Chanukah Party!!!! @ BCMH!!!


Chanukah Party!!!! @ BCMH!!!
Bikur Cholim-Machzikay Hadath Congregation
Founded 1889/5649 • Incorporated 1891/5652
Rabbi: Moshe Kletenik • President: Chuck Broches• Acting Editor: Larry Altose
5145 South Morgan Street, Seattle, Washington 98118 • Phone: 206-721-0970 • Fax: 206-723-0679
Winter 2012-13
• Kislev-Adar , 5773
Chanukah Party!!!! @ BCMH!!!
Hi everyone! Hard to believe the summer is gone,
BCMH Sisterhood has recovered from their suchigh holidays are over and Chanukah is just around
cessful marathon of summer shalosh seudos's and is
the corner. There are a lot of great things happening
hosting a Friday Night Oneg at Charla Jaffee's on Dec.
at BCMH, now and in the future, like the BCMH an7, 7:30 p.m., with guest speaker Rivy Poupko Kletnual Chanukah party! Sat. night, Dec. 15, 7:00 p.m.
enik. Sisterhood Chairpersons Hanna Esther Begoun
at and all around BCMH. We’ll have
and Rhonda Rubin always appreciate
"fun, fun, fun 'til Daddy takes the Tladies willing to roll their sleeves up
Bird away!"
and get involved.
A delicious dairy feast will be
The Men's Club is also starting to
served, featuring pizza, latkes and
sputter back to life and plans to bring
jelly donuts! The kids will be busy
new and innovative programs to
jumping in the Moon Bounce, getting
BCMH in the coming months.
their faces painted, having a funky
Cub Scout Troop 613 has been
balloon animal made for them, or
formed and will be "housed" at
maybe making a lava lamp at the Cub
BCMH! The Cub Scout Olympics
Scout craft table! And, yes, bingo is
took place on Sunday, November
It’s never too soon to think about
back! With great prizes too.
18th, for boys in 1st - 5th grade, and
Purim costumes!
NCSY will have popcorn, cotton
their parents tagged along to gain
candy and slushees for sale, $1 each. This is the last
more info and sign up! Thanks and kudos to Aaron
night of Chanukah, because we wanted to have this
and Robin Alberg for taking on the role of Scout Leadholiday go out with a bang!!! $12 per adult (12 on up); ers! They have a whole slew of great programs com$8 per child (ages 4-11); and kids 3 and under are
ing up for the boys with a packed calendar through
FREE! This is the best bargain in town, so don't miss
it! No RSVP's necessary.
Seattle NCSY has been chugging along quite
nicely (both the junior and senior chapters). Events so far this year have inInside Highlights
Halacha lectures ....................... 2 With our members .................... 6 cluded: Kick-Off Weekend/Freshman
Counting the stars .................... 3 Thank you to or many donors... 7 Shabbaton, Seattle Shabbaton, WhirlyBall,
Sisterhood update .................... 4 10th of Teves, Purim times....... 9 Haunted Havdalah, and the weekly Teen
Rav Zukerman’s seforim .......... 4
A fond farewell .......................... 4
BCMH recycles! ........................ 9
Luach ...................................... 10
(Continued on page 2)
Kislev-Adar 5773 – Winter 2012-13
Bikur CholimMachzikay Hadath
Moshe Y. Kletenik
Charles Broches
First Vice President
Dan Birk
Second Vice President
Richard Berger
Rachel Polsky
Marlene Kaplan
Board of Directors
Adam Balkany
Debbie Barber
Kathy Brockman
Steve Bunin
Arthur Elbling
Zev Feuer
David Greene
Ari Hoffman
Andrea Levin
Ariella Margolese
Jana Miller
Joe Reback
Dorothy Roer
Kent Swigard
Rabbi Richard Toban
Lynda Wegodsky
Josh Willner
Lifetime Directors
Joshua Gortler
Marshall Hartholz
Past Presidents
Eli Genauer
Etzion Genauer
Cliff Godwin
Jonathan Jacobson
Rabbi Raphael Katsman
Dr. Scott Pollock
Skip Rosen
Larry Russak
Sheldon Steinberg
Louis Treiger
Program Director
Julie Greene
Office Staff
Dee Wilson
Roland Kipfstuhl
Seattle Jewish Chapel
Joe Greene
Program Director’s report
(Continued from page 1)
Lounges. And, there’s lots more coming up, like (start spreading the
news...) the New York Shabbaton in February! Thanks to codirectors Ari and Jessica Hoffman. The beat goes on.
Next on the menu....Scotch Tasting and, believe it or not, Megilla
Reading and Purim Party! Maybe we can slip a night at Skate King in
there. I will keep you posted.
See ya in shul!
-Julie Greene, Program Director
Contemporary Halacha series set for December
Excitement is in the air! Rabbi Kletenik is offering a three-part
Fall Series on Ethics and Jewish Law on Wednesdays from 8 to 9
p.m. in the Beis Midrash. The community is invited to attend!
 12/12- A Halachic Perspective on Intellectual Property
 12/19- Halachic Wills and Advanced Medical Directives
These sessions are co-sponsored by BCMH, the Cardozo Society
and Education Services of the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle.
