Bartlett Chapel News - Bartlett Chapel United Methodist Church


Bartlett Chapel News - Bartlett Chapel United Methodist Church
Chapel News
march 2016
There are some passages of
Scripture which make us a little
uncomfortable. We usually want
to soften them some by saying,
“What this really means is …”
Or, we will try and water it down
by somehow implying that what it
meant back then does not apply to
today. While we certainly need to
keep Scripture within its historical
context, we must never allow
ourselves to be fooled into
believing that Scripture does not
contain timeless truths.
Quite often, when it comes to
the Bible, what it really means is
what it plainly says. The Bible is
astoundingly clear about a great
many things. The whole experience
of Jesus and His death on the cross
In This Issue
General News
UMW Notes
Church Council Notes
Bartlett History
Thank You’s
Children/Family News
Anniversaries, Birthdays 7
Bartlett Spotlight
Volunteer List
is one of them. He struggled in
prayer when He came face to face
with His impending death. He
faced difficult moments while
dying on the cross and wondered
aloud if God had abandoned Him.
Jesus faced real struggle, despair, and fear over what He faced.
Those moments in prayer in the
garden (Mark 14:32-42) were not
fake or done to teach us some lesson. There was real agony in those
moments of prayer as He knew
what road He was preparing to
travel. Those words of pain and
absence He spoke while dying on
the cross (Mark 15:21-37) were not
spoken just to give preachers like
me a sermon topic. They were real
words of pain and emptiness and
questioning the presence or the
absence of God.
Jesus knew what we know.
Death is real. The reality of death
is not softened or watered down
anywhere in the Bible. Scripture
affirms death as that “last enemy
that will one day be destroyed”
(1 Corinthians 15:26). If Jesus has
behaved differently in the Garden
of Gethsemane, or on the cross, we
would have wondered if He really
understood and faced what we, too,
must face in this life.
Because we live on this side of
Easter, we can say with Paul,
“Where, O death, is your victory?”
We, too, wonder that same question
when we come face to face with
Pastor Jeff, Page 2
Join us for holy week,
easter morning services
Holy Week and Easter will soon be here. Join us to reflect on Christ’s
sacrifice for us, renew our commitment to our Savior, and celebrate our
salvation through Jesus Christ! We hope you will invite your friends,
family, and neighbors to join us. Let’s help make
God’s love real to others this Easter season!
Maundy Thursday Worship, March 24
Join us at 7 p.m. Maundy Thursday, the day
we remember Jesus’ last supper with his disciples
and the sacrifice He was soon to make on the
cross. We will spend a reflective time in communion and prayer.
Easter, Page 2
Pastor Jeff
continued from Page 1
death. Whether it is our own mortality, the
death of someone we love, or some horror story
we read in the paper or hear on the news, we,
too, wonder if death is not the final word in life.
After all, death eventually wins every battle –
for we all die.
Yet, we dare to believe deeper. We hold
onto three simple words spoken in Scripture,
and in those three simple words, we see a glimmer of light and hope. Those three words: “HE
IS RISEN!” (Mark 16:1-8). We may struggle
with death, with grief, with the same questions
and struggles that Jesus wrestled with as He
faced death. But those words, “He is risen,”
remind us that, like on Good Friday, when the
heaviness of death and grief is most crushing,
Easter is waiting off in the wings, quietly
waiting its turn.
Whether you hear it as a shout, or as a
hushed whisper, wherever you need to hear it
the most in your life, may those three words
find their way to your ears and your heart in the
coming days: “He is risen!” May they lift you
up, renew your strength, and deepen your hope.
We all know death all too well. May we know
life as well.
PRAYER: O God, give us eyes and hearts
to see the new life you offer to us every day.
Even when we must face the sting of death and
its crushing weight on our lives, may we hear
your word of hope and resurrection and truth:
“He is not here. He is risen!” And may we
believe and follow the One who lives. AMEN.
The Resurrected Lord be with you and give
you peace!
April deadline
Sunday, March 13, is the deadline for the
April Newsletter.
You may turn items into the office or e-mail
them to [email protected]. Please
turn news in on time. Articles will not be
included when late.
continued from Page 1
Good Friday Worship, March 25
Join us at 7 p.m. Good Friday as Bartlett Chapel UMC
presents “Journey to the Cross,” a dramatic unfolding of
the Good Friday story. Guests will visit stations and
reflect on Jesus’ great love and sacrifice for them. This
presentation is a wonderful way for families to experience
and discuss the meaning of Easter together.
He Is Risen! — March 27 Easter Worship
Bartlett Chapel UMC invites you and your family
to join us on Easter Sunday, March 27. Join us for
sunrise worship and breakfast, our traditional worship, or
our contemporary worship.
7 a.m. Sunrise Worship
“Christ the Lord is Risen Today!” Join us at 7 a.m. to
celebrate Jesus Christ, our risen and living Savior, at our
Sunrise Worship. During this worship service, the Bartlett
Chapel UMC choir will present a beautiful Easter choral
concert (known as a cantata), titled “Alive!” Join us for
powerful music that will touch our hearts!
