10.11 December 1962


10.11 December 1962
Vol. 10
No. 11
December 1962
Both Suhayl M. Chamieh
and Kalim
.• aliba, who
were promoted respectively
to the positions of Chief
Accountant and Assistant
Chief Accountant effective
November 1, ha\'e had remarkable careers in areas
of accountancy.
During their employment
with Tapline, both successfully completed in December
1959 the first Executive De\'e!opment Program held in
Lebanon at the Beirut Industry Institute. One year
later, they attended a oneweek seminar with l\Iobil
Oil in :t'-<ew York.
Born in Dama cus where
his father 0\\ ned and managed a hotel, :\Ir. Chamieh,
39, specialized in Business
Administration at AUB hoping to assist his father one
pon graduation in 19+3
with a BBA, however, he
was employed as an auditor
by Saba and Company, Beirut, While working there, he
(contillued 011 page 3)
Tapline Has Air Navigation Aids
SlIhayl Chamieh (right) alld Kalim Saliba t"'l0 were appoillted respectively to the positi01lS of Chief ACCoulltallt alld Assistant Chief AccOlllltallt, effective ot'ember I, (Photo by Nasr) ,
Senior Radio Technician Joe Khoury adjusts the transmiller tUllillg on
one of the dual lOOO-watt radio beacons installed at Badanah. (Photo
by Nasr).
Tapline and the Saudi
Arab Go\'ernment ha\'e joined forces to provide nondirectional radio beacons
(NDB's) along ADR372.
For those of us \\ ho don't
fly airplanes it might be well
to explain that ADR372 is
the official air corridor designated by the Saudi Arab
GQ\'ernment for all eastwest commercial air traffic
and that it essentially follows
along Tapline.
The :t'-<DBs are used by
the airlines to set their
courses, and in some cases to
fix their positions.
With the advent of the
commercial jet aircraft and
a general increase in air
traffic the Saudi Go\'ernment recognized the need
for more powerful and more
reliable radio beacons. Tapline was at this time considering the need to replace
its old beacons with more
modern but less costly and
lower powered equipment
for use by its own aircraft.
After discussion of mutual needs, an arrangement
was agreed upon wherein
the Saudi Government paid
the added co t of new beacons of sufficient power
and reliability to meet the
requirements' of the commercial airlines, to be installed at Qaisumah and Badanah. In return Tapline
contributed to the cost of
the new beacons by the
amount it would have paid
to replace its old beacons,
and in addition agreed to
install and operate the new
facilities on behalf of the
Government. In addition
Tapline ha installed low
po\\'er units for its own use
at Rafha and Turaif.
The new equipment at
Qaisumah and Badanah includes a dual 1000 watt
beacon transmitter with automatic change-over equipment. The automatic change-over turns on the standby equipment if any fault
should occur in the main
Page 2
Page 3
Teachers Meet
At ACS Dec. 6-7
The 1962 Tapline Senior
StalT School teachers' meeting \\ill be held in Beirut at
the ,\merican Community
School, December 6 and i.
O. K. B,gdol< (tlllrd from left). rutl' fd a tIlT< - tar tIC-I'''' a' ard
111'011 completioll of fiftull Yfars of ,fTf 1<' f IIh Taplme. Odll"" ~ . .\1"
BI~elof", formerly Chief ,·Iuo,wtallt. ,ws plaud 1111 a ,plCllIl as , IIIlItIlt
.\'o"emb" I IIl1ti! III retITemrllt at the year-md. Th 1'111 1''' It IItatl<l/I
fWS made b\' Comptrolltr O. T. 'fwmC1/I (follrth f",m ItJIl 'Clth, f",m
Itlt. lI'illlO;1I A. Campbell. Ka/zm ·a/zba. W1I/zam ,II. Rol,", 011 a",1
IIhayl Chamll'h attelldlll~. (Photo by Sasr).
aad ,-lbdullah .-lli. Club
tetcard. TurOlj. (Photo by Sasr).
aad Abdullah Ali joined
Tapline on • -ew Year' Day,
19:0 at Ra el :\Ii ha'ab as
laundry operator. Hi father,
.-\.bdullah Ali . haheen, preceded him into the oil indu'tn' way back in 193 ,
and sen'ed about five years
with .-\.ramco as a carpenter.
