Newsletters from 2013 - Elizabeth Garrett Anderson School


Newsletters from 2013 - Elizabeth Garrett Anderson School
All newsletters can be viewed in colour on the school website.
Elizabeth Garrett
School for Girls
Founded 2005
Dear Families,
Happy New Year and
welcome back for the spring
term. It promises to be a
very busy term and a very
important one for all of us.
Girls in Years 9, 10 and 11
will be in the final stages
of preparing for their GCSE
examinations while Year 8
students will be making their
choices for courses to be
studied next year.
On Friday of this week, Year
11 will be working with
partners from business, in
developing their skills in
presenting themselves to
ensure that they can make
the most of their talents in
the future. This is a crucial
day for the girls: we know
that they have the academic
ability to reach great heights
but they also need the
confidence which will allow
them to be the leaders of the
Next week and the following
week we have parents’
meetings for girls in Years 9
and 10 and look forward to
seeing many of you there. It
will be an opportunity to talk
about preparation for both
the mock and real GCSE
Yours sincerely,
Friday 11th January 2013
Vol 10. Issue 14
EGA in Top 9% of Schools Nationally
We have always known that our teaching and learning at EGA is excellent – but it is good
to have this confirmed by the government’s own figures! Using statistics which look at the
levels of ability with which our students arrive at EGA, the Department of Education have
calculated that the amount of progress made by our students between years 7 and 11 puts
us in the top 9% of all schools in the country.
This is a tribute to the excellent planning and teaching of lessons by our teachers, and the
hard work and study put in by our students.
Christmas Hamper Deliveries
As ever at Christmas, Year 7, 8, 9 and 10 students have been busy making hampers for the
elderly men and women of our community.
On Tuesday, Year 8 students delivered the well-stuffed hampers to local flats and houses,
with the help of those working on the Half Moon Crescent estate. Leyla Edwards 8A said, “It
was really nice to talk to the elderly people. One man said that he felt quite lonely, but the
hamper brought a big smile to his face!” All the recipients were delighted with their gifts, and
wanted staff and students to know how much they appreciated being thought about at this
time of year. As one lady put it, “It’s made my Christmas.”
Top Reader!
Congratulations to Senah
Suleman 8H who borrowed
and read the most books
from the school library last
year – an amazing total of
over Eighty books! Year
seven are now beginning a
reading challenge and we
hope that they will live up
to Senah’s example by becoming wide and prolific
Parent Forum
The first Parent Forum meeting of 2013 will take place on
Monday 21st January from 5.30pm to 6.30pm.
All parents are welcome at Parent Forum meetings. At these
events, a range of topics relating to the school, curriculum
and students are
discussed and ideas are shared between parents and staff.
And the Winner is…. 7H!
The 2012 Christmas Decoration Competition was very closely
fought this year. Year 7 classes were asked to decorate their
tree with handmade decorations which were attractive but also
sustainable and recyclable. In the week before the Christmas
break, students worked extremely hard to make paper chains,
origami decorations and other beautiful decorations. 7H were
the winners and the judges were particularly impressed by their
collaborative work. The girls had created pretend gifts, paper
snowflakes, shrink wrapped sweet wrappers, lovely paper chains
and a colourful 3D star. The runner up was 7Z who particularly
impressed with their handbaked cookie decorations, made by
On this occasion, however, we will devote the evening to a
tour of our new building, just for parents! You will be able to
ask questions and
talk to staff about the new facilities. After the tour, there will
be refreshments and another opportunity to
talk informally about all aspects of school life at EGA. Please
note that this event is for parents and not suitable for children.
We look forward to seeing you in reception at 5.30pm
Year 8 Rise to the Challenge!
All of the groups made very impressive efforts and we hope that
this will become a tradition for them during their time at EGA.
At the end of the Autumn Term, Year 8 were set a challenge: To
'encapsulate 2012' by recreating some of its most significant
events. As well as the Olympics and Paralympics, and the Queen's
Diamond Jubilee, students represented such diverse events as
the Arab Spring, Hurricane Sandy, the opening of our new school
building and even the Duchess of Cambridge's baby news. Tutor
groups competed to create the most memorable presentations,
with many creating their own props or costumes. The overall
winners of the contest were 8A who, as you can see, made masks
of 2012's most important figures, including our very own Ms Dibb.
Congratulations go to all the girls for their enthusiastic efforts, with
thanks to their tutors for being such good sports.
Year 10 Go Global!
A group of seventeen year ten pupils are taking part in a project called “Global Matters”
in collaboration with SOAS, a college of the University of London. The students were
selected as a result of their potential to progress to higher education. SOAS have a long
history of widening the horizons of students and helping them to gain the skills needed
for careers in an increasingly international environment. We are looking forward to
hearing about their experiences in working with SOAS students.
All newsletters can be viewed in colour on the school website.
Elizabeth Garrett
School for Girls
Founded 2005
Friday 18th January 2013
Vol 10. Issue 15
Creative Writing
Dear Families,
We have now been in the new
building for two months and
many of the initial “snags” are
being resolved. There is still
some way to go, however,
before we have things
exactly as we would want
them. It is a fantastic place
to work and learn with light
classrooms, wide corridors
and wonderful specialist
faculties. If you haven’t had
the opportunity to see the
new school, do come to the
Parents’ Forum on Monday
21st January when you will
be able to look round. The
demolition work on the old
site is due to start very soon
and we’re looking forward
to reclaiming all our outdoor
space by the autumn.
The January exams season is
now well underway with girls
in Years 9, 10 and 11 already
sitting GCSE modules. It
is clear that the girls have
revised thoroughly to ensure
that they are fully prepared.
It was good to see so many
families at the parents’
evening this week and I look
forward to seeing the other
half of the group next week.
Yours sincerely,
A group of year 7students have been working with Mr Silva to produce some beautiful creative writing this term. In their most recent lesson they used Charles Dickens’
descriptions in ‘The Pickwick Papers’ as inspiration for the creation of their own
characters. Here are some extracts:
He was referred to as a sorry excuse for a human being. His eyes were a portal to
his past; a dark abyss, shut forever. It was a relief to those that knew him that they
wouldn’t have to hear his lingering voice, the echo of a bullet, ever again, that hollow, gravelly sound that somehow came out of a human being. Now, beasts of the
ground covered his body, claiming the hands which committed all those tragedies…
By Alisa Avdyli and Alexandra Callender 7Z
She was a drab, wrinkly old hag of a woman, whose pimply face and bulging, prominent eyes were more excruciating to look at than the rest of her. Her short, ginger,
bodiless hair hung, resting upon her shoulders. Her pointy, pale cheek-bones stuck
out of her skinny, pasty face, along with her sharp nose, Her face looked very fragile;
her jaw was interminably long and square. Her teeth were yellow shining suns,
which competed in all their crookedness to frighten anybody who looked her way.
Round her long, wrinkly neck, she wore an old gold necklace, which was given to her
many years ago, when she was really young. It must have meant the entire world to
her, for she wore it everywhere she went and never took it off.
By Abby Robinson 7T
Students busy rehearsing.....
Students are busy rehearsing our production of
'What Are They Like?', a piece of new writing for
the National Theatre Connections festival. We are
performing at EGA on the 13th and 14th March and
at the Soho Theatre in April. The cast are working
really hard. Look out for tickets on sale later - this is
going to be a great piece of theatre!
Parent Forum
The first Parent Forum
meeting of 2013 will take
place on Monday 21st
January from 5.30pm to
All parents are welcome at
Parent Forum meetings. At
these events, a range of
topics relating to the school,
curriculum and students are
discussed and ideas are
shared between parents and
On this occasion, however,
we will devote the evening
to a tour of our new building,
just for parents! You will be
able to ask questions and
talk to staff about the new facilities. After the tour, there will be refreshments and
another opportunity to talk informally about all aspects of school life at EGA. Please
note that this event is for parents and not suitable for children.
We look forward to seeing you in reception at 5.30pm
EGA Girls Go For Gold!
Since September, EGA students have been collecting merits for good work, effort, teamwork, participation in extra curricular
activities and a wide range of other positive attributes. When students gain 50 merits, they achieve a bronze star, for 100 they
achieve a silver, and for 150 they achieve a Gold award. Last year, eight students gained gold but it looks as if this year will
outstrip the class of 2012! The following students have all achieved bronze already and we would like to congratulate them for so
wholeheartedly demonstrating the EGA values.
Millicent Woods (64!)
Aysha Uddin
Clara Goundry
Karolina Hracka
Nadia Rahman
Sharhrima Hussain
Marjana Ahmed
Sumaya Ahmed
Creating characters through costume – A trip to the V&A
On Tuesday, 20 Year 8 English students visited the “Hollywood Costumes” exhibition at the V&A Museum in South
Kensington. Students have been looking at monologues and characterisation recently in English and it was fascinating to see how costume designers use clothing to tell us so much about the characters wearing them. There were over
100 costumes from famous films, including Marilyn Monroe’s dress, Indiana Jones’ suit, Meryl Streep’s dresses from
Mamma Mia! and The Iron Lady as well as Spiderman, Batman and Superman’s outfits. The students’ favourites were
Robert Pattison’s suit from Twilight, Jack and Rose’s costumes from Titanic and Harry Potter’s uniform from Hogwarts. It
was surprising to see how small some of the actors were that fit into the costumes! Shayma Abdirazak, 8a, said “I could
really imagine the characters wearing the costumes; It was almost like they were there in the room!” Sadia Kasem, 8A,
told me that it was the closest she had been to Robert Pattison and that “…it was if as if I was Bella in the scene from
Twilight!” Students are now keen to look at other ways to develop characterisation in their writing.
All students were very impressed with the exhibition and many are keen to explore the many other treasures of the V&A
in their own time. It has free entry and is easily reached on the Piccadilly Line.
All newsletters can be viewed in colour on the school website.
Elizabeth Garrett
School for Girls
Founded 2005
Vol 10. Issue 16
Dear Families,
This week we welcomed
a group of Norwegian
Visiting our school is part of
a compulsory management
programme for school leaders
in Norway and we have had a
significant number visiting us
over the years.
The programme organisers
have been to EGA on many
occasions but this is the first
time they have visited the
new school building. They
were quite overwhelmed by
the improvement in facilities
and the way in which the
environment has lifted the
whole community.
commented on the girls’
learning and their obvious
enjoyment of being in school.
The usual range of clubs
and activities is now in place
and we feel it is important
that girls are participating
in at least one extra activity,
whether this is to support
their learning or to pursue
something completely new.
For many Year 11 students
there are compulsory after
school classes in areas where
they may need additional
support. Please make sure
that your daughter attends
these classes every week
as they will make a huge
difference to her examination
results in the summer.
Yours sincerely,
Friday 25th January 2013
Cross country championships 2013
On Wednesday 16th January, 13 year 7, 8 and 9 girls went to Finsbury
Park to take part in the annual cross-country championships. Despite
the biting cold and muddy conditions, all of the girls were very excited
about running against so many other school children.
First up were the year 8 & 9 girls. They were to run 2 large laps of Finsbury park which
added up to a distance of 3000m. All of the girls ran their own races and completed the
race within 20 minutes. The year 7 girls raced soon after this over a distance of 2700m.
As 2 races had gone before them, the grass had now completely disappeared and was
now mud. EGA girls displayed real strength and , despite all of them falling over at least
once throughout the race, they all finished the race with smiles on their faces.
A big congratulations goes to all of the girls
for commitment and effort:
Komaria Duncan 7L
Natasha Merchant 7A
Fahima Yasmin 7A
Alexandra Callender 7Z
Alice Waugh 7L
Epaphrodite Zumbila 8H
Haja Dousart 8H
Maziyah Chowdhury 8H
Alisa Ardyli 7Z
Afiah Headley 9H
Lima Jamal 9H
Einas Mohamed 9H
Maria Jamal 7E
Year 7 Have a Brush with Death
Last Thursday, twenty year
7 students visited the new
exhibition, called ‘Death’ at the
Wellcome Institute on Euston
Road. The exhibition was of
historical artefacts linked with
death, and included a chandelier
made of bones! The students
were very interested in this
macabre exhibition, however
the main event was a tour of
the Henry Wellcome Collection.
Henry Wellcome was a founder
of the huge company which supplies drugs and other equipment to medical establishments.
However, his main love was collecting strange objects from all over the world. These included
tiny shoes which were worn by Chinese women in the 19th century, and a strange hat which
was designed to flatten protruding ears! We were also very interested by an exhibition which
focused on the causes of obesity and society’s attempts to ‘cure’ it.
The exhibition is free to visit and we would encourage all students and their families to go along
and have a look around. The 73, 476 and 205 buses all stop right opposite, at Euston Station.
Promoting children and young peoples’ voices on the Standing
Advisory Council for Religious Education
On Tuesday 4th December, 20 delegates from Years 5-9 in seven Islington
schools, including EGA, met at Laycock Centre to talk about issues important
to relations between people of different faiths and beliefs. In February they
will report on their activities to Islington’s faith leaders who sit on the Standing
Advisory Council for Religious Education. They will also prepare for an Islington
schools’ RE conference at the Emirates in April.
Before lunch, the delegates showed how much they knew and how good they were at listening. They wrote ‘welcome’ on a poster
in 18 different languages and they all memorised everyone’s names! To work up an appetite the young people presented some
drama ‘freeze-frames’ showing different feelings they had about the day and about different situations. If you think that sounds
easy you need to know that they had to plan these on the move, whilst walking round the room and avoiding bumping into each
other! The EGA students enjoyed this very thought provoking day and look forward to continuing their work with Youth SACRE.
Their next meeting will be on February 11th.
All newsletters can be viewed in colour on the school website.
Elizabeth Garrett
School for Girls
Founded 2005
Dear Families,
Friday 1st February 2013
Vol 10. Issue 17
A Brilliant Project
Lily Malloy of 7H impressed Ms Silva with
an amazingly well produced PE Homework
Project. She had worked extremely hard and
has been rewarded with a certificate and book
token. All year 7 and 8 students have extended
homework projects to complete throughout
the year and good efforts are always rewarded!
If any student has lost her booklet, details of all
the projects are available on the school website
so that you can check them from home.
Attendance News
Many thanks to all of you who
Well done to year 9 for achieving 93.6%
ensured that your daughter
attendance last week, closely followed
attended school as usual
by year 7 with 93.5%.
during the snowy weather. It
is really important that girls
Best tutor group was 8Z with 98.1%
come to school whatever the
attendance, followed by 10Z with 97.3%
weather conditions. We will
and 7Z with 97.2%. Well done girls!
do our utmost to remain open,
as we did last week and will
Holocaust Memorial Day Event
make sure that the site is safe
for both staff and students. Our year 10 RE option group represented panel chaired by Jeremy Corbyn MP and three
On rare occasions, if extreme EGA at the Holocaust Memorial Day event girls managed to ask questions; Blessing,
weather is forecast, we may, at Islington Town Hall last week. Speakers Sekinat and Sevim. All three asked extremely
in exceptional circumstances, included Eve Kanner Kugler, survivor of the thoughtful questions which showed that
allow girls to go home early Holocaust, Richard Wilson, campaigner for they had had been thinking of worldwide
but will always alert you by Amnesty International and author, Sophie implications of genocide rather than just the
text and make arrangements Masereka, survivor of the Rwandan genocide. effect on the personal lives of the survivors
for those who would have This was a thought provoking event which which other students asked about. The girls
difficulty in leaving early. In built on many of the moral questions raised learned a great deal from the event, and were
any event, please assume in RE lessons. The girls who went to the event complimented by the organisers for their
that the school is open had the opportunity to ask questions of a good manners and reflective contributions.
unless you hear from us or
we have posted information
to the contrary on the school The following girls in years 9 and 10 have completed their BTEC Entry 3 Travel and Tourism
www.egaschool. Award. This is a great achievement as the work involved is of an equivalent standard to that
required from further education colleges. We are very proud of their efforts.
Uniform poses particular Amy McDonald, Chelsea Ford, Filsan Hassan, Ilham Omar, Rikki Marnell, Tugba Keser
challenges in the snow and
reinforces the need for girls
to have waterproof black
uniform shoes and a warm On Thursday 24th January and Tuesday 29th January Year 11 Geography students went
on a trip to Pevensey Bay in East
jacket or coat. If they need to
Sussex. The trip was focused on
wear different shoes for the
coastal processes and coastal
journey to and from school,
defences. The students examined
they should ensure that they
the processes that were happening
have their school shoes with
on the beach at Pevensey Bay
them to change into once
and then had a presentation by
they reach school.
the company who look after that
stretch of coastline. They were
Many thanks for your support
told all about how the houses
in ensuring that whatever
and businesses of the area are
the weather, the girls are in
protected from erosion and they
school and learning.
were given the opportunity to
see geography in action and to
Yours sincerely,
see a geographer at work! Despite
the snow and the rain it was an
enjoyable, fun and interesting trip
for all.
Geography Trip
Poetry Corner
Both by Sheepa Ahmed 8A
Syllable growing poem:
Is a
Summer’s night
Alone with you
There is no one here
But us, and only us
There is a warm summer’s
The moon is shining like the sun
And I will always be there for you
You should be sure of that, every
Shine like drawings…
In the night sky like lamps…
Glistening in the bright
Can you…?
Quilted Wallet Project
Almeida Theatre Drama club
GCSE PE theory
Oil Painting club
IT space for working
Health and Social Care
String Group
Supported homework
Rock Challenge
English revision
Netball club
GCSE Maths support
All Years
All Years
Years 7,8
All Years
Year 11
Years 10,11
All Years
All Years
Year 11
All Years
All Years
All Years
All Years
Year 11
Year 10 & 11
Years 7,8,9
Jigsaw club
All Years
All Years
Volleyball club
Step Into Dance
Drama (with Central School of
Year 7
All Years
Years 9, 10, 11
All Years
Years 9,10,11
Year 11
Years 9,10
All Years
Year 11
All Years
Let’s Get Cooking
Supported homework
National Theatre Connections
Photography Club
GCSE Maths revision
Science drop in
IT space for working
All Years
All Years
Years 9,10,11
All Years
Supported homework
Photoshop club
ICT coursework
GCSE Maths support
Board games
Homework support sessions run every day after school in the Library and in the
Learning Support Department on Level 5
Keyboard club
Fitness Suite
Film Club Part 2
Fun Club & The News Today
Knitting Club
Rock Challenge
Table Tennis club
Jazz Band
Film Club Part 1
Fun Club & Drama games
Maths Rubik’s Cube club
Humanities Homework club
IT space for working
Guitar club
Gymnastics Club
Fun Club & Creative Crafts
Humanities Homework club
IT space for working
Homework Club
Years 7,8
All Years
All Years
Year 10,11
Year 9,10,11
All Years
All Years
GCSE students
Year 7
All Years
All Years
Years 10,11
All Years
All Years
Year 7,8
All Years
All Years
All Years
All Years
All Years
Year 7,8
Year 7,8
All Years
All Years
All Years
Year 7
All Years
Year 7,8
All Years
All Years
Junior Choir
Woodwind Club
Fun club and board games
GCSE Food coursework
GCSE Geography club
IT space for working
Homework Club
Sociology support
Card making club
Spanish club
Years 9,10,11
All Years
All Years
All Years
Senior Choir
Fun Club and Sing Together
EGA Internationals
Homework Club
Before school Breakfast Club Roquia 1 8.00-8.40am daily
All newsletters can be viewed in colour on the school website.
Elizabeth Garrett
School for Girls
Founded 2005
Dear Families,
You will see from the letter
reproduced in this Newsletter
achievements of our students
have been recognised at
the highest level. We are
obviously very proud of the
difference EGA makes to a
girl’s individual chances of
success. When the School
League Tables were published
at the end of last month, I was
able to do a comparison of
the value added by being at
EGA compared to other girls’
schools in Islington, Camden,
Hackney and Westminster.
You will be delighted to know
that of all those schools, EGA
is the school which makes
the most difference to the
students. What that means
is that girls are more likely to
make exceptional progress in
their learning at EGA.
At our Parents’ Forum last
week, we were delighted to
showcase our new building
and talk about items for
future meetings. There was
great interest in holding
a discussion around the
curriculum structure and we
will be arranging a meeting
for early next term.
Finally, on Friday of next
week we are holding a
Day for staff so there will be
no school for students. This
means students will have
an extended half term and
return to school on Monday
25th February.
Yours sincerely,
Friday 8th February 2013
Vol 10. Issue
EGA Girls Meet John Green
On Monday 4th February year 9 and 10 students were privileged to be invited to Sadlers
Wells to participate in a live webcast with American author John Green. John is something
of a YouTube sensation with his videos and his brilliant latest novel ‘The Fault in Our Stars’
has only increased his popularity. The event was part of a sell-out tour, organised by Puffin
Virtually Live. John showed us some of his videos, talked about his writing and then took
questions both from the virtual audience and those present. He then signed books and
posed for a photograph with the Bookaholics.
Jack Petchey
We were very proud
of the EGA staff and
students who received
Jack Petchey Awards in a
ceremony last week at St
Luke’s School.
The girls receiving awards were:
Rueda Abdalle, Saruka Jeyaseelan,
Sarah Brewer-Boyce, Sophia Thompson, Nabila Siddiqi,
Rahida Ahmed, Maya Mestre and Penelope Kaur Kingdon.
The students were all nominated for their involvement
in the wider life of the school and for supporting other
Our school receptionist, Ms Gill Mclay also received an
award for her dedication to supporting students every day.
