Seniors care pages 2013.indd - Our Cowichan Community Health


Seniors care pages 2013.indd - Our Cowichan Community Health
Cowichan Seniors Resource Directory
December 2012
The Seniors Guidance Directory has been produced by the Cowichan
Seniors Community Foundation. This is the 3rd edition. Our website publishes the Directory on line and is frequently
updated to accommodate new listings or any changes made known to us.
The information presented in this Directory is done on a volunteer basis. It
is not an endorsement of any services listed, nor is it an exhaustive listing of
all possible businesses or agencies. It is an attempt to be helpful in getting
started with searching for various resources in Cowichan. Any errors or
omissions are unintentional.
Chuck Thompson, Chair
Byron Johnston, Vice-Chair
Jeff Wood, Treasurer
Sheila Service, Secretary
Sharon Winship
Carol Shewchuk
Gail Stroud
Julia Henderson
Cindy Schiller
Cowichan Seniors Resource Directory
December 2012
Office: 135 Third Street, Duncan
Staff: Carol Hunt, Executive Director
Phone: 250-715-6481 | E-Mail:
[email protected] | Fax: 250-746-8819
Table of Contents
Aboriginal Health ........................................................................................................ 1
Ts’ewultun Health Centre ....................................................................................... 1
Adult Day Programs ..................................................................................................... 1
Chemainus Health Care Centre Adult Day Program ...............................................1
Providence Farm .................................................................................................... 1
Waldon House Day Program .................................................................................. 1
Community Policing..................................................................................................... 1
Cowichan Community Policing Advisory Society ...................................................1
Duncan Community Policing Office........................................................................ 1
Chemainus Community Policing Office .................................................................. 1
Cowichan Bay Community Policing Office ............................................................. 1
South Cowichan Community Policing Office .......................................................... 1
Computer Help ............................................................................................................ 1
eGurus Technology Tutors...................................................................................... 1
Crisis Line Support ....................................................................................................... 2
Vancouver Island Crisis Line ................................................................................... 2
Equipment Loan .......................................................................................................... 2
Canadian Red Cross................................................................................................ 2
Grandparents Support ................................................................................................. 2
Parent Support Services Society of BC ................................................................... 2
Hair Care Services ........................................................................................................ 2
Barb Stewart’s Mobile Hair Salon .......................................................................... 2
Hearing Healthcare—In-Home ..................................................................................... 2
Home Hearing Healthcare ..................................................................................... 2
Home Adapta�ons and Repairs ................................................................................... 2
Ease-Ability Renova�ons and Construc�on Ltd. ....................................................2
Handy Mum Home Improvements, Repairs & Maintenance .................................2
Home, Garden and Yard Care ....................................................................................... 2
Lush Eco Lawns ...................................................................................................... 2
The Barwicks .......................................................................................................... 3
Home Physiotherapy ................................................................................................... 3
Home Physiotherapy .............................................................................................. 3
Cowichan Seniors Resource Directory
December 2012
- Table of Contents -
Home Support — Private ............................................................................................. 3
About Time Homecare & Nursing Services Ltd. .....................................................3
Angel Helping Hands Homecare & Companionship ...............................................3
Harmony Health Care Ltd....................................................................................... 3
Nurse Next Door Home Care Services ................................................................... 3
Pacific Live-in Caregivers ........................................................................................ 3
Unique Home Health Care ..................................................................................... 4
We Care Home Health Services ............................................................................. 4
Home Support — Vancouver Island Health Authority (VIHA) ....................................... 4
Duncan Home and Community Care ..................................................................... 4
House Cleaning............................................................................................................ 4
Island Domes�c Services........................................................................................ 4
Housing — Non-Profit, Low Cost .................................................................................. 4
Abbeyfield Houses Society of Duncan ................................................................... 4
Duncan Kiwanis Village Society .............................................................................. 4
Housing — Private ....................................................................................................... 4
Acacia Ty Mawr ...................................................................................................... 4
Alpenrose ............................................................................................................... 4
Deertrail Co�age Inc. ............................................................................................. 5
Dovehill House ....................................................................................................... 5
Heritage Manor Care Home ................................................................................... 5
Lynn’s Senior Care .................................................................................................. 5
Nana’s Guest House ............................................................................................... 5
Pioneer House Bed & Breakfast ............................................................................. 5
Sherwood House .................................................................................................... 5
Wedgwood House.................................................................................................. 5
Villa del Sol............................................................................................................. 5
Housing — Vancouver Island Health Authority ............................................................ 5
Assisted Living ........................................................................................................ 5
Residen�al Care ..................................................................................................... 5
Meals and Nutri�on .................................................................................................... 6
Gloria’s Food Service .............................................................................................. 6
Meals on Wheels ................................................................................................... 6
Working Together Senior Assistance ...................................................................... 6
Men’s Support ............................................................................................................. 6
West Coast Men’s Support Society ........................................................................ 6
Mental Health Support ................................................................................................ 6
Duncan Mental Health and Seniors ....................................................................... 6
Cowichan Seniors Resource Directory
December 2012
- Table of Contents -
Moving and Downsizing .............................................................................................. 6
Every Detail ............................................................................................................ 6
