Why are we here?


Why are we here?
Volume 7, Number 1
Information - Inspiration - Humor
The Apison Appeal
Why are we here?
“God wants us to practice on
earth what we will do forever in
is looking good after
only one Sabbath.
Can you imagine it
after two more
HE FIRST TIME I preached in
Apison, that was the title of my
message. Now, as we enter a
new year, it's a good time to stop and
ask ourselves that question: What is the
meaning, the purpose of life, my
existence? For what reason did God
create me? Why am I here?
Pastor Rick W arren is one of the
best known Christian preachers of our era.
As Seventh-day Adventists, we obviously
will not agree with him on every point, but
his books have inspired me and helped me
understand the question: "W hy are we
A few years ago, Rick W arren
was interviewed for a publication of the
Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. I
want to share with you* a portion of that
"People ask me, ‘W hat is the
purpose of life?’ And I respond, ‘In a
nutshell, life is preparation for eternity.’ ….
I may live 60 to 100 years on earth, but I am
going to spend trillions of years in eternity.
This is the warm-up act, the dress rehearsal.
God wants us to practice on earth what we
will do forever in eternity. ...
“Life is a series of problems:
either you are in one now, you're just
coming out of one or you're getting ready to
go into another one. The reason for this is
that God is more interested in your
character than your comfort. God is more
interested in making your life holy than He
is in making your life happy. W e can be
reasonably happy here on earth, but that's
not the goal of life. The goal is to grow in
character, in Christlikeness.
Women's Ministry
thanks you for your
generosity. It will be
a blessing to many
Photo: Sue Bruce
“This past year [interview was
published in 2004] has been the greatest
year of my life – but also the toughest, with
my wife, Kay, getting cancer. I used to think
that life was hills and valleys – you go
through a dark time, then you go to the
mountaintop, back and forth. I don't believe
that anymore. … . No matter how good
things are in your life, there is always
something bad that needs to be worked on.
And no matter how bad things are in your
life, there is always something good you can
thank God for. You can focus on your
purposes, or you can focus on your
problems. If you focus on your problems,
you're going into self-centeredness, which is
my problems, my issues, my pain. But one
of the easiest ways to get rid of pain is to
get your focus off yourself and onto God
and others.
“… I wrote The Purpose- Driven
Church first. In it I considered, "W hat is the
purpose of the Church?" And I began to see
these patterns over and over in Scripture,
that God wants the church to worship, to
help people grow, to reach people through
evangelism, to fellowship and to minister to
the needs of people. And I believe that these
are not only the purposes for every church
as a body; they are the purposes for every
“The clearest expressions of the
five purposes are the Great Commandment
and the Great Commission. W e have a
phrase at our church that goes, ‘A great
commitment to the Great Commandment
and the Great Commission will produce a
great Christian.’ W e get two purposes from
the Great Commandment and three from the
Great Commission. The Great Commandment (Matthew 22:35-40) says, "Love God
with all your heart." That is worship. Then
it says, "Love your neighbor as yourself."
That is ministry.
“The Great Commission (M atthew 28:18-20) says, ‘Go and make
disciples.’ That is evangelism. Then Jesus
says, ‘Teach them to do everything I've
commanded you.’ That's discipleship. And
Jesus also tells us to baptize. W e are
baptized into the B ody of Christ, and the
fifth purpose is fellowship.
“… Ask yourself: ‘Am I going to
live for possessions? Popularity? Am I
going to be driven by pressures? Guilt?
Bitterness? Materialism? Or am I going to
be driven by God's purposes?’
Continued on the Back Page
from Various Sources
i The wedding shower for Alicia
M cCurdy and Adam Oliver was very well
attended despite the busy holiday schedule.
They received many beautiful and useful
items for their new home together! “Thank
you to all who attended and helped us to
celebrate this happy time,” said Becky
McCurdy. Nancy Patton, Jeanie Hair, Mark
and Myra Sargent and others did so much
to decorate and coordinate this event and we
are very thankful for all their hard work.
i Stan Talley is experiencing some critical
Grandpa Jim Bruce holds new baby Nickolas Bruce, born recently.
i Nickolas Troy Bruce, son of W ill Bruce
and Kelsi Denham, was born on November
23 at 8:06 am by c-section. He weighed 8lbs
9oz, and measured 21 3/4 inches long.
