current catalog pdf - Bingham Projects, Inc.


current catalog pdf - Bingham Projects, Inc.
Catalog 38
Serving bowyers for over 56 years
Why Not Build Your Own Bow?
801.399.3470 Fax: 801.399.3471
Bingham Projects
We can teach you how!
Welcome to Bingham Projects, where we have been teaching folks how to build bows for over fifty years! So let’s get started:
#1- First things first, let’s pick a bow. If you don’t already have an idea of which style of bow you want to build, take a
moment to look at page 2. We offer several different styles to choose from, so take a moment to peruse the bows and decide
which one catches your eye.
#2- Now that you know which style of bow you want to go with for your first build, let’s move on. At Bingham Projects, we
try to keep things as simple as possible. To that end we offer what we like to call the All-In-One Starter Kit to get you
rolling. These kits include pretty well everything you will need to complete your first bow.
Once you have specified how heavy you want the bow (draw weight), how far you comfortably pull back the string when you
shoot (draw length), and whether you are building your bow for a right handed or left handed shooter, we will have enough
information to put your kit together and ship it out.
For a comprehensive list of each individual component in your First Time Kit, please refer to the information page
corresponding to the style of bow you are building. There are a few odds and ends you’ll need to purchase at your local
hardware store, but apart from that we’ll get you set up with everything you need for your first build.
#3- Once your First Time Kit arrives, be sure to watch the included Instructional DVD and look over the Instructional
Booklet and the included blueprints. Our DVD walks you through the entire process, from start to finish.
So now you know where to get started on your path to becoming a full-fledged bowyer. If, after watching the DVD and reading the instructional booklet, you still have any questions at all, we want you to understand that we are dedicated to helping
you build this bow. We have a helpful FAQ section here in the catalog that answers the most commonly asked questions and
may be informative to you, and we have additional information on our website, Additionally
please know that you can call or email ([email protected]) anytime and we will do our best to help you out.
Building and shooting your very own bow is truly a rewarding experience. If, after reading this, you have any doubts as to
whether or not you can build your own bow, the answer is most certainly Yes! For over fifty years we have been teaching
people just like you how to build bows, and we look forward to helping you build yours.
Thanks for spending some time with the Bingham Projects family.
Page 4
Page 5
Page 5
Page 5
Page 6
68” Pronounced Take-Down Longbow
68” Shallow Take-Down Longbow
62” Hybrid
64” Reflex/Deflex
68” Longbow
Bingham Projects
Page 3
801.399.3470 Fax: 801.399.3471
Page 3
58”, 60”, 62”, 64”, 66”, & 68” Take-Down Recurve
58” & 60” Recurve
60” Recurve with Alternate Riser
Bingham Bows
Page 7
Build Your Own One Piece Recurve Bow
Build Your Own Recurve
All-In-One Starter Kit Part #FIRSTRC
Individual Items in the All-In-One Starter Kit
801.399.3470 Fax: 801.399.3471
Bingham Projects
Note: To
complete this design
you will need to buy
blueprint # 301A2
The All-In-One Recurve Kit comes with everything pictured below. To order
your All-In-One Kit, please do the following:
1-State desired draw weight (25# - 70#).
2-State desired draw length (25”-30”).
3-State desired length (58” or 60”).
4-State desired width (1.75” or 2”).
5-State whether shooter is right or left handed.
6-State desired riser wood (Hard Maple, Ash, Jatoba, Bubinga, Shedua,
Padauk, or Ebiara (Red Zebra).
7-Choose two colors for tip overlays (Black, White, Red, Tan).
And that’s it! With this information we can assemble your All-In-One Kit
and get you started!
6500 Recurve
Limb Lamination
Kit Black Bo-Tuff
Glass and core
laminations in Hard
Maple. - details pg. 11
402P Phenolic Overlays 1x1/16x5”. Order 2.
- details pg. 13
1707 Continuous Loop Dacron Bow String
- Order 2. details pg. 15
302RC Recurve Laminating Press Kit Includes all components necessary to
construct the Recurve laminating press. Kit
does not include plywood used to build mold.
State 1.75” or 2”. - details pg. 12
2TC Thermostat Control
- A fixed 150-180 degree
laminating oven heat
controller. - details pg. 12
4063 Smooth-On
Epoxy - (1 pint)
- details pg. 13
403S Solid Riser
Blocks - Quality
solid blocks of wood
available in Hard
Maple, Ash, Jatoba,
Bubinga, Shedua, Padauk or
Ebiara (Red Zebra).
- details pg. 12
1827 Calf Hair Traditional Rest
- details pg. 23
415 Temperature-Resistant
Masking Tape - 2”- details pg. 13
415 Filament Tape - 3/4”
- details pg. 13
tan and white
Overlays: red and
white phenolic.
Limb: Walnut.
Limb: Action Boo
Build Your Own Take-Down Recurve Bow
Build Your Own Take-Down Recurve
All-In-One Starter Kit Part #FIRSTTDRC
7300 Take-Down Recurve
Limb Lamination Kit Black Bo-Tuff Glass and
Coreflex/Superaction core
laminations in natural with
wedges to match.
- details pg. 11
7800A Limb Locking Kit - Black bezel kit.
- details pg. 12
4063 Smooth-On
Epoxy - (1 pint)
- details pg. 13
402P Phenolic
Overlays - 1x1/16x5”.
Order 2. - details pg. 13
302TDRC Take-Down Recurve Laminating Press
Kit - Includes all components necessary to construct the
Take-Down Recurve laminating press. Kit does not include
plywood used to build mold. State 1.75” or 2”. - details pg. 12
2TC Thermostat Control - A fixed 150180 degree laminating oven heat controller.
- details pg. 12
403S Solid Riser Blocks Quality solid blocks of wood
available in Hard Maple, Ash,
Jatoba, Bubinga, Shedua,
Padauk or Ebiara (Red Zebra).
- details pg. 12
Limb: Bocote.
Overlays: Bubinga, black
and white phenolic.
7900 Drilling Jig
- details pg. 13
801.399.3470 Fax: 801.399.3471
58”, 60”, 62”, 64”, 66”, & 68”
Individual Items in the All-In-One Starter Kit
Bingham Projects
The All-In-One Take-Down Recurve Kit comes with everything pictured below. To
order your All-In-One Kit, please do the following:
1-State desired draw weight (25# - 70#).
2-State desired draw length (25”- 32”).
3-State desired length (58” - 68”).
4-State desired width (1.75” or 2”).
5-State whether shooter is right or left handed.
6-State desired riser wood (Hard Maple, Ash, Jatoba, Bubinga, Shedua, Padauk, or
Ebiara (Red Zebra).
7-Choose two colors for tip overlays (Black, White, Red, Tan).
And that’s it! With this information we can assemble your All-In-One Kit and get
you started!
7950 Bottom Tap
- details pg. 13
1707 Continuous Loop Dacron
Bow String - Order 2. details pg. 15
1827 Calf Hair
Traditional Rest
- details pg. 23
415 Temperature-Resistant
Masking Tape
- 2”- details pg. 13
415 Filament Tape
- 3/4” - details pg. 13
Build Your Own Longbow
Longbows available: 68”, 64” Reflex/Deflex, 62” Hybrid
801.399.3470 Fax: 801.399.3471
Bingham Projects
Build Your Own Longbow
All-In-One Starter Kit Part #FIRSTLB
The All-In-One Longbow Kit comes with everything pictured below. To
order your All-In-One Kit, please do the following:
1-State desired draw weight (25# - 70#).
2-State desired draw length (25”- 30”).
3-State desired length (68”, 64” R/D, or 62” Hybrid).
4-State whether shooter is right or left handed.
5-State desired riser wood (Hard Maple, Ash, Jatoba, Bubinga, Shedua,
Padauk, or Ebiara (Red Zebra).
6-Choose two colors for tip overlays (Black, White, Red, Tan).
And that’s it! With this information we can assemble your All-In-One Kit
and get you started!
Individual Items in the All-In-One Starter Kit
16150 Longbow Limb
Lamination Kit Black Bo-Tuff Glass and core laminations in Hard Maple. - details pg. 11
402P Phenolic Overlays 1x1/16x5”. Order 2. - details
pg. 13
1707 Continuous Loop Dacron Bow String
- Order 2. details pg. 15
302LB Longbow Laminating Press Kit
- Includes all components necessary to
construct the Longbow laminating press. Kit
does not include plywood used to build mold.
State 68” Longbow, 64” Reflex/Deflex Longbow or 62” Hybrid Longbow. - details pg. 12
2TC Thermostat Control
- A fixed 150-180 degree
laminating oven heat
controller. - details pg. 12
4063 Smooth-On
Epoxy - (1 pint)
- details pg. 13
403S Solid Riser
Blocks - Quality
solid blocks of wood
available in Hard
Maple, Ash, Jatoba,
Bubinga, Shedua, Padauk or
Ebiara (Red Zebra).
- details pg. 12
1827 Calf Hair Traditional Rest
- details pg. 23
415 Temperature-Resistant
Masking Tape - 1 1/2”- details pg. 13
415 Filament Tape - 3/4”
- details pg. 13
Limbs: Hard Maple, Black Glass.
Riser: Coreflex/Superaction
Green Mountain Camo.
Build Your Own 68” Take-Down Longbow (Shallow)
Build Your Own Take-Down Longbow (Shallow)
All-In-One Starter Kit Part #FIRSTTDLBSH
26150 68” Shallow Take-Down
Longbow Limb Lamination
Kit - Black Bo-Tuff Glass and
Coreflex/Superaction core
laminations in natural and
wedges to match.
- details pg. 11
302TDLB TakeDown Longbow
Press Kit Includes all
necessary to
construct the
Longbow laminating press. Kit does not include plywood
used to build mold. - details pg. 12
2TC Thermostat Control - A fixed
150-180 degree laminating oven heat
controller. - details pg. 12
58”- 68” lengths can be
made from the same
laminating press. If
making other than 68”
design, after receiving
blueprints, call for
special instructions.
403S Solid Riser Blocks Quality solid blocks of wood
available in Hard Maple, Ash,
Jatoba, Bubinga, Shedua,
Padauk or Ebiara (Red Zebra).
- details pg. 12
Limbs: Birdseye Maple, Clear Glass.
Riser: Zebra with black and white
7800A Limb Locking Kit - 1” Black bezel
kit. - details pg. 12
4063 Smooth-On
Epoxy - (1 pint)
- details pg. 13
402P Phenolic
Overlays - 1x1/16x5”.
Order 2. - details pg. 13
7900 Drilling Jig
- details pg. 13
7950 Bottom Tap
- details pg. 13
1707 Continuous Loop Dacron
Bow String - Order 2. details pg. 15
1827 Calf Hair
Traditional Rest
- details pg. 23
415 Temperature-Resistant
Masking Tape
- 1 1/2”- details pg. 13
415 Filament Tape
- 3/4” - details pg. 13
Bingham Projects
Individual Items in the All-In-One Starter Kit
801.399.3470 Fax: 801.399.3471
Shallow Take-Down Longbow
The All-In-One Take-Down Longbow Kit comes with everything pictured below. To
order your All-In-One Kit, please do the following:
1-State desired draw weight (25# - 70#).
2-State desired draw length (25”- 32”).
3-State whether shooter is right or left handed.
4-State desired riser wood (Hard Maple, Ash, Jatoba, Bubinga, Shedua, Padauk, or
Ebiara (Red Zebra).
5-Choose two colors for tip overlays (Black, White, Red, Tan).
And that’s it! With this information we can assemble your All-In-One Kit and get
you started!
Build Your Own 68” Take-Down Longbow (Pronounced)
Pronounced Take-Down Longbow
The All-In-One Take-Down Longbow Kit comes with everything pictured below. To
order your All-In-One Kit, please do the following:
1-State desired draw weight (25# - 70#).
2-State desired draw length (25” - 32”).
3-State whether shooter is right or left handed.
4-State desired riser wood (Hard Maple, Ash, Jatoba, Bubinga, Shedua, Padauk, or
Ebiara (Red Zebra).
