September 2014 - Academy Publishing, Inc.


September 2014 - Academy Publishing, Inc.
September 2014
Volume 9
Issue 1
For the Parents, Staff, Students and Community of Linganore High School
Principal’s Message
We have had a very smooth opening of school this year. I appreciate how quickly our students, teachers, and
all at Linganore have gotten back to a routine focused on high-quality teaching and learning.
In our openings meetings with faculty and staff, we considered courage as a concept that might frame much
of what we do this year. For some teachers, that will mean remaining intrepid as they teach a new course. For others
it may mean being fearless as they and their students venture into using newly-available technology. For all, we
expect, it will mean having those important conversations with students and parents in which our teachers celebrate
each student’s success and set goals for even greater success in the future.
Several changes are on the horizon as we enter the school year.
• All FCPS high schools, as planned, are offering higher levels of math courses aligned with Common Core
standards. Remember that the Common Core is not a curriculum itself; rather, it is a set of goals for a given
course. This year Common Core courses in mathematics include Algebra 1, geometry, and Algebra 2. Teachers
of these courses are closely collaborating to ensure that each student is appropriately challenged and supported
in math studies.
• Students and faculty will have access to Google Apps for Education (GAFE), which is a set of web-based
applications hosted by Google but managed by FCPS. GAFE is one way we can prepare students to use digital
tools they will experience in college and careers. GAFE can provide a platform to easily and securely store,
access, and edit files from a variety of locations using virtually any device.
• The use of GAFE will vary from class-to-class. Teachers will explore its applications only as appropriate for
their particular courses and students.
A letter about GAFE was sent home with students the second week of school. The letter included an introduction
to GAFE and several web addresses for parents (and students) wanting more information. We’ve reprinted these
addresses on the back cover of this newsletter.
Certainly, no technology will replace the dynamic instruction and ability for human interaction available in
our classrooms. The appropriate use of new technologies to increase student achievement is but one of our many
responsibilities in preparing students for the future.
What hasn’t changed at Linganore is our commitment to the success of each student. We continue to use
Pinnacle so that parents and students can access grades at all times. We encourage parents to let teachers or school
counselors know of any academic concerns as early as possible.
The fall is an exciting time at our school. There are many activities happening every day. We hope that all LHS
parents and community members can find an activity to attend and, as such, find a way to support our students in all
of their endeavors.
Best wishes to all for a most successful start to the school year!
David Kehne
Assistant Principals
Gregory Keller
Andrew McWilliams
Jan Witt
School Counselors
Kathy Becker ext. 69736
Ilana Blum ext. 69737
Renata Emery ext. 69738
Paula Larson ext. 69732
Student Support
Tom Kraft ext. 69739
Contact Info
Main Office
Main Office Fax
Attendance Fax
Guidance Fax
With Lancer Pride,
David A. Kehne
Our mission at Linganore High School is to equip students for life-long
learning through lessons in academics, accountability, and attitude.
‘Lancer Lines’
September 2014
Published Six Times Per Year
Linganore High School
12013 Old Annapolis Road
Frederick, MD 21701
Issue # 1
Cleaning Out Around Your
House? Learning for Life
Students in Need of Items
The Linganore High School Learning for Life class
is in need of the following items to support the students in
their vocational experiences: paper shredder, a working
cash register, and a refrigerator freezer combo.
Safe & Sane Celebration –
Planning Underway!
The Safe & Sane Graduation Celebration is a
drug and alcohol-free, all-night event for graduating
seniors sponsored by the PTSA. The celebration will
be held immediately after graduation on Tuesday,
June 2, 2015 at Mount St. Mary’s University in
Emmitsburg, MD.
Meeting Dates:
Monday, September 15
Tuesday. November 18
Monday, January 12
Tuesday. February 17
Monday. March 16
Tuesday. April 21
Monday. May 18
Our first five meetings will be held at 7:30 pm
in the media center. The meetings in January and
February are critical for our fundraising initiative.
The April and May meetings are mandatory
for anyone who will be working the night of the
celebration and are held in the cafeteria at 7:30 pm.
Concerns making both meetings should be discussed
with Chip or Melissa Harner.
Please join us for our first meeting as we are
now forming committees including: fundraising,
entertainment, food, coatroom, decorations,
registration, and security. We are also looking
for individuals to work with some of our current
committee leads to insure smooth transitions of
responsibilities from year to year.
If you can’t make the meetings but want more
information please feel free to contact Chip and Melissa
Harner at [email protected].