Forget-Me-Not Assistants ...................................................................................... 6
Music Therapy Programs ............................................................................................. 6
Crea�ve Music Programs For Today’s Senior .........................................................6
Non Profit Socie�es — Senior Services ........................................................................ 6
Cowichan Family Caregivers Support Society ........................................................6
Cowichan Intercultural Society .............................................................................. 7
Cowichan Valley Hospice Society ........................................................................... 7
St. John Ambulance ............................................................................................... 7
Volunteer Cowichan ............................................................................................... 7
Seniors Groups ............................................................................................................ 7
Chemainus Seniors Drop In Centre Society ............................................................ 7
Cro�on Seniors Society .......................................................................................... 7
Elder College .......................................................................................................... 7
Ladysmith Seniors Centre Society .......................................................................... 7
Lake Cowichan Seniors Centre ............................................................................... 7
South End Seniors .................................................................................................. 7
Valley Seniors Organiza�on of Duncan .................................................................. 7
Service BC and Service Canada .................................................................................... 8
Service BC Programs .............................................................................................. 8
Service Canada Centre ........................................................................................... 8
Service Clubs ............................................................................................................... 8
Arbutus Travel Club ................................................................................................ 8
Chemainus Masonic Lodge #114 ........................................................................... 8
Cowichan Toastmaster’s Club #950 ....................................................................... 8
Duncan Kiwanis Club .............................................................................................. 8
Duncan Lion’s Club ................................................................................................. 8
Duncan Masonic Temple Lodge #33 ...................................................................... 8
Duncan Order of the Eastern Star, Sunset Chapter ................................................8
Elks Club of Duncan ............................................................................................... 8
Fraternal Order of Eagles, Chemainus-Cro�on #4400 ...........................................8
Fraternal Order of Eagles, Duncan #2546 .............................................................. 8
Fraternal Order of Eagles, Ladysmith #2101 .......................................................... 9
Kinsmen Club of Duncan ........................................................................................ 9
Ladysmith Kinsmen Club ........................................................................................ 9
Ladysmith Masonic Lodge #21 ............................................................................... 9
Ladysmith Order of the Eastern Star, Sharon Chapter ...........................................9
Lion’s Club of Duncan Housing Society .................................................................. 9
Lion’s Club of Ladysmith ........................................................................................ 9
Cowichan Seniors Resource Directory
December 2012
- Table of Contents -
Mill Bay Masonic Lodge #107 ................................................................................ 9
Rotary Club, Chemainus ......................................................................................... 9
Rotary Club, Duncan .............................................................................................. 9
Rotary, Duncan Daybreak ....................................................................................... 9
Rotary Club, Ladysmith .......................................................................................... 9
Rotary Club, South Cowichan................................................................................. 9
Royal Canadian Legion, Chemainus Branch #191 ..................................................9
Royal Canadian Legion, Cowichan Branch #53 ......................................................9
Royal Canadian Legion, Ladysmith Branch #171 ....................................................9
Royal Canadian Legion, Lake Cowichan Branch #210 ............................................9
Royal Canadian Legion, Shawnigan Lake Branch #134 .........................................10
Royal Canadian Legion, Young Seniors Ac�on Group Society ..............................10
Women of the Moose .......................................................................................... 10
Support Socie�es, Disease Related ............................................................................ 10
Alzheimer Society of BC ....................................................................................... 10
Canadian Cancer Society...................................................................................... 10
Canadian Red Cross H.E.L.P. Program .................................................................. 10
Cowichan Valley Arthri�s Society ........................................................................ 10
Cowichan Valley Prostate Group .......................................................................... 10
Diabetes Educa�on Program................................................................................ 11
Duncan Mental Health and Seniors ..................................................................... 11
Heart and Stroke Founda�on ............................................................................... 11
Kidney Founda�on ............................................................................................... 11
Stroke Recovery Associa�on, Cowichan Valley Branch ........................................11
Support Group For Low Vision Seniors ................................................................ 11
Therapy Dog Visits ..................................................................................................... 11
Therapy Dog Visita�on Program, St. John Ambulance.........................................11
Transporta�on........................................................................................................... 11
Cowichan Seniors Community Founda�on ..........................................................11
Cowichan Valley Regional Transit ......................................................................... 12
handyDart ............................................................................................................ 12
Wheels for Wellness Society ................................................................................ 12
Cowichan Seniors Resource Directory
December 2012
- Table of Contents -
Aboriginal Health
Ts’ewultun Health Centre
5768 Allenby Rd., Duncan, BC V9L 5J1
Phone: 250-746-6184
E-mail: [email protected]
Ts’ewultun Health Centre promotes a strong, healthy
community. In the spirit of coopera�on, from the
wisdom of our elders, we will put into prac�ce
tradi�onal and non-tradi�onal ways to achieve an
emo�onal, spiritual, mental, and physical well being.
Adult Day Programs
Chemainus Health Care Centre Adult Day Program
Duncan Community Policing Office
Carol-Ann Rolls, Manager Volunteer Programs and Services
3-149 Canada Ave., Duncan, BC V9L 1T4
Phone: 250-701-9145
Fax: 250-701-9147
Email: [email protected]
One of three Community Policing Offices staffed
by trained volunteers. Provides a number of crime
preven�on and safety programs, engages in community
safety events and ac�vi�es and trains volunteers to
par�cipate in those programs. Volunteer intake training
twice a year, in the fall and spring. The Duncan office
is the “base of opera�on” for Speedwatch, Ci�zens on
Patrol and Volunteer Training.
For more informa�on phone: 250-246-3291.
Chemainus Community Policing Office
Providence Farm
4-9847 Willow St. Chemainus, BC
Phone: 250-246-4382
Fax: 250-246-9174
Gloria Bond, SAGC Program Coordinator
1843 Tzouhalem Rd., Duncan, BC V9L 5L6
Phone: 250-746-9668
E-mail: [email protected]
St. Ann’s Garden Club (SAGC) offers ac�ve, wellness
day programming for seniors with mental health issues.
Ac�vi�es are co-ed and include gardening, baking,
cra�s and woodworking.
Waldon House Day Program
2041 Tzouhalem Rd., Duncan, BC V9L 5L6
Phone 250-737-2037
An adult day program offered through VIHA. Needs a
referral. Please phone for informa�on.