5-Choose two colors for tip overlays (Black, White, Red, Tan).
And that’s it! With this information we can assemble your All-In-One Kit and get
you started!
801.399.3470 Fax: 801.399.3471
Bingham Projects
Build Your Own Take-Down Longbow (Pronounced)
All-In-One Starter Kit Part #FIRSTTDLBPR
Individual Items in the All-In-One Starter Kit
36150 68” Pronounced
Take-Down Longbow Limb
Lamination Kit - Black
Bo-Tuff Glass and Coreflex/
Superaction core laminations in
natural and wedges to match. -
details pg. 11
302TDLB TakeDown Longbow
Press Kit Includes all
necessary to
construct the
Longbow laminating press. Kit does not include plywood
used to build mold. - details pg. 12
2TC Thermostat Control - A fixed
150-180 degree laminating oven heat
controller. - details pg. 12
58”- 68” lengths can be
made from the same
laminating press. If
making other than 68”
design, after receiving
blueprints, call for
special instructions.
403S Solid Riser Blocks Quality solid blocks of wood
available in Hard Maple, Ash,
Jatoba, Bubinga, Shedua,
Padauk or Ebiara (Red Zebra).
- details pg. 12
Limbs: Curly Maple.
Wedges: Zebra.
Riser: Zebra with black and
white phenolic.
7800A Limb Locking Kit - 1” Black bezel
kit. - details pg. 12
4063 Smooth-On
Epoxy - (1 pint)
- details pg. 13
402P Phenolic
Overlays - 1x1/16x5”.
Order 2. - details pg. 13
7900 Drilling Jig
- details pg. 13
7950 Bottom Tap
- details pg. 13
1707 Continuous Loop Dacron
Bow String - Order 2. details pg. 15
1827 Calf Hair
Traditional Rest
- details pg. 23
415 Temperature-Resistant
Masking Tape
- 1 1/2”- details pg. 13
415 Filament Tape
- 3/4” - details pg. 13
Build Your Own Youth Longbow
Build Your Own Youth Longbow
All-In-One Starter Kit Part #FIRSTLBY
The All-In-One Youth Longbow Kit comes with everything pictured below.
To order your All-In-One Kit, please do the following:
1-State desired draw weight (15# - 30#).
2-State desired length (48” or 56”).
3-State whether shooter is right or left handed.
4-State desired riser wood (Hard Maple, Ash, Jatoba, Bubinga, Shedua,
Padauk, or Ebiara (Red Zebra).
5-Choose two colors for tip overlays (Black, White, Red, Tan).
And that’s it! With this information we can assemble your All-In-One Kit
and get you started!
4063 Smooth-On Epoxy (1 pint) - details pg. 13
402P Phenolic Overlays 1x1/16x5”. Order 2. - details pg. 13
1707 Continuous Loop Dacron Bow String
- Order 2. details pg. 10
1827 Calf Hair Traditional Rest
- details pg. 23
302LBY Youth Longbow Laminating
Press Kit - Includes all components
necessary to construct the Youth Longbow laminating press. Kit does not
include plywood used to build mold.
- details pg. 12
415 Temperature-Resistant
Masking Tape - 1 1/2”- details pg. 13
415 Filament Tape - 3/4”
- details pg. 13
801.399.3470 Fax: 801.399.3471
16150Y Youth
Longbow Limb
Lamination Kit Black Bo-Tuff
Glass and core laminations
in Hard Maple.
- details pg. 10
Bingham Projects
Individual Items in the All-In-One Starter Kit
2TC Thermostat Control
- A fixed 150-180 degree
laminating oven heat
controller. - details pg. 12
403S Solid Riser
Blocks - Quality
solid blocks of
wood available in
Hard Maple, Ash,
Jatoba, Bubinga, Shedua,
Padauk or Ebiara (Red
Zebra). - details pg. 12
Build Your Own Youth Take-Down Recurve Bow
Build Your Own Youth Take-Down Recurve
All-In-One Starter Kit Part #FIRSTTDRCY
Individual Items in the All-In-One Starter Kit
801.399.3470 Fax: 801.399.3471
Bingham Projects
The All-In-One Youth Take-Down Recurve Kit comes with everything pictured
below. To order your All-In-One Kit, please do the following:
1-State desired draw weight (15# - 30#).
2-State whether shooter is right or left handed.
3-State desired riser wood (Hard Maple, Ash, Jatoba, Bubinga, Shedua, Padauk, or
Ebiara (Red Zebra).
4-Choose two colors for tip overlays (Black, White, Red, Tan).
And that’s it! With this information we can assemble your All-In-One Kit and get
you started!
7300Y Youth Take-Down
Recurve Limb Lamination Kit
- Black Bo-Tuff Glass and
Coreflex/Superaction core
laminations in natural and
wedges to match.
- details pg. 10
4063 Smooth-On
Epoxy - (1 pint)
- details pg. 13
402P Phenolic
Overlays - 1x1/16x5”.
Order 2. - details pg. 13
7900 Drilling Jig
- details pg. 13
302TDRC Take-Down Recurve Laminating Press
Kit - Includes all components necessary to construct the
Take-Down Recurve laminating press. Kit does not include
plywood used to build mold. - details pg. 12
2TC Thermostat Control - A fixed 150180 degree laminating oven heat controller.
- details pg. 12
7800A Limb Locking Kit - 1” Black bezel
kit. - details pg. 12
403S Solid
Riser Blocks
- Quality solid
blocks of wood
available in
Hard Maple,
Ash, Jatoba, Bubinga, Shedua,
Padauk or Ebiara (Red Zebra).
- details pg. 12
7950 Bottom Tap
- details pg. 13
1707 Continuous Loop Dacron
Bow String - Order 2. details pg. 10
1827 Calf Hair
Traditional Rest
- details pg. 23
415 Temperature-Resistant
Masking Tape
- 1 1/2”- details pg. 13
415 Filament Tape
- 3/4” - details pg. 13
Youth Materials
Limb Lamination Kits
Youth Longbow
Youth Arrows
Youth Take-Down
GT1500 Gold Tip Youth Fiberglass
Arrows - Great first arrow for kids.
Extremely durable. Low price. 2.5”
vanes. 29” length. Includes tips. For
bows 30 pounds or less. (6-pack)
GT1600 Gold Tip Lightning Youth
Carbon Arrows - Extremely durable.
Lighter and more consistent than
fiberglass. 2.5” vanes. 28” length.
Includes tips. (6-pack)
16150Y Longbow Limb Lamination
Kit - Includes Bo-Tuff Glass and core
laminations (refer to wood laminations
on pages 27-30 for options).
7300Y Youth Take-Down Recurve
Limb Lamination Kit - Includes
Bo-Tuff Glass and core laminations
(refer to wood laminations on pages
27-30 for options) and wedges of your
The Youth Take-Down Recurve is not
intended to be used as a short adult
GT1700 Gold Tip Falcon Youth Carbon Arrows - For the more serious youth
shooter. Youth version of the
Expedition Hunter .006” 500. 3” vanes.
27” length. Includes inserts. (6-pack)
1433 Cedar Youth Arrows - Excellent
first arrow for kids. 2.5” feathers. 24”,
26” and 28” lengths. For bows 30 pounds
or less. (6-pack)
Arm Guards
Bow Strings
1707 Continuous Loop Dacron Bow
String - A quality bow string available in
AMO actual bow length sizes.
1707F Flemish Braided Dacron Bow
String - A quality flemish braided bow
A. 2248 Martin Intermediate Length
Armguard - Shorter length for shorter
forearms. Dura Suede backing with
heavy vinyl face. Black.
Bingham Projects
Youth Take-Down Recurve
Available Draw Weights:
Note: Youth Take-Down Recurve
weights will not be the same as requested if the bow design, limb width,
riser length, or bow length is changed.
801.399.3470 Fax: 801.399.3471
Youth Longbow
48” & 56”
Available Draw Weights:
Note: Youth Longbow weights will not
be the same as requested if the bow
design, limb width, riser length, or
bow length is changed.
B. 2249 Martin Tiger Armguard Single layer vinyl with two Quick-Snap
fasteners. Black.
Limb Lamination Kits
Available Draw Weights:
7300 Take-Down Recurve Limb
Lamination Kit - Includes Bo-Tuff
Glass and core laminations (refer to
wood laminations page 27-30 for
options) and wedges of your choice.
68” Take-Down Longbow
Shallow Reflex/Deflex
Note: Take-Down Longbow
weights will not be the same
as requested if the bow design,
limb width, riser length or bow
length is changed.
Shallow Take-Down Longbow
Limb Kits
Available in black, brown, white or
clear Bo-Tuff Glass and your choice of
26150 68” Shallow Take-Down
Longbow Limb Lamination Kit Includes Bo-Tuff Glass and core
laminations (refer to wood laminations
pages 27-30 for options) and wedges
of your choice.
Center core lamination
combinations refer to price sheet
801.399.3470 Fax: 801.399.3471
Bingham Projects
Limb Lamination Kits
Take-Down Recurve Limb Kits
Available in 1 3/4” and 2” widths in
black, brown, white or clear Bo-Tuff
Glass and your choice of wedges.
58” & 60” Recurve
Note: Recurve weights will not be
the same as requested if the bow
design, limb width, riser length
or bow length is changed.
58” & 60” Recurve Limb Kits
Available in 1 3/4” and 2” widths in
black, brown, white or clear Bo-Tuff
6500 Recurve Limb Lamination Kit Includes Bo-Tuff Glass and core
laminations (refer to wood laminations
pages 27-30 for options).
Take-Down Recurve
68” Flat Limb or Reflex/Deflex,
64” Reflex/Deflex or
62” Hybrid
Take-Down Longbow
Pronounced Reflex/Deflex
Note: Longbow weights will not
be the same as requested if the
bow design, limb width, riser
length or bow length is changed.
Longbow Limb Kits
Available in black, brown, white or clear
Bo-Tuff Glass.
16150 Longbow Limb Lamination
Kit - Includes Bo-Tuff Glass and core
laminations (refer to wood laminations
pages 27-30 for options).
Center core lamination combinations
refer to price sheet
Take-Down Longbow
Shallow Reflex/Deflex
68” Take-Down Longbow
Pronounced Reflex/Deflex
Note: Take-Down Longbow
weights will not be the same
as requested if the bow design,
limb width, riser length or bow
length is changed.
Pronounced Take-Down Longbow
Limb Kits
Available in black, brown, white or
clear Bo-Tuff Glass and your choice of
36150 68” Pronounced Take-Down
Longbow Limb Lamination Kit Includes Bo-Tuff Glass and core
laminations (refer to wood
laminations pages 27-30 for options) and
wedges of your choice.
Take-Down Recurve
58”, 60”, 62”, 64”, 66”, & 68”
Note: Take-Down Recurve weights
will not be the same as requested
if the bow design, limb width, riser
length or bow length is changed.
Center core lamination combinations
refer to price sheet
Bow Building Components
Instructional Materials
7800B Limb Locking Kit - Brass bezel kit
required to attach limbs to riser. 1” or 1 1/4”.
Inserts and pins now
available in steel,
stainless steel or brass.
7700 Limb Locking Kit- Knob style kit required to attach limbs to riser. 1 1/8” or
1 1/2”. Inserts and pins
now available in steel,
stainless steel or brass.
2TC Thermostat Control - A fixed
150-180 degree laminating oven heat
Press Kits & Components
7600TW Tapered Wedges - In Red Elm,
Hard Maple, Ash, Cherry, Jatoba, Walnut,
Purple Heart, Bubinga, Shedua, Padauk,
Ebiara (Red Zebra), Curly Maple,
Birdseye Maple, Zebra, Bocote, Wenge
or Action-Boo (natural or amber) or
Coreflex/Superaction in natural, brown,
gray, green mountain camo, desert camo,
burgundy camo, osage yellow, olive
green, brown camo, purple camo or pink
403S Solid Riser Blocks - Quality
solid blocks of wood available in Hard
Maple, Ash, Cherry, Jatoba, Walnut,
Purple Heart, Bubinga, Shedua, Padauk,
Ebiara (Red Zebra), Zebra or Wenge.
