Issue 61 Summer 2009 - Pewsey Vale Railway Society


Issue 61 Summer 2009 - Pewsey Vale Railway Society
Eastleigh Works-1909-2009.
IN CONILINCTION with Ifuights Rail Servicesand the RailwayMagazincthe works weneopen on
May 23,24 and25 to visitors. Andrew Pye organisedand drove a minibus to take 16membersto the
eventon the Sunday(the bestday for the weather ?).Here are a selectionof members'photographs.
Navy No.
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59001 Y eoman Endeavour.
SR 84 Dock Tank Normandy. RegJebbitt
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77he W(l/ir44no ,u,Fnnto
HE MIDLAND & GREAI NORTHERNJOINT RAILIfAY closedasa duouSr routcfrom GreatYarmouth
andNorwichto theMidlan& on FebruarviS, tgSg. To comrnemoratcthc 504ainiversarv,a StcamGaIawas
hcld on the North Norfolk Railway for ttre last wcekendin Februaryand thc 6rst two wcckcndsin March this year.
Thc North Norfolk (othcrwiseknown asthe PoppyLinc) is thc only surviving railway linc following the route of thc
old M&GN, apartfrom rhe milesof Network Rail from Cromer to Sheringham.
Therewere sevcralvisiring engines,including the Lancashirc
& Yorkshire 0-60 No. 1300 (rhe oldcst loco running at the
Gala), LNER Bl +6-0 No. 1306 "Mayflower'; BR Standard
Class4 No. 76U79and Class2 No. 78019.Midland Railway4F
l{s. 444t2 was che only visiror which had actually run on
M&GN metalsduring its working life. Local enginesoperating
during rhe Gala included rhe GER-designedN7 0-62T No.
69621and\VD 2-10-0No. 90775.
An intcnsive timctable had bcen arranged; wherevcr you
stood, a train camepast every l0 minutes from 8.30am undl
5.30pmcachday,with a varieryof srockbeing used.The newlyrestored Quad-Art set ran with an original M&GN
boneshaking3d, making a fine ensemble.Therewasa diningcar
train, ordinary BR Mkl sers and a "Goods Thain' which
included a steam breakdown crane, reprcsenring tlre uack
dismanding trains which followed so quickly aftcr closureof rhe
line in 1959.
The eventwasincrediblywell artended.Our own Dick H"rdy
performed the opcning ceremony, along with Sheringhamt
Town Crier and thc Chairman of the NNR. (Early in his career,
Dick had beenAssisrantShcdmasterat Sourh Lyrtr, onc of the
erM&GN sheds.He shook handswitfi very many old friends
that day!) A local bus company,whose servicescover dre old
M&GN routes,had repaintedrwo of their coachesin a suitablc
livery and thcre was a frec scrvicc throughour d1eday provided
by preservedbusesoperatingbcrween the threc sarions dong
thc sevenmile line.
Altogether it was a tremendousexperience,and a brilliant
pieceoforganisation.Anothcr Grand SteamGalais planncdfor
the first weekend in Seprcmber.If you havent been to dre
North Norfolk Railway before do give it a go-it's well worth
the visit!
LNER Bl No 1306nMayflowernat Weybourne,with the QuadArt set.Desiqnedby Thompson.this enpinewasbuilt in 1948
bv North Bfrtish Inco in Glaseow.BIs freouentlv worked
oler the M&GN, especially
' d'n the throufh triins from
Liverpool St to Shi:rinfum.
Midland Railway Class 4F No. 44472 with the breakdown
train at Weybourne.Built Derby lgn, sentto Barry
in 1965,
restoredin 1990. This is the onlv loco'in the Gala
worked triins over the M & GN, from
No.760?9at Sheringhsrn,havinganived double-headed
with BRG'--Ihave
I-eicester to Great Yarmouth between
2MT 2-6'0 No. 78019 from Holt. For the Gala services, all faced
westwardsexceptthe B l. (Thereare no locomotiveturnins facilitieson the
North Norfolk Railway.) it is hoped to re-openthe dir&t rail link with
{Swork Rail's CromeiBranchduiing 29rc.