Community Policing
Cowichan Community Policing Advisory Society
Donna Brooks, President, 2012/13
6060 Canada Ave., Duncan, BC V9L 1V3
Phone: c/o 250-701-9146
Email: [email protected]
Registered not-for-profit charitable organiza�on that
brings police, community organiza�ons and ci�zens
together in coopera�ve effort to iden�fy and resolve
crime and reduce social disorder problems in local
neighbourhoods. Oversees the North Cowichan Duncan
and Cowichan Bay Community Policing volunteer
ac�vi�es in partnership with the local RCMP Detachment.
Hours of opera�on vary. Office staffed by trained
volunteers to take non-emergency police complaints.
Good source for crime preven�on and safety
informa�on on a variety of topics such as personal
safety, child safety, fraud preven�on, etc. RCMP
souvenirs available for purchase.
Cowichan Bay Community Policing Office
1721 E Cowichan Bay Rd., Cowichan Bay, BC
Phone: 250-701-1961
Fax: 250-701-0960
Office staffed by trained volunteers. Informa�on and
referral for community safety and tourism. Hours of
opera�on vary. Volunteers welcomed.
South Cowichan Community Policing Office
Julie Rosenthal, Program Coordinator
#120-2720 Mill Bay Road, Mill Bay BC V0R 2P1
Phone: 250-929-7222
Email: [email protected]
Computer Help
eGurus Technology Tutors
Gary Marshall
Toll Free: 1-855-832-4878
Tel: (250) 709-4291
Email: [email protected]
Computer Services.
eGurus Technology Tutors.
Serving the Duncan to Qualicum Beach area, BC.
Cowichan Seniors Resource Directory
December 2012
Crisis Line Support
Hearing Healthcare—In-Home
Vancouver Island Crisis Line
Home Hearing Healthcare
Phone: 1-888-494-3888
Emo�onal support and access to Island-wide
community resources. The crisis line operates
Leslie A. Peterson, Registered Audiologist
Act Hearing and Audiology Inc.
Phone: 250-597-4228
Equipment Loan
Canadian Red Cross
2-5855 York Rd., Duncan, BC V9L 3S3
Phone: 250-748-2111
Fax: 250-748-2163
Email: [email protected]
Open Monday to Thursday, 10am to 2pm. Medical
equipment loaned with referral from regulated health
official, eg. nurse, doctor, physiotherapist, chiropractor.
To volunteer for this community service, please call
Debbie at 250-748-2111.
Grandparents Support
Parent Support Services Society of BC
Sandi Halvorsen, Program Coordinator
Box 86, Nanoose Bay, BC
Phone: 1-877-345-9777
Email: [email protected]
Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Support Circles.
Meet with other grandparents who are raising their
children’s children for support, informa�on, and
resources. Please visit our website for other important
Hair Care Services
We provide in-home hearing assessments, hearing
aid and assis�ve device recommenda�ons, fi�ng and
service house calls to the Cowichan Valley.
• Locally owned and operated
• 20 years experience
• We serve with care, compassion and integrity.
Home Adapta�ons and Repairs
Ease-Ability Renova�ons and Construc�on Ltd.
Dan Nugent
Phone: 250-743-1955 or 1-866-708-3273 (EASE)
Cell: 250-588-6843
Email: [email protected]
Specializes in, but not limited to, renova�ons for
disabled and aging in place for seniors. We make living
easier to match one’s abili�es.
Handy Mum Home Improvements, Repairs &
Dominique Daviau
Phone: 250-510-3552
Email: [email protected]
Offering customized service that works for you. From
small maintenance and repair to renova�ons. Pain�ng,
carpentry, plumbing, electrical, garden maintenance &
pruning. References upon request.
Barb Stewart’s Mobile Hair Salon
Home, Garden and Yard Care
Phone: 250-483-5043 or 250-715-6568
Lush Eco Lawns
Call for an appointment:
• Haircuts
• Styling
• Colouring
• Perming
John Close
3054 Biscay Rd, Duncan, BC V9L 4V8
Phone: 250-597-0408
Email: [email protected]
We focus on amending exis�ng soil so grass will thrive.
All of our treatments are same day safe for your pets
and grandkids. Finally a lawn you can be truly proud of!
Cowichan Seniors Resource Directory
December 2012
The Barwicks
Keith and Katherine Barwick
Phone: 250-743-3363
Email: [email protected]
Re�red golf course manager & wife team, experienced,
ready & able to do:
• Lawn mowing & grass care including fer�lizing
• Hedge trimming
• Yard cleanups & hauling
• Local references provided
• Free es�mates
Home Physiotherapy
Home Physiotherapy
Heidi Bovey, Physiotherapist
Phone: 250-701-8876
Providing private physiotherapy in the comfort and
privacy of your own home. Serving the Cowichan Valley.
• balance training
• fall preven�on
• joint replacement rehab
• stroke rehab
• Parkinson’s and MS rehab
• post hospital recovery
Home Support — Private
About Time Homecare & Nursing Services Ltd.
Patrick Summers, Manager
104-394 Duncan Street, Duncan, BC V9L 3W4
Phone: 250-748-0513
Email: office@abou�
Web: www.abou�
• Personal Care
• Assisted Living
• Meal Prepara�on
• Overnight Assistance
• Pallia�ve
• Companionship
• Errands, shopping, appointments & ou�ngs
• Light Housekeeping
• Dog Walking
• Etc.
Harmony Health Care Ltd.
John McAlorum, RN, Director of Opera�ons
Schoolhouse Square
Unit 2A-2753 Charlo�e Rd., Duncan, BC V9L 5J2
Phone: 250-701-9990
Email: [email protected]
Providing personalize home health care and support
services in your home, hospital or residen�al care
se�ng. Full range of home support and specialized
services provided by thoroughly screened, bonded and
insured personnel. 24 hour RN supervision. In your
community since 1990. Friends of Seniors member.
Nurse Next Door Home Care Services
Chris Wilkinson, Director
Phone: 250-748-4357
Email: [email protected]
• Home Support
• Companions
• Personal care
• Yard maintenance
• Bonded and insured
• Department of Veteran’s Affairs clients welcome!
