June - Central District Square Dance Association


June - Central District Square Dance Association
The Grand Square
Official Publication of Central District Square Dance Assn, Inc.
Volume 55
Issue 6 June 2015
Bill & Angel Baker, President
2015 Executive Board:
Executive Secretary
Social Secretary
Delegate / State Ticket Sales
Delegate / Education Director
Delegate / Jamboree Chairman
Delegate / Blood Drive Chairman
Immediate Past President / State Festival Ad Chairman
Bill & Angel Baker
Roger & Kay Stewart
Gwen Madden
Bill Schlegel
Glenda Reynolds
Steve Denton
Ron & Susan Ham
Ken & Suzanne Morris
Luis & Renee Gruntmeir
Joe & Nancy Whitten
Verlin & Karla Bell
Jim & Ruth Ford
[email protected]
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2015 Appointed Office Staff:
Caller / Cuer Coordinator
Newsletter Director
Publicity Director
Singles Coordinator
Visit Nine
Webmaster / Computer Coordinator
Jim Howard
Verlin & Karla Bell
Robert Fink
Steve & Stacey Palmer
Dan & Mary Reznicek
Lois Dempsey
Carl & Bobbie Wilson
Sonya Savell-Jones
[email protected]
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Message from Bill and Angel Baker
Soggy Spring Greetings!!
As we continue to promote our hobby, we’ve braved the pouring rains for exhibitions at the
Governor’s Mansion for the Boots and Bandanas event as well as Charles Haskell Elementary
School and the National Cowboy and Western Heritage Museum over Memorial Day weekend.
Looking ahead we’ll be dancing at the Mustang Library June 16th with Jim Howard giving the
history of square dancing. We’ll also be at the Mustang Trail Days, June 20th and the Meeker
Pecan Festival on the 27th. I also think we have a ticket sales opportunity set up with the car on Sat
the 27th in Chandler. More info about that to follow. We sure hope we have a break in the showers
by then!
We had a great turnout for Kalico Kapers’ anniversary earlier this month. Thank you so much for
everyone who came out to support this club! Great turnout also for the Single Squares fundraiser
and WOW!! Is all I can say about the incredible support we received at the Central District
Jamboree? 12 squares for the Grand March and more sitting out. We have the best dancers, the
best callers and the most wonderful people on the district board. I think everyone really had a
wonderful time! I have often said the people serving with Bill and I on the board are “the wind
beneath my wings” and tonight I received my wings! They are beautiful and I’m moved beyond
words at the thoughtfulness that went into this gift. You all are the best!
We’re going this year to Fun Valley with Jeff Holley and are excited about having a wonderful
time with many of our square dance friends from OK and making new ones there. I believe the
only Anniversary dance for June will be Aristocrats Plus. It’s being held on the 5th Monday, June
29th at the West Side Lions Hall. Just like at Kalico, this will be a mainstream dance with
announced Plus tips. Hopefully our Round Dance friends can join us since we won’t be interfering
with their dance night! See the flyer elsewhere in the newsletter or on the website. For all those
headed to the Nationals in Massachusetts hope you have safe travels and a wonderful time!
Be sure to check at CDSDA.com for upcoming events.
Remember, “Life is Just a Dance!”
Bill and Angel Baker, Presidents 2015 CDSDA
2015 Oklahoma Square Dance Federation Ticket Sales
Program Reports:
Suzanne Morris states: We have been handing out LOTS of tickets
so if any club needs more, we have plenty left.
A Hog Wild BBQ is being hosted by the Chandler Area Chamber of
Commerce. This event is a Kansas City Barbecue Society (KCBS)
sanctioned Oklahoma State Championship BBQ Contest. This
year’s event will be Saturday June 27th and is located in the Trade
Days Pavilion south of Tilghman Park. Times are 10:00-5:0. This is
when the car will be shown.
The event also has vendors, live entertainment, 5k glow run, Kid’s
Que BBQ contest, a carnival, and lots of fun filled activities for
children and adults.
This is a great opportunity for the east side of the metro clubs to
attend and sell tickets.
Admission is free…
Suzanne is recruiting people to sign up to sell tickets….the times are from
10:00-5:00. There will be a sign up sheet at the Jamboree for the Barbeque
and Chrome Fest on June 27th in Chandler to sell car tickets
We will have a covered canopy for shade and need 4 people every two
It is a great opportunity for your club to volunteer and sell LOTS more
Projected attendance is 3,000 people.