Juliana Teixeira, in year 11, performed at the event.
Welcome to our New Parent Governor
We would like to welcome Primrose Christie to the board of governors at EGA. Ms Christie is
the most recent member of our team of parent governors and we hope that she will enjoy
her experience of seeing how the school works behind the scenes, and of helping to shape
its future.
The rest of the parent governor team are: Nikki Omar, Amanda Campbell, Fardowsa Omar,
Monsura Begum and Eva Sorensen.
Creative Writing
by Year 7
We would like to share some of this
wonderful writing, by Jasmine NarhSappor and Felix Nyrvana 7L. They were
working on describing characters in the
style of Charles Dickens.
‘It was an eccentric, picturesque young
woman, who had a long, pineapple
shaped face. Her emerald green eyes
were greener than the tree she was
standing by. Her brown, flowing hair
hung loosely around her perplexing
face. Her eyes appealed, like sugar to
a sweet-toothed child, like a beacon
of light to a lost traveller. Her cheek
bones seemed swallowed by all the
fat around her face; plus her jaw was
so humongous, that an observer
would have supposed she was hiding
a watermelon inside. Round her thin
neck she wore a polished gold chain
with an emerald pendant. Her upper
garment, however, was blood red and
below it she wore a black floral skirt and
large, mismatched boots.’
Clubs Round Up
Lunchtime clubs are always popular and
in future newsletters we will be featuring
their activities. Wednesday lunchtimes
can create quite a dilemma as students
choose between keyboard club, fitness,
table tennis, science, film club, fun club,
dance and knitting! These students
chose the relatively relaxing option
of knitting. Many have learned from
scratch and are now becoming quite
accomplished. Hosna from 8L has nearly
finished a very long scarf and Mahfuza
in 7L has just begun to knit in stripes!
We look forward to bringing you some
images from our other clubs next week.
All newsletters can be viewed in colour on the school website.
Elizabeth Garrett
School for Girls
Founded 2005
Dear Families,
This is the last newsletter of
a very busy half term. We
have made great strides
in addressing the snags in
the new building and are
working hard on preparing
for our official opening
in early March.
We are
very keen that parents are
involved but unfortunately
we do not have the space to
invite everybody. I will be
writing to all families asking
if they would like their names
to go into the ballot for seats
at our ceremony. It won’t be
on such a grand scale as the
Olympics but we hope it will
be a fitting tribute to the EGA
community and be the start
of even greater achievements
for our girls.
The school council has been
doing some fascinating
work on what makes an
outstanding learner. You will
be pleased to know that they
recognised the importance of
attendance, punctuality and
always being very focused on
their learning!
School resumes on Monday
25th February and it will
be WEEK 2 timetable but in
the meantime, I wish you all
a very enjoyable half term
Yours sincerely,
Friday 15th February 2013
Vol 10. Issue 19
Important Dates for Next Half Term
Monday 25th February Return to school
Friday March 8th Official School Opening
March 13th and 14th School Drama Performance ‘What are they Like?’
Thursday March 28th Last Day of Term
Advance Notice
Monday 29th April Parent Forum Meeting 5.30pm
Year 7 Creative Writing –
Inspired by Charles Dickens
It was a bedraggled woman whose distorted face, and glazed eyes that were more dead
than alive, turned up at my doorstep. Her thin, burnt locks hung about her elf-like face,
caked in filth and grit. Her cheek-bones stood out as much as her golden green eyes. Her
body was so tense that an observer would have supposed that she was in a paralysed
Round her neck, she wore a gleaming medallion with a dark crimson garnet embedded in
a gold circle, making the panic stricken lady seem odd. Her upper garment was torn and
black, similar to her poor legs, now pouring with blood. She had obviously been in a fire,
and had watched the rest of her family die in pain.
By Ines Kirati 7H
A Wicked time for students at the theatre
On Wednesday 30th January, students from each year group visited the Apollo Theatre in
Victoria, to watch a performance of the West End musical, Wicked.
The musical is based around the famous film, The Wizard of Oz, and tells the story of how
an ambitious young woman, Elphaba, became eventually known as the Wicked Witch of
the West.
It won the 2010 Olivier Award for most popular show, and features songs such as ‘Defying
Gravity,’ performed by the character of Rachael on the TV show, Glee.
Fiona Lu in 7A has written her review of the show.
“The only word I can describe Wicked the musical with is… well – Wicked!
Wicked was a great experience for everyone there. The musical is a fantastic twist on the
traditional Wizard of Oz we all know and love. It’s a great musical with a bit of romance,
comedy and mystery which makes you really care for the characters. The songs are the
type which will stick in your head forever so you will never forget the magical day you
have had. Everyone enjoyed Wicked and would go again if they could!”
Year 7 Show their Sporting Skills!
This week year 7 have taken part in a range of sporting activities at lunchtimes. The track events were particularly exciting, and
these ranged from a simple one lap race to a two lap relay, with other permutations in between! The field events included javelin
(the soft version) and discus. The competitors received massive support from their tutor groups who cheered them on with home
made banners. The event was co-ordinated by Ms Howe who was very ably supported by the year 10 sports leaders who gave up
their lunch hour to help year 7. All of the events were great fun, and we are looking forward to hearing the final scores and results
on Thursday.
Please collect the Active Kids vouchers when
you shop at Sainsbury's between 30th January
and 22nd May and donate them to Elizabeth
Garret Anderson School.
Hand the vouchers to Gill in Reception. The
more vouchers we collect, the more sports
equipment we are able to receive.
Thank you for your help.
All newsletters can be viewed in colour on the school website.
Elizabeth Garrett
School for Girls
Founded 2005
Dear Families,
I do hope you had an
break and that the girls
are returning refreshed
ready for the hard work
ahead. It is a very short
half term, just four weeks
and four days. However,
there is still the same
amount of things which
need to be done just in
a shorter space of time.
It’s even more important,
daughter doesn’t miss any
time and is in school every
single day.
This week we had the very
successful opening of our
annual Art Exhibition,
where work from students
at EGA, City and Islington
College and the other
partner schools is on
display at the Islington
Museum. The exhibition
will run until 13th April
2013 so please do call in
and have a look at the
stunning art work.
During the half term
break, the demolition on
the old building started
in earnest. It’s good to
know that we are closer
to reclaiming all our
recreation space. It will
make a huge difference.
Yours sincerely,
Friday 1st March 2013
Vol 10. Issue 20
Teachers Learn
New Tricks
On the 15th of February, when all
students were just beginning their
half term break, their teachers were
learning a whole new range of
teaching techniques. The science
team went to City and Islington
College to learn about forensic
science, and as you can see from
the photographs, they had a very
interesting day. Other departments
worked both at City and Islington and
at school to develop new teaching
materials and to share ideas.
This week at EGA…..
This week Year 9 and 10 are taking GCSE
speaking exams in languages……. A group of
year 7 students are visiting the Elizabeth Garrett
Anderson Museum in Euston Road……The strings
group are playing with professional strings players
in the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment
at the Kennedy Hall……. The debating team
are competing in a debate contest at Hogan
Lovells Law Firm in the City of London……Dance
students are rehearsing hard for the forthcoming
Rock Challenge…….An exhibition of students’
artwork opens at The Islington Museum…the
school football team are representing EGA in a
tournament on Thursday morning….. and many
other activities will be taking place alongside our
usual busy days of teaching and learning.
Year 7 Reading Challenge –
The Results
After the Christmas break, year 7 were set a
challenge to read as many books as they could
from the wide choice available in the school
library. They recorded their borrowings on a card
and were questioned about each book as they
returned it. We are pleased to announce that the
winner, having read a staggering 25 books in six
weeks, was Rosy Wakeley of 7E. In second place
was Afnan Oumer of 7H, who read 18 books, and
third was Lily Malloy of 7H who read 17 books. An
extra prize goes to Ines Kirati, 7H, who read fewer
books but who challenged herself by reading more
complex young adult titles. These girls will receive
their prizes in assembly on Friday and we hope that
year 7 will continue to use the library and take the
opportunity to read some excellent stories whilst
improving their vocabulary and writing skills at the
same time.
Drama Performance
Adolescence is a rough ride. You've got existential angst, mood
swings, fashion fiascos, terrifying physical changes, never enough
money……..and that's just the parents!
A group of teenage actors find out what it is really like to step into
their parents' shoes…
DATE FOR YOUR DIARY – Thursday 14th March , 5pm performance
of 'What Are They Like?' a piece of new writing by Lucinda Coxon, at
EGA (tickets are now on sale) In the audience will also be directors
from the National Theatre and the Soho Theatre. We are due to tour
to the Soho Theatre in April!
Coping and Support Workshop
For parents who have children with additional needs
Celebrating Achievement at
Are you feeling stressed out?
If yes come along to this workshop delivered by Contact-a-Family.
This workshop will cover:
 Introduction to Contact-a-Family and the Children’s Centre project
 Identifying the causes of stress
 Recognising the signs of stress
 Dealing with stress
 Getting support and help
Venue: Centre 404, 404 Camden Road, Islington,
N7 0JS
Date: Thursday 28th March, 10:00am-12:00pm
For more information and to book your place call 020 7697 1325 or email:
[email protected]
Contact a Family 209-211 City Road London EC1V 1JN
Freephone Helpline: 0808 808 3555
Web: Email: [email protected]
Registered Charity No. 284912. Charity registered in Scotland No. SC039169
Students at EGA receive merits for good
work, exceptional effort, willingness to help,
attendance at extra curricular clubs and a whole
range of other positive attitudes to learning and
being part of a community. The following girls
have the highest number of merits in each year
group and we would like to congratulate them.
Year 7
Karoline Hracka 69
Ines Kirati 59
Penelope Kaur Kingdon 58
Year 8
Clara Goundry 76
Millie Woods 72
Nadia Rahman 71
Year 9
Helin Dogan 54
Mikiel Danait 54
Shabina Akther 47
Year 10
Aisha Mohamed 78
Eleida Linan Bruges 63
Elif Ortac 56
Year 11
Cigdem Bisgin 68
Nasra Amin 64
Narin Alimohammadi 62
All newsletters can be viewed in colour on the school website.
Elizabeth Garrett
School for Girls
Founded 2005
Vol 10. Issue 21
Dear Families,
This week, the big event is the
official opening of our new
building and I am very pleased
that a number of parents and
headteacher colleagues from
both primary and secondary
schools will be joining
us. We are also expecting
representatives from the local
community and from much
further afield. EGA is well
known and highly regarded
in the educational world and
there are many people who
wish to be part of the opening.
The fantastic achievements of
our young women ensure that
this is the case.
We are delighted that Shami
Chakrabarti agreed to open
the building.
She visited
us in 2007, on International
Women’s Day and was a real
inspiration to all of us.
Those girls not involved in the
official event will take part in
special assemblies where they
will see the performances
which are taking place at the
official opening later in the
day. For us, the most important
focus of the opening is about
the new building being a
catalyst to help our young
women to achieve even more
in the future and that everyone
who is part of the EGA
community pledges to do his/
her best and supports others
to do likewise.
Yours sincerely,
Friday 8th March 2013
String Group Trip
On Tuesday 26th February, the string group visited Cecil Sharpe House for a workshop and
performance. They were working with Capital Strings, Islington Creative Ensemble and the
OAE Academy. They performed a piece that was composed especially for the occasion. It
was inspired by symphony number 40 by Mozart. The workshop was based around working
at looking at music through the ages from Baroque to Classical. Through the workshop they
had the opportunity to see the original instruments from the early years.
The girls worked hard and their performance went really well. Well Done Girls!
Girls who took part were:
Savoy O Connor 7A,
Natasha Merchant 7A,
Leyla Edwards 8A,
Nicole Mbuku 8A,
Zineb DJoudi 7T,
Necibe Kalayci 7T,
Anika Vajagic 7T,
Penelope Kaur-Kingdon 7T,
Sadie Dowell-Parsons 7T,
Elizabeth Church 7T,
Megan Hughes 7E,
Lauren Anderson 7T.
Here are a few words from Leyla Edwards 8A about the event:
‘On 26th February I went on a trip to Cecil Sharpe House where I performed a piece of music.
At first I was nervous but when I got to know who I was playing with I enjoyed it so much.
Arsenal Community Schools Tournament
The U13 Girls ‘Local Stage’ Competition Thursday 28th
February 2013, 10am-1pm
Market Road Football Pitches
The year 7 and 8 took part in this tournament, braving the cold
weather. In their group they were up against football teams Stoke
Newington School, Camden School for Girls and IAMS. They were
nervous to begin with but soon settled in and played great football.
Sadly they lost against Stoke Newington and Camden School for Girls
but beat IAMS and came 3rd in their group. Congratulations to the following girls for
their commitment and dedication as they attend football club every Tuesday, Laroz Aziz
7E (player of the match), Alisa Avdyli 7Z, Alexandra Callender 7Z , Asraa Ali 7A, Rana
Habbouchi 7Z (captain and goal scorer), Hellina Yoseph 7T, Chaima Mezelzel 7T, Elle
Lea Catacutan 7T, Leyla Edwards 8A (goalkeeper), Natasha Allen 8T, Abigail Dyson 8T
(outstanding defender) and Hadja Dusart 8H. Next Wednesday is the start of the Islington
Schools tournament so if you would like to take part then why not come to the football
club on Tuesdays 3.30 – 4.45pm?
Visit to the EGA Museum
A group of year 7 students went to visit the new Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Museum last Thursday. This museum is located on Euston
Road in the building that used to house the Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Hospital. The girls were very fortunate that two of the curators
of the museum, Lynne Walker and Elizabeth Crawford, were able to show them around the exhibits and tell them some stories about
Elizabeth Garrett Anderson and her family. Elizabeth Garrett Anderson was, as we all know, the first British female doctor and the first
British female mayor. However, she was also a woman with strongly held views about education and opportunities for young women,
and the right of women to vote.
The museum covers all of these aspects of her life and it is especially thought provoking to learn about Elizabeth Garrett Anderson in the
very room where she used to meet, train and encourage other younger women who wished to become doctors. Entry to the museum
is free and the opening hours are as follows: Wednesday to Friday 9 – 6pm, and the first Saturday of every month 9 – 6pm. It is at 130
Euston Road, very close to Euston Station. We recommend that you visit and take your family with you!
Foals Workshop
On the 12th February a group of 4 G.C.S.E girls were chosen
to participate in a Music workshop based at The Royal Albert
Hall. These music students were chosen because of their
talent and commitment to their instrument and to give them
an opportunity to experience working with professional
musicians to further develop their talent and passion for
their instrument. These girls were Rachel Ramus 9H (Piano),
Romana Hafsa 10A (Guitar), Tyra Richardson 10E (Vocals) and
Afia Headley 9H (Vocals).
They each had the opportunity to work with The Foals a
famous indie band who have had number 1 hits on iTunes,.
They have recently released a new album and the girls, as well
as other students from other schools had the opportunity to
play or sing alongside the band performing one of their new
songs from the album. The workshop was enjoyed by all and
the girls all took a moment to have a photo taken and a copy
of their autographs.
Support Outreach/Community
Development Worker Project
Drop-in Days
Every Wednesday 5:00pm-7:00pm
Every Thursday and Friday 10:30am-12:30pm
Are you a refugee or asylum seeker?
Are you feeling worried, or isolated, or
experiencing difficulties in life?
Do you feel anxious about your future?
Do you need guidance and information about
Refugee Therapy Centre
1A Leeds Place
Tollington Park
London N4 3RF
Phone: 020 7561 1587
Fax: 020 7281 8729
[email protected]
services in your area and want you can do?
Would you like to talk to someone in private and
have some support?
We are here to help!
Contact us on 020 7561 1587
You can see our Community Development Workers:
Ayda ( Farsi-English), Eden (Tigrinya-Amharic-English),
Linda (Somali-English), Marta ( Italian– Spanish-French –
English), Zubeyde (Turkish-English)
All newsletters can be viewed in colour on the school website.
Elizabeth Garrett
School for Girls
Founded 2005
Vol 10. Issue 22
Dear Families,
In last week’s newsletter, we
were looking forward to the
opening in anticipation of it
being a great event. In reality,
it surpassed all expectations
and I am so glad there were
many parents there to share
it with us. The performances
were outstanding in every
This week we are back
to normal with the usual
array of extra activities.
Year 7 Debaters have been
presenting at Hogan Lovells,
we have taken part in a
Gymnastics competition and
a football tournament and
on Thursday there is the first
performance of our most
recent production “What Are
They Like”.
Year 10 girls are busy
applying for the post of
Senior as the Year 11s will
hand over responsibility
very soon so that they can
concentrate fully on their
final examinations. Seniors
are expected to take on quite
onerous responsibilities but it
is very good experience and
preparation for leadership
in the future. Girls tell us
that being a Senior is always
seen as very favourable in
interviews for colleges and
Year 7 debate group at Hogan Lovells
The girls in the debate group run by Hogan Lovells have
proven themselves to be very competent speakers. After
their trip to the Houses of Parliament last week (which
included a tour and a workshop), today they presented a
speech to senior partners at Hogan Lovells law firm. They
argued topics such as ‘Should celebrities get involved in
political causes?’ and ‘Should prisoners have the right
to vote?’
They were confident, well prepared, spoke at a good
pace and used good eye contact.
Friday 15th March 2013
A Date for Your
Parent workshop (for parents of
Year 7 pupils) about talking to
your child about growing up,
relationships and using social
Thursday 25 April 9.15-10.15
The Islington Healthy Schools
Team is working with schools
to develop a new workshop for
parents of Year 6 and 7 pupils.
The workshop will consider the
needs of children as they grow
and how parents can best talk to
them about their changing lives
in a modern world.
The session will focus on how to
talk to your child about growing
up and changing relationships
and will include discussion
on e-safety issues particularly
around the use of social media
including mobile phones and
If you are worried about issues
around Facebook and the use
of mobile phones by young
people, please do come along
and receive advice and support.
Refreshments will be available
New Parent
We received two nominations
for our two parent governor
vacancies, therefore the following
parents have been elected on to
our governing body unopposed:
We are becoming concerned
by girls coming to school in
the wrong shoes. Please make
sure that your daughter leaves
home in plain black shoes.
Many thanks for your help in
maintaining high standards of
Maggie Price
Nerine O’Connor
The governing body welcomes
both parents.
Yours sincerely,
Poster designed by Sulekha Musa, year 9
Show also tours to the Soho Theatre on 30th April
Please come along to support the fantastic young cast!
Judith Redding
Clerk to the Governors
Red Nose Day Activities at EGA
Learn to Ride
Your Bicycle
This Friday 15th March is Red Nose Day. At EGA we have lots
of activities for this fundraising event including a Zumbathon
which was led by Ms Silva for both staff and pupils.
Other activities taking place will be:
Ring Toss, Ball throw, Wet the Teacher, Henna, cake sales and a
Islington Council is running FREE
Bikeability cycle training courses during the
coming school holiday. All you need to take part is
a bike and a helmet (we do have some spare helmets).
There are 3 different courses for different ages and abilities:
* Learning to Ride (Age 5-10 years old)
- This 2-day course is for children who are complete beginners
and have never cycled before.
* Bikeability Level 1 - Off-road Control Skills (Age 7-12)
- This 2-day course is for children that can already ride and
prepares them for cycling on the road but the course takes
place in the playground.
* Bikeability Level 2 - Introduction to On-road Cycling (Age 9 12)
- This 4-day course is for children that can cycle competently
but have little or no experience of on-road cycling. This course
begins off-road and once basic skills have been covered the
training will move on to local roads.
Castlehaven Community Association Centre, 21 Castlehaven
Road, NW1 8RU
Learning to Ride - 4 and 5 April 10:30 - 12:00
Level 1 Off-road - 4 and 5 April 13:00 - 15:00
Elthorne Park, Hazellville Rd, N19
Level 1 Off-road - 8 and 9 April 10:00 - 12:00
Learning to Ride - 10, 11 April
10:00-11:00 and 11:00-12:00
Level 2 On-road - 8, 9, 10, 11 April 13:00 - 15:00
Rosemary Gardens Tennis Courts, Sherborne Street, N1
Level 1 Off-road - 8 and 9 April
10:00 - 12:00
Learning to Ride - 10, 11 April
10:00-11:00 and 11:00-12:00
Level 2 On-road - 8, 9, 10, 11 April 13:00 - 15:00
If you would like to sign up for one of the cycle training
courses, please fill in this form:
If you would like help in getting the form and filling it in, please
see Ms Stevens
Free spring break
animation project
for 11-15 year olds
If you are between 11-15 years old, we want you to
come create an animation that will illustrate stories
from Rowan Arts’ latest project, A Young Person’s
Guide to Religion, which tells the story of the major
religions in Islington from the perspective of young
people. You can learn stop motion animation, sound
recording, editing and live action filming. Come be
creative, have fun and learn new artistic techniques
over your spring break!
The animation project will take place during spring
break—2-5 April 2013, from 10:30am-3:30pm. Sessions
are held at the Old Fire Station, 84 Mayton Street, London
N7 6QT. All materials and instruction will be provided.
Please email [email protected] or call
07552611736 to book a place.
All newsletters can be viewed in colour on the school website.
Elizabeth Garrett
School for Girls
Founded 2005
Friday 22nd March 2013
Vol 10. Issue 23
Dear Families,
Those of you lucky enough to
be at our school production
last week cannot fail to have
been impressed by the talent
of the performers. If you
missed it, there is another
chance to catch it when the
performance moves to the
Soho Theatre in April and
tickets are available from the
Box Office.