Recurve, Take-Down Recurve,
Longbow and Take-Down Longbow and
Youth Bows.
Limb Locking Hardware
7800A Limb Locking Kit - Black bezel kit
required to attach limbs to riser. 1” or 1 1/4”.
Inserts and pins now
available in steel,
stainless steel or brass.
1 3/4” or 2” widths, 8 1/4” or 10 1/4”
lengths, for Take-Down Recurves.
1 1/2” x 8 1/4” for Take-Down
1 1/2” x 6 1/4” for Youth Take-Down
Take-Down Longbow
801.399.3470 Fax: 801.399.3471
Press KitsThe press kit contains the necessary
components to build the press that will
give your bow its shape. Once your bow
is glued up, you will lock it into the
press, and place the press in your heating
oven to cure the epoxy. The press kit
includes the instruction materials and
DVD to teach you the process. Please
note that the plywood for the mold and
the wiring for the heating fixtures are not
included. The one piece recurve press
kit is the only press that requires press
tapers. The take-down recurve, longbow,
and take-down longbow presses do not
need press tapers.
Laminating Press Kit Individual
301 Instructional material & DVD
302 Air hose
302 Air hose plugs & clamps (pair)
302 Formica strip
302 Metal pressure strip
302 Metal locking devices (pair)
- 2 pair required for Longbow.
302 Index pin
302 Press Tapers (pair) - Recurve Only
403L Riser Kits - Multiple pieces of
Bubinga or Shedua for Recurve,
Take-Down Recurve, Longbow,
Take-Down Longbow and Youth Bows.
Each piece of wood is separated by a
1/16” natural veneer accent strip.
Bingham Projects
301 Instructional Materials Instructional materials are offered as
individual blueprints, instructional material and blueprint packages, or an All
three DVD package (includes Recurve,
Take-Down Recurve, 68” Longbow and
Take-Down Longbow).
Oven & Curing
A. 8000 Take-Down Longbow Sleeves
- Brass sleeve fits into steel handle. “D”
shape. Use MT-13 epoxy.
Small: 4” x 1 1 /8” x 1 3/8”, mild steel.
Large: 4” x 1 3/4” x 1 3/16”, stainless
B. 4064 MT-13 Epoxy Excellent metal to wood epoxy.
Bow Building Components
Glue, Tape & Epoxy
Bowyer Tools
A. 1410 Barge All Purpose Cement Great all-purpose adhesive. Ready to use
on rubber, wood, leather, glass, cork and
even metal. Used as a fletching cement, to
attach leather rests or grips to your riser or
for a myriad of other projects.
801.399.3470 Fax: 801.399.3471
Bingham Projects
403A Core-Tuff Riser
Accent Strip Gordon Composites accent
strips, used in risers for
7900 Drilling Jig - A finely machined
appearance and strength. Available
in brown, white, red, or black, .030” thick- centerline drilling jig that provides ease
and accuracy for drilling limbs and
ness, 1 1/2”x18” or 2”x22” sizes.
risers on any Take-Down Longbow or
Take-Down Recurve 1 1/2” to 2” wide.
B. 4063 Smooth-On Epoxy -Specifically
engineered for bow construction with
the longevity, flexibility and memory
required to construct a fine bow. SmoothOn, a 1 part resin to 1 part hardener
epoxy, requires 4 hours curing time in a
heated environment of 150-180 degrees.
403W Riser Accent
Strip - Hardwood accent strips ready for
laminating into riser. Available in Red
Elm, Hard Maple, Ash, Cherry,
Jatoba, Walnut, Purple Heart, Bubinga,
Shedua, Padauk, Ebiara (Red Zebra), Curly C.
Maple, Birdseye Maple, Zebra, Bocote,
C. 4064 MT-13 Epoxy - Excellent metal Wenge or Action-Boo (natural or amber).
to wood epoxy.
Available in 1/16”, 1/8”, 1/4” or 3/8”
D. 4061 D.E.R. 383/Versamid 140 Epthickness,
oxy - Formerly known as epon/versamid.
Specifically engineered for bow construcTip Overlays
tion with the longevity, flexibility and
memory required to construct a fine bow.
A. 7950 Bottom Tap - A quality
D.E.R. 383/Versamid 140, a 2 part resin
precision tap used for creating threads
to 1 part hardener epoxy, requires 4 hours
for the limb locking kit.
curing time in a heated environment of
150-180 degrees.
B. 7955 Tap Wrench - Tool to be used
E. 415 Temperature-Resistant
with our 7950 bottom tap. Makes bottom
Masking Tape - 1.5” or 2” masking tape
designed to protect glass laminations
tap easier to use. No. 12 - 1/2”. Self
402P Tip Overlay- Linen-based
during the gluing and curing process.
centering, replaceable, hardened jaws.
phenolic tip overlay material available
Captive sliding T-handle for fitting
F. 415 Filament Tape - 3/4” filament
in black, white, tan, or red, 1/16”, 1/8”
tape used to temporarily hold limbs in
into tight spaces with greater leverage.
or 1/4” thickness, 1” x 5” or 1” x 39”
place during the laminating process.
Riser Accents
C. 7960 Stone De-Burring Bit De-Burr holes on Take-Down limbs.
1/4” shank. (each).
403P Riser
Accent Strip A linen-based phenolic
accent strip used in risers for
appearance and strength. Available in red,
white, black, or tan, 1/16”, 1/8” or 1/4”
thickness, 1 1/2” x 39” or 2”x 39” sizes.
402BT Bo-Tuff Tip Overlay- The
same Bo-Tuff E Glass used in the bow
you are building. Use different colors
to strengthen the bow tip as well as
enhance limb appearance. Available in
white, brown or black.
D. 7980 All 3 Drill Bits - All 3 drill
bits. One each 27/64”, 5/16” and 1/4” for
mounting limbs on Take-Downs.
E. 7970 Drill Bit 1/4” - Drill bit - 1/4”
for mounting limbs on Take-Downs.
F. 7974 Drill Bit 5/16” - Drill bit - 5/16”
for mounting limbs on Take-Downs.
G. 7978 Drill Bit 27/64” - Drill bit
- 27/64” for mounting limbs on TakeDowns.
Bow Building Components
4040 All 3 Drum Sanders with Sleeves Includes one 3” x 3” drum sander with
sleeve, one 2” x 3” drum sander with
sleeve, and one 1” x 3” drum sander with
423 Hanging Bow Scale
- This scale is the easiest
and most accurate way
to measure the exact
draw weight of your
bow at your desired
draw length. It measures
up to 100 lbs. and is
clearly marked in 1 lb.
increments with a
straight spring balance
in a telescoping steel
1908 Walnut - standard brown
1954 Mahogany - standard red
1992 Silver Gray
1994 Forest Green
1995 Ruby - ox blood
1996 Lemon Yellow
1997 Brilliant Crimson
1910 Dark Brown Walnut
1912 Bright Red Cherry
1914 Rosewood
1916 Ebony Black
1918 Olive
1920 Brilliant Fuchsia
4043 3” x 3” Drum Sander - Drum
Sander w/ Sanding Sleeve.
Available in 36 grit or 120 grit.
4042 2” x 3” Drum Sander - Drum
Sander w/ Sanding Sleeve.
Available in 36 grit or 120 grit.
4053 3” x 3” Sanding Sleeve - Sanding
Sleeve. Available in 36 grit or 120 grit.
4052 2” x 3” Sanding Sleeve - Sanding
Sleeve. Available in 36 grit or 120 grit.
4051 1” x 3” Sanding Sleeve - Sanding
Sleeve. Available in 36 grit or 120 grit.
A. 2302 Bow Bushing - Machined
brass bow bushing. This is a standard
bushing for plunger buttons, stabilizers,
fish reels etc. Sold individually.
B. 2312 Sight Bushings - Machined
brass, sold in pairs. This bushing is
A. 408 6” Round Rasp - The correct rasp standard for most sights and quivers.
Select 10-24 (AMO) or 1/4-20 (Bear).
for string nocks and string grooves.
801.399.3470 Fax: 801.399.3471
4041 1” x 3” Drum Sander - Drum
Sander w/ Sanding Sleeve.
Available in 36 grit or 120 grit.
424 Handheld Bow Scale Allows for easy and
accurate measurement of
draw weight at draw length while holding the bow in shooting position.
Bingham Projects
B. 410 #49 Nicholson Rasp - Professional
quality 10” pattern maker’s rasp made by
Nicholson. Aggressive cut, half round and
Wood Stain
C. 411 #50 Nicholson Rasp - Professional
quality 10” pattern maker’s rasp made by
Nicholson. Aggressive cut, half round and
tapered. Slightly less
aggressive than #49.
D. 409 All-in-One Riser & Limb Rasp A quality four sided rasp with four
different cutting surfaces to assist in rough Lockwood’s Wood Stain & Dye - A
water soluble, 1 oz. dry powder used to
and final shaping of both limbs and riser.
Makes getting into those tight areas easy. dye risers and wood laminations.
Compatible with epoxy glues.
Bow Strings
We offer bow strings in three different materials:
B-50 Dacron - Synthetic superiority with excellent abrasion resistance. Durable and consistent. It has been the standard for
Traditional bows since 1944. .018 diameter.
Fast Flight Plus™ - The first High Modulus PolyEthelyne (HMPE) bowstring material. Minimal creep, superior strength and
durability. .014 diameter.
D97 Bowstring - The original high strength Dyneema® bowstring - 100% SK 75; very durable, low creep.
Continuous Loop vs Flemish
Continuous loop strings are thought to have better performance but the difference is so slight as to have to be measured. They are
extremely durable, very stable, and efficient.
801.399.3470 Fax: 801.399.3471
Bingham Projects
Flemish strings are extremely popular with traditional archers. Not only do they have that traditional appearance, but they are
thought to be quieter. They are also useful in making small changes in brace height.
Note: Before you use high performance strings, check with the manufacturer of the bow. All Bingham Bow
designs will work with Dacron, Fast Flight Plus™ and D97 as long as appropriate tip overlays are used. We suggest at
least 1/8” of phenolic or at least two layers of Bo-Tuff. Use high performance strings at your own risk. We cannot be held
responsible for bow damage.
String sizes are as follows: AMO Bow Lengths: 58”, 60”, 62”, 64”, 66”, 68”. Please specify Recurve, Longbow, or
Take-Down Longbow. We also have youth strings (Dacron Only). Please specify 48” Recurve, 48” or 56” Longbow.
Please note that the size written on the package is NOT the actual string length. Actual string length is 4 inches shorter
than the bow length for recurve bows, and 3 inches shorter for longbows. When ordering a string, do not order by actual string
length. Please order by AMO bow length.
1707 Continuous Loop Dacron Bow
String - A quality bow string available in
AMO actual bow length sizes.
1707F Flemish Braided Dacron Bow
String - A quality flemish braided bow
string. Bicolor.
1705 Continuous Loop D97 Bow
String - The D97 Continous Loop String
is the ultimate in high performance.
Made with Dyneema®, it is fast, durable,
and abrasion resistant. Available in AMO
actual bow length sizes.
1706 Continuous Loop Fast Flight
Plus™ Bow String - High Performance
Continous Loop Fast Flight String.
Available in AMO actual bow length
1706F Flemish Braided Fast Flight
Plus™ Bow String - A high performance
1705F Flemish Braided D97 Bow
braided bow string. Bicolor.
String - The D97 Flemish Braided String
is the ultimate in high performance
strings. Made with Dyneema®, it is
fast, durable, and abrasion resistant.
Bow Strings, String Making Supplies & Accessories
First Time String Making
Making Your Own Continuous Loop
Strings - Includes the following:
Continuous Loop String Making Jig,
one 1/4 pound spool of Dacron, serving
jig, spool of nylon serving, and string
maker’s wax.
Continuous Loop Starter Kit Part #
1708 Dacron String Making Material 1/4 lb. spool waxed string in bronze,
red, white, brown, golden yellow, hunter
green or black.