Please contact us at [email protected] or call 405-340-6364
Here’s the Link for travelok.com:
http://www.travelok.com/listings/view.profile/id.18300. There is a map and
additional information
The Grand Prize for the 2015 OSDF Ticket Sales program is a beautiful light blue 1966 Mustang in
"showroom new" condition. The Mustang comes equipped with a 200 CID 6 cylinder engine, automatic
transmission, pony interior, and white vinyl bucket seats trimmed in light blue. It has blue carpet and a
wood grain dash with matching steering wheel. This Mustang has undergone a total restoration with less
than 100 miles on the engine since restoration.
The 2015 Tickets Sales program chairmen are Ken and Suzanne Morris. You can contact Ken and
Suzanne Morris for questions about the Ticket Sales Program at: [email protected],
[email protected] or at 405-340-6364
She is beautiful! So all of you go out and sell, sell, sell those
Publicity Director Report:
“Like” our Facebook page – “Central District Square Dance Association”
What a great month we had doing exhibitions. We
cannot thank the Callers and Dancers who participated
enough for supporting these events and our hobby.
If you have never done an exhibition, or it has been
awhile, we encourage you to sign up. You will have a
lot of fun. It is also a great way to let people know about your club. New dancers are also
welcome to participate in exhibitions. Several new dancers have already performed at
exhibitions and did a great job.
May Exhibitions included:
May 7th – Community Service - Thank you very much to Double Nickle for cancelling their
dance to do this event and to Andy Turner for Calling.
May 8th – Haskell Elementary – Community Service – Thank you very much to Mary
Wagoner for coordinating this event and Sonya Savell-Jones for Calling.
May 12th – Friends of the Mansion’s Boots and Bandana’s event – Governor’s Mansion –
Thank you Jim Howard and Jonathan Marshall for Calling and the 20 dancers who
May 23rd – Cowboy and Western Heritage Museum’s Chuckwagon Gathering – Thank
you to Jim Howard and Jonathan Marshall for Calling and the over 40 dancers who
June Exhibition Opportunities:
June 12th – Delta Dental Employee Recognition Banquet – 180 attending - 7:30pm –
9:00pm – Centennial Building, State Fair Grounds – Jim Howard Calling (Many dancers
will be at Fun Valley this week so we need those of you who are not going to sign
up for this big event.)
June 16th – Mustang Library – 1201 North Mustang Road, Mustang, OK 73064 – 7:00 pm
– 8:00 pm – History of square dancing and exhibition – Jim Howard Calling
June 20th – Shawnee Trail Days – Downtown Shawnee – Time to be determined – Jim
Woolsey Calling
June 27th – Meeker Pecan Festival and 50th Anniversary of their Rodeo – Parade and
Exhibition – Time to be determined – Jim Woolsey Calling
LESSONS – We will be posting lessons to the Groupon and Living Social sites for
those clubs that want to participate. This is a great way to have information about your
lessons sent to thousands of people. If you want your lessons included, I need the
information by JUNE 30, 2015. The notice will be open for two months prior to lessons
so we have to post them in early July for fall lessons.
Thank you again for all the support you give us. We appreciate you!
Dan and Mary Reznicek, Publicity Director
Singles Coordinator: HASSDA
No report for this month
Lois Dempsey
2015 Blood Drive:
The annual Central District blood drive was held the week of May 11-18 at the Oklahoma Blood
Institute, 901 N. Lincoln Blvd. We had a few members participate and encourage all of our square dance
members to donate at any time during the year. Remember all Blood can be donated at any time at any of
the OBI blood donation centers located in Oklahoma City, Edmond and Norman.
There is a list of state-wide donation sites on the OBI web site. OBI requests you
call ahead to make an appointment but they will accept your donation if you don't
made an appointment. When you donate, be sure to tell them that your donation is
for the Central District Square Dance Association.
The blood drive is held each year as a community service. Blood from the
donations is available to any Central District dancer or their families.
The chairmen of the 2015 blood drive are Verlin and Karla Bell. They can be reached at:
[email protected] or 405-990-6984. They ask that you please notify them if you have donated so
that they can keep a record of the donations.
