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t - IBEW.org
fR~;.: MA N
l ntenwtiollnl P rcllidelll
1200 15th St" N. W.
WSllhinlrton 0. D. C.
JA NlIA RY, 1958
\ flU " E .i 7. Nu. I
Int eMin l iOft(l1 Secret(l rll
1200 15th St., N. W.
Wnshington 6, D. C,
JER .:l'tflAII
I nterllfltio'lnl T rel181lrilr
130 E. 2(ith St.
New York 10, New York
" C I , nS IO(NTS
DldrlcL-_._ •. _ . _ ... JolIl< IlAy.osa
Sull" 411, 17 York fll~
Torollio I. 0111 .. Cr."a""
~lId Vblrlt\",,_,,_ ...
JOHS J . RW"' I<
Room :S9. Park >'<1"'~ 8M •.• &"1011 II. !. ....
fi _ _
ThIn! VI
....... _,
JO,,","I W. LI(IQfrT
II C<>llImbla Aw.-n ...'. RtJom 201
Alboon)'. N.,w yo.~
~'"".Ih Ol.l<l~L .... ,................ II.
O. O........ IllI ... lIlr
ltoom 111(1 1. II . :. til> SI ..
2. Ohio
~;(Ih Dhtrlrt................ _ •. _ ........ __ .G. X. U.... " ..
The GI .. nn nulldlnK. Iro Marlena 81 ......1. N.W ..
AII,,"t ... G......orI.
Si:o;th nt_trkt
....... _
.. _ .. _ il . J. Boy ...
100 N. J~fI' .. rtO " 81 ..
Chl_ I. 111.
s...~nlh 1)11.1<, .... _
.. _ .. _A. E. EPw ... _
Burk BII . " ell Bul1d l"a . Room 1101
)'0.1 Wo.t h. Tuu
I:: lIth lh DI.ul .. I...................
L. F . A"'O ...... '"
P O"",,lello .:1... ,.1 .. Bid, .• 262 North M" ln
P. O. Il<>. 480. Por.lII~llo. Id"ho
Ninlh 1)1.Ir!cl ................................ Oacu II AR.AI(
910 C" IInltl To .... ~r. Sltll I'·r.ndor(' ~. C .. llf.
"~ nlh DI.lri<t. ....................................... J. J, Dul'1'v
MO $outh Well. !iI.. lIoom 6110, ChlrKK<> ~, 111.
~:!eoelll" DI .trlr\.. ..... ~ ........ ~'''''''''K W. JA~
11m. 101. Slavin Blda .• 8000 Bollboalme A.-e••
·r... dfth DI-lric\... __ . ____ .. _ .. __ .. _W. U. l..-ny
I4!S lI .mU lnn N"t"'n.1 Bank Old ...
Chan",,_a :. ·I' ~" n.
La h o r
\\) 1'1' 1 ..
ill \l lu lll i.· Li l ,
0ll(' r llliulis III T otH'''· PI " h'
S kill I" " ,,!II', " 'III BUI'II
f~ ditori ;ll s
Alton t Our Film
lIi g hli ~ ht "
fr um lilt' Nf' ~ s l l'I h ' r
JUllrll ul T ll k t·" T~u \~ lIn l iil ..
Brolht'r Cll ul·h·" 1·/lIII.it' 1i Il tlll n rt,. 1
EXt'l' uli'I' CUlIlwil Minllll'iI ..... .
H ........
t:. J . •'U .... "A\·.
APIII·.'nti,·t·",hil' C"rt' lllUllit's u t L'II'II I la'i
With Ih., L/I.li, ·~ ..... .
POt· III uf lit" '1111111t
Dellth B,: nt'fiI S
In '1t' lIt ori:1I1I
LiIlI 'S
Ch,,.,,, ••
N. J .
_nd Di~trl~t __ .~. _ _ ._CIIA.'_ f; CA"-UY
U. f1u,tn.,., St., Sprlll.lldd. 101--.
Thin! D"I""I. _._. ,_. _____ _-C. lol cl"u.'AI<
Hoom 1t01. If ,;. F""nn St.. C111~t .....11 t. Ohio
Fourih l)i.lrl~I_ ..... _ .. _ .. _. __ C..~ G. ~ItO~TI
l In Ellat IOlh SI .. &old ........ IS. Md .
• ·Iflh Ui ,tr;~I... __ .. _._._._._._II. II. UaoACIi
1211O-1 61h SI .. N.W .. W.. hlnaton. D. C.
:iixlh D;.I.I~I .......... _ ... _._ ..... _...... ~ ..... C. U. CA ....
620 Daiull 1'1 .. SI>",v~PO'I. L...
190 BroAd SI ..
N~w .. k.
S~,' .. nlh Dl.t.lrl................."' .. (;I1 .... '~
8413 LI/II> St .. ~"n ~·r."~I.~ LO. C.lI f .
Ellrbth DlI'.l~' ....................... ".Gloao. l 'ATrIUIIMI:-I
Suil6 S· D. 186 Don:h ..... r Av •.• WLnnlioell II.
Ma n .• Canada
:J 7
1), 'pUI·tnll·nl uf n" "'t'U/"'h IInti Edm'u tiull
2121 W .... l WI..-o",ln IIv"nul!
MUW"U~H $. WI...,on.11I
ti, ....! ('011\'1'111 ion of r h('
.\ llIt'riClIli F\'.!,'rnlion of LllllOl'
IInl1l'ongl"('-';s ol~lruluSll'iul Ol"gllll-
T il E
Lwt iOIl'i. "im'(' I he hi!-\' IlIt' I'~\' " "1111
"Clition of l~I r;.j. look plu('(' itl AI ia n ti(- ('ity l!l~1 month. OUI' tiuil,\
1II'W"])<lI\('I'" hltVl,'
Iliall." 111'-
tounts of wllnl It'UIl'!llil',·d HI 111lt1
t'{)IIH'lIlie)ll, wilh 1IIII'li('ular \'IIII,hll~i~ Oil Ih(, I'xpul~i()ll Ill' IIII' '1'1'111\],
,,'e'l'~, Bltkl'l'S IIIH I 01 h"I'S, t)lIr 1"'IItI,
(, I'S
Int ernational F.x~u­
liv!, Cou ncil Me mber
Lou )larciantl'. p resi_
dent of ~ew J erse),
Federlltion of Labor,
is COllgrlltu la led by
J\I~ L -C IO SecretaryTreasu rer William
Sch nit zle r as Pres.
George :'111'111)' a' rostr um ack no,,-Ied gell his
we lcome 10 illale.
HaBraad 1::1111110),"8' D e.
""rlmen l of t\FL·CIQ.
fu III ilia I'
lH'lIl1lifu [I,I' \11'1'0I[ al[ 0 11 thl'
fUllIl'd hOHl'clWll1k, Ihe' ('OIlHlllhlll
,\ ([lIl1lic
l 'OIl\'t'llt ioH
l'al ('t!
clIllt'(l 10 ol'dl'l'. T ht'I'" 1\1'1'('
d('I('l!atl.'';;, 1't'PI'(~'lLlill)! Ii
million nll'llIht'N of orl!llIIi;~l,'(l ]11,
hor. in IIIICmI1ll1l'(',
IU j.: ht : A . J . Ilt'rnha rdt.
Il reM id e nl of nrolh erhood of Hai! ..'l\Y Carme n, jeri , cha ls with
)like Fox, IBEW
member. (IreMillenl of
Iho"e ,1('('Otllll-i, II 0w('\'I' I', h('I'" ill
till' JlII)..!I'''; of ,1'0111' ,Jour""!. \\,' walll
to 11I'ill~ to (Jill' 1lI('llIhl,' l"S II ~lIm,
I1lnl')' elf Ih(' imllOI'tlillt
11('1 ion"
which trall,.;pin'l1.
On ])1'('('111,,1'1' :;, at 100 ','h)('k in
l ' l1itl'd
. ... )[('n))l
Xatiolwl ,\ Il,h('l11~ of \11('
:-->'ill('s 1I1lt! ( 'nIlUtl ll WI' I'('
i'u[lolI'('d h.1' 11 IlIUH1('Il \ of
prll,"(' I·.
T h('.;;c I WII ItC! iOI1>; it "l'I'III(,1I
ObS('I'\'I'I'S nt
l'Olln'lIl jIm
(lind 11It'1'(' \\"1'1'(' -'<111It' :--'00 ,)1' n-.;)
'mllllll('(1 up IIII' f('(>Jill~ 111"'''''111 nl
lh(' COII\'('llliulI' Iht, 'ipirit whi('11
,11(.' dnil~' lm]II'I'S ("lIlld 1101 0 1' wou[d
Po ge Two
Th e Electrical Work ers'
~('c rt'tllr)'
Jo~ 1\('(' 111111 IIl1d AFL
I'r u iden l Geurge l\I('jllI)' in dias
conrnb, Two ha\' (' been wurkin g
clus{'l), 10 IId\ III1C(, work('r/j' cau sc
fo r} l'ar.!!,
I'rl'silh'lI! Gordon Frt'cSlwukli from rustrum 10 d(·legah·s of lill'
!!ecnnd eun~!i! u!iunal tlOU ,
\'('lIliun uf Iht, mer g~d
labur "rOUI). Th~ ... yes of
Ihe I'lIlire ('ounlrr and
or th,' .... orld ...... r e tnrTU.'tI
on Ihe m e ~t as it .... r ... J; II l't!
nalionnl and int C' rlla liunlll
Thill .. as IIII' IIi EW
dt' lelfalion at cOIl\enlion,
It illcludcd Prl'sident Fr~e ln8n,
S~r~ 18r)' K('en&n, Frank Hiley.
Horaet' J)O\t', J , J , I)urr)"
J OME'llh Lho:etl, i\IarCtUi Lortu ~,
Peter Zicar~1Ii, W, Jo'arlluhar,
V, G, I'~UrI'lOl1, I.ouis ,\larcillnle,
In addltioll, other)! ulI('uded
lil(' cnu\ {'uti(l t1 Itli nb!<('nl'rl'l.
1101 I'('POI'!.
H~lo ..' : Reere la ry of Lahu r
Jart1('!! Mitchell, right,
\' is it s wilh metal trudes
d~lllIrtml'ut mE'rn~r... ,
Frolll I('f\ arc ChariI''' J ,
McGowan. William Calvill .
etnt' l'itlls lind presidl'nt of
Buill'rm ll lH'r~: i'r('sid('nt
Jo'n'cl11l1n; Al !l ares .\ la chinis ! .. ' Ilr;'sid{'nt, SCII II'II
is Hoh"I'1 Brroll, S heel
I\It·tlll W\Jrkt'rs pre"idl'nl,
\\" C' n,fC'I' to the Spil'it.
01' uu it y. oj' SII'I'II,Ltth, of slllllllil1 ).r
10g'I,thf'1' wld{'h \I'll" til'linitt'I:-.' IlI'NI(,nl HI Ihi" (,OIlI'l'lltiOIl, '!'nIC tlwn.'
\l'HS Unpl(>lI"llllt WI)I'k 10 he (hulf',
{'u lminnlillg' ill 1111' ('xpu ls ioll of
111'01111'1' l\Ili(lIIi"'ls, . \ Ild lids ll('tiOIl
111 1(('11
]If' .... ](,111('(1
willi 1'(',I!I"<'t Hnd j.!I'lll1illC' "OITO\I' ,
it ('ll1pIlIlSi;'.I'd 1'1'('11 1l\()I'(' III('
of this ,-;\'('olu l ('ol1slill1 liol1ul (.'OI1\'('llli(1I1, 1\1'11')!II\e') slallcling' 1Og't'lilcl' lIelli('II\ ('(\ 10 doing'
willi! \l'IlS IIl,..1 1'01' Ihe litho .. 1l10I','111('111 mi H I\'hoh',
1'('111 "P1l'il
'r IIl'I'C II'l'I'!' II IItllllbt> I' of weicollling' speecllf's, ill('lu(ling 11 11 ('xcel-
lent 0110 h,l'
('01lll£'il Mf' lllb('I' [ ,Oll
io: xcculil'c
~\l al'cialllc,
who i" Jll'csidcllt of lhe !'iI'\\' J el's(',"
Slllle ,"'edel'/Ilion of LaIJor.
Journal for Janu ary, 195 8
Page Thre e
'1'11('1'0 W('I'l' millt.\· lillc Ht!dl'e'lSC'l
\hl'ollghonl th(' ('ol1\'(,l1tion, inclndiug sJ)('{'('h('''l hy S('{'I'CIHI'Y of Labor
.J amc'l P. )lil('II('II , Sccl'dary of
I I('ul'h. Edu(>llliolt lind " '1.'11'11 1'1.'
.' Iario!! B. I" ol'lom, l ;t'11t'1'1I1 .\!fl·rd
f:I'II\'llrJII'I', p.·r'lid(,llt or Ih(' . \ m('I·'
ielUl III '{I ('1'Qs'o; •. I ohn S, (:I(';tsoll .
.11'.. nal iOllal ('OIlIIllIlIUI('I' of Ihc
A IlIN·ielln I.l'Kioll. Ille fmtcl'lwl
dt,ll'I!II!(''l to 111(' ('011\'('111 iOIl fl'om
llaliol1s. and olhcrs.
SptH'(' will !lol 1K'I'mil 1heir I'C\'icw
111'1'1', 110\\'('\'1'1', WI' should likf' to
hrinlo! 10 YOII 11 ft'W (-'x('('rpl<; from
thc 'llit'l'in~ kt',\'lIolr specch of PI'CS·
ifl('llt (:('QI'I{C )1 (,IUIY. (h:li\,\!n~d at
lh{' o lll'llin/{ "!('';.'lion of Ihe (·Oll\·{'ll·
)[ I'.
IX'1!1Ill his MI·
with Ihis 'lWlelllenl:
"')'wo yca ..... iLl!O in Ihl' ('it~· or
New York the two lIatiotlal trllclc
unio n ccntcl')j thcli in cxistc))('c
IllCrI!N] illlo 011(' nnitt'd II'Hde union
('CIII('I', thus (, llIlillg- 20 .\'l~lll'" of
di\,j~ioll ill 111(' .\ III('I·ie-lIll tradc
union 1I10\'Clll{'lIl lWei hl"in~illg' 1:J.i
dli' ....'1
nntiOllai 11 1](1 illl('l"IlatioIlH[ unions.
1't'Pl'("kl1li l1 g" 1 !"i Illil[iol l workcrs,
into ()Il(' «('111 I"a I I1l1liul1;d ol'g-a llizn_
lion, ..\ '1 I I\'ilS cOllvinccd thcn, I
1II1l !iti[[ ('(Jll\'im't't! of till' sintt'l'il.\'.
good fllith lind hig-h pl"i lH'iplo Illal
into litOS(' n('~otilltioll!i Ihal
hl'oug-Ili llb(lllt 111111 11l(l1·1o!('1·."
Pl"l'.si dI'JI\ ) [Cllll,. . .• Ih('ll WC1l1 (Ill
tn Sli111 1II111'iz("' .\1,' 1.. ( ' 10
wilh l"egllrd to ou.· IHllionll1 llIl{l
stlllcd tllllt 110 g:1'OUP of .\m('l·iell11
T hi /!l il'! an o\·e r . all v i ~' w of th e tonv t' nti on de lclt ut elil and \ ililitors a s
meelint{ Ilro}{rClilied in Atlantic Cily's mamm o th mllnieipal auditorium,
Tht, Inr t{c black objecl is Illalforlll for movie and TV tR nu' ra"" a t m ee t.
Lll rl!"Cfl ~ IlreSH con tint{e lH ever to cover a labor cOIwention wa ll in at.
tenti'.llct' 111 the cOl1c llI\'e lind tiled more Ihan a mlltilln words of COllY.
\ritll tho
wol"l ,] !
ollle l' IlIltiulIS of
"I"il':;1 of n[l, 11'(, lUusl ,I w aken
the .\ IIlt'l'icHll 1)('0]11('. \\'t, must :;re
to it thut Ilw . \ lIIl'1"i('<l11 IWUP[C
1'(',1Ii:"'I' lilt' d:IIlg"('I'. ,Yc must s('C
10 it I lwI t1olhilll-! sJII)\lld stnnd in
th c \\'a~' of Ottl" COI1\1 tl'~"S lI<.'hic\·ing
a 1I1i1itnl'~' !X)'1IU1't' SII'OIl)! 1I11t! dctC l"IlIitwd CIlIJlIg"h to drl('r H/!).:"I·CSsioll. ,.
P I'('sid ('1I1
to tnl'kl(' 110111(,'11 ii' pl"oblt'lUS alld
whit,1t lIH1'1t I", takl'll 10 1)1"0-
.'J1':1 11."
weill Oil
led lh(, t'('Ollom." of QUI' 1I111ioll,
" I"lIl'lhel' ('Xpel"illH'lI t;ltioll with
the tl·ieklto·duI\1l ([It'iH·.I, llmll' I'
which hig' t'111·pl)J'a\iOll.~ wilt \\'lIX t'at
cnou1!11 so Ihlll sOliit' flows r!()WIl to
t:lkc cHI'C of ,lit, l'I''l1 (If II~, is n
thing of lh(' pas!. This i~ 110 li1l1t'
to b,Jlall('(' 111(' hull),;"l'!.
.. 0111.' h.\'dl,tll!{'11 hom!'. whil'h ('nn
he th r own al lillY of' 0111' IlllljO I'
l'iti:...('n'l rll11 1l1('{'1 10dll.\· (,011N'I'lled
with only il ... 0\\,11 sC'lIi'lh l)I'ohlems.
"ThC' ~I'NII nth'ulIC'I'S I1IIll]e by
SO\'i<,t l-llioll ill seiClllifi(' and
is tll(' O\'CI'-
lrehn(Jlo~i('nl JlI·O$!"I·(' ....~
shnl lowiuj!, !11'('S\'1l1.(hl~· dlill~(,I·.
"E\'(,I',\'lhillg" tlllli WC' do, onr
hopI'S. OUI' U'ipit'Hlioll'l, 0111' I'U1Ul'C,
,\'<''i nUl" \'I'I'~' Ih·t's. IIIUSt IX' ('oJl(li·
tiolw;j HI-will'il lIii"! {'('utl'lll COJll-
11luni ... ti{' 1llC'1I11('(': ami rOt· liS h<'I'c
in .\Ilwl"i(·a. il I'I'P"(''lCJlts the nHIllhC'I' OIl{' pl'Ohll'lli of Olll' 111lr. tll('
prohlPIIl 01" nil 1"1'\'(' ]It'ople.
"']'\\'II ~'('III''l Ht{O, many III Ihc
W('S\('I'll woJ"lcl \\'I'l"l' heing takcn in
hr lh(, -;(I.(,t.dl('l! Sodet Ill'W look ill
r01"I' iltll 1'('lnlillll'l, \\'hllt ('ol1tl"ibtlt inllS ('1111 we, <IS Il"lIdl' tlilionists,
makc 10 Ill« IhiukiJ11{ thaI gOt'S into
OUl' ~ntion's pulit·.'· uf' !'rlatiOIl!i
Pag e Four
This ill a \·i\· ..· uf the IlreS!! roum immediat ely behind ," Ill ite or Ih e
COlu·.,nl ion hlill wher;> more than II hundred newSIJn ller lll ;> n liled a
tota l or Il1UI"I.' Ih;111 11 Illillioll word s of liis tJ otclw s (" lliu g uf me .. t.
The Ele c tri c al Worker s'
The I,..ad IlIhll' al thl' luncheon I,: h'en the lHEW dl'l l'galiollM III 1111' cllnvention wa .~ , from left to ri J{ lu :
A, K Ed""' /lrd ll, ( ', ,\1 (, \1 lilian, Char]l'S J , Fot'hn, J. J , l)olTy. S.'cr e tllr) K('t'1II1II, I'res idl'nl ,,' rccmlln, G, X. Har.
ker, W. U. Pell ) li nd JO ~l' l)h Li g/{t!tt. Th e il1formal "/{el · lo /{l' thl' r " W 88 held ill :o' urf Itoom o f Ambll t<t< ador 1I01l'I ,
I h'i.II':-::I'
Itl 1'111 -
plw"il.t, n uUlllht,1' III' IIIhl'I' ,icujIj·
l'Hllt point.. dnl~- til' wtll·kt·t"t It)
,hi' t·onHllnnil~', Il t'i.,tI fur prult't' lin.' h'g-i<;lalitlll for \lUl"kl'I ..... lIi'I'tI
ftH, t'on<;Iant Op]'Io'Itiou t\l tilt,
.. Hi::ht -to· \\'ol"k "
law:; lInti tIlt'
nt't,'I1 for (J1'1!;ulildll/t thl' tlllIIl').wn-
Pt>('.,id('lIt -'!t'.lIIY's 1U1.1t,-,,, WII'
in...:pirill/: lind thom.:ht,pl'IIHJk.
int{ om', \\" , tlllly wI<.;],
'ip'I(' \'
IWl'lnil 0111' prilltill!!' it
I it't'IY_
By 1'111" tIl{' mtbl dl'1lJl1Hlil' 11111·
Ill('nts of tht' .\ J-' I.-(' IO ('UlIl"t'l1litlll
1)('eUl'I'\,f! Oil thl' <;1'('(lIltl tillY wlll'lI
Ihe HPIIt'III or tIll' '1\'lIlIl~\(' I'<; ('alllt'
h('fl'n' lILt'
111(' IBEW dl·lega tion which a ll l'ndl'd th l' ml' .. lin j.:l< of IlIl'
Trlld;:'!! ])l' lla rlm cnt , thl' sessio n of whic h IIH'(L,(!l'd ,; 111ft of
thl' rl'gu lll r ('11II\'(' lIlioll. SI,,,,,ions "" e re hl'ld ii, t h .. Trll ) rno re 11 0 1(,1,
!'IIN II ]
' l'ltt'I'I' 11",'1'\'
IIHIIl.I· SPl'('(']W'i mudt, ill ti('f(' II-;(' of
I he 'J't'llIlI~tl.'l''', lHal1~- wit h PI.'I"'!IIII<;j\'C qlllllil~-_ Il owl'\'('I', WIIl'1I tlLt,
I'O\(''! \\'('1'1' ('oulltl,d ,h, 'I'(' \It'n' 10.-
-!:j'{,.,!l" '<UPllOl'tillg' tht, .\ FI.-C' IO
(C(JIIti/JII~11 "" pt'U~ .oft)
eoa<;lal "itit,<; fwm 11 'lIhllHll'inc .1
f('\I' 11l1l1dl't'd lIIilt·<; nwu~', \Iith 110
11I1I',liOIl HI/OUt at'I'ul'a('Y in hilling
Illl' lal'/{I'I- 1111., 11.\"(h·o~t·n homh
{'an 1",,11'0,\- mllli"u, .,1' lilli' l)t~lp!t·.
'1'hi<; I'! IlUI 1111 I'XItg-,t.:t'I'ation, 1.('1
thlll hUPPt'1i Hilt! 1 '!uhlllit to you
t hat a Imbuu'I'd IlIlI lg-t,t at that llult'
would h t , 11 1IIt'III1illg'lt'"S a(' hi!.'I'\,Jllt'II!.
.. WI' \\1111\ lax l'I't1l11'IIIIIl, but w(·
til.! Ilot II 11 lit 0111' ,iu)!it' ,'t'1I1 l.!1'
l't'tln('liuli all.nl"lll'l'(' III Ill(' ('OSloI'
an,I' 111111"':(' of OU1'
SIIOulllll ll\'H,\'S
IlliliOllal !,('l'lll'ily;
Ji l's l l"
Journal for January, 1958
till' 1111111 )'
lIutHh' l'ct~
or il1l .. r(-,fl l('d KIII'" I " HI the CUII\'etllion .... e rt'
rnrl' ilt' n fUlintrielj "' hn limed vis it " I" make
po.~ ~ible nlh'ntluncl' HI till' hi ~ turic concln"1! or ffl' " labor ill U.S,
1111111,. dell' g ul ... !! from
Page Five
Workers Get Job Done
Without Supervision
At California Plant
Whic h Is a Shining
Exa mple of Good
Union-Employe r Rel.tions
'7"E.\H 1)\' "('ur it is bl·t·oming
,.ddt'"': ,;o t jn ... ,
ill \1111'
,-in,lt· .. 11I1I 111:.11 \11 IIii' j.!"'1l.'1"111 ]lulll;,', IIllIl lurn)l'·IIHltlllj.!'I'IIWIII
"('IIII;un-; IWI"'I',' u IHEW nUt! tlH'
lI:.\'n'('I1L1'llt ...
!!r()\\'itl).! \'iJII,i"I(,1I11.\' hpUt'I',
(1114' !!ufld ,·XUllllllt· "I' thi:. i~ (1111'
Ulh'rnliulh 111
'I'ol1 .. h· I 'lull' ) I UIlII-
{',"'puraTiou of PIII'a1111111111. ('l\liforll;II. \\,h".,(, (·mplnyt'o,:
lIrt' 1IlI'm!)!' ..... or I., I'. 171f1, I BE\\"
No Foreman l
Looking on as T ouch. I'la le (;enera l :'ol a na ger K. 1'. Cro nk s ig ns n ew conlract>
a re, Jeri It) r ij.:'hl : llrli, .\nn a :'ol e) c r. lIn., rl Hslinc tl Hga n. Mrs. Oorothy
Lucki e. :'ofrs, I)urolh y O' IlIo' nnis Rnd "rire Worl ey, Ii. 1( , or I. ~III 1710.
Opt·rulioll of 'l'olll'h-l'luh":-; 1<11,,1'
i ... nil 1IIlusU!d ()III' ill Ihl' ,,1,'(-ll'il,/1I
,'1nimh il
).!I"" .'XI'I'III'n' P"Ollll~'litll1 Wiliwill
~11l)t'I'\·i .. illll.
IHE W Ilwmi)t'rs nn'
"ons"il'nlioll!o W(lrIH'rS 1I!'"ullIillg'
full I·;' .. pou"ibi l ity for ;,tl,ttiug' Ollt
,1I,.rlplI\·(1 111 n IUP \If Ih"('I' ... <,nr.;.
un I,\'
'l'o\l,.J,- P lal(' I.,,,t "Jlrin~ !.i~II"tI n
hlh"rt'llr t'ontra('t with I ,(li·nl
1710 uf 11'1' I nll'rllll l i(JI1II1 B m TIH'r·
hood (If EI.','I rit'al WOl'kl~'·>;. T op
Wll;!t· I'l'mnius li t :l; 1.;}.111II hour. bU T
thl' p l'o:,:-r<'''>-'ii()l1 rlllC fur rni'>(''1 WII ..
Paqe Six
Plall' offt'r.; it" \'lIIplllyt'" n wid<,
of f l'ill!!!' b('lIl'fit ... illt' luliiul!
Hl'\',' !" hl"'11 n
" I I' ()III' of Iht, :.:-id:; (till' l'(' II I'C
:W III IIII' ~hnp) Ita .. Il IU·obl<'III .... hc
simpl,\' IIIlk .. it
paid \'u\,lt t iou Ulltl hu lidll)'S
lind lib,'ra] Iwulth 11'·o\·isioJI ....
001111 ..1""
Spirit. Count.s
" It 's thl' !oJ>il'it of II,,' \'(llItrnet.
Iluwh IIII' wordill;.t,"
1·,'p rl'»I: u tati\·(' of LONll 1710.
Wo ri l'....
"SilH'I' ']'OUt·h·P]n l,' Il lId Ih"
t B E \\, ht\\·(' hnll n ,'0111"11\'1. t ll('rc's
III' arbitl'ntillll
lit· 1i11~·thil1::: nJlIH'Olll'hin~
fignl'('" tcl t
til' IIII' "' UI·Y. 'I'oll\'h·
Il ull'('\·"I'. I h,'
II""!" wjlh mnllll!.t'\'·
g('18 !;dlll'li.
Iht' III'obll'lI!
" I '\"t, 1Il'\',' " ...,(>1'11
il In'fon·."
nll~' l hi n g:
l ik"
Carn es Union La bel
'I'(JlIdl·P IIII('
I itt'
\'OIIIl!!I' ... wil,'hil\~ "quilll1ll'1I1 IIWllll·
radllr('r ",hidl 1111" II ,'()ntl'fh:1 \\itl,
tlit, rB EW, .\1 1 01' ih t'(plipnW Il I
1'lIn'it,,'i th,' llllil)ll luh.,t. lind Uni')!l
The Electrical Workers '
I'res ident lind ~h a irman of
Ihe board of 'I'ou ~ h-J'hue ill
Ihe well · k llo" n '1'\' pl'rl<on _
aliI )" Ar! J.inkldll'r ..' ho i..
:'1\.(', of " I'l.'iJ ple A rt' t'unl! ) "
!'ho .. ,
Loadin g pre· .. in.-d unil !! are :'Ilr!', !)orolh}"
J. a r" on, le f1. a nd Mrg, (Uary nednour, melll bl' nI of Loc,,1 union lilO al Touc h-Plal e .
... IU'JI j.., 1II'I)vhlt'd fIH' ill Ilw con·
~O\\" II lIIillion-llollur NJllC~rn,
lind ):rowillj!" c'nll"'lllll l ~', II widl'
rum!I' (If llM'''' fCIl' 'l'lIlwh-J'11I1{' JUI"
ht'I'1I in h(l\lI,' ('I'Il!<lrllI'lit)lI, indusIr," IIlltl hu,im'...." )-:Oll\!' "f III<' u;.,~~
Wi'rl' d"'-aii>I'ci in th{' :'l IllY J!l;)G
j ...... w' flf uur ,Jot·u".\l..
_\ l llllufllt'IUrillg" o!lI'I'aliulI'i at
Tuth'h-Plal!' ar,' I'lirrit,t! Oil ... IlU)()II!-
1,\' b," tI\I' I BEW IIlt'lllb,'r--.
TllI'rt' uri' 1111 fUrl'lIl1'1! ur 1 ~lId
WI!Il1f' 1I 011 Ihl' payroll. but wor k is
(lut III 1\ r1111' Ihul wou ld
HllIkl' 1111 t,nil'it'IH'," I'XIII' I'I smi le.
Simple Procedure
"-h{'n HI'I It'I'a] :\ 1 1I1l1I~\,I' K. 1'.
t'l'ou k I'I'c'l'in''i 1111 () l"tI\'r f!"\J1Il I hl'
'I'(>\I('h- I' lllll' ..ul,'" Ch']IH I'lltl{,lIt, II('
I l'al1~IIl I I'''' il inlu U work (I!"C]('I' aud
..,,'ud ... it (1111 1(1 I II(' .. ho p .
E at·h 1'lllp lu,\"I' Iht'lI I"III'I'«S t hl'
tl'lIa! wilt i)(' I'C'
'ptil'('d \If lu'r. ~h(' tlll'll "'1'''' Ilooul
doin).! Iwr pHI'1 of III\' jub.
It ·... II'" ... illlplt' 1\'.. Ilia!
'l'oUI'II-Plnk I'CjUiPlllt'lll IIIlW i ..
Ik'illg in..,11I1I,,1I nllllf)'il ('Xt'hl'iin,ly
hy IB E W IlII'mbl'I'S, l-aitl Worh'y,
'1'11(> l1nitlll I.. ('Ollpt'I'H l iug" wilh
I nit II' "('litH']" ill t'xpillining- il'i \lSI'"
In nppr{'ntit'{'!i,
" \rl' ft'('1 i l lis will pn,'" off, b~­
lII'tll' I' 10 1"1\1'1\
('IIIlM' I Ill' II·t'lId tod n,\' i~ 10 low·
"oll n!!"I' !"t,bl,\' switl, h illg"," Wo rley
add(' Ii .
"A lI d,
1I 101'{' 1111111
()!"(l i ll1ll'," wi l'illg", T uul' h- l'I HI I' wi l h
il~ Yll l' il'lil''i IJf Ilp p lil'U l i(lHS ofr l' r s
II l"t'fll t' hulll' lI g"(' !O III(' illlUi-'i rw lioll .
rourna l for January , 1958
) l rs. Allnn Mc), c r, " hOI) s!eward
I'IIIl c, nlls cm hl ('1!1 cni l hou s in gs
P aqe Seven
I nterna.tional P resident
F RQ:\T I illw
time he re Oil 11ll'
ill I'('{'t' nl
lllonths, WI' IIU\'l' alll'llll'lt'el 10 Il'll
01 tht' pI'olllt'lll" whil'h fa('l' IhIN'
(III!' ,/ Ullfllil/
P(' Nt}llS lI u fm'llIll1111' 1' 1I01l1:h 10 hi'
Ilh~' "i('all,\- h:lIldil'uPPNL tll!!ll!) 1' 11('i'I11'a)!!! I h(' hil'iu/! Ill' I h('Ill, il uriu){
Ihl' IWO Y('/U"i in wlli(' h I lilt\'('
""I'\'l'll as \ - il'(' ( ' lwil'Jllllll of Ill('
I )1'('~ id elJI ''1 ( 'O H11l1 ill 1'1' felt' EUI plo,\'Ul t'nl of tlH' P hY'! i('ally ll ulld i'·UPI)('(1.
IIII\"\' ht'e01l1t' Ul'II II,lr
IIW~lI't' of tht' 1H'I,ds of t l1l''i(' pl.'oplc,
!Jut I han' al.,u hN'unlt' ('og'uizuut (If
Ilw iT' abilit ie" IIlld ..kill .. ~I n d of I hl'
g'1J(l11 1'('(-01'11 tl 1I',\' IIn\' \' hu ilt up fol'
1'lI lIlpe H'l1l, <l I'III'li d ab ll' joh pl' l'fot'mallee. In Ihis IlI"icf llI·ti('I(', to().
I .. hould likl' to I' XIU'(''-'; Illr d('('p
Hl'preeialioll In Ihl' l1ll'mlK't"l of ou r
uWllllu inll, IIIf> IBEW , for Ihl' SIIPIlfwI g-i\'l'll Iu IIUI' IIPI}('al<; 10 hil'l'
WOl'kt'I"; Hn.1 ),ti\,'
I hl'lll ihe oppHI'lunilY of d oillK
WIll'k they al'e 1'1111)' eapahl(> or dll'
i 11J.r.
One of thl.' tnthl onl'lllllll1illt.:"
of I his (,(lOp('ration hn .. 1"1' l't' lIlly 1)('l'n ht1)\1~IH 10 OUl' 111\1' 11 liOll. It is Ihnt of Ht'Olhl' !" ,I ohll \Y .
]'01...1011 . 11 1111'111 111' 1' o f r.. ll , .j..f] ,
('.1,"' "
tl lOll/.:"h I()tldl~' hli nd , is ('llIT.l'ill~ on
his work n~ n jOlll'lll'ynlal1 l' h'l.'l ri-
Sll lll a A Wl, (' Il l irll l·llill . 11 n IH Il
('il1l1 and is wil·il1J.:" hOIl1('s ill the
Sal1tll _\ nH 111'('11 .
8 1'0111('1' ]>()I~lntl'" .. lo r y i<; lin illII'r('sling- 0111'. I I ('onltl Iliso he II
\'(' I'y pilI h('1 il.' 11I1~' wel'e il flllt fill'
stlltllil1a alit! skill of Bl"Othl' r
Ih(' faith and ('11of his locall1nion,
.\ t th(' !Ig-I' of ('il!ht ,J aek l'ol<;tol1
losl thl' s iJ:"ht uf h is I'iltitl PY('
Ihron~h all 1l('(·itl('111 with II RH
j.l'l\lt. I n spil(' of this hlilltli('I1Jl
Page Eight
.Iuhll W. 1'(lllilnn, ),, ( ' . III. Hanta t\na. Calirornia. comlllNch' blind,
..· irc~ hUUlsc!;I unaided. II I.' Ic,cls hi,. .. ark, !;Iorl ,. colur-coded .. ires .
UilC,. t'I'-'Clric drill and solderin g iron: ne' e r misses II da y's work.
BI'u, llt' I'
1't)lsl() 11 "'l' I'll;tl
h i"
sk i !l~ It U1"11II11l.1 IIIllg111 III
]H'l.'nl it'('ship a n ti bl'l'lI lll(' II sldllt'd
l'lect l·i(' iatl. li e wO I'kl.'d a t the t rade
fOI" 13 yt' u t's. TlwlI olle dll)' in W:i:-"
the a::c of :t!.
wllil(' \\"tJt'kil1l-( in hi~ hom('. II g J'indi llg WhN'1 shUtll'I'('d,<;(,lIdil1g a I'I'agllli'llI iu\() his ),(tlO(l l'yt" b1illdi tl ~
him ilhlH l lll~'.
13 roll1('t· 1'01'11011 wns hospitllli1.t'(1
1'01' 11 lwit'!' liml' Hll1 l IIlt'1l all('udl'd
Ih(' Ol'ic'nluliml <.,(oh/lfll fill' IIII' hlind
in Oaklulld for 17 tI1onths, \r hilt'
Ih('r(' h(' l('nl'lI('(\ to 1'1'1111 B rai1l(',
how 10 0 1lt'1'1l1(' \'UI'iOIl" mll('him's
"l\ch as IIII! ln ll1(" d l'ilI ]l1"('>;S, pll1wh
PI't',,-'1, d.', !lll il II lI111l1h~,t· ot' ol ht' I'
Il c 1('1'1 t Ill' 'who!)1. hO\\'('\'(,I", tli
dl' tl' I'miu('d to ('lIlT~'
t h(' "kilil'd wOl·k
U jOUI'IH'.\·mun ch'<"lril'iUlI, 11 Jlrol't,,-... iOIl IU'
lo\"('d nnd relt ht' could ('onl ill1l1' iu,
if g-h'('u H (']W1WI'. 11 (, ,IPlwlllt' t! to
1.0(';11 +I I i l l SUl1ln . \ UlI, 'r hl' 1)11"iIll'"'' IllaWlj.l'I'J' nf llial 101'31. Hmlh -
F"I·!tll ....l1l. was auxinll" III
h('ll) Brolh.'I' Polston hut wn ... nn·
IUI'1I11y sk(>pli('lll of iI blind Il1nn'll
nhililr to 1"11' 1'1'01"111 Ihe hit:lllr
"ldl1t',l joh or wi rin g a hemS('.
B l'ol h('1' P "t'j.l'Il'it)JJ, lX'Ii('\'In)! fil'ml.\.'1' \\' • •\ .
The Electrical Workers'
1t1l'('11 ';11 ht, {';III 1{,11 wh('I'c his
"pl i\'('
iii HUt! so (,OIlC('lItl"ut(' Ihe h('lll. li e
hu'i 1111 ('1('('I I'il' IIr·ill Wllh .1 c lutch
hllill ill so Ihlll II(' will nOI illjll l'l'
hil1l'>l'll" if he sll'ik('" II nllil.
. \ 1'1)1(,('1111 k\'('1. 11 1001 nC('('''''lU'Y
ill till' IBEW PUIiI'Y of
hnlltli('up]wd. hOWt'H'I',
dl,(·id.·d to <,('(' whul (-()\dd ht- dOllt'.
Ii (' hrhl ('onf\'l'('I1('('''1 with IOl'nl ('(llltr'UC' IIIt'S 111111 !uj.::t,tht,], litt'Y tlt'('id('d
to gin:.' Broth(' I' P OI-;101i a ('hulI('('.
'l'OdHY, til(' t'1''Il1lt..; s)ll'ltk fo]'
I hl'IllSt'IH'i.
B t'OIIIl' I' P oIslC1I1
/lHlI'., thall hnldillg Id" OWII ill n
!lil.rld,\" H't'lmit,1t1 juh. l ip IHI" Ill'W I'
mi'''I'l1 H fillY's work "illt'I' 11('
sllll'lI-" HlIII Iii .. widll~ jnhs pa,,, ill sf)('etilHI wilh !Iring (·010'....
.Ja{'k " ol'ltlln whu tin''> at :!:!fi K
2:!1H1 ~1I·('t't. ('"... In ) 11'''11. ('nlifor·
nino hn'! 110 Jlut i\'!WI' wi, h I){'oph'
wltu think it i..; "jll'" w{)nd('rfu'"
tlmt Ill' ('1111 .. till tlo hi'i jHh
of hi .. hUlIIlit'lq',
.. SUI"(' I 'Ill llliu!!." hi' told n 1'('IH)J'lt'I' I't'l't.'lltly "But thut'!( 11(11
illlpm'lant. What i" inqlOl·tallt i"
Idll'th~'I' 01' lint
1 '1Il
lI'i(·hlll .• ,
1101,,1011 IK,lil'I,·" 11/0 11l1l1l~'
- ill(' llIIlill", tHUII,I' hlilld
think Ihnl hlilldlll" 'i 1Il1't1l1"; Itl'lp11·"..;111,.... ". :1Ilt! I hal a III ill;! Jli'I"i(1IL
\\"110 lIN'OlHt·" ,,1·lf-.... upPOI'Iillj.: i'i n
IIWII (II" l'lll·,· I·OIU'U~(1.
•. E\,l'l'yhudy ",IIIIJl11Ihiz(''1 willi
11'1, ., ht, "wid. "Htll \"(,I'~' fl'w pt'upl"
willitlK III
hnlldl~' nWlIl'
juhs II" wt'll 11'1 1111.1' ..;i;,:-hlt'ti 11I'I"i(lI;,
llwl III'
" I Hpplil'd
('il'il "1'I'I'ie'('
a;!o. Tlwy IUld 1111' I ('ol1ldl1'l Ii"
lilt' joh. Bill I 11111 1111111;! thl' joh. Su
who 11'11'1 I'i)!hl?"
(hll' 1't'11~11'1"" 111I1'lil'Hlul'l,\" 0111'
Id'·PIlII'Il. will 111' illll'I"I'''I,,11 ill
knowill!! how Bmlllt·1' Pul""111 J,:"11I''1
HI)(HI\ 1'1'I·ful"llIill).: Iii . . jtlh. ,\""llI'd
itl~ Itl Bu"il1~''''''' ;\Iulwg-I' I' F"I·).:lhtll1
of I.. I". 111. hI' hu'i Ill) II'oulll,·
lI'hahl)"I'I'I' ill wi!'il1!! 11\111";1'''. U..; lit·
U~t"..; H BI'uilll' pHil fill' til{' 111.\',0111
of lilt' jull. III' 1111'; II Ihnilll' 1'1111' 1'1'1'
II IIlI'1'11 huill ('sp('(·iull.I' for 111(' Illilid \\"ilh Ihllil!l'
~IIII!-f(''' nlld II 1\'1'1('1' ill frollt ur the
Journal for January, 1958
wil'elll(,rl. was (]cI'ise(] 1'01'
1'01,,\011, I"I'OIH 11 piN'(' (If
1"111'1)1111' II ];1I1,t! dw IIII(' I-iron wit h 1\
hlllllwlIl"in!! in it. L('\'(' ling- i)('('oHlCs
IIlt'I'('I~' II Illlll\l'J' of •. fccl.·'
lli"lill/!ui ... hill;! 111(' ('(1101''< of
UOn1('x i'i nl..;o II mllltl'!' of "ft,,,I,"
thunk .. to till' sialltilll'lis oi" m1l1l1\1"1I('IIII"I'I'S. •\11 t'ahll' is packed ill
bt'Xt's in tht· SlIlIll' 111111111('1", whif(011 111]1. hl'H'" on lilt' hottom.
1,'01' IhIN' ill"llIlIuliOlh II'llich 1'(''1uin' othl'I' (·Illon'. l ,ol'HI l 'l1 i()l]-I4 1
""1'1I1'I,d I'm' Bmtlt(>J' .11I(·k il "PI'('illl
1,11'I'II'OIIiI' lit,vi("', tlt·si)!llcd h~' 1111'
Ht·1I .\i!"t'I·lIf1 ('OI'I)()I"UlioT1 of Ruff" ,
10. XI'\\" York. It hn .... it 1I('llI'll1)! 111'\'i,'I' IHIWI'I'('d iI,\- II ]lIII,li!!ht 1I11"h-
Ii).:hl hlllh'ry lI""i('ll I'Inil" a fl'l"
IIUI'llI'Y illllllll'«' fill' till' diff('1"1'1I1
('{lIIII ....
of wij'" or
Illl~' Otll('l' 11111-
1I'l'i1l"'- TIl(' 11I'1g-hlt'r tilt' 1'0101". Iht,
hi)!I"'1" Ihp Iii II'" of IIII' impIII"I'. In
finll Ihl' 1';11" ,,"h·
sli1UIIII!! rill' lilt' I'Y". In 1'!u'{'kiuJ.!
tn)Uhl!' in II 11(11111', Bl'Otlwl' P01o.;\01l
this 1'1I~' Ihl'll WI'
('1111 II""
Ihi ... il1"II'lllIlI'lil to 11('1I'j'-
lIIilll' \\h"I1I1'" OJ' Iwt lh(' Ii!!hl I'! tin
or 111l'. Wil h it Ill' ('1111 also 11('11'1'mini' fixtm·'· .... of lliffl'I"{'1l1 (,01,,,...
lind if tlll.',I' 111'(' of (,OPPI'I' 01'
('III""lll', 11('1·onlinl.! ttl ,Ill' illlplll,,(',,;
0.;('1 oil' IIY Ihi'! ill'!lnllllt'nl.
'1111 ' 1111'111 Ill1ijlll hll'i ('Iw('k"fl
willi IWO Ilifl't'I"(' 1I1 ('nnt~·ll('lnl' .... fill'
11'1111111 BI·'IIII<'I' "()t .. tlll\ 1111" workl"!.
Bill h 1'1'11111"1 I hal 111I'Y hlll'{, 0.;11\111'11
hilll !lh~I!II11t'I,I' 1111 fanll'itl"m III"
I'all",' of hi .. hllllllil'lIl'. II<' 11'11111,,11
111'1111111'" 1IJIII
\I'll" l.:i\"('11 llilll-II ...
('hlllll'l' l.!in'l1 jOlll·llI'.\"Il1l1n
Wil·,'III1'1I wilh tWIl 1!\lIlIl I'~'(''i. TIl\'
('Uill 1'111'1 III.... 1"111'1111'1' 1'('I)(II't
I hal
BI'IIIIII'r I'"I"I(JII '" wUJ"k olllpul 10.;
1I ...
Jllck l 'III;'(on in ll lllll M ceilin ll" fl1Chll'l' In hOtl8{' he .. il'{'d , Hi s in ,
!!llIlIlIlioll \l IJ:l SIi in"llcclion wilh "yinl:: COIOT". lie 111\)'11 hllndicaps
can b,' OH'rcoml! hul IhuH'" willi hlindit'llIlIl mUI<' bl' ,l("i\"('n n chnncc,
Page Nine
IE lID JI 1r([]) Iffi JIAJL
By GORDO N M. FRE E M AN, Editor
Taking Inventory
,\1 thr brg'ilillillJ,:' of t'uc·h ,n'Ht' i, ,>,'t'IlIS to us U J,(ooll
illl'lL to (olio\\' till' prHt'! i(,t, of huslIlc$." (o(J!1{'(' ,'n .. and
\IIkr ill\,(,llt()I·~·. \\\. look huck, !o;('(.' wlwl has h('('11 li('('ompli'lht·t! ill tht' puS! ~'('IlI', ('\'1IIUltl(', 1I 11d lh('11 look
aht'lld 10 wht'I'(' \\'\' 111'(' ,!:oing'.
L(1)killj.r hllek on',' 1!)ri7 w(' thillk 0\11' f('('iil1g" Hlay
1n'11 Iw sl1tl1llu'd lip, .. We 111'(' pletls('(l hut IIlIl ~ali"i­
tkd.·· "'h(' :'0"'111' 1 !1~; htls not 1)1'('11 II bat! ~"'al' fol' Ih<I BE\\' IIlId iH llU'ml)('I"S. We hu\'(- I'l'urlwd tlw hi:.dli'''''
IlIt'mht" .... hip Hj.(lII'l' ill (JUI' hi'itOl'Y. 11(';11"1;0.' 'j,iO,OOO 1l1t'1HIll', ..... W I' hu\"(' ('hUI'!t'I'('" 1I1I)r(' 11('11' ](wlll uniolls !hlLli ill
an." IWl'jOtI ill "1,(,,'111 ;o.'('HI"S. In g'{,IH'nd tht, ('rN'llill}!
t iilt- of IIllt'llI ,,1"...-III('lIt hn<; I·(lu(·hcd f\'w('r of 011 r I)('opll'
dum it hit" in utl"'r indu .. tri"s. ( 'on"trUt·tion for the
1II1)"t jllll·t Iwld np 11I'I'lIy wpll ill l!I.')i ami illlh" uli!il.'
fipld (llupln.lllli'1I1 1't·lIlllill".i hig-h. Solllt' of OUI' llIllIlIIfnr'In1'in:: Itllt! l'niil'O:ld JI(lopl{' "1111'('1'(1(1 11I.,'·ul1·" hilI
HlIt'llIpluYIlIt'II1 ill Iht· ('I('('ll'i('1I1 il1flll""'~' liS ;I whol{'
W:h 11\11 t'xlt'u"iH. 11(11' did it 111'OlIIi-;(' to hI' wiil~'­
'I!l I'l'Hd, III !t'Hst ill IIIl' fil'st 1II0011h:; o[ i n:)~.
,\1 1\ tintl' \IIWII WH!!t''1 WI"'" It·\·(,lilljl.' uff ill IItHIl.I·
ind U"I I·i"". I Ii I': W Hlt'mllt'I''1 \\'('1'(' 1Il'!!ol inlin!! '1111),,1 n 1\tial II·a).!I' ).!lIiu'l IIIItI rl'ill~(' IH'II(1fit<; in :111 j1HI'I'i' of Ilw
OUI' aplwul 1'01' 111111'" Illtllll'y to Iwlll liS h) 11t'11' you,
lIlt't II )110,,1 J,tJ'utif,\'illJ,t l·t"';PUIlS(-' in Hill' 1't·1'1'1·I'llIlunl
I'ull' fill' lrig-ht'l' 111'1' (·HpitH.
()m' ;'OI1'!IHIlI IIPPi'lli fm' nlO I·t' :JIlII 111'111' 1' (,.iul':lIic)1I
II'nillillg- III·nj.!.',·UIlI" 1111" llIi't tl'('Ill(lIH\nI1S l'I)(JIWl'lItioll
fl"OJII 11 !.!1·j'JlI 1I11111~' 1(1('111 IIlIioll'!.
1·'(11' nil lilt''!!' Ihill).!''' WI' HI'" lIutlll'lIlIy plt'II",'t1 nIH\
WI' a 1'(' g"1'1I11'1'1I1 til (JIU' IIH'lIlht'I'Ship 1'0]' tlll·il' good
But \1'(' III'" 11t)1 '!lllisfil'd. T hl' tia.\' WI' ht" .r ill III hI'
'!ath;fit'd willI 0111' '!tlltll« -I lral i'i litr day WI' hl'l.rill 10
~'()I' t'n'I',\' )':II'I'II'i('ul \\'OI'kl'l' \\'I' hal'{' ()"/!H llizrd,
1111'1'1' HI'I' 1\\\1 1t101',' who tlo 1101 hlll'(llI11' 11I'OI('{'liol1 Ill'
,I '!1I',IIIIt, 1I'('II'I''!I,lhli,dll,t1 1Inion. ,\ ltd as tlllol·J,tunil'(,11
\I'(jI·k,'I .... 11)(,.1' III'f' II IhJ'(-'ll\ to 0\11' '>I'{'\II'il,\'. parli{'nblrl,\' if 1111' U1H'llIplHYllwnt '>('01'(1 1){'('011l0' WOI-..;(', II is
IIIlI jll.';1 ('h:II'il~'. it io; f'omllion Sl'IlSl' to f)l'~:lniz,· IlwllI,
Whilt, WI' hll\"l' IIIl1l1l' ,l{r('ll1 «ll'id('s ill OUI' {'(JII('('lil'{,
Iml'1winill,lr pnK'(·''i(·>i. Ihl'l"{' nl"{' Illall:" who"(1 II'II:.\{'
"hI I.,,, la:! IIt'hilltl 1'h(,I'(' nl't' Illilll.\' without IH\('{IIIIII!'
'!kk 1('11\"1', hf)iidn~' nnd '·II(,lIliol1. h(lltlth aJld \\(llfal'I'
pbms. \\"(1 IUI,..I I'olltillll{' to impl'()I'(I OlLr HI!I't'\'IlWIIH.
F(Jr t'l'f'I'~' (J1l(' uf our IlWIllbl'I'S whu j" tllkinz 11111'11111'1'11 l'Ollrs('" wlln,\' ill ordl~]' 10 fil hilll,,{'lf 1'111' tilt'
:;kill('d rl(,{,tl'lHli(' job" nll('lId. hn lldl'(lcI!l 1II01'f' ('il)I(' ]'
Pa ge Te n
111'(' llItl lInlilillj! !hl'IlI"t'IH's of till' npI)(lI'lullit~·. Ill' 1111
'lppOI·tl1llil,\' i~ h('illg" nn'o!"{It,t1 tht'lli. \\'t' 1Il1l':i! illl'I'l'a'W
OIll'\l'lIillilll-( PI'Q/.:I·um<; Oil ('\'\'1".1' 1\,\"(' 1.
WI' IHlIsI "1'1'1\ wlI.n; HIltI IlH':lIl" of k(,l'pilll-\ I'lllpln,\'.
1III'1It liP fIJI' nil 0\11' 1II(11111)('I·S.
.\ IHI ir h.l· "Olll(' 1l1iI'IWi1., ull Ih('~(' Ihin/-.I"; ('ould 1)('
U('("JIllllli'!ht',1 ill Ih('h' ('ll1in·I.I' dl1l·ill).:' I!'l:il-l, W(I -;Iill
wIIIII" not hI' ~lIlisfjl·d. 1\'(' c'lll\tWI nll"w 1)\1""('11',,-; 10
hl'('unlt' 'Iuti"fi('(1. F Ol'it i" ill '!\l·i\'in).:' Ihat I\'i' J,:1·OIl'.
It is ill \\Ol'kitt~ rill' illlPI'0\1'1H1'1l1 that Wi' implVlt'.
I f \11' dtt Ilftl ('ollliIllW 10 j!1l j'OI"\lUI"1, thl'lI WI' sllltH1
'!I ill (II' Wt' J.!O IJ./wk 1111(\ IU·U.!!I·,''''! i'l III all t'tll!.
~) ilt looking hU('k I Iii'! ,!aItHul',\' 1 !1:i~. It'l 110; 1't'joi('I'
ill whlll lilt" 1)1'1'11 dOll(l wl'Il hut 1('1 U'i look '!ha!'!,!:,' to
til(' fu tUI'I' /llltl ph'ti!!I' o\lt....l·ln·". ('ill,h Ol\l', 10 Itlllkill!!
lilt, YI'UI' uhl'atl 011(' of I'l'al PI·Og-I·t'"".
Rig ht to Work-For Less
It i'! illlt'I"'''lill~ II!)w till' I"")]lfltlt'tlt'! fir slatf'
'· Hi:.\"!JI,ln,\\'OI·k·' law'! "I,ll Ilu'il' I'i('inu-; If'~d"dllliolJ
wilh it..; Irig-h ''ilH lIlclill!!, Wllllf' to III\' .\IIII'I·i('II11 IWI)pl".
'1'0 hl'UI' Ilwi!' III'l,!l1IHCnt'!, "nil..dIHo'\\'Ol·k" blll"'1 will
"Ill\"(' 1111 tlll'il' joh t1illirllllil''!. It i'! 1(1) hnd Ihul 1111'.'"
do IlIIt "1'(' tlll'ou)!h IIII' 11I'!!,1I""'''!" lind look fill' tltl'
u'u(' fu('t", \\'hlt! ntllny ('ullIlfJl 'il>(\ i'!, Ihul fa I' fl'OlII
"lIppl,l'inj.t" thl'lIl with joh!). in " Il i"dll-Io-\\'nl'k" stlll('"
wll('l'" 11\11' ,·ilil.l'l1" 11I'(' Int'ky (,IIOIII.dl to find Ih('il' 011'11
jul.". Ih('~' 111'!1I liud 111t'.1' 111'(' ., hH;k.I'·· (l1I1I1Ig-h to w()l·k
fill' It·<;", Slllti<.;lir-; p\"()I'(' 111i ....
1.l','" Inok at a 1'('11' fi)!I1I"''';, pllt out. IIl1t h." thl'
.\1-'1.-(' 10, UOI hy 11II~' ill<lhidlllll 11IIil)lI. Intt IJIlit'iltJly
hy II ... ( ' uilt,d Stall'''; 1)(11\111'11111'111 Clf ImhOl·.
I II Iht, " Hi).!'ht.to,WOI·k" :o::.lul,'
"inzinill. till'
n\·I'I·Ut.:(' Irtllll·I.,· 1';lt'tOI'Y \\'ll,!!(1 i" $l.Ii l. III Ilw Ilt'i,..!"!I'
htJriu!! :":Wtl' of \\'(I"t "iI'!!illill whi{'h IIfl'lIIil'! fl'l'I'
uuioni'ml. 111(' Ilout"l,\" 111"t'1·II,I.!l' i-; $'2. 10. I " ··Hi!!ht·lo+
\\'(II'k" '1'{'III1('S_... ('(' IIII' \I'a!!,' i~ $Ui.'i. I II l1{'ig-hhol'in!!
rl'(II' I\ (lUlllt'ky, il i" $1.!IR. III .\ I i"'!i""ippi, lI'ilh it"
" Hi,lrhl,ln,\\'ol'k" law. til(' al'('l'ltj!(I fa(,lol·.\' II'lIj.t"(' is
:;: 1.40 PI'I' ht'UI', II'hil(' fl'('{' union I j ()lIi'!illll1l ('ilizl'lI'!
n\'t'I'Il~(I !II!.!l-i. '1'11(· 1)"Plll'tlll t'111 "I' 1.1I11t,.11· fi).!'HI·I· ..... 111'\\
I'it.:hl 1II1)!',' •. Hif!ht-to-"'UI'k" Slall''! with 1I'1I).:(lS snh,
... I/llltillll,\" it'S'i tllllll 1110.st' in Iwi,.dlhl)J·ill~·' fl"<'f'" "lilli's.
1'11(' mnn who ('oill(ld tilt' ph I'll""'. ,. Fi!!ItI'(I~ dOIl't
IiI,,·' "I)()kl' wOI'd~ of wi ... dolll. '1'11('..,1' fij,lurl'''i tlolI'l li('.
1'hl'y sp('nk II tl'uth whi(lh IlIhl))' IlIIiolli ... Is kno\\" 1\"('11
lIll.1 whil'h IIt(' ,,('IIt'I'1I1 puhlic' of II :zootl !llItII,\" 0.;11111''';
~";'III<; Tn 11lI\" '\tlII'lt rlllllf IlIlrt! 1I1l,\'. Th(' truth i., Illi ...
1lllion..; h\'111 ('1'(IJ'~'hot1y, 1'h(l,\" 1111\'(' 1)('f'1I 111f' g:1'I'atl'sl
[/It·tm· lid:.; lwtioll hBs ,\'(11 kutlwlI ill I'ai<.;hl~ li\"in~
"llIlIdl1l'lI" lind ('I'('ilIing 1)lnt sillte whidl ,\ III('I'iellIlS
III'" so PJ'()utl or-"Ihe .Am,'I·il·11I1 WII.I· of lif(l.·'
Th e El ectri c al W o rk e r s
This Is Brotherhood
Sixty_six .\"1'111'-; IIItO wll('11 our Brotil('dl00d ww;
fOUlHIiIl,!! flllh<'I'" pl('(I,!!I'i1 tiLf'llIsdn'<j to
"ht'lp ('ac-II 01111'1' in .. i('kllt,,,'1 nllli distl·(,<';~." Thnl
1'lnll"I' "('mnill>; in ollr ('OustilUtinn 10<1:1:-' IIl1d J think
it 1111'. ht'i'11 lin·d up to J)I'('I(.'" \\"/'11 thl'olll!"h tht· ,wnt'.
'1'111'1'(' \\'('1'1' 1H1l1l,\' 1[IIIt's ill tht· ('111":-' day.; whl'lI .. hl'lpill,L! ("l('h Ilt/WI' in '<ic·lm('o.;s allli ,li"ln'",,;, -, 1111';1111 pa ...."iu)! 11ll' hUI !w"j"di.-all.\· 11'111'11 11 1111111 sutTC'n'd a fall
f.'um a pnll' Hud WU'i "fill' Oil hi'! ha('I,:" fur 11I01l1h.-;
Il!' ft'C'ilin,l: hi ... widuw lind ('hild"('11 jf h(' Wil'; t'h,<,u'o·
('utl'd. or
111111 h(' hMl n IIt·(·plll hul'ia!.
1'1111 ht' gJ'nh'ful 111111 om' D('ath BI'lwlil.
OUl' "(,lhiull !' IUIl, 0111' liN-I'll I WIL).:i''!, ~otiHI St'('III'il~'
widell ol'A'nuiz{'d luho!' rOIl~hl 10 I!'C'\. IHI\'I' Imul(>
"11I1".. ill,!.:" 111(' IInl" f(JI' Ih(' moSI ]l1l1'1 ,I 1hill,!.:"
PH'.;I AlS I'H" 11<'; J-:lt'c'l drill \YIII'kl'l~ UI'(' <'OI1('I'l'1l1'd, X()W
EI('('II'ic':r! WOI,kt'I' .. ('1111 !r1',tll('h OUI and I,,-Ip ollft'I·".
1'h(',' Iln' rl(lill~ '>II ('\'('I'Y du~' Ilild it is ~l'IIlif~'illlt In
lilt' nl/ill" I('III'I'S I'('('('i"('fl III Ihl' JI II('I'l1l1lioIiUI
omc·('. nll1 jll~' 1'('PCII'\" 1'1'0111 nil I' loeal tllli(lll<;. h111
1.:1'111 ('fill 11'11t'1"'o fn)ln pI'I1JlII' Iwlrwcl b," IIUl' Ulliol1
tiH'IIIIH'!.... WI' ('ould ~i\"(' 1111111," (>xnmplt'" it' ... par·(>
would IWrlllil. IIo\\I'\'C'I', "illl'l' il i<.; lilllilrd. \\"t' <;Imll
ju"t 1I1I'!llion 1\\,1.
1,11"'\ wl'1.·k WI' 1"I'<'C'in'11 n )1'111'1' from 1I111'111d .\.
HOg-t'I"', 1II,C'... idl'n\ of Ih(' WlIshill~IOII .h"()(·illliol1 1'01'
itl'la!"dl'() ('hild''I'Il. III g-Iowill,!.:" H'l'llls II(' d""'C'I'iIH'S IIII'
\\"ol·k pl'l'fol'lIl<'d h~' III(' Builliillj.!" Tradl's ('cnuH'iI (If
SI'allll' uncll'I' IIII' lc'acl(,I''iltip of liLlI' Loeal ·Hi, \0 nid
Ih(' ... (' ('hildl'('n. "C) 11I\I('h ill lII'I'd of h(-'Ip. :'lit'. I~{)'!':"('I'
"'11."" ;
"Th(' Plooj('('1 nPIMf'('IIII," ""ltI'lrcl Mi n "illlpl(' C'X'
JlI'I,,, .. ioll or ('III'isllllns I-:nvdwill, hUI it gl','\\' III hng-,:
]I1·uI1<.1I'IioIlS. ilIl'IHtIiIl~ a ])II I't," 1'01' mllll~' h\lllCll'(,ds 11\
IIlt'lllalh' 1·('tal·llt'd (,hillh'('11 III Ih{' sl/ll{' 1,.,,,jdl'lI(-t'
S(·!rool. 'lIlId I h.' 1]I"'I']OPl1lt'1I1 of 1111 t'lJdn\\'lItt'lit 1'111111
lulllli"l-!" lllOl1"'lIlIl(]" of dollal'"'l fOl' flll,tll(>1' SI'!"\'it'I'" IUlII
l'ql1ipll1rlll f(U' Iht''i(' {'hil(ln'll. I II IIddilion, Ih(' Illl'm·
hf'I'S or ,'Ol!l' (tWit union, alol1J! willt olh('I"l. 'i(,(,III'\,d
('llllipnw;lI HIl(1 "ohllll('('!"('dlh('ir own lilll(, for 1111' in'llnlbllioll of 11 ('olllpl('x puhlir :rcldl'(''''i \I'sh'w in tIl/'
huil(lillJ! hOIl'lilll!" Ih(' 1ll0l'C '.;t'I'iou"I.,' hnnlli('lIPPI'II. I
Hili \(lId Ihnt Ihi .. I1111·t of Ih(' "IOO,jerl frlOll1' i<; ,·"itwcl
111 $-1,000 or IllUl·I'.·'
It is (,01l1111('11t-. lik/, Ih(''t(" whil'ir W{' 11I't· .,Urt· \11'1'f'
"PI1'IHi 10 mUII,I' f'ilizl'lls of Iht, ('il~' of Si"'III,lil', Ihlll
l)I'illJ! ('I"('-(lil III 41\11' BI'ol!r{'I'hoQllllllll Ih(' ('11111'(' IHhol'
La ... 1 'I(,,'k nl"Cl. lIlt' .J/LIIUHl·~· i"'''lil' of til\' . I m/lli/hr.
11I'''<;lmp('I' Ill' 1.lwlll 10--1'-:, il1llilll1l1polk \\'11., 11.'(·I'in'll
III Ill(> I. O. 011 its I'I'Qnt pa.l.:l'li fl'alm'C 111·lic·lt, hq.rllll
I hi .. way;
" 111 SI.itt' of 11I.".ofT~ Hllcl 011..,1' niln'I''it' 1'C11ldilioll'<,
Ih(' 1!J.i7 ('Ioth(' •• \ ·('hil/I SI'nSIJlI WHo.; ('ompll'll'd ill n
g"t','I1\ ;1Ilt! g'l"llli1"yil1l-!" \\"H."! *I!i,fii:')}:a ,,'11'1 I'oll('(·!t,d
, IlI'011 J! II (' 101 lit ". \ .C' IIi Id ('111'.1 S. ('/lud.I' 'illlt-.S. ;r II d ~ )1('1' iHI
IU'OttlOliOllll1 111'ojl't'ls in 'h" "HI·ioll<.; d('pa1"lmt'l1l~ 10
1· lut Ii(' ,1/ ,j \'('1',1' 1lI,,'d,l' dli Id 1"1'11 III ( '11 I' isl IIIas·l j1111' ! "
J o urnal l o r Janua r y . 1958
'1'111'''1' 1\10 I'XlIlllplt-... uud nlall.l· 'iilllilHI' {·a.,l's lll'011l1l1
Ih(· ('\HIII!I'" show II'UI' B I"OIJ1I'I"Iwo(\ ill nl'lioH. 1'hl'
'I·OI·d" uf i;III' ( '011 ... 1illl1 ion udop! I'd so ~()It'"mly IIWI'('
!hull hlrlr H t'{'lIlm',\" n~o. hll"1' grown alltl spread. 1101
.i1l"1 ttl IIII' 1Il{'1ll1){,1'''' or tlUI' OWII fII':,rHllizlltioll, but.1O
0111' fl,II"\\·I1I('1l (,\"('1',\"\\111'1'('. This i'i Ul"OlhC'rhood ill liS
filll'''1 1'01"111.
Th e Railroad Situation
WI' "pokt, ill lilli' II'lIti l'ditol'iHI alK"\tll 11 el"CIII ill
1'lliplo.'·IIII'1I1 till IIII' l·lIill'llails. 'I'IU' nlill'Ollil'i tilt'''.''
sl'ht,,! 111'(' lilt rihulillJ.!" 1111' ('all",'
Ih(' lay4)rr~ to thl'II'
1I1I(')!1'I1 IIt-"I'>I'I"1II1' IiIHIII('iul .,1 rll il 0.;, .\1 III{' 1,,·t's/'1l1 tim!'
II :-iI'IlHII' ('oll1mi1l1'1' is IW),!"illllil1,1! iun'sl ijwI ion of I lit'
~illlali()n . • \\ 1111' SHlIlt' lilll(', hOWl'\'(>I', a 1'1'('('111 "lIt'I"
"IlItl' ('lIrulll/'I'{'(' HI'I'(I1" "Ihow"'l il '11t'lII l.,- ill('l"t'aS<' ill
I'lIill·llIll l lli,·jll('lllk
'I' hl' [{'(' 11111111111 l'I'P(lI'\ :.ri\'('" '«11111' sig:llifieanl
UI't'~, " slrows Ihlll IIII' III'OPIl1'lil)11 (If l'aill'OIHI ~to('k
pa.'"illg- (lidll,'nd" I'I'S('
:i.-, ..-, IWI'('('1I1 ill l!l,Hi. In
XUi 11('1'1'('111 ill t!I.;Ii. " ... how"'l Ihal Ihl' 11\"('1':11.:1' I'a\('
1)11 di"idt'I1t1'jlllyiIlL!" "'\(J(,k"'l Ira" ris('11 1'1'0111 ::;.-1 pt·)·,
('1'1l1 I" 7,O:? IH'I""'1I1 dlll'inJ{ Ihal ,,;tIIl(' Jf),~·(·al' IWl'io(]
Thl' I'I'IHII'I :11"'0 show'! Ihlll III{' 11l·1'1'1l}!.' I'alt- {III all
1'lIil"IIIlr! "'Io('k I'll'>(' I'mlll :l.01 P(>I'{·.'111 ill 1!l-t6 10 .;.7
IH'I'('/'llt ill 1!1:i6.
Wllill, lid ... Ie '(' rt'I'"I'1 \\"11" 1'01' lIlt' n",'al YCll!" ,'n.l·
illl! .1 1I11t' ;10, 1!I:;i. thl' l'aihOOlIcis ('Hlln,,1 r·lllim thlt! tI,,·
I'n ... 1 YI'ltr hll" hl"lHI,ltill 1II)I)lI! II .lil'(' fillum·illl "ilmlliOll,
1'111' ,Ji"illl'llil fi,lt\ll'I'''' {'(lllIpiltlil Ihrtlll,lth Xon'llIh~'1'
l !l.'t7, ... ht)\\" I·aill'l);tcl ... plIyinl! dh·icil'll.\ ... of $1-10.:1
million ... 1"/11' IIU' Ii 1"'1 II Ilionll)s of )!I.-Ii. 11'i t'0Il11MI't·,J
willi $:I:?:I,:i nlillion I'm' Ihl' SIlIl1(, pt'I'iul! in 1!l.')n, 1111
illt"'I'II"£' of ;) P('I'{'/'111.
T ht· ... t, 111'(' inlt.'I'I·'!lill/.r fi,ltlll·\' .... 1'111'."111'1' ,l!I"IOt.1 fij!1t I'1's.
W" II0p.' Ihl'," will ('U1l1il1l1(' to lit' ,ltooti fi~\II'I'S, III'
o.;ol'HI' liS (-l1lpl0.'·lIl1'lI! 1111 Ih(' raill"()IHI'i fill' EIl'l'II'i('ul
\YlJrk"I's is ('lnl{'('l'llt'd, olll'lig'm'('s in 1111' 1111('I'nltli0I11l1
OITiI·t' 1lt'llIlIl1y sllllll' lin II' ('hung-C', \\'1' lin' {lilt' of Ih('
111111'1' fllJ'I1UIlI\1' 1I1liUII'I ill Ihal 1'('SII('(' I. 11 0\\,('\'('1'.
1111111." IIlliol1 IIlt'I1II ..'I.... tUI the 1'llilrOllds. ]1l1rli{,1I11l1'l~
1111' ,,·uinlltl'll. Im'IIIllOli\"(' l'I1J.!"im'l'l"<'; loul 111(, I1Willll'.
IlIIlIt'l' (If WIl" WIlI·klll/'1l hnn' 110! II<.~'II "0 fOl'lllIlal('.
1'h('I'I' iru ... 1":I'1l :r ill'IP {If J:.! ]I('re'I'1l1 in OH'I"1t11 I"til.
1'C)1l11 ('111]110.'"1111'111 ()\'I'!' IIIC' ]\11'>1 .'"i'HI·. \\'t, 1"t',ltf'('1 Illi ...
IIIld hopI' 111111 Ill(' sinwliUlI will !l0I \\'(11 ....{'Il . •\ 1111 \\"(.
