File - Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church


File - Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church
Trinity Tidings
Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church
January 2016
What’s Inside
Activity Page ......................................... 6
Adopted Christmas Family ................. 2
Assisting in January .............................. 7
Birthdays ................................................ 7
Breakfast ................................................ 2
Calendar ......................................... insert
Card Project .......................................... 3
Christian Symbol .................................. 3
Coffee & Conversation ....................... 2
Congregation Council Notes ............. 2
Creative Christian Ladies .................... 3
Dinner at The Ridge ............................ 4
From the Vicar ..................................... 3
Game/Puzzle Center........................... 2
Information Updates ........................... 3
Lunch Bunch ........................................ 4
Lutheran World Relief Letter............. 2
Baby Shower for Jesus
provided fun evening
On the evening of December 17,
Christmas music and laughter could
be heard coming from the Social
Room. After a meditation and prayer,
several baby games were played and
cookies and drinks were enjoyed.
Twenty-two guests brought enough
baby gifts to almost fill our Pack and
Play and gave $44 in cash donations.
The director of Pregnancy Ministries
for Waynesboro, Diane Haupt, gave a
brief presentation on the goals of this
group. This organization is a locally
organized and interdenominational
ministry whose mission is to uphold
the sanctity of human life by providing Christ-like assistance and education in pregnancy and related areas.
Look for their brochure on the table
at the back of the worship area. Since
the shower, we have received a thank
you for hosting the Baby Shower for
Jesus and noted that the generous donations will help PMI immensely.
On the Lighter Side ............. back page
Paint Night ............................................ 4
Points to Ponder ................................... 5
Prayer List ............................................. 7
Recipes ................................................... 5
Redevelopment Team Report ............ 4
Sponsor Charts Posted ........................ 4
Thoughts from Luther ........................ 7
Updated Financial Report................... 3
Wellness Talk ........................................ 4
Congregational Meeting
The annual Congregational Meeting was held on December 13. At the
meeting, those in attendance approved
the 2106 budget in the amount of
$106,080. The group also elected
three members to Congregation
Council. With one individual declining
to serve, those elected were Linda
Fleagle, Terry Eberly and Adrian
Kuhs. We will have an installation during a service in January.
Also in January, at a date to be announced, we will hold our annual
meeting to receive reports from the
officers and committees.
Bountiful Blessings
receives contribution
Recently, the Ladies Auxiliary of
American Legion Post 46 in Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, sent a generous check to Bountiful Blessings in
Rouzerville. The American Legion has
a breakfast the second Sunday of the
month September through May, which
is open to the public from 7 a.m. until
10 a.m. (still leaves plenty of time to
get to church in Waynesboro). Cost
per person is $8 and children under 5
are free. This breakfast is fully staffed
by volunteers. When patrons leave
tips, the Auxiliary donates the tips to a
charity of the Auxiliary’s choice. This
December, Bountiful Blessings in
Rouzerville was the designated recipient of $250. It was through one of
our members, Trudy Gift, the Auxiliary learned of the organization’s need.
Bountiful Blessings can now use
the funds to purchase non-edible
items such as toilet tissue, cleaners,
soaps, paper towels, toothpaste, and
trash bags for working poor families
and senior citizens who are in need
during times of financial hardship.
Don’t forget that you may donate
items listed above anytime during the
year right here at Trinity. There is always a Bountiful Blessings box at the
rear of the worship area. Additional
volunteers are always welcome to
work at Bountiful Blessings on the
first and third Saturdays each month
at the Church of the Brethren. Contact Sondra Musser if interested. And,
why not consider attending one of the
American Legion’s monthly breakfasts
and help great charities at the same
time? Many thanks to the Ladies Auxiliary of the American Legion Post 46
Chambersburg and all who helped
make this donation possible.
-2Congregation Council met on Thursday,
December 10;. In attendance were: Linda
Bennett, Sally Berklite, Earl Duffey, Terry
Eberly, June Ecker, Linda Fleagle, Sherri
Kayhoe and Teresa Papoutsis.