Welcome Back News from Student Services
Welcome to all new and returning students. The Student Services Department is looking forward to working with
students and their families toward their academic, career, and personal goals.
Below are the school counselor assignments and contact information based on the student’s last name and grade.
Ms. Blum ([email protected] 240-566-9737)
Grade 9 Last Names A-Z
Ms. Becker ([email protected], 240-566-9736) Grades 10-12 Last Names A-F
Ms. Larson ([email protected] 240-566-9732)
Grades 10 – 12 Last Names G-N
Ms. Emery ([email protected], 240-566-9738)
Grades 10 – 12 Last Names O – Z
Mr. Kraft ([email protected] 240-566-9739)
Student Support
On Wednesday, October 15, the Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test (PSAT) will be given at Linganore High
School during the regular school day. It is the qualifying test for the National Merit Scholarship program for juniors
who take the exam. Students who have already completed Geometry may want to take the PSAT. The cost of the
exam is $14. Students can register for the exam during lunch shifts during Monday, September 15 through Thursday,
September 18. More information will be given to students during advisement prior to registration.
The PSAT is an excellent experience for preparing for the SAT exam. The test results are detailed so that students
can focus on their strengths and needs for post-secondary planning. If you have questions about your child taking the
PSAT, please contact Ms. Larson at [email protected] or 240-566-9732.
The SAT will be given on the following days. Go to for more information and to register.
Test Date
Registration Deadline
Late Registration Deadline
October 11
September 12
September 30
November 8
October 9
October 28
December 6
November 6
November 24
January 24
December 29
January 13
February 13
March 3
May 2
April 6
April 21
June 6
May 8
May 27
The ACT will be given on the following days. Go to for more information or to register.
Test Date
Registration Deadline
Late Registration Deadline
October 25
September 19
October 3
December 13
November 7
November 21
February 7
January 9
January 16
April 18
March 13
March 27
June 13
May 8
May 22
Seniors and their parents are reminded that it is time to start the college application process. Requests for transcripts
and counselor letters of recommendations must be submitted to student services 30 days (one month) before needed.
There is a $1 fee for each transcript requested. When students complete college applications (frequently on-line), there
is often a school or counselor report that must be completed by the school counselor. This form should be submitted
with the transcript request. Seniors and their parents must have a completed and signed release of transcript form on
file in order for transcripts to be sent to colleges, scholarship organizations, and the NCAA Clearinghouse. Seniors
will be receiving these forms by September 15 or can pick one up in Student Services.
Seniors are responsible for requesting and sending teacher recommendations directly. These letters are not kept
by student services. In addition, SAT and ACT test scores must be sent to colleges from the administering organization
(Collegeboard or ACT).
If you would like to learn more about the college application process, please attend the College Information Night
on Tuesday, September 23 from 6-7 pm in the Linganore Media Center.
Frederick County Public is implementing the Naviance college and career readiness program this year. All
Linganore students will be introduced to this program through the course of the fall semester. More information will
be detailed in future newsletter articles.
Frederick County Health Department/
Frederick County Public Schools
Message from the
Registered Nurse
In order for a student to receive medication during
the school day you are required to follow the FCPS
Medication Administration Policy. (reg 400-23).
The following checklist will assure the policy
requirements are met:
üü The appropriate Medication Authorization form,
must be completed by the student’s health care
provide for the 2014-15 school year.
üü Both parent/guardian and the health care provider
must sign this form.
üü The medication must be in the original unopened
container and/or be properly labeled by the
üü The medication label must match the health care
provider’s authorization form.
üü An adult must transport any medications to and
from school.
üü The first full day’s dosage of ANY new medication
must be given at home.
Please be aware of the expiration date on the
pharmacy label when bringing the medication to the
health room with the new authorization form. School
health staff will determine medication expiration by the
date printed on the pharmacy label.
Please note Epinephrine, Diastat, Glucagon and
inhalers have an expiration date printed on the container
in addition to the pharmacy label. Therefore the container
expiration date must be equal to or exceed the expiration
date on the pharmacy label. Please make sure the
expiration date on the individual medication container
exceeds the expiration date on the label before leaving
the pharmacy.
All of the appropriate forms can be obtained from
the health room or by going to
dept/health/index.htm and clicking on the form you need.
For further questions, you may contact the health room
at 240-566-9745.
