military retiree personal planner and surviving spouse benefit guide


military retiree personal planner and surviving spouse benefit guide
(402) 294-3205 or 1-800-773-1958
Sarpy County - Southeast Courthouse Annex
Lancaster County
1308 Gold Coast Rd Ste 100, Papillion NE 68046
(402) 593-2204
Douglas County - Douglas County Hospital
4102 Woolworth Ave Rm B45, Omaha NE 68105
(402) 444-7180
2202 South ll'" St, Lincoln NE 68502
(402) 441-7361
Pottawattamie County
223 South Sixth St, Council Bluffs IA 51501
(712) 328-5797
Cass County - Cass County Courthouse
346 Main St, Plattsmouth NE 68048
(402 296-9368
55 FSS/FSFR Casualty/SBP Haudout dated 12 JAN 2009
55 FSS/FSFR Casualty/SBP Handout dated 12 JAN 2009
Reporting the Death
Reporting the Death of Retired Air Force Members. There are
several offices capable of assisting family members of retired Air
Force personnel. Families residing in the Continental United States
(CONUS) may report the death of a member and receive personal
assistance in applying for eligible benefits by contacting:
• The Casualty Assistaut Representative (CAR) at the nearest Air
Force Base Military Personnel Flight.
• Headquarters Air Force Personnel Center (HQ AFPC) Casualty Operations at 1-877-3536807, which prompts you to input your zip code. The call is automatically forwarded to the
nearest CAR who will assist you. An alternate toll-free number is 1-800-433-0048. The
commercial number is (210) 565-3505 and is provided because families living overseas do
not have access to the toll-free number. This office will connect you directly to the CAR
who will assist you.
Reporting the Death of Retired Army Members.
• Contact the Department of the Army Casualty and Memorial Affairs Operations Center
anytime by calling 1-800-626-3317. Caller will be immediately referred to a local Casualty
Assistance Center in your area to talk with a Casualty Assistance Officer (CAO).
Reporting the Death of Retired Navy Members.
• Contact the Navy Casualty Assistance Division personnel via a toll free phone number,
1-800-368-3202 to talk with a Casualty Assistance Call Officer (CACO).
Reporting the Death of Retired Marine Members.
• Contact the HQ Marine Corps Casualty Assistance Section (MRPC) at 703-784-9512 or Toll
Free, 1-800-847-1597 to talk with a Casualty Assistance Call Officer (CACO).
Reporting the Death of Retired Coast Guard Members.
• To report the death of a Coast Guard retiree please telephone the Coast Guard Personnel
Service Center's (PSC) Retiree and Annuitant Services (RAS) toll free number at
if! 800 772-8724, or you may notify them in writing at:
Commanding Officer (RAS)
CG Personnel Service Center
444 SE Quincy St
Topeka KS 66683-3591
NOTE: Regardless of service, all retirees' death can be reported directly to Defense Finance
Accounting Service-Cleveland (DFAS-CL) Center, Casualty, using their toll free number 1800-321-1080 or 1-800-269-5170.
55 FSS/FSFR Casualty/SBP Handout dated 12 JAN 2009
Information required when reporting a retiree's death includes:
Retiree's full name.
Retiree's grade.
Retiree's Social Security Number.
Date and place (city and state) of death.
Cause (layman's terms) of death.
Name, relationship, and address of the next of kin (NOK).
Date and place of funeral, if known (general officers only).
Copy of the death certificate. Note: Copy of death certificate is not needed to report death
of retiree. Copy of death certificate will be needed to apply for any military and VA
Burial Benefits
Transportation of Remains. The retiree military service will pay to
transport the remains of a retiree who died while properly admitted to
a Uniformed Services medical facility located in the United States.
Transportation is from the place of death to a place no further distant
than the place of last permanent residence. Contact the installation Mortuary Affairs Office for
specific information.
Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Burial Benefits. Retired personnel are authorized
interment in national cemeteries. There is no cost incurred by the NOK as the cemetery grave
space, opening and closing of the grave, and the marker are provided by the VA. The VA
pays burial benefits only if the retiree was entitled to receive VA compensation, a VA pension,
or if the retiree died in a VA hospital. Contact your nearest local VA office or call the VA
toll-free telephone number, 1-800-827-1000 for assistance.
Burial Flag. The VA can provide an American flag, at no cost, to drape the casket or
accompany the urn of a retiree or a Reservist entitled to retired military pay. After the funeral
service, the flag is given to the NOK as a keepsake. When there is no NOK, the VA will
furnish the flag to a friend making a request for it. The claim form required to apply for a flag
is VA Form 2008, Application for United States Flag for Burial Purposes. You may obtain
a flag at any VA Regional Office (VARO) or United States Post Office. Generally, the funeral
director will help you obtain the flag.
Headstone or Grave Marker. The VA furnishes upon request, at no charge to the applicant,
a government headstone or marker for the unmarked grave of a retiree in any cemetery.
Headstones and markers are also provided for eligible family members of retirees buried in
national, state veterans, military post or base cemeteries. Family members buried in private
cemeteries are not eligible for a headstone or marker. When burial is in a national cemetery,
military post or base cemetery, or state veterans' cemetery, the headstone or marker is ordered
through the cemetery, and there is no cost to place it on the grave. When burial is in a private
cemetery, VA Form 40-1330, Application for Standard Government Headstone or Marker
(PDF), must be submitted by the next of kin or a representative, such as funeral director,
cemetery official or veterans counselor, along with veterans military discharge documents, to
request a Government-provided headstone or marker. However, the VA does not pay the cost
55 FSS/FSFR Casualty/SBP Handout dated 12 JAN 2009
of placing the headstone or marker on the grave. To check on the status of your claim, you
may call the VA toll free at 1-800-697-6947.
Military Honors. Active military installations may provide military honors when requested by
the NOK consistent with available personnel and resources. Contact the installation Mortuary
Affairs Office nearest you, or Air Force Mortuary Affairs toll free at 1-800-531-5803, for
specific information on military honors for retirees.
The Presidential Memorial Certificate (PMC) Program. The VA administers the PMC
Program. The certificate has the President's signature and expresses the country's grateful
recognition of the veteran's service in the United States Armed Forces. Eligible recipients
may apply through the nearest VA regional office. Eligible recipients include the next of kin,
other relatives, or a friend.