Baby, parents and his grandparents Jim and
Sue Bruce are all doing well. “Thanks for
all your prayers,” Sue says.
i On Friday, December 10, Roberta
Botimer observed her 90th birthday. She
was bombarded with phone calls, cards,
letters, flowers and visits by her friends.
She said, “I was so blessed. A big thank you
to all of my friends at the Apison church. I
love you! I want the Lord to use me in His
service.” Roberta was instrumental in starting the Tuesday morning praise and prayer
group and the church library. She continues
to contribute new books to the library. She
is seldom able to attend church and is happy
to hear from members by phone and mail.
Alicia McCurdy and Adam Oliver
health issues. He reports, “I saw my doctor
yesterday and she said I have congestive
heart failure. My legs and feet are edemic
and there is some fluid on the lungs. She
sent a nurse from Home Health around
today who spent two hours setting up a
regimen, diet, fluids, weight, glucose levels,
etc. More nurses are scheduled to come
with an Emergency Alert System and safety
apparatus for taking baths, etc. Haven't felt
my best in a little while. My feet are
swollen and they don't fit into my shoes.
Need your prayers.” His e-mail address is:
[email protected] and his telephone is
423-606-0122. He can receive postal mail at
191 County Rd. 460, Englewood, TN
Glerys Castro gave a moving testimony of
her deliverance from evil at her recent
baptism at Harrison Bay State Park.
"Lord, plant my feet on Higher Ground."
Following her baptism, the Bible study group
members gathered for an Agape Feast in
celebration of this high day.
W ith Glerys, let's each of us recommit our
lives to the cause of Jesus. #
Glerys Castro Baptism
Held at State Park
W hat a privilege to see God's children
make a public commitment through
baptism. Sabbath afternoon, December 4,
approximately 40 of Glerys (aka Ellie)
Castro’s friends and church members
gathered at the lake-side of Harrison Bay
State Park to witness renewal of her faith in
Jesus through rebaptism.
For the past several months, Glerys has
been part of a very special Bible study
growth group. These months of Bible study
have rekindled her desire to commit to Jesus
anew her plan to serve Him, and others.
Friends who gathered at the lakeside
sang several of Glerys' favorite songs and
shared a couple of her favorite Bible verses.
She shared her personal, and very moving
testimony, of her deliverance from evil.
Just prior to Glerys' baptism, all of her
friends gathered around her, placing their h
ands upon her, committing her to follow in
the ways of her Savior.
Emerging from the watery grave of
baptism her friends could be heard singing,
Benjamin Ellis Harrell was dedicated to
the Lord at a recent worship service by
Pastor Jeff Brown. Photo: Facebook
Praise God! We've just received word
that Apison church has been given
$8,000 by the conference for Evangelism
baking, etc. during the Christmas holiday.
Our Christmas Program was "one
of the best programs they had seen" according to some of the guests. W e give
God the glory and thank Him for His help
and guidance, and are so thankful we can
use our talents for Him. – Lisa Jennings
Kindergarten Roundup
Lester Coon Adventist
Lester Coon Adventist School's
Kindergarten Round-up is Tuesday, February 8 from 1:30 to 3:00. Bring your friends,
neighbors, and relatives who have children
about to enter Kindergarten so they can
check out our school. Come see what kind
of "critter" greets the children this year!
Refreshments will be served. – Lisa D.
Jennings, Administrative Assistant
Christmas Program
Well Done
from LCA’s K-2 Class
Christmas Carols and Christ's Gift
at LCA’s Christmas Program on December
8 was a wonderful combination of volunteer
help, talent, teamwork and great students.
W e were blessed to have Shaila
Meharry direct the choir and Andrew
Mashchak provide the accompaniment.
Kathy Holder provided beautiful backdrops for the stage featuring the hills of
Judea, the manger scene, and a Victorian
house. Christopher B eason set up the PA
system and ran it for us and Jordan W agner
videotaped the program. Ellen Todosichuk
helped get our costumes ready. Anita
M cGrath and Leigh W ooten decorated
beautifully by making a lovely Christmas
winter scene. Sarah Eirich operated the
spotlight. Many volunteers helped with
cleanup. A variety of delicious Christmas
cookies were provided by school families.