Linganore-New Market Community Show
October 5-7, 2014
Linganore High School
Sunday, October 5
4:00 pm to 8:00 pm: Entries accepted in the Gym
Monday, October 6
8:00 to 9:00 am: Entries accepted
6:30 pm: Open to the Public
7:00-7:30 pm: FFA Youth Ambassador & Talent Program
7:30-9:00 pm: Baked Goods & Flower Auction
Tuesday, October 7
9:30 am to 2:00 pm: FFA PALS (Partners in Active Learning) Program with elementary stuents
4:00 to 7:30 pm: Spaghetti Dinner in School Dining Room
6:00 to 7:30 pm: Pedal Tractor Contest & Games, Strut Your Mutt Dog Show
8:00 pm: Door prizes
8:15 pm: Exhibits removed and premiums paid
You Have Access to Your Child’s Grades Online
On the first day of school, your son or daughter received a letter containing his or her user name
and password for Pinnacle, the online grading program used by all of our teachers. If you no longer have
that information, please call our student services department at 240-566-9730.
Accessing Grades Online
Begin at the homepage of the website and select.
Then, enter your child’s student ID number as the
User Name.
User name
The case sensitive password is sent home with the
student early in the school year.
Select “Linganore High School” from the drop
down menu.
Once you have logged on, you will have the option to
set up Email notifications. Even if you signed up for Email
notifications last year, you will need to do it again this year.
Online Grades
High School
Heads Up:
Did you Know:
October HSAs will be given the
week of October 6th for students
who need to retest.
January HSAs will be given the
week 1-12-15.
After school tutoring is available
on Tuesdays and Thursdays at
2:30pm in the Media Center for
Algebra I, Biology and English High
School Assessments.
PARCC Assessments will be
replacing the English and Algebra
I HSAs this year. More information
to come!
AT (240)566-9962 OR
[email protected]
Yearbook News
Tentative prices for the ALL COLOR 2015 Talisman Yearbook are as follows:
• Regular price will be $60.00 October 1 through December 31, 2014. End of the year price will be $70.00.
Herff Jones will be mailing yearbook order forms and information home during the fall, so keep an eye out for
that. You can also continue to order directly through Herff Jones by visiting after
October 1, OR by calling 1-866-287-3096. Reference order number 4625.
Spring Supplement
During both last school year and this school year, we do not have a publications class during the spring semester.
Our current plan is that each yearbook will cover events from the previous spring through late winter. The 2015
Talisman will include events from April 2014 through March 2015. We encourage students interested in working on
our yearbook to sign-up for our publications class during registration next February.
Got Summer Pictures?
The Talisman staff seeks pictures of students participating in community service activities this past summer
to include in our coverage of summer activities. Anyone with quality photos featuring groups of LHS students
participating in community service activities is asked to email them to [email protected] by September 20 for
full consideration. Thank you.
Attention Parents of Seniors:
Senior picture make up day will be September 15, 16 & 17. Remember you must use the school photographer
if you want your senior picture to be in the 2015 yearbook. The school photographer will be sending your child an
appointment card. If you have any questions please call Herff Jones Photo Studio directly at 1-800-320-2894, or contact
Michael Harris at 571-436-2960, or see Mrs. Roderick in the front office. Please be sure to make yearbook selections
as soon as possible to ensure your favorite pose will be used. Deadline will be October 8. If you do not select on line
via the Herff Jones web site or call them directly to make your yearbook pose selection then one will be made for you.
Baby ad order forms were mailed in June so please visit the LHS website and click on yearbook info to download
the baby ad form if you did not receive one. All ads are due by October 3—NO EXCEPTIONS. The discount deadline
is September 12. We must receive your money and all pictures and write ups in order to reserve your spot. Please mail/
drop of to: LHS High School attention Mrs. Bozzonetti. Please email questions to [email protected].
We are also looking for pictures of our seniors and fellow classmates from elementary and middle school for
our popular NOW & THEN section. Please email hi-res jpegs to [email protected] to be included. We must
receive them by October 31 to be considered.
Advertise in the
Lancer Lines!
A few spots are left!
We need you!
This is a wonderful way
for your company
to get community recognition
and exposure,
and at the same time
help support your local schools!
Lee Standifer
Linganore High School
Are you looking forward to the
fireworks display during the Linganore
High School Homecoming
celebration this fall?
The LHS Student Government Association
is working hard planning for an amazing display
after the October 24th game as part of
Homecoming 2014.
These displays are expensive to put on and the SGA
is looking for your help as a partner to continue to bring such
great activities to LHS and the community. We are asking that
individuals, families, friends, or businesses help us to make it happen.