Vicar Pam opened the meeting with a reading
from Isaiah 12.
 Vicar’s Report: Vicar Pam has developed a web site available for those people
possible looking for a church or for Christ.
 Secretary’s Report: November minutes approved.
 Treasurer’s Report: Current income for November was $5,357.51 and expenses
were 47,577.88.
 Church Property Committee: The Christmas tree has been placed in the
 Evangelism Committee: Creative Christian Ladies are taking a break in
December. Activities resume January 6. We received a letter from Lutheran
World Relief thanking us for the Personal Care Kits. We will participate
ELCA’s World Hunger Drive during Lent with a goal of sponsoring 40 fruit
tree seedlings at a cost of $10 each. We will deliver food items, Christmas gifts
and a gift card to our adopted Christmas family on December 20 after
worship.. The next meeting will be on January 4 at 6:30 p.m.
 Worship & Music: On December 20 we will have a children’s program
presentation during the sermon. On December 27 we will have a service of
Lessons and Carols. We will have a saxophone solo on Christmas Eve. Pastor
Richard Seaks wlill lead the worship on January 3.
 Finance Committee: Offering envelopes for 2016 will be available soon.
 Mutual Ministry Committee: Will meet in January after next Council meeting.
 Office Update: The five bulletins boards are color coded for particular types of
posting: red-Synod news; green-Conference news; white-Trinity news; yellowtime, talent and treasure items; blue-information.
 We will have five names on the ballot for Congregation Council.
 We need 2 representatives to the Redevelopment Conference in Indianapolis.
The next meeting of Congregation Council will be on Thursday, January 14 at
6:30 p.m. Members of the congregation are always welcome at these meetings.
Trinity receives letter from Lutheran World Relief
The Evangelism Committee received a letter of thanks from LWR for our gift
of 48 personal care kits. The letter stated: “These gifts of your hearts and hands
are beautiful expressions of God’s grace and love to people all around the world.
Your gifts equip LWR to respond to some of the greatest and most urgent
needs in the world today. In April and May, the people of Nepal were shaken by
two earthquakes. Nearly 9,000 people died, more than 20,000 people were injured,
and 505,745 homes were destroyed. Your work allowed LWR to respond with
assistance to the people of Nepal—including distributing over 9,000 Quilts and
1,000 Personal Care Kits. In the wake of the Syrian refugee crisis, your gifts have
enabled LWR to send Quilts, Baby Care Kits and Personal Care Kits to distribute
to refugees and migrants in mid-September. Since October 2012, LWR has provided $7.05 million in assistance to Syrian refugees, reaching more than 235,912
people—an impossible task without your support for this ministry!
So on behalf of our neighbors in Lebanon, Jordan, Turkey, Iraq and countless
others in villages, schools, hospitals and refugee camps around the world, I extend
deepest thanks for your contribution, and pray God’s richest blessings on your life
and work as a community.” This letter was signed by Melanie W. Gibbons, Quilt
and Kit Ministry Manager.
Adopted Christmas family
receives gifts
On the Sunday before Christmas,
members of the Evangelism Committee gathered after worship to distribute gifts to our adopted Christmas
family. There were many gifts for each
of the four family members, and food
for Christmas dinner was provided.
Many thanks to all who helped with
obtaining the gifts, wrapping, and distributing them.
Our next Church
Breakfast will be on
Tuesday, January 19,
9 a.m. at Parlor
House Restaurant.
We ivite all to join
us for this time of
fellowship as we enjoy breakfast together. If you plan to attend, please
sign the reservation sheet posted in
the entrance way.
Coffee & Conversation
We invite all to remain following worship on Sunday,
January 10 for Coffee &
Conversation. Please join
us in the social room for a
time of fellowship with
light refreshments. Hostesses for the
day will be Melissa Leaper, Teresa Papoutsis and Marie Seidel.
Game/Puzzle Center has
items for your use
Need something to do this winter?.
Don’t forget that games and puzzles
are available in the Social Room for
your use. Borrowing is easy. There are
no sign out sheets, no set times for
how long you may keep them, and no
set time for returning them. Just enjoy
using the games and puzzles.
