June 19, 2016 - Holy Spirit Catholic Church


June 19, 2016 - Holy Spirit Catholic Church
Holy Spirit Catholic Church
17270 Ward St., Fountain Valley, CA 92708 www.HolySpiritFV.org
Tel: (714) 963-1811 * Fax: (714) 968-1775 * Email: [email protected]
Msgr. Tuan Joseph Pham, JCL, Pastor
Reverend Thomas De Nguyen
Reverend Dan Wilder
Deacon Phil Goodman
Deacon Paul Manh Van Mai
Deacon Rigoberto Maldonado
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday: 9:00am - 5:00pm
Saturday: 9:00am - 1:00pm
Faith Formation: (714) 963-7871
Sr. Cecilia Trang Pham, LHC, Director
Roz Esh, English Coordinator
Sr. Van Nguyen, LHC, VN Coordinator
Email: [email protected]
Youth Ministry: (714) 330-4063
Chris Ord, Coordinator
[email protected]
His Hands Service: (714) 968-2111
17101 Ward St., FV, CA 92708
Monday - Thursday: 9:00 - 11:00am
Bulletin: Please submit your ar ticle by
Sunday night a week before the requested date to [email protected]
We, the Parish Community of Holy
Spirit Catholic Church, are a family of
many cultural backgrounds. Our mission is to enrich the spiritual life of all
parishioners, through the active participation in prayer and the sacraments,
promoting opportunities to grow in
faith and hope, and providing a place to
come together in the love of God and
neighbor. We are committed to the
needs of our parishioners and to reach
beyond to serve the needs of others.
We are called by the Spirit to witness
the forgiving, healing and saving presence of Jesus as one Church and one
people. (Adopted January 12, 2006)
Anointing of the Sick: In case of
serious illness or emergency, please
contact the Parish Office.
Baptism: Contact the Par ish Office.
Reconciliation: Satur day fr om
3:30pm - 4:30pm or by appointment.
Daily Mass
6:30am Mon. - Fri.
9:00am Mon. - Sat.
Vietnamese: 5:45pm Friday
Sunday Mass
Marriage: Contact the Par ish
Office at least six months prior to the
proposed date.
Saturday Vigil
Vietnamese: 8:00pm
Eucharistic Adoration:
Monday - Friday: 7:00am - 9:00am.
24 Hour Adoration every Friday and
on the 4th of each month following
the 9:00am Mass.
English: 7:30am, 9:00am, 10:30am,
12:00pm, 5:00pm
Vietnamese: 1:30pm, 3:15pm,
Our Parish Life Of Prayer
Sunday’s Reflection
Follow In the Footsteps of Christ: The gr eat fifty-day celebration of Easter has concluded, as have the feasts honoring the
Holy Trinity and the Body and Blood of Christ. Last week we
began a long stretch of Ordinary Time that will bring us to late
November. Saint Paul tells us today that those who are baptized “have clothed yourselves with Christ” (Galatians 3:27).
This scripture is echoed in the Church’s baptism ritual when
we sing, “You have put on Christ, in him you have been baptized.” This message is inspiring and sobering at the same time,
for in today’s Gospel, we get to the heart of what it means to be
clothed in Christ. The Lord tells us, “If anyone wishes to come
after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and
follow me” (Luke 9:23). For the next twenty-two weeks we are
called to take up the cross and, with Saint Luke as our guide,
follow in the footsteps of Christ.
Reflection Question of the Week
Then Jesus said to them all, “If any want to become my
followers, let them deny themselves and take up their
cross daily and follow me.”
Adult: Which crosses in your life do you find especially
heavy? What or who helps you bear them?
Youth: When you have something hard to do, what or
who helps you get through it?
