2015 Annual Report in color (vertical)


2015 Annual Report in color (vertical)
South Coast
Interfaith Council (SCIC)
2014-2015 Annual Report
Creating Communities of Compassion among People of Different Faiths & Cultures
through Service, Education & Celebration since 1953!
Vision & Values
The South Coast Interfaith Council is committed to:
▪Promoting mutual under-
standing, appreciation
and respect among the
region’s diverse religions
and cultures;
▪Providing opportunities
for conversation, partnership, education, hospitality and celebration among
its members;
▪Respecting each other’s
religious observances
and, where appropriate,
sharing together in common prayer;
▪Pursuing common goals
that build unity among
people of faith in communities we serve;
▪Providing moral leadership on mutually agreedupon issues;
▪Providing and advocating for poor, hungry,
homeless and other marginalized people;
▪Fostering peace, compassion, kindness, openness and trust; and
▪Encouraging the communities we serve to embrace these values.
Father Will Connor, SCIC President
Father Will Joseph Connor
was born February 16,
1940 in New Haven, CT.
His Great Great Grand
Parents, the Carrolls, came
from Ireland in the 1820’s
to Connecticut. On his
maternal side, his earliest
ancestor, Joseph Adams,
came to Massachusetts Bay
Colony in 1638. Fr. Will
was ordained a Catholic
priest in April 30, 1966 in
St. Vibiana Cathedral., Los
Angeles, by Cardinal James
Francis McIrytre,
Archbishop of Los
Angeles. He is the Pastor
Emeritus of St. Joseph
Parish in Long Beach.
Fr. Will has been on the
board of SCIC since March
of 2001 and took a two
year hiatus in 2010 when
he retired as pastor. He
came back on the board
when he discovered a
Catholic was needed.
Ecumenical and interfaith
work has always been
important to him. He
comes from a family of
Catholics and Anglicans
and grew up in a Catholic
- Jewish neighborhood.
Fr. Will has also been
working with Clergy and
Laity United for
Economic Justice
(CLUE) in the South Bay
area since 2001. The
interest in social justice
began when he wrote a
paper on Pope Leo XIII’s
1891 encyclical “Rerum
Novarum” in the eighth
grade. This letter
concerns the rights of
working people to a
living wage, decent
working conditions and
collective bargaining.
Fr. Will Connor
Fr. Will founded and
continues to help lead a
contemplative prayer
group at St. Joseph
Parish. He helps on
weekends at St.
Pancratius Parish,
Lakewood, with Sunday
Eucharist (Mass) and
when needed at Our Lady
of the Rosary Church,
Mission of the SCIC
It is the Mission of the
South Coast Interfaith
Council to promote mutual
understanding, respect,
appreciation and
cooperation among people
of faith in the Greater
South Bay-Harbor-Long
Beach-West Orange
County area by extending
hospitality, fostering
community, offering
educational opportunities,
providing moral
leadership, sharing in
service, serving the youth
and working for justice.
If you would like to receive
the South Coast Interfaith
Council’s newsletter,
please call the SCIC office
at 562-983-1665.
Page 2
Executive Director’s Annual Report
As an interfaith council, we—the South
Coast Interfaith Council (SCIC)—pride
ourselves in creating communities of
compassion among people of diverse faiths
and cultures, through service, education
and celebration. As SCIC’s Executive
Director, I personally firmly believe it is
imperative that we stand side by side,
shoulder to shoulder and hand in hand with one another and
give life to a more powerful and ever positive counter
narrative. This is especially important at times like the
present, when too often we witness hatred and violence
based on ignorance and narrow mindedness. Standing
together, as people of various cultures and faiths, we must
unite, not only to preserve our fundamental values and moral
precepts, but also to renew our firm conviction to make this
world one which is defined by peace, respect, compassion
and love of one another. For indeed, when we come together
as one and understand each other, we contribute to the
creation of a world that is defined by hope, a world that is
defined by unity, a world that that is defined by serving one
another for the betterment of the whole society. These are
the core principles upon which the SCIC developed its
programs in 2014.
The year 2014 was a great one, filled with some
challenges—yes—but, more importantly, many
accomplishments, which could not have been achieved
without all of you. The very nature of this council is that it is
a grass-roots organization, defined and guided by the
character of the people that it serves. It is a character that is
navigated by a moral compass, which is illuminated in
everything that we do.
With your generosity in 2014, we served the greater
community by building homes with Habitat for Humanity,
during the Interfaith Build Days; feeding the homeless with
the interfaith community; cleaning the beach with youth
from different faiths; raising funds to help end poverty, both
internationally and locally, with the SCIC sponsored CROP
Hunger Walks; enabling local small farmers the opportunity
to provide fresh produce to low income families, through
SCIC’s Harbor Area Farmers Markets program; as well as
providing free counseling and psychological care to those in
need, per the SCIC’s Good Samaritan Counseling Center.
In addition, we have been able to continue our important
programs such as the Summer Interfaith Cafes, Justice &
Peace Committee, Environmental Priorities Network (EPN),
Interfaith Day Services, Muslim-Catholic Dialogue with
Archdiocese of LA, 2nd Religion 101 Series, 3rd Interfaith
Youth Initiative in conjunction with New Vision Partners, 8th
Interfaith Unity Bike-a-thon, 11th Unity Dinner, 22nd MLK
Interfaith Celebration, 39th Festival of Music Benefit
Concert, and 43rd Interfaith Thanksgiving Service. These,
and more, are all listed for your reference in the “SCIC
2014 Year in Review” on page four .
Understanding the need to bring the interfaith community
together to address matters of race and religion, the SCIC
organized the Hate Crime Prevention Forum with CCEJ, a
Dialogue on Ending Racism in the 21st Century, as well as
Interfaith Candlelight Vigil in conjunction with CLUE-LA
and ICO that brought together over 200 members of the
interfaith community in prayer.
In recognition of the vital role that the SCIC plays in
community life, we were invited to attend the 2014 A nnual
Shinnyo-en Lantern Floating Ceremony in Honolulu,
Hawaii. There we lead the group of over 40,000 faith
leaders and participants from around the world, in
discussing what role the SCIC plays in creating a
harmonious society.
I truly believes that we—Muslims, Christians, Jews,
Baha’is, Sikhs, Native Americans, Hindus, Zoroastrians,
and every other adherent of the various faith traditions—
are, at the end of the day, all much more alike than we are
different, when we look into the core principles that define
our faiths and cultures. Indeed, we must not negate those
differences that do exist, but rather learn about them and
develop a sense of appreciation and respect for them and
allow that to be the catalyst to develop lasting and
meaningful relationships, built on compassion towards one
another. That is what the SCIC does and, with your support,
friendship and help will continue to do in 2015 and beyond.
No doubt, it has been a financially challenging year for us,
but our conviction to interfaith and intercultural unity
remains unwavering and devout. Due to 95% of our
programs being offered as a free service to the community,
we greatly look forward to your generosity to ensure that
we continue our invaluable programming that brings about
interfaith and intercultural unity!
I want to express my heart-felt gratitude to President
Marilyn Bittle and the SCIC Board of Directors for
their commitment to the SCIC. Further, I am indebted to
Adriane Carton, my SCIC par tner , in ensur ing the
success of this council. My sincere appreciation also goes to
Melody O’Keefe for her br illiance in accounting and the
rest of the SCIC staff for their dedication to the
organization. And I cannot be thankful enough to my
family, and especially to my husband, Arfan, who is my
rock and a continuous source of inspiration and without
Page 3
whom I would not be able to do what I do.