-3Happy New Year!!!
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Every year for a long time I set a New Year’s Resolution. Usually it focused on losing weight. It felt to me
that the New Year brought with it a new beginning, a
fresh start. I was usually faithful to my Resolution –
for about a week, maybe two, in a good year. Then I would be riddled with guilt
and disappointment in myself that I couldn’t seem to keep my Resolution. So,
what do I do when I am sad and mad? I would eat.
Then one year I realized that I was not taking care of and loving myself the way
God would want me to. God forgives our sins and shortcomings continuously.
God loves us unconditionally all the time. Shouldn’t I love myself this way too?
I would imagine that each of you can identify with being disappointed in yourselves for something, too. (Well, anyway, I hope that I am not the only person
who has felt this way!!)
Isaiah 43:19 says:
19 Behold,
I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do
you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and
rivers in the desert.
This passage gives me a lot of hope! We cannot, on our own, “do a new thing.”
God is with us to help us! In this passage Isaiah writes that God “will make a way
in the wilderness” for us. God will be with us in the difficult times of our lives,
during the times we suffer, in the times we feel lost and unsure what to do or
where to go. Isaiah also writes that God will provide “rivers in the desert” so that
we have all we need to live. God provides all that we need so that we are refreshed and renewed in God’s grace and love.
Information updates
If your mailing address, email, or
phone number has changed, please
notify the church office staff—either
Terry Eberly or Sondra Musser. We
will be updating the membership information files in January.
Creative Christian Ladies
resume activities
After taking a break for the holidays, Creative Christian ladies will
resume its activities on Wednesday,
January 6 at 7 p.m. This community
group ministry creates a variety of
projects — hats, lap robes, sweaters,
baby blankets, shawls — using knitting
skills, crocheting skills, and looms (we
teach you how to use the handheld
looms). The projects have varied each
year. Created items are shared around
the world, around the United States,
and locally. The group meets in the
Social Room.
As we begin 2016, it is my prayer for all of us that we know our God is with us
when we are in the wilderness and desert of our lives, that we feel God’s love surround us, and that we bask in the abundance of God’s gifts to us. Every day we
are made new in Jesus Christ. Every day is a new beginning for each of us. Every
day God is doing a new thing in and through you and me!
You are in my heart and prayers,
Cell phone: 443-876-4736
Email: [email protected]
Updated Financial Information
(provided by Linda Bennett,
- Operating Income/Expenses To November 30, 2015
Christian Symbol
A scallop shell, pointing
downward with three
drops of water falling
from it, is often used to
symbolize baptism and
the washing away of sin.
The three water droplets
stand for the Trinity: Father, Son,
Holy Spirit.
Now that the holidays are over,
you may have some greeting cards you
do not wish to keep. We continue to
collect greeting cards for the St. Jude’s
Ranch for Children Recycled Card
Program. This is an on-going project
by the Evangelism Committee. Only
the front of the card is used and must
not contain writing. We cannot accept
cards from Hallmark, Disney, and
American Greetings. There is a collection box at the back of the nave. We
collect all year long. Save your cards.
“What the new year brings to you
will depend a great deal on what
you bring to the new year.”
―Vern McLellan
Redevelopment Team report
The Redevelopment Team met in the Social Room at 6:30 p.m. on December
14, 2015. Present were Jon Fleagle, Adrian Kuhs, Vicar Pam, Sally Berklite, Ruth
Strausbaugh, Charlie Strausbaugh, Earl Duffey, Linda Bennett, Teresa Papoutsis,
and Sondra Musser. Vicar Pam presided. She opened the meeting with a reading
from Matthew 22:34 followed by prayer.
The group reviewed the answers to the seven questions that were presented at
the last redevelopment meeting as well as to the congregation on several Sundays.