Message from Sonya Savell-Jones, Webmaster:
Oh my goodness – with all the rains we’ve had so many cancellations of regular Clubs
dances.  Will be so happy when the sun decides to shine back on us and the highway
department can get out and fix our roads!!!!
Going forward, please, if you find you need to cancel your dance, please send me a
text or call me!!!! There are times, due to storms, I will not get on my computer and
failed to get notices out in a timely manner. Please send me a text or call me for
immediate notification to all the dancers. (405) 630-8199. . . . . . . Remember, the notifications / website
is only as good as the information you provide to me. www.cdsda.com
Don’t forget to always check the “Sunshine” page for those needing our prayers, etc. If you know of
someone we need to place on there, just shoot me an e-mail with who, purpose, hospital, etc and I’ll get
it posted while sending out a request for prayers.
Sonya Savell-Jones: [email protected] (405) 630-8199
Message from Verlin and Karla Bell, Newsletter Directors:
Thanks to all of you for your newsletters and articles. If you have anything you would like to see in the
paper please let us know. Your input is valuable because after all it is your newsletter.
Verlin and Karla Bell, Newsletter Director
Laughter is the Best Medicine!
A judge was interviewing a woman regarding her pending divorce, and asked, "What
are the grounds for your divorce?"
She replied, "About four acres and a nice little home in the middle of the property with
a stream running by."
"No," he said, "I mean what is the foundation of this case?"
"It is made of concrete, brick and mortar," she responded.
"I mean," he continued, "What are your relations like?"
"I have an aunt and uncle living here in town, and so do my husband's parents."
He said, "Do you have a real grudge?"
"No," she replied, "We have a two-car carport and have never really needed one."
"Please," he tried again, "is there any infidelity in your marriage?"
"Yes, both my son and daughter have stereo sets. We don't necessarily like the music, but the answer
to your questions is yes."
"Ma'am, does your husband ever beat you up?"
"Yes," she responded, "about twice a week he gets up earlier than I do."
Finally, in frustration, the judge asked, "Lady, why do you want a divorce?"
"Oh, I don't want a divorce," she replied. "I've never wanted a divorce. My husband does. He said he
can't communicate with me!"
Recipe of the Month: Marinated Cheese:
Need a great dish to take to your next Square or Round dance? Try this:
1 packet of Italian dressing mix
¼ cup white vinegar
½ cup vegetable oil
2 teaspoons of water
1 ½ teaspoons of sugar
3 green onions minced
1 block of sharp Cheddar
1 block of Monterrey Jack
1 package of cream cheese
1 small jar of diced pimentos
Whisk first 6 ingredients together. Cut each block of cheese in half, long ways, then cut into slices.
Arrange cheese in a shallow container and pour mixture over it. Cover and refrigerate for at least 8
hours or overnight. Drain if desired, then top with pimentos. Serve with assorted crackers.
June Club News:
Aristocrats Plus had a great time dancing with other Central District Clubs and also at the
South Central Spring Festival on May 2nd.
We are inviting all clubs and callers to come out and help us celebrate our 30th
Anniversary on June 29th (5th Monday) from 7:30 -9:30. The theme is Independence
Day so wear your red, white and blue and join us for a night of fun. See the flyer.
If you like fast-paced dancing and having fun, join Aristocrats Plus at the Westside Lions
Hall on the 1st and 3rd Monday nights of the month with a workshop at 7:00 pm and the
Grand March at 7:30 pm. We will show you a good time!
Dan and Mary Reznicek, President
Jim and DeDe Howard, Caller
The dance in April for our anniversary was great and we appreciate everyone coming to
help us celebrate. We had a great time.
Submitted by Vicki Geis
Tom and Vicki Geis, President Circle 8
We still dance at Linwood UMC Family Center, NW 17th & Drexel, OKC, on Monday
nights from 6:30 pm - 8:30pm so come on over and join us for a great fun and enjoyable
night of dancing. We promise to make you feel at home and maybe give you a snack
and a cup of coffee. Also, we'll see you in a circle or square soon and wish all those
going to the Nationals a safe and enjoyable trip. We will not be going this year, so,
dance a few for us. Stay safe, healthy, and keep on dancing.