Most importantly, I wish to thank Y OU for your belief in
what the SCIC stands for! This Council ceases to exist
without Y OU; your involvement and generosity are truly
appreciated! I have no doubt that this organization will
continue to thrive and it has been an honor and a gift for
me to be a part of it these last seven years. I look forward
to the rest of 2015 with great enthusiasm, as we continue
this journey together to create communities of
compassion among people of different faiths and cultures
right here in Southern California!
Harbor Area Farmers Markets
Centro Shalom
In Gratitude and Friendship,
Good Samaritan Counseling Center
Milia Islam-Majeed
Athletic Leagues
2015 Board of Directors
(* To be elected March 19, 2015)
*President: Fr. Will Connor, St. Joseph Catholic LB
*President Elect: Ed Green, Temple Israel, LB
*V-P: John Pulvino, St. Cyprian Catholic LB
*Treasurer, Patti Heckman, South Bay SGI Buddhist
*Secretary: Lietta Wagner, Los Altos UMC
Acting Treasure: Gary Commins, St. Luke’s Episcopal, LB
Pastor Rob Robbins, Greater Open Door COGIC LB
Dr. Anthony Lee, Baha'i Community, Manhattan Beach
Honorable Deborah Sanchez, Barbareno Chumash
Rev. Louisa Gravelle, Redondo Beach Center For Spiritual
Faiz Ali, Islamic Center of the South Bay, Lomita
Elena Meloni, New Star Family Center
Rev. John Morehouse, Pacific Unitarian, RPV
Imam Ameen Omar, Masjid Al Shareef, Long Beach
Judy Gilliland, So. Cal. Public Affairs Council, LDS
Laura Levin, Trinity Lutheran MB
Rev. Mark Pettis, Manhattan Beach Community Church
Rev. Kimberly Hawkins, Namaste Center for Spiritual
Living, Seal Beach
Mitra Rahnema, Unitarian Universalist Church, Long Beach
Jerlene Tatum, Long Beach Christian Fellowship, LB
Mohammad Khan, King Fahad Mosque, Culver City
Maneck Bhujwala, Zoroastrian Community
Bernie Hindman, St. Peter's By The Sea Presbyterian, RPV
*Sean Lanigan, Holy Ground Community, Long Beach
*Rev. Dr. Leon Wood, Church One, Long Beach
*Dale Whitney, First Congregational Church, Long Beach
*Shannon D. Green, M.Div., Marymount University, RPV
*Michele Dobson, First Congregational Church Long Beach
Past Pres, Marilyn Russell Bittle, Gloria Dei Lutheran, LB
William Shibley, Esq., Legal Advisor
Milia Islam-Majeed, Executive Director
SCIC Center
Also raised for
Global & Local Hunger: $43,608
Complete 2014 financial reports are
available upon request.
Population Base
1.7 million
[Long Beach-South Bay Harbor-West Orange]
Constituent Faith Communities, Programs
and Organizations
Clients Served, Centro Shalom
Clients Served, Good Samaritan CC
Shoppers, Weekly, Farmers Markets
CROP/Hunger Walk
Church Athletic Leagues
Centro Shalom
Boards & Committees
Creating Communities of Compassion
among People of Different Faiths and Cultures through Service, Education and Celebration since 1953.
In 2014 the SCIC organized over 50 individual programs and events for the interfaith and intercultural
community at large!
Harbor Area Farmers Markets, Centro Shalom, Good Samaritan Counseling Center, Religious Leaders Association
(RLA) Monthly Meetings, Interfaith Build Days with Habitat for Humanity, Feeding the Homeless with Interfaith
Community, Interfaith Beach Clean-Up Days, Humanitarian Day with Day of Dignity, Interfaith Justice Candlelight
Vigil, Crop Hunger Walks: Raising Funds to End Poverty Internationally and Locally, Congregational Athletic Leagues
Justice and Peace Committee, Interfaith Relations Committee/ Interfaith Cafes, Blue Ribbon Sage Council,
Environmental Priorities Network (EPN), Catholic- Muslim Dialogue with Archdiocese of Los Angeles, Interfaith Youth
Initiative (in conjunction with New Visions Partners), Interfaith Day Services, 2 nd Religion 101 Series, Dialogue on
Ending Racism in the 21st Century, Season of Non-Violence
11th Interfaith Unity Dinner, 39th Annual Festival of Music Concert, 22nd Annual Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Interfaith Celebration, 43rd South Bay Interfaith Thanksgiving Service, 6th Annual World Pilgrimage of Peace (cosponsorship), 7th Annual Interfaith Unity Bike-a-thon, 3rd Annual Cooking with the Cantor, 61st SCIC Annual Assembly,
Peace Sunday (co-sponsorship)
Invited to participate in the 9 World Assembly of Religions for Peace in Vienna, Austria to shar e about the
work of the SCIC with 600 other world faith leaders from over 100 countries.
Proclamations awar ded by the city of Los Angeles, Long Beach, Rancho Palos Ver des and San Pedr o in
recognition of SCIC’s invaluable contributions.
Invited to participate in the 16th Annual Buddhist Lantern Floating Ceremony in Hawaii.
SCIC Executive Director was selected as one of the Future-50 Emerging Leaders who ar e beginning to shape the
future landscape of faith in Los Angeles by the USC Center for Religion and Civic Culture & Interreligious Council
24th Annual MLK Interfaith &
Intercultural Celebration
SCIC Religious Leaders Meeting with
Ministers Alliance
SCIC Board Members at 11th Annual
Unity Dinner
Interfaith Youth Leadership Initiative
Fieldtrip to Temple Israel
Sikh Devotionals at
39th Annual Interfaith Concert
Christian, Sikh, Muslim, Hindu, Brahma
Kumaris, Jewish, & Buddhist Faith Leaders
Page 5
9/11 Interfaith Build with Habitat for Humanity
2014 Interfaith Justice Candlelight Vigil
SCIC Interfaith Conference
Education Panel at Cal State Long Beach
3rd Annual Cooking with the Cantor Program
Interfaith Café at Temple Israel
Unity Dinner Speaker Father Alexei Smith
SGI Buddhist & Presbyterian Youth Volunteers
Muslim- Catholic Dialogue Program
2014 Interfaith Cropwalk to End Hunger
SCIC Feeding our Homeless Friends
39th Annual Benefit Interfaith Concert
Hate Crime Prevention Forum in conjunction
with CCEJ
SCIC Participating in the Buddhist Lantern
Floating Ceremony
Zoroastrian Faith Prayer during Dialogue on
Ending Racism in the 21st Century
Page 6
Board Chair: Valerie Palaciose (562-433-3881,
[email protected], goodveg.org)
SOUTH GATE (2011): Mondays, 10am-3pm, South Gate Park
HUNTINGTON PARK (2002): Wednesdays, 9:30am-1:30pm,
Florence Ave. & Bissell St. at Salt Lake Park
UPTOWN LONG BEACH (2007): Thursdays, 3pm-6:30pm, 46th
& Atlantic, South of Del Amo, in Bixby Knolls
DOWNTOWN LONG BEACH (1980): Fridays,10am-3pm, 3rd
Street and Pacific Avenue in Downtown Long Beach
CERRITOS (2001): Saturdays, 8am-12pm, Park Plaza Dr. in the
Cerritos Towne Center
ALAMITOS BAY MARINA (1997): Sundays, 9am – 2pm,
Marina Dr. at Second St. in Long Beach
As they have since 2011, the Harbor Area Farmers Markets
(HAFM) have run 6 locations in 4 area cities. Total sales of the
certified farmers, food vendors and crafters increased to almost $6
million in 2014, of which HAFM takes 6% for ongoing expenses.
In addition to fresh produce and other food sales, the HAFM
markets have always ensured that lower income customers are
provided for by incorporating programs like food stamps (EBT),
Farmers Market Nutrition Program, “Market Match” and Disabled
Senior Coupons into the markets. In 2014, Market Manager Rev.
