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44 ATLANTIS RISING • Number 58
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Number 58 • ATLANTIS
(left to right) Dr. Robert Schoch, Dr. Thomas Brophy, Dr. Constantino Manuel Torres, John
Major Jenkins, Robert Bauval, Michael Cremo, Dr. Luis Eduardo Luna, and Mahmoud Marai
Dubai Conference Spotlights
Interest in Ancient Mysteries
s Atlantis rising
in Dubai? From
indoor ski venues
to vast luxury developments
on artificial islands,
the oil-rich desert
kingdom on the
southern Persian
Gulf has amply
demonstrated that
when it is interested in something,
cost is no restraint
on its imagination.
the kingdom has
demonstrated its taste for
ancient mysteries—Atlantis Rising-style.
For two days in November (the 29th and
30th) no less than five (out of eight) worldclass speakers who have either written for,
or been featured in, these pages were showcased. On hand for “The International Conference on Ancient Studies” (subtitled “The
Mysteries of Ancient Civilization”) at the pyramid-shaped Raffles Hotel in Dubai city,
United Arab Emirates, were Robert Schoch,
Thomas Brophy, John Major Jenkins, Robert
Bauval, and Michael Cremo, all familiar to
regular readers of this magazine. Also participating were Mahmoud Marai, discoverer of
the remains of the ancient kingdom Yam in
Egypt’s western desert; Dr. Constantino Manuel Torres with new evidence on the ancient peoples of San Pedro de Atacama,
Chile; and Dr. Luis Eduardo Luna with recent research on the indigenous people of
the Amazon rainforest.
Dr. Schoch is best known for his redating of the Great Sphinx of Egypt to a
much greater antiquity than has been held
by orthodoxy. Dr. Thomas Brophy has found
10 ATLANTIS RISING • Number 74
Raffles Hotel, Dubai
evidence in the ruined monuments of Nabta
Playa in the western desert of Egypt showing
highly advanced, pre-historic astronomical
knowledge. John Major Jenkins is celebrated
for his research into Mayan knowledge of the
solar system’s current approach to the galactic center concurrent with the end of the
25,000-year-plus precession of the equinoxes.
Robert Bauval has hypothesized a link between Egypt’s Giza plain and the constellation of Orion from a period beginning in
10,500 B.C.; and Michael Cremo has argued
that the ancient Vedic time cycles and the
possibility of very ancient humans are notions supported by evidence which has been
ignored or repressed by mainstream archaeology.
All of these ideas are controversial, to say
the least, and the fact that conference organizers in Dubai wanted to hear more about
them is significant. Whether it represents official policy or not, sponsors readily acknowledge that it could not have happened
without the patronage of Dubai’s royal
or Order
or Order
Is there Evidence for
Life on Mars Now?
otwithstanding recent public concessions from NASA that—at
least in the distant past—Mars was habitable, some observers believe the agency is withholding key evidence that life exists on Mars
right now. According to the Indo-Asian News Services, influential Indian “astrobiologist” Chandra Wickramasinghe says, “... the [recently
confirmed] discovery of liquid water on Mars, combined with earlier
discoveries of organic substances in a meteorite that came from
Mars, and also of methane in the Martian atmosphere, all point to the
existence of life—contemporary life—on the Red Planet.…” Elsewhere in the story Wickramasinghe also charges that NASA is deliberately withholding this explosive information “... for political and sociological considerations.”
Richard Hoagland, who has for years insisted that NASA is suppressing evidence of life on Mars, says the agency’s policy is based on
a Brookings Institution study issued in the early days of the space
program which warned of social upheaval on Earth should life be discovered on other planets, and proposed—for the good of the public—
withholding such information.
On his website ( Hoagland analyzes recent
NASA pronouncements based on discoveries made by the latest Martian probe—the Phoenix Lander. According to Hoagland, the lead scientist for Phoenix’s wet chemistry experiment Sam Kounaves asserted publicly “We’ve found nutrients that could support Life,” and
added “ might be able to grow asparagus very well [on Mars].”
In December NASA offered a study in the journal Science which said
evidence of carbonates—which don’t survive in conditions hostile to
life—has been found.
According to the aerospace journal Aviation Week & Space Technology, the White House has been alerted about a soon-to-be-issued
announcement concerning the “potential for life” on Mars; nevertheless, as of this writing (in late December) nothing like that has been
officially released.