Born in Hofuf, audi Arabia, aad attended the Amirate
chool there before
mm'ing to the audi Gm'ernment chool in Riyadh
in 19+ 1. He tudied Engli h
at el-Jarad
chool in elHasa. He al 0 attended
clas e at Tapline' Development
chool along the
With the company, ,aad
ha sen'ed in all of the four
pump stations. He ha worked hi way up from laundry
operator, to lead laundry
operator, engine room operator, utility room operator
and control room operator.
Trained by Ali Kurdi,
now of torehouses, Turaif,
aad wa promoted to commi an' clerk in June 195
and to'lead commis ary clerk
four month later. I ie became club steward on October 1, 1960.
aad, who is an excellent
wimmer and an active golfer, spent mo t of the • -0vember month on holiday in
A tdllte-elephant alld bake sale ,ws held at Raf/U1's ('"mmllmt.' tIItIT
all October 10. The comm,ttu i" clIOr!!e illcluded. from 1'lt. fro"t ,or('.
.Urs. James E. DrIIle)', Dr..\launce Barno,II. ,\1r . itlme, F. Chllpllll
alld Jfrs. E. . Tract')· .. and, back ro" •.\lr. Tracey .•\lrs. Ch"rle s;.
Babb. Jolm Brandenburg and .\Irs. John H, Ro qUlSt. (Photo by 'llad
F. C. Najia
Reporters :
Badih Haddad
lei rut
Rase Sawdah
Jahn Franjleh
New York
R. M. Weeks
Jahn Nehme
A. A. Khatib
S. S. Dabaghl
Richard Khattar
H. Overhagen
( COlltilllled from page I)
obtained hi l\Iaster' from
.-\.CB in 19{6. Subject of his
the is was "Taxation System in Syria."
When he resigned to join
Tapline in April 1947 as
Senior Accountant,
hamieh had become Genreal :\lanager of Saba & Co.
in . yria and Lebanon.
In' 1950, he \\'a one of a
total of se\en persons selected from 100 candidates all
over the world to receive
training with the International Bank for Reconstruction
(World Bank) in Washington D.C. pon hi return to
Tapline headquarters from
his one-year leave of absence
with IBRD, 1\1r. Chamieh
wa named Staff Accountant
in ;\la\ 1951. lIe became
A ista~t Chief Accountant
seven years later.
A part-time lecturer in
co t ac ounting and auditing
at AUB since 1956, a board
member and founder of the
Lebanese 1\Ianagement Association and a Council
member of the A B Alumni
A sociation, 1\1r. Chamieh
is married and ha two son ,
Dimitri, 5~ and Kaji,
Aside from swimming, his
fa\'orite pastime is to make
repairs at his
hou e with no complaints
from Irs. Chamieh.
Assistant Chief Accountant, aliba, 40, is also a 19{6
BE.-\. graduate of A B. Calling :\Iarjeyoun, South Leban n, his hometown, he ha
worked at one time or another as senior teacher at an
American missionary school,
as interpreter with the British Army, as chief accountant with' American Levant
,hipping and Distributing
Co. and with J.P. Sheridan.
:\Ir. Saliba joined Tapline
ranks as accountant on October 9, 1949. He became
Analysis and
Bookkeeping Section on January 1st, 1954.
:\1r. aliba, who is presently taking the second year
course at the Lebanese :\ Ianagement College, is married
and has tw'o sons, :\icolas,
11 and :\uhad 8, and one
daughter, l\laha, 4~. He lists
swimming, hunting and manual labor as his fa\'orite
Aside from discussing tape
recordings of children group
di cus ions, participants in
the tw'o-day meeting will
hear a lecture on "Organizing and Teaching the OneRoom, Ungraded
and will review such topics
as "General Guidelines for
our Schools," ''Field Instruction and Teacher's :\Ianual Re\'iew," "Teaching
the Call'ert ourse," "Grading, Report Cards and Permanent Records," "Teacher's Self-Development System," and ... upplies."
15 1'ears
Dzovak .. :\lanoukian, :\Iedical, Beirut,
Arousiag O. Keshishian, Indu trial Relation, Beirut.
10 l'eaTs
Hamood :\1. Shumari, Operation and Repair , Qaisumah.
:\Iuhammad El-Amhaj, Operation and Repairs, Rafha.