Dale Whitney retired after over 25 years of service, which began in
April of 1989. During that time, the number of markets increased
slowly but steadily from 3 to 6 and the number of employees grew
from 3 to 12 (mostly part-time) positions. Rev. Whitney’s
successor has been nominated by the HAFM Advisory Board and
is now in her 90-day probationary period, leading to permanent status.
Director: Amelia Nieto (562-591-2214 [email protected])
Board Chair: Dale C. Whitney
2131 Long Beach Blvd, LB 90806 Hours: 8am - 4pm, M-F
As a program of the SCIC from almost its very beginning, what
was once a pastor’s dream to help refugees from Central and South
America, Centro Shalom has become an organization that has
made a difference for all who have come through its doors. 2014
has been a time of change for Centro. Several members have
retired from the board. We continue to thank them for their
inspired leadership, especially Marc Coleman who served
faithfully for ten years. Centro continues to serve over 5000
families on a regular basis, providing food and clothing. In
addition, Centro continues to provide paralegal services for
approximately 30 people on a regular basis. There has been an
increase in immigration services due to California’s Dream Act
expansion and drivers license legislation. Additionally, there has
also been an increased demand for citizenship materials and
applications. Despite the threat of closure, Centro has managed to
remain open thanks to the help and support from both clients and
(GSCC) (1994), Rev. William Scar, D.Min, Patti Brunold, Psy,
D., Lyle Rapp, MFT
Social discord and the ongoing pressures of a troubled economy
have taken their toll on both family life and individuals’ emotional
and spiritual health. Consequently, GSCC experienced an
increasing demand for services from individuals with fewer
resources and little or no insurance. Over half of our services were
provided this year to persons who were unable to afford qualified
professional care. This translates to a total of almost $66,644 in
documented free care, applied as fee assistance on a case-by-case basis.
Unfortunately, this could not continue. Consequently, at the end of
November 2014, the GSCC was forced to officially close after over 20
years of successful and continual service to the areas served by the
South Coast Interfaith Council leaving NO DEBTS! Of greater
importance is that for over 20 years, GSCC fulfilled its promise to the
community: No person will be turned away who can use our services,
but is unable to pay the full fees for the qualified clinical care we
provide. Thank you to all our supporters over the last 20 years!
SCIC Religious Leaders Association is a network of professional clergy,
religious leaders, ad those in religious vocations who meet monthly for
educational programs, lunch gatherings, fellowship, support and
dialogue. These monthly meetings are open to the community to attend.
Among other events, the Religious Leaders Association co-sponsors the
SCIC Annual Dr. MLK Interfaith Intercultural Celebration.
INTERFAITH BUILD DAYS (2011) The SCIC participated in
three Interfaith Build Days during May through September in
conjunction with Habitat for Humanity. These build days brought
together the Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Baha’i, Sikh, Native American
and Jain faith communities in service, with the goal of building homes
for those in need of affordable housing. These opportunities also
allowed for the diverse faith communities to learn about one another
and, in the process, build lasting relationships. On September 11, 2014,
the SCIC participated in a special Interfaith Build Day, emphasizing the
importance of service and fellowship in creating a peaceful world.
FEEDING THE HOMELESS (2011) The SCIC participated in
three Feeding the Homeless days in May, June and August in
conjunction with the Drop-In Center. Members of the interfaith
community volunteered to serve meals, pick up food donations, help
prepare donated food, and clean up. They also distributed pantry food,
hygiene kits, clothing, blankets and food for pet companions. The DropIn Center provides a safe place for those in need to go on the day of the
week when many agencies, which serve the homeless, are closed.
gathered members of the interfaith community together for the third
year in a row to participate in Beach Clean-Up days. The volunteers
covered nearly a 100 miles of beach and collected hundreds of pounds
of garbage, ranging from lottery tickets to toothbrushes.
HUMANITARIAN DAY (2012) To help the underserved, the
SCIC once again partnered with Humanitarian Day and Day of Dignity
during the month of Ramadan. In July, we worked together to serve our
homeless friends in Long Beach and Los Angeles by distributing
medical care, hot meals and hygiene kits.
to the series of national and local conversations and events that have
sprung from the grand jury decisions involving the deaths of Michael
Brown and Eric Garner, the SCIC alongside Greater Long Beach
Interfaith Community Organization (ICO) and Clergy and Laity United
for Economic Justice (CLUE) came to the resounding conclusion that
acknowledging injustice and inequality and also addressing systemic
racism and police brutality is an act of LOVE. In that same spirit of
love, we gathered on December 9th, 2014, for a moving Interfaith Justice
Candlelight Vigil beginning at LB City Hall, then moving to the Police
Department and then to the City Courthouse to mourn and lament the
many lives lost, to honor all life, and to build a just and sacred society.
Nearly 200 community members joined this vigil, which resulted in a
continuing dialogue with law enforcement; become partners in creating
a just society.
Page 7
SCIC sponsors the Long Beach and Peninsula-Harbor CROP
(Communities Responding to Overcome Poverty) Hunger Walks.
Seventy-five percent of the funds raised by CROP Walks are sent
to Church World Service to be used in the worldwide effort to
ease and prevent hunger. The remaining 25% is given to local
LONG BEACH: 230 walk ers raised $12,296 with Dale Whitney
as Chair.
Proceeds went to: Centro Shalom, Catholic Charities, Christian
Outreach in Action, Lutheran Social Services, We-Care and Su
Casa Family Crisis and Support Center
PENINSULA-HARBOR: 215 walk ers raised $31,312 with
Jan Gardner & Jim Stanbery as Co-Chairs.
Proceeds went to: FISH Emergency Food Center of Harbor
Interfaith Services, San Pedro UMC Sunday Suppers, SHAWL
House, Toberman Neighborhood Center, South Coast Interfaith
Council Hunger Advocacy, South Bay and Shared Bread in
Redondo Beach.
Long Beach Area Walk:
St Cyprian's Catholic, St Joseph's Catholic, Los Altos,
Lakewood First, Cal Heights UMC, Belmont Heights UMC,
Grace First Presbyterian, First Congregational LB, and
Unitarian Universalist Church.
Peninsula Harbor Area Walk:
First Presbyterian San Pedro, Holy Trinity Catholic, Mount
Sinai Baptist, Neighborhood Church UCC, Pacific Unitarian
Rolling Hills UMC, San Pedro UMC, Seaside Community
UCC, St. Luke's Presbyterian, St. Paul's Lutheran, St. Peter's
by the Sea Pres, St. Peter's Episcopal, Walteria UMC, First
UMC, Redondo Beach, First Lutheran, Mary Star of the Sea,
Torrance Korean UMC
South Bay: Jon Nunez, Christ the King Lutheran Torrance,
Softball Chair
The South Bay Church Athletic League played softball with
15 teams from 8 congregations participating.
Greater Long Beach:
Paul Raine , First Presbyterian Garden Grove, Co-Chair
Marc Draper, Good Shepherd Presbyterian, Co-Chair
The Long Beach Church Athletic Association played
volleyball and softball with 13 congregations participating.