1 lb. spool waxed string in black or
1710 Astro Flight String Making
Material - This is the next generation in
string making material. There is no creep
and it is 20% stronger than Fast Flight.
Fastest arrow speed. It is durable and
stable. 100% HMPE. 1/4 lb. spool with a
.015” diameter. Available in red, hunter
green, white, bronze, dark brown, medium
brown, bright yellow or black. Before you
use high performance strings, check with
the manufacturer of the bow. All Bingham
bow designs will work with Astro Flight,
as long as appropriate tip overlays are
used. Use high performance strings at your
own risk. We cannot be held responsible
for bow damage.
A. 1709 String Serving Jig - Smooth
flow of thread with adjustable tension.
Self centering washer and axle system
for smooth uniform servings. Serving not
B. 1713 Cartel Serving Jig - Durable,
lightweight, and consistent with adjustable
tension. Serving not included.
C. 1720 Little Spinner Serving Jig Cast brass and balanced for easy spinning
around the string during serving process.
Serving not included.
A. 1712 Nylon Serving String - 1 oz.
spool in black, red, green, yellow or
B. 1717 Crown Serving - The strongest,
slickest and most durable serving
available. Available in three different
diameters: .018”, .022”, .026”. Color:
C. 1718 Diamondback Serving Unique braided construction gives you
superior grip and durability. Lies flat
and stays put. Available in three different
diameters: .018”, .022” & .030”. Color:
black/white blend.
D. 1719 Fast Flight Serving - Fast
Flight makes an excellent center
serving. .026” diameter. Available in
black/white blend.
A. 1711 String Wax - Easy to use,
no-waste tube.
B. 1721 String Maker’s Bow String
Wax - Finally, one wax for every type
of string. If you are having problems
with the rigidity of straight beeswax,
you need to try this blend of beeswax
and pine rosin. String Maker’s Wax is
the preferred choice not just for making and twisting Flemish strings, but for
maintaining any string, of any material.
With natural adhesive properties, this
all-purpose wax gets the job done. Sold
in 1 oz. quantities.
String Making Materials
1715 Fast Flight Plus™ String Making
Material - High Performance Fast Flight
Plus string making material, 1/4 lb. spool
size. Available in red, hunter green, white,
bronze, dark brown, medium brown, bright
yellow or black. Before you use high performance strings, check with the manufacturer of the bow. All Bingham bow designs
will work with Fast Flight Plus™, as long
as appropriate tip overlays are used. Use
high performance strings at your own risk.
We cannot be held responsible for bow
Fax: 801.399.3471
Fax: 801.399.3471
Making Your Own Flemish Strings Includes the following: Flemish String
Making Jig, two 1/4 pound spools of Dacron, serving jig, spool of nylon serving,
and string maker’s wax.
Flemish Starter Kit Part #
1722 Continuous Loop String
Making Jig - This handy string-making
jig will make continuous loop bow
strings ranging from 16” to 67” in
length. The kit includes easy to follow
instructions to help you get started. The
jig is made from pine and sanded down
to a smooth finish.
Bow Strings, String Making Supplies & Accessories
String Accessories
I. 1836 Navajo Wool Silencers Ultra-lightweight. Waterproof and long
lasting. Retain performance and dampen
vibration. (Pair)
801.399.3470 Fax: 801.399.3471
Bingham Projects
A. 1714 Flemish String Jig - Small and
accurate, giving you the ability to make
your own flemish strings up to 70”.
Durable wood construction. Includes
easy to follow instructions.
B. 1723 Flemish String Jig Spool
Attachment - Designed to work with
Flemish String Jig. Allows free flow of
string material.
F. 1832 Muskrat Fur Bow String
Silencers - No one likes to shoot a noisy
bow, and the natural silencing qualities of
Muskrat Fur will amaze you. Naturally
moisture repellent, Muskrat Fur resists
matting, looks great, and absolutely reduces string noise. (Pair)
G. 1833 Quiet Wool Bow String
Silencers - Llama wool is everything you
want in a string silencer. Not only is Llama
wool a strong, lightweight material, it is
water resistant, and great for absorbing
sound. These silencers are easy to install,
and require no maintenance. (Pair)
H. 1834 Puff Yarn Bow String Silencers - These yarn strand silencers will get
rid of that annoying “twang” and give you
the edge during the stalk. Sold by the pair,
these yarn silencers are easy to install, and
effective. (Pair)
C. 1811 String Groove Silencers Adhesive backed calf-hair silencers.
Dampens string slap on recurves. Color:
black. (pair)
D. 1837 String Groove Pads - Reduces
string slap on recurves. Lightweight for
zero loss of speed and kinetic energy.
Easy to install (cotter pin included) and
adjust. Made from durable hybrid foam
rubber. (pair)
E. 1838 Mini Limbsavers - No other
bow dampener shuts down noise and
vibration faster or performs better.
Adhesive backed. Attach to limb to kill
vibration. .35”H X .85” W. .09 oz.
(4 pack)
F. 1839 Bowjax Ultra II - Long-lasting
string silencers reduce noise and
vibration by surrounding string with
dampening material. No bow velocity
loss. Choose black or olive. (4 pack)
A. 1806 Nock-Set - A crimp-on arrow
nock locator to keep the arrow correctly
A. 1810 Whisker Silencer - Bow string
positioned on the string, shot after shot.
silencer and wind detector. Simply tie a (5-pack)
whisker on both upper and lower portions
of bow string and separate the whiskers. B. 1812 Nock-Set Pliers - Fastens
Available in black. (Pair)
nock-set securely to the bow string.
B. 1817 Beaver Fur Silencers BL C. 1807 Saunders Nok-Set Pliers Moisture repellent. Very quiet. Black.
Ergonomic design. Self opening jaws.
Allows you to install and remove
C. 1817 Beaver Fur Silencers BR nock-sets.
Moisture repellent. Very quiet. Brown.
D. 1818 Woolie Whispers - Lightweight
and durable. Natural camo. Water resis- A.
tant. Easy to install, directions included.
E. 1831 Otter Fur Bow String Silencers
- No one likes to shoot a noisy bow! Otter Fur is an ideal way to keep your bow
strings whisper quiet. This thick, soft fur A. 1804 Brush Buttons - Helps keep
looks great, is water repellent, and gets rid brush from being caught between bow
string and limb tips. Also dampens noise.
of the noise. (Pair)
Specify 11/16” (regular) or 7/8” (super).
B. 1805 No Glove - Slides over the bow
string and eliminates the need for a
shooting glove.
1808 String Separator - Handy tool
that allows you to separate the string to
install string silencers. Will not damage
1809 Saunders Bow
Square - A strong and
durable plastic square
that measures both brace
height and nock-set
alignment on the bow
1803 Aluminum Bow Square Check brace height (6-12”) and nocking
point (up to 5/8”). Colors vary.
Gold Tip Carbon Arrows & Shafts
Gold Tip Carbon Arrows
Gold Tip Carbon Shafts
GT1055 Gold Tip Traditional Wood
Grain Carbon Arrows - Traditional
.003” 500, wood grain.
GT2055 Gold Tip Traditional Wood
Grain Carbon Shafts - Traditional .003”
500, wood grain.
GT1075 Gold Tip Traditional Wood
Grain Carbon Arrows - Traditional
.003” 400, wood grain.
GT2075 Gold Tip Traditional Wood
Grain Carbon Shafts - Traditional .003”
400, wood grain.
GT1355 Gold Tip Traditional Wood
Grain Carbon Arrows - Traditional
.006” 500, wood grain.
GT1375 Gold Tip Traditional Wood
Grain Carbon Arrows - Traditional
.006” 400, wood grain.
GT1275 Gold Tip Expedition Hunter
Carbon Arrows - Expedition Hunter
.006” 400, black.
Smart Carbon Technology. Unmatched
durability, consistency and straightness
retention. Straightness +/- .006”, weight
+/- 2 gr. 500 (7.4 GPI), 400 (8.2 GPI). GT
Nock installed, inserts included. Color:
black. 5” Trueflight Feathers.Barred cock
feather and solid hen feathers. Colors
vary. (dozen and 6-pack)
A. GT2400 Gold Tip Standard .246
Smart Carbon Technology. Unmatched du- Insert - Gold Tip standard .246” inserts.
rability, consistency and straightness reten- (dozen)
tion. Appearance of a traditional wood grain
shaft. Straightness +/- .003” or +/- .006”, B. Gold Tip Standard .246 EZ-Pull
weight +/- 2 gr. 500 (8.6 GPI), 400 (9.3 Points - Gold Tip Standard .246”
GPI). GT Nock installed, inserts included. EZ-Pull Point. Specify 125 grain, 100
grain or 85 grain. (dozen)
Color: Wood Grain. (dozen and 6-pack)
GT25125 - 125 gr.
GT25100 - 100 gr.
GT2585 - 85 gr.
GT2255 Shafts - Expedition Hunter
.006” 500, black.
GT2910 Gold Tip Adhesive
GT2275 Shafts - Expedition Hunter
.006” 400, black.
Smart Carbon Technology. Unmatched
durability, consistency and straightness
retention. Straightness +/- .006”, weight
+/- 2 gr. 500 (7.4 GPI), 400 (8.2 GPI). GT
Nock installed, inserts included. Color:
Black. (dozen and 6-pack)
Youth Arrows
10 Gram Bottle - Bonds
feathers, vanes, nocks and
GT2920 Gold Tip Adhesive
20 Gram Bottle - Bonds
feathers, vanes, nocks and
GT3000 GT Series
Nock Wrench - Index
your nocks easily,
without damage. (each)
GT1500 Gold Tip Youth Fiberglass
Arrows - Great first arrow for kids.
Extremely durable. Low price. 2.5” vanes.
29” length. Includes tips. For bows 30
pounds or less. (6-pack)
GT1600 Gold Tip Lightning Youth
Carbon Arrows - Extremely durable.
Lighter and more consistent than
fiberglass. 2.5” vanes. 28” length. Includes
tips. (6-pack)
GT1700 Gold Tip Falcon Youth
Carbon Arrows - For the more serious
youth shooter. Youth version of the
Expedition Hunter .006” 500. 3” vanes.
27” length. Includes inserts. (6-pack)
GT1255 Gold Tip Expedition Hunter
Carbon Arrows - Expedition Hunter
.006” 500, black.
GT2375 Gold Tip Traditional Wood
Grain Carbon Shafts - Traditional .006”
400, wood grain.
Fax: 801.399.3471
Fax: 801.399.3471
Smart Carbon Technology. Unmatched
durability, consistency and straightness
retention. Appearance of a traditional
wood grain shaft. Straightness +/- .003” or
+/- .006”, weight +/- 2 gr. 500 (8.6 GPI),
400 (9.3 GPI). GT Nock installed, inserts
included. Color: Wood Grain. Trueflight
Feathers. Barred cock feather. Solid hen
feathers. Colors vary. (dozen and 6-pack)
GT2355 Gold Tip Traditional Wood
Grain Carbon Shafts - Traditional .006”
500, wood grain.