Serving the Cowichan Valley. Approved veterans
provider. Our services include:
• Seniors Happiness
• Housekeeping
• Meal prepara�on
• Personal care
• Demen�a care
• Pallia�ve care
• RN services
• Friends of Seniors member
Angel Helping Hands Homecare & Companionship
Pacific Live-in Caregivers
Val Taylor, Owner/Operator
#6-1040 Trunk Rd.
Duncan, B.C. V9L 2S5
Email: [email protected]
Robin Smith, Owner
Box 1771 Ladysmith, BC V9G 1B3
Phone: 250-616-2346
Caring, compassionate, bondable people ready to help.
We offer a variety of services that enable people to live
comfortably in everyday situa�ons with dignity and
I help families find live-in caregivers for seniors or
people with disabili�es so they can con�nue to live in
their own homes.
Cowichan Seniors Resource Directory
December 2012
Unique Home Health Care
House Cleaning
Marsha Todd, Co-ordinator
Duncan, BC V9L 3X8
Email: [email protected]
Island Domes�c Services
Approved, accredited independent home nursing and
support provider. Approved Veterans Affairs Provider.
BBB Accredited Member: A+ Ra�ng.
• flexible rates
• no-uniform/adver�sing free vehicles
• a consistent care provider
• 24 hour/overnight/live-in care
• comprehensive nursing & support services
• insulin administra�on
• in-facility companionship
We Care Home Health Services
205-149 Ingram St. Duncan, BC
Phone: 250-746-9224
• 24 hour care
• Personal care
• Homemaking and cleaning
• Family respite
• Live-in care
• Companion care
• Special needs care
• Alzheimer and Parkinson care
• Professional nursing
• Friends of Seniors member
Home Support — Vancouver Island
Health Authority (VIHA)
Duncan Home and Community Care
121 Ingram St., Duncan, BC V9L 1N8
Phone: 250-737-2004
VIHA Home and Community Care provides health care
and personal support services to all eligible residents
in BC who live in the Vancouver Island Health Authority
region. Some of these programs and services include:
• Professional services
• Home support
• Adult day care programs
• Brain injury programs
• Respite care
• Assisted living housing
• Residen�al care
Cowichan Seniors Resource Directory
December 2012
Sharon Moore, Owner
PO Box 232, Honeymoon Bay, BC V0R 1Y0
Toll Free 1-866-749-0213
Phone: 250-710-0864
Email: info@islanddomes�
Website: www.islanddomes�
Complete house cleaning, home cooked meals,
laundry, office cleaning. We work one on one with
clients so the same housecleaner comes each �me.
We are a registered provider with Veteran’s Affairs
Canada for housekeeping services to Veterans. Bonded
and insured.
Housing — Non-Profit, Low Cost
Abbeyfield Houses Society of Duncan
Marilyn Day, President
5905 Indian Rd., Duncan, BC V9L 5L9
Phone: 250-748-1352
Abbeyfield is an affordable family-style home providing
full room and board for seniors who no longer want
to live alone, but wish to remain as independent as
possible. Men and women of all denomina�ons are
welcomed at Abbeyfield. Residents have a sense of
security at all �mes and they maintain their own
Duncan Kiwanis Village Society
Contact Ron Coulter
355 Day Rd., Duncan, BC V9L 3K4
Phone: 250-748-4135
A non-profit society which owns and operates 7
apartment units for seniors on limited income. In
addi�on, the society owns three family-oriented
Housing — Private
Acacia Ty Mawr
Jerri Maw, Director of Care
2655 Shawnigan Lake Rd., Shawnigan Lake, BC V0R 2W0
Phone: 250-743-2124 ext 106
Specializing in demen�a care.
Laura and Bill Lo�us
2267 Lochsyde Drive, Duncan, BC V9L 5E7
Phone: 250-748-3803
Email: [email protected]
Deertrail Co�age Inc.
Sherwood House
Laurie Gillis, Owner/Manager
1711 Escarpment Way Duncan, BC V9L 5W7
Phone: 250-746-9641
Audrey Norman, Manager
280 Government St. Duncan, BC V9L 0B5
Phone: 250-710-8882
Email: [email protected]
Licensed, private, 24 hour, long-term care, full care. All
meals, laundry and housekeeping included. No stairs.
Each room with own bathroom.
Dovehill House
Marguerite Moskalyk
3326 Creegan Dr., Chemainus, BC V0R 1K2
Phone: 250-416-0332
Our view is breathtaking, but our focus is on you.
Private room with 2 pcs bathroom, all meals and 24
hour staffing. Just lovely.
Heritage Manor Care Home
Tanya Mosure, Owner
1051 College St., Duncan, BC V9L 2E9
Phone: 250-748-3488
Email: [email protected]
Providing 24 hour qualified care in a home
environment. All home cooked meals and
transporta�on provided. Inclusive rate. Respite care
Lynn’s Senior Care
Lynn Sco�, RCA
5085 Jones Rd., Ladysmith, BC V9G 1M6
Phone: 250-245-3391
Providing 24 hour family care for seniors. An alterna�ve
to residen�al care.
Nana’s Guest House
Sandy Baker, Owner
57 Park Rd., Lake Cowichan BC V0R 2G0
Phone: 250-749-3326
Email: [email protected]
Licenced, 24 hour care. Respite care available. Phone
for details.
Pioneer House Bed & Breakfast
Alberta Schneider, Owner
6470 Burne� Place, Duncan BC V9L 5R7
Phone: 250-746-8280
Email: [email protected]
Phone for details.
Independent living in a pet friendly re�rement
apartment complex. Suppor�ve services. Full meal plan.
Wedgwood House
Linda Fonck, Manager
256 Government St., Duncan, BC V9L 1A4
Phone: 250-746-9808
We are an independent living complex for seniors,
offering dinner every evening, housekeeping every
week, and Lifeline Emergency Response monitoring in
house. Pet friendly.