Apison church and our school are
blessed with so many talented people who
are willing to help out. W hat a great team!
It was enjoyable to see our children sing
Christmas Carols, and it brought back great
memories for many of us who used to go
every year to neighbors and friends' homes
with our children. Often we were piled in a
hay wagon pulled behind a tractor to share
songs and gifts. It was good to remember
the simplicity of Christ's birth and His
incredible gift given in humility, and to also
remember, not so long ago, the simplicity of
life when families shared caroling, sledding,
The children in K – 2 were asked to come
up with words to describe Christmas, and
here is what they helped write:
M is for M ary, mother of Jesus
E is for East, where the star shone so
R is for rest from school and work.
R is for the reflection of God’s great gift.
Y is for your Heavenly Father who loves us
so much He sent His son as a tiny baby.
C is for the Christ child.
H is for the hope of heaven.
R is for rejoice; sin and sorrow are forever
banished when Jesus comes in!
I is for Immanuel, “God with us.”
S is for the Savior, coming to earth a babe.
T is for tidings of great joy of the baby
lying in a manger.
M is for the manger, a bed for our Savior.
A is for the Angels telling the shepherds
the good news!
S is for the star, leading the wise men to
Jesus. – Jeanie Allen and K – 2 nd Graders
My Happiest Christmas
By Adrian W illiams, Grade 4
If I could plan the happiest Christmas,
it would be like this . . .
In the early morning, people will sing songs,
and we kids will make snowmen, and have
fun playing snowballs! I will go home and
eat chocolate and begin looking in my
stocking. I'll ride to church and sing songs
and go home again and open my presents.
Then I'll give some of my old stuffed
animals to poor people. I'll read my Bible
about how Jesus was born in Bethlehem.
My Perfect Christmas
By John Coulter, Grade 4
If I could plan and design my own
Christmas, it would be like this . .
I would probably bake peanut butter with
chocolate chips melted into the baked
peanut butter; but that's not even half of it.
I would string snowflakes across the wall
above the couch, and put a bunch of cotton
balls on the floor and couch to look like
I would shop and get my sister,
Audrey, the latest American Girl doll
named, "Lanie." For my brother, I would
probably get the best and highest-quality
phone there is. I would get my mom a new
computer and monitor, as well as a new
dinner table.
Now, shopping for my dad takes
some thinking, but after thinking about it,
my choice probably would be the Lego
Pirate Ship. N OW THAT W OULD BE
My Best Christmas
By Josh Tinkham, Grade 3
If I could make the best Christmas ever,
it would be like this . . . The day before
Christmas my dad brought an army truck to
the house! It was awesome. M y dad and I
rode to an army base. It was fun! W e saw
a tank, a Hummer, and a cannon. It was
awesome! W e loved it! Later a helicopter
took us to an aircraft carrier. W e rode to
the Pacific Ocean and back. It was fun and
awesome! The End.
My Perfect Christmas
By Julianna Beason, Grade 4
If I could plan the perfect Christmas, it
would be like this . . . Telling people what
Christmas is about; helping God's people
learn the Commandments; giving the gift of
God to others. I would do all of this on a
big stage in a big city.
Continued on Page Seven
The Apison Seventh-day Adventist Church
11421 Bates Road – Apison, TN 37302
Post Office Box 1551 – Collegedale, TN 37315
Telephone: (423) 236-4214
Visit Our W ebsite: www.apisonchurch.org
-oPASTOR: JEFF BROWN ........................................... 396-2055
[email protected]
-oHead Elder: Glen Wintermeyer...................................
Head Deacon: Brian Wilson ........................................
Head Deaconess: Jeanie Hair ....................................
Clerk: Cyndi Fox ..........................................................
-oLester Coon Adventist School
Telephone: (423) 236-4926
because she was following a vegetarian diet. From all the
evidence such accusations are simply unfounded. Lawyers
are working hard to see that he comes home soon. Pray for
3. Continued prayer is needed for tensions over the
threat to burn the Quran.