The seven questions were:
1. What is redevelopment?
2. Why do you come to Trinity?
3. What gifts or assets does Trinity have?
4. What is God asking you to do?
5. What is stewardship?
6. How do you see Jesus at work in Rouzerville?
7. What does the Kingdom of God look like in Rouzerville?
As each participant looked at the answers given, they were asked to think what
their thoughts were; what patterns they saw; how do they feel about this; and
what do we need to do.
Then Vicar Pam reminded the group that there are four major goals for redevelopment on which we need to concentrate. They are
Spiritual practice
Must be intentional for redevelopment to survive.
Have and train a stewardship team
Develop a stewardship plan
Do asset mapping.
Build relationships
Need for internal communication so people are more willing to share faith
stories and prayer
Train people to do one-on-ones both within the congregation and with out
side folks
Educate the congregation about what redevelopment is.
Outreach to the community
Identify the mission field—who?—what?
The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, January 18, 7 p.m. in the Social Room.
These meetings are open to any member of the congregation.
Sponsor charts posted
Are you thinking of a way to honor a loved one’s birthday, anniversary, accomplishment, baptismal anniversary, or to just say, “I love you?” Is there a special
person whose life you would like to memorialize? Sponsoring flowers, bulletins
and/or candles is a great way to do that! Check out the bulletin board in the hallway off the narthex for more information. The sponsor charts for 2016 are now
posted and are ready for signing.
Lunch Bunch continues to meet
Join us Sundays after worship for lunch out (except on Sundays when we have
Coffee & Conversation). Usually meeting about 12:15 and we are currently rotating among Applebee’s, Café del Sol, Keystone Family Restaurant and Rolling Mill
Restaurant. We invite all to be with us for this time of fellowship as we enjoy a
meal together.
Conference Notes
Dinner at The Ridge
Dinner at The Ridge will be held at
noon at the Fleck Center on Wednesday, January 13. The cost is $6.75. The
menu for January is:
Creamed Lettuce
Oven Baked Chicken
Mashed Potatoes with Gravy
Dutch Green Beans
Dinner Rolls & Butter
Please call 264-3212 to make your
reservation. Deadline for reservations
is noon on Thursday, January 7.
Wellness Talk
The Wellness Talk for January will
be held Friday, January 15 at 1:00 p.m.
Please join Laurie Swisher, a representative from Visiting Angels, as she
discusses “I.C.E. – What to do in case
of an Emergency”. The talk will take
place at the Fleck Center at SpiriTrust
LutheranTM, The Village at Luther
Ridge, 2998 Luther Drive, Chambersburg.
Paint Night
Join the Pascal and Haiti Mission
teams on Sunday, January 10 at 3:00
p.m. at Trinity Lutheran Church, 26 W.
Commerce St., Chambersburg for a
Paint Night. Cost is $30.00. For tickets, contact Sharon Hardel at 8054569 or Donna Roland at 377-5027.
All proceeds will be split between Pascal Florival’s education fund and Trinity’s summer mission team trip to Haiti. For more information, check the
poster on the green Conference bulletin board at church.
“Holiness is not something we
do or attain; it is the
communication of the divine
life, the inbreathing of the
divine nature, the power of the
divine presence resting on us.”
—Andrew Murray
Church of the Covered Dish by Thom Tapp
Assisting in January
Assisting Ministers
3 - Terry Eberly
10 - Teresa Papoutsis
17 - Earl Duffey
24 - Ruth Strausbaugh
31 - Charles Strausbaugh
3 10 17 24 31 -
Charles Strausbaugh
Linda Bennett
Ruth Strausbaugh
Eric Leaper
Terry Eberly
Communion Assistants
3 - Charles Strausbaugh
10 - Linda Bennett
17 - Ruth Strausbaugh
Katherine Dennis
3, 10 - Linda Bennett
17, 24 - Teresa Papoutsis
31 - Gladys Clapsaddle
3 - Joanne Crider
June Ecker
Marie Seidel
Linda Weddle
10, 17 - Sherri Kayhoe
Ben Swauger
Donna Swauger
Carol Snyder
24 - Richard Berklite
Al Bingman
Adrian Kuhs
Melissa Leaper
Offering Tellers
3 - Joanne Crider
Earl Duffey
10 - Richard Berklite
Ruth Strausbaugh
17 - Amy Dennis
Linda Fleagle
24 - Sherri Kayhoe
Carol Snyder
31 - Teresa Papoutsis
Ruth Strausbaugh
Altar Care
Amy Dennis
Linda Fleagle
Phyllis Baker
Cookie Beck
Jean Benedict
Lenore Barkdoll
Katie Bondroff
Sarah Foose
Ulysses Jones
Laura Lentz
Jim Miller
Pearl Minnich
Adeline Plaine
LaVon and Marvin Rose
Lucy Rowland
Brian Sease
Marie Seidel
Pastor Ray Shriver
Rileigh Sunday
Thoughts from Luther
By faith we
began, by
hope we
continue, and
by revelation
we shall obtain
the whole.