Long Beach Area:
Bellflower Brethren
Bethany Lutheran
Bixby Knolls Christian
Christ Lutheran
Emmanuel Reformed
First Friends LB
Grace Baptist
Grace First Presbyterian
Grace Lutheran
Hope Community Church
Los Altos UCC
Los Altos United Methodist
Parkcrest Christian
South Bay Area:
Bayview Baptist
Christ The King Lutheran
First Presbyterian San Pedro
Lawndale Wesleyan
Nova Community
St. Cross Episcopal
Temple Beth El
Trinity Lutheran San Pedro
under the umbrella of the SCIC (year begun)
*continuing, although as independent or otherwise
affiliated not-for-profit; +continuing with the SCIC
Weekday Christian Education (1953-1989)
United Christian Youth Council (1956)
Pastoral Counseling (1958-1996)
*Hospital Chaplaincy Programs, various (1959)
+Congregation Athletic Associations (1966)
HELP NOW telephone counseling (1967)
*Westside Neighborhood Clinic (1970s)
*Harbour Area Halfway Houses (1970)
+CROP Hunger Walks, currently two (1970)
Ethnic School, Grant AME (1971)
FISH in Long Beach (1971)
*Interfaith Action for Aging (1974)
*FISH in San Pedro (1975)
*Greater Long Beach Coalition on Hunger (1975)
Southeast Asian Refugee Mental Prevention Program (1975)
+Interreligious Committee (1976 - revived in 2000)
IndoChinese Social Service Center (1976)
Asian Pacific Family Outreach (1976)
*Long Beach Food Bank (1976)
Asian Pacific Family Outreach (1976)
*Harbor Towers Senior Housing, San Pedro (1977)
+Centro Shalom, with United Methodist Church (1977)
Together in Mission, w/ UCC & DOC (1978-1999)
*Campus Ministry Program, Long Beach City College (1978);
Cal State Dominguez (1985)
Asian Pacific Family Outreach Center (1978)
Central Clearinghouse, with Travelers Aid (1978)
Lay Academy of Religion (1979-1994)
*Long Beach Family Shelter, now Catholic Charities (1979)
+Harbor Area Farmers Markets, w. First Congregational (1980)
*Lakewood Interfaith Cable Commission (1980)
Peninsula Harbor & Mid-Cities Clusters (1980); LB (1989)
Emergency Shelter Network, with American Red Cross (1982)
*Harbor Interfaith Services San Pedro (1982)
+South Bay Ecumenical Cluster (1985)
Church Women United, Long Beach (1985-2001)
South Bay Homeless Coalition (1988)
Peace Pole Project (1988)
Women-Church (1988-2000)
*His House Torrance (1989)
Mid-Cities Help Center Bellflower (1989)
Shepherds Center (1989)
Job Center of the South Bay Torrance (1990)
South Bay Interreligious Council (1990)
+Long Beach Religious Leaders Association (1991)
+Martin Luther King, Jr. Interfaith Celebration (1992)
*Sage House Adult Day Care San Pedro (1992)
Assist-a-Family, civil unrest response (1992)
Project Koinonia, race relations dialogs (1993)
*Operation JumpStart, youth mentoring (1994)
+Good Samaritan Counseling Center (1994)
Not Even One, gun violence prevention (1995)
A New Communion, faith & environment magazine (1995)
Women & Children First (1995-2000)
*PlayHouse Homeless Child Care (1997)
*Long Beach Nonprofit Partnership (1998)
Bulgarian Children’s Fund (1998)
Agape Group Ministries (1998)
*The Million Mom March, South Bay-Long Beach (2000)
+MAYE Center (2015)
+ Project Plateful
Page 8
Chair: Jane Affonso (310 995-4943) and Co-chair: John Pulvino
Meets 2nd 7 p.m. Mondays at St. Cyprian Catholic Church, Long Beach
Efforts by the Long Beach Human Sex Trafficking Task Force led to the
rescue of 22 girls with 91 arrests! As a member, JPC worked on
prevention, including a “Youth Exploitation Safety Symposium” with
over 400 attendees. JPC celebrated the passage of Proposition 47 and
participated in the “I Can’t Breathe” interfaith candlelight vigil. They
continue to address police accountability and racial concerns. With over
3000 migrant children from Central America facing deportation in the
Los Angeles/Long Beach area, JPC participated as “Guardianship
Angels,” helping these children by monitoring immigration court
hearings and helping to secure attorneys for them. They further helped
with the Children’s Empowerment Network beach party at Seaside
Lagoon for Kinship families of the Department of Children and Family
Services (DCFS), celebrated the recent worker justice victories of CLUE
LA, and worked with Communities for a Better Long Beach Interfaith
Organization. Their 2015 priorities are: Restorative Justice, Police
Community Relations, Human Trafficking, Immigration, Vulnerable
Youth & Families, Peacemaking/Middle East, Economic Justice,
Homelessness, and Environmental Justice/ Climate Change.
response to a great demand for more cafés, the Interfaith Relations
Committee (IRC), in 2014, held six Interfaith Cafés! The following faith
communities were involved in either hosting or co-hosting the cafes:
SGI Buddhist Community of the South Bay, Pacific Unitarian Church
(RPV), Masjid Al-Shareef (LB), Redondo Beach Center for Spiritual
Living, Barbareno Chumash Council (Native American Spirituality),
Temple Israel of Long Beach, Baha’i Community of Manhattan Beach,
Hindu Vedanta Society, Manhattan Beach Community Church, and the
Sikh Community of Southern CA. The SCIC Interfaith Cafes are small
group discussions for laity, youth (9th-12th graders), and religious
leaders about the way faith both impacts people’s daily lives and allows
them to relate to and appreciate those from other faith traditions. The
participants of the Interfaith Cafés also had the opportunity to play
WeBelieve2, a board game produced by Pastor Duane Moret!
BLUE RIBBON SAGE COUNCIL (2005) This group is
comprised of past SCIC board members, presidents, and/or honorary
members. The group meets three times a year to offer advice, feedback,
and suggestions regarding SCIC programs, events, public relations, fund
development, and the overall future direction of the SCIC.
(2001) President: Lillian Light ([email protected])
Meetings: 1st Thursdays, 7:30 pm, Pacific Unitarian Church, RPV
EPN is comprised of concerned members of the interfaith community
who participated in Earth Day events in Manhattan Beach in April. Then
in May, EPN sponsored the 10th annual Solar Homes Tour featuring 11
homes in the Beach Cities and in Torrance. They continued their work
into June when EPN staffed a table at the Torrance Environmental Fair.
In September, many EPNers took part in a 350.org national movement
to reduce the dangers of the climate crisis and sponsored a public forum
at the Pacific Unitarian Church on Overturning the Disastrous Citizens
United Decision, with outstanding speakers - Michael Tucker from
"Move to Amend", John Smith from" Common Cause", and Kathy
Orlinsky from “Wolf-pac.” In February, members sent postcards to the
EPA asking them to place a moratorium on bee-killing neonic pesticides
because of the widespread decimation of honeybees, nationwide. In
March, five members participated in the Climate March from Manhattan
Beach to LA - in the rain - and staffed a table at the El Camino College
Social Justice Fair. This May 3rd, the Sierra Club will be honoring the
Environmental Priorities Network at their Awards Banquet in
recognition of all that they have accomplished to promote
environmental protection.
In 2014, the SCIC completed an eight-week Catholic-Muslim Dialogue
program in conjunction with JustFaith Ministries and the Archdiocese of
LA! This dialogue program was based on a friendship between St.
Francis of Assisi and Sultan Malek al-Kami that was turned into a book
based on their historic conversations. What initially started as a quest of
St. Francis to convert the Sultan turned into a beautiful friendship
characterized by respect, compassion and justice. This book and
dialogue program demonstrated beautifully what SCIC has always
believed: that we, indeed, are much more alike than we are different
when we look into the core principles that define our faiths and cultures.
(IYLI) In conjunction with New Vision Partners, SCIC organized
the 3rd Annual Interfaith Youth Leadership Initiative (IYLI) in June
2014. During the 3-day program, students built relationships with
people of other faiths, took ownership of their own faith perspective,
visited different houses of worship, and acted out their faith through
service of the larger community. The program took place Monday
through Wednesday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The program was free of
charge and, upon successful completion of the program, participants
earned a $100 scholarship, which they had the option to apply to the
college of their choice. All high school students (freshman through
seniors) were eligible for the program.
year in a row the SCIC put together panels of distinguished speakers
from various faith traditions to talk about their spiritual practices in
one-hour panels for faith communities or in the place of the Sunday
service in Christian faith communities. Following each panel, time
was allocated for questions and answers to ensure that the entire
program was exciting, informative, and engaging for individuals!