This will be the last Newsletter
of the term and last week’s
play was just one of a long
list of opportunities for us
to admire the talents of our
students. You will have read
about these occasions in
previous newsletters.
We were incredibly proud to show our new buildings to a whole range of guests last
Friday, 8th March. In the morning, students took part in special assemblies to celebrate
both International Women’s Day and the official opening of the new EGA school. They
also completed a quiz about the roles of women internationally and in history, which was
won by 11Z. Later in the day, other guests began to arrive. These included parents of our
current students, past students, governors, teachers, other local headteachers from both
primary and secondary schools, representatives from Cambridge Education and Islington
Council, City and Islington College, Almeida Theatre, Oxford University, partners from
local businesses, including Hogan Lovells, and many other friends of EGA. The event was
opened by Shami Chakrabarty CBE, Director of Liberty. She made an inspiring speech
about the power of schools like EGA to have a real force for good in our society, as our
students are encouraged to work to achieve more than they ever believed possible, and
to support and respect each other in our increasingly diverse city. Shami did also add to
the fun of the evening by wearing an EGA pullover, thereby identifying completely with
our students!
The audience enjoyed a whole range of exceptional performances including dance,
drama, music and singing. The performers had worked incredibly hard and this paid off
with entertainment which was at the peak of perfection.
If you have walked past the
school recently, you will have
noticed that the demolition of
the old site is well underway.
The Bronté building has
almost disappeared and it
won’t be long before we can
reclaim all our outdoor space.
After the holiday, girls in
Years 9, 10 and 11 will be
sitting GCSE examinations so
it is very important that they
spend some time revising
for these. However, having
a good rest is also important
and I wish you all a good
holiday. Summer term starts
on Monday 15th April.
Yours sincerely,
Comic Relief Red Nose Day Raffle Winners
1st Prize Sophia Thompson 10Z
2nd Prize Mr Taylor
3rd Prize Rezwana Choudhury 9E
4th Prize Ms Thomson
5th Prize Sevim Hasgol 10L
6th Prize Khadra Ahmed 10E
7th Prize Lubna Begum 10A
8th Prize Safia Ahmed 10A
9th Prize Rinesa Zeqa 7E
10th Prize Ms Cheetham
11th Prize Sarah Mohamed 7Z
Bonus Prize Khadija Abdi-Barre 8E
Islington Borough Gymnastics Competition
On Tuesday 12th March, 12 super keen year 7s took part in
the Islington Borough Gymnastics Competition. This was the
first time in recent years that EGA had entered a team. Having
practised and rehearsed for several weeks, the girls were raring to
go by Tuesday lunchtime.
Comic Relief Day
March 15th 2013
We are very proud to have raised £1200, with more to follow,
forComic Relief. Most of the money came from students who
each paid £1 to wear fancy dress, pyjamas, or their own choice
of clothing on the day. More was raised by teachers who very
sportingly agreed to have wet sponges thrown at them by
students who had to pay for the privilege! Mr Webster, Mr
Hughes, Ms Khanom, Mr Cuthbertson, Mr Henrikson and Mr
Lofts were among those who were happy to get wet for a good
cause on a very cold day. Some students were sponsored to
be silent for a day, and we all enjoyed seeing Ms Silva and Ms
Collins in their pyjamas!
Years 7 and 8 organised their own entertainment, with year 8
being led by Mr Hurley in a version of ‘The Cube’ quiz game,
whilst year 7 held a mini choir festival and fashion show – the
songs were all performed by students and had the theme of
global awareness, whilst a member of each group modelled
an outfit with the same theme, which had been made by the
whole class. As you can see, it was a lot of fun and we are
pleased to be able to support those in need with our efforts.
Before their performance, they were lucky enough to have some
coaching by professional gymnastics coaches who helped them
to tighten up their routines even more, giving all schools the best
chance possible of performing to the best of their ability.
EGA drew the short straw and performed first. They rose to
the challenge however, and gave their best performance to
date. Overall they came in silver medal position and were also
awarded the Islington ‘Fair Play’ award due to the support and
encouragement that they gave to their fellow schools.
Huge congratulations goes to the following girls:
Anika Vajagic 7T
Penny Kaur-Kingdon 7T
Megan Hughes 7T
Hellina Joseph 7T
Kelis Dillon 7A
Fiona Lu 7A
Edith Tomkins 7A
Michelle Chu 7A
Alexandra Callender 7Z
Alisa Avdyli 7Z
Kaliyah Flavius 7T
Fahima Yasmin 7A
Win A Very Special Book!
Win paperback copies of Ms Cheetham’s books –
Her Sister’s Voice and Her Other Voice. All you have
to do is like the Facebook page of Her Sister’s Voice to be entered
in a prize draw. Some of you may not know that
Ms Cheetham, our librarian is a published author. If
you can’t wait for the results of the draw, copies are
available to borrow from the LRC.
On Red Nose Day, Year 8s competed in a challenge
based on the hit game show, ‘The Cube.’
During the week, each student tried their hand at three different tasks—
bouncing a volleyball into a bucket, catching a tennis ball in a cup and
moving a ring around a hoop without touching it. All of the tasks appeared
easy at first, but were much more difficult under pressure! After a practice
with our very own Phillip Schofield—Mr Hurley—each tutor group
selected their own challenger to compete for Red Nose Day glory.
At the end of a nail-biting contest, 8L and 8A achieved equal first place.
This meant the dreaded tie-breaker—a one minute basketball shoot
out—with Isha Kamara in 8L winning the top prize for her tutor group. Mr
Hurley also judged two students, Millie Woods and Khadija Abdi-Barre, as
individual winners for catching the ball in the cup on the first go. Both won
Red Nose Day themed goodies.
As well as being active and having fun, Year 8 most importantly helped
raise even more money for Comic Relief. A huge well done to all involved.
All newsletters can be viewed in colour on the school website.
Elizabeth Garrett
School for Girls
Founded 2005
Friday 19th April 2013
Vol 10. Issue 24
Dear Families,
Welcome back. I do hope
that you all had a very good
break despite the very
unpredictable weather. The
new term has started on a
very positive note and we
have been joined by two
new teachers in the maths
department, Agatha Manufor
and Peri Aggarwal.
I know that many of you are
anxious to access information
through Parents’ Portal
on our website and I am
sorry that, as yet, this is not
available. It is not a school
error but one which needs
to be resolved by our IT
providers. Rest assured we are
exerting all possible pressure
to remedy the situation.
At long last, the EGA official
headscarves are now in stock
at Rough Cuts. They are
available in both white and
black and we managed to
negotiate a reduction in price.
Any girls wearing a headscarf
must wear the uniform one
by the beginning of next half
term at the latest. In the few
weeks leading up to half term,
we will be selling them in
school at the reduced price of
£5 instead of £7 in the shop.
If you didn’t get to see the
drama group’s production
of ‘What Are They Like’ in
school last term, there is a
performance at the Soho
Theatre on 30th April. Not to
be missed!
Yours sincerely,
Premiere of What Are They Like?
On Thursday 14th March, 18 EGA students from years 9-11 premiered the performance
of ‘What Are They Like?’ in our new theatre. The play is part of the National Theatre
Connections festival and will tour to the Soho Theatre on 30th April.
In the audience was a director from the National Theatre whose job it was to conduct
a show report giving feedback about the production and to make sure it is suitable to
perform in a professional venue. Whilst we have a couple of things to work on before
we tour to the Soho (mostly overcoming nerves and remembering to enjoy the funnier
moments of the play!). Overall the show report was very positive. Well done girls!
Here’s some of what the director had to say…
This production has a great theatrical language. From the beginning sequence where all
the cast sit with a set of shoes and march them in a relentless rhythm between themselves
it is clear they have grasped the theatrical potential in the work. It’s a great opening,
confident, intelligent and fun. The staging is very innovative throughout…The stances are
completely natural and each character seems immersed in their own domestic domain.
There is a clear, honest naturalism throughout the production….The teddy bear sequence
at the end is lovely and packs a good emotional punch. This well measured, detailed
production will work well in the intimacy of the Soho.
EGA perform What Are They Like? At the Soho
Theatre on Tuesday 30th April at 7pm.
Tickets are now available from the Soho Theatre
box office priced £7 (£5 concessions).
What Are They Like? has an age guidance of
13+. However the show that follows by Lost
Youth Theatre deals with some serious issues
has an age guidance of 15+. Please bear this
in mind when booking tickets.
String Group
On Monday 25th March the EGA String
Group performed at an end of term
performance sharing event at Copenhagen
Primary school. They played alongside
Copenhagen Primary school, Blessed
Sacrament School and the OAE (Orchestra
Of The Age Of Enlightenment) The main
two pieces that were played as part of an
ensemble were Ah Poor Bird and The Waltz
which EGA played alongside The OAE. All of
the students played well and Leyla Edwards 8A had a solo piece as part of the Ah Poor Bird
The Girl with a Pearl Islington
Year 9 students have been studying Gothic literature and producing fantastic
writing inspired by ‘The Yellow Wallpaper’ by Charlotte Perkins Gilman. One of
the best pieces was the following by Rachel Ramus (9H.)
The Green Blanket
I have never seen a worse sight, since the war ended, than the olive green
blanket with the red patterns jumping out of nowhere. It’s dull enough to
those with an abnormal mind, but to one with a normal mind, one can see
the past and the present and the future. Oh God, how I hate its suicidal swirls,
its never ending spirals leading down to pain and plunging you into an abyss
of tiring shells, destroying themselves on impact on the chest of Fear himself.
O, God, how I despise the dreadful thing. In the daylight, it distracts me from
what I’m doing and burns my legs through to the seat of my wheelchair. And
at night, it commits suicide and hangs itself on my bedroom door.
But I cannot destroy it nor throw it away. I know it will just find its way back
home. I know this because I’ve tried for at least six years and failed.
And when the blanket returns, it slaps me, pushes me out of my chair, causing
me to collapse onto the hard floor where the blanket would be ready to catch
Year 7 Visit to The Wallace Collection
By Fabiha Chowdhury 7E
The Wallace Collection is situated just behind Oxford Street and it is a family
collection of art work from all over the world. We went there on Thursday 21st
March 2013. We studied Islamic art, such as designs on swords. As we looked
at the artwork we drew sketches to use in our own artwork. First we got water
colour paper and drew a six pointed star and designed it using our sketches.
Then we painted with water colour paints. Our paintings were so AMAZING that
Mrs Amber (who was our guide for the day) told us that the gallery might put
This wonderful painting is by Gamze Kaplan in
11A. She painted this for her Art GCSE final piece
based on " Girl with a Pearl Earring" by Johannes
Vermeer and and the painting style of the artist
Francis Bacon. This is an amazing achievement
if you consider that she has never painted on this
scale or in this style before. We do recommend that
you go online to see a colour copy of this painting
in the newsletter section of our school website so
that you can fully appreciate this work of art. The
standard of the pieces produced for GCSE this year
is very high and we are expecting some excellent
results. In addition, at the other end of the scale,
students from Vittoria Primary School are currently
working in our new studios on a project with the
Cubitt Gallery, giving primary pupils the experience
of using the stunning new facilities and materials in
the refurbished technology block.
EGA Headscarves
(white and black) are now in
stock in Rough Cuts.
There is an amnesty until half
term but after half term all girls
wearing headscarves MUST wear
the EGA scarves.
Rough Cuts
are selling them for £7.00 but if
they are bought in school before
half term they can be purchased
for £5.00
them in their collection!
We enjoyed exploring the whole gallery and looking at different artwork. I think
this trip was a great inspiration to me and I recommend this gallery to others
interested in art.
Thank you Ms Begum for taking us!
All newsletters can be viewed in colour on the school website.
Elizabeth Garrett
School for Girls
Founded 2005
Dear Families,
Last week we received the
results of the GCSE Maths exam
which Year 11 students sat in
January. We are absolutely
delighted that the girls have
improved their performance
and have banked this all
important qualification. We
were particularly pleased with
the number of girls achieving
the highest grade. There is
no room for complacency,
however and Year 11 are
outstanding results which
will build on the success of
previous years.
We have a number of
important events over the
next few weeks. There is
a Parents’ Evening for Year
8 parents next week and a
similar event for Year 7 parents
on 22nd May. As families are
aware, we have very high
attendance at these meetings
and our partnership with
parents is crucial in ensuring
the girls continue to do so
Achievement evening takes
place in the next couple of
weeks. We normally hold
this in the autumn term but
postponed it because of the
move to the new building. It’s
always a lovely occasion when
we celebrate the many and
varied achievements of EGA
Yours sincerely,
Friday 26th April 2013
Vol 10. Issue 25
EGA Parent Forum
The Parent Forum will meet next Monday 29th April from 5.30 to 6.30 pm. At the last
meeting, parents asked for more information about subject choices made in year 8 and
the curriculum from year 9 onwards. In response, we have prepared a short presentation
about the curriculum, which will be followed by a question and answer session.
Refreshments will be provided and all parents are welcome. There is no need to book a
place. We look forward to meeting as many of you as possible next Monday.
Year 7 Tuesday Classes
Every Tuesday Year 7 students will
be having an extended day to allow
them to take part in a range of exciting
activities. These classes will run from
3.25 -4.25 apart from the Boating Club
which will finish at 5.15pm. This is a
fantastic opportunity for the girls to
develop different skills and interests.
Yesterday was the first session at
Islington Boat Club where the students
took part in kayaking. It was a lovely
afternoon and the girls learned how
to steer their boats, stop them from
moving and paddle over 200 metres
which is part of the level 2 kayaking
qualification. The two hours went
really quickly and we had lots of fun.
We hope that Year 7 enjoy these new
classes this term and we will publish
some photos of some future activities
in the newsletter.
Parent Workshop – Social
Are you concerned about your daughter’s
use of Facebook, Twitter and other
networking media? You are invited to a
workshop on Thursday 25th April from 9.15
to 10.15, where you can meet members of
Islington’s Healthy Schools Team, who will
offer advice about keeping your daughter safe
when using technology. Refreshments will be
provided, all are welcome and there is no need
to book. We look forward to seeing you.
About Year 10 Seniors
Recently a group of 36 year 10 students were chosen to become seniors after a rigorous interview process . Ten highly capable
executives were then selected from the seniors. The role of the executives includes overseeing the different jobs that the seniors
are involved in. The executives are : Nabeelah Siddiqi 10T ,Razia Sobratty 10T,Shama Akthar 10T, Khadra Ahmed 10E, Zahra Amin 10E,
Jennifer Duong 10H, Luthfa C 10Z, Karen Oliveira 10A, Hala K 10L, Sadia Jahan 10L. From these Shama Akthar was selected to be the
Chairperson and Razia Sobratty, the Vice Chairperson.
The roles of the seniors within the school consist of nail polish and uniform checks, break and lunch duty and mentoring younger
students. The seniors hope to begin working in the school at the beginning of next week successfully supporting both staff and
Meriem Fleary’s
Mini Marathon Success
Congratulations goes to Miriem Fleary,
8Z who took on the challenge and
completed the Virgin Mini London
Marathon 2013.
Having taken part in trials earlier in
the year, Miriem was picked from
hundreds of hopefuls to represent
Islington Borough at this prestigious
event. Miriem trained extremely hard
and successfully completed the 3 mile
course, which passes many of London’s
major landmarks, in under 30 minutes.
Miriem is now a proud owner of a Mini
London Marathon Medal and hopes
that her achievement inspires other
girls from EGA to take on the challenge
next year! Well done.
Islington Borough Running League
The first ever Islington Borough running league has been taking place at various
locations throughout the borough through the course of this academic year. A
number of girls have represented EGA during these races, battling the different types
of weather conditions that have been thrown at them including wind, snow, rain, ice
and, finally, sunshine.
Whether they have been pounding the hilly pavements of Highgate, trudging
through the mud at Stoke Newington Reservoir or jogging through the grass with
the sun shining on them at Finsbury Park, every single girl from EGA has given 100%
effort and commitment. Having competed in 5 out of 6 races (1 race was missed due
to moving into the new school build) EGA managed to dig deep at every race and
come a commendable 3rd place overall, missing out on 2nd place by just 1 point.
The following girls should be congratulated:
Alexandra Callender
Alisa Avdyli
Fahima Yasmin
Lucia Rennie
Caroline Anosike
Komaria Duncan
Natasha Merchant
Hadja Dusart
Epaphrodite Zumbila
Maziyah Chowdhury
All newsletters can be viewed in colour on the school website.
Elizabeth Garrett
School for Girls
Founded 2005
Friday 3rd May 2013
Vol 10. Issue 26
Dear Families,
It was good that so many
of you were able to attend
the meeting we held on
keeping your daughter safe
when using networking
media such as “Twitter”
and Facebook”. We will be
running another session
later in the year for parents
who missed it the first
time around. We were
also delighted to welcome
parents to the “Parent
Forum” meeting this week
where there was lots of
information about how we
organise the curriculum.
During this week we had a
visit from yet another group
of Norwegian aspiring head
teachers. It seems that to
become a head in Norway,
it is important to visit EGA
as a shining example of
an outstanding school!
They were, as ever, very
impressed by the students
they met both in terms of
their attitude to learning
and their ability to speak in
Next week is our Celebration
of Achievement so look out
for prize winners in next
week’s newsletter.
Visit From Oxford University Students
We were very happy to host a visit
from Oxford University students
who are training to become history
teachers. They came to EGA to learn
about teaching in inner city schools
and visited some of Mr Stemp’s
lessons. Afterwards, their university
tutor sent a letter of thanks:
‘I am writing to thank you for
hosting my history students at your
school. I have had very positive
feedback about the day and they were really impressed with the school and the pupils
in the school. I hope that we will be able to repeat the visit next year as this visit has
opened up London schools beyond certain stereotypes held. I am glad to say that a
number of our students are now thinking about teaching in London.’
At EGA, we have strong links with Oxford University and will continue to work in
partnership with our colleagues there.
Exam News For All Year Groups
The following examinations will be held shortly. If your daughter is entered for these
exams, please support her by ensuring that she is well prepared and arrives at school in
good time on the day.
Monday 13th May
Tuesday 14th May
Wednesday 15th May
Thursday 16th May
Yours sincerely,
Friday 17th May
Preparation for working life
RE Ethics
French listening and reading
Core Science Unit 1
Biology Unit 1
Portugese reading
Turkish reading
PE Unit 1 and 3
Turkish AS Level
Bengali listening higher
Dance Unit 1
Arabic AS Level
Year 7 maths
Bengali AS Level
Year 8 maths
Citizenship Unit 1
Spanish listening and reading
Sociology Unit 1 and 2
EGA After School
This Tuesday was a hive of activity between 3.30 and 4.30 now that the summer clubs are under way. As you can see, students were
participating in clubs all over the school. You can see them here cheerleading, oil painting, doing pottery, painting fabric, playing
football, making jigsaws and working through an online numeracy programme. As well as that, students were rehearsing in the
drama studio, kayaking at Islington Boat Club and swimming at Cally Pool.
Our older students were also attending revision classes in a whole range of exam subjects, as well as working independently in the
library. Clubs still continue at lunchtimes throughout the week and on other evenings. Watch this space for more photographs of
Swimming Gala
On Tuesday, 30th April, eight year 7, 8, 9 and 10 girls went to Holloway
School Swimming Pool to take part in the Islington Schools Swimming
Gala. There were freestyle, backstroke, butterfly and breaststroke
events for each year group, and each 25 metres in length. There was
also a medley and freestyle relay for each year.
We won one silver medal in the individual events, as well as eight bronze
medals. Both the Year 10 and the Year 7 relay teams came second in
their respective races. This was a really good achievement for the girls,
especially as we had a small team compared to the other schools that
competed. All the girls enjoyed the event and it was great to come away with so many medals.
Huge congratulations to all of the girls for their effort and achievements:
Simge Solmaz
Zahra Tomkins
Selen Somaz
Christina Price
Edith Tomkins
Inez Kirati
Felix Nyrvana
Fahima Yasmin 7A
All newsletters can be viewed in colour on the school website.
Elizabeth Garrett
School for Girls
Founded 2005
Vol 10. Issue 27
Dear Families,
Today, Thursday, is our
Celebration of Achievement
and we will be welcoming
Lianne Moseley, Director of
Legal Recruitment from Rare
Recruitment, to address the
students and present the
awards. It’s always a very
moving occasion and the
prize winners have all worked
incredibly hard. Making the
decision as to who should
receive the awards is always
difficult as there are so many
students who achieve so
much on a daily basis.
We have now been running
our own catering service for
eight months and feedback
from staff and students has
been very positive. They all
recognise the improvements
in the quality of the food and
the service. If families have
any thoughts about how we
can continue to improve, we
would be delighted to hear
Friday 10th May 2013
Zahra Arefa and Saruka Jeyaseelan in 8A have had a busy week in tutor time raising
money for their Year 8 Skills Project. “We choose a topic for our skills projects and we
chose Endangered Animals. Julakha Jahan also joined because she also strongly agrees
that endangered animals are treated badly.
We chose Endangered Animals because we wanted to do something other than humans
and also wanted it to be a world-wide issue.
On Tuesday we collected money from teachers and students by telling them about what
was happening to the animals. We raised about £10.
On Wednesday we did a sponsored silence (which was really hard for us even though we
are the quiet girls!) At the end of the day our throats were dry and sore!