Teachers attending all three sessions are eligible to receive Washington State Clock Hours. Attorneys may able to receive CLE credits
(pending). To register CLE credits, please contact [email protected]).
For more information or to sponsor refreshments, please contact
Bayla Friedman Treiger at [email protected].
Kislev-Adar 5773 – Winter 2012-13
Science and Torah: Counting the stars
By Morris Engelson
in the observable universe is between 1022 and 1024.
I will use 1023 in the calculations.
The Gemara in Berachos 32b identifies the num From Berachos 32b we have the number 1018.
ber of stars in the universe at one billion billion,
 The Talmud shows fewer stars than science by a
which is 10 in scientific notation. This reminded me
ratio of 100,000.
of a post by Rabbi Alexander Seinfeld in Vol. 15, No.  As you will see below, there are a number of ways
14 of the Avodah discussion group dated May 16,
to identify the size of the universe. Furthermore,
2005. Here Rabbi Seinfeld notes a number of interestthe discussion in Berachos does not refer to the
ing “coincidences” between the statement in Berauniverse, or a universe. Rather we have a hierarchos and the current scientific position on this matter.
chy of star clusters starting with the
Among these is that while the 1018 of the Talmud is
“mazalot” (constellations). Hence, it is not at all
less by many orders of magnitude than the number in
clear that Chazal are counting all of the stars in the
science, the fact that we have such an
scientifically identified universe.
“unrealistically” large number from Torah is noteworthy. Here is how Rabbi Seinfeld puts the matter.
Below is an explanation and some basic calcula“I don’t know what I’m talking about but my
tions that yield an approximate correlation between
intuition is that there is a very close match here. As a the numbers.
previous post noted, the most you can see with the
What is the size of the universe? Many people
naked eye is about 9000 -- therefore Chazal's accuracy take the size of the universe to be a sphere with rais all the more stunning. (As a side point, Reish Lakdius at 13.75 BLY (billion light years), because the
ish, in whose name the Gamara brings the number,
scientific age of the universe is 13.75BLY. This would
had a reputation for being impeccably honest; it is
be correct for a static universe, but the universe is not
highly unlikely that he would have made up such a
static. It is expanding.
number or guessed without telling us so.)”
An object whose light reaches us after a 13.75BLY
Below is my analysis of this matter which shows
journey is currently at about 46BLY distance from us.
that it is not just a “close match,” but rather an almost Thus, the observable universe is actually 46BLY in
perfect match. Where did Chazal get this informaradius. The 1023 stars do not occupy a sphere of
13.75BLY radius, but a 46BLY radius. Furthermore,
the actual universe is much bigger than this by many
 The best current estimate for the number of stars
orders of magnitude. Inflation theory shows that the
actual universe is at least 1028 times larger than the
observable universe. Event horizon, radial look back
distance, commoving distance and other terms represent various concepts and explanations respecting the
is published by Bikur Cholim-Machzikay Hadath Congregation for the benefit and education of its memsize of the universe. The matter is quite complex.
bership. Nonmembers may subscribe by sending an
So we ask: which universe or radial distance
$18 donation annually to cover publication and mailwithin the universe does Berachos 32b deal with?
ing costs.
To submit items other than advertising for publicaSurely it is not the inflationary universe, which by
tion: Please email the acting editor, Larry Altose, at
some formulations within the multiverse hypothesis
[email protected].
has a near infinite number of stars? There is scientific
Advertising: Please contact the shul office. Ads
are subject to review prior to approval for publication.
justification to stop at the observable universe, but
BCMH also provides a weekly email newsletter.
that justification does not necessarily apply to Torah.
Please contact the shul office for subscription and
The issue is how to define the “mazalot” in scientific
submission information.
The Synagogue Tribune
(Continued on page 6)
Kislev-Adar 5773 – Winter 2012-13
Sisterhood update
We would like to begin by thanking Carol Strassman and Rochelle Kochin for purchasing and taking
care of the flowers for the bima during the Yomim
Our team met after Succos to start planning Sisterhood events for the coming months. We are very excited about some of the events we have planned. Our
first gathering will be an oneg for women on Dec. 7 at
the home of Charla & Marty Jaffee. Rivy will be talking about her experience this summer in Israel. Join
us at 7:30 p.m. for an interesting and fun evening.
In January, for Tu B’shvat, one of our resident gardening experts, Shirley Savel, will share her experi-
ence and ideas for the upcoming planting season. The
date is Jan. 20. Information about the time and place
will be sent out in January.
We have some other fun ideas that we are working on and will get the info out when we nail down
the details. Look for our announcements in the shul
newsletters and in your email in-boxes.
Our own Rhonda Rubin ably runs our Sisterhood
gift shop. She has it fully stocked for Chanukah, so
stop by the shul for all your Chanukah needs. We also
have Shabbos lamps, and mezuzos are back in stock.
Wishing everyone a joyful Chanukah!