A new study has found the elusive mineral carbonate on Mars, bolstering
the case that life has existed on the Red Planet and that evidence may
remain. In this picture appear carbonate-bearing rocks in the sides of
eroded mesas in the Nili Fossae region. Scientists believe the carbonates
may have been formed at the surface when olivine-rich rocks were
exposed, and altered, by running water.
(Photo: NASA/JPL/JHUAPL/University of Arizona/Brown University)
High Stone Age Art
ussian artists 21,000 to 22,000 years ago were capable of craftsmanship comparable to that of modern artists. The latest evidence comes from Zaraysk, about 100 miles southeast of Moscow,
where archaeologists have turned up several carvings buried in pits
and covered with mammoth bones. The discoveries were published in
December in the academic
journal Antiquity.
According to authors
Hizri Amirkhanov and Sergey
Lev, “The main lines of the
image are clear, not ragged;
they were made by confident,
unbroken movements.” In
other words they are much
more advanced than typical
stone age art. The article included the image of a female
shown here from four different angles, but there was
more. In one, what appears to
be three overlapping mammoths only a few centimeters long are
carved onto the rib of a mammoth. The objects “show an extraordinary repertoire of incised carving on mammoth ivory plaques and
carving in the round, including representations of women and large
mammals, and geometric decoration on bone utensils.” Uncertain
what purpose was intended for the art, scientists speculate that they
must have been regarded as magical, perhaps for use in a hunting
on Page
on Page
74 74
Did Truman Order UFO
eporter Linda Moulton Howe, author of
several popular books on the UFO phenomenon, including High Strangeness and its sequels, has gone public in a YouTube video with
a new explanation for what may be the back
story for the 1947 Roswell “UFO crash.”
Howe says she has been provided with extensive documentation by New Mexico congressman Andrew Kissner to support a claim by
him that the initial policy of the U.S. government to UFOs in the late
1940s was, if possible, to shoot them down. President Truman also
directed that, for national security reasons, all information about
such actions be denied and kept top secret. It was only after learning
the hard way that the UFOs were not without defenses, and that the
lives of military pilots were being put at risk, that the aggressive
shoot-down policy was withdrawn. The denial and secrecy, however,
remained in force and does so to this day. Apparently, claims Kissner,
before it ended, the shoot-down policy produced several UFO crashes
with subsequent recovery of debris, with the Roswell event being the
last and most public.
Knowledge of the actual government position, says Howe, is carefully compartmentalized and distributed on a need-to-know basis
only. Thus, it exists entirely in the hands of a select few and remains
unknown throughout the government at large.
To see Howe’s report, go to:
7474• A
Tracking the News of the Coming Energy Revolution
Breakthrough Power: Will We See it in 2009?
t’s a few weeks before 2009 as this is
written, but we can predict excitement
about emerging energy developments. Magnetic motor claims will come into the public
eye and the Orion Project will carry forward
the work of Stan Meyer. Other water-related
projects around the world will continue to
have successes. More thousands of garage
tinkerers will join the HHO (otherwise
known as watergas) movement and supplement the regular fuel used in their vehicles
with hydrogen.
A month ago near San Francisco I saw a
demonstration which appeared to be more
output than input, perhaps involving what is
known as cold electricity. It’s premature to
write about it, but I expect we’ll be hearing a
lot more about Pete S. He aspires to drive an
18-wheeler truck across the continent and
back on only a few gallons of gasoline; but if
his technology does what he says it can,
there will be other ways to use it to solve
major energy-related problems and rescue
an economy. He has funding, but there are
other potentially revolutionary energyrelated discoveries of various types whose inventors have run out of money for bringing
their inventions to the marketable stage.
With your help in spreading the word via
discussions and blogs, our new book Breakthrough Power ( or
order through the Atlantis Rising catalog)
will do its part in building awareness, a
grassroots push and the political will for replacing dirty fuels with clean energy technologies that leapfrog beyond today’s expensive
The upcoming year will see breakthroughs in some of the basic science that
underlies a variety of unconventional energy
discoveries. At the moment new theoretical
understandings appear to be only vague outlines on the horizon, but they will eventually
be seen as significant.
Today I interviewed one of the scientists
involved in Project Common Thread, Ken
Rauen in northern California. The collaborative project began with serious efforts in recent years to understand the science behind
the controversial Papp (pronounced “Pop” in
Hungary) engine. Eventually it evolved to include a new look at other weird-science
events that at first seemed unrelated to that
engine. Physicists with strong academic credentials, including Michael McKubre and
George Miley, are involved in the loosely knit
project, figuring out how various discoveries
can help explain what happens in the “low
16 ATLANTIS RISING • Number 72
energy nuclear reactions,” (LENR—more
commonly called “cold fusion”). Several of
the key engineers and electronics wizards involved in the project—Rauen, Bill Harrington of Washington state, and “charge
cluster” pioneer Ken Shoulders—have developed new insights on how atoms work.