Please Pray For Those Who Are Ill
Paul Diersing
Edna Abel
Dominic Do
Lowell Agustin
Larry Doan
Nancy Ahlswede
Tricia Elting
Barbara Arnold
Constancio Escalante
Joe Austin
Frank Espinosa
Bret Batchelor
Robert Espinoza
Kevin Ballard
Margarita Esquivel
Ralph Bickles
Eleanor Fujimoto
Biffin Family
Alain Gaude
Debbie Blair
Richard Guarnieri
Mary Bosma
Mayme Gonzales
Crystal Bracey
Elizabeth Gutierez
Lydia Branley
McKenzie Hopkins
Vivian Burleson
Ruth Horner
Luz Buscos
Tony Ibarra
Donald Cashion
Baby Riley Cantona Nina Kasperowski
Jen Kawabe
Ian Castle
Theresa Keehfuss
Cozy Chavez
Mary Killeen
Barbara Collins
Angela Koen Lam
Natalie Collison
Gerry Mariacher
Lorene Crawford
Regina Mc Poyle
Nick De Marco
William Meekins
Shannon De Marco
Barbara Morrison
Dean Del Favero
Judith Murray
Kathy Diersing
Victor Naughton
Cong Nguyen
Dzung Nguyen
Parker Nguyen
Tuyen Nguyen
Dennis O’ Brien
Sylvia Oscguera
Sharon Pennington
Dieu Quy Pham
Maureen Pozdal
Victor Rangel
Larry Raustr
Christopher Rehak
Charlotte Renouf
Noelle Renouf
Mary Ruth Rivet
Joseph Sorace
Cozy Schaffer
Suzy Skoczylas
Marcia Slack
Mitchell Udell
Elena Velazquez
Betty West
Donna Wilson
Wedding Banns
June 25 My Linh Vu & Minh Quang Pham-Nguyen
Pauline Kim Tran & Khoa Xuan Le
June 26 Angel Thuy-Tien Nguyen & Tim Nguyen
July 2 Kristine Nguyen & Dao Lieu Hoang
Jaime-Anne Fabio & Marcelo Mario
July 9 Efigenia Brito & Ramiro Carbajal
July 16 Mi Truc Hoang & Daniel Nguyen
Mass Intentions
Monday, June 20
† Dominic Sac Vu
† Vi Thi Bi & Ursula Cruz
Tuesday, June 21 - St. Aloysius Gonzaga
† Ngon Quy Pham
† Eby Badi Kaba
† Betty & Eric Laing
† Lindy Carraro
† Lucille Leroux
† Jay Diskin
Father Wayne Aguilar
Wednesday, June 22 - St. Paulinus of Nola,
St. John Fisher & St. Thomas More
† Theresa Vu Mai
† Ernest Akina
Thursday, June 23
Ginger Grace Hughes & Family
Msgr. Tuan Pham, David Vu
Jay Jolly, Jeri Dimaano
Alex Mendoza, Doan Family
Alexa Hagedorn & Family
Frank Lennert
† Ed Fitch
Friday, June 24 - Birth of John the Baptist
† Robert Parrington
† Baptiste Vieillemaringe
Saturday, June 25
† Ronaldo Abella
† Henry Nguyen
For the people of the Parish
Sunday, June 26 - 13th Sunday of Ordinary Time
† Thaddeus Tri Nguyen
† Sally Rakowich
† Orlando Villanueva
Bob & My Duc Leroux
† Maria Diem & John Trong Do
(† Rest in God’s love and peace)
Rest In Peace
Our Parish Community wishes to extend our
sympathy to the family and friends of all the
faithful departed, especially Mollie Ianno
Our Parish Life Of Service
Important News: The Parish & Faith Formation
Offices will be closed on Saturdays during the months Lunch for those in need, needs your
of June & July. Please call the Parish Office and fol- help to provide food six times a year. If
you can donate something to this lunchlow the prompts for any immediate needs.
eon for the poor in Santa Ana, please
call Pam Mehle at (714) 848-4180. Thank you.
Mission Phone: (714) 968-2111
Monday - Thursday from 9:00 - 11:00am
Come for some great food, fun, and friendship...all for
a good cause on Sunday, June 26, 8:00-11:00am.
With Fr. Dan Wilder on Monday,
June 20, with Praise and Worship at
6:30pm and Mass at 7:00pm. All are
invited to come and receive God’s grace, healing, and
love! Questions? Please call Ruth Vinson at (714) 585Omelets,
6814 or Pat Rensing at (714) 878-3109
Ham, Sausage,
Waffles, Eggs,
are in need of Lectors; call us if you can help.
Pancakes, Pho & more
♦ We will be starting a Spanish children's choir that
will sing as scheduled at our Mass. Children beOUR OFFERING TO THE LORD
tween the ages of 5 to 13 are encouraged to join.
Sunday, June 12
We need your assistance and prayers in helping us
increase our Mass attendance. Let us spread the
Thank you for your generosity! Your weekly
support has been used to sustain the ministries
word about our vibrant 6:30pm Spanish celebration
and ongoing operating needs of our parish!!!
every Saturday night.
There will be a Second Collection on the weekend of June 25 - 26 for the needs of
the Universal Church. Thank you for your generosity and support to our Holy Father, Pope Francis.