Ed & Margaret Kelsay, President /
Fred Muelhaeusler and Carol Palmer, Delegates
Jim & Georgianne Couey, Cuers/Instructors
“Like” us on Facebook:
Double Nickle Square Dance Club members with Andy Turner calling had a great
time dancing on Thursday, May 7, 2015 at the Daily Living Center, 3000 N. Rockwell
Ave. in Bethany, OK. The residents were very attentive as we danced for them.
The joy of the sharing of our hobby of square and line dance will be treasured by
the residents, staff and the Double Nickle dancers. Thank you dancers and caller
for the giving of your time and talent. Thank you Daily Living Center for the
Dance schedule for June: Every Thursday afternoon from 1:00 to 3:00 PM.
Will Rogers Senior Citizen Center, 3501 Pat Murphy Drive, Oklahoma City in the Will
Rogers park complex north of the tennis courts near NW 36TH Street and Portland
Double Nickle members and guests are preparing for the club’s indoor picnic on July 2. This is an
annual event where our president furnishes the hot dogs, link sausages, and condiments while the
members bring a picnic dish to share. We start the picnic at 12:00 noon followed by our regular
dance at 1:00 pm. This is an event where our members and their guests can enjoy each other’s
company even if they no longer dance. So come on out on Thursday July 2 and join us for a great
“There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that's your own self.”
Aldous Huxley
Double Nickle dancers dance every Thursday afternoon from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. at the Will Rogers
Senior Citizens Center, 3501 Pat Murphy Drive, in the Will Rogers Park Complex here in Oklahoma
Robert Fink, President; Lura Fink, Secretary / Callers: Andy Turner, and John and Teresa Thompson
May, the salad month, proved both beautiful and delicious when the Fun Timers chefs showed their
wonderful presentations of yummy salads. The next dance with Wacky Crazy Country Western Song
Titles was quite enlightening too.
We continue mainstream lessons each Tuesday, followed by a plus movement lesson for
'experienced dancers' which proves very interesting, especially for our caller, Bob Thomas.
Fortunately for us, he has the patience of Jobe and a great sense of humor.
ATTENTION all dancers. You may have seen the picture and article in the Midwest City paper
submitted by our own Maxine Wheelan, that Fun Timers will be dancing Saturday, June 6, at the
Midwest Blvd Christian Church at 320 N. Midwest Blvd in MWC, at 1 PM. The church is having a
Garage Sale/Arts and Craft Show to raise money for their FOOD PANTRY. We invite all dancers to
join us for an excellent opportunity to help the FOOD PANTRY and publicize square dancing.
Fun Timers will NOT dance on June 9th but will be enjoying an 'eat out' outing. We WILL be dancing
on JUNE 2nd instead with the theme 'GONE FISHIN'. Yes, there will probably be some 'fish tales'
being told.
At our JUNE 23rd dance we will be celebrating the 'SUMMER SOLISTICE" and the refreshment menu
will be 'SUNRISE BREAKFAST'. We hope we will be seeing a lot more sunny days by then. We wish
a safe and fun journey for our members attending the Nationals during this time.
Club members are busy with plans for the Fun Timers 57th Anniversary dance on JULY 14th.
Members are hopeful to have new colorful outfits to celebrate the special occasion.
The club will be attending a Hawk Nelson faith concert at the ball park before the Dodgers game on
Sunday, July 19th. This will be right after the President's Dance. Please contact Gwen Madden if you
are interested in joining us.
Fun Timers dance 2nd and 4th Tuesdays at the beautiful Senior Citizens Center in MWC at 7 PM.
Ron and Sandy Johnson, President 390-8326
Sandy K J
Bob and Melissa Thomas, Caller and Taw
Happy Tracks
Happy Tracks had an AWESOME pie auction raising well over $1,000. Way to go ladies, all the pies
and yes even a couple of cakes were Super Fantastic!!!! You really outdid yourselves again!!!
Had a great turnout despite the weather for both dances in May!!! We dance at the Nicoma Park
Community Center from 7:00 to 9:00pm. Admission is always free and a grand time guaranteed by
We are starting Plus Lessons June 2nd at the E.O.C. Tech Center (check your website for complete
details) However, I have received a call from Craig at the Center that the class is now full and they
have started a Wait List. So if you are wanting to start Plus or just brush up with APD, be sure to
give them a call and get on the waiting list for the next set or Fall Classes.