:\Iuhammad :\Iisfer, Operations and Repairs, Rafha.
:\lisfer Ghamdi, Operations
and Repairs, Turaif.
lIomer T. Fort (secolld frolll nt;ht), ,\lallager of Pllblic Relatiolls. SOCOIIY ,\lob1l. NNe l'orl,. alld Emmet Brittoll
(tlllrd from nght). E.\eClltl.-e ,../s istallt Jlallager of Pllblte Relatiolls. Stalldard Oil Compally of Caltfomia.
Sail FrallCisco. nSlted the Taplme BeiTllt office alld tlte idoll .\Janlle Tumillal dllrlllg the secolld ,uek of So,'ember all theIT ,wy to Dhahrall. III BeiTllt, the ,isltors met "'ith E.,eCllt;"e "ice Presldellt William R. Challdler
(tlllrd from left) III the presellce of. left to nght. I 'ice Prestdellt - Go,'erlllllellt Relatiolls William A. Campbell.
.\lalla~er of IlIdlistrial Relatiolls II. S. Smith OIld .'Iallager of Pllbltc Relatiolls Salth AI-As'ad, (Photo by Sasr),
K.E. Parr, Staff Coordinator-Employee De\elopment, \\ ill be in charge of
the program \\hich will be
attended by eight schoolmistresses, including 1\Iesdame Rodolphe E. ,abbagha, Kamal] I. Aoun, Rhea
II. Putnam, John A. \rood,
James F. Chaplin, Richard
Ragsdale, Jan 1\1. Gysen and
Clarence P. Booth.
Saudi Arab employus shotud gr~at inter~st in the f(,hite-e!epll<wt sale
recently organized at Rafha and 'chich featur~d the sale of old e1oth~s,
,hoe" book, and calu,. (Photo by SQlJd Daba,hy).
Year 1962
3 8,537
A\'erage BPD recei\'ed at Sidon
, hips loaded
ih-erage BPD loaded on ships
A\'erage BPD deli\ered to ships,
Medreco and IPC
336, 61
In October, pipeline throughput rallied substantially
and finished at 388,537 barrels a day, more than 100,000
barrels above the September daily average.
Deliveries from Sidon to ships, ]\Iedreco and IPC
made a sizeable hike in October too, averaging 419,891
BPD, against 284,689 BPD in eptember.
On stream since October 20, the auxiliary pumping
units were put off the 'Line between -ovember 8 and 9.
Deliveries from Sidon for ovember are estimated to
average 376,000 BPD.
Taplllle's ,\1ahmoud EI- l'oussef (left) greets (JlIlted States "ice-Presidellt
LYlldon Joh"soll. The t,,,o met ill Rome all September 7. .\Ir. EI- } ·oussef.
,dID resllmed his dlltles as .\Ia"ager of the Damasws ofJice all SOt'ember
10, ,cas tramiti"g the Italian capital all a combi"ed si,' '''eek bllsi"essvacatio" trip to the U. S. when he met ~ 'ice Preside"t Johnson.
EtTl/t WIIII./.IaTld offiCIal> of tlu 1962 Tllrm~ FuM /)al' faCt tlu call1cla, Km<!I1'!( flllllliefl, Obc,d Flilshah, Joe Saye!!h, Geor!!e F, lI"dc, George Ziad)', 1""dallah Rashid,
em! 'cham, Falllld ,'lIlulllaTl, an ,m,dmt'f"d ,~IIC.\t, Jolm R. Ttrry, .llllkbtl Hallldal/, Ollllllr OiL'll,ther, allll Khalll,llllhammad, Stal/din!!, from left, Salim Ghalhyal/,
Sa:::I1, tI- 'Iuikh, .llallrrre So r, .llllhammad O,nllthtr, all IImdcllt'fic<! ollt,id", lrab, Thana, .l111hammad Odlll'l.\', ,lim" lIamad, A111hammad RlllllaildlllTli, A del
.lladm'i, Fadel Fruh, Salld Ral(hc", Obm{ ,\llIdallah, Sawl ./b""l1ah aTld Cll/uk lIard,dck.