Thirdly we played a treasure hunt game with our tutor group (8A) and it was exciting
because we hadn’t done anything like that before. It was a unique and fun idea. 8A
enjoyed it and we raised £16 together (in only three days)!
On Thursday we held an animal raffle where people chose endangered animals and then
we pulled their names out of hat and gave prizes.
Thank you to all teachers and students who donated!”
Please see the above students if you would like more information about endangered
animals as they have become experts! Well done, girls.
The demolition of the old
buildings is progressing well
but we have been subject to a
little noise and dust. We are
working with the contractors
to ensure that this does not
interfere with learning and I
am told that the worst is over!
Finally, a reminder that all
girls who wish to wear a
headscarf must be wearing
the EGA scarf after half term.
Yours sincerely,
Turkish Breakfast Club
On Friday 26th April, students who attend Breakfast Club were made a special Turkish
breakfast by Canan Marsigli, translator-in-residence at the Free Word Centre. Canan will be
joining us for breakfast over the next few weeks, using food as a means to share stories of
who we are and where we come from. Girls were treated to a meal of ‘simits’ (Turkish bagels
with sesame seeds), feta cheese and fresh fruit and vegetables. This week it is the students’
turn to bring in some food special to them. In a few weeks’ time, the girls will be joined by
illustrator Karrie Fransman, who will work with them to turn their stories into edible comics.
These will be showcased at an exhibition at the Free Word Centre later this month. Watch
this space…!
Celebration Of Achievement 2013
Our Celebration of Achievement, which was held on Thursday, is an event when we feel tremendous pride in our students’
achievements. The following students received awards and we would like to congratulate them. Of course, throughout the school
many other girls have also made outstanding progress. As we cannot nominate everybody, we would like to take this opportunity
to thank all of those students and parents whose hard work and support have made such a difference to life at EGA.
Achievement: Amira Gedi
Progress: Rinesa Zeqa
Contribution: Niamh Tuite
Achievement: : Cheryl Gill
Progress: Kolima Begum
Contribution: Alice Waugh
Achievement: Madiha Islam
Progress: Jadah Stewart
Contribution: Hajar Chakour
Achievement: Fiona Lu
Progress: Edith Tomkins
Contribution: Zawda Ibrahim
Achievement: Muna Osman
Progress: Valeria Rodriguez-Robledo7T
Contribution: Samirah Amin
Achievement: Ines Kirati
Progress: Samiha Uddin
Contribution: Khadija Saeed
Achievement: Mahima Hussain
Progress: Condasy Greer
Contribution: Khadijah Hussain
Achievement: Kristin Benson
Progress: Shaima Touitha
Contribution: Shannon Berg
Achievement: Zuzanna Szemborowska
Progress: Fatima Jannat
Contribution: Ubah Mohamed
Achievement: Esra Irki
Progress: Yusra Al-Mahdi
Contribution: Zahra Arefa
Achievement: Marjana Ahmed
Progress: Arij Abdalla
Contribution: Millie Woods
Achievement: Aniqa Rahman
Progress: Epaphrodite Zumbila
Contribution: Ayesha Uddin
Achievement: Munna Begum
Progress: Milena Novakova
Contribution: Nishat Tasnim
Achievement: Cansel Ertekin
Progress: Hana Karhani
Contribution: Hala Kaizra
Achievement: Naimah Najm Al-Sahar
Progress: Shaimaa Maache
Contribution: Keilah Bolus
Achievement: Safia Ahmed
Progress: Charlotte Regan
Contribution: Sekinat Emiola
Achievement: Shama Akhtar
Progress: Mariana Rodriguez Angel
Contribution: Razia Sobratty
Achievement: Isa Ceesay
Progress: Radeyah Begum
Contribution: Micah Daway
Achievement: Rosita Robinson
Progress: Amina Omar
Contribution: Tasnia Yasmin
Achievement: Prova Rashid
Progress: Abida Ismail
Contribution: Natalia Elliot
Achievement: Sofiya Agaeva
Progress: Michelle Bockor
Contribution: Jodie Collins
Achievement: Yumna Mobeen
Progress: Yaran Mafko
Contribution: Khadra Abdulkadir 9A
Achievement: Nubia Servina
Progress: Ilham Omar
Contribution: Kamsi Ibe
Achievement: Bethlehem Tamerat 9H
Progress: Ana Segalotto
Contribution: Sara Nour Ahmed 9H
Achievement: Sabiha Hussain
Progress: Zilan Akcekaya
Contribution: Diem Ngan Nguyen 11E
Achievement: Tina Delic
Progress: Alima Aktar
Contribution: Bisi Adedapo
Achievement: Sabren Amin
Progress: Jude Seddiki
Contribution: Hannah Arbouhat 11Z
Achievement: Rebecca Begum
Progress: Farhana Akthar
Contribution: Gamze Kaplan
Achievement: Ece Emin
Progress: Lakesha Taylor
Contribution: Shifa Begum
Achievement: Fahmida Jannath 11H
Progress: Kaycee Cooper
Contribution: Mary Koang
Jack Petchey Awards go to:
Karolina Hracka from 7Z
to recognise her commitment to school and learning. She has been involved in several enrichment clubs and has an immaculate record of
behaviour. She is also supportive of other students.
Clara Goundry from 8H
to recognise outstanding Commitment to Learning in every subject. Clara has also acquired 89 merits so far this year in addition to the more
than 100 merits she achieved last year.
Hannah Basic 9T
to recognise Hannah has worked with total commitment throughout her learning so far. She responds positively, maturely and supportively
in her interactions with others and has made an excellent contribution to her tutor group and to the year group as a whole.
Zlatina Angelova 10E
to recognise Zlatina has worked consistently from year 7 and has made great improvement. She was chosen to go to Oxford to meet Mrs
Obama. She is always polite and co-operative with all her teachers and her class mates and has been a great support others. She is a mature
student who is always willing to help anyone and is an asset to the tutor group and school.
Simran Kaur 11Z
to recognise the huge improvement she has made in her attendance and confidence with being in school. She has blossomed into a lovely,
caring and conscientious young lady and a valued member of the year group.
All newsletters can be viewed in colour on the school website.
Elizabeth Garrett
School for Girls
Founded 2005
Vol 10. Issue 28
Dear Families,
This will be the last
newsletter of yet another
busy half term.
have enjoyed meeting
with families on various
occasions – at parents’
evenings, the Celebration
of Achievement and the
drama performance at the
Soho Theatre. The final
parents’ evening of the
year is for Year 7 and will
take place next week.
On Saturday of this week,
we will be meeting with
our new Year 7 students
who will be joining us
in September. They are
coming into school to
take the tests which will
give us the information
we need to best support
their further achievement
when they arrive next
term. As well as taking
the tests, they will begin
to get to know each other.
The girls will be coming
in on several occasions
during the course of next
half term so that they will
be very familiar with the
school in September.
During the break next
week, there will be revision
classes running for girls in
Years 9, 10 and 11 who
are sitting GCSEs this year.
We would appreciate your
support in ensuring that
your daughter attends as
Finally, don’t forget that
for girls who wish to wear
a headscarf, the uniform
headscarf in black or
white, is compulsory after
the half term break.
Friday 17th May 2013
Edible Comics Workshop
Last Friday a group of year 7 girls from
Breakfast Club participated in an edible
comics workshop with writer Canan
Marasligil and illustrator Karrie Fransman.
Canan has been joining us at Breakfast
Club for the past few weeks, getting to
know the students and encouraging them
to tell stories around the breakfast table.
nuts, vegetables and biscuits. The story
charts a surreal adventure Ms Dibb has one
morning on her way to school, in which
she encounters talking strawberries, takes
a ride inside a giant apple, and flies on the
back of a butterfly! The girls came up with
some great ideas, using parsley for hair
and mushrooms for heads. Great fun was
Over this time the girls wrote a story about
their favourite head teacher Ms Dibb. At
the workshop on Friday we were joined
by Karrie, who has created comics for a
range of publications including Time Out
and The Guardian, who helped to turn the
story into an edible comic strip. Instead
of drawing on paper, each girl was given
a paper plate upon which to illustrate a
scene from the story. And instead of using
traditional drawing materials, the girls
made their comics out of food, using fruit,
had by all in what proved to be a creative
and enjoyable exercise in telling stories.
Next Thursday the girls will be showcasing
photographs of their edible comic at the
Free Word Centre as part of the Islington
Word Festival. Well done to Laroz Aziz,
Nikisha Stewart, Hazera Begum Chowdhury,
Rinesa Zeqa, Jasmine Narh-Sappor and Rosy
Wakeley of 7E, Fatjona Palushi of 7L, Demet
Solak of 7H, Hellina Yosepf of 7T and Salewa
Bey of 7A for all their hard work!
Have a good holiday.
Yours sincerely,
A few weeks ago, our year 9 science
class were studying genetically inherited
diseases. We looked at the disease Cystic
Fibrosis in depth and found out how it
affected people and that there was a Holiday
Fund for people diagnosed with it. We
researched more about it and decided to
donate some money towards this charity.
We collected the money from the girls in
our class and as a result we raised £31.52.
We got in contact with the charity and sent
the money off. The Cystic Fibrosis Holiday
Fund charity was delighted at how much
money we had donated, and they sent
a thank you email telling us that all the
donations will go towards a well-deserved
holiday for a young child or adult.
Becoming a Writer
EGA Celebrates Achievement
This week saw the first in our series of new events, ‘Becoming a
Writer’ in The Cloud. We were delighted to introduce Meg Rosoff
as our first author, Meg is the award winning author of several
books including ‘How I live now’ ‘Just in Case’ and ‘There is No
Dog.’ Meg gave a talk and
ran a workshop on ‘Voice’
whereby she asked
a series of questions
encouraging students to
think about themselves
and their observations of
the world around them.
extremely enjoyable with
girls engaging in lots of
Last Thursday we held our annual Celebration of Achievement,
and the names of the award winners were published in last week’s
newsletter. We would like to share these images of what was an
inspirational evening. The keynote speech was given by Lianne
Mosley, a Director of legal Recruitment, who gave a fascinating talk
about working in law. The audience was entertained by a range of
performances. We would like to congratulate all of those involved in
this event.
lively discussion ranging
from the type of animal
they would like to be to
their deepest fears in life.
Afterwards Meg signed
books and chatted to the
Look out for the release of
the film ‘How I Live Now’
coming to the screens in October 2013 starring Saoirse Ronan!
All newsletters can be viewed in colour on the school website.
Elizabeth Garrett
School for Girls
Founded 2005
Vol 10. Issue 29
Friday 7th June 2013
Dear Families,
I do hope you enjoyed
a good half term. It was
good to see that so many
girls attended the revision
classes to help them
prepare for the GCSE exams.
The summer timetable has
now started for Year 11
students who are in school
for their exams and for
lessons in subjects where
there are still papers to sit.
At all other times, there
is a space available for
supervised study.
As you know, for girls who
wish to wear a headscarf
the official EGA scarf is now
compulsory and these can
be purchased from both
the school reception and
“Rough Cuts”, in Chapel
our uniform
As you may be aware, our
new school timetable starts
on June 24th instead of
waiting until September.
This means that students
will make a head start on
next year’s courses. It’s very
important that girls do not
miss a day. I have already
received a number of
requests for early holidays
which, of course, we cannot
authorise. Those girls with
the highest attendance
are those who achieve the
Yours sincerely,
Year 7 Geography Trip
On Friday 24th of May our Geography class (7E) were taken by Miss Swan and Mr Hurley
on an awe inspiring Geography trip to the Embankment to observe the many features of
the River Thames. We went on this trip to finish off our Rivers topic. Our first experience
was a magical ride on the London
Eye. Everyone enjoyed watching the
world grow smaller, revealing the
meanders of the River Thames.
We then enjoyed watching the
4D London Eye experience which
showed the many states of the
London Eye from winter to Chinese
New Year. We then went boarded the
ultrafast Thames Clipper boat. We
travelled all the way to Greenwich,
the home of the Maritime Museum
and the observatory.
Huffing and puffing, we walked up
the hill leading to the Greenwich observatory. From here we could see the Thames in all its
meandering glory.
Unfortunately it started to rain heavily so we had to scamper back to the boat and back to
Overall we had a fun filled, action packed day. Even if it was slightly wet!
By Rosy Wakely, 7E
Forthcoming Exams
Please support your daughter by ensuring that she has a good breakfast
before her exams and arrives in good time.
History GCSE
Additional Science Unit 2 GCSE
Chemistry Unit 2 GCSE
Maths linear paper 1 GCSE
Italian GCSE
Geography GCSE
Thinking and Reasoning
Additional Science Unit 3
Maths linear paper 2 GCSE
RE Philosophy GCSE Year 10
Monday 10th June
Monday 10th June
Monday 10th June
Tuesday 11th June
Tuesday 11th June
Wednesday 12th June
Wednesday 12th June
Thursday 13th June
Thursday 13th June
Friday 14th June
Friday 14th June
A Letter from Sierra Leone
Students in Ms Watson’s English classes have been exchanging letters with students at a school in Sierra Leone and were very pleased
to receive a whole batch of replies last week. Here is an extract from one of them:
“We have two shifts in our school, morning shift and afternoon shift. The morning shift starts at 7.45 and the afternoon shift starts at
1pm and ends at 6pm. I am in the afternoon shift so I leave my house at 12.30pm and get home at around 6.30pm. When I get home
I have to launder my clothes and eat. Then I do my studies and go to bed at around midnight. On Saturdays I usually go to practical
classes and on Sundays we go to St Anthony’s Church because we are Catholics. After church we watch a movie and then I have to
prepare my school materials for the week.”
“During the holidays I go to my mum for a holiday in the province where she works
because I am not staying with her, I am staying with my grandparents. During the
holiday in Kenema, I and my cousins usually go to the villages around Kenema to do
farming. We usually plant rice which is our staple food, as well as cassava, ground
nut etc. “
It has been fascinating to read about the lives of students in other countries and look
forward to hearing more from our penfriends.
Visit to Kew
On the last day before half-term
holiday, 15 Year 9 students braved
the rain to visit Kew Gardens . The
students had the privilege to go
behind the scenes to meet and
see some of the fascinating work
being done by women in various
scientific fields at Kew. A visit to
Kew Herbarium
the Jodrell Laboratory highlighted
the importance of plants in developing new medicines and even solving
crimes. In the Herbarium, everybody was amazed by the work that goes
into the care and study of over seven million different plant samples, some
dating back to 1700!
It was a wet, but enjoyable day and Kew scientists were left with a lasting
impression of budding scientists at EGA.
Table Tennis
On Monday 19th May, we were thrilled to host five students from SMMA to
take part in a table tennis tournament which took place after school in the
Sports hall. The ladies were very competitive, yet EGA proudly won 25:5.
Our winners were:
Ubah Mohammed, Shahrima Hussain, Tiara Le, Raqeeba Al-Faqeeh all from
8Z as well as Alexandra from 9E.
A big thank you to Mr Hurley for organising the tournament and well done
to all of the players!
Zuzannah, 8Z
Year 7 Pop Up Reading
With the sun shining on the new Piazza, Years 7A and
7Z have been enjoying reading their Pop Up Reading
novels in English. Students have two weeks to
complete reading their novels and reading activities
before meeting their authors in a variety of exciting
locations around London.
All newsletters can be viewed in colour on the school website.
Elizabeth Garrett
School for Girls
Founded 2005
Vol 10. Issue 30
Dear Families,
Friday 14th June 2013
Let's Get Cooking!
It was a great pleasure to meet
the girls who will be joining
us in September, earlier this
week. They came into school
with their parents so that
we could start getting to
know them and find out any
information which will help
us to ensure a very good start
at EGA. In July they will all be
spending the morning with us
to sample some lessons and
meet up with other girls in
their tutor group.
We are aware that secondary
school can seem very
different and strange and
this is true, not just for the
girls, but often for parents too
who have become used to
working with their daughter’s
primary school. We are trying
to ensure that families have
all the information they need
to ease the transition and
I would be grateful if any
parents could let me know
of things they wish they had
known about the routines
of EGA. If you do have any
thoughts, please e-mail Judy
Redding on :
Judith.redding@egas. just saying “I
wish I had known that …….”,
alternatively, a note can be left
at Reception.
Sports Day is fast approaching
and we want to maintain full
participation of students so
please talk to your daughter
about what part she will be
playing on 27th June. You
could even encourage her
to get in training for what is
always a lovely event.
Yours sincerely,
These year 8 students are making a smoked fish and spring onion salad at the 'Let's Get
Cooking' club which runs after school on Thursdays. They have shown real commitment
and have learned a huge amount about food preparation and nutrition. Club continues
until the end of term and if you would like to join, please see Ms De Bruin for details.
London Schools Athletics Association
On Saturday 7th June 2013, 23 pupils from across Islington boarded
a coach that was taking them across London to Battersea
Athletics Track. They were there to represent Islington in a
variety of track and field events.
The following three girls from EGA School were chosen to
represent Islington at the event: Shakeelah Prince, Micah
Daway and Faith Bertram. Micah was the first to race and sprinted to
victory winning her heat of 100m in 13.4 seconds. Shakeelah raced next
and came a very respectable fifth place in the finals of the 80m hurdles in a time of
14.7 seconds. Micah then went on to take part in the 100m finals where she fought
incredibly hard against a very strong field. However, she beat her heat time and came a
commendable third place in 13.1 seconds. Finally, all three girls formed most of the relay
team and, despite a very strong start from Shakeelah, were out run on the day.
A big congratulations to all three girls who should be very proud of their achievements.
Invitation to Year 8 Parents
Year 8 Skills Community Campaigns Fair
On Wednesday 19th June students from 8ATH and on Thursday 20th June students from 8ELZ will
be presenting their work and findings from their Skills work this year in a Community Campaigns
Fair. If you are free and can come we you are very welcome to attend to see some of the work your
daughter/ward and the rest of her group have produced. They have been working very hard so I’m
sure they would very much appreciate it!
Event: Community Campaigns Fair
Date: Wed 19th June (ELZ) or Thurs 20th June (ATH)
Time: 2.15-3.25pm
Venue: Lecture Theatre
Talking to your child about…
growing up, relationships
and using social media
Mobile phones, Facebook, BBM, internet chat rooms!
Just like many adults, young people enjoy using new technology to socialise with their peers.
As your child grows and changes they will want to do this with increasing independence.
This workshop will help you to:
• talk to your child about what makes happy and healthy relationships
• support your child to stay happy and safe in their ‘online’ social life
At EGA on Wednesday July 3rd
4.30 – 5.15pm
Refreshments will be served
We look forward to welcoming you
Poet Comes to our Classroom
We started our day with an introduction from a nice man called Phillip
Cowell. He introduced the free speech charity PEN which stands for
poets, essayist and novelist. He was very funny and got the whole
class bubbly for the next activity.
Shortly after that, he introduced us to a poet called Warsan Shire. She
asked us to participate in a drawing activity, where we had to draw
our classmate without taking the pen off of the paper. We then left
those aside as she went onto the next activity.
After that, she showed us the letters that the girls in Sierra Leone sent
back from the last time. She gave us one each and we got the chance
to write back to them. We had great fun writing back and finding out
their lifestyle and how it was different to ours.
The class had great fun doing the workshop and we would love to do
it again. I think it changed the thoughts of some of the young ladies
in my class and the positivity they have towards poems and essay
writing, now that they have met a poet and found out about her
By Saroya Sepaul Darkwah (10z) and Margela Noryaly (10z)
Teamwork on the
The year 7 boating group are continuing
to develop their skills, as you can see. They
are working towards a national qualification
and seem to be natural sailors! As well as
kayaking, they are learning to work as part of a
team to navigate a larger boat.
Other after school clubs continue to thrive
as students learn new skills. We are looking
forward to a performance by the EGA
Cheerleaders on Sports Day, and the SelfDefence group will be showing their skills in
assembly this week. Some students will soon
be completing the projects that they have
been working on in textiles and pottery and
we are delighted with the progress made by
the numeracy group. Please encourage your
daughter to attend one of the wide range of
clubs on offer to students in all year groups.
All newsletters can be viewed in colour on the school website.
Elizabeth Garrett
School for Girls
Founded 2005
Vol 10. Issue 31
Dear Families,
At the end of last week, we
held our annual Art Exhibition
showcasing the work of
GCSE students in Fine Art,
Photography and Textiles.
It was good to welcome so
many parents and visitors
and everyone was very
impressed by the quality of
the work on display.
During this week, girls in Year
8 took part in the annual
event which allows them
to exercise their skills as
campaigners. They have to
research their chosen issue
and then design a campaign
to promote the cause. The
Fair was visited by the Mayor
who was very pleased to see
that we have so many active
citizens at EGA.
On Wednesday of next week,
we will be saying our official
goodbye to Year 11 students
who will have completed
their GCSEs. It’s a day of mixed
feelings. Whilst we are sad to
lose such remarkable young
women who have achieved
so much during their time
here, we know that they are
ready for the next stage of
their education. Fortunately,
many of them continue to
be involved with us and
are great mentors and role
models to younger students.
We are very grateful for the
contribution they have made,
and will continue to make, to
the school.
Yours sincerely,
Friday 21st June 2013
The Almeida Theatre are starting a brand new Youth Theatre.
As a partner school, we have been given a priority on places.
It's open to students currently in year 8 and above and starts in September.
This is an excellent opportunity to get involved with creating theatre and making new
If you are interested, please see Ms Allen for a letter.