RELIGION 101 SERIES (2013) This series - held on the 4th
Thursdays of every month at the LDS Institute of Religion on the
campus of CSLB - provided a clear and concise introduction to the
major world religions. Audience members learned about the people,
places, practices and philosophies shaping the world today. In 2014,
individuals learned about the founders, the history and essential
teachings of each of these major religions: Christianity, Judaism,
Buddhism, Islam, Sikhism, Baha’i and Native American
One of the greatest promises in the 21st century lies in the ability of
faith communities to harness the strength of our racial diversity and
our multiracial democracy. America has emerged as a worldwide
symbol of opportunity and freedom through leadership – on both
national and local levels – that strives to give meaning to the
fundamental principles of opportunity, equality, and inclusion. To
that end, members of the interfaith community came together to
highlight the challenges we face and how we can work together to
better create a society guided by our faith principles that value all as
SEASON FOR NONVIOLENCE (2012) For the third year in
a row, the SCIC participated in the Gandhi King Season for
Nonviolence (SNV). It spans the January 30th and April 4th
memorial anniversaries of Mahatma Gandhi and Dr. Martin Luther
King, Jr. The purpose of the campaign is to focus educational and
media attention on the philosophy of attaining peace through
nonviolent action as demonstrated by legendary leaders.
Throughout this season, the SCIC organized various meetings and
dialogues within the interfaith community to promote nonviolence.
Page 9
11TH ANNUAL UNITY DINNER (2004) The 11th Annual
Interfaith Unity Dinner was held on November 6th at St. L awrence
Martyr Church in Long Beach. Belva Brown Jordan, Associate Dean
for Curriculum & Assessment/ Associate Professor of the Practice of
Ministry at Claremont School of Theology delivered the keynote
address. During the dinner, the SCIC honored individuals who have
consistently demonstrated excellence in cultivating effective interfaith
relations and unity. Awardees were: Bishop Guy Erwin, SW -CA Synod
of Lutheran Church in America; Eliot Swart, Temple Beth El, San
Pedro; Munir Moon, South Bay Islamic Community; Flor Geola,
Baha'i Community of Manhattan Beach; and Sandra Brunsmann
Redondo Beach Center for Spiritual Living. 200 individuals from the
greater interfaith community were in attendance at this beautiful
(1976) The 39th Annual Interfaith Benefit Concert was held on
Sunday, November 9th at St. Peter’s by the Sea Presbyterian Church in
Rancho Palos Verdes. Musical choirs and a variety of artists delighted
the audience by playing a range of music inspired by their diverse faith
traditions. Performers for this concert included: Sikh Devotionals,
Buddhist Taiko Drummers, Chumash Family Singers (Native American
Spirituality), Cantor Ilan Davidson, International Children’s Peace
Choir and African Drummers. Members of the interfaith community
were also honored during this concert for their excellence in addressing
matters of social concern to the interfaith community. This year’s
honorees included Downtown Long Beach Lions Club; Shared Bread
Feeding Ministry, Redondo Beach; Rainbow Services: Ending the
Cycle of Family Violence, San Pedro; and Clothes the Deal: Giving
Business Clothes a Second Life & Someone Else a Second
Chance, Downey. Thank you to all the volunteers, performers and
members of the interfaith community who attended and made this a
memorable event!
and pray together – in the heart of nature – for world peace! The
Word Peace Pilgrimage is open to people of all faiths, denominations
and ages. It is a non-profit, non-commercial and non-political event.
We climb the mountain as one human family. The SCIC has cosponsored this event for the last six years.
(2006) On Monday, September 1, 2014, the SCIC held the 8th
Annual Interfaith Unity Bike-a-Thon. This event brought together
people of many different cultures and faiths to enjoy a day of social
bicycling and great food. Donations helped to support the South
Coast Interfaith Council and its supporting organizations. In the
halfway point of the 25 mile ride, there was an interfaith brunch held
for the interfaith community. This event is held yearly during Labor
Day weekend. If you are interested in participating in the 2015 9th
Annual Interfaith Unity Bike-a-thon, please contact the SCIC office
at 562-983-1665.
The SCIC and Cantor Ilan Davidson organized a festive evening
celebrating Jewish food and culture with Cooking with the Cantor!
Members of the interfaith community gathered to learn how to cook
a five-course meal based in the Jewish culture. This is an annual
event that supports the work of the SCIC.
PEACE SUNDAY SCIC once again co-sponsored Peace Sunday:
A day of Celebration and Action on International Peace Day in
conjunction with Unity and Diversity World Council. International
Day of Peace is observed around the world each year on the 21 st of
September. Established in 1981 by resolution 36/37, the United
Nations General Assembly has declared this as a day devoted to
strengthening the ideals of peace, both within and among all nations
and peoples. The theme for 2014 was Rights of Peoples to Peace.
CELEBRATION (1992) On January 18, 2015, at Long Beach’s
Gospel Memorial Church of God in Christ and in coordination with the
Long Beach Religious Leaders Association, the Long Beach Ministers
Alliance, the NAACP and other diverse organizations, the SCIC held
its 23rd Annual MLK Interreligious and Multicultural Celebration,
honoring the legacy of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Christian,
Jewish, Hindu, Sikh, Muslim, Baha’i, Buddhist, Zoroastrian and Native
American faith leaders and community members participated in this
memorable celebration titled: In Pursuit of Creating a Just &
Compassionate Community! Rev. Dr. Leon Wood, Executive Pastor of
Church One in North Long Beach, delivered the keynote address. He
spoke about the importance of keeping the dream of Dr. King alive
today to ensure justice and peace, especially for those who need it
most. The Gospel Memorial Church of God in Christ Choir and other
gospel singers provided the inspiring music.
SERVICE (1973) In 2014, SCIC – in partnership with different faith
communities in the South Bay – organized the SCIC 42nd Annual South
Bay Interfaith Thanksgiving Service on November 25 at Church of
Jesus Christ of the Latter-Day Saints in Torrance. Nearly 500 people
were in attendance and a love offering was collected and donated to
local charities.
PILLGRIMAGE For the past six years, hundreds of people from
many different faiths have come together on sacred Mount Baldy, in
the San Gabriel Mountains, east of Los Angeles, to send out a wave of
love and light to the world. This inspiring and joyous event draws
together local spiritual communities to walk together, sing together,
Invited to participate in the 9th World Assembly of Religions for
Peace in Vienna, Austria to shar e about the wor k of SCIC
with 600 other world faith leaders from over 100 countries.
Proclamations awar ded by the city of Los Angeles, Long
Beach, Rancho Palos Verdes, and San Pedro in recognition of
SCIC’s invaluable contributions..
Invited to participate in the 16th Annual Buddhist Lantern
Floating Ceremony in Hawaii.
SCIC Executive Director, was selected as one of the Future-50
Emerging Leaders who ar e beginning to shape the futur e
landscape of faith in Los Angeles by the USC Center for
Religion and Civic Culture.
Page 10
Co-Sponsorships, Memberships & Endorsements
North American Interfaith Network (NAIN)
National Association of Ecumenical and Interfaith Staff
Interfaith Communities United for Justice & Peace (ICUJP)
National Observance of Children Sabbaths
Long Beach Nonprofit Partnership
Long Beach Homeless Coalition
Women Against Gun Violence
Long Beach Coalition Against Gun Violence
DAWN Unity Interfaith Discovery Series
Peninsula Interfaith Fellowship
Long Beach Ministers Alliance
Long Beach Religious Leaders Association
Leadership Long Beach
Immortal Chaplains Foundation
Long Beach Reads One Book
Homeless Community and Police Department Dialogue
Be Community Friendly Children’s Day
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
Milia Islam-Majeed meeting Archbishop José H.