WD 2-10-0 No W775 attackingthe 1 in 60
Kelline Bank with a down Dassenqer
Built in 1942for the Ministiv of
went new to the Middle East.-In l94S it was
sold to the GreekStateRailwavs.Renatriated
to UK in 1984,
' it has a fictitious humber,
never havine worked' for BR. Now
on North Norfolk Railway.
Class N7 0-6-2T No. 69621
descendine Kelline Bank
with the " Quad-Art and
M&GN 3,d, The Quads
were built in Doncasterbv
Gresley in 1924, for thi)
Liverpool St commuter
service. Each set of 4
coaches could can], 330
passengers, and a train
usuallv consistedof 2 sets.
They ive.e articulated; ie,
one bogie suooorts the
ends oT two' adjacent
carriages.This is the onlv
surviving articulated set of
coachesfrom steam davs.
restored at Carnforth (at
cost of half a million
Lancashire & Yorkshire Class
A 0-6-0 No 1300, built
Horwich 1896, withdrawn
1960, now on East l-ancs
Railwav. There were 4O0
built, to become the standard
eoods engine for the LYR.
Simitar in appearance to
M&GN Class D. The loco is
leaving Weybourne on a down
General view from Weybourne Station footbridee
looking north. The vaid
and wdrks are on the left:
Bulleid Lieht Pacific No.
3408| 92 Squadron is out
of service
for boiler
overhaul. MR 4F No.
4 | 122 is standing in the
yard entrance with the
frain" waiting to
enter the station after the
passenger train. doubleheaded"bv BR' Standard
Moguls Nos. 76079 and
78019. leaves for Sheringham.
Model Rallway Exhlbltlons
June l0-VSOE Special.Victoria-Westburyand rehrm.[,oco: No.
35028Clan Line. homoter:VSOE
June 13-Tbe DartmouthExpress.London Paddington-Kingswear.
Loco: No. 70013 Oliver Cromwell Westbury-Kingswear-Bristol
TempleMeads.homoter: RYTC.
June 18-The Cathedrals Express. London Victoria-Mnehead
loco: No. 60163 Tornado Mnehead-Newbury-Reading-Victoria.
homoter: STDR.
July S-The CathedralsExpress.l,ondon-Exeter.Loco: No.34067
TangrnereLondon-Salisbury-Exeter,Yeovil Jc-London. Promoter:
July 16-The CathedralsExpress.London-Worcester.I-oco: No,
70013 Oliver Cromwell l.ondon-Swindon-Cheltenham-Worcester
and return.PromotenSTDR
July 2.3-VSOE Special. l.ondon Victoria-Bristol. Loco: No.
3542ACIanLirc. Victoria-Westburyand retum (VSOE)
August 6- The CathedralsFxpress. London-Bristol. Loco: No.
70013 Oliver CromweU. london-Salisbury-Bristol and return.
August 12- VSOE Special.London Victoria-Bristol. I-oco: No.
70013 Oliver Cran+,ell.
Vaoria-Westbury and leturrt,
Augnst 13- The C-athedrals
Express. l.ondon-Oxford. TBA: London-Redhill-Reading-Oxfordand return. homoter: STDR
South West Model Rallway Show FleetAir Arm Museum,
RNAS Yeovilton, llchester, Somerset. June Sat.13 &
Sun.14.Doors open 10am. Usual museumentry prices
Shepton & Diefict Model Railway Soclety. Doulting
Mllage Hall, Doulting.June Sat. 13 & Sun. 14. On 4361
SheptonMaletto Fromeroad.
Otterboume Finescale Show. OtterbourneMllage Hall,
CranboumeDrive, Otterboume.(Five miles south of Winc h e s t e r ) . A u g u s t S a t . 1 1 0 . 3 0 a m - 5 p m .S u n . 2
t4 plusfamilyand childticketsavaihble.
tUiltshire Group of the 009 Society-12th BiennialMembers'Day.August15 10am-5pm.
Westinghouse Model Railway Cfub. \Mltshire College,
Lackham.LackhamCountryPark, Lacock,near ChippenAdm. Adults
ham.AugustSat. 30 & Sun. 31. 10am-5pm.
e2.50.Child€1. Familyticket€8. Admission includesentry to LackhamCountry Park Attrac
Modelex 2009. Andover Model RailwayClub. John Hanson Sciool, FloralWay (ofi SalisburyRd), futdover.Sept.