:r! ...o h(lp,' Ihlll Ihl' l'Uill't!lHI" will in h(I/1(''''.'' {'all II
sJlIIIII' " sPlltll', IIIld nlll pll·nd 11<.)\"('1'1.'" whilt· Ihl.'," ('1111li.ltIl' \II puy hi!.dlt'l· 1I1lt! IIi,ltht'I' divid,'IIt\""
N ational E lectrical Week
\\'1' ('1I11 lJr., a1lI'lllioll ,,1'1111 OUl' 1I11'1Ir1H·I·... 10 a ll1o'"
i1ll]l1ll'I11Il1 wl'ek ('()l11ing' I1p shoJ'tly. 1·\,h,·lIlll·y !1.Ui.
1!l.i~ i~ :\lIliullal Elt'I'II'i{'lIl W(-('k. WI' hUpt' Hurt 0111'
1(1('111 IlIlioll" lind OUI' Illt'lllh('!~ will llIakl' 1111 I'!TOI-t dUI"
ill)! Ihll1 \\'('I'k In Pl1hlil'izl', by I1I'WSII!I]1('I' lU, t il'I I '~,
1'(!~tl"·S. 111"\)10:1'/)111'.;, ('I,I,'IJI·lIlioIlS. tilt, illlpol·tltnl PUI'1
Ihl' I'IN' Il"i('ul illtll1stl"," HIlII (,Ieell·i(·al 'l'OI'k{'I'" Jlla~' ill
11 1(' Iii", uJ" '\11', :tlltl MI'i'! .• \mf'l'icli.
Page El e v e n
The :Id nr Ilortray ing I-Ieury ) l il.
tel' re lliis hi os tillf'8 10 SI.'i:retar),
Joe KeN"1I1, P ret;ident Freeman,
There's n s tory bl' hind this
lure: P res id,>nl Freemnll is won·
de rin g why the c anH~ ra is moving
in on him, nnllwnre lhut g irls in
cos tume of mO"ie hlll'e taken s eu t s
bddnd him in th e bi g s llldiol
nig ht: 1\ nlllk!"U II tcc hnici nll il.
allplyin g rn ce make·1l11 to Ho berla
Shetlpllrd hl'fure Iwr nlll)(~nrnIlCI'
befure came ras in helld1t1mr!l'rs,
Below: Int e rested /:rUUI' cruwd>!
in all A lice Vermillio n, !Jen ted, is
before ca m eras, Charles Fodm
],o u Ma rc:iun lc, George I'u ll erson
and Hex Fnln ~ wn)'. left to ri gh t,
with no bc.r ta ~ h l' I) llllrd, ubsen 'e,
Movie Story of IBEW
For Early Premiere;
Enter N arne Contest;
YOllr .j')IiI')l(tI w{'ut to PI'I'SS
0111' JBE\\' film \\'a~ g-oill~
illlo th(' Inst I>lag:{'s of pl'odlle·
liOl1, )IOst of tht· IH'tioli has Ill·
1'\'1111.\ Ut't'li Iillll('ll.
duriu).l' III(' mOlllh of
,]UILIIilI',\' 1111" IJPld up a IlIiJllber of
OUlsidl' ~(>tPIi'IlN'S whi .. h OHl' pro·
Part or IIH' film
('ilill'd ulld Ihe
filli!'>lLt'll prulllh'l shou ld b(' rt'mly
for disu'iblllioll ill
) l lIri'lL,
I nterest H igh
l ut(-'I'llaliolllil OtnN'I'S
\\'{,l'(' gl'lIlifiE-d
HI Iht- ~n'lIt illI ('rt'SI i'" illt'Ul'(-d ill ill\I' ":\"alll('
Oltr Film" ('Olll!':-'I, Il ullt\I'I'ds of
!'u tril's \\'!' I'!' l'I "'"iv,'d, 1111111,\' <;lIu\\,·
II t
iug ol'iA'illlllil~' alit! ~'rl'ati""n('''s
of iilollglll, 'I' hl' t'{lnlt'"i is bl'ing'
,illtig't'd IIUI\' lind ilt\, Willl!!'I'!'> wil l
bl' lllltlOllll(' l'd ill til(' J.'1,ur'UHI'Y is·
Slit' of (Jill' ,/n/ll'lwl. ' l'ht' :"l'1I11L1.I1'1'
1 !1t'1t'etiOIJ will, 01'
Pa ge Tw e lve
Sec, I\l'l'lIall and I' rl'.!I, Frel'lI1all
h. ,'e .. orkh,,:-s or I;ltmera I'X'
"I ained by P roducl'r P hil -'Iarlin,
"lIl'nr)' '\lilll'r" .!' I't'aks oUldoor
linea as he oulliuf'1l I, III II S ror
rouudill~ a un ion 10 cu· .. urke rl!l,
History Is Scheduled
Hundreds of Members
Winners Next Month!
A'in'lI If) our lilm,
\"(' 1',1' lilUilf'd IlIld!!('\, will, W(' hopI',
hrillg'1I liltll' of Iht' lIisIOI'.I'. bUI'k·
~ I'Olilld nnd "piril of IIIl' IBEW 10
1111 \1'110 ~~'I' it. W(, hopI' it will Iw
'lllnWII j·xh· llo;in·ly Itl 10('111 lI11iOIl
IIll'I·lill).!'';. lind (,I' ~'()lIr",', II't- plan
10 I"", il for tlr).!'anir.utional ]1111'Jlf)"P .... "',. al"o pili II 10 IIwke othl'I'
filnls of HlIII·'· <:1)(,I'ili,' lIulul'('
( lw,II'11 11):\lnll1lfl\('llIriul: wO I'k,
I'rs, 'I'o'h'p h olll' \l'C)I'k{' I'S, {l ti lil y
t,l1I pI U,lt·... in 1'111'1 ('I't'I)' ~w).! m t· ll t
of 0111' illtitl<';II'Y) us 0111' tilll(' 1111\1
fllilds will pI'l'llIi!.
Location Pictures
'1'1,,' plHlIOS 011 lid" pllft(, \\'1' 1'"
1111(\,,, "Oil IOl'ltlion" II" l1H' film
juq,:'01l "'I'm .. 11. W I' II wlIg-h l Ilil'Y
lI1 i ~hl b,' of 1t1\l'I'\'i>1 I() 0 111' I'c-nd·
I 1,,-
" 1'1'I'lI1il' I'('"
HI!lI ill ."0111'
(III i\ll1 ,
Lefl : On(' uf humorous 81M11 .!'
in film OC:l;urs "' hen nen'ou"
old·lime IllIolol(raplier ,ltt'l,.
8el 10 lakl' Jrroup piclurf'
of founder" of Ihe I RE\\',
lIer(' he i!l ~i,' in ,lt direc:lioll~
l\" 11Il' rl\nH'ra .. J:rind ."'.",
'I'lli.; IIIOlioli
pil'IUI'I', w l dlt, it \I'll'; !l1II{h' on n
S l lOlI'illg'
t.:alllt'ra mlill ur Iht' nlo\'ie Il'lIs
I.KC, members C. It Carle
aud Carle ~cholt7. aboul scelles,
Uclo ... : Ali IiIm InO\'1'8 10 Iht·
Ilreselil lime, cam eranlan IllId
a!l!li~lanl!< foc:u.\l on .\licl'
\ '"rmililon, Shl' is " ' rilin g
dr.lh hl'" e fll checks (or
nH' mbt-r!<,
\\"~, lwing' YOII (':\('('I'PI'; f"HtI "c-
,'1'11\ i'''11I'S of tIll' P "{' .. iti('n! '" X('ws-
'illll"l lit th(' .\11I1·(·II'i Tnl ll<.;fOl·tI\l·1"
('ompall.I·, H :tl ll\·U:-'·. ,\Ii'w .I I'I·:-;I'Y:
l"t tl'I'S.
\\"(, hll\,('
":1i!!ihll' \ 'uH'I''i
llIak" with 1"f'g'IlI'jJ to ,Il('
t 1011al 'iwfl'.
Wllshin,i!t()ll. \\'illlnk(' I)\'(,)"h{' po,>!
til' lli"N-lor uf t ·'ilit~· Op4'I';l\ioll'5
ilu\('IWIlt\('1l1 l'IJiOII -
lilt' " nllt-lIhlt' ,,"on H H"~P ('Olllpuny.
1:('pl'I''iI'nlnth'(' .100,; (' Jl It
Or.ullit" I't'JlOI'I~:
ill 1h(, I UIi'I'lilltiOIIll I Oflirt', l nH' I'l w-
.\ ).mill~1
alll1 1111 .. 1"!'ltllt''ih'd 11'1111,,1'1'1' thl'l'('.
BI"()()k'l l' u~'I\I' (If L. t', !l ... 1. I~ i('h­
Innd. W JI ... hin/o!t(lll. IHl., '"t'n'lItl,"
1)\.'('11 ll'.... iu:IlI·,l til till' I nll'l'lllltiC)lwl
\\" I' now 11I'ill~ .I"ott 11 1'(,11" I'I'PUI'I"
.\ 1 B('u\'\'I' IllItll. \\"i ~(,oll..;it1. ul
11011111 Ikp r'(''>t'lltnlin' '1'l'tI ;\1111).('11-
1011 who 1111"; I}('t'li hllndlillf( lhlll joh
i-; Il('('ll,·d IUll'k in tl\(' 'I'hi,'f! Dist "il-! whl"'(' III' "i'I'W'" 1II'('\'iO\I"I,\'
• • •
JH J-: \\" - :i!1
!t HI'I'IllI-
I II' III'Y ~\ I . ( '(JIIIWt"', 1'01'1111'1' hll'dIlt's>; Illilllng'l'l' or I I. (I. 77, ~(,Il1tle,
t 'hnirllll1n !If O\JI'
EXI'('nl i\'('
('oI1ll('il. BI'I)I h('I' !lex F I';!U'iI\ It~­
hn .. lIotifh'tl II"; Ill' II ,nt·I·(""f1l1 ('HIllpni~n lIy I.. (' -l!l-l lit Ihl' 11t·,·j·
1) 111,1" Elf't'lril' ('111111)1111,1" II,\" II \"1)\1'
Ill'S" 10 "2. B u'ijllt,,·.... Ht·pn·,,'nla-
,hi' \\'al1('I' 1:,·I·k(· WII" ill 1'11111',1:1'
Ont' nr hi'! dnli.·" in hi .. IIPW a""i)!III1ll'1I1 will IIf' to work wil h OUl\-i('(' P l"('o,;idl'nl" in Iht' nlrion" ili,,-
of ,hi ... C'alllpailtll lind III' nntl hi,
Il"il'l,; ill ('ol1l1('l'lion wilh "tlr('t~­
PI'og-I'am'! inl'ol\'(,d in alomi .. 1'11('I"gy ill<.;1 nllal ion" 111111 111'1'1"111 ion".
• • •
liollal Iii-I,] .
1;'nllowing an' ,«)IllC
:\J.HB "h'('lil)]} 1'I'"u1t".
H('JI""'ipntlll i\'l'.1 E. Boki 11l1~
\\'l"illl'l1 U" of III\' 'i1lI'{'I''i<.;1"1I1 oq.WIlizill)! ('!ltnl/lli)!11 of I.. P. InG ~.
Whi't· P in in ... :\I'\\" YOlk HI ~tal"
' I,,"nl
uill"i1l('. :\('w YOI'k. T wo 11I'\,,,ion'i IIt1('lllpl" 1\'(,1'1' Il1mil' 10 OI·J.:'tlllb:t' thi"
plant, Ollt' hy an ilUl('I"K'IUI('nl union
lind till' <;('1'OIlt! hy Ih(' ' I'('stilc
\YorkCI'..;. Rt'!'lI1Jt'i:
IBE\\"- 10!l
:\"0 l -llioll~1.j7
I,. l'. 17 10. Lo" , \ II}':l'k.. ill n <.;I'!.
with !11I' EIlI(' I....".I- I)I·yIH'
( 'OIl1JIiII1,\' !·i·(·C'h·l,d H 10-1','111 IWI'
hOIl!' 1!I'IWI'n! 111(']'('1"(' pltl'" 1II1 lIllIliliolllllllllliliay and 0111('1' impl'Ml'Ilwllls.
h . 1'. I:no. :\('W 11 11\"('11. ('Oil '
11('('\i('111 1"1't'£'iYl'd II :i 1'1'1'1'1'111 :!i'III'ral ill(·I·I·/I ... (' lit HOI·kl)(,.;;\{)" PI·,lI l·
m'I'i ('r)J"pol'U! illll.
r•. 1- 1:!-l2. p l·OI\·idl'l1l·('. Hllfwlt·
1.. lanll. 11I1'i III'J!olilltt'ti 11 :i IlI'I'('('Il!
\ 'jt'I' p l'(""jd!'nt .\1'1 J-;!l\I"lIl·II<.; 1'(',
wilh thl' (:('Ilt'l"u\ I lIsllllltl~1 "'in'
('OI'POI'UI jl)!l.
thl' 1 :l'llt'I'1I1
{'Hhl(' ( 'orpol'lIliOIl pllllli ill BOil·
IWIll. 1'1''\/1'-;
F I'lHll
I"·, I'li/dhl"
I'Ole l·". Ihl' l'oJlowilllt ,"'IIl'" 11"('1'1'
('11 .. 1 :
In t-; W- li!
P I·(·..,itl(·nl
n nllhll1·~·.
('()IlIll'l'li -
wil li till' "'l'iUIl!!h' )11' 1111 pl·O(hll'l..;
E m"lr).I·'·" l'I'('!'i,'('(1 n
thnt Ihi'! 1I"1I'i II (hoit'1I11 (·HIllIMi).\"n
illt'I'l'I",' 01" 10 ('I'llt" ne-
IInll Ilwt Ihtlllwl' .Iolln ('lllltl'(·I1.
Il\Isil1l"';" IllUlUlg('1' of L . I '. :~:l~,
D('ni'-oQll. 'I'('X(I". 11Ilt! HI'IU'I',(,IlIIllin''! Orol'):!!' B urt'lll,\" 111111 W. ('.
T nl'I'in !1I'SI' I'\'(' Illlll"h ('I'Nlii 1'01' Ihl'
'i\1I'('("" I' III I'\(·(·t inn.
. \ 1 tll(' .1t'1·"I',\' ( 'I'nll'nl 1'0\\'1'1' fill,]
T.ig-hl ( 'ompllIlY. II II'Hj.tt' itWI"I'il'il'
or :i.:!
E d B('llz l'ppol'l I hc followill!-\" I'C-
OI'g-'UJiZ(, I'" ( 'J'il\I·Il<.;,'lIIl. Y (l1l11g-, Nil·
H I']lI'("{,lltnli\'(' f '. P .
IWI'p,' 1I1 WH"; Ilt'j.tolinll'd pltl"
imlu'oH'1l ":I('UI ion pro\·i<.;ion'i. I,n hoI' D uy, {:()()(1 1·'I·jll:l~·. EI('('lioll
D il,\'
!!IHlI'lllllt'('d h(lli,lay..;
.\ t
t·cl uh.·)· I autl \III "oldit iIJllUl i,l('1'('11"'1' of :) ('1'111" 1111 .\1 111,(·11 I.
or .\ III I' I'i(·U-:l:l
:\0 ( '"ioll- G
C. (1 . !i2."i,
j!{,IlI' I'ul
l TI 1il('ll '-';tl't·III"() I'I'I'I·~
n {'!ll-..:s('ulalil·{'" Sol " ill(' I' I1 l1d
Page F o urt ee n
:11"01111(11\1(' l'Ollnll},.
1[I'IW I'1I1 WHI!(' illl'l·(·" .... '. iIllPI'f)\·I'.\
vafill inll IIIHI in<.;11I·H\WI' 1·1)1·I'I·n)!I'.
Ii ll!!hes !'P'
pO I'I'I "';11('('(,'''; ill L. 1'. HIO '" CI1I11·
puif,tll'l lit 1111' 'I'nllt'Y ('OIllJlltll,\' hy
II \'tIll' of !"to to -l~ .md III 1I ~·.(;low,
6 1 tf) Ii. II I' says "' Wi th Ih£' tl'r·
rinl' OPllO'Iit io ll till'S!.' I()('ul union
RrJlI'(''«'llllllht· Boki "Ill:"" Ihlll Ihl'
(·fforls of )1. .\ . Silb('I'I, husillcss
1l1l1ll1lg('1' of L . P. 1!l6~. \\'('1'('
(·j'iiw ill cff(,(,ling Ihis ,·ictol'.\'.
Oil !l1'f,;"lJtiutioll";, "",\,'('1 " 11 nt 1'1111,11)1\1
(·o·wOI·k(·I·... ill'l' In 1)(' ('ong-I'lItul:ll('d
Oil wi"uin!! Ihi'i "Ip(·tion ll.! .!nill'il
1l'ITi fi,' 1' (1111 pan~' np]l()'ii l ion.
]101'1 ..
H('("('nt w,'I·k" hu\"(' 11\'1'11 IIC'lil'C
nnl'" 1"01' IBE\\' ill Ih(' OI·J.:'11Iliw-
\'al"l·O. :--;111" 1'110 allil B i'lTi~lIl1) Itl·t'
(acill~ ill Ilti .. 11l'~'a, tlt~,,\' arc to be
t'on~l"a! ulu I ('I!. ..
P OII"(,I' ('oJllpan.l· /:I'llt'1"1I1 WlI!!£, illI'I'(?a'!{"> of :)1-& 10 71 ~ p(, I'l'tmt W(' I'e
";(,{,lI l·('d.
_\ G.2:i
pt'r(,l'nl pn('kaJ,::(' \I·n<.; 11('-
j:..'Oliah'd 1"01' Flol'id ll 1'0\\('1' 11Ild
I,i ~ht ('OJllpIllIY lll\'llk
Th e Ele c tri ca l Worke rs'
\"xnOl1l11 ,I:T/(101(t
~"o; ' 1
,/'IlllIll'd: '/ JDmt
c.t I,'
fJ..'CtIl<.d ,\m",~.tlm.d
_... , ,,1.1., ....• <'"
,n It\.
II •. ' .-l J.. ... " L~",
"!' ·.11...1" ron(! .'1
T'M '~"\IN , ........
ono..aa ...... ..
''''Iho: \-..nt''1,hoJ.h,,,~',~
~l1...... ,~.}..~i ,\n.! VrcoO<tl.l<.1
" It!< '"'""""''''''' CIIfo.." I:;r~ ....
,! .."" ••u ..... "'" """ ••:..." ..,,1>....
·'rIo.."" \.'uy ·';< ...·llmo<~
1 La hor P ..
T ilE IlIli'I'llIl!il)ll1l
ht' leI it ...
"lItl\"'II!iOIi ill .\!l'Ul1i," ('il,v. ;\('\\'
.It, ....t·y. ,hi ... Yt'ur 011 0 ('('1'1111,,,'1' :1.
I IIIHI .1. ju." prillr IfI ,Ill' ()IWllill~
Ihl' .\ Fl.-( I() ('f)III"('l1litlJI. '1'111'
.. r
1Il"j'lill~ \'"Ih
by fill' thr Inrj.!'·'"
11I'1t! by ,lit, II.I'A whh· 11 !lOW
!llImb,-r" ill il ... IIh'mlwn.hip IIltJl't'
Ihllll :IOU 1'!'J.!ulurl.,' printl'd rllhtor
IlIlIwr" allil 11111 J.!1I/.im· ....
II i;.:-hlij.!ht of tht' ('U II Vi' l llit)1I
wa.:., Ih,' .\111111,, 1 "\ \\'11 1'\1 " D illll\' I'.
altt'IHI"d tid ... ~'t'Hr h~' :-f)IU,' (iOC)
at whidl luhtlr puolit·/I·
tin· pl aqlll'" for (lut"!Ulldilll-!" w(J I'k
ill Ihl' fil'Id /If j()lII·llali!<olll. En d,
Ilu' "lUfT of till' "duml or
jourllllli ... lll frulIl 1111 (J1I1>;llIutiin}!
university, jndg"l'" tIn' pl1blil'u,
liolls t"01l11''''1 aud Illllk,'", thl'
T his
:'"{'IU' Ih{'
AOOl'e: IIl' lin:d ILI~.\
!'rt'sidellt Gurdon Cole
I,re;;ellis 0111' of ''''0
awa rds g rant..-d thl' IBEW
Jourllal to I' rl'''idelll
Go rdoll I-'rel'mall in cen~·
mOllit'l> held .1 Atlalltic
SI·lwol of .Jnlll"lut!i"lII
' ·ni\'t,,·... il:'·.
judj!"d tl,,' I·nllll· ... !.
C il)'
p r('~"
cun"'nl ion.
011 lj(Jg~ .!tl)
\'1\(\01\111, t 1i/JuI( »
7WI . -no
' ·Ii:,.: .
t1c-..--m.:.11 \\\'Iitm,"k-c'r1I.1I
"'kl ".('(,,1>.
•• I:-r., ....
.,<,,""'1011<.1 ....... ,<,
~ '~'<t.'6IIlC: .,.-..
::;""""l o;oI\"''II~i(ato..
... 1. r,.'11
... -III.HI'"
..·''n'... ''' .....
~ ••-.I- ..., '
. .·.s
Peter Ter1.ick. lefl. editor of Carpenters' Journal.
el«led new Inlernaliollal I.. aoor Pres!! Associatiol1 presi·
dent. l1erllard '"Barney" l\Iull.dy wa H re·elected Ht'cretar,'.
Journal for January. 1958
Page Fift een
Brother Charles Paulsen H onored
f1O'(' of L(}('al I:H nnd it .. memo
" u\lI"'I'1I ..('1'\'('(1
I) uplil'al(' ('II)!l'lh..,I·.! ('npil'" of Ihl'
1lIt'lllol'ial 1·1'-.ohllioll ill h()I)k fO!'111
W('I'I' PI"'''I'III1'd \41 )1 ... Pmil . . "ll ''i
IWO "')n ....
I"ollllwin~ lid" ('I't'I'mOIlY. Iht'
m('IllOl'iltl !wonz!' ptu IJ W' Wit .... It'(li·
I'al('d h~' HI"llht'I' It ud,\' BI' I'ullln'd.
'!'lll' [l l'\i ... \ \\!Ju IIIWJc. \hi.., plll(llI(,
iI I'I'llli('ll tI l' ( 'hal'I"" .' 1. l' nul,,'IJ. no;
h(' jll'I, ... itli',] 1)\,,' /' I ht, 11\('('1 ill!.."! of
E HH'miwl"s of II. t',
T ill'hil'II!-;U.
11 1111(11-;. lh('
B rut 11('1' ( 'IIILI'II"
,\1 .
so 11l1I,!! liS 1\1'1'''111''111. "I'('\-ntly plIId
tl'ihUlI' 10 him h." !')'('('liuJ.!
modal pl;\lplt' ill hi .. hOllor.
l )n .' IIIlILU I'," :?, I nj~ al lh('
,!!ullll' IIIOlllhly 1l1('('lillg' of Ill(' lora!.
, Ill' h " tUlZl' plHQl1t· WII<; t1{'lli('a l t'd to
IIUIIl wilo
(-hui l'mall of
I)ur I lll!'l'lluljotiai E'('('uliv{' l'ol1l1 \'il f()J' -.I) llH1I1;'>' ~· I ·III~.
.\ s "(K ill n .. 1111' r("j.tl t! ar onl!'\' or
I.. l'. 1:1-1
111'11 J'ly 10 ,\'t'tH>N,
.it'1uil 1111 till' /inl'
Ilf j' t'llllwl' I'alil.
Ih" Ii tlizzi('al look.
"mil(', Hlld
husilH'''" hud 111'1'11 {'(Jllt'huh'd, p" (",i·
\1£'11\ J/o(·kWt'll " , . \ 11111' 1"011 ('alll'l1
011 Ihnl hi'" '1'11011111'1 J.', I) '( 'ol1lwll.
-;t'("I·I·llt1·~· or I.. r . 1:11', Ex('('ulin'
130111'(1. fnt'll "'II'I' lnl 1'1']101"1. B,'olh·
h l'o)lIl!;hl (lilt ill
l'ha l'II('I!'I'i'i\i(''i
';('11'" ff';lttll'I'S.
1'1' 0' ( '011111'11 \\'as rhllirlllHIl of tlJt'
,ilulllion IId'O I'I' Ih" n]('t"ill'~ T .'ul.\·
il j ... 11 lil-;l'1I1'"" 1)( III(' mIll! \\1' 1111
,,\lilahI-, !'I"..oluli,,11 atul uiI'lIwl'ial In
hOllor 1111' !11t'lIlnry of C'hlll'li.·
P alll""II. HI'ollw,,,, Ihllly B('ruhnrd,
W,illI'I' .\ IY"II, William F I'illl!..\ 1
:-4,lIIdlll1 1111.1 U O~'ky .\ mlcf';oll
«f)l1ll11i'1t'i' 11111)(111111',1 10 P,'PP;1 I'I'
",'I-n'd with him,
B I'lIth"I' ()· t "lIIll.·11 Jlt~'''''''IlII'(1 a
t'IIg'I't' . . ,..('t1 nll(l '·I1~I'aYl,d
n·,;()lnliIJI1. fl'HIIH'.\ ,11l.\ ... i)!,lll'd h~'
all ,)ilIl'l" .... of I. . t ' 1:11 /111.1 Ilw :'Ill'·
modul ( 'OllllUilll'", Thi ... !'t'...olutioll
will huu)!' ill ;1 "1m',, of hl)JIol' in
tht, EXt'I'utin' Bmll'll mom of L. t ·,
l :J-I , wh"I'" i 'JIIII'lil' I'Huh,'" "'PI'lIt
IIllIny IWlII'''! wOl'kin).!: 1'01' till' wl'l.
till' . . tll.·lHllil~· til' ,ill'
10\'(-" anti wllu will ,l1way" II\' wilh
liS. Tht' iI ..... t·l·iplillll (Ill Iht' "ItUIUI'
l'I'at!" fh follow,!:
t" II.\HI . E:-: .\1 1'.\1 J. :'E~
P l'1."iifll'nt. I IlII'I'lIatiOlllll B rolher·
"o()(l nf ElI,t'II'jl'al \\" nl'kl"~ I")('al
I~J-I , J!1I l'i. J!1:)7, \ ' hnirnwll, Inter·
IIl1liolllll B I'n,lu'rh,)f)(1
l-;11 Wf)l'kt'I"i 11I11' 1' ll1Iliolllll E ~·
1'('1I1iw j 'ullIII'il. 1!)!l:!· I!),j7,
P .." ... i,it'1l1 ,\ lldl'I'~1II "I'I,t'in.. 1 tht,
pbUP1{' illl' till' I/lI'al \\'hill' 1111' 1111'111'
bl' l",hip "''')('1\1 in ..,ilt'nt nwtlilnliOIl.
1'I'I',.,id"tll .\ 11I1t·1.... 1Il 1111'11 \'1111,,11
.\ "'ii"Inn l B u"ilH''i'i ) rllllng-I'l'
)T i('hlll'1 .J. 1\ (,Il'wd~' who pHil!
J,:'lowiug I ribu\(' to I 'h1l "II'''' .'1 . I'alll·
..('11 hy n'\'il'\\'ill~ \ hI' hi..,!twy Ilf
1.0('111 1,14 pl'inl' 10 I he lim(' Hrollll'l'
l'aul<;{'11 wn ... l'it'.'II't! 11I·1'. . idl'1l1 aut!
Ihl'Ou,L!:"hoUI hi"! H'IltI1'l' of
. . Iall-d
Ihl'tJlI),:h IIH' hal,,1 \\llrk alHI "II'H.I·
1'11..,1 (,Il'Iwlll" Ih",lh'l' "IHll'l i,' Paul·
..,,'11 IUlII "il'I' P I"' .. id,'1I1 )I ikl' B oylt,
..,1 l'!ulil~'
]H'O)!I'I' ....'>l"ti
il i.., OIH' or Iht' 11II',L!:t''il
lind j,{I'I'ull'..,t 10l'al IIlIinn" ill 111('
IBE\\' . B I'Ol hl'l' KI'llI h'd y ('il"',j lilt'
1!1l111Y \'il'll1l''i of ( 'hlll'IiI' !'lIubl"!
uull hi ... n('hi(,\'I'IllI'uH "01' LO('III 1!l-l
~ll\ll ou I' ('111 i 1'1' B I~l\ III'rhOOlI. B ml h·
I'r l\<'u lw1 iy· ... I I'ih"II' ('UIIII' fl'Olll
hi ... h"'1I1" fm' II(' hutl workl'd wilh
( ·hurll,. . !'uul'il'll lll11n~' Yl'nrs.
TIlt' Imlllz., plnql11' hOllllrill:!
B mlh,'I' Plll1l .... n will 1)(> plnt'I'd in
a I){) ... ition of hOll01' on Iht· ('11'<' wall
III' Ill(' lohhy ,'1111·I1I1(·t· 10 BO~'II' La·
110 1' . \ 11I1iIOl'j11l1l. tng-I'IIII'r wilh tht,
plaIIU(' of hon')I' 10 J.o<·al J:l--I '<; 'iI'n',
i<'1' Ilwn whtl ~an' Iht'i!' Ih't,,_ fill'
Ihl'il' ('V\Jlltl'~·.
Thj" i.. n littillg" t .. ibul .. II) 11
),!"n'ut 1111111. mul thl' .JourI/il1 is
pl'oml 10 It'll il" l'I'I]dt'l"'; Ilholll it.
WI' wj .. h to Ilwnk ,\1 1'. T homuio; I"~
()'( ")IIlIt,11 for IUnkilll!' tht' lIln\I'rial
alld pi('IIII'(' 1I\'uilnhl l ' II) 11'1 rot, ,III
MI'\llO rinl l)i llllllC honorinJ,( Charles M. Paulse n which hn,il lwell Illnced In lobby ot Boyle Auditorium In Chi·
cu),[o hy Lucul Union 13,1, " I embers or memuriu] cornmittl'e include, rrom le ft : W aller ,\ Iyell, liockwt'll C.
' \ '1(lel'!lun, Thum a!' O'('ounell, liudulllh B,' r nhnrd. Al Snudull ontl ,Villill111 F, i(in),[,
Fage Sixteen
The Electrical Workers'
i1finu'elJ mltf Up/lOr, oj ,I/f' "IIt'rrltllio'lfIl EXf'{·",i V!· Cou"cil
U4'lflllllr Mrrtill J.! nf'gilwill lt t)f'f'f' lIIlU'r 16, 1957
,\ 11 ( 'nllll!'i! I1l1'lIdl(' I'''; 1l1'('''i('111 F I'I1II";'\'III'. ) ] 1.11',
{·illllh'. ('llfTI'I'Y, )"'~'l iJJillll, ~('IIUItZ, B I'onel;, Cnt'l(',
1"0('1111 /111(1 I' ll II 1· I'."i(fIl.
Oltl' 11I~1 llli ll llll'~ lIud 1"'POI't 1I('I'e IIPP I·O\'('(1.
'I' h(>
II 11<1 il OJ'S'
I'XIJ1J1iued 1111( 1 fil{'a,
" -(' IIPPI'OI't'1! ('I'I'luiu pa."nH'Ht~ 1'01' h'lml <I('I'('II<';{'
"'uw1. ns p,'()dd('(1 fOI' in . \ 11i(· I{'
fl'Oll1 thl' n('r"I1~I'
X l.
or 0\11' ('OIb.ilutiulI
111'('I'll1ItioIl1l1 I l l'IH'I'~('l1ll1ti\'(' E ll 1·1
lli<-!iI' ...s
hi<.; ulltiuII'ly cI('alli. .\I HI WI' ltulhol'izt"d a l'{'fL lll~1
to hi" ('''laIr of $ 1':i7:!.!tn fl'OlI1 .111' 1?1'lil'('ment F'lIIH I
-H<'; prfwil l('d fO I' ill .\ 1'1 i('11' II I. ~('ct iOIL l l , Para,
,!!1'lIph (:i~ of Iht, IB E W ('uu<.;tilll1ion,
I n .. lud .rilLg tht:' 11)1111'111 .. ill Ih(',,\, ('lh('~ to Ihis E x,
('('utin' ( 'ollll(·il. 1l1l!! ('ollsid,' I'll1g- .hl' ill\,{~!o!li!!1I11(111
lIlwl {'. II'!, do 1101 fl'l'l ju..,tifi('d 111 11I(111ifYl1lK 01' ,,(Oili ng
lI"i ll (, t l\{' clt·l·i<.;i()n~ 1'l·1I( I('n'd. ,\ n<1 Ih(' IIPP(,1I1!i Ill'('
d t'IIi1'd ,
'l'll i-.; IIll'mllt'I' wa~ tll(' B lI"inl'~" ) !:lII;tJ!".'r of 1.0«111
l' lIillll 1"' 7.i IIf W JI<.;hill~tOIl, I II.)iIll1:l, 1-'0111' 1lI('mh!.',-..;
of it-. EXl'c'lIIiw BOlli"I 1iI1'(1 {'Iwn!{'o; Ilg-ainst him with
"it'I' 1']·(·-.;illj'lIl Boyle"
\\'{'II.I'I 11'11'" (·hlll'l.l:(·t! with I'iolnting .\I·Ii(·I(' X I X.
~t'!'li()11 Q of Ih(' IIH; \\, ( 'oll<;titulioll. T his I"('ad,,:
" ~"(' , '-i.
'1' 1](' hu..;itU',,!o! IIlHlIal!('J' <.;hall h(' 11<'1.1
"I'~I)()Il<;ihll' 10 th(· L. l'. HIHl
thl' r. p , 1'01'
,·" ... ult" ill OI'g-lIllizillg' l1i-.; 1<' I'I'iIO I·Y. fill' {'<;tllhlisl1.
iug- f,·i('II(II.,' "{'Iations willi {'mplo.I't,I·.... and f(ll'
pl'n l e"lin~ th(' jUl'i~di('tiol1 of III(' I. B. 1-:. \\'
( ;t\SE OF TEN M£;\1UER S
LI)('1I 1 " 11 i()1L :Ilfl (J r .\1 ill 111 i. 1-' 10I'iila. ndopted 1lI1
1l1ll(']I(IIIH'1I1 10 it" h,I'lnw..; d l'alilLg- with II PI']'(,l1li('l'<';
lind tli(, AI)I" ·('lLth·{'<.;liip 111I d 'l' I'lIi ll ing ('oltlllli 'I (·t·.
I'rl'"idl'tl i 1·'I·('l'1l1H 1l 1·.. I'Ll.~(\ d 10 II p)l ro\'(' Ihl' 1l1lH' lId ·
11l{'1l1. '1'1'11 HlI'lt ll l("'''ol' Iltl' 1,01'u l l ' lI io l1 IIH'II lt P I)('u l('d
to Ihi~ 1-: "'('('lIli",' { ·OLLllI'il.
Wt' filltl IllIIl !o!ill('(' III(' l ,o('ld ( 'Ilion Ildopl{'II Ihl'
I1nl('lrllm('111 alltl .... ·11\ it In Ill(' I III(' I'llllli(lllai 1· I'(·~i·
clrllt I'm' IIpJlmnll. 1111'11 till' LI)I'III " Uillll il-.('If I\Wi
Ih(' ()JII' 10 appI'al (whi,·h it fuill·.! 10 do) ;trulnol Iltr
i" di"idLlliI ]ltl'llll)("·";.
1'h .. nplII'ld. ,h .. I·I·flll'I·. IIJLS 'lOl 1I \'alid olle IIml t ile
('olll1(-il dl'(·li,U'd 10 I·OIl"i.tl'l' it.
B U.I'I.· hlHlull i nl('I'uulionul HI·p l,('",«JI'lltin,\ 1'011,11,('1
a 11{'II"ing- of III(' 1·11I1I·!!,"'; ill \\' n..;hing',oll , I ndiallli.
,h ill!' 7. 1% 7, Bllylc·· .. ""('i<';l(1n P'';('I'I(,lIlh~]' l 3. 1!).i7)
fOl1l1 d \\' .'lzl'l gllill.l· 11 11 11
I . HI'IIIIII'.,d ltilll I"'()'II 1J1li('"
.. .\l lIde· him ill!'lh-dhl!' for' nil." ()Ili('(' ()J' ('0111 III iI,
It'(' ill 1111.1' IBE \\' I.oelll I 'llioll-,m' 10 I'('PI'("
S('II1 lillY <';llI'h 1.111'111 ill lilly IlIHIIIW I'-fol' fOllr
y.·;lI .... f!'(llll ~1·l'tl·IIII~'r I:l, Ifl:)7,
:1. BIII·I·I·d him fl'Oill 1Illt'lidill/! allY IIlI'Ninj!. or
\II 1'1I1'li('ipllll' ill tlw lin-Iii,.... of nllY lB E \\'
1.1)(,111 I'"ioll fill' til''' ."1'111'" fl'()1II ~('PIl'lldlt\r
I ~1. 1!I.i7,
1' ... ·~id(·111 1·'n·I'lllali
<11,<,I ... illll
C \ SE's OF ill \HTI" IH..EIEH
'1'111· ... (· IWII 111.·1111)(· ..... WI"'(' wlII'kill)! ill Ill(' juri.."lil·,
.ion (If I jo('al l 'ni()11 iii·' (If ,h'I~'Y (·i.,I'. X('\I' .h·I....(·.\'.
'1'111'.\' WIlJlIt'd .() tI'au~fl'r tlwi,' 1IH'lIllw,-..;hip to th i...
' l'Ii . ,~, (,01I1I) lui lll' ti hI \'i('(> 1'1·('... itll'JlI I ,i~)!l'tl 1\'11lI
11 ....... i,!-tIlI't! 11 l'I'P I'l''''I'lItlllil"l' 10 illl'l'!ililwt('. Aftl'" 111('
i'ln''''l~nlioll l ,ijtg'C'11 f()un d thl' IBE \\' ('(lIl<;tilutioll
\I'll" 1101 It(' ill ,t{ l·ioI1l1(·11 lIud d i<;lJIi~~\'d I ll(' {'ompillilll,
PI·e<.;it1l'II 1 Jo' ,'('{'1I1H1I uplr.·ltI him,
Journal for January. 1958
Ihj' \'i('(' p ]'('~it!I'nl""
to Ihi" Ex{'('utiw
("1111111' i I.
\\'1' han' l'III'I'full,\- ,'xltluim'" tltl' l'('{'(II'd in thi..; ('II'W'
IIl1ltliud 111111 \\\·tzl·1 fnitl'" til IIInh ~('I'i(l\l" ,·IT(lI't In
on:alliz., .111' 1,111'111 " lIioll'" 1.·,·I,ilnr'.\'---tII' 1(1 !'~'llltlish
r " ll'lldl~' l'I'lltliol1~ wilh 111(' 1'lIlpln.\'{'I-";-OI· to jll'()ll'{'1
111(' l\ ..nIII('1'I1II0d \ jUI'i~dif'lioll
'1'1)(> "1'('01'!! ~ I IO\\'~ \\'1'IZl'l I'I'I'U raill'II 10 l'isil ('1'1',
t(lin joh<.;. I' ,' IH'I'S(III" ill HLr.hMil,\'. to II',\' to IU'I'\'('1I 1
tlwi ,' hpill),:' d ()ll(' with 111111'UI1iml nl('I1. li t' 'i('('n1('11 10
i),:'lIo,'!' 0 " did lUll \l11I11·1.... 11Int! hi<.; dlLl~' lind tltt' "l"
"p()Hsi hilil.\' of Ic'Ulll' l-..h i p,
'I' lli' nPlwn l is dl'niE·.I
Pag e Seventeen
Card III
'1'111" lII('mber h(')ollIN to 1.0('111 l'niOIl 10,)
lI am·
ilton, On tario, ('nnmla. 11 (' wanl('d to trllnsf('r his
Illrlllbr]'silip to LOt'al ~37 of :\ing"m'Jj Fu lls, Xrw YQI·k.
\\'h (' 11 th(' ~iu J.\'lH'lI Coeu l fuil4'd 10 1l('N'pl him, hI'
IIpprll lcd 10 Yi~r P I'(''ii(kI11 l ,iA"g'(,tt. L i)!l!t'tt fou nd
IIIl' Lorul hnd 1101 "iolntril (Jill' C't1u'ililutioll ami P I·('si·
rlrlll 1""N'man SlIslllinrd him.
I n ('onsiil(,l'inA" this al)lwal. with nil fll('tors ill,
\'(\In'd, th{' 1-:x('('lIli\"r ('ol1l1('il find.s il would not hr
ju'>, ilil'd in 11l00Iif:-'in!!, 01' 1,'wl,<;ing I h{' d{'risions I'{'n·
(1(']'('(1. .\ 11(1111<' npprul is dl'ni('ll.
l'l '('~i( ! ('n t
1,111 ] SI'p]'rllll',\" l\t 'l'lll111 I]is·
('11""('(\ SI'\'(' I'nl JllHttt'l"!$ wilh lI'l. 'I'hl' 1' J"C'si{knt I·r·
]101'1('(1 fill th{' ll'~al ')illl1Jtiolls lind olh('I' 1)]'ol>l(,lIIs
f 'I'('{'1l1111l
alit'{'ling our B rOllwrhood .
Kf't'nan 1'('I>O I'I ('d H. I ~ J IIl1'mht'I"; \\'{,I'{' rl'('ci\"ing I h{'
IHEW pt'lIsion n ('('{'lITht'I' I, I fI'-);. lit' also I'CPOI"lCti
(Ill Ihf' fiIIMH'f'S lUld ill\·C'iII1l('II1-. of rHE\\, and P ('n·
<;ion Fmuls-ilisn
lllf' EII'j'lric'ai Workcl"li Belll.'fil
.\ s<;()('iulion.
W I' uuthol'izcd additional Jllll'('hnsl'-; fO l' JfI 'l~ of
F ('(If'1'l1i Il 0nsilJg" .\ tlmilli'iII·II!iull IIml \ ' (' h' I'UIlS' .\d ·
IIlillisll'lIlioll ~11;11"11111('j'd 1'1'111 I's ln l(' IOHlls- lIlso 1"01'
IHII'('llu'K' in HH1R of 1'('11 1 ('slu l t' loans ~1l1l 1';lIltCl'd by
the {'llllal]iaTl (:O\'Cl'lllllcn t.
1I(ld ..('(1 of Ihc lI·tm .. r('r o[ Iht'
11101111". from lh(' ( 'OIl\'('1I 1i(l1J "'lind 10 Ihr G('Il{'rnl
Fund , 1IIJ d from IIIf' :\1 ilillll'Y :-:('I'\'i('{' PUlld 10 Ihe
Pc nsion Bt'nefil J"llI1d , ns IH,wid('d for ill ou r ('o n·
T Il(' C'oullcil
still1liol1 .
Ins urance Com p liny S iock 50 111
'I'he I~:xt'cuti\'(' ('(lUIIl'il p l'I'\' ioll'iI.\· all tho1"izl'd the
1" 1I11'1'lIl1lio1lUI I'l'l'sidNll 111111 f.;('(' I·\' llll·Y 10 ~1'11 all s toc·k
plll'rhIlSf'd ill Ihe .\ lIlt' l·iean :;';llI lId lll·d I, if(' i1IlHII';IIH'll
( 'OIllPlIII.\·- f!-om 111(' P('llsioll B('lIdh 1"lIml and the
t;1 <'elri{'ul \\'orkcl"'i B('ucfil .\ .....;()('ialion. Wc did so
nl'l(' 1' lOll!:" ('onsidl'l'alion of onr ('Xllel'i(,Ilt't' ami of till
fMloN jJl\·oln!d.
Thc PI'c'i idenl 1I1H1 :::\<.>CI'('IIII'.\· 1I0W l'('porl all such
sloek Jill., heen sold 10 tht' lniOll I,n hol' I,if{' Tns lll'1111('1' ( '0IllJlan.\·-1l1 a hllnd,}(l1lH' pl'oRI rOI' Ihc P cnsion
B Cl11'fil "'umland Ih(' E I{'{'II"i('nl WorkCI'S Bc nefit A ll·
sO(' illtio n . . \ 11 old policics of 0111' r1J('mhC l'S and othc l's
wjlh Amcl'ica n ~lllI](llll'd havc Iwt'll Pl'ot cl' led.
'I'h(' E XN'mi\"(' 1'oune il lIJ)pro\'ed I h('
IWIl"ioll npplil'lll ion'i:
Card In
The 1.0.
Of 1.. 11.
Meuth, lI t'nry T . . ,., ......••. . ........ .. .....
K ril'lI, La\\" fl'n Cl' S . ........ , . . , ....... .. . ,......
Nilsol1 . Hengl E. ..... . . . . .. •. . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . .
WoelilllH']', Charlell
, . . . ... .
Page Eighteen
The 1,0.
or L.I I.
lIolbl'OOk, P. W. .... .....
Shafer, 0 ..... ,., ...... , ............ " ....... ,
Bigelow, J osC! ph J. . ..... ,........... .. .........
AT"inklll!ll1. P . P. .... .............. ......
lI ill, Roy E . , ....... ' •.. ,.................. . ...
J ohnSOl1, Stanley J .
Lykins, William II .
A rbogas t , Ja y G. . . . ... ..............
AI')'an, William U.
. . . . . .. .. .. .•• . . .. . .. .....
Mondol', ElIh rem .........•................ ,.
Zei]wll. Pmnk J. ..
... ..............
Adams, John J. .....
Young, Chris A. .. .
Arewer. George A. .
• .... , ..
Rrooks, Frank P. .. ."
. .. ................
Stein , RCllhard ............. ,..................
Rrouillct, Et'nest 1'. ...............•.. .. •.......
UU VIS, Harry ..............•............ , . . .. . .
"'!elehel', Hobel·t n. ....... . . , . . . . . . . . . .. .. . .. .
Ba il'd, Wellis R. .. . ....
.. . .. .. .. . . . . . .
Carmack. Vernon ... . . . . " . ..............
I)e m psey. Hichard J . ...
. ..... .. ........ , .
Erickson, Claus E .... , ............... ,........
Holmes, Le..... is H. ........... ..................
J ohnson, George K, ,.,............... ... ......
Shelahal'gcr, Clyde n, .,....... ................
SI>eU1.8. Samuel.... ...........................
5tasiak, Stanley.. ...................
Sth'crII, Albert. D...... , .......... ,... . .........
Tobin, Al bert H . .....
. , •....... .• ........ ,
\ '('stul, Charles W.
. , •....•...••... , .. ...
Wudham, William ......... ,.,......
Snow, I~l'cdcrick C....... ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Ma nry. J oh n T.
!lo lan, J oe .........
, . . . . . • .. ... . . . .
Butler, Walter D.
, . • . . . . . ,..
Conrad, Genc .............. , . ' . .. .. .. . . . .. . .
Coopel', \V itliam ......... ,.. ..................
KI'US", Charles..................... . ..........
O'Keefe, L. Jay ... , .....•... " ........... ,.....
Pettit, !l arry R.
. . . . . . . . •. . . . . . . .. • . . .. .. .
Wcstlu tl(t. Emil. .
. . . .......... .. .... , ..
Jnmes. J ohn \V ......... . ......... •. .. ,........
HagJ.,'Crty. J ohn P ............... . , ..... ". ... .. ..
Stuck, Chlldes .. ....... , ... , ......... ,........
CI'ockett, F. P. ......................•.........
lIu!fukl'r, Ha rry 0, .....•. . ....................
Lewis, WilHam II .......•...••. , ..... . ....• ,...
Sloan, lIans ............. " ............. "..
Yoder, Folmer C.........•... '..................
W eaVet·, Archie 8.. Sr.
. ...............
Brennan, James L.
...... , .•.•...... . .•..... ,.
J ohnson, Emil K . . . . . . ". ..... ..............
La mbcrt, ;\lose . ............ .• .. ,.... .. . . ......
!tupert, l~']'cd ......... ,., .... •. ... ,............
!landahl, J oseph O . ..•....•. ,..................
Kimmie, William 11 . ........................ . ...
Ruck, Andrew M ...•................... , .. ,....
!lnl·k('r. D, \V , ,., ..••...... , .........•...... ,.
Paskan, Anlh'ew ..................... .• •.•.....
Perkins, Ray A . .. , ...................... ,.....
P{' I"I"il(o. Robe]·t W . ........ ..•. .. ,..... . . ... ...
Chl'iHten, Harl'y E... ,........... . .... . . .. .. . . . .
Shelton, Ellrnel!t G . ..........•.•... ,'..........
Long, Oscar A.. ................... ,.........
Mc Donnld, Richard S. ..•......................•
Rrady, Zeb A. ... . . . .... , •... , . . ... .. .. .. ..
Casden, Benjamin II. ................•........ , .
Itughf's, F. A. , ... , .. ,........................ .
Lane, Howard H. ................. , . ...... ,.,..
Thomas, J. R. ............................ .....
McI~hel'son, J ohn A ................. ' ., .. . .. .. . .
:'I 1f'rica, F e nton D . .•...... , ••••.... , .......•.. ,
;, 1
;, 1
!", I
:, 1
:, 1
;' 1
24 li
44 f,
The Electrical Workers'
Of L.lI.
Card In
The 1.0.
P icard, Thomas W ........ ,.
. . , . , .. , ' .. , . '
Rrown, Lewis G, ,., ... ,"",. , ., . • ••..• ,""',.
Clarke, Albel,t E. "', ... , •..• • . ,. "., ........ '.
Byrd, Polk., .... ,"",.,., ...... ,""
Popper, 1~l'ank J . " ... , .. , .. ,", .... ,.,.,., .. ,.
Nelson, Oscal' ... ".,
, . , ....•... •• ' . , , .. .
Roal'd, Allen 1-1 .
Burkholder', J ohn
,., .... ,
R randon, Sidney L. . ,'.'.,.'
, ..... , .... , .
Cummi ns, John 1-1.
, •••• , •• , ••• ,., •• ,.
J\1 iehe\et, St('phen E. " ... • • '
,., .. , ... ,.....
Lowe, Chades C. ' , , , , , , , . , .. , ... , , . , , , . , . , . .. ..
Smith, Mo!U's F, , .. ,", .. ,.
McAdams, Leon S •. , ••. " ••..• , " , . , . , .• , ... ,.,
Fields, Janws II .... ,.,
Kelly, V('II R. , , ' ....... , . ' , ' , . •• ' . , .•. . .. , . , . ,
Klopp, G('(II'ge Co ••.... ,"", .•• , .•••• • ••.••• '
Pdce, George T . ,.,."' .. ,." ..... ,.,..
Reale, Fl'ank II . , .... " .. " .... , ." .. ,.,., ... '.
Aiseph, J ohn P...
!olhenon, Eugene H ... ,.,., ......... ,....
T elTY, Frank., ........ ,., , , , , , . , . .. .. .. .. .. .. .
Gnlziano, Casper .... , .. ,.,' .. ,." .... "
Ue iclienbach, Gool'ge C. , . • •. ,',.,., ... • , ... . ...
Dlouly, Chr'is .. , ... "......... . ................
Pl'ibish, Mike .. ,
"', .. ,'
)lacinJlt's, Jo'ol'csl H, ..
Flanagan, ,I ohn A. ' . ,'
lIarTis, Ralph ., ... , .......... , •.... , .. ,.......
Hex, Raillh R... ' ... ,", ... ,' .• . . . • . , . • . '
Stahl , F red A, , .......... • , ., .••.. , •. , ........ ,
Hanemann, Charles .... ,.".,.,., ... ,..........
Miller, Edward J . . "., .... , ...... ,.............
Hannels, William C..... ,., , . , .. . ......... ,... . .
Smyth, B. Clement ........ ,. , . , , ' , , , , .... , ... , .
MOI'gan, lI{'nr), T . . , " ' .. • , ...• " ., . .. " ..... ,.
Morgan, Jamell A .... , ... • •. , .•... ,', . . . ,......
VanOrden, F.:1IK'11. C. ", ••••. ,',. , . ,.... . . .... . .
nowne~', Zebadc:e R... , .. " .. , . , .......... , . .. ..
"'ood, Erllest \\'.
Young, Charles E. .................... . ........
GI'anctl, \Vallel' .. , ...... ,.".,.,.,... . ........
Gray, Gool'ge 1". , .. ",.,.,., ..... , ..... ,'
Q':-.'em, PlIlI'ick J, ,., .. " .. , .............. '....
Young, lIal'1')' G, " .... , .. • . , .• , .... , . • "
Wilde, Ead ...... .. .... ,.
GIXlthlluS, lI ('rll1an D. . "., ... ", .. ,., ... ,
N'aftzel', Oml'/' C. "',.,.,., ...... . ,", .. ,
RUma ll, AI\'in J. '.,.,." . . . , ........ ' . • ... '
Gerlich, Jos('ph F. , .... " ... "., .. , ... . •.. ,
lIanft , Leo J., Sr, .,', .. . ,., . . ,',.,., .... ,.,
Kern, Albel·t W.
............ . .......
Knoehlwr, William F, .,', .......... ,
Paton, Roben A ... , . , . , , , , . , . .. .. . . .. .. .. .. . .. .
POI}!!, Cad A, , .... ,", ."., ., •... . ... ' . ,.,
Boruff, Nathan H, .. , .. ,., ... "., ... , ...... ,
Withem, Luther., ..... . .. , .. "., .. ,.,' , .. . ,
Remis, AI,thm' V. ".,.,., .... • ... • ',.'., .. ,.,.'
Christian, GMrKC n.. , ........ ,.,"""" .. ",.
N~'lItl'om, lIans O ..... ,.' ... ,.,., .• , .. " ...... ,
Tl'Oscth, ;\Iichuel A, ", ... ,
Williams, 1':1111'Y6 M, .,.,., • . .. '. , . • ".,.,., .. ,.,
Bloom, Lestel' S. " ..... , .. ,.,"",.,. " . .... , . ,
8 13
fj 49
Mc n,hel'!;hip
I n I.. t !.
Adams, Rl akeney
, , , , . .. , ,
B rown, l~llhl'iull
, . . .... ,',., .. ,
Heywood, Oscllr H.
' . , .. , . , . • , , , , , , , ,
Krant7., Hu rry E ........ ,., .............. ..
MinOI', Edward A. " 0' ••• ' • • • • , . , " " , . , . ,
McShel'I'~', .Jnmes 1-1. ., ...... ,.,.".,
Jnurnal for January , 1958
i\l cmbcrshh,
In L. U.
H()(>ch, \\I il1iam
Adamec, rl'ank .. ,.,.,." ... ,., ......•. ,., .. ,.,
Beck, F'l'ed \V.
,.,',., ', ... ,., .. ,.,"" , .. ,. ,
B runIllH~ I', r-ienry .. , ' , " " " " , ...... ,.' .... ,.'
Bl'lllltel, Joseph"., .. , .... , " " " " , • . ,., .. ,. , .
Collon, Albel·t , .. ,',., .. • ...... , .... • • ,., .. ,.,.
DC\'ins, H ugh J ,
"",.,.,., . . , .... . ,., 0' ••• '
DI'ees, John H. , ..... ,.,.", . . ",., ... ,., .... ,.
Gillen, \\'i1liulll "',., ... . .......... ,., .• , •..• ,'
Han st'n, Frank ..... ,., • •...... • ... ,., . • ,', .• ,'
Ha l'J'is, Edwanl A, ,.", •. ,., ....•.. ,. , .... ' . ' . 0
Herbener, Walter.,.
IIiI'schfield, Jacob.,."., .. ,', . .. ,", .. ,', .• ,.,'
HOI'r, GC01'gC V. ,.".,',.,.,.,.,.,.,' ... ,., . • "
Housel, Chal'leli .... ,., ..... '
, ... , .... , . , .
Kalllll1Cnzind, F'rcdel'ick ... , .. , .. ,',',.,", .... '
KCmnU'r, Jacob J .. ,." ..... '
Kemmerel', Rudolph .......... , .. , . .. . , . , .. , . • .
Lintz, Rar E. ,.,"',." ....... • • , ..... . .... ,"
Nl'lson, lI uJ::'h 0 , ,., . . ,',.,., ., . . •... , . .. ', .. ,.,
Novutne)', J oseph ... " ..... ,', . . ,., ..... , • ... ,.
Powel', Robel't .. , ... , .. ,., ............... . ' . '
Schl'Rmm, Richard W... , .. ,." .... , . • . , .... , ..•
SwanWn, AnclJ·cw II .. ,.,.,., ... . , .... • ........•
Tanenbaum, "''1 ichael "., ... ,., ..•..... ,., .... '.
Toolan, J ohn J. , . .. . ...... " . . " ... ' , . . . , ..... ,
VonSulzcn, Oswald .. ,., .. "., .. , ..... , ...... ,.
\\1,,111, Frank ........ , .... "., . • " .. • . .. , .....
Wandell, A lc:(andcr .... ,' .......• , ..• ,.,', ..• ,.
\\'ehn('l', George E. ", .. , . ................. .. . ,.
Zmizewski, Stellhen
, , , ..... , .... , ' ... , .. , .
Zweifel. ~~mil .. , ....... "., .. , . , . ', ..... , ..... .
AblllullOlp, J ohn C. ", ...... , . . . , ............. ,.
Dono\'an, John F. "., ..... .. ...... .. ..... "., . .
Hodgdon, Chal'les H. " ' .... ,., . • , ...• , .• • ...• ,.
Menges, Goorge C.
' , , . , ... . . . , ' ......... , .. .
HOPJl, William E .... " ..... ,', .. , ..... ,., .... ,.
Sheehan, William J .
".,. , ... ,
Stoker, Edward A. '."." .. ,., . . • . , ........ " ..
RrullIund, Frank J . . , ... . . , .. . . . . . .. . . ,", .... .
F alleh~', GCOI'ge ,.,.,", ... ,., .......... ,., ... ,
F oot(', I{cuben R. "., ........... , .... ,.'.".,.,
Ha rtley, Ernest O. , . ,", ... ,., ....... . ....... • ,
J-iefff'rnan, lI arold J .. ".' . . . , . .. ".,
Kennedy, J esse I~.. ,., ' ............. ' . , . , , ..... .
M antler, Louis , .. ,., .............. ' . . ,",.,.,
' . " " " " , '
' " , . ' " " " " , . ,
J ~W.
\\IilwlI, John C........... . ... , . .
"., ... • •.
Jensen, Christian" ..... , .•...... ,., ...•. " . • ,'
Christ, Joseph A.
' , , ........... ,
RI'OWI), Claude L, " , • . . . • . • . . •• • •••. " . , . " . , . ,
Col'lwll, Roben P .. . . . , .... , . . . ,' , .. . ... , .. ,', ..
Davis, J('ssc J, .............................. ..
LetUUI'neI\U, \\'al[er , .. ' .. ' . ,"" ,. , .... . ,' . ,.,.
M1Irsh, William II , ... . ,., .... . , . ,"
Matt, l'uul S. ... . ......
, , , , , . , . , .... , . , .
McGl'Rw, FranCis J.
",., .. " . . , ., .. , .. ,',
Nix, Haymond "., . , ... , .. , •.. , ... • . ,"', .. , . '
Pell'I'SOn, H an'), C . . ..
Shannon, Thomas A.
' , , , .... , , . .... , , , . , , . '
Zuhl), Fred J, , . .. ,",., ........ , .. , .. ,',.,
Andet'son, John R. '.'.'.'.' . ,",.,., . • .... , ',.,
IIl'l1Il('lt, E, T .... , ...... , 0 ' . " " ' , . , ' , . , . . • •••
Coy I!', !loy!l C, .,.,., . . ,',.,." . ,'" .. , ... . .. ,.
Cut·tis, Glen \\'., SI'... '.'.,., .• ,'" ." ... , .... ,.
Evenson, Edwin .",.,."' .....
Gilliland, Ross .. " . , ... ,., ...... ",.,.,.", ... ,
lIa yd{'n, II l'nl'y 11., SI'. ".,
lIoJ'sl('y, William ill,
............ . ...... ..
J OI)('8, Alb{'l·t I~.
. .. ", .... , .. . ,',.,. " ., .
King', f~RI'I F .. , . . ..... ,
"' ... ".,.,.,.
Lc\'im', Louis .... ,
, . , . ...... , , .. , .. , . , .
LincbUIX, Charles W,
" • . . ,'
" , '
" " , . , .
" ' . , " , . ,
Page Ninete en
l le mbl'rs hi p
In L.U.
;\l aehtofT, lI arry 1\1. ••.•••..••• • ....•••.•.•....
MeCaill, Jamea n.............................. .
Overstreet, Alfred L•...........................
Rouers, J ames II ............... . .............. .
'Vilson, Claude ....................•........•.•
Yl'SCitz, Teddy F ...............•.•.....•....•.
Ferguson, John C•....... • ..... • ...•...........
I'orter, A. P ............. .
Ambrose, Thomss J ......... , ................ .
Ihs.selt, Hugh .•. ... ......
• ........... .
nrownfipld, R, F: •••• • •••••. , •• " . , •• ,'., .•.• ,.
BUI·n.l!, Peter ........ . .. , • ... • ' .... ,., ... ".
Darrough, Harmon C, .. , ....................... .
Downey, Frank \ V, ........................... .
lIyde, S tanley E ......................... , .. , ..
Leichliter, E. D........... . ... , .......... , .... .
O'Loughlin, John F ................... , .. .• .....
Wagnel', W illiam W ...... . .................... .
O'Toole, Michael .............................. .
Lord, Ernest G........................... ,.,.
Xoonan, John F., S,·......... , ... , ..... , ....... ,
,,'eishrod, Harl'y N .. , ........... • •... • ....••...
lI oldefel', Robert II .........•... , ...... • .... . ...
Mc Avoy, F el'dilland .......... , ................ .
Dryke, J oh n F ............. , .............. , ... .
lI iil'o, Heino J .
. .. " ........ , ............... .
I~I'I), E dgar A ........ , ... . .............. • . . .. .
1"l'eed , Samuel \ V . ............ , ... , .... " .. . .. .
Sencenbaugh, Rex .................. , . ... , .... ,
l;hl'lstcnse n, Gl'over ............. , ...... .
Polster, Edward \V ......... , .........• , ....... .
Rrck, Henry " .............. ,., ........ .
Bel'/(slekel', Gus H............................ .
Clink, William E.................. , ........... .
KeniK, Chat'lell ..........•........ , •...•....• . ..
Lenox, \\' a lte,- n................ , ............. .
Peck, Alpheus M , .......................... .• ..
'Valler, , Villiam ............... ,',., ........ . . .
Hallett, Ru f us S.................. , ... , ....... .
Halloran, J . J .... , ................ , .......... .
Kidd , Alexander ........... , .................. .
Leahy, I rvin
................ , ........... ,
:llo),er, A. It. ...................... • ...... ,., ..
Simpson, Roger C . . . . . • . , • ..... . .. • ..... , ... .
\Vinfield S. , ............................ .
Colby, Ernest S .. , ........................... .
Gilliland, Elzie R............................. .
J ohnson. Arthur R.. , ................... .
Hlehal'ds, John It ........• , ...••.... , ...... , . .. .
Con!roy, Danie T .................. , .......... .
Green, Raymond .......... , .... , .............. .
Blond, Edwal'd ..... ........ • ., . •. • .........
Booth, Gool'ge \V, , .............••...... • .... . •.
Caccia, Frank ..................... . ...•......
Chal'lebois, Edward N ......................... ,
I)ale, Dudley ..............•...................
()anahey, Joseph D . ............•. , ...... ,., . .. .
~'Inlcy, Edward .........•................• , ... .
lI eaton , 1-I 1l1'I'y G............. , ......... .
Kullhcl', J oseph A.
. .... , ..•..........
Page Twe n ty
) Ie mbershill
In I..t'.
Lamont, I lelll'y ... . ........•...
Maser, A ndrew .................. .
Newkirk, T homas .................... , ........ .
Pal'lette, Raymond E. . ... , .. ,., ............... .
Sell, Kurt II .............. ..
'Vol!, Albert \V ............................... .
Hagel't)', Hallih II ..... , ..... , ............•.....
lIayf'l', C"hnrlf'g T ............. , ..... ,." .... ,."
Demmons, Thomas J ... , .... , ........•..........
Sauerbier, Chauncy
............ .
Reatty. '\'. 1-1. ............ • ................. .
Blattner, William C. ...... • ................ .
Gentry, E. C, ...............•..................
H urley, Charlcs W .................. , ......... .
Karst{'n, Pete ...........•............ • ....•...
Necesslu·y. J . \V .. , ...... " .••...•....• , ...• , .. .
Peyton, Claude C, .......... , .. , ......... , ... , ..
Reeder, PelTY A. , ............................ .
Rlythe, lI al'l'y ......................... , ...... .
Murphy, James B. ........ . ..•.........•......
Nordlander, J ohn P........... , .. , ........••....
Nichol, Hal'!'y \\' ........•............ , ...... .
Anderson, Curl ..................... , ......... .
Byrnes, Am berson M................... , ..... .
Cox, E. E . ...... , ............. , ........ . .. .
F l'iend, J uck M ................. , ..... , ... . , .. .
Gilmul', Chal'les E .............. , .. .
La ngill, Hal li h It ............ , ..... . .. . • . . . .• . ..
Lauer, R. F , ................. , .... , ..... . . . ... .
McKenzie, A. ' '', ....... , ...... , .. ,., ..... ' .... .
Purcell , Arthur V........................... , ..
Rundle, J ohn 1-1 .................. , .•.•..•••.•••
Sl\:~CIISUII, lI alry V • . . • . . • , , ••••••.. , . , . • • ..• ,.
' ''eiss, O. II .... , ............ ,' .........••.. , ..
Neutz.enholzl"!!·, Cad ' '' .............. , .......... .
Roddy, 1', S........ ,., ........ , ...... , ..... , .. .
Lautel"ool"n, Cal'! J .................. ,., ...... ,.
Macaula)" Leander K .......................... .
ltieeitelli, Cad P.
l'l cintYI'1!, D. C............................... .
Wright, William II . ....... . ................. .
Gross, Harry F. " ..... , ...... " .......... ,., ..
Leach, Frank C.
. . . .. .. . .., ............... .
Gonnan, Harold M.......................... ..
Heynolds, Edward A., Sr. ... ., ..... , .......... .
Spencer, Thomas A. ....... . ... , .............. .
GUI'nee, M , Hasbrouck ......................... .
Murdock, J ames F ....... ,'., .............. , .. .
Nebesnak, Stephen .. , .. , ........•...••.........
" 'ood, Holand K ............... ,. '" .' .....•....
Bennett, Thomas C. . ... ,., ..........•..........
I)oherty, H ugh II ., Sr........................ ..
Gebhard, J ohn 1-1 ••• "., •••••• • ••.•.•...••••.
Gillogly, William C.............. , ..........•...
Kester, Walter 1:: •••••••••.. , •••••••••..••••••••
MurJlhy, Charles W ...............•............
Beucler, Edward ........•........ " ........... .
Skutt, Lloyd ............................ . . , .. .
" 'isema n, A . R................ , .......... .
Andel'son, O le ..... .
li n
Th e El ec trical W or k e r a'
iIIernbe rsh ill
In L. U.
Sights, E n\'in .... .
H ills, L. L ....... ..
Coats, Goorgl' \V.............. " ....... . ...... .
Dan ids, A. L...................•....•..........
1J0Bn(', Robert .................... ·.···········
lJur.en. Leslie ................................. .
England, A . Earl ..................... . ....... .
llood. GOOI'ge A ........•...................•...
Laird, fo'loyd A .........•.••...................
Olson, Abel .................................. .
Reed, \Vill ia m E .....•......................•. ,
Renic, AII('n S, .,', .. ,""','" .........• , .... ,
S('lIik('lI. C. F.............................•. ,.
Sobutt, Rudol ph , ...............•.. .... .... . ,.,
T omlinson, CIII'I fo;, .......................••. , .
l\ ('lIog, 1.lI ..... l·.. nce J .......... .. ... .. . . "., ..... .
Ne ..... bill . Claucie n .......• ,., .•...... ,.,., ..... .
\\·eavel·. Archil! n ............•....... .... .. . , ..
Tonglet, Wi lliam J, .... ', ........... , •.........
AI'mlt, L('O ............. ' .. , .........• ' ..... ' ..
Baulllann. Al'thul' F .......... '. ,., ......•... '
Cloghessy, Wal ter J , ....... ' .. . ......... ' .... .
Ualy, It, E ..... , .
.. .... ..
Dolan, Peter L. .......... • ..
Drucker, George W .
Graham, Arthur
lI ubka, R. J . ,.
Jahn. frank II ...
J ohnson, Marlin A.
1\{'lly, Ha ny G ............... .
~Iaeder, George F ..
Ma rshall, E. p, " .. .
Mu rphy, J. L........ .
~ .. ss, T org('r " .... ',...
.',., ..•• , ..•..
Odell, 8('ld('n J ....... . •. , ........ , ....... ,',.,
Quen lin, Arlhu l' A............ , ..• , ... .
Quinlan, J . M .. , ...... '. . . . , ' , ........... '
Ross, Ang us ., ......... " ' ......... , . .. .
Schmied, Adolph C. ,. , ..... , ......... ' . ' .. ,
Schn('idel', Otto A., Sr ... ,., .......•.. , ... , •.. '.
Smith, Chal'les \V . ......•. " ....... , ......... .
Smith, OUo E, ... , ...... ' , ................. , ..
W inters, G<'Orge I. ' ......... .
Osweil('l', FI'Bllk \V. , .. , ....... '.",.,., .. ".,.,
AI('xandl'l'. M. E. ....
.. , ...... '
Wilson, J/lIII('1I L ....... " ' , .. .
Webel'. J ohn W ......... " ••..
Webb, Clsrenee F ........... .
Banth', Edward R ....... "..
.. ' ....... '
lJuCharme, George . . . '.',.
. ...... ,
MacG l'egol', Hoy n , ...... ",. , .•...... • , .... .
McLa ren, W illialll W ...... • • , ... . ... ,.,., .... .
Massey, F:ugene 1'........••.......... ," .... .
Snyde l', Lee L., Sr. , ....... ' "
...... ' . , ... ,
Keyes, Ray L....... , ........ ,...
.' ' ..... .
Mouitske. G<'Ol'ge A. '.' .........
. ........ .
Pennington, ChariI'll. , ... , .... , , •... .
I'ul'kison, A I't.hu r 1'. , ..... ' . ' , ..... , .. .
Maloney, I~ d wal'll J ........... , ...........••... ,
l" ull('l'loll, n ohel'! n ................. , •........ ,
Journal lor January . 1958
....... .
13 1
l aG
14 .•
11 .•
l Si
Me mbers hi p
In t .U.
LuRU1'l', Arthu r J.
. ........... ',., .... ,
Schmidt, F rank G ........ ' ......... • •.. ........
Douglas, A lrred 0, ..... • .... ' ... ' •........... ,.
Utterhack, J . T .........••............... " .. .
Carlson, A rthur C. '.', ............. ,",., ..... .
Gadbul')', II lIrl'Y L. ..... ", ... , ...........• , .. .
Halhbun. Ra y , .........•..•. , ....... .• ' ••.. . ..
Germill('I'. J ohn J .......... , .......... , .•. ".,'
lldd, I{oyal S. "" , .............. "', .. " .... .
Klintfe!t{'l', J ohn C . ....... , •..............
lJanielson. A. J ..... ' •................
Dr ake, F. H. . , ................ , .. , ..... " .. ' ..
Alle n, fo' rNI \\' .........•....... , .. ••...•..... '
MUll/ling, A nton .......... .•. , . • • ..• , .. •• . . . . '
Staup, lI arr)' 1." •.• ,., ••••••••••• , •.•.••• •• '.,
Thoma s , WUllom .......•.••.. • ....• ' . . ,.
Powell, ChC'st('r E, ..... . .. " .•. , ...... ' ..... .
JIII'1I0wski, 1I 1'Ill"Y ." ••..••••••. ' .• " •.. .. , •••..
McDowell, ' 1II11u('1 ••••••• . •••• , ••••••• , . ' , . • •
Morgan, Chlrence fo; ............... ' ... , .. ' .. ' .
Ki Bei', A ustin fo: .......... • ........ • '., ...•.. "
J(' nS{'lI. h 'er C......... .. •...••....... , ...... .
Lundh, J 05('I)h A. ,. . .......... ', . • , ....... .
~ I Rdigan, Silmer . . . . . . " .......
' .. , ...... ..