"Youth Theatre changed my life. Before I started, I was painfully shy. So shy that when
visitors came round to the house, I would hide upstairs in my bedroom! 17 years later,
deep down I'm still quite shy but most people don't notice. Joining a Youth Theatre
when I was 12 allowed me to develop a set of skills in performing and presenting myself
that I didn't know I had. I learnt about acting, directing, lighting and sound, made
amazing friends and performed in front of hundreds of people in professional venues. It
fostered a great passion for theatre which I still have and gave me the confidence to do
well at school, at university and in my career."
Anonymous……. (guess who??!)
Meet The Seniors
This year, 40 girls were elected by our head of year, Ms.Saleem and Mr.Onabiyi to be
the brand new seniors for next year. First, we were invited by the teachers to attend
an interview, which for some was extremely nerve wracking as this would have been
one of the first experiences of attending an interview without the presence of parents
or guardians. We received great feedback from Ms.Saleem and Mr.Onabiyi with regard
to our interview technique. They told us they were extremely impressed with all of us.
Later that afternoon they revealed who the seniors would be and I was one of them!
I was so excited as I knew there would be great opportunities for me and I could get
involved with the EGA community. Now, we have weekly meetings discussing how we,
as seniors, can make EGA a better place. At the moment we do many things including
mentoring younger year groups, doing break and lunch duties and nail checks. On
behalf of all the seniors, we are honoured and proud to be helping EGA to become a
better place for tomorrow. Sophia Thompson
The Performance Faculty go to
the West End!
On Thursday 6th June 30 students across years 7 and 8 were
rewarded for their high quality work, progress and effort in
Performance Faculty subjects; dance, drama, music and PE.
We set off during lunch to catch
the bus that would take us to the
Victoria Palace Theatre to watch
the ‘Greatest British musical ever
seen’, and Billy Elliot really was a
great musical. There was singing
and dancing, things that made
you laugh and things that made
you cry, enormous and clever
set design and costumes that
shimmered and shone under the
lights. Lots of the girls who were
taken on the trip commented on
how they’d never been to a theatre
before and weren’t sure what to expect. Afterwards, all Ms.
Allen, Ms Tailby and Ms Howe heard was how amazing it was
and how much they’d enjoyed themselves.
It was a lovely afternoon and the girls were a credit to the
school. So if you want to be on the next Performance faculty
reward trip, make sure you’re a ‘Star of the Week’ in lessons and
it could be you!
Yesterday I accompanied 7L to the Jewish Museum as part of the
Pop Up Festival, to meet the author Gillian Cross. The class have been
reading her book, 'After Tomorrow,' in which Matt and some of his
family are forced to flee to a refugee camp in France, when food
becomes scarce in England and the family are under the threat of
Gillian looked at various themes during the morning, such as 'leaving',
in which she talked about her own experience of leaving a town
where she had lived for many years and the feelings that had evoked.
Next the girls looked at a picture of Jewish children leaving to go on
the Kindertransport, and thought about how they would feel if they
had to leave home and how Matt in the novel was very resourceful in
order to survive. The girls had clearly read and enjoyed the book and
some very lively discussion was had.
Afterwards they had a look around the museum, searching for
particular artefacts which they had thought about that morning.
Gillian signed some books and is going to come to EGA as part of the
'Becoming a Writer' series next year. She set the girls a writing task
which they can bring along to the session if they wish.
It was a thoroughly enjoyable morning, extremely interesting and I
was thrilled to see how a good book can inspire and educate. Even
Ms Turpie bought a copy to read!
UK Mathematics Challenge
Congratulations to the following girls who achieved an award in the UK Mathematics Challenge that took place in April:
Hanan Ugas 8T (Silver)
Anisa Muse 8H (Silver)
Clara Goundry 8H (Gold)
Saruka Jeyaseelan 8A (Bronze)
Nazifa Awwal 8T (Bronze)
Deenah Ali 8T (Bronze)
Esra Irki 8A (Bronze)
Sabana Khanom 8T (Bronze)
Ayesha Uddin 8H (Bronze)
A very special well done to Clara Goundry 8H who achieved EGA’s second ever Gold award!
Lia's Guide - The Musical!
The Bookaholics - Amy, Khadra, Munna, Nasra, Shuma,
Zahra, Aissato and Mahmuda first met Keren David
in 2010, when she visited EGA to talk about her new,
first novel for teenagers, 'When I was Joe.' The book
was a huge hit in our school, and at the time the girls
pestered Keren for news of a sequel. Meanwhile, Keren
was working on 'Lia's Guide to Winning the Lottery,' and
she asked if she could come in and show the group the
proposed cover for 'Lia,' and get some feedback.
The girls thought the cover was a little 'adult,' but enjoyed
the excerpt that Keren read from the book and went
on to read and enjoy it when it came out - along with
Almost True and Another Life, of course.
Yesterday I took the group along to see a musical version of 'Lia's
Guide to winning the Lottery,' at the Bridewell Theatre, London. We
had no idea what to expect, but what a treat it turned out to be.
The musical was performed by students from the MTA, all of whom
were excellent. It was one of the best musicals I've ever seen.
Lia the musical is colourful, uplifting and loads of fun, as well as packing
in quite a few 'issues' such as the role of the press, wealth, relationships
and family dynamics. In the
musical the lottery numbers
are played as 'characters'
who fulfill the role of backing
singers throughout the play.
I loved these girls. Dressed
immaculately as different
characters, they sang, dance
and acted their Jimmy Choos
The students loved the fact
that the play was about
teenagers, romance, and had
loads of stuff that they could
relate to such as hashtags and
Facebook pages. I was told afterwards it was the most fun school trip
they've ever had, and Shuma awarded it one thousand out of ten!
The acting was of a very high standard as were the set design and
props - I particularly liked the giant fans made of £50 notes and the
cupcakes matching the coloured blocks which moved around to
form the set and the girls' dresses. The songwords held my attention
the whole time as part of the dialogue and the music was uplifting.
I highly recommend anyone who gets the chance to see the show to
buy your ticket NOW- details below:
All newsletters can be viewed in colour on the school website.
Elizabeth Garrett
School for Girls
Founded 2005
Vol 10. Issue 32
Dear Families,
This week all students
have started their new
timetables so that they can
make best use of the last
few weeks of term. This is
particularly important for
girls in Years 8, 9 and 10
who will be sitting GCSEs
next summer.
Last week, however, was
very different with a whole
host of trips and extra
activities taking place
every day. Many of these
you will read about in this
this week was a lovely
occasion, a real celebration
of the five years the girls
have spent with us. It was
good that so many parents
were able to join us. The
partnership between EGA
and parents has been
instrumental in ensuring
the success of the girls.
Sports Day, was, as ever,
a great day with girls
really entering into the
spirit, determined to do
their best and supporting
others to do likewise.
Friday 28th June 2013
Refugee Week – 17th – 23rd June
refugees have made
and continue to
make to our society.
All assemblies were delivered by visiting
speakers, one of whom is a refugee himself,
who explained why he was forced to seek
asylum in the UK from Chad. Kolbassia
Haoussou now works for the local charity,
Freedom from Torture (FFT) and was
rehabilitated there after escaping from
seven months of torture. He now speaks
to school students across London in order
to raise awareness of refugee issues and
explain the work that FFT does.
Freedom from Torture has worked closely
with EGA, particularly in Citizenship. After
the Year 8 assembly he told me he was
meeting the Head of the UK Border Agency
as well as contributing to a government
project on this issue. He is a true inspiration
for any individual who has survived serious
Many thanks to all students and staff who
gave generously on Non Uniform Day, to
Nishat Tasnim for her unfailing effort and
enthusiasm, and all the Year 8 team who
sold cakes, drinks, held raffles and generally
did as much as possible to boost our overall
total which currently stands at £760.37.
This reflects a great effort and will go to a
very worthy cause.
Talking to your child about…
growing up, relationships
and using social media
Mobile phones, Facebook, BBM, internet chat rooms!
Just like many adults, young people enjoy using new technology to socialise with their peers.
As your child grows and changes they will want to do this with increasing independence.
This workshop will help you to:
• talk to your child about what makes happy and healthy relationships
• support your child to stay happy and safe in their ‘online’ social life
At EGA on Wednesday July 3rd
4.30 – 5.15pm
Refreshments will be served
We look forward to welcoming you
Yours sincerely,
For further information please contact Karen Tumbridge at the school.
ISLINGTON CYCLING CLUB – For Parents and Students
This new cycling club offers cycle sport for all ages and abilities. Join them as a guest on their regular
Saturday and Sunday rides for adults and there is also Go-Ride coaching for 8-14 year olds.
Saturday: Coffee and Cake Ride - a gentle 10-mile led ride with a rest stop, meet 2pm,
Drovers Centre, North Rd, N7 9EY
Sunday: Club Training Ride - 40-45 miles at training pace (14-18mph), meet Whittington
Park, N19 4RS, for 8.30am depart. There are faster and slower groups.
Details at or email [email protected]
Over the summer Islington Council is running free Bikeability cycle training courses for children aged 5-12.
All you need to take part is a bike and a helmet (we do have some spare helmets).
For details email [email protected]
An inspirational day out for Year 8 English
As part of the many Pop Up reading trips to various inspirational
locations around London, Year 8 spent a wonderful day walking
in the footsteps of Romantic poet John Keats (1795 -1821) in his
former house in Hampstead. Students heard all about his rather
sad life and saw the rooms from where he would stare longingly struck down with Tuberculosis - at his love, Fanny Brawne, across the
street. The girls were very moved by his story and endeavoured to
read his heartfelt letters as he met his demise at the age of only 25.
Students were then treated to a fantastic talk from renowned author
Sita Brahmachari, author of their Pop Up book, Kite Spirit. The girls
were shown the various people and places that inspired her writing
and heard about the rich symbolism of the characters and objects
scattered throughout the novel. After a spot of lunch on Hampstead
Heath, students returned to school feeling smarter, invigorated and
ready to use Sita’s tips in their own writing. It was a wonderful trip.
On Thursday June 19th, the Bookaholics – including new members Saruka Jeyaseelan, Julahka Jahan and Zahra Arefa 8E went to
Platform in Hornsey Road to take part in the 2013 Islington Carnegie Shadowing award ceremony. The girls have been reading the
eight books on the shortlist, and put on a presentation called ‘Take Me Out of the Library,’ based on the TV programme ‘Take Me
Out.’ Six girls represented six of the books and presented their case to be selected on a date by the Librarian (Shuma, 10E). Paddy
(Amy Coffey) facilitated the show.
Other Islington schools put on presentations, powerpoints, videos and it was a very enjoyable afternoon and lovely to see so
many students inspired by books. Wonder by RJ Palacio was the overwhelming winner, but Maggot Moon by Sally Gardner was the
national winner.
Congratulations to all those who took part!
All newsletters can be viewed in colour on the school website.
Elizabeth Garrett
School for Girls
Founded 2005
Vol 10. Issue 33
Dear Families,
The end of term is rapidly
approaching but the girls
remain very focused on
their learning and excited
by starting their next year’s
courses. It is important that
over the summer holidays
they do relax but that they
keep their brains working!
museums, taking part in the
wealth of activities available
in Islington will ensure
that the girls have fun and
don’t waste six weeks doing
Earlier this week, we enjoyed
highlighting the work of
students in dance, drama
and music. As ever, the
standard was incredibly high
and showed just how much
talent there is at EGA. It’s very
important that in addition
to their academic studies,
the girls are encouraged to
pursue their interest in the
arts. We know how much
future employers value young
people who offer creativity a
well as other important skills.
Next week we’re looking
forward to our new year 7s
spending the morning with
us so that they can begin to
get to know each other and
their teachers.
Yours sincerely,
Friday 5th July 2013
Sports Day 2013
On Thursday 27th June 2013, the whole school headed to Parliament Hill athletics track for
the annual EGA Sports Day. This was the first year that year 10s had been invited to attend
as well as the first time that a vertical scoring system was in place so everyone was very
excited as to what the day might hold.
When everyone had arrived, the sun came out and the action on the sports field began.
The morning began with track and field events and saw several school records being set
and broken by fantastic performances across all year groups. It ended with the staff race
with Mr Hurley hanging onto his title in the male race. We were entertained at lunchtime
by the year 7 Cheerleaders who had worked incredibly hard to perform in front of the
whole school and received the biggest cheer of the day!
In the afternoon we saw pupils take part in the egg & spoon, sack and 3-legged race
followed by the very popular tug of war. At 2.45pm the day ended and the results were as
1st – T – 353 points
2nd – H – 334 points
3rd – L – 320 points
4th – Z – 314 points
5th – E – 305 points
6th – A – 265 points
A huge thank you to everyone who competed, supported and officiated on the day. A
particular thanks goes to the year 10 seniors who showed huge amounts of commitment
and hard work.
Borough Athletics 2013
On 26th June 2013, 34 year 7 – 10 pupils and 3 PE staff boarded a coach
taking them to New River athletics stadium in North London. Full of
anticipation, excitement and nerves EGA pupils were heading to compete
in the annual Islington Borough Athletics Championships.
The first event, the hurdles, saw Alexandra Callender, Meriem Fleary and
Shakeelah Prince all come in 1st place for their year groups. Whilst on the
field Monet Roberts put in an excellent performance winning first place in
year 7 long-jump. EGA’s next triumphs came in the 200m where Condacy
Greer stormed away from the field to take gold in the year 8 race with
Tainia Jordan-Beckles taking silver in the year 7 race. Meanwhile, back
on the field, Natash Merchant fought her way to victory in the year 7 high
jump with Nubia Servina and Angelica Baker taking 1st place in the year
9 and 10 shot putt.
Natasha Merchant
Monet Roberts
Ines Kirati
Fahima Yasmin
Alexandra Callender
Rana Habbouchi
Tainia Jordan-Beckles
Jadah Stewart
Condasy Greer
Epaphrodite Zumbila
Hadja Dusart
Ubah Mohamed
Raqeeba Al-Faqeeh
Maysa Abdulrahman
Miriem Fleary
After lunch were the 100m finals. Natasha Merchant achieved her second
medal of the day coming 2nd in the year 7 race, Alexandra Callender from
year 7 stepping up and achieving 3rd place in the year 8 race, Josephine
Nuamah achieving 3rd place in year 9 race and Micah Daway leaving the
rest of the field behind and receiving 1st place in the year 10 race.
Finally it was the much anticipated 4 x 100m relay. All teams were
incredibly strong and fought back against fantastic competition with the
year 7 team winning gold, year 8 bronze, year 9 bronze and year 10 gold.
After an incredibly tough competition we all waited in much anticipation
for the results. It was announced that EGA scored 372 points and finished
in 2nd position. All girls were incredibly pleased with the results and
were safe in the knowledge that they had given 100%. The girls were
an absolute asset to EGA and should all be incredibly proud of their
Josephine Adutwumwaa Nuamah
Ermelinda Rodrigues Alves 9T
Tasnim Mahmod9H
Nubia Servina9T
Manisha Potiwal9A
Salsabeel Hamad9H
Maria Manuela9L
Shomari Finletter9H
Khairna Boulyn9H
Lima Jamal9H
Micah Daway
Yazmin Chennis-Dixon
Jennifer Duong
Zlatina Angelova
Shakeelah Prince
Angelica Baker
Blessing Seidu
Kirsty Behi
Faith Bertram
Kourtnee Sinead Williams
On Friday 21st June we set off to Wray Crescent to play in a Year 7
and 8 cricket tournament. The first activity of the day was cricket
coaching, with some fantastic drills and skills sessions! Then it
was the match against Highbury Fields School. Our captain Abby
Robinson won the toss, and decided to go into bat first. After only
one over, we were interrupted by the Air Ambulance helicopter
needing to land on our pitch! We all quickly ran off the pitch to
get out of the way, and there were a few cones and wickets flying
about the place! After the helicopter had landed, we were given
the all clear to start playing again. After making 225 runs, it was
then Highbury Fields turn to bat. Their batting performance was
outstanding, and they managed to beat our score. This was not
without some great fielding performances from our EGA girls’
though. Asraa Ali (7A), was particularly brilliant in batting, bowling
and fielding! It was a great afternoon out and all the girls’ should
be extremely proud of their efforts as we managed to come away
with a silver medal, well done girls!
All newsletters can be viewed in colour on the school website.
Elizabeth Garrett
School for Girls
Founded 2005
Vol 10. Issue 34
Dear Families,
This will be the last Newsletter
of the school year and what a
year it’s been. At this time last
year, we were clinging on in
the old building and now we
have some of the best facilities
in the area.
It certainly
creates a very different and
greatly improved learning
environment. The girls have
responded to their new
surroundings and are making
such good use of all the
learning spaces. It’s a delight
to walk round the school
where I often come across
girls drawing in the Piazza,
rehearsing Shakespeare in
break out spaces or making a
film as part of their languages
By the time we come back in
September, the landscaping
should be completed and
we will be enjoying multiuse games areas, an outdoor
dining space, a trim trail, an
allotment and plenty of areas
for sitting and chatting.
We do have a very busy last
week ahead and as you know,
girls here begin their next
year’s courses so it is very
important that they are here
every day.
Thank you for all your support
over the past year; working
together really does make a
difference to the girls. I hope
you have a very enjoyable
summer and I look forward
to another successful year for
EGA students and community.
Yours sincerely,
Friday 12th July 2013
EGA girls ‘Make their mark’
On Wednesday 3rd July 35 girls
across year 9, 10 and 11 performed
their GCSE coursework as part of the
‘Making your
mark’ Performance
faculty showcase.
It was a wonderful
opportunity for
pupils of GCSE
Dance, Drama and
Music to show
off their talents
and high quality performances in singing, acting and dancing to the new
GCSE students about to embark on a performing arts course. So many of
the new students left the performance inspired and motivated to make
their mark for next year!
Students Perform at the
On Tuesday 9th July, the new GCSE Drama
groups arrived at the Barbican Centre. We
were shown in through the theatre stage
door (just like professional actors!) and it
was great to see all the areas not normally
seen by the audience.
We started off with a technical rehearsal;
the actors get into their positions and the
director liaises with the technical crew to
sort out the cues and levels for the lighting
and sound. This can take a long time, so you
have to be very patient as a performer.
Over our first few weeks together as a group
we had created a piece of theatre from
objects inside a suitcase. As a collective,
we were able to tell individual stories of the
fragments from a character’s life. At 4.30pm
it was finally time for the performance to
start. Although we had been nervous about
the big moment, we managed to pull it
off and the audience were impressed. So
too was Chetna Pandya, an associate artist
from Complicite theatre company. She
commented that she wished we could take
the piece on tour!
This was the first of many performances for
us as a GCSE group. It was a very fun and
rewarding day and a great introduction to
GCSE Drama.
Sports Leaders support
Primary Sports Days
Over the past few weeks the year 11 Sports
Leaders have been incredibly busy supporting
and leading at the following Primary School
sporting events: Islington borough primary
athletics championships, Rotherfield early
years sports day, Rotherfield middle years
sports day, Soho Parish sports day and on the
penultimate day of term, they will be leading
Vittoria Primary School sports day.
The girls have shown fantastic communication
skills as well as the ability to adapt to changing
circumstances, organise equipment and a
variety of scoring systems as well as work with
a number of different adults and children.
All of the primary schools have praised
the Sports leaders with the organiser of
Rotherfield early years Sports day saying:
“EGA Sports Leaders were an enormous help
at our early years sports day. They helped to
get the children lined up for their races, put
the equipment back after each race and held
the finishing line. At all times they treated the
children in a calm, respectful manner but also
ensured they had a good time”.
Every Sports Leader should be incredibly
proud of themselves and recognise the
importance of the skills that they have
developed in supporting their ability to
achieve in the future.
The Place – to see something different
On Friday 28th June, the new GCSE Dance group went to
The Place (London contemporary dance school) to watch
the graduate dance company Edge perform three very
different pieces of contemporary dance. The first piece had
the most impact on us because it had a variety of dynamics,
interesting relationships, impressive dance moves and
featured clever lighting design. We also enjoyed the
last piece as the dance connected to the music in an
intricate way. Overall it was a fun, educational trip that really got us thinking how great
contemporary dance is, and about our what our own work could eventually look like.
Katelin Cunningham 9z
Lee Valley White Water Rafting Festival
On Monday 8th July, 7 former GSCE PE pupils headed off to Lee Valley Park to take part
in a White Water Rafting Festival. With the sun shining and temperatures soaring at
7.30am we knew that we had a great day ahead of us.
After we got kitted out with helmets and buoyancy aids, our first task was to pass the
swimming test. This meant jumping into the fast flowing white water and, after flowing
down stream for a short time, swimming to the side and hauling ourselves onto the
bank. We were all successful. Next, after a short guide on to how to paddle forwards,
backwards, upstream and downstream, we were now ready to enter the course.
The first lap was fast, furious and very wet with Simge and Miss Howe, who were
positioned at the
front, getting most
of the water in
their faces.
next lap saw a bit
more skill from
everyone on board
and we managed
to complete the
final lap saw a lapse
of concentration
which meant that
we went down the
rapids backwards. With no sight, this was our bumpiest ride yet!
The day followed with some kayaking in the lake and then some sprint cycling and
canoeing which saw Faith and Shakeelah come top of the leader boards respectively.
London Youth Games 2013
Another year and another increase in the number of EGA girls chosen to represent
Islington at the London youth Games.