Workshop movements taught at our club dance from 7:00 to 7:30 is called throughout the dance!!
Sonya is teaching APD Plus so come on out and join us for a grand time!!! We love visitors!!!!
Steve & Stacey Palmer, President / Sonya Savell-Jones, Caller/Cuer & Terry too!
We still dance at our regular dance location, Linwood UMC Family Ctr, NW 17th &
Drexel, OKC on 1st thru 4th Thursday nights from 6:30pm - 8:30pm so come on
over and join us on the dance floor. Our level of dancing is easy thru Level 4 and
maybe some easy Level 5 for the more experienced dancers during the breaks. We have a great time and
would love to have you visit our club. We promise you a good time and so we'll see you there.
Jim Couey, President / Georgianne Couey and Linda Montgomery, Delegates
Jim & Georgianne Couey, Cuers/Instructors
We would love for you to dance with us! We dance the first and third
Thursdays at the Westside Lions Club, 4135 NW 10th Street, OKC. Our caller is Jerry and
Gayle Stover. We are a DBD/Plus club but offer a variety of dance levels.
From 7-7:30, C-1 / 7:30-9:30, DBD/Plus with rounds between tips / and at 9:30 A-2 Star Tip.
For more information contact Secretary Joe Roberson, (405) 702-4441.
President: Ralph Jenner/Laverne Winn, 366-8403, [email protected] / Gary & Gayle Stover, Caller
Westside Lions Hall
4135 N.W. 10th Street
We dance the 2nd and 4th Friday, Rounds 7:00 ~ Square Dance Workshop 7:30 ~ Grand March
8:00 PM. We also have an ‘A’ Tip after the regular dance is over.
JUNE 12TH Flag Day Dance
Come and wear your colors proudly to celebrate the birth our Great Flag.
Please come celebrate with Metro Singles our 32nd Anniversary. There will be great Fellowship,
Fun Dancing with lots of Food and Door Prizes.
We love visitors married or single don’t matter, please come dance with us. If we are having a
THEME DANCE you can wear a costume or Square Dance attire, come join the fun. Metro is
Casual now until September, except for our Anniversary Dance. Metro is making all of our dances
more exciting, come and do the flag salute and a prayer with us before each dance. Give thanks
for everything that GOD does for us and help him when you can, don’t let him do all the
Robert, President, 556-1116
Danny & Sharon Payne, Caller / Terry & Sonya Savell-Jones, Cuer
If you attended the Central District Jamboree you got to see our new routine. We have
such a great time performing for the District and showing all our hard work. We are taking
a few months off to rest and then will be back to practicing in September.
If you are interested in being part of this great group, contact Jim or DeDe Howard.
Submitted by Mary Reznicek
Carl and Bobbie Wilson, President
Jim and DeDe Howard, Caller
Last month we graduated our Mainstream and Plus Lessons and our new members
are having great fun and proving to be a fantastic addition to our club. We dance 1st
and 3rd Saturdays at the recreation hall at Irving Middle School just south of
Vicksburg and Alameda in Norman. Our dance starts at 7 PM. We always welcome
visitors with smile. Come join the fun in Norman.
Bill & Joyce Stout, President
Bob & Melissa Thomas, Caller
Unfortunately, weather caused us to cancel both of
our May dances. However, we will be back strong in
June. Club members have participated in
Anniversary dances this month for Boots and Bows
in Holdenville May 2nd and Kalico Kapers on May
21st in Oklahoma City. We also participated in the
Boots and Bandanas event at the Governor’s
Mansion May 5th and the Chuckwagon event at the Western Heritage
Museum in Oklahoma City on May 23rd. We hope others will join us
on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month to dance with us.
Our caller is Jim Woolsey and our Cuer is Jim Couey. We dance at the
Senior Center in Shawnee, 401 N Bell.
We dance on the First and Third Friday nights at West Side Lions Hall, 4135 N.
W. 10th Street, Oklahoma City, OK.
June 5 is a regular square dance but we are asking everyone to bring their
favorite salad to share with everyone. Our second dance June 19th will be our
Second Annual Mustache Bash. Wear your own OR bring one to put on or
take one from the front desk. We are a Singles’ Club but we enjoy having
everyone come dance with us. Guests are always welcome and we always have
a good time.