4. Finally, as we prepare for the new year, pray for
the spiritual revival of our people. We are living in
dangerous times. All around, our culture is going further
and further from the Lord. We need to seek His wisdom to
be the light He calls us to be to those around us.
January is Religious Liberty emphasis month. Plan
now to support the campaign to provide Liberty magazine
for community thought leaders.
Visit Our Website: www.apisonsdaschool.com
The Apison Appeal
Monthly Newspaper for Members and Friends
Telephone: 423-591-4779
E-mail: [email protected]
Religious Liberty Issues
Are a Concern to Us
All over the world, are situations needing our concern
and support. For example:
1. In Botswana, three Adventist families faced a
court hearing on a contempt of court charge because they
refused to follow a previous order that they send their
children to a public school. That order was being
appealed and they felt they did not need to comply until
the appeal was heard. They are homeschooling their
children. We are concerned that these parents not be sent
to jail. Their children need them. From what we gather
there has been no evidence that the children were not
receiving a good education at home. Pray that the Lord
will intervene and give their lawyers the arguments
necessary and the court the compassion to keep these
families together.
2. An Adventist layperson from California who
has a burden for health ministry was in the Phillippines
conducting a seminar some months back. One of the
elderly people attending his seminar passed away and the
family has accused this man with causing her death
This Nativity Scene was erected in a church yard. During the night
the neighbors came across this scene An abandoned dog was
looking for a comfortable, protected place to sleep. He chose baby
Jesus as his comfort. No one had the heart to send him away so he
was there all night. W e should all have the good sense of this dog
and curl up in Jesus' lap from time to time. This is too sweet not to
share. No one mentioned that the dog breed is a "shepherd".
Who Will Help
the Old Man?
The old geezer who publishes this newsletter is nearing his
80th birthday. He enjoys doing it. It’s a fun job. But it does
require a lot of work. It would be helpful if some members
of our church family would lend a hand. He could use
reporters, typists, designers, editorial consultants, people to
prepare the paper for mailing (folding, stamping envelopes,
etc.), photographers, researchers and writers.
He has already had some inquiries about helping.
Maybe there are others. Let me know if you would like to
join in the fun and help the old man. My contact information is on this page. Or, see me at church. Thanks. Erling
January 2011
Church at
“It takes no
talent to criticize
or complain.”
“Kindness is the
oil that takes the
friction out of
Jim Meglich
Holly Young
Raitel Liriano
Elders Meeting
10:30 Praise and
Prayer Meeting
“You can’t turn
back the clock,
but you can
wind it up
“A good rule for
going through
life is to keep
the heart a little
softer than the
7:00 School
Board Meeting
10:30 Praise and
Prayer Meeting
“Don’t pull
clouds over
Debbie Harrell
7:00 Church
Board Meeting
Martin Luther King Jr.
Shani Saylor
Peggy Tishaw
Kimberlee Bruce
10:30 Praise and
Prayer Meeting
10:30 Praise and
Prayer Meeting
Catherine Hustad
Alicia McCurday
“It is much
better to hold
out a hand than
point a finger.”
New Year’s Day
Joseph McKissick
Leonard Thomas
7:00 Prayer
Mark & Sarah
Sunset 5:45
Pastor Brown
Fellowship Meal
James Patterson
Samuel McCurdy
Pastor Brown
7:00 Prayer
Arthur Aicher
Sunset 5:51
Jim Breedlove
Seth Miller
Mary Lou Pride
Audrey Schanke
7:00 Prayer
Nancy Ingram
Pastor Brown
Larry Kitchen
7:00 Prayer
Deryl Holland
Patty Wright
“Children have
more need of
models than
Sunset 5:58
Pastor Brown
Kathryn Duggar
Cloey Haynes
Sunset 6:05
“If you get to
thinking you are
a person of some
influence, try
ordering someone
else’s dog
Marcus Jimenez
Love Ratliff
“The trouble with
doing nothing is
it’s too hard to tell
when you’re
Pastor Brown
Please report
or errors
to the editor.