Retiree Monetary Death Benefits
Generaiinformation. Family members of deceased retired personnel are
eligible to receive several types of federal benefits. Benefits to a spouse and
children are paid regardless of economic need, except in the case of a
nonservice-connected death pension, while benefits for parents who might
otherwise be eligible will not be paid if the parents have income in excess of a
certain amount each year. Your Casualty Assistance Representative, the
nearest Veterans Administration, or Social Security office will explain the benefits to you, the
amounts that can be paid, help you complete the required claim forms and forward them to the
appropriate agency for processing.
Death Gratuity: A lump sum gratuitous payment made by the DFAS-CL Center to eligible
beneficiaries of a retiree who dies within 120 days following placement on the permanent or
temporary disability retired list, or who is retired for years of service. Payments can be made
only after the VA determines death was caused by an illness or injury incurred while the
retiree was on active duty, active duty for training, or inactive duty for training. Death
gratuity payment is $100,000. Your CAR or the nearest VA office can explain this benefit and
help you complete the required claim forms. The death gratuity is not paid to any other person
when there are no survivors as listed below. A will is not a legal designation for death gratuity
since such payment is not an allowance or a debt due the member and cannot be part of the
estate. The death gratuity payment is made to survivors of the deceased in this order:
The member's lawful surviving spouse.
When there is no spouse, to the child or children of the member, regardless of age or
marital status, in equal shares (state laws guide payment to minor children).
If none of the above, to the parents, siblings, or any combination as designated by the
deceased member.
Unpaid Pay and Allowances: The retirement pay of an Air Force member stops on the first day
of the month in which the retiree dies. Unpaid pay and allowances is a lump sum the Air Force
pays the beneficiary the retiree names. It includes all pay due the retiree but unpaid at the time
of death. Nonnally, this amounts to the retirement pay from the first day of the month of death
through the date of death. Retirement pay deposited in the retiree's account after the retiree's
55 FSS/FSFR Casualty/SBP Handout dated 12 JAN 2009
death will automatically be recouped by DFAS-CL and reissued to the beneficiary for the correct
amount. When the beneficiary designated by the retiree is deceased, or when the member elects
"order of precedence," any money due is paid to the first eligible recipient in the following order:
The member's lawful surviving spouse.
If there is no spouse, to the child or children of the member and descendants of deceased
children, on their behalf.
If none of the above, to the parents of the member in equal shares or to the surviving
If none ofthe above, to the duly appointed legal representative ofthe member's estate.
Ifnone ofthe above, to the person(s) detennined to be entitled under the laws of the state
in which the member was domiciled.
The claim form required to apply for this benefit is Standard Form 1174, Claim for Unpaid
Compensation of Deceased Member of the Uniformed Services. Your Casualty Assistance
Representative will help you complete the claim form and forward it to the appropriate agency
for processing.
Servicemember's Group Life Insurance (SGLI): Retirees are covered for 120 days following
retirement with no additional premium during the 120-day period. Retirees rated totally disabled
on the date of retirement retain SGLI coverage up to 2 year or until the disability ceased to be
total in degree, but not for more than 2 year. Although this coverage is free, it must be applied
for to the OSGLI after separation. Detennination and payment of proceeds are made by the
Office of Servicemembers' Group Life Insurance under the jurisdiction of the Department of
Veterans Administrative. Payment of proceeds to a beneficiary is exempt from taxation. The
insured member may have designated as principal or contingent beneficiary any person, firm,
corporation or legal entity, including tbeir estate, individually or as a trustee. If the member
designated a trust, they indicated the name and date of the trust in the beneficiary block. If the
member designated a trust through a Will, they annotated "Last Will and Testament" in the
beneficiary block. If the member chose not to designate a specific beneficiary but preferred the
proceeds be paid in the order of precedence, the member selected the "By Law" designation.
When the "By Law" designation is used, the proceeds are automatically paid in the following
order of precedence:
* The member's lawful surviving spouse.
* If there is no spouse, to the child or children of the member in equal shares, with the share of
any deceased child to be distributed among the descendants of that child.
* If none of the above, to the parents of the member in equal shares or to the surviving parent.
* If none ofthe above, to the duly appointed executor or administrator of the member's estate.
* If none of the above, to other next of kin.
The claim fonn required to apply for this benefit is VA Form SGLV 8283, Claim for Death
Benefits. Your CAR or the nearest VA office can explain this benefit to you and help you
complete the required claim fonn, or you can write to the Office of Servicemember's Group Life
Insurance, 80 Livingston Ave Roseland, New Jersey 07068-1733 or call them toll free at 1-800419-1473.
Veteran's Group Life Insurance: This program allows retirees, upon retirement, to convert
their SGLI coverage during the first 120 days following retirement, or 1 year following
55 FSS/FSFR Casualty/SBP Handout dated 12 JAN 2009
retirement for totally disabled retirees. VGLI is a 5-year renewable term policy, administered by
the Office of Servicemembers' Group Life Insurance under the jurisdiction of the VA. VGLI is
issued up to a maximum of $400,000 in $10,000 increments, but not for more than the amount of
SGLI the retiree had in force at the time of retirement.
If the retiree was covered, the claim form required to apply for this benefit is VA Form SGLV
8283, Claim for Death Benefits. Your CAR or the nearest VA office can explain this benefit to
you and help you complete the required claim fonn, or you can write to the Office of
Servicemembers' Group Life Insurance, 80 Livingston Ave Roseland, New Jersey 07068-1 7330r
call them toll free at 1-800-419-1473.
National Service Life Insurance (NSLI): Except for disability policies, no retiree has enrolled
in this program since 23 April 1951. If the retiree was covered, the claim form required to apply
for this benefit is VA Form 29-4125, Claim for One Sum Payment or VA Form 29-4125k, Claim
for payment in monthly installments. Your CAR or the nearest VA office can explain this
benefit to you, help you complete the required claim fonn and mail it to the Department of
VARO and Insurance Center, Box 7208, Philadelphia, PA 19101.
Service Disabled Veterans Insurance (SDVI): SDVI is insurance limited to veterans who left
the Service after 24 April 1951. A member who has a service-connected disability but is
otherwise in good health may apply to the VA for up to $10,000 in SDVI life insurance coverage
at standard rates. Members rated totally disabled by the VA may apply for a waiver of
premiums. For those members eligible for this waiver, additional coverage of up to $20,000 is
available, but the premiums cannot be waived. If the retiree was covered, your CAR or the
nearest VA office can explain this benefit to you, help you complete the required claim form, VA
Fonn 29-4125, Claim for One Sum Payment, and mail it to the VARO and Insurance Center,
Box 7208, Philadelphia, PA 19101 for processing.