Villa del Sol
Carol Reid, RN
Senior Re�rement Residence
647 Frayne Road, Mill Bay, BC V0R 2P4
Phone: 250-743-7061
Providing 24 hour RN service. Available 24/7 for respite
care, day care, or long term care. Re�rement residence,
short or long term stay. Pallia�ve and demen�a care
Housing — Vancouver Island Health
For details about Assisted Living and Residen�al Care
please phone VIHA’s Home and Community Care at
Assisted Living
Residences are affordable rental accommoda�ons
for seniors and those with physical limita�ons. They
provide hospitality and personal care assistance for
individuals who can live independently but require help
with daily ac�vi�es.
Residen�al Care
Facili�es provide 24 hour professional care and
supervision for people who have complex health
needs. This accommoda�on is intended for adults
who are no longer capable of direc�ng their own daily
Cowichan Seniors Resource Directory
December 2012
Meals and Nutri�on
Moving and Downsizing
Gloria’s Food Service
Every Detail
Gloria Ramsey
Phone: 250-748-9216
Jane Sheppard
2093 Calais Rd., Duncan, BC VL 5V8
Phone: 250-748-3626
Email: [email protected]
Home cooked meals delivered to your door. Catering
available for par�es and weddings as well.
c/o Cowichan Home Support
20-127 Ingram St., Duncan, BC V9L 1N8
Phone: 250-737-2004
• Assist with transfer of services, address change, etc.
• Downsizing and distribu�on of items not needed
• Pack, move and unpack
• Hang the pictures and make the bed
• Welcome to your new home!
Phone for addi�onal informa�on or par�cipa�on in the
Forget-Me-Not Assistants
Meals on Wheels
Working Together Senior Assistance
Karen: 250-732-1043
Sharon: 250-710-1533
Email: [email protected]
Meal service, home visits, shopping, gardening,
companioning, errands, and more.
Men’s Support
West Coast Men’s Support Society
Grant Waldman
213-80 Sta�on St., Duncan, BC V9L 1M4
Phone: 250-597-2801
Email: [email protected]
Helping Men, Families & Community to create full,
healthier lives! We achieve this by offering men the
tools & strategies by which to live their lives with
integrity, trust, responsibility and accountability.
The WCMSS inspires men to live their richest, most
meaningful and healthy lives with their families and
Tammi King, Transi�on Facilitator
Phone: 250-710-7173
Email: [email protected]
Helping to make moving easier. We will provide you
with the services required to accomplish a smooth
and worry-free transi�on from your current home to
your new on, from finding the right real estate agent to
pu�ng away your dishes. Tell us what you need and
we will make it happen.
Music Therapy Programs
Crea�ve Music Programs For Today’s Senior
Andrew McCormack
Email: [email protected]
• In Home Music Visits
• Group Music Programs
• Music Lessons
Non Profit Socie�es — Senior Services
Cowichan Family Caregivers Support Society
Mental Health Support
Duncan Mental Health and Seniors
Cindy Patrick
3088 Gibbins Rd. Duncan, BC V9L 1E8
Phone: 250-709-3040
Email: [email protected]
Senior’s Outreach Team and Duncan Mental Health
and Addic�ons work with people 65 years and older
who have concerns about their mental, emo�onal and
physical well being.
Seniors who are experiencing concerns in these areas
may also need assistance with managing their alcohol
and medica�on use.
Cowichan Seniors Resource Directory
December 2012
Ranjana Basu, Coordinator
PO Box 13, Shawnigan Lake, BC V0R 2W0
Phone: 250-743-7621
Email: [email protected]
Support family caregivers by:
• Support circles
• Support groups
• One-on-one emo�onal support
• Advocacy, informa�on and referral
• Community development
Cowichan Intercultural Society
Cro�on Seniors Society
Deborah Conner, Execu�ve Director
205-394 Duncan St., Duncan, BC V9L 3W4
Phone: 250-748-3112
Chris�ne Hale, President
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 8, Cro�on, BC V0R 1R0
Street Address: 1507 Joan Street, Cro�on, BC
Phone: 250-246-2455
Cowichan Valley Hospice Society
Elder College
Shelley Kuecks, Client Intake Coordinator
3122 Gibbins Rd., Duncan, BC V9L 1G2
Phone: 250-701-4242
Email: [email protected]
Jennifer Carmichael, Recrea�on Programmer
2687 James Street, Duncan, BC V9L 2X5
Phone: 250-746-0414 or 250-748-7529 to register
Email: [email protected]
Web: (recrea�on programs)
Offering emo�onal support and resources for those
who have a terminal illness and their families, and
those grieving the loss of a loved one.
Elder College is a par�cipatory day program for men
and women 50 and be�er, offering interes�ng ac�vi�es
at a minimal annual cost of $5.00.
St. John Ambulance
Ladysmith Seniors Centre Society
Lori McNeil, Branch Manager
205-169 Craig St., Duncan, BC V9L 1V8
Phone: 250-746-4058
Email: [email protected]
St. John Ambulance provides first aid and CPR training
for the public and sells first aid kits. Our Brigade
volunteers provide many hours of pa�ent care in the
community. We also support a Youth Brigade and
Therapy Dog program.
Volunteer Cowichan
Georg Stratemeyer, Execu�ve Director
1 Kenneth Place, Duncan, BC V9L 5G3
Phone: 250-748-2133
Email: [email protected]
Friendly Visitors help seniors in our community who
feel isolated and lonely because they may have a
mobility issue, or their family and friends live far away.
Friendly Visitors improve the quality of life for clients
through socializa�on and by ac�ng as advocates for
their clients. Friendly Visitors have enabled clients
since 1995 to live longer, independent lives. This
service is at no cost to clients.