GT2300 Standard .246 Nocks - Gold Tip
nocks are notched so that the nock locks
onto the string. The extra-long insert
ensures proper alignment. Available
colors: ruby, flo-orange, flo-green,
yellow, white and black. (dozen)
Carbon Shaft Selection Chart
Length of Arrow
Recurve & Longbow
Arrows & Arrow Making Supplies
1431 Rose City Archery Port Orford
Cedar Shafts - A premium cedar shaft
available in 5# spine increments, 40#
to 70#, 11/32”, 32” lengths. (dozen and
Trueflight Feathers
1605 Pre-Shaped 5” Shield Die Cut
Solid Color Feathers - Left wing
feathers available in green, red, black,
white, blue, yellow, orange, pink, purple
and chartreuse. (dozen and 100)
1606 Full Length Feathers - Left wing
feathers available in red, black, green,
white, orange, yellow, blue, pink, purple
and chartreuse. (dozen and 100)
Youth Arrows
801.399.3470 Fax: 801.399.3471
Bingham Projects
Cedar Shafts
1433 Cedar Youth Arrows - Excellent
first arrow for kids. 2.5” feathers. 24”, 26”
and 28” lengths. For bows 30 pounds or
less. (6-pack)
1605B Pre-Shaped 5” Shield Die Cut
Barred Feathers - Left wing feathers available in red, traditional, green,
orange and yellow. (dozen and 100)
Fletching Tools
Arrow Nocks
1426 Classic Nock - Available in 11/32”
& 5/16”, in colors: flo-green, white, red,
black, yellow and orange. (dozen and
1603 Pre-Shaped 5” Parabolic Die Cut
Solid Color Feathers - Left wing
feathers available in red, blue, yellow,
black, white, orange, green, pink, purple
and chartreuse. (dozen and 100)
1424 Snap-On Nock - Available in
11/32” & 5/16”, in colors: yellow,
flo-red, black, flo-green, flo-orange,
flo-blue, white and flo-pink. (dozen and
1606B Full Length Barred Feathers
- Left wing feathers available in green,
traditional, red, orange and yellow.
(dozen and 100)
1603B Pre-Shaped 5” Parabolic Die
Cut Barred Feathers - Left wing
feathers available in green, traditional,
red, orange and yellow . (dozen and 100)
1624 The Bitzenburger Fletcher (Left
Wing) - Precision at its best with the
ability to accurately space feathers, three
@ 120, four @ 90 and four @ 75x105.
Left helical.
Arrows & Arrow Making Supplies
dispense equal parts resin and hardener,
for a perfect mix. Works great for inserts
with aluminum and carbon shafts.
B. 1414 Fletch-Tite Platinum Excellent for fletching carbon, aluminum
and wood shafts.
1625 Pro Series Fletcher by BPE - 120
degree 3 fletch, 75 x 105 degree or 90 x
90 degree 4 fletch, or 6 fletch. Fully
adjustable nock setting. Left helical.
1608P 5” Parabolic Feather Die Cutter
Left Wing / 1608S 5” Shield Feather Die
Cutter Left Wing - This left wing Feather
Die Cutter allows you to chop your own
die cut feathers from full length feathers.
Taper Tools
1626 Multi-Fletcher by Jo Jan Fletches 6 arrows at once. 120 degree 3
fletch or 90 degree 4 fletch. Left helical.
B. 1516 Taper Tool - Hard plastic
construction, for tapering both the nock
and point of wooden shafts. Available in
5/16”, 11/32” and 23/64”.
Arrow Making Adhesives
1628 Bohning Pro Class Fletching
Jig - With large grips and Quick-Set
Magnetic Clamps, the Bohning Pro
Class Fletching Jig makes it easy to
produce perfect, flawlessly fletched
arrows. The accurate “snap” indexing
and simple off-set adjustment make for
a quality, user-friendly experience. Left
Wing fletching only.
G. GT2920 Gold Tip Adhesive 20
Gram Bottle - Bonds feathers, vanes,
nocks and inserts.
Fax: 801.399.3471
Fax: 801.399.3471
A. 1517 Tru-Center V2 Taper Tool Aluminum construction, a three-in-one
tool that tapers nocks and points of
wooden shafts to 5/16”, 11/32” and
G. GT2910 Gold Tip Adhesive 10
Gram Bottle - Bonds feathers, vanes,
nocks and inserts.
F. 1416 Fletching Tape - Excellent for
attaching fletchings to shafts with no
drying time.
D. 1412 Duco Cement - A proven
adhesive designed for joining fletchings
to wooden shafts when sealing with
anything other than lacquers.
E. 1411 Ferr-L-Tite - Excellent for
applying points to wooden shafts.
1627 Martin Fletching Jig - Made from
strong, long-lasting injection-molded
poly-carbonate. This left wing fletching
jig has interchangeable discs for three
(3) or four (4) fletch, in addition to a
4-90¾° fletching pattern.
C. 1413 Martin Fletching Cement Excellent for fletching carbon, aluminum and wood shafts.
A. 1408 AAE 2-Part Epoxy - This AAE
two part epoxy allows you plenty of time
to make sure your points and nocks are
straight and true. With a twenty-four (24)
hour cure time, this two part formula has
an incredibly strong hold while at the same
time remaining flexible and elastic. The
two-part 1 oz. syringe is designed to
Points, Adapters, Broadheads & Hunting Points
Points and Adapters
1510 Snuffer Broadhead
3 Blade - Copper weldedspring steel construction,
11/32”, 125 grain, tapered
ferrule, 1 1/8” cutting
diameter. (6 pack)
1511 MA3 - The original
penetrator, 3 blade, 11/32”,
125 grain. (6 pack)
801.399.3470 Fax: 801.399.3471
Bingham Projects
1508 Zwickey Eskimo 4
Blade - 11/32”, 125 grain
tapered ferrule, 1 1/8”
cutting diameter. (6 pack)
A. 1420 Metal Field Point - Fits wood
shaft, 11/32” & 5/16”, 125 grain, 5 degree
tapered hole.
B. 1421 Metal Blunt- Fits wood shaft,
11/32” 125 grain & 5/16” 100 grain,
5 degree tapered hole.
1514 Zwickey Judo GlueOn - With four spring loaded
wings, 11/32” tapered at 140
grains. (2 pack)
1515 Zwickey Kondor
Glue-On - A larger version
of the Judo with four 1”
spring loaded wings 11/32” tapered at 145 grains.
1524 Broadhead
Wrench - This broadhead wrench will allow
you to work with those
razor-sharp edges
1528 Zwickey Delta
2-Blade Glue-on Straight edge. 2 9/16”
L x 1 3/8” 135 Gr.
(6 pack)
1529 Zwickey Delta
4-Blade Glue-on Straight edge. 2 9/16”
L x 1 3/8” W 135 Gr.
(6 pack)
1530 Zwickey Eskimo
2-Blade Screw-in Convex edge. 2 1/2” L
x 1 1/8” W. 160 Gr.
(3 pack)
1531 Zwickey Eskimo
4-Blade Screw-in Convex edge. 2 1/2”
L x 1 1/8” W 160 Gr.
(3 pack)
1532 Zwickey Delta
2-Blade Screw-in 1521 Magnus 2-Blade
Straight edge. 2 9/16”
Screw-In Broadheads L x 1 3/8” W. 170 Gr.
C. 1422 Rubber Blunt - Bunny Busters
Excellent flight
(3 pack)
standard 11/32”, 125 grain.
characteristics from
Zwickey Delta
recurves or longbows.
Screw-in D. 1409BA Broadhead Adapter
Accurate factory grind. Magnus
2 9/16”
(aluminum) - Accepts glue-on
broadheads have the Magnus Diamond
broadheads and points and screws into
Tip for improved penetration and
shaft bushing.
durability. 125 grain (6 pack)
1535 Howard Hill
1522 Magnus Snuffer
E. 1409F Screw-In Field Point - 5/16”,
Glue-On 160 Gr.
Screw-In - Constructed of 125 grain. Screws into shaft bushing. The
- This is the same
carbon steel, copper brazed 5/16” point creates a flush fit.
broadhead used by the
and heat treated. Excellent legendary Howard Hill
flight characteristics and
F. 1409B Screw-In Blunt - 5/16”, 125
edge for excellent
massive bloodtrails. 125 grain
grain. Screws into shaft bushing. The
1075 steel blade
(6 pack)
5/16” point creates a flush fit.
with chrome aluminum ferrule. 3 5/16”
L X 1 1/8” W. Interlocked and riveted
G. 1427 Wood Arrow Adapters - Allows
for maximum strength. Will not plane.
the use of screw-in points on wood arrows
11/32” Glue-on. (6 pack)
(6 pack)
1536 Muzzy Phantom
Screw-In 125 Gr.
1518 Zwickey Judo Screw-In Points - Known for bone splitting
Zwickey Judo Screw-In points. (2 pack)
Broadheads & Hunting
penetration, razor sharp
1519 Zwickey
stainless blades, and field
1509 Zwickey Eskimo 2
Kondor Screw-In
point accuracy. Aircraft
Blade - 11/32”, 125 grain
Point - Zwickey
aluminum, 5/16” ferrule. 2 1/8” L X 1
tapered ferrule, 1 1/8”
Kondor screw-in
1/8” W. 125 Gr (3 pack)
cutting diameter. (6 pack)
Points, Adapters, Broadheads & Hunting Points
1537 G5 Montec ScrewIn 125 Gr. - Patented
injection molded stainless
steel. Solid 1-piece
multi-tapered straight edge
design is stronger and more aerodynamic
than stamped blades. 5/16”ferrule. Spin
tested to +/- .002” straightness. Diamond
cut and razor sharp. 1 1/2”L X 1 1/8”W
aluminum, 5/16” ferrule. 2 1/8” L X 1
1/8” W. 125 Gr (3 pack)
1543 Saunders Bludgeon
Small Game Blunt Screw-In
- Rubber-plastic that is hard
hitting. Excellent for small
game and stump shooting.
7/8” diameter with 5/16” base.
125 gr (6 pack)
1542 Muzzy Grasshopper Rings -Install behind a
field point for instant stump
shooting or small game.
Great for Turkey hunters. It keeps the
broadhead in the bird instead of passing
through, reducing the bird’s ability to fly
or flee. Spring arms keep arrows from
disappearing under grass. 20 gr (3 pack)
Fax: 801.399.3471
Fax: 801.399.3471
1538 Nap Hellrazor
Screw-In - Ultra strong 1
piece straight edge design.
Never have loose blades.
Stainless steel construction
for maximum strength and optimum
flight. Photon blade bonding process laser
welds for ultimate strength and
consistency. 1 1/8”X 5/16” ferrule. 100 or
125 gr (3 pack)
1539 Forge Converta
Blunts -Convert any 5/16”
field point into a deadly
small game point. Mounts to the base of
your field point and screw-in as normal.
Field point accuracy and lethal
performance. 75 gr. Point not included.
(3 pack)
1540 “The Hammer”
Small Game Blunt
Screw-In - Devastating on
small game. An excellent
stump shooting point. Fluted design with
scalped cutting edges grab into game and
keep the arrow from becoming stuck in
trees or under grass. Recessed ballistic
point delivers killing shock to game.
Choose 100, 125 or 145 gr. (3 pack)
1541 “The Hammer” Small
Game Blunt Glue-On Devastating on small game.
An excellent stump
shooting point. Fluted design with
scalped cutting edges grab into game and
keep the arrow from becoming stuck in
trees or under grass. Recessed ballistic
point delivers killing shock to game.
Choose 125 or 145 gr. (3 pack)
Archery Accessories
Bow Rests
1820 Fabric Rest - 2 piece
self-adhesive rest and side
1828 Traditional Rest One piece leather with
self-adhesive backing.
Includes raised arrow shelf
1830 Bear Weather Rest Rugged. Weather resistant.
Adhesive backed. RH or LH.
801.399.3470 Fax: 801.399.3471
Bingham Projects
1829 Two Piece Leather
Rest - Smooth leather rest
and side plate. Both pieces
come with self-adhesive
Shooting Glooves
1821 Bear Rest & Plate Adhesive backed carpet style
arrow rest and leather side
1822 Brush Rest - Classic
adhesive backed rest.
1823 Dura-Flip Rest Durable. Weather resistant.
Will accept plunger button.
Adhesive backed. RH or LH.
2402 Non-Slip Bow Grip - Non-slip,
even when wet. Roll it on, roll it off. Fits
nearly all longbows and many recurves
with slim risers.
1824 Super T-300 Flipper
Rest - Adhesive backed
Lexan back with high tensile
stainless steel spine point
and Teflon® coated
replaceable support arm.
Note: Can be used with
2404 Bow Wraps - Soft, supple suede
a plunger button. Please
leather follows the contours of your riser
specify right or left hand.
for a comfortable grip. Adhesive backed.
Approx 1” X 30”. Choose black or brown.
1825 “Shorty” Plunger (each)
Designed with the
bowhunter in mind. Compact
and adjustable. Use with
Super T-300.
