
Mosport Kartways, July 30-31, 2016
Track location
Mosport Kartways is located at 3233 Concession Road #10, Bowmanville, ON, L1C 3K6 Phone: (905) 983-7223. Website:
Track description
The track has a length of 1.41km, a width of 8 meters with 14 corners. All sessions run counter clockwise.
Hosting club
The hosting racing club for the event is the Mosport International Karting Association (MIKA).
Quality Hotel located in Peterborough has been selected as the official hotel for the event. Participants and teams alike
are urged to make reservations using the booking code “ECKC – Mosport” to take advantage of special rates and
Reservations can be made by calling the hotel directly at 705-748-6801. Please use "ECKC - Mosport" to receive the
special group rate. All reservations must be guaranteed to a credit card.
Quality Inn
1074 Lansdowne Street West
Peterborough, ON
K9J 1Z9
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Tent Rentals Tent rentals can be coordinated with Gervais Party & Tent rentals.
Gervais Party & Tent Rentals
75 Milner Avenue
Toronto, ON
M1S 3P6
Spec. Fuel Station
The spec fuel Station for the event is the Petro Canada Station, 8262 Hwy 115-35 S, 8th Concession Rd, Orono, ON, L0B
1M0 Phone: 905-983-9290
All classes must use Super unleaded - 91 octane fuel
Mosport Kartways may cause to be removed from the facility, any person(s) who use unacceptable physical behavior,
bullying and/or offensive language.
Gate attendants will direct all personal and transport vehicles to either the asphalt parking lot across from the facility
building or to the grass area west of the entrance gate. ALL personal or transport vehicles must park in these areas
ONLY. No personal or transport vehicles permitted in the paddock area at any time. Non-compliance may result in the
removal of vehicle. Parking on the street is prohibited.
Paddock and Noise Abatement
Teams should email their paddock requests to Chris Lemme at [email protected]
Quiet paddock rule in effect at all times. Kart engines not to be started at any time. Except in the designated area (pregrid, technical area with authorization of the officials). General Noise Curfew enforced at 7:00 PM.
The opening time and closing time of paddock gates is listed on the event schedule. These times will be enforced. No
exceptions. No motorized vehicles, bicycles, scooters or skateboards are allowed at any time in the paddocks or on the
race track. Official Mosport Kartways vehicles are excepted.
10. Waste Control Disposal
General waste to be placed in containers provided.
Used tires must be placed at the east end of the facility building for pick and disposal at the end of each day.
11. Restricted Access Areas
Grid Area – Entry to Track
The Grid Area and Entry to Track is located at the east end of the facility building between the building and the storage
containers. It is not a spectator area. Only the event participants with appropriate wrist bands are allowed in the grid
area. Failure to comply may result in penalties.
Race Control – Timing & Scoring
Timing & Scoring is located on the upper level in the facility building and is a restricted area. This area may only be
accessed by race officials. Failure to comply may result in penalties.
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Scale and Technical Areas
Scale and Technical Areas are located at the east end of the storage containers at track exit. They may be accessed only
by race officials and participants with wristbands for their track session only. Failure to comply may result in penalties.
12. Overnight Camping
On-site camping is permitted from Tuesday July 27th to Sunday July 31st only. On-site camping will be restricted to the
area between the karting track and the GP track. Participants requiring access to camping must register with Mosport
Kartways. Limited space available. First come first serve. Please note that all campers will sign off and obey the "Rules of
Camping". No camp fires allowed on-site. Email: [email protected]
13. Official board
The official board is located in the windows beside the main entrance of the facility building.
14. Pre-event practices
Pre-event practice is possible Wednesday and Thursday from 9:00am to 5:00pm. Fees are $65.00+HST. See the practice
schedule below.
15. Support Class – Briggs & Stratton Light
This class will be part of the program for both days. Briggs & Stratton Junior rules applies with these specific rules:
 Age of Drivers: 11 to 15 y. o.
 Minimum weight: 265 lbs
 Throttle Valve (Slide): BLUE (.520)
16. Event schedule
The event schedule is the same for the 2 racing days. According to the number of competitors registered in each class,
the schedule may be modified by the chief Steward in advance or at the event.
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