-Rhonda, Hanna Esther, and Ruthie
Availability of grandfather’s seforim
Rabbi BenZion Rivkin, son of former Bikur
Cholim Rabbi Sholom Rivkin, zt"l, wishes to announce the availability of two scholarly volumes by
his maternal grandfather, HaGaon Rav Dov Berish
Zuckerman, zt"l, former Chief Rabbi of Buffalo, NY.
Seattle old timers remember the visit of the distinguished scholar and Rabbinic personality, Rav Zuckerman, to his daughter (Mrs. Paula Rivkin) and son-in
-law when the Rivkins were serving the Bikur Cholim
community in the 1960s. The two Hebrew volumes
are Beis Aharon on Mesechta Horiyos and Beis
Aharon: Biyur HaRambam al pi Ha'Meiri. They are
available for $18 each (including shipping and handling).
To order or for further information contact Rabbi
BenZion Rivkin: 314 392 9289; [email protected]; 14644 Rialto Drive; Apt. 211A;
Chesterfield, MO 63017
A fond farewell...
Most everything has a beginning, middle and
end. My life in Seward Park and as part of the BCMH
community began back in 1982, when David and I
moved here from Queen Anne Hill. We raised our
family here, worked here, and during the course of
doing those things built many precious relationships
here. We lived through many ups and downs in the
community and saw the community weather those
storms and come out stronger for it. And now I am
taking my leave of this beautiful community, moving
to Baltimore and starting my "next chapter." I wanted
to take this opportunity to express my deep appreciation to the entire community for all the years of
friendship, of caring, of sharing all that being part of a
Jewish community entails. It has been grand. I
leave Seattle wishing each of you all the best, always.
-Ruth Hyman
Kislev-Adar 5773 – Winter 2012-13
7 pm
Look what we have for
the kids!
Moon Bounce
Face Painting
Balloon Animals
Cub Scout Craft Table
And for the Adults...BIN
We will serve a delic
dairy meal featuring
and latkes!
$12 per Adult
(ages 12 on up)
$8 per Child (ages 4$50 per Family max
Kids 3 and under FR
NCSY will have cott
candy, popcorn and
for sale!
Questions? Please contact Julie Greene, BCMH Program Director, 206-721-0970 or [email protected]
No RSVP’s necessary!
Kislev-Adar 5773 – Winter 2012-13
With Our Members
Mazel Tov to:
Debbie & Fred Barber on the engagement of their daughter,
Rosalyn to Eli Tilson
Rabbi Shmuel & Sarah Brody on
the birth of a son
Chuck Broches & Connie Kanter
on the bas mitzvah of their
daughter, Mimi Broches
Steve & Ruth Fast on the birth of a
grandson born to Mordy &
Golda Fast of Israel
Cliff & Cathy Godwin on their 35th
Wedding Anniversary
Dr. Shlomo Goldberg & Karen
Treiger on being selected this
year’s SHA Dinner honorees
Yoni Goldstein on his promotion
to Captain in the U.S. Air Force
Josh & Sarah Gortler on the establishment of the Joshua H. and
(Continued on page 7)
Science and Torah
We offer our condolences to the families and friends of the following members of our community:
Ann Birulin & family on the loss of her beloved cousin, Klara KindSteciuk
Leah Moskowitz & family on the loss of her beloved brother, David
Joe Reback & family on the loss of his beloved mother, Ethel Reback
Skip Rosen & family on the loss of his beloved father, Milton Rosen
The family & friends of Herbert L. & Helene Bridge
BCMH also extends its condolences to the families and friends of
the following deceased whose funerals were arranged by the Seattle
Jewish Chapel: Dave Agoado, Leon Bensadon, Irene Berstein, Sofiya
Baskina, Edith Ervin, Jack Farber, Scott Fierstein, Ruth Frankel, Rita
Glosser, Jack Goldberg, David Goldstein, Mary Katherine Halela,
Werner Hasenberg, Becky Israel, Ruth Jacobi, Ruth Kaufman, Khyena
Kagan, Lily Kremen, Sherwin Kremen, Falla Levy, Judy Menashe,
Ethelyn Michelson, Donald Portman, Alan Russakoff, Al Sanft, Mary
Sassoon, Benny Sidis, Kathryn Skigen, Izya Srulevich, Saunders Phillip
Steiman , Julius Willenzik and Michael Yusupov.
Possibly, we can arrive at an answer for this from
The structure of the universe. Matter, stars and
Mazalot – constellations within Torah. There are galaxies, are not uniformly distributed throughout the
12 of these within a 360 degree sphere; hence each
universe. We have walls and filaments of matter sepasubtends 30 degrees of sky. But how deep do we go?
rated by voids. I will argue (without any direct justifiWe can’t possibly go as deep as the inflationary unication, except that the numbers fit) that we stop the
verse. That is obvious. Science stops at the observable mazal star count at the neighboring supercluster conuniverse. Should this also apply to the mazalot? The
glomerate. This consists of a one billion light-year
observable universe of science is observed by instruradial distance composed of 100 galaxy clusters with 3
ments, but the mazalot are described (via descriptive
million normal galaxies, 60 million dwarf galaxies and
names) on the basis of features that we see without
just under 1018 stars.