Gomez of the Archdiocese of Los
Unity & Diversity World Council Peace Sunday
Week of Prayer for Interfaith Understanding
Christian-Muslim Consultative Group
Youth & Family Interfaith Day
Our Endangered Oceans Forum
Goods Movement Workshop
Lakewood Baha’i Race Unity Day
Open Mosque Day
Sikh Open House
Peace Sunday
Religions for Peace
United Religions Initiative
Season of Nonviolence
Cover the Uninsured Week
Solar Homes Tour
Health Care Forum
Religions for Peace
Interfaith Bike-a-Thon
Children’s Day
Interfaith Candlelight Vigil
Peace Sunday
SCIC Religion 101 Series
SCIC Participating in Mission Fair at
St. Peter’s By the Sea Presbyterian Church
Interfaith Leaders Gather Together in
Southern California
SCIC Interfaith Beach Clean Up
SCIC Honoring Community Members for their
Excellence in Interfaith Work
11th Annual Unity Dinner Honoree Sandra Brunsmann
and Members of the Interfaith Community
Community Members Attending
the MLK Service
Page 11
2014 Supporters of the South Coast Interfaith Council
$1000 and above
Jim & Beverly Hansen
Patti Heckman
Donna & Eric Hill
Pearl Kim
Dr. Anthony Lee & Dr. Flor Geola
Glenn Moeller
Dunia Ramadan
John & Lucie Traxler
Fr. Will Connor
Dr. Rezwan Islam & Dina Hossain
Arfan Majeed & Milia Islam-Majeed
Nancy Mullio
Rev. Dale Whitney
Clayton Bosler
Richard & Theresa Brehove
Rev. Dr. Moira Foxe
Steve & Judy Gilliland
Paul and Patty Lance
Dick & Ruth Lohrer
Catherine & James O'Connor
Dr. Homayoon Sanati
Paul & Judith Schmidt
Lietta Wagner
Fairveola Banks
Marilyn Russell Bittle
Cantor Ilan Davidson
Dawn & Peter Hill
Dr. Willie Jones
Rabbi Steven Silver
Faiz Ali
Don & Nancy Barnes
Roderick & Mary Bush
Jim Deaton
Ed & Judy Green
Rev. Kimberly Hawkins
Mr. & Mrs. Matiul & Fatema Islam
Sandra Kroll
Dr. Jan Gardner
Grace Lorentzen
Bill Latto
Elena Meloni & Munir Moon
Rev. Duane Moret
Dr. Bill & Claire Marmion
John Pulvino
Deborah Sanchez
Michael & Sandra Sherman
Bobbie Smith
Ellie Swanson
Mrs. Wm Hollis Wildman
Rev. Kit & Bonnie Butler Wilke
Dr. Shouheil Habbal
Amina & Saeed Hashmi
Norma Mendes
Revs. Grace & Richard Moore
Peter Rosenwald
To $50
John Ishvaradas Abdallah
George & Pat Ackerman
Adrienne & John Adelsperger
Jane Affonso
Al Albergate
Mary Ann Amato
Mimi Roth Asid
Steve Askin
Francoise Atoun
Dan & Judy Barackman
Jane Barboza
Betsy Barnhart
Rebecca "Gem" Batten
Patricia Benoit
Cassie Berrisford
Susan Bjork
Emmitt & Darlynne Blankenfeld
Christopher Bobo
Hermine Burg
John & Kay Burt
Betty Calame, Ph.D.
Charles & Peggy Carter
Cathy Chambers
Carol Cline
Ruth Cooperman
Chika Crawford
Ida Dacus
Diane Donaldson
Tony & Lynn Fadale
Lidia Fahlk
Carl & Bobbie Farrington
Sunya Felburg
Gary & Sue Ann Fountain
Linda Gautier
Fredd & Jon Gidan
Caro Gilles
Nan Gunnell
Irphany Habiba
Summer Hansen
Betty Harden
Whitlyn Harper
Margaret Harrell
Richard Henke
Edith Hill
Eleanor Holland
Dolly Ickler
Sandra Johnson
Ruth Kaller
Gila Katz
Diane Kert
Seem Khan
Nancy Knapp
Romy & Yoko Lardizabal
Iris Larsen
Gene Lentzner
Barbara Levin
Roni Love
Kathie Maher
Anthony Manousos
Raye Murphy
Linda Myring
Donna Nakasone
Elizabeth Nash
Ron Nelson
Karen Olds
Sally Patchen
Jane Philbin
V.I. Poster
Jim & Nancy Raynesford
Ed & Ernie Richardson
Nancy Richardson
Rob & Betty Robbins
Randy Ellen Ross
Rukiya Rountree
Connie Rutter
Chandra Salaam
Shinaku Saner
Eric & Diane Schott
Anne Schreiner
Leon & Barbara Shoag
Craig & Anne Marie Siegman
Judith Sommerstein
Erin Stanlee
Bellavie Tea
Alvaro Caceres Torres
Blanche Vanderstreek
Janine & Duraka Weinert
Jay Williams
Frances Williams
Dottie Wine
Bonnie Winters
Osie Wood
William & Susan Young
Margaret Zambrano
Fazlul & Shanaz Zubair
Other Supporters of the SCIC:
Church Women United
Church World Service CROP
Congregation Athletic League
Farmers & Merchants Bank
Los Altos United Methodist Women
Morningland Monastery
In Kind Donations:
Forest Lawn
Center for Spiritual Living RB
New Star Family
St. Peter’s By The Sea Presbyterian Church
Cantor Ilan Davidson
Eliot Swartz
Temple Menorah
Page 12
Phone: 818-734-9392
Web: EddieConner.com
atlanticstudio 425
Blu Watson
[email protected]
425 E. 4th Street
Long Beach, CA 90802
Congratulations on the occasion of the 62nd
Annual Assembly for the South Coast
Interfaith Council!
We look forward to many more years of
service to our region.
Rev. Mark Pettis and the Manhattan Beach
Community Church
CELL (562) 481-0513
NLP 2010
Mazal Tov, Judith.
You are truly a light
unto all nations.
Michael Berger and
Janet Madden
Page 13
Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
5872 Naples Plaza (off 2nd Street)
Long Beach, CA 90803
(562) 438-0929
We are truly grateful for all those who serve the community,
for those who find common ground
where hearts and minds can meet.
Rev. Steven Beckham
for being honored as
Religious Leader of the Year!
From the congregation of
Gloria Dei Lutheran
Sunday Education for All Ages
9:00 - 10:00 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
the little church with a big heart
Page 14
Page 15
Heather R Chambers, CPA, Inc
Accountancy Corporation
(formerly Halter & Associates)
1230 E Wardlow Road, Long Beach CA 90807
in Long Beach since 1947.
We offer excellent, friendly services such as:
Income Tax Preparation - All types, including
corporations, partnerships, exempt orgs,
trusts as well as individual returns
Small business bookkeeping
Payroll Services
1099 Preparation
Training in QuickBooks or Quicken
Bill-paying services for yourself or a loved one
Notary Service
[email protected]
[email protected]
Dear Judith,
Your heart is open with
compassion and caring to all who
cross your path.
Congratulations on receiving this
well deserved honor.
From your Soul Sisters:
Batya, Karen, Leonia, Linda,
Ruth, Shayna and Shoshi
Page 16
South Bay Buddhist Center
Judith you are the best of Mankind
You are not only an Interfaith
heroine but also Inter-cultural giant!