Vegan Delight
Oat Burgers
1 cup walnuts chopped fine
2 cups quick oats
1 large onion chopped fine
½ teaspoon thyme
1/4 teaspoon marjoram
2 cups soy milk or almond milk
½ teaspoon garlic powder
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon sage
Mix together all ingredients. Let stand
15 or 20 minutes. Form into patties and
fry, or bake them at 400 degrees on
greased pan and turn once.
Winter Gardening? Yes, and it is fun!
As one who comes from the far North, I
thought surely one could possibly grow
something in the winter here. I see
people growing turnip greens in the early
winter. So I have experimented and this
is what I've learned:
1. When to plant - around September 1
or Labor Day - a week or two before or
after works.
2. What to plant - any kind of greens.
At the moment I have four kinds of
lettuce producing: ruby red, prize head,
oak leaf, romaine (romaine withstands
the cold better). Additionally, we are
also enjoying spinach, Swiss chard, kale,
bok choy, Chinese cabbage (2 kinds),
parsley, and cilantro.
3. How to keep it alive during the cold
December and January days? Just let it
grow. Watch as the temperature gets in
the upper 30's. Simply cover up the
greens with thick, clear plastic. I put
rocks around the edges to hold the
plastic down. Only once or twice all
winter on warm, rainy days I uncover it
to let the rain water in. A "cold frame"
(hot bed) works, too.
To harvest I just lift the plastic to
pick when I need any greens. Pick
the large outside leaves and it will
continue to grow.
One minor problem - plants
will grow tall and touch the plastic
(as I just lay it on top of the plants)
and where it touches those leaf tips
will freeze and turn color. One could
invent a way to hold up the plastic,
but it is not a major problem as we
have enough to enjoy eating fresh
lettuce, spinach, etc., most of the
winter. In the very, very cold the
plants will not grow much at all, but
come spring you have beautiful, large
producing greens! #
he came by night
learned and rich, had status and trust
'salem standards declared him just
was deeply moved by the Nazarene
night visit plan, to remain unseen
to Olivet, while the city slept
a secret spot where Rabbi kept
came 'demus, who desired to know
Thy mir'cles, who but God can shew?
soul-reading done, came back reply
be born 'gain, by Spirit from high
follow 'babtist's lead beneath the
for entrance to the realm celeste
2011 Emphasis
is Evangelism
bewildered plea, oh how can i
time-aged repeat an infant's cry?
said Gift of God, in wilderness
serpent was raised for all to bless
Plans for evangelism at the Apison
Seventh-day Adventist Church in the
coming year have been unveiled.
They include small groups; seminars
for financial freedom, weight control,
oil changing for single mothers, marriage, health matters; cooking demonstrations; and youth evangelistic
meetings. There will also be picnics,
a fall festival and a campout.
Beginning in January there
will be a 13-week financial seminar
and a weight loss seminar. Then in
February, there will be a mid-winter
Week of Prayer. March will see a
helpful course for single mothers on
changing oil in their car and a health
emphasis seminar.
Details for these programs
will be announced at church services.
These events will be excellent for inviting friends and neighbors.
Currently there are small groups
going on, as well as a Sabbath School
class on “How to Give Bible Studies”
and a campaign to provide bulk subscriptions for Signs magazine for distribution plus a special Sabbath
School class on “Where is God when
it hurts?”
and so must I, whoever will
believes I'm here, just to fulfill
My Father's plan, to draw all men
unto Me, Haven's gate, enter in
so 'demus did, after One's rise
provided great means and supplies
to charter flock, and consequent
could not dussuade, for he was
stan talley, sr., october 13, 2010
all rights reserved
At Rest
i Duane and Karen Glassford and
sons Daniel and David are mourning
the loss of Karen’s parents. John
Wesley Taylor IV, 77, of Collegedale,
passed away November 26 after a brief
illness. He was an Adventist pastor
and Bible teacher. Born in Bolivia on
to missionary parents, he served with
his wife, Jessie Fay Parker Taylor, as
missionaries in Latin America for 40
years. Jessie died Christmas Eve. They
are survived by children John Wesley
Taylor V and Karen; their spouses;
and four grandchildren. #
Continued from Page Three
My Perfect Christmas
By Katie Scott, Grade 4
If I could have the funnest Christmas
ever, it would be like this . . . If it was
Christmas Eve, I would be so excited that
the next day would be Christmas Day. I
would go to the Christmas tree and count to
see how many presents I had so far. W hen
I got to the Christmas tree, my mouth would
open. It would be like I was dreaming! It
would seem like a mountain of presents that
goes to the top of the roof. I'd look at my
stocking and it would be stuffed full of all
kinds of things. (Again, I'd think I was
All of a sudden my mom would come to
me and say it was time to go to bed. That
night I would not be able to go to sleep.