Seniors Groups
Chemainus Seniors Drop In Centre Society
Murray Shafer, President
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 272, Chemainus, BC V0R 1K0
Street Address: 9824 Willow Street, Chemainus
Phone: 250-246-2111
Cora Maier, President
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 141, Ladysmith, BC V9G 1B1
Street Address: 220 High Street, Ladysmith
Phone: 250-245-8885
Email: [email protected]
Lake Cowichan Seniors Centre
Jackie Jack, President
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1291, Lake Cowichan, BC V0R 2G0
Street Address: 55 Corona�on Street, Lake Cowichan
Phone: 250-749-6121
Email: [email protected]
South End Seniors
Contact: Herb, 250-743-1171
Kerry Park Recrea�on Centre
1035 Shawnigan-Mill Bay Road, Mill Bay, BC V0R 2P2
Social Club Luncheons - an enjoyable social a�ernoon
out. Meet up with your friends or come make some
new ones. Stop by and pick up a copy of the calendar,
or call Herb for more informa�on at 250-743-1171.
Social group meets at Kerry Park, Thursdays 12:00 to
2:00 p.m. Catered luncheon on the third Thursday of
the month.
Valley Seniors Organiza�on of Duncan
Don King, President
198 Government Street, Duncan, BC V9L 1A2
Phone: 250-746-4433
Email: [email protected]
Cowichan Seniors Resource Directory
December 2012
Service BC and Service Canada
Service BC Programs
Marty Nelson
5785 Duncan St., Duncan, BC V9L 5G2
Phone: 250-746-1226
Email: [email protected]
• Addi�onal Home Owner Grant
• Property Tax Deferment (age 55)
• Drivers License Price Reduc�on
• Free BCID Replacement for Drivers License
• Angling/Hun�ng License Price Reduc�on
• Free Miner Cer�ficate
• Medical Services Plan Premium Assistance
• Reduced Campsite Fees
Persons with Disabili�es:
• Addi�onal Home Owner Grant
• Property Tax Deferment
• Free BCID Replacement for Drivers License
• Premium Assistance BC Medical (based on income)
• Fuel Tax Refund (Consumer Taxa�on applica�on)
• ICBC Insurance Rebate (Consumer Taxa�on
• Angling License Price Reduc�on
• BC Ferries Price Reduc�on
• Annual Parking Passes and Reduced Campsite Fees at
BC Provincial Parks
• Child Care Subsidy
Service Canada Centre
Linda Granger
211 Jubilee St., Duncan, BC V9L 1W8
Phone: 1-800-622-6232
• Social Insurance Number
• Pleasure Cra� Licensing
• Common Experience Payment
• Pensions (Old Age Security and CPP)
• Wage Earner Protec�on Program
• Work Sharing and Working Income Tax Benefit
Service Clubs
Arbutus Travel Club
c/o Corry Salmen
Phone: 205-701-0965
Email: [email protected]
Chemainus Masonic Lodge #114
Pat Fyffe, Secretary
Address: c/o Pat Fyffe
3052 Hawthorne St., Chemainus, BC V0R 1K1
Phone: 250-246-3579
Email: spfyff[email protected]
Cowichan Toastmaster’s Club #950
Bill Smith, Club President
Phone: 250-701-1705
Email: [email protected]
Mee�ngs held every Wednesday, 7:00 pm at the
Duncan Travelodge, 140 Trans Canada Highway.
Duncan Kiwanis Club
Ron Colter
365 Day Rd., Duncan, BC V9L 3K4
Phone: 250-748-4135
Email: [email protected]
Duncan Lion’s Club
P.O. Box 52, Duncan, BC V9L 3X1
Contact by postal mail and they will review each week.
Duncan Masonic Temple Lodge #33
Bob Crawford, Secretary
163 Canada Ave, Duncan, BC V9L
Phone: 250-748-1028
Duncan Masonic Temple is just in charge of maintaining
the building.
Duncan Order of the Eastern Star, Sunset Chapter
Contact Ann Vossberg
Phone: 250-748-9480
Elks Club of Duncan
Terry W Sayce, Exalted Ruler
P.O. Box 277, Duncan, BC V9L 3X3
Phone: 250-746-6812
Email: [email protected]
Fraternal Order of Eagles, Chemainus-Cro�on
Merv Brown / Bill Yearly, Sec.
P.O. Box 45, Chemainus, BC V0R 1K0
Phone: 250-246-3401
Fraternal Order of Eagles, Duncan #2546
Tracey Norman, Secretary
2965 Jacob Road, Duncan, BC V9L 6W4
Phone: 250-746-7100
Cowichan Seniors Resource Directory
December 2012
Fraternal Order of Eagles, Ladysmith #2101
Rotary Club, Duncan
P.O. Box 640, Ladysmith, BC V9G 1A5
Phone: 250-245-2457
Email: bfl[email protected]
Kinsmen Club of Duncan
Roger Hart, Secretary
P.O. Box 473, Duncan, BC V9L 3X8
Phone: 250-715-3039
Email: [email protected]
Barry Toporowski, President
Email: [email protected]
Rotary, Duncan Daybreak
Ladysmith Kinsmen Club
Doug Pa�erson, Life Member
P.O. Box 324, Ladysmith, BC V9G 1A3
Phone: 250-245-2263
Email: [email protected]
Ladysmith Masonic Lodge #21
Joel Chiri, Secretary
26 Gatacre St.
P.O. Box 989, Ladysmith, BC V9G 1A2
Phone: 250-245-4797
Ladysmith Order of the Eastern Star, Sharon
Contact Isobelle Crowcro�
Phone: 250-748-7554
Lion’s Club of Duncan Housing Society
P.O. Box 52, Duncan, BC V9L 3X1
Phone: 250-748-1044
Low income housing, but not for Seniors.