This year, for the girls competing in the Tag Rugby, it was a slightly different event as
the age group had been changed. For this reason, we had a brand new team that saw
several pupils from year 8 being picked. They attended regular training and, despite a
very early start, managed to pull together and do well in their draw. Despite this, they
did not make it through to the next round, but had a fantastic day playing rugby and
watching the many other sports. Well done to: Raqeeba Al-Faqeeh, Shahrima Hussain,
Ubah Mohammed, Abigail Dyson, Millie Woods, Condasy Greer, Nasrin Ibrahim
Nubia Servina from year 10 represented Islington in the shot putt in the Athletics
events with Edith Tomkins, Ines Kirati and Fahima Yasmin from year 7 in the Aquathon.
All girls performed incredibly well and did EGA and Islington proud.
Congratulations girls!
WEEK IS £863.12
Islington council are running an
information session for EGA parents on
the Introduction of the Government’s
Benefit Cap from July 2013
Date: Wednesday, 17 July at 9.15am
Venue: Elizabeth Garrett Anderson School Canteen.
If you would like to attend please leave a message at reception for Ms
Southall, Deputy Headteacher.
All newsletters can be viewed in colour on the school website.
Elizabeth Garrett
School for Girls
Founded 2005
Vol 11. Issue 1
Dear Families,
Friday 6th September 2013
EGA Achieves Best Results Ever!
Welcome back to the new school
year. I am delighted to share with
you the fantastic news that, once
again, EGA girls have achieved our
best ever results. Despite the fact
that results dropped nationally, we
had a five per cent increase in girls
achieving five or more of the top
grades including English and Maths,
taking us up to 64%.
We are very proud of all our students
and once again, no student left EGA
without qualifications and every
single girl has a clear pathway for
her future learning. Behind the
results are some incredible success
stories with girls achieving top
grades in all subjects.
What is always so clear is that
the students who do well and
make the most progress at every
level are those who are in school
every day, who commit to their
learning and make the most of
all the opportunities on offer.
Parents too play such an important
role in promoting excellent
attendance and making sure that
all homework is completed. It’s
also very important that the girls
have enough sleep and don’t stay
up until the early hours watching
television or on social networking
sites. We hope that many of them
will start the day with us at Breakfast
Club when food, newspapers and
conversation are available.
The start of a new school year is
always exciting and particularly
so for Year 7 who are starting their
secondary school journey. A special
welcome to Year 7 students and
their families.
I look forward to working with all
families, old and new during the
course of the coming year.
Yours sincerely,
We’re celebrating! EGA has achieved its best ever results with a 6% rise in girls achieving
5 or more A*-C including Maths and English. This builds on the 11% rise of last year. 64%
of girls achieved 5 or more A*-C including Maths and English and 98% achieved 5 or
more A*-G No student left without qualifications. Some remarkable individual successes:
Shazmin Ahmed – 5 A*s and 5As Sabren Amin – 3A*s and 11 As Tina Delic – 3A*s and 8As
Gamze Kaplan – 3A*s and 7As Well done to all our students and good luck in the future
Well done to Mercedesz Tian 9E who passed her grade 1 Piano exam, Cansel Ertekin 10L
grade 1 exam with merit and Rachel Ramus 9H grade 3 exam with merit.
EGA girls raised £888.95 to support
the charity, ‘Freedom from Torture’.
Their community fundraiser wrote
a letter of thanks to our girls:
‘Thank you for the generous
contribution from students at your
school. I hope you can pass on
our warmest thanks to everyone
involved in this donation.’
Computer club
GCSE Dance club
Film screening – part two
Jazz band
Keyboard club
GCSE Music ICT composition
Table tennis
Reading club
Card making
Dance rehearsal session
Film screening – part one
Drum club
GCSE Music ICT composition
ESOL support
Computer club
Spanish language and cultural studies
Guitar club
All years
All years
All years
All years
All years
All years
All years
All years
All years
All years
All years
All years
All years
Year group(s)
Year 7
Year 8 & 9
All years
All years
All years
All years
Sports Hall
Outside courts
Dance studio
Sports Hall
Fitness Suite
Dance studio
Lecture theatre
Sports Hall
Dance studio
Lecture theatre
Sports Hall
Outside courts
Coursework support
Booked Up Club
Dance rehearsal session
Junior Choir
Woodwind club
All years
All years
All Years
Computer club
GCSE Spanish support
Brass band *10.25-11.00am*
Senior choir
Languages Spelling Bee club
Before school every day –
Breakfast Club in the dining hall from 7.50am – free breakfast
included if you arrive before 8.10am
GCSE Science revision
Ballet for beginners
EGA news club
Central School of Speech and Drama
Computer club
GCSE Bengali (2 hours)
Step Into Dance (street dance)
Advanced technique dance class
String group
Textiles club
Wizard of Oz rehearsals
GCSE Maths revision
Becoming a writer
Dance rehearsal session
Kayaking (until 5.15)
Numeracy Workout
Puzzle and games club
Swimming club
GCSE English revision
Computer club
DARE Youth Dance Company
Numeracy Workout
Puzzle and games club
All years
All years
All years
All years
All years
All years
All years (starts Oct)
All years
All years
All years
Years 9,10,11
All years
All years
All years
All years
Year group(s)
Year 7
All years
All years
Fitness Suite
Dance studio
Outside courts
Sports Hall
Dance studio
Lecture theatre
Drama studio
Lecture theatre
Dance studio
Cally Pool
Sports hall
Drama studio
Maths rooms
Dance studio
Islington Boat Club
Cally Pool
English rooms
Outside courts
Dance studio
Computer club
GCSE Maths Higher Tier revision
Commercial Jazz Dance
GCSE IT support
Homework support sessions run every day after school in the
All newsletters can be viewed in colour on the school website.
Last week we welcomed Candy Gourlay as the second author in our ‘Becoming an au
programme. Candy is the author of ‘Tall Story’ and her new book, ‘Shine’ is out in Septem
Elizabeth Garrett
School for Girls
Founded 2005
Vol 11. Issue 2
Dear Families,
It’s been a very positive start
to the new school year. I am
so impressed by the way in
which the girls returned with
such a strong commitment to
their learning and they were,
as ever, delighted to see each
other again after the summer
At our start of year
assemblies, we spoke about
what it means to be part of
the EGA community and to
achieve “Without Limits”. We
know that girls at EGA have
the highest of aspirations
and staff the highest of
The two
combined ensure that there
is no ceiling on what the girls
can achieve.
Many of the extra lunchtime
and after school clubs are
already up and running and I
would urge you to encourage
your daughter to join at
least one additional activity.
There is such a vast range
so there is something to suit
every student. It’s a great
opportunity to make new
friends, to pursue a particular
interest or to learn something
This week I visited a
number of primary schools
accompanied by some of
their ex-students who have
just started at EGA. It’s lovely
to hear the girls talk about
their first few days at EGA and
how happy and settled they
Yours sincerely,
Friday 13th September 2013
Candy’s took the
students through
the ‘Hero’s journey’, which works through the narrative
of a novel. She interspersed this with her own journey to becoming a novelist, as well as he
experiences of being a newspaper correspondent in the Philippines. Her workshop was ver
engaging with lots of humour and was also enjoyed by Mr Hughes and Mr McIntyre.
The series returns in October with award winning author Anne Cassidy, so look out for pub
nearer the time.
Last term we welcomed Candy Gourlay as the second author in our ‘Becoming an author’
programme. Candy is the author of ‘Tall Story’ and her new book, ‘Shine’ is out in September 2013.
Candy took the students through the ‘Hero’s journey’, which works through the narrative structure
of a novel. She interspersed this with her own journey to becoming a novelist, as well as her
experiences of being a newspaper correspondent in the Philippines. Her workshop was very
engaging with lots of humour and was also enjoyed by Mr Hughes and Mr McIntyre.
The series continues on 24th October with award winning author Anne Cassidy, so look out for
publicity nearer the time.
Peace Poetry Competition!
We warmly invite you to write a Poem on Peace
for Islington Month of Peace – September 2013
There are 3 Age Categories:
- The Under 10s
- The Under 14s
- The Under 18s
There will be prizes for the 3 Winners (one
winner per category)
'This is a competition for people of all faiths
and none. We kindly ask everyone to write
Please email your entries to: [email protected]
or post to the address below by 12pm on Tuesday, 24th
September 2013.
Results will be given on Friday, 27th September 2013
IFF Development Director: Rosalind Miller - 13 Glenthorne Road, London N11 3HU
Tel: 020 8361 2488 or Mobile: 07799 133305
EGA Breakfast
Breakfast club takes place every day
in the dining room, from 7.50 to 8.35.
Breakfast is available free to those who
arrive before 8.15. Students will eat their
breakfast together in the dining hall, and
can also read newspapers and catch up
on homework. This is a great opportunity
for those girls who like to miss the crowds
on the buses and come to school early.
A healthy breakfast is the best way to
get you ready for learning, and all year
groups are welcome.
Sports Hall
Outside courts
Dance studio
Lecture theatre
Sports Hall
Fitness Suite
Dance studio
Lecture theatre
Sports Hall
Dance studio
Lecture theatre
Sports Hall
Outside courts
Year group(s)
Year 7
Year 8 & 9
All years
All years
All years
All years
All years
All years
All years
All years
All years
ESOL support
Computer club
Spanish language and cultural studies
Guitar club
Computer club
GCSE Dance club
Film screening – part two
Jazz band
Keyboard club
GCSE Music ICT composition
Let’s Get Cooking (Week 2)
All years
All years
All years
All years
All Years
All years
All years
All years
All years
Coursework support
Booked Up Club
Dance rehearsal session
Junior Choir
Woodwind club
Science Fun club
Advanced Piano club
All years
All years
All Years
All Years
Table tennis
Reading club
Card making
Dance rehearsal session
Film screening – part one
Drum club
Let’s Get Cooking (Week 1)
Computer club
GCSE Spanish support
Brass band *10.25-11.00am*
Senior choir
School Band
Languages Spelling Bee club
Breakfast Club runs before school every day in the dining hall from
7.50am – free breakfast included if you arrive before 8.10am.
Homework support sessions run every day after school in the Library.
GCSE Science revision
Ballet for beginners
Beginner’s Latin
Central School of Speech and Drama
Computer club
GCSE Bengali (2 hours)
Step Into Dance (street dance)
Advanced technique dance class
String group
Textiles club
Wizard of Oz rehearsals
GCSE Maths revision
Becoming a writer
Dance rehearsal session
Kayaking (until 5.15)
Numeracy Workout
Puzzle and games club
Swimming club
EGA news club
GCSE History revision
GCSE English revision
Computer club
DARE Youth Dance Company
Numeracy Workout
Puzzle and games club
GCSE Sociology revision
All years
All years
All years
All years
All years
All years
All years (starts Oct)
All years
All years
All years
Years 9,10,11
All years
All years
All years
All years
Year group(s)
Year 7
All years
All years
Fitness Suite
Dance studio
Outside courts
Sports Hall
Dance studio
Lecture theatre
Drama studio
Lecture theatre
Dance studio
Cally Pool
Sports hall
Drama studio
Maths rooms
Dance studio
Islington Boat Club
Cally Pool
English rooms
Outside courts
Dance studio
Computer club
GCSE Maths Higher Tier revision
Commercial Jazz Dance
GCSE IT support
GCSE History revision
GCSE Geography revision
9, 10, 11
12.45 — 1.10
7, 8, 11
7, 8, 11
1.10 — 1.35
LIBRARY LUNCH ROTA 2013 - 14 Week 2
9, 10, 11
7, 8, 11
7, 8, 11
9, 10, 11
9, 10, 11
9, 10, 11
7, 8, 11
12.45 — 1.10
9, 10, 11
9, 10, 11
1.10 — 1.35
LIBRARY LUNCH ROTA 2013 - 14 Week 1
7, 8, 11
9, 10, 11
9, 10, 11
7, 8, 11
7, 8, 11
7, 8, 11
All newsletters can be viewed in colour on the school website.
Elizabeth Garrett
School for Girls
Founded 2005
Vol 11. Issue 3
Friday 20th September 2013
A Date For Your Diary
Dear Families,
Every morning next week,
we will be holding Open
Mornings for families of girls
transferring to secondary
school next year. I imagine
we will be very busy as news
of our fantastic examination
results spread and, of course,
the new building with such
wonderful facilities and
grounds is very obvious to
local girls. We will also be
holding an Open Evening
early in October.
We held our first meeting
of the governing body this
week. Governors play a very
important role in the school
and we have a vacancy for a
parent governor. We will be
writing to you formally about
this but, in the meantime,
please do contact one of the
parent governors if you would
like to know more about the
role. You can make contact
by telephoning Judy Redding
on 0207 689 5020 and she will
ensure that your message is
passed on.
Finally, as the weather gets a
little colder, may I remind you
that no sweatshirts or hoodies
are allowed with school
uniform. Outdoor jackets and
coats may be worn. Many
thanks for your support.
Yours sincerely,
The first Parent Forum meeting of this academic year will be held on
Monday 14th October from 5pm to 6pm.
This session will be a general ‘Surgery’, offering parents an opportunity to raise and
suggest issues and topics for future meetings, and to ask questions of senior teachers.
You do not need to book a place, just come along. Parents of girls in all year groups are
welcome, and refreshments will be provided.
Beginning My EGA Journey
Our year 7 students have been writing about
their first weeks at EGA. We thought that
you would like to share their experiences.
Dea Bozhani 7Z
‘My first weeks at
EGA have passed
so quickly that I
feel I’ve been part
of the school for
years. All my lessons
have been very
interesting and I’ve
new from every
single one of them.
During the summer
holiday I was quite
sad I had left my
primary school and wasn’t sure if I was going
to enjoy it in EGA, but I was proved wrong. As
the weeks passed and the summer holidays
nearly came to an end I started to get really
excited because of the thought of growing
up and moving to secondary school. I kept
Attendance News
We are always keeping a very close eye
on attendance and we would like to
congratulate the following groups for
having the highest attendance in their
7A 99.3%
8H 97.2%
9H 96.3%
10L 93.8%
11Z 97.4%
imagining myself and my diary finding my
classes with my timetable which I thought
was cool. I couldn’t wait for the first day of
school to begin.
When I went to my tutor room and met my
classmates I didn’t know anybody in the
room, what to do or who to talk to. When we
had our first lesson (which was geography)
I started to feel more confident about the
next days that lay ahead of me. I had also
made a few friends. When I left EGA that
day I told my mum about the amazing day I
had and couldn’t wait for the next day.
When I arrive home I go to my room straight
away and finish my homework, which has
taught me to be responsible about the
things I need to do and finish. I also learnt
to be independent by having to find my
classes on my own and writing everything
I needed to do in my diary. In secondary
school you get homework every day and
some are due the next day, which means
you need to do it when you get home.
One of the many great things in EGA is the
clubs. You have so many clubs to choose
from during lunchtime and after school. I
wish I could attend them all. The clubs at
EGA are special, like kayaking, different
types of dance, cheerleading, drama
rehearsals and many more. I have attended
football, kayaking, street dance, guides,
volleyball and music clubs and so far I have
enjoyed them all.
I know the stress you go through in year
6, picking your secondary school. My
advice to a year 6 pupil is to try their best
in everything. I have had a great time and I
wish to carry on having a great time during
the remainder of my years at EGA.’
Netball Success!
Lydia Noronha 7Z
I only found out that I had got
a place at EGA in the middle of
the summer holidays so I did not
have much time to be nervous
about starting in September. The
holidays went quickly and on the
night before school I couldn’t
On my first day I felt overwhelmed
by the size of the school building
and thought I would never be able
to find my way around. The girls in
my form group were all lovely and
we all looked out for one another
on the first day. Therefore, on the
second day we already felt as if we
knew each other quite well. Helia
and I were catching our bus at 7.37. Compare that to primary school!
This is a really early start for us.
Being at secondary school has taught me that you have to take
responsibility for your learning yourself. Such as remembering all the
equipment you need each day and always checking your planner so
you know when homework is due.
So far I have joined four new clubs: choir, street dance, volleyball and
netball. I am looking forward to developing my skills and participating
in matches and competitions.
I would say to a student in year 6 that they should not be nervous.
They are ready to move on to the next stage of learning and secondary
school is an exciting new world.
Believe without limits!
Congratulations go to Yasmin Chennis-Dixon who
represented Islington at the Under 16 regional Netball trials
where two teams were being selected to go on to represent
Middlesex. The trials, which took place on Saturday 14th
September, were host to the best teams in London, however,
this didn’t put Islington off who fought their way through
the tough competition to come in the top two. This means
that Yasmin will now be representing Middlesex U16 Netball
Yasmin has shown a huge amount of commitment and
passion for Netball and really deserves her place on the
squad. A huge well done!
Kool Kouture
Kool Kouture - Slow Fashion by Design starting 1st October 2013
Kool Kouture is a 5-month programme of FREE afterschool workshops to introduce the basic techniques of, and
approaches to Slow Fashion.
What will you learn?
how to design small accessories and gifts from remnant
how to upcycle clothes
how to plan, design, cut, sew and finish one piece for the
Kool Kouture Fashion Show
the basic principles of Slow Fashion over Fast Fashion
why Slow Fashion is so important for a more sustainable
Kool Highlights:
Christmas marketstall to sell your small accessories and
photo shoot of your fashion show collection piece
Fashion Show with VIP invites for your family and friends
Personal Look Book of your work and final piece
Competition judged by top sustainable fashion designers
Fantastic prizes
Who is it for?
11 to 13 year olds and 14 to 16 year olds
Where is it?
This is the cover of Salvage, which is published in January 2014. To win a copy,
imagine that you are writing this book. What do you think it is about? Write a
blurb (brief description of the book which goes on the back) summing up the
key points of your idea.
Closing date: Monday 14th October 2013
Please hand your entry in to the Cloud
Thrifty Couture Studio, Wynford Enterprise Hub, Risinghill St N1
When is it?
Two weekly sessions, 3.30 to 5.30
To sign up, call Judith on 07764 838 181 or email on info@
All newsletters can be viewed in colour on the school website.
Elizabeth Garrett
School for Girls
Founded 2005
Vol 11. Issue 4
Dear Families,
It was a great pleasure
to welcome so many
visitors to EGA this week.
We were inundated with
prospective students and
their families and they
were all so impressed with
both the students and our
wonderful new building.
We pride ourselves on
families being able to see
what happens on a day to
day basis so that the girls
can imagine what it will
be like to study at EGA.
We do have a “showcase”,
however, at our Open
Evening on Wednesday
9th October, which I am
sure will be equally well
Next week we will be
meeting with the families
of our current Year 7
students to talk about how
they have settled in at EGA
and how we might best
work together to ensure
their future success.
Our first meeting of the
Parent Forum this year
will be on Monday 14th
October. This will be an
open discussion where we
can determine topics for
future discussions. I look
forward to seeing many of
you there.
Yours sincerely,
Friday 27th September 2013
EGA takes part in Islington’s Schools Running League
This Monday a group of year 7 and eight students went to Highbury Fields for the first
race of the Islington Schools Running League. We had to compete in a cross country race
of two laps around the park against other girls in our year group. Every girl from EGA
finished the race under 15 minutes. So well done, especially to Caitlin Russell who came
first out of EGA and Dea Bozhani who came second. If you are interested in running or
cross country you can get a letter from Ms Howe to take part in any of the other five races.
Girls in Y7, 8, 9 or 10 can compete. For more info and the results you can go to the website: EGA came first in the League Table for year seven and
Girls who competed and their results:
Caitlin Russell 7H – 4th
Dea Bozhani 7Z – 5th
Penelope Kaur-Kingdon 8T – 7th
Alvin Fidan 7Z – 9th
Fahima Yasmin 8A – 13th
Sarya Fidan 7Z – 14th
Jasmia Dyer 7L – 15th
Rashida Walker 7Z – 17th
Ines Kirati 8H – 18th
Zerrin Mayakan 7H – 20th
Shaianne Knight Rose 7T – 21st
Zaynab Labidi 7L – 22nd
Iman Fernandez 7L – 23rd
Mujidat Osunbayo 7E – 29th
Lennette Flanders 7Z – 32nd
Camron Chennis-Parker
By Fahima Yasmin 8A
My First Weeks at EGA By Fatima Osman 7Z
Hello everybody!
Osman and this
piece of writing
will explain how
I’ve been getting
on during my
first few weeks
at EGA School. It
has been amazing
and now I feel like
a real woman of
the world.
I thought that I wouldn’t be able to find
my way around EGA when I saw how big
it was on taster day. I thought I would not
be able to complete all of my homework
before it was due. I thought I wouldn’t like
the school dinners. Because of all this, I
was very surprised on my first day. I didn’t
get lost. I finished all of my homework
and handed it in when it was due. Most
of all… I loved the school dinners! Also I
was overjoyed to be reunited with my BFF
from my old primary school. We had a lot
to catch up on.
When I came back for my second day, I was
very excited as that was the day all the big
kids came back. At the beginning of the
day I felt a bit scared of them because they
were incredibly LOUD with a capital L! But
if there is one thing I have learnt from my
first few days, it is that the older kids are not
scary and instead of avoiding them, you
should ask them for help. Everyone has
been happy to help and I have settled like
a pea in a pod.
day Of lanGUaGeS
Know your vocab?