What does all this mean to you and me?
Project Common Thread doesn’t have an energy generator to sell in the stores, at least
not at this time, but it is
working on a new theoretical foundation. Implications of the project’s findings could
include a way to clean
up some of the radioactive wastes on Earth and
amounts of cheap clean
power without any polluting emissions.
the line if he is publicly associated with weird
science, their involvement in LENR, must
have broadened their vision. They were in a
field where the science behind phenomena
was not understood, because tickling metals
with low-voltage electricity in a watery environment is not generally expected to make
reactions that give off relatively huge
amounts of heat per atom involved. Like cold
fusion, the Papp engine is a scientific mystery. The gases it uses—
argon, helium, krypton,
neon, and xenon—are
called noble because
they generally are not reactive, but in the Papp
engine they exploded violently and drove a retrofit device from an ordinary gasoline engine
without the need for a
cooling system, fuel
system, or exhaust.
Who was Josef Papp?
Project Common
Rauen describes an exThread’s History
pilot who left Hungary in
1957 after the revolt
closely with the late Euagainst Communism and
gene Mallove at the New
subsequent Soviet invaEnergy Research Laborsion of Hungary. He
atory in New Hampseemed to be a paranoid
shire. One day a visitor
from western Washcharacter who was techKen Rauen
nically educated but
ington began asking
questions about cold fusion. Electrical engi- didn’t seem to understand the physics behind
neer Bill Harrington had twenty years’ expe- the “Papp” engine, so he may have been
rience with Hughes Aircraft and had devel- trained by whoever was the real genius.
oped electronics for radar systems around Since he was knowledgeable about microthe world. His curiosity had been aroused by fiching, when Papp emigrated to Canada he
the “noble gas” engine supposedly invented may have smuggled out microfiche copies of
by a man named Papp. As a result of that documents from secret research and developvisit, the next issue of Infinite Energy Maga- ment projects hidden in eastern Europe.
Regardless of whether he was the original
zine carried the story of the late Josef Papp
and his engine.
inventor or not, Papp managed to build an
Meanwhile other connections had been engine that amazed engineers and scientists
leading toward the search for a “common who saw the engine working in closed rooms
thread.” An industrial electrician originally for hours. There was no exhaust and no
from Germany, Heintz Klosterman, had be- cooling system, but the engine had huge
come national sales manager for medical X- torque even at low revolutions-per-minute. It
ray technologies, dealing with major compa- was an unprecedented cool-running engine
nies. After retiring from the corporate world, of more than 100 horsepower—75 kilohe decided to investigate this strange Papp watts—that ran on a mixture of noble gases,
engine he’d heard about. He knew a couple perhaps pretreated and mixed with some air.
of affluent former radiologists who could
For many years afterward skepticism was
commit significant money, and as a result a intense; the science world didn’t know that
research company was formed in California. electrically-triggered noble gases can vioKlosterman had approached McKubre about lently explode and cause energy releases powbeing involved in the research.
erful enough to melt metal. Since then, inWhy would a respectable Ph.D. physicist vestigative scientists from the cold fusion
investigate a controversial engine that was and plasma physics worlds have actually seen
said to produce at least ten times more en- those explosions push pistons with large
ergy output than input? In the case of pressure pulses.
McKubre, Miley and an equally distinguished
colleague whose academic job could be on
Continued on Page 58
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we’re following on the Internet
• Revolutionary Energy Said
BlackLight Power says it’s
developing a revolutionary
energy source, and it won't let
the laws of physics stand in its
Notes from
Michael A. Cremo
n late November of 2008, I was in Dubai to speak at the International Conference on Ancient Studies, held in the Raffles Hotel there. I gave a talk about my book Forbidden Archeology. Afterwards, a member of the audience asked me a familiar question. “If human
beings like us have been present for tens of millions, hundreds of millions, of years, as you
say, then why is most of the evidence that you present confined to stone tools, and things like
that? What about evidence for high technology or advanced civilization?”
That is a good question, one that deserves an answer. One thing to keep in mind is that I
believe human civilizations have risen and fallen many times over those many millions of
years. So there may have been times in the distant past when civilizations like ours existed
and long periods of time when the human populations were smaller and lived in ways we
would consider more primitive. So what would happen to the remains of the advanced civilizations like ours during the times of depopulation? We tend to assume that our skyscrapers
and machines are very durable and long lasting. But this is not really true. Scientists who
study these things understand that many of our monuments and machines will not last very
long when exposed to the uncontrolled forces of nature.