P reston. GOOrg(> ,,'. .
... ' .. ' , , , ..... ' .. '
Townsend, J oseph
.................. ..
Williallls, Thomas C.
. .... , .. .
GOUl"glICS. CI'Orge II, •
' . , ••.••.•
Childress. Edwanl
We rder. Chnrle!l B. . ........
. .. ' ...
T wigg, GoorKe W. .
"',., ..
Lt>sli(', Edward A .•••••••••.. ,., ••• ,.,., •• " ' .
Muskopr. I n\'in .. , ..............•... , .... ,.
Ph illiJls. J oh n \\' ...........••........ , ....... .
Re!'llhllrdl, T . G, .........• ,., ........... .
G r nham, \V. Lt......••. " ..... , ....... ,', .. .
Miller, Will iam A, .' •............... " ..
Grel'lI, Gcol'ge \V . .............. , .......... .
H Ulton, J O!lellh S. ,. . ........•. ' . , ... .
nlulllent hal, MOl'ris ...• .., •........ ,., . . . .
Gnrd ncl', Chal'II'S F . . '
.. ,., ... .
Gaskill, J ohn E, ., ................... , ....... .
Lal"l{in, J . fo· .. " .. '., ..
Rl inston. AI·thur . . . . ,.
A rgo, Chellt('l' J. , ... .
J)U\·)'. !..ronal·d , ..
Fraser, Colin W . ,.
Jl.'nnion, Willium .
Mll under, AIIx-rt E .
~lcFal'land, Silllrock n.
Gl"IlI1el', Charh'S L.
R«kel', Geo rge , ....•............. " .......... .
lI illJllc, l..ouis ., .. , ....... , ........ " ..... , .. .
Mudd. J, A., SI'......... , ............... • •.
McCllff,'cy, L. J ... ' .. ', .....•......... ' '.",.,'
\Vitmel', \V urnl' n, ... ', ...... " ' , ....... , .... .
McBl"iell, GCOl",I(e S . ........ , .................. .
])I'ck('r, .[11111(011 1\1 .••. ', .•. "., .•.
Glenn, .II uny C. ..... ' ..• , ....... .
('aslilldi, W . . . , ................ .
21 <1
21 1
21 7
3 1!1
Pag e Twe nty -o ne
.\Iembe rs hill
In 1..1I.
\\filson , H . J ................................. .
Kunkel, A rthur J ..•.............•..............
Pf'rry, S. M ...........•...•....•.......•......
Gupton, L. E. . ....... . .................... .
Ca\'anagh, Roy II ............................. .
Mohl, Harry ................................. .
\\'uugh, Robel1. ........................... .
Ku cbler, Willillm C. . .........•...••... .• ......
Zimmerman, ChariI'll II ................••......
Cfuze, H. V .................................. .
Gandy, I ra .\1. ................................ .
NelllOn, Verl in C.............................. .
Rillings, L. L., SI·. .......•.............. , ..... .
McClain, \V. \V ........................ .• ......
Stevens, Claud!', SI"...........•.... , .... • ......
Linscott, O. K.. ....... .... . •.... , .......•...
O'Keefe, MIchael ............................. .
Chatfield, F I'ank ..................... . ........ .
i)obraty, Art.hur ......•....•...................
Hasking, J ohn .. . ....... , ...... , .. , ....... .
Knoelk, Walter L.
Lindstrom, FI'auk ...................•. , ...... ,
Sas, Leo F ... .............•...................
Leffingwell, Charlcs E. . ....................... .
\Valc, J ohn ................•....... ,., ........ .
Clay, AndT('w C . .•. . ......... , ............•....
i)rcr, EdwlIrd R...........•... ••...• .... . , ... .
Lope, Philip ............•..... '., ............. .
Purtill, Henry L............ , ................. .
GI'littS, William II ............................ .
Young, \Valtel' S .............................. .
Roggio, Peter J .... " ...•... , .... . ... , .•....•..
lIickman, L. II .... , ..............•.... .. ......
NUI·lI., B) IV II C . ...................... • .... ".
Gordon , Frank H.............................. .
Jackson, Goo.·ge E. . ..... . , ...... " ..... , .... ,.
Dickenson, Herbert .......•.......... ..........
Oa.·ion, Albcrt ........ .... , . ... •.. ...
DeRepentigny, Chul"ies ... , ..•. ,., ............. .
Gore, Arthur ............ . .................... .
Allus, Alfred .................... , ....... .
,\I ueller, Oscllr '\1. .. , •..••.•••.• • ••.••.••..••••
S haw, Harrington I~.......... .• ...... . , ....... .
Gnrlllncl, S. F . . . .. . , ....•...... , .. . ..•. . ..•...
Summel's, Cllnrlc-s E ...... , .................... .
CaIT, Fred G................................. .
Smith, Clal'enee D. ..................... .•......
CIOllk, \V illiam .. , ........••...••..•.......... .
Oaskn, Paul .... ..... . ....•.. .. . •....•.. . .. ,
\Viley, Ve r ne \\' ............................... .
\\'alburn, F red ........................... , ..
Christian, P. M................•...............
Bastian, F I-ed ........ . . . .•...................•
Bamett, Walter C., Sr. . . ... .... , ........ . ..... .
Gouthro, \Villinm ... ........ .... . ............. .
Gih'ear, George. . ........ . .. . ..•....•....•... .
Ra rker, \\'illiam A....•. .. .• . . , •...•....•••... .
Bechtold, Fred G........•............••.•.••.••
Ryron, Ethan .. , .......... , ......... , ........ ,
Fletcher, Oley F .......... , .........•.....•.. .
Page Twenty ,two
52 1
03 1
06 1
()/i I
;)8 1
(i 17
ll ember" hi"
In 1.. 11.
('and I')', Michael T.
Lang-Col'd, S)'I'US R..........•....•....... , .....
Thl'iscn, William J, ... , .........•.•............
DUl'rr, Clarence \\' ............................ .
IIl'h'e)" Eugt'ne H .................. , . . . .
Mil1er, Blake L ............. , ••....•....•......
Sal'\'cl', Roy A . . , ..... , ..• , ..••...••..•••.. :-• • •
Beckman, Otto ... , ...... . .........•... . •......
Uu mas, Isadore A •••.•.••.••••..• , .•••••.•.. • .
Gult'kunst, WiJlill111 ..••••.••.••.••••....•....
Kie rna n, Leo " ............•........... , ...... .
Geal'Y, Daniel O . .......... , .... , ............. .
Southwol'th, Robc-rt D........ . ....... " ..... .
Stevens, Owcn R.. .. , ... .. , ... , ......•.... ,.
Thi bodeau, Peter L •..........•... ,.' ........ .
Coultrighl, Earl W . . .. . , ..... , ...... , .. ,.
Honle, Ha Tl'y ............ .. .. . , .............. .
Potts, Stcllhen H. , ............. ,., ........... .
S tl'01I1, Clarence R ...... , .............••.... . ,.
Landis, J ames A .
l.arlK'n, lI arr>' T .............................. .
Slupinski, J ohn I~ ................. , ........... .
Rnl.nllllel', J acob C, ....... , ................... .
Herndon, Claud G. , ........................... .
r'aKe, GOOI'ge B. , ......... • ....................
I.inc-han, Edward G........ , ..••....•...••....
Jo'crgullOn, Floyd ...........••..................
Hcinc, \\'alter , ........ , ................. , .... .
Pickl'tt, I la r l'y " ' ...... , ...................... .
Costello, J ohn P. .. . ...... , .............. .. ... .
Owens, N!'we l n............... '.' , ........... , .
Dawson, Albt! rt S. _, .......••........•.........
Snyder, William II. ........................... .
Loc.:kcry, Ha ymUlld ..................... , ..... ,.
Towne, lIa rry E ............... , .............. .
Mcdway, Gl'OI'ge ........ , ....... . ..........•...
Eal'llcst, Russell II. ...... , ............ , ....• .
HcndCl'son, ROb<'I't R.. , .... , ............... .
,\lillel', llinton W........ ,., .... , ........ .. , .. .
DutTy, Jnmes ... .............................. .
II()ovel', M. C................................. .
Lawes, RCJrinald A................. , ....•......
Crowe, Howard A .... , ............. " ... , ..... .
LIlPlantr, Victor J .. .... , ..•... , ........ • . , ... .
\Vyalt, Edward E ...... , ...................... .
Sla nto n, Herbert L. ............... , .•.........
Hoylan, Leo T. . .............................. .
Mealcr, H. J ........... , ................... ..
:llcGann, Rernard .....•.... , ................. .
Tall(h', John J ............................ , .. ,.
A 111'11, !loll an . . . . ,
. ....... . ...... .
\V OO(I, JllInell ....................••...........
Heynolds, Earne&t H.......................... .
\V illlOn, Elbel1. G. , ....... ,.................. .
('arr, Lron J ...................... ........... .
Domenichini, William A..... , .................. .
Roddy, Clarence T ..........•. . ..•.........•....
Gacrtner, Michuf!l A..................•....•....
Adelmann, Willialll A ............. , .... ....•...
RUI'nll, Albert E ........ , ......•........... ....•
G7 1
m 'l
li8 3
i (i8
8 18
8li 4
The Electrical Workers'
Mc mber.. h ip
l'l 1<'!l1h,'r.. hip
In L. lI.
Shl\'cns, Chal"ies T, .. , ... ,.,
Smith, J ohn II. ,.". ,
Vander Molen, Gcorge .......... . .. ,., . .. . . ,.
Douglas, Palmer L. ., ..
Oney, C. A...... ... " .. , ......... , ....... , ..
Huntley, Charles I I.
Stecle, Ennis M ...
Smith. AIHlrtlw A. , . .
liopper, Joseph J ...
~h\l'ks, Chn1!nce II.
Davis, Gilbert ..
....... . ..............
lI uff, Ray Z,
WUl'd, William A.
Pahst, Wilfred ..
Lange, Floyd C.
LRI"son. William
McCartin, P. II.
Roach, Willium
Seear, Shil'ley E,
Wnltel's, Frederick
HI.'r!>eI·jch, J ohn J. ,., ..... , .... , .............. .
Cll.'ml'l1t, Otto F.
.'loUI·y, Ray., .... , ........ ".",.,.,··.·
Olson , J ohn E ...... ,.,., ... , .. , .. ,"',.,', ... ,
Fis h, Willium D............. , ...•....• ,.
Railes, Thomas A.
Hehbel'g, Fred M .
Bousman, \\', E:.
1\Iol'I'is, Roy
Cot'bit, Fred E.
Gulbcnon, H. B,
Gutowski, Steve ,." .... ,', ............ , ..
Coak, Roy E, . . .... ,., . . " ... ,.
Gibsoll, Gcol"/.,'ll H....... " .. ,., .. ,., ... ,',.,',.
Diller, Frank .. , , .. , ....... , ......... .
Henly, Hay ....... ,., . . . " ..•..... " .. ,.·
Chambers, Edward.,., .. ,., .. ,.
Hummel', J ohn L .......... ,., .. ,.
Nclson, Waller F .... " ." ... , .. " .. . .
;\Totroni, Guilio .. , .. ,., ... , .. , ........... ,", ..
PUl'dini , Joseph Vincent, ... ,., . " .... ,", .....
l'CtCI'SOIl, William F,
Moluison, Gustave 1[, .. , ..... ,., .... ,." .. ,',.,
M01'I'OW, \Vill J . "', .. , .. ,', ..... , ...•. , ...... .
Cunningham, Willard ,.,", .. , .. ,', ..•...•.....
MOl'row, \Vilbul' J,
.". ,', ... , ... " ....... , ..
VOII Vog'l, C. F,
..... ,',., ..... . ..... ,., ..
Hil'sch, M llx M,
Mahood, Hobert E,
Kusler, Churles H.
GI'aham, J ohn R. ,.,'
Hinne, Cad J.
Mulcohy, Canicl Jos.
Gaskill, Alphonse ..
Glel1l10n, Owen A . . . ,.
. .... , , .. ~ ..... ,
Pika!, Gl'Ol'KC K., J I', •
. . . , •• , . , .• " . , . .
Robinson, Johl\ L. .,.,',.,", ..
HOWII1'd, Willilllll p,
iloskins, Mi1h'I' K .. . , .. , ' , . , . , " ' , . ' " .
Holbl'ook, Hobcl't R" SI'.... , .... " ............ ,.
HCl'bcrt, , Villie ., ..... , .. , ...•.... ,', .... " ....
Noonan, lIenl'y R, , ..
VuuJ.,!"han , Gcoq:re I I.
Danrord, OUi!; Reb ..
Ha rtze ll, Bal'ney .. "., ........... " ...... , .... .
Vesscly, Thomas W . . , , . , . , , , . , .... , , .. , .. , .....
Cal'd in 1.0 ,
R('ekman, Ralph n,
Card in 1.0.
Or-oka"', H atT}' , . '
('81"d in 1.0.
('111"1'. Fred J., St·.
12.$ :,
12.$ ;.
HPljlH'SI 1'01' 1'1t1l1lg'f'S ill 11;"11t (lillI'S in Ihf' '11111'1'1111'
1·('('OI"d .~ 01' llll' followil1g' lII(,lI\h('l'~ 1"Pl'(' delli!'fl:
t i()1l111
i\T emhcr .. hip
In 1..1'.
,,"un'e n, lilll'old W,
Chester, Theodore
P inkston, lIal'lin
Rishotr, Hn rl'y ... ,", .. ,.,", .. , ........ . Card in 1.0.
Canl in 1.0.
Cooper, Chaunce)' P ...
' I'lle 1'('('onJ..; \\'ill h(' (·hllllg'I'(] - 1n show 11 c1ilTl'l'\'lI l
Acccptablt. C\"irl('1I1'1' WUs sllhlllitt('(1 to tIl(l COlltlcil
anft ('OIT(,(·tioIlS 11;1\'(' h('l'lI llIadi' ill till' I nh'l'l1aliOl1ll1
I'('t'ol'd~ of tllt' hil,th dall'<; III' til(' rollowiJll.!, JlH'llliwl's:
1'1'0111 11'11011 WUS OI'i!!ill:III.\· g'i\'pll~\\'ht'll 1I('I'l'jll-
flhlC' rdtl(>lIl'c is <;lJhlll il1 (' d to IllI' ('t)l1Iwil
.'Te mbcrship
In L,U.
Gilhooly, Richnrd " ..... , .... , ....
Glaser, \\'a1tel' ...... , ... • , .. , .. " ...... ,.,., . .
POI'ras, Paul ., .. . " ...... , ..•... •... , •.. ,', .. ,
Hobcl-ts, Richard ."...
. .... , •....
Theis, Mal'tin .,., .. , ..
Wunnenmchcl', ll el"llllll1 ., ...... , .. , .. ,." ..
Walter, Cluil' E. ., ..... , .. , ...... , ... .
Journal for January, 1958
' I'hf' 1';xP('\lli\'(' ('(julIl'il ll(ljO!ll'll(>r! F'l'idllY, 1)I'(,t'lll-
(lUI" Iwxl l'I'l!ulm' nH'('Iil1{t will ht'l.dn
~rnllda.'.. ~lIl1'('h
)1 .,
17, l!),')l'l.
II. II. B HO.\('11.
SC<'I'('lll t·.'- Ilj'
Ex('<,ulin' ('oum'il
Page Twenty-three
)lidllu'l ,I. l{culled), lI])ecial husiness 1II1\llIIl;'er, Locill Union 131, Chicllj(O,
sllcnkll 10 21!i 1I11\l I'I'lIticp J{rnduilles in ill1llrl'".. ill' ('crl'monil's, Sperl'tury
Jill' Keenall, him ";l'lf lin I,.t' , 131 membcr, illso 81111kt' at cOll1lllelion rill'lI,
'I' hll~ IOIlg' be('1l "I'('og'lli:f.t,t! Illilt
.. A PPJ'('1l1i('('ship j" 111<, [,1ft'
LillI' (If II ... ";]('l'u'i{'lIi 1ndll'"I';.'. , .
•\nd ill citip... all OWl' til\' t nitNi
~llll('" and Canada IIppr(,lIlif't, ... hip
JlI'()J(I'IIIl1<.;-tiu',-e indl"lwfI;;ubh' Iit"('
liIH'" t-onlilillaUy \win),!" fill(' :,-'onng
I1wn, w('ll-1t'lIiu('d 111t'1l. into the
"["(" dt'nl illdu,,' r." to h,'('allw fr(' ... h
lift· lIt1tl ,'igOl' into iI, '>0 Ilwt it ('UII
('olldum' 10 ).\'I"OW with Ill(> ~·t·IlI'''',
Ih'('('IIII:o-' ill C'hi('II!.\o. ~-I!lIlPJln'll­
lit'I'''' of !.t)(,'al 1:1-1 ~1'lldunl('t1 a"
.iollt·IH·~·mr·lI. I II an iIllJlI't's,dn' ('\,,'('mOil,," 11('101 \:U\'('11I1J('l' 7, 1!1;)7. in
Bn;,.I,· .\ lid iloriullI, I!l'adlwt (Hi r('-
\".j\,('11 ,11I'i!' ('{'I,tifit' ;lh'" of ('omp[('·
tlllll lind tht, hono ..... dm' i1WHl for
tlu'il' f01l1' YNtN of ill\('llsiw' stUlly
llntl luu'd work und,'1" lilt' pro~ral1l
"POII'iol"l'Il II.\' 11ll' EII'('II'it'nl ,Ioiut
,\ Jlj) l"t'Il! il,('"h i P COlli til it t ('(',
pll'Il'i('(l!tI hl'ing- ,"Oil lilt'
"tOI'Y of thnt J.,'1'llilIUllion, 10),(,th(,I'
with infol'lIlation ahollt tilt' hi"tOl':'-'
(If nppl"elitiN'"hip u'aining in ('hi·
t'a).:!)-- -th(' SIOI'Y of tIlt' "lift, line"
of III)pl>('nti(,t,,,hip ill 011(' t'it,'"
Fil'",1 of all we 1'(>))01'1 ou lh(' Chi.
f'lI~n ~Tadlluti()n, II wl'ih'·\lP of
whirh w(' l1.)c('i\"{~d from Thol1l11 S P.
O'('olillcll, 'i('('I'clar:,-', L()('1I1 13A
Ex('('utiw Boure\. W e lISC pUl't o[
hi." :I('('Otillt below.
Vi e w or crll ... d in Un y h' Auditorium a s rllllr Y(,IIl'1I or RII]lrellliceshitl ('nded
for the ,l:'rndu li ling clluU!, Due to \,rOlll'r I rlli n in g IIntl II).:J·cclllcnts founded
Iher(.·,IO, Ih e con tra clo r" a nd the IllI blic li re g lla rllnlt-'<!d good workrnnn!!hil),
\\'1' !ll'('
Page Twenty · four
I nl('I'nnlionnl !"('('r('IIII'Y ,Ioseph
K~nltll d(']iwl'\'d Ihe ntldrcss
\\'0.'11'0111(-', in whil'll he tnl(1 of his
m(-'morics liS UII UPPt'(,llt i('(' lind <1(-'('lll1'l'd Ihal OIH' or his pl'oudl'st
l)oSS('s.~ion~ i~ his 1.0Cill 1:14 mcm1J(> I'ship. 'r he thenw of his talk was
thnt or Ihe gl"('lIt IIC('<I fOI' wellt l'!Iined jotll'ne:'-'IlICIl, SJ)C'ukillJ.\' or
thc lotlll k,\"'II. cnpMi!:,-- of tVlIIIY,
hc poilll('d oul 11m I rll\U1'i'dcmnnd
'I'ill fUI' SU l'pUSS !)I'(''Wnt OUI]III!,
nnd that ill pl'('pat'alion 10 III\'{'!
Ihifl 11{'('d, Ih(' BI'othcl'hoo(1 mllst
supply .IOlIl'llt-'rnwn wilh II ),(ood
knllw lcdl!(' of l'I(-'eIl'Oll ic",
:\lieilll('l .1. I\ CIIIl('d,"'" sl)(-'cilll all<;i"lllllt husil ..,...." ma lllll-(('r, c<)Hl'l'l't'('(1
The Electrical Workeu '
(,Olllpl('lioll C('l"lifi('all''1, IIlld th('n in
II sp('('ch to I Itt' ~ I'nd\lllt~'s lold t ht'''l'
yOI\t1~ tilCIl of lilt' 1It1l"~- u<inIl11n]!l'S
now Iht'ilos whi('1! hud 1)/'1'11 won hy
the 111m] work lind sll(>I'ifi(>cs of
IhoS(' who s{,l'nd nppl"C'lIliel'ships
"II'IIY buek whelt." 11(' sl 1'1''iS(,d III('
impol'tnlw{' of CJn·Ilu,.joh t!'aillill~
1111.1 I'(']all'd <;('hool in<;II'llI'lion: {'U\".
el'N1 IJI'il'II~' Ill(' lU'III'r 11('\"I'lop·
1111'111" ill 111(' li{'ld nf ('I{'('\l'ieil~',
('1,'('II'il'l.1 l'UIIII'ol" .11111 iluluslri1t1
11111(1111111 illtl, II (' "I /'tln~J~' 1'('I'OIll,
1lI"lIill'd t hat I h('''I' ,\"1I11l1J,! jlllll'IU'Y'
Illt'll Ink" 1'\"('I'Y "llllm'llIllit,\' to
fLlt'lht,!, lir('i!' I'tltwnlimt. pal'lieu·
1111'1,\" ill ,ht'>.;\' IIlm"t's ot' Iht, indus.
II',\', Ii,\' al1l'lIlIin1£ ni,:lll !'Whl)/II
Meet ing Ch allenge
/I t' slnl('d
Ihul hI' hns ('on.
ft'!'I'l'd wilh Ihe ,Ioiln .\ pp!'!'n1iI'c
('ommill('{' 1111<1 is pl'('spntly wOl'k·
in)! Oil ways 111111111('111\'1 10 Illt'{'t thl'
Jl I 't'st'lll·da~' ('ll/lIlt'II).!I', I I is his li l'm
('unli('lion IlwI II Il'1lilling' I1rog l'alll
lit liS, hi' all/.:"Ill{'IIII't! willi Iht' )!oal
ill uti"d of "h('lIt'I' c. IIl1'lrh'<l jilltl"
11 (' poill l ('d
gnllt(, I' llH' t'OIl",I I'uelion matcl'illls
(Jut Ihul \Hul('I' 111(' nj.n'wll lI'llt w ilh
t Ill' Eleetl"ieul ('()nl l'Helo l~ .\ s."I)('ill·
lilW-;1 Ill{'ehllni('all,,·,..
lind Jlut Ilwlll 10g('1 h('I",
" I"or' e('lIlu l'i!."', studcnts lind
I iUIl of l'hic:tg'o, .i!OI.ltI \\'O I'kI1H\II~h ip
i-; .c:ual'anteed to th(' ('011\1'11('1(1 1' anti
,11(' hnildill~ \lWll\'r, .\Il~- jOIlI'lIl'Y'
mlill t"('"polhible fur illfl.'rior work
IlIH~1 r('IIII'u 10 Iht' jllh und elll't"('('1
"H('ll infel'in!' i""llIllntiOIl, on llis
OWII lilll(!,
11(' drew Ih(> 1I11('lItion or Ih{' 11('\1
,,('holul''i ill ('\'t'I'~" til,ld of {'(Iuculion
hl1\'c 1.('1'11 hono l'I'" lind 1'(-,\\'111'(\1'1\
for' ,ht'ir at'llt/{,llIi" 1Il'hi('\"(-'1II{'1l1 ..,
, '[Tnlil n'I"'lIllr, how('\,!'r, lillll'
hns h{'I'1I 11011(' In 1'/I{'OIl1'1l!!l', in
~Jlin' and rt'wal'(llll(> 11'11(](, apJlI'f"Il·
tit'l'- . Ih{, ~'OUlI.lt 1111111 who l'h(I()'I{'"
10 work wilh hi>! hlllld'i, hi" h(,lld
1I11t1 his hl'lIl'! 10 'put lhill~"i to,
I{I'I hl'l' ' ·Io.lti \"(> >;()lid, p l"1Iel ie'a I I'X,
1"'I",..,iOlI III (II hl' I' IIlt'll '" plan", 'I'h('
1-:1(>('Il'irnl ,I"illl .\ppl'!'nli<'t'ship
j(lIlI'II('~'men to Ihl'
IlII'1H 1){'lw(,(,1I IIII'
1-:11'I,tl'ielll ('Oil.
t l'm'l II ,.... ,\ "<,;(K' ill t i(JIl t)f t 'It i(' a.c:o lind
L n('ul l'niOIl 1:14 , in ('1T1'I" "jill'"
1!!:lO, \\,!tiell ]ll1l1'illt's Sil'klll'''''' nut!
11IJs Jl i I a Ii 7.;] I iot! l)f'llc/it s for' all III 1'111·
lit"", und Ih('i,' t'ulllili('s (,1IIJ11( 1~'t'd
IIY l'I('('tl'ital ('onll'lI('IOI'S, ( 11 (> I't"
jltH'lt'd thaI dtll'illg' Ihl' pa",1 ,\'I'nl',
7,10 . 1 1lI('l11hl'I"i IIIld 11.:!:-;;1 win's
lind ehildr('11 WI' I'" I'li/.:"ihl(' rOl'lltl'sl'
IlI-f/1 h,,1' K l'lUlt'dy ('III phusi1.('ti lilt'
lIS "th('
j 'nlllll1illl'I'
.. ,\ 'phlll'
until {'x('{'u\{'(l. S{'ithf'I' IIII'
sim]ll{'st nO I'lh(' musl inlriealc pllll!
1'01' bniJliil!/.:" /I hOllS(' 01' II eatl1('dl'ul
1'111\ ;I('hic\'c l'('ulilY u n til IIlt'li
Honors Given
II'i('111 ,Join I ,\ Ppl,\·ItIi('{'~h ip ( '0111·
III i 11 N' :
(']1l)~1'1I w()l'k,"
disli'ihnli'd 111
('Ul'I'i('tl ,hi' foll(l\\'illl!
slull'nlcnt of PIlI'Plh(' of til{' 1-: 1('("
1' 1'(IJ,!I'llIllS
ullll'l' n'l'SO I'" l\l hUIlOl' "llI'h 111,'11
, , , fir )!i\"ill).!' 11"'111 added ill('{'II'
li\"t' ilnd 1'I'\I'lIl'd I'ur' a hi)!h dt,)!I'(,('
of "kill, 1Il1lIJililll! ltlld cm'r)!,\' ill
11I'1It'fits IOlnl1in.c: $"iO:U:lI.OO,)
Slltllt!;II'tI or Wtll'klllUll~hiJl
h,\' L II{';rl 1:14's ul(>lIllw/'~
Wt'lfn,'{' .\ ~I'I'I·­
In k{'('pill)! wil h 111i'! plll'pOSI',
\\'('111 \(1 1111' II('\\' .ionl'll('~'"
Iht' follllll"illj! WHYS.
i ll
wilh 11 11,
I'alt's, l'Il('" g'I'ad ult\(, rrtein'Cl nn
I BE \\" 11111<'1 I)in, Ii ('()]I,\' of .\urlt,,'s
1,;1"1" I'oni(' Devi('I''!, lind rcplicas of
"1111' fonl' sll(,l"t,tl , loelllll{'llls of
1'1'('('t\()Ill," i,l'" til(' 1)('C[lIl'1llioll of
/!fIue 78)
Grlldulll e8 of Ihe B]II,rcutice CO\lr~ 1-108(' before Ih e s l aJo;(' In 1I0)'t(' Audi ,
lo rium with omd a is IIf th e local, UJ'IJrcnli cf' t"ommitt ee a nd Int e rn atio nal
ofllcl'rtJ, Chi ca g o'" nr ~ 1 lj ucceSl;ful ap lJt('ntice jlroj{r a m dn ll'lI hn ck 10 19 13,
J o urnal for January , 1958
Pag e T wenty ·five
The Green Bough
There is an old Chinese sa~'ing " If
you will keep II ~'!'een bough in )'our
heart, the singing bird will cOllie."
You know, that's a pretty good maxim
for any woman 10 adopt into h('r own
life. There are far loo many unhappy, embittered, soured-on-life individu;lls in th" wodd lind 1'\1 bet in
e\'ery instance the situation wall
bl'ought on when that spirit of hopefulness and receptiYeness which the
"h"TCCn bough" of the provcrb SYIllbolizes, was (ol'ced out of theil'
Who Has Ih" Gree n BQu ){h ?
Let's take a few exnmplcs to sec
how it wOl'ks, lIIary and Jenny W(' t'C
ft'if'lIfl!; f rom gil'ihoo(1. Fmnl t hl' liml'
they were vCl'y ~'oung they dreamed
of gelting manied and having homcs
()( their 'Own and children, As fate
would hu\'e it, they 1I('\'cr mnnied,
Whell Mary's chllnce came along, she
had to care fOl' un invalid mother alld
felt she couldn't IlIal'!'y, When her
mother died, l\Ial'~' WIIS In her latc
forties nnd Ilobody nsked her. J enny's
case was a little different but h:ld the
S:lIlIe end result. She was engaged to
II fine man who was killed in an acd-
denL nlarbe her gl'le( drove othN
Illen a\\'a~', At any !':Ite, she ended
UII in her latc fOI'lies, likewise n
The f)itre re nc(' in 'Vome n
Out what a difference in the two
women, Mary Wll8 a kinrlly, I'hl'l'rful
indh'idual. Most certainly she kept
the "gl'een bough" Jiving in hel' heart.
She worked, and at the office she wus
always cooperativc :lIId pleusunt. She
decol'ated her smull npal'tment brightly :lI1d taste fully, She invited people
to her home nnd made them welcome.
Her nieces and nephews 10vI'd her
verr much lind wel'e al\\'uys dl'o]lping
in to ask "Aul1~ MalOY's advice."
So it was with Mary, What about
Jenny? From a pretty, friendly girl,
J enny, wrapped UI) in her own sorrow,
forgot everybody's (eelings and interI'!;I!I hllt hl'r own, f'ih(> 111'''1'1' rOllllirlN]
hel' friends and whell they called her,
she was gTUff mid l'esel'ved to the
point of nldeness. She was CI'OSS, embittered. It even showed in her fuce.
She looked years older than Mal'Y and
they were the SlIme age. The childl'ell in the neighbol'hood called her
"Old Dragon" and cruel us it was, it
was partly justified.
There was no green bough blooming in Jennr's hem·t. Thel'efore, no
Hinging bird of huppiness could eve r
ulle ww; kill~J ill th ... """, th .. uthel'
is in prison, lI er son's wife died 1('1\\' ing two small children. She has to
do charwoman's work fol' a livin,!:tsupporting h('rS('lf :lIId the grandchIldren. She is :.IW:l)'8 cheerful .md
smiling and seemll hllppy e\'en at \tel'
hard work. She is keeping the green
bough in her hetu1. And every night
the singing bird comes, when she gets
home hom \\'ol'k and two little children thl'Ow glad arms of welconlf'
around hel', lind she fixes supper for
them and tuc ks them safel)' in h('d
:md tells them stOl'i<'6,
JUllt (I few blocks (I\\'1\y ill anothe)'
house. 1'hel'e liyes an eldel'ly \\'om[l11
also-a womall with a beautiful home,
mOlley, sel'\·ants. But she sits alon(',
night after night. !leI' childl'ell and
grandchildren seldom come to sce h('l'
because she is always so cross and
unpleasant, chiding them fol' ima,~i ­
nal'y wrongs, sharply correcting the
ehildl'en for small tr:ulsgl'essions. Th.,
gl'Cen bough is dead and no singing
bird of happinen would dal'e to find
its way into hca' hard old heart.
And so it goes, friend rellden;,
Illease keep a green bough in 110111'
The S in ;:in K Hird CotllCS
A real singing bini of hap piness
cume to Mary'lj g)'cell bough, holl'c"er. When she WIIS 50, a chlll'ming
widower asked her to marry him. She
did and is sUllremely happy, She never
had the childl'en of her own she always longed for, but her husband's
,!:t1'Own sons aud daughten; 10Ye lind
)'espect her and their chitdren adore
their jolly, 10\'in", "grandma."
Thel'e are many "green bough"
stories all around us, We see examples e\'ery dny.
Traged y MUli t Kot Destro y
T here's an old woman I know, She
has had one of the saddest, hardest
lives imaginable, She had two 80n5-
Page Twenty-six
The Electrical Workers'
Pet! lin ~
Now tht!I'e al'e two othel' liUle pro\'el'bs thnt I wnnt to mention on our
page this month. They may help you
:IS they have helped many others.
Have )'OU ever had so many thinJ,'"S
to do that you hn\'e just bel'n ooggl'"C1
down, rrust!'aled, upset? And then
do you, us I alwnys used to do, lIit
from one tnsk to another, getting
none of them 11011(> and itctting morc
,Ind more diseoul':lgell?
Pri:::e '\\7illllilig 1?ecipes
Every yea)" the Pi1Isbul'y Flolll" COlllpany conducts a l'eciJlI! and baking contest. This ye:L1', on(' of the employes \\'O"king in our I. O. headquarters building won II new elecldc slave, a cash prize and H trip to
Cali fo rnia COl' a reeipe she submitted.
T his month we thought OUI' I·('aae.·s might like to try H few of the
jll'ize winning ,·eeipes.
])CCI' Suuth C11l"11l11el Cake
cups sifted enrichcd 1I0uI"
teaSjloomi double-acting bilking powder
teaS/loon salt
CUI) shOI·tening; add gradually
cUJlS sugar, creaming well.
Blend in ............ 4
eg!!"s, one at a time. Beat fOr I minute.
Combine ............ 114 cups walel' and
teaspoon vanilla. Add nitel"llatcly with th'y
ingredients to creamed mixture, beginlling
and emling with dl'}' ingredients. Blend
thoroughly artCl" each addition. (With electnc mixer use low spC<'d.)
into thl'~ well-,::Teased lind lightly flou)'cd
9.inch round laycl' pans.
in moderate o\'cn (350 ' F.) 23 1030 minutes.
Cool lind frost.
Si rt together
.. .. 3
3 ' /,
Cream .............. 13
S IJl"t'dy Caramel F rostin):
We ll, the old ])OWII East New Englllnden han! a I!a~'ing fOI" this tYlle
of situation. It is: "'PC<'I one POt;lto
at a time." Yes, the~' ll(lyocate ealmlr
t;leklin,l{ one potato, onc task at n
time nnd sticking with it till it's dOllc.
And they Cutlhe .· advoc1I1(' pceling the
biggest potato first. Sounds like .. dvice \\"ol·th trying. So next time life
get!! (o\'el"complieated with simply "too
man)" things to do," jus t set Oul
calmly to "peel one potato lit a tim('."
CliTuhi ng Hills
One more little maxim fOI' thi ~
month: "You never hell) anybod~' up
a hill, without getting nearer to thc
top roul·s('If."
Just think that onc 0\"('1'. It's true.
EV(>I"y tim(' you h('lp !lonwbody els('
O\'er n "ough spot, h('111 out 11 ncigh001" in distress, 1-:"1\'(' comfort 01" advic('
01" mut(,I'il1l aid, YOU'\'c dOlle something to b('tlel' yourself too.
Well ~wls, on that not(' I 'll lc:lV(,
you with boughR to keep gl'('en, pol.<ltO('8 to peel und hills to climb.
/ll(lie ll.
u'e hal'cil'/
mluh front Ollr fIIuifi(lril'lI
lI'e kno1l' yOl/'rt Ihere IIml
lI'ork;IJU IlfJrd. our "LOl:fl/ Lilies" re-
IJ()r/crll often bTi,,!! 1/S llClI"1I of 1/011.
1l"ri/e Wi fI/wul /lollr IICliciticll fllltl
we'll /'c fillPPlI If! I"Ct'il'C the colu1I11!
"Ollr Au:dli(u·iclI." SOllie 1m lie (ll<kcd
lor il. 1,1(t we illill Iwr('II't reeci/'ed
('Iwuyh tet/all If) keep (! B/('lIdy colUInn (lojl1[/.
What fI/,olll it? lI'e'll
M(llt 3\ CUI) butte.' (half Shol·tt·nill/-!" mu)' be used) in lalxe aaucepall.
Add I)~ cU Jls firmly Jlllcked bl1)\\'n suga.· und 1-1 teaspoon sal t· cook
o\'e)' low heat fOI' 2 minutes, stll'lin/-!" constantl). Add '-:,. cup miik and
continue stirring until mixtur(' comes to a boi!. HenlOve from heal.
Rlend in 1 lb. (about 3'~ cups) sifted confectione!"S' suga.· gradually.
Add I:) teaSjlooll vanilla and mix well. Thin with a small amount of
Cl"(!um if necessary.
Dul e J e we l I)rO IlS
cups sifted ('Iu'iehed £Iou I'
le..sp·oon soda
teasJlOOn salt
Cream ......•....• ,. n, CUI) "hol·telling; odd gr;u.!uaJly
1% CUI)8 Iii-lilly packed brown sugar, creaming
Add .....• . ......... 2
tea~"oon vanilla; beat w~l1.
(h'y ingredients gTadually j mix thoroughly.
Rl end in ........... .
Add ...•••..•....... 1'"" cups dried apl"icots, chopped
cup chol'ped pitted dllt('S (;·oz. package)
by "Ol1nd('d l('lI~I)Oonful s on to gl'eused baking-sheets.
in moderate O\'('n C3,')' F.) 10 to 12 minutes.
Makes '11~ dozen cookies.
Sift together
BIIUernut Balls
Sift togethcr ........ 2'~ eUI)S si fted enriched flour
teaspoon salt
(l'cam . ..... ........ 1 cup butter; add gradually
' ; CU)) sifted eonfcctiol1(,I's' sugar, creaming
Blend in ...• _., .•... 2
f orlll
...•••. , • .••...
leaslloons \'anilla and the dry ingn~dients
balls with hands by enclosing a l}CcaJi half in
about I levcl lllbiespoonflil of dough. Pilice
on un l(rcased bakillg·sl1l'l'ts.
ill llIodl'rat cly hot ove., (400 1".) 10 to 12
minutcs. (Cookies should not bl·own.) Roll
hot cookies in eonfcctiollN'II' sugal·.
.\Iukes abo ut 3 dozen cooki('s.
YOII 10iff!)
Journal for January . 1958
Page Twenty·seven
12. Fil'si Huval Om!'I'I' to iI('·
('llIlll' 1111 atlndl'ul in the
)11111 hn,; ('1l1f'N'" 11 Il('W II/!{' 1I0\\'-lh(' "puN' age. The
liNt and '\('('ond tunll-llllulf' .'arth <.;;lIellill'''; han' 1)('{'11
pla(,,',l ill orhit, and ..;('if'll1i"ts ('()Il('('i\'(~ lh(' po"'.;ibilit~­
,)f "P!lN' 1I,ltwi ill 11](' nOI too dio;tlml (\\tHM.'.
WI' Ihnll/!hl this fl 2"ood time to prC'pnl'(' a <luiT. on
.. ramon'! fit'st,," of nil kin"e;,
('MU))III'I' ~'OI1l' IIl1sWC'r<; to th(' qu('<.;tioll<; helow with
Ihow 011 JI;I~(' :t!. HIIII aftl'" nddin~ up tlw numl}(>1' or
,\'0\11' NU'I'I'I't nll~W('1·4. 'WOI'(' YOllr';('lf n<; rollows: 2;) 01'
:!.J, Ex('('llt'lll: 2:"1 or 2~, \'(,I'Y 000,1; 2 1 01' 20. 000<1:
1!1 01' 1!'-, )·'nir.
Pill in ,11(' blnllk "pn('('s to (,()l'l'cctly ('omplcte the
'Ilnll'III('III'I bf' l(lw.
1. 'I'h(· first sH("('('''sful hC'nd('1' - than -air machino
... ' ...... , .
...... Wll~ Ihr first 10 <rolo acro~!I
,Ill' .\ lllIlIli,· (.\llIY ~o-:n. 1!):.!7). Thi .. ni~hl i~ al<;o
knowll a.. ,hr firlil non litop ~('\\, York to P ari'!
:1. 'I'lli' YI'llI' 1!):la lIuu'k('d Ilw fil~t l·otLlIIl·the-world
r.;olo. '\'II(' pllllw WIlS thr Winni(' ) [lIe, the Ililol
13. 1·'i'·"'1 l 'nit('d ~IIII(''' Supr('m(' ('ourt ('hid .J\1<;licc.
1•. FiI.... ' I)rt,.,idl'llt or lilt'
l -nih'd Stall''! who wa~
hom n riliZt'lI nf th(' F. S.
·John .Ja:,'
1:). ,)'hi« mUll tOj.!I't ht'l' will,
10:i l·u\'u li('l'., "tnl'trd the
Hobert R Peary
I. I II thr yt'lll' 1!IIO.
.. ..................... won
$ 10.000 offl'r('l\ h:,' IiiI' II'(},.,(/, :-\ew York. for Ihe
lir",1 ('()nliIlIlOll'! flilthl. 11 1' fl('w from .\ Ihany to
~I'W York.
Ulllk"'1 Fultoll '" ... INlmhoal. Ihe ................. Jlllll\('
Ilw fh'1i\ 1'11n rl'Olll :-\rw York ['it:,' to .\ lbaIlY ill
IH07-tlw fiJ'~1 PI'lH'lirul ",t{'l1lllhOHI I !'ill in C. R.
n. '1'1 1(' fi l '~1 tl'll']l11i1l1(, pull'ut iu t he United Slal('~
\1'11.'1 j<';lHled ~hll·(·h 7.
l A76 10 ................................... .
7. I n III(' Unilt'd SlIIt('S Ih(' fit'fit 1J'I\Ils<'onlill('nlnl
rnilrolld WIIS rompll'1('d )la)' 10. l R6!l wh('11 thr
('('lit 1'111 Pnrifi(' lind l'nioll I'I1('ifli' 1·:dh·ollll'1 join('il
IIrlll' ...........
.., ....... ..
In Ihr Pnil('d ~IHI('s lilt' fil"'it
opclled in
I ht' ,\-1'11 I' I H!l7 i"
!l. In Ihe {-Ililt,d Slate,> l1h' first alltOlllohile rt'guIndy IlIl1dr for '1a l{' WII'! Il1llllufu('IIIJ'('d hy til('
.......... )10101' Wn~on ('0 .. whi('h W:l'" OJ'~:I11ill SIU·illl.dil'!II. )la",,,al'huWl1o; in I,.,!l;).
10. In Ill(' t 'nill'!l Slal('", till' fil"!l "1('11111 (,1I~ine Ihlll
wno{ prn<'li('nl
manllfu('IIII'('(1 hy Oliver .....
.................... of l'hiludrlphin ill the yell I' 1795.
) 1<lI('h tILt, .!C'",el·ipliom; :,:';\'('11 hi'low with the ])el"';OI1
who is dC''''I'I'ihe(] in ('lIrh.
I I. Thi~ EI1~1i"hll1lll1 ht'('anw .llIhn Smith
Ih(' fir'sl In 1'1111 Ill(' milt,
in It'''''! thun fUlll' l11inl1l('''.
Page Tw e nty -eig ht
Hould Amundsell
fi 1'.,1 PI'I'II! H1I('lIt J.: n~lish
,\1'llll'I1Wl\1 in whllt is now
Ih(' U.!-l.
Hi. With his part,\', this ('x-
Plorence Chadwick
plMI' I' hreamr Ih(' fil"" on
"r('()rd to I'('nell th{' Korth
1'01 ('.
17. \\'i l II hi)( part.\·. liri'l rxplol'r l' h('<'H1111' Ih(' first on
r('C()!'IIIO I'{'H('h Ill(' :'::ollth
I·'ranees P crkins
IR She Will! till." 1ir<1 WOlllflll
to swim til(' EngU'Ih
chul1Iwl hoI h wny".
:\frs. ITal1ie Caraway
HI . P i"",t
n og(, I' Dallll ister
a II 1':lbil1('t
in 111(' 0. K
II!) 111
\"nn Burell
Unitl'd !-l'ati.''i NaY:,'.
II ij.!111 WliS IIl/HiI· hy
i l l 190:1 II('H I ' Kill,\' I l illlk,
20. FiNt womHn ri('el('ll 10
J)a\' id
1I. S. St'IWI('.
('il'('I{' Ih(, ('orl'r('1 UII'Iw{'r 10 1':I('h qUf"'!tion IX'Iow.
In IIII' " nitr/l Slntr", liI(' fil'l!t ndl1('si\'(' postng:('
stump.. \\,{'I'(' pln('('(1 on sHle in what Y{'III'?
J ~ GI
:!:.! . \\'l1i('11 \l'lIS till' lil'sl state to ralify the United
SllIt('", ('OIlS\itHlion ?
)'l nl':"lnllll
:.!:1. \\,hllt WIlS Ihl'
. Iri"""ti.tc,.'!
the first IIH(,(,(-'S!lrul
da ily n('W'Ipa]l('I' in
the l '" ih't! ~luk'"
I 'ClIII~ylt'(lIIi(f P(u;ket
fllill GCJI€r«i
first stag:('('oll('h line
Iwtw('Cn Phitlldelphifl
and TTenton
fi"sl eliP I){'1' sh ip
l'apll1T('d in the
Civil \\'ar
:.!·L Whi(·h WIIS Ih(' fil'l!t e. S. motion picturc with II
" 1'I'ril'l of l'nnlill('" "'\'11(' Or('lIt Train Robbery "
"'I'hr ·' a~~ :\11111"
:!5. In wirnt is now till' l -lIitl'd ~la\('s. Ih(' fil'sl slrik{'
011 1'('('UI'j) hy II I1l1ioll took ])11I('e in Aew YOI·k il\
Ih(' :"('111' 177 n. "~hnt \1'nil('snH'n we l'(' these!
jonrlll'.\'I11un ... il\'t'I'Smilir",
jou l'neymllll printers
The Electrical Workers'
(Ct)1llilwcd from. llftflt' 15)
) l or(' I llUli 300
(>ul l'it,'1 WI'rI'
I'oll b-
millt'd ill til(' 1'011 1(· ... ' ill fi"" diff{'I'I'UI ('/tll'goodl''';
Oi'lIl'nd .Edi·
E XI'(' lh-II{'I', 1l,',,1 Siul-!''''
Edilorinl. HI''''! F t'IIIUrt' .\ rtil'h·,
Bt·... t ('()\t'r lind Ht· ... ! l 'nrtoOIl.
'I'IIl' f;ffdrirfll Ir l1dlr.~' J ourlwl
torin l
Wll'; ,'IIIt-rl·t! ill fonr uf tht''''\' /'IIIt'·
!tori,'s nnti WOII thl.! fil~1 IIwlIrd ill
two. OUI' of t.ht· ... t, WII ... fllr tht,
IIlU..;t give ('r{'(li t nl st) to Oll l'
P riul('rs 11'110 wor' k wi ll i liS so
PlliusllIkillgly. to h f' l p Wi 10 IHit
OUI II IlIIlg'lI1.im' whil·h 1\'" IWllt' is
ph·lI .. illg to ou r 1lH'llIbf'r...
WI' hOll(' thaI lim'illg' 1!1;j;-.; llilil in
~"I'al'S Hll(,lIfl Ihul with III(' 111'11'
of all 111(,-;(' 1)(~IPIt' we ... hull ('un·
limit' If) pill out u puhli('alion thllt
0111' I1I(·mlll'l.... lIlIIl thl.'il' fllmilil'"
will walll 10 1,.,lItl HIlII will hi' 1"'(lIld
10 hnn' in Ihd,' hnllll'''
bi'''' f"lunn' Ilrlidt' or tht, -'"t'llf.
IIIld Ih(' IIthl'f-Of'IH'I'ul Editorild
IBE W Delegates
l<ollY Wt' ill tht- 111-
t'lInn'lItion s('''''iiom;
ill1t'n'~1 illl! I h i..;
.I·ell" II nti elldl (Jill' wu,,; \\'l'll IItI("hll"i. Y O\ll' IBE\\, Oni"('I':-; W('J'('
111('11'11'11 to SI'(' U IIUlUhl'I' III' )0.('111
IIllinn IH lblil.';l l iwI"; l'l'I"'('S(' IIII'11 11)'
dl.'ll'1!1I1(,s 10 thl' 1)1'("..; (·OIlWll li(JlI.
. \ IllVlI g t "(,'il.' \\,('1'(': .loSl'ph i\i{' h()ls,
Ollit·(· W,'I"(' p h'II"I'd II)
hlll'I' tllIr 1II11g'II1.i l l{' judj.!j'd worlhy
edito!' of , hI.' . Im/l/ifi(l', puh!il'1I1ion
of I.. t'.
10·' '', Ind iallllpn1is,
or I hi ...; IIWII I'II,
I ndi1lna; .\ l'IInl.) B I'il'hlllUll, l'ilil'II'
E Xt'I'I I '-Ut,\,-
top IIWllrt l . si lll'('
ft'lIt ll fl· ....
t'd ilOrilib.
('On'I'N. 1t1'III'I'111 lIIu l(\-," p, (,"t' r ylh i ll~ Ih1l1 g'Qi'" illl\! \' I'j'lI l illg' a
labo r p u blit'lltitliL
Shared by Members
X,'(·dlt-.. ..,
\\"1' hOJl\' (lUI' l't'HII1'1·... wi ll bt' I'h'lI!wd tou, IIU\\'I'\"('r,
Wi' 1\'llIlt ttl 1;\1111' Ijllilt, t'll'HI'ly
Ihat rllit- i" Hil I I\IIlUl' 1\llidl IIHlq
b(> s lllll'l'ti w i th 0111' IlIf'IIIU"I':odlip,
'1'111' PI'(,S'" ,,1'(' I'I'lnl'il's who ~;('lId liS
l'OIlI I'i Ulllillll~,
rhl' IMIl I IllI ioll (l11i1'1' I'1'I who sl'lid
" ... pil'llll'l'" IIlId IIIlIlNial ful' a l'I i.,It,~, I hi' 1I1t'lIl llI'l''' t 111'111 .... ,11·1''',
li l li' n'uill'I's, who ~wlld 11<, SIlg'I-!'I'~'
lions Itrlll,'I'iliei"'l1Il1nd l'III'Ollrilttl'!l1f'1I!. 111'\' 11 ,(' ,JI /I't- wit l l wlllJlIl
thl'St' IWIII"'S III11s1 UI'SIIllI'l'{!. WI"
II . P . \
I.'xl "I'llIely
of Hlul,.ictl/ ("";011 !rodd, L. I '. :1,
X('W YOI·k (' ilY (Ihi-; plIl.lil' lItioll
\\'011 nil aWlIl'd ill 11)(' 10('111 unilln
('lIll'I!(II'y): Ha.I' lI o.wl', {'ililnl' of
( '/('(11' l' isiQl1. I •. I'. 16(;/;, I III 1I('l{-;'
1('1', P I.'IIIl"yJ I·UlliH; li nd HOll nl.! 'I',
W('akl,'~', pdil 01', "'ht {'tilit!! Nc/JOr/I/', Oakland, ( 'lI l irol'llia.
.\ 111'11' ]11·p..;illl'lIt of 11 ,1'.\ \\'11"
1,ll,('tl'd III ihp 1I,'>'t <;(',,,ioll oj' IIii' 1111nlllli ('OllH'lltioll . 1'('11'1' K '1"'l'zi('k,
I'ti ilO l' f)f Ihe ('Ul'IlI'lItt'I'>;' 1I1IIJ,:lIdllt'
Ink",; I hI.' post 1'/II·IIII·d", Ol'('ul'it,t1 h.\'
U OI'IIIlIl ('01(,. {'I li lol' of 11,(, .Ilachill ·
i,~/, who 11'11"; 110t I.'ii!!;hlt' to "11('('('1'11
him,,(,!r lI('I"O I'flil1!!IO II~ I' .\ b.'·.illWS,
Bl'I'llnl'(i ) Iullaily. of till' . If' /.-(' /O
('ont iUIII.''i n" !-:('('I'(\I 111'."- Tr('a·
"111'1' " lind :'iillri(, J)O\\"Iwy. SUIK'I·\,j·
,>(11' of 01\1' ,](jU!'I1a1 I kpln'I!U('nt wa ...
11 \"il.'l.' I'rNidellt (If I LP .\
Chi ,II(' la ... , dll.l·of Iht' ,\ F I .-('If)
('t)lln'lllioll ]lI'OIH'I'. (:01'11011 ('oil',
1111'11 I J. P. \ ]l1"t'"id('ul. madt' a hri('f
I·.'porl to Ilu' ('onn'lIlioll, "'1'
tlllllL).dll 0111' 1'('ail(,I'" "'IHlM hI.' ill·
11"'('''[('11 ill Ih(' 1'('II(j I'1. I I follows:
" 'I'h,' 11I1i'I'llaliomll I .ahol' 1'1'('......
",'iCwiutioll i" 111101hl'l' 11I'otlU('t of
nIP I').:'('I',
110\\ iu('lmi(' ill 0111'
IlIl'III1wl'"hip IH01'(, thall ~iOO I'I'!!'"
lady Jll'int('ll lilhol' pllhliealions.
lI , liOli puhli{'ulilll1S lt l'I' II'Yill)! to PI'OI'idl' hl'tlC'I' Hlld mol'l' ef-
f('('lin' I.'IUllllH'i" of
ullion omt'I."'" and u n ion
1II1'1II1H"'''. I n tho"<' l1uion~ II"h('I'('
<1m's nol show up
I hI.' lahot,
mnjol' ml.'ans
1,('('11111(' I IJ('
of ('(IlHIIIIlUi('uliOIl, TI ,P.\ ll1emh('r...
u'yill!!, to iIllP I'OI'('
litl' fplU lity, ,hl' 1'{';,dabiiiIY of Ih('.';('
at'(' "o""lltlll1y
Fight Racket P ress
" \\'1' lin' ll1so wlIgillg' WitI'
Itg'ltilll'>' ,IH' j'lIl·k(', Jln'ss, pu b liC!L·
t i'"I'" that l1ul"qUl'I'ad l' as i alJol'
Jl ll lll'l'''' bltl (Wllwlly I I'Y to "halo'
/(",,11'11'''101 ON /H'Y'
Japallese Unioll Leaders Visit Interllatiollal Office
llurin J(' Ih" 118S1 ,' I' ar, man,. li,.ilOrlt from 11 numb(' r of fo rl' ig ll countries, IUI\ e bec n rt'ce in~d at our Interllalional Ollic."
Pic t nred her/' at a cunf,' n ' nCI' in !lU\' Jo:xeculill' COl/neil Ch a mbers is a Ii'lUll of ulliun InllOr J..a d .. rs from JallBII, A
nl"UOt' r of Lnoor Fl' dl' rulion c1ll1irm e n a l' well liS I,res ident !! of natiollut union ll are rCI,r e"e nt cd ill Ihi" J,:: rOUII includ ing
Ihe Ill'es ide nt of Ihe 'I'ogllmi ":leclri c ) l lIchiue nu d Equi"mc ul Workt"'II' t luion 111111 Ihl' Ch it' f of MlIn n J,::ement iCelation li
of Ihe Chubu Elect riclIl Ln bor L1 l1 i"n,
J o urn a l for Janua r y , 1958
Pa ge Tw e nt y· nin e
Abo'll: Thill tclll,i >;;ol1 "cclli,c!" all.! I'adiu wilh
automatic threc·sp('ed llhOIlOIl.r!lIIh lookl! like a
sa ilboat. It is from the desk ()f :1 German dc·
siguer, is ca ll('d ';The CO Ill .. t" and sells for a
large $7:10 in U.S, money ill the " 'eslern Zone,
Below: In Aspin ..'all, Pen ullyh'uuiu, Dave Hamley
takes J,('rl!at IIIt e resl in hi li to llcct ing hobby;
ns many kinds (he has 36-1) of bulbs as he tan.
He has them from 21 makers Ol'er 50-yea r period,
The 16·)'ear·old seeks li l{hliug l'ul{ineer r:arcer,
The 8t. Luwrl'nce IlOwerdam lit
to ~uppl}' all IlOwer [or the Seaway opera tion,
3200 fect long, contains 32 turbines, each cnllUble
of generatin,lt 88.890 horlle jlOwer.
The ,'iew
a!xl"'.l is taken from U,S, side looking to Canada,
This girl ill demonstrating II Germun-designed Ide.
phone which tllkeS toins in vis ihle slot for citlH'r
local or 10llg dis tance callI!, ' \ 8 lon g as wins are
";.>;ihlll in ",Iut, con.'ersation conlinu('s bul Whl'l!
last coin disa,Jlleatl!. connection is hroken, 110n('y
can be added 10 the slol at any lim(' durin g talk,
Page Thirty
The Electrical Workers'
(CO"'tinued prom puge
(CoI.tillw:d from page f,?!i)
down em ployers IIIl(il' r till' !In',
t\'Il1j{' of l'('lIin:: Ildn' I'ti!'illg'. 'I'lli s
l'IH'ket p" c,,,,, dol's nOI (lill y damug'l'
Ihe bouu fidl' l ubor' \lrl'S'i, it is
doiug sC' rio\l 1'o dllllHlg't' lO the
l'llti l'(' 11IhOl' 11\1) \'('111(1111.
" \VI' 111'1- wllj!ill J! wllr Ilj!aiusl
,llis \' iei ulls nwkl't with thl' 1:0opnatioll !II' lu(·al law ".Ifurc('llH'nt ag-p]wirs, thr 1·'pdp l'lI! 'J'rlllit·
( 'u llIllliss jc)I1
BI-ll n
E xeculh'c L'otilleil's d et'ision to ex·
pel tho '1'C1UIISI('l's, to 2,2GGA!17 to
I't.'it'ind its ltet ion,
Wlrile nn air of satlnt'ss 1II1d I'C·
).:""('1 p ,·e\-:liit.'d, Il wI'{' was :!lso 111(:
1H"I'tiomiuati ng fl'('iillg 01' "whu l
1lI1I,,1 he dOI1(" has 1)(.'('11 dOIll'," llIld
Ilwl ol'l.:-anized lahol' Il{'eds 110 llt'lp
1"'0111 :-:"l1l1lc L'ollllllitl C('s 01' :lny
BlIsi lh-s>, HUl'('!l us, \rr hanl
"During' tilt' pa:;! ,\-"111' WI' !Iave
t"l'I'(,j\'NI su h"t :lllli1l1 a"~i,,lull\'(' f,'um
a !lumber Clf ",tah' f"llt'ratiolls
whit-I! haH' adupkd !fill' ('!I(it' of
(,th i.. " 011 lHh'('rlj"ill;! 111 IHh o l' pa·
IWI·,.,. Dul'illj.!' Ill(' lI(,xl rt·" w('('ks.
1)111' IIf'W 11I'('siill'nl, I' l''''I' ']'!'rzic::k.
I'd iWr of Ih t' ('flrputfu. wi ll b('
Wl'itilH! tu I'lli'll int('t'lHllioual \Ill·
jOlt sup J)I ~'illl!' yOIl \\'ilh H ,'op:--' of
011 1' l'O(\l' "f I·, h it·s ,111(1 a"kinl! yOllr
h('lp ill Ihi.; W/II' agaitt . . ' I·~tl'ket
Ba n on ; Yearbooks'
YDur weight
ami 10 til(' .\I-'I.-C IO U l'llflrlm cnt
, of l ~l1blil' Ikilitiolli'; i"or tht' IIid lwd
~up port Jll l' A has rccciytlo (lUI'illl!
tiJC' past 111'0 )ll'n l's. "
Jo urnal for Jan uary , 1958
good stllndill).:" j"ollowing' tli(' il' ('0111,
plialL('(' wit)1 the pltl'I' lIt OI"g"lI11iza.
I iOIl'~ house eil'ltnillj.:" OI·tiNs, 11'11 ..
\\"('I('oll1e H('\\'S 10 1111 C01l\'elllioll
c1el C'),!!ltPs liS it will Ill' to all 1111'111be !"s ul' uq!ltlli1.clllabo!".
"'ollowillj: 11 l'C s\lllll1lal'ies uf
Othl'I' nCli()tt~ lakl'll !It the ('OttH'II'
'I'h l' ('OIl\'(' ILliOll l'I'litlirm ed tht'
.six ('t llil'al praetiel's l·(.dl's adopl .
cd b~" till' \-:x ('('ulil'l' ( 'o tJ1L cil l\1Id
call1'li 011 a ll utlilia h'.s to tnk(' 111 1
sh']lS 1\(,(,,'SSllI'Y to etrf'l'I I"ompliHIll',' in Ill('il' 0\\'11 Jlni ons" III this
('ollln'I'li(ln also" til,' l'OI1,'ellt iOIl
l!t'ut G l'orj.:"(' 31 t'll ny, hI ~('(' I'('ta l"~" ­
'l'rl'HsurC'r HI, hnil1.I (']', In Ilu' AI~r~·
('10 D l'pnl' ll1Il' lIt of Public atio us
clC',lIl('d liP theil' \llliollS i(!\d ]'id
thelils,·iH's of con'up! lemll'l"ship"
l , i ftin).:" of SllS]I<'IlSioJ\ Oil 11\('
D ist ill(,I',\' \\'o l'kel's lind I'('st o \"atioll
o[ lh(' l1ni1l't1 'i'extill' Workc ]'s tel
Ethical Practices
.1"(1H rbook (Jr dil'edo l',I' or pro·
g-"am hn>; rOt' ilf; prilllltt·," ]Hlt'pose
the ]'ai si t1~ vf l1Wl1 \'y. \\' (' h(' li,,\'c
Illal Ow Itwtlwds HSI'd itt ,,(' Ilin!!
ad" fol' ,,01111' 01' till'''!' YI'H I'bQoks
I1l1d dirt'dod,'" an' Ilttl.,- sli;!htl)·
I,·... ~ \-it·ioll,., titan Ihul of thc
ral·ket PI'I',,"-llll([ dOl''''' I h t' l'{'pu falion of thl' labol' l1Ion'ml'l1t M' r i·
ous tlalllll!!""
" Ill dosing- 1m b"iLlllr o f all
luhol' t'tlif()n;, [ Willll hI troy,
" ]'hank YIIII,' In our Jtl'j'ut Pr('si·
I II 0\'("1',"
iUl-Itall("e it \l'a .. plainl.\' pointed on '
Illltt lh(' "ciool" is O[lI'll"" The I'esl
of the I!lblll' 1ll0HllIt'Ui does 1I0t
wlInl IlIe . . (· fOl'llwl' il1'otirel""s allti
sist('I'" ollt" idc. '1'11(>." will he WHI'lII'
" You l'hould know lltllt OUI'
1'(JIiI' illt·ludl's 11 M'dioll pl·ollibil.
ill!! pal'lit'ipalion h.v nny II ,PA
11 l1'lll b r l' ill th(' puhlil'lI ti oJ( tIt' 1t11:--'
.'·(·;It'book 01' dit't'l'\OI'Y "]1('11
lind L aullcll':--' W OI,kt' I·S.
Iy W(,I('(' llwrl bilek ()1J('C thcy IUl\"['
tkn']oJll'd ulld we 111'\' ('lIr()t'citlg'
a ('(nk of (' fhit-s 011 111 (' "lIll' lind
puhliellti<ll! (If ad\'t'1'ti sin~ in h()!11l
fidl' 1I1liOli ]luhlil'Htion s,
oul"idc influe n ces to st l'ikC' again,,'
The "UIll(' dl'a'" it' moments 0("
cutTl't1 ill the eltS(' 01" tho B akel'S
IIdop ! ('" Il ,','sollttioll "I·iti('izill).:"
til e ~1t·(;lt'lJall ('oll1with'I' of tIll'
Sena!" 1'01' " htl'k of fub'llt'ss 1111(\
objl,(· t ivily itt il s I)1'OI,('du I'I'""
Labor Legislation
Til l' I'Ol1\'('ntiOIl 1I111(!.' plaill IlIa!
IIp -
it would s upporl 1{'g' i~ IHli()l1 011 tht·
rl'ponillj.!' ll1td r('g'lllulirtg' (o/' aJl
we[l'lln' nnd [l('tlsiot1 plan"l II'lleliL·
('I' nlli on 0 1" employt'I' 0 1' joint ly·
fiUHlH'I'(1. It 1ll11<i1' ,'(pI<III.\" d,'al'
6Give to fight
heart disease
thai it would ,. Ill'n'r .s1l [II)ort pllnili\',' \t'),!i!-olatioll by 1"1'lietiolll1r,l'
1'11'1111'111'> tLlldl'l' Ill(' g-Ilise of ('Iilll"
l'O I"1'LlP lioJ1
It )ill'ollg-Iy l'ulldl'llltll'd thl'
[alsl'I.,' I1Il1lled "Higl ll,to, W o l'k "
la\\"s itlld ('ondemned PI"OI"lOs('{l I('~,
islat iOIl ttl 1)I'ill~ unions under a lIt j.
trust laws and t llos\' PI"u posnls t(I
am l'lId the 'l'aft.lIal'tlt';r .\t't mal,·
ing it {'vell m or(' d ('st l'll ctivc 10
Page Thirty-one
oq!llllil.4'tilahw' h~' lIi1tiiUI! r,'~lri,'­
lioll~ 011 lI·jtitillllllt· pi,'kl'lillg' Ru d
On the E conomic Front
'I'll,· (>1II1\'I'lllioll Wl'llt 011 r t'I'ol'd
us !J,·illjt ug'uin<;1 lilly "WII),!!'
fr"I'I.",·' II IIIUdt, t·II'lIr Ihat Illt'rl'
... Iulllid 1)(> 1111 l'('lrt'll.l ill labOl··:.
fijtlll fl)r \IHg'I' Iwin<;, <;llIlillg' tlllll
1114'.\' III',' 1':,sl'llliul ill itl("'I'II<;illg'
p\lr,'IIIl~iLJg' IWII'4' 1'
in Ihl'
of II
'I'll.' ('OUI'I'II'
tiC/II lik"lliM' ",'111 1)11 1'1"'411'11 II~
1Il,,'lillilll{ "('OIIOlllr,
\\'t, lrlll',· pIa II.'" II lit I mort' HiI"llnntl'
UlIl'll1]I]O'\'U1,'lIt iWllt'fits,
Welfare Program
\' III'iOU'" I·p ...o llilioll<;
thl' "OII\'I'llli"lI tll'h'gatt·s (·OHlmil·
h'tI tIll' .\1-'1.·(' 10 10 '\'()I'k flJl,tht,
h"lll'lil "I' all pI'npl,' ill"lt'llIl of
Ih., "w"IIIIIIY fl'I.-," Th,' rl'"olll·
liolls "al l,'d ff)r impI'OI"t'IIlt'III" ill
!-illl·illi H"l'urily hl'IIl'Bts. 1111 ill'
\'r.,,.,,,,11 tHildulutH II'II)!C' wilh ('X,
II'tII14'11"4t\'I'I'Itg',', hUI, ... ill).! proj"l'ts,
"\1I1l1 ,·It·lInt IW I'. alit! III(' r('\'i ... iOlI
of tax 111\'-" I hili b"'lI'fil "hig' blt"i·
"",,~., II) tit,' dl' '''in\('nl
".,ma ll
1>l .... i·
I nternationally
.t... [Ill'" hl"'u dOlIt' at ('\'I" ',\' PI'(·\'i.
UII'I .\FI. ('01I\'I'llliol1 al1d III 111,'
fir"1 .\ )0'1,-( ' 10 C'O\l,'p"lio", Ih,·
d,'I"g'lIliOll 11'4'111 toll ('('4'01'41 f.II' 1)1'.
ill).! UIIulll'I'/lbl,\' lI]!po""d W (·Hm·
\!l1!II i ... ", 111111 nil il "'11m!" fOl·. B""uIIIIi"II'" "lIllill)!" fill' (·tll/lillllt'd "p'
]I""ililll1 III l·nlouiltlislIl <tlld pII ... i.
lil"l' "I'",nlulioll'" ('allill).! f(ll' aid 10
1111t1,'nl"\"'iop,'d IIlIliol1 ", .1 ~II'()III!'
t'r I'llill'(\ :'\alioll<; /llid 1'1111 ;,up·
pilI" uf lit,' 11I1('I'lIuliollul {'Olli'{''''
" I'f1lioll
\\'(' 1'1' pn;..s\'(\.
Ed ucation
'1'111' 4'(I"\"I'II\illl1 rl'c'ogllilwt! Ihltl
a l'l'i;;i", {·xi." .. ill til(' I'thu'nlioll
(i,'I,! alit! 1II,).(",'d 1111
10 1I'00'k IOward bC'III'rillJ.:"
"'lIltlr,\' lIlId \\"1H'kiug "o'Hlilioll" for
11'11I,III'rs. It fllrll1,'r urgl'd 111 1 10
pr ('~'" for F\'{)('ra l Aid 10 \·(hu·ii·
I iOll,
'I'h,· t'OIl"\'1I1ioll l'xP"('f;sl'd di", ·
IIp]Juin l llwllt ill Ihl' or/.!'Hnizill;.! ,·f,
rage Thirty,tw o
furl" (If ,ltl' JlH:.I IWtl .\"('111''' lIud
III'::('(! "Ililial{'(! \IlliOIl~ 10 r,'IIOllb'"
Ilwir ('ITorts in tlwir "rj.!'lIni7.iug"
"udl'a "n 1'1<.
In t\' rua I io 11 II Is \\',' 1'1'
url!,·d III ('uulwrall' 0111' with 1111'
nlh" I'.
Political Action
'I'll I' t'OI1\'l'ntion '"011'<1 10 ex·
\llllld Ihl' .\F'[,·('IO PI'UItI'lIlll of
It(HI-partisan polities thl'll1ll.!l1 1111'
('OlllllliltP,' 011 Politi ('a l Edlh·lIlihll.
It HI'A'I'd full !;u]lpol'l fill' ('01' 1';
HI((l I Itt' J1('('1I for slt' PJlill~ lip ])11'
Iili('I1.\ ('(hH'flliol1 {'ITorls Hud dri\'I'S
r01' go"llillg' (lut tlt{' "oIl'.
']'11('1'4' W"I'l' nUllWrOllS nllll'I' im,
pOl'lant udioui 11Ik('1I III Illis hisInt·.\'.makiu!! ~oun'nti(JIl, AI1lIlIlg'
Ihl'S4' \\"1'1'(' 1I(}\,O{'atl'd I·mpln .... t·r.
IIlIioll III'O!-!I'IUns to 1'0111111' 1'111'1 nc!·
,",'r,,(' t'IT,'I'I" Or aUI011l1l1iUII. "1111·
li'llI,'d ('iTon On Ih(' ]l1l1'1
.\1-'1.,('10 EX('l't1(iI',' {·/lulu·il 10
liuti ~olutiom; to juri ... dit'liul1nl
pl'obll'l\I~ IIlId illll'lI"ifi,'d """Hlpl~
III t'Oll1p ll'll' .\FL.(·IO I11I'rg'I"'I< It I
... lllIl· 1(1\'1'18,
'I'h" ollgoltoU! thl' 1"lli,',' 1'1111\'1'11li(lll 0111' 0\\'11 Ik ll')!"Ulioll II"/IS ('X,
II'I'nll'I," 1I{'li\·t'. 11I14'1'11I11iol1l1l :-:"1"
1'1'1111',\ ,11''''\'1'11 D. 1\",'1\1111 \\ 1'0 iN
/I \ 'il· . . . I' t·(·sid . . . nl tlf lit" .\FI..(· IO
pn'si(]"d III II purt of UUt' or Ih,'
....,'s"iOI1'1. II ,' also 81'I" 'I·d lIS !-it·t'rl'·
tnr.\' of thl' Cn'dl'lIlial!-; ('ul1Il1Iill"t'
/Iud II ... /I llu'rnbl'l' or til,' 1{1"wlll·
I iou" t ·ol1llllittl'(!.
11111'rnaliona l Pn'si(!I'nl (i,II'lloII
:'II. F",·t·mllll hl'l.IdNI I hi' I BE \\'
Ilt'II'g'alioli to lhe l"OU\','lItiUIi IIml
alsn <;('I"I'I'd as ~t"'I·t'tlll'.\ rul' tltt'
('ullllllitll'(' 011 Ihl' ('f)u'Itilllli(ltt.
OUI' 01111'1' d\'I'·j.(illt·~
111\\');: FI'auk Hilt·y. 11111'1\('" 1)41\"1'.
