donations welcome)
Doreen Baird, 22 Annan Glade
Etta Thomson, 59 Calder Grove
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Flowers in the Vestibule
June 2014
Helen Thomas, 13 Fort Street
Tom & Agnes Douglas, 17 Fir Grove, New
Cathie Hastie, 16 Dalzell Drive
Helen Lawson, 25 Saffron Crescent,
John Richards In Memoriam
Elizabeth Malloy, 12 Queen Elizabeth Court
July 2014
Margaret Anderson, 140 Manse Road
Flower Fund (donations welcome)
Jean Stevenson, 1 Campion Road
The Dempsey Sisters, Bellshill Road
August 2014
Flower Fund (donations welcome)
Anne Currie, 42 Viewpark Road
The Guild
Helen Kennedy, 47 Anderson Tower
Janette Black, 20 Queen Elizabeth Court
Thank you to everyone who kindly donate to the flowers which
beautify the sanctuary during worship.
If you would like to make a donation towards the flowers or if you
could help to prepare and/or deliver the flowers on any given Sunday
please speak to Aileen Hamilton or Rae Blagg.
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Organisations & Activities
12:00 Noon
Morning Worship in Main Sanctuary
Crèche, Sunday school & Bible Class
After service tea/coffee bar
Worship at Glenview Court (Monthly)
Evening Worship (as announced)
9:30 – 11:30am
2:00 – 4:00 pm
Crafts Group in Small Hall
Carpet Bowls in Large Hall
19 Motherwell Rainbows
19 Motherwell Brownies
Men’s Club in Small Hall
Prayer Hour in Sanctuary Quiet Room
Hamilton Presbytery
(1 Tuesday of Month)
Hamilton Presbytery Committees
(3 Tuesday of Month)
The Church of Scotland Guild
Prayer Hour in Sanctuary Quiet Room
Sisterhood in Small Hall
3 Motherwell Girls’ Brigade
Choir Practice in Lower Rooms
2:00 – 4:00pm
Carpet Bowls in Large Hall
Kirk Session in Small Hall
(2 Thursday of Month)
Congregational Board in Small Hall
(3 Thursday of Month)
2 /4 Motherwell B.B. Anchor Boys
nd th
2 /4 Motherwell B.B. Junior Section
nd th
2 /4 Motherwell B.B. Company Section
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The Abbeyfield House, 17 Douglas Street, Motherwell, provides
supported accommodation.
We currently have rooms available,
which would suit someone who would enjoy the company
of a small group of friendly residents.
Lunches and evening meals are provided by our staff.
If you are interested and would like more information,
please telephone 01698 263 309 or 0131 225 7801
Next Edition of Kirk Matters
Please send your contributions for the next edition of
Kirk Matters
to Linda Irvine, either via email [email protected]
(please note change in email address) or
place in my pigeon hole
no later than Sunday 3 August 2014
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Thank You
to everyone who helped produce and distribute Kirk Matters including;
Linda Irvine
Helen Lawson
Margaret Anderson, Alex and Doreen Baird,
Janette Black, Robert Crowe, Bill Jack, May Johnston,
Betty Morton, Margaret Reid, Irene Struthers,
Margaret Walker, Eleanor Weir.
Helen Lawson, along with the large team of
volunteers who deliver our quarterly newsletter.
Remember for all the latest news and information you can visit our
website www.dalzielstandrews.org.uk or follow us
Motherwell: Dalziel St. Andrew’s Parish Church is a Registered Scottish Charity - SC 015503
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