Lion’s Club of Ladysmith
Jim Masyk, Secretary
P.O. Box 2293, Ladysmith, BC V9G 1B8
Phone: 250-245-4049
Email: [email protected]
Mill Bay Masonic Lodge #107
2748 Lashburn Rd.
Mill Bay, BC
Rotary Club, Chemainus
Richard Nelson, President
P.O. Box 297, Chemainus, BC V0R 1K0
Phone: 250-245-4549
Email: [email protected]
Holger Heitland, President
Rotary Club, Ladysmith
Michael Furlot, Secretary
P.O. Box 875, Ladysmith, BC V9G 1A6
Phone: 250-245-5771 or 250-245-2052
E-mail: [email protected]
Rotary Club, South Cowichan
Peter Dicken, President
P.O. Box 241, Cobble Hill, BC V0R 1L0
Royal Canadian Legion, Chemainus Branch #191
Marianne Mann, Office Manager
P.O. Box 423, Chemainus, BC V0R 1K0
Phone: 250-246-4532
Email: [email protected]
Royal Canadian Legion, Cowichan Branch #53
Bruce MacDonald, President
Kenneth St., Duncan, BC V9L 1N3
Phone: 250-746-5013
Email: [email protected]
Royal Canadian Legion, Ladysmith Branch #171
Georgina Lore�e, Secretary
Allyson Wagner, Secretary
P.O. Box 219, Ladysmith, BC V9G 1A2
Phone: 250-245-3031 or 250-245-2273
Email: [email protected]
Royal Canadian Legion, Lake Cowichan Branch
Sam Jones, Bar Manager
P.O. Box 603, Lake Cowichan, BC V0R 2G0
Phone: 250-749-6041
Email: [email protected]
Cowichan Seniors Resource Directory
December 2012
Royal Canadian Legion, Shawnigan Lake Branch
P.O. Box 9, Shawnigan Lake, BC V0R 2W0
Phone: 250-743-4621
Royal Canadian Legion, Young Seniors Ac�on
Group Society
1625 Shawnigan-Mill Bay Road, Shawnigan Lake, BC
Phone: 250-743-5178 or 250-743-8344
Women of the Moose
Contact Pat King
PO Box 371, Duncan, BC V9L 3X5
Phone: 250-746-7382
Support Socie�es, Disease Related
Alzheimer Society of BC
Jane Hope
Toll Free: 1-800-462-2833
Email: [email protected]
First Link: Tina Biello
Email: [email protected]
The Alzheimer Society of BC exists to alleviate personal
and social consequences of Alzheimer disease and
related demen�as, to promote public awareness, and
to search for the causes and cures.
Programs and Services:
• Informa�on and Resource Centre on Alzheimer
• Referrals to local support groups & services
• Demen�a helpline: 1-800-936-6033
• First Link: early interven�on, informa�on and referral
Canadian Cancer Society
Maureen Hyde
100-394 Duncan St., Duncan, BC
Phone: 250-746-4134
Office Hours M-F, 9:00 to 3:00
Email: [email protected]
The Canadian Cancer Society is a na�onal, communitybased organiza�on of dedicated volunteers,
whose mission is the eradica�on of cancer and the
enhancement of the quality of life for people living
with cancer. The following services are available locally:
Cowichan Seniors Resource Directory
December 2012
- 10 -
• Support groups for people living with cancer
• Free rides for people requiring cancer treatment (to
Duncan, Victoria and other loca�ons)
• Wigs for loan
• Pamphlets about various types of cancer and cancer
• Informa�on about other Canadian Cancer Society
services such as Camp Good�mes (for children with
cancer), the Cancer Informa�on Service, Cancer
Connec�on (peer telephone support where people
are matched with someone who has had a similar
cancer experience), the Cancer Lodge in Victoria
(where people can stay during cancer treatment),
and Financial Aid (for people who have difficulty
covering the costs or treatment, travel etc.).
Canadian Red Cross H.E.L.P. Program
2-5855 York Rd., Duncan, BC V9L 3S3
Phone: 250-748-2111
Fax: 250-748-2163
Email: [email protected]
Open Monday to Thursday, 10am to 2pm. Medical
equipment loaned with referral from regulated health
official, eg. nurse, doctor, physiotherapist, chiropractor.
To volunteer for this community service, please call
Debbie at 250-748-2111.
Cowichan Valley Arthri�s Society
Jan Norwood
Box 942, Duncan, BC V9L 3Y8
Phone: 250-748-2481
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.arthri�
This arthri�s support group meets the first Monday
of each month (the second Monday if the first is a
holiday), September through June. Mee�ngs are at
1:00 pm in the St. John’s Anglican Church Hall at the
corner of First and Jubilee Streets in Duncan. Join us to
listen to a guest speaker followed by a social with tea
and homemade treats. All are welcome.
Cowichan Valley Prostate Group
Gord Thomas, Coordinator
Email: [email protected]
The Cowichan Valley Prostate group meets at 7:00 p.m.
on the last Thursday of each month except December
at the Board Room of the Canadian Cancer Society, 394
Duncan Street in Duncan. All men and their guests are
welcome to a�end.
Diabetes Educa�on Program
Kathy Park
Daphne Lucci, Die�cian
121 Ingram St., Duncan, BC VL 1N8
Phone: 250-737-2004
Email: [email protected]
Individual and group appointments to provide
educa�on and support for people with Type 1 and 2
and gesta�onal diabetes.
Duncan Mental Health and Seniors
Cindy Patrick
3088 Gibbins Rd., Duncan, BC V9L 1E8
Phone: 250-709-3040
Email: [email protected]
The Seniors Outreach Team and Duncan Mental Health
and Addic�ons work with people 65 years and older
who have concerns about their mental, emo�onal and
physical well being.
Seniors who are experiencing concerns in these areas
may also need assistance with managing their alcohol
and medica�on use.