In appreciation for your help, each of our donor partners will be recognized
in a special Homecoming game program to be distributed the night of the game. Please help us
continue to make Linganore events something for our entire community to enjoy.
For more information or for any questions:
Contact LHS at 240-236-9740 or e-mail [email protected].
Thank you for your continued support of
events and activities at Linganore High School!
Please return this form along with your donation to: Linganore High School
c/o Student Government Association
12013 Old Annapolis Road
Frederick, MD 21701
Donor Name:___________________________________________
Phone: (______ )______________________________________
$20: sparkler level
$100-$249: bottle rocket level
$21-$49: firecracker level
$250-$499: skyrocket level
$50- $99: pinwheel level
$500+ : atomic missile level
Please make all checks payable to Linganore High School SGA.
Homecoming 2014
Calendar of Events
Theme ~ One Tribe
October 6-10
Online voting available for prince/princess, Mon-Fri
Dance Tickets on sale for dance at all lunch shifts, Mon-Fri
Saturday, October 18
Parade- Main Street in New MarketLine-up: 9:30 AM
Step-off: 10:00 AM
Monday, October 20
Class of 2018 Recognition Day
Spirit Dress- Western Wear Day
Tuesday, October 21
Class of 2017 Recognition Day
Spirit Dress- Team Maryland Day
Wednesday, October 22
Class of 2016 Recognition Day
Spirit Dress- Safari Day
Thursday, October 23
Class of 2015 Recognition Day
Spirit Dress- Class Color Day (’18-red, ’17-yellow, ’16-blue, ’15- Tiedye)
Friday, October 24
Spirit Dress- Red, Black & Bow Day
Pep Rally- Period One
Varsity Football Game –7:00 PM
Halftime- Court recognized and King/Queen announced
Saturday, October 25
Homecoming Dance- Under the Sea
Dance Set Up- 8:00 AM- 3:00 PM
Dance – 8:00 –11:00 PM
Dance Clean Up 11:00 PM- 12:00 AM
Our annual Homecoming celebration is a great time for all in our
community to celebrate! Linganore is a central core to so much of what
happens in our area. Please encourage your student to participate and show
your support by attending the community events that week.
We also need some parent volunteers for the following areas:
Parade prep and clean-up (10/18),
Dance set-up (10/25), and
Dance clean-up (10/25).
If you are interested in volunteering to help make everything a success
please contact SGA advisor, Mr. Brown, to offer assistance. 240-566-9740
or [email protected].
Support Our Sponsors
Support LHS
English Department News
The English department welcomes veteran instructors Paula
Dallas and MaryEllen Newcomb.
Sadlier Oxford Vocabulary Workshop: To address the
increased rigor of the Common Core, the English Department
has adopted the Sadlier Oxford Vocabulary program. These
workbooks provide SAT-type vocabulary practice for our ninth
grade students. Next year, the English Department will introduce
10th grade workbooks.
National English Honor Society
Congratulations to new NEHS Officers: President Isabella
Marcellino. Officers: Olivia Goldstein, Dillon Mitcham, Jackie
Brinkmann, Natalie Smith, Amy Safsten, Elena Nicoll.
The National English Honor Society application is available
online until the deadline, September 15.
Juniors and seniors who are interested in membership must
have (1) a 3.0 GPA Overall, (2) All “A” or “B” final grade in
English 9, 10, and 11 (if applicable), (3) Demonstrated enthusiasm
for language arts. Students who are accepted must participate in
NEHS with 6 documented hours and a writing contest/scholarship.
• Address questions to Natalie Rebetsky
([email protected]).
• The induction ceremony will be held in late October.
Lancer Media
This isn’t your old-fashioned “school newspaper” anymore!
Follow the latest news on Twitter and Instagram @lhsjournalism.
Like us on Facebook at LHS Lancer Media.
Visit our school’s newspaper at You can sign up
to receive regular emails.
Do you have a freshman at LHS, and YOU are an LHS
graduate, too? Lancer Media wants to interview you for our Lancer
Legacy series. Email [email protected].
News from Linganore HS Performing Arts
The Linganore HS Performing Arts Department has another year of terrific activities planned.
Our award-winning Lancer Marching Band started camp on July 28, and marched in the Libertytown
Fireman’s Carnival Parade on August 21. This year’s competition/halftime program is titled “Magical
Mystery Tour” and features music by The Beatles. Selections include Magical Mystery Tour, Lady
Madonna, Eleanor Rigby, Blackbird, Yesterday, Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band, and The End.