Preparm~ IlI11ldred, of .and,";chcs "hich ,are con 'II//(d by 1'01'1111
e' '1'10\ c<. dCl'fIldCII/ aTld ~IIC, ts at the 1962 Tllrm! Fitld Day are,
from Ie t, arollnd the table, Theo Hili t, RCTle Dcsa",'a~/(, .llaarten "an
o ten, Ralph Roh"t.<oTl, Hans Oi'crhal(en aTld Geor~e LiTlabllry, It took
the, i\ men 12 hOTln to prepare the sa",/,";che",
El(l(-rau partwpant at the Tliraif F'eld Day. Trmlil/l( behllld is ..Idel
J!adaTII "ho later "on the el(l(-catchil/l( conte, t, (Photo by II, Ot'erhal(en),
Finish line of Ihe 220-yard dash race WOII by Fahad SlIleimal/ (loTegroIlTld).
Those \\ ith latent talents a' athletes, egg- atchers, cooks anti
gourmets, or ju't plain cater: had their da~ October 25 at the Tural!'
1962 Field Day.
. orne ·HHi Tapline employees, dependent and gue,'!. either
watchetl or participated in one of the mo:t :u 'Ce ful e\el1ls yet hcltl
III Turaif.
:\ serie: of competitions, marketl h~ inten e ri\ alr~ among the
\ arious .-tation di\ i:ion, highlighted the program, Honor. Were
well tli\ ided.
.\rabi Thana won the )()O-\anl da, h race, fol1<l\\ed h\ \loha\\.1
Bashir and Obeid Fur. hah. The broad jump e\ent went to \ luhammad OdaJly, follm\ d
by Rene De:am agie and Khalifa \bdullah.
, Fahad .'uleiman finished fir:t in the 220·yard race, pret'edin
Khalifa ,-\hdullah and \Iohawal Ba:hir.
Joe Sayegh won top honor: In the high Jump. Runner-up wa
\Iuhammad 0\\ aither. Third was \Iuhammad () hllh.
The ack race top award went to rabi Thana, \\ ho led Salim
G hathyan and Dulaim \loh en to the finish line.
In the tug of war, the l\laintenance squad pulled hard to beat
the \ lotor Tran port team.
Egg ra e winners in groups I, 2 and 3 were luhammad Rumaikhani, \Iuhammad .\Ii and \ludallah Ra hid, respecti\ely.
\ no\el e\ cnt, the egg-catching contest, was won bv Adel
Prizc' \\ ere awarded to the \\ inners by General. uperintendent
George F. Heide and .'enior Superintendent Stations John R.
Terry. During the game, hundred of andw iche and gallons of
rerre. hment , offered by the ompany, wer consumed.
Field Day official included 'azih el-. heikh, chief judge; Joe
Sayegh, George Ziady and arl Scham, judge; \laurice 1\asr,
announ er, and Rhea I I. Putnam, starter.
The sack race ....as olle of Ihe II/osl pleasal/I ("t'mls competed for ill the
Tllraif Field Day 011 October 25.
George Ziady (/efl) gins the slarl to eighl cOlllestallls iI/ the IOO-yard
dash race, '1fOlI by ,lrabi ThaI/a.
Joe 8a,\'el[1I IIsed all orivillal stl'le to
Ihp hi"h ;lIm/J (,'1:ml.
A hll!(e cr()fcd cheers contestal/ts in the tllg of ,('Or (t'mt, ,e1l/ch t('Os tcon
b,\ Ihe TlIrlllf .\lainlenal/ce team (in back!(rolil/d).
John R. 7 erry (jollrlh from lefl) has his hands teide open to catch an egg
tn lhe nOt. I and hllariolls (t'enl.
Third place U1nner iTl Ihe broad JlImp ct.'enl, Kha"fa Abdlil/a.
Omlllr Ute'al/her, ",nTler-IiP. hIgh Jllmp.
Broad jump jlldges are Jolm R. Terr,\' (lefl) , Jail J/. Gy m al/d Sa:::i"
el-Sheikh (ri!!ht).
\ember 19 to review with
Aramco prohlems of aircraft
radio maintenance.
The Robert J. Quick
departed on long vacation
on .'ovcmher 26. During
Gorge Hajjar \\ as named
responsible for administration of the Purchase and
Traffic di\ ision.
\\'arm congratulations to
:\ccountant Khatchik Akhatcherian on his marriage
o tober 7 to former Mi
So y Tchalian.