This scientific truth has been
brought home to a wider audience by
television documentaries like Life After
People, which aired on the History
channel early in 2008. It turned out to
be the most popular show ever on History. A similar program, called Aftermath: Population Zero, aired on the
National Geographic channel in March
2008. The premise of these programs is
simple. Let’s assume that human beings
disappear from the earth today. What
would happen to the physical remains
of our civilization over time, starting
from day one? Author Alan Weisman
has also explored what would happen to
the physical remains of our civilization
if human beings were to suddenly become extinct in his book The World
Without Us, which generated its own
television special.
From these sources we get a picture like this. Within about 75 years,
most machines, such as cars and airplanes and boats, except perhaps in
some very dry places, would be corroded beyond recognition.
Plants would start growing in the
cities. Without maintenance, roads
would be covered with plants, and would be broken up, and gradually disappear. Unchecked
wildfires would burn through many towns and cities. Because dams and levees would no
longer be maintained, they would gradually break down. Thus there would be flooding of
many cities, especially in coastal cities and cities on rivers and streams. That would include
most cities. Wooden houses, if not burned by fires, would be consumed by rot or termites.
Continued on Page 20
See Our Great 8-page Catalog Beginning on Page 74
• Scientists Learn How to
Levitate Tiny Objects
U.S. scientists have found a
way to levitate the very
smallest objects using the
strange forces of quantum mechanics.
• Did A Comet Cause the
Carolina Bays?
Researchers think the catastrophic collision happened as
recently as 13,000 years ago.
• Huge Undersea ‘Wall’
A giant rock formation resembling a city wall has been discovered under the Taiwan
Continued on Page 20
Number 74 • ATLANTIS
he Jedi Knights
of Star Wars were
not simply the
George Lucas’s most fertile and provocative imagination. Those who have
grown up coveting the
powers of the Jedi will be
pleased to learn that Masters of the Force did indeed once exist. Records
of them survive in certain
countries, such as Egypt
and Persia, where they
were magician priests and
the guardians of powerful
priest kings similar to the
“Emperor” of Star Wars,
albeit without his predilection for the “Dark
In ancient Egypt, the
surviving histories reveal
that the Jedi manifested
as the Djedi (hence the
name “Jedi”) which was
a sect of the priesthood
and Masters of the
Force that protected
the Pharaoh; and in
Persia they were the
Narts, guardians of a
Holy Grail called the
Nartmongue and the
protectors of enlightened
priest kings who lived at
least one-thousand years
before King Arthur and
his Knights of the
Round Table.
The remarkable history and wisdom of these
two early sects of “Jedi” Knights was first introduced to the West by the Knights Templar, who upon returning from the Middle
East in the 13th and 14th centuries, distilled
“Jedi” histories learned from the Sufis into a
series of lengthy Holy Grail legends. Within
these pithy legends the Templars synthesized
the powerful emperors and priest kings of the
past into the enigmatic figure of the Fisher
King, the resident of a Grail Castle and the
owner of various manifestations of the Holy
Grail. His well-being and the safekeeping of
his castle’s Holy Grail relics was given over to
an order of Knights of the Grail, who were a
distillation of the early “Jedi” Knights from
Egypt and Persia. But the Knights Templar
let it be known that they were not just historians of the ancient Masters of the Force;
they were themselves a latter day version of
“Jedi” Knights. This truth was boldly and authoritatively proclaimed in Parzival by
Knight Wolfram von Eschenbach when he
specifically referred to the Fisher King’s Holy
Grail Knights as Templars. Parzival, as well
as other historical references put forth in the
See Our Great 8-page Catalog Beginning on Page 74
ture Djedi could awaken
the normally dormant
“serpent” power, the fiery
Force at the base of his
spine, and then move it
upwards to his head
where it would culminate
in supernatural powers
and intuitive, gnostic
wisdom. The proof that a
Djedi had accomplished
this alchemy is intrinsic
to his name, which was,
essentially, an honorific
title. The Djed of Djedi
denoted “column,” while
the root word or sound
Dj denoted “serpent.”