Numbers analysis. If we assume that the star
Should we stop at a radial distance where we can
distribution in the universe is homogeneous then we
see something without instruments? That gives us a
need to cut the volume of universe to include in our
scant 12-15 MLY. Another aspect of the mazalot is that star count by the cube root of 105 to reduce the star
these introduce a spiritual “flow” onto our existence.
volume from 1023 to 1018. The cube root of 100,000 is
To what degree do the various portions of the objects 46.4. Taking the observable universe at 46 BLY, we
(stars, galaxies, etc.) of a mazal need to be intercondivide by 46 to yield a 1 BLY radius. This fits our
nected to form one unified whole? I don’t know Torah neighboring supercluster grouping as shown previat such a level. But surely there must be some limit.
(Continued from page 3)
Kislev-Adar 5773 – Winter 2012-13
Thank you to our many donors
Kiddush/Shalosh Seudos/
Teen Minyan Sponsors
Aug. 25 – BCMH Board of
Sep. 8 – Chuck Broches &
Connie Kanter on the occasion of the bas mitzvah of
Mimi Broches
Sep. 15 – BCMH
Sep. 22 – Jerry Barrish in
honor of Carol & Jerry
Strassman; Mike Basilyan
in honor of Chava’s birthday; Carol & Jerry Strassman in memory of Carol’s
beloved father, Baruch
Avram ben Shrage Yitzchok; Rena Berger in honor
of Richard’s birthday; Yoni
Goldstein in honor of Michelle’s birthday; Josh Willner in honor of his lovely
wife, Piera and their 1st anniversary.
tablishment of the Joshua
H and Sarah B Gortler
scholarship in geriatric social work at Yeshiva University
Oct. 20 - Micah and Jacob
Druckman, in honor of our
wonderful wife and mother,
Megan’s birthday; Ruth
Hyman to wish everyone a
fond farewell; Martin &
Charla Jaffee in honor of
their anniversary; Elie &
Miriam Levy in honor of
Levy’s birthday; Rabbi
David & Tzippy Twersky in
honor of the entire Twersky
Cholent sponsored by Joyce
Phillips in honor of Steve’s
60th birthday, and spirits
sponsored by Steve Phillips.
Oct. 27 – BCMH Board of
Sep. 29 – BCMH Board of
Nov. 3 – Kiddush Fund;
spirits sponsored by Davis
Fox & Louis Treiger
Oct. 13 - Sandy and Nina
Blockman, Shlomo and
Amy Gortler and the grandchildren in honor of the es-
Nov. 10 – Kiddush Fund
with a special thank you to
Chuck Broches and David
With our members
Nov. 17 - Mike & Chava
Basilyan in honor of
Naomi’s 2nd birthday; Connie, Simon & Mimi in honor
of Chuck’s birthday; Kathy
& Sidney Brockman in
honor of Kathy’s birthday;
Gigi Kohn in honor of
Wolf’s birthday; Steve &
Joyce Bloch Phillips in
honor of their 20th wedding
anniversary, Dena’s 18th
birthday & Chuck Broches
birthday; Shirley Savel in
honor of Adam’s birthday;
Rabbi David & Tzippy
Twersky in honor of the
Twersky birthdays in November; Karen Weisstein in
honor of Chaya’s birthday
Cholent sponsored by Irene
& Sheldon Steinberg in
honor of their 64th wedding
anniversary and spirits
sponsored by Rivkah Isseroff & Arthur Huntley
Nov. 24 BCMH Board of
Directors with dairy table
sponsored by Cathy & Cliff
Godwin in honor of their
35th wedding anniversary
BCMH General Fund
Jean Bolder
Rabbi Binyomin Edelstone
Eli & Eva Genauer
Levis & Rochelle Kochin
Mark Lefkovits
David & Rachel Levin
Rabbi Pinkus
Ira Winer
Dec. 1 – Kiddush Fund
Dvorah & Oren Nachman on the
birth of a son
Sarah B. Gortler Scholarship in
Sheldon & Irene Steinberg on
Geriatric Social Work at Yeshiva
their 64th wedding anniversary
Rabbi David & Tzippy Twersky
Rabbi Moshe & Rivy Kletenik on
on the birth of a grandson, born
the marriage of their daughter,
to Moshe & Dena Luchins
Pesha, to Chesky Werzberger of Dik & Ina Weiner on the engageNew York
ment of their granddaughter,
Ariella & Yona Margolese on the
Talya Runge to Menachem Reibirth of a daughter and to the
chenberg of Israel, and to Tagrandparents, Melech & Chani
lya's aunt and uncle, Joe & Julie
(Continued from page 6)
Todd Alberstone
Jerry Barrish
Mark Bondi
Gabriel Deutsch
Arthur Elbling
Mike Geller
Ezra Gonz
Perry Green
David Greene
Dr. Martin Jaffee
Steve Jaffe
Rabbi Raphael Katsman
Rabbi Moshe Kletenik
David M. Kohn
Marc Kravette
David Siscovick
Sheldon Steinberg in memory