Versículo Bíblico para memorizar: “Si alguno quiere acompañarme, que no se busque a sí mismo, que tome su
cruz de cada día y me siga. (Lucas 7, 36-50)
Oración Para Nuestras Familias "Señor Jesús, creemos que siempre cuidas a todos tus hijos, incluso en medio
del caos y la confusión. Cuida hoy, de manera especial, a los padres de familia y ayúdales a abandonarse en tus
manos y confiar en que tú los llevarás a ellos y sus familias a tu Reino sanos y salvos.” (La Palabra Entre Nosotros Junio 2016, p. 40)
Oremos Por Los Afligidos Con Enfermedades...El tierno cuidado de Dios los envuelve, son amados y apoyados
en oración... Sally Lund, Pedro Jr., Sergio Torres, José María López, Carlos Salazar y Rich Dahl.
† Oramos Por Los Difuntos: Carlos López, Luis Morales, Tom Folga, Noelia Leiva, Jois Rivereck y Linda
¡Feliz Día del Padre!: Les deseamos un día lleno de bendiciones y felicidad a todos los padres de nuestra comunidad Cristiana que son la luz, fortaleza y el sostén de sus familias. También recordamos a los padres que no
están presentes con nosotros.
Orgulloso De Ser Católico: La meta de nuestra parroquia para La Campaña de Los Servicios Pastorales de 2016
es obtener una promesa o compromiso de 1,000 familias o más para lograr nuestra meta. Lleven un sobre y el
folleto de La Campaña de los Servicios Pastorales (PSA) a su hogar y después de orar; consideren cómo su familia responderá a éste llamado, para apoyar el trabajo de Cristo en nuestra comunidad.
Misa de Sanación: Nuestra próxima Misa de Sanación será el lunes, 20 de junio. Inicia a las 6:30pm
con Adoración al Santísimo y la Misa continua a las 7:00pm. Vengan a recibir el poder de la Sanación de Jesús. El padre Dan Wilder celebrará la Misa.
Our Parish does not have a recycling bin. Please do not leave your items next to the trash bins. Thank you!
Leading up to our Baby Shower Sunday in September, we have adopted a real baby boy
whose young teen mom has chosen life for her baby and not abortion. We have been following his monthly development and we are now at the seventh month:
Our baby boy is approximately 12 inches long & five pounds. Our baby is getting cramped
now. Skin is pink and smooth, pupils respond to light, fingernails reach to fingertips and
dimples are forming at the knees and elbows. All sense organs are functional. Baby looks
like it will at birth except it’s eyes will be blue until pigment is exposed to sunlight. Baby
has a firm grip and it’s head and abdomen are the same size. Our baby will orient itself to
light outside the womb. Growth slows now because of lack of room to expand.
Thank You!
Thank You!
The Holy Spirit Priests & Staff
wish to thank
Tobia Caskets & Funeral,
especially Thiem Nguyen,
General Manager, for their
generous donation of 14 custom
mats at the value of $2,700 and
Mike Stephan from Great
Western Sanitary Supplies for
two custom mats at the value of
May the Holy Spirit, source of
all graces, bless you, your
family, and your business for
your generosity and love for
God’s house.
Saigon City Marketplace
15471 Brookhurst St.,
Westminster, CA 92683
For your generous donation of $4,054.49
to our Holy Spirit Church Family:
Thank you for shopping at Saigon City Marketplace.
When you buy groceries and use code #69, the
Church gets 10% of your bill as a donation. What a
way to shop and help our Church at the same time!
Don’t forget, gifts to
Holy Spirit Church
are Tax-Deductible.
If you are considering
making a tax-deductible
gift, consider funding
our ministries at Holy
Spirit Church. We truly
appreciate the ongoing
support and generosity
of our members. Please
Did you know that Father McGivney visit HolySpiritFV.org
Military Chaplain Schorarship fund, set
or call Parish Office.
up in 2011, benefits the Archdiocese
for the Military Services, USA, the world's only CathSAINTS SIMON &
olic archdiocese responsible for endorsing and grantJUDE CATHOLIC
ing facilities for prospective Catholic priests to serve
as U.S. military chaplains.
applicaNamed in honor of Father Michael J. McGivney,
2016 for
founder of the Knights of Columbus, the scholarship
Kindergarten through
is currently set at one million dollars.
7th Grade. For more inThinking of joining, contact David Salcedo, GK,
fo., call the school of(714) 453-8696 or [email protected]
fice at (714) 962-4451.
CHURCH CLEAN-UP: Every Thursday after the 9:00am Mass, please come and join us in cleaning up the
Lord’s House. The more helpers we have, the faster we will finish. For more info., call Roz Esh at (714) 654-6810.
The Extraordinary Ministers to the Sick are in dire need of
ministers for the following parishioners who are homebound:
1. Palm Island: Communion Service Sunday at 10:15am.
2. Manor Care Nursing Home: Sunday at anytime.
3. Board and care single family
homes: schedule suitable times.