Thus, a Djedi was one
who had awakened the Dj
or serpent at its seat and
then raised it up his or
her Djed “column” or
spine to the head. Those
Djedi that succeeded in
this inner ascension
could potentially become
immortal, which is yet
another meaning of
Djedi. As the Serpent
Force rises up the spine,
its alchemical fire of
within every cell of the
body and raises the frequency of human flesh to
that of “immortal” pure
energy. Because of the
spine’s association with
immortality, the Djed
column or pillar became for the Egyptians a
symbol of immortality, and they traditionally
covered their mummies and sarcophagi with
symbolic Djed images in hopes of achieving
immortal life in the hereafter.
Through raising the inner serpent power,
the Djedi acquired an abundance of Force
which could be used to perform supernatural
feats similar to those associated with Lucas’s
Jedi. For example, the Djedi of the Westcar
Papyrus who possessed the key to the secret
chambers of Thoth was said to have acquired
the power to reattach the severed heads of
animals at will. Other Djedi are mentioned in
Egyptian history as traversing the scorching
Egyptian sands with only their magical staffs
and/or becoming powerful magicians in the
service of the Pharaohs. Some Djedi are
found in the service of the Pharaoh that
Moses and Aaron confronted in order to demand freedom for the Hebrews. At the Pharaoh’s command his Djedi magicians turned
their staffs into live serpents, which represented the serpent power that each Djedi possessed. But Aaron’s staff also turned into a
snake, albeit a much larger snake than those
The Knights of Star
Wars Were Preceded
Long Ago by Egyptian
and Persian Orders
Middle Ages regarding the Templars, implied
that the Knights had inherited wisdom of the
Force that had been passed down to them almost directly from their ancient, antecedent
“Jedi” Knights. Thus, from at least one perspective, the formation of the Knights Templar in 1118 CE could be historically entitled
the “Return of the Jedi”! But if this is true,
what happened to the Templars’ “Jedi”
wisdom? Does it still exist?
In recorded history, the Secrets of the
Force of the “Jedi” Knights’ were first taught
among the Egyptian “Jedi” or Djedi, who
may have received them from a much earlier
pre-historical “Jedi” Knight order, perhaps
one from Atlantis. One Djedi priest mentioned in the Egyptian’s Westcar Papyrus is
said to have possessed the key that opened
the “secret chambers of the sanctuary of
Thoth,” who many esoteric historians believe
was a missionary and Master of the Force
from Atlantis. Within his sanctuary were
books authored by Thoth that covered in detail the physics behind activating and developing the Force through alchemy—the art
that Thoth-Hermes would eventually become the recognized patron of throughout
the world. Through Thoth’s alchemy, the esoteric symbol of which is the caduceus, a fu-
Continued on Page 65
Number 74 • ATLANTIS
Washington on a rainbow and surrounded by
stars. (All Capitol interior photos: Wm. Henry)
The frieze of the Rotunda showcases Brumidi’s
mastery of creating the illusion of threedimensional forms and figures on flat surfaces.
Washington enthroned on a rainbow with sun
gate behind him.
13 star beings surround George Washington.
See Our Great 8-page Catalog Beginning on Page 74
he United States Capitol, rising atop
Capitol Hill in the monument city of
Washington, D.C., may well be the
most famous building in the world.
To Americans the cast-iron Capitol dome,
dressed in pure white sandstone, is a symbol
of strength and democracy. Radiant. Luminous. Shining. Freedom rings from this
beautiful bell. How many recognize the Capitol is a temple?
Thomas Jefferson called it “The first
temple dedicated to the sovereignty of the
An anonymous essay of 1795 described
the Capitol building as a “Temple erected to
Specifically, the founders of the Capitol
Temple likened it to Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem.
“I have every hope that the grand work
we have done today will be handed down…to
a late posterity, as the like work of that ever
memorable temple to our order erected by
our ancient Grand Master Solomon—
Maryland Grand Master Joseph Clark, September 18, 1793, at the laying of the cornerstone of the Capitol.
“It would be unbecoming the representatives of this Nation to assemble for the first
time in this solemn Temple without looking
up to the Supreme Ruler of the Universe and
imploring His blessing.” President Adams,
November 22, 1800, opening the Second
Session of the Sixth Congress in the new
Capitol building.
These words are more than poetic. The
U.S. Capitol has numerous architectural and
other features that unquestionably identify it
with ancient temples including stone construction, an underground entrance, chapels,
an image of a deified being, religious imagery, symbols, and inscriptions, divine proportions, massive columns, palpable spiritual
energy, acoustic trickery, terrifying guardians, mystic visitors, closed doors, private
members, secret chambers, and orientation
to the Sun.