Retired Serviceman's Family Protection Plan (RSFPP): The RSFPP program allowed
personnel who retired before 21 September 1972 to receive reduced retired pay in order to
provide an annuity for certain beneficiaries after the death of the retiree. Participation in this
program was voluntary. If the retiree elected to participate, your CAR can explain this benefit to
you, help you complete the required claim forms, DD Form 2656-7, Verification for Survivor
Annuity, TD Fonn W-4P, Withholding Certificate for Pension or Annuity Payments, and SF
1199A, Direct Deposit Sign-Up Form, or FMS Form 2231, FAST START DIRECT
DEPOSIT, and forward them to the Defense Finance Accounting Service- Cleveland Center
(DFAS-CL) for processing. Mailing address for DFAS-CL is: Defense Finance and Accounting
Service, U. S. Military Annuitant Pay, P. O. Box 7131, London KY 47042-7131.
Remarriage Before Age 60: Your RSFPP annuity ceases the first of the month in which
you remarry. NotifY DFAS-CL to prevent an overpayment of the annuity. If death or divorce
tenninates your marriage, the annuity cannot be reinstated. DFAS-CL will reinstate your RSFPP
annuity only if you furnish documents verifYing the annulment of a "void" marriage.
Remarriage After Age 60: Your RSFPP annuity will continue without interruption if
you remarry after age 60. You should send a copy of the marriage certificate with instructions
for name and address changes to DFAS-CL at Defense Finance and Accounting Service, U. S.
Military Annuitant Pay, P. O. Box 7131 London KY 47042-7131
55 FSS/FSFR Casualty/SBP Handout dated 12 JAN 2009
Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP): A monthly annuity paid by the Air Force. This program allowed
personnel who retired on or after 21 September 1972, or before if they enrolled in the program
during an open season, to receive reduced retired pay in order to provide a monthly annuity to
their beneficiaries after the death of the retiree. The retiree designated the beneficiaries.
Participation in this program was voluntary. SBP provides an eligible surviving spouse or former
spouse financial security similar to the financial security a retiree had in retired pay--a cost-ofliving-adjusted monthly income for life.
If the retiree elected to participate in the SBP, your CAR can explain this benefit to you, help you
complete the required claim fanus, DD Form 2656-7, Verification for Survivor Annuity, TD
Form W-4P, Withholding Certificate for Pension or Annuity Payments, and SF l199A,
Direct Deposit Sign-Up Form, or FMS Form 2231, FAST START DIRECT DEPOSIT, and
forward them to DFAS-CL for processing.
If you are unsure of your Survivor Benefit Plan election, review your latest
Retiree Account Statement (RAS) from DAFS-CL. See the attached RAS example page 23.
Reserve Component Survivor Benefit Plan (RCSBP): RCSBP is a monthly annuity paid by
the Air Force to the surviving spouse or, in some cases, eligible children, of an Air Reserve
Component member who dies and has completed the satisfactory years of service to qualifY the
member for retired pay at age 60. The retiree designates the beneficiaries. The beneficiary
choices are the same as for SBP. Participation in the program is voluntary. A Reserve
component member eligible for retired pay under Title 10, United States Code, Section 1273 I,
may also have survivor benefit coverage under hislher Civil Service retirement income. There is
no conflict of interest, which would prohibit simultaneous coverage. The three options that are
available to the member at time of election are:
Option A. Member declines to make an election until age 60. If death occurs prior to age 60, no
annuity is payable.
Option B. Coverage provides for an annuity to begin on the 60th anniversary of member's birth,
if death occurs before age 60, or to begin immediately when death occurs after age 60.
Option C. Coverage provides for an annuity to begin immediately, whether death occurs before
or after age 60.
Minimum Iucome Widow's Benefit: The unremarried widow of a retiree who died before 21
March 1974 may receive a minimum income widow's benefit. The widow must be receiving a
VA widow's nonservice-connected death pension and have a total annual income from all
sources except the VA pension that is less than an annual income level established by public
law. For additional infonnation and application instructions, write to DFAS-CL at Defense
Finance and Accounting Service, U. S. Military Annuitant Pay, P. O. Box 7131, London KY
40742-7131. Unremarried widows whose income exceeds this level may qualifY for the
"forgotten widows" benefit.
Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DlC):
DIC is payable by the VA to surviving spouses, unmarried children under age 18, disabled
children, children between the ages of 18 and 23 if attending a VA-approved school, and lowincome parents of retirees who die from a disease or injury incurred or aggravated while on
55 FSS/FSFR Casualty/SBP Handout dated 12 JAN 2009
active duty or active duty for training, an injury incurred or aggravated in the line of duty
while on inactive duty training, or a disability otherwise compensable under laws administered
by the VA. DIC payments may also be authorized for the survivor of a retiree who had a
service-connected total disability at the time of death but whose death was not the result of
his/her service-connected disability. The survivor qualifies if the retiree was continuously
rated totally disabled for a period of 10 or more years immediately preceding death, the retiree
was so rated
for a period of not less than 5 years from the date of discharge from military service. DIC
payments to a surviving spouse are payable for life, as long as the spouse does not remarry
before age 57. Should the surviving spouse remarry prior to age 57, payments are terminated,
but may be restored if the subsequent marriage ends in death, divorce or annulment. Your VA
office will explain the benefit to you, the amount that can be paid, and help you complete the
required claim forms
The claim form required to apply for this benefit is VA Form 21-534, Application for
Dependency and Indenmity Compensation or Death Pension Accrued Benefits by
Surviving Spouse or Child, or VA Form 21-535, Application for Dependency and Indemnity
Compensation by Parent(s).
DIC Offset: DFAS-CL reduces a surviving spouse's SBP annuity by the amount ofDIC the VA
awards and pays the surviving spouse based on the service-connected death of the retiree who
provided the SBP. When DIC exceeds the SBP amount, the spouse will receive all SBP
premiums paid by the retiree. When the SBP annuity exceeds the DIC payment, the spouse will
receive only the amount of SBP premiums paid for the portion of the SBP that is replaced by
DIC. A spouse over age 55 who forfeits DIC by remarrying may have the SBP reinstated by
repaying the costs that DFAS-CL refunded when the DIC was awarded. The reinstated SBP
annuity is effective on the date the DIC expires. The survivor may repay the premiums in a lump
sum or installments. DFAS-CL deducts installment payments from the SBP annuity.