Nursery provided.
Following our sunrise worship, join us for Easter
breakfast in our church’s multi-purpose room.
8:45 a.m. Easter Worship
“He Lives! He Lives! Christ Jesus lives today!”
Join us to worship and celebrate the gift of our
salvation: Jesus Christ, our risen Savior, who lives today!
Nursery provided.
Sunday School follows this worship service at 10 a.m.
with nursery provided.
Please note: No 11 a.m. worship service on
Easter Sunday.
General Announcements
Food drive set
for Sunday, march 13
On Sunday, March 13, Bartlett Chapel UMC
will be collecting non-perishable food items, paper
products, and cleaning supplies for the Shared
Blessing Food Pantry at the Danville UMC. Grocery
bags will be distributed on Sunday, March 6,
after church services to remind you to about the
food drive.
The United Methodist Women will host February
showers in honor of these upcoming April weddings:
 9:30 a.m. Saturday, March 5: For Kalah
Franklin and Nic Denton in MPR. Kalah
is the daughter of Rob and Kelley Franklin.
The couple is registered at Walmart and Bed,
Bath and Beyond. For this shower, ladies of the
church should please pick up a recipe card in the
church office and share a favorite quick-and-easy
recipe or household tip with the bride!
 2 p.m. Sunday, March 20: For Ellie Price and
Anthony Schuler in Rooms 11 and 12. Ellie is
daughter of Mark and Kim Price. The couple is
registered at Target, Bed, Bath and Beyond and
All ladies are invited to both showers. Please plan
to attend and wish both couples the very best!
Daylight savings time
Just a friendly reminder that Daylight Savings
Time will begin at 2 a.m. Sunday, March 13. Please
set your clocks forward one hour before going to
bed on Saturday, March 12. It’s time to “spring
The Serendipity Bible Study will meet at
10 a.m. on March 2, 9, 23, and 30 this month in the
Music Room.
A missions team meeting for anyone in the
church who is interested will be held at 7 p.m.
Tuesday, March 1, in Room 11 at the church.
Come join the discussion and be part of the team!
Marge Squad, who knits and crochets blankets for
Project Linus, will meet at 2 p.m. on Wednesday,
March 9, and on Wednesday, March 23, in Room
11 at the church. Beginners are welcome and encouraged to join us! Questions? Contact Leanna Sherman
at (317) 513-8211 or [email protected].
The church council will meet at 7 p.m. Tuesday,
March 15, in Rooms 11 & 12 at the church. Anyone
who is interested may attend the meetings.
Can you help with a
community garden?
Do you have an interest in gardening? Do you
have a desire to help others? There is a way to
combine both of these
interests – community
gardening. We will be
offering the residents at
East Main Street Apartments a plot of ground
where they can plant a
garden. We need people
who can work alongside
our guests and help teach them to garden. If this
sounds like a ministry you could help with, please
sign up on the table by the office.
Our Wednesday Night Live (WNL) Bible study
and simple meal on Wednesday evenings is for the
whole family! Join us on March 2, 19, 16 (spring
break is March 23, 30) for our regularly scheduled
Wednesday Night Live time. The Wednesday
schedule is:
• 5:30-6:15 p.m.: Simple meal served
upstairs in the church’s multi-purpose room.
Suggested donation: $3 per person or $6 per family.
• 6:15-6:30 p.m.: Opening celebration for
children. Adults gather in sanctuary for their Bible
• 6:30-7:30 p.m.: Age-appropriate Bible
classes for children, youth, & adults.
All children age 4 to Grade 6 who participate
in WNL must have a WNL registration form on file
for our secure child check-in/check out. You may
pick up a registration form when you arrive or
download one at
Needed: help for
Starting April 5, Bartlett Chapel will
begin offering an after-school program
at East Main Street Apartments, west of
the church. We are in need of people
who will help in many ways.
 People who will pray that this
ministry reaches the many children
living there.
 People who can make or buy snacks
to serve the children who come.
 People who are willing to be
there as the children get off the bus.
These volunteers would also help
with homework, help with a craft
or game, or be willing to tell a
Bible story.
If you can help in any of these areas,
please sign up on the table by the office.
Children! Wave the palms
with us march 20
Children are invited to wave the palms as a praise &
“hosanna” to our King at the beginning of each
service (8:45 or 11 a.m.) on Palm Sunday,
March 20. Children who wish to participate
should meet by the coatroom prior to each service to pick up their palm and receive instructions. Questions? See our Welcome Desk upon arriving at
the church or call (317) 745-2504.
Children won’t want to miss the fun of our Easter Egg
Hunt at 10 a.m. Saturday, March 26, at the
Bartlett Chapel shelter house. (Please note the
hunt is rain or shine. The hunt will move inside the church in case of inclement weather.)
Children age 0 to Grade 6 are invited to
join the hunt. Children will hunt eggs by age
groups for candy and small prizes. Parents,
bring your cameras to enjoy the fun and
capture special memories! The whole
community is invited!