3~ 3t3m ~mploH ,
u~ t
.' (\\ ember
\\ ere
+ of
. en I 'e. Forem.ln Muhammad Youssef 3t 3 dmner
hononne- Qa~ atain
Ipt'n i,..or G org H am,
\ I 0) h.l. I e'n temporaril~
i~ned to • idon Terminal
f"r 3 penod "f four month '.
A ad
Khatib, of
omn micati"n.. Electncal
nJ In,,trumentatlon. ha: r ·ntl) be n named Peri: 'ope
rep rtcr at Qa[) atain
Qai umah
Turaif ani\ i ie during
ob r entered around the
Field Da~ eHnt.. ,taged
here on the 2':-th. a Hallo\ een program and tea gatherin~
pon" red h~ the Turaif "'omen'
The gatherin were h 'ted bv the
roup to \\ eluome' the arrl\ al m Turaif
oIf frs. Eugene L. Wood,
,n tran. fer \\ Ith Mr. Wood
from Badanah. and Mr.
Edwin J. Wright, on reurn fr m ate ide \ acatlOn
o join her hu hand.
The Hallo\\ een program
pan. ored b~ the Women',
Group \\"a \oted one of the
c e ful e\ em held
hi \ ear a the ommunitv
enter. :\lam character
\\ ere ponra~ ed at the fe ti\ ai, including pumpkin , de\ il , clo\\ n . rocket, pip ,
ho t . hride, prince and
Hula and G i ha girl .
Effon of the Group have
nO\\ heen channelled to
make preparation for the
.vear-end holida\. ea on.
Welcome to Mutaileq
Dukhe, \\ ho joined Tapline
rank at Turaif a general
helper, and au revoir to the
C. H. Hardwicks and asr
ohsen, on tran fer to
Badanah. Tran ferred here
from the latter tation are
agib Yazbeck and ater
ober 'acationer were
Muhammad Omair, Tarraq Mudaweh, bdullah
ohdi, Muhammad Marzook,
u tafa A hayer
Ob id Mudaweh.
Holida\' ended, how(;\ er,
r uleiman, afor
leh Fayed, Mukbel Hamdan, aleh bdullah, bdullah Mukhlif and Ahmad Muhammad.
Twent~ -four Tapliner attended. 'o\emher 11-16 the
third ene of petroleum
eminar offered h\ Aramco
Chief Economi t' Jo eph
Ellender in Beirut. .\ total
of ten different uhJect on
petroleum economic were
di. cu ed in the fi\ e-da\
. emmar.
'I he fi r t of a ne\\ erie
of monthh Di\ i ional Communication and Coordinating meeting \\ a held.' 0\ emher 5 under the chairman hip of :\Ianager of Operation Robert A. Prusinski. A outlined h\ Executi\e Vice Pre ident William
R. Chandler at the out 'et
of the meeting, the objective of the e group meeting are to improve communication , provide a fuller
under tanding among enior
upervisor of the company'
principles and problem, and
e pa~d
among \ anou departmt'nt
The chairman hip \\ ill rotatt:
amone- Department I lead,
and group parti ·ip.ltion ma~
a!. 0 change to ei\ e the
hroade. t pos Ibk '()\ eral.: .
arki arki ian of \ I edical,
Ib rt
bboud of
Purchase and Traffic. and
Kalim aliba of \ccountmg att 'ndnl .1 four-hour
cour e ()ctobn 1':--1 in job
in. tructlon method
conducted h\ K. E. Parr, . t.1ff
bnplo\ n:
De\ e)opment. 'I he cour. e i
part of a upen i o~ traming prol.:ram called Tapline
Joh Trainer. Dunne the
cour e. each
taught a elected operation
to another member of the
Tapliner. in all area of
compan) operation. completed the month of Octoher
\\ ithout u taining an,· indu trial di abling injury.
Thi i the fourth month in
1962 in \\ hich no industrial
disabling injuries Were su tained, the other three being
February, :\larch and April.
Howard Janotta, formerlv of Aramco's A\iation
Dc'partment, transferred to
Tapline's Tra\el and Air
Tran port in Beirut a aircraft pilot on .•ovember II.
Robert E. Marsh return-
1 -month pecial.1 il.:nment
in \\"a hin 'ton \\ ith \ramco
\ i t.lnt to the Vice
Pre ident .