1826 Flipper II Rest - Made
of black molded plastic,
comes with an extra teflon
sleeve and self-adhesive
backing. State right or left
2410 Artificial Sinew Pre-waxed. 50# good for
riser wraps, crafts,
sewing, dream catchers,
etc. 75# good for riser
wraps, stitching quivers
and crafts, wrapping on
fletchings and primitive
points. 100# good for riser
Riser Wraps & Grips
wraps, stitching quivers and crafts,
wrapping on fletchings and primitive
2401 Deer Skin
points and even making bow strings.
Riser Wrap - A
Choose 50#, 75# or 100#. (1/4 LB Spool)
premium 6”x6”
2420 Leather
deer skin wrap. Use
Needle, Curved, 80
the smooth side or
MM - Sharp, self
rough side.
cutting needles. No
Available colors:
need to pre-punch
black, saddle,
holes. Great for riser
tobacco, mahogany, and gold. Can be
and other leather projects. Curved. 80mm.
glued or stitched.
(6 Pack)
1827 Calf Hair Traditional
Rest - Die cut with
self-adhesive backing and
short black calf hair lying in
the direction of the target to
minimize arrow drag. State
right or left hand.
2405 Grip Skin - Polyurethane padding
backed with durable cloth. Can cover
existing grips. Non-slip, gripping surface.
Directions included. Approx 1” X 36” L.
Black. (each)
2221 Martin Genuine
Leather Glove - High quality
leather glove with a velcro
strap, long lasting as well as
comfortable. In sizes S, M, L
and XL.
2222 Soft Doe Skin Glove - A
soft and flexible doeskin glove
with a velcro strap designed
for comfort and long wear. In
sizes S, M, L and XL.
2224 Wyandotte Closed-End
Glove - A leather glove with
closed-end fingers, elastic
band back and a velcro strap.
In sizes S, M, L and XL.
2225 Wyandotte Open-End
Glove - A leather glove with
open-end fingers, elastic band
back and a velcro strap. In
sizes S, M, L and XL.
2226 Fred Bear Master
Glove - Replica of Fred Bear’s
own glove. Tanned leather
with elastic stretch back.
Velcro wrist band. In sizes S,
M, L and XL.
2227 Dura-Glove - Cordura
tips for durability. Super-slick
surface for easy string release.
No break-in. Velcro wrist
band. In sizes S, M, L and XL.
Archery Accessories
2228 Berlin Style Deerskin
Glove - Soft deerskin, full
palm design. Very comfortable. Reinforced tips. Velcro
wrist band. In sizes S, M, L
and XL.
2229 Neet Leather Youth
Glove - Smooth leather gives
excellent string release. Elastic
back gives comfortable fit.
Velcro wrist band. Small
(8-10) Regular (10+).
Arm Guards
E. 2248 Martin Intermediate Length
Armguard - Semi-narrow profile
perfect for young arms. Dura Suede
backing with a flexible reinforcement and a
tough vinyl face. Two Quick-Snap
fasteners. Black.
F. 2249 Martin Tiger Armguard - Single
layer vinyl with two Quick-Snap fasteners.
Slips over the tip of the lower limb to
protect the bow tip and prevent the string
from slipping when the bow is unstrung.
B. 1815 Leather Recurve &
Take-Down Recurve tip protector.
C. 1816 Plastic Recurve &
Take-Down Recurve tip protector.
A. 2247 Martin Full Leather
Armguard - This extra-wide hunting
armguard with cowhide backing and a
flexible 1” reinforcement insert features
a beautiful rich brown leather facing and
innovative Quick-Snap Fasteners, allowing for super-quick attachment, detachment and adjustment.
B. 2242 WildMan Hunting
Armguard - This extra-wide hunting
armguard with cowhide backing and a
flexible 1’ reinforcement insert features
innovative Quick-Snap Fasteners, allowing for super-quick attachment, detachment and adjustment. Available in camo
and black.
C. 2246 Deluxe Bone Armguard Leather construction, double layer
stiched. Bone buttons with adjustable
stretch loops. Excellent protection and
D. 2244 Longbow Arm Guard Adjustable strap and riveted buttons
make installation and removal very
D. 1813 Rubber Longbow &
Take-Down Longbow tip protector. Available in green, tan & brown.
E. Universal Recurve and Longbow Tip
Protector - Made from a special rubber
blend that is soft, pliable and waterproof.
Stretches to fit both recurve and longbow
tips. Starts 3/4” wide. Conforms to the
shape of your tip when you apply heat
(blow dryer). Black. (each)
String Keepers
A. 2716 Recurve Bow Stringer Prevents limb twist while stringing bow.
For the Recurve, Take-Down Recurve,
Longbow and Take-Down Longbow.
B. 2717 Martin Premium Recurve Bow
Stringer - This quality stringer prevents
limb twist while stringing the bow. For
all Recurve and Take-Down Recurve
C. 2719 Martin Premium Longbow
Bow Stringer - This quality stringer
prevents limb twist while stringing the
bow. For all Longbows and Take-Down
D. 2718 Martin Bow Stringer - Will
string heavy bows. Calf hide cups that
mold to the shape of the bow tips and a
nylon cord with breaking strength of
310 lbs.
Fax: 801.399.3471
Fax: 801.399.3471
A. 1814 Leather Longbow &
Take-Down Longbow tip protector.
Bow Tip Protectors
Bow Stringers
A. 2725 Bone String Keeper - Keeps
your bow string in place while unstrung.
B. 2726 Neet Leather String Keeper Suede leather with elastic cord. Metal Clip
holds string in place.
C. 2727 Leather String Keeper - Real
leather with leather strip for adjusting
Archery Accessories
Bow Cases
801.399.3470 Fax: 801.399.3471
Bingham Projects
C. & D.
A. 2110 Flint Traditional Back Quiver This traditional leather quiver is made to
impress. Able to easily hold more than two
dozen arrows, this beautiful quiver allows
for easy arrow withdraw and fast loading.
The long shoulder strap allows for
comfortable positioning and the adjustable
leather straps will impress the most
demanding traditionalists. A double layer
of tough leather at the bottom of the
quiver provides extra broadhead
protection and the handy pouch can be
used to store all your accessories.
Measuring twenty inches (20”) long, this
fantastic quiver is available in both right
and left hand models.
B. 2111 Little John Quiver - This sturdy
little traditional quiver holds over a
half-dozen arrows, with a wide opening
for easy arrow draw. The beautiful leather
workmanship will impress even the most
demanding traditionalist. This seventeen
inch (17”) long quiver is available in right
and left hand models.
9100 Bingham Projects, Inc. T-Shirt Tagless 100% heavyweight pre-shrunk
ringspun cotton T-shirts are typically
cut a little larger and will hold up well
through multiple washings. Size:
A. 2710 Padded Longbow Case - This L-XXL. Color: Fatigue Green or Sand.
durable black nylon waterproof case can
hold up to two full-length longbows. Measuring seventy inches (70”) long and six
and one-half inches (6.5”) wide, this case
will protect your bows in the harshest of
B. 2711 Padded Recurve Case - This
padded black-nylon waterproof case can
hold up to two full length recurve bows.
The case is sixty-three inches (63”) long
and nine inches (9”) wide and is designed
to protect your bows in the harshest of
conditions. The large accessory pouch can
be used to store shooting gloves,
armguards, extra strings, or any thing else
you need for the hunt.
C. 2722 Polar Fleece Recurve Bow Case
- Soft, comfortable fleece. Camo pattern.
D. 2723 Polar Fleece Longbow Bow
Case - Soft, comfortable fleece. Camo
C. 2113 Martin Leather Back Quiver Attractive leather back quiver. 17” long.
5” accessory pouch with leather strap
closure. R.H. or L.H.
D. 2115 Two-Toned Belt Quiver - Made
of long lasting Vinyl, this tube quiver style
attaches to the belt and is a favorite for
both the range and field archer at a very
low price.
9200 Bingham Projects, Inc. Cap 100% brushed cotton hat with pre-curved
visor. Adjustable cloth strap at the back
of the cap with slide-buckle. Color :
Realtree APG or Khaki
Glass Laminations
Distributor for
Black, Brown & Clear, Sanded 1 Side
1 3/4”
1 3/4”
1 3/4”
1 1/2”
1 1/2”
1 1/2”
1 1/2”
2”, 1 3/4”, 1 1/2”
Natural, Red, and Black, Sanded 2 Sides
2”, 1 3/4”, 1 1/2”
1 3/4”
1 3/4”
1 3/4”
1 1/2”
1 1/2”
1 1/2”
Bo-Tuff E Glass ULS
A continuous unidirectional “E” fiberglass laminate combined with a 50/50
woven fiberglass inlay (scrim) that has high strength and stiffness along
the longitudinal (0) axis and provides cross strength (90 degrees to the
longitudinal axis). Available in .043” & .050” clear, .040” & .050” black and
brown, .060” black, sanded 1 side.
Bo-Tuff E Glass UL
A continuous unidirectional “E” fiberglass laminate that has high strength and
stiffness along the longitudinal (0) axis. Available in .030”, .040”, .050” clear,
.030” black, .040” & .050” white, sanded 1 side.
Core-Tuff Glass
A continuous unidirectional “E” fiberglass laminate designed to add a color
strip through the limb as viewed from the edge of the bow. Available in .030”
red, black, brown and white, sanded 2 sides
Sanded 2 Sides
2”, 1 3/4”, 1 1/2”
2”, 1 3/4”, 1 1/2”
Black, White & Clear, Sanded 1 Side
All glas
s ty
colors m pes, sizes and
ay b
for quan e combined
tity pric
narrow limb design is used, with the addition of a color strip through the limb
when red or black is used, as viewed from the edge of the bow. Available in
.030”, natural, red and black, sanded 2 sides.
Fax: 801.399.3471
Fax: 801.399.3471
Black, Brown, Red and White, Sanded
2 Sides
Carbon Unidirectional Glass
A unidirectional carbon laminate limb core lamination that provides the
ultimate in light weight strength, stiffness and increased performance by
providing the highest response, rate of return, weight reduction and fatigue life
available. Recommended for laminated limbs with Bo-Tuff E Glass being used
as skin glass. Results from the use of this glass may vary depending on the
limb weight and design. Available in .020” & .030”, natural (blackish-gray),
sanded 2 sides.
Power-Tuff Glass
Uni-Weft Glass
A solid glass material used for cross bow and compound bow limbs where
machining is required to shape the limb. Non-traditional users. This glass is
available upon special request. Available in black in widths of 1 ½”, 1 ¾” &
2” and thicknesses to .495”, sanded 1 or 2 sides.
A continuous unidirectional “E” fiberglass laminate with 90 degree fiberglass
inlay. This combination not only gives high strength and stiffness along the
longitudinal (0) axis, but also provides cross strength and stiffness (90 degrees
to the longitudinal axis). It provides increased limb stability where thin or
M.S.D.S. and manufacturer spec. sheets available upon request.
Wood Laminations
801.399.3470 Fax: 801.399.3471
Bingham Projects
Red Elm
Edge Grain
Red Elm
Flat Grain
72” parallel & 36” pair tapers
36” pair parallels & 36” pair tapers
(Red Zebra)
A. RED ELM - Used as limb core laminations and wedges. Reddish-brown to dark
brown with veins in edge grain and rings with flat grain.
B. HARD MAPLE - Used as limb core laminations, riser material and wedges. Blonde in color and stains well.
72” parallel & 36” pair tapers
C. ASH - Used as limb core laminations, riser material and wedges. Light colored
like Maple, but with appearance like Red Elm.
72” parallel & 36” pair tapers
D. CHERRY - Used as limb core laminations, riser material and wedges. Finished
Cherry is a beautiful salmon pink to reddish color, that with time, only improves in color.
36” pair parallels & 36” pair tapers
36” pair parallels & 36” pair tapers
36” pair parallels & 36” pair tapers
E. JATOBA - Also known as Brazilian Cherry. Used as limb core laminations, riser
material and wedges. Tan/salmon color with black accent stripes, that in time, turn to
a deep rich red color.