,J. ,I. Dutl',I", ,Josl'ph \\'. I.i!-!)!.,tt,
.\IIU'I'IIS Loftis. PI'lel' ZklU'\'lli, \\'.
1"UI·(lIlltlll'. V G. PI'III'SOU Hud
Loui .. p, :'.Ial'l'ialltl'.
()jltt·!' IBEW uH,lIIl"'l .... n'!'I'\"
'Wllliug dl']lltl'lllll'U .... SIIlII' IIUt!
1"'I1II'al I/l;bol' bodit,~ illl'lIldl'<I
:'Ilil'1ull'I Fox of tilt' na illi'll)' Em·
plo~"'" Dl'pltrlll1l'lIt of thl' .\FI __ ('10:
Frltllk G, Hodlt'. Florillll ;
YOlln g-, !-io1lth ('III'tllinn: ,I.
('1,\'(11' '\.ill illlllS. 01'111111 ,lun"liun,
('olorllflo; W , 13. P I'tIY. l";illg'SPOl'l,
'rl'nnl's,,,"',,; I I. 11 . 1I ItI'ri:.on, ,\lid
('olumbia. Ori'goll; Williltlll SOl"
l'llson. SI'.. POll).("hl"·I' p .. i,·, N.,\\'
Y'lI'k; ('. F', I'rl'ill'r, \\'1I!\hill::toll.
D. C.
Tltl'rl' w('re p('rllllpr; a 'WlIlb4' r
(If (11 111'1'... Thl' Ilbo\'{' 1I111111·d 111('
\\"rill'r 1111'1 111((1 (h('r(·fOrt, kIlt,\\" to
II(' in nlll'llIlllIlI'l',
Th,· l'OIl\'('lI tit)1l WIIS II bil! 1'/111·
\"1'lIli(lIl, 11 }!"I'eal l'OIl\·('lIlioll. \\'1'
IlI'lil'\"I' all dc'I"galt's IIlItl O!>>;I'I'\'\'I'S
It'ft il trith 11 f"('lill)! of 1"':.lwd,
111141 I'l'id4', und stn'u)!lh 1111" wilh
II 1""I1·\\,,,t! (]{'I('rmill ltli OIl II) g'0
fon\'lu'd \\' illnill~ 11101'" bllttit'>' aud
IlIlIking- lIIun' g-uilts rur "l'glllliz~'J
(ContilllU'd {rQm IJ(I{ff' 9)
jOI\l'IW,\'llIan in Ilwi l' ('mploy, Quite
It n'('IIIllIllCllllat iOI1!
Wt· <;lltluld lik., 10 lakl' Ihis Oil'
POI'lllnity 10 1''Xj)rf'<;''' till" l1(llllira·
liolt of Brolher ,hH'k PO\ >;IOII. for
hi~ rt'fll~al 10 how Itl hi ... IIIIIHli('liP, nnd 11m' ilPllI·(·(·illtioll to B u"i)IHlllt:;rI'l' \\' .• \ , F"I'~II<;(111 IIlld
t!tl' UIt'I1lI){'I"l or L. c. HI ,m<l Iheil'
1'IIl]llo~'I"'>.t r{)l' tlll'ir undcl·"I:lnding
IUII\ Ih('i!' hclp, \\'I' hupl' Wt' shnll
hllH' mall." mol'\' lora Is lind ('1111\111,\'1'1-" tllkin!! thi<; cnlighlclu'd, 1111Il1HIIC
"it,W wi,h l"i'!!a!',l 10 ,II(' hltlHli"lIPllt'd allil Ilwl'('b~' hl'ill).(" h('llI'fiIS,
11Ilt jnsl to thl' hltlHIi('upp('d workI'I'S hili 10 Ih(,ll",eh',·s liS wI'II. Skill
i~ 1IIud('. nOI born! 1..'1 's IIOt \\"n~t('
1. Ol'ville \\ rlj!'ht
:!. Charles Lindbergh
~. Wi1('y Post
I. GI('nn H. Curl iss
I;. AI('xandn Graham Bell
;, O.l.."t:I{'n, Utah
8, Roston
10, F,"a n5
Ho~wr Bannistel'
I)a,·.d Glasgow Fanagut
J ohn Jay
Ma rtin Van Bu ren
J ohn Smith
Robert E. Peary
Roald Amundsen
Florence Chadwick
FI'ances Pel'kins
Mrs, Hattie Caraway
23. firl'lt Imcl'l'l'I.<;flll (Iaily n(>W!lllall(>I'
in thc United States
24, The Great TI'ain Robbel'y
2;', jou"neymsn pl'inteJ'S
Th e Electrical W o rk ers'
Department of
V wagl' I\('gotiatioll is contained ill
('ol11llany fl'll(ncia1 stal/'Illt'n!s. Tht,
infol"lll:l\il," for \lSI' ill
inforllwlion ClIll be found with little'
I'ffort one!' the functions lind t('rmll
u8('(1 in !<uc'h fln:lI1cinl
The most important Rnanei:ll statelIIents
point of \'i('w ure tht· Ralollce SIl{'e\
nnd tht' Profit and L<11'1I St;ll('IllC"nt.
Hoth of thu;;· statl'lII('ntll are ullllall~
contairwd in the ;lI1/1uIII lI'Il0rl which
tht' cOlllllunr makes 1(1 illl stock holdc'n., TnI' I'ro/it and LI>lIS Statc·nwnt
is somcUnwlI cancel II Htl\tl'm('J1l of
.\Iust loalllll~I' "hl'I't~ include 80llll' kind
of h'Sf'I"H' Hlllong the liabilili('~.
n\·~ I·t·n'~ un' 11('1 aside frOIn l·:trninJ,f1l fOl' specific IIUt·PO)'('!!. T hl't!" Ht'e
thl"('(' J«'neml t)'PI'!! of rl"!«'l"\'I·II. TlwS(!
I ncome lItHl )<;;'1:1'('118('8 UI' lUI O]!t'!'Iltitlj.,"
T lw Ha la ll CI' Sht,cI
The Balllllc(> Sht'ct is n stU\t'llwnt
IIhowing whlll a corpor:nion owns :lnd
what it I)WI·~. at a IJ:lt'licullll' date, in
te'l'ms of IIq~l'Is, liahilitil''', capital nnd
Th(' pr<llwrly and prollNty right~
nWI1('d hy 11 ComjlHny :tl'(' ilf! aSSt't.
Th(>!il' includl' cash, nccounti< ll'CI'i\-1Ibll'. im'('nt(lI'Y, il1\·(':;tmNltll, huildings and IIIKc h in('I"Y, IlInd, patcnt
righ t s and olhN !lCI·sonll! 01' rcnl
!11·operty. Good will ill :11110 l!ollll,tim('s
li~lcd a ll un mlsets.
Liahilltif'1I include 1111 d<'bts ~uch all,
bills :\I·illing out of CUI"I'f'nt o]lf'mtionll,
notes. hondll, or mOl'tguKl's pa}'lIbll',
debentufO"lI. HCCrUed int(,)"('qt 01' IIU'I"II,
cuslomer~' d('l)(Isits Hnd stock out,t;lIld;n/{, In J,felleJ'llI, th('1'(' nrc two
kinds of Iillbilities, claims of Cl"('ditol""S,
and c1uitllM or owners of t he bUllinf'l'lI.
I. 1(1.'1'1(,1"\·('11 thnt olfset ~ls~I'hl slI('h
a!'!. rfSCI"VeS fOI· depl"eciati(11l and
ob"{III"!;(:('nc<,, dllubtful accoullt!'!, disWUlltS to cU810m('I'8, and fUI· Ill'oduct KUltl·:Illt(·..".
2. Ikllcn'('s that tlI'C actual lillbilitil-~ IIuch a!'. I·c!'('n·cs for taxcs.
ill!'urancc, and pPllllions.
!J, Hf,s('l"\'es that ltl'(' aClually IItill
pat't IIf suq)lu~ such :IS. thl' 1"('8el'\'('S fOI· cOltlinw-'ncies. This type
uf n,'SCl"\'(, is \l8('d when IlHUHI){(,ntl'ltt wishes to ('on~el"ve clish b)'
lI\'oitiing paynwnt of divilipnds. It
ill ulso us('d to pro\'ide wnrking
CUllil;11 and to 11<'1 allide fund!! fOf
Rl'llcl'\-es which tire set aside fllr a
slH.'cific pm·volt(' ar(' culled fund~. Fllr
I·:camllil-. reSf'rv('I' to IIccumulatl' cash
to IlWI't bond ImYlIlI'llts whl'lI thl'Y hI'com,' filII' wou ld 1)(' coiled a "lIinking
fun d ." Th(' ullil)l1 m'gotiator sh"uJd
pay IlltI'ticulal· att('nlion to IlwlW 1"('!leI \"(' IlecounU; ",ll(m th(' informnlion
in till' finnneial IItntemelll ill ehlllIc ng,'!!. I n sitch un ('\'cnt, til(' rl'8<'1'\'e8
allIlUllH' special impllrt anc(' if thl') lire
:I df'lluction fl'"m. 0" " part ur. a
compan)"11 9Ul"lllull. They tlwlt m:ly
contain substantial hiddl'll "rofil~,
Anothl"f plncl' to look for hiddl'n
11I'01l11I is in the pn'sent gO\'\'rnment
jll'llctic(' which 1H.'mlit)' :I«'I'II'latcd
amortization of Ilfll'l of till' CO,,1 Ilr
"I'IIwrgl'ncy faeilitil·';." This
jll'acticc pel"lnits COl"jlOl"UtiOllll to
chnl'gc off. fot' tnx PUl·lll1liP~, lat'gc
ltol'lioll!! of till' ('{)~I (If 11\'1" lolunts und
faciliti('R 0\'('1" fi\'('-}'enl' Pl" iods inIItellll or mUl:h [onKl'I' nOfmal d('pn'(:i;Ition II('riods of 10 10 Iil 1))' 211 }·l'lirS.
Companies u:<Iin/{ this IIc('('I(,l'llted
amm'lizlltion IKllicy m;lk(' it ,,('1"111 thnt
cU!'I'I'nt operations KI'e les!' prnfltnblc
th"n th('}' I·call)' 111\', A 1"C<'l'llt )"{'port
of tht' opcration!; of a i;lrg(' ch"mica]
OOIl1IJaIl}· IJro\idl·1I nil t'xC('I1('1l1 ilIull(ratiun of how Ihill rapid IImm·ti:wtion ft'Bture CUll 8('r\"1' to conct'a! a
COl1lllUlJr'S \t·U\· (';,rninR";l. This compallY ~JI{'n l $1112 million Oil :I Ill'W
plallt nlill cquipl1ll'llt during tIl(' ),(':lI"S
I)('tw('('n I!J.I;) ancl Ill,).), T h(· GownllIl('ltt issued cl'rlificat('s of Il<"cl'ssit)'
which mal'll' it IIf)"Ilibl(' fur IIII' C(I!np:ln)· to jllo\·idl' fill· dCIII't.>('i:ltion, depIction, and ulIlortizntion O\-I'r n fi\"l"yel\I' Ill'riod fot' :til amount whkh was
a milli(lll dollal,!! mort' than thl' 1·lllir('
Il('t Illant account of the company at
thl' h<'gillllillg or thl' lI)-y('ar I)(>riod,
Thl" amtual r('IKlrt uf the C()lllp~lIly to
its IItl)ckhoJdcr~ ~tllted Ihat I'lll'nillgll
Co,, Ihl' cuncnt fi~cnl ),,'ar WN·,' $1 ..1 2
pl'r cnmmOl1 IIhal'I', What the COIJ1I)any
did not 1'('I)(II't to lis sto<:khOldl'rs was
thaI ils cash I'lu·nings fOf this !lamc
11('l'iu(1 amounted to $,1.27 ]ll'l' IIhal·c.
'1'0 Ihi~ l'xtent, cm·rent I·('port!! 011
Ill'0llt8 al'c JxoinJ( 1I111[ercstimah'll whilt'
CutUI'1' e!lrnillg jK1Wel" is hI'inK built
into th(' comllanr, .\h'an\\,hill· all of
lhl' cu"h carninJ[~ lire a\·niJabie fOf
(It·ht J"l·tirement and oth('r rorporale
('Hllilal a nd ( 'H llilnl :-:Iock
('n llital is lh!" 81t]OUUt of money
:11111 1111' '·lIlue uf llI"Ol,el·ty ol'igil1l1l1y
Page Thirty -three
J o urnal for January , 1958
invested in the business plus the \In(l istribu ted Ill'Ofi L T his original investment is shown on thl! complwy
balance sheet as capital stock, Capital accounls ate shown on the liability
side o f the balance sh(!('t Ix>cause. in
accounling' theol'y, the business owes
the Calli tal to IL<; owners, The arnuuuL
of capital is the basis fOl' m~a SUI'i ng
the mtio of profits to investments,
S urplu s
SUI'plus ordinarily I'{'sults from
earnings, in which c:lse it is called
eUI'Jl('d SUrJ1IUS, It may also r('sult
from the sale 01' revaluation of capital asseU, such us plants 01' lund, in
which caSt' It is usually shown on the
bulance sheet as capital sUI'plu8,
The amount of sUl'plus shown on
the balancc sheet I'('presents the
a mount hy whir.h th(' assets exceed
the tota l o f li ubilities and cupital. If
t he to t al liabilities alHl cupiiul is
.In'cater thlln the total a ssets then the
balance sheet will show a de fi cit figUl'e
inlilead IIf a sUI'plus fip:ul'e, Thus it
can be sccn that thc sUl'plus or deficit
items al'e the figures which make the
"balance sheet" balance,
COl pol'ation law SayS t hat dividends
can only 1)(, paid out of SUl'plus,
In the case of liquidation of a com]lany, t he law provides that common
stockholders will receive 1111 that is
ll"ft aft .. I' the JIII)'menl of liabilities,
Thel-efol'c, the sum of the surplus
and the common stock items is the
measure of the common stockholders'
equity in a company,
S lat e me nt of Profit and I ..u !!!!
Unlike t he balance sheet which reflects t he status o f the compally at a
gi~ell instant, the Statement o f P rofit
and Loss covel's a l.el'iod of time, anrl
its func t ion is to j'cflect the acti\'ity
rather tban the staius of the comIlany,
It is imllOj'ttlnt to unde l'lItand the
I'elationship l/(:tween t he balance sheet
and the pl'ofi t alld loss statement because t he t wo al'e inten'clnted, not
independent. Thl" ]ll'ofi l and loss
statement 11!1)0I'ts tlte nature of thc
transactions which challge the nl't
worth of the business as recorded in
the balance sheet at the beginning of
Page Thirty-fout'
anti th(' end o f the period ill which
t hl' tl'llllsactions took ]llacc,
AIII,liea1iO Il o f Fin/lncial ,\ lIn l),8ill
The o\'Crall llicture of a corpOration's profits is dl'tel'milled lIimply by
1'I~laUng the alllount of its Ill'ofitll to
thc amoullt of its stockholdel's' C<lulty,
As used herein "stockholders' £'quit)'''
includes capi t al stock and earl\«d Burplus, T he e:I!'ned sUl' plus is includp(l
in cOllljluting the stockholdf'I',~' NIUi!.y,
becuuse in Iheol'y at least it could be
distrihutcd to the Htoc kholders all dividends, Recaus(, it has not be('n distl'ibuted as dh'jt!('llds, the negotiator
can assumc that it is in lhe !lalu!'!' uf
a reinvestment of eal'nings,
It should 1w not"o in pussillg that
capital stock somctimes consistll of
]Jl'efe1'l'eo stock nnd comlllon stock.
Tht' Jll'efelTcd stock Ol'dillal'ily ('ntitll's Ihl' holrll'l' to !I fixed lImoul11 of
di\'idend which must be ]laid to him
befOre any dividend!! arc paill to
holdcl's of common stock. PI-eft'rl-ed
stock dh'jdends are usually cumulative which meanS that if dividends
are 1I0t paid in 011« yea]' the I'ight to
r('cd"e the unpaid dividends fol' thllt
y('al' contlilues until it is puld, No
divi(lends ClllI hI' pllid to (:OIll1nOIl
IItoekholdel'S ulltil all IlI'e-feIT{'d c1ividl'llIls al'e paid in full, 'fhe comlllOIl
stock is not limited in thc amount of
dividends it lIlay reeei\'c, and is ('IItitled to rcct'-ive all Jll'ofits remaillinll'
a fter I13}'ment of prefened stock clivirlellds,
'The l'ight of stockholde]'11 to dh'i
d('n(\s ill not absolute, in thf' sens(> (0 1'
example, that hond holdeI'll :II·C ('ntitled to inter est. lI ence a COI' pOl'atioll bOlll'd o f directOl'S may fOl1!JW :\Uthorization of payment of dividendll in
ordel' to finanre an expansion 111'0gram, whereas, they could not skill intel'Cst payments to bond holders without .'Iuhj('f'ting themi-ielves to the
('hance of foree1osut'e ,
T he rate of 1'('tUl'n on the IItockhol<l(:l's' equity is 1)I'oba bly t hc most
importallt fig\II'e t hat can be obtllined
(I'om all anlilysis of a com"anl'~ i ...
cOllie IItatement and balance Bhet'ts,
The stockhold{,I's' equity ill madc up
of Ihc sum or ca]lital stock and SUI'plus accounts which /lre found under
the liabilities si(]1" of tlle balance
I n oth('I' wOl'(ls, t he fi guI'e
I'('presents the amount IIf investnwnt
in the business b~' the stockholders
pIllS the amount of money which hM
been eal'ned by the busineliS ami has
not been paid out in dividends, I n
Ol-dcr to find out how nluch money the
b\lsillellS is making for its owners, tlte
stoc:khohlel's, it is ncceSSIlI')' to dIvide
the to t al s tockholders' e{lui t~· into the
ne t income for t he CUITen t yCal', T hc
net income is ta ken from the S ta te1IICllt of Profi t and Loss a llli 1'!']lI'esents the amoun~ of money t hut is
left for payment or dh'idends or other
]lUl'poses after a ll ollel'ating' CXll"nseB,
taxes and interest on borrowed lIloney
have l)t'en deducted from the grOS!!
opemtinl-;' I'cvcn ues o f t he businei-iB,
T he pel'centage figul'e obtained by the
above caleulation I'c]ll'esenls the I'ah'
of return on total stockholdel'S' equit~',
T o illustl'nle, if the tOlal stockholden'
equity ill 011(> million dollal's and the
net income for the current )'('al' 1tlU
thOIlSIlIll\ dollal's th(:n thl' rate of ,'1"tU1'l1 fOl' the ~riod would be 10 IJ('l'
ThCl'(> is no abllOlute stnndard fOl'
m('asul'ing the reasonabl(' rdurn Ull
e<]uity Clipitlil. Ol'dinal'il)t II 4 pl'l'
cent anllual rute is conllidel'e<i all(·qUatl' and a {i pel' cent 01' 6 pel' Ct'-Ilt
I'at.,- of return ('xccllt'-nl, if the investmcnt illlelf ill secure and conservative and not likely to Ix- dimillish(:d
by losscs, On the other hand, if the
risk to
is greut then a sub-
stan tinily hij!hel' I'Iltc of I't'-turn is nOI
considcred unl'ea$onable,
In order to unticipat(' the nn:.(Uments which are f l'e(tuelltly advalle(>d
by oOl'llomt ioll sp'okellml'n, to IIhow
the cOIllPuny's finlll1cinl limitations •
we wish to empllllsize the fact l hal
profits, not di\'idends, III'C the primal')'
test of lhe c01'llOl'ation'8 prospcrllY,
T his distinction is imllOl'tant when
the COl'llOl'ution is making Ill'ofits bul
does /lot authOl'ize dh'idend 11II}TrI('nt~,
T hl'l'" IU'f' mn ny reasons why COl'ponl'
tions do \lo t ]lny dividends \' \,el1
Ihollg-h th(')' are IIlllking- InO lle y, Munagem(>nt may wish to l'cUI'e its hond~
alld thus reduce fix('{1 intf'resl chul'g('~.
01' the dil'ectol'ls of Ihe COI'I){)I'atiOIl
mu)' wish to use the pl'ollts for nn
eX]lallsioll program, T herc is nothing
wrong in either of these actions, The
fact is that Ihe stockholders benefit
fl'om the use of profits for these pUI'·
poses, 1-"01' example, whcn bon(ls 111'1'
l'etil'l'd and the corpOl'ulion debt thus
is dccrel18ed the value of thl' stock
The elimin utiOIl of fixprl
liahilit}' fOl' interest payments nlso
increases the ]ll'ospectll fOl' futul'e
The Ilul-ehase of lund, the construction ot new building'S lind in!:Stallll.tiull
of new machinel·y also inCI'Casell the
undel'lying value of t he company
stock. COllset\ue ntly the benefit of t he
profi t s I'etained in t he business is not
lost to the stockholdNS merely because profits are not distributed as
R('(luclion in wnges or the refusal
The Electrical Workers'
to gl'8l1t wagc inCl"cuscs for such II
rca son as failurl! to rlfty divide nds,
thcrefore, is no l justifu,ld, Wage elll'nNil II l'e di frel'en t from slockholdel's in
that nny with hold ing of lI' uges wtlt'n
the company can afford to pay Ihl'm
is an um'cco\'crable tOB.!l to the wOl'kt'r,
The wages al'e los t fOI-e\'CI', not mCI-ety
posll)()ned, as in the case of dh'idends,
A IlI'ier explunntion of some of thl'
othcl' accounts which arc found 011
statemcnts of income and bulanc!'
sheets ma y help in the :u Hllysis of
th('sc statCllll'nh, Let'!! take the halance sheet fu'st: undel' thl;' hl'adin~
of :tsSC!ts the following accounts Hr('
includ('d: Cash, Accounts Reccinlbt("
In\'entol'}', I n\'estmenl.5, )Iachint's,
Iluilclings, LIlIld, P at('nt Hights und
oth(')' tangibl(' 01' intanjlibl(' 1lel'soIHII
01' I'('al prop,el'l y, Good will is an int a nj.!'ihlc item, It rcpt'csents t he vnlu('
of til!' business ove r and :Iho\'(' tht'
fll{l'd assets sUt'h ns pin nt, build ings,
equipment, land, c te, T heJ'c may nlso
apllelU' alllong the assets itellls caliI'd
prepaid eXJlenses or defen'ed chal'gt's,
Ol'dinal'ily such items al'e not of importance to the negotintOl', but an illustl'!ltion of ]lI-epaid ex penses would
he the cost of offiec supplies, gtulionCI'Y, stllmps and so fOl'th Otl hand hu t
not used , An I'xnmple of a d"f"IT('(1
chru'gl' would hc th(' cost of an lIdvCl'thdng' entlllillign ali'l'IHly Ilnid fOl'
but (1'(1111 which th(' 1)('11('1118 will III'
(ol'thcoming in thc futurl',
Lillhilities, which arc on til{' other
sid(' of the b:tlance sheet, include all
debts of the company, whethel' unpaid wnges, hills arising out of CllrrCllt o])(.'rntions, notes, bonds, 01' 11101'tgag{'s payubll' al'lsin~ out of t he hol'rowing of 111on('}', HeCI'UN] intcl'est 01'
taXI'S, t'lIstOll1el's, deposits, de,
All'o included on the liubilities sid£'
of the halancc sheet an' th(' \'ariou!!
l'eSl'l'\'e accounts, Thl' IIlOl't C0111mnn
rt.'sl't'\'(, is the rt'iR'I'\'e for delll-e('iatinli
of .. ~!«'Is subj('ct to wasting away
fl'0111 t.h(' ]mssnge of Um(' 01' to Welll'ing out f )'oll1 use 01' bot h, This I'Csen'l' COtll('S in to existence by chul'ging a 11I'01101'Uon of the cost of tht'
asset to thl' exp('nse of Opel':ltiOn!l
ellch ),('111', T he l'esen'e is thcol'eticallr
accutllui:lt('d 0\'('1' the estimated usefu l
life o f the IIslWL So thnt, wh('n the
asset is no longel' ust'ful the deprcciation resel"'(' e'qual!l Ihe ass('l's
ol'iginnl cost, This l'esl'l'\'(' may appeal' on the as~et side o r the halanc('
shect ns a d('(luction fl'om th(' ,'alue of
an ass('t, 01' it ma}' allp(l:lr on Ih('
liability sid(', n ut ill ~ithel' case it!!
I'ignifienn<:e is the same, For the union
negot.ifllor's purposes the I'es('r\'e!l
1'l1l'(!ly I'equil'(' Ilal'ticullll' nttention unless the I'cliability of the infOl'll1ation
contained in the fin a ncial stntcment is
itself challenged, Tn stich evcnt 111('
I'csel'vcs may ussume special impol'tllncc, to t he cxtent t hat they arc a
dedu('tion from 01' a pal't of :I COIll1):IlIY'S SUl'lilus, They may contain
substantial hidden profits us in thl'
Jo urnal for January, 1958
calle dI!8t'l'ibed uoove ..... hel'e companies
:\re setting Ull I'eservcs fOt' accelerated
amOl' t izution of ('mcl'g<:ncy fucili t ies,
;\I ost items on a statement of incOllle :u'c sel f-cxplanatol'Y, constituting a l'Ccol'd of t'evenue actulIII)'
canled dUI-ing a gi"ell Ileriod and a
l'ceOl'd of expenses 1md obligations
actually ineul'l'ed ill operations,
It shou ld be noted that the item of
"cash" as it is listed in the assets
column o f tlJ() balance sheet is not
"pl'on t."
Don't place too much
Cl1lllhnsis on t he asset cnsh II'll('n
:lIIldysing a company's financial 1'(,POl'ts, A growing bUlliness with rising
pl'Ofits may ha\'e a cash bunk balance
much too small fO!' its nC('(is, While
a !:u'gc cash h:li:lI1(,(, in :lI1othet, business might be the result of l'educti(ln
in inventot'Y 01' failurc to properly
maintain buildings and ec[uipmen L A
g(H)d (~x ll m p le of this was the easc of
) Iolltgomcry W:u'd :mel Co, whieh
huilt 11[111 cash l'eSel'\'e in the 10 yClll'S
followinj.!' th(' Second World War that
amounted to approximately $300 million, T hc mall:l)t('ment did this at the
eX])CIl!l(' of an expansion pl'ogl'lltll, aillt
as II l'l'sult of thl' £ailut,(, to mo\'e
ahead and gJ'OW with the times, thl'
compan)' lost its leadH3hiJl in its field
of met'chlmdisillj.!' to thc other lnrgl'
l'OlllllClitol' in the field, n:um:oly, Sears,
ROt'buck & COIllPIIl1)',
"AO:('I'Ucd i n('ollw" eoml's f)'olll such
sou)'C('8 as int(,I'l'st eal'llI.'CI on thc
honds hut not nl pnid , Fo)' exall1p1l',
bond intl't'est is USU11II>, paid annual1)'
01' s\'llli-unnually, A halllnce sh('('t
may h(' Ill'elml'('(l onlr IhrN' months
uncI' thl' last inl(,l'i'st d;lle, T he intel'cst Nu'ned in those thl'ce months
i~ ~hown on t ht, lwlalll'c stwet as "accrued interest incot1l(',"
;'Ac('l'ueri Espenlles" an' halldl~'d
the sall1(, way on the liability side of
th(' Italnnce sheet. In this ttccount i!l
l-ecoro('(i in\el'('sl which is owed but
not du(' until .!J(Illll'time afwl' the prep:u'ation of the balanee she('t and :1('crucd ('xpcnse is similal- to un account
ll:1ynhl(', T hc aC('l'Iml basis in accountill~ is used to show n COIT('ct allocnt ion of thc in{'otll(' 01' espense itetn~
to the pl'OpCI' ncco u nting- p(,I'iod,
I)('fl't'rcel Income is income which
has been l'ct'ei\'('d h('fol'(' it wall
eUrne(I, !luch as nd\'ance pHyment for
sel'\'ic(' 10 he rcndered, T he monthly
tele]lhon(' sel'vice ch:\!'ge is n good
examJlle of defened income beenuse
it is pnid bef orc t he scrvicc is gi \'en,
UcfelTcd Expenscs a re services 01goods onlinarily regarded as expenses
which ha\'e been pllid fo)' and at the
date of the fillancinl statement havc
not been Cully used up, P I'epaid inSUI';l.lIl-e is a good example of this type
of defel'l-ed eXIlCnse,
\Vol'k in Pl'ogt'CSs I'e!ll'esenls
chal-ges fOl' \\'ol'k thllt hus bcen
finishl"d but no t ~'et billed to tht'
The tYIW of business detcI'mines
what II I'('asollahl(' mte of l'elUl'l1 on
stockholdel' equit}' is, To il1ustrllt('
this I))'incillle, consid('l' fol' 11 mOlllcnt.
the difr(,I'cncc lIetween slight cllpital
l'isks and substantia! ones as l'Cspectively r(' ]ll'eSenled in the CHse of
P ublk Utility Companies ltlld B uilding and Constl'l1clion Compan ies,
Sules of a public utility COIl1Jlnny al'l'
comparatively stllhl(' and can he estiIna ted in ll(h';lIIe(' with reasonable :lCcunlCY, So can \'tll'ious faelol'S which
tend to increa~(' the CQsts lIuch as
nU'iablt, weathel' conditions, Ilecause
of this stability, tlw utility managcmcnt can take a 101ig ran~l' \'i"w and
develop its jll'ogl'Unl aeCOI'ding'ly, It
enll :!v('J'ag(' the disa(h'all t ages of unfavot'tll)l,' weather with thl' ad\'antll)tes of good wt'athel', Also Ihe utility
is Ilslllllly a mono]101)' in a IIcn'ic('
area llIld thel-efol'C is unlik('ly to be
subjeeted to suddell chllnges unless
the fundunll'nt1ll l!O('ial conditions in
the community have hcen subj(:ct to
a similar chan!{(', If fucl costs 01' Ot hl'l'
opel'llUng C)(11I'nS('s gO up, I'('sul ti ng
in opel'atin)t lossl's, it can alwll}'~ go
to th(' l'egulatOI'Y commission :Ind get
a l'nte incl'casl', In othel' 1I'01'(1s, thc
IIl-oSPl'ct~ of thl' utilit), comllunr fol'
stahility :II'e suhstnnlial1y the same as
the proSJlccts for stability of the
econoll1}' a~ 11 \\'hol(" Even go\'ernment
itself has no b('ttel' pl'Ospect than
thnt, S(l Ihe risk on c:lpital investcd
in puhli(' utilities is 11egli)tih!l'_ F ol'
this I'Cllllon a (; pl'rcent ratl' of ,'cturn
on the stockholdrl'S' equity is eonsiden>d to he adl'<lunte in th(' llUblic
utility fidel,
Th(' huilding and CQnstructi(ln com]'l11lY, on the other hand, has no nOI'mal ('xlwl'ienc(', Its sal('!< fluctuate
raJlidly, It s wOI'kinj.!' fOI'('e is subject
to sudden I'xpa nsion and shrinkage,
with rcsu lting lo~" in dllciencr_ Its
volutlle of busin('sg can l'ar!'ly be
pl'edictrc! more than n f(Ow weeks in
adnlllcr, Its shOrt l('I-m finuncing Jll'Ogt'ams :II'e more ('olllillicated IIntl exJlensi\'(', Finally, it Ol)el'at('s in a field
whel'(, competition is keen and risks
accol'dingly great, In this case, a
mte of t'etul'!) of Iii Ilcrcent 01' 20 pel'cent mi~ht not be consid('l'ed Ullreasonable,
III the anlllysis (l C finllneia l stntements, CI'l'tain tenllS at'e used from
tim~ to timc which havc not been
prC\'iOllldy mentioned hel-ein, T he
Page Thirty -fiv o
more common ones :In~ listed hel'e
with a brief definition:
Ol)fl'ating rutio---this is a I}(>rcl>nl·
age figure showing th(' relationship
betw('('n ol)erating eXI)fnses, 1II:lin·
tenance, depreciation and taxf'S
othel' than income taxI'S as a total
to ~TOBB OI}('I':ating l'ev('nlll.'S. It uf·
fOI'd,~ II lIIe:LSUI'C of the ('flkil'ncy
with whic h lin el1 tCl'pl'i.~e is ('on,
dUct('d f!'Olll year to yell I', It iB of
littl" \'8Iu(' in com lJaI'ing 011(' mmIlany with IInother.
Working cal)ital-is the same liS
net eurrt'nt IISsets. The fitrol1! is
obt:lined by subtrllcling cUI'I'{'nt
liabilities 'loom cun'ent aSSNS. CUI"
rent asscts include 1111 those assNs
which, in the nOI'mal COUl'se of husi·
lIers.1, al'(' tUI'ned illto t he (O!'nl of
~a sh within a shol't l>el'to<! of lime,
ordinal'ily, within lesll thal1 II year,
lllld such lempor:try im'estments
that may be readily ooll\,PI'led into
cllsh UpOIi need.
U. S. Govel11ment Ronds ur" u j{1)UI1
exampll' of this tYlll' of 1emlwl'lIl'y
investment. Many cOlllilallies buy
such bonds if they ha\'(' tcml)Or\lI')'
cash surpluses in orcler to k('(')l Ih('
money wOl'king at int"'"'!!t. ('urrent
liabilitiell, on the opposing sid(' o(
tht' balance sh~t, urc rlosel)' 1'(,'
luted to current assets nnd il1clucl('
those d('h1A whieh will maturf! HIIII
have to he Jluid within U YPUI'. Tlwy
indica tl' how a part of th(' CIII'I'('l1t
as8('!11 wert' obtained (01' Iht· UIIl' o(
the bUllint'ss. and ineludf' !IIolllhly
nccounili payable, short tenn bor·
l'Owillj( fl'OlII banks, etc. Working
capital ill the excess of Cl1lTent a>lsets o\'er curn:ot liabilitiC'lI. Fixed
USlWts include such it{'ms as lallll,
buildiru.:s and equipnlCnt which repl'eS('1I1 long term inVC'lltml'l1l~ nlHI
III'{' 110t for sale Unle8B the C01l111un)'
J{O('s out of business. fo~ixt·d liabilities nl'C longel' term obligntionK
such lUI bonds, which do not filII
dul' within olle yC'ur. Adequu1p
workinr.c capital is ('88<'nlial to u
healthy i)usin('ss. It should incl'l'n<;I'
as tht' 011ll1lH'5S \'0111111(' gl'OWS. In ·
ade<lunte w(H'king capitnl Clln r('.llllit
fl'Oll! a n\llllbl'r o( causes. sueh liS
IlaYIll(,llt of unearneti illl('rcs\ and
tii\'id('nds, operating iO&Sf's, extraordinal)' loss I'esultinj( fl'Om in\'elltOI'Y 01' I'IlW material IlI'iee dl'Clinl'!l,
I/l!(' of cUlTent funds to IIrld to fbuod
ILSS('18, I'{'(ll/ction in the 111I10un t of
(I'lt!!t nncJing prcfC/'I'cd Atodc 01'
bonds 01' expand l'd \'olume of 1.III)li·
ness that l'{'{Jui/'es mOI'{' working
capital than the eomlmny has bc('n
able to accumulate. Paymcllt o(
I1nearn('(1 di\'iclends rt'ducl's working capital by lakinit' cash while
leaving liabilities unchnnged. Sudden drops in invcntory \'alues 1I1,{,
the most com mon cn usI' of extm·
ol'(lina)'y 10Blles.
T rying to add fix ed nsst'lll by paying fo)' t ht'm out o( CUl'l'cnt pl'ofi t!!
can rt'llult in lowering workin~ calliinl
P age ThirtY 's i x
to the dnngel' poinlo Thill Iklint is
I'eached whcn a company finds itself
so 8hol1 of clIlIh Ihnt it cannot pay
its CUf),{,lIt bills. Wht' n thie haPlK!ns
thl' company's cl'{'ditol"l ure apt to
fOI"Ce a eOlllpany into in\'olul1tar),
or the cUlises of ilmd"lluulc wOlk·
ing capital listed nbO\'e, the til'St
tive act us u cIruin on it, while the
last l'e8ults frOIl! t he failure of
working capital to inCl'easc raJlid ly
enough to keell pace with the gl'Ow,
ing needs of s busineQ.
Par value--is the amount that must
be Ilaid in b)' a subscl'ibillJr stock·
holdl'r (or each shan. of dock. T his
fi gurc ill of litt le US" in {Ictt'rmining
the a ctua l value of tht' IItOCk.
Paid in SIlI'IIIIIS-if s lock is sold lit
II [l)'emiulI1; that i~, fOI' mOI'c than
Ill\!' \'lIhle, th('11 t ht, IIddltlonal
amount paid in is shown all ('allital
Rook valu(>--Burillus plus calli tal
stock CfIuala thc book valuc of the
lItockholdcrll' interest in the company.
SollrCI'S of Financial Ihla
T he Re8t'arch Departlllcnt uses the
(ollowiog sou)'Ces for financial data
on companif'B:
I. Moody's Public Utilities
2. i\loody's I ndustl'iuls
~. Stand a l'd lind I'nOl"s r m'pomtion 'h-col'(l~
4. Fl'del'nl Power COlll!llillsion An nuul )(t'IIOI1.S on Eleetric and
Gas Utilities
5. Federal Communieaiion8 Commission Annual RellO!'ls on Ha·
dio, TV, Telephone and Telt'gl'al1h Companies
G. Al1 l/1lul HellOl'ts of COlll llnniNI
to the St·curity Exchange Commi ssion
7. Annuill lh .1)0I'tS of Compallif'lI
to Stockholdeu
Mood)" 11 and Standard and Poor's
RepOl'ts CO\'(' I' all companies having
stock which ill actively tl'aded on thf'
U. S. Stock Exchanges. ThellC SCM' ·
icc!! nre usually (ound in I)ublic Ii·
bl'aries in the large cities nud call
be utilized h)' the tocal union negotia'
lOI's who wish to a Vll il themselves of
tha t ollJlOI'tullity.
T he i"fol'llIution contained In thill
11I·ticie i~ lIt'crsssrily sketchy, becaJ,lSI'
(If space limillitions. but we belil'\'f'
t hat tht' Infol'mution, if studied, allll
\lied, will Ilf' hf'i l)( ui in the anatYlIiA
of fi nancial IItatcmen ts. 11/ most in·
stanees whel'(' such statl'mentfl Ul'e no t
IwaiJable locally they can be obtn in('d
(rom the I HEW , Department of Researeh and Education. Ul)OlI requeF:t,
this del1at1ment will also undertake
to furnish a memOl'nndum 011 a particular COIlIllllll)"S financial [losition
when its I1nnneilll stnt(l!llt'nts eRll be
Cost of Liv in9 Reaches Another AII.Time Peak
Source: U. S. Deportment of lobor
8ureau of labor StolisliCi
IAveruge, 1947· 1949 = 100)
HOII. in"
Dol ,
19 57
It e m.
Com bin ed
121 .6
99 .4
114 .6
101 .6
104 .6
106. 1
IIS .9
) 23.0
125 ..5
I 15.4
NOTE, In... a •• in "All II.",." 10f po.' 11 monlh. wo. 3,' Index poinh, 0, 3,2%,
The E l ectric al W o rk ers'
Ward Off Raids on
Local 1 Jurisdiction
L. I". I, ~ T . I.O l ' IS. MO.-Evl'l'y day
lhl' t-:h_'Ctdcnl Worker cncounlers n("1
and difficult probll'mli thnt arise on
th(' I'llrioull jobs with oth('f trmll'II.
WI:' find OUI' t!'lull:' ill expanding b}'
relltls 1111(1 bounds with the illstallatiOI1
of 11('11' nUlchin!'r)', tllIll lIutomfltion
ill factories to slJCed production.
~('W Illul('l"ials fire r('placing older
nwthods, 811 of which
Illnkl'II mOI'e wOl"k or il1stlllling lind or
ll1aintllining this Il('wer 1)'11(' dectricul
e(ruillml:nt by th!' eI('ctrienl wQI"kcr.
Oftlc('l'S of IlroKI"('89iv(. IN'III uniolls
thl'Oughout thr Brotherhood find that
just noout cn'r)" tr:l(le lI"<II"killg Ol!
construction jobs these Jl I"Csent days
\l'lInt II JliC(:(' or Ih(' EI('CII'klll W(lrk·
1'111' jurisdiction. They 11I'obnbir think
11'(' won't millS a IIol1ion of it now and
then, but th:I\'" where tlll'y Ill'!! wrong,
Locnl No, I oO\('o:-rs h:u'(' long b('t'n
:111'1"1 to thc jurlsd iction'l"uitiing IHctieR
of thl's(' oth('r trades lind have suc·
c(,!llIfu1Jy wllrdl'd off these [Ittemlltl'd
l"tIidll on our jurilldlction,
With th~ slowin\t down or building
cOllluruction find electricnl work due
to \\'il\t~ .. /I{'tting in, our lIlenlbel"g
should be much m01"(' cnutious und
c:II'('full)' examin(' nil plnns and writ·
ten speeificlltiolls when slnrting II job,
to make c('rlain that no p/lrt or the
Ell'Ctrienl Workt'ra' jurisdiction is in·
I'luded in som(' other trulie's portion
of th;> job.
!lJatul':J1ly lhelle thingtl 111"(' ,till'
cusscd Ht YOU I' locul union me('ling,
juri~dictions nrc explained, and th!'
I)()licr or the t-;lt'Ctrical Wm'kcr 011
Ihes(' jobs is thorouKhly d('Cid('(1 on.
) I:mr imHru('lionll 111"(' i/lsul'd rOl' the
bcll('fits or the IlIcmbl..'ra ('mplored on
jobs where jurisdiction di8PUlt'lI with
other trlldes might occur,
The ntlendance lll'oblem III prohnbly
the l'alll(' in ('''CI'Y local uniOIl
thl'oughout the brotherhood, i\I('mb er~
just don't attend the local union meet·
ings, 80 natural1r the)' miss the mun)'
Ihingll so imllortnnl to lht, /lucce8sful
opcmtion of a local union,
Loclll No. ] hall now tak(>11 th(' ulli·
tude of " If Mohlllllllled won't j.{0 to
lhe mountain, you IllUllt bdng tht'
moun t ain to Mohammed." FOI' Illnny
yeurs Local No. I has subscrih('11 to II
union weekly ne\\'spHltCr. This is /I
(inc nl'WSpHper for g('n(>rnl union
news, but it is not the an811'I'r to I'X'
pl:lining to our non',lttending memo
bers the rull limits of their ll'nde
ju1"i~diction, so to kec il our members
well infol'med we hUI'e IItlll'ted our
own newspnpel', Thill is II roul,.pag('
letter pl"CSS type printl"d 11('WSP:IPN
with the first issue m:lill'd to each
member's home on No,'embl:'r 20th,
We rully int('nd to 8tart right arter
the holidays to j.{ct the rutul'(' iSllu('s
out lit I'egulal' intervals, ( Wt' will
also continul.' OUI" 8ubscl'i lltionll to the
St. LOlli" Lid/or Trill1we.) With Ihis
trP<' of new8pall('I' we eXltCct e;tch
meml>el' to be well inrormed 811 to
what is hllllliening in his loe:!1 union,
Your Qftic('1'S will uppreciate rour
C(lIllIlU'llt on thi8 newspaper,
Th(, 11('I18ioll members of Local L·n·
ion No, I Senior Club had their first
nweting ~ince th(' club's o rgunizution
in Seplt'mber. T his club is C0111 1108ed
or and [" open to 1111 rorlllel" Illcmberll
lOr I..Ilcul No, 1 who al'e on 1.0. pen·
1' he~e nl('l\ will 111eet once II 1II0nth
in the union hall frolll about 9:30 a.lII.
to lat(' ill Ihe afternoon, The Aubjl.'C t
of inl('I'l.'lIt most discussrd wil! bc
"Let's 111.'(' ~'our hole card,"
If rou lire a p('n!lioner, call S('(;l"e'
tllr)' Leo HenneS8e~' ror tbe dute of
the nelC\ meeting, All pensi()lll'fS :11'('
• • •
"Old Timers" Feted by
San Francisco Local
1.. r. 6, SAS FI( ,\ ;\ C1 SCQ, C.\I.I F."Old Timcr.! Xit(''' 11"118 cclebrated br
I..o<:al L'nioll 1'\0, (i on October 30,
1f15i, by pllying tribute to oO·yellr
The following "Old Tinwrs" were
IlreSt'nlt,tt with 50'rellr pins :lI1d
I:Icrolls: J, W. Uenn('lt. H, E. Blohm,
II. It Cole, J. 1I(,1111e, O. J ellseu, M.
Pride of Local 1, St. LOllis
This il< Ilorlioll tlf the tlt'lIIlion membe rll of I.!KIII I, S I. l.o ui!!, '\1 0" ..' h" J.: nlhe r onCt' II tntluth ill Iht, InclII union met'lilll[
hull for II ti t 11(' gllo fell t. Cllrd g lllln'lI, ~I'lieral di l'ctlssion 011 "how 'Ie dOl\l' It 111 Ih l! joI ot)d old d1l)''': ' Also lunch lind
refr('~ hrncnt " ur.' lie rH·d. Mun)' of Ollr pens ion lIIe mOl' rli Ih'e out IIf tull' n lind lin' 1I!1IIhic til milk .. these In eetiugs, We
,,'ill nol ideutif)- 111l' IIWII i n Ihi !! Ilieillre, hut fl. ,;· ir ) 1It1 !'IIII rl'clIlI lillY " f the!!!' tnl'lnber.s,
J o urnal for January . 1958
Page Thirty · seven
Receive Homage of LocaL 6
These \'de ra n memb.!rll of Loca l 6, San Fral1dsco, Calif., and lou! and lnler uatiollal ollicers Ilarticillated in thdr reo
(('lit "Old TinH!n" ct·remonlf'S. I5ta l1ding. from len : L. S till,,) ; F. Quade: II. Cole; J . ikonI'll : O. Jl'lIsen : \"Ice Pre!>i·
dent Oscar Harbak; )1. J ohns on: J. H"nne ; II. Hlo hm: II . Rom ick: E. Thatc he r : W. I~ark: C. Sen in, t:lectriCilI COIlt ractor, un d J . Klein. l) res idl' IH, LOC~1 1 6. Fronl ro ... : A. i\IcOuul;'at1: E. Sllhlu tsch(,lI; Bus iness .\lIlI1&gf'r Charles J.
Foehll. MId )1. LCl'Y.
At tIll' close of the pI·es.'nta tion
ceremonies, the honored memb('r'" and
guests were entertained with three
acts of v:\ude\·i!le. after w hich I'Cfreshments wcre s('l'ved.
H,\I.I'H M. nELl" P. S.
• • •
Promising Outlook for
Toledo Work Prospects
L. U. ii, TOLEDO, OIi IO- The Gen-
eral ::len'icc.!> Admini stra tion, Washington, D.C. sul's it will undertuke
l;Jublish News pllpe r
A full hOll llC of Local 6 me mbers gatherl'd to do honor to th e CRith r,,] 1l1f'mherll
of long: s t liliding.
Johnson, ill. v vy, A. G. Mc Dougall,
W. II. Ptl l'k, F. G. Quade, C. H.
RomIck, L. Stilley, K L. Thatchel',
:\nd K SablatschuII, former busineSS
re pr"{'scntntive o f Local Unioll No. G.
Cud Severin, honorary member' of
Ihe I. B.E,W., was also present. He beClime II member well O\'('r 50 years ;'Igo.
Man y members, liS well :IS the officers o f Loclil Union No. G, wen! Iln;s(O nt 011 thi s memor'ablc c\·ening.
Th.., principle IIllcu ker of the evening was OUI' Busi ness Managcr
Charles J. Foehn, who is a lso a me mber of the lnternutionlll I:-:xccuti\'e
Council. He reviewed the change:; in
the electrical indllstl'Y ill the Jnst &0
years and brough t out the many bcne!its- that ol'g:lIlized llibor has gllined
fo r its members. He ci ted the problems that confronted the men ill the
Page Thirty-eight
endy d a)'s of organized labol' :lOd
t hanked the m for their' courage lind
fliH itud", in dccluri ng thNmclvcs for
locul Unionll. [ 11m surc his talk wus
['specin!!y intercsting to some of the
rounger mem bers in the o l·gnni zaUon.
We were IIlso honored by the presence of OUI' Internntionul Vice- PresIdent of the 9th District, Oscar H:II'bnk, who presented the pins nnd
sCI'olls t o our honored mem bcrs. He
1I110kf! on the mun)' bl'rh:-fi t.s of thi:
I. ll,E.W., bul especially OUI' pe nsion
plan, as he l'Culized how much comfOI1. OUI' pension members must gain
from this, and said we must be pl'Oud
o r the fact that we are llble to til} lhili
for our old time membe rs.
Other sllelikers of the evcning II'('I'C
In tCI1I:ltionnl Re presentatives Otto
H('iman and Henry HaY ltell.
, ~"
Q Wl]r;:'lJ~
.. ..., ,..,.,,_. ,.."...., ...... ,........ .
This ill the mas lh ead o f the fir!'! t i~ue
" f L.)Cs l I's nC"·Sllaller. It is a four
Ilage printed, s lick Ila jler IYIIl' and
will be loaded wilh Iliclnrcl! find s hor t
m:ws it (,I1lS Ihat ...-ill l end 10 k('c]J Ihe
nl(' mhe rll ..·ell infOrlll l'd a s to what is
hapllellin g "'ithi ll Ullr local IInil'lI. In
(he Il rcsent issue the firl;! )Ial{e is dl'voted 141 II lIe "'8 1t"'1tcr from the hus in ..SII manaJl:C r a nd a \'ery good ar ticle
on jU ijt ... ho illllllllls " Lil{hr ceil in gs."
The Iiccund and third Ilages a re d eYotf'rl 10 jurisdiction Ilrobl ~ 11l 1l and a
brief hilltory of HOnlC of ou r p r .."cnt
office rs. The lall t page i.s a s tor y on a
ne..· Ht>lIlth lind ' Velfare I' ro,:ram for
I)ension members uf Local I. "'it h a
"OX I'OP column on their reaction
to Ihis uew prog ram . We thillk this
ne ..· form of communicat ion ...-ill ha\'e
a Itmdency to help soh'e man y juriI';'
diCl ional l)robl .. nll~.
Th e El ec trical Workers '
Califorllia Goldell fllbilariall
K " , Taylor, Hus inl' M!! Manager of I.oca l 18, Lo!!! AnJ{el E'li. Calif., IIn'IIl'nls 50-)'l'ltr "in to Ilrolher Joseph ~\ . Barbi ('ri
....·hil" I)lher rnembcn look on. Thl'Y are; (bad. ro ..' -h' ft 10 ril[ht) " erl .. E. Shinr: Sa m " , Ford: Fra nk Leoot'uf;
Lltrrr ))1'''''1.. : nail' Gibbet. lind Will . r. !tool . ' ·'rollt row: K 1'. 'I'ltylor; JV!'('llh Har bieri ; Harr y Siders; JOil;'l,h
,.-rll l-s ian, ami \\' lllillll1 Eo Whllrlon. At rig ht : lI us inellii MIIIII\),ll' r Tay lor ChlttK with 111'Iin'd jlIl'rnm'r8 O. /\ . McCnhh.
J . A. lIurbierl ullIl O. T. ~t· I "'"n. lifter Ilfe ~l' ntin Jol Hn)lh,'1' Ilarbit'ri ... jlh fifty -year pin.
the immediute ncquisition of :l lIi le
(or II new Federal Buildinl{ in ToI\-do, l'Mtimll ted COllt
whkh will I"\Ill
" I ,~)::;O .\lOO.
Th(')' lit"(' to HUlI't building a ~'Il ,­
O()O,OOO cl'ml'nl plant in J)undl'<',
)lichiK8n which will br It. subsi(tiar)'
o r thl' Csnadinn Cellll'nt CoqlOn!.tion,
This plant is to be CQIIIIlll'tcd by 1960,
TIl(' C ami 0 Ru ilroud is J.,"Oillg to
Imild a new bl'lt IYIK' Coni Lrnldl' r al
al C and 0 Hocks similar to the onl:
just colllplNN\ 1"t'C<'lItl), at NeWllOrt
N(,ws, Virginiu at II cost of
So- -thl' wot'k piclure hcl'(' in Ihl'
Toledo AI"CM looks vel')' promisin/{ ror
IIl'xt r,'II' Y{'Ur8,
T O;\tM\' M,\m:n, n, S,
• • •
Mark 25th Birthday of
Local 25 with Dinner
I., I I, 2;'. I,O~C; 18 I.A'\D,!\. Y.-On
SeptctnlX'I' 28, Itlli7 tht· lOuin Imllt'oom
or Ihe IIOII!I COmmodOl'c WIIS crowded
with [It:'OllII' or thc electricul illdusu·y
nr l .ong Island, N~'I\ YOt'k, to cell'brate til(' 2~th birtlulay of 1.1)(81 No,
Entl-'t'tainnwnt, duncinl{ ulul 11 won·
(Il'rf ul ditl11l'r conllUlnl'd most of the
;','ening, Ihil'f but Iml)()l·tunl addl"C88es Wl'rt' mudC' by:
L·liommedil'u, Ilrcsilknt of I.oeal r\o.
2:;, J OSl'llh C. Graml'r, busilll'SlI mUIIagel' of Loclll No, zr" Mal lI urrill, International Helll'I'M'ntali\'{', !Jcll'oit,
)Iichignn, Lou Ma rciantl', E:<e<:uth ..
Coundl )\I'Illb;>-r, JOlK'ph W. Li/i!'Kl'tl,
\ 'i('e President Third i)istriC't, Thl'adarl' NagcIIKa~t, Govel'nor X.E.C.A.
The main sp('akl'r>l or th,' el·ening
includt!d , J erI' Sullil'lUJ Inll'l'nalional
Trea8urel', thl' HCI" H. I-I, J . lI anlt'Y,
Chainllun or thc i ndu8tl'iul Stabilization lh)ard, and J08cph II, KC('lIall ,
Inte"l1llllorllll Sl'Cl'i'lHI'Y,
The elTort lind nUl'nlion to de ta il
Journal for January , 1958
br Chairmall II l\1'old Ptll'ker and hill
committe<.' will long be J'tmtmben_'tI
b~' those who attendl'!! the SiI\'('1'
Jubilee DinnCI· Dance,
• • •
Short Profiles of
Retiring Members
1M l ' . 26, WA S III.NGTOS, I). C.Attain wc COllle to thl' close of It ,'er),
Active year with work around Wn8h·
inJo:ton iW'ing about the 8aml' Ill< it is
('I'ct·ywhl'l'e else, Nl'wK or OUI' Ihoth·
l'l'l< is sOlllcwhnt s low ill eominJ( in,
hut having mallHgt'd to gI'l thl' lowdown 011 thosc of our old-timer:- who
have decided to retirt', I lUll 1)!I~8inll:'
it on to you. Retil'NI a8 of Occ.'mbel',
l!}ij7, a \'e thl' followillll:' n roll1l'rllEmic l .ol·d, who callII' inlo Locltl :!Ii
in OctohH, 1!l1!) an d hus Ix-cn lIt'ti""
,"'.'1' sincc; ChitS. F aling, who hails
r1'01l1 Lincoln, Nebt'askll :Illd Is stili
thl'l~; J ohn A. n call, II Ko,·ernllll'nl
I'lllplorl' for Ullcle Slim for· 10 tJW !W
mlltl)" relll'S: Joe I reland, rl'tifNI thill
YI'IU·, hat! l)Ci'n with thl' I), (" Eh:e·
It'ic;t\ Inspcctor'8 orucl' and hll" 11('(>11
wdtin~ I{,lters to the locill nl'lI'spalK'rS cautioning Ihl'm I'cglll'ding
"t~ller wiring lind al'j'lIngcllwl1t of
lights on Chl'istmas trl'CS and olh,,1'
,II',·icc9. It mIl)' be allll{'(1 that thil<
i .. II worthwhile lIdmonition.
('t'(l!<by KI'II)- walt at onl' timl' presi<It'nl. of the " Tail Wagg~'1'8 ('Iuh," a
grollil of Prol,11' dl'dicall'll to th(· 11'1'1,
fan' or OUI' funy fl'i('ncill allil hou~1'
R" l'nil' 0'1.... 111')· Wll" with
G{,(lrgetowII t:ni,·cl'sit}· for !Ill 10nK,
h(, has ix-en nc('used of h;.. ill!: Ollt'
of the Ilrofes.'IOrl'. As for Lc,' SiNJJ:Lll
_wl'll, one Ilrticle hlill h{'cn wl'illl'lI
ahout him and thl' tltoU/i!'hl still is,
that. he can ,'cst on hill ll1urels.
Tht! mUlIe Eddie II nnsl'l t!Of'sn't
r"I;:'islcr 1I11til it is ml'ntione<l thlll h('
is onc of the falllous U'UIlI of Mik.,
and Iki'. FOI· nllLn~' ~'I'nrll tlll'8(' two
Hl'oUwnl wcn' inSl' lllLl'lIhll', hUI 1'1"
011l' hnlr of this tC:lln was taken
to his l"('ward and thc team or )Iikc
lind Ikl' hroh up, J ;lke Noonan (thl'
Elilet' ) n('t!d!< littll' comment 011 his
actil·itil'9 ilS n meml)('r or Local 26,
IflwinJi!' sel"'l'al sons who hUI·c followl'd in hill fOOlStells in the electrical
field. a quc~lion WliS asked rcgarding
a monot)()lr in this businl'SfI with thc
KOOtllll1 fUlI1il\'. Tom \\';II'd is anothel·
rl'til"('d I). C. Electriclli Inspectol' II'ho
hilS 1'Cllain,<1 to the WIII'Ill stall' of
Florida und if!: now retiring from our
locul, Torti OI}(!I·atcd 11 Cod(' School
in 1~lol'idll and Ihl't'C al'e few who
can top him in thi!:! field. L.lst hut
1I0t ICllst is OUI' old (,·it'nd J oe Molloy
who n{'('(!11 no introduction. Joe Molloy
hilS been working around Washington
for II JW(lo(I muny P'lll'l; lind had Jlut
a /i!'1'('at. tl('al of timc in powel'houSl'
L(leal ~G has had its shul1' of 501'I~W with 1111' IJallsing or 80me of OUI·
I1 I'Otl1('I's. Sum TelTr, who at OIlC
time was hUllim'(lM manager, 1)IIlIs('(1
last ,Janual'\' with " Ru ck"
L('will, RN'A(' O'Nl'i il and Rill Ra lT
rollowing in I'apid onleJ'. Ho)' ROI··
oughll, or pleasant llU'mol'}\ had I)('('n
ill for somt' lime and paS$l'd aII'll)'
[ast OctOb~'f all did J , n. Ct'(lSS, The
!iudd.'n d('lIlh of Rt'(lthel· i-: d, Gramm,
JI'., SU1'llI'i!<NI en'n'one inasilluch liS
he WIIS working right alon2: until he
had II hl'art attlltk, Horace FulJer
W;IS II Illall who hlld mall)' a('livities
in th., l'1{'Ctritlll fi('ld. lie was th c
fin~t EI('C\l'it'ilUl to JJUt talking picllll·CII in Wa ilhin)!'lon. We want to
melllion too Ihut he wus I·Ct,.· llctil'l'
in thl' Rinnlale, ,\Inl·rland, Fin' De·
partlllt'nt. A chartet· member or thc
Fire Oepartlll('nt he 11'113 its thier
in nl3, and 1938.
A 1I0tl' of interest can be 1II1i1NI
h('r(' hy rel·elliing the ruct th;ll a
COnlll'I' melllUeI' of L.oclll 26 hlls nlade
good IIil1C(' mo,·jng to the SOllthwl'st·
"I'n 1)II1·l or OUI' gr('ut C(lunll·~" A good
many o f Ihc n ro lhel's l'ellll'l11be!
Ihot lwl' 1'1I1l[ SCt'UKKS who left OUI'
Page Th irty·nine
sunny clillle fOl' Ph(wnix, :\I'i7.0II:I,
sevel'l,1 years ago due to the he:llth
of ~It'I, SCI'UggS, Rl'{"omin~ actin' in
Local 640 in Phoenix, h(> is now the
husincu lIIunu(I:{'\' and financial s('cre ta,'y, Congtutulations lIrc in Ol'(lel'
and the word hils cOllle that he would
'qllli'(><"iute a r"" li",,8 fl'om nWl11bl'l's
of LoOcal :W once in H while. Paul is
I't'nwmh(' j'(>d all hcinJ.! a well liked
ch;lp lind most accomll1o iating at :111
limes, lie ill l' (Iualific(] mUll rot, thl'
jobs tha t he now holds, Wl' .~lIlute
you, Sit·, and the best of luck to rou!
!tect'nl]y, in o1"de)' to demonstrate
the aPJlrentice C](IIiS, 011(> of t he
most up.to-date eirctl'ical It'HllSlllissian systems, ~Ir. L('lI'is Pal mel', eli1'('(:tOI' or allJlI'enlices and a membcl'
o( Local 26 took the complete c1l\ss or
11])J)l'entic('s to the IH'W S{lnnte Oflic('
iluildinj{ fOJ" 1I vicw o r all the ncw
equiPlllent, with the idea in mind of
fHmiliHl"i7.ing th{lse cmb)'yonic III~
('hallics with the newest rlClCtrical
equipment. Gathering th('l!e boys ill
H 1:II'ge I'oom, M r. J. P. HaYllrs, Pl"oj.'ct lIIanug'CI' tor Alcxall~l",- [md
1~I'nst, gave a fin{l talk Oil what th j'Y
I\'l're 10 !Ie", ami what to (':'11\'('1 . Intil
t1"ouuccd at thil~ time II'CI'e thosc fOl'emen of the job who \I'el"<: pl'e!l('nt:
Rill Tydings, 11;1), Isherwood ami
NOl'man Ziegler, ~!J', Ginv Simi, diI"CCtol' or al'pl'cntices fol' the Disll'ict
o r Columbia , said a f ew words and
then left [01' anoUlel' iml'OI't;lIIt all"ointmcnt. Mr, Palmer then !Jl"es('n lcd
sOllie o r the teaching staff of th(' A,)~
]lrentice School: .\11·. Dan ~l anRin,
711)', Ch:II'les Wisc and ~I r. Euclid
"~lclIling, The tour l:lstcd about one
houl' and a hnlr an d from commt'ntl;
heard nfte)' the tour, i:'l'eryone was
most pleased .
Mark 25th A1I1ziversaty
This group of 1~l e m~rH did YCOnl~1I Ben ·ie(' as thl' Oi1lll('r Cornmi/lee 1]1:Irkin ,l{ thc 25th RlInh' er!lary of Local 25, LOll,!!
Is land, N. Y. Sta ndlllg, lcft to ri g ht: J, Ndson; W, Boy e r; II. PRI'hr, chairll1l1n; H, Mayhan); S. F'rewin; K 1{IOlldn:
J . Do ughe rl y; J., KetchnJn, Irenl'lu rc r: W. I'ur" h'y; J, Hhntl/{3n: T, 1I1'll(' l)r)': A. Uehnc r : H, Ket cham , lind A. Dc ~IIl Y ",
Sca ll'd: n. 1'1I11J10: " -. BrCJnt'r : 1-:, l'a r rinJ{ton ; A. Uackn!!, 1( , Wolf. lind A. In ·inc.
J\ n ol cnlll "iew of the out standi ng turn. oul for the loe31's bi r lhd u)' IllIrty.
Page Forty
The Electrical Workers'
On Site of Senate Office
This is the jl;TOU I' of UIlI)rcnlici's froll1 Loeu! 21;, Was hill,l:ton. n, C., who luade th e tonr o f th e ne ..- Scn:ll c Oflire lIuild .
in~. Thi s I,iclnre WIIS IlIken in Ihe lIucliloriulIl heclllIse it wus the o n ly plnet! a .'uiluhl t: to IIccornmmillll' all lIU'l<c p('nplc .
-" In t he frOll t row rl' utiin g' from 1.... ft til ri~ht :11'1': Fra nci s J . O · ~e i11 . lin'S!! !leCrt't:lry. Lo ca l 26: HII)' l." he rwuud. fOI'(,II1<1n,
- Uranch circn it wiring: Will. T ydin gs. forcl11ulI . l Tud t' rfloor du ct: Ku rm Hn Zie"1,,T. fOl'emall, Pow('r and Sub!!t ll!iou: J.P.
lIaY'les, I)Tojce! IIHIIH1Ker: Gi no Simi, Direclor of AIJP I'(' uticcll. Ui s lri ct of ('olllll1bi a: L(' ''' is Palm cr, !)i r ec/or of AP IJrCU.
tices. Loca l 26; Dan .\Illn .l:'ill, inst r'uctor: Euclid Fle mi ng, instructo r. a nd Chas. Wist'. instructur.
Readin ,l:" fro m left lu ri g hl: Dan ;'I lal1l-:"il1. in"lr uctur; G ino Si mi. Direct or of Allllrl'nliees. I)istrict of CUhllUbill; Lewis
P almer. I)ireelor of Alilire ntiees . I..ocal 26: Chus. Wis~'. inill ructor; Euclid Flenlin g. instructor. and J . I'. lI ay nes.
,Irojeel IIUtna,l("er, ne" St'na le O lliee Buildin g: Wm. T ydi ng!<, tlnderllnnr dnet , furt'tllltU; Xo rman Zieg[(' r. l'ow('r lind
S ub.s talion fore mlln; J . 1". III1 Ylles, Ilroj ect mana ge r: Hay bherwood, Bran('h circu it wirin):' rure l1tan, and KNI Por.
tcr, maintt'lla llce foreman.
H,'other Clem 1>,.... 11('1", OUI' busy
husiness managel" h tls hcen hospital.
ized fOI' ;1 while. II I" has been 1.00
active :lnd :I good ,'I'st WHS "eCOIl1'
mended by his family Ilhys ici an \\'ho
shooed him off to Providence II osJlit(l1
fOI" a fel\' weeks. At thc last "('POIt
he was !'csling niccly and shou ld 1:,1"
home within a w('(·k 01' so. Fl'aneis
"Dutch" I' l"ellel" suITel'N\ fl'om a ha ... :t
injury about the same time alld he.
too, wus sent 10 Pl'o\'id"nce Hosllit:ll
and to mak(' it a ("ollllllunity nfTlIir.
he WllS Illaccd in the Iwxt l'oom! No
Ilronlc!!! th"I'c rO!o visiting the PI·!.'Ilel·s.
The Rowling TClltlls of Local 2(;
hllve !wen shooed olr t hese ]lages rOI'
a while lIOt becanse there is 110 ac·
tiyity, hut 1)('e;luse not cnough l'''pOI·ts
have come ill on tim«. II o\\'Cv",', with
Lhc n('w y,,;u· ul rendy upon liS, OUt·
teams nl'(' s triving to k(>(.'p lhe I"ad
th;lt they twve already at\(Iined.
T he Cl'l'dit Union, t(lO, is still doing
husill(>ss at the old stand and cvel'Y
Satu l'(lay morning f''()111 9:00 till
12:00 nOQn , the boys al'" Ih(>I'e blls)"
as liUle I.l-N's counting out theil'
money and s p rc:ldin~ good will.
J o urnal for January . 1958
T llIu'sday ewning'S nnd they seem to
be l'unning tl'UC to fOnl}. Thl' rolloII"
inl{ is the stall(ling of Iht.' t(·ums us of
November 22nll:
7' eu.lI~
.............. 21 12
Oh111s- D"lon)l:'
Amps-Beck ........
Pha s{'--J)u hnn ....
WaUs-ArnOld ......
\'olt s-Kndl ...................... 17
Eled l"Ons--Kn()(.'1llcr ........
Cyc1t's--Kalb ....................
l.umens- Mlljor .............
Thel'e hilS 1)(·,'11 an a\·... flll{l· attend·
ance in Ih(· ~:Iec ll'oni!' Cla sses this
~''' flr.
1)On Bunk!;' is Ih(' inS\I'uclO"
:lml clnsses are hdd t\\'o nights a
wt.'f'k. About ;-10 me111b1'l's II)'{' "egis-
A t Ihe building .!;il e, read ing from left
10 r ij.:h l : I,e""is I'Hlm e r. Dirt'clor uf
"\ ",,rt.'l1lices, Local 26; Gillo Sim i, Di·
reclor of AIII,rt'nticl'.~ , Districi of Cu·
Iumbia, lind Frllnciij J . O·,... " i11, IIrt'SS
secretar y, Loclil 26.
Dnu't forget to s pread th(' truth
about lubol' nl1d uphold its J1"incipl('s,
F!u:o:n;s J. O·j\'~;I[. I " 1'.8.
Repor ts Scores of
Baltimore Bowlers
L. P. 28, HALTIMOHE, ,\ lO.- Our
Bowling League is still bowling on
l' ""
On Saturday OctObel' 26th til(' om·
el'I'g nnd theil' wiv"s of LocHI 28 a t,,,"dcd II (\inllel' lind dal1ce given by
Local 26 of WIIRhinglon, U. C. They
"lIj(\~'ed being with th"il' neighboring
RI"Olh(,I's and thank the ln fot' u most
d"ligh tful evening of elllel'lainOlellt.
Page Forty ·o ne
Mark Sixty Years of Buffalo Local
Tn th(' ,-iI'''' al left lakl'1I at th e 60t h Ann ivers ary ba nq ue t of Loc<l 1 41, 14l1ffal0. :'\. l' .. we Sf'e Se< r l'la rr KCl'na n Il re!!!'n l ·
iug II r u/her Juhn J . ('11 11 ,, 1.11 11 wit h his fi ft y YCllr 18EW pin , whil l' !.OOllurd K ()I!I,r, IlrclSid" nt ( Jeri) . a nd Chnrll's II .
P illard , hu s iness l1l unu !{er (ri l( ht ), 100) k u n. A I r i",ht in the uSlla l or dl' r : J ohn Wd Jl:d t of Vicl' P rt's ide nl Li K!: t·t" s s la rr.
" i c~ I'r ellide nt JUSt" lh W. LiK~e ll , B us in ('s~ iIIUtHI){Cr l'ilI ur(1, T ed NIILl l:'hlun and And y Johnson, both II IEW re ll re·
r eM' nt al j \ ('S.
The (ollowing week they tl'll\'elcd
north to Wilmington, Delaware to attend the Fifty·Fifth AnnivCl"IIlll'Y
Banquet of Local 313 Iwld at Foul'nie)' lI a lJ. The sllme (','('nint: Ill{'
gra duating !lpprenticcs of u>cal 313
were prelle nted their certificntes.
T hel'e WCI'C 14 in the class. Evcn'one thoroughly enjo),ed the evening.
A t the lime of this writing thc
members of Local 28 al'e looking forward to theil' annual Thallksgh'inl{
Su p pel' alld Dance. It will be held
lit. the A1(,111.11 I" 011 l"'ridll)' NO \'cm~r
29th f rom 8: 00 p.m. to 1 :00 lU ll . W ith
all t he pla n ni ng that R"OCS in t o milking arnt llgcmcnts evel'yonc certainly
will hl!.\'e a good time.
A t lhis time the olllee!"s and members o f T..oelll 28 wish you :Ill a HIIJlPY
nnd l)rospel"Ous New Year.
T hi nk SaCety WOI'k Safely all
Ihl'ough Ihe ~'ea r. ReIHl a nd hl'l'll t. he
safety sloguns on Ih{' b(lck page of
the J Ol lltN,\L each mo n th.
I'.::T.: H A~EII.L, P. S.
Regret Passing of
Leader at Lima. Ohio
L. U. 32, LIM A, OIll O-On Novembe r 8t h, 1!)57 our l'cUred rOrllH!I' D Ul:iincss iII anagcr n obelt D, ( Po p) Waruer d ied , following :I sudden iIlncss.
1\1II ny of liS knew Warnel' IlllitC well
and we 1111 li k ed 10 have h im nellr liS,
fOl' ho mnused us mlllly times with his
fran k ness lind lItraightfor w1LI'dness.