of his son, Ron Steinberg
Aaron Strassman
Avraham Treiger
Norman Turoff
Rabbi David Twersky
Vladimir Zayats
(Continued on page 9)
Eliana Weiss, on the birth of a
grandson to her daughter and
son-in-law, Nesanel & Hadassah Zhivalyuk
Welcome new members:
Yeshaya & Nechama Poyurs
Jonathan & Shoshana Turpie
William & Liza Silverwalker
Karen Weisstein
Kislev-Adar 5773 – Winter 2012-13
Kislev-Adar 5773 – Winter 2012-13
Thank you to our many donors
(Continued from page 7)
BCMH Sisterhood
Steve Rainey
BCMH High Holiday Appeal
Jack & Adina Almo
Larry & Anita Altose
Adam Balkany
Jerry Barrish
Rabbi Bernie Fox
Mike Geller
Aliza & Ezra Genauer
Melech & Chani Genauer
Rami Genauer
Shlomo Goldberg & Karen
Marc Kravette
Allan & Rita Lawson
Sarah Leibert
Boris Makovoz
Rabbi Morton & Leah Moskowitz
Camille & Bernard Pinsky
Michael & Carla Post
Harry & Rhonda Rubin
Sheldon & Irene Steinberg
Daniel Strassman for Maftir,
1st day Succos
Abraham & Mirla Traub
Louis & Bayla Treiger
Shmuel Treiger
Rabbi David Twersky in memory of his beloved mother,
Reva Twersky
Dovid Hyman Scholarship
Moshe & Shoshana Marshak
Nathan Etkin Chesed Fund
Todd & Elena Alberstone
Larry & Anita Altose
Michael & Chava Basilyan
Brenda Birman
Mark & Ahuva Bondi
Yosef & Rivqa Brown
Shmuel & Miriam Chait
Danny Fast
Steve & Ruth Fast
Rabbi Bernie & Shirley Fox
Mike & Lea Geller
Eli & Eva Genauer
Melech & Chani Genauer
Cliff & Cathy Godwin
Shlomo Goldberg & Karen
Yehuda & Batya Golden
Josh & Sarah Gortler
Chaim Gourdji
David & Debbie Grashin in
memory of their beloved
son, Ari
David & Jo Anne Greene
Roger Hirsch in memory of his
beloved mother, Renate
Marlie & Ken Hirschhorn
Marlene Kaplan in honor of
the birth of Rabbi David &
Tzippy Twersky’s grandson; in honor of the marriage of Steve & Ruth
Fast’s son, Danny; in honor
of Josh & Sarah Gortler
and the Yeshiva University
scholarship named in their
Jeremy Katz
Stuart Kaufman
Jacob & Dee Anne Kind in
memory of Klara KindSteciuk
Rabbi Moshe & Rivy Poupko
Levis & Rochelle Kochin
Mark Kravette
Jeannie Maimon in memory of
her mother, Frieda Yablok
Boris Makovoz
Yona Margolese
Moshe & Shoshana Marshak
Jana Miller
Rabbi Morton & Leah Moskowitz
Rabbi Tuvya & Adina Peromsik
Joyce & Steve Phillips
Dr. Saul & Joyce Rivkin
Harry & Rhonda Rubin
Ben & Dina Saltsman
Eric Schneider
Chaya Siegelbaum
Sheldon & Irene Steinberg
Jerry & Carol Strassman
Louis & Bayla Treiger
Shmuel Treiger
Rabbi David & Tzippy Twersky
Chasya Sarah Walsh
Ann Weinberg
Shmuel & Sonia Willner
Vladimir Zayats
Rafael & Anya Zimberoff
(Continued on page 10)
Fast of Teves, Sun., Dec. 23
Latest time to eat ........................................... 6:22 a.m.
6:22 a.m. is the latest time to begin to eat food – due
to the prohibition on eating before Shacharis – but
you may drink and continue to eat food until the fast
begins at 6:44 a.m.
Fast begins .................................................... 6:43 a.m.
Shacharis ............................................ 7:30 & 9:00 a.m.
Mincha ........................................................... 4:00 p.m.
Fast ends ....................................................... 5:03 p.m.
Fast of Esther and Purim
Fast of Esther, Thu., Feb. 21
Latest time to eat: ......................................... 5:26 a.m.
5:26 a.m. is the latest time to begin to eat food – due
to the prohibition on eating before Shacharis – but
you may drink and continue to eat food until the fast
begins at 5:53 a.m.
Fast begins .................................................... 5:53 a.m.
Shacharis ............................................ 6:25 & 7:35 a.m.
Mincha ........................................................... 5:20 p.m.
Fast ends ....................................................... 6:24 p.m.
Motzai Shabbos, Feb. 23
Ma’ariv ........................................................... 7:00 p.m.
Megillah reading ............................................ 7:10 p.m.
Kline-Galland Home
Ma’ariv/Megillah Reading ............................... 6:30 p.m.
Second Megillah reading (BCMH) ................... 8:30 p.m.
Sun., Feb. 24
Shacharis ............................................ 7:30 & 9:00 a.m.