The next morning I open my eyes wide
and throw those covers out of my way!
There it is: the mountain of presents! But I
know I have to wait for my parents to get
up. They finally get up, so I know it is time
to make that mountain erupt!!!!!!
The Best Christmas Gift
Tyler Segarra
The best Christmas gift I ever got was an
Ipod touch; it was from everyone. And they
said "the smile on my face was the best that
I could give" I believe them because I got
them $5 presents. So the best gift I ever got
was an Ipod touch and the best gift I ever
gave was my appreciation which is the best
gift you can give.
The Best Gift of All
David Barrios
During the Christmas season we often
think of the gifts we we might receive, these
often being electronics and other material
things. W hile it is not wrong to wish for
such things, we must remember that two
thousand years ago God gave us the best
present ever, his son. Sometimes we tend to
forget that Jesus bearing all our sins and
dying on the cross equals salvation. I think
I would much rather have salvation than the
latest iphone. For God so loved the world
he gave his only son that whoever believes
in him shall have eternal life, and that my
friends is the best gift of all.
Two Kinds of Happy
The Perfect Christmas
David Glassford
#1 The best gift I have ever received was
about two years ago when I found this AE
miniature monster truck that I really wanted.
It was almost two hundred dollars but it was
worth every penny. W hen I had moved to
California and I found the truck at the store
I never forgot about it and every time I went
to the store, I would stare at that truck.
One morning I saw this big box covered
with Christmas wrap that was a similar size
as the truck. I almost exploded with excitement but I had to wait until Christmas
morning. The day came, I woke up every
one and waited until everyone was around
the tree. They let me go first and I tore open
the wrapping off and ran outside to test
drive my monster truck.
#2 Giving a gift is always special but the
best gift I have ever given was when I gave
a coat to a homeless person. The expression
on his face I will never forget, he almost
cried. I had always been afraid of hugging a
homeless person but when he hugged me all
the fear went away and it was like hugging
your grandpa.
By Tre Smith
If I could plan the perfect Christmas, it
would be like this. The first day of Christmas I am getting ready for a surprise for my
cousins--like a surprise party. John is helping me. W hat would happen next?
Now we are starting to buy gifts. The
house is getting packed. Boxes upon boxes
are everywhere. We only have ten days
Later, we have one hour left, but we are
already done, except I forgot to plan where
we should hide. I was, well, embarrassed.
Finally, I got an idea. W e'd hide in the
office. We have six minutes.
Finally, they came. "Ding dong," went
the dorbell. I said, "O ne, two, three. Surprise!" They were in shock. It was the best
day ever! #
Senior Cell Phone
Getting and Giving
Shawn M arais
One of the best gifts I've ever received was
when I was nine years old I got my first
pocket knife. I never left it anywhere I
would go to school and hide it in the car and
right after school I would run out and get it,
and I wasn't happy when I lost it. My mom
loves candles, and there was a candle set
she liked. The previous week my gram had
given me fifteen dollars for my grades. The
exact amount needed for the candle set. I
decided to buy it and I felt really good
about myself when she ripped it open.
Jesus is My Christmas
Amber Brailsford
I think Jesus really is the best gift of all
because without him we are empty. W e will
have no happiness or fulfillment until we
have him in our hearts. All the presents in
the world or money in the world could
never make us happy. I'm no rich person
but I know rich people but even with the
whole family, lots of presents they're still
not happy, and I believe they don't have
enough of Jesus or God in their life.
of sending a notice of your meeting or
activity to the church bulletin? Great!! But
why not send a copy to the church newsletter and let us help publicize it, too! Just
send it to: delpix @juno.com
John Bradshaw, 43, the New Zealand-born
pastor of a Seventh-day Adventist congregation in College Place, W A, is the new
speaker/director of “It Is W ritten.” He
succeeds Shawn Boonstra, who stepped
aside in D ecember 2010, over health
Why Are We Here?