He mellut what he I!.:lid lmd he was
l,\:s llectet! for it" H is name will be
r('membel"(~d 8I'OUlI(\ h el'c fO I' II lonj:("
time, since he no t only was neU'"e as
business m(nwgcl' f OI' Local :12 ( Ol'
mnn~' rea l"S, bu t wall assista nt IIccretar)' for the Central Labor Union as
" Pop" ' Varner wns initiated on May
8, 1925 in what was then Locnl 971
Lukelund, F lorid a. T he same year he
tr:llIl1fllrred in to lhis local uml 1'('mained here, lJuring the dCIlI'cssion
)'eaI"9, when this local had jUilt IIc"en
members, bal'el~' enough to hold our
A Job W ell Done
Brothers Fred Schmid t of ),oea l 43, S yrac use, N. Y., H. A r no ld loca l me mbe r
and joh fore ma n, and Ed, Meldrim of Loenl 249, Ge nc \'U, !\, Y.. I' t and with
I)r ide in t he midst o f n cOlllllle t ('d job of tlnde rtl oor du ct 011 a ll add ilitlll t o t he
olliee of a 10cHI manufact urin g: Illa nl ,
Pa ge F o rty -tw o
chartcr (issued Novcmwt· 1898) it
\\'as men like Wal'ner and a few mon.'.
who laid the groundwOI'k for what all
membel"S of Local 32 enjoyed in later
yen rll a nd still do today, We shall
miss him for u long timc to come,
Rloot hel' Wn rnel"S bu do l was held
o n A rmistiec Da y in Gl"eellville, Ohio.
T he pallbearers werc : S. H. I'linton,
M . F. Bowsher, G. T , R rocl..crt, Rich
al"(I Knullp, Eo II. Brown and E, n.
E. B. Mt:n :lt, R, M .
• • •
Long-Term Preparations
For Anniversary Success
L. l; , 41 , BUFl-' ALO. X. Y.-Anothel'
year is dl1lwing t o :l close a nd this
one, 19~7 , is going 10 be 11 memorable
one to many of the Brothel'l! of Ihe
I.B. E, W. A gl'ea l nwny thi ngs ha pp~'ncd dul"ing this yell!", bu t nothing
will be mor(' memol'a ble than t he Sixtieth Anni\"f:'I'SIII'Y of Loclll 4 1.
Appruximately onc ~'ear of pl'epal'lItion went illto this nlTllir. Plans
11:1d to be made to accom modate IlPwa rds of 2000 !loople. First, a hall,
able to hold t hu! many poople, had to
be fO\lII d. Once t his w a g accom plished,
(IlT UllJ{Cmcnt.S for
drinks, entcrtainment, guests etc,
were made. \\'~k afiel' week. and
month art~!" month wellt by and finnlIy came the day e\'e,,~'one was joyously awaiting, October 19.
T he place picked for such a hug"('
afra it· was the 1741h AmlOry building.
T he gues t s a nd members began gathering (or cocktails at 6:00 p.m . Ry
7:00 p.m., dinner l ime, close to 1800
people were seated at tables on t he
gllil>' decorated drill flool\ It was
ama~ing to see how such a lal'g('
J{I"OUII of poo]lle could be sen'cd a hot
meal, but everyone was, and ill sixtyIh'c minu tes at that!
T he spooches t h at fo llowed wei'!'
short but vel'Y en joyable. Bl"Other
Gordon Fr('eman was repI'cscnted by
Joseph D, I\: ~nan, International Sec:-
The El e ctri c al Worke rs'
n'tary. n l'OthH K(>(!nall spoke 011 how
the 1.'1~'Ctdcal illliullt!·y had gl'own in
the no )·eal,. or Local 41'. existence.
lie told of thl' mt'rger of tht· A.F.L.
and C.I.O. and how the future looks.
Othn gtll'Sts WCI"(' J O!>(>llh W. liggett, I nh>I'nntional Vic.' PI'"sid"nt,
Third District, I.lt E.W.; JI'r('miah P.
Sullivan. I nt('rnationnl T I'('as u r"er,
I.Jt E.W.; I... mis 1'. Mal'cillntc, Mcm1.1('1' of Ill(' inlt'l'na\iunal F~;H'Cuti\"e
Council. 1.1l.I':.W.; J amu L. Kanc,
Matth('w J . Cmwford, J .'rl·y Winterhah, William Ihult'I', "Rill" Damon,
Whitworth F.·I·KlllIOn. G"OI'gl' F. Ru t·
1('1'. J ohn H. Wcigt'h. DI·. Isaac KII'in,
arlll I. D('nl J l"nkl·ns.
Also 11I'1"wnl W"I'e se\"l'rul o( our
mtmbcnl who ha\'e Il'ft thill area.
Among Ih(,81' wel'e F rank Mauhies,
for many }"UI'II a Ineml>c-r of our
fo:xeculi\"(' 1I0uI"II who noll' Ih'Cs in
fo'lol"idu. lind Bill .sca,·\·i!!,·, who came
in from Bath. N('w York. It is alwa)'s
nkc to han· 111<'11(' Brolht'l'!4 rHul'll.
if on ly fOI' 1\ \·iail. Tht·y bl'ing bnl"k
man)' fond 1I1t'1Il01'it'a of hY-KOIW daYII.
Aft(',· Ill(' SI)(,l'(·h.·s cuml' onl' of th('
hiKhlilo:'hl1l of til(' ('vl'ninl{. This was
Ih(' lu'eSt'nt llti,)n of nn I.B.fo;.\V. SCI'oll
and :iO·~'('ar Ilin to HrothN .John J .
Callahan br B" oth ~ '1" K{'I'nan and a
KOld walch by I.t'onal"d C. KOI.'f1 f,
I'I"~sident o f Local 41. Ih'Oth('r Calla+
han n"~('i\"t·d a jo!"rl'at o\utioll fnr his
:)0 lean; of <I("\"ot('(1 lind 1(I)'al s(· ....·ice
to Local I I. WI' o f Local ..& I wish
Il rolht'l" f'alilihan a joyous rdin'men!.
fo'OI' a"l'rm~iIlUHely nnt' lind one-half
hOlil'S followingi th(' floorshow from
the T ow n ('ulino added tn th" fl"stivit ics. Dancing Wlill n('xt fo,' SOI111' thl'ee
It WIIS 1\ ",lol"iolls ~'v\' nil1g and
favorable comnll'nls W('I'I' plentiful.
Wt' 111'1' I,,'oud of th(' comlnitl!'e fOI" all
t he t inw alHI "IWI'goy li l"'nl to pul ov('r
liuch a hanK-UII IIfrn il'. Bro th(' 1' Charles
P illard, bUAilwlIB manU"'I'I", (If Local
41 did a I)t'uuliful job 1111 IOIl$tmllstel'.
OUI" t hanks lO him lind til(' com 'lliltec
fo,' doing such II 1{I"f'lIt job in mnking
this onc of till' most enjo)'able e\"enini,"S in many u rear.
UI('rI \1It) 110 1'1":1., 1', S.
Selection o f News
From Syracuse Ar ea
L. I ' . 13, S YI1ACrSE. ;\. Y. -T he
local llIorninll ]l1I 1lt'1' calTiNI an nrticle
sa ying that S putnik would 111ISS o"erhe:ld this afternoon at G:30 and so
yours trul)' hundled up in all 0\"1.'1'coat and went outside to watc h the
exent. I t WIIS 18 abo\"c 1.('ro anti the
ground WIIS lightly co\'crcd with snow
and ice. •0\ ft('r I4tllndinK out there in
the cold for 15 lIIinut('8 shi\'ering I
g:n'e it lip in disgust. all tilt' sky was
too O\'(,I,(,lIsl to lie<' lIn)'t hing. :'olayhe
W(' should hll\'C our hend I'xamine-d,
h uh?
Journal l o r January , 1958
OUr P resil S~I'ctal')' salute (or this
Illonth goes to thl.' :\lidwt'st and
BI'Other Jim Watkins, IIl'ess sCi:l"('taI"Y
of I.. U. Hi3, South Bend, Indiana.
Bl'Other Wa tkins was born in Chattllnooga, T enn(,IISl'{' lind IIttl"ndf"d
school Ihel'(,. lit· Illoved to Indiana in
l~)"& :; afler four yt'III'S !!en'icc in the
Army, ]lal'l of which W{,I'(, slwnt o\"el'S('fil!, in WOl'ld Wa r I I.
IIt'Other Watkins Iw'gan his al'IH.'IItic('shiJi at the Koontz Wagnel' t:l('ctric ConlJlany in South Ilend in J!t ~ I;.
11(' was initiatt'ti into L. U. ,:,:j on
UI'C"lllber 21; of thnt )'eal' allli ,'(>c... I\·\>(1 his jOllrJUO)'llllln cnl'/I in " ' ay
I ~);jU.
HI'othel' J im has Iw·en Jlr('sll ~('CI'('·
tal'Y fO I' his localsinc(' Ifl:;i'i. In atlditiOl1 10 his rlutiNI as 111'('118 IIt'C,·('tUI·y
Ill' is also a n EXI'cu!i\'(' BOllnl 111('111bt'l' lind Ildt'gllt.· tn tht' Building
Tl'utl('s Council.
A t PI"('sen l QUI' PI'(,SS !;('cn'tary i8
('lII plo)'('(1 by SO"n 'H t;l{'ctl"ic ('Oll\llIlnY
in lIIishuwaka, Indial1l1. II.· i!4 111111"We w;olcom(' "Ken" :'ol owel')' of th ..
Oswego, X('w YOI'k, loe:11 to ou,· midst.
11(' is now workin/{ in OUI' tHI·itol'),.
Our BI'Othel' " J ack" GalltlJ{hl'l" is
laid UII in one of thl' local hOlll'itnls
wilh .a b.adl)' hrok;on I('g, which will
kffll him conlin('(1 fot· a long fII','iod
of lillie. i underst.and it wl\sn't done
at work. W(' hop.. no complirulionll
!;('t it to keep him out of cit'culalion
aoy longer than nl·Ct'Ssal·Y.
This "ast. month two of OUI' III'nthNil suffe"ed tilt' lOllS of theil' mot!wl"s.
One was B,'oth(,I' "Phil" Ilagatiol'll
anll thc other WIlS Rrot.h\·!· "Nick"
l)eNil·O. OUI' d('(']lest sympathy ",0,'11
out 10 hoth of thr ill .
H ('cenll~' we ,"f'c('i\'('d n h,tl('I' rmlll
')Ul' fOI'llICI' I"'('SS S('Cl"e\:II")" Hill NiJ{ht,
who is now in En"l('wood, Flo"idu, fnl'
the fit-st Imrt of Ih(' winler. II., t('ll~
Ill£' that later on he wili hitch UII his
house-trailer and again hl'all (ot·
;\i('xico, and that he is <,onsi.ll'ring
continuing on to the Ileoinsul:1 of
Yucutan .and IlOui bly on to GUlllamala. Being' also inr('<"led with lh('
wund;orlust but still l i('(1 down hy
dl'Cllmstances, WI' C:Ul on l)' CIiSt f'lI \'iO llS eyes in n iJ1'14 dil'eetion and hOIJ('
that OUI" t ime will come 10 dUJllkntl'
his travels . In t he IIwllntimc Wl' wis h
him haPJlY tl'ailt'l'illJ{ anti ho/w hc
will again !.Iring buck mor(' of Illo!!t'
1)(,lIutiful and int('I'('sting color' slidl'S,
o r which he has fluite II collcctioll.
J ,\;\U;S N. McK"l', I'.S.
Negotiate Improvements
For Hotpoint Employes
I.. 0 . 16, ~mi\TI· I. K WJ\ S II.- IIdlo
agouin music 10\"'1'1I! GI'('eti llKs f,'Om
J im Wll l kin M
I·i(·d allil thc fa th('I' of two sons Ilnd
n dllulChter.
K{,I'l' Ul1 the good \\'ol'k fol' YOUI'
loclII Ulllon, B rOllwr Watkins, nlHI
k"I'JJ I hoM' fh l(' lettl'I'S (.'(Jming!
this f:uIIt'i1 city of "Ahhrrtt and culchooro:·... Alas, w(' mu.'!t admit W('
didn't 1,(·a1iu it OUr8(''''eS until W('
I'ead it in the l)('('cmiK'I' /l oUdflY ma~ ­
nZIl1('. So w(' lind that instead of
lakinit' our out-of-to ..... n \'isitors to
1\'01'11 on Ih(' W;lt('I'fI'OIlI, WI' must
tunl our !<ilt'h ts "uJilown" and clillk
Kia"",.·" with cafe !;()t·il·I),. Ah so! !!
this is thc Ilrice WI' ha \'(' to pay rOl'
li villJ{ in thl"8e 111'OSlleI"OUII times.
lIo!w~tly thmlJ{h, WI' are glad to
IwlmlK to a sl,'onl-: union t ha t put!!
us wilhin striking di!;lance of tl1\'.~(·
fi nN thinJ.:"s nf tifc.
BU!lilll's!l H(']11'eg('tllaUv(' Uon :'o l ac+
Plwrs.lIl l"I'I)()I·ts a ni('.' ra ise anc! lin
imllro\'I'11 contract l OI' the Hadio, T-V
and Appliance Sen'icemen at thl'
lI otJloint Servicc C('nh'r. AS:III end
1'('!III11 of an N.L.n.n. "'('('tion when:'
th., I. R.E.W. j{ain('(1 th,' I'ilt'ht to I'epI'f!!Ient. Ihl'!\(' boy8, their Ila), scale of
$2.:10 IW' r hour \'\'ent to $2.:)4 Iter houl·.
This, n;lroactivc way hack to .July,
I~~)i. I n April, 1958, thl')' go to $2.6:;
per hour lind Octoh('r I, 1958, Ihe)'
jum p to $2.i 5 PCI' houl·. In addition ,
th('sc technicians '""ceil·t two W('('k8
paid \'llclltion after th('iI' li l'St YCIII",
plus IIt'ven l);Iit! holidaYI4 and Ihc)'
a,'C co"el'ed hy the I'cgulnr Holll()i nl
J) culth and Wel fal'(' plan.
0",' bu!ti nes.., mllnal{(" ·. G('ne KI.'I lIOn, hlill JUIlt. annOUllc.·d a ne ..... policy
o f putting an office gil"l on the DisIJ:tlCh J}e~k in ortler 10 free a business ''''IH'l'!!entati\'e for 1II0l"e timc in
the fleld. Shc will also pick up the
add('(1 101111 of palter work coming in
with our cnl;u'ged apprenticeship
\I'aining ]ll"ogral11. The ollice swff
Pag e F o rty -thr ee
Annual Outing for NewarJ., Local
Po~ in g
on Ma1.du Urook Farms arc t he Il1 c mbt!rs of Locnl 52, Kewark, N.J., who a ll endl'd their annulI! outing th is year.
a group of the hoys who attended /llld
the other of t he ('ntel1ainment com 4
mitlee, who organized this affair,
• • •
Inaugurate Linemen's
Apprenticeship Program
These men se r n'!d on the Ent er tainment Committee for Ihe Qutinf,:'. Sea l ed le rt
to right: J. J (' II I1I'II ; J . Schne ider; M. Lis t: i\T. Tarrabllr1 finollcia l secretllr),.
S tanding: A. Henr : T. KniJ.::hl: II. Cla r kin : Lou " e hling. bus iness agen t : J .
Anderson: H. Greel,.. IJ res idt'nl : Eo Fnnl,lInn: II. Philips ;
Grccly. assis tant
bus ilH'sS li gen ! : H. P('orl. and T. Kin/{. Executh'c BOllnl member.
will now be stabilized with
,'cprcllcntati\'m; :lnd (OUI' office
As you read this, t.wo new classes
for members int.el"ested in impro"ing
lh.,,,IIIO.:h elf "ill he j liSt. getting und('J'
war and pmbably have an opening'
01' two if rou act now, A code ('Iuss
taught by Dean Sm)'th of the Cit~'
I nspt:ction JJcpal'tmcnt wi ll be meeting Tuesday evcnings and a c1aSll on
TranSfOI"llICI'S, Motol's and COUll'ois
will he held T h ursday cveni ngs with
Ron ) n'i ng at the helm,
f' l"iends of f'r;\nk Beaudl'y und
Rill Maci will be glad to know thC')"
m'e on their Wlty to u slow but sure
reeover)' in Fil"lal\ds, T hey would
allpl'cciate a no te from you old lilll(' I'S,
Since our last writing, Alexand"r
Kidd. Claude A. Gnllaght:l' nnd
R, S. Hallett ha\'e UIJlllied fOl" theil'
H ugh K. O'Neal, C, H. Rehl'inJ:("l'I',
Pag e Forty -four
0, W, Helm, DouglHS Chase, H ug h W.
PUl'l'}', Ell1'l Wood, ~I", J ohn N . Gold4
bel'r? and GOOl'g(' L. Wilson have
passl"'d on to a ha llpi('1' la nd we kno\\,
T heil' friclids will miss them,
"KNl n;" illALLETT, P,S,
• • •
400 Attend Annual
Newark, N. J., Outing
L. U. 52, K fm' AUK , ~. J .-On J uly
0, l..ocill 52 elljoyed its ann ua l ou t ing
a l Mazda Rrook Farms, Dover, New
It was a fi nc affnil' a ttend,,] by
0\"1'1' 400 lIlem)('I's nnd (I'iends, Many
games and races wcre held and thc
day was climaxed by an old timers
\'el'SUs young4timers hllUp,-:une whirh
I lUll sarI')' to sny proved tha t youth
sUll has its nd\,antnges.
Enclosed are two pictul'es, one of
i7 ,
W A ~ II.-Ol1
Septe mher 14, )957 , Local Union 77
with P uget. Sound POWCI' and Light
Company inlluguruted a JJinf'nH1I1 A ppI'Cnticeship PI'Ogram, T he picture
aceompallying this al'ticle shows the
first class of apprcntice lincmen at
Puget's centl'ld hend<lual'tcl'liJ in Rcn 4
ton, Washington, wh(,I'e the 144 houl's
o{ real"ly instl'uction will be givcn,
,Memool'!l o{ the AII)II't:llliceship Com4
mltlce l't:lll'ese.ntlnj{ Local Union 77
;\ 1'1': Art Ke.nt. Slim Wayson lind
Fl'ed Kittingl'l',
T he man (,Hme huck or maybe his
bl'othor, but a t any rate fOl' thc
thil'd time, I.ocal Union 77 has hall
its new building bl'Oken into, On N04
,"ember H, (ollowing the I'egullll'
monthl)' meeting o{ Unit 100, an
entry was made using a little diffc\"4
ent modus ollcl'(!ndi by (Ol'dng the
b9.t'k door rathel' than a bark window, FI'01ll thcI'e on c\'erything was
the same, lIttnek on the "auh, HiliSlicking of dl"ll ....·ers, etc, The vault
uoor ''''OJ 100 tuugh for OUI' fl"icnd
th is time, hO\\'('\'el', and nothing else
of \'ahle was avnilablc, so outside of
mino]" re pairs to be made, no dlUllRge
was dOlle.
Negotiations a)"c now \llIdcr Wily
with Puget Sound Power and Light
COlllpany, Wes t Coast Telephone Com 4
"all~', and the following Pub1i(' Utility
Distl'icts: Lewis, COwlitz, GI'II>'S lI al'4
bor, Cheilln , Benlon, FI'anklin lind
Grant Counties,
Bob Vickery, SOli or H. J. Vicker)',
SC:lttlC City ti~ht Undcrground f'orc4
man, hlls won 1\ colllpetiti\'c scholnl'-
The Ele c trical Work e r s'
IIhip to )Iallsuchusctts Institute of
T echnology.
J. l\1. II ,\M:\IO~I), P.S.
Complete Bridge-Tunnel
At Hampton Roads, Va.
L. U. 80, :\,OUFOI.K, VA.-Perhaps
one of the most difllcult of union
labor's many thousand,~ of traditional
contril!Utions to mod('I'nizing Amcl'ica,
was POI'tl"ayed in gmndiose fOl'tn
upon completion of the il ampton
Hoads hl'idge-ttl1lnel which, dl'spit('
its complexi!.y and vast scope, was
successful in meeting its target Ilatl'
on N'0\'e1l1hel' 1st without difficulty 01'
interrulltion and-as o penly acknowledged by nn official o f thc contractors
-with I'emal'kabl)' few grievances.
R. G, Clllltiell, "rcsident of the
Nol'folk nuilding and Construction
Trndes Coullcil (also business mnn:Iger of Loc:1I 80) said, "Cnion Labo r
is proud of its splell(lid accollllilishmen! in the tunnel 11I'oject. I'l":Ictically ('\'("I'Y cmet l'epl'('lI('ntoo in the
Council flgUl'ed in sonl(' phase of thl'
work," H(! added that "the tunnel ,
in il,~ compl" t.ed statc, is a monunwnt
lo the combin(!d skills :Ind techniques
of the Building and Constl'uction
trades of organized lahol',"
A mong th,' modern e(luipmcnt fOl'
successful opera t ion of thc thl'ee-and·
onc - half - milc, $60 - million, 10llgest
tJ'cnch-tYIlC tubc in the wOI'ld-7,479
fect I)OI'tal to Ilol'tal-:lI'c J{j axialvane fans (a first) capllhlc of cil'<;ulating 3,408,800 cuhi<: feet of :Iil'
pel' minute, cal'bon monoxide deleetors with automatic signu ls, llutcomalic mist dispenser, huge electrically
contl'oUNI Iloodgates to forest(lll f100dil\~ of the tunnel
lind the most
model'n toll collection and recol'ding
dc\"ices e\'el' de\"elolK'd, which will
I,,'o\'ide 1'(I]lid, automatic audit of
cash fUI"(>s and commutntion titkeLs
as well us I"(>\"enue <"'(lIItrOI.
Slleakill~ of one - ered Connelly
CI',lshinjt a gate, hen"s Olle with a
hl'and nl".'w ungle, Thi s IIccidentnl 01'
intentional incident happened two
duys priOl' to the ofllciul opening of
the tUllIw1. Don G, ,\l cAfee, 72, oil
magnatc of Grand ll:.ipi<i s, l\Iichi~ll1\,
and hi s wifc, l11ade a wrOIlFr left tUl'n,
intending to take the (now defumt)
ferry, and seeillg thl' lighls tUl'lle{1
011 in the tunnel, mistook it fOl' the
ferl'y pier lind (h'o\'e on into the tUIlnel. Although soml'what SUI"]ll"ised
e\'entu:illr at being the onc and on ly
car, they continued on, nut lhcir
SUl'prise hllrdly matched the amazcmcnt of the guard at the Hampton
end, Aftel' theil' explanation of being
ou1-Of-townel"8, the tunnel wide OIK'n
and IighlS full)' 011, th(' guard politely
I'('(used th('iI' fare, S:lid )lcAfee, "!'\'e
heen in a lot of tunn('ls here and in
I~ul"o[lc, where I wellt through thl'
Jo urnal fo r January. 1958
to filch the widow's life savings?
famous Gothard tunnel, hut this is
the pretties t one I've s~n,"
Well, maybe the time hilS IIl"I"i"ed fOl'
history to repeat itself. who knows?
OUI' wOl'k at this time is, once
Dl"ew Pearson inforl11S II!:! that "inagain, at an aU-time low, Steel and
lernal C<lmbllstion" Chadie Wilson,
the wcathCI' 1l1"e blamed as being the
fOl111Cl" D{>fense SCCI-elUI')' will take
cause of holding up pl"Ogl'ess of
the I'ap fOl' the missile sn:lfu to keep
the powel'hO\1sc and Naval Hospital
the scandnl from going :my hiFrh(,I'
which we UI"(> looking fOl'wlIl"d lo,
up, " 'hal. the AmcI'ic:J11 taXlmrel'S,
T he hrothers of Local 80 extend
sincel'C get well wis hes and hopes who foot t.he hills. arc rcall)' entitled
for all eal'ly l'eCo\'ery to B tothel' J, It to know is: ullder whal Ill'elext was
(Cousin) nl'Hn son who I'ccently suf- this nwn allowed to I'emain in omce,
je<lpal"dizillg the nation's deren,~e.
fered a hClll't attack,
Of all till".' intemllUon:11 blunders when it WlIS common knowl edge and
of the "over-night" s tat('RlIlen of thl! thl' records of the DCp'lI"tlll("nt of IJefense will pl'ove it, that he persist_
G,O,P, nig Busi ness AdminiRtralion,
I'n tly fa\'OI'(,{] his fonl1(,1" comp:Hly
who have put this greul IlUtioll on
the dcfelll'i\'e, we al'e now confrontell - General :'olotOl"s-wlth ])f'fensf' Dewith sevel'al G,O,P, Senatol'S who 1I1'e 1IIII'tnU<'I\t contl"acts to all unpreceintent upon completing Ihis calamity d ented <legl"('('?
T he hl,othel'!! of I,/x':d 80 wish II
nationll]]y with a "Uight,to-WOI'k"
law, ReFral'dless of all the :1J)pealing 11(11111)" and PI'OSllel'OUS Nl'w Yt'ar lo
all of the Illl'mhel's of oq:wni:>:ed lahor.
and hf'art-touching 111'OJiaganda that
has been sown, if they nl'e successfu l, evell'whcl'C,
all they clln hOlle to lIchie\'e is an
J , \', (JOE) H{)("D',\l\, P,S,
f'\'{'ntual closing of the hiring hall,
followed closely b)' a dClll'ivation of
the wOI'kers' Constitutional right to
free barga ining, thus retul'ning, ollce Emplo yment Pin ch Affec ts
again to the d('c:Jdent el'll of "ask the
Fresno, Calif" Area
hoss f01" a job, at his jlrice," be it
fait, 01' not, for the minimum wage,
L. U. 100. I·'UES='O. CA Ll P,- Emas set hy !uw, will then he all that
ployment in OUI' area has bcen only
you can lawfully d{"lIlund, Things
f:lir, We have gotten by, by Sf'nding
could chall!:,e though, Ulld('I' that !wt- sOllie lllembel'S to work in other jul"isup, T hink of the untold hillions of dictions,
profit s and dividends fol' t hose on the
OUI' contelllillated mountain I''lwel'
l"ight side of the LI'ack!i, think son.
houses al'e fal' from the stage of
think! I'o~sibly you don't r('lJJemhel' ('mploying el('etl"iei:lI1s in any qU:\I1the \\' ,P,A, 01' the coldw:\tel" flats?
tit)", except II few maintenance men,
01' do you l"emcmbcl' the Wall SlI'ect on dams,
cliftlle who controlled !),} perccnt of
LemOOl'e Air Base, the bl'ightcst
the nallon's wealth but still IItool)(:d
"rninhow" ill OUI' sky, is ill the land~~~~~~~~.
North west, A ppre ntices
Local 77 Allllrcnt ice LiIl(' ml'll ... orkin g for PugCI Sound Powe r & Li,!:"hl. ill
Was hin ,!:"lolI arc: (fronl ro .... left 10 ri,!:"hl) D, ,\ . Pugh, Kirkland : W, t;, Hal\'Ol"8en, t: l1CIl.!'burg. M, W, .\ mes. (JiYllIllia; 0, W, :'>3 11 , Pori To""n"end; ;\\. It.
" ' hi Ie, IIremerlon; and Harry L, ,\ uckland, t: ,'er clI, (Sccond no "'. left 10
ri.lrhl) W, n, )'ollll,!:"krunl7.. Ikllin):,halll; w. J . I>al::c. lle llin,!:"hal1l : Harr)' S hinn,
Burlin g lon; 0, W, Saunders. lIurlin ,!:" toll: H, I), Son'nSl'n, Bucklt'Y; li nd n, t:.
Godson. Sea ttlc. (Third ro .... left 10 right) K, T, Wilson. I{{"nlon; It. D, ~I i'c:ker.
He nIon ; and IIl'lIry ;\\1'1111. SUb·collllnillt'i' IIwlllbt.or, ( Follrth r n ... ) ) II'mbenl of
I'u ):'ct Sollnd IIIl1nage me nL
Page F o rty -fiv e
bU}'in~ IItllg,·. Looks lik(' "no soap
much till elldy next SUlllmel·. Go\'·
ernment wOI'k is slow ltlld Iiondelvus.
T ight. money hils squef'Ko(l thl'
"dingbau," and also much commer·
cial wOI'k. Ruilding trudes alwII)'"
suffer lil'n wh('n I'Xlllln!lion stops,
RI'Oth('r LloYI' "1),I'I's hns just re·
turned from II week's c I'uise on a Nav)'
can'iei', full of news IIhou\ ~H\,Y Il l'oj.
('(;ts. BrothC'I' "1}'C'I's ill 111110 husinesll
manager o f the loelll buJlding tradl'S
council. lI is wi fe is linllncial se('J'e·
taJ-Y of the F resno Coun l y Women'l!
Couneil, a lutlil's union 1I1l xilhll'r. Thi s
famil y seems to \\'ol'k duy and night,
like a light Ill('tel',
l'oilllen11y, Wl' IH"e in the midst or
a Republicun schl'llle to tUJlture the
slute gOl'ernol'shi l1 in W;;8. The R£'IJublican Old Guurd, nflei' promoting
(onner liheral Rep ublican WU I'l"en
out o( the stute. now hall COllle out
0l)enl)' alld rOl'e('(1 Our liIk'nll Repub·
Iklln c'oy,.rnor Kni~ht to back down
in fal'ol' of Jlresent Srllutor Ji:IIOW'
land. Knowland, an admitted "Right·
to'''-OI'k'' act limn, is running under
n bann('r IItel'lIlly dl'aKKed through
Inbor's hlood. li e is 0111)08('(\ by Democratic State8 AttOl'ney Pill Rrown.
W(' hal'e hnd sollie 10000n) trouble
with lhe United Mine WOI·kers at...
temllting to "horn in" (In OUI' local
huilding' tl'ude8 wOI'k, with tlw F resno
li ome nu ilch~I's , 11 lotll) "clingbat"
In addition to the usulil Clises of
l1u we hnv(' hilt! our sImi,!! of disllbili;
ties. BI'Othel' Chas. Drisandin(' is still
in the hOSllitlil with his long two--reat·
siege wilh his bl'Oken leg. BI'other
AI Woods is Imck hom(' temporarily
(rom the \'(·tentn·s Hosllita1. Rrother
Carl :'Ilorr!s will not han' rl't"O~-ered
('nough rl'Om his heal-t attack to wOI'k
ugain till the lil'St of the ~"elll·.
!\l ost o r OUI' members wO"kin!:' ill
thf' Rakersficld lIrea :U'C 11dll ofT pending resumption of Go~·el·,mll'nt \I'(\l'k.
L<x:al 428 hns been a gt"eat helll to
liS. Incidentally, lImong the hors we
1I'00'k('d with we will alwny~ l'rmelllhl'l' likeable Jf'lTY Selll·fus . •ft'I·JY is
th(' one who, wh('n a sked why he
stol)lled at bal'S on the \\':J~' home,
1·... Jlli ...,] llt"t he had to )ift his al'lll
several tim('8 each e"('ning to WIIIII
his autolllntic wrist watch. ( T l')' to
bellt that one!)
All 11\ all, we are Jil'ing Oil someelll l110~'lllelll and lots of hope. Hope
mostly for 1958.
Three-Year Contract
Won by Hamilton Local
I.... U" 105, IIMIIILTOS, OST.-The
conclusion of negotiations bet..... een the
Ii nmilton Conlrnctors AssocintiOIl nnd
Local 105, 1.n.~~, W., I'esulted ill the
Migll inl':' of a eontl'llcl which will cover
the Il amilion CUII!;lrucliult Electt'!'
cians rO i' a IJCI'iO(\ of three ),('III·S.
Wh ile this agt'eement is quite dif-
f!'Olli whitt we were origin:llIy
bal'j{aininj{ (01', it is none the less
l-:"n"l nlly C(lilsidrred II good one. I
hOIl(' that nn)' of OUI' Drothert< who
:u'(' still sccillien! of !liJVling thil'l long
tel1l1 contrm."l will get con~lation
f rom the fnct thllt Ihl8 w11l disj)l'nSt"
with the long drllwll-out PI'OCf'l\ut'e o f
conciliation fOl' III h'nsl th J'l'e rl'lU·S.
and in doing 110 11("I'h:1I1S ndd more
slabilit~' to the lrnde in this IH('H.
T ('1'I11S fOl' thil new agrft'lII£'nt IH'Ovjdl' fo\' :I i;; c('nIS'lm-houl' \\,uKe in('r(,JI~e within a I,el'iod of 2 1 mouths.
Th(' initial inct'('lIse of 30 cent!! un
hOIlI' 1)("('111\1(' c,lrreti,,(' on the l !'ith o f
OrlOhrr, 1%7. The flldhcl' i1iCI'CUseS
o f Ii. cents nnd 30 ~n t s un hour will
I)('('otlw effective Oil the 1st of July,
i!I~>8 lind the 1st day of July, 10;;9,
....Slwcti\·ely. This will uhilllnlc1~'
hl'ing OUI' J'lile tu 13.1;:; nn hour fl'OlII
the IH"e\'ious $2.40.
The N(,~olinling Committee fOI'
Local lOr), fully l"enlil!ing the I}()s..qibilit)" of a larg£' increase III the rost of
liI'ing during Ihe lire or this llgn.'C·
menl, hargllillftl nlso rOI' a cI:lUse
whieh rends:
" I n ndditioll to the above I'utes, II
five e('nt 1>('1' hour incl"e:lse shall be
gl'anted for eneh five IlOint in("rt"nse
in the Consull\('I'II P"ir(' 11lI1f'1( :Ill Ilub1ished by the Domiuion Bureau of
Statistics al}()\'c the Index ligul'(' of
121.9. Such incI'ense shall not becomc ('If(>ctil'c nOI' be ndded to thl'
minimum l'UlI! of Ilny Iler hOIl)' Iwfol·l.·
the 1st of Jul~', 19:)9. After the 1st
Philadelphia Graduation DilUler
Seen at th e r et:en l g raduation dinn e r ICllde red Ihe ap ])ren tices or Loca l 98, Phila d('lphia. Pa~ lire rron l row, left 10
ri g ht : Joh n U. Do)'le; Dal' ld C. Kilroy : ltolJCr l E. Kin r.TI'a . Rl'Cond ro w: Harry )l cChI Y: J . m£'s T . Hogan, finandlll
i!ccr e t a r,. : Joseph G. lI a rri llO n. presiden t : William J . )liddleton. bus infils mana,:er: ll oVt ard \'Ioe IJlra \'en, im1lruelor:
Thomas Neil"en, A / T CommiH e..: John )1. Giers('h : Uobert S_ Pos ton. Third ro"': Wm _ J . "\luFarlant'. Jr.: Joh n J .
Fill": Sorman Wolf : Alan noma in : GeorJle W. TUPPl"r; D. ,·id Walker: J aml"s f. Kell y; J o hn J . )I .loney; I'au l J .
Sween,,),: Ha) llLond M(Cool; n ona ld F.lrrelh: Truxton "'"""Iman ; Pau l Geltz. Top ro,, : Earl It S ira llgt'; !l lI r r), ~:.
War fi eld, J r.: nobert J , narnell : Frllnci" X. Th' nan: J ames P. ~I enr,.: Donald T. Mea Jlht· r; JlltJlt'li W. S milh : GeorJlI'
W. WiI"on: JOI'I' ]lh .\sroff: Jos eph Alf ro ff : EdWArd ~I>h'ack: nonald II . I'ierer .
Page Forty · six
The Electri c al Workers'
Community Fund Contribll tion
The Ilietllr.. aml"1' s howl! lIIt'mbl'f" of L~al 12i. Ke no .. ha , Wise., and (hpir C-lIllllo )t'r. DaH Rpeaker. in rronl of Connoll)',11 l'U I".'rmarkel arll'r tontributinJ: four hour~ 113)' to Ihe ('uIIlOluuit) Fund drhe . .. hile ' I r. Speaker rna. ehed their
donatiun. I.dt 10 rixhl arl': ' l ark ThuIIIIIStln; GMJrgl' Conllolh: lIolX'rt I.a"k); John Ibu rt'r; 1)aH' !'p..akt'r. Sr~ emploler ; lI arold Tahbi'rt ; \ rt Lt'hman: Uolwrt Prim : J ames m~cardi: Jo hn IIrandl. silt in g on car: nll "(' ~I)eak('r. Jr~
and nay Konkol. Thrl't' other ml'mbC'rs or Loca l 12; who parlicilll it'd in Ih(' COIi,;lrnclioll I).) IJrogram bUI "en' unaMt,
10 Iw Ilrl'''''I,1 ~all~I' or ilhll'~" "I'r(' : Gi1Iwrl Ho ... ard : Ut'rMrl J acob-<. and ('harles lirandt. Approximately 12 COIlt raclin/: firm ll tool. parI 11\ thili tIro gram. on :;a tllrd ay. OctuiH:r 26. "hilt' olht'rs indicated their intention of doinJ:' "0.
of July, I!I;,O, any fUrth('r incr('as(>s
will ht'('f)nl(' rfrCNn'(' and !):lid from
the thlli' thl' ConSUIlll'r !',·ice Index
is g;Il:Htrd hy lh£' ""minion RUI'I:3U
or St:Lli.lltifs, Such IlIcrt';llI(>S whell
K!"anl('(1 IIhall "ecoIII/' Jlart of thl' "lIsie
w:Ige r'nt<· :Inri shall 1I0t be dUlllk('d
durillg tht' lift' of this AJ,:','('(·l11cnl."
Tltt· t('1I1ll that hllmll(>d 0111' neKOtiations thill lime Wo'!',' Iholher's J ohn
"lcQuH ,'I'i(', husincss l1Ianak'I'I' and
('hail'l11an of thc ('oll1lliitl{'('; S, Thol'p{',
rll'l'si(l('nt; Bill O' ll ollki, I)uncall Al Ien. Paulll clldel'son and Al ex Duncan,
At.~;\ II I Nl'AN, P ,S,
• • •
Canadian Employment
Viewe d w ith Alarm
L. I t, 120. 1.0:-" 1)0:-", O:"l.T.-The cold,
gn'y :1Ih'('nt or wintt'1' 8('('1118 to be
,'t'He<:t~1 ill tht:' dismal lIeW8 hap,)('nings :lnd l't'IIOI't8 of unemllloYlllent
:I(TOSlJ Canudn this month. Thl' uol'1II11]oymt'nt Ilictul'(' is not a 1)I'I'1t)'
0111', R(>t ..... {'('11 Octolwr 17th lind No\'(·mhcor 7th the numlwl' of propll' with
job Ullplil'litions filed Y,'ilh the National fo:1l1'lloyment S,'r\'ict' Omttl'
jump.,f! 17 'It'rt'ent-fl'unt :!,8,6!J8 to
It bt'ginll to apP{'llr thllt 80nl{' of
the mort p('8simistic III'uphcci{'s mif(ht
hl'coml' fact. Claude .Jodoin, IJI'esident of til{' ('lInadiHIl Lllhol' COIlj!r'('II.'!,
urged I'I'in1l' "lini8t.'" lIi.,r"nbakl'l' to
fight un (,nll'lornlenl wilh ('Illl"'g('Il(,Y
J o urnal for January , 1958
measures, lie said lhl.' siglls all indicatl' thl.' wOJ'St 81)('11 of un"mplo)'mcnt since the wal' and hi' Ilrt'(lkh-o
that 01)(' work('r in III would hI' johless alld that one in JI<'v('n will I~
re!listerl'd as !if.'eking work,
Th is 1;lum ll, I'cces~ioll or II'\·I'JlinJ.; ofr
is tl'lIe nut of C:ln:ula alorll', St;ltisltl's
f,'om the United Statl'!l show a d('('lin('
in production and Ul1l'lll,IIO)'nll'n t liglIl'I'S tlwl'e al'e 1JI(lIIntinJ.:' rapidly,
Il owevl'l', lIl1'l'l' an; \WO impn'ssionR
to he had of this doleful pi(,tll !'!:', It is
cudou~ to notl' that Ihe diviil('nfis
Ilaid hy Call1ldian ('(lI'pol'ations WI"'"
high(,I' than ('V('l' fUI' thl' lil'~t nine
months of 1!),i7, an(1 dUring thut R:Iml'
IlCriod C:lIllldi:ln eXIl(ll'ts to the Unite'd
States WCl'e at a rt'l'ol'd 1(,\'('1. l~igur'l'!I
issu('d hy the C:IlHldillll Gov"l'nntl'lIt
show th:IL thl' ~~Tl'llh,~t dl'clin(' ill
"mplo~'olCnt has been in thl' huildil1/C
:tod Constt1.IClion industl')'. but w(' 111'('
pll'ast'd 10 nOle that such fi.gu~1I do
not apply to this aloell lit this lilllt'.
as all OUI' l11emh('I'S arc gainfully ('mployed as of this "lOml'lIt, I-IOWI'\'I"',
our Busil1(,ss Manager W. It Lang
llredicts that :IS of J:lIl1l:1r), and YI'hI'ual')' of 19.)8, thl' l't'CI'AAion. slump or
what ha\'e you will hit UII and \\'(' cnn
«rtainly ('Xl)eel to hil\'I' a nUll1bt'r of
our ml'mberll 011 the bench !'It that
time. Local 120 now hilS :to olnt'e
for the Ull(' of the husiol'Sll IlHlOllgcr
and it should expedite hill work consi(]el'ahl y. This offic(' ill 1(X:lleil in
thl' \.J:lS('rn('nt of the l.:Lhuur' Tl'mpl."
:\1;3 King Stl'cl'l, London, and whil<,
the IIl'W olnCI' is non(' too spacious, I
trust th:ll it will more thall HCCommodate all th,' unemployffi memlll'l'S W('
11II\'c thil WII\lCI',
TIIO~I'\S IIINI)I..; \·, P,S,
• • •
Urges Greater Suppo rt
Of Local and COPE
L. l' . 129, LO HA I N. O IlI O,- J,oca!
129, Lorain, Ohio h:l(1 il~ I'C~III:ll'
nll.'('tilll{ un Nov(>ml)('1' llih wilh H
fnil' nlh'lI(lnncl', As (o\'l'l'yone know"
\\'t' IHI\'(' only one IIw('ting a month,
Oil till' sl'cond Monday at 8:0() \I,Ill,
LN's all makl' a slIccinl !'fro!'t to gl't
OUI that night 10 make :1 belte!" showing in alll'Il(lnncl', \,.(' c('rtainly do
not ha\'(' 1\ right to cOlllplain as to
what g()('S on if we do not attend,
lA't's g£'t out and tnke a part ill
making what !roes on, go 00, '\'e werl'
honored by having a guest speakt'r.
Hrother Kim Parker, ace ll'Ouble
shoot(>r f(ll Vice Presidl'nt Blankt'nship of Cincinnati, Ohio.
!lCntatu'(' Pa rk(>r ga\"l' a talk 011
COPE and stresSt'd hoI\' imllOrtant
It is rot' 118 to contributl' to that
cause, Aftl'r nil this is the only wny
WI' hnv!' (If fighting unwanted biltll
III COllgi'('!'IS, and also of I'I'\'isillk OUI'
illltt\equnt{' social !l('cu"ily I)('nsioll
plan. If you don't hl'li('\'e this will
110 u!! all some good, l'eud lhe I'ditOl'ial
hy Oil" l'n'sitll'nt Gordon Fl'(>l'mall,
ill the Oclo\)(;I' issuc of our JrJllrfwl,
Pag e Forty -s even
Support Cerebral Palsy Drive
'I'I..:!";,,, ar" the elect ricians, membe rs of Local 129. l.orain, Ohio, who contributed their labor ror the Cerebral P als y
('6l a blis hme nl o f Lorain. Fronl ro ..... le ft 10 ri lt h l : Uo b nappit'o J.:(, lIrra\ fore man : Lar r ) Lawe ran ce; Uolland Ed ga r,
for e man; Tommy 1'311 (' rs oll; Hay Oil, l] e .. : Archt· W('ln 'cr, ret ire d J:sffe r: J oe S ed iv ). 1lIlllcrin l(' nd e lll. Bnck row: Hill
Crandall, Il r ess Sl't'r e la ry; T ommy Chr ys ler: Slanlt') Ol e" c ns ki: J.: rni(' J on I'!<, i;le ....ard: Clyde Kil J.:ore. lind Al Bradbury.
This I)ictlll'(' HI Ide "'n~ taken at L U 29's s hop a t the Ford Plant. Left to r iJ.:hI, far rea r: GeorJ(C Tre SJIel, re ti red me mber:
Gus Pulos, chari er mem ber; Vice Pres ident I~ ()y C lite ~ . and "(;Iu'!t,y" l\Ic;\liIlhlll. me mbe r, In\(,Tlm1ionui Exccllt i\t:
Coullcil. Some or the fin e IJoin ts an' heing Jlointed Ollt by Engin('('r John l-hll'l<ln in t he I)iclure al J'i ).:'hL l.e n to ri ):"ht:
"Curley" McMillinn, Joe Sedh' )" bu ~ ineSI! II1l!.na ~ t· r; Gil Komiosi. gt'lIt'ra l roreman: Hob 11all, g enerlti ror{'man; John
lI arla u, e ngint'e r, IIlId George Krllmer, stewa rd,
T hl' Fo rd job is well unden.ay with
tht:.> build ing enclosures nearly 1;0",plete and wi t h high ho pes of getting
steam heat shortly, We Wl'l"C honored
by ha\'ing M I', C, ~ l c M iIlian, T hird
District repl·eseJlb.ti\'e on the I nt('t'llational E X{'l;uti\'c Council visit this
Ford job. He was taken on a tour of
thl' a l'ea by OU I' B usiness Manager
J oe Sediv y and S t cwll n[ Gcol'gc
li l'lImer, and Engi neer J ohn H nd nn
of Harla n Elcctl'j(: Compa ny, We
Illl\'e one o f t he most u p-to·da le shops
in Ihili 1(11'11 1(' with IlI'W and moclcrn
tools and equipment to work with,
Our wor k is \'CI')' callably laid out
fol' us by S Ullcl'intcndent R uss SeaneH
Ilnd B ob Hall, general foreman of
Il al'lan E lect l'ical Construction Com[Iany, Detroit, Michigan _
I am enclosing a picturl' of OUI'
Page Forty- eight
s hop and office_ In the shop pil:tu!"e,
we werc fOJ,t u nate to J,ret II ..·ood Olle
o f Gus Palos, centel-, charter mcmber,
and "Curley" Mc Millian , I EC membel', 011 J'ighl, and at left, Gcorge
T rl'~:scl, l'tlln,·d memt..cr- ane! in the
real-, a hu rd to get picture of OUI'
Vice P reside nt. Hoy C lites,
A shol1. time a go our members hip
was cld led u llon to do na te some time
o n e lect rica l wi ring at til(' C<:r('hl'al
Palsy estab lishment. We hnd a fi ne
t ll rn out and all labol' wa s donated
by the diifenm t. cl'aft ~ , while material
was donated by several locul contractO l'S, I am enclosing a Iliclu!"e o f the
electJ'icians who hel ped out,
T hIS is all I ha l'e to rl'pI)!"t at this
time, but do wan t to wis h all o r you
the best o f luck and happiness in l!liiS.
nr l.!, CIIMWA I.L, P. S,
Labor, Manageme nt Host
To Visiting Unionists
I .. U, 110, SEW OIt LE AN S, l.A.1'hf' E I(!('" trir.a l Wnrkel'S Local Union
~o, 130, I.B.E_W. and omce!"s of the
South Louisiana C ha pte r , Inc _, National E lectr ical Cont l"adOI's Associntion, were host 0 1\ T hu l'sday, Octobcl'
3 1, 1957 to a " Collecti ve Bal-gaini ng"
t ea m who wer'e visiting the U nited
Stu tes u nder t he a usp ices of the Tnterna tional Coolwfal ion Adm inis t rution , iJe par t me nt o r Slate,
The p rima r y Ilur'llOSC of this \'isit
wus to let t he gl'oull hal'e the (11 1)()1' lun ity to meet with officials of t he
union an(l to discuss lirobl(!.ms and
plans of llegotiating and a dministel-·
ing n colk'Cti\'e bar'gaining contl'act,
Th e Electrical Worke rs'
the labor market lind the cOilllilioll1l
which affect (:OllectiH' blu'gaining in
Ame.-icu, This groull rellrcsenls the
two largest non-Communist unions in
Lloyd T, Garcia, business mana~r
of Local Union 130, assisted by Gilbert A, Rlackwell, assistant bUlliness
manngt'r eXlllained through M r, Angeo Gial11lliccolo, the KTQUp'S interpl'Cter, the different working agreement!!, bylaws and the Constitution
goverJlillg men, while wOl'king in the
jurimlictioll of Local 130, The U'am
l'xprf'1I1i1'(1 IJI'OblelllM that are ron(I'(lntl'd by their groul's in Italy, not
('om ilIon to IUOOI'-lllltnngel11('nt r('la~
lionshiJl in this count1"y, nnd lllullY
(IUcstionll wel'e Ilskf'd, 1)ll.I-ticulurly
concct'nilll-:' thc tmining, (Ilmlificut ion
li nd schno.lling of OUt' nppr(ontiC(,II, A
h-'ngthy dilll:ulision WUI1 hd!! conel't'tIing th(' I't'119iol1 Plan tl!1{1 loeully
lwgOliuh'd lI{'ulth lind \\'{'Ifarc Ikncfltll.
At til(' conclusion of the mc("ling,
the Ilalilln !{(" llt't'lIl'nlutiv{'s Wl're referred to thl' \'HI'ioUII hll'ge OOllstruction jobs ill JlI'ORH'IIS in th(' vicinity
so that th{'y might ha\'e nn {')'ewitllt'S14 uccounl of Inbor's ability and
respon/libility to Ilt'rfollll under collecth·,' balgailling ('ontracts,
1.1..0\11 T, C ,W,CI,\, II,AI,
Successful Neg otiation s
By Spri ngfield Tea ms
l l , 19:1, S I' IU :-'G FIELD, IJ. T~.­
Wl,'re wl"iting thil~ just a f\:w cluys
bcfor{' Thllnks~ivin..:, and in looking
back JUSt a f{'w short WI'{'kR WI' cnn
SI.'e u I\umh{'r of thin.l..'R to be Ihunkful
for in Locnl 193, Two nCKOtiutillg
tcalllS, ('Icctt'd by Ihl' tl1I'IIII)('I'Shill, one
n!llr('S('nting til(' outshl(' hmnch, lind
the o t hcl' the inside bnl11ch lmvl' succ(,R~fully scttlcd OUI' ]!).i7 contl'acts,
TIll! outRide' conll'lIcl took I'ff,'cl Octoher lSI, tI dllll1~1' from prcvious ycal's,
and thl' hl~illl' contmcl bl'came "'r~'c­
livc on ilM r('guIUl" unnivel"8ar)' dute,
:\'o\'{,lllb"1" 1st.
Th{' oUlsid{' t{'nm Willi comlll'iSt'fl of
BI'Otiwl"s M, O. ('hall1l)('r8, l.A!w Vall
11I,"en, nnd l'el'CY CnlltraJ, IIlong with
Business :'Iluna).."t'r I\arl BitschenauCl'
and this writer, Th{'y 1"('III'eBclltl'li
the utIlity empIO)'l'14 of the Cit)· Light
lind l'owl'J· iJepnrill1('nt of Springfield, By ('hanging the aIJnin~'l"Bary
date {rom AIII'il 1st to October 1st,
the COnlmittee wn. nble to !!k'('ul'e
about u 7 1)('1' cent raise (4 per cent
on April lst and 3 I){'r ('{'nl on October 1st) which bl"Ought the cit)' wage
scale ill line with the Central Illinois
Ught COIIIJl8ny, also located in
Spl"ingfield nnd the SUl'rounding area,
T he commiUce was ulso successful
in gelting 8everlll fllvornblc chnnges
ill wOl'kinf;:" conditions, plus pel·sulldilll{ tIl(' city to ugl'ee to ful'tli9h und
maintnin IIIl hund tools fol' the men,
I ..
Journa l fo r J anuary , 195 8
0 11
Uetirem cnl,
S hOWn in this Ilicl Urt' from I.'fl 10 r i ~ ht are: H. J , Cad )', s Ullerinte ndt' nt of Ih t'
fo; lcctric 1){'lla r lnlf' nl : ." C, As hl o<:k, retired sen ' icc fo re man: Ed. Wil" ol1 ,
retired ca ble s lllicer. an d !Jill S mi l h . .Ir{'n(,rHl fOrt' lII l111 of the Undergroun d
!)c llarl me nt. i\, C. and Ed " ('re Ilre..{'n led r{," lll~ ti n'll .. ilh a wriSI " 'a leh and
a set of lu ggage 8"! ret irl'lIIl'1I1 j.!iftll fro m Ihe ml'm bers o f t oca l 193 e mployed
~",~~~c=~ bY Ihe Spri n)di,'ld, Ill. C. W,t , & I'. i){'llarlm en t.
The inside oorgaining oommittC('
was COlIIlKlsed of Rl'Others Wnl'l"{'n
Adams, W, F, Goodman, Jim Enlow,
President "', P. Soldwedt'i lind Uusiness Manager KnH Hitschelllluer.
The)' spent many laIC hOlil's working
out 1\ workable vscation Illan to 11resent to the contl'neton, and were
considcrably disullpointed (along with
the membership), when Ihe contt'ac-
Ohio I... oudnwrl"
101'11 lurned it down. Howev{'r, th{'y
wl'le able to sec:urc a I;) cents-an-hour
1'lIi8(' (10 ('{'ntll on the lst or N'o\'ember lind:; ('{'nts on the 1st of :'Ilay),
Th,'), were al$O able to dclete a ,'cl'y
unravorable chillS(' in the agreement
which had been n mcnace to mun} of
Ih{' men fOI· (Iuile some time. The
clnu!W allowl.'d the contl'actors to continu" to pay the old scale on lilly job
IIIHrt{'d prior to the annj\'CrsuI'Y date,
As we stat('(l bdore, Ihe \'acativn
plun W!IS tUl"ne(1 dOWII, but ncverthe·
less it \I'IIS II sound workabk plan
und the commitlf'l' can lake satIsfaction ill thr fuet that they hUl'e laid
the gl"oUlldwot'k fOI" it to I){' udoptt'd
1)I'obiluly ill til(' IlOt-lou-distunt (u t ul'e,
It hus het'n lin unnuul custom at
til{' Cit)' l':l('ctl"ic (>IIIIlJoyes New
Y{'ar's party to give a l"{'tiJ~!IIent girt
to anyone who hus retired dUl'ing the
11I'{'\'iolls yeur, but due to the fact
that Broth{'l· ~. (" "Hen\·y" Ashlock
was going to Florida fOl' the winter,
he und Brother fo:d "Pol H{'ad" \VillIOn wl.'re l,reSt:ntt'<1 with their gifts
on Friday, Ko\'{'mbel' 22, x. C,
rt~t'i\"('d a gold wrist watch, and Ed
WIiB the recipl{'nt of a set of SamBOnite luggagt', The gif1.5 were bought
with mone)' donatet.l by their fellow
,,'n.t.IA,\! L. Ponn;II, I',S,
A I'ie"· of th e ne wl y· r est or"d ('III hed ril l of Saint I~e t e r in C h ai n~ in Cincinna li, Ohio. " howin g the hn ).:c crOl>1I
wh ich lullS Ihe I1 tr llc1 ure. Otl(' of
Local 212's me mber!! " '!Ill " upl'rin·
t e ncle nt for thll eil'el rical COll l rll Clol"
011 th e r eslorntion p roj ect.
Local Participates 1n
Cathe dral Restoration
I., U. 212, C I NC I ~~ AT I , 0 1-11 0 . This 11I'ticlu deals wi t h II church hel'C
Pag e F o rty -nin e
/l o ll or Goldell } llb i!arian,
Marking fifty },('ars of faithful nw m_
b('rl'hill in Loca l 223, Brockton, M a~8"
by Broth('r lIorac(' Fr('nch, Loca l
Presid("nt Edward S mith, 1(,(1, makes
a p resentation in bt' half of th e me mbers,
in thc city of Cincinnati. I am writil1lt
about thc Cathedral of Saini P('ter
in Chains, Th(' histol')' of this beautiful cathednll goes back to th(' rears
flu ring the 1820'a when th(' first
cathedral WU8 put into the building
stuges, Thcn on Non;mbel' 2, 184!)
th(' ol'iginal cathcdral, callcd the
"White A llgt'I" was conseCl'llt('d when
A rchbisholl SUllluel Eccleston of n altilllol'e, l\!:\l'yland blessed this beautiful house of worship, Theil in 1938
the Archbishop tnlllsfelTC<! th (' cuthedral of the u I'chdiocese to Suint
Monica because thC' a rea BI'Olllld the
cuthedral had d('teriOI'ated very badly,
III Avdl u[ 1951 the d."ci"iull WBS
made to I'estor(' the old cathC<!ral.
This was made possible with the gre at
work done by 251 pUI'ishcs which
pledged $;),052,46;;, (This sum al60
was to help continue the building o f
St, Gregol'Y Minor Seminary which
had been hulled a quarter of a century hf'fore.)
Then begall O\'CI' four years of hard
work. Delays were caused by the job
of finding the right kind ot hard
beautiful Dayton limestone that was
nece.ssary to match the original stones.
But all kinds of obstacles wel'e 0\'('1'comc and the wOI'k progrcssed
lhl'Ough the following fouz' yeal's and
on Novembel' ani, 1!/IH thi!! monument to God was I'eady [01' rededication, wi t h Il solemn pontifical muss
with Bishol) Joseph H , A lbel's of
Lunslng, Mlchfgan as eelebl'llJlt (he
had bt>en Ol'dained here) and Edwnl'd
Canlinal Mooney of JflJtJ'Oit, as
This building pl'oject over a period
of four years had an electrical contract of over $;)00,000 and was haJldIed by the Bertke Eleetl'ic Company
of Cincinnati, onl' of our \'el'Y big
electl'ical contractol's here in t he
Queen City, The sUliCrintendent fOl'
the Bel,tke Company was our B rother
member Edwal'd Oehs, who was on
this job a little ovel' tour years,
One vel')' speeial item of Ilews eOIleCl'ning B l'other Edward Ochs is the
Page F ifty
OlTerin g th eir cong ra t ulations to
Bro t he r French. s econd from lefl.
are, fl'Ol11 It'f l, Bus inl'88 Age nt He rb·
ert Pe rris, Int ernationa l itellresental ive Bar l Sau nders an d Preside nt
S mith ,
fact that his lillIe son Timolhv had
the honor and distincti~n of bei;lg the
fin.t buby to he baptized in the new
Calherdal of SI. Peter ill Chains.
We of Local 212 lue vel'y proud
of the Ilart we ha'-e play<,cI in the restoration of this ,Il'l'eat eathedl'al and
if anyone- of you who read thill,
chan~ to visit Cincinnati sometime
in the future you will enjoy a visit
to this world-fllmous ehuI'ch,
The enclosed I,hoto is n pictUre o f
the hu,l{(' CI'OSS which to ps the Cathedral.
Now fOl' oth c l' ncws of Local 212,
Durin);!, thc mon th o f Novcmber wc
lost two of our \'eter3n m('mbers of
OUI' local; onc was a member for ovel'
47 years, He 'vas Fl'Illi k BmndOIl,
who lost his life when n boat that he
and anothC'I' member wel'e fi shing in,
capsized, The other membel' we lost
was Arthur (Sonny) SUI'nbrock, a
membet' of OUr local (or o\'er 38
years, BI'Other Surnbrt)Ck had been
a vice pl'esident of OUI' local alld
ser\'(>(1 sevel'al terms on OUI' Executive
Board. In fact he was a member of
1,1111' Bl,lltnl wllell Ill' "al>l>L'(1 Itway, \\' c
of the local have lost two "ery good
members and we extend OUI' very
deep sympllthies to the families,
OUI' work here in tho Queen City
has held 1111 \'el'y welJ and we are
hOI)ing the future will hold continued
success fOI' IlS, So I shall once again
!\Sly au rc\'oir from L ocal 212'6
E , M, SC ll m,.,., P,S,
• • •
Brothel' F,'elleh, is wcll kllown and
appl-eciatcd by all ill the E lectrical
T I'ade hCJ'eaboul" Hnd fur a great
man)' yeal's was thc Electrician in
Charge at the wOI'ld·famed plant of
the Walk O\'el' Shoe Factories al
Camllello, Maasnehusc>tts,
HI! is truly one of the Ilioncel's in
the adaptation of electricity fOl'
lighting and IIowel' PU}'I>Oses in thill
illdustl'ialized seetioll o f Nf'w I~n~­
Within his memory he can go bnck
to thc earlier days lind I'ecount SOIl W
1'I'II1Iy f1 mu~ing incidcnts in thl,! fie ld
of electrical works,
R)'Other Bart Saunders, represent ing Intcl'I\ational Vice President J ohn
J, Ilegan, of BORton, presented MI'.
F rench with the 50-),('al' button amI
wished him mUIIY yenl'S of health amI
happiness to come,
An engraved watch was presented
to Bl'Other French, b}t members of
Local 223, as a toke n of esteem IIml
M I'8, J-'reneh, WilS 1)I'I,lSented with Il
huge boU(luet or roses 011 the !)Cell
SiOll, Congratulations were I'~eeh'\"]
f rom Mr, H arrison Withel-ell, executive secretary of the Massachusetts
n ont'd of Elccu'ical Examincrs,
P resident Edward Smith, of Locnl
223, extended congratul a tions Illlf]
alllo welcomed the members and theil
wiv(!s to tho banquet.
B l'other Al'thul' Spencel', of Rl'idgt,.
watel', Massachusetts was an honol'(>{1
gu('st as he too is a golden jubilul'iull,
WI' lI ov!!,' a hundred members and
guests of the Brockton local attend(.il
the fin(' dinnel' and festivities,
Sel"'illg on the committee with
Chail'man Herbert Fen'is, wel'e tIl('
following: Bentard MaeDonnell, Edward Smith, Fl'unciB Ii unnon, John
Williams, Sr" Edwal'd Clark. and J lal
Seated at th(' head tnble werl'
BI'Othcr FI'Cnch and his family, and
the officers of this locnl union,
F rancis Hannon pleased us all with
songs in an enterLltiJlIIH,"t ploglam
un der the eha rge of Walt K'!1]ey,
COJlllllunity singing and dallcing
concluded the {'veiling's activities,
M ALAC tn· G, SUt:I'A ltOSQ:;' , IU:;i,
• • •
Pioneer New En gland
E lectrician H onor ed
Committee to Up-Date
Local 231 Byl a ws
L. U. 223, 11IWC KTON. )IA~ S, Oil
No"embel' 6, 1957, memben of Local
223, LR.E.W., gathered at the Club
400 at Easton, Massachusetts for a
testimonill.l Ra nr]1let 1In1If'r the Chair'
manshi ll of Hel'bert Fel'ris, our business agent lind honored a mcmber
who has rounded out 50 years of good
B rother 1'(OI'ace FI'cnch, 1I Orchard
Avenue, Ha ndol tlh, Massachusetts was
the rccipient of the honors,
L. U. 231, S IO U X CITY, 10WA,Looking (orwal'd to the finest family
alTai I' of Local 231 . the following
committee was allpointed for the
Chl'istmas Party to be held on Sunday afternoon, Dccelnber 15th at OUI'
fine Ilew YMCA: Tim MUI' ray, Chairmnn; Bill Hossack, Tom Cor rigan, Le s
Miller, N('al Mitchell and Bob Bencom,
EntCl'tainment will be slnnted towal'd
the children, to whom candy and nuts
will be sU!Jplil.'d as they leave. Com-
The Electrica l W o rk ers'
Ohio L-O-F Plant Completed
lI ere are a ie",- pictures of the l.ihbey·O " ·C lls- Ford 12 million dollar Grinding and Polis hing lint', ..~hich was <:ol1lllll'll'd
the lirs t of the Yl'ar in the jurisdiction of Loca l 24i. Olla,.' I\, Ill. ,\ t lef t is Ihe Grillding & I'olishing line, looldn,!.:
north. Ct'nll'r is Iht, Control Punet. AI ri~hl, the n . C. Gt'l1l'rators.
tIlunity ~il1gi ll A" of Chl'i81mas ('111'018
will be enjoyed. The usunl l'cf,'('sh·
mel1ts will !)(> scrv" ,I ,luri rlj{ the u rter"
noon. This is II lilll(> when families
to en joy olMashioned visiting.
We should hu\'(' 11101'(' family ev('nts.
A " ylaws CotJImitt('(', consisting of
Rusint's!) M anaJ{('T Tom I)U@I1, Halph
/l eisler, FI'e<! Illullt'y and Arthur
It},s 'a will I'('vicw nl1(1 bring UI' to
dnte the ('xisling byluws. adding anything which has I)('en aIlPro\'t'd by
thc I nternational.
Thc ~egotiating Committee: Tim
:\IUI"l1l)" chairman; Tom Dugan and
IKII1 Hu nt ... r, I"«;'ntl), npflointed, ..... ill
soon be working 10wlIl'(l II goal satisfacto ry to all conC('I'I1{~L
In NO\'emix'r 11(...... stewards ..... el·e
named for euch Sioux City shop and
..... en.' invitt'd to 111('(·t with the )-;X('CUti\'C Hourd ut thl'il' ~ovcmber llI('{'ting. These stewards nre Mark J ames
of EicclI'ic Engin('ering COlllpany;
Huss 1'0 ........ 11 (or Thompson Elcct ric ;
John Linsley (1"Oln Cusler Elt'ctl'ic;
Hob McCleury of NYlltl'om Elecll'ic;
Hoy Authicr 1'<'IIH'lINlting Powt'r
I~ngin('l'rillg C0ll11Jany and
Hu ssell fOl' Lcc und L('wis, I nstructions and generul information WCI'('
g-ivcn nnd a COOI)('ralivc cxchallge of
idcas encouraged.
May 1!)(iS IlI'O\'C to bc till' gl'cllt('at
yeur yrt, fOl' you and for 1.I1,E,W,
H cIIn be if eve/'yonc does his lunt.
I",wu fL\I)[.~;Y, I',S,
Safe ty Discussions
Highlight State Meet
L. U. 245. TO I. Eno, O HJ O.-At the
Buggestion of I nl(,l'llalional Vice PI'esident Rlankenshill, Local 24[i, Tol('(io,
Ohio is !Wnding n usiness :'>Ianager
George Thomas to Atlantic City to
ob.-;erve the AFL-C IO Con\'{:ntion in
l)ecl'lIlber. We are Illeased with the
honor and oJIJlOrtunity for Georj,"4.'.
P,'csident GUlllelman, B usiness
Ma nnger Thomns. Assistant n usineas
Mannge/' Yelll'ick nnd n rothel'S Jack
SchlllgS and Glen H('Csc attended the
mC('ling o( the Ohio State Utilit)'
Boal'd in Columbus, Ohio, ~o\'('mbel'
land t, Th('y rCIKIt'too that lIurely
wna on(' of the mil in topics: of !lisCUIIs-ioll and th!lt tlw board discUlSS('(i
the possibility or sponSOI'ing- a Stllt('
Sufety Codc fOl' u t ilities. R1"(ltht.'l·
Thomas was elect(·d to be afivisOl' und
cool'(lillato1" for IItnlcwidc activiti('s of
the board.
At present th(' Hetnil Cl('rks and
ninc associutl'd tin ions al'c IItl'iking
1111'('(' of t h(' IU1'1,fC dC]llu'tlll('nt stOrCH
ill Toledo, One stOl'C is being picketcd
:11111 Brothel'! T homllS lind Yen rick
hn\'e offeroo the unions invoh'ed our
phyS:ical and mOl'al sUPJlOrt. Ihother
Yeorick I'cpOrtll that Llxal 24;) has
Sllilplied 8Onlt' ()(. the pickets.
As I'cl)()rtcd last month several of
ollr lIIemlX'I'1I W('re candidates in the
recent clections. We are i"fol'mc(1 thut
Brother £rll('81 Hlack WIIS e lected a
townshiJllnllll('('. Congratulations.
The Tolt'do ~:(Ii50n Colllllaoy i8
starting a new Jl('Sliion of schooling
for operating l)('r80nnel of the ])Ower
house8. This i8 01)('11 to all who are
interested in stud)"ing for the Ohio
S tatc £ngio€'e1'1I examination. Two
IJrc\'ious sessions have been held and
mallY ha\"c l'('cI'i\'('d theil' licen8es
nftcl' taking thc rolll'se. B rother Carl
Dalling is again one of the ins:tructols
lilld this corresl)Ondcnt will be the
As is: customary, Local 24;:; is susIli'ndillg its s('conll 1Ill'eling in NovcmIxor and Deccmlx' r bt'CUlISC of the holidays. T o cO!ltiuct lin eXjlcl'iment l hc
local dC'C'idC'd to ho ld only one mecting in Janual'y, F~bl'uul'y and M IlI'CIt
lind tht'll !lotI' th~ attendance during
the fh'c-month pl'riod of 01)(' meeti/lg
Family Picnic ill Corpus Christi
This picture at ldl. taken at th e anllual pi(lIic of Local 218, Corpujj Ch ri Jl ti, Tex .. s ho ..·.... Hrolher Harold T a ll' and
dau):"ht e r. In back, I\Irs. nay 111I)"C'fI, Ita} 111I}es and our o .. n " lhK:kil""' and her hU lIbllnd Clarl"lIc(' lloon'r, '" Ilocki('"
(arri('s II card in our Local and ha ~ 1)('('11 011 our sick cornmith't' for years. To our "" )' of thinkin):" ];he is our '" I!ldl".
IICn sllble Girl ~'riday . " S he docs 1111 or our ollice w(lrk IIn(1 110 mllny extras that IIhe s houldn't ha\'c to do, but does thl' llI
s o ver), ):"l"IlcioIJ8Iy. In cenh' r, th e '"ch .. w tinc" form !! lind the J:"lIC11t8 cnjo)' t he refres h lllcnhi al ri g h t.
Jou rn a l fo r January , 1958
iJ'lilllleapolis R etiremellt
Members of the arrange me nt commill ee ror the Local 292 Itelircment Parly ,,'cre, lerl 10 right s tanding: Guy Alexander, fin ancia l s ecretary: State Itc ll rcs C'ntulin' J ames L . •\ dams ; ~tan t-;nebo, chairman; Bill ~e8!1 ler. Sea led 8re : ~ar l
1"e l",ol1 and Bob Gom!!t ud, ass is la ll! bus iness 8,1!'cnl. Earl ~ e1 80n. ri g hl. former t reas urer and t rus tee of Local 292.
a dm ires Mr. Ca lTrey's 50· year s en-ice pin. at right.
Employment Pinch Felt
By Corpus Christi
1... r. 278, CO l/P US CH IU ST I.
Sca l ed f ro m Idt to ri ght are: Mr. and Mrs . Geor,l:'e .I\ ndrus. Mr. and Mrs .
Oall Arnl s en, and l lr. Tholl1l1s Williams-all r eti r ing me mbers .
111'1' Illollth. If wllrrnntffi, thf' possibility of lIIet!ting once I)CI' month
instead of twice will then be discussed.
Retil'ing on both our union and
com lJany l)ensions is Brother H arl'Y
StaUIJ. H e has been a member o(
24a (01' 37 years. Well done and
congmtulatJons, HnITY !
PAt' L D. SCIIH:n:R, P .S.
• • •
Hold Election for
Ottawa, Ill., Officers
I.. ll. 217 , O'I"I' .<\W ,\ . ILL.- Virst o(
all, I would like to gi\'e t he results o f
our election of officcrs ill ou\" locnl.
which wus hcld on J une 18. T he fol.
lowing officers wel'~ elected for the
<'nsuin/.!" two years: P I'csident J . G.
Dammann; ViCe Pl'esident William
Kuoold; Rl'l'UHlilll{ S,:-cldary nen J ,
Conness ; F inancial Secrctal'Y George
DOis;!'; T reasurer Joscph F'egley; Busi·
ness Managet' J ames lI ickey. E);ecu·
ti\'e Hoard:
I)olluld E\'ans, Sam
DiCrispino, Chestel' Anderson, Gilbert
Wilson, Joseph Lakan, Edward M al"
co, and T homas I-!c)'worth. T o the
Examining Board, wel'e elected:
Ih t lp h Danllnann, J ames Murra y, and
(llt it, 1ngcmuIlSOIl.