Nonservice-Connected Death Pension: If the VARO detennines that you are not eligible for
DIC, you may be eligible to apply for a nonservice-connected death pension. Surviving spouses
of deceased members with wartime service and unmarried children under age 18, age 23 if
attending a VA-approved school, may be eligible for this pension if they meet income limitations
prescribed by law. Qualifying children who become incapable of self-support because of a
disability before age 18 may be eligible for a pension as long as the condition exists, unless the
child marries or the child's income exceeds the income limit. The rate of pension depends on the
amount of income the surviving spouse or child receives from other sources. A pension is not
payable to those whose estates are so large that it is reasonable to assume the estate will maintain
them financially. Eligible survivors should make application through the local VA office. The
VA will determine your eligibility.
Veterans' Educational Assistance Program (YEAP) and Montgomery GI Bill Refunds:
If the retiree contributed to either of these programs you may be entitled to a death refund. To
receive the refund, submit a letter, along with proof of relationship and a copy ofthe death
certificate, or DD Fonn 1300, Report of Casualty, for retiree deaths occurring within 120 days
after retiring, to the appropriate VA Regional Office. The refund is made in "by-law" fashion to
the spouse, children, and parents, and will not be paid to anyone else in the "by-law" chain.
Your CAR or the nearest VA office can help you apply for a refund of contributions.
55 FSSIFSFR Casualty/SBP Handout dated 12 JAN 2009
Social Security Payments: Social Security monthly benefits are paid to a spouse or a divorced
spouse, age 60 or over; a spouse or divorced spouse regardless of age with children of the
decedent under age 16 or disabled in their care and meeting Social Security requirements. A
divorced spouse must have been married to the service member at least 10 years. Monthly
payments are also paid to children under age 18, or under age 19, if a full-time student at a
primary or secondary school, or age 18 or older and disabled before age 18. Spouses who wait
until age 65 to apply for Social Security receives maximum benefits. However, they can receive
reduced Social Security payments between ages 60 and 65. Dependent parents are eligible for
benefits at age 62 if they were more than 50 percent dependent on the deceased service member
for their support. The amount paid can only be determined by the Social Security
Administration, which has a record of the wages earned by the retiree during the period of both
military and civilian employment under the Social Security Program. To apply for this benefit,
eligible survivors must make application through the nearest Social Security Office. They will
explain the benefit, determine your eligibility, the amount to be paid, and help you complete the
required claim forms. Survivors should apply early, as the law generally permits retroactive
payments of 12 months.
Social Security Lump Sum Death Payment: The Social Security Administration pays a lump
sum death payment, up to $255, to the surviving spouse living with the member at the time of
death. If there is no surviving spouse, it is paid to the oldest child who was eligible for or
entitled to Social Security benefits during the month of the member's death. No other survivors
are entitled to this benefit. This benefit is paid even if burial, funeral, or memorial benefits
were paid by Air Force. To receive this benefit, eligible survivors must make application
through the nearest Social Security Office. This office' will explain the benefit, determine your
eligibility, the amount to be paid, and help you complete the required claim forms.
Withdrawal from SBP Because of VA Disability Rating.
You can terminate SBP coverage by withdrawing if rated by the VA as totally disabled for:
10 or more continuous years; or
Less than 10, but more than five, years continuous from the last date of active duty.
Under these circumstances, your death would be presumed to be from service-connected causes,
ensuring your spouse's entitlement to DIC. Thus, you and your spoUse may find no advantage to
continue SBP coverage. A major factor in this decision should be the amount of the mIDuity
payable. Your spouse must concur in any election to withdraw. Child coverage will also stop in
this case, and no benefits will be payable. When you die, your spouse will be refunded the
premiums paid. Retiree sends signed letter of request to DFAS-CL.
Retiree Death Benefits - Basic Information for Continued
Service Benefits and Privileges:
The loss of your loved one does not mean an end to certain military
benefits and privileges you now receive. You may continue to receive
medical care at medical facilities of the Uniformed Services, in select
former public health hospitals designated by the Department of Defense as
unifonned services treatment facilities, and civilian inpatient and outpatient
care, subject to limitations as detennined by local medical authorities. You
may use the commissary, Base Exchange, and morale, welfare and
55 FSS/FSFR Casualty/SBP Hmldout dated 12 JAN 2009
recreation activities, which includes theaters at bases when these facilities are available.
Although every effort is made to provide these benefits and privileges, at some installations the
facilities may be adequate only for the assigned military personnel and their eligible family
members. In such cases, the commander of the installation has the right to deny you the use.of
those facilities. In some overseas areas, the use of service benefits and privileges may not be
extended to families of deceased members due to agreements entered into between the United
States and the host country. If you plan to travel or live abroad, let your Casualty Assistance
Representative help you determine the benefits and privileges available in the country
where you plan to live. To detennine if you are eligible for any of the service benefits and
privileges mentioned, read the brief discussion of each below.
Uniformed Services Identification and Privilege Card (ID Card): The ID card is used as a
means of identification to detelmine eligibility for the following benefits and privileges: health
benefits in Uniformed Services facilities and from civilian sources, commissary and Base
Exchange privileges, and admission to morale, welfare, and recreation activities, which includes
military theaters. Each card shows the benefits and privileges authorized for the holder and
allow them the use of these benefits and privileges at Uniformed Services installations where
adequate services and facilities are available. This is the same type card you may now have. On
the death of a retired member, the ID card held by their dependents must be canceled and a new
ID card issued. Your CAR will assist you in completing a DD Fonn 1172, Application for
Uniformed Services Identification Card DEERS Enrollment, to obtain your new ID Card.
The card is issued to all eligible surviving family members 10 years of age or over who are
eligible for one or more of the Service benefits and privileges mentioned in this pamphlet.
Children under 10 years of age may be identified by the card issued to the surviving spouse. If
the surviving spouse is deceased or not entitled, the child under age 10 may be issued a separate
Medical Benefits: Subject to the installation commander's determination of availability, eligible
family members may receive inpatient and outpatient care, including pharmacy services at
Uniformed Services medical treatment facilities where adequate services and facilities are
available. If you remarry someone outside the uniformed services, you are no longer covered. If
the marriage is annulled, you may be eligible for reinstatement after the annulment.
TRICARE is the Department of Defense managed health care program
designed to improve beneficiary access to care, assure affordable and high
quality care, provide choice, and contain costs to beneficiaries and the
Department of Defense. TRICARE offers eligible family members a choice
of three health care options, plime, extra, and standard for seeking care nnder
the TRICARE program. Each option has different cost-sharing features and
degrees of freedom for using civilian providers. TRICARE service centers
are established at or near each military installation to assist family members in obtaining care
and services as necessary. TRICARE does not cover dependent parents and parents-in-law;
however, they are eligible for care in the military medical treatment facilities on a space
available basis. For more detailed information on TRICARE visit their world wide web site at,
http://www.tricare.osd.mii. or contact the health benefits advisor at your nearest medical
treatment facility.