Time commitment is about two hours
twice a month. Please call Carol
Souza at (714) 964-5417 or email
[email protected].
Adoration for the month of July will be cancelled due to the federal holiday.
♦ Mass for Monday, July 4 will be as normal at
6:30am & 9:00am. The campus will be closed
at 12:00pm.
♦ The Parish & Faith Formation Offices will be
closed on Monday, July 4 in observance of the
Wishing everyone a blessed three-day weekend and
may our Lord continue to bless our Country!
(714) 963-7871 l [email protected] l FaithFormationHSFV.org
Monday - Friday: 9:30am - 5:00pm l Saturday: 9:00am - 2:00pm
Institute for Pastoral Ministry and Holy Spirit Faith Formation
would like to invite Catechists, Catholic School Educators,
Youth Ministers, Confirmation Coordinators, Faith Formation
Ministers to our Diocese of Orange Summer institute. Classes
provided will fulfill your requirement for Basic Certification,
Basic Recertification, and Master Catechist.
To obtain the basic certification, completion of the four-course
requirement and submission of an application within three
years from the first course taken will result in a basic certification valid for four years. This basic certification provides students with a foundation of Catholic Church Teaching.
Inviting all Faith Formation parents to
FRIDAYS (English):
July 15, 22, 29 August 5, 12, 19
7:00 - 8:30pm in Room 8
Basic Certification Courses offered at Holy Spirit Catholic Church
M100 Catechetical Methods
Saturdays, July 23 & 30 from 9:00am - 5:30pm
Instructor: Pending
This course is an overview of the principles of effective teaching of religion. Lesson planning, curriculum, classroom management and faith sharing will be covered throughout this
Basic Certification Courses offered at other locations
R210B Theological Formation
R210C Pastoral Formation
Confirmation & First Holy Communion pictures are ready
to be picked up in our Faith Formation office. We are
open from Monday-Friday 9:30am - 5:00pm.
Registration for Faith Formation will be from August 1st to
August 31st. Classes will begin in September. Classes are
offered for children kindergarten to high school.
Faith Formation summer office:
Monday - Friday * 9:30am - 5:00pm
Watch and listen to
Catholic movies and
programs such as the
Catholicism with Bishop Barron. The best
Catholic content.
All in one place.
The Catholic Faith.
On Demand.
FREE for all Holy Spirit Parishioners. Free-will offering.
Donation will go toward the Faith Formation Program.
Register at FORMED.org
Parishioners, enter code: KNHQW4
CSP Classes can help you
• Build strong, healthy relationship with
your children
Address a child’s problem behavior
Minimize problems that disrupt family life
Raising responsible and caring children
Classes are FREE
Want to become A Catholic? Are you or someone
you know interested in becoming a Catholic? If
you have not been baptized, have been baptized in another Christian Faith or baptized Catholic and not received your First Eucharist, join us:
Sunday, July 10 at 3:00 - 5:00pm or
Thursday, July 14 at 7:00pm
Baïn coù muoán hoaëc bieát ai muoán tìm hieåu hôn veà
Ñaïo Coâng Giaùo khoâng? Neáu baïn chöa Röûa Toäi,
Röûa Toäi nhöng chöa Röôùc Leã vaø chöa Theâm Söùc,
xin ñeán tham döï khoùa Giaùo Lyù Döï Toøng. Xin lieân
laïc Thaày Saùu Mai Vaên Maïnh (714) 457-4701 hoaëc
email [email protected]
Chuùa Nhaät, Thaùng 7 luùc 2:00 - 4:00pm
“Take up your Cross
and follow
Luke 9: 18-24
Our Parish Life This Week & Around the Diocese
Monday, June 20
7:00-8:45am Men’s Bible Study
9:30-11:00am Carmelite Prayer Group
9:45-10:45am Dominican Lay People
5:30-9:00pm Boy Scout Troop 412
6:30-9:00pm Healing Mass
6:45-9:00pm Boy Scout Troop 412
7:00-8:30pm Singing Knights
7:00-8:30pm Spanish Charismatic
7:00-8:30pm Spanish Bible Study
7:00-9:00pm Boy Scout Troop 412
7:00-9:00pm Bible Study: Corinthian
Room #4
Room #4
Room #7
Room #3
Music Room
Room #6
Room #1
Room #5