R. P. Cock , Vice Pre. ident. .'ecretan and Treaurer, . 'e\\ Yoik Ollice. \\ho
arri\ ed in Beirut .. 0\ ember
16, \'ice Pre. ident of (;0\ernment Relations William
A. Campb 11 and Company
Consultant H nry Cattan
made a trip to Dhahran during the third week of .'0vember, in anticipation of
negotiations with the Saudi
Arah government on settlement of out tanding Tapline
John J. K lberer made a
short trip to Dhahran 0-
. uperintendent
rs. Dudl y P. Harbin plaY cd ho t dunng October at dmner partie hononng . enlor . upenntendent .'tatlon John R. T rry, :\lal1ager of OF eratlOn
R. . Pru in ki, Chief l~n­
gll1e 'r
Pip 'hne Richard
R. Burn tt and General
. upenntendel1t G org F.
Hide, \\ ho \\ ere 111 Qal umah on Clllnpan) bu me .
\nother dinner b, th' Harbin entertall1ed Mr. and
Mr. lar nc P. Booth,
\\ ho hal e traIl. ferred here
from Badanah to r 'place the
Raymond H. Ma ey,
\\ho hale left th' held. ThiS
la t functlol1 \\a attended
bv enior tafT famllle m
iIIiam R.
Pick tt and Edward C.
01 en, of Turalf; and Richard
Rag dal
Drul y, of Rafha.
\\'c!com' "home" to . 111ft
foreman Hamad Hathal
\\ ho ha re umed hi dutle.
at the pumphouse follo\\ mg
a long \ a ation pent in
Dammam, RIyadh, Jeddah
and Ku\\ait: \\here he
bought a brand ne\\ Opel
RekonJ sedan.
The reopening In midOctober of na k bar No.
t boosted billiard, ping-pong
and other activities at the
Recreation Iiall.
Four Lebanese bachelors
at Qaisumah, including Dr.
Hanna Wanna, John Nehme, Ra'fat Farah and SuI iman Sailurn, took the
opportunity of Mrs. DudI y P. Harbin' return from
a medical trip to Beirut to
a sMtsh-lethah party in
.Hr. ami .Hr. RII\"m()//d 11. .Hassey (rlghl) lefl Ihe field permallenlly
"" Ocl"l"r 24 " formlf employee of Porllalld p,pelllle Compall.\', .Hr.
.\1m C\' lramf"red 10 Tllplllle III Seplember, 19-0. Iils IllSI po ilioll al
QarSlimah flO Ihal of Foremall
OperallUlIS. all Oclober 23, "llIle
Ih••\1a sC\'s hradrd 10 Qlllfllmah's IIIrslrlp 10 enplalle for Beirul for
fllrlhn proumll!: 10 Ihe ( .. S .• Ruhard Ra~ dale (lefl) dfln e all 18-"heel
Iraila I ,Ih trtO arm,c!ulIrs (bllekgrolllld) 10 Ihe IIIrslrip I" send.off Ihe
rOllpl•• (I'/"'ln by \'. IJ. TI",mas).
'1l1rai!'s Cal, rpillar , 3 p,pdawr, Itillch IS eqllipped ttllh a 70 fl. boom,
ItIlS halliul 10 Qarfllmah ill lale Oclober b) DOllk11l SIII"mall In remou
Ih. fUlfil 0111 6-1011 p"mpl"," t cullden er (abo...) alld IIlSlall a lie'" olle.
SlIpers If"'~ Ih. opaalll", IS Edlwrd C. Olsm. of C. E. &: J. (pholo by
• '1IInmw, • 'allllm).
The. 'emor Siaff Schoal al Qmwmah has losl olle-Illlrd of lis enrollmelll
Ihis wl/r. compar"d 10 1961. Tfro yOllllgslers, secolld grader Dlldley
Boolh a",1 i\lh grader Sln:en BOOlh, are allmdillg classes Ihere IIIIS
fall 1I",ler Ihe IlIlorslllp of Ihe" mOlher, -'Jrs. Clarma P. Boolh. There
lure Ihr" school-agers Iml year al QalSumah, none In 1960 alld lu'O
in 1959. (Photo by Sulmnan Sallum).