TRICARE Retiree Dental Program (TRDP). The TRDP is available to unremarried surviving
spouses and eligible children of deceased retired members. The TRDP is a voluntary dental
55 FSSIFSFR Casualty/SBP Handout dated 12 JAN 2009
insurance program that is fully funded by the enrollee. Coverage is available throughout the
50 United States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands,
American Samoa, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, and Canada. Benefits
under the TRDP are comprehensive and include, but are not limited to: preventive,
restorative (fillings), periodontics, prosthodontics (crowns, bridges, and dentures),
orthodontics, endodontics (root canals), and oral surgery. For more details, see
Commissary Privileges: The unremarried or unmarried surviving spouse is eligible for
commissary privileges. He or she may, on approval of the local installation commander, let an
agent make purchases under certain circumstances. Purchases may be used by all members of the
family living in the house.
Base Exchange: The Base Exchange offers various services and facilities, depending on the
base's population and what's available from the local civilian sector, such as theaters, barber
shops, service stations, clothing stores, dry cleaning, optical shops, package stores, and other
sales stores. The unremarried or unmarried surviving spouse is eligible for Base Exchange
services or, on approval of the installation commander; an agent may be allowed to make
purchases under certain circumstances.
Theater: Eligible family members can attend motion picture theaters on military installations.
Family members must have current ID cards.
Transient Quarters: Eligible family members of deceased retirees may occupy transient
quarters on a space-available basis when approved by the installation commander. Contact the
billeting office to detennine the commander's policy and to request accommodations. Family
members must have current ID cards.
Recreation Services and Space Available Travel: As an unremarried or umnarried surviving
spouse, you are entitled to membership in the Officer's or Enlisted Open Mess. The same applies
to you and your children in the use of other recreational activities on a military installation such
as the golf course, fitness center, bowling alley, and hobby shops. Upon the death of a retired
member, the retiree's eligible family members lose all entitlement to space-available travel.
Retiree Death Benefits - Basic Information for Miscellaneous
Rights and Benefits:
Basic Information. There are other federal and state rights and benefits here to which eligible
family members may be entitled. Please read the brief description of each right or benefit. If you
think you may qualify for a benefit and are interested, ask your CAR or nearest VA office for
more infonnation.
Commercial Insurance: For commercial insurance, you should contact the nearest
representative or the home office ofthe company for settlement. Your CAR can advise you of
any insurance allotments that were being deducted from the member's pay.
Emergency Financial Assistance: The Air Force Aid Society (AFAS) offers qualifying family
members financial assistance in the form of interest-free loans or grants during personal and
family emergencies. Aid may be given for such purposes as food, rent, utilities, essential car
55 FSS/FSFR Casualty/SBP Handout dated 12 JAN 2009
repair, and certain medical and dental care. The assistance is temporary and based on immediate
needs. The assistance is available through the AFAS section located in the Family Support
Center (FSC) at most Air Force installations. If there is no AFAS office near you, the AFAS has
cross-servicing assistance agreements with the American Red Cross, Army Emergency Relief,
and the Navy/Marine Corps Relief Society. Ask your CAR for additional details, or contact the
base FSC.
Legal Assistance: Consultation and advice on all civil legal matters are provided to the retiree's
survivors on a space-available basis. Eligible family members may need or wish to obtain legal
advice and assistance in connection with settling the estate of the deceased member, making a
new will for the surviving spouse, taxation questions, and other related legal matters. Your CAR,
in the course of helping you, may put you in contact with a legal assistance officer who can
counsel you in these matters. The legal assistance officer can help in preparing the initial income
tax return but can only give preliminaly advice on probate and settlement of the estate, court
appearances, preparation of inheritance tax returns, or in regard to civilian employment and
business matters. Since these matters are outside the scope of the Legal Assistance Program, it
may be necessary for survivors to obtain the services of civilian counsel. If you are not
acquainted with an attorney and want help in obtaining one, the legal assistance officer can refer
you to such counsel through the local bar association. Government agencies, such as the VA,
Social Security Administration, and the DFAS will help you in processing your claims for
benefits and entitlements. Such matters are expeditiously handled without resort to civilian
counselor expense to you. In case of factual disputes or conflicting claims, it might be wise to
have civilian counsel.
Civil Service Job Preference: A surviving spouse may be eligible to receive a ten point
veteran's service preference for federal service employment if the deceased retiree served in
wartime or in a peacetime campaign or expedition for which the retiree received a campaign
badge or service medal. You can obtain information about this point preference and available
Federal employment from a Federal Civil Service Personnel Office.
State Benefits: Many states have passed laws providing certain rights, benefits, and privileges
to the surviving spouse and children of the deceased Service member. These benefits can include
bonuses, educational assistance, employment opportunities, tax relief, alld others. Seek further
information on the laws pertaining to a partiCUlar state from local govermnent officials, the
nearest VA office, or from local veterans' organizations, such as the American Legion, Veterans
of Foreign Wars, and Disabled American Veterans.
Income Tax Benefits: You may wish to contact the nearest office of the Internal Revenue
Service for infonnation and guidance regarding your federal tax status. Excluded from gross
income for income tax purposes are: Social Security benefits; burial benefits; VA pension and
compensation payments; property, including cash money received as a gift under will provisions;
and face amount of all life insurance policies.
AF Village Foundation: The Air Force Villages I and II, in San Antonio, Texas, provide
financial support and homes to widows and widowers of Air Force active and retired officers
who would otherwise have no other place to live. Widows and widowers without financial means
have priority for admission, and no one have ever been turned away for inability to pay. The
widow or widower must be age 62 or over to become a pennanent resident. The villages also
offer a furnished apartment to a surviving spouse and children for up to a year to gather their
55 FSS/FSFR Casualty/SBP Handout dated 12 JAN 2009
lives following the death of an officer. For additional infonnation on Air Force Villages I and II,
write to the Air Force Village Foundation, 5100 John D. Ryan Blvd., San Antonio, Texas 782453502, or call them toll free at 1-800-762-1122.
AF Village West: The Air Force Village West in California is a military-oriented continuing
care retirement community serving officers of all branches of the service. It is a full service
village designed for a wonderful lifestyle, comfortable housing and long-tenn health care. Any
retired officer, spouse or widow holding an ID card Fonn 1, is a candidate for residency at the
village. The minimum residency age for the qualifying individual is 60 years. For additional
infonnation on Air Force Village West, write to the Air Force Village West, 17050 Arnold
Drive, Riverside, California 92518, call them toll free at 1-800-729-2999.