Megillah reading .................... approx. 8:10 & 9:40 a.m.
Kline-Galland Home reading ....................... 10:15 a.m.
The Summit Megillah reading ...................... 11:00 a.m.
Early Mincha (BCMH) ...................................... 2:00 p.m.
2nd Kline-Galland Home reading
(in the Day Center) ........................................ 2:30 p.m.
Regular Mincha (BCMH) ................................. 5:35 p.m.
Late Ma’ariv (BCMH) ....................................... 7:00 p.m.
BCMH Recycles!
Just like at home: Please separate recyclables
when you’re at shul. At the Kiddush, please help
keep trash out of the specially marked recycle can.
And please help keep recyclables out of the trash!
Kiddush recyclables (glass bottles, plastic bottles,
plastic cups) go into the specially marked recycle
can. It’s the one closest to the outside kitchen door.
Kislev-Adar 5773 – Winter 2012-13
Thank you to our many donors
(Continued from page 9)
Seward Park Eruv Fund
Jeff & Emily Alhadeff
Minnette Almoslino
Larry & Anita Altose
Jeff & Dalia Amon
Isaac Azose
Mike & Chava Basilyan
Sigrid & David Benezra
Brenda Birman
Chuck Broches & Connie
Steven & Patricia Deutsch
Aliza & Ezra Genauer
Ruth Genauer
Yehuda & Batya Golden
Josh & Sarah Gortler
Stuart Kaufman & Hanna
Esther Begoun
Dr. Marc Kravette & Marlene
Leonard & Beth Kashner
Yona & Ariella Margolese
Michael & Lei Philbrick
Lana & Vadim Plitman
Anna Pocker
David & Liz Ross
David & Ilene Siscovick
Jerry & Carol Strassman
Abraham & Mirla Traub
Louis & Bayla Treiger
Ruthie Voss
Jean Willner
Shmuel & Sonia Willner
Tribute Card
Helene Behar-To Ken Willner
-In memory of his beloved
father, Max Willner
Michael Friend-To Mike
Geller-Thank you for leading Shacharis Services on
Rosh Hashanah this year!
Gary & Ahava Goldwater-To
Chuck Broches & Connie
Kanter-In honor of Mimi’s
Bat Mitzvah
Jana Miller-To Sol & Ann Birulin-In memory of Ann's
beloved cousin, Klara Steciuk
Scott & Karin Pollock-To Josh
& Sarah Gortler-In honor
of the establishment of a
scholarship fund for Geri10
atric Social Work at YU.
Scott & Karin Pollock-To Leah
Moskowitz-In memory of
your beloved brother,
David Frankel
David & Liz Ross-To Leya
Moskowitz-In memory of
your beloved brother
Abraham & Mirla Traub-To
Rabbi Morton & Leya
Moskowitz-In memory of
their beloved son and
Leya’s beloved brother
Ben & Cecilia Willner-To
Sheldon SteinbergWishing you a Refuah
Shelema and a speedy
Dr. Mark Balter in memory
of his father, Charles Balter
Bernice Barrat & Family in
memory of their mother,
Ruth Pearl
Jerry Barrish in memory of
his beloved grandfather,
Jacob Barrish
Beverly Benveniste in memory of her mother, Mona
Ida Rickles
Jules Berger in memory of
his mother, Bertha Netz
Anna Binkina in memory of
her aunt, Manya Karasik
J. Ned Block in memory of
his father, Alvin Block
Sharon Silver Boorstin in
memory of her mother,
Fannie H. Silver Miller
Herbert Bridge in memory of
his beloved mother, Bertha
Sylvia Brown in memory of
her mother, Julia
Steve & Evelyn Chestnut in
loving memory of Steve’s
father, Leonard Chestnut
Marilyn Aronin Cohen in
memory of her mother,
Ruth Kamph Aronin
Ronald Cohen in memory of
his parents, Dr. Hyman &
Annette Axelrad Cohen
Paul Dubonsky in memory
of his father, Louis Dubonsky
Tom Englander in memory
of his mother, Gisela
Dr. Alan Fine in memory of
his mother, Eleanor Fine
Norma Fine in memory of
her mother, Eleanor Fine
Peter Freeman in memory of
his sister, Anita Freeman
Zina Frid in memory of her
father, Boris Agroskin
Lucille Friedman in memory
of her father, Nathaniel
Emma Garkavi in memory of
her mother, Genya
Ruth Genauer in memory of
her beloved mother, Bella
Yelena Goldina in memory
of her father, David
David Goren in memory of
his father, Samuel Goren
Diane & Harold Gorlick in
memory of their mother,
Ruth Pearl
Meyer Goykhman in memory of his wife, Sima
David & Debbie Grashin in
memory of their beloved
son, Ari
Boris Grushkovskiy in memory of his mother, Esther
Viner & sister, Sara
Marshall Hartholz in memory
of his beloved mother,
Esther Hartholz
Lore Hirsch in memory of
her beloved husband,