Page 7
honor of the Harbins at the
bachelor quarters, 0 tober
During the October 27
afety meeting, 5 ten-year
and t3 five-year afe driving
awards \\ere di tributed to
at Qaisumah.
Ten-year safe dri\ing a\\ard
recipient were Dudley P.
Harbin, M. H. Gerritsen,
Raymond H. Massey,
Tahnoon Muhammad and
Muhammad Abdul-Rahman. five-year safe dri\ ing
awards were distributed to
Othman Saleh, Ra'fat Farah, Hamad Hathal, Muhammad Nasser, IssaJassem, Hamad Hussein, Rashid afel, Abdullah Hamed, Ali Khlaif, Abdullah
Said, Jazza'a Mubarak
and Walter Hetzel.
Qai umah's
\\ i he anitation technicia~
abih Kutteh a speedy
recO\'erv from hi recent
illnes \~hich nece sitated his
ho pitalization at Badanah'
Base IlospitaI.
. hift foreman Nasser Juma'a, tation maintenance
supen'isor Fahd Mutlaq,
club ste\\'ard Ibrahim Sirawi, turbine diesel mechanic Suleiman Shammari, tation mechanic Fayed Suleiman and enior
shift operator Ba hir Onaizan are \\ith u again after
attending a ne-\\ eek uper\'isory te t gi\'en by Youssef
Abdul Latif, of Aram 0, in
Turaif and Badanah during
the econd half of October.
. tation Electrical and Instrument :\1an H. H. Hoeksema i back to the fold
from a long hohday \\ hich
took him to Beirut, Jeru alem, Cairo, Rome, :\IiIan,
frankfurt and Hamburg.
Harry i presently totting up
his bank resen'es for a trip
to • pam.
A coffee party by the
Dudley P. Harbins on October 30 \\elcomed the presidents of the Turaif, Badanah, and Rafha s\\ imming
pool association who met
here \\ ith their Qaisumah
counterpart to di cuss 1963
budgetary items. Attending
the meeting were George
Ziady and Harold L.
Krapp, of Turaif; John
Samaha, of Badanah; John
(Continued next pace)
H. Rosqui t, of Rafha; and
Mr. and Mrs. Muhammad
bdul Rahman, Dr. Hanna
anna, John ehme
and Richard Ragsdale, of
Yacation' have recently
tarted for Ali Muhammad, Ayed Dughaiman,
Ahmad Muhammad,
Saud Abdul-Aziz and Lutfi
Kanaan. Thev are over for
Fahd and Fhaid Suleiman,
Hassan Issa, Muhammad
Junaif and Dr. Hanna
Qaisumah employees convey their deepe t sympathy
to Local Company Relation
mad Abdul Rahman on
the death of hi father, who
pa ed away in Jordan on
_-O\'ember 4.
R. Dudley, of ~ledreco,
won both the eptember and
October monthly medal golf
competitions held at the
Zahrani Country Club gra
cour e.
Congratulation to Mr.
and Mrs. Dirk A. Schipper
on the birth October 7 of
their fourth child, Rudy,
and to Nakhleh Elias Hajj,
of Operations and Repairs,
who celebrated his wedding
October 21 to the former
Miss Wardeh Elias Harb.
Captain W. J. Ludvigsen
ha completed all changes on
hi famed model of idon
Terminal in tallation to incorporate 1962 and 1963
Fifty-two person attended the Halloween dance held
at the Auditorium October
27. A \'ote of thanks went to
Brickhouse, Robert G.
Thompson, Walter J. Ludvigsen, Knut E. Hopen,
Karl I. Tronstad, Frank
J. Dolezal and R. Dudley
who put in great effort to
make the dance a great success.
A week later, Sidon children had their treat at the
Auditorium also with a Halloween party.
AJI work pertaining to the
extension of Berth _-0. 3 at
idon Terminal was completed on • -O\'ember 17 and
Bada'lQh's schoolchildren held a hilariously successful HallofCeen party
for their parent at the School House in late October. Watching a play
presented at the program are, from left, Kelly Amold, Cynthia Samaha,
Sereen Thaddeus, A:::i::: I1iya, Stet:e Putnam, Tony Prince, Dadd Thaddeus and Jolm SamallQ Jr. Seated in background is John H. Arnold.