Fr. Chris Onyenobi
2340 Plaza Del Amo, Suite 138,
Torrance, CA 90501
We welcome everyone.
Nichiren Buddhism and the SGI World
Peace movement
Congratulates all the
Spotlight honorees on their recognition.
Centro Shalom
continues to serve the
Long Beach community
Thank you
South Coast Interfaith Council
for your dedication to interfaith unity.
at 2131 Long Beach Boulevard
Monday through Friday, 8 a.m.- 3 p.m.
2104 Orange Avenue | Long Beach, CA
Page 17
Page 18
for making such a wonderful
difference in our world!
Page 19
Page 20
Page 21
Thank you Judith for blessing this world
with your goodness!
It is an honor to know you.
Joe Ann and Geoff Gatley
Your involvement in volunteer
work is an inspiration to us all!
Sandy & Michael Sherman
Milia Islam-Majeed
Executive Director
759 Linden Avenue
Long Beach, CA 90813
Phone: 562-983-1665
Fax: 562-983-8812
Email: [email protected]
A Welcoming Congregation
Serving the community for 100 years
Page 22
Mazel tov and congratulations
to our good friend,
Chaplain Judith Sommerstein,
for your recognition,
and honors awarded
for your dedication and service to
South Coast Interfaith Council
Sylvia and Jay Bockserman
Ellen and Norman Cantor
Victor and Eileen Ettinger
Myron and Susan Goldstein
Barbara and Jeff Riker
Page 23
Page 24
Congratulations to
all the Spotlight Award Honorees.
South Bay Muslim community appreciates all the
support and help from the members of SCIC in our
new building project.
Wishing South Coast Interfaith Council
many more years of continued success!
Page 25
Fresh Produce Directly From The Farm To You!
Vine-Ripened Fruit & Vegetables, Plus Eggs,
Cut Flowers, Ornamental Plants, Seafood, Honey
& Bee Products, Baked Goods and Orchids
Produce Sold Only By Certified Growers
(California Farmers Who Raise Their Own Crops)
Mondays 10 - 3 in South Gate
(In South Gate Park, one block West of Atlantic Ave on Tweedy Blvd)
Wednesdays 9:30 - 1:30 in Huntington Park
(In Salt Lake Park by Recreation Center at Florence and Bissell)
Thursdays 3 - 6:30 in Uptown Long Beach
(At 46th and Atlantic, just South of Del Amo in dynamic Bixby Knolls)
Fridays 10 - 3 in Downtown Long Beach
(3rd Street and Pacific Avenue)
Saturdays 8 - Noon at Cerritos Towne Center
(On Park Plaza Drive just north of the Performing Arts Center near Wal-Mart)
Sundays 9 - 2 in Southeast Long Beach
(On Marina Drive just South of Second Street at the Alamitos Bay Marina)
Sponsored by:
For information call 1-866-GOODVEG (1-866-466-3834)
Page 26
With Love and Best Wishes,
always to SCIC and all the Spotlight Awardees
Page 27
We are so proud of
Chaplain Judith Sommerstein,
our Wife, Mother, and Grandmother
for this deserving honor.
Love, Adam, Craig, Gary, Rebecca,
Elise and Ethan
Page 28
Page 29
Promoting Self-Healing, Resiliency and Well-being through
Meditation, (Urban) Agriculture, Yoga, and Education.
For more information: www.themayecenter.org
2153 E. Anaheim Street, Long Beach, CA 90804
(562) 704-6778
A Program of: South Coast Interfaith Council
Page 30
The Redondo Beach Center for Spiritual Living
Honoring John Adelsperger
and all the honorees for the wonderful difference
They are making to create a compassionate world that works for all!
Congratulations to the South Coast Interfaith Council on their 62 years,
working to establish Peace through Unity in diversity and so much more.
Dr. Moira Foxe and community.
Page 31
Come learn about different faiths and meet people from all faith communities in a friendly and fun environment!
Interfaith cafés have been used worldwide to promote interfaith dialogue at the grassroots level. One of the things we have
learned over the past few years is the value of small group conversations. When we sit together and talk about what's important
to us, our world begins to change, we become more alive, we tap into hope.
Refreshments will be provided.
All are Welcome! Free to the Community!
Donations are Greatly Appreciated.
For more information: Email [email protected] or call 562-983-1665
Sunday, April 12, 2015
Time: 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Temple Beth El
Sunday, August 16
Time: 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
South Bay SGI Buddhist
1435 W. 7th Street, San Pedro 90732
2340 Plaza Del Amo, #138, Torrance 90501
Host: Temple Beth El
Co-Host: Baha’i Community of So. California
Host: South Bay SGI Buddhist
Co-Host: Redondo Beach Center for Spiritual Living
Sunday, May 31, 2015
Time: 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Grace First Presbyterian
Sunday, September 20
Time: 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
American Martyrs Catholic Church
3955 N. Studebaker Rd, Long Beach, 90808
624 15th Street, Manhattan Beach, 90266
Host: Grace First Presbyterian
Co-Host: SGI Buddhist of the South Bay
Host: American Martyrs Catholic Church
Co-Host: Islamic Center of the South Bay
Sunday, June 14
Time: 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
*Temple Menorah
Sunday, October 25
Time: 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Bayshore Community Church
1101 Camino Real, Redondo Beach 90277
*Host: Temple Menorah
*Co-Host: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
*= Tentative
Sunday, July 12
Time: 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
5872 Naples Plaza, Long Beach, 90803
Host: Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
Co-Host: Native American & Zoroastrian Communities
5100 The Toledo, Long Beach, 90803
Host: Bayshore Community Church
Co-Host: Sikh and J ain Community of So. Cal.
Sunday, November 22
Time: 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Temple Israel
269 Loma Ave., Long Beach, 90803
Host: Temple Israel
Co-Host: Masjid Al Shareef Long Beach
This series - held on the 4th Thursdays, from 7 - 9 PM, of every month at the
LDS Institute of Religion on the campus of CSLB is open to everyone!
Coptic Church Faith, Beliefs and Practices
Presented by: Father Lazarus Yassa
St. George Coptic Orthodox Church, Bellflower
Date: March 26
Time: 7:00 p.m. -9:00 p.m.
Location: LDS Institute of Religion on the campus of CSLB, 6360 E. State Univer sity Dr ., Long Beach 90815
To RSVP please call (562)983-1665 or email: [email protected]
Submitting to the Divine: The Journey that led a young Muslim American woman from the Bible Belt of America to
become the Executive Director of the largest Interfaith Council in California
Speaker: Milia Islam-Majeed
Date: Sunday, April 19
Time: 10:00 a.m.
Where: Wayfar er ’s Chapel, 5755 Palos Ver des Dr ive South, RPV, 90275
In conjunction with the Drop-In Center at First Congregational Church. Members of the interfaith community
volunteer to serve meals, help prepare donated food, and clean up. They also distribute pantry food, hygiene kits,
clothing, blankets and food for pet companions. The Drop-In Center provides a safe place for those in need to go on the
day of the week when many agencies, which serve the homeless, are closed.
Date: Sunday, June 14 and August 16
Time: 8:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.
Location: Fir st Congr egational Chur ch, 241 Cedar Ave, Long Beach 90802
To sign up for one or both of these days please call (562)983-1665 or email: [email protected]
The 30-Minute Beach Cleanup seeks to create a clean and safe place for residents, visitors and aquatic wildlife along
the Long Beach coast. During the effort, volunteers progress toward the Belmont Pier and the Peninsula.
Volunteers are asked to wear shoes and sunscreen. Bags, gloves and free parking are provided.
Date: Saturdays, June 20, July 18, and August 15
Time: 10:00 a.m.