March birthdays
Jim Whitesell
Fred Owens, Sharon Rutledge
Louise Hoffman
Corinne Wagner
Kelley Franklin, Kirsten Mains, Jim Vogel
Erin Murray
Earlene Niemeyer
Ruth Ann Franklin
Pam Ware
Caslyn Whitesell
Madelynn Goulet, Westley Rembold
Linda Reed
Melissa Sorrentino
Thelma Stevenson
Nehemiah Smith
Dave Griffith, Mary Frances Janeway
Marlene Jones
Sam Selch, Warren Sherman
Emma Speas, Harvie Stevenson
Morgan Griffith, Jim Murray
Jim Sell, Jani Weir
March Anniversaries
Darrell & Mary Harris,
Keith & Susan Kiefer
Jerry & Jeani Weakly
Tom & Karen Arnold
David & Ashley Moeller
Lee & Janie Schaeffer,
Joe & Naomi Thurmond
volunteers needed to help
with sunrise breakfast
Volunteers are needed to help
prepare and clean up after our annual Easter sunrise breakfast on
Sunday, March 27. The breakfast
immediately follows the 7 a.m.
sunrise worship. If you can help,
please sign up outside the church
office or contact Chuck Ash at
(317) 432-3197 or [email protected].
Bartlett Chapel UMC
4396 E. Main St., Avon IN 46123
Worship Times
Traditional Service
8:45 AM
Sunday School for All Ages 10:00 AM
Contemporary Service
11:00 AM
Church Office: (317) 745-2504
Jeff Reed, Senior Pastor
(317) 745-2504 (office)
(317) 745-4737 (parsonage)
[email protected]
Julie Macy, Associate Pastor
Children’s & Family Ministry
(260) 609-7770 (cell)
[email protected]
Trenton Prieshoff, Youth Pastor
(317) 383-9429 (cell)
[email protected]
Sarah Maisto, Administrative Assistant
[email protected]
On Sunday, March 6, we will gather at Regal
Shiloh Crossing Cinema in Avon to see the new
Disney movie “Zootopia.” We will go to the
3:50 p.m. showing, so please visit,
and reserve your movie tickets today! Invite
friends and family to come and join us in
watching the movie as one big family.
Plan to join our july
Indoor garage sale!
Planning a yard sale for the spring? Save your
items for the church yard sale on July 30. Plan
to rent a table/booth space.
Rain or shine, the indoor church yard sale
will be a great place to sell your treasures!
Watch for more information in the coming weeks.
Sign up for our blood drive march 5
On Saturday, March 5,
Bartlett Chapel UMC will host our
fourth blood drive in loving memory of Ginger Arnot. The Indiana
Blood Center will be taking donations of whole blood or double red
cells from 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Donations will be taken in Rooms 11 &
12 at the church to minimize
weather concerns.
The best way to schedule your
donation time is to use our easy-touse online system by visiting and
clicking on the link at the top of the
page. However, if you are not comfortable with online signup, you
may call coordinator Jim Murray at
(317) 745-6603 or sign up on the
paper outside the church office.
Donating is a wonderful way to
remember Ginger, save lives, and to
honor God. Each pint of blood
saves approximately three lives,
and one never knows when we or
one of our loved ones might be the
ones needing a transfusion.
Please encourage
your friends,
neighbors, and
coworkers to
donate as
well. Please
remember to
each iron rich
In loving memory
foods in the
of Ginger Arnot
days just before
donating. Thank you, and may God
bless you!
Don’t miss our
dessert auction!
Next cocoa and canvas
event is Friday, march 11
The Costa Rica missions team is hosting another “Cocoa
and Canvas” fund-raiser at 6:15 p.m. on Friday, March 11, in
the church’s multi-purpose room. Sign up outside the church
office or call the church office at (317) 745-2504 to sign up.
Adults are $15 and children are $10. Come enjoy hot cocoa
and cookies & paint a scene under the instruction of a leader
while supporting the missions trip! It will be an evening that
families, couples, and individuals can enjoy, so please make
plans to join us.
Also, we need donations of homemade cookies for the
event, so if you can help in that way, please sign up outside the
church office and bring them to the church office by noon
Thursday, March 10.
Questions? Contact Pastor Julie Macy at
[email protected] or (317) 745-2504.
Get ready for the sweetest event
of the year! A Bartlett Chapel UMC
dessert auction will be held in the
church’s multi-purpose room (following
the Wednesday evening simple meal)
at 6 p.m. Wednesday, March 16, to
support our Costa Rica missions team!
Get ready to bid on luscious desserts,
including pies,
cakes, and
batches of
We’ll have
a lot of fun with
auctioneer Todd
Griffith. Just let
your sweet tooth
be your guide as you bid up the prices to
support our missions team!
Donations will be needed for the
auction. If you can contribute baked
items, please sign up outside the church
office. Ideas for donations include
homemade pies, cakes, cupcakes,
batches of cookies, muffins/quick
breads, breakfast pastries, or candies.
We know we have some great bakers
at Bartlett Chapel, so let’s help raise
money for missions!