The General and Mrs. Curtis E. LeMay Foundation: It can be confusing, frightening and
heartbreaking to lose a spouse and find little, if any, financial resources and not know where to
turn. The LeMay Foundation can be there to ease the burdens of everyday life. The Foundation
can help with monthly supplemental grants to assist with food, rent, utilities and for some, health
care. For additional infonnation write to The General and Mrs. Curtis E. LeMay Foundation,
17050 Arnold Drive, Riverside, California 92518 or call them at (909) 697-2099.
Air Force Enlisted Men's Widows and Dependents Home Foundation Iuc: Widowed
spouses over age 55 of Air Force enlisted members are eligible for residency. Residents pay for
housing and services, although a primary purpose of the Foundation is to provide care for needy,
eligible persons. For infonnation, write to the Air Force Enlisted Men's Widows and Dependents
Home Foundation, 92 Sunset Lane, Shalimar, Florida 32579-1000, or call them at (904) 6513766.
Educational Benefits: Dependents Educational Assistance provides educational opportunities
for the member's spouse, children between the ages of 18 and 26, and children under 18, under
certain conditions, of a retiree who dies from a service-related injury or illness. Eligible persons
may receive up to 45 months of schooling (or the equivalent if enrolled part-time). Schooling
must be in VA-approved schools and colleges. In addition to the Dependents Educational
Assistance program, various programs are available to help children reach their education goals.
Scholarship Information: Many states, universities, and other groups sponsor scholarship
programs for the children of deceased service members, particularly those with wartime service.
Contact your high school guidance counselor and local library for further infonnation.
VA Home Loan: An unremarried spouse of a retiree who died from a service-connected injury
or illness may be eligible for a government-insured home loan benefit. To detennine your
eligibility, apply to the nearest VA office.
Credit Union, Bank, Charge Accounts: Contact all financial institutions concerning transfer of
accounts to the survivor's name. Also, ask about any insurance associated with the accounts.
Support Agencies
Airman & Family Readiness Ceuter (A&FRC): A service organization for Air Force families
and a focal point for family matters. They provide immediate, short-tenn support to help families
with challenging life situations. They help family members identify and clarify needs, determine
55 FSS/FSFR Casualty/SBP Handout dated 12 JAN 2009
appropriate forms of assistance and provide linkage to those resources. Appropriate referral is
ensured through follow-up. In addition, they provide a range of prevention and enrichment
services designed to help family members adapt to current and future changes in their lives.
These programs are presented at the A&FRC by staff members, other base agencies, or by
agencies from the local civilian community.
Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS): TAPS is a non-profit organization and is
America's national peer support organization that cares about and supports all "survivors"
including spouses, significant others, children, parents, siblings, coworkers, and friends affected
by a death in the armed forces. TAPS operates a national toll-free crisis and information line 24hours a day, 7 days a week with help available through TAPS' Board of Advisors ofleading
experts in grief, trauma, and critical incident stress. For more infonnation you may write to
Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors, National Headquarters, 2001 S Street, NW, Suite
300, Washington, DC 20009, or call them toll free at 1-800-959-8277.
Gold Star Wives of America, Inc.: A non-profit national military widows service organization
that provides support and information to widows of service members who die on active duty or
as a result of service-connected disabilities. They respond to all non-monetary requests for
assistance. For additional information or assistance, you may write to the Gold Star Wives of
America, Inc., P.O. Box 361986, Binningham, AL 35236 or call them toll free at 1-888-7516350.
VA activates surviving spouse web site
The Department of Veterans Affairs has activated a new website aimed directly at surviving
spouses of military members who died on active duty and surviving spouses of veterans who
died after serving their country .
The site, at not only has links to the VA pages describing
survivor benefits but also to other government sites that may offer valuable information and
There is also a link to Frequently Asked Questions that answers most questions. For more
specific questions, the site tells how to contact the VA directly.
The main VA web site is at
55 FSS/FSFR Casualty/SBP Handout dated 12 JAN 2009
Record of Personal Affairs Workbook
Personal Affairs Record Of:
(First, Middle, Last)
Retired Grade:
Branch of Service:
Social Security Number:
Home Address:
(Number, Street, Town/City, County, State, Zip Code)
Home Phone (include area code);
Personal Data
Date and Place of Birth:
(Town/City, County, Stale)
Naturalization (if applicable);
(Designation and location of court granting naturalization)
Parents' Information
Father's Name:
(First, Middle, Last)
Date and Place of Birth:
(Town/City, County, State)
Home AddresslPhone Number:
(Number, Street, Town/City, State, Zip Code)
Home Phone (include area code):
Mother's Name:
Maiden Name:
(First, Middle, Last)
Date and Place of Birth:
(Town/City, County, State)
Home Address:
(Number, Street, Town/City, County, State, Zip Code)
Home Phone (include area code):
55 FSS/FSFR Casualty/SBP Handout dated 12 JAN 2009
Record of Personal Affairs
Marital Information
Maiden Name:
(First, Middle, Last Name)
Date and Place ofMarnage:
(Town/City, County, State)
If terminated, show reason, place and date:
Maiden Name:
Married To:
(First, Middle, Last Name)
Date and Place of Maniage:
(Town/City, County, State)
Iftenninated, show reason, place and date:
Provide full name, date and place of birth, social security number; if living apart from parents, list address-if minors
indicate name of guardian
Lawyer or Trusted Friend
Personal lawyer or trusted friend who may be consulted in regard to my personal or business affairs:
(Telephone Number, including area code)
(Number, Street, Town/City, State, Zip Code)
55 FSS/FSFR Casualty/SBP Handout dated 12 JAN 2009
Record of Personal Affairs
Family Records Location
Birth certificates or other proof of date of birth for myself and each immediate family member (required by insurance
companies and Social Security Administration):
Naturalization papers for me~ spouse and children (if applicable):
Adoption paper (if applicable):
Marriage certificate (required to establish claims for Veterans Affairs and Social Security Benefits):
DivOfcedecree(s), death cCltificates or certified copies thereof for myself or present spouse:
Military Service Personal File Location
(DD Form 214, Retirement Order, Awards and Decorations, medical records, etc.)