(Photo by Nasr).
the berth is now ready for
idon' nSltors
regi ter in late October and
during -O\'ember were V.
Bratianu, of ocony 1\10bil
Engineering Department, Elliot Cattarulla, of
tandard Oil of _-ew Jersey,
Homer T. Fort, of ocony
:\lobil, • -ew York, and Emmet Britton, of tandard
Oil Company of California,
an Francisco.
Rhea H. Putnam and
Mrs. John H. Rosquist
won top honors in the 9hole string tournament held
at Rafha during October by
the Telal al-Bedou Golf
Group. Runners-up were
Michel Moussa and Mrs.
Charles S. Babb. Mr. Putnam and Mrs. Rosquist
also were the high corers at
the bridge party held at the
Rosquists' following the
golfing event. Runners-up
in the bridge session were
Elwood Gray and Mrs.
Robert W. Howe.
Mr. Howe and Mr. Putnam finished first, second
at the bridge session hosted
by Dr. and Mrs. Michel
Many happy returns were
wished in October to E. S.
Tracey, Elwood Gray and
Pat and Mike Babb. The
latter were entertained by
their friends.
The Babbs' played hosts
again at a dinner party honoring Robert A. Prusinski,
Richard R. Burnett, George F. Heide and Joseph
G. Salm, during their October stopover in Rafha.
Dr. Maurice Baroodi,
Sa ad S. Dabaghy and
George Murad are with
us again from holidays in
The Reda Abdul Samads were the dinner hosts
of Dr. and Mrs. Michel
Khoury recently and the
two couple were entertained at a ub equent date by
Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Tracey
at a dinner party too. Lebanese bachelors in the station
attended both functions.
Welcome aboard to Saadallah Yakub, on transfer
here from the Badanah Base
On holiday are Nab i I
Khoury, Muhammad 0mair, Abdul Hadi Muhammad and Muhammad Abdullah. Vacations
are meam\ hile oyer for Awad Abdullah, Ali Mohsen, Faleh Helayel and
Allosh Sada'an.
Our hats are tipped to
Abdullah Abul-Khail, son
of contractor Ali AbulKhail, who has recently
joined Badanah's accounting staff. Abdullah, 20, was
born in Amman, Jordan,
where he lived for about 14
years. He is a graduate of
Beirut's Moutaini Institute,
where he obtained a Diploma in Commerce with distinction. He enjoys serious
music and essay reading.
Welcome aboard to general duty nurse Mouhine
Elias and senior houseboy
transferred here from Qaisumah and Turaif, respec-
ti\·elv. leanwhile, good luck
to laundry operator Mater
Mukhlif on his transfer to
Rafha and to general duty
nurses Saadallah Yakub
and Nagib Yazbeck on
their transfer from the Base
Hospital to the company
hospital at Turaif.
Dr. and Mrs. Nizar Turk
are with us again from a hop
over to Beirut where they
enlisted their children at the
Makassed school.
\ acations have recently
ended for Abdul-Rahman
Abdul-Aziz, Misses Mariana Kharsa and Fatme
Abdullah, Agab Fallaj, Zayed Muhammad, Khalil
Shreih, Lafi Naif, F. Mohsen, M. Ghreib, M. Himri
and Ayyaf Naif.
Temperature at Badanah
during October ranged from
a minimum of 56 degrees
Fahrenheit registered on October + to a maximum of 99
degree Fahrenheit recorded
on October 5.
Grace, daughter of Dr. and
l\lrs. Shucri Soulban.
Mariam, daughter of lr.
and Mr. Abdul-Razzak
aif, son of l\1r. and Irs.
luhammad Sadyan.
Rima, daughter of lr. and
Mrs. Abdul Karim l\luawad.
ahar, daughter of l\1r. and
Irs. 1 'aga Rashid.
Carla, daughter of :\1r. and
Irs. Charle G. Badran.
Salim, so; of l\1r. and l\Irs.
Saleh alim.
Badria and Fawzia, daughters of Mr. and l\Irs. Saud
Hamad, son of l\1r. and Mrs.
Muhanna Hamad.
Sabita, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Saad Thani.
Salwa, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Abdullah Hassan.
uha, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Yussef Ghafari.
Sally, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Kamal Bou-Zeid.
Salma, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Boutros Sayyah.