Sat.5 10am-5pm.
Sun.6 10am4pm.
No. 1369scuttling along
benveenStaverton and
Buckfastleigh, South
in November
Westwands From Newbury
by Martin Wilcocks.
Meenrg Reviews
This talk was subtitled *Fifty Years of
Change" and that dcscribes it accurately.
Martin informed us that the slides would not
featuretrains but stationsand how the locations had changed. The current location
sceneswould, where possiblg be takcn from
the samevantagepoint as the onestaken 50
odd years ago. Our starting point was Newbury in the 60s followed by EnbourneJtmction wherethe branchto Winchesterdiverged.
It was most difrcult to find the vantagepoint
of 50 yearsago asthe scenenow featuredhad
beentaken over by flature.Thiswas found to
be the casein a high proportion of the locations. Kintbury, Hurgerford, Bedwyn, were
still with us. At Savernakewhere the Mdland and South Western Junction line divergedthere was no sign. Pewseyis there but
Woodboroughwith Patney& Chirton are no
more. At this point we diverged to the nowdefunctDevizes,Bromham& Rowde, Seen{
Seminglontlalt and Holt Junction.Lavington
with its timber platforms and Edington &
Brattonwcre gone.
Martin did not proceedto Westburyas he
rcgardedthis asa talk on its own.
This talk had been extensively and thoroughly researchedwith a lot of trouble being
taken to find the exact photo spot where
original photographershad stood. An interestingevening.
Harn'vich for the Continent
printon for the rest of us)
By Max Wilkinson
Historic Scandinavian
Stearn in 1962
by Philip Kelley
On L,Iay 18, 1962 Phil went on a tour
with the Railway and Correspondence
Max steppedin at half an hour's notice to Travel Societyto D€nmartqSwedenand
give this talk due to the fast that Dr. Rosa Finland. The party fiavelled from ParkeMatheson's car had broke,ndown en route to ston Quay to the Hook of Holland and
then overland to Stock*rolmvia CopenWoodborough.
His talk centred on the boat frains to the hagen. After visiting several nailway
Continent which were started by the Great locations they then sailed to Helsinki.
EasternRailway and left from a station at During one of their visits to a station
Shoreditch which was subsequentlynaned there was a Russian nain which had
Bishopsgate as the former did not sound travelled over the border. Photographs
very fashionable.This was before the GER were taken by membersof the party of
the train but one of their number was
was absorbedinto the LNER.
The most important of the boat trains was arrested!Apparently this particularcoach
the Hook of Holland service which was the contained a suspectand the authorities
principal mems of communicationbetwecn thought he was a me,mberof the Press.A
England and the whole of Norttr Germany. circular tour was made of Finland and
The GER built miniature oceanliners for the severalmuseumswere visited where the
sprvice which made the service very atfrac- staffwere happy to drag locos out of the
tive. After World War I a servicewas estab- shed for photography.Phil's impression
lished between Parkeston Quay and Zee- of the Scandinaviancountries was that
brugge. After LiverpoolSteet stationwasbuilt they consisted of lakes, silver birches
the Continental
servicesleft fromplatrorms9 urd and grass.At that time there were quite a
ten.Dwing WorldWar2 servicssweresuspended large number of wood burning locos in
in November1945.Thetrainsafur use. The party visited Stockfiolm shed
theWarwersnfiied theDayContinental
andthe and saw the Swedish reserve fleet of
Hook Continental.The area aroundParkeston locos. Phil had carefully documented
for container
taffic. the details of every loco he had photoQuayis nowbeingdeveloped
As nsualwith Man'stalls it was deliveredwith graphed.As an employeeof BR he used
loadsof factsandhisusualtouchcsof humour.
his free havel pass.
Thecont€rtofTh€garvret\Ab6qr!6t b cogtrigtrtThev'rs6 oe.!.6€d .r€ not nec.ssrrlt dF.c ofthe Cditoro. ofThenoery\AleRafsry Sodq-