Prove it.
compete against students from schools across the UK for top spot
real-time leaderboards to track the action as it happens
numerous school and student awards to play for
improve your foreign languages vocabulary at the same time
top 25 students in the school will be certified as Genius
Thursday 26th September
Wednesday 2nd October
Girl Guides at EGA
EGA now has its own Girl Guide Unit, the 1st Angel Islington. Interested
students have met three times and have enjoyed a range of team
building activities. Now they are moving on to form patrols ( a patrol is
a group of six Guides) and electing Patrol Leaders. In a few weeks they
will be joining formally and wearing their uniforms for the first time.
Our students are looking forward to becoming part of the world wide
family of Guides!
My First Weeks at EGA
By Helia Murdock 7Z
My first few weeks at EGA have been wonderful. I have
been shown
generosity and
kindness while I’ve
been here. Even
though it was
difficult for me to
adjust to my new
schedule, I am
already beginning
to feel like part of
the EGA family.
It was a thrilling
experience getting
on the bus to school
with my friend, and
as I waved my mum
goodbye from my
window seat, I realised – I was actually going to secondary
school. The hustle and bustle of the school was magical
and, though I did get lost once or twice, I began to get a feel
of what it was going to be like. The lessons were interesting
and I found that the learning was particularly fun and made
me think in ways I don’t always think. Also, I was amazed by
all the new subjects I was going to be learning like religious
education and geography. By the end of the day I felt a
bond between myself and the rest of my tutor group that I
knew we’d keep for the next five years.
When I woke up on the following morning, I was surprised
that it was only my second day as it felt like I’d been a
student at EGA for at least a week. I couldn’t wait to start
another bright new day at secondary school, full of even
more new lessons and unexplored areas of the school. I
was slightly worried that the older girls would be there,
however. As it turned out, although I had a few remarks
about being ‘cute’, the older girls were very friendly.
The main thing that I would say to a year 6 student getting
ready for secondary school is, don’t worry – it isn’t nearly
as scary as you imagine it to be. Just remember to always
perform without limits, dream without limits, learn without
limits and believe without limits!
Languages Opportunities
New and exciting clubs to join this year in
languages are:
Latin – Thursdays 3.30pm in A1
Japanese – Thursdays 3.30pm in A2
Arabic – Wednesdays 3.30pm in A2
Bengali – Wednesdays 3.30pm in A3
EGA Guides showing off the contraption they
designed to protect an egg from smashing
when it was dropped from the lighting gallery
in the lecture theatre!
All newsletters can be viewed in colour on the school website.
Elizabeth Garrett
School for Girls
Founded 2005
Vol 11. Issue 5
Dear Families,
It was good to meet so many
families of Year 7 students
at our “Settling-In Evening”
this week. I do hope you
found the event useful and
had the opportunity to share
information which will help
us to work together.
Our next big event is Open
Evening on Wednesday
of next week. This is the
first chance we have had
in several years to open
the school for such an
occasion and we are looking
forward to showcasing all
the wonderful facilities and
opportunities at EGA.
Friday 4th October 2013
Late Start Thursday October 10th
We are holding our Open Evening for prospective parents on Wednesday 9th October
from 6 – 8pm. Many of our students and all of our teachers are involved in this event. In
order for us to return the school to its usual working condition, we will be having a late
start the following day. Students should be at school by 10.40 for their tutor period. If
this is difficult for any parents, we are able to supervise girls at school as usual from 8.40.
If you would like your daughter to come to school at the usual time, please contact her
Head of Year.
We do apologise for any inconvenience.
Geography Field Trip
Girls may have told you that
we now have access to our
extensive outdoor areas.
There is such a spacious feel
and the outdoor PE facilities
make a huge difference.
You should, by now, have
received my start of year
letter, along with other
important information. This
was mailed out this week. If
you have not received a copy
by early next week, please let
us know so that we can send
an additional copy.
Yours sincerely,
On Wednesday the 11th and Thursday 12th of September, GCSE Geography students
went to Walton on the Naze in Essex to do their GCSE fieldwork. In Walton they did
various different experiments to test for the different geomorphic processes that occur
on that stretch of coastline. The students had an enjoyable day in the sunshine but more
importantly they all worked extremely hard and collected excellent data that they have
been analysing and writing about since. A number of students from Years 9 and 10 won
prizes for their efforts on the day. These prizes were awarded for the quality of their
work as well as for other Personal Learning and Thinking Skills which they have been
developing in their Skills lessons since Year 7. The award winners were…
Year 10
Adriana Da Silva 10 T Best self manager
Lucie Johnson 10 E Best team worker
Ulfa Ali 10T Most effective participator
Randa Suleman 10E Best quality work
Year 9
Tiara Le 9Z Best self manager
Clara Goundry 9H Best team worker
Anisa Muse 9H Best quality work
Zuzanna Szmborowska 9Z Most effective participator
Almeida Theatre Visit
On Monday 30th September, 12 GCSE Drama
students invited their parents along to the
Almeida Theatre with Ms Gold to watch a preview
of Ghosts.
Award winning actress Lesley Manville led the
cast as Helene in Richard Eyre’s new adaptation
of Ibsen’s play. It was a fantastic night at the
theatre, enjoyed by all. The cast were fantastic
– with incredible emotional intensity in their
Look out for the next student / parent night at the
Almeida coming up in the Spring term.
London Schools Poetry Competition
Are you a school based in the Greater London area? Do you have
children in your class who speak English as an additional
language, or are fluent in a foreign language?
Poet Laureate Carol Ann Duffy has established
Mother Tongue Other Tongue a multi-lingual poetry
competition for year 6 and 7 pupils.
There are three categories which children can
enter for:
Category A – a commentary, in English, on a poem in an alternate language
Category B – an original poem in either Arabic, Chinese, French, Polish,
Turkish or Somali
Category C – a filmed performance of an original poem in either Arabic,
Chinese, French, Polish, Turkish or Somali
For more information and to submit your entry, please visit: http://www.
The deadline for entries is 5pm on Friday 25 October 2013 - please note that
this is an extended deadline.
Best wishes,
The Poetry Society Education Team
The Poetry Society
22 Betterton Street
020 7420 9880
[email protected]
Enter the National Poetry Competition
Deadline 31st October
Free Battle of Ideas 2013
tickets for school students
We are delighted to offer a limited number of
free day-tickets for school students to attend the
Battle of Ideas festival, taking place on
Saturday 19 and
Sunday 20 October 2013.
Any students that wish to attend for free will pay
just £10 to attend on the other day as well – so
that’s £10 for the whole weekend!
If you are inquisitive, intellectually curious, and
interested about the world around you, then
join us for a free day of high-level, thoughtprovoking, public debate at the annual Battle of
Ideas Festival, organised by the Institute of Ideas,
and held at the Barbican in London, one of the
world’s leading arts and culture centres.
Your free day-ticket will give you access to any
of the debates happening on that day, and
there are over 80 sessions over the course of
the weekend, ranging from; Taking the rap:
Hip Hop, R&B and social responsibility, Youth
today: Generation me, me me?, Graphic Novels:
Literature for the 21st Century?, Facebook
generation: Growing up in public, to; Is cheating
ruining sport?, Policing public space: Banned in
London, Is 10 too young to be a criminal? and,
Role models: On your best behaviour?
Speakers at the festival include:
David Aaronovitch, Anne Atkins, Andrew Keen,
Vicky Pryce, Frank Furedi, Fiona Millar, Julian
Baggini, Barbara Hewson, Beeban Kidron, Ken
MacLeod, Molly Meacher, John Waters, Christine
Rosen, Dan Snow, Sir Simon Wessely, Louise
Cooper, Peter Herbert, Elizabeth Chadwick,
Philippe Legrain, Mary Dejevsky, Allan Massie,
Merryn Somerset-Webb, Raymond Tallis, Dr
Sally Satel, Edward Lucas, Barb Jungr, Henry
Dimbleby, Xin Xin, Gabriella Swallow
To get your free ticket
just email schoolschampion@instituteofideas.
com stating which day you would like to attend
free, the name of your school and a postal
address to send your free ticket to. If you want to
attend the whole weekend you can do so for just
£10 for the other day!
All newsletters can be viewed in colour on the school website.
Elizabeth Garrett
School for Girls
Founded 2005
Vol 11. Issue 6
Dear Families,
It’s been another very busy
week at EGA with a huge
number of trips and visits to
enhance the girls’ learning.
Staff are always very keen to
find opportunities to broaden
the girls’ experience.
We also held our Open
Evening and were delighted to
welcome so many families who
are interested in EGA. They
were all very impressed by the
girls’ commitment to learning
and by the wonderful facilities
which we now enjoy.
Friday 11th October 2013
Celebrating Black History Month at City Hall
Four lucky EGA students
(Justine Onokoko, Nubia
Servina, Abigail Dyson and
Alexandra Callender) were
invited to a VIP event at City
Hall on Wednesday night
to celebrate Black History
Month. The girls heard a
panel of inspiring speakers
talk about their experience
of being an entrepreneur and
received inside knowledge
on being successful in
business. The Mayor of London Boris Johnson also spoke at the event and met the girls.
The Mayor's advice was 'keep going in spite of failure' and the advice of Natasha Faith, the
CEO of a successful jewellery design company, had a very clear message for those with
business aspirations: ''think globally!'' Abigail Dyson in Year 9 thinks that if she pursues a
career in business it would involve technology and has learned from Blackberry's recent
business challenges. ''Companies must change to keep up with technology and know what
customers want.''
Today, Friday, we are holding
belated celebrations for
European Day of Languages
and girls will teach a language
to others and to primary
school visitors. It’s always a
Youth Mayor of Islington
lively occasion and where girls
can demonstrate both their
language and “teaching” skills.
I am sure there will be more
about the event in next week’s
Jasmine Martins
Finally, straight after half
term we will be carrying
out the survey of students,
staff and parents to provide
feedback which will help us in
drawing up our new School
Development Plan. We will
provide more details nearer
the time and I would urge
you all to participate so that
we have the widest possible
range of views. Many thanks in
Yours sincerely,
Jasmine Martins, EGA Leaver 2012
visited the School Council to persuade
them to run for the Islington Youth
Council elections. Jasmine started
in the Youth Council when she was
in Year 11 and is currently the Youth
Mayor for Islington which is a fantastic
achievement. Jasmine is currently
studying for her A levels in Politics,
History and English Literature. Jasmine
feels that her role in the Youth Council
''really does have a big impact in the
local community''. She is particularly
proud of the responsibility for deciding
which youth groups in Islington will
share in a £100,000 grant. The Islington
Youth Council elections take place on
the 27th of November.
A Date For Your Diary
The first Parent Forum meeting of this
academic year will be held on
Monday 14th October
from 5pm to 6pm.
This session will be a general ‘Surgery’,
offering parents an opportunity to raise and
suggest issues and topics for future meetings,
and to ask questions of senior teachers.
You do not need to book a place, just come
along. Parents of girls in all year groups are
welcome, and refreshments will be provided.
Fundraising News
Congratulations to girls in
Foundation Learning who raised
£16.22 for the National Blind
Children’s Society. This fundraising
activity was undertaken as part
of the girls’ BTEC Workskills
EGA Sports Report by Caitlin Russell 7H
Last week, 180 young year 7 athletes took part in an epic sporting contest
- consisting of three events - athletics, volleyball and football. The first
event was held on Wednesday on the new sports pitch. As it was the first
event, lots of students forgot their kits, so brave athletes had to stand in
for them. Three different athletic events were held; a one lap race for fast
sprinters, a two lap race for those students who believed they had more
stamina to get them through the race and last of all, a relay race, where
four students from each form raced each other.
On Wednesday, volleyball was held, with seven different matches, each
involving as much talent as the next. In the end, it was a vicious and well
fought final between team 7H and team 7L. Although there was both
talent and sportsmanship on both sides, the odds were on 7H’s side and
they won a glorious victory and sung their victory song “WE ARE 7H” - an
edited version of “We Will Rock You”.
The athletes’ final chance to prove that they had what it takes to become
inter-form champions was in the football on Thursday, where a number
of extremely short two minute games were held, testing the players’
ability to score goals as quickly and as skilfully as they could. In the end,
the result was a glorious victory by 7L and a stunning second place from
On Friday, the results were announced and loads of girls turned up in the
hope of fulfilling their dream that their form would be crowned victors.
Ms Howe was struggling to be heard over the din of the lively supporters
waving banners and stamping their feet. The results were: In third place
– 7A. In second place – 7Z and in first place, with a whopping 78 points,
was 7H.
City Hall Visit
Michelle Kocak, receiving the certificates
on behalf of 7Z
“On Monday 30th September, EGA school council and two year 11
seniors, accompanied by Ms Henry, visited City Hall.
We were spoken to by Veronica Wadley, a senior advisor to the Mayor
of London ; MarK Kelburger, co-founder of Free the Children, and
Jake Orros, a member of the UK Youth Parliament.
The afternoon was informative and interesting, as we learned about
the power of volunteering in the local community. Our school has
now joined Team London, a nationwide volunteering network, and
we will be discussing how we can encourage more students in our
school to volunteer their time to help others in our next school
council meeting.
All in all this was a fantastic opportunity for us all. We learned a lot
about our community and how we can all help out”.
Fiona Lu and Edith Thomkins – 8A
The Year 8 Reading
Challenge is Back!
Year 8 have been challenged to read as many
books as they can from the
school library between now
and half term. Each student
will receive a card which will
record her borrowings and
girls will be asked about the
books they have read by the
school librarians when they are
returned. Prizes will be given to the
girls who read the most. Go to the library
to collect your card and to receive
further information. Enjoy your reading!
All newsletters can be viewed in colour on the school website.
Elizabeth Garrett
School for Girls
Founded 2005
Vol 11. Issue 7
Dear Families,
This will be the last newsletter of
the half term and, as ever, it has
been exceptionally busy with
a whole host of extra activities.
What you read about in the
newsletter is just the tip of the
We had our first Parent Forum
of the year on Monday and we
were pleased to see so many
new faces. This is a great way
for parents to be involved with
the development of the school
without the commitment of
becoming a governor. Speaking
of which, nominations for our
parent governor vacancy close
on Friday 25th October.
Early in next half term, Year 11
has a very important Maths
exam which will determine the
tier of entry for GCSE and ensure
that we can give them the right
support to achieve the best
grades possible. Despite the
about schools not pushing
students to the top grades, this is
not the case at EGA, where we will
not accept a “C” if we know that
girls can achieve more. This is the
reason why the value we add to
students’ learning puts us in the
top nine per cent of schools in
the country.
We have a Year 11 Parents’
Evening in the first week back, on
Wednesday 6th November and
it is essential that parents attend
so that we can work together
in supporting your daughter to
achieve as highly as possible. I
look forward to seeing you there.
In the meantime, enjoy the
half term break which starts on
Monday 28th October and we
return to school on Monday 4th
Yours sincerely,
Friday 18th October 2013
European Day of Languages
We once again celebrated European Day of
Languages, a little belatedly, but for the very
first time in our new surroundings on Friday
11th October. In order to celebrate in style,
as well the usual opportunity to learn some
new languages, students could also enjoy a
variety of other entertainment, including the
chance to taste a variety of international food, a
selection of musical performances throughout
the day and an internationally inspired dance
performance. It was a hugely successful day
thanks to all the hard work and preparation
from the fantastic participants. A big thank
you to all, students and staff, who took part
either behind the scenes in support or actually
performing in some way on the day!
Some feedback:
‘European Day of Languages was a very good
experience to take part in. I really enjoyed
teaching and it was good to see people were
actually interested in our stories. What I learnt
from this experience was that posters we made
needed to be vibrant and look a bit more
interesting to get people to come to our stall.’
Alexandra Callender
‘I was one of the many students learning
about different languages and cultures.
The stalls were vibrant and colourful, with
welcoming people teaching at them. I learnt
several languages including German, Kurdish,
Albanian, Somali and Spanish. I particularly
liked the Japanese stall, it was simple but
effective and the teachers were helpful and
taught us a considerable amount in a short
period of time’ Karolina Hracka
‘It was very interesting because I got to share
and also taste the different food which was
great because I tasted Acki, Polish biscuits and
cake and also Jollof Rice. I also got to see the
Mayor of Islington, which was very inspiring. I
personally loved the Jollof Rice.’ Jadah Stewart
‘I learnt some history about Albania and how
to say hello Pershendetje. I preferred the Ackee
and Saltfish to the cinnamon cake.’
‘On EDL I learnt various languages such as Polish,
German, Somali, Farsi and more. The food on
EDL was really nice. My favourite food was the
plantain and Jollof rice.’ Saidat Omotoysi Bakare
‘I taught Albanian with my classmate Elvisa.
I enjoyed teaching students about Albanian.
I particularly enjoyed teaching the history
because the pupils listened carefully and
participated by asking very interesting
questions, which my partner and I were very
happy to answer.’ Leona Gashi
Congratulations to winners of the Year 7 and 8
Poster Competition:
Samirah Amin 8T
Hazera Begum 8E
Maryam Syed 7E
Dea Bozhani 7Z
Prizes to follow…
Also congratulations to Jadah, Alexandra, Alisa,
Elvisa and Karolina from 8Z for getting the top
marks in the EDL Quiz! 11A and 11T were both
close second – well done to you too. A cookery
lesson will be organised for you as a prize!
Merit Leaders
All students at EGA are awarded merits for good
work, effort and participation in both lessons
and extra curricular activities. The following
girls are well on their way to achieving a bronze
star, which is awarded for 50 merits. Very well
42 merits Dea Bozhani 7Z
39 merits Saskia Brown 7A
37 merits Tammy Bruins 7A
36 merits Helia Murdock 7Z
34 merits Lydia Noronha 7Z
33 merits Zubeda Jahan 7L
30 merits Ibtisaam Osman 7Z
27 merits Ayaan Abdulle 7H
27 merits Alvin Fidan 7L
27 merits Sarya Fidan 7Z
27 merits Niamh Tuite 8E
27 merits Rashida Walker 7Z
27 merits Epaphrodite Zumbila 9H
Ebooks now available from
the Cloud
Giving you the
digital access to the
books you need
and love. Anywhere,
A group of twenty five students from Year
10 have begun a year-long mentoring
programme with Macquarie Investment
Bank. The girls met their mentors for the
first time last week and will now have
a fortnightly session at Macquarie to
discuss employability skills, CVs, academic
progress and future aspirations. The girls
are very lucky to have mentors from senior
positions in the bank and the experience
of the mentors will be of great benefit to
the girls.
Mobile Applications
You can access the app by either
searching VLeBooks in the app
stores or by scanning the QR
barcode with your mobile device.
Read at school, at
home on the move
Open each and
every book with
our integrated
Online reader
Download to your
phone, tablet or
Build bookshelves
of your favourite
Year 7 Focus on
Search the full text
of every book
For more information and your logon
Year 7 worked together
to create some beautiful
images using colour.
For more information visit or contact your Librarian
Initially, the students
selected objects that
corresponded to their table colour, so the red table had to select objects in
shades of red. They had to arrange the objects in a meaningful way. Then
they had to take photographs of their concept from unusual angles.
Student logon: first name plus surname password: egaschool
The second photograph shows the result of the whole class deciding what
they should do with the photographs. After much discussion, pupils voted
that they wanted to create a collage in the shape of a flower.
Congratulations to
Megan Hughes 8T on
passing her Grade 1 Drum
exam with distinction.
All newsletters can be viewed in colour on the school website.
Elizabeth Garrett
School for Girls
Founded 2005
Vol 11. Issue 8
Dear Families,
I do hope that you had a good
half term and were not too badly
affected by the storm. I was
very fortunate to be selected to
participate in a visit to Singapore
and Australia over the holiday.
The purpose of the visit was
for headteachers who are also
National Leaders of Education
to observe innovative and
successful practice and to share
all that is good about education
Our findings will be
reported to the Secretary of
State for Education.
We visited a number of schools
and met both headteachers and
representatives of the various
departments for education. We
all learned a great deal from the
study tour and I was particularly
pleased to be able to talk about
all that is successful at EGA. I am
in no doubt that not only are we
a beacon of excellence in the UK
but have much to offer on the
world stage!
This week, we were able to
demonstrate this when we
hosted a visit from business and
community leaders from across
London who were keen to learn
about what we do to ensure that
EGA girls are so well prepared for
future study and supported to
become leaders in their chosen
It will, as ever, be a very busy
half term and as the weather
gets colder, please support us
in ensuring that girls do not
come to school in sweatshirts or
Many thanks for your continued
Yours sincerely,
Friday 8th November 2013
Shannon represents the UK.... and EGA!
Last month I went to the English Institute of Sport in
Sheffield, which is a big sports centre. I qualified to go
to the European Karate Championship to represent
Great Britain, where I was entered in to the Kata
category as a team member for my karate association.
When I saw the size of the arena I felt very small and
on the opening ceremony the 21 other countries
were very loud supporting their countires, but all very
On the competition day there were 10 areas, with lots
of judges and big screens for the scores to be shown. I
felt nervous and my stomach had butterflies but I was
also excited.
I stood in front of 5 judges and performed my Kata.
I had to block out all the sound around me and the
people cheering.
I found the experience really exciting and now I
understand what athletes go through.
Outdoor and Adventurous Activities
This year, Outdoor and Adventurous Activities has been added to the year 9 PE curriculum,
allowing pupils to experience an even broader range of activities during their PE lessons.
Pupils have learnt about a range of outdoor pursuits and have been working hard on
developing their team work and
problem solving skills. Pupils have
also taken part in orienteering
around the new school site where
they had to solve problems and
racing against the clock. In
addition to this, pupils were taken
to Islington Boat Club where
they experienced canoeing and
kayaking in single and double
Pupils enjoyed the
experience, learning about health
and safety and the key to successful paddling, despite being heavily rained upon.