Other Important Papers
I (have) (have not) exeented a Will:
Located at:
(Number, Street, Town/City, State, Zip Code)
(Telephone Number, including area code)
(Number, Street, Town/City, State, Zip Code)
(Telephone Number, including area code)
55 FSS/FSFR Casualty/SBP Handout dated 12 JAN 2009
Record of Personal Affairs
I (have) (have not) execnted a Power of Attorney, datcd
(Agent or attomey in fact)
(Number, Street, Town/City, State, Zip Code)
Copies 'of my federal and state income tax returns and related papers are located at:
Other Taxes:
tax returns and related papers are located at:
Copies of
(Property, etc.)
(Number, Street, Town/City, State Zip Code)
Bank Accounts (Include Credit Union, Savings & Loan Associations):
Type of account:
(Checking or Savings)
(Joint or Individual)
(Account Number)
(Name and Address of Bank or Credit Union)
(Checking or Savings)
(Joint or Individual)
(Account Number)
(Name and Address of Bank or Credit Union)
Location of passbooks for savings accounts:
Location of statements and canceled checks for checking accounts:
Charge Accounts and Credit Cards:
(Name, Address, Telephone Number)
(Name, Address, Telephone Number)
(Name, Address, Telephone Number)
(Name, Address, Telephone Number)
55 FSS/FSFR Casualty/SBP Handout dated 12 JAN 2009
Record of Personal Affairs
Safety Deposit Box:
Name of bank or trust company:
(Number, Street, Town/City, State, Zip Code)
Location of Key:
United States Savings Bonds:
Where they are kept:
Approximate value: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (attach listing of serial numbers and denominations, if desired)
Stocks, Bonds and Securities Owned:
Property Ownership or Interest:
Real estate is located at:
The property is encumbered by a:
(Mortgage, trust, deed, etc.)
Held by:
The property is insured with:
(Insurance company)
Policy Number, against
(Fire, damage, liability, etc.)
Life Insurance:
I have the following types oflife insurance: Government,
(Insurance Company, Policy Number, Face Value, Payment Option)
(Insurance Company, Policy Number, Face Value, Payment Option)
The policies are located at:
55 FSS/FSFR Casualty/SBP Handout dated 12 JAN 2009
Record of Personal Affairs
Other Insurance:
I have the following health, property, accident, liability or other insurance coverage:
Insurance Company
Type of Coverage
Policy Number
Insurance Company
Type of Coverage
Policy Number
Insurance Company
Type of Coverage
Policy Number
Insurance Company
Type of Coverage
Policy Number
The policies are located at:
Membership in Private Associations and Organizations:
I'm a member of several associations or organizations that may be helpful to my family with assistance:
(Name and Address)
(Name and Address)
(Name and Address)
Funeral and Burial Arrangements:
This is not intended as a legal document. But, within the terms of my Will or tbe applicable laws, I desire the fonowing be
done by my Executor and/or family:
Funeral Service and AITangements:
(Name, Address, Telephone Number)
Military Ceremony and Honors: (Most funeral homes will make this an·angement if asked)
OBITUARY 8 Strongly recommend that you pre-prepare your obituary and attach it to this package. Call any funeral home
for the form. A photo should be attached. Obituary is a paid ad so you should find out the price. Always include your rank,
name, service and retired in the heading of the obituary. Example:
Millor John Doe, USAF, Retired
55 FSS/FSFR Casualty/SBP Handout dated 12 JAN 2009
Record of Personal Affairs
Hymns, Psalms, Scripture, Special Reguests:
Flowers! (in lieu of flowers):
Memorials and Remembrances:
Miscellaneous (Things to know and plan for upon death of a retiree)
Report the death to the retiree branch of service casualty assistance office or Defense Finance Accounting Service Cleveland (DF AS~CL)
Center; toll free
to stop member's retirement pay.
Disposition instructions for the body (burial, cremation, memorial service, etc.)
lnfonnation required for Death Certification. (Date/Place of birth, Father's Name, Mother's Maiden Name, Education Level, Occupation,
Infonnation required for obituary notice (names, relation & locations of appropriate relatives, etc)
Widows will need a new dependent ID card (military, medical, commissary, base exchange, etc)
Necessary changes in your DEERS program will have to be made (TRlCARE, etc)
It may take several months to clear estates (you may require at least 8 copies of death certificate)
Contents of your safety deposit box should be know (and make sure the box number, its location and location of key arc known)
Named beneficiaries on insurance policies become very important (keep current)
There may be some entitlement to burial benefits (headstone, payments, etc.)(Check VA)
Check VA for Presidential Memorial Certificate
An American flag can be obtained (check VA and Post Office)
The sunrivor should update appropriate will
Extra credit cards should be destroyed or canceled
Appropriate changes should be made to all joint ownerships
Contact insurance companies as appropriate
Be prepared to tum in Retirees ID Card
55 FSS/FSFR Casualty/SBP Handout dated 12 JAN 2009
Beneficiary Checklist. You need to name beneficiaries for your IRAs, life insurance policies, annuities, trusts, etc. Here1s
how to do it. Think before naming beneficiaries. Check the tax angles with a professionaL Nametlcontingenf' (backup)
beneficiaries, too. This prevents the assets being included in your taxable estate if your primary beneficiary dies before you. If
you name more than one beneficiary, spell out the percentage of the assets each one will receive. There1s no rule that each
beneficiary must get an equal share. Detennine whether your beneficiaries can manage the asset. If not, you may need to create
a trust to hold the asset after your death. Review your beneficiary designations periodically. You may need to change them in
case of births, deaths, divorce, remarriage, incapacity, etc.
Record of Personal Affairs
Personal Effects
At the discretion of my executor, next of kin or beneficiaries, attached/listed below is a suitable disposition of my special effects,
not otherwise legally specified, i.e.: clothing, jewelry, stamps/coin collections, firearms, etc.
Additional data desired regarding my affairs and instructions to survivors not previously covered:
55 FSS/FSFR Casualty/SBP Handout dated 12 JAN 2009
PO BOX 7130
LONDON KY 40742-7130
COMMERCIAL (216) 522-5955
TOLL FREE 1-800-321-1080
TOLL FREE FAX 1-800-469-<i559
ENTERPRISE IA 58123-0000
+ __='-t_ _,_"
60.00 l
,.::: I
MAR 10, 1964
FEB 21,1995
DFAS-CL 7220/148 (Rev 03-01)
55 FSS/FSFR Casualty/SBP Handout dated 12 JAN 2009
!Military Retirees Should Make a List
iWhen a retiree dies, the surviving spouse or children are often unsure about what they should do in regard to the
~i1itary retirees' pay and benefits. A retiree should create a list of names and phone numbers that need to be
lcontracted when he or she dies and infonn the spouse and family members as to what is on the list and where to
lfind it. This list should include the:
1(1). DFAS, Retired and Annuity Pay Center 1-800-321-1080 to stop retired pay, apply for Survivor Benefits,
and obtain infonnation about insurance and other allotments, or contact the nearest military installation
casualty office for member's branch of service.