F. WALNUT - Used as limb core laminations, riser material and wedges. Brown to
dark purple in color.
36” pair parallels & 36” pair tapers
G. PURPLE HEART - Used as limb core laminations, riser material and wedges.
Blood purple in color.
36” pair parallels & 36” pair tapers
H. BUBINGA - Used as limb core laminations, riser material and wedges.
Reddish-brown with lines of dark purple.
36” pair parallels & 36” pair tapers
I. SHEDUA - Used as limb core laminations, riser material and wedges. This African hardwood ranges from medium tan to dark brown. It is reasonably tight-grained
and dense.
36” pair parallels & 36” pair tapers
Tapers ground .002” per running inch,
available in .090”, .100”, .110” and
.120”. Tapers ground .001” per running
inch, available in .060”, .070”, .080”,
.090”, .100”, .110”and .120”. Additional
thicknesses available upon request.
Parallel laminations available in .030”
.040”, 050”, and .060”. Additional
thicknesses available upon request.
J. PADAUK - Used as limb core laminations, riser material and wedges. Color
ranges from pale pinkish orange to a deep brownish red. Most pieces tend to start
reddish orange when freshly cut,darkening substantially over time to a reddish/purplish brown.
When ordering, specify Red Elm in edge grain or flat grain.
Unless otherwise requested, Red Elm will be sent in edge grain.
Disclaimer: These samples are intended for the sole purpose of providing the customer with a
reasonable approximation of what each wood may look like. Each sample was chosen randomly. Every piece
of wood is unique. The finished appearance of your bow will vary depending on the individual piece of wood
and the type of finish you choose to apply. Bingham Projects will not guarantee the color or grain pattern in
any piece of wood. You can also see these samples at
Wood Laminations
36” pair parallels & 36” pair tapers
36” pair parallels & 36” pair tapers
36” pair parallels & 36” pair tapers
72” parallel & 36” pair tapers
36” pair parallels & 36” pair tapers
36” pair parallels & 36” pair tapers
ACTION-BOO (natural or
36” pair parallels & 36” pair tapers
CANE BAMBOO (natural)*
36” pair parallels & 36” pair tapers
CANE BAMBOO Backing Strip
72” lengths unground
Tapers ground .002” per running inch,
available in .090”, .100”, .110” and
.120”. Tapers ground .001” per running
inch, available in .060”, .070”, .080”,
.090”, .100”, .110” and .120”.
Additional thicknesses available upon
Parallel laminations available in .030”
.040”, 050”, and .060”. Additional
thicknesses available upon request.
* Cane Bamboo Tapers and Parallels
available in 1 1/2” ONLY
Curly- Birdseye
Maple Maple Natural
K. EBIARA (RED ZEBRA) - Used as limb core laminations, riser material and
wedges. Color is a deep reddish brown, frequently with darker black streaks and
L. ZEBRA - Used as limb core laminations, riser material and wedges. Straw color
to dark brown with darker brown stripes.
M. BOCOTE (sometimes called Mexican Rosewood) - Used as limb core laminations and wedges. Dark brown with a rosewood grain.
N. WENGE - Used as limb core laminations, riser material and wedges. Color is
medium brown withnearly black streaks. Upon application of a wood finish (particularly an oil finish) the wood can become nearly black.
O. CURLY MAPLE - Used as limb core laminations and wedges. Blonde in color
accepts stains well.
P. BIRDSEYE MAPLE - Used as limb core laminations and wedges. Blonde in
color and accepts stains well.
Q. ACTION- BOO - .250” thick strips of cane bamboo laminated and prepared for
limb core laminations and wedges. Available in natural or amber.
801.399.3470 Fax: 801.399.3471
Bingham Projects
R. CANE BAMBOO - Asian bamboo prepared for limb core laminations. Natural
in color with visible nodes. 1 1/2” width only.
All wood and cane subject to availability.
Unless otherwise requested, Action-Boo will be sent in natural.
Disclaimer: These samples are intended for the sole purpose of providing the customer with a
reasonable approximation of what each wood may look like. Each sample was chosen randomly. Every
piece of wood is unique. The finished appearance of your bow will vary depending on the individual piece
of wood and the type of finish you choose to apply. Bingham Projects will not guarantee the color or grain
pattern in any piece of wood. You can also see these samples at
Wood Laminations
801.399.3470 Fax: 801.399.3471
Bingham Projects
Green Mountain Camo Desert Camo
36” pair parallels & 36” pair tapers
36” pair parallels & 36” pair tapers
Burgundy Camo
Osage Yellow
Q. COREFLEX/SUPERACTION WOOD (S/A wood) - .063” veneers of
wood, laminated and prepared as core laminations, riser material and wedges. Available in natural, brown, gray, green mountain camo, desert camo, burgundy camo,
osage yellow, olive green, brown camo, purple camo or pink camo. Specify edge
grain or flat grain.
All wood and cane subject to availability.
Tapers ground .002” per running inch,
available in .090”, .100”, .110” and
.120”. Tapers ground .001” per running
inch, available in .060”, .070”, .080”,
.090”, .100”, .110” and .120”.
Additional thicknesses available upon
When ordering, specify Coreflex/Superaction in edge grain or flat grain, Action-Boo
in natural or amber, Coreflex/Superaction in natural, brown, gray, green mountain
camo, desert camo, burgundy camo, osage yellow, olive green, brown camo, purple
camo or pink camo. Unless otherwise requested Coreflex/Superaction will be sent
in natural edge grain.
Parallel laminations available in .030”
.040”, 050”, and .060”. Additional
thicknesses available upon request.
Disclaimer: These samples are intended for the sole purpose of providing the customer with a
reasonable approximation of what each wood may look like. Each sample was chosen randomly. Every
piece of wood is unique. The finished appearance of your bow will vary depending on the individual piece
of wood and the type of finish you choose to apply. Bingham Projects will not guarantee the color or grain
pattern in any piece of wood. You can also see these samples at
Wood Laminations
Olive Green
Brown Camo
Purple Camo
Pink Camo
36” pair parallels & 36” pair tapers
36” pair parallels & 36” pair tapers
Q. COREFLEX/SUPERACTION WOOD (S/A wood) - .063” veneers of
wood, laminated and prepared as core laminations, riser material and wedges. Available in natural, brown, gray, green mountain camo, desert camo, burgundy camo,
osage yellow, olive green, brown camo, purple camo or pink camo. Specify edge
grain or flat grain.
All wood and cane subject to availability.
Tapers ground .002” per running inch,
available in .090”, .100”, .110” and
.120”. Tapers ground .001” per running
inch, available in .060”, .070”, .080”,
.090”, .100”, .110” and .120”.
Additional thicknesses available upon
When ordering, specify Coreflex/Superaction in edge grain or flat grain, Action-Boo
in natural or amber, Coreflex/Superaction in natural, brown, gray, green mountain
camo, desert camo, burgundy camo, osage yellow, olive green, brown camo, purple
camo or pink camo. Unless otherwise requested Coreflex/Superaction will be sent
in natural edge grain.
Parallel laminations available in .030”
.040”, 050”, and .060”. Additional
thicknesses available upon request.
Disclaimer: These samples are intended for the sole purpose of providing the customer with a
reasonable approximation of what each wood may look like. Each sample was chosen randomly. Every
piece of wood is unique. The finished appearance of your bow will vary depending on the individual piece
of wood and the type of finish you choose to apply. Bingham Projects will not guarantee the color or grain
pattern in any piece of wood. You can also see these samples at
Bow Draw Weight Chart
801.399.3470 Fax: 801.399.3471
Bingham Projects
58” & 60” Recurve
60” Recurve
58” Recurve
1 3/4” Limb Width
1 3/4” Limb Width
35#.............................. .240”
40#.............................. .246”
45#.............................. .252”
50#.............................. .258”
55#.............................. .264”
60#.............................. .270”
65#.............................. .276”
70#.............................. .282”
35#.............................. .250”
40#.............................. .256”
45#.............................. .262”
50#.............................. .268”
55#.............................. .274”
60#.............................. .280”
65#.............................. .286”
70#.............................. .292”
2” Limb Width
35#.............................. .230”
40#.............................. .236”
45#.............................. .242”
50#.............................. .248”
55#.............................. .254”
60#.............................. .260”
65#.............................. .266”
70#.............................. .272”
2” Limb Width
35#.............................. .240”
40#.............................. .246”
45#.............................. .252”
50#.............................. .258”
55#.............................. .264”
60#.............................. .270”
65#.............................. .276”
70#.............................. .282”
Take-Down Recurve
(measured without wedge inserted)
1 3/4” Limb Width
2” Limb Width
58” Take-Down Recurve
58” Take-Down Recurve
35#.............................. .204”
40#.............................. .212”
45#.............................. .220”
50#.............................. .226”
55#.............................. .232”
60#.............................. .240”
65#.............................. .246”
70#.............................. .252”
Add .015” for 60” Take-Down
Add .030” for 62” Take-Down
58”, 60”, & 62” use 8 1/4” wedge.
64” Take-Down Recurve
35#.............................. .221”
40#.............................. .228”
45#.............................. .234”
50#.............................. .240”
55#.............................. .247”
60#.............................. .255”
65#.............................. .261”
70#.............................. .267”
35#.............................. .199”
40#.............................. .205”
45#.............................. .212”
50#.............................. .219”
55#.............................. .225”
60#.............................. .230”
65#.............................. .236”
70#.............................. .242”
Add .015” for 60” Take-Down
Add .030” for 62” Take-Down
58”, 60”, & 62” use 8 1/4” wedge.
64” Take-Down Recurve
35#.............................. .215”
40#.............................. .222”
45#.............................. .228”
50#.............................. .233”
55#.............................. .239”
60#.............................. .245”
65#.............................. .251”
70#.............................. .257”
Add .015” for 66” Take-Down
Add .015” for 66” Take-Down
Add .030” for 68” Take-Down
Add .030” for 68” Take-Down
64”, 66”, & 68” use 10 1/4” wedge. 64”, 66”, & 68” use 10 1/4” wedge.
68” Longbow
35#.............................. .344”
40#.............................. .359”
45#.............................. .374”
50#.............................. .389”
55#.............................. .404”
60#.............................. .418”
65#.............................. .427”
70#.............................. .435”
64” Reflex/Deflex Longbow
35#.............................. .331”
40#.............................. .346”
45#.............................. .361”
50#.............................. .376”
55#.............................. .391”
60#.............................. .406”
65#.............................. .414”
70#.............................. .422”
62” Hybrid Longbow
35#.............................. .295”
40#.............................. .310”
45#.............................. .325”
50#.............................. .340”
55#.............................. .355”
60#.............................. .370”
65#.............................. .378”
70#.............................. .386”
68” Take-Down Longbow
(measured without wedge inserted)
Shallow Reflex/Deflex
35#.............................. .328”
40#.............................. .344”
45#.............................. .359”
50#.............................. .374”
55#.............................. .389”
60#.............................. .404”
65#.............................. .418”
70#.............................. .427”
Pronounced Reflex/Deflex
35#.............................. .260”
40#.............................. .275”
45#.............................. .290”
50#.............................. .305”
55#.............................. .320”
60#.............................. .335”
65#.............................. .343”
70#.............................. .351”
Draw weights will vary if bow design, bow
length, bow width or riser length is changed.
Bow length is measured from string groove
to string groove on back of bow,
following the inside curve.
Helpful Hints for the Novice Bow Builder (FAQ)
t is a very gratifying experience to
build your own traditional bow,
and then to shoot that same bow with
predictable accuracy. It is my hope
that each of you will become a successful bowyer and archer. There are a few
false notions and some common problems in building bows which new bowyers should be cautioned against. After
more than fifty-six years in the archery
business, either building or teaching others to build bows, We have been asked
thousands of questions about bows and
related items. I have compiled the answers to these questions in an attempt to
prevent problems that might frustrate a
novice bowyer.