Location: 1 Gr anda Ave., Long Beach
If you are interested in volunteering please email the SCIC at [email protected]
Join us for this enchanted evening supporting the work of the
South Coast Interfaith Council (SCIC).
When: Summer 2015
Where: 1019 J ohn Str eet, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266
Cost: $50 for guests, $100 for sponsor s.*
*This is a fundraiser to support the SCIC organized by the generosity of Drs. Flora & Anthony Lee
of the Baha'i Community of Manhattan Beach. Sponsors will be recipients of special prizes.
For more information please email the SCIC at [email protected]
The new federal poverty report published shows that 1 in 7 people live below the poverty threshold in the United States.
The South Coast Interfaith Council (SCIC) is once again partnering with the Coalition to Preserve Human Dignity to serve our
homeless friends in Los Angeles with Medical Care, Hot Meals and Hygiene Kits.
When: Sunday, July 12
Time: 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Location: Skid Row/4th and Town Ave, Los Angeles
For more information, please contact the SCIC at [email protected] or 562-983-1665
Cook: Cantor Ilan Davidson
When: Sunday, August 30
Location: TBA
Delicious Five-Course Gourmet Dinner!
Cost: $50 (This is a fundraiser to support the SCIC)
For reservations, please call the SCIC at 562-983-1665 or email [email protected] today!
Space is Limited!! All are Welcome!!
Each year in September, Habitat for Humanity International holds "Building on Faith" week, a time when the organization
celebrates its partnership with denominations around the world by building houses as a global witness to faith in action.
SCIC will be partnering with Habitat for Humanity again this year on
September 11, 2015 to build affordable homes for the working poor.
Date: Friday, September 11
Location & Time: TBA
If you are interested in volunteering please email the SCIC at [email protected]
Date: Tuesday, September 15
Time: 6:00 p.m. -9:00 p.m.
Location: 445 E. 1st Street, Long Beach 90802
Join the interfaith community for a delicious dinner and fellowship at Utopia restaurant.
Some of the proceeds will help support the SCIC.
For reservations please call (562) 983-1665 or email the SCIC at [email protected]
A fantastic opportunity for fellowship and fundraising! A gathering of the interfaith community that celebrates the diversity of
faiths and cultures while riding on a leisurely bike ride!
Funds raised support the SCIC and riders choice of charity/ own faith community.
When: TBA
Location: 6255 De For est Ave, Long Beach, CA 90805
Interfaith Brunch: Even if you ar e not r iding, we would be delighted to have you join us for a br unch at 11:00
a.m. at DeForest Park, which is the meeting point and end of the ride, located at DeForest and Harding in North Long
Beach. Just bring your favorite dish to share or just some bottled water and a chair to sit on if you’d like to attend!
Join us for a fantastic afternoon of beautiful music from different faiths and cultures
All Are Welcome! Reception to follow immediately after
Free Will Offering will help support SCIC and all it’s programs
Date: Sunday, November 8th
Time: 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Location: Fir st Congr egational Chur ch 241 Cedar Ave, Long Beach, CA 90802
For more information please call 9562) 983-1665 or email the SCIC at [email protected]
Keynote Speaker: Rev. Dr. Cecil “Chip” Murray
Date: Sunday, November 15
Time: 6:00 p.m. -9:00 p.m.
Location: TBA
Cost: $70, For reservations call (562) 983-1665
Join the interfaith community as we continue this tradition for the 43rd year!
Free Will offering will be donated to a charity benefiting the poor and underserved in the community.
Date and location will be finalized by the Summer of 2015.
Stay tuned!
A Publication of the
Non-Profit Org.
U.S. Postage
Long Beach, CA
Permit No. 347
759 Linden Avenue, Long Beach, CA 90813
Phone: 562-983-1665
Fax: 562-983-8812
Email: [email protected]
Editor: Roni Love
Office Admin.: Adriane Carton
Executive Director: Milia Islam-Majeed
Amazing Grace Outreach Ministries
Assumption Greek Orthodox
Baha'i Faith Community Lakewood
Baha'i Faith Community Long Beach
Baha'i Faith Community Manhattan Beach
Bay Shore Community UCC $2,719
Bellflower First UMC $100
Belmont Heights UMC
Bixby Knolls Christian $200
Brahma Kumaris
California Heights UMC
California Sikh Council
Center for Spiritual Living RB $1,000
Center for Spiritual Living Seal Bch
Christ Lutheran Long Beach
Christian Outreach in Action
Community Congregational UCC
Compton First UMC
Congregation Ner Tamid
Congregation Shir Chadash $250
Congregation Tikvat Jacob
Covenant Presbyterian $100
Cross Roads UCC $280
Curry Temple CME
Dominguez UMC
First Christian Torrance
First Church of Christ, Scientist
First Church of Christ, Scientist PV
First Congregational UCC $3500
First Lutheran Carson
First Lutheran Torrance $100
Gardena First Presbyterian
Gloria Dei Lutheran $1,500
Golgatha Trinity Baptist
Good Shepherd American Catholic
Good Shepherd Lutheran
Gospel Memorial COGIC $200
Grace First Presbyterian $250
Grace UMC
Greater Open Door COGIC
Hawthorne UMC
Hollypark UMC
Holy Spirit Fellowship
Holy Trinity Catholic Church
Holy Trinity Ecumenical Catholic
Hope UMC
Interval House
Islamic Center of Hawthorne
Islamic Center of the South Bay
Islamic Society of Orange County
Jewish Federation Council
King Fahad Islamic Center $540
Klein Chaplaincy Service
Lakewood First UMC
Lakewood Village Community $1000
LB Memorial Chaplaincy
Leisure World Community
Lily of the Valley COGIC
Long Beach Islamic Center
Los Altos UCC $575
Los Altos UMC $310
Marloma Friends
Mary Star of the Sea Catholic
Masjid Al-Shareef
Namaste Science of Mind $500
Neighborhood Church
Neighborhood UMC
New Liberty Baptist
New Philadelphia AME
New Star Family Center
North Long Beach Christian $100
Our Lady of Refuge Catholic
Our Saviors Lutheran Church $250
Pacific Unitarian $700
Palo Verde Avenue Christian
P'nai Or
Redeemer Lutheran
Redondo Beach First UMC
Riviera UMC
RKIC/Vedanta $50
Rolling Hills UMC
San Pedro First Presbyterian $200
San Pedro United Methodist
Seaside Community UCC $100
Second Samoan Congregational $200
SGI - USA $200
Sixth Church of Christ, Scientist
St. Andrews Episcopal
St. Anthony's Catholic
St. Athanasius Catholic
St. Bartholomew Catholic
St. Cornelius Catholic
St. Cross by the Sea Episcopal $100
St. Cyprian Catholic
St. Francis Episcopal
St. Gregory's Episcopal
St. James Catholic
St. John Fisher Catholic $1,000
St. Joseph Catholic
St. Lucy Catholic Community
St. Luke's Episcopal
St. Luke's Lutheran
St. Luke's Presbyterian $125
St. Margaret Mary Catholic
St. Maria Goretti Catholic $25
St. Mark's Presbyterian
St. Matthew's Catholic Church
St. Paul Lutheran
St. Peter's by the Sea Presbyterian $750
St. Peter's Episcopal
St. Philomena Catholic
St. Timothy's Lutheran
Temple Beth El $300
Temple Beth Shalom $250
Temple Israel $500
Temple Menorah RB
Torrance First UMC
Trinity Lutheran
Trinity Lutheran Long Beach $600
Unitarian Universalist $600
United with Hope UMC
Unity Long Beach
Vedanta Society $50
Walteria United Methodist
Wayfarers Chapel
Wayside UMC
Wilmington First UMC
Woodruff Community Church UCC