It is crystal clear that the builders viewed
the Capitol as America’s sole temple (a
solemn, Solomon’s Solar Temple to be
The Dome at the Heart of America
The dome of the Capitol ices this connection. Domes have been called the perfect architectural shape: the circle, symbol of the
universe, executed in three dimensions.
In religious architecture, domes proclaim
the glory of God. The word dome comes from
Latin domus, a house, via Italian duomo, a
house of God, that is a church (from kirk,
meaning ‘circle’). The temple is a “house of
the holy.” Temple is also a word for the flat
part on either side of the human head, called
a dome in slang, above and beyond the eye.
The oculus or eye of the dome is considered the Gateway of the Sun. From this
Continued on Page 66
Number 74 • ATLANTIS
What Do
From Balaam’s Ass
to the Elberfeld
Horses, There Are
Mysteries Here
few weeks before the Kentucky Derby some 25 years
ago, the trainer for one of
the leading contenders was
interviewed on television and said
that his horse was ready for the big
race, not only because he was fast
and fit but because he was smart
and competitive.
I mused over that comment,
wondering if some horses are truly
smarter than others and if they
really care about winning. If they
are competitive and not just running hard because of their natural
speed or because they are responding to the whip, does that
mean that horses have egos? When
they win, do they rejoice? When they lose, do
they sulk and kick the stable door out of
frustration? Is pride or self-esteem driving
them, or is it simply that they understand
that they might get an extra lump of sugar
or a carrot by finishing ahead of the other
horses? I further wondered if there is a positive correlation between intelligence and
As I was writing for a daily newspaper at
the time, I decided to explore the subject in
my sports column. I hoped to get the answers to my questions “straight from the
horse’s mouth,” so to speak. Therefore, I
called Calumet Farm in Lexington, Kentucky, then one of the leading thoroughbred
stables in the country. They had produced
the likes of the mighty Citation and the
stretch-running Whirlaway, two of the alltime greats in the “sport of kings.” I don’t
42 ATLANTIS RISING • Number 74
According to the Old Testament, the donkey of the Prophet Balaam could not only see an
angel which Balaam could not, but could talk as well. (Rembrandt Van Rijn, 1626)
remember the name of the head trainer I interviewed, but I do recall his telling me that
horses indeed vary considerably in intelligence and that the better horses are the
smarter ones and those who have a will to
win. It wasn’t clear to me whether being
smart and having the will to win went hand
in hand, and I couldn’t get a clear-cut answer as to how he knew those things; but I
gathered it was simply intuitive on his part,
something you come to understand by
working with horses for many years. There
was no indication that horses were subject to
any kind of IQ or motivational testing before
being groomed as top athletes.
In spite of the fact that the Calumet
trainer seemed to know what he was talking
about, I remained very skeptical. I remembered the Biblical story of Balaam’s Ass in
which Balaam, a prophet on a mission to put
a curse on Israel, was deterred by his mule,
which stubbornly refused to transport Balaam; and when beaten by Balaam, the animal spoke to him and reprimanded him, apparently as directed by God. However, I was
not inclined to take the story of a talking
donkey seriously any more than I could believe in a serpent talking to Eve.
In researching the matter of horse intelligence, I came upon the Elberfeld horses of
Germany. My boggle threshold was exceeded
when I read that the Elberfeld horses could
figure out square roots and cube roots, even
fourth power roots of numbers of six or
seven figures. Moreover, using their hooves
to tap out letters of the alphabet, they could
communicate in their native tongue,
German, and even in French. Professor Edoward Claparède of the University of Geneva,
one of many scientists who studied the
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horses, called the phenomenon “the most
sensational event that has happened in the
psychological world.”
As the well-documented story goes, in
1900, Wilhelm von Osten of Elberfeld, Germany (then Central Prussia) taught his
horse, Hans, a Russian stallion (later called
Kluger Hans, or Clever Hans), mathematics,
including addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Von Osten first made Hans
familiar with directions, such as right, left,
top, and bottom. Then he would place skittles, or bowling pins, in front of Hans and
count. He would then ask Hans to strike as
many blows with his hoof as there were skittles in front of him. After a short time, the
skittles were replaced by figures on a blackboard.
“The results were astonishing,” Dr.