Heart and Stroke Founda�on
Janice Krall, Area Manager, Vancouver Island
401-495 Dunsmuir St., Nanaimo, BC V9R 6B9
Phone: 1-888-754-5274
Email: [email protected]
Volunteer-Run Office in Duncan
2610 Beverly St.
Phone for hours: 1-888-754-5274
The Heart and Stroke Founda�on of BC & Yukon is a
volunteer based health charity that leads in elimina�ng
heart disease and stroke and reducing their impact
• Advancement of research and its applica�on
• Promo�on of healthy living
• Advocacy
Kidney Founda�on
Heather Johnson, Director of Programs
200-4940 Canada Way, Burnaby, BC V5G 4K6
Phone: 1-800-567-8112
Email: [email protected]
The Kidney Founda�on provides programs and services
to kidney pa�ents and their families. This includes
peer support, financial assistance, camp for children,
distribu�on of brochures and manuals, and informa�on
and referral.
Stroke Recovery Associa�on, Cowichan Valley
Cowichan Valley Public Library
2687 James St.
Duncan, BC V9L 2X5
Phone: 250-246-4952
Web: www.
Support Group For Low Vision Seniors
Karen McClinchey, Optometrist & Volunteer with CNIB
Phone: 250-746-6041
Mee�ng: 1st Tuesday of every month (except July &
August) from 1 pm - 3 pm.
Townhouse Apartments, Room 102, 487 Jubilee Street,
Therapy Dog Visits
Therapy Dog Visita�on Program, St. John
St. John Ambulance
205-169 Craig St. Duncan, BC V9L 1V8
Phone: 250-746-4058
Email: [email protected]
St. John Ambulance Therapy Dog Program provides
visits to Care Facili�es. Dogs are non-judgemental, calm
the distressed, lower blood pressure and put smiles on
faces. For further informa�on please contact us.
Cowichan Seniors Community Founda�on
135 Third St., Duncan, BC V9L 1R9
Phone: 250-715-6481
Email: cscfounda�[email protected]
The Cowichan Seniors Community Founda�on
coordinates the Supported Transporta�on for Seniors
door to door driving program. This is a volunteerrun service that provides drivers for seniors to get to
medical and health related appointments, support
group mee�ngs, or hospital visits to family and
friends. Rides only within the Cowichan Valley. Seniors
must register for this service by calling the Program
Coordinator at 250-715-8849. Rides are provided free
of charge; however, dona�ons are greatly appreciated.
Cowichan Seniors Resource Directory
December 2012
- 11 -
Cowichan Valley Regional Transit
Wheels for Wellness Society
#3-5280 Polkey Rd., Duncan, BC
Phone: 250-746-9899
1894 Bolt Ave., Comox, BC V9M 2J4
Phone: 250-338-0196
Email: [email protected]
The BC Provincial Government offers seniors and
persons with a disability, on restricted incomes, an
annual bus pass that allows unlimited travel on the
conven�onal Cowichan Valley Regional Transit System.
To find out if you’re eligible for the BC Bus Pass, call the
Ministry of Employment and Income Assistance tollfree at 1-866-866-0800.
Provides free transporta�on for those who require
medical specialist appointments in Victoria. Pick up in
Duncan at your home. Dona�ons welcome. Need to
book two weeks in advance. Leaves Victoria by 3 pm.
1 Kenneth Place, Duncan, BC
Phone: 250-748-1230
handyDart is an alterna�ve transporta�on service for
persons who have a disability that is sufficiently severe
that the person is unable to use conven�onal transit
service without assistance. The bus driver will help you
on and off the bus and other passengers will be picked
up and dropped off en route to your des�na�on.
Note: You must register with handyDart before you can
use the service. There is no fee to register.
Friends of Seniors Supporters
Warm Land Dental
Nurse Next Door
Act Hearing and Audiology
Island Mediquip
Doreen White, Marlin Travel
A Healing Path Massage
Harmony Health Care
Mann’s Pharmacy
Chuck Thompson, Sun Life Financial
Julia Henderson, McDaniel & Tillie
Unique Home Health Care
Carol Shewchuk, Mortgage Group
Dan Nugent, EaseAbility Renova�ons
Cowichan Seniors Resource Directory
December 2012
- 12 -
Russell Barber
Gloria Craig
Alicia Johnson
Lois Phillips
Evelyn Gorjup
Gail Stroud
Randy Bertsch
Jeff Wood
Sheila Service
Sharon Winship
Ron St. Pierre
Byron Johnston
Cindy Schiller
Shirley Millar
Mildred Untereiner
Honourary Members
Joan Hayden-Luck
Maria Fernau
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We are very grateful to these
“We understand the challenges”
Lesley Peterson - Audiology and hearing specialist
Julia Henderson - legal ma�ers for seniors
Chuck Thompson - financial advisor
Dan Nugent - Renova�ons and home adap�ons
Kim Rodger - medical equipment and appliances
Jason Cze�sch - Pharmacist and medica�on specialist
Chris Wilkinson - Home care and personal support
These business consultants have generously offered to be advisors for seniors and their families/
caregivers and work closely with the community work done by Cowichan Seniors Community
Intelligent Aging Conference, coming October 2013. Watch for details on our website for �me,
place and speakers presen�ng
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Cowichan Seniors Resource Directory
December 2012
- 17 -
Supporting Community Initiatives
for over 80 years
• St. Ann’s Garden - Providence Farm
• Cowichan Therapeutic Riding
• Rotary Park - City of Duncan
• Cowichan Sportsplex
• Student Scholarships and International Student Exchange
• Cowichan Food Connection - The Bread Van
• Cowichan Exhibition - Mellor Hall
• Nepal Hydro Generation and Dental Camps
• Shelter Box Canada
• Rotary PolioPlus - Polio Eradication
• Hundreds of Community and World Projects
Service Above Self
Cowichan Seniors Resource Directory
December 2012
- 18 -
The Rotary Club of Duncan
Monday Lunch Meetings
11:45am - 1pm
Travel Lodge Cowichan