Paul Hirsch & mother,
Ella Horn
Dr. & Mrs. Tom Hornsten in
memory of his mother,
Dorothy Hornsten
Laurence Jacobs in memory
of his father, Dr. Solomon
Charles Jassen in memory
of his beloved mother,
Sophia Jassen
Shigeko Josowitz in memory
of her husband, Alex
Bernard Kastriner in memory of his mother, Freda
Rivka Katsman in memory
of her beloved husband,
Nathan Katsman
Levis Kochin in memory of
his beloved mother,
Phyllis Levis Kochin
Rochelle Kochin in memory
of her beloved mother,
Ethel Robinson Schleifer
Tsilya Khaperman in memory of her husband,
Yankel Khaperman
Gigi Yellen Kohn in memory
of her beloved mother,
Beulah Yellen
Wolf Kohn in memory of his
beloved father, Salomon
Earl Korchak in memory of
his beloved father,
Shmuel Vonvil ben Yitzchok Eliezar
Bella Korshin in memory of
her mother, Sofia Byk
Marc Kravette in loving
memory of his wife,
Paula Kravette
Nina Kritik in memory of her
father, Boris Agroskin
Allan Lawson in memory of
his beloved mother, Ida
Ron & Joan Lawson in
memory of their grandmother, Manya Lawson
Cheryl S. Levinson in memory of her grandfather,
Simon Shapiro
Faina Malinsky in memory of
her mother, Adel
Galina Manashirova in
memory of her father,
Yevdakhay Manashirov
Shushanik Manashirova in
memory of her husband,
Yevdakhay Manashirov
(Continued on page 11)
Kislev-Adar 5773 – Winter 2012-13
Thank you to our many donors
(Continued from page 10)
Klara Matvayeva in memory
of her husband, Iosif Matvayev
Bronislava Mazus in memory of her husband, Aleksander Zelikman
Jana Miller in memory of her
beloved grandmother,
Julia Oppenheim
Robert Minsky in memory of
his father, Nathan Minsky
Dave Mintz in memory of his
aunt, Rebecca Mintz
Joseph Mintz in memory of
his mother, Goldie Mintz
Hylan Moises in memory of
his mother, Ann Moises
Mikhail Nemirovsky in memory of his mother,
Agnessa Nemirovskaya
Revella Nudelman in memory of her brother, Irving
Allan Panitch in memory of
his wife, Gloria Panitch
Diana Patetskaya in memory of her father, Leonid
Sanford Pearl in memory of
his grandfather, Jacob
Scott & Karin Pollock in
memory of Scott’s parents, Yitzchok and Helen
Roman & Sofia Polyak in
memory of their father,
Yankel Khaperman
Lyudmila Portnov in memory
of her son, Pavel Portnov
Judy Posner in memory of
her beloved father, Henry
Marx and husband, Steven Posner
Noam & Daniel Posner in
memory of their beloved
father, Steven Posner
Lynn Rabinowitz in memory
of her grandmother, Mirle
Sharon Rose in memory of
her father, Al J. Rose
Liza Rosenberg in memory
of her parents, Israel &
Rosa Wallach
Elizabeth Ross in memory of
her beloved friend, Frances Sakowski
Iossif Rozenblat in memory
of his mother, Sheva
Larry & Shelly Russak in
memory of their beloved
father, father-in-law, Joseph Russak
David Salzberg in memory
of his father, Harry Salzberg
Ruth Samter in memory of
her beloved husband,
Stan Sherr in memory of his
beloved mother, Molly
Asya Shinkorenko in memory of her mother, Larisa
Amy Sidell in memory of her
beloved husband, David
Morris Sidell and mother,
Alice Levin
Dr. Sheldon Sidell in memory of his brother, Irving
Ruth Simon in memory of
her beloved husband,
H a p p y
Al Sanft & Louie Sanft in
memory of their mother,
Ada Sanft
Sylvia Saperstein in memory
of her husband, Harold
Mark Schiller in memory of
his parents, Saul & Freda
Perla Schneider in memory
of her beloved daughter,
Rita Dugue
William Schreiber in memory
of his father, Isadore
Roberta Schultz in memory
of her father, Gilbert
Boris Shakhnovich in memory of his mother, KhayaSura Shakhnovich
Margarita Shaknovich in
memory of her mother,
Khava Rabinovich
Ernest Sherman in memory
of his mother
Stan & Judie Sherr in memory of their beloved son,
Harry Simon
Henrika Sandorffy in memory of her beloved father,
Markus Wiederkehr
Boris Slusky in memory of
his father, Naum Slutsky
Rose Stalin in memory of
her brother, Norman
Irene Steinberg in memory
of her beloved mother,
Betty Mohrer
Irene & Sheldon Steinberg
in memory of their beloved son, Ron Steinberg
Sheldon Steinberg in memory of his beloved
mother, Adele Steinberg
Barry Steinberg in memory
of his father, Burton