Page Fifty · two
We havc no\\' had ou r charlel' for
fou!' years, and haY(' 67 dues· paying
members, All mcmbcl's are now work·
ing. e);ccpt Brothel' "D inf(er" A nder·
son, who hSIL I.M>en lick for ovel' n
year, We hope that he !'ccupel'atcs
lloon ,
We should a lso have much WOrk
fOI' a few years as o( now, with t he
3'2 million dolla.' contract, t hat
Li bbey-Owl'ns· F'OI'd-Glass Co. ha s just
signed. to ex pand their P lant No, 7
Rolle" Bending, and other projects
in lind neal' Ottawa, that are going
to be built in the neal' futUl'e,
T he a Pll re'lticcsh ip III'ogl'81l1 is
coming a long just fi lle, lind should be
somet hi ng that t he local will be
migh t )' prou d of, in the fl,ture, T he
appren t ices, which we hilve in OUI' 10'
cal, are all good men, W it], t his prog ram, they will be a Cl'edit to OUI'
local and the 1.I1.1·:,W ,
The progl'8lll is well undel' way
with the guidance o f Brothers J. G,
Dammann, T, IIcywol'th, J . H ickey,
and D. EvallS. Brother Hickel' s t al·ted
the ball rolling on this project, and
all B rothel' members would like to
congratulatc him on all hia elTol'ts,
lind hu nl \\od.,
Congrat ulations,
Brot her H ickcy,
TEXAS ,_ l t is with the deepest rt'gret t hat we 1'I.'pOI't the deat h o f Ollt'
o f 0 11 1' old Il1l'mlW rfl, A 1\'1\ R, Rtmil,
A lva was to have been prescnted a
20-year pin and scroll a t ou r coming
Chl'islmas pa,'t y for h is fait hful SCI'Vice in the l.B.K W, The p,'cllcntlltioll
will be made to Mrs, Strait in his
me mol'y,
Ou,' work situat ion ha s chanl{t'd
great ly in t he Pilst two mon t hs. Ou,'
shop work is at its lowest ebb in
lIt'vCI'al yeal's and the ind ustrial job!!
have shut ofT comJ}letcly, calls fol'
men, Indications arc t hat we will
be unable to use any more of our
"traveling" Rl'Othel's (or S(!\'eral
OUI' annual picnic was greatly ('n·
joyed as uSllal and was held ill
Weidel'S Pal'k in SilitOII. A barbecue'
dinncl' was sel'v('(1 to SOlnc 200 membel'S, theil' families and fl'ien ds,
.\Iany games, such as hOl'se shoe and
washer pitching, sack r:lce~ and tug·
or·war and just good old rashiOllcd
"\'isiti ng" made this annual geltogethCl' a n occllsion that will be 101l1ot
remembered ,
We Il l'e vel'y p ro ud of ou r local
union Poll T nx Committec, hea ded by
Rrother Bi ll Darbr and must pay
them our cOllllllimcllts On the wondel'(ul wOl'k they al'e doing, T hc full
time A PL·C IO Committee head tld by
Homer .\IOOI'e of C IO is showing fine
JII'ol::'I'eIl5 and OUI' prediction is that
the,'e will be some \'ery pleasing
I'CSUItS in the coming year, Have you
rcgistel'oo yo u r rig ht to vote? AI'('
ull t: ligihle tIIclIIUcrll of yuur fUllIily
registenld? Do ~'OU ha\'e sollle close
f riends and neighbors w ho have fOI"
gotten to register? How wonded ul
OUI' heritage of freedom , Let's kee p
it ! Hemembel', "Evil men do ('vii
when good IIIcn do nothing,"
Th e Electrical Worker s'
Scenes from Fort Wayne Local
J\I'IJrenticcs recei vin g their c('rlitleales at Local 305's e lew!lJth an nu li l Hlilifeutiee cOIlIl) I('l ioli cere mony a nd testimonia l
in I"o rl Wa y ne, Ind.
Our laelit!! auxiliul'Y is makin/o:
plan!' for another wond('l'{ul Chl'istmas party {or the childl'en. These
Indies have been SO good and faithful
in S<'rving us cake, pie and colfee,
hoth here in COl"JI\IS and Victor'in and
UI'e long overdue our thanks.
T heBe
ladies are doing u wonderful work in
pro\'iding many chiJdr('1I with used
clothing and new shoes in the Sout hgate school UN'U. T he auxiliary colIt'ets and mends th(' clothing and they
hu}' new shoos from their smull aux-
iliary fund or pel'sonal donations and
certainly sllI'cad a lot of hU!lI)incss
uy Ihis fine work. Some child,'clI
would Ilot be uble to attend school
rej.,'Ul arl y if it were not fOI' theil'
PAHl S lI,
Minneapolis ' Annual
Retireme nt Dinner Held
Loca l 30,; huwlers at Dcs Muines la s t "'u y. Left to rh:hl. knee ling: I'nul
Hueher : WMn WaSNon: JHck l\ very: F red 'VI'S!. S f~lIl1lin /{: To m Mohr: Mulcom Grim m : Harry Hannie: Merl Wall : Jnek I\ ricgh; II , Gorrell, hus iness
nHl na J{e r, and Hud S teinboc hc r.
I.. U. 292. MI N1'i~l\PO LI S, MI NN._
T he annual Hctil'ement Dinnel' Party
o f Local 2!)2, I.Il.E.W., was held on
Novcmber 8 at the Nicollet !lotel
with a capacity cl'owd in attendance.
T his is an annual affait' fOl' Local
292 and this yeal' we honol'ed 2 1
members who have retired from the
eleetdcal tl'a dt, in the past )'eal', and
;;O-year sen'ice pins were rn:sented to
two of OUI' bl'Othel's,
Drothers A. E, Yetter anti William
J, Caffrey Wl're the rccipients of the
"O-yea" service pins this year. Mr.
Cathey was in atlendance to I'cceive
his Ilin but because of ill health MI',
Yelter was unnbl!) to be with us that
evening. lI is sCl'vice pin was presented to his dllUghtcl', "'I·S. A. J,
Shoemake I',
E:llch honored guest the ,'etil'ing
BrotherS-\\'Cl'C awarded an I,B,E.W.
Badge of 1I 0llor and n gift from
I-O(:ul 292, The retiring membe rs
wel'c as follows : Jack C, BI-ede,
Hym n J ohnson. Lee lI10rl'ison, Jnmes
RafTel'ly, William Lanzen, Alldl-ew
Bel'g, D!.In AI'ntsen, GCQI'l(e Andms,
J ohn Holmquist, lIenry
Al'thul' KinJ{, Carol lIcrmstnd, Charlcs
Miller, Josellh Lundh, Josel)h 1'owlIselld, I\'cr J ensen, ThomHS Williams,
George Prl'ston, Antoine Lusinn, and
Sam :'lIndig-an,
Hoses and ol'chids decorated the
ladies and Clll'nations wcre given 10
the I'Ctil'cd lind I'etil'ing men. T he
food was ch'licious-a choice of chicken
01' fish, The music and cntCl'tainment
were very enjoyable, B l'icf speeches
Journal lor January, 1958
we),e gi\'en but were filled to full
t)leal'lu)'e in spite or theil' len/{th.
And who enjoyed this evening the
1II000t? T he ret ITI ng membeu, of
course, It was a party that they will
long I·emeillber.
J.\ ~n:<; L. AD,\~IS, P.S,
Completion Banquet.
Testimoniol by L. U. 305
L. L' . 30;;, FO HT WAY ~E. I:\O.-Our
news fl'Ol11 this IIl'eH has been just
nbout the same fOl' the last three
months. Just as the wOl'k comes nil
a~ once, so docs the news, As for the
work, things have slacked off some
and with no new big jobs in the ofling,
Pag e Fifty-thr ee
the cOllling winlel' doesn't look too
OUI' elm'l'nth annuill apprentice
completion cel'emony alld testimoninl
bnn<luet was held Novemool' 4th,
This I'\'ent wus wrll Ilttrndrd by npIlrenlices, j ourneymen and conlractorll
with invited guests from all trade8
attending. BI'()ther Bill Damon. dirj'ctOI' or alJprenticcship lind trllining,
was unable to attend at the lalll
minute but he sent his congratulations to all the apprentices,
Allprentices l'ecelvlng their cel'Uricates were Robel·t E. Ruching, Charles
W. Butts, Willism 1-1 . Claxton, Alan
R, Fritz, Edgar L, GI'ider, William
p , Lepper, Charles It !towe. , am
sending along a photo taken of II .
Gorrell, business managel', lIa nie
( RIlHII') (,Iements and Charles Henry
of the contl'aCIOrs, giving the apprelltices their certificates,
The state com'ention of the A FL
WIUI held in Indianllpoli s this monlh,
The main IJurflO8e was to merge with
the CIO. This event didn't caille
about, On(> good thing did come out
ot this body-thl' LIlOO)"s PJ'ULL~the
Renctit Association, a non-profit organization formed to fight the "Hightto-Work" law and ull future luwB
against ol'ganized Inbor.
You members ill Indiana will 80011
be asked to buy tickets tor this goo<l
Don't be afraid to sllClld a
dollar. Alter all, our friellds, and I
used the word loosely, surel)' spent a
lot to get these laws passed, So Jlut
YOUI' hand in yOUl' pocket and give II
dollar, Only a fool thinks the N,A. M.
and Chamber of COll1mel'Ce nl'e sllending money to put laws on the books to
hl'lll organized IIiiOOL
Some of the Brothers hllve asked
me about the comillg 1959 Bowling
Tournament to be held in }o~ort
Wayne, As general chairman 1 can
give BOrne facts on this e\'ent. The
bid for this event is put in at a
mf'f!ting of all team calltains at the
tournament. This is not an intel'll8tional nor a local Ullion directed e\'ent
but IS a tOUI'llUlllent Jlut o"el' by the
bowlers and member. working toAs in the past, there is a
registratIOn and a rect'ption held on
F riday and It bnn(luet on Salul'(ll\Y
night, All the bowlers !lnd theil'
guests are itlvited 10 these functions,
Now rou can IIl'e why your committ('(' has ask(>d helll in Sl'lIing"
tickets on the car to Ilut this o\·e ...
W e hOI)(' to get 2(;0 te8ms h ... r(> in
'59 with that many bowling on one
w('('kend, This needs a lot or helll,
The sJlade wOl'k has been dOll(, and
Il.e CQmmitt~ has asked Locnls i28,
1392 to comt' in al5 equal paJ'lnt'I's 011
the '59 toul·namenl. Local 723 has
accellted and we arc waiting for word
frOIl1 Local 13t12, If you would like
to help, contact IUIY bowie!' 01' the
business manliKe ... of the locals,
I lUI) sending along a Ill'int of the
photo taken at Des Moines Ian MIlY
of the two teams atte nding.
By the time thil is in Ilrint we will
ha\'e had our annUAl (,hrj!lltmall party
fOl' the children. But at a later date
T will have Iliciurt'l and a full account of this e"ellt,
Local 305 wishea nil Brothel'S evCl'Ywhe l'e n Ihql py New Yeal',
• • •
Urges Support of
Local Blood Bank
I•. U, 308, ST. 1'I'. :n ms n unG, FT. A.
-lIa\'e oftt'n w!lnted to thank lIlany
of OUI' COlllmiuet' members (01' serv·
tng 80 faithfully in Jlul'suinf( theil'
dulies for the Ocnefit of the locili.
OUI' Rlood Bli nk Commith.'C, under
the SUJlervlsion of RI'()ther Jllck
Dontn, Ilall JOl\e a wonderful j ob
although lately the 81'Othel's al'e not.
giving the IUllllOl·t that thil worthwhill' cause dl'sel'vel. As you all must
1·l'ali2.e, OUI' Blood Rank is f or our
benefit and the ben(>flt of e\'el')' ml'm·
IJeI' ot (he family, I am speaking
(rom experiencl', a. III)' wife had a
serious OI)(,l'lItion and (our pint. of
blood were nec(>ilSllry. All sonle ot
you eXI)('l'iencl'(1 in the past-befol'e
the Rlood Rank-it was quite dWlcuit
to J('et blood donors and a large expense was InCUI'I'ed, Our BlouJ Rank,
at this tilll<l hll" VI'I'Y little on dCllOsit
and we arc calling on all those nble
to .give blood, to help increase OUI'
d('I'osit bl'cuuse the blood rou give
lila), sal'e one of your own loved oncs.
IJ rothCl' Dagastino is to be eongratulated tor the wond(>rful job that
he hilS dOlle with our Little League
Rail Team, O\'cr the )lUst yenrl, lie
has devoted a1\ of hia S))III'C time to
the aucc('S8 or our Little LealfUe. WI'
finished in second place this Yl'8r
being only Olle half gallle behind the
winning team.
Brothel' I)ugltlltillu is trying to
(ol'lllulate a CI'('(fit Union for the
benefit of our members and would
appreciate an)' canstl'uctive advice on
how to run such an idea successfully,
Please wdte to Brother Oagastino
care of Local UniOIl 308,
Our Nl',otiating Committee conlilting- of Brothel'!! lIadley, Rean,
Abbott, Gordon, Shaw, Appleton,
Rockhill, Reed, Stroud and Clark
ha\'e done a wondedul job and the
members all gh't' a vote or thanks for
till' excellent COlltl'IICt that thl'Y negotilltcd for them, with our loeal inside
and outside contruclol'8, Usually thill
is a thanklelS job as it is very hard
to please nil of the members, and
hearing SOllie of the discussions, I
often wondel' where our committees
gl't the patience to tolerate soml' of
the complaints and gripes. Reali:ting
that YOII rUII', Illrllll!' evcr)'olw makes
thi s situation understandable,
Brothel' "Sl1ol,ty" Walsh desen'l's
the thanks of the mllny BI'Others who
th l'Ough his helpful suggestiolls, we!'e
uble to rl'Ceive on electronics education and the members are extremely
fortunate in h:wing Brother Bob Robel'ts to Inltruct thl'm. MUIlY uf UUI
out-o(-town Brothel'S have enl'OIII'd ill
OUI' electl'Onies clllss and are attending classes twice 0 .....eek at the TOll'linson Vocational School,
Our Elt-'<':trical AJlprenticeshilJ
Classes, under the supen'ision of
Officers Attend Jubilee Dinner
The o nicers or l.ocal 309, }o; asl SI. LOllill, III " "' ~re privllegt'd in represenlin lt Ihe loca l at the dinner markil1g the 50
years of mcnlbers hill o( Hrother Frank J . Cox, ThcS(l llrc scenes from the e"enillg.
Page Fifty·four
Th e Electrical Workers'
Rl"Othera McKinney, Allwurden and
Shaw are to be congratulated, and
Rrothers Turner and Golly have instructed our aplJrellticCi very diligently and many or OUI' IJrClK'nt
joumt}-nwn ha"e theM' m('n to thank,
The rollowing lllen Ilauro the Appn~nticellhill Comlllitt('(>'s final examination: Walter Clark, W. A. Foster,
Hobert WrllY, A. T. Thomas, C, O.
lIoward, Hichard Schnl'ider, Robert
Somml'I' kalll(), Hiclmrd TI"udell, olld
Wallace Dornn.
Bt'other Jim Cole hnll done an
I'xcellent job liS delegull' to thl' CCIl U'al Labol' Union and his r("I}())'ts at'e
very thOl·ough.
\Vish to ('xtcnd thunks to til('
Examinilll{ floanls- RI·uthe)' Collins,
J, Doran, Pouchel', Shaw Ilnd Wulsh
uf til(' illsid(' ml'n, lind Appleton,
Clurk, I{('ed, Hockhill lind SO'oud o f
the out~illc tIH.'Il.
WI' arc glad to 11('(' B I'other TOll1my
Heese luking all active !lllt·t in union
atfairs atul it is /{OOC1 to 9f'C the old
IiI"chol"Sf', Fred Loll ntt('mling OUI'
lIa"c you l','el' had th(' f(·clinl{ that
you haw· donc a Ilublic IK'I'vicc that
hl'll)('(1 othcl"S len fortunate than
yOUl"M'lr Ilnd that u IlH're Ihank)J ill
all )"OU l'XI)('Ct for your IK'r\'iccs'!
Rrothrrs Hadley, lIulllphrey, Kntllp
and two or thl'ec- o( our out-of-town
Rrotilt'ffI ha"e contributed lIlany llIun
hours towanl the constl'uction and
COIllI)letion of the 1I01llt' (or relal"(l('(1
childl"t'll in Pinellas Park. Rill l)o)'le
of !Joyle f;lectric and Al Ji'.,]dmllll of
the Allied Productll h(l"e contributed
much lIIoney and material on this job
and Wt· UI'(' (lroud to know and cull
these nlel!, llrOlhers.
Brothcr W. P. (Wl'atherproof)
Smith of tht' oldcr 1lI1'lllllCl'ship o(
Local 308 lind one of 0111' rOnllel' businl'SS Illllnnj{t'I's, llaslIt'd awny the fil'lIt
wl'Ck in October and will be gl"cntly
missed hr his Illan~' ft"il'n<is, Brothel"
Smith hud bccn I'ctin'd fOI" sevel'lIl
• • •
Pro gress Cite d During
50-Year Members h ip
L, ll. 309, ":AST ST. LOUIS. Il.l.,_
The officl'l"II of Local !Iii!.! had the Ilrivilege of lIl\endll1g" a dinner given in
honor of Brother Frank J, CO" \\ho
has eompll'led 50 )'e:n1l of faithful
lIel-vice liS :t membcr of 1..,0(111 :109.
Bl"Other Cox started 10 wOI'k (or
the East St. l..ouis LilCht :lI1d Power
Company, now known :111 Union Electric ComplllI}'. Brothel' Cox worked
ns II lincman and WlUl initi;tted in
Local !l0!) ill 1907.
OUI' l'ollvel'!mtion with BI"Othe!' Cox
he(ore lind aftl'l' the dilll)('I' was "el'Y
ilHCI'esting. l.oca] 30!) hilS collie n
long way in t.he Jlust GO )'I!;II·S. We
had a membership of 20 linemen
Journal for J an u ary , 1958
At the tes l imoni a l dinn t'r ho nori nK HIIH ilwss :\Iu na "e r K .-\ . Sl o('k fo r his ,13
yea rs o f I'e r vice to Locnl 332, SlI n J OI"t', Clllif.. are (f rom Id l) : Int e rn al ion lll
Vice I~re", id en l Oscar II urhll k. Lrn: nl (; 17 IIns ine"s " :II III/o: I'r W., II . Oi ederi chsell
a nd Hrolh cr Stock,
when Rrotht'r CO" was initiated in
the I.B.E.W. Today w(' hll\'(" a nll"llllJ('rship of 900 in ttll cllI!lsifienlions.
The lineman's rate in 1907 was :!O
cents an hour, Todn)" (01' the saml'
romJl3n)- the Iineman')J I'8te is $3,01
l>er hour plus \'ac;ltion, doctor and
dt'ntal programs and a nlPjor medieal plan paid ror hr thl' company,
All or this would nOI lJ(' 1)(J!lsihlt' if it
wt're nut for nWlIlher8 Iikf' Brother
Cox, It took men like RI'othl'l" Cox
and others who upht'ld the ol'l{ani'1.NI
labor mo'"('nwllt. Local ::1m! is proud
to hayl' Brother COX II~ II mt'mi>er, II
tlc(cndel' of the rights and llrinrip]('s
cSlHblished by the fOllndel's of 1h('
OI"J,:"anized lahor mO'"l'llll'nt,
At this tillle we wouitl IIlso like t(J
lake the OJlpOl·tunity of 1''(t('ndiIlK OUI'
congl'atulatiOIlS to BI'othl'!' Hoy ('HIIl el'el' who will have C(}f1l 1111'11'(1 39 }'('fll'!I
wi t h the I. B. I~.W. Oil JanuIII'Y I, IfIi;8.
HI'othel' Camerer sen't'd liS husine~s
Na vy Trib u te
Chief To rtledom a n F rl'de ri c n oxbllr ~ h ,
a mem bcr of Loca l 37 1, Chicago, III ..
wall chosen on(" of Ihe 1\\ 0 ollllOllI"d ing reser ve e!!lilil ed ml' n in t h(" (' hi ,
eago area hy Ihe ~ a v )', " er e he 11:1
Ilrcsenl ed with a cOllnlu' mof nlh' e
wnleh by n r t' llft'Sen lnli \'I' uf th e Chica J,:"o COllllci l uf th e NII \'}' Lell g ue,
manager of Lo<-al 309 for 14 Yl'ars
and is now n-til'ed.
Work ill our jurisdiction is not v,, I")'
plenti(ul at this \lTitinK. We have one
big line job going at the prt'H'nt.
Work on Ih(- insidl' is not yt'ry .I...·O(J(I
at this lim(', At OUI' 11t'"t writing I
hope to r l'lW)l1. that wOl'k nu improved 100 Il('rcent.
We are ~t'nding pichll'eli takell at
the diflll('I' gn'en {or Rl"Other ('ox.
JiI>IJe you will find I'oom (01' tht·.~e
in the JOl"!tSA1.,
rtn (:\Ioox) :\In,l.Ixs, P.S.
• • •
Review s Hi s tory of
Local's 44 Years
I.. l '. :12:1, WES T P A LM Il EA C II ,
F LA. - Gt'ectings and HapII)' N('\\'
Y NlI' to nil!
"This ~('"\\, Yelll' I'd like to do
Some of Ih(' tusks I'\'e dreamed
or doing, p·t have ne'"er startedThioking th"m too great . 01' 1>el'haJlS
Too hard (01' me."
- Author Urlknown,
This is the Illight of many of us,
and we lirohabl~' need New Yeal"'s
l'CsolutiollS, Rut also the starting of
(';leh ~('w Year- brings to light marlY
nnni\'("I's,"lriNl, and so, the members in
W('8t Palm R('aeh will celebrate their
(ortr-(oUl·th bil·thday o( Loc:nl Union
No. 323, Annivl.'rtlaril.'S o( an)' kind
"hould give those honoring same, a
sense of wl'lI-being and seeul'ity, to
know thut hy the very natul"t' of
things, some ilroblellls and difficulties
IllUst hnve of necessity lJe('n encountel'(~d, anll w('athel'ed successfully.
I..o<:al Union No. 3:l3 was granted
a clwl"ler by the I ntel'nationnl Rroth_
P age Fifty · fiv e
of Electricll! WOl'b'l'S on Jan~
U(lI'Y I), 191'1. and the 13 members
who signrd t hc chal'le)' wcre: Rn)th·
el's I~dwin 11 . Davis, I::1.ekiel L. P hel'igo, J . I~. Rell, J . E. Chambers,
WilJbm W. Ahhotl, W. C. C. B ranning, W. Y. ~ l anguil1, R. D. Taylor,
C. S. l\licha les, A. Wheeler, A. W.
l1ul'holdel', J r., lia lTY n. Wil'sching,
J . A, I1 j'adin , nl'othcl'!! Michale!! and
Taylol' ;U'C t he only )'cmaining Il1CIIlbCl's living at this time, Roth :Irc
now ]'etit'cd a nd I'esi de in F lorid a,
We do not have a complete record of
OUI' cady history, as II goodly nu mbcr
of OUI' files were lost-"(.;one- WlthT he-Wind," in the worst hUl'Z'icanc
that struck this \'icinity in forty
ycars, Seplemb(:t' :W. J928, almost
blowing I.hi8 scction off the map.
Yours truly rcmcmbel's this, as we
lost our home in t he SIOI'111 ,
OUt' 350 memOOI'llhip is made lip of
mcn fl'om many pat'ts of thcse United
S ka tes. T his is (Iuite a common occurrcnce as you do not find a grcnt
These b,'othe rs were Ilresenl ed apllrenticeshill cOI1l]lle lioll f"rtificlile s by Loc;\!
384, :\llIs kogee, Qkla .. rec(·nel),. Lefl to right: CUI'I Grobcr; Hichurd Mccks :
Hu}' McBroom, and J ack Arnwinc.
I IV'"
many native F lol'idiltlls hel'c, SO WI'
sometimes h:I\'e t hc bcnefit of thc
cxpet'ienccs and the knowlcdgc or
members from othc,' locutiolls, in
solving some of Olll' problems, The
membc)'shi p is mude up of inside mcn,
outside men, neon sign men ancl T.V.
technicians, and one mcmbcr with fl
special l'alinK, Brot hel' L, E, BUI'ns,
:~ Sll~cial high·tol18ion conduit installer. His tCI'l'i lm'y is the U, S. A, lind
coontl'ies south of hcrc.
OU)' jul'isdiction covers about seven
counLics-sullic tnlVclil1j.( fUI' n business ma lmgel'-bu t most (tf the a ctivities al'(, ccntcl'ed in Palm Beach
County, which by the W:I)" bonlel's on
one of t he largest lakes in tho United
States, Lake Okcechobee, a center fol'
comlllcrcial and sport fishing, 1\I ;1I1y
of the olhel' counties a )'e not too well
popula ted, During 322'8 existence,
not too lllany III'oblolll9 pt'esented
themselves, but one thing i9 SUI'C
though, Umt when 90me IlI'oblcm
or di!l1culty was cl1counlet'c<!, and
hrought to t he aLten l ion of t he 10CIII,
the members stood togcthcr and
wurkcd ti,;)),:!! Ollt with disjlutch and
sllt is fuction,
We havc quite a few ,'cUred mcmbe)'s here, many of whom ca me he,'c
f rom othet· local unions ill val'ious
pa r ts of the COUlltl')" We are iOl'ging
a head , kecping in mimI the necessity
of organizing' the outlying' territory,
conduct ing a good UJ1PI'cnticcship
tl'aining progra m, liS wcll :IS somc
l'eil'cshcl' courses for jOUl'lwYIIlC/l :Llllo
amI :dming lo do :t good day's work
fo)' a good dllY's pay.
• n\
'fill's c hrulhers werc lIw/U'ded Hi year pins. Stand in g, le ft lu ri g ht : Floyd Lon : " 'altcr Couall ( deceased): John Rel'lIe;
Jim THlol soII: 1I1'tlI'Y C "ll lnl'; Max Zellner, and I<: "crt Colc mRII. FruuI row: Juhn Youn g: Bill lI enson : Clilud Henson:
Juhn NlIllmlin. and Jill! I.awhorn.
Page Fifty -six
The Ele ctri ca l Workers'
So, with a 8('1 delerminntion to live
to tht' concluding VCI'IIe of the
olWning lin{'lI:
"This new ren,. 1'\1 do tht'S{' tasks
I've held liS Ill)' idt'als, so far off
They have I<'emed, though so renlI' ll do them tiS I ne\'er dreamed I could,
I can, I will, I IIIl1st!"
R-s{'('ing U ' , ' R-Cood now!
Ih:NJHtlS G, HOt:ut;K, P,S,
• • •
Testimonial Tendered
Business Manager Stock
I.. II, 33l!, S.\ " J OSE, CA l.I F,-On
S('plt'mil<'r 28, 19;)7, the C'leetl'ieal indUlin), of Santn ('lam ami Snn Bcnito ('ounty, honlll'('d BJ"Oth('1" K A,
Sto(,k, Inulin!'!IS lIIalWg'I'I' of 1.0('al
Union :.J:l:!, III a t(,stimonial dinner
hd!! in tIll' TNI'HCC Hoom of the
Ila\\'aiinn Gal'lkns,
:'>loI'c tlulll 4()0 of B,'othC'r Stock's
fri{'nus lind nll'mlwl's of the !.'leetri('nl indusll'y Kutlw)"{'.,J to honO!' hill
r('eOl'(\ of !WI"'irl' lind uchi('\'C'm('nt in
th(' fir'ld o( \1"11(1(' unionism,
Rroth('I' 1-:. A, Stock was initint{,d
inln tht, I. B,t-:,W, ~ov('mix-I" 12, 1!112,
and hn!'! s{'n'C'1I ns ils business manaK('r ('I'N sinc(', with the (,XC('lltion of
two )'(':11"11, \\"llI'n Iw 1I"0rkrd fOl'lhe Int('rnulionul om('I' all u n('IH'('.~entnli\'{',
II ill 1:\ Yl'urs of s("f\'ic(', nnd his
("nviahle l'{'cord in huilding Local :1:l2
to on{' or the outstanding locals of
the dillll'il'I, ill tI 1'('1'01'.1 fe-w call
Amon/o: thc /o:1I{'sls in 1ltte-llilanl'c
\\'('1'(,: Q!I('ll l' lI arbak, Ninth Oisll'ict
ViI'I' I'r{'slrlf'nl; Otto Rieman, Intel'nation:iI Hepl'cs('ntatil'e; S, E, Rockwf'll, husin{'slI Jl\:\lHI/o:{'l", Local i)!)ij;
W, II , I)i('(l('richs~'n, busincs!l managel', Loeu! lii7i E, 1"cl'1"al"i , bllSil1('ss
rcpl'eSI'ntnlil"', I.ocal Ii; J , L, Shaw,
busincsH 1111\11a/o:CI', l.o('al 243; Gcol'gc
II:H"l('l", ,'xi'('ulll',' sccn,lary, I'alll
1.>I'slie, 1II"l'JIiIlt'nl, SHllta Clam,San
BC'nilo Chapll'l' :\'ECA; J, Sardcllu,
GO\'l'rJlllr, E\'("N'lt )I:I""lIall, pre!lidcnt,
San M:llt'o Chaptl'r, NECA,
Gl."Orgl' IIllrl('r WIIS ehail'mun of
arrangl'm('ntl!, lind II, T, GundC'n!On,
I)r('sidl'nt or l..(I('al Union 33~, IRI':"',
acted as .\laAIN of Ct'remonies and
11N'M'nl('{1 nroth('r Stock with a bcautirul all-<,Il-<"tric lIamilton wah:h, a
gift from the gl"O\lII, Numerous 1('legrllll1s and 1/'l1('I's of conE!'r3tulalions
were I'('ad and acknowlcdged,
Ih:su,' T, CtSI)J::I!so:-, Ass't. B,~1.
• • •
Death Claims Father
Of Local 347 President
I., l !, :l4i, IH :8 MO IN ES. IOWA , Local Ullion 347 r('grC'ts to llllnOUllce
the pail/linK of I1roth('r Chlll'les 1",
Ill-othel' CI/Il'k was Ihe fath('I' of
out' 1))'C'lIent Local Union Pl'esident,
Journal for January , 1958
Chat'lcs 0 , Clark , and also of Arothcra AI'thur and Robel,t Clllrk,
Brother Clark passed away No"cmber 5, 1957, as the result of a
heart att...ck while doing Yllrd work
around his home, lie had lJe('n in
semi-retirement fOl' II('l"cral rellrs,
Brothflr CllIl'k was iniliat('(1 into
Loc:al Union 34i on Fl'brual'Y 9, l!).tl
nnd was a reinstated m(,lllber, hU\'ing
fonllerly \.Je<'n a mcm1)(,I' of lAcul
L"nion 116 of Fort Worth, T('xas,
FR~::O poW~:R.'1, P,S,
• • •
Member is Honored at
Chicago Navy Day Dinner
I.. l !, 371. C IlI CAGO, IL L,_Thl'
Navy sel('cled !tenial Chief 1'01')11'110IIIl1n Vredcl'ic Roxbul'gh all one of t\\'o
outstanding cnlistl'd 1'('!'!('I'\'e m<'tl in
the Chicugoland arca,
1-'h,/I, a 1ll('1ll!x'r O( I., l' !l71, till
i'lstaller in thc 1I'\'ing-Kildnl'c (liall'iet
o( lh(, Td('phonc ComlJnIlY, \\';llI lin',
8('nt('(1 a gold watch h)' Ihc Chicago
Council of the ~a\'y l..eague of the
Unit{',1 States, Thc IIl'C'lICnlalion WIlS
made at II dinner givcn by Ihi' ('hi,
cago and L;lke County Councils of
the lengu(' in obS<'r\'unce of Nzl\'Y
Day, OCtObcl' 26, alt('nd('d hy tOI)
Navy mcn in the arca, 1~1'('(1 WII8
honol'('(\ for the superior joh h(' hall
done :It thC' U, S, Navnl l1('s('I'\'('
Tmining CcnicI' at Navy Pil'l",
nl'uwing on knowledge obtained in
his !lcvcn )'eal"S at sca, he ol'Kanh:ed
a IOl')lClio section, l ie tcuchea th(' naK('mbling nnd use of tOl'pcdoclI lind
dC!lth oombs,
COllllllcnt('d a sUllel'iOl' offlccl': "I l ill
8cdion hus S(!t <III cxam]lle fOl' military $Illtll'tness and e8pl'it d(' COn11l
among the units at thc AI'I11Ol'y," lie
also hns I'ecruited ahou! fiO youlhs
into the Rr's('I'\'(, and h:l~ lIhuwn numerous groups or ('"cil('(1 h">'II, IIIl1ny
of th('1ll scouts, and Ih('ir I'nn'nt.l
throu!:'h the Armor)' und adjnc('nt
lIuhmal'inc on Saturdays,
Local Unioll 3i1 is Ilroud o( the
man)' cil'ic sen'ie('s cllrl'ic'<I 00 without thought of pay by the melulx-I'I
of our 1..(1(':11 L'lIion,
It i!'! SI'I'\'ice like this th:lt willIJro\'e
to tht, I)uhlic that b)" far the greater
part or th(' mCIl and women who :In'
includl'tl in our ml'mix-rshiIJ al'e thl'
l'en\ backbone of our countl')",
IIAItU,' JOIIXSO:<, J~resid('nt.
• • •
Conducting Research on
Boron for Rocket Fuel
I., U, 381, i\1USKOGE t-:, OKI.;\,GI"('Ctings rl'Olli :'>Iuskog('('! Out' work
situlltion h(,l'e still looks good, Al
1"'cS{'nt all OUl' members :lJ'C wOl'king
lind we havc a few mcn (I'om othcl'
loculs working hel'e, 'The I~!lnslcll
COl'llOl' ution 'Tantn!um 111aot iN nt'III'-
inl;' completion :lnd is nlrcady ill parlinl IJroduction, 'Thc Callol'y Chemicnl
plAllt is using S<"'cral mcn on thc
thn-e Ilhases that have been let and
th(' contrAct tor the linlll and \arg!'st
Ilhll8e will be let in Det:ember, This
Ilha8l' will be about \(i million dollars, and i!l due to be COmIJlct(>(1 in
about a )'car, Construction on th('
n(ow GC'nel'al Hospital is underway,
DuC' to Slllrt soon is a Y:'>leA buillling, A S('wlIg(' disllOSal Illanl, a $300,000 addilion to thfl Baptist i1osllital,
U IlI'W tramc signal s)"stem, \'a\'ious
park l!<"f\'ic(' IJI'Ojet:ts totaling nbout
hnlf'millioll dollal"5 lind various others,
Russia's Sputnik!'! h11\'(' !lut an em'Ihasis 011 the ClilloI'Y Chemical "Innt,
It will manufactlll-e n 11('\\' hil;"h-~"II'I"'I"Y
fu('1 ror rockets, jet plan('s, etc, Thl'
IIIlItll ingl'edil'nt will be OOl"On whi('h
tho U, S, gds fl'Om J)('lIlh Vall('y,
CnlifOl'llill, ) Iuch ('xll-l'rinwnting is
hl'ing donI' with I)()I'OIJ as a fud, and
it will V(,I'Y sUl'ely he all impOl'\:Inl
(u('1 fOl' 1ll1I1l)' UlleS hefol'!' !onjf, Thl'
Ullit('{1 States has 110 plant al prC's{,lit producing this fucl in 1."01Jl1II('J'cia\
lllIlIlItilies, but 11 Sm:lll('r one is duc
to be ill operation at LUII"I-enc(', KlllJ'
811S, before thc olle hCl'e is ol)CI'ating,
\\'1' hav(' two joul'nc)'mcll classcs
in s{'ssion now, On(, is :In clectl'Onic
class on basic elet:ll'onics, nfl(,I' which
we pilln an industrial ('1('cll'Ollie
ChlSS, The other class is on cnbl('
811licing, These I'luslles nrc supported
hy the cmployers :lnd the attending
I!("c('ntly w(' hclr! :l l!allltUo'l and
IlIIrty at which time sl'rl'i('c pillS and
IIJlIlI'{'nticeship COtJIllll'tioJl cC'rtiflcatcs
w(,I'e IIw:II'dC'd mall)' o( our tllC'll1hct's,
Our i ntl'l'lwlional Vice pl'csi<lcnl,
A, E, Edwurds, :Ind memb{>J'S of his
staff, Brothcl's Tal'l'ill and J ohnson
along with theil' wives, wcrc Ill'cs("nt.
W(' ('njo),cd lifter dinll('r Sl)('('cht:'s by
th('sC' Ihr("(' Broth(,I'l:!, anu .. Iso by Jim
Mitchcll of the UnitNI Stalcs DC'J!Ul't.
tIl('nt or Lllbol', BUI'cliU of ApllI'l'lI'
I am cnclosiJlJ;r pictul'('S or memhers
who wel"(' awarded certilicat('s nnd
pinll, Awarded but 1I0t Ilicturc<i W(,I'e:
Tom Vandelltl'ift, 3J,ycar pin, liarris
Jacksoll, :!;;'},eur pin,
FLOYD R, :'>101(1119, P,S,
• • •
Dedication Ceremonies
Open New Local Hall
I., l. 390, Po nT A HTIIl1 H, T ..;X ..\ S-
EI{'('h'ical Workers of L, U. 390
crowd('d the 4,000 s('at asscmbly hal]
or the ncw $1~8,OOO IH'ick building
(or thc dedication CI'I-emony,
0, J, Miller, Iln'sident of thc local,
gavc the wC'lcomillg' IIddl'('ss, :'>lastCI'
or c('r'clllonics for the Jll"ogJ'am WU8
C, n, CIII'!C, member or our Intenllltional ExC'cutivc Council,
Arlhlll' E, F~dwards of Fort WOI,th,
T I'XJlS, Vice P resident of the Seventh
Page Fifty'seven
Leaders Dedicate Local 390 Hall
Theile ollicinls led the ded ication C('remoniefl or Local 390'8 new labor hall ill Port J\rthur, Trxa!i. I. d! to ri ,:hl : W ~
lIollZ. repres enlath'e of Dis trict 5: {;. W. Walke r , a "ice preside nt of th e I(lcal: I'al Alexander of Fori Worth, Int e r.
national r c"rcsenllllh' e; O. J. Miller, Ilrt'!lidcnt of Loca l 390j Arthur E. Edwards of Fort Worth , ,ice p resident of Ihe
Seve nth dis t ri ct, who was pdncillal s pea ke r at Ihe ceremony; G. I. Tho mpson, bu siness manager: Kurt GuillQI , execnIh·... hoard me mber ; C. H. Carle, Inl l'rn nlional f; xt!culh"c Council ", I! u.i,er. ami Geuq:e nO ga ll, a ssis tallt bUliliness manaJ,:{'r.
Scribe Meditates on
Meaning of Christmas
Lad iell III th e s{,ning table. left 10 ri ~hI , are: Mrs . Gore; Mrs . Guillot : :\lr8.
Doyle: Mrs. Derrough : Mrs. :'I fill er. and Mrs. I~ickl er .
District, was principal spcaker, Edwaz'ds spoke 011 the historY of
orllanizc<i labor, dwelling on the TaftlI :u'tley Law and the effect of possiblc
anti-13boz' legislation,
The Reverend Eldon L, RL't:d, 1>111:1toz' of the Lakeview )lethodist ChUl'(:h,
f,!av(' the invOClltion, T he Re\'(,z'cnd
G{'ol'ge ) I usy. assistant pastOl' of ImIllaculate ConCt'ption Catholic t;hurch
of Grovcs, !lavc the bcnediction.
Al"t Edwan\s prescnted service Jlins
to Lawson Wimberly, E. S, Wager,
ror 2fi >'eal'Si Mat·tin Nietthouse. C. F,
Porter, Jack T aylor, J oe Vel'I'ett, 30
yeal'S; I-I. L. Thl'op and J . T , Word,
35 yelLZ'II. BI'Other "'imbedy, is assistant to the International President
in the Inlel'national Office, Ta ylol' is
now chier clc<:tl'ician fol' the City of
I'OI"t Al'thul", past IlI'csident of Southwcst I nstitute, and the Municipal
Signal Associat ion, He is ulso un
office I' in the Texas Chap ter, I ns t itutc
of T I'affic Engineel"S,
Dedicatory rites started at !J :00
lUll. nnd Ollen house continued until
5 ;00 P,III, T he ladies of the locul
Page Fifty-eight
8('1 ...·1'(1 coffee. punch
and cllke, The
cakes wcre beautifully deconted with
I.R,KW. in red on ellch square. This
eVcllt was also commemoz-rl ting the
local's 40th annivcI·sal'Y.
II , L, G... ,,: ;:s t ... bt: commended fol'
his until'ing efforts in entertaining
lhc small fl'y, with a miniatuI'e Ilowe!'
contl'Ollcd trllin, set up on the spaCIOUS gt'ounds.
Committee for the al"l'angements
wel'e Al'thuz' Derrough, Gcorge Cmltl'cll, Fnmk JohnSOIl, R. W. Pcrkins,
T, P. Enman, H. L. Gore, E, 1': , Lockheal·t, and Kurt Guillot. Busincss
Manuger G. I. T hompson, Assistant
R n,~inf'!I.~ :\l:l1lagcr r. rorgl' Hogan. und
0, J , MilIez', president, worked with
the anangements committee.
)Iuny letters, telegra ms lind Rowel'S
or congl'ntulution w('rO received, T he
dlly was climaxcd with n dllllce ill the
ncw hull from ():OO p.m, till 1:00
lI.m. to the mUSic o f Ha lTY Vaughn
and h ill orchestra .
We wunt to thank the lndics fo r
their untiring efforts,
AKTI!lTR A, O.' 1I11 0UU lI . P, S,
L. U. 174. )1 1-: ) 1I'll IS. Tl-jNN.Thanks to our sislel' locals thr(tur,hl)\tT
our BI-othel'hood for their kindness
towal'd our traveling B z'Othcrs. We
hOlle we have the opportun ity to I'{'IUI'1I tlliS kindness somcda)'. T his letter is beinf,! written III Christmastime.
"Little T owlI of Rethlehem" could
be iltly town 0,' city. It could be >'our
town, and just zmagll\e Christ wulking down Main Street, s toJlPing here,
looking in a stol'e window there. lie
might be looking for a Jllace to sleep.
He might say a few words to the
policeman on the comer, Docs he
have the price of a bowl of soup?
I ha\'e nevCl' ,'cad nor heaz'{l of
Christ possessing money in his sojOllz'n on eal1.h, and so our Yu letide
feelings or temporal'y goodwill toward
man, ~ace on earth, aZ'e bou~ht with
a few pieces of sil\'el', satumted as it
were with the spectre of OUI' guilty
On this H ol~' Night the wQI'ld beneath the Bethlchem Siaz' becomes a
cathcdral whel'e humanity if it will,
ma~' worship for 3 rew fle.-.ting momcnts in the H ouse of God. The wee
8Jlil'it and aUl'a of candle light ill the
window or a humble shack, ('{Iuals the
glittel'ing effect of the lights of a
whole city, if they who light the CllIIdies ha\'c faith,
F UAN K Dlm:s, P. S.
• • •
Announces Results
Of Sheffield Election
1.., U. 558, S ln:F"~ I EL() , ALA,- If
were writing a novel instend of II
mel'e article for my li z'othel's' l'endlllg
pleasure, I would like to entitle it
"The F ifteen Min ute Ride, " Let me
expla in in simple InnKuage that we
The Electrical Workers'
Activities of Sheffield Local
Vie .... s of t he out s tan ding nORt e ntered by Loca l 5:;8 in t he an nual Labor Da y Il lIrade in S hclllehl, Ala ,
now have jobs in our
lhut I'C-
flui)'c approximately l:i minutes to
and from WOrk fOl' about 71) p'Cl'c('nt
of our m('mbership. T his shol't !'ide
is something we lIl'(' V("I'y proud to
bmg about, eSIH!cially u ftcl" those long
ddes so many of U8 put in j\lst to
make OUI' ,,;ght·holll' day.
I f ect as though I should build this
bit of news lip to 1\ big climax lind
end the SIOI'Y with II little of Ihe ('l{'clion fucts, but to those of y011 who
may not be up \0 date, I shull not
keel) you in sUSjlense any ion,.,-cr. T he
election results will he re nnd now be
printed . This wus u'uly ol1e or the
biggest elections I have had thl' privilege to be II pal't of. Mon' VOles W{,!,j'
cast this yelu ' thun in lilly dedi on
bef orc in thc history of OU 1' l~ , U. 1if,8,
CongnlWl und all of that to all you
Bro t hcl'S who tlnully eXCl'cis('ci your
great A mcI'ican p l'ivilej{e o f cu,~ting
YOUI' vote fOl' thl' leuders of your
choice in your own locul election,
Rrothel' John R, Smi t h was elec t ed
business agent 'Without a run·ofT.
James H. ( P unkin) Il uygood is OUI'
nclI' prcsicirnq W, W , Ezell, vice
president, II, p, l\I ~lson, rf'co]'(ling"
sl:el'elul'Y; Wey land McKitmc)', trcasUl'er, The following men \\'CI'f' clc(,t('d
to the Executive Roanl: W, M, (Rill)
) fcCal'ty, EnHnctt R, Grimes, Nelson
Delano, John It BI'oadway, HOlI'al'([
H ill, and Clal'ellce Stev('nson, OthNS,
wireman examiner, Ilill Olivl'l'; maintenance examincI', :-lelson l.indsey;
linl'mall exUmilll'l', Addan Hhodes;
illstl'ulliellt mechanic, }o~I'lInk Pollcr,
I hOlle my list of new officers is
cornJllcte, IIl\d if I skill]X'd anyone, it
was not intentional. J do want to
urge all of you to plcase IIUI1P01't
these H,'others as thf'y have a big job
to do and a big local to run,
OUI' sJlecial thanks are extl'ndcc1 to
Brothel'S Hugh und Sp'cc 1l"O\I'1! and
to All the membel'S of Loc~11 Unioll
IJG fol' the courtesy shown L. U, ;,[,8
members dul'ing OUI' workin/( dllyS ill
thei I' al'l'A,
1 believe I alll 81Jeaking fol' nil my
BI'othel's in L, U, lia8 a8 I offer'
heartiest congratulationll to thl' Laool'
Day Pal'ade Committee fOl' the very
fine joh they pf'l'formerl for us, We
al'e proud o f CVl'l'y single houl' each
man put in towl\!'d making OUI' local
Journal for January , 1958
The IlI(' mbrTij or the maint e nance crc w at th e Franklin Electric Corp, at nus·
,; ~lh' i1Ie , Ala .. Ilos e with theil' Sarl!t y award , Left tu ri !{ht , front ro"': Frank
Bur cham, J.: roundman; )ieison I)uncnn, line ma n : J am es I'ounde rll, linema n,
Back row; Grady Paden, lineman : " ' eldon S IOIW, liUl' nHln lind job gle " 'lIrd,
Ernesl Dill, material cll'rk: J.\ e nneth ;\l cCuidin, line man ,
union come through with flying colol's,
winning fit'st place in each el'ent SPOilsol'cd, Our lIoat entry (positiW'ly
outstanding, 11ictuI'e included) WQn
fiJ'st Ill'ize, Our lovely candidatc for
I.abol' Day Qucell, Miss Emily Broadfoot, won this honor o\'el' I;) othcl'
contestants Sl}ollsol'ed by [ocals of
othel' trades, and I beliel'e I woulll
be 75 pf'rCi.'nt cort'l'ct in stating that
about half of OUt' merllbc,'S were
"tootin" homs in the cal' brigade, A
I'{'ry finc job, indeed, Rrothel' George
T hl' work in our al'ea is still plf'nti·
ful. 'V(' have men working here at
prcsent from 80 local unions and 1'1']1'
resenting :~5 states and arc eXJl'ecting
mote to Sllll't wOl'k soon , We 1I1'C
pn;mrl to be able to have work fOl'
local ullions other than OUl' own '31)8,
Kow fOl' some Ilews that is long
oVer'(lue, news concerning OUI' B roth·
el'S over in Franklin COUllty, T hes/!
boys al'e doing a splendid job fOl' the
F'J'lInklin County Electdc CO'OII" Hussel1ville, Alabama, Thc)' have Ilut in
many thoulland wOl'king hOUl'8 withOUt II "108t time" accident. The en·
cloS(>d pictlil'c IIhows the Rr'otl)(,'l's
with their safety awards,
It is with dl'('II SOrrow that we
I'ecord the passing or Brothel' Wnllnce
Hhodl'S who was shot to death on
August !), 1957, Brothel'S of L, U,
558 eX\('l\d tlwil' syml)nthy to the
family of this Brothel',
With this !.tit of news, 1 will close
ul'ginJl ~'OI1 to kf't' ll always in mindlaOOl' will alw:I~' 1I hnl'(, a hig fight.
• • •
Winter Unemployment
Plagues Canada Members
I., U. ;)6S, ;\IONTH F:AL, Q UE ,-We
dOll 't need to count the nuts that
squirrcls have hidden ill tree tl'unk~
to predict that the co rning win tel' is
Poge F ifly -nine
going to be a rough onc, as f a l'
jobs HI'C concerned in t hc construction
field. The figul'cs I'ecently rcleascd by
the Labour Department eoncel'ning
the jobless nrc not very encoumging
and eSlunates for lIex t J anu a ry are
even morc de l)l'essing, T he Canadian
Labour Congress in its last brie f to
the new govel1l1nent ha s placed winter uncmployment at the top of its
10,000 WOI'(] memol'anduffij natul'jllly
no one CXllCCt.S miracles, but we all
eXlIl'Ct cvcrything ro:<;~ihl" to hf> clonc
and done quickly to remedy this situation which Ilj'esents itself yell!' a Ctel'
Your Il usiness Manager, HI'other
W, Charlier, has added another name
to our list of union agl'eCments this
past month, Mercury P iping Company has Si!,"lled the agTeE'mcnt with
our tocal union co\'eJ'ing the fabrication, crcction and instal1ation of
switchboard a nd contl'ot pancls fol'
chemical plants and oil refinerics,
One interesting item of the agl'et!l1l1'nt
speCifics that the company's products
will talTY Ill(' nnion hl hf.I, TIl{' Rchcdule of wage rates is the same as for
construction ,
During the past few months, most
of OUI' members have met Hl'ot hcr
Henc Gnuthiel' on his visits to yoUl'
job-sitc. I n case some of you are still
ignOl'nnt or the fact, Brother Gauthier
is the new assistnnt to OUI' buslness
mnlln~er and when he comcs cal1ing
on you we expcc:t you to gi\'C him nil
the nssistnnee thnt he deserves, lie
is on the job mainly to help you and
not to collect ullion dues, W(' also
wish to remind all OUl' memocI's that
!lCvf'rnl 1If'l''Vicf's al'f' aVlliia hlf' fl'Olll
your local union offiec, such as infOI'mation on matters concel'ning Unemployment hlsul'ance, WOI'kmen's Compcnsntion bcndits, legal
through our lawyer, Credit Union
Se l'vict's, Sociul and Welfare Committee benefits nnd many more , .. it's
up to you to avail yourself or this
Ill'i"ilege. Your officers al'C not SUllCrm(,l1 , , . but the main l'Cason which
mak('s them officers is that "what
they do not know they make it their
busincss to fi nd out."
Our "A" members are also I'Cminded not to forget the irnrortanr:fl
of Article XX I II of our constitution
-it applics to one and all and )'our
financinl secl'ctal'Y cannot be blamed
fOI' .something caused by ~'OUI' negligence: he does not have the Ilowel' 01'
authol'i t y to COJ'rcct it eithcI',
Montreal can boast now of havil\~
an establishment with "(iOOI'Jess
doors" . , . no kidding, and it's
"opened" fOl' business 24 hoUl's a
day" ,and it's not youl'local union"
Executive Board has nppointed Rrothel's J ean Paul Lamal'l'c
and J ean R, Rouchcl' to the boa1'(1 as
I'cJllnccments for Brothel'8 RelH~ GauthicI' and Ol'lando Tarnal'O, They assumed thcil' f unction in Deccmber,
and a new \'ice presiden t in thc pel'-
Page Sixty
Local. Adoption
These ' '''0 lo mca ts a re t he .. ... ards ..
of Local 605 , J ac kson, MillS" hU\'ill j!'
been .. do JlIed by the local.
son of ChuI'les Ford has been a[lpointed to replace Bl'other FI'unk
Stacey, Our \'el'y best wi!;hes to these
new oftlcel'S of OUI' Local Union,
Lf' r.ongTl!S du T ravail tlu Canada
dans son dernier memoil'e Ill'csente au
l-,"Ouvc1'llernent a donne pI'emiel' I'nng
au IlI'Obh1mc du chomage dans ['induell'ie du blitimcllt durullt les mois
d'hh'er, Naturellement un ne lI'uHend
Ilal n des miracles, mais on s'attend
et a\'ec raison, que Ie gou\'erncmenl
rasse (Iuelquechose et qu'iI It,- tassc
\'ite IlOUl' remCdiel' a une situation qui
l'epcte chaftuc ann&! avec Ull
I'h),tme monotone,
Durant Ie COllI'S de mois de no\'embre votl'e agent d'affaires, Ie confl'i-I'e
W, Chartiel' a ajouUi un autl'c t'mplOYI'llI' ii. not!'p JistI' rlt, conventiolls
collecth'cs du local 568, Men:lIl')' P iping Co" qui s'occupc de fnbl'ication,
el'cctiol) et installation de paneaux de
controles I)(lUI' lea industl'ies ehimi
ques et pl! tm1ihes, a signc la conven·
\'ention poUI' les IllCmC!; salaiJ'(>S que
dans Ie biitimcnt, une des clauses de
In convention stipule que les Ill'oduits
de cet employeur porteront I'cliquette
dc I'unioll ( iREW),
La plullal't de nos lllClllbl'CS ont
sanll doute ell I'occasion de rencontrer
ces del'niers temps Ie cOllfl'ere Ihme
Gauthier, dUl'ant ses visites (Iuo tidiennes sur les thantierSi au ens oil il
y ell aUl'ait qui SOn! ignOl'ants dc la
chose, Ie con f l'ere Gauthier est Ie
lIouvel assis tant de 1)0t l'C a~('lIt d'u ffo.ircs et nous espcI'ons qlle vous lui
accordel'ez tout l'appui (ju'i1 merite
duna I'cxel'cice de ses fOllctions i il
visi te lcs chantiel's I)OUI' Ie bien de
votl'e union et votrc blell~tl'e pcrSOllnel et no n I)as IlOUI' In Ilel'c(:ption
de cotisatiOlls syndicules eomllle
plusicul's semblenl Ie croil'e , , , nous
attil'OnS l'attention aussi de nos mcmbl'es fJui ne sont pas au cOUI'ant q uc
votl'e bUl'Cau local peut vous etl'C
utilc danR plusieu rs domaincs h pal't
des questions syndicales telll's ( 111(: infOl'mations concerna nt l'assurance
chomage, Com pensat ion POUI' les accidents de t l'a va il , s a lah'e minimum,
couscils Icgaux Iln.r I'cntl'cmise de
1IOtl'C a\'oca t, et a uncs, c'est 1\ \'ous
de vous prevaloil' de ce pl'ivill!ge"
Tous n08 membl'.,s tlu la cat('~orie
bcncliciail'e "A" SOrlt Ill'i(-, !II' lit' IIII!;
oubliel' rimj)ol'tanee de
I' A I'tiele
X XI I I de notl'e eonstilution- vous ne
IlOuvez lJaS blflmcl' votl'e sect'Claire fi nancicr p"oUI' fJuelquechose (lui est
cause pa l' votl'e pl'o]ll'e negligeance -il
ne P"Osst."<ic ni Ie pouvoil' ni I'autodle
q ue de mire nu tl'e mcnt (Iue d'u ppliquet' les reglements tels que specifics
dUllS la const itution,
La \'illc tie Mon t l'cal peut ma intenant se vanter de posscder un
Hablissement U\'CC des " llOl'tes sails
!lOt'les" "sans farce, et iI ouvel't
2'1 heu1'S pal' jouI' , .. el ce lI'cst pas
votl'C local , .
Votrc Comite Exb:utif a a pJloint~
les confreres Jean-Paul Lamal'l'e et
J ean It Bouchcr comme N!mphu;ants
sut' Ie comili! VtJur 1.,8 cuu f l'hell Henc
Guulhiet' et Orlando Tamal'O, et un
nouveau vice-pl-esidcllt dans la ~I'­
sonlle de Charles FOl'd a elcallpointc
[lOU I' I'emplacer Ie confrel'e " 'rank
Stacey, Nos meilleurs 80uhaits n ccs
nom'eaux oftlciel's dans l'actorn lllis!IC'
mellt de leul'S fonctions,
LOl..- 's G, Tm:RIAl'I.T, P. S.
• • •
Transmission Line to
Link Brookhaven, Natchez
L. U, 605, n,C K SO ~, ~ II SS,-~o m('
II i-line work is brenking here, W('
j)resentir have under constl'uction n
Ui) KV H Fl'amc transmission line,
62,5 miles from
Rl'ookhaven to
Nutchez, T his line heinIe built fol'
Mississippi Power and Light Com·
puny, by the L. E, M )'t:!I'1I Comllan~',
Mal'lin DaVelaal', - sU llCl'intendenti
Solomon Blieden, bookkeeper; and
with the help of 60J's menlbership,
It II, Bouligny, Illc. is Hl Utili thlli'
building about 12 01' Hi lIliles of 11 ;)
KV pole line, (at least part of this
line is to be one 1)Ole wiahbone construction), It will extend from VicksbUI'g Ill'imal'), substation to a nl'\\
cement plant ncar Redwood,
T his line routes Lhl'Ou,ICh Vicksburg
in an existing three- phase 13 KV line,
somc of which wc undel'Sttl1ld is double circuit, a nd the poles will be
chanA'M out, the IHl\\' onC:$ will be 70
to 90 feet and the 13 KV will be
worked hot.
I ncidentally, Mississippi Power and
Light Compllny hHS a 2(j-mil1iv" dullal'steam IJlant under cOllslnlction at
thc site of its present plant faei1ilie~
in Jackson, at this time, This, no
doubt , will call for mOI'C new Iincs
additiona l line cOllslI'uction
We al'e enclosing hcrewith a snapshot of two GO;:;, "Tom Cats,"
Onc of thcse kittens was ma rked
a s a white Persi a n, lIl(' othel' Ul'1 a
!llain old black alley ca t. However,
they wcre litter mutes, I~ute took
Olei!' mother uWlIy when they WCl'e
q uite young, just after theil' eyes
The Electrical W o rk ers'
o)wn(,d, Thcrefol'l' with the puticnt
f""ding lind j.('ludancc of human hands
thry WHe l'lli&cd lUI motherless 01'Ilhlll\S,
Without all uffectionllte mother to
love and tutor them, these little fellows didn't really have gumlltioll
('nough to get ill oul of the rain,
However, whl'n a dog bal'ked thllt
was a diffel't'nt IItOI'y, They unhesitatingly took to thl' tall timbel', In
fact that was IH'ccis('ly tht'h' busin('sl
ill the tree at the illstant of this snapshot.
J, W, Hnll!£I,L, I), S,
• • •
International. Local
Cooperation Spell Success
L. tT. 6:i 4. C IIE ~Tlm , I'A,-;".Iost
likf'ly by the tim" thil It'Ut'r aJlIK!UI'1I
in the J OPIINA I" Iht' holiday season
will ha\'e come lind ){Om', We trust
that it has ~n a hall/IY and enjoy·
nble one for all of Ihl' RI'Otherhood,
thf'iI' families alld rriNlrls,
"Pcace on earth, gooc.l will towllrd
men" has lonl{ be<on a s)'mOOI at
Christmas time. lA't UI allply it
thl'Oughout the yea I', and f'very fulurt!
),('01'. as it is the f'S8('n<:t' of oil that
mukcs for hallllin('slI and rontentlllt'nt.
Without this symbol universally al"
Illird, our future i. illdM.'d blCllk,
The }'t'ar 1!)57 hilS bren Ollt' of
gl't'at ,Io'\'1'Owth for thf' Rrotherhood,
This IIIK!ak.s wdl fOl' the IlrOI{I'('SS
made b)' the local ullions, fOl' without
thf' combined and con(,NItI'at('d elTol't.
of those in the area alld locals scene,
Intel'national 11I'(IKI'esa would suITe I',
Whell an Intenmtional Hepl'eS('nln·
tive ia sent into a territory on all organizational ussiKnment, the Slll:cess
or fuilllre of hi. pUI'ticular job is
df'pendent on the ul!sistnnce I,(,IHlel'ed
to him locally, We lire confidellt thut
Lhill ussistance hOll bf'en gh'en in the
past nnd will continue so in Ihe
OUI' locnl union hall hlld u Ilroslw,'-
ous yelll' and we 111'(' looking' rOl'wllrrl
to II continuation, OUI' officeI'll nlld
committees arc working togethel' fO l'
Ihe common good, ond we arc sure
that the lllembel1lhip appreciates ami
SUI)ports their elfol'lI! ill OUr behalf,
1~I'esident Ren i{('illy and Vice Prea·
ide lit Johnny GnUlso ul'e doing Spl('II'
did jobs as <:hnirmen, Looks lik(' Rf'n
is /rl'OOming Johnn)', 1"01' whllt? Of
('ourse, it <:ould not be "that H('n is
slowing up," "ThaI will be the (Io)'!"
Wc re~ret to write of Ihe death of
Vi<:e PI'Csident GmSllO's futher, We
hud known "Pats)'" for neal'i)' 40
ypars and ne\'cl' knl'w II mono kindly
and humble man, To me he wua II
mun that the (1jIjlf'lIl1tion: "11(';11' 110
C\'i1; sec no e\'il; 81)Cllk no evil" cOIIM
well apply,
011 behalf of 0111' 111£'l11bel'ship, we
('xtend to his family our 1I)'1I1!lnthy
lind condolence on their g)'eat lOllI,
May he rest in lIeac£',
We hat! a I'ceenl I('ttel' frOIll I'e·
tired Brother Frank Welte!', We
hll\'e written and heard froll! Frank
off and on since his rClil'£'ment. but
hll\'(, 1I0t seell him since our last anni\'Cl'8ary ballqut't, i..('t'a have Frllnk
and his charmllll' wife as our guestll
at our PI'OIIOSOO ballfluet in l!);i!),
J, A, (D()(:) Oon:III:lIn', P. S,
• • •
Problems of Widespread
Oregon Jurisdiction
L. U.659, ;m mF'Olln, O lt E.-l t mny
be of interellt to olher locnl businell.l
a,lrents to kno ..... what thl' probl(,IllS of
n loclli union can Ix-,
Lo<:al jj,j!) is llIade Ull of about
7:i,OUO squal'c Illilell of rugged 1II01ln·
tains with O<:C9.sional \'ailc},s, OUI'
t011l1 IIOJlullltion ill Il'ss thllll one million, Our largest <:it)' is t-~ugel1(', Or("
,,"(Ill, with about 7;),UU(J 1)('0,,10:,
Thel'e al'e tim"11 when thl' busilwllII
1Ij{I'nt will dd\'c a hUlldr('(1 mill'. 10
t'ondu<:t a meeting lind lind Il half
dozen membel'll 1"'('81'n\ 10 alh'J1(1.
I.ocul fi,jl) is too scutlerf'd to hold II
j{('lIel'al mceting, As a l'e8u1l the
locul is Ilillit up into a nlllllbel' of
local units, Cllch holding its own lllC<'t·
in,,'11 llll(] ellch huving its own PI'Oblems, In every unit the industri(,11
vary, In most of the units the <:hief
indllstl'y is the branch district of the
California.Oregoll Powel' Compnny,
Th(>1'e are oth('r small industriell of
which th('re will be more to say later.
To managt' such a ten'itOl'y takes
mol'e thlln a nOl'lIIal amount of COIT('IIJlOndence, and 241 Illet!tings a month
inl!lend of one, Yet, in spite of thl"
conditions, the local has been able to
k('('I) ali th(' scnttel'ed units wdl
intl'jZ'rat('d and infol'lned,
The right to work PI'OIJaganda is
I'(·aring its hrad lignin, The phrase
is catchy and hall IIl1ch noble imJllications; but then 80 ill any kind of
11'1111 enli<:illg to it.!! intended victim,
The right to wOl'k ..... ithout bcl\('lit
of a union is like the right of I'eligion
without benefit of a delJartment of
JUStice to ellSUl'e it.
\\'ol'k taken by itself is mert!I), the
compulsion of 11f'cessity that enables
us 10 obtain the material things we
Ii\'l' b~', t·nion. alld unions alone
ha \'e enabled wOl'king men to rail!('
their !i\'ing standards abo\'e Ihe bare
It does not mean we in the Gl'antl
i'a8.11 area of local 63!) art! nuts just
because the SCluirrels are aftel' us,
Thr~ timt's in one month sen'ice
of the California·Oregon POWCI' COIIIImllY has been interrupted b)' SCluir·
1'.. 111,
The firllt two limes the delllY
ill sel"vice was short as only a I,'lllla·
forn1('1' fuse ne('(lrd replacing du(' to
IIhort <:I!"cllits <:alll!C(l by one 01' more
or the bushy tailed little nut·cru<:kers.
Rut th(' thin] time a gray squirl'(>l
/rot himself tangled Ul1 in a I:"OOU
volt Oil ('iI'cllil BI'('akel'. It must ha\'e
olf('l'ed a gn'at deal of resistall<:c as
Ill(' OCR was badly dal118gt!d,
The sqllil'l'el was badly dama,,"C<I,
too, And strang., 11.1 it l11a)' sCt!lll, Jlot
II !lingle one of thl' linemen wOI'kilig
HOllor Veteran N. 1'. Jlfembers
i\I (' UlbcrJ'I lind Kllcat s or Loca[ 664 ('lIjoy Ihd)' Old
Journal for January , 1958
Tilll (, " ~'
i\' i l-t hl in i\'c..- Yo r k C it y,
Page SixtY ' one
Scenes tram Local 712 Activities
111 th ese "jews we see l' oriou8 nwmhers or Lo<:al 712, l\"ew 8ri ~hton . Po .. in a ..·id .. "ari('l), of Moods. Left : Some of
the contestan ts al the ree('!!1 Ilicnic. held by l.oea l i12. Hi ght: Ins talling conduit lit th e 5 1. Joe Lead Corn llall), !IO>\o'Uhouse job.
\!Iii;; favol"ed collective bar'gaining for
Imbli c enlJl1oycs. The A RA declared
that a Government which iml)()seS
uJlon other' em ployers eel'tain obligH'
tions in dealing with theil' emlllo~'es
may not ill good faith, refuse to deal
with [ts OWI\ Jlublic SCl'vallts 011 a
rcusonably similar' fa\"omb]" basis.
"It s hould sct the example for indus-
On the Shillilingilorl atomic job arc II'ft to ri g ht: p , Windi sch , It !...colllird,
A, Gi[l; S. Sebrin j(; A. Pudj clt; i'll, NUllllld lln; W. McCracken, and C. 011 VIS,
on the squirrel interruptions is partial
to S<luirl'el meat whell cooked in the
skin. The linemen's wives pl'efer
mink, so the three squirrels wel'e a
total loss,
J OIIX p, HOIlW I('K, P,S,
• • •
N. Y. Old Timers' Night
A "Tremendous Success"
L. (I. 661, NEW YOIlK, N, Y.-Be·
fore time has dimml'd our memol'ies
or the Old Timers AtTai., which took
place on Satu,'day evening, Septem·
bel' 21, 1957, we would like to report
that it was u trellll'ndous succ{'s$ and
evel'yone present had n gmnd time,
Tribute wns [laid to 0\11' Old Timers
by presenting them with an honor
sCI'01l and pin in I'ecognition or their
many years of membel'Ship in L, U.
G64, Among thc V,l.P.'s enjoying this
happ)' occasion with us, WHI.' Congl'essman Fl'8ncis E. OOl'n lind Admiral L. Kniskel'n, Nl.'w York Naval
Shil)yal'd, also our j.,rood friends
B l'o ther Bill Butler, busineSS managel'
L. U. 43, RI'Othel' F' I'ed W l'ight, busin ess manaj.,<er' L,U. 501, and 0111' Intern ational Office Go\'crl11llellt Rcpresentuli\'c, Ol'l"in Burrows, We feel
c('rtain tha1 Ihis demonstl'ation of
Page Sixty -two
f1JllH'ecint ion will prove to 0\11' Old
Timers that theil, efforts wCl'e not bl
va ill,
Cong'l'alulations ar'(: in ordel' to
F:lecll'ician s in 51 Shops o f this Shipyard for a job well done, They
rt'Cently IlUlied in a recOl'd [1 2 million feet of electric cable 011 the CVA62 which is one of the largest airCl'aft cal'l'iers in the world , Thel'e
is still another 1 million feel of cable
to be installed on this I(iant carrier
before the job is completed,
At our December meeting, this local
union will pa~' honor by III'esentin/t
gold lapel pins, bearing the 1.0,
insigniu to some of its ex-officers for
rendl'ring faithful service to L, U,
664 dUI'in/.;' theil, tel'lllS of oftlce:
:-"athan DoctOI'S, 18 yeal'Si John F,
West, 10 years; Russell E, Gibbs, "
years; Joseph Perry, 4 ycars; Milton
J oyce, 4 years,
Mall)' thanks ror a job well done!
We believe the Go"el'llmcnt should
gl'ant its own employes the statutory
ri/thts of Ol'ganization and collective
bargaining thl'Ough reprcsent.alives
of their own choosing such as are enjoycd by workl.'l'S in private industt'y,
The H oovcr Commission in its I'ellol'l
in F'ebruarr 1949 and the Amel'ican
Ral' Association Committee on LnOOI'
Relutioll S of Govcl'nment Employcs in
tl'}' by perhaps beill/{ more consider'atl:'
than the law "lXIlli"c! of pri\'ate
the association snid.
Therefore, we ho pe Ih/lt Congress ill
th{' vel'y l1('ar fll1uI'C will go along
with 0111' tl'cnd of t hought.
At this timc, wc want to cxpl'ess
0111' gl'ntitlldc for th{' ti nc coopel'ation
extended 10 us by nil OUI' siate l' locals,
cspecinIly, those in 0111' immediate
1-1, SIIA l'lltO, n,M,
• • •
Arran ge Financing for
New Columbus Hall
L, U. 683, CO L UM BUS, OH IO.-Once
tI~ain we al'l' neal'ing th(, season when
construction work begins to slow
d own in 0111' jul'isdiction, T his year
will be 110 ('}{ception, HoweYcl', I)I'OSpects for the winter seem to be in
Ix!ttCl' shaJ)(' thun in JIl'e\'ious ycars,
We do ha\'(' s('\'eral job!! Ihat sho uld
start in the ncar future and se\'eral
that 81'e held Ul' fOl' one reason or
anothCl' and should continue through
the wintel'. Too, we ha\'c been successful in getting a few small jobs
awa~' rrom non-union intel'(!sts and
these will pI'o\'ide a few man-houl'S
of work this winlel'. The Sun-Ra)'
SIO\'e Compuny of De lnwllI'e had full
int('ntions of wil'ing their tlew factol'y
with theil' maintenallce electricians
hut we hu\'e cOlwinced them thai we
can do II Ix!tter job faster and the)'
al'e at least letting OUI' emJ)loyel's hid
on tlH' job, We ha\'(' also sold nn
indh'iduul home builder on ullowing
one of our employers to wire a 29
home PI'ojCC! in Whitehall ror him,
This job is already sturt ed,
Man), or the Brothers ha\'C in<IUil'ed
about the l)rOl(l'eS8 of llej(otiaiions rOl'
OUI' new home, \Ve havc received
The Electrical Workers'
Prepare for Disasler Em ergencies
Views of the int erio r and ex t erio r of th e mobile OiS8J; lc r Uelicf u nit 1I1101UIOred Ilud manned by members of Loul 733,
l'oscaJ::outu, ~ l i s8.
nllproval to IlIIJ'chase, from OUI' international Pl'csidrnt Gordon "~I'('('mlln,
and at 1)1'('8('111 fl."C rngllj(NI in the
,Ictai]s of linllncing. This is l'Oughcr
thnn expec\('d bc>cnusc of disintcr'('st
on the !lllrl of bunks and building and
loan institutions in 1111'1."(', IIhOI't-lerm
101lns. Seems they arc only illtt"I"
{'sted in small, long-term Jonns at
hiJ(h interest I'IIIC8. At Ill'(,8('nl W(' 81'('
in the proc(,u of contnctin,:c- insunlllce
cOlllpanies und olh('I' lina nciul institutions. We will krep YOll illfol"ll1cd of
UIIY rnogr('Ss.
the Th'lllksgivinJ( 1('88011 ap-
pI'ouches, every Olle should lukl' stock
of their accom plishments and in this
lIueleal' age we IIhould be thallkfu[
that we ale a live to be thankful.