Room #8 & 9
Tuesday, June 21
9:30-11:00am Carmelite Prayer Group
9:45-10:45am Dominican Lay People
9:45-11:45am BS: Untold Blessing
10:15-12:15pm Music Ministry
Room #4
Room #1
Room #7- 9
Wednesday, June 22
9:30-11:00am Carmelite Prayer Group
9:45-10:45am Dominican Lay People
9:45-11:45am Bible Study: Corinthian
11:30-1:00pm AFF Pot Luck
4:00-6:00pm Youth Ministry Social
6:00-8:00pm Legion of Mary-VN
6:30-7:30pm Children Choir
7:00-9:00pm Folk Choir
7:00-9:00pm Adult Confirmation
7:00-9:00pm Legion of Mary-VN
7:00-8:30pm Charismatic-English
7:00-9:00pm RCIA Year 2
7:30-9:00pm Spanish Choir
Room #4
Room #7
Hall & Ktn
Room #2 & 3
Doyle Hall
Room #2
Music Room
Room #3
Room #4
Room #9
Room #7 & 8
Music Room
Thursday, June 23
9:00-11:00am Brown Bag
9:30-11:00am Carmelite Prayer Group
9:45-10:45am Dominican Lay People
Room #7
Room #4
Room #7
Church cleaning
Legion of Mary-English
10:30am Choir
Boy Scout Troop 412
Charismatic Group-VN
Men’s Cursillo
BS: Untold Blessing
Room #3
Music Room
Room #3
Room #1 & 2
Room #9
Room #7 & 8
Friday, June 24
9:30-11:00am Carmelite Prayer Group
9:45-10:45am Dominican Lay People
5:00-6:30pm Spiritual Ex. of St. Ignatius
6:00-7:00pm Children Choir-VN
7:00-9:00pm Spanish Choir
7:30-9:30pm Kingdom Seekers Choir
8:00-9:00pm Wedding Rehearsal
Room #4
Room #7
Room #7
Music Room
Music Room
Room #1 & 2
Saturday, June 25
8:00-8:45am Men’s Cursillo
9:00-5:30pm FF: R210A
9:45-12:15pm Adult Faith Formation
6:00-8:00pm Legion of Mary Jr.-VN
6:00-8:00pm 8:00pm Choir
Room #7
Room #4-6
Doyle & Kitchen
Room #7
Doyle Hall
Sunday, June 26
8:00-11:00pm K of C Parish Breakfast
9:00-10:00am Children Liturgy
9:30-10:30am 10:30am Choir
9:30-11:30am Bible Study: Matthew
10:30-11:30am Noon Choir Rehearsal
11:30-1:30pm 1:30pm Choir
1:00-3:00pm Women’s Bible Study
1:30-3:00pm Children’s Choir-VN
3:30-4:30pm Kingdom Seekers Choir
4:00-6:00pm Legion of Mary Group 1
4:30-6:30pm 6:30pm Choir
6:00-8:00pm RCIA Year 2
7:30-9:30pm Youth Ministry
Hall & Kitchen
Room #7 & 8
Music Room
Room #6
Music Room
Music Rm & #9
Room #7
Music Room
Music Room
Room #5 & 6
Doyle Hall
Room #7
Room #1-3
Mater Dei High School is hosting a variety of
youth camps in its state-of-the-art facilities. The camps will provide competitive skill
fun environment. Camps being offered such as: Band & Drum
Line, Color Guard, Baseball, Basketball, Cheer and Song,
Cross Country, Dance, Football, Golf, Lacrosse, Robotics,
Soccer, Softball, Swim, Tennis, Theatre Arts, Track and
Field, Volleyball, Water polo and Wrestling.
Mater Dei
youth camps are open to boys and girls who are entering K
through eighth grades. Visit www.materdei.org/camps to register today!
Happy Father’s Day
to all Fathers,
especially our
spiritual fathers,
Msgr. Tuan, Fr. Thomas,
Fr. Dan, Fr. Damien, &
Fr. Joseph Son.
A Father’s Day Prayer
God, bless all the fathers in the world. Father, please guide them to be good role models
and loving to their children. We also ask that You help them to be a father like You are.
Give them grace and patience to handle situations in a loving way. Amen.
hank you Holy Spirit Family for we have met the diocesan goal
of $132,000. We did it!!! However, our parish goal of 1,000
families participation has not been met. We only have 749 families of
the 4,600 registered families.
e are in need of more classrooms to meet the needs of 1,000
students and 96 ministries that are alive and active in our Parish. This year’s participation is extremely crucial for us to be able to show the Diocese our willingness,
determination, and dedication to get this new and improved building.
uilding a new Pastoral Center can be accomplished with your help! No amount is too small and your
participation matters. We cannot serve your family, especially your children’s faith formation needs,
if we do not have the capacity. This new building is for us and for our future.
Together We Build - Building the Lord’s House