1(2). Veterans Administration 1-800-827-1000 for Disability Pay and burial assistance and/or applying for
Dependency Indemnity Compensation (DIC) for the surviving spouse.
1(3). Social Security Administration 1-800-772-1213 to discuss Social Security Survivor Benefits.
1(4). Office of Personnel Management 1-888-767-6738 for retirees who are receiving civil service pensions in
addition to military retired pay
12009 Retired Military Pay Days
!Military retiree and annuitant payday is always on the first business day of the month. If the first of the month
lis a Saturday, Sunday or a holiday, payday will always occur the next business day.
55 FSS/FSFR Casualty/SBP Handout dated 12 JAN 2009
55 FSSIFSFR Casua1ty/SBP Handout dated 12 JAN 2009
Directory assistance
Air Force Retiree Services Branch - HQ AFPC/DPSIAR, 550 C
Street W, Ste 8, Randolph AFB, TX 78150-4713; (210) 565-4663.
Manages the retiree activities program and supports the Air Force
Retiree Council; advises the Air Force retiremeut community.
* Air Force Aid Society - Contact the AF Aid Society through the
Family Support Ceuter on any Air Force base or go to the
Society's web site at Phone: 1 (800) 769-8951
* Air Force Enlisted Fonndation, Inc., 92 Sunset Lane, Shalimar
FL 32579, or call (850) 651-9858 or 651-3766, or toll free (800)
258-1413; the web address is and
the e-mail address is [email protected].
* Air Force Village Fonndation - A retirement community for
retired officers and their spouses, widow(er)s and elderly family
members. Also provides assistance to widow(er) s of Air Force
officers. 5100 John D. Ryan Blvd., San Antonio TX 78245-3502,; call (210) 677-8989 or (800)
* The General and Mrs. Cnrtis E. LeMay Fonndation, 17050
Arnold Dr., Riverside CA 92508, helps indigent widows of Air
Force people. The phone number is (909) 697-2099/2000; or toll
free I (800) 554-5510;
Arlington National Cemetery
(703) 695-3250/3255, http://
Armed Forces Recreation Centers:
Dragon Hill, Korea - 011-822-790-0016, FAX 011-822-7920036;
New Sanno Hotel (Tokyo) -
Hale Koa Hotel, Hawaii - Call 1-800-367-6027; fax is (800)
HALE FAX; or write to Armed Forces Recreation Center, 2055
Kalia Road, Honolulu, Hawaii 96815-1998.
Shades of Green Resort in Orlando, Fla. - (407) 824-3600; fax
(407) 824-3665. Toll-free reservations number is I (888) 5932242. Europe - Chiemsee: 011-49-8051-803172, FAX 011-498051- 803158; Garmisch: 011-49-8821-79081, FAX 011-49-88213942. Email [email protected];or write Vacation
Plauning Center, AFRC Europe, Unit 24501, APO 09053; http://
Armed Forces Retirement Homes:
U.S. Soldiers and Airmen's Home - Contact USSAH Admissions
Dept., Washington, D.C. 20317-0001; (800) 422-9988 or (202)
U. S. Naval Home - Resident Affairs Office, U. S. Naval Home;
1800 Beach Drive; Gulfport, MS 39507-1597 (800) 332-3527.
Casualty Assistance - Report the death of an Air Force retiree by
calling the local base or HQ AFPC's hotline (877) 353-6807,
Monday-Friday, 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. central. Voice mail available
after duty hours.
55 FSS/FSFR Casualty/SBP Handout dated 12 JAN 2009
DEERS Telephone Center - (800) 334-4162 (Calif.); (800) 5275602 (Alaska and Hawaii); (800) 538-9552 (all other states).
Sponsors are responsible for updating DEERS if family status
ID cards - Customers with 10 card qucstions should contact a.
military personnel office. Call (866) 229-7074 for location of the
nearest issuing facility.
Locating Air Force retirees or active duty members - Write a
letter to the person you're trying to locate, seal it in a stamped
envelope, enter your return address (including retired grade) and
send letter and addressee's name, grade and SSN or service
number in another envelope to HQ AFPCIDPDXIOL, 550 C Street
West Ste 50, Randolph AFB TX 78150-4752; or
call (210) 565-2660.
Lodging Reservations - Air Force, (888) 235-6343 (AFLODGE), after prompt, dial first three digits of base name; Army,
(800) 462-7691 (GO-ARMY-l); Navy, (800) 628-9466 (NAVY
National Personnel Records Center - Recorded information is
available at (314) 801-0800. Written requests are required to
replace lost documents from the NPRC: NPRC/NCPMF-C, 9700
Page Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63132-5000. Include full name,
retired grade, SSN, and an explanation of exactly what you need.
Check the Web site at: Dependents'
medical records are forwarded to an NPRC depository at 111
Winnebago St., SI. Louis, MO 63118-4126 two years after the
sponsor retires.
Pay - Retirees may contact the retired pay section at the nearest
Air Force base or contact the Defense Finance and Accounting
Service-Cleveland Center; toll-free (800) 321-1080 or commercial
(216) 522-5534. The fax number is (800) 469-6559. SBP
aunuitants may use the same voice toll-free number but the fax is
(800) 982-8459.
Survivor Benefit Plan - Call or visit the nearest military
Tricare - General telephone menu: (303) 676-3400. For other
health care information, visit the health benefits advisor at the
nearest military installation. The Web site is http://
Tricare Senior Pharmacy - (877) 363-6337.
VA matters - For an NSLI account, contact VA Insurance, P.O.
Box 8079, 5000 Wissabickon St., Philadelphia, PA 1910I, 1-800669-8477. For a VGLI account, contact OSGLI, 80 Livingston
Ave, Roseland, New Jersey 07068-1733, 1-800-419-1473. For
VA benefits or disability compensation, clahns and for other
information, call (800) 827-1000; VA TDD (Telecomm. Device
for Deaf) (800) 829-4833. Web site is
Social Security - (800) 772-1213 or (410) 965- 8019 or write to:
Social Security Administration, Attn: Office of International
Operations, 6401 Security Blvd, Baltimore Md 21235. Web site:
55 FSS/FSFR Casualty/SBP Handout dated 12 JAN 2009