Actual!y, a[[ union members have
much to be t llllnkfu[ for, When Olle
sIlI'\'eys the labor mo\'ellll'nl !IS 1\
whole, we Ice (l IIplendid 1'('Cord of
achievcll1ent und a dedicat ..d job clone
for OUI' (,,[[ow man, Abo\'(' n[[, we
should be thankful for the strength
of our union, How long do you think
that J ohn Rlow, with u wife and fouJ'
kids, could bargain with I1l1y com[.any alon .. '! Th.. y could slarv(' him
out "'81 (Iuick if he didn't lik(' the
wag('s he I't-'Ceiw'd, Y('s, we hu\'e
much to bt- thankful for, most of all,
that labor haa COIl1(' of aw-, It has
sun'iye<! y;ol(,lIce and terl"Or, it has
o\'ercomc lawl that made it a crime
a union m('mber; it has conl'Juel'e<1 slli"l and tltn'atl; it has
forced manlll.'l'nwnt greed into submis.~ion, it. haa saved the dignit)' of
the wOl'kmnn, And now it is riding
out the storm of attempts to insti):,ate
laws which would d('stroy the righls
o( all working I11ell, Why is it, then,
that SO mallY union lllembel'll a"(' so
lI1uch Oil the defel1sh'c whcn 11lbor is
Il1cmion('d? Is it bcclluse of an occalIional slol'), in the llap('l's about laool'
"l'lLcketec"ing?" 01' th a t 1101110 magazine [lluYIl \Ill n IItOI-y about gunJ,"8lers
Jour n a l for Janu a ry , 1958
they I-ealize (hnt
Juwy('l"s don't gel dilltul'bcd when lhey
read of som(' lawyer Iwing ([isblll'I'('(1
fOl" cmhe7.Zling the runds of hill client
01' thut doctors do not b\'COJllC nlnrnwd
when anothel' doctoJ' is convicted of
abol'tion, 01' that a banker docli not
lose ]lride in banking because lOme
banker makes off wilh bank fllnds, or
that a business executi\'e ill unrumcd
when he reads of anl)ther executive
looting a company till. They full we[l
l'enlize that tht"iK' nimes al"f' commiUftl by the "few" and that the \'allt
majority do not violate thc law, So.
too, labor must remembcl- thnt thc
vallt majority of labor officials ami
members nrc honest. sinC('rt". hardwOI'king people who go about th('il'
work without benl:'fit of newlllJUIK'I'
headlines_ Stori(,1 about unioni muke
I!('WSI,U])er headlill(,s beca\l5(' Ih('y al'C
"\'aI'C" not beeauS(' they al'C COllllllonIllace_
l-~vel'y union mcmlw,' has n I'ighl to
be IH'oud of his union and the COIIcr('l(' uchievcments his ullion hall
lIlade _ l.hm y mem1l(,1'8 o\'cI'look the
)lJ"Og'l'eBS that unions Im"c mudr;
bllrj{uininK ]KlWel'; Bacinl ('lIgincel-inK
in (ruining skilled wOl'kers; social welfan,-, by fiKhting foJ' social socul-il)"
UIlt'IlII)loyment COlll l:M.'n8atioll, workman's cOIl1 ]K'nsation, minimum waKe
lnws, Y('s, we call be proud of OUI'
unions and the llal-t th('y have played
in the American way of life_
H , K, ALDRUK:t; p,S_
• • •
Break Grou nd for New
O ffice. Meetin g H all
L, U, il2, ;\EW IJ!U GIITO=". I'A _We arl' in the midst of many acti\'ilil's which include thE' building of a
ncw office and m('('ting' hall_ The
groulld-b,'eaking ceremonies \\'er(' held
on Vc\(-rans D11)' and gucllts in attemhlllct, included I nlel'nlHional omcel'lI Kl'('nlln alld LijZ'gelt alld I llter11ationa! H('IJI'C5('ntati\'t'!i Nau):,htoll
and Johl1I1OJI_ A ft('I'WIII-oS a ban<luet
was Iwld at the Northcl-n Lounge an(1
('vl'l'yolll' hud a WOlld(,I'(ul lime_
Most of OUI' largel- jobs a l'e finish-
P age Sixty-t h ree
ing up and the future does not look
too bright, T here is quite a bit of
work in the blucprint stage but nonc
actually undel' construction, The
atomic job is practically complete
with the reactor scheduled to go on
the line thc first of the year,
There are quite a few of our members off sick with some in the hospital and some who will never work
again, I would like to take this opportunity to wish them all the best of
health and happiness,
:'>I,\RTY "I. TEMPF:R,\STI::, P.S.
• • •
Amateur Radio Club
Aids in Disasters
L. lJ, 733, P.'\ SCAGOLL,\ , MI SS.After interviewing Brothers E. A.
Brown and R. L. Lide of Local Union
733, I find we have a vel'Y fine organ-
ization in the Pascagoula Amatcur
Radio Club. T his club consists of
all'lIvximately 30 members who are
constantly on standb)' fOr any kind of
emeq~'ency which may arise through
any of the \'arious disaster pl'oblems
with which we are continually faced .
The Mobile Disastel' Relief L nit is
on standby at all times and will go
to any town in Jackson County, Mississippi, where relief is needed. I t is
at the beck and caU of all city and
county officia ls, Red Cross and Civil
Defense officials, and any organization
which dccms an emergency exists. I t
can be diJ'ectcd to the most disastrous
area thl'ough emergency units set UJ)
at the police station, fire station, and
l)t'ivate homes of all the amateurs
who comprise this organization.
The Amateur Club Headqual·ters is
centl'al1y located in the building which
also houses Local Union 733, I.R.E.W,
I n the pictures we find depicted the
Disaster Relief Mobile Unit itself,
the equipmellt that makes up the unit
and a tY'pical sight, familial' to quite
a few Mississippians of these Yigilant
men in action going through an emel··
gency drill.
Ail the equipment shown is furllished by the amateurs themselves
except one piece,
First of all we see a nadia-TeleIlhone 50-watt output. custom made
rig for the I ngalls Shipbuilding Corl)Oration of Pascagoula, )Iississippi.
Also are seen one Stancon 120 watt
C.W. Transmitter, one army sUl'plus
rcceiver, one 11S \'olt gasoline driver
power plant, four heavy duty battel'ies for 50 watt transmitter, which
can also be used in case of power
plant failure. Omitted in the picturE!
is one 120 watt Collins Transmitter
..... hich was being O\'erhauled at time
of IliclurE!.
More equillment is vitally needed to
continue the carl'ying out of successful missions and t.his is being solicited
thl'ough tile variotlS Ol'ganizations
associated with the Disaster Relief
:\Iobile Unit,
T he tJ'uck which houses the equipment for the disaster unit was initiated by a 99-year loan fl'Olll Local
Union 733 and it has been continued
throu/{h the effol1:s and spal'e time
work of individual amateUl·S. Local
Union 733 has proudly admitted that
these amateurs are a lso Brothel'
members and has also recognized the
fact that amateul' radio operators
have been very instrumental i n maintaIning disas tel' relief communications
when all other utilities f a il.
Shown operating the e(juiplllent al"C
fi l-othel's R. L , Puul, E. A. Brown,
and R. L, Lide, Also ShOWll entering
the (!J'iver's seat of the mobile unit is
Brother R. L, Lide with Brothe l' E .
A. B rown receiving last minute directions to the afflicted area.
The continued effol·ts of these
amateurs have given Local Union
733 great I))'ide of achievement as
demonstl"ated in the wholeheal·ted
support of the amateurs and various
other organizations.
J. A, J OYCf;' P.S,
One 0/ Three Local En trants
Pa r tici\lating in the Arl11 ('d Forces Day float 6tlonsored by lAIcal 73 1, Norfo lk,
\-a .. are front scat. left to ri g ht : L. H, Bake r, W_ A. G. Seybold. Hack s eat:
Den ise S ne ll, g ra ndda ug ht e r of C_ F, Hold(' r; Gaya Atkinson ; C. F. Holder,
a nd J. T , Youn g. The loca l als o ('ntered float s in the Me l110rial Da r a nd
Labor Day Parades.
Page Sixty-four
Organization Drive for
Governme nt Employes
734, NORFOLK, VA .-We :Ire
a little late in relJOI"ling some of the
news of this local. L .U. 734 sponsOl'ed the "Queen of the A "Iled
Forces Day" in Portsmouth, Virginia
and had a cal' in the Ilarade. The
queen was Miss Gaya Atkinson. Also
J)al·ticipating in the )lemorial Day
parade were C. F. Hough, Seybold, C.
F_ Holder, L. R. Baker, Shelton.
Labor Day parade in Norfolk was
well I"CJ)]'esented by labor and had the
biggest tUI'n out in )'ears.
October 17th and 18th, the Metal
Trades Department and the Fifth
Naval District Metal Trades Council
started an organization drive for new
members in the vadous Federal government activities in this area.
Blvther Runo,,"s was in attendance
and made a tour of the \'arious activities. It is up to each individual to
make a success of this dl'ive,
It is Ull to us to try to educate the
non-union minded as to what organized labor has dOlle and what it call
do in the fu t ure. It will take con·
sidemble time to eXlllain the why
and whel"C fores, There will be some
diehards who wi11 never listen as long
a s they can get e\'el'ything for
J, T . Y OUNG, R.S.
• • •
Local 744 Celebrates
Twentieth Anniversary
u_ 74-t . P HILADELPHI A, PA . Loca[ Union 744. having been chartered in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,
on June 18th, H)37, celebl'ated its
Twentieth Anniversary on Saturday.
November 2nd, 1957 with a dinner.
dance and show at the Ol;oles Hall,
37 So. 8th Street, Heading, Pennsylvania.
The Affair was to celebrate twenty
yeal'S of continued progl'ess, and harmonious relations between the local
union lllembcl'S and management of
the Reading Company, and to hOllOl"
those memben with 20 01' Illore years
of service with I.B.E.W., and who ar('
now on the Pension Rolls of I.B,E.W.
International Vice President J. J.
Duff)' was unable to attend but was
ably re)lresented by International
Rel)resentati\'e Chal'les McCloskey,
(anothel' very good fdend of Local
lJnion i44), He and Congn:!ssman
GeOl'ge Rhoades were the sp·eakers of
the evening. Among those invited
from the management of the Reading
Company were Mr. \Y. A. W. Fister,
Superintendent of M,P. and R.E.
Departmelltj 1\[1'. George B. Rlatt,
Chief Signal, Electrical, and Com·
munications Engineer ; Mr, Hoy W,
Johnson, l"Cpl'esenting the Directol' of
Personnel; ?oll-. Charles Hoeh, SuperL
T h e El ec tri cal Workers'
Pennsylvania A nniversary Pa rty
AI Ihe ''''enlielh illlnhe r«a r) IIIIrl1 of Local 744, I'hiladt'll.hia. J'II .• th e l()(Cal II{' n ~ ion l' r ..
Ih{' 1'I ((onllla nyin g le tt er . At ri l( hl . is II \ it' ''' or Ihe !tll t'!' l!'.
Toall ltn lllU"r lind ";("c Cl'ul' ra l Chllirm8n :'II. 1.. Sl'il ziIl K('r "'eicom('d tho<;,' all('udinr.: Ihl' IInn;"l'ri<ary "arty. ,\1 h is r ight
in "it' .. III If' f' i .. 1.l>eal I' rl", jdl' nt Imboden. At h ili I.. n lin' 1111('r nlltiuual Ul'I,rt'''l' nIIlU"t' \l cC los key ..-ilh )I n" i'eir ·
zin l(t'r. C!'lI l er : 1l1ll' r l1l1l;o l1l1 l Ut' llrt'M· nt a t;" .. .\lcC los kl·Y " Il(,'a l;in jl: fo r Int erl1l1lional "icl' !'rt'sidf' nl J. J. Onff)' ... ilh
Local I'r(';;id(' 111 T. C. Im bodt'lI 11\ his ri lt h! and T IH' ''lm a " lt' r ~ l'iI 1. iI1 Jw r al hi ~ It' fL Hi " hl : {:('ne ra l Chairma n C, T.
Pu rr int rIHln cing Ile n"';OllrrIJ. AI hi" ri ltllt . I'r(,8. T. C. Itnhodl'll. To his Il' rl 'l'onI1l18 ~ l c r Seil zinge r, Inte rnational H('ll.
rellenla li yc J lcClo;;;k('y Rlld COll l: rl'""nlnn He" . Geor~ c IIholld(''I.
il1tl'l1!II'11I of
Also 111"1"1<'111 wall
:'tIl', A , I" Ciano, rrom til<' RUI'l'II11 of
AIIJlI'f'l1ticellhip nnd T mining o f the
Ullitl'{l Stnt('s 1)('l'al'I II1(,111 of Lul)()I',
The dinl1(')' (roast turk('y lind
Ib:in'II, I'cnllByl\'Bnia Dutch style)
~tul't ,'d at 6:30 lI.m., lI11d in du(' tim('
Toaslma8t(')' Vicl' G('IIl'I'ol ('huinlUln
M , L. S('it7.inJ{('I' inll'odll(':.,.1 Aroth{'1'
l\I c(' ln~k{'y II'ho gll\'(' nn inspirf'd talk
on th(' 11I'ogr('ss of I.ocu! Union 74 .1,
and tolll of ROmc of til(' hnrllshiJls
that 11111'1' bN:tl 0l'C1Conl(', lind thc
continUf'd hUl'Il1oniol1s Il'UI'kings o f the
ollicers, Thc Toasttl111S1el' then clll1('(1
<)n til(> inytlf,d J;:'11l'sts, nnd thdr wives,
to tukf' II boll', Ill' thel1 introducel\
G{'lll'lnl ('hniI11Ul1\ Ca)'] T, PorI' who
1I'('lconll'd nil I))'('s('nt, and intrOl\uct'd
the 1'1'l1l1iol1l'I'S and thl'it' wi\'l'~ all
FOITl'st A It.'mus, Louis
R~kl'r, Hl'Il)"Y Rill1l1an, Al'thur Buh·
bi'1111l0)'t' I',
AIJx>rt ])a\\'8I)II, IlArry
Eickl1l'r, Frank lIarle}', John KI.·IlI'
111('1', John Kirst, Salllut·1 l\Il'nge!,
("harks Ilnndozza, Gt'OlJC(: Ita)", J'all1
11(0\)('1', (,hariNI Wall, anll Arlhlll' Wil,
ConVI'i'Ssman Rhoad.,!\', UIKln I)('ing
intl'Olluc(-(l, 1:3.1'(' an int('r(-llling talk
which had a dl'1:ided political "al'or,
Following thill Ihl'r(' was II dl 'awing
ror th(· tabt(' flowl'U, and a lJl't'Ml"Ilta'
lion of th(' two Oil the SIH.'ukf'I'1I table
to Ih(' o]li('st and yOUIlK(,lIt I','I1"iol1erJl,
John Kirst and Albert I)awson.
Two comedy acll precl'.l('d U Illusical
act, uml the show el1(!l'(1 with thl'
Muslcl' or C"I'l'l11onil'lI lJultilLK on till
net of hill 1)11'11. T hl'n carllt' the Ilanci nK
and II w("JIH\l'1"ful el'{'nillg Wtlft (,)ljoyed
by U1I' 3(;U uttending.
Journal for Januarv , 1958
Due to Il'al1SpOl'tation Ill'obl('ms, all
the I'ension(')'s atteneling 1I'('I·t' no l
able to wait for th" KrOU!) Ilicl\n'(',
which was tllkl'n 1111 shown: (I, to H)
{ !"Ollt row: 1.01:31 Union PrNlidl'nt T ,
C, Imboden, BI'ol h('l" ('hllrll'S Han·
dOl.za ( scatI'd) B rothl'r A rthur Rul.J..
benn1oyel', RI'Olh.,)' J ohn 1\1<'111111('1",
Rrothl'l' J ohn K it'st, ~~illuneiul Sl'cre·
lary J ohn Sell(,)'g, Broth"r Gcorgt'
Hay, Genel'al Chaiflnlln Porr, :'tI l'.
(!!tanrlinl() 1'01 )', G. R,
matt, Brother LOllis Il.·cke)', Brolhel'
Arthul' Wilson, ]1 l'oth(,I' SUllIuel .\l en·
gel, B rother lI elll')' Hi llmnn, Ih'y,
Rhoades, Viet' GeM'ral (,hllirman and
Toasl mastel' J I. L. S('i t 7.inger, Mr,
Johnson, Int. He!" Cho)'I('1I Mc('loskey,
F R,\S(' IS E. M \J/)R, ItS,
• • •
Banquet Barbec ue Marks
Local's Annive rsary
L , L no, PI' '': IUx n ' , ,\HK , :\Ol·l'mber!.t, t!i:)i, LX. i:)11 Cch'bratf'cI
the 20th annil'£'I'SRI'Y or the grantinl{
or its chal'tl'r with 1U2 1I11'mbl'rs ami
tht'ir Wil'('M ill ath'1\tlnnc(', All ('njoYl'fl
nn I'xcl'll('nt bUllflU('l or har})('cu('t!
chickl.'l1 and span') ths with all thl.'
Thl' I'(,rn' ~h llwnt anel
l'ntl'rtainment comll1itt('(' or i'OI'I{>I'
Himn1l'r, SI('I'(, lIodgf'l!, Loyd Rumick
nnd Wahl'r Chipllllln did an l'Xcdll'llt
W, A, (Woody) lI al'ris s('I'\'('d as
mnstc)' of CI'1'l'1ll0ni"II,
p rillcipl('
speake I' wa s C. It Code of tilt' I ntel"
national EX('eulin Council or t he
Sh.lh 1)' ,=,"
',"'' ',''
'."'Ro,=·o=,e,,=,-,.cCa)·le was (h,·
OqFl nizrr ror the old 7th OisO'ict
2U )'l'III'1I a,110 when V. V. Vaught o r
!'ine Bluff, contacted him and u,~kf'd
him 10 cornl' down to P inl' Hl uff 10
inYl'lItigall' Uw possibilitics or rorm·
ing a locIII union hNe.
Rr'olhl'I' CIIl'le told or the thst llI(,l't·
inK 20 yeu!'s ago with the 10 char'tl')'
rr ll'ntl)l'rll, 011111 contraslrd workillK
conditions then and now. Il l' Ih('11
IlrUl.'ntl'd sCl'olls and 20 yeal' pin$< tt)
11':1 rh(')'ry, II. L, J;lckson, P I) )'\f'r'
Himll1l'1' und Brl't CahOOIl.
(Jtht')'" I))'es('nt at tll(" Bj)('uk(, I'f!'
tulll., W('I'" lIube)'t IICl'l'ington, Ilrl'si·
,I(' nt, nnd V, V, Vaught, S('C1'l'tlll'y or
th(' ('l'nlml Trades and Labal' Coun·
cil, nnd 1I 0wIIl'd C, While, busirw>!,.
nJH'nl and G. I.. F'lIl'nWr, pr('sidl'nt or
I.,U, i",(I.
TIl(' HI chaltl'I' nll'nilx,)'S Wl'r(', I ra
('ll('rry, ,,'altl'r Chipman, "1'('(1 Enms,
G,'I1(' F'{'rKUson, H, L Jackson, Bill
I..aru{', Slanll'y Jl ontJromer~', JOIIll'S
C, Hall')', Porll'r Rimmer and M, \',
TheS(, mcn w('re n,<,ogJlil.(~1
and ('ol1gratulate<i ror their )'ears or
railhrul 111.. r\'IC.., to the labor 1II0\'!·
• • •
Slow Work Schedule
In Knoxville Area
I •. l', 760, 1\ i\'OX\' ILU::' TE ~X.­
Thl' wOl'k lIl'olllld I\I10xvilll.' is VI'I'},
Hlow :\11(1 we still have a lot of 0111'
n l'othl'l<A out or tow n, Wl' can only
Page Sixtv · five
---. -
Original Officcrs Uonorc(l
Posing ,,"ith the presen t leaders of the 20-year-old Loul i50, Pine lIIulr, Ark ..
are three of the local's original oflicers, From Ie-£t: th{' Ilres ent pres ident. bus i.
nellS aKlln t .and Internationa l re tl r(,j;enlati ,"c G, L. Farmer, II. C, \\' hite 81111
C. n. Carle, with th e Ilrfll Ilrellid{,lIl, Ira Cherr)" th e firs t fi nancial s ecretary,
II , L. J ackson, and flnH r('co rdin g secretary, I'orter Himm ('r.
hope thnt spl'lng will bl'lntr In some
mOl"{' work nnd we can ~(>t some of
you 8r-othel'fl back hOllie, We 111'(' now
~oin'l' into our T.Y,A, n(>/Cotintions
and IJ)' the time you rend this we will,
of COUl'fle, ha\"(> complet£'<! thelll,
To the 8rothers at LnFollt'tt{', T(>nnI'S~(,(" I would like to t"ke my hilt
ofT to )'OU for the ~ job you did
in your recent strik(>, 1'111 surely glad
to see it ill settled, Also, b)' the n(>xl
issue of th(> JOl'KXAL I h011e to han>
a pictul'e of the group at LnFollette
and to tell you a little more nbout
this /CroUII,
Brothers Cecil Palmer 14ml Prim:1.l
:\liller had an lIutolllobile accid{'nt
coming hom(> from work a oouple of
weeks 11/CO and P r'ince had a cut on
his nose but is okn)' now. Hl-other
Cecil is still in the hOSllital, but r
think h(' ill coming nlong nil r-i/Cht,
On(' othel" thing, PI(>use attend )'our
local union meetings wh{'l1 )'OU call.
CI...-\lU;NC.: 11. GAIlII.:1T, P,S.
lhe I"nilrumJs could Ix- hcll>t!d 10 a
great degree by lax ahatements and
some SOrt of II subsid)·. With this tax
abatement and subsid)', nlllny railrond
workers would not lose theil' Jobs,
:'I l r, Geol-ge Alput, president or
the New lIa\"en Rnih-oad, submilted
a plan to the public \'ia tele\'ision and
by talks thl-oughout the state. A ll
who heard this speech agt'&' that the
plan WIIS a good on(', but to the state
and citl' official, this Jlhm suhmitted
by )Ir. Alpert doean't seem to impress. Ther chooS<' to itrnore it entirely,
:'Ileanwhile the rnilrond worker is
being left high and dl"Y. For an idea
of what this work('r lIIenlUi, not{' the
shutting do ....'n of shOIlS in lle:tdvilJe
and ~ew YOl'k, also layofTs of maintenance all along th(> Hn{' from 8 0S·
Good, Neighbor
Crisis Facing Today's
U,S, Railroad Worker
Page Sixty·eix
ton to N(>w YOl'k, or skeleton Cl'('\\"8
wor'king now whel'e full 1){'I'lIOnncl
OIlC(' 0111'1"3ted. T he 1":lilroadel" asks
WilY? Who is to nns\\"CI"! Maybe II
good nnswel' would be on ('1('Ction
day if nnel whl'lI the wfIl·kl'r KllI'llb
hia milld lind puts his CI"OSS in the
l"ighl 1'11Ic(!, Would the politicinn listen then?
The oftlCf!I'a of Local 791 wish each
and t'\"{,I"Y 0111' of the membel'S /I
11 31IP)' !\'(>w Year. Gl,&,tings also go
to our I'('{ired men, A rchie lI amlct,
How31"d Cl-owe and Dnniel :\Iollllhan.
Mr, Al ;\lnloof I'eminds all that
du(>s will go ul' a dime ill January,
1958 and another dimc in July, 1958,
Your Iwess secl'etary was hOllored
l'cc('nl1 y by being elected \'i('c presid(>nl o f the local shop fedcration al
Renc1\'illl' I'lIrRhnl'S,
W(> hope that th(> wife of OUI' gen~
eml ehainllan, AI DeRitis, is 011 h{,l'
w/ly to /I sp('('(\y reCO \'el'y after her
ol'(l(>u) 011 the operating table,
MI', J llck Doh{'rty, our pl'esident,
asks Illl.' to send along hia request for
n lal'Jt'el' 1ll{,III1lel"ship turnout at our
lOCH I meetings, especial1>' III th{'~{'
critical times, E\"el')' meeting is imlJOrtanl and the m(>mbel"S should IIInke
Illore of on efTort to attend all the
nl('('tings, The place, Hotel Essex In
Roslon, the time 8:00 p,m, and the
til'1Jt Thul'aday of every month, :\Ir.
AI )Ioloof gret'lK all his fri('mls in
tht' cnfNeria after every m«'ting,
Som(>bod)' 8Iw3)'s manages to untie
his Ilul"II(' strings.
You mclt do ..... n on the Cal~ ::Ind in
PI-O\'id(>nc(', Rhode Island, send alont-!"
)"OUI' it(>ms for the Eledril'(l/ Worl.-t'r.' Jfmrlwl, and I will be only too
~Iud 10 Sl'nd lhem 310ng to our genial
Lol'IS BnlGIIT, P,S.
Railroad Employe
Looks at Automation
L, l l, 791. BQRTO:\", :\IASR.-The
raih-ond worker today fnt'4'11 011(> of
th(' most critical crus ("'er to fnce
him in his entire raiir-ond t"lIIWI',
With most railroads on the cast(>i"n
s(>nboard having larofTs, job abolishmenU! :lnd shop shutdowns, th(> l·ail·
road work(>r faces a desolntc futul"(,.
The state, city and raih-oad officials
should l'ealize that a raih-olld workel"
is also II hUll\un bl.'ing who hfl'l rl'(>lings, hOI){'S, heart...ches and II dl'si l'e
to IU'o\'ide for hilllscif and his own.
Slowly hut sUI'ely he is bei llg stl'il'ped
of his hopes nnd most eel'winly losing
his chunce to ,II-ovide ade<]ullt(>l)' for
his rumily.
Everyone knows only too w(>11 that
rai lroads (\I"C lOSing l'Cv(>nue both in
freight and passenger sCI'vice, but
what evcr'yone doesn't kllOw is Urnt
- - --
Mr, J, W, S isudard of Local 811,
8l'dalia. )10 .. is sho" lJ rC'C{'hilJg a
\ er)' IO'"ely g irl Ilre .. t' ntl'd t o him b)'
Mr. J u lio 1.AlIIt'X. 0111' of a ~rOllll of
lIev('n Cu ban trad(' unionists in th e
United S tates s tudying labor condi .
tions, The I;ift wall Ilrl'Kt' nt ed ill
Ilrolher S t8nd a rd'! home lown al a
bllnque t fUrnish{'d by Ih e Sedulia
Federalion or I.a bor alld Sednlia Fed ·
erated Shop Craft s, Mr, S t an dard Is
Ilrese ntl )' with the United Sintes De·
Ilartmeni of LlIbor as n te rllll mallager,
I., U. 8 17, ;\"EW YonK, N, Y.-Auto.
Illation means the use of automatic
controls nnd machines to perrol1n all
l-out[n(', and mallY cOIl,pli\:alcd jvlJ>!,
We, in the railroad industry, already
see IIInn)' exnmples . . . autOllmtic
switching and sign:l! equipment,
lIIechann:('-(1 payrolls, electronic door
OI)('n(>I'S, etc. Atomic power plants
nl'e nir-eady undel' construction, and
befol-e long there will prob:thly be
ntomic locomotives.
Thill ill IJI-ogress. It means more
pl-odu('tion with less effort, It ,/ul!(ld
1Ilf'1I n
10w('I' Ilrices, higher wagell,
ShOl'WI' hours, and earlier I'etil"(>ntent.
And )'et, autolllllUon is sOIll(>thing
thnt ilJlllr)' al'e afraid of, because the
indi\'idunl job oC everyone nHl)' he
tllI'enlened by a machine, \Ve know
f r-om expel"i(>nce that. many IlIhOl"
suving de\'ic(>s have on I" sen'('d tu
II1CI'(>IIS0 pro1\ts, and that'the benefits
hnve "(It been ])assed on to the mil'
Th e Electrical Workers'
It is up to lUI to ge t 10ICether und
sce 10 it thut WI' I'eal' the bendl.tll or
automation, lind lhe Pl'ineiput OI'ganizallon that elln do this is our union.
When e\'ery membel' l!arlici,Illtes in
his local ullion, and its .!Itrt'ngth is
multiplied by tht, growillg IItl~'ngth
of all unionlI, in ours and otht'r industries, we will be:- able to dt'lIlnnd
und win all of lhf' fantastic benefiu
that lIutolllation makf'S possihle.
In thl' nl('IHlliml', each of UII must
1M' jll'f'pan'(l fOI' thf' cluy wh('n OUI'
r!artieular joh ill f'liminaled hy a lilachine. It is thl' mall who knows
theory, eleell'onies, reluy opf'I'aliOIl,
lind ellll read hhll' ll rints, that will be
ahle to quirkly IlmRtn th(' IIl'W skill;'!
l"loquil"ed tOl' till' oll('I'ation u ll(l mitint<,nane<' of automatic machinl'r)" OUI'
unions call alliO dcvI'lop 1))'Ogl'H1l1~ to
help us INII'II OW,'H' ski ll ~.
\Yc can not ulld tlo not WHI1\ to MtOP
111'0gl'CSS, OIU' anR\\'CI' to automation lli mol'(' I'Iluclition ami j.{J'l'at<'I' insisll'nc(' on til(' highcl' wugcs and
8hol't('I' h01ll'1I whirh autOl11ation is
making 110Mlli\)I(', If 11'1' all wOl'k togf'thel' th l'ough OUI' uniollll, pl'og1'f'SS
('Hn he madc to wOl'k fol' thc hl'lIefit
'It 1111.
L. D, lIA1utl!l, p,s,
• • •
Service Pins Awarded
To Chattanooga Members
L. 1' .8 16, ('Ij.\ 'M' ,\,\ OOC:A, TE:'\'\'.
I do 1101 know whl'n a colullln from
Local 846 aJlI)t,!II'{'(1 last ill thl' JUlfrIItlt, but I gantl)" SUSIlt'Cl it WIIS
following our 01'l)hal1s' ChristlllllS
Purly last ~'ear, It is gratifyinl( to
l'Cport that IIC1U:llly thinit'S 1lN:'
progrelilling \'ery wel1 for us hen' in
Chatt,anooga, with emJlloyel'-employe
N:'lutionshiTls going liionlo':' IlI'Hty
We did ha\'e quil(> an outllt:Ul!linK
meeting la~t month, it ht-inlt' th., I'\'('nt
ot the issuing ot :!O·Yf'ar Ilins 10 i;;
ot our good Brothel'!!. I 3m utl'nid Wf'
have been guilty of 111'ldeelinK this
importnnt ~re1l10n)' lind we hu\"e
\·ott.'<i to mnkc it 1111 :Innu:l1 ;tfruir
1I0W. It is all evenl tlf'~f'I'\'i ng ot this
lIlleeial treatmcnt.
We tl'led to Illllke it a sUI'pris... for
those of Ihe 2,j \\'ho \\'PI'C hn(' il1
Chnttanooga, hut somCOI1f' let thl' ("at
out o f thc bag a o:o\lpl,· of da ys hp_
(01'(', but we hnd It ll1ell1ol'l1hll' 1IH'l't_
inK nl1~'how, SOme of th(' 2f. had h('l'n
1l1l'mh('I'S of the I.n ,I':, W , fOl' Il101'e
than 20 rCal'S, thc oldf.·st Il1ClI1h('I'Hhip
beilllC that of HI'oth('!' A, I~, Wl'ight
who is with l\!t'. W. B, PI·t l y in til('
lIendquarters Office or till' 121h Dill·
tl'ict, We also had th(' nblig'utj,lII
given to OUI' nel\'NlI II\cllllwl', JUII('
PillllClI, and we Jlut OUI' ncw 1I;1l\1l1.
movie CllmCl'a to u~e on thaI 1l1('1110I'able occasion,
I know that Octob.'r hecamf' tht·
pN:'\"i('w o( Xo\'emllt'r'!I lhankruln(>"
for all or us who attendf'd thlll mN-'tin,!!:, (Or thel'e was KI'f'lIt signiticant·(,
in watching these nl!'n HCCe!'t Ihdr
)lins and in heal'illg th(·ir comllwnt!l
on what 20 )·eal'8 ill thf' tR.E.\\'. had
meant to them, Xo 0111' rould hH\'e
CSClllH.'d feeling a gN'lIt pride in Ix·inl(
n member ot the In tel'llllllOllal Il I'oth-
I'I'hood of 1-:leet l'ical Wo rkel's or in
s hll ring RI'Olhel'hood with thell(' men
who had j{h'en so much of their time,
money nnd ot themseh'es to tUl,ther
the cau..., o f (ree unionism. Elleh one
relah.od thl" hardships illcun-ro in
their first days hel'e in Tennessee as
members of a trade union, but eaeh
one consid('red it a pl'i\'ilegl' h:1\'illl{
hren able to make the /j.:lel'ifil'es nC<"('!I!'I3ry i" those days, and weN:' thanktul for thl' Ilrogl'ess which the
I.R.E.W mlllie along through the
)'I'ars. Tht'r(' wCI'e no regH'ts thel'(',
hut n great surge o f pl'ide. alld
)lembt'!'S rf'eei\'illg their pins were:
J . F, Gunl! (present business ng('nt
of 1\46) , A, p, Wdght (I. 0,
NtnfT ) , T. I I. Parnc ( I. 0, stafT),
II . N. 11.'11 (I. 0, staff al!lo) , E. C,
Gadd (\'ief' lJ1'('sident of 84Ii), J, 1-1.
Blanton (tl'('USUI'C!' or 846), W, N,
Cooke, .J. )1. )laiJry, G, L. ,'Inthis,
C. J. Phillips, Loren 111II)lse)" C, :-J.
Smith, D, W, S1111th, P. S, Soulherland, A, L. Sllmggills, E. L. Tapscott,
p, Re. TI'('w. It C, Val'nel', R, n,
Vickel'lf, J. W. Wales, T . )1. Wilson,
A, R, Cl'ow,ler, L . A , Denton, E, R.
E\'lIllS, and H, E. ;\Iinter.
W(' concluded the Cf'lIli\'itil.'s with
cake, eoft't·", [Iud plent)' of tales of
the good old fia)'s,
F., I..EO~.\RD, P,S,
• • •
230 Served at Local's
Annual Kokomo Banquet
L, l'. Si3, KOKO)IO, I 'ID.- Fridll}',
NO\'emlxol' 18t, marked the annual
Chattanooga Veterans Cited
Theile men were lIin gled out for IIllecilll honor when Local g,'6 IIrf's f'llted 1111 lIe n ' ice award!! in Chattanooga, T ('IlIl,
Mf' lIIber s litandin g a re: H, II. Vickers: J . W, Wales : Lorf'1I Ihlmll('), : G. L, "hI hill; K C. Gadd: W. ~. Cooke: C. J ,
I'hil1illH (rf'ltdill g I.,ft t il righ t ). Sitting: II, C. "arner; 1(. E. Min ter ; C. ~, S mi th; J. F. GII II II: t\ , F. Wright. a nd F.
S. Southe rland.
Journal for January , 1958
Page Sixty · seven
local banquet, It was held ill tht!
IUlxe room of t he Kokomo Lubol'
Temple, IL also celebrated the r!:opening of the beautiful T emple I'cmodelcd
A fin£' dinn<!I' was scrvcd-fded
chickcn and roast fish were on the
menu, with the tl'immings, A total
of 230 wefe served, including OUI'
nl£'mbers, affiliated contl'aetol's and
tlh,il' rcp)'ucntlltivcs,
businl!SS agents, United Stutes Department of Labo r I'epfes£'ntatives
and theil' ladies,
An nddl'e98 of welcome was made
lJy our business Ilgcnt, Ed Ra)'l. H e
also illtroduc£'d our COlltnlctol'S and
honol'ed guests,
Thc talJles and !'Oom wel'e d<:'Col'ated
ill brightly colol'ed lea\'es and center
pieces made of fall fiOWCl'S, Our
pI'esident, "Kokomo J oe" Hanlcy fU'esented scn'icl' pin!; 10 the memUc"s
who werc entitled to them, Tcn-year
,IillS WCI'C gi\'en to Brothcnl Hobert
Ballter, Carl Bonham, Phil Conn,
Robert Dungan, C. Hankins, Fred
Helton, Donald Hollowa)', Robert
Hoyt, Jimmie Meyers, Gera ld Reynolds, Kcnn eth Talbert, Max Talbel't,
Lawrence Tressel, Edwin Vossler,
Howal'd Weaver, Richard lllskey,
Frank DonaldS()n and Amos lIostettel',
Filteen-ycal' pins went to Brothers
Ben Barnett, t:arl Hammond, E, p,
FI'>'e, William Ice, Donald Llo)'d,
Edgar Massey, Carl Minnick, Walter
Ahmall, Ralph Parks, Merrill P ierce,
Glen Reybrun, Daniel RUIk', John
(Jack) SUtt, LesteR' Yel'gill, Alvin
Younts and Jack Young,
Twcnty-ycIII' pins went to Brothel'S
Bel'nard R1l bee, Wayne BUl'khultler,
Earl Cl'oddy, Lawl'Cnce DOl\l\ldson,
Edwin Gollner, Hubert Robinson and
Ed ward Scott,
Broth..,I' H ugh Dung-an received a
aO-rear pin and Brother William Lutz
a 40-year pin,
Appl'enticeship certificates wel'e
At, P e nsion
IlWIII'dcd to Ill'others Gm'lIld Stlll'huck,
Hex Talbcn and Hobert Talbel't, and
six othel's not in allClldullee ..
OUI' i)cplllimcnt o f Labor I'Cll)'escntalive8 were in attendance and MI',
Ray I-I ennejtel' gave a vel'y inspiring
tllik on the IH'Ogl'CS9 of the Apprenticeship I)]'ogram,
A dllnct' and banoom activitics
ended Ih(' e\'cning, Evcl'yone evidenced II fine evenin!! ol1(llhi.o; plpasc!1
th(' committee of Brothel'S C. ThrashCI', Robcl't lIel'l'in and C, E, Hales,
We a]'e rortunatc to be able to 1'('port [llenty of work ill Olll" ar('s, We
have a rew ll'a\'ellers and expect more
before spl'inp:,
L, U. SiS wislws the entil'e Brotherhood a Prosperous New Year,
when it COlll(:S to "Ieclioll of olliee!'>:!,
wheJl only about 23 percent of the
lll(:mbel'ship votes, After all this is a
brothc l'ly OI'ganiz!ltion wOJ'kill!{ together fOl' the best intcrest of all
We should tllke 1110l'e active lJal't In
cOll1munity affairs by IIUJlPol,ting ]1ubIiI' olneials who al'e wOl'king fOl' us'
Wc should also be willing' to .o;el"\'c
whlln called upon, With all 111I'~1'
union investigation!!., organized labor
has a "hard row to hoe," We must
demonstrate to the public that WI' are
a part of thc community, rather than
bad boys as some would take us to be,
Construction WOrk has picked UII
and at present 1111 available wil'elllen
al'e wOI'king and it looks like it will
C, "JICG!,!" R\I.t:s, p, S,
be guo<l for se\'c I'al months,
We have all ApllI'cntieeship Train1111-t' Prol-t'l"am fOl' inside wiremen and
motol' shop men, jointly SllOnsored by
Profile On Local 953,
I.B,E,W, and N,E,CA, The J oint Area
Eau Claire, Wis,
AJl[ll-enticeship Committee consists of
eight mell, four from I. B,E,W, and
L. U, 9,;3, EAU C L1\I1t E, WI S,- We
roul' fl'Om N.E,C,A" with a re l)]'(,·
are II mixed local uf tillp)'oximately scntati\'e from the U. S, Department
1200 membel'S, oovcl'inp: a large al'Ca of Labo r Bureau of App renticeship,
of western Wisconsin and part of lind the CO-QrdinHlor of the Vocational
eastel'l1 ;\linnesota,
School. Our business manager uttcilds
Our mcmbel's r('IIl'CE;ent the follow- ('ach llI('eting as consultant, MCi'tings
ing el<:'Ctl'ical industries: Public Utili- Il1'e held evel'y month, This is a five
ties, RE,A, Coops, Line Construction, year program divided into 10 six·
Line Clearance, Telephone, Inside month periods, with pay increases
Wil'emen, RefriP.'l'rn1.ion, Signs am,l e\·tl')' ~ix months with four hundl-ed
Moto r Sho(ls,
haUl'S of n~ lalt'd training, They at·
B('[ng scattel'cd ovcr such a large tcnd daytime classes foul' haUl'S ller
area it kccps OUI' business managel' week, for which they are [laid the
and his assistant bllsy attending the flame rate as on tht> job,
man)' unit, general, and Executh'e
Eve!"y aPllr('ntic(' kec]ls a daily
Boa I'll mCi'tings, as well as IXllicing
wOl'k sheet of the type of work he
the arca,
The attendance at 0111' inside wire- is doing, This ill ulI-ncd in at th(,
cnd or each month,
men and general meetinl(S has been
If the committl'e feels he is not
low, I think too man)' nlembel's do
not realize that this is their local too, gettin,lt a well rounded training, Iw
It SUl'ely would makc it easier for mnl' Uc t!"l.IIISrel'red to another con·
ll"nf"IOl" who f"an fillll illy il. Written
the business manager IIml all the uffieel's if we had good tUl'nouts at the examinations are given each year by
the committee, A fina l writien exammeetin~s with the members expressination is also givcn at the end of
ing their \'iews, The same applies
thc five-yea)' Jlrogl'am, Since l!)(iO wt'
ha\'e held biennial COlllllletion cereCere m.ony
monies jointly with Ih'e other construction trade locals, with National,
Stllte and local I'ejll'esentatives or
labo)', management and schools, aIHI
Olll' own memoors Ilal1:icipatil1g. All
completing apprentices a!"e given II
Wisconsin Inaustl'illl Commission eel'tificatc and a National Certlftcalc
from the Union, Not all conSll'uction
trades issue a national certificate,
This about wi lids this up as I have
to get. busy wilh !:IIIU", !:I1'lI ' elill};, ' Vc
had an elc\'en-inch SIIOW fall.
r" n~:v HA vc, P ,S,
• • •
• • •
Thi s p resent a tion of a pension card by ollldnis of Loca l !'I65 , Hcaver [)am ,
Wis " is f u ll y cJiscussed in the locu l's le it er,
Page SixtY'eight
Pension Card Presented
Beaver Dam Member
L, u, 965, BEA \"1m DAM, WI ~,_
cnclosed piCtUl'C sho\I's B rolhel' Otto
T h e Electrical Workers'
Members Lay Conduit Runs
COllslruclion lIel'I11'8 lit the Knillcr Aluminum Holling ) 1ill al IhH'I!:;"ood, W.
F. ('Ielllt'llt, It,tin'll \rillconsin POWCI'
and Light COIllJlUUY ell1lllo)'l' o r J anes\·iltc, \ \,i!\eOllllin, l)('inj:!" pr<'!ll'lIled with
hill E.W.I!.A. 1ll'l1sion
1)11\" ;(,11,
8{,CI·(·tur·~' .
by John
Wiscon sin.
Left to \'i",hl in tlw pictur", '''lViI'S,
J osl'llh T. Honch, Duo F. Clclllent,
El'nil Pease, Ma J'Y Ellen U()(Ihl, li ugo
Stllrk, and fo:nrl li awkrl', nil Wisconsin 1'0w('1" !lud Ught Co. elllJlloyes
ilL Jalles\'ilil', Wiscollsin. Tlli' C'ntire
group a re Illl"mbl'rs of Local 9/;.,.
I.R."~. W.
of H{'UHI' DUIlI, Wisconsin.
H,'oth('I' CJ('IlWllt is an ardent
hunter and fl!:hl'nllltn. Ill' Illnns to
spend much o f his r n'l' lil11~ in
NOl'lh('rn Wisconsin 1)lII'suing his
1).\\ r~~-;,
• • •
Single Labor Federation
Forms in W est Virginia
I.. 11.968, l'AIOO: USBl'I{(;, W. VA.
I hal'e just fetul'I1('d !rum lI unting-
ton , West Yil'lcinia, whcrt' I 11IId the
1)\easU!'C of attending und being a
11Uft of all hi!\toric el'cnt in the
ucivuncl'nlt'nt of nil ol'gllnh:l'd \lIbo."
This was tlw lI1('1'gel' o( the Wl'st
Vil'/{inia Stllte I,'e(/I't"ution o f Labor
lind the W('st Vi..",'1niu Indust,'ial
Union Council into (l sinJCle Lnbo r
Ft"fl('ration which will he known ns
"Wl'st Vil'ginin Labor Ff:(h~I'ution,
On Non'mbl'l" 21, I!J:,; till' \\'est
Virginia StiliI' Ff'dl'l'ation of l.abor
ancl the "'{'st \'il'ginia Industrial
Union Coundl hl'lt! M'parall' COI)\'('nlions at which til11l' thl' two JITOUI)S
sl'parat('iy adoptt'd th(' ;\It'rger Agreement, whil'h both ~;,,('i;uti\"(' Boards
hlll\ nltifil'd on Septl'l11ix'r 21. 19;';,
On :\ol'emb(,I' 22, 19,)7 th(' dclt·gates
or the two olJ(nniZlllions nlt'l as a
singl(' unitl'(l gl'oup in tht' Hun tington ,>\uditodutll to 1'1('ct Oftlcl'I'B nnd
conduct till' busilH'Ks u( llw Fint
Constitutionnl Cmll'l'nlion of the West
Virginia Lltbol' i-'Njl'l"ntion, Ai'I ,-CI O,
Onl' of thr hi.ll'hli.ll'hts of lhr Convcn,
tion was UII 1llllll"('S8 by GOI'Cl'nor
J o urnal for January, 1958
\' ~.,
Cl'(:il Underwood, Gow'rnor of thl'
Statc of West VirKinia, The ('hurtcr
o( thl' new ol'gunizntion Willi 111'('sentc<1 by It J. Thomlls, admini8tl'a·
ti\'e assistant to Nntional A F 1.-('IO
Prcsident GOOI"J.,'l' :'oil'any,
Other speaker's includl'd Stall' 1.111IOI' Comillissioner HichnnJ }\cnncll,
Attorne)' Gcncral W, W , RillTon, Ih'I)·
rcscntati\"c Robert C. H}'rd and nUIllerous I nternational HeJlrescntatil'es
lind OI'ganizcl's, All in all, it was a
\'CI'y intel~stinK conl'l'ntion,
I would hal'c likcd to hal'c s('t!n 11
J:LJ'gl'r group or I.B. KW, membel'll lit
the convcntion ~J)l'l'sl'nting thrir locnl
unions, ccntral trllrit"8 lind building
tl'ades councils, a s I fl'('1 that it is
our duty to be ncU\'(' in nil llIbol' orKaniZlltions, We hul'l' till' m().lll skillt"fl
crltCt o r all and thl'rl' fOl'C we sho uld
be a part of till' Il'adl'l'shiJl of nil
llibol' mo\'cmcllts IIml all labol' OI'l(llnizutions, Locul Uilion 91>8 hlld four
members in attl'ndunc.' lit the mCr"'I'I'
cOlll'cntion. Rrothl'l' Joseph !"!l 1'I'1I
who is Jl residcnt o f our local Cenll'!ll
Trades Council WIIS n d.'Il'gatl' from
that ol'glillizlltion, Brothcl' HObelt
Parker, who is fol'llll'l' Jlrc!!ici('nt of
till' Pal'kel'sburg l1uillling nnd Con·
stl'uction Tl'ad('s Council, wall a dl'le·
Katc ( I'om that Ol"gani!lltiOll, Our
Ru ,;il\l'_~s :\IanaJ.,"t')' F, E, Clark and
1lI}'self wer(' dt'Ii'gllt<'s from our
own Local Union !11>8, lIu ntinJ{lon.
Chal'il'ston and Wht·ding I. n.!';,\\',
Locals wen: "clll"l'!'I4'I1I{'d also, but
other local!! in tIll' State had no
1~111'('se n In til'es,
During the month of August wt'
hurl the> mis(orlunl' of haying two of
our m('mbel'S M'\'\,II,ly burn('d in an
explosion of ullIll'tl'l'lnincd oril{ill in
a cable mnnhole, \\'hl'n I say "UIII!tternrilll"(i Ol'igin;' I nlf'an Ihllt the
kind o( gas which c8u.~(-(1 the (')( 111011.
ion has not been dl'I"l'IllillC<i-it wal
ignited by a ciJf1lI·C'tt\, lighter. BI'Othcn }\<:rmit HYI'(' lind !)nnel1 Thompson had gont' into 11)(' munhol\' to
dt'tt'rminc what tools lind matl'l"ial
would be ncooed to lJillkC' n cubl(' J1U]]
when the explosion OC('m'I'('(1. Th('y
WCI'C both sevel'"I}' hul'l)(,(\ 011 thpil'
face , hands and armS, Brot1ll'r /1 ),1"('
is fOl'lunatc ill hJlvillg bl'i.'11 (lhlt, tLl
I;ho ..· ult' 1l1 m-rii or Loca l 968 on the job.
I't'turn to work, Brother Thompson's
condition nt the present time docs not
p('I'mit him to work, I ha\'e 11 dual
\lul'llOl>e in including this item in Ill)'
ILl'ticlc, F irst it brings out on(' of
t.he hnz:II'ds that we too often ((II.'I'
without second thought, and, second
in my I'8tirnntion in connection with
this mi8(0I'tune, it was 1)I'O\'en to Ill('
that mC'mbers of Local 9G8 know thc
ll'UC nwaninK o( "BrothCI'hood," Thi !!
was shown by theil' thoughtfulness
and considel'lltion,
W(, alt' ind('('(1 fortullatl' in hal'ing
the amount of work Ihllt we hlll'e in
our jul'isdiclion, At prcsent Ihel'C
IIl'e aPPI'Oximlltely 1200 out-of,lown
membel'8 I'llIplo}'ed in OUI' al'ea, ,0\
coupl(' of till' jobs in our jurisdiction
hnve finished the constl'llction phasc
lind arc now in full production, Soml'
of the othl'l's are in the finishing
staKes of construction anti OUI' largest
construction job is nt the point wc
sJl('lIk of as "IICak const ruction," I n
ot her words, it will gu to~thel' fa st
f)"ol11 hcre on out and will soon becomc unothcr vast manufacturing
" lnnt,
I 1LI1l rudosiug sonle I)ictul'es of
son1(' o f thc thousands of conduit runs
which 111'(' going into the slu bs at
Kuiser AluminUl11's Rolling Mill al
Ha\'t'lIswo(H.I, West Vil'ginia, These
nrc small sections o( thc gigantic
I)\ant which is being built uJlon this
I would hkl' at this timc to cxlend
to our Inlt.'rnntional Officcl'S and to
the onlcen and nIl'mbers or all
I.B,!':,\\', Io<:al unions, gN'etings and
thl' sincl'l'('1I1 !'\'('w Year wishes (rom
myself and all officel'S anel membel'1l
of Local Vnion 968, Parkel'Sburg,
Wcst Virginia, May wc all bave
Jlll'nty of wOl'k, goocI labor and man'
ngement J'{'lations, good health and
the blcuings or our Lord thl'Ough'
out ':,8 anti all th,· P'UI'S aht'nt!,
GII,IU;I!T Cn!oa:l!, I',S,
• • •
Richland Member Marks
35-Year Membership
I T,
HICIILA ~ U, \\' ;\ S l-I."'c~ becamc the first
ItpcenUy 1-:\IWil1'([
Page Sixty ' nine
R ecognize Long Years of Service
OnJ ccnl o f Loca l 984, Hichl n nd, Wm. h .. t' x l cml tlll·ir ",iucc I'c cO II ~nL l ll l lI.l io n s 10 Broth l' r Ed ward I "C8. th e rccipil'n t of II
35-yea r l11 e rn b c r~ hi Jl 11111. HI' is Ihe til's l uf h is local t o r eceil'c !:Iuch un honor.
man C;=,,=t:;I"";",'='Co='="'ICl="=="=='~ive
~ a 36-year
sen'ice pin . We urc enclosing
two IIhol08 of B"othel' l vI'S lUI he 1'1'c(!ived Lhis SiglIU] hono,\
Also, following in bdef outline
form, iK II histOl'Y of Brother h'cs'
CUl'eel' in th(' 1.8. K W. I n lOla Ill'
did lino work li nd inside lI'u .·k ill
Western Colorado and te!cgl'(lph line
wOl'k in S t. Joe, Missoul'i. During
1914- ] 5 he did teicgn1 ll h line wOl'k in
i\li~Bi88il) p i , W isconsin, Iowa und I llinoi s S('l'ving as line f OI'eman . T h eil
in l!)lG Brother Ivcs did powe r house
Hnd Impe l' mill mllintenance work
with Kimberly CI~\t'k COll1 ll nny, Kimbel'ly, W isconsin,
T he Fil'st Wol'ld WUI' found him in
the United S t ates A l'my Sil{llld COI'I)S,
(1!)1i-U)l9) , sel'ving nt lo"ol't Omahu,
Nebl'uska li nd th(:n in I~mnce and
Gel'lnuny, D m'i ng 1920 Bro t he l' [ V('II
did electrical maintell(lIlce \\'ol'k fOl'
General l\l otol's COI'P" Po n tinc, l\1 ichi-
gan, T he next )'CUI', stil) in Pontiac,
he worked wilh COnllUlllCrs Power Co.,
doing powcrhouse I'ebuilding a nd line
work, Beginninl( in 1!)22 he wOI'kf'f]
f o!' Municipal Eleetl'ic, doi ng inside
work and powel' plant construction in
T he ~'cal' HMl found B ro t her Ives
working in II shi]lyun] at .\l anitowoc,
W isconsin, Il c WIIS forl!man and gcneral fOl'emlln in U/44 fOl' Newberry.
Cha ndlcl' and L01'!! on the l-I anfOl'd
job, I n i!)4[i Brothc l' Ives went to
work in clectl'icul mu in tenance 011 the
Hanford job, wht'I'c hI! is at ]}I'esf'nt..
• • •
Tulsa Local 1002
Presents Service Pins
L. LT. 1002, T ULSA, OK LA,-At a
meeting of l..ocal UniOIl 1002 on
HOllorp.rl. lor [ ,on g
SC I' vice
Novembcl' 8, 1957, J, A. Byrd, iIlitint('d April 17, 1907 and J oe W atson,
initiated Decembel' 23, IflOi, we)'e
]II'('S(,ll t pr] with flO-yca!' pillS. Vice
President E)'wards made the 1)I'C8('ntat.ions.
T he meeting was turned into a
pal'ly in honol' of Brothcl' fi y1'(1 and
)3l'oth('1' Watson , Both wcre I)re·
stntcd with gifts f l'om t he local union
und ill addition sel'era l ])I'izcS wCl'e
Ill'Cscll1cd to the lucky g uests nnd
Il\cmbel' ~ ill the fOI'll1 of u (Ii'awing,
CofTce un!! doughnuts wCI'e also
A l'e1'Y fine crowd wus in attendance including Vice P l'csident Edwards, I nternational Rcpl'CSl!ntative
Ru>, J ohnson, sevcrnl cmployer's, ml!llIbel'S ane! their wil'cs.
V iet) "I'esidcllt E d wards a/lell'eaflcd
t hc group, li e gal'c the hifltol'y anfl
growth of Local Union 1002 and t he
fact t hat we arc a Lincman's Locul
Union und th nt the I nlel'llntional
Bt'othcrhood of Electrical Workers
was Ol'ganizcd in 18!H by n gl'oull or
10 linemen in SL Louis, alI(I mild\'
mllll~r olhel' intercsting commcnts.
Siuc\; thc wh'c~ WC1'\; invited. and
mun)' we l'C IH'csent, and the meeting
udjoul'ncd at 9:30 ]I,m" scvcl'al of the
lincmen have Dc(:11 wonyillg about
thc carly closlIIg' o f the IlIcctmg, sincc
they had informed their wil'cs that
they wcre rarcly out befol'e 1:00 a.m,
We IIl'e enclosing: a picttll'e 1'{O(I(ling'
fl'OI11 left to l'ight, J, A . n~'l'd. Don
Lockwood, I)!'csident, A, E. Edwul'ds
lind J oe Wlltson.
W, H , HII. ~;\· , P,S.
• • •
Brot h(' r s J . A. fiy r d au d J oe Wn lllon Wl! re honor(,d by )"oc3 1 1002, T uls a, Ok la"
fo r r,o ye llr!l of me mber8hi)), I-Ie rl! Ihl! )' pos e with LO)clI 1 I'I'cs ic!enl Don Loc kwnnd, sl!colld fro m I(,ft. lind 1I11l! r mllio nal " ice P resirl .. nt A. E. Edw ards,
I!ccond frU ll1 ri g hl .
P age Se v ent y
M embers Chosen in
Novem ber Elections
L. u, 1073, AMun IDGE, I'A.-The
NovemUcr' election j'esults, shOwing
how some o f OUI' boys m ade out, follow, l~lliott Solel'o, was I'celceled
T he El ec t r i ca l Wor k ers'
IlUI'J,rcSS llud jUlltic~ or the peacc in
Conway, Pe nn sylvania. li e is f rom
our FleexstN:1 [)cpnt'lIllCI1t.
(rom Conway,
Executive BOlll'd
Mcmbt>.' f.: .. m'sl Kal embe l' was rCo
1'1t'Cll'd school directol',
J oe Butka, FII'('Xlltft'1 Department,
was elec.-ted school director in Ambridge. A lso (mm Alll bt'idJre, J ames
nino. ShiP lling 11c.'llartmcnt, WIiS
e le<:ted auditor.
Gl.'oJ'J,rf! Gllllughl"I', social 1x>ncfit
nwmbl'l', Willi (')('ct<,d eOllllll is!!ion" r of
n Ol"o Township, Van!>Ol't. Hichnrd
Kulbacki , pjl)(' fillt'l', was j'l't'lccted
tax collectol' of S.. wicklcy Townllhi".
The l'cKu1!H monthly meeting in
NO\'C'lllber Willi II Ii"dy 00('. I t IlIlIt('<I
two houl's.
Th('l'(, WIlS di scu!lsion on
vacation IIml lud l'!), glasses, pro !tnd
COli 1I1l10llg the !lll'mbe!"B, al ~n on the
B.A.RE. lios pitnliZHlion plan.
T hl'l·e was a t i(· rOt· winnl't· in thl'
fi rst group, in th(' men'a bow ling
leuj:("UC T hflnk~ro{iving turkloy gi \'eawn)', F. Hutt ner anti G, IJimarzio
lied, but since Ilultner had thl' high(''It (Ot· tht·(,(, gUllws he was dl.'clat"Cd
wintl('t .. W inllt'l·8 in the s('cond, Ihird,
fourth and fiflh I{I'OUpS I"t'Sl)('(;ti\·ely
wcrt' J . K('lntwr, H. i\I etl'isk)', 1',
Hu t'Ollilis IUlil A. Benedetti (n n('w
bowl(,I·), All willm'rs wt'r·c (I"om the
Rubbt'r )Iill Ikpnrtment with the
exce,ltioll of Bnt'Onilis rrom the
Carpenter shOll,
I'Ne Shcan, Itubber Mill . is back
aguln pla)'iIlJr tht, 1'Ole of fathe r and
his wire thut of mothCl". Th('y had
/i01ll(, bud lllek.
lI is son 's wi fl' d ied
lit the agi' o( 201 lIud It'fl a s ix-month's
old bub)' boy, (01' which n l'Other
Sknca n and his wil(' Ul·e cUI'ing,
Al bcl·t Kuhel, rec::o rdinJ;: secrct tll·y,
hus u g ood system. You rttcive the
minutes o f the lust meetillg typro all
you enter the r('Jnllur monthl), mel.'ttnr;r.
J know that there il muc.h activity
among our union nlt'lllbeu, but un fOI1.lIn8tcly, your ]"('llOt't('r catlnot
speak to each of you for news. I call
only report what you ({'11 lIIe,
J OliN GlIZI 'R, P .S.
• • •
Optimistic Future
Seen in Victor, N.Y,
L. 0, 1163. , ' IC'I'OIe, :.: . ·'I'.-On
Novcm l){'l· (', Victnt· Illliulllto.·s I nc,
W;IS hust to II din'cIOl"S mcetill/( of
the J.T.E . Cit·cuit lli-"lIkt'l" COmltany
o f which Victor I nsulators is a di\'ision, A \·ery Olltimistic report wns
gh·cn us U ~!;ult of this I11l'('tillK,
Hu\'ing this meeting in Victor was 1111
honOI" both to the community and to
the nlUna)..ooement o f Ihl' Victor Illtml.
Of equal imJlOI'l al\cl:'. cSIlI'cially to
the employes o( tlw Victol· plant, is
the fll ct that for tht' I'llst YO'al w('
huve had full cmployml'llt with no
At a meeting or the Porcclaill
Workelll COllfel'cncl' hl·lil Septt·llllM.'r
28 and 29 at RII!timor(', )Ial"yland
lit which employe n'l1r.'scntath·I's of
II I nsulator COmJlllnil"ll m('t, Vicwr
I nSII!ttl Ol·S was tht' only company thut
had no Illyo/fs in till' jOlISt ~'('I.ll".
Important to every factory worker
is full employment and job security.
J Ol:l t;I'1I LoRTSC IU:R, In., P t'es,
• • •
Review of 1957 by
Savannah Scribe
L. LT. 1208, S .I\,' AX:"MI , GA,~The
year 1!I:'i hUll be1>n an ('xtremely
d ifticu lt on(' (0)" membelll of organized
lllbol". The McClellan Committee succc('(led in doing a .I(OOd smellr job on
organi:t('(1 tubor. We can eXllec::1 Inan),
tYllI's of I,t'stl·ictcd and 8O-callt'(1 correcti\·e labor laws to be IJI'Oposed b>'
:-"'AM and usce dominated lIlembetll
o( the I~ill"ht)'-sixth Congl"Css. It i~
ou ]' d ut), liS good union members tn
I·is!! u p II ml speak out aguinst thl'~!'
\JIlfuit· Ill"llctic('s.
In J~l rl7 we I'll\\" II big busint'l's
d ominlltetl l{cJlublican purt)' t akl'
officI.' rOI· the second time, They are
hel ping big business try to "bUI'I"
and split nil labot· unions in thili
country of ours,
T he yl'tH of 19;;8 will be a very imporlant ont' rOl' uniOll mc mbers. Are
we goinl{ to sit back and h't thl' :-"' AM
and thc usce "bust" OUt· unions ami
drstl'OY our security, Ot· will we t·iSl'
UII in nalionwide unit) nnd fight
unfair abu~1 from labol· halel'S:'
Will ..... e IN tht'se ~TOUpS SIOll our
fUlun' IlroJ(I'('ss!
As ..... 1' 81.'(' the picture, it cans for
unity of all OI·gani:t('(1 labor as WI.'ll
liS Jl·olitical unity, Can we eOlllbille
{)UI' forct's ]11111 Illec::t thi ll chall('nge~
W~· of I.,U. 12U8 arc deter·mill('d 10
Local 1073 Member R etires
In this scene (rOllt Locsl 107:1. Ambridgl', I'll .• are frolll ro .... kneeling, froll1 II'rtto ri ,.: ltt: .: rnie liall'lllber; Marty
1,llng ( Iuru r"rt' lIIl1n): Juhn ('''lIulIr: Stc'·c Mihalik. and Cu rl Wet l!'r , ~ [lInd lng: Ellll worth Hro ... n (ass isl ant 111'rsonnel dir ector): SIt'v.' ZlIlillljki(': AI('X j(os k'Je : Itay ~ I urru)': l(a)'lIwllli Hall: 'I','d Grl'j/;g : I(oy .\ lcCorn;u:I: Hill Chri~IY:
Fort' Ul un CIt!lrl"1I BicdlOlI!lt': G.'or.lt"e Trudell: Clare nce [)lIvill, and Hich ttrd Kulbucki. 1(0) Mc('omliS ... as hirc~ JII~ )
26, 1929 :<1111 n ' l ir,'d :':o,'cllllwr 21. [9:;7. Il l' "mrked as all "lIjocincer ill Ill<' [m ..·.. r [llanl Il lid has a lion "orkIn I'!: 111
the laburlllor)"
J ournal for January . 1958
Page Sev e nty-one
stand U)' IIl'inci"l..:s of ol'l,nnized labor
and fight thit to a finish, W e woulrl
like to helll' fl'Om indh'idual members
or locul unions who will stand up
lind be counted or hell I'd rrom 011 this
~LU lld , Write to our fll'uident, W. p,
lia rdI'll, our business manager, \V,
0, Pl unkett 0 1' to the wI'itel' a~ P ,O,
Rox 1Hi!;, Suvunnllh, Gool'gill,
I lUI. ~Ul'(' all will ugl'ce that no
mall(,1 how f(ood a negotiating commitl.(-e we huve, the Cong'l'ess lind
Slllt(' IlIwmak(,I'''' r.nn 1f'J(islll\.(' them
dght ou~ the "'Indo"",
We wish all 11 hapl')' and IlrosltCrQUS N('w Yeal"
A ttend )'OUI' union
met.'tin){ll regula!'ly ; and alwuys work
and drive sar('ly,
J, J, W,\I.I.,\o; I',S,
Outstanding Achievements
In Accident Prevention
L, U. 1238, WIL~II~(;TO :\', DEL, The Brothel's in Local 1238 take
much Ilrid(' in their sufety I'CCOI'd,
They have demonsll'nted over the
yl'III'S, t hat the many IY lles of wOl'k
rlfllll' in u gaA und electric utility can
be donc wilhout Bel'jous 01' lost-time
We 1K-liev(' that !('QO(\ judgmenta combination of skill, intelligence,
]l1'OIJeI' attilud(' lind allproach to an)'
job, can IIn-Hnt accidents and injune-s, &>\'el'al of our departments
h,1\'(, ol)(,I'lI.te<1 fOl' a Ilumbel' or years
without loss of time, Our I'ccords
ha\'e- been cl.'rtit\ed by the Delaware
I.. coders i" Cill ci mlllli
Sartly ('\Iuncil, Ihe AnUlricun GIIS
Association, the Edison Electric In·
stitute, lind lh(' Insuranee Company
and by ourselves,
l'hn.·e eenifical('s rol' "Outstanding
Ac hic",III ... "t ill Aecident I'I'e\'ention"
rol' 1,000,000 man hout's of sate o p,
eration and 0111' fo!' 2,000,000 houn
have just been I'eceh'ed, These UI'C:
l,OOO,I)O() Jlvllrll
The A ml'l'icun Gas Association to:
Gus IJistribulion Department, Octobt'r I, 1952 to Se-pt{'mbel' Ir., \f)!i7
(1812 da)'s)
Sen'ict' DelJartmellt, May 27, 19;)3
to OCtObt'I' 18, 19J' (160;; days)
Entin' Gas Division, Junl!' 30, i9ij4
to Selltelnbel' 3(), HI;;7 (I1S8 da~'s)
!!,OOQ/)()(J /-IOl/rll
Thc EdiSt)n Electric Institutt' to:
Station I}CI)lU'tllH,'nl , Jnnuur)' 2(i,
1952 to September 23, I!)~; (20G7
I n 19;;6 the Edison Instilutt' awnniM\
I,OOO,O()41 hour certificates to:
Edgt' Moor Pown Slalion, ~Ia)' Ir.,
19;;2 to August 21, 19[)(i (1:;42
lletel' Department, June 3, I!)H to
October 31, 19;;6 (3803 da)'s)
Othe,' deJlartments with tewel'
workt'I's, have less houl'S but mall)'
safe cllI)'S. Among them are: (To
Octobt'r a I, 1!);j7)
Slores: Febl'uary 3, !!l48, 3;)44 days
Gal'llgf': J uly 15, 191)0, 2664 dn)'8
Gas Plllnt: January 1[), 19;;3,1748
Offi cer.s of Local 1317, Cincinnati, Ohio, are, 1('(1 10 ri,:::ht: J , S. l~ o.l'\and, busin('8" manalter and fi nancial St'crela r y; E , COIliIl.il, presidcnl: G, \\'oodie, ,-ice
presidenl, and I., Sunderman, H>cording ... t'<'rc lar),.
Transmission' lluI'Ch 2.,19;;4,1::\1:1
Ruilding .\laintt'nunc(': Oeecmber
22, 19-18, 323-1 da)'s
Line: JUllt· 26, 19:;2, 19:;2 da)'/!
Cablt': June 2;), I!I;;I, 2319 days
St)'('l't Lighting: October, 24, 19;;0,
2;;63 da)'s
B rnnd)'wLlle Power Station: October 8, 1948, 331U days
Delaware Cily Powel' Station:
J anuary 2, 1!1;;7, 301 days
Meter Read('rs: June 29, 19;;4, 1219
At a!<8('mbli('A held to thank and
t,'111lglatulate all who contributed to
the I'ccords, Brothe-r James J, Freebel'}, (TI'an8111ission Lineman), pr('sident of Local 1238 and the stewards
of the delJartml'llls urged everyone
to continue their fine wOl'k and to
use e\'en mOI'(' Cllrc than in the ]Jast.
" Let's go the I'l'st of 19;;7- I('t'8 make
this Chl'iStmas n mNr)' Ilnd halJ]lY
onc fOl' everybody," M I'. Fl'eebel'y
1'1I 0.\lAII R, M ('C~.:A('ll n:, R,S.
• • •
f;xecluh'c Honrd Me mbers of Local 13 1i, I!eal ed I(' f\ 10 ri"ht, ure: Baverline:
W, Evcr80n ; n, 01111188; W, Sobon; Eo l\IcCos ham; W, WI11iIlIll ,: S, Adam s:
J , AthllllS, and C, Bak('r, S tllndin,!.:': Uonrd l\I e mbc::nl J , Ho,,"lllntl, bus iness
maml lt ,'r, 11. l\raus and W, \\'ill. (1'\01 !i ho"",, in IJlclurc " '(' r(' J , ;\lllrtin and
H, iluhc::rly,)
Page Seventy -tw o
Cincinnati Committee
Prepares Negotiations
1... U. 1347, C I ~C I Nj\'AT I. 01110,'Vc are Koing !llong here getting our'
Negotintioll Com mittee rcady. We
have a \'('I'y good committee selectl.'{\
The Electrical Workers'
this linlf', u nti We ar(' nil Koing to
give t hem ull the he l" tha t we cun in
their ('tfOl'ls t o negotinte for memo
ht'rs of Loclit l:)H Ihe Ix-st con t ract
E nc!OI'KI al'l' Ilictures of th(' Execu·
ti\'l' Roanl allil SOliI{' or Ihl' onicials
of Local 134i,
Inasmuch 1111 we haH' all joined
to hel'l "lieh other, Wl' sometimcs
wondcl' jlll;\ what i, the best Wily
to go about Iloing it. 011(' WII)' is to
\(,11 a Rrutlwl' that h(' has I\onl' a
good job \\'11('11 you Ihink that hc has,
WI' don't know how lila II)' Brothel'S
I'elul, Thl' ItOI,irr',. /}iUI><t, but if
you do do..'!<n't it Sl'l'lII thllt thcy 111'('
publishing fll'ticlcs that show onl)'
th{' dlll'k IIidr' of till' IInlon picturc?
I f lh(·y want 10 he filiI' noout Ilw
thing. WP
thai 1111')' I<hollid tl'il
how IlHlI'h til!' union h 118 helpl'il lIIil·
liulls of 1I'0I"k"1'1I gl'l hl'ttl'I' wOl'kitl"
condition!! 111111 ~ttel' wn,1('(·II. lind that
the union ill II joining 10J(Hh{'r of
workers to Iwlll OlW nnothel' in uny
Wfly that tll('Y Cflil.