Claparède reported. “The horse
was capable not only of counting,
but also of himself making real
calculations, of solving little
problems….But Hans could do
more than mere sums: he knew
how to read; he was a musician,
distinguishing between harmonious and dissonant chords. He
also had an extraordinary
memory; he could tell the date of
each day of the current week. In
short, he got through all the
tasks which an intelligent
schoolboy of fourteen is able to
Claparède’s independent investigation, a scientific committee
was appointed in 1904. The committee found nothing suspicious
but offered no explanation. A
second committee was then appointed, including Oskar Pfungst of the Berlin psychological laboratory. Pfungst reported that the
horse merely obeyed visual clues, whether
conscious or unconscious, given by von
Osten. This became known as the “Clever
Hans effect,” a term still used by animal
trainers today. It was later revealed that of
the 24 professors on the committee, only two
of them actually observed Hans. The committee also stated that to accept such intelligence in horses would be subversive of the
theory of evolution.
As a result of the committee’s report, von
Osten became something of a laughing-stock
in the community. When he died in 1909, he
left Hans to Karl Krall, a friend who had
taken much interest in the horse in spite of
the committee’s report. Krall, a wealthy merchant, also bought two Arabian stallions, Muhamed and Zarif, and began to train them in
the same manner von Osten had taught
Hans. Within two weeks, Muhamed was
doing addition and subtraction. He would
distinguish tens from units by striking the
latter with his right foot and the former with
his left foot. By the end of the third week, he
was doing multiplication and division; and by
the time four months had passed, he knew
how to extract square and cubic roots. Krall
See Our Great 8-page Catalog Beginning on Page 74
pronounced to him, Muhamed spelled it
“Klapard.” When a newspaper editor brought
a friend and introduced him as Tauski, Muhamed spelled out “Tausj.” When Zarif was
asked to spell the name, he gave it as
Maeterlinck was left alone with the horse
as Krall tended to chores. Since the horses
performed in the absence of Krall and gave
some answers to questions that Maeterlinck
himself did not know the answers to, he discounted the Clever Hans effect.
Another theory advanced was that of telepathy, as fantastic as the idea of a mindreading horse seems. To test this theory,
Maeterlinck took some large cards with Arabic numerals on them, shuffled them and
placed them in front of the horse without
looking at them himself.
“Without hesitation and unasked, Muhamed rapped out corClever Hans
rectly the number formed by the
and his
cards,” Maeterlinck wrote. “The
experiment succeeded, as often
as I cared to try it, with
Hänschen, Muhamed, and Zarif
alike.” Since Maeterlinck was the
only person present and did not
know the numbers, there was no
mind to be read for the answers.
In one test, Maeterlinck
wrote a surd—a number which
had no square root—on the
blackboard, not realizing that it
was a surd. Maeterlinck looked
to Muhamed for a square root.
The horse lifted his hoof, paused,
looked back at Maeterlinck and
shook his head. This little test
also opposed both the Clever
Hans effect and the telepathy
Belgian author, playwright, and Nobel prizetheory.
winner for literature, heard about the horses
One day, Zarif stopped in the middle of a
and decided to visit Elberfeld and observe
them for himself. He was astounded. “I as- lesson by Krall. The horse was asked why and
sure you that the first shock is rather dis- replied, “Because I am tired.” On another octurbing, however much one expected it,” he casion he stopped again and explained, “Pain
wrote. “I am quite aware that, when one de- in my leg.”
Maeterlinck reported on tests run by a
scribes these things, one is taken for a dupe
H. Hamel while Krall was on a trip.
too readily dazzled by the doubtless childish
illusion of an ingeniously-contrived scene. Hamel began by giving Muhamed simple
But what contrivances, what illusions have math problems and ended with asking Muhamed for the fourth power root of
we here?”
After Maeterlinck was introduced to Mu- 7,890,481, which Hamel himself did not
hamed, Krall asked the horse to spell his know until after checking Muhamed’s corname. Muhamed began by rapping out an rect answer of 53, which took about six
“H.” Krall then reprimanded the horse, but seconds before he began striking out the
Muhamed continued with an “E” and an “R” answer.
Claparède asked Muhamed to give him
before the two men realized that he was
spelling Herr, the German equivalent of the fourth power root of 614,656, to which
Mister. But Muhamed then struggled with the horse correctly replied 28 after a few secthe surname, first spelling M-A-Z-R-L-K. onds. However, when asked to give the
When told by Krall that it was incorrect, Mu- fourth power root of 4,879,681, the horse inhamed groped a little before rapping M-A-R- correctly replied 117. When told it was
Z-L-E-G-K. Krall then repeated Maeterlinck’s wrong, he corrected to 144, also wrong. The
last name, and after two more attempts the horse then gave up.
On another day, Krall and a Dr. Scholler
horse spelled the name with one small error.