We have decided to go casual and that can mean Square Dance
Attire which includes prairie skirts or come in casual clothes. We have great
air conditioning!! The hall and parking lot are very well lighted. We will have
the pleasure of Ms. Sonya Savell-Jones doing the calling and cueing June 5th
DBD Workshop @7:30 you won’t want to miss it!!. Our Caller is Jeff Holley is
making the mainstream tips a little harder and the Plus tips are getting harder
Our Cuer is Jim and Georgianne Couey. Pre-rounds are at 7:00 p.m.; Square
Dance Workshop is at 7:30 and Grand March is at 8:00 p.m.
For any questions contact Lynn Moore at 354-3332.
Spirit of ‘76
Spirit of ’76 dances on the 2nd and 4th Sundays at the Oklahoma City Swing Club,
4361 NW 50th Street (NW 50th and Meridian ~ due north of the Oklahoma Station Barbeque
Restaurant). The Round Dance WS is at 6:30 PM, the Square Dance WS is at 7:00 PM, and
Grand March is at 7:30 PM. We have rounds after the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 5th tips. Come join us
for great dancing and fellowship.
In our first dance of May, we had our Mother’s Day dance which was also our Cook’s
Night Out. The guys did a good job by serving two flavors of quiche and the waffles were
really delicious. The girls seemed to enjoy the meal and were very complimentary about the
meal. And we had several good looking hats for the ‘Best Mother’s day Hat’ which was won
by Judy Smithson. Thanks to all who attended our dance that evening.
Our Memorial Day Picnic dance was cancelled because of the possibility of more rain
and flooding. We apologize to those who didn’t receive the notice in time and showed up at
the Swing Club to dance. Notice was sent out by email and to the webmaster, but apparently
there were several who did not receive the notice in time.
In June and July, we have several special dances planned for all to enjoy. Come join us
to have fun and good eats at the dances:
June 14th:Father’s Day
Let’s remember ‘Dear Old Dad’ at this dance as the one who helped guide us onto the
path to a successful future. He provided advice from his personal experience on things such
as how to approach a successful career and how to keep our old clunker running. And even
though he wasn’t always right, more often than not, we found that he really did know what
he was talking about.
So come help us celebrate his day, and hope that the kids that we have will feel that
we were good dads also.
And Dad, you get to wear your hat today so you can have the Best Father’s Day Hat,
Happy Father’s day!
◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊
July 12th: Spirit of ’76 40th Anniversary
Come help us celebrate our 40th Anniversary with Spirit of ’76. We are planning to have
a 1940’s theme and want all to wear outfits to reflect the dress of the 40’s. We will have door
prizes to be auctioned off by ticket draw or silent auction. We will also have a 50/50 Jackpot
drawing at halftime.
Although it didn’t work as well last year as we had hoped, we will have our Homemade
Ice Cream social at halftime with plans to have a better supply of Homemade ice cream.
So come help us celebrate and remind any of your square dance friends to come join us
July 27th: Take me out to the Ball Game
This is always an enjoyable dance every year! Pick your favorite team colors, and come
sing that old favorite ‘Take me out to the ballgame!’
And a reminder, as a baseball night, part of the fun will be enjoying the food that you
would be having at the ballpark … you know, hot dogs with chili, maybe some cheese nachos,
and other baseball types of food! I hope no one is getting tired of Hot Dogs and Chili… but if
you are, we’ll help eat your share!
Batter up!
 
   
“If there are no dogs in heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went.”
~ Will Rogers ~
President: Bob & Beverly Ebey, [email protected]
Caller: Jeff & Niecy Holley
Cuer/Instructor: Jim & Georgianne Couey
Submitted by the Spirit of ’76 Reporter for the members of Spirit
Catch the Spirit’
Bob Ebey
Spirit of ’76 NL editor
Swinging Rebels
I hope the weather dries out soon so we can all get back to dancing regularly. We had to cancel
one of our dances in May. I’m looking forward to June and dryer weather.
We had a great weekend for our annual garage sale. One of the few weekends it didn’t rain.
Everyone had a good time and it was a successful fundraiser.
Jonathan Marshall will be calling for us on June 26th. We want to thank him for filling in for Cecil.