At. t'UW K. SIHU'~f;H , P.S.
r" "1
• • •
New Commander for
Coast Guard Yard
I,. L 1;'8:1, 11.\J.T J\!OltE, " n,-Lo
nnd bl'hold. ),ollr Jl1't'''11 S('cl't'llIry
&'an; gr(>('11i all of )'Oll Brothers 1I1ld
f{'lIow work"111 with 11 I\igh for II
Il uppy and II('lIlthflll I'l'W Y(,lIr. T his
Illllrk.s Ill)' I~th IInnhl'I'flllry of j'C'
Ilo/·ting to y(lU all the IIctivitit·~ nr th('
Unit{'(1 Stlll,'11 CoaM Gua1'l1 Y;11'I1 III
Curtis Ba)"
Tht' highlight (If thill r{'llolt i~ that
I 'm IlIliking it I)lief "II aCC(lunt of tht'
holidtt>, "'Ilil'it which pn'\'lIilli :it thill
tilll{" Of (,OUI'll(' th(' wm·k IIch.'dulc i~
><OIllCWhHI lugging. 'I'll<' \\(>lIlh.'I' I!'
gHtillK II \\'ill\('I' touch. ~o th"I'p you
hn\'{' it.
Oflk{,l"~ :1nll m{,ll1 h .. r~ lIud Y')UI'';
truly (':>(ll'lul sillcpr{' KI· ..diIlKI< and con·
gl'lIlulutiulIlI lu COl))tl\lInd.· .. Charh'lI
~~, :'II:I!>t,,!,!!. upon bccoll1ing th,· new
chief admini"lmti,'{' offlet, .. and comlllundiliK "ffle"I' or elllillll'lI 1)('1'''01111(,'1
tor this gn'at ('Oll~l (julln\ Y;lrti. C'll)!·
Illnnd('r "' 1081t'1'II i8 a nal[",' Bnllillwr·
.'an. III' ,-nlt' .. {'tI Ih,' ('oalll (juanl
Academy in l !t15, HIltI hall "I'I'v.·.1
afi01I1 un bllan\ tl1l' ('uttNII Tahoe
and Ingrulll, \I'll!! COlllll1Ulltiil1K OniC('f
nf th(· Imtl'fll rl'igatl' I{{'ading and
l·a"iOIl,. nth"I' ('utt{'t'l<. ('OlllllllltHh'r
""aSlt'rt< "t·rvl'd liS lIIl 1I\'illlor at thl'
NavlIl Air Slation, i'.'n._lIcola. Flori,la
lind at Bilol(i, ""il'!!i",;",)i. This II~W
assignm('nt il< 11'1'11 (-;\1'11('11.
From (lllr meeting hall thl' word
pl"ugl"{'S!-l ill IliP keynolP, From th('
\'ariou!! ,'Ollllll'uction jobH. things :In'
IIQlll{'whut "lI r bl ilrd. 11 0\\{'\,e l', your
scl'i b(' will n,)\\' clO"t· ~hi8 III'i('f rellOI·t
in ol'd('I' to t;lke the wifl' out to ccle·
bl'Ut{' 0111' :17th wedding allni\·('I1'HtI·~'.
Journal for January , 1958
, \ ~J
1'0 ,1 31. lillI/ II
a hu,.. I
- 111\ II 101t:1)
\Ii lh ;':'lIllIcli huir.
I cm it',1 hl'r. ,.hl' ~i."t·nlt'd
"i_III'(1 I W{'fl' (to; fllir:
,,0 gil).
\\ IIt'Ii I>ullll('lIl) "lIt' rose 10 IcuH" I
hN 11tJ1,Iole £1 01111 Ihe ui:; It';
he 1111,1 "11(' r('~, unll \\lIft! II n
u t d l.
:11)(1 n- ~ 11{' pn--l" I-a _lIIi lt'.
Crill. /(/r~it'e lIle Ithetl I Itilltle,
I hUll' tlfO 11'':$, The Iwril/ 1$ mlue,
\ nd t llt'll I -tl)"I)(,,1 Iii "U\ ~Olllt' - "cel:,..
111£1 II I", ~"Id 11t1'1II had ~ lI dl .. harJn.
I IlIlll',1 \\ il b him III' .;ct'l1ll'd ~,) &IadIf I \"'r!' lull'. '11\llll ld do ,m lHlrlll,
\ 1Il1 n_ I Idl Ill' .. ui.1 to lilt': " I lI ulIll..
\ (III. ' ttU
11111 t' 1)('('11 ~ "
\"ind ,
It '~ Ilk.. I.. lu i\" 111111 fn l\..s li\..c yo u ,
' "u ",., .... Ill' !'oll i,1. " 1'111 "Iiml:'
() Cod,/orgivi! me II hell I,lhi,,/!,
Illtll,'II'" ('j{'S, 1'1", lIur/.l is millC.
LIIII'r, IHI I\"i n!,; IluII 11 th" " t rc,·1. I ~(lll
u dli Jd \I il h t'}('" uf 1, lu (',
II I' "luO) .1 lind \llIldw,1 t ill' " ll w i's phn:
it -,'1'111,·,1 Ill' kilt·" nut \\ h:11 III duo
I "t"l'p"tl a 11111111('111. IIII'll r said: .. \\ h\
.lun'l ItlU jIJin lilt' "Iher~. llt'ar'!"
II t 'l"nk"1I uhead "itimul a "onl. and
111t'1I I lllt'll lit' ('{J11I,1 IInl 11t':I',
() God /argit'c
1111' /I /'('11
The I/OrM/,f
\\ il ll It';:-'" talt' lilt· \\Iu;'n:, I'll ~o
\\ ith t'lt'- ttl ~~ the ",ull -el \ ~IO\\\\ itlt l',\f- III heur II hal I 1\llIIld 1..1I01l~
() God,
/or~i&;e 1IIf' II
"ell I
b/('ul,cl imf('t'ti, The l('Odd /,f mine.'
\ \1\0'\
Pa ge Seventy·three
Successful COl/tract N egotiatiol/
R:I\ th eoll-
5 III 9-Cclil
_ .". 11
.."pla, ... . !
Wage B....sI
Th . . . ... m'··
. ,,. .• rI.
,,, .
J'O). •
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no... '
_ " .• • to s.,' ., ,...1 ....
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'" .."..•.
• • •
Extends Greeting of
Wilmington Members
L. I'. 1111. WIL ."T :'\G T O~ . N. C.As CUAtOlllnl')', the mt'mbC'l"lI in OUl'
loenl union ex tend to [Ill Brothera in
n1l o f OUI' [oen1s QUI' hop(' that the
New YNlr will b(' their most Ollt·
fitunding year, for the ad"ancement
of ull their endl"a\'ors and for the
bi"ltermel1t of the labor movement (III
WI" hll\'e come a long Wllr and have
donli' much.
Our local hilS quite 11 numbel' of
"old timers" and we h:\\"(' tnlked
with quite a f ew of them about the
modem wa)'. They IIcem to nil I1l;"r('e
that ILiI time IJUsses ('nch ),e;ll' bt"ingft
11ft n much better undl"1"st~l!1ding About
rlUl" jobft. And knowing our jobs und
Iioing thcm well counts greull)' to·
II"lIrd success. We should remind ou r·
,,{'hes to just muk<, each reM a better
The best to all of rOU dUI'ing 19581
J .\SI'~:R
T. )h;S Il AW, P.S,
• • •
Apprentice Training
A t Raytheon Approved
I.. tT. 1:)0':;, WAI.TII AM, )I AS~i.-AI1
ngr('cnH' nt has been lIign<'d by Local
11)0::; and th<' Haytheon l\Iu l1ufaetul"ing
Coml.llln)' for the iruining of al' llre!!·
liC('s in the field of Electronics. Sign·
ing for Local 1505 was Business Mun·
ager Andrew A. MeGlinche)' lind (or
th(' Hu)' theOIl .\l anufneturmg ComImll)" Leslie E. Woods, Rn)' theon Di·
l'!'Ctor of Industrial Helations. It Will
formlllly a ppl'O"ed by the i\lns soehusells Stute Division of Allprenticeshill
which actcd liS consuitnnt.
It is believed to be the first JH"O'
Page Sev e nty· four
1{1':"U11 of ils kind to be instituted in
thl' l'nite-d Rtal('!'.
A training c('ntl'f has been fur·
nishN for th{' trAining prognlm lit
lao Galen Strel't, Wat('l·town, MUl!.Sn·
The tnlininlt progrllnt will offer
trnining in two SI~dRliJ:ed n{'lds. the
electrical 1l11d th(' ril'Ctro·mechanicaJ.
The program whieh will ll pltn n
fO(lI··yeu r pel"io(\ cOllsists of 8,000
houl"8 of progn'lIlIi\'(' tl"!llning 011 the
job, (In(\ nbollt 1400 hours related
classroom studr. T hl' cUlTiculum will
h('lp qualify a pllI'enlice s for muny
diffen!nt classificatiOI1I1.
During thl' pTOgnulI's fir'St six
months, apprentice ... will studr At the
comp..'lny·s new tminill" ("{'nter. The )'
will then go into \"ariou8 dh'isiolls of
the COl1lpan~', returning Ilt'riodicallr
to the traininJr ("('nt('I' fOI' advancc
ChISSl"<IOm work and s tudy.
Tests \\,cl'e gi\'en fo r a ppl'oximntely
205 allplicantll lit the training celltel'
on Saturdny. Oct ob{'r If). Classes were
slal'l r d No\'{'nlbc l' 12.
U pon completion or thl.' pl'ogl~'m,
:l llpl'I'ntices will be lIwllrd('(1 journcy1II('I1'S card:s from Ih(' )IlIssachusetts
Depnrtment of L.nbor (\Ild Industries .
plus a diplomn l\lld OPIIOI'lunity in
When the apprentice g"l'llduates he
muy then bec01ll1.' ('Iigibl{' fOI" Ihl'
e1eetl'onic technical <'v('lIing III'(Igr:tm
In which he Cllll continu\' his studies
lit local unin.rllitie!! tOIl":II'd an All-llo,
cillt(' Degree in ~:Iectl'onic E nginee r·
ing. This Pl"ogl"!ll11 1I"1IS ;.Iso set u p
bctwecn And,'c\\' McGlincli('y fOI"
ICiO::' and )11', W (jIl.I~ fUI Ra)theOll.
John F. O'M:III(')', Chief Stewllrd
fronl the Wn lth:lm al'cn, \\'ho is the
National Committt'{'mnn ( I"om :\I nsllllchusetts, WIlS mode C'hairmlln of the
Committe-e 011 l.ilbol· for the Young
Democratic Clubs of America at the
1'('Cent cOII\'ention held in Reno, Ne\'oda.
Goodbre till next month.
JIll[ '
1•.\\\·Lt:SS, P.S.
_r"!CooI ..
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);0 long, set" you next month.
ClIrt'ful and work 8afe l)"
Ih:rSES SE.\lIS, I~.S.
.... A _~4 ....
..... _
.... 4
15. . ...... 11
.... ""
&~ ••
titt'lj hi,) lirog ra m . Lef t to fi g ht: J III11 I'II " -, Ea rl ey, HII)' 1I1I'un: Local Bus i ness
AgI' n! A ndr cw A . IIl cGlillchl' Y; Lt·s lir E. Woods, Hay th ("o n dil'l'clor or indusI r illl rd a tioll ll : Frl'd Newman , c hic( !lli' Wll r d o f LoclIl 1:; 0;;, lind 1.lIkl' I,omllr li re, Ih ytht'u n ('oonlinnt .. r o f nllIJTe rll ic:l'" hill.
....." ,&_,,,'11 •
tun_ ... , •• _ , ... · _
Uellresenlalin'S or the Ibyt ht'On ~ 1 /lnura clurinJ.: Co. and of Loca l 1505, Wa ltha nl, )lass., s ig n th e aJ:"l"t-em(,lI! estahli sh ing an ele('lronic Irc h nicia n a ll llfCII-
, ,~
",.)0, , . " " • • • , " "
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ot , ... , ." . ,
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The nc,,'11 lil ory
Jl r oclaimill /-: I h e
ne w be ne/il li lie·
/-:o lia led by " "ea l
Meager Turnout for
Hanson Local Meeting
I.. L'. 1;.14. II A 'sox, .\I.\ SS.-Awa)'
wc go a~ain, lind I 'll s tart ofT by IIn)"ing the IIw('tiug this month was \"I'r)"
s hort and It('cisi\'{', We hnd onl)' 12
mem bers Htt('mling and figure ttwn'
might ha\'e bl'{'n lit Icnst 16 ]lI'eR('Ilt
if it had not b('rn sto rm ing out"i.lp.
We held the lll\"('t! ng anyway and 1111
ullunl thcl·e W IIS 110 griping, so I gue/lfl
nil the loyal uniOI1 memben W('f{'
Bim Estel, our \' jet' president, lind
Il real lucky IIl11n, won the $5.00 d oor
At thi:. time I wish to apolo~iJ:l' ttl
th{' I'resid(' nt lind the membel1l of
the lIallson A. A. for IIOt putting out
thl' lights in thl' Ullper hall aflN th.,
meeting. I a~IIUI'(' rOil it will 110t
hnppen again.
Lawn'lIcf' Itab)' has becn out sick
fOI" Ihc pns t IWO weeks with the
Flu bug 1hM h08 hit .!.ome mu~h \\'01"llf'
thull othe11l. 1If' flt!! into the fiut
cluss . HCllOrts IIr(' that he is s lowl)'
recovering Rlld ll robably will hi.' back
to work ill nno l her week. It's " e ry
seldom that L:lwl'(' ncc is out (I un),.
let alone being "knocked" out, sick·
wisl' thai illl.
I know "Illllllllg('me nt" hus its hllndll
full, but it certllill l~' would be l1ic{'
if \\"\. could 1111\'(' II little stol1:lge 1'(I01ll
Th e El ec trical Work ers'
fOl' ull th .. stock t hut IIcculll u1:ltes on
the Hoo r , It would bc nicc, too, if II
f('w 1ll01'e t l....cks :md skids wert'
:INlund, h'a q uite a jlrobl"Ill, lind 1
t hink if Ihis p m blcm WII~ wO l'kl'd oul,
we could gin> :1 101 mor(' Ilroouc t ion,
A amn II uote to yo u Joe:I J mem b('rt;:
Quite II few o f you havI' gd pes an d
Ilroblema, Most of yo u hUlih t hem
ov('r w it h th(' fl'lIow who wOI'ks beside you, YO UI' ( "iends li nd othel' wOI'k.' 111. If it ill II gri ll(' worth gri p ing
a bou t , why don'l rou tuk(' it wh('re it
will be h(':u'd a nd ha ntl l('(\ ill l h(' dg ht
way? I f you just blu b to thol\(' lII'Oulld
you, you un' only taking UI) their lillle
nntl you I'll, :tll<l Ilothin~ Is going 10 be
<1011(" about it. YOU I' ullioll hilS stl' ward s , and it I!'. thl'i r job to Ii!'.tl'll to
YO UI' Ilroblems, 01' you cun COIIl(' to
t hl' union IIlt'eting a lld BIWlIk fOf yo u rIId r, ~ow , I'at h('r than using Ihl'
u IIII(,I'-hll ll,l('d Wily of (' Xjll·t'JII,illg youI'
IIJ'obl('lIlll, Iwin/{ ttWIll to lig ht. Ihut is
t hl' oilly way you clln h(' 11I'IpI'd , 0"
youl' working cond itioll!!,
Ror r ), 10 1)(> so rough fin 1I0ml' of
rou Ilwmb(' rs, but SOIll(' o f you dl's('I'W'
it. Thanksgiving ill at huml liS t h is
was wd\tl'n, au d I hO Il~' thai you
]>(,o pte n'utiz(, what you hal'(' to be
thunkful fur. This ill II fn';' ('flunlryII COUlltr)' \\'h('rc you hll\"I' til(' chnncc
to l'Oje.- ynur opillions Dll d h(' listened
to. If \\·c ,10 not 1:lk(' nlh'lIntag(' of
such Ihing$, WE' mill' 1t00lwday be
ruled liS sOllie oth .. r (,lIulllri('1I are, Do
It,t us IX' thankful, anti It how ill
"& 0(11'" ~,nn;, P.!;.
• • •
Negotiating Committee
Makes Pre liminary Re por t
L. r . l ,i !I,i, T O I{O ,, 'I' O, O ;-' T ,- ;\I (otllb('I ' ~ of t he " lh,'S(,HI('h ('olllllliltl'l'" fO l'
ou r fO I'thcoming- agl'l'('J\lPnl, whic h
COIllI'II u p in Ma l'cll 19r.8, IJI','!w ntl' d
1I0nl(' of llwil' filldin,,1t to th(, I,)cal at
th(' last tll('eling-. 'I'll\' tlJl"IWU\ IIUs II
litHI' b.' It;,!, than usual. Th(' lively
.I"bah' over ItOIllE' of th(, it"JllII W:IS 1I
hculthy sign but our g.· nial 1II'('l!idl'nl,
Tn l ) 1i]('s, had el'eIJ'thilig in hllnd .
D"nth took its loll of F reddie Cllthy,
suff('rillg from :111 ulnicliOlI ror the
pa!>t t wo y('ars. A l)(1pull1r f;,lIow,
Freddi(', lInci OUI' " ympllth)' til his
widow nnd fll mit)'.
W. T . Smith, a "Smilty" of thc
l'llillt O('l'artlllenl, is n'CO\"(' ring from
his O)lerutiOIl, as il! also " liotigi('," our
l'ell1'ePI'IIla til'(' to the T ()J'Onto Tradcs
1\I IIY I .'x leuci :1 will h fot· II lI ap p),
New Yl'llr to lIlI mem bcrs,
" 11 .1111 811 " i\l t' K w, P ,S.
• • •
Management See ks J oint
Support of Yul e Party
I.. (I, 1 ~ 1 7, Wt-: ST OH A~(; F:, N. J ,All our th inl !mn lla l Ch l'is t muK pa l' t y
J o urnol for January, 1958
grows ncar li nd a p pelllll to bl' ullot h(' I'
smash s uccess we ha ve becn allk('(\ by
managemcnt to 1et them IIh;Irr hll tr
I he cost, T he hitc h being thllt they
m ust gl.'t <'q ua l billi ng und half of
t h(' t ick ets. We pre fc I' to cll ll il Illl
l. 8.t-:,W, Local 19 17 palty and would
hate to removc th osc nice pllrty lIigliS
on our bo:II'ds, Man a genll'lIt ha d nuUl)'
years h('n' priol' 10 I ht:' I IU :W whcn
t ht:'y cOll ld havl' {lil'ell UII II ClII'istlllIlS
party hlld t hey been so inc1i1I('(t.
FOl'mer Il resi de nt Fll-'d Schack 01' 11'
in f l'om Ihc CoaM fo r the World
Series and visitcd thl' 1)lunt hl,rt"
Brothl'r I't:'te :'o leCue rt' )JOI1. ... hi' Illa)"1'(1
din ncr host to F rcd an d ~l('wll rd J im
Co!<gmve at which lime Ih('y dillellsst'd
relative laool' cond itions on thl' IWO
United States c;o.:ln'lIIiti('8.
Bro t ht:' r :'olcC u(' warns ti ll to hl'I'lI rcful when buying :'ol cGI'aw a llplial1CNI
t hro ugh til(> f:d ison discount 11),111('111,
T he apil liances :II'C no t gUllrunt('('d,
tllke lI .. veml w('e ks to get, 111\,1 ean
II su a ll~' be boug-ht fOI' a CO li lilt> (I f
dollnl's 11101'(' Ht the big d i:;eOllllt
hou1$clI in the al"o:a.
Ol'ch ids and l!a ru tatio ll dl' pUI·tIllNlt:
Recording- Sl'c retary, Oil\"(' Bllk,'I', is
a tool ali(I d iemakl'r now, :It 1('lIlIt
t h:lt's wh:lt his brand new dip lunw
says, O:I\"(' r('cl'il"t'd hill lJigskin fur
{Oll r ~'(':Irs and much libuse rHI all
a ppl... ntice he re. (O.K, 01lv(', jnkl.'
Bcst wish{'s 10 Lou O('.\it'O and
Winny 1'1.'1111 on thcir mllrriuge M and
a mt'(lal for pt'rIlCI'I'r:UICl' to Gruc('
Joy anrl' rt'ef'iving a :!5'}'('ar ~1 ' I'\'ic('
IJin h('rt" T hllt blush rl'oJ)) fOl'mer
I{l.'cOI'tiing Secretary Dori!! lI arri!!, ill
for you k now what. Bl'Rt (If luck to
Mikc Kownlllki who I'Hired IINI' on
Octo b., .. Illt. Still wai l ing fOl' til(' big
houSC-II'llrming part y f l'Om chul1'lu(l y
of Sick ('ot1l1llittee Isa be ll (' F itzJlu lric k an d H" I('n Ill-u no, both IH'II' hOllJe
O\I'nel'lI. We1cotlw to Il('\\, ml'm bl'l's,
Gladys Brower, Betty Ca n ')', an d
Ma dl'lillt' T ro p ia, who 8UII' t hl' light
of day lind joined the uninn, 1'.:011'
lc t 's mnkl.' il 100 IJerel' nt by \'acutinn
Sincrt'(' wish('s for "'pl"('d), n'{'OI'i'l'y
for hospitali7;('d Lucy Gont kow8ki alltl
Dan :'Ileile . Bl"Other McCue 1"1'11111"111
that I·isit ... to ailing J OI' .\!Il'U1l and
Sum (':trolonUI round both ill good
s pirits. Fay S lo ppiello is looking fut'wanl 10 I'illitll from former co-work1.'111 h('re, shl' i:>. res llond ing to Ihl'l'll )I)'
well , How aoout some ind id.luJtI gl'twell ClUlls 10 Ilu's(' f ri('lltls uf !)tlI'II,
hn\"(, t hei r a dd l'esscp. W('leonuo
back to Om Knowlcs, Ann Sulli\'an,
Loui!lc C'a\'lUlllugh, GCOl'gill B:mitr,
lind Gel'!ie Schillcr ,
ColliCII or McCue's answer Ilrilited
in N, II'fl rk Stllr- l~f!II!ler to vlcioUII
anti- union Irttel' printed thf,l"t' u n'
a\'ailllble t hrough you r r<'Conlinll' K"Creta ry, o r (It u nion meeting which
yo u !!hould nllcnd mOl'e o ft(,11 lhiln
you do.
Introduction of Infant
St. Pe tersburg Local
I., I' . 19i8, ST , "ETE lt S Bl1RG. F I.,\ .
I n t he Septcmber iSlille of thl' JOtlrlint the pictu I'c our Negotiat ing
Committ"e :q IIJl'an'd on page iO, :\Ia)'
we at thill tilll(' cOl'n'ct a n e r ror, T ht,
two lailil'lI staniling lire not re p rcsent,
ative o f Ihe com Jla ny's IlCl-so nnl'l onic('
but our 011'11 I{uby Kel'cheva l and
N('srie T ill who IIl'rnd on thl' ~ l'gO­
tiating COlJlmittel'.
T his bt'ing my fil'llt attem pt to wr i(('
Iln al'ticle for the J Ollrllui, IJerhaps
I"e Iihould 11' 1 yo u k now who w(' art'
:l lld what Wt' m'e doing wi t h our n(,11
bll by.
Not only is OUI' local in itl< in fllncy,
our ofli cera Ilrt' IItnrli lig from kind('l'g:u'lett , too. So hOlle you will b(,/II'
wit h li S,
W(' at'(' I'!lg-:Ig'\,d in electrical man u ,
facturing of ('I,'c l ronie cOlll ponNltll
PI'{'cilolion Ilolentionllll'lel'tI).
Our Il'ol' k fOI'c(' ill eovl'l....:I bl' t Il{'
ba l'gaining' unit.
At Ih(' pl'psent time we 111'1' 71i em.
p loycs Hn tl 1I00n hO]l(' 10 be Ion 1"' 1'·
cent o r gll lli7.t!d.
Our IIIt'mlwl'8 have placed a rul of
fai t h in our 1" ';'Sidl'nt J nlJl('!! J,
Riml.'s, Vict, Pn '. hl('nt Larry Whitncy,
J(<'Cording ~('t'rI't:lry li:Jny Wackl'rll',
Financinl ~c<:retal')' Betty Oal' jd~OIl,
l'rea!lurt'r Alice i\l cC'nw, and also in
OU I' t:xI'Culi\'(' l1oard: J ack W illlOII,
Harr)' Wnck c rlt" :":esllic Till, l ,ol'd
Dettillgl.'r, J uhn Rllnkin,
In I'l.'turn ror the ir trying e fforl ll
til{' Illl.'mix' rJII ha\'e ex press('d th{' il'
g llltilude b>' lI t lt'nding I'l.'gulul' IIIl'et,
ing~. I hOllt' OU/' melllbnship will bp
('VI.'II gl'I'alt'I' in til(' futuf(,. Ll't'S lilt
goo WI) pt'rCI-nt.
Ci rcu it Inll t l'UIll{'nt, Inc., sig-Iw d nn
~ l lly Ii, U) I;i, II t ll'o-yca l' nlll ning c()nt r:lct wi t h WHg(' :J11I1 f ringe ,1111'11('1'
011 ]o'('bl'u(1 1'y I , 1958, Ou r committ('e
now is at wO l'k 1"'t'lIal'ing a wage
)H·o llosal.
An}' lI uggt'~tit)n ( mill our ultl(,I'
Bmth(' f» 011 1111)' of the bcnefitll Ihl'}"
NljOY at this tinl(' wou ld be most hcl p'
Our proud Imrl'nls of thl' Fifth
Oistl;ct, w(' (I.'(,I, have given us a
IItrong- health)' IItar!.
T hrough union l'if ot,ts each Cllllllo)'I'
r("X' i\'(o(1 fl'OIll thl.' com pany II 1:!,l b,
tUl'kc)' for th('ir T hanksgil'ing d inm' l'.
H:lJl IIY to I'c port Betty Dad dson ill
1'<'col'('I'ing fl'om !;UI'Kl' ry . Good luck,
rk Uy!
Bye- Io to our oltler Brothers rrom
the babes ol Local 1978.
DOltls .\1. WAnD, P.S.
• • •
New Charter Presented
To Mankato Group
I., P. 19!1!1, ' I ,\ ~ K ,\ TO , ) II ~:\,-At
a s peciul ml'e t ing October 15, L. U,
Page Seventy -fiv e
Local 2000 is Chartered
Charier m e mbers an d "is ilors present at Ihe ins talla tiU ll or th e cha ri e r ror Local 2000 al Yumn, Arizona, were: ( s eal ed
f ro m IcCt to ri ~ h!) J . LotIue; .1. Wal wor th, presideu!. Local .;iO; W. Wes t, bu~incliS mannge r, Local jiO; C. Bomba rd.
r e tirin g chairm a n, Yuma Unit Locnl 640 ; Int .... nalionnl i{clll"esentath'c S. T . Scott ; L. C. 1\ lu(' II(·r. business IIHtna~c r .
l..ocIII 2000; J. M. Williams , pres ident, Loca l 640; 1'. Scruggs. bus iness IlIona.lfCr. Local 6 10; W. I.. H('ddick, bUfi,ill(,~s
manager. Yuma County Building an d Cons true. ion Trades Council. Standil1 g , rronl ro~' : C. Brid j!cman, presidclll. Local
2000 : H. C. McBride. vice.pres id(' nl. I.oeal 2000 ; D. C. FOSle r: D. White. tre asurer, Loul 2000: O. Curran: :\ . lI e nder$On; C. Harrington : C. Dradle)': X. Eo Uathrick. busint'ss manag er. )l a llol18' local. Yuma: C. D. Brazer. bus inei>8 nlan a ge r. Ca r pe nlers ' local, Yu ma; Uruce Guernsey ; )1. Marlin. :O-:Iauding, ce nle r ro"' : inle rnaliOllal U('presentalh'e 1-:. J ,
Frallce. Jr.; J , T schi g g: G, Rurll e-gll : J , S le"' art ; t, :-:I(' .. arl ; J , , 'ernon; n. Hllrnelle; 1'1. Kum ler; O. Gibson: A. John s ton; C. nang, fillaneial s ecr etar),. Local 2000. Las l ro ..·: 8. J , Sle ..-arl: II . ),onj.!'oollom: n. Pa ck('r: n, Hrown: H.
J)a"is ; G. Kl e in; II. H. Lun g-bothll'l.
- - ---------.:. .=
Ins tallat ion and tlrese nta lion of the chartt'r: ( readin g left to r ight
Wa l..-o r lh, pres iden t. l,.oca l jiO; Internationa l He llresenlali"e S . T. Scott :
I nternational Jtepresenlati-' e- E. J . France. Jr.: C. Bombard. Jr~ r('tirill j;;
chairman of Yuma Unit Local 6-10: J . M, WiIIiMms, president Local 640.
1999 wa s presented wi lh its new
charter . The p l'esentation o f thl'
charter was mad e by Ro bel1 Collins,
who also presi ded at this meeting.
Election of officers was alSQ on th~'
agenda at this meeting. T he Brothe",
elected 10 office arc Carl Buhr, p resident, Reu ben Heller, \'ice president,
Hobert Meindl, rcconling secretary,
Donald Schneider, fin a ncia l sen e ta ry,
Roland Petel'Son , T l'ea s urel', D, C.
Davis, J. P . Ol son, Cletus Lei fermun
a re t h e Exec utive Honrd members.
W, C. T oner is the Tires! secretary,
The officers were installed b)' WiIIi:ml Collins, intenlational n!pn!sentll'
live. Chicago office,
We are employes of Kato E ngineeriug Company, m:mufacturers o r hen"r
du t y elect rical units. k nown around
the world,
Page Sev e nty · six
T his is m)' firet attem p t a t writin!!"
so 1 hope you will bea r with me. I
hope to be ab le to contribute something of interest for publicntion at
rrequent intervals,
W. C. T o:-;rn, P,S.
• • •
Early Days of Epic
Charter 2000 Recounted
L. 1'. 2000, )'11)1,\, J\ IUZOXA.- The
hOllCful dl~am and cherished desire of
man~' ~'ears stnnd ing was cu lminnted
on October 3 1, 1957 when the members
of YUllla 1..:nil L U. 640 and man)'
\'isitors saw and heard the fina l cur tain Call on this unit's ex istence and
the openin,l: curtain rise [ 0 1' t h e new
Local Union :!OOO of Yuma . A rizona
which is no mon' t he "mythicnl num·
bel' 2000" that was dreamed or br tht·
founders of our Bro t herhoOlI rf'llr ..
ago, W E A HE R E AL!
Our hard -\\'Ol'k ing and til1! I ~'I''' I n
ternational Re pl'esentath'e BI-other S,
T . Scott instal1" d the charte r and wa~
II b l~t ass is ted b~' l ntel'lllltionul ft"presentative Brother Ed wllrd J. I' nlnc{'.
J r. Also in atendllnce \\'('I'e Brroth('(11
J . M. Williams, IlI'esidenl. L. P. "10:
PlIul ScI'UJ:'g'$, business man!J~('r. L.
1..:. 6-'0; J ohn W alworth, presidenl.
L , U. ,)70: W illiam W est. busine!'!1
manager, L. U. 570, lind n'prellrnbt h'es or lh(' various other <'rafts. All
gave sho r t tal ks of enc()unlg"lllt'nt
an d e XjJr,'lIsed willing ness to hl'! p Ill'
in ou r growth an d e xp:lnsion.
Internntional Re presen tatives Scott
:lnd F rance gu\'e {'xcellenl ''llks on t'UI'
union ,·esl>onsibilities. to l )Totf'ct and
rherjs/J our chal,ter and o f the won
del'Cul things thut il rep resents.
The meeting and installation wal'
held at the Stard ust Hotel a nd Ilict ures wel'e taken, co pies of which Ul'"
T he officel'8 elected were as fol
lows : Curtis RI'idgemall, Ilrcsident;
Herbert C. Mc B ride, \'ice In'esiden t ;
Cyril Bombard, I'ecording sccl'etury;
C, Ra ng, fi nancinl secreta ry; David
White, tl'ens u re!'; and Louis C, Mue l·
leI', busi ness ma nager.
\\'e IIl'e still wOI'king IInde l' t ilt'
agreement or L. U. 640. ;';egot intions
on OUI' new a~recment will be taking
place in the near future,
All local membel'S 1Irt' working as
well as a few h'l!veling memben, but
work as a whOle is IIOt too plenti f ul
a t p resent. Bechtel CorpOl'stion ill
building Ii pow .... pla n t here and t he
The Ele ctrical Workers'
ground wlII'k iM jUlIt J{elting under
wily, No l11I'n will bt, nt'eded before
.11llring U);j8,
Lol' ,\II '.;I.I,.:n,
• • •
State Board Formulates
New Contract Demands
0 1110 ST.\n; . :U :{'TIII('.lL ( ' TIL_
ITY 1I0.\lW_Th(' Ohio Stat(' EI~'C­
trical L'tilit~, Hoard nwl ill .111>ccial
se.llsion Nov,'llIh"1" 1st to (Ol"lllulate
Il lans (01' tIl(' t!1'-,8 conll'uCl n('l(Olialions on Ih(' (lifrl'I'l'nt ('lcctric utilit~'
cOIl1I)Uny 11l'01K'l"ticM wlWl"I' 1111' IlWIll'
bel' locals al'l' locUIl'd.
itcllJ"('s('nlt'd W\'I' .... J.A,E.\\'. loctll
unions (rom netlfl)" all Ih(' majOl'
electric utility prol'('I'li(>a in Ohio, plus
visiting d('l('glll l'!I (I'om Flol'idn und
Th(' 1I1('(>tinj{ wall opello:d by P r('sident AI ~tuclnyf> of J" U. 30, Cleve.
la nd, who w('lcoll1l"\1 Ih .... visiting delegut('s alHI J{aV(' a l)l'il'( history of the
O,S,KU.n" its Uilll.ll, ancl tht, 11I'()gl'ess
it had mndf> UII 10 litHe,
As Mac pOint(',1 OUI, the Boal"d is
made up t)( IIi J.B.E.W, local unions
locat<'d all 0\'1"" 11lf> ~Intl" or Ohio
which ha\'(' join('(1 logt'th('r unll("r the
ballll('rs of the I.R,E,\\', in ordel' to
11I'esent a unitt'd l'frorl of all ('Iectrical
utilit)' loe:lls UI Owil' 1'1'81l('cti\'(' bal'gaining tnbl(>s aCrOIl)! tilt' Slat(',
Although thl' Aoard hall only been
in exist.. nce n ctllllllal'tlti\'ely short
timc, all lll('ml}('I' localfl 1'('llOl't thc)'
ha\'(' mild .. muny lanlCihl(> Fl"ains due
to tht' exchang<> of ill('all, infol'mation
and sUllpOI"l of tilt' oth"j" Illemboors,
M em~r locals lind Ih('il' locutions
are as followlI: I., V, 178. M:lssilon;
t, U, 3!), CIl'vclllnd ; l ., U, 24li, ToIpdo; L U, 2G7, POl't Clinton; L. U.
liO!), LOl'llin; L. U, 6:18, MIII'ion; L. U,
648, lI umilton; L. U, Im/i, n l.'lIaire;
L. U. 832, Chil licotlu,'; I., l!, 1494,
Snntlusky; L , U, 114.1, Wlll1'('l\; L, U.
981, N('wlu'k; L. U. 1237, Alliancc;
L. U, I~;,~, Mansfield; I.. U. J:Hi,
Cincinnati; nnd I., U, 14 !i/i, Columbus,
GCOI'J..'l' TholllIlS, bUHilwl'~ managt'r
o( L. U. 2,15, Toit'do. und \'ice 1II't'8ident of th(' Roul'(l lind coordinator be' ....·e('n mr'lllb{'I' locals during their
19;j8 conll'lIct Ill'f(olialion8, gav(' 1I report cO\'('l'illJ{ l"I'twnt IIlt'('tings belween
himsel( and William Mun":t'l", hl'nd of
the C, I.O. t:ti1ity Workcr/; in Ohio,
All a n"ult of th,' Illt'('tingl:l, Jines
of communication haH' bN-n utahlished and will ,'nable tht' A FL and
CIO elt'Ctl"ical utilil\' wOI'kens to work
closel' 10g<>thl'l' than'l'\'(>I" befort'. Each
groull will hllY(> th(' full COOlleration
nf the olhl'" ,luring J!):jR 1l1'J[otiutiuns
and in thr' rutuI'", ht, cnnclu(IE'd.
WUl'd Wulcon, pI'uhh'nt of L, L',
14(;r., lind chuirmUII (Jf thl' boat'd's
Bardy ('(Ju,wittl.'l.', "tllt,',1 ,11ll iug hill
!"('llOl't thut higlwr tl'mlK'I'lltUl"l.'g, and
III'essu,','S in w'nt"'atiIiK stations,
Journal for January , 1958
high';I' \'olta){es un tl'allSl1lislllOn lind
distribution IiIl('lI, and biKgel' and
more complex !Ju lmtlltionll huve incl'eased thc snfety hnzunl of til(' electrical utilit)' indust r)',
The natuI'e of the wOI·k mak(,11 a
strong s:lfety c()(l(' n('('essnl')" Walcott
said, and added Ihut at th(' 11I'('.';('nt
time his oommittt'j' was in colltact
with eel'taln stal(' rr'IIrt'8('ntau\'('s
urging them to write I('gislation creuting a better ('Iectl'ieal codc i'l Ohio,
Il l.' I'eporled favol'abll' r{'uction nnd
eXJlecl~ action ill til(' Jl('IU' fulu!"l',
lengthy discussion wnll held by the
~TOUI) 011 safety JJI'obll'llll1 all(l cOllditions (acing ditfl'l,('tlt lOCal unions. A ll
delegates agl"l'cd that !laf('t)' is the
gl'eatest !lingle IlI'obl<'ll1 (Heinl{ ('It'ctricsl utility wOI'ket"1I tOtluy,
ChaJ"ll.'s L , P:lI1cnkl', JlI,(,lI8 s('cl'l'tat'Y
of th e bonnl, wal'lled the gl'Olil1 that
t he Nntionul "Hi/o:ht-to-Wo l' k" ('0111,uiUc!! had st'lpcted Ohio !IS tilt' tU I'gl't
fOI' nttcmptE'd 1III,~I;nJ{" o f thl"! bill in
the next !I{'VE'I'1I1 }"('aZ'lI,
Und('1' the act, I'uncakl"! said, it
would make it l)()sSibl~' fOl' the "frf'e
loader" to enjoy Ihe henefita of collective bargaining without paying hil
shal'(' of the union's cost,
It bchoo\'t's I'\'{'ry ulliun mf'IlIhl"I' in
the state o f Ohio to inform hil family,
neighbol'S, and frit'llds nOOu! Ihil 80
callcd "Hight_to_Work" Uill and explain the effect it will huvc Oil Ol'gllllized labor if it goes into ~'frect ill
Ohio, Ad\'ocates of the bill 11.1'(' wOI'kin).: \(,1) !turd t\l t.rillK {hi" viII intu
being ill Ohio, and nil o f UM in the
labor mo\'ement todny should work
twice as hard to lIt'e that it n('\'er
haJll)('ns here and do I'\'erythtng we
can to get it I'emo\'ed fl'Olll th l' slatute
books in the 18 stlltes where il is IIOW
in exist.ence, he added,
A motion WII8 imlllNliutcly millie vy
Gil Sticnen , Sandusky, lind seconded
hy Cal'l Yl'nl'ick or T oll'do thllt thl'
board go on 1'C'Coni liS Oll lJORing any
legislation that woul(1 hl'in].\' ubout
such a bill in OhiO, and ('lIl.'h 11 .. ll'J{l.Itl'
be illstl'uctcd to infurm his local me/llbel'S about that nCliol1, Tht' 1I101i,,1I
JlaslIl'tl ullanimously.
AI ~toore, busin('8S mana~t'r of Ih{'
I. B,E.W, S),stl'm Council of till' Floridn I'owl'r and l.iJ{ht COlllllllny lirollnty who dl'ollped in on his Way hnck
home frOll1 Washington U, C. , \\'a8
Ihl'n introduced to Ihl' 1(',()Ull,
AI f'XJlrf!sse<1 hill Ilt'('ll satisfuctioll
at bein].\' abl(' t(l 1)(, Ill"('!ll'nt nnd hOIM'(1
it was only th(' first of Illuny IIlI'("\inWl
With us that hl' ..... ould IIth'nll,
Ii<, WCllt on to 11,11 Ih(' I(I'OUJI of hill
m('Cting til(' 1I1't'c('IIinl( \\'I"'k with International l'n:6jd~'nl Gordon F !"l't'man, conc('rning EI('clricnl Uti lity
WOI'kers' ]l rob!I'IllS,
As Rl'otlwr Mool'(, !Ill alltly IItuted,
whl.'th~l it hi" Ohio, Virginiu, Tl')[UlI,
New J el'sey, 01" F lol'ida Ih(' cOlllJllnints
wen: the IInllle anti tht' IIl'obh'llIl1 jdl'n-
tical in the 10nK run, The {<'Cling is
Ilredominate thMt something n ...&I.& to
be done all ovel' the na tion about this
situ uti on, H e urges ull local ulliollll
to unit(' solidly behi lld the I('ltd('rs of
the I. R.B.W, for full coopnation and
SUI)IIOI't of their 11I'()bll'llls.
I n dosing, Al eXlilained the reasonll
ror Ih(' famt'll walkout that l'('Cein'd
nationwld(' aUt'ntlon rt'Ct'ntly at Florida Power and Light. On behalf of
his Syst... m ('ouncil l11('mbcr!t, I.. L'.·II
3;J!.l, G22, ('27, (;41, n!l, 82(1, 1042,
101;G, IWI, 12(;3, unci 1!.I08, he thunkt'll
the g"oul' fOI' lhdl' ntt('ntion and invited thcm to viail tht· Sunshine StUll'
at their (,lIlli(,lIt ol'pul'tunit\',
UI'()th('l' L. M. Bicd8()(>; busint'ss
manllj{l.'r of tIl(' SYltl'lIl Council of
I.B,E.W, local unionll on tht:! Vil'ginia
Electric POWN COIllJlany Ill'Olltlrty,
tht'll introduced tl1l' membel'S of his
d('i('gatioll to the board. Tlwy \\'('1"1'
n, H. Willson, Jr" L, U, !)O,i, r.,·"w1II)It Nl'W~, Vil'Kill]"'; Go:uJ'j{" M ,
Strud~'I', Jr'" L. U. (if)!), Alt'xlln(lriu,
ViJ'~inia; Edwllnl T , P dc(', L, U. U;j(i,
Chlll·lotte8vi lle. Vil'l(inia; nncl Wilbe,'
H. GI'lzzard. L, U. 1064, Richmond,
UUrilig tht'ir rell(lt1s the \'il'gillia
dt:!legales all expres~ 1)1('3sul'(' at
being pl'esent once a~ltin, and I)()inted
out similar conditions between Virginia and Ohio,
Rrother RledllOC IJointed out that
the influence of the Edison I nstitute
is ( t'li at all balxaininJ{ tables in the
I"lectl'ic utilit)' industl'Y, no Illliltel' in
what stale the)' arc located, li e SllOk('
at lellgth 011 the lIaf('ty progrlllll no .....
in effl'ct at VEPCO properti('S.
li t' IIpoke un the Jl('nalty claus(' of
the Stnte of Virginia's Industrial
COlllmission law undN ..... hich nn in·
jured employe I1lIly 10sl' ull IWIll'fits if
willful violutioll of 8l1f('ty 11l1'8$1I1'(,1I
is 1"'OVI'Il, Rrot her Bll!llsoIl st u ted
that un attempt ill beinl( mnde II>
('Iiminate this Jll'IHlIt)' 1)I'o\'ision, I[~'
tnlked on th(> Apathy of the \'01(>111 allll
said thiS has caused u lot of bad laws
10 be 11IIss«L
Glenn N, MacKinnon, Illt(>rnatiorml
H('lll'l'9('nlnti\'e ("om Ih(' Fourth Di,Il"icl, Ilinch hitting fOl' Intel'nutionlll
H('llJ'('~l'ntuti\'{' J im Knight, who was
in i)f>(1 with thl' tlu. Ihl'n !lll,lt""~f'd
the j{I'Ollll, 11 (' sllill it WitS Iwurl(>ninl{
to !Ie(' (1('I('l{alell from so Illany ditr('J'('nt loelll unionll J.,'('t tog('tlwr, di!'Cuss,
and altl'lllllt to ""'ol'k OUI th('i,' com
mon Ilfobll'mll, 11(' not('(1 th(' l"ogrt'Slt
the boal'cI had Illnd(> and infol'J1l1'd thl'
"elcgalt'. 10 f.'('1 fn~' to call on Vicl'
Presldl'nt Blankt'llshll"S omce at uny
Jim Il('Rlusis, business Illanage!" of
L, U, 6!1G, Bel1ail(" Ohio amI 1'1'Cl"l"
lal'y-Tn'usurl"!" uf Ihl" bonr'd sUlllmed
up the feding of the ('nUI'l' gl'Otl l!
when hE' ~uilf thl' Columhus Ill('{'ting
\\'U'i .. thl' tll'~' onl' ),1'1 "
Rill Hamiel', bU8inellll IImnl.ll(f'I' or
L, U. 14(i1i, ColumbulI, and rlord
Page Seventy· seven
Bal'1)('r. business manllj(f'r or L. U.
X32, Chillicothe, the two local!! thllt
ol}Cn neJrOtiations ti"sl in the State of
Ohio, ooth had members of their NcKolililing Committees present at the
1II('(!ling. These committees are made
up of vetel'an negoliatol'l who have
wOl'ked logcthe,· fOI' the past fin'
years. They 1I"e as follows: Chadie
Pancake, On'ille Hayes, F.mmelL
J ohnson, L. U. 1466; Rill lIamlel',
Ward Walcott, Floyd lJal'~r, And y
Lenlcy, l..ouil' Docie, Geo''ge Lemlil'
and Nile Meri11, L. U. 832.
Other delegates taking an active
pal·t in the mC<'linrz, al the)' alwayl
do, were Cad Yenl'ick, J im Gunaelman, Jack Schhlg5, and Glen RC<'se
of Toledo, L. U. 245; Mule Kennl>dy,
J\l assilonj Waltel' Hauschel' and Nick
;\Iolnal', Lorain; Chal'lie Shutt, Mansfield; Gil Stei nen, Sandusky; W. W.
Renicks , Zanesville ; Homer Pelt)',
Lancaster; J ohn Rowland, Cincinnati;
R. Uuma!!, Cincinnati, and P . E .
Bannehi1!, Mansfield.
In closing, yours truly will h:we
to concur with J im DeiJIasis. "Yellit was the best one yet."
• • •
(C(lIItilllft"d /1'01", IXlge :15)
IlIdl'pl'ndellcc, th(' ( 'OIl';litlilioll 01'
r--tlllcS, Ihl' B i ll of
r, incoin's U l'lIysbul'~
_\ ddl'e ... ~. 'I'hl''*! \a<;t \\'c l'e prC!Jellled
hy til(' B uildill~ ('onsll'\I('t iOIl Em1)lo~'(,N' . \ '>.<;()(:iat iOIl.
:-;1'X'l'ia\ltWltrtb 01' in .... «I·i1l<'ti 1\'I+;t
walch(''! WI'111 10 live hOllol' J,:radu ale uPP I'I'1I1 i(·(· ... 'l'h('<;(' IIwun\s ill-
l" nil('d
Il ighl~ Illld
{'Iudl'd lhc .J. Waltel' (,ollins awltl'd,
WOIt h~' Ph ilip It ('('ch'l''ltrolllj the
)lichuel .J. Boyle .\ wltl'll I'l'('ci\'('fi
hy .101111 Do ('111'1'0; Ihe ;\iil'l'JI('I .J.
Kel\lu'd~' . \ W1I1'(1. wh i('h w('nt 10
DUlwid G. I'apcnfii«k j Ihe E lt'cll'i('111 ('unll'uetol'S ."'.<;(x'iul iUII of ('ily
of ('hl('n11:o A ward. l}('~h)\n'd UpOIi
(h('lIl' II. f'\cmin~; uud lit{' Ell'('tri{,,,1 .Joint AP PI'I'Tllicl'ship rommi\tf't' ,\ w'lI·d . won II." ·llIIIIC':i I".
wl'1I1 looulIhl' fil'sl,
f!t'('oIHI !End Ihinl ~'('a l' ('IIII'J,:ol·ies.
i,{'I".; Itll'lI fl'om tld!i I'('('elll ~I'ad­
lIUtiOIl III look bn('k M)1ll1' .n,'31'S 10
th(' 11( '~illll iIlK of uppl'l'lllict~ship
tl'aillin!! ill llt(' ('It'tll'ielll induslry
in ( 'IIi('ul.w /111(1 Ih{'11 ('XlIllline g'('u,
{'I'a l ('uud il ioll':i 111 1)I·('S('1I1. ('!'hl'
•\ bo. ,-pl'(' i;lI
~llIl1dilll! 1I)1lu'ell1i{'l'S in
Page Seventy-eight
OI'Cl'utiQ II
StIIl 'U C/O II ...:
I - - -........
t: \l'ry Chrilltma ll, in Ihe Internat iolla l omce, ('n1flloyI'S and sta lT Il1l'mbi'rs join
in II 1'0111111011 I'ndell\·or- brin.ldng hlllll,inesil into the I h'~l! of underprhileged
ch ildrcl1 lit tht, holida)' IIl'lIliOIl. JI ('rt' intrruationll l Ul' l,rl'lIl' n'lIlill'l! Paul
Mengl'r and Jatn ell Xoe, togeth('r " ' ith oniee em l)io)es ;\Iar), Il clen L,IIUillc,
Aliel' \ 'e rmillion, )Iarjoril' "'illtGihOOn and 1((lherla Sht'Pllllrd check 0\' 1'1' 10YII
and dothing lirior 10 "achJl'inll' tht'm ror " 'orthy rf'dlli l' nI S. AllJlroximat e ly
l :i tlOOr l,crSOllii r('«'h'ed IIuhs tantia l !'ift .. from IIIEW hl'lIdqnllrlf'r!l ell'l110),f'8.
f'lll(lwill)! inr(1I'lllll t ioll i..; SUIUIllU,
I'izl'd from /I l't'i'I'1I1 tulk )..!'i\'I'n by
;\Ir. i"1'l'(1 SI\Wt-k. Pl't'..;itit·1l1 til' fl offmun Ell·tll·i" ('OIllJllllt)" IlIt'lllh(>1' of
,!oinl .\J) JlI·l'lll i (·(>~h iJl C'olllmill('c of
( 'hkng'o Illlli (lj' llil' Xuliollul ,J oint
.\ PJlI·('Illirt·..;hil) un(1 'I' I·Hillin)..!' ('ommittc('
IIIl' 1':ll'('ll'iclll ! UtiU'itl·Y. )
_\ ht.,,Ltiunil1~ \\a~ I1II1(h' ill 1909
to SIIPP!Y I't'luIN\ in'l\t'II('ti,ltlf! to
np[\I'(>Illif"~'!, 1)111 111'0\'('(1 1111'1\1('(.'("'"
1'111. T It('1I ill I~)I :! lUI ud\'i';OI',\'
hon l',1 WII<; l'orll1('tI with C111t' N'Pl'('... \'Illntin 1·/II·it f,'(l1II 11)(' 1-:1('('\I'i('nl
( 'OIlll'tu'lflI"! ,\ ... -.(If'iali(Jll. I.(wa! 1:14,
Hlld Ihl' Bou I·t! of l-:,hll'nliOll. T ht'
1H'li(JII'! of thi'l u<l\'i"OI',\' hmu'li
hl'ougl,1 "hollt the first 1I'IIilling
Il l'll! ill nll·ioll"l >.;('hool,;, nt firsl
in Iht, I'wltin}..rs. lind 111('11 1111 U (\u.\·-
~I' ! 'l·dnh·,
thc lnliuing' 1)1'(11'1111 day ('\,(' I'Y two
w('I'k,,) wa" It'lIH~I'i'rl'('d ill 1!11 !l to
\\'n .. hhlll·IW '1'1'1111(' !'('llOol wll('re it
l'('mnill'l lol'ln~' .
( (till'
I·' rom IIII'
of \\'01'1<1
\\"1 1' I! 11.(, 'I!IOI'tll:'::(' of 11'lIill('d mc<'illlllil's rO I' IIt(' huihlillll "OI\~lrtle­
lioll il\(lu"lr'~- WlI'! mor(' 11 111 1 IlIOr<'
npJ'III·(·"\. 'I'h(> wllr yCU I"i
h l'o ught f('\1 I1PllI·t'lI lit'('''; illlo Ih('
indll'ltl',\'. w!till' Ih(' (, lid of Ihl' Will'
hl'olll!ht fi ll n huildill,Lt hoonl, so
1hut I h(' sit lIlIl ion WlI'; I)('('ominjl
\\'hilt' 111(' IIIll11l)('r of IIpJll'l'llI i(,('s Wit..; ill('I·CIl ....·t! g l'ndulIlIy dul'ill).l' lh(' Y('lll'" In~(i 10 l!) ,~,;j . •J.\C
II('\'l' lnj)t'll .1 ]lIUIt rOt, tHueh i'ul'lhl'l'
t'XplIlI..;ioll. On lh(' !)(lsis oj' II {'Olll1>1'I'II(1I1..;il'l' "i1ll'\'l'Y \\'hi('11 ..;ho\\'t'd,
1I1ll01l)..!' I)lhel' Ihing..;. 111111 Ihl' illdll ...,,·y WIt'I 1" ... ill,Lr tlll'Ou~1t "('ulhs.
di";l\hilil~' , " ('1 il'(·t1Il'nt~. ('lc .. 1lI01'C
m(' ll lh!l1l il \\':t'l "'ltining, .1.\( ' pl·O·
IKl'i('(1 an 1I1l11'1ltil1l('11\ 10 I itt' contmcl 1~'I\\'l'('n 1.0('111 Ia-t lind the
";1f'('1 I·ic III ('(III 11'/1('1 01'''' • \ <;..;()(. inl iOIl
01' ('l1i(·lllto.
Ratio Changed
'I'h(' aJIII'lltltll('nt, 011('('
(, lwllf,!:l'Ii lilt' I'Hlin of
(;J'()Ujl . \
jlr<'llti('('" to jOIII·IJ('.\'I1U'Il. fl'Olll lhc
('X i'!lillg' Oll(' to fin'. 10011(' !O fOUl'.
T his i1"'I'('lIs{,d the nlllllhl'l' of IIp)1"{'llti"t'''; lIlId"I' Ill(' ('(11111'11('1 so
Ihlll HI III·l· ... t'lI l thel'C 111,(, nhoul
1.000 "\tul('tll..; in Il'ainiu,Lr Ilnd
plut!..; (·,,11 1'01' III'illgillg' ill aPPl'oxi!lllllt'l,\' 70 ltPIU"' lltic("': (,:tth II(,\\'
qUIII·lt'l'. so Ihal lIitillllltt'I.\· th('l'l'
will ht'll loIn! 01' mol'{' IlwII 1. 100
-;11111('11" ill "·,,illing'.
,\flwlt (':11'(' i.. IlIk(,1l in "'t,h,(·tion
elf .\"ImB).!' llH'tl fo.· Ih(' I I'ailli,,!! PI'O,
!{ t'nm • •
\ 11
1I\lllli('lIlll'! g'o Ihl'ollg:h a
('IH'dul 'w I'ecnillJ,! b.\' Ill(' ·J.\C 1)('The Electrical Workers'
forc l)('i1Ig' atecptr(\. 'I'his l·lil1li·
g-I'cal 1':\1('11\ dl'Op-oU IS
1111\']' ill the Il'aillilll{ prl·iod . A n
Hppl't'lIti{"c Oll{'{' as.'iiJ.:IIl'd In II ('011I ]'ut'lu l' 1Jq.dns a !lO-dll,\' prolmtioll .
Ill'.'" p('riod hrl"o]'(' being ind('n\llI'cd
fol' Ih(' fOI]l·'.H'UI' II·ainilll!.
.\ \ the school. a fllll,'ill1~'l1pr]'('n.
tiel' {'oorxi inatul' !1 1'U\'i, l('s :->llprt·\·i.
slOn alit! I-\'tliliatl('(' 10 111(' s\III\('III<;.
alltl is lI\'uiluhlt' \0 UPIll't'llli,,(''i fOI'
d isell.'·;sion of all.'" JlI'ohl('Il1K
1n;;\I·\I('IOI·... g't'adl\ ~t ltdI'll l s i n
!lnt! III(' IY]le of wot·k /wl'rlll·llu:d .
(lUllt·I(,I'i.\' I'I'POI'I ('lIl'11s an' JlI'C'
dusII';aJ \'(Jl1lrul'i Inhoml01·Y.
( lllH'I' lralll!l lj! ]1l(>lu(]{'!i 1't'l1l11'{1
pa l 'I'd 011 ('lIdl aPJl,·cllti(·('.
1Jwol'Y anti (,Otlt" l'I'hltc\l math('lllalil'o,; lInd l'I,Jall'li tll'arlill:'; mill blu('·
pl'im r('adin~,
In Ildrlililllt 10 Ih(' IlJlpr{,llli('e~hip
l'I'oj!l'am, ,I.\ C' f'on<!\WIs (,\·(,llilll.;
,·1;1""1'" ill \·!t·\'\nmi(' Ihc\w.\, d l·aft·
ill).\' lIml la.\·o\l\ \\'OI'k 1'01' .iollt·n('~-.
w(Jt·k. whilf' t·(JUII·IH·tl)l~
1'11111" "lILllltll"iZt's IIII~i(' l)lI'lll·r.
' l'hl't'I' i" nl~() n 1'1I1)y l' IIUipp\,t! ill-
!HilI'S 10 11
grad" 111\']11 011 attitud,', H])tilUdt'
AI ])1'I'S(,111, 11'lIilliu),\' fll('ilili('s
fut'nisllt'd HI sllld('nls IIla.\· h(' 'HUIl')'ht'l'(' is a
fully 1'(plilllWd SIIIlP I1lId I'X I)l ' I']-
IIlHl'ilwd ill this WII,\'.
jub "kills;
SOlll"'I'" of t·II'I'II·it·1I1 ('\11'1'1'111: .!t('I1(' I'alll'''' Ullt! lIIolu,,,;: illulI1ilLlllion:
"I '('ol'l li ' lJ,r
!"'I'illlt' lilal Wllt·k
Ex ,
UII nlt'jolt)! 11]1[111-
111('11 •
We WHitt 10 IIHtllk )11'. S\(I\'I'k,
1':it'('\I'i(' C'olllpan.,· ])I'('"i1!t·III. 1I1It! MI'. 'l'hu1ltll" I". 0'('1)11IIpli "I' ['0(,111 J:U j'm' sllpplyill~
mll\t'I'ial Il"t'd ill lItis IIl'lidl·.
II ()fTlIllIll
De ath Claims for Novemb er, 1957
l. U.
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Journal for Jan uary . 1958
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,1~IO.t."' .•
Pag e Se venty·nine
Prayer for Ollr Deceased Members
Ollce more, 0 IJorl/, (f1wtlter yellr
fllIIl fll/l1l11 of liJO:<f .('ho Il'('/comed lite past yef.,.. 1951, nrf'l1l0 IOllytr
'ffl til them fili(I ""'lCei,d'u IIP"'t /lwlle ,dlOllt /HUIleS fire fisted IH;re. Tnke
OHm, homr. there to dwell !l'itll 1'lu!f' ill /.rll('1' fI/IIl joy !orrl'er.
Ct)llffort their IOl'efi onel< If'" (111 carlll 10 mOlIn, their IImllollll, IIt'I,,' Fll ther. Gin! them 0/(// final lIIiYf'(i feelillY
o{ rel<jYII.ltion ali(I 0/ hope tI"" ca" ollly t{Hltl' from Thee.
with If.~. lI'e
Thee, L ord,
W,. 11111.: T hy l,e/I) for OI/rlie/rCIl too, Ur(II'cllly Futller. 1/ ill "M for If/l /1/ "'"ou' Iww 11111"11 1/('(lrl1 IIrt' 11'/' 10 '/11.
Mf,1.-e Illl Ih'e this 1/cor, 1.958, fill lite "CIf/ I/f'flr h. QUI" lirfi1. fie"IJ II ... II'fllld"fJ ill tfoe 1unl/ we If/wuld flV, IJQrri, '!vill{! (lUT
work weft, /J(Ji?lfI laitli/ld /0 Thy prcee/I/H Inul mindlul 01 OIiT leI/QWII1II1', 80 /lwl il thill iH tlH~ yellT ill u'/licl, OUT li",,8
HI/IIIf nl(l. lI'e Hlw.llll1ce elerl/ity, 1101 ill Icur, tmt ill joy f/lIIillll/icijlllli(l1l ol/he lJener (Hul pieu>fure 11m/ firH ,,/u:(I(I. I II
Je"",, mIme, IU:IIT (JIlT 7lruyer.
Kcnnt'rly. I ... U. No. 17
8 .. ,,, M-r I . " "
I .. ,,, .. ~. F~I"."", " "4J
D,~. N ... ~ ... "~.
C. Syketj, L
~o. 22
8"," 5~ru ... b~, 17. 1890f
I .. j".,~. F~b,u" ,. /918
Oi... DClob~, H. 19'7
I, '''7
Har lund I.. lI al{lin, L. U. No. 31
8"... ,'..:fr_I~j '/'::c,. 7. "'1
':>,~J No.~ ...b"
ItuI'h ('arey. I.. l ' .
12. "'7
J ... d, /If/I"
' ..",.u. F~",."", II. 19/J
Or ..."" 21. ""
Ullniel J . Kenned y. L. U. No. oil
11. 19of'
'I. 19"
I!~:!.,!j ~~~~
5,p, ..",b .. ,
C. II . lWhrinxcr, 1,. If. Xo. 46
IJ", .. F.. ",u'7 I!. 1894
I ,,;,i.,... A", ,,,' Il. /'41
/) i ... ,.,.. ~ ... ,,~, 18, 19"
nOU l{laB Chul'. L l'. No. 46
, ..... F~", •• .., I. lUI
I"",.,~. ScI"'''''''' 11.
D .... Orl,,"'" 10. ""
J ohn -..;. Gohlhcrry, I .. U, No. 16
1,,;,i.I... JNly 10. 194d
/I", .. F~", • •" "
8u, .. J_u,y 2. ,,/d
,,,,,; ..,,. 10... , 19.
D,~. A ...... " " . 19"
lI u~h W. I'arr)'. I~ l:'. No. 46
II ..... J ...... IJ. 19/0
,",,;.,... 111-, 11, I'J6
I:>.~J Or'o"~. 1, 19j,
Gt'Orl{l' L. Wilso n, I.. U. No. 46
M d'~.
J/. IS90f
(}.~J N<>~ .. ",b~. '. " "
4 •
F~b,u., 14. 1900
, .. ,,; .... (}u~ ... b~. 'I, 1942
/).~. N<>~~ ... b~. :U, ""
John F. G. Ui tlenlw r l{, t . U. Xo. j9
II .. ,,,
,.~ .......,
" 18"
J..", .... J ..... ..., 6,
.. ,. I9j7
Chnr1es ,"'. GOltschli lk. L. U. No. 86
I),~J N"~~",,,
II"," "' .. ,~~
19. 1/1116
'""'.,~. J .... ~ n. lUll
f). ~. O~IOI>~,
1J. 19"
I'aul E. Lt'onhnrl, L. II. No. 11 6
F~"'W.'1 17. 11I9P
I"", ..... A,.,.;/
I. I9Jof
N"H_.~' /of. " "
II. E. Ilurhllltl. L. l ' .
II .. ,,, J"u II. 1901
N"H",b .. J. 19"
H. L. lI ulloll, l.. 1I. No. 124
s..,.. J"'r
S .. , .. N,.. ~ ...bn I. 11190
'"",.,~. S~ r ..."b~. II. " "
Vid M .y 2~. 19"
Uaoul Anc1rc w ) Iartin. L. U. No. 136
,. "'.u.
S ,,.,, OCI"b .. , ll, 19U
N ...·..... b.. , 11. /9~'
/)i~. O<'"bc, ld, ' ' ' '
... b~.
D .... 111-, 18. I9H
It", ..
v .... 5c'..... " ..
11, 1900
"'i"•• ~.
5~,,,,,,1>.-' ld. "ofO
U,~J 0"""", U. 1'1'
J. G. K T-Gewensl ein. I.. U. Xo. 121
II." .. f.,~:r.,~'/t!;~"'b .. JO.
I)I,J N,,, ..... h, " . " "
4. ""
Lloyd Cum mins. L . V. No. 309
"".... 10,", 14. 1'00
I." .... ~. J"n, U!. 19H
/),~J A ...... " 24. 19"
Walh'r Woodrom e. L . l l. No. 309
II ,.."
o(/...~, II. 1884
",,,io,,. J ......'7 /d. 19/9
U,~. A ...... " 19. /9,'
frallk Kl'lIy, L . ll. ;0\0.3=19
"v 11. "'I'
II ..... N ... ~ ...
,,,,,;•• ~.
III. 191'
,"" ... ~ ... ,,~,
8" ... J ........,;. 1908
O" ..bc. 16,
I)i ..d N"'r",br, 11. ' ' ' '
Willia m H. Weikel, L. 11. Nu. 380
8", ..
5"",~ ... b~, 1. 11197
/ ";,, .... At,illl. 1942
()i~. 0 .."" ... 11. ""
J ames 1\1. Wilcox, I•. P . No. 380
II"" ..
Uu~ ... h. J. 111'"''''•• ~. Octo .... II. 19of/
IU ?
Anthml)' Cuurtois. L. U. ;0\0. 494
ao .... M",
11. /900
D,a ... b ... JO. /9J11
1'. /9"
LOlli" Kflchelnlt'ier. I.. U. ;0.,' 0. 491
/I", .. AI"'/
1. 11'4
I .. ",.... 5 .. ,.~",b~, 111. 19"
Oi .. 01 N".~,"b~, ,. "'7
W. A. Fr"riehs. L. 1'. ;0.,0. 59j
II",. J .." 14, 1901
I .......... ,... " ..'".., 111. "41
O«"b~, H. " "
..~. A. JolHlbun. L. O. ;0\0. 59!i
5~~'r ... bc, l~. /9n
',,"'.,~. A~ ... " 12. /94/
/),~. NM .... b ... II. /9"
S. O. K\flrnSlrOnl. I.. l l. No. !i9:i
110," J .. /,ll. /900
In",.". O""h, " 1'16
D,cJ N"""," ..
7. '91'
IA!O H. Wi e):andt, J... U. No. !i95
II",," J_ ....., " , "96
I",,, •• ~J
D~u ... " ... II. ,,4J
/);~. Ort"b~.
II Hrry F. VOK!. L. U. No. 602
ANt .. " 17. 191~
I .. "i.,~. J .. ,,~ " /P46
Di~. N .. w ... "~' J. /P,'
August C. itiechnla l1. L. U. No. 702
II"", N ... c ... ,,~, JO. 11176
J .." .. 10. /PlJ
i .. I.. U. N ... U8
D'H OCl<>b~. n.
CII'II S i anle),. L. U. No. 702
II", ..
I .. ",.,...
III. 11194
N",~ ... "".
Clure nCI' Whht:'rs, I.. IT. ;\11. 702
Ito." 1_ ... '7 11. "07
I ... ti .. ~. J_ ....., JO.
/),~. 0 ... " ....
/6. 19111
N'.... "'h .. , U, I'"
Anna Kam inski, I.. t l. No. 71:'
/I",.. IAr'"
.. ,,,...J
Sr",~ ... b .. 17. I.,of
Di •• N,,>< ... ,,~,. 19"
n. Skeins.
I.. 1I. :'\u. 800
J ... ~ ..., IJ. 1119'
I."i ..... A ..... " 1', 1946
O,~. 0""1",, II, ' ' ' '
I'hili ll Len io. L. 11. Nu. 853
/I" .., N,.... _"~, 11,111'1
I .. ;" ..... 0"9b", I. "~1
D.~. N .. ~ ..... "~ ... " "
W a lter n eicherl. I.. P. No. 8;;3
110'" Du..mb .. , ZJ, I II';
hi"~;;i~j"!l...~....',!:.l I'"
~. A, ..I 4. t9~~
William D. Wri l{ hl, L. U.
S " ... 0 ...
"1>,,, ,.
..D,~J Oct""" 14.
lI ar r y W. Chale nder, L. U. Nu. 92 1
110'" M'r lB.
''''1... "~, I'.
I.",.,r. Du~
D,~. N ........IH. 17, " "
17. ' ' ' '
I1ridgma n. L. l l. Nu. 3;;3
Il l/ih I.ewis, L. U. No. 121
II ..... J .."
I~ rank. L. LT. No.
5~",~",,,~, 111. 1181
I .. ", .. ~", A ........ ,. "~J
J ose ph A.
III. 1118'
I)",. A ....... I ) . ' ' ' '
I .. ," ..... O"ob~, /J, 192'
O. S. Pe ircl'. 1.. l". :'\0. 121
A .. ,,,., I II. "ofJ
f;lIrl Wood, Sr.• 1 l l. No. 16
... b.., ,. "'816,
I",,,., ... Oc ...
II" .., 5~,"
' N",.,~J
N ..... mb .. , 11. 19"
liul{h K. 0';\('&1. L. U.
II . !-i. McI)e rmot\ , L. 11. No. 12,'
" eler Slluxe. Jr .. I.. U.
80'" A .. ,,, .. 17. 1900
~u .
I "il'.' ... A" , il lJ. I9J'
N."·" .. b,,
l'e le r ) 1. I N',,et'. L. IT.
IQ.l 9
110m J ... r I, "1'
I .. ",..... OrlOh, I. IP"
D;~. 5~,.~
...". ,~o.
Michael Sweeney. L. U.
N".~","" II. 18"
111-, I, 19'1
D,~. O""b ... 10. ""
Clark W. Bro ... n. L. 1'. j\"o. 1219
80'" 5.." ..... br, IJ. " "
N"«,,,b .. , 11.
Di • N ........ b ... " , " "
Will. II . KIII,ferer. Jr .. L. II. :\'u. 14 39
110,,, "~"'''_'l' 1. /9H
I .. ",., ... 5~,,''''''''r' I.
D'~. N".~",b~, /9, /9"
. ·rands L . Kennedy. I •• U. Z'\u. 1469
II.",.,.,.., I, IIIU
I .....'~. J .... r 1'. /946
D •.,. N ... ~ ..." ... lof, ""
Jose ph M. DUlch ie. I.. LT. j\·u. 1170
8"." Jw1r. 1908
I ..
U ........ b~. I. /941
Vi.,. Orl"b~,. ""
f~ rich FreilaK. L. (T.
/10'" A . . , ,, ... ""
I ... ".". 10",.
No. H iD
S ..' ...... 6~,. "'7
l{OSt' Gliliaxher, L. I T. ~o. HiD
"".... Fr" .......,.. 1910
1",,;.uJ J_ ...." 19 .. '
l);~. D .. ,,,,,". IU7
Oorolh),)1. Ci\'elli. t , ( T. j\"u. IjO.;
',, ;,j.,~" Orl"b~, I,
/) i~J N .. ~~",b .. , 10. " "
t auchlin V. Mdlluac. L. 1I. No. 150;;
/ .. i,i...,. J ......
1'. "'1
D,~. N<>.~"'''~. I . 19J7
Lambe rt . L. l/. No. 1;">1 3
8",,. V.< .... "."
S~, ... ",b~. ,. "46
Di ... N .. . r"," ... 14. " '7
J . P. Roach. L. 1I. j\o. 1991
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... lu, 111. IH'
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know. B, ,u'e 10 in·
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Co,d No. Th i. info"
mOlion will be help·
ful in (hec king on d
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,\,,01 .:i,,· ,,,,",' th""k.~ I... f","" (" .. I'" [''''I'.
Mail to: Editor, Electrical Workers' Journal
1 200 1 5th Street, N. W., Washington 5 , D. C.
.I ,~·- " I ·I"" ~,·If
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:1111 .
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"r"f",siri"" .·ilh,·r ,1,,,","'1 "",I ....sl1l'"1
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