Amy Dennis
Charolyn Becker
Donald Becker
John Baer
Dee Ann Martin
Daniel Lushbaugh
Sherri Kayhoe
Bryan Strausbaugh
Cindy Sherman
Clyde Baker
Andrew Mulkerin
We attempt to keep this list accurate
and up to date. If there are errors or
omissions, please notify the office to
send a note to:
[email protected].
Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church
12043 Old Route 16
PO Box 240
Rouzerville PA 17250-0240
[email protected]
Pam Illick, Vicar
61 Seminary Ridge
Gettysburg PA 17325-1742
[email protected]
Youth Sunday School
3, 10 - Melissa Leaper
17, 24 - June Ecker
31 - Ruth Strausbaugh
Coffee & Conversation
10 - Melissa leaper
Teresa Papoutsis
Marie Seidel
Youth Sunday School & Adult Forum
9:30 a.m.
10:45 a.m.
(Holy Communion celebrated first
and third Sundays each month)
For Your
Recipe Files
Slow Cooker Pork & Sauerkraut
3 lb. boneless pork loin roast
2 16-oz. bags sauerkraut, rinsed and
2½ cups water
1 pkg. dry onion soup mix
3 Tbsp. brown mustard
Combine sauerkraut, water, dry soup
mix and mustard in bowl. Place half
in the bottom of slow cooker. Place
pork loin on top of sauerkraut. Cover
with rest of sauerkraut. Cover and
cook on LOW for 8 hours.
Makes 6 servings.
Vegetable Stuffing Casserole
1 bag (16-oz.) frozen green beans
1 bag (16-oz.) frozen mixed vegetables
2 cans cream of mushroom soup
1 can (6-oz.) French-fried onions
1 box seasoned stuffing mix
3 Tbsp. butter or margarine, melted
¼ cup water
Preheat oven to 350°.
Pour frozen vegetables into bottom of
9x13-inch baking dish. Stir soup into
vegetables. Sprinkle onions and stuffing mix evenly over top. Drizzle melted butter and water over stuffing mix.
Cover and bake 55-65 minutes., or
until heated through.
Makes 7-9 servings.
E-Z French Dressing
1 cup vegetable oil
1 cup catsup
½ cup sugar
¼ cup white vinegar
¼ cup water
1 tsp. garlic salt
1 tsp. black pepper
¼ tsp. salt.
Put all ingredients in blender or food
processor: blend until mixed.
Reuben Casserole
provided by Linda Weddle
1 can corned beef
1 pack sliced Swiss cheese
4 slices rye bread, well buttered and
1 large can sauerkraut, drained
1 small bottle Thousand Island dressing
Preheat oven to 350°.
Spray 13x9-inch casserole dish with
cooking spray. Spread drained sauerkraut in bottom of dish. Crumble
corned beef over sauerkraut. Spoon
dressing over corned beef. Layer
cheese slices over top; top with buttered bread cubes. Bake at 350° for 30
Spinach Dip
1 pouch dry onion or vegetable soup
1 cup sour cream
1 cup plain yogurt
1 pkg. (10-oz.) frozen chopped spinach, thawed and well drained
3 green onions, chopped
In medium bowl, combine soup mix,
sour creqm, yogurt, spinach and onions. Cover and refrigerate until serving time, at least 2 hours. Serve with
fresh vegetables, crackers or chips for
E-Z Russian Dressing
1 cup mayonnaise
2/3 cup chili sauce
½ cup finely chopped onion
¼ cup finely chopped green pepper
2 Tbsp. lemon juice
Dash salt
Combine all ingredients and mix well.