How Should I choose my Bow Draw
Make archery fun. Choose a bow draw
weight that is comfortable, less than what
you are capable of pulling. Many new archers become discouraged and quickly
lose interest in the sport when the bow is
so heavy that it is not fun to shoot, or when
the bow is so heavy that accuracy is lost.
Most states have a legal weight of 40-50
lbs. for big game. On a cold fall day when
you are stalking a buck, a lighter bow is
a joy to shoot. The secret to success is in
accuracy, not in muscle. In target practice
or tournament shooting, an even lighter
draw weight may be more desirable. A
heavier bow can be considered once you
have practiced, muscles are firming up
and you are getting a feel for archery.
Bow Design
It is of great concern to me that some
prospective first-time bowyers want to
revolutionize archery design. It seems
to be human nature to feel that your own
design will bring about superior
performance and artistic design
immediately. Personal pride in one’s
own handiwork is notable, but remember
that experimentation is usually a slow,
painful, and often expensive process.
Sometimes a change in recurve design
can cause limb twist, weight change, and a
lessening in performance. You will notice
that, in a general sense, the limb design
is very similar throughout the archery
industry. Often bows from various
manufacturers will appear different
The most important consideration for
choosing your wood is beauty. The second
most important consideration in choosing
your wood is beauty. Are you starting to
see a pattern? Ideally, if you are concerned
about performance, you should choose a
light weight limb material, such as ash or
maple or bamboo. However, the actual
speed difference between these lighter
woods and one of the more exotic, slightly
heavier woods, is negligible at best. So is
a lighter wood more desirable for performance? Yes. But will you see enough of
a performance upgrade that you shouldn’t
use a heavier wood that you think is prettier? No. Not in our opinion. Again, we
recommend you choose the wood that is
the most aesthetically pleasing to you.
Should I add Carbon to my bow?
You should consider adding a strip of
carbon glass to your bow if you are concerned about speed. Carbon will speed up
the performance of your limbs by about
five feet per second.
When adding carbon to a limb it is imperative to subtract five pounds from your
desired draw weight, in addition to accounting for the thickness of the carbon
(.020” or .030”) from your overall limb
thickness. The rule of thumb when placing carbon in your limb is to place it as
What tools do I need for this project?
Obviously a fully outfitted woodshop
comes in handy, but that is absolutely not
necessary to build your own bow. The
only two requisite power tools needed
for this project are 1- a power sander, and
2- a band saw. If you own these tools, or
can at least get access to them, you are
good to go. A drill press is very helpful if
you are building a take-down bow. It can
also double as a power sander if you purchase one of our Drum Sanders. They fit
into the chuck of your drill press.
801.399.3470 Fax: 801.399.3471
The first concern is the most important.
Watch the video and read the instructional
materials carefully, plan your procedures
in detail, and make a dry-run with all
materials and equipment you will need.
If, after carefully doing these things, you
still have questions, please feel free to
call us before beginning your project.
Bingham Projects
I am concerned that I might not fully
understand the whole bow making
process. How do I get started?
because the riser section (handle) may close to the target side of the bow as posvary in design, shape, or color of material. sible. This means it is placed right under
the glass if you are using colored fiberWhat is the difference between UL and glass. If you are using clear fiberglass, the
ULS glass?
carbon should be placed under the first
layer of parallel laminations.
ULS has a layer of scrim (fabric) run- We recommend adding only one strip of
ning longitudinally. This layer is meant to carbon to your bow. You will likely see
protect the glass from cracking in certain very little difference by adding additional
extreme situations. This is the only dif- carbon.
ference. ULS is not stiffer or stronger. If
you are experiencing cracking, you may What materials can I use to finish my
consider using ULS glass. Otherwise UL bow?
should be sufficient.
When finishing your bow, do not use a
What is the difference between Smooth Lacquer. Lacquer finishes tend to be stiff,
and may crack under the working stresses
On Epoxy and D.E.R. Versamid
of a bow. Birchwood Casey Tru-Oil is a
good rub-on finish. Another rub-on finish
Very little. Smooth-On is a thicker, more is Tung oil or Tung oil with polyurethane.
viscous epoxy, while D.E.R./Versamid is Polyurethane is a popular choice, though
slightly runnier, less viscous. Smooth-On occasionally you might find it doesn’t set
is a 1:1 mixture and D.E.R./Versamid is up over oily woods. For oily woods, try
a 2:1. The only other difference is that water based polyurethane (interior) then
Smooth-On will cure at room temperature finish with an oil base polyurethane (exin about 24 hours, for tip overlays for ex- terior) product. For a professional finish,
ample. (Please note that letting Smooth using a spray gun, try Thunderbird finOn cure at room temperature is NOT rec- ishes. Apart from the type of finish, you
ommended for your bow, as the strength should determine what kind of finished
look you desire for the bow (i.e.matte,
of the epoxy will be greatly reduced.)
semi-gloss, gloss, etc.). Remember that
Which wood should I choose for my a gloss finish is harder than a semi-gloss.
You can dress down the gloss or you can use
gloss and then finish with a semi-gloss coat.
How do I determine my draw length?
The easiest way to measure draw length is
to nock an old arrow in your bow. Draw
your bow back to a full, comfortable draw,
and have someone mark the arrow at the
point where it meets the back (target side)
of your arrow shelf. Carefully let your
bow down. Measure from the base of the
groove of the arrow nock to the place on
the shaft that you previously marked. This
is your draw length. Add 1” to that measurement and that is your arrow length.
This additional 1” will give your proper
broadhead clearance.
Helpful Hints for the Novice Bow Builder (FAQ)
How do I determine the thickness of
my limbs?
801.399.3470 Fax:
Fax: 801.399.3471
Bingham Projects
If you are ordering a limb lamination kit
from us and plan on following one of the
Bingham Bow designs you do not need to
figure out your limb thickness. Please just
state your desired weight, width, length,
and draw length and we will figure out the
rest for you.
You can find the Bingham Bow Draw
Weight Chart in this catalog. For our recurves, the limb thickness is composed
of 2 pieces of Bo-tuff, 1 parallel, and 1
taper (.002”). The total limb thickness is
the sum of all four layers, the taper being
measured at the butt end. For our 1 piece
longbows and our shallow t.d. longbow,
the limb thickness is composed of 2 pieces
of Bo-tuff, 3 parallels, and 1 taper (.002”).
The total limb thickness is the sum of all
six layers, the taper being measured at the
butt end. For our pronounced t.d. longbow, the limb thickness is composed of 2
pieces of Bo-tuff, 1 regular taper (.002”),
1 parallel, and 1 reverse taper (.002”). The
reverse taper is simply a taper that is reversed so that the thin end of the taper is
at the butt end of the limb. The total limb
thickness is the sum of all five layers, the
regular taper being measured at the butt
end and the reverse taper being measured
at the thin end. In the case of the t.d. bows,
the wedge is never considered part of the
limb thickness. Additionally, please note
that this chart is accurate for Bingham
Bows and designs only. We are happy to
offer advice if you are using your own design, but we cannot guarantee an accurate
limb thickness for different designs.
How long will it take you to process
my order?
For a custom order including wood or cane
core laminations, risers, tapered wedges,
or phenolic accents, you should anticipate
anywhere from 1-2 days for processing,
depending on the season. Winter is routinely the busiest season so please expect
a slightly longer processing time.
Orders that do not require custom parts
are normally processed and shipped with
in 1-2 days. Shipping time will, of course,
be determined by your location.
What is the difference between
Dacron, Fast Flight & D97 string?
Dacron is the standard for traditional
bows. It has some stretch to it. Therefore,
it is a little more forgiving for your bow. It
is also a little quieter. Fast Flight and D97
don’t stretch as much and therefore transfer more energy to your arrow. It may
give you increased performance. Make
sure that your limb tips are reinforced to
be able to use Fast Flight or D97.
All Bingham Bows will handle the increased strain of Fast Flight and D97, as
long as the tip overlays are finished to an
appropriate thickness.
How thick should I make the tip
For high performance strings, a total
thickness of at least 1/8” should be used,
if you are using phenolic tip overlays. For
cosmetic appearance, I like to use two layers of 1/16”, using different colors. With
Bo-Tuff overlays, use two layers. Again,
two different colors look great.
Third, dry spots. Make sure you use
plenty of epoxy. You can have a “sufficient” glue line, but while you are
spreading epoxy on the other laminations, the glue can seep into the wood,
creating a dry spot. Before putting mating laminations together, check them
under a light. They should be shiny everywhere. Look specifically for those
dry spots. Dry spots will have a dull
appearance. Apply more epoxy to these
dull looking areas.
These hints will help take care of these
types of problems.
How do I shorten my TDLB?
What are the possible causes of
delaminations, “air bubbles” or
“cloudy spots” in your limbs?
The procedure to shorten your takedown longbow is similar to the procedure for changing lengths on your takedown recurve. It is very simple, for
every two inches that you shorten your
tdlb, you move your press pin one inch,
from the original 68” position, toward
the tip end of the press. You also shorten the limb template one inch at the butt
end. For example, if you were making
a 64” tdlb, you would move your press
pin two inches toward the tip end of the
press from the 68” position and shorten
your limb template two inches at the
butt end.
These problems are caused by not having
a good bo-tuff/epoxy/wood bond.
What is the difference between the
1.75” and 2” limb on a recurve?
The usual culprit is one of, or a combination of, these three things:
It is mainly personal preference. Some
people prefer a slimmer appearance and
How do I measure bow length?
The easiest way to measure the length of
your bow is to start at the string groove,
follow the curvature of the limb along
the belly side of the bow, across the riser
area, and follow the curvature of the
other limb to the other string groove.
This will give you the a.m.o. bow length.
First, some kind of contamination on your
laminations. This can be either surface
moisture, using a solvent that isn’t pure,
or dust. Your wood laminations can pick
up moisture from the air. This will interfere with the epoxy. Lay out your wood
laminations in your heat box while it is
warming up for about 30 minutes. Let
them return to room temperature before
laminating. We don’t recommend using
solvents, just use a stiff bristle brush to
clean the laminations.
Second, insufficient pressure. I’m not referring to the 60 psi in your hose, that is
sufficient. If your top and bottom form
are too far apart, the air hose rounds up
more than it should. The more your hose
rounds up, the less it wants to bend and
the less it will give you good pressure.
If you are consistently having issues in
bending parts of your limb, such as the reflex of your recurve or the fadeout of your
longbow riser, this may be your problem.
To correct this, add some shim material
between the hose and the top part of the
mold to take up the extra room. Your
hose won’t have to round up as much.
What is the difference in the limb
thickness for weight of a flat limb
longbow and a reflex/deflex longbow?
None. The limb thickness for weight of
a flat limb longbow and a standard reflex/deflex longbow are the same.
What is the difference between our
64” Reflex/Deflex longbow and our
62” Hybrid longbow design?
The 62” Hybrid has more reflex/deflex
than the 64” reflex/deflex.
If, after reading all this, you are still
asking the same question, “Can I build
a bow?”, the answer is still “yes”. Good
luck on your project, and that next trophy might well be shot using your very
own handcrafted bow.
Yours for better shooting,
Bingham Projects, Inc.
ver a half century ago, ElMont L. Bingham, founder
of Bingham Projects, Inc. (formerly Bingham Archery),
envisioned a way to provide the avid archer with the means to
become a do-it-yourself traditional bowyer. To accomplish
this, he drafted How to Build Your Own Traditional Bow
manuals, full sized blueprints, and later, videos. He brought
togethe the best component materials and developed
traditional bow kits.
As today’s leader in the industry, we continue to provide
the finest quality supplies available. The weekend bowyer
and the professional bowyer alike are able to experience
their dreams of building beautiful Traditional Recurves,
Take-Down Recurves, Longbows, Take-Down Longbows,
or the new Reflex/Deflex Longbows and Hybrid Longbows.
Mr. Bingham’s vision continues to be the traditional archer’s dream come true.
© 2015 Bingham Projects, Inc
Designed by Jessica Cragun
1350 Hinckley Drive,
Ogden, UT 84401-3375
Phone : (801) 399-3470
Fax: (801) 399-3471
visit us at