Gloria Steinberg in memory
of her beloved husband,
Burton Steinberg
Sylvia Stern in memory of
her father, Morris Sidell
Dora Tkach in memory of
her husband, Arnold
Nikolay Tkach in memory of
his son, Arnold Tkach
Bernard & Frieda Tonkon in
memory of their beloved
uncle, Marvin Zak
Bernard & Frieda Tonkon in
memory of Bernard’s beloved mother, Vera Tonkon
Louis Treiger in memory of
his beloved grandmother,
Rose Treiger
Tzippy Twersky in memory
of her beloved mother,
Adele Yudin
Mark Vaissoudler in memory
of his mother, Maria Kotliar
Miriam Wald in memory of
her beloved husband,
Joseph Wald
Mordy Weinberg in memory
of his beloved grandparents, Rose & Emil
Norman Weinstein in memory of Sol & Stella Tovbin
and Sylvia & Sam
Karen Weisstein in memory
of her beloved father,
Mitchell B. Finberg
Jean Willner in memory of
her beloved son, David
Harry Wittlin in memory of
his uncle, Leo Klein
Leza Wirth in memory of her
beloved husband, Irwin
Gertrude Witz in memory of
her mother, Katherine
Rabbi Benjy Yablok in loving
memory of his mother,
Frieda Yablok
Steven M. Zein in memory
of his grandfather, Simon
Khaya Zlotnik in memory of
her husband, Nikolay
Irene & Sol Feder in memory of the victims of the
Kislev-Adar 5773 – Winter 2012-13
Bikur Cholim-Machzikay Hadath Services
Shabbos Times
Weekday Mincha
Dec 21-22; Teves 8-9
Dec 28-29; Teves 15-16
Jan 4-5; Teves 22-23
Jan 11-12; Teves 29-Shevat 1
Va-era/Rosh Chodesh
Jan 18-19; Shevat 7-8
Jan 25-26; Shevat 14-15 Beshalah/Shira
Feb 1-2; Shevat 21-22
Feb 8-9; Shevat 28-29
Feb 15-16; Adar 5-6
Feb 22-23; Adar 12-13
Mar 1-2; Adar 19-20
Ki Sisa/Parah
Mar 8-9; Adar 26-27
Vayachel-Pikudei/ Hachodesh/
Dec 14-15; Teves 1-2
*Early Mincha 12:30 p.m., Beis Midrash
**Or earlier, as announced, for special events.
***Ma’ariv five minutes earlier.
BCMH Phone Menu
Available staff, general voice mail .........0
Voice Mail:
Rabbi Kletenik .......................................1
Dee Wilson............................................3
Programming (Julie Greene) ..............4,1
Youth Programs ................................4,2
Fundraising ........................................4,3
Bookkeeping (Roland) ..........................5
Capitol Hill Minyan ................................6
Mikvah Appointments .........................7,1
Eruv Hotline & Shabbos Times ..........7,2
Daily Services & Classes ...................7,3
& Purim,
Page 9
Morning Services
Sun., Holidays ....................... 7:30, 9:00
Mon., Thu., Chanukah ........... 6:40, 7:40
Tue., Wed., Fri....................... 6:50, 7:45
Rosh Chodesh, Fast days ..... 6:30, 7:30
Shabbos, Morgan St....................... 8:30
Shabbos, Capitol Hill Minyan ......... 9:00
Shabbos, Teen Minyan .................. 9:15
Capitol Hill Minyan - Evening and morning every Shabbos
and Yom Tov
 Friday/Erev Yom Tov and Shabbos/Yom Tov afternoon times as
listed above
 Shabbos Morning Shacharis – 9:00 AM.
 1501 17th Avenue, Seattle – Council House, lower level
Bikur Cholim-Machzikay Hadath Congregation
5145 South Morgan Street
Seattle, Washington 98118-2999
Dec. 16 – Dec. 20.... 4:10
Dec. 23 .................... 4:00
Dec. 24 – Dec. 27.... 4:10
Dec. 30 – Jan. 3 ...... 4:15
Jan. 6 – Jan. 10 ....... 4:25
Jan. 13 – Jan. 17 ..... 4:30
Jan. 20 – Jan. 24 ..... 4:40
Jan. 27 – Jan. 31 ..... 4:50
Feb. 3 – Feb. 7 ........ 5:05
Feb. 10 – Feb. 14 .... 5:15
Feb. 17 – Feb. 20 .... 5:25
Feb. 21 .................... 5:20
Feb. 24 ......... 2:00 & 5:35
Feb. 25 – Feb. 28 .... 5:35
March 3 – March 7 .. 5:45
Early Morning Tallis
and Tefillin
The late sunrise affects the
earliest time to make a beracha
on tallis and tefillin. Rav Moshe
Feinstein rules that tallis and
tefillin may be put on earlier
(tallis any time, tefillin 72 minutes, or – when absolutely
necessary – 90 minutes before
sunrise), but a beracha may be
made no earlier than 35-40
minutes before sunrise. This
time can shift daily, but for
quick reference we provide
these listings, based on 35
Dec 17 – 7:17
Dec 24 – 7:21
Dec 31 – 7:22
Jan 7 – 7:21
Jan 11 – 7:20
Jan 18 – 7:18
Jan 25 – 7:09
Feb 1 – 7:01
Feb 8 – 6:51
Feb 15 – 6:40
Feb 22 – 6:28