Continued from the Front Page
“W hen I get up in the morning, I sit on
the side of my bed and say, ‘God, if I don't
get anything done today, I want to know
You more and love You better.’ At the end
of the day, if I've done that, the day was a
success. On the other hand, if I get to the
end of the day and I haven't gotten to know
God better and love Him more, I just
missed the first purpose of life, and I've
wasted the day. God didn't put me on earth
just to fulfill a to-do list. He's more interested in what I am than what I do. That's
why we're called human beings, not human
* with permission.
Christianity is a relationship; that's
why we're here. To know Jesus better each
day, love Him more. Heaven is forever
spending time with Jesus. He wants to start
that relationship today; that's why we're
here. #
Rules Posted for
Church Gym Night
1. These rules have been voted by the
church and school boards, sent out to all
members and must be followed by all gym
night attendees.
2. The church will designate a gym night
coordinator who shall be responsible for the
enforcement of these rules. Anyone not
following these rules may be asked to leave.
The coordinator will be in charge of: (a) the
P.A. System (b) the opening and closing of
the gym (c) the operation of all lights,
HVAC, and other electronics (d) setting out
balls and other equipment before people
arrive. The ball room is to be locked.
3. The stairs going up to the storerooms are
off limits. Please stay off them.
4. The stage is off limits. Please do not go
on the stage.
5. No outdoor play is allowed without adult
6. The restrooms are off limits for playing
and loitering.
7. W e ask all adults to please help us ensure
environment is safe for playing.
8. Please be careful, when throwing balls
and other objects, to not hit the ceiling.
9. Please park only in the field and church
The Adventurers
enjoyed a
parking lot.
10. Please stay out of all school rooms
except the gym and restrooms. Please do
not schedule any other meetings at the
school during gym night.
11. Food sales are only allowed by the
approval of the Principal. – Lisa Jennings
Christmas Gifts
for Thompson Children
This year Lester Coon Adventist
School chose T. C. Thompson Children’s
Hospital to be the recipient of our school
children's gifts. W e thank those of you who
have participated, and know that the many
children at T. C. Thompson who receive the
gifts donated, will be blessed during this
especially difficult time in their lives. –
Lisa Jennings
M errilee is a
"Green, Clean &
S e r e n e "
hom eschooling
m other of two
looking for a
regular housecleaning job once a week
for other hom eschooling fam ily or other
child friendly environm ent. $16.00/hr.
Has worked for Southern University
doing detail cleaning for the past 1 1/2
years. Also has som e spaces available
for teaching both young and old
students violin using the fun & easy
Eden Vaning-Rosen teaching m ethod.
Mem ber of East Tennessee Sym phonic
Orchestra. 30 years experience. I can
do the housecleaning only on Fridays
until 1:30pm . Contact: Merrilee McCain
(423) 693-5946.
The Value of Small Groups
Last evening as we were enjoying
one another's company at our small
group, I asked the question, "What do
you see as the value for you from this
small group?" Following are the
unedited comments:
"The small group encourages me to get
back on track (with Jesus)."
"You can't help them (people) if you don't
know them."
"The small group keeps me accountable
without ever having to say much."
"W e can support one another."
"W hen going through hard times I know my
friends from the small group are there praying for me and encouraging me."
“It encourages me to study the Bible during
the week so that between our small group
meetings I will be prepared for the next
group study."
New Library Books
Sensing His Presence
Ask God for a Miracle
W hen Tragedy Strikes
God W ants to Hear You Sing
You are M y Witness
S.H.A.R.E. (recommended by Pastor Jeff)
Under the Eye
At Jesus' Feet
Battered to Blessed
Cafe Blessings (written by the Odells'
Life W ithout Parole
John Carter
W ill I Ever Learn?
Mission Pilot
Heart Shift
T Check ‘em out.