Refrigerate, covered, until ready to
Points to Ponder
The Meaning of Epiphany
Epiphany, which comes from the
Greek word epiphaneia, means “an
appearance” or “a revealing.” Centuries ago, the church set aside January
6, the 12th day after Christmas, to
mark the revealing of Jesus as Christ
to the wise men, who were Gentiles.
Jesus’ first followers were Jewish, so
the revelation of the divine Christ to
the non-Jewish magi reminds us that
Jesus came to earth to save the whole
Symbols of Epiphany include
light, a star, a crown (or three crowns)
and a globe or stylized portrayal of
the world. The color of Epiphany is
green to symbolize life, growth, hope
and eternity.
On the church calendar, the
Epiphany season lasts until Ash
Wednesday, which is determined by
the date of Easter.
Always Doing a New Thing
In 2015, scientists discovered more
than 18,000 new species — some ancient and extinct, others contemporary. They include a cartwheeling spider; fossils of a “feathered dinosaur”;
a beautiful sea slug that photographs
in brilliant blues, reds and golds; a
Christmas-colored plant that grows in
near isolation in Mexico; and a pufferfish whose males make intricate seafloor “crop circles” as spawning nests.
Such discoveries — regardless of
how old or new the species are —
demonstrate the ongoing creativity of
God, who both does new things and
gives people new abilities to discover
Recently, we began a new church
year with Advent. At Christmas, God
did a new thing by becoming human.
Now we launch into a new calendar
year, in which scientists will surely
discover more new creatures. The
newness all around us reminds us that
God is always doing a new thing in
our lives, too!
The Quartet
While I was preaching at a revival
in a church in Mississippi, the pastor
announced that their prison quartet
would be singing the following evening. I wasn't aware there was a prison
in the vicinity and I looked forward to
hearing them. The next evening, I was
puzzled when four members of the
church approached the stage. Then
the pastor introduced them. "This is
our prison quartet," he said, "behind a
few bars and always looking for the
Maury’s Question
Little Maury asked his Sunday
school teacher, “If Mary had Jesus,
and Jesus is the lamb of God, does
that mean Mary had a little lamb?”
On the Lighter Side of Life
At a monastery high in the mountains, the monks have a rigid vow of
silence. Only on New Year’s Day, and
only by one monk, and only with one
sentence, is the vow allowed to be
One January first, Brother Thomas
is allowed to speak and he says, "I
liked the mashed potatoes we had
with the Christmas turkey!" and he sits
down. Silence ensues for 365 days.
The next January first, Brother
Michael gets his turn, and he says "I
think the mashed potatoes were
lumpy and I hated them!"
Once again, silence for 366 days
(it's leap year). The following New
Year’s Day, Brother Paul rises and
says, "I am fed up with this constant
Some people are kind, polite and sweet-spirited … until
you try to sit in their pew.
A Rib Tickler
After her husband was out late for
a few nights, Eve was upset. “Are you
out with other women?” she asked.
“Don’t be unreasonable,” replied
Adam. “You’re the only woman on
The quarrel ended when Adam
fell asleep.
When he awakened with pokes to
the chest, he asked, “What are you
“Counting your ribs!” Eve said.
-Our Mission The mission of Trinity Evangelical
Lutheran Church of Rouzerville,
Pennsylvania is to build, strengthen,
and increase our faith community to
better love and serve God – and the
world community – with the guidance
of the Holy Spirit.
- Our Vision Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church is
a flourishing, Spirit-filled, Christcentered home for all.
Address Service Requested
Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church
12043 Old Route 16
PO Box 240
Rouzerville PA 17250-0240