miniatures and music at the court of anjou


miniatures and music at the court of anjou
 MINIATURES AND MUSIC AT THE COURT OF ANJOU NAPLES -­‐ CA. 1340 1-­‐2 NOVEMBER 2010 LEUVEN, STUK MINIATURES AND MUSIC AT THE COURT OF ANJOU NAPLES -­‐ CA. 1340 1-­‐2 NOVEMBER 2010 LEUVEN, STUK Monday 1 November 2010 10.00: RegistraFon 10.30: Welcome Jan Van der Stock (Illuminare) and Bart Demuyt (Alamire FoundaFon) Session 1 Chair: Barbara Baert, Art History Research Unit 10.45: Lecture Lieve WaWeeuw, Illuminare, K.U.Leuven The Anjou Bible Revealed. Research and discoveries 11.20: Lecture Pierre Delsaerdt, UAntwerpen Arras College Library Leuven. The academic habitat of the Anjou Bible for three centuries 11.40: Coffee 12.05: Lecture Claudia Caffagni, Ensemble laReverdie -­‐ Staatliche Hochschule für Musik, Trossingen The Floren>ne Laudario and the devo>onal prac>ce during the Kingdom of Naples at the age of Robert of Anjou 12.40 Lecture Pedro Memelsdorff, Ensemble Mala Punica -­‐ L'Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya, Barcelona Neapolitan music from Robert I to queen Joan d’Anjou: status quaes>onis and new hypotheses. Discussion and quesFons 13.10 Break Session 2 Chair: Jan Van der Stock, Illuminare, K.U.Leuven 14.30 – 15.30: Keynote lecture: John Lowden, Courtauld InsFtute, London The Anjou Bible in the Context of Illustrated Bibles 16.00 to 18.00: Visit to the exhibiFon in Museum M The Anjou Bible. A Royal Manuscript Revealed. Naples 1340 18.00: RecepFon in Museum M RecepFon by Rector Mark Waer and Mayor Louis Tobback 19.15: IntroducFon to the concert in the Romaanse Poort, Leuven by Sofie Taes 20.00: Concert Le Jeu de Robin et Marion in the Predikherenkerk, Leuven Ensemble Micrologus led by Patrizia Bovi MINIATURES AND MUSIC AT THE COURT OF ANJOU NAPLES -­‐ CA. 1340 1-­‐2 NOVEMBER 2010 LEUVEN, STUK Tuesday 2 November 2010 Session 3 Chair: John Lowden, Courtauld InsFtute, London 10.15: Lecture Cathleen Fleck, Washington University, Saint Louis Patronage, Art, and the Anjou Bible in Angevin Naples (1266-­‐1350) 11.10: Coffee 11.30: Lecture Alessandra Perriccioli, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Naples Cristophoro Orimina: an illuminator at the Angevin court of Naples 12.05: Lecture Josh O’Discoll, Londen, Britsh Library The Carmina Regia by Convenevole da Prato (Ms 6, E. IX ) 12.40: Discussion and quesFons 13.00: Lunch Session 4 Chair: Sofie Taes, Alamire FoundaFon 14.30: Lecture Victor M. Schmidt, Universiteit Utrecht The StuYgart Panel of the Apocalypse: Iconography and Func>on 15.05: Lecture Nicolas Bock, Lausanne University A Kingdom in Stone. Angevin Sculpture in Naples 15.40: QuesFons 15.00: Conclusions, Catherine Reynolds, London 16.15: Opportunity to visit the Anjou Bible exhibiFon with explanaFon by the researchers (John Lowden, Lieve WaWeeuw), the permanent collecFon of Museum M and St Peter’s Church. 19.15: IntroducFon to the concert in the Romaanse Poort, Leuven 20.00: Concert (opFonal) Een Goddelijke Komedie: Welfen en Ghibellijnen in Duel in the Predikherenkerk, Leuven Club Mediéval led by Thomas Baeté