In addition to performing at home football games, the band will attend competition festivals in the
Tournament of Bands circuit on the following dates. Visit the band’s web site or contact director Kevin
Lloyd at [email protected] for performance times as the events approach.
2014 LHS Marching Band Schedule of Competitions, Festivals and Parades
September 13 – Walkersville HS, MD
September 20 – Liberty HS, MD
September 27 – N. Hagerstown HS, MD
October 11 – Musselman HS, WV
October 13 – County Marching Band Festival at Linganore HS, MD
October 18 – Chapter 5 Championships at S. Carroll HS, MD
October 26 – Atlantic Coast Championships at Hershey Stadium, PA
November 2 – Veterans Day Parade, Brunswick, MD
The Linganore Drama Department will hold auditions for our fall play, Our Town, by Thornton
Wilder, on Wednesday, September 3 from 2:30-5:30 pm. Interested students may sign up for an audition
time outside the drama room, D101. Rehearsals will begin on Monday, September 8 from 2:30-5:00
and continue through the end of October. Technical rehearsals from 3:30-8:30 pm begin on Wednesday,
November 5 and continue through November 11. On November 12, the play will be presented during
the school day for visiting middle school students. The show opens to the public on the following day,
with shows on November 13 at 7 pm, November 14 at 7 pm, November 15 at 2 pm and 7 pm, and
November 16 at 2 pm. For more information, visit, or contact Mr.
Julian Lazarus at [email protected].
Both of our choral groups are scheduled in the second semester this year, but Mr. Dye plans to
have an after-school choral program during the fall semester for all interested students. If you would
like to participate in this vocal group, please stop by Mr. Dye’s office in the D Wing, or contact him at
[email protected]. We have an outstanding vocal program that his featured one of the finest Vocal
Ensembles in Maryland, and we hope to continue to grow this part of our department. Whether you are
enrolled in one of our ensembles, plan to sing in our musical, or are just a casual vocalist who enjoys
the opportunity, you belong in this after-school vocal group. Come out and sing with us!
Latin Club
Latin Club News
The LHS Latin club is ready for the new school year! Three of our 2013-2014 officers, along with Ms. Carter, attended
the week-long National Junior Classical League convention in Atlanta this summer, and our incoming officers are already
planning their trip to the 2015 convention in San Antonio.
At this year’s NJCL convention, we joined almost 2,000 Latin and Greek students from around North America, including
Hawaii, Ontario, and every place in between. Our president, Annee Lyons, had been elected the NJCL 1st vice president last
year, so she was on the board that planned and ran the week-long convention. She also entered a piece of pottery in the art
competition and won third place in the nation.
Our 2nd VP, Ryan Combass, took the advanced-level grammar test and the advanced-level derivatives test and placed
in the top 35 on both.
Our 1st VP, Chris Maze, placed in the top 25 on the advanced-level grammar test, the reading comprehension test, and
the mythology test, and he took 6th place in the nation on the ancient geography test. Linganore’s publicity binder, which
Chris spent most of last year compiling, won a trophy for placing in the top 10 of all JCL member schools.
We were so proud that Maryland JCL selected the LHS t-shirt (designed by Tessie Robertson, who was not able to
attend the convention) as Maryland’s entry in the NJCL state t-shirt competition. We’re even prouder to report that it won
two awards: 2nd place for most original t-shirt, and 3rd place overall!
Looking ahead, we have dates for several competitions this fall, and we’ll be hosting our annual Certamen
Saturnalium on December 13, when we’ll be unveiling this year’s t-shirt. Senior Julia Peigh, our new historian, is
designing it as we speak.
Some of the 2014-2015 officers. L-R: Hugh Norko,
Alex Peterson, Avie Koronet
Juniors – Would you like to work for NSA next year?
The National Security Agency (NSA) is now accepting applications from juniors who are
interested in taking part in the work-study program next year. This is a very competitive program,
so not all applicants will be hired. Students typically work as office assistants or computer aides.
The data processing equipment is some of the most sophisticated equipment on the market.
Any high school junior enrolled in either a business or computer course, with plans to take part in the work-study program the senior year, may apply. Applicants should
have a minimum unweighted GPA of 2.5 and must be 16 years of age when the program begins in September of 2015. Applicants must also be a citizen of the United States.
Pick up application information from Ms. Radil-Harris or Mr. Brown in the Transition Education Office (C103). All applications are due to C103 by October 24.
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