It should be a fun dance come join us to make him feel welcome.
We will be going to casual attire for the summer at our first dance in July. Hopefully it will stop
raining by then.
June 12 –“Garden Party” workshop 7:00 Grand March 8:00
June 26 – “Regular Dance” Grand March 8:00
We look forward to seeing you in a square soon! We dance the 2nd and 4th Fridays of each month
at the Warr Acres Community Center, 4301 n Ann Arbor, Warr Acres, OK.
Check out our website at: SwingingRebelsOKC.org. It has a lot of great information including our
calendar of events, contacts, old newsletters, FAQ’s, pictures of dances, etc. Also join our
Facebook page: Swinging Rebels and Friends!
Submitted by Dorothy Alleman
President: Wes and Connie Berry 720-1124 / Caller: Cecil and Barbara Burton
We were busy in May helping Edmond students celebrate the anniversary of the Land Run at their
Oklahoma Land Run Days. Several of our members helped at Northern Hills Elementary and then
again at Charles Haskell Elementary. Caller Sonya Savell-Jones came to both schools and she did
a fantastic job! She not only taught the kids a few movements and had them square dancing, but
she also made it so much fun.
Our dance on June 6th will be our Happy Feet Dance, our first casual dress dance of the summer.
We will welcome Mike McCormick as our guest caller as our caller Jeff Holley will be out of
town. Put on those crazy socks you might be too embarrassed to wear anywhere else, and join us
for the fun.
Our June 20th dance will be our Hawaiian celebration. Get those colorful tropical shirts,
dresses, and grass skirts out of the back of your closet and come enjoy the evening with us.
Both dances will be at our regular location, Peace Lutheran Church at 2600 East Danforth Road,
(west of Coltrane), in Edmond. WS is at 7:00 P.M. and GM at 7:30 P.M.
Several members of our club will be square dancing the night away, every night June 7th through
June 13th at Fun Valley Resort in South Fork, Colorado. Jeff and Niecy Holley and Jerry and
Gayle Stover will be the callers for the week. It should be a wonderful week of square dancing,
enjoying the outdoors, and great fellowship.
Mark your calendars for our Anniversary Dance August 29th, (the fifth Saturday in August).
Details will follow.
We dance on the first and third Saturday of each month at Peace Lutheran Church at 2600 East
Danforth Road, (west of Coltrane), in Edmond. Workshop begins at 7:00 P.M. and Grand March is
at 7:30 P.M. We'd love to have you join us.
Hope to see you in a square soon!
Submitted by: Rich & Gail Hammervold
President: Gary & Barbara Sparks / Callers: Jeff and Niecy Holley
Territorial Squares:
Welcome from wet and soggy Guthrie, OK. May was not a very good month for square dancing in
Guthrie. Both dances were cancelled due to RAIN! Hopefully, June will be a better month. Our
first dance of the month will be June 13th and we will have a Flag Dance. Wear of the Red-WhiteBlue is recommended, but not required. This dance will also start our casual dress for the summer
months. Come join us on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month for a foot-stomping good time.
Visitors are always welcome. Workshop is at 7 pm and the dance will start at 7:30 pm.
Jeff & Niecy Holley, Caller
Phyllis Johnston, President
Greetings and encouragement from your Central District Ad Chair Jim and Ruth Ford
It is indeed our pleasure to serve as the 2015 CD Ad Chair and we continue to look forward to this
year’s Ad Campaign. Ad packets distributed to each CD Club at the Spring Conclave contained all
information needed for your club members to sell Ads. Please make copies of layouts, etc. as needed.
Ads must be camera ready. No writing, staples, tape, etc., on the Ads, and only one Ad per layout.
There are no changes from the 2014 Ad Campaign. Same as last year...Size and Cost.
“A”` Full page,
black and white,
color, $200.00
Half page,
black and white,
$ 80.00
color, $105.00
1 / 4 page,
black and white,
$ 55.00
color, $ 75.00
1 / 8 page,
black and white.
$ 35.00
color, $ 50.00
Advertisers will make their checks payable to your club.
Central District Ad Turn-in is August 2, Bowlware Hall, 1:00 – 4:00 PM.
Please bring all Ads, the control sheet and one club check payable to Central District.
It’s “Happy Selling!” Give us a call if you need assistance, 405-942-3456