The two men concluded that it was close decided to make an attempt to teach Muhamed to express himself in speech. The
Claparède had reported much the same horse made several feeble efforts before
experience with his name. After it was
Continued on Page 69
then devised a table with letters and numbers and Muhamed was soon spelling and
Zarif was a little slower in learning, but
was eventually able to do almost everything
Muhamed was capable of. They could spell
the names of their visitors, reply to questions put to them, and make little observations. Karl also trained Hänschen, a small
Shetland pony, and Berto, a blind stallion
with no sense of smell, how to count and
communicate. He was unsuccessful with two
other horses and an elephant. Meanwhile the
aging Hans pretty much went to the back of
the class, usually remaining in the barn,
spending much of his time swatting flies
with his tail.
Maurice Maeterlinck, a world-famous
Number 74 • ATLANTIS
(Illustration by Lloyd
K. Townsend)
dgar Cayce, the 20th Century
“Sleeping Prophet,” often spoke of
many lost worlds in his celebrated
altered states of consciousness. In
fact, of the 1,600 persons for whom he conducted “life-readings,” about 700 were told of
conditions in the vanished homelands of civilization. Cayce’s credentials as a genuine
seer into the ancient past are wonderfully
presented in two particularly outstanding examples, one of them about the Essenes.
These were members of a small Jewish sect
that began in the 2nd Century B.C. They lived
a severe monastic existence focused on divine
retribution for sin, while proclaiming an impending “last judgement” called down on
sinful humanity by God. When the Essenes’
oft-repeated “end of the world” failed to materialize after nearly three centuries, their
cult vanished. Cayce mentioned the Essenes
in 1936, when he envisioned a woman
client’s incarnation near Jerusalem:
“The entity was what would now, in some
organizations, determined a sister superior
or an officer of the Essenes.—For the entity
was associated with the school on the road
above Emmaus near the road that goes down
toward Jerico and towards the northernmost
coast of Jerusalem”
(1391-1 F.28 1935).
At the time of this
life-reading, scholarly
opinion held that all
Essene groups were
exclusively male. But
fifteen years later, the
remains of Kirbet
Qumran, the site of
an Essene community Cayce precisely
described, were excaEdgar Cayce
vated just where he
said they would be found. Graves in the area
yielded skeletons of women, as well as men,
thus proving that the religious community
was not
male after all. Perhaps
one of the skeletons unearthed by the archaeologist’s spade was once inhabited by the
same woman whose past life Cayce described.
His belief in the doctrine of reincarnation
is self-evident here. A lifetime of similar readings assured him of the human soul’s immortality, its survival after physical death, and its
inevitable rebirth in a new body. No pointless
recycling of the spirit, Cayce regarded reincarnation as part of the great moral order of
the cosmos, in which each material manifestation of life on Earth was conditioned by a
previous life—sometimes to gain knowledge
through experience, to resolve on-going
problems, or simply to serve. In any case, it
reaffirmed each individual’s sense of purpose
and destiny.
The reincarnation theme appears again in
this remarkable life-reading: “For the entity
was among those spoken of as a ‘holy
46 ATLANTIS RISING • Number 74
Tales of Atlantis
Cayce or Plato? Advanced or Primitive?
Light or Dark? Who Can We Believe
about Life in a Forgotten World?
woman,’ first the entity coming in contact
with those activities at the death and raising
of Lazarus and later with Mary, Elizabeth,
Mary Magdalene, Martha; all of these were a
part of the experience of the entity as Salome” (1874-1 F.39 5/6/39).
The only “Salome” mentioned in the New
Testament describes her as a witness to the
Crucifixion, but not at the raising of Lazarus.
In 1960, however, the Associated Press released information confirming the identity of
Cayce’s “entity” during a past life. Published
in Long Island’s Newsday for December 30,
the A.P. dispatch reported that Dr. Morton
Smith, an associate professor of history at
Columbia University, discovered the copy of
a letter written by St. Mark. Scholars at The
Society of Biblical Literature and Exegesis
established its authenticity, and ascertained
that the document originally belonged to
Clement of Alexandria, one of the Christian
Church’s most important founding fathers in
the 3rd Century. The copy attributes the
story of Lazarus to Saint Mark, an account
previously found only in the Gospel according to Saint John. Saint Mark’s version
is virtually the same as Saint. John’s, save for
a minor detail coinciding with Cayce’s lifereading: Clement of Alexandria’s copy states
that a woman witness to the miracle was
called “Salome.”
These two verified examples underscore
Cayce’s vision of the world 2,000 years ago.
But his vision extended many centuries
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