12th Dec - Manor Green Primary School


12th Dec - Manor Green Primary School
We hope that you enjoyed our Christmas Shows—we are very proud of all the children.
May I once again apologise if you did not manage to get as many tickets as you would have liked, but I am
afraid that space in the hall is very limited. There will be a DVD of the shows available for you to buy
shortly—details will follow.
We took delivery of our new minibus this week. Juniper Class went up to London to The Hilton Hotel for
the presentation. They met Gabby Roslin and members of the Variety Club, then had lunch at The Hilton
before returning to school. There are some photographs of their grand day out on the back of this newsletter.
Arrangements for next week—last week of term.
Tuesday 16th—Whole School Christmas Dinner—followed
by a visit from Santa.
Wednesday 17th — Class parties and disco— Your child
may wear party clothes to school.
Please can you return your slips and gifts from Santa as
soon as possible if you have not already done so.
After School Clubs will begin again on 13th January. Please make sure that you complete the form and
return it to school ASAP. Places are limited and given on a first come/first served basis.
We have a large amount of lost property at school. If you are missing anything please can you let your
child’s class know. Unclaimed items will have to be disposed of. We also have some second hand uniform
for sale at £1 an item. Please feel free to come in and have a rummage.
We say goodbye temporarily today to Chloe Thompson-Baulk from Oak Class. She is now on her
maternity leave. We wish her and her partner lots of luck and best wishes with there forthcoming arrival.
We are also saying goodbye to Peter Berrill from the speech and language team. The team are currently
recruiting for a replacement.
Please don’t forget we are a nut free
school. All food being sent into school,
for packed lunches or party food must be
nut free. We currently have children with
severe nut allergies. Thank you.
A few dates for your diary—
End of term (normal time)
Fri. 19th Dec.
Inset day—Monday 5th Jan.
All children return to school
Tue 6th Jan.
Useful Information
School Office e-mail: [email protected]
School Website: http://www.manorgreenprimary.w-sussex.sch.uk
Maheera Islam,
01293 526873
Brandon Humphrey,
01243 753533
Saim Dar,
County Hall:
01243 777100
Charlie Finch
Taylor Made Uniforms:
01403 250644
We hope you all have a lovely day.
The school office opens at 8.30am. If your child is absent for
At Manor Green Primary we respect and value all members of our community working in partnership.
Please be polite and constructive when communicating. Remember to set a good example to children in our
learning community.
Juniper Class at The Hilton Hotel with
Gabby Roslin, having lunch and being
presented with the new minibus.