By the end of the year all year 9 pupils will have taken part in Outdoor and Adventurous
Activities which helps build so many useful transferable life skills including: resilience,
confidence, communication, friendships and patience.
Table Tennis Competition
On Wednesday 16th October three Year 7
students and three Year 9 students travelled
to St Mary Magdaline School for a table tennis
match. It was a tightly contested match with St
Mary Mag’s gaining a narrow victory. However
EGA will have an opportunity for revenge
when they compete in the Islington Borough
Table Tennis Championship on Wednesday 23rd October in Highbury Grove School. The
best of luck to the Shahrima, Raqeeba, Ubah and Tiara from 9Z in the tournament! The
students who played Mary Mags were…
Rashida Walker 7Z, Saskia Brown 7A, Adriana Sanders 7Z, Shahrima Hussain 9Z, Tiara Le
9Z, Ubah Mohamed 9Z and Raqeeba Al-Faqeeh 9Z.
This week the acclaimed author Anne Cassidy was our guest author
at EGA. Anne talked about how she became a writer and her
journey to being published. She also talked about a
series of four books that she is working on, ‘The
Murder Notebooks’, the third of which is out
in two weeks’ time. She then gave a reading
– the first ever – from her book ‘Finding
Jennifer Jones’ which is the sequel to
‘Looking for JJ, arguably Anne’s most
famous book. ‘Finding Jennifer Jones’
will be published in 2014.
Anne brought along three brand new
copies of the ‘Murder notebooks’ and
a raffle was held. Huda Ali from 8E
was the lucky winner. She hopes to
return to EGA to see how the girls are
getting on with their writing.
EGA Parent Survey
Parents will be receiving a survey from
EGA in the post within the next week. This
survey will ask parents to comment on their
experience of being a parent at EGA and
will help us to ensure that this experience
is as good as it possibly can be. We would
be very grateful if you could complete the
survey and either post it back or ask your
daughter to return it. As an incentive, all
students returning a survey to reception
will receive a small chocolate reward! We
do hope that you can support us with this
so that we can do our very best for your
School Council Elections
The annual EGA Year Council elections took place on Friday 25th October. A big thank
you to all who made the event run smoothly!
In particular, thank you to the following students who manned the polling station:
Congratulations to
Nishat Tasnim 11E
Keilah Bolus, Sekinat Emiola, Sufia Yahiya, Miski Ali, Miski Mohamed, Sumaya
Ahmed, Epaphrodite Punza Zumbila , Fatima Begum, Razmina Begum, Tiara Le,
Ramisa Begum and Jasmine Wembankoy
Also, the following : Mr Mcintyre , Ms Jaffreji, Mel Hull, Elaine, Mark and staff in the
Mrs Henry
Year council results 2013
Alima Begum
Halima Abdulle
Saskia Brown
Firdaus Noor
Marsha Lockner
Iman Fernandez
Zubeda Jahan
Caitlin Russell
Georgie Stinson
Ibtisam Osman
Helia Mourdock
Samira Aktar
Nadia Uddin
Mahria Jamal
Niamh Tuite
Saidat Bakare
Hodha Hassan
Aqila Begum
Amie O’Connor
Necibe Kalayci
Sadie Dowell
Valeria Rodriguez
Priscilla Lopes
Muna Mohamed
Samiha Uddin
Saima Khan
Nasrin Ibrahim
Miriam Fleury
Miski Mohamed
Aini Abdulahi
Hanan Ugas
Arij Abdalla
Jai Abunu Adjei
Rasna Begum
Nya Samuels
Sadia Kasem
Kristin Benson
Kaira Ologunro
Sahro Kahin
Sabrina Ahmed
Aaliyah Begum
10 T
Kamsi Ibe
Hannah Basic
Ihram shah
Afia Headley
Tasnia Yasmin
Zahra Thomkins
Soumia Sebbar
Natalia Elliot
Sulekha Musa
Karen Oliveira
Dilara Kara
Keilah Bolus
Kacey LouiseKutlaby
Aissato Falcoeira
Nasra Hussein
Ella-Jay Osborne
Nazifah begum
Parent Governor Vacancy
We had 3 nominations for our Parent Governor vacancy therefore
an election will take place. Ballot papers will be sent to all
families, by post this week, along with a covering letter.
Filsan Hassan
Shoobta Abanur
Jensila Avdyli
Hala Kaizra
Deqa Hassan
on passing her Grade 1
Drum exam with merit.
EGA running league
The most recent leg of the Islington running
league took place on Monday at St Aloysius and
we took a victorious leap as the E.G.A A team
made their way to first place on the leader board!
Congratulations to Caitlin, Penny and Dea who came
first, second and third out of E.G.A. Caitlin, from 7H,
is third on the girls’ year seven leader board, a special
congratulation for such powerful and enthusiastic
‘We had a glorious finish because we used tactics…all of
E.G.A. stayed at the back at first and let everybody run off
into the distance; therefore we had way more power than
them at the end! Well done! We hope to do even better
in our next race in a few weeks’ time! If you’d like to see
our official times and places then please go down to
the sports office where Miss Howe and Miss Silva work!
Once again, well done and thank you for participating
and doing well to represent E.G.A.!
by Jasmia Dyer
All newsletters can be viewed in colour on the school website.
Elizabeth Garrett
School for Girls
Founded 2005
Vol 11. Issue 9
Friday 15th November 2013
Islington Community Theatre gains new members
Dear Families,
Next week, Year 7 students
will be welcoming their
former teachers and
headteacher to EGA for our
annual tea party. This is a
lovely occasion when the
girls, not only make the
refreshments for the visitors
but show them what they
achieved during their first
half term at EGA. They are
always so excited at the
prospect of seeing their
former teachers and it is so
clear what an influence they
had on the girls.
The week after next we will
be welcoming back our
former students when they
come to collect their official
examination certificates. The
girls are always delighted to
be back and we really enjoy
catching up with their news
and plans for the future.
A couple of dates for your
diary. Friday November 29th
is a professional development
day for staff and so there will
be no school for students
and on Wednesday 18th
December we have our
school production of “OZ”
which, if rehearsals are
anything to go by, should not
be missed.
Yours sincerely,
Congratulations to Eleida Linan Bruges 11T and Olga Popiolek-Szulczewska 8A who were
successful in their recent auditions and have become members of Islington Community
Theatre. They join Helawit Hailemariam, Pia Richards and Soumia Sebbar and a number of
former EGA girls who are already keen members of the theatre company. We look forward
to seeing your next production!
Key Stage 3 Girls Badminton Tournament
On Monday 11th November, EGA took part in an exciting
badminton tournament at the Sobell Centre. It was a tough
few games; however, it was great fun! All of our games were
very close in points. EGA played exceptionally well and made
their way to third place! Holloway came second and by just a few
points more, Highbury Grove came first! Considering we only
had three days to practise, we did extremely well. The amazing
Highbury Grove had exceptional skills and great power shots,
No wonder they made it to second place!
We got back at about 6:00 and it was a good journey back as
we were very proud of ourselves, we were talking about all
the different techniques that we used, such as backhand hits and soft and hard hits and we
also gave each other targets for improvement. Overall, we had a good time and we hope to
represent EGA again!
Just a quick note to say well done to the people that took part, you all represented EGA very
well. Epaphrodite 9H, Anika 8T, Jasmia, Georgie and Angel 7H and Saskia 7A)
Also, anyone who wants to join the EGA badminton club, it is on Tuesday lunch time. Please
join us.
by Jasmia Dyer in 7H
Islington Teen Read Vote 2014
We’re looking to find Islington’s young
people’s favourite recent book.
If you read a book in 2013 that
you loved or that changed your
life, then tell everyone about it
in the Islington Teen Read
Vote 2014.
Every school library has a long list of 20 books
published between Jan 2012 – Oct 2013. Vote for one
and hand in your vote in school between 6 – 17 Jan.
Your vote will help us create the shortlist of 6 books for
the final round of voting open to all 11-18s in Feb.
The winner will be announced at a special event at
Waterstones bookshop in March.
Running League Continues
Last Monday, twelve pupils took a journey to
the Emirates Stadium. This was not for the
tour of the players’ changing rooms, or to
muck about on the pitch, this was for the
RUNNING LEAGUE. The race was three laps
around the giant stadium and then a sprint
to the finish! Many girls used their knowledge
of cross country running to start off slow and
then with all the energy they had left, they
took a giant sprint to the finish. We had some
extremely tired girls at the end of this race!
Congratulations to Sarah Brewer-Boyes of 10A for
coming second in her year 10 race and for Caitlin
Russell for coming 8th in her year 7 race.
Overall the EGA team is has the highest score so
keep it up girls!!!
Jack Petchey Speak Out
Challenge Returns!
EGA students are again competing in the Jack Petchey Speak Out! Challenge.
Year 10 English students are spending the day with a public speaking coach,
who guides them through the importance of speaking out in front of a group
of people and sharing their thoughts. Students begin by speaking
in small groups and then work towards a final two-minute
presentation in front of the class. Many students were nervous
about the day, but found it to be very beneficial. The day
really does build confidence and all students so far have
presented their speech in front of the class. One student who
did particularly well to overcome her fear of public speaking
was Maryan Elmi of 10Z, pictured here with the Speak Out!
Coach, Elaine, who was very proud of her. Well done Maryan
and all the girls involved.
Want to be a writer?
Or would you like to try?
Why not learn from the best?
NICOLA MORGAN is our next guest author
at EGA ON WEDNESDAY 20th November 2013
at 3.30 — 4.45pm
If you would like to attend this event please book
your place in the Cloud now!
EGA Students Meet Joshua Bell
On 14th October both of our KS4 Music GCSE
options groups were lucky enough to be
invited by The Academy of St Martin in the
Fields to attend an open rehearsal with their
Orchestra and the world famous violinist Joshua
Bell. The programme included Beethoven’s
Symphony Number 7 and gave our students a
rare opportunity to see a modern day virtuoso
perform and lead a world class orchestra.
Joshua came and spoke to our girls after the
rehearsal and Tiyana in Y11 even managed to
receive an impromptu lesson on the Timpani!
All newsletters can be viewed in colour on the school website.
Elizabeth Garrett
School for Girls
Founded 2005
Vol 11. Issue 10
Dear Families,
Thank you to all parents who
completed the survey we
sent out recently. All staff
and students have completed
their own surveys and once
the analysis is returned to us
we will feedback to you. We
will also be using the findings
to help us to review our
School Development Plan.
The current plan runs from
2011 to 2014 and in January
we will start the process of
drawing up EGA’s priorities for
the next few years.
I have spoken to a couple
of parents recently about
homework and the fact that
sometimes girls do not write
down their homework in their
diaries. If this is the case, girls
in Years 7, 8 and 9 all have
their extended homework
projects to work on and girls
in years 10 and 11 should
be reading through their
work and consolidating their
learning. Year 11, of course,
have exams in the next few
weeks and should be revising
for two hours each evening.
Finally, a reminder that on
next Friday 29th November,
we have a professional
development day and there
will be no school for students
on that day.
Yours sincerely,
Friday 22nd November 2013
Trip to South Africa
This amazing opportunity is open to ten EGA students, who will be visiting our global
partner school, Magoba Junior Secondary School in the Eastern Cape, South Africa.
The trip will last for ten days and will be funded by a charity called ‘Broaden Out Their
Horizons’. This charity aims to bring young people from around the world together, so
that they can share what they have in common and learn from their differences. The
charity is currently fundraising so that a similar group of students from Magoba can visit
London next year. If students would like to apply to take part in this once in a lifetime
opportunity, they should see Ms Quinn for an application form. Places will be allocated
on merit and you may be asked to an interview to discuss your application.
Students at Magoba Junior Secondary School
Islington Borough Table Tennis Tournament
On Wednesday 23rd of October The EGA Year 9 table tennis team travelled to Highbury
Grove School for the Islington Borough Table Tennis tournament. The girls won the silver
medal, confirming their status as one of the best table tennis
teams in the whole of Islington! They narrowly lost out on
the gold medal in the last set of the last
game. It was a wonderful display and it
highlighted great progress for table
tennis at EGA in only its second year
at the school. Why not come along
to table tennis club on Tuesday
lunch times and get involved in
the fun and competition!?
The silver medal winners were…
ShahrimaHussain 9Z, Raqeeba
Al-Faqeeh 9Z, Ubah Mohamed 9Z and Tiara Le 9Z
Nicola Morgan’s
Create a Chocolate
EGA Primary Tea Party
This week we entertained local primary headteachers and year six teachers
at our annual tea party. Our year 7 students had made cakes and enjoyed
serving tea to their year 6 teachers. Girls
shared examples of their work and told their
teachers about the wide range of
subjects and activities that they had
experienced since beginning at EGA
in September. Their teachers were
able to update the girls on all of the
news from their schools and there
was a wonderful buzz of conversation
as they were reunited.
Writing Competition for EGA
This is a competition for keen writers. You don’t
need cooking skills, just writing skills! Use your
imagination and the power of language to
invent a delicious new chocolate and write the
description that might go on the packet. Your
description needs to make people desperate to
buy this delicious-sounding chocolate.
The junior choir entertained the gathering with some wonderful singing,
and then they too joined in by serving tea and cakes, as well as eating
them! We hope that our guests enjoyed the event as much as we did. Many
thanks to Alison Campbell for leading the choir and to Ms DeBruin for
supervising the making of the cakes and scones.
EGA Football News
Two age categories:
A. Years 7-9
B. Years 10 and above
1st Prize in each category: publication on my
blog and a signed copy of Write to be Published
and one of my other books
2nd Prize in each category: publication on my
blog and a signed copy of one of my books
Highly commended entries: publication on my
by Lisa Dawit 7H
On Monday the 18th of November the EGA football
team played a friendly match against local
school, Highbury Fields at the EGA football
The matches lasted 20 minutes, finishing at
approximately 5:00pm. Originally the match
was supposed to start at 4:00 pm and finish
at 4:30 pm. The matches started late, however, due to
Highbury Fields catching a late bus. This time however was used effectively as
EGA managed to squeeze in a couple of practice matches!
The game was seven a side and this meant we had to play two matches because
we had a large amount of participants whereas Highbury only had seven players.
1. Closing date is Dec 18th 2013. Winners will be
announced in January.
2. You should choose a NAME for your chocolate
and then write a description of no more than
100 words. For this task, I am looking for rich
description and something that makes me
desperate to taste this chocolate, something
that you think would sell really well if it existed.
Although we didn't win we were all proud of the excellent skills we showed and
considering the fact this was our first match we did really well. EGA won’t stop
there though, they will be completing many more matches and we hope you can
support & watch us!!
3. You can either email your entry directly to me
([email protected]) or ask your librarian to
send it to me.
To access school library
ebooks at home:
Click on the following link:
4. Your entry needs to have your NAME and
Giving you the
digital access to the
books you need
and love. Anywhere,
5. One entry per person.
6. I will acknowledge receipt of your email but
can’t get involved in any correspondence about
Mobile Applications
You can access the app by either
searching VLeBooks in the app
stores or by scanning the QR
barcode with your mobile device.
Student logon: first name plus surname (no space)
Password: egaschool
Staff logon: first name plus surname (no space)
Password: egastaff
Read at school, at
home on the move
Open each and
every book with
our integrated
Online reader
Download to your
phone, tablet or
Build bookshelves
of your favourite
Search the full text
of every book
For more information and your logon
Student logon: first name plus surname password: egaschool
For more information visit or contact your Librarian
7. I will ask another children’s writer to help me
judge. Our decision is final!
All newsletters can be viewed in colour on the school website.
Elizabeth Garrett
School for Girls
Founded 2005
Vol 11. Issue 11
Dear Families,
On our professional
development day on Friday
of this week, we will be
working together on making
sure that all our classroom
practice secures outstanding
learning for our students.
Staff at EGA are absolutely
committed to continually
developing their skills.
On Tuesday evening, we
welcomed back our former
students when they came
to pick up their GCSE
Certificates. It was a lovely
event; the girls are always
so pleased to see each other
and their teachers.
It’s only just over two weeks
until our production of “OZ”
so be sure to book tickets
as soon as they become
available. It certainly is not
to be missed.
On another note, the
Governors’ Community
Committee will be meeting
on 10th December and we
are focusing particularly on
how we can build a stronger
partnership with parents
and families. If you have any
thoughts, we would really
welcome your views. Thank
you in advance.
Yours sincerely,
Football Tournament
Friday, 22nd November was a day for the
EGA history book!
On this unforgettable day the year 7
footballers took centre stage. They
played at Market Road against some
of Islington's and Camden’s toughest
teams. The matches were seven a side
which meant a roll on roll off substitution
The blistering cold didn't stop the
mighty year sevens, oh no! They carried
on. They pushed themselves on and
eventually came in at an outstanding
second place.
Each player played wonderfully and
they all deserve some glory. The team
list was:
Rashida 7Z, Jackie 7H, Lisa 7H,
(defence) Angel 7H, Jasmia 7H, Paige
7H, (midfielder s) Dea 7Z and Saskia 7A
who played as strikers!
Our mentor and coach, Ms Silva, helped
us execute a brilliant match with helpful
comments and the occasional shout of
Our star player has to be Dea Bohanzi 7Z
who scored some excellent goals!
By Lisa Dawit 7H
Friday 29th November 2013
Year 8 Visit
The British Library
Last Friday, twenty year 8 students
visited the new exhibition, ‘Georgians
Revisited’ at The British Library. This
exhibition gave a fascinating insight into
the life of fashionable Londoners during
the Georgian period, and the girls learned
about their customs and habits. At this
time, tea was a great luxury and it was
very fashionable to invite friends round
to see you unlock your tea safe and take
out a small amount of tea to share with
your guests! They also learned about the
slightly dangerous world of the London
Pleasure Gardens, one of which was
situated near to EGA at Sadlers Wells.
The girls enjoyed seeing the Georgian
Garden, complete with mock sheep, in the
British Library Piazza.
Merits News
Congratulations to the following students
who have achieved over 50 merits since
September, and have been awarded their
bronze stars:
Dea Bozhani 64
Zubeda Jahan 62
Helia Murdock 59
Lydia Noronha 59
Lashay Dilaver 53
Saskia Brown 52
Rashida Walker 51
The following girls are extremely close, all
with 49 merits, so we hope that they will
soon be receiving their bronze stars too:
Tammy Bruins, Sarya Fidan, Karolina
Hracka, Epaphrodite Zumbila.
London Youth Games
Cross Country
Last Saturday, five EGA pupils
represented Islington in the London
Youth Games Cross Country running
event. The distance was two kilometres
- so an extremely long and tiring distance!
The team met on Hampstead Heath at
nine in the morning. Then we collected our
Islington 2013 t-shirts and borrowed special
spiked trainers to grip the muddy surface.
As we began the race, we realised just how
hard it is to climb up hills. But all of the girls
kept on running until the end.
Congratulations to Caitlin Russell, Dea Bozhani,
Penny Kaur-Kingdon, Fahima Yasmin and
Jasmia Dyer
By Caitlin Russell
Our GCSE Geography trip to the
Years 7 and 8 – Extended
Homework Projects
Girls in years 7 and 8 are working on extended
homework projects in the following subjects:
Year 7 – Drama: Darkwood Manor and
Geography: Coasts
Year 8 – Drama: The Power of Women
These projects run in conjunction with normal
lessons and homework. The projects allow
students to show us what they can do outside
the restrictions of the classroom, and encourage
them to develop their skills in independent
learning and research. We hope that parents
will support their daughters to do
their very best with their projects.
Prizes and certificates are
awarded for good work.
We started our journey by taking
the number 4 bus to St Paul’s
Cathedral where we walked
across the Millennium Bridge
and waited at Bankside Pier for
the Thames Clipper boat. We
travelled down the meandering
river to North Greenwich where
we visited the Thames Barrier.
Having seen how vulnerable
London is to flooding we walked
along the Thames Path to the
cable car. That took us up nearly 100 metres into the sky where
we had the most amazing view across East London. By the time
we returned on the Docklands Light Railway we had a very good
knowledge of our city’s main river.
Year 7 and 8 students are currently
involved in a readathon to raise
money for two very special charities:
CLIC Sargent and Roald Dahl’s
Marvellous Children’s Charity.
Over the past two weeks the girls
have been gaining sponsors and
are now immersing themselves in
literature. The readathon will finish on the 6th
December - just in time for EGA to donate
desperately-needed funds for Christmas.
Watch this space to find out how much we can raise!
By Zuzanna Szemborowska
Last week we held our fourth ‘Becoming a Writer’ event, with award winning
author Nicola Morgan. Nicola is the author of several novels and has also
published two non-fiction books, ‘Write to be Published’ and ‘Blame my Brain:
the amazing teenage brain revealed.’
Nicola talked to the group about her experience as a writer and why people
write, then talked about her novel ‘Mondays are Red.’ She then did some
exercises with the girls, looking at the relationship between colour and sound.
The girls came up with their own piece of writing and then a general question
and answer session rounded off the session.
Nicola very kindly donated copies of two of her books to the school library, plus
a bag and some tea towels!
The next author in the series will be Dave Cousins, on February 4th next year.
Look out for ‘Becoming an Illustrator’, date to be announced soon.
All newsletters can be viewed in colour on the school website.
Elizabeth Garrett
School for Girls
Founded 2005
Friday 6th December 2013
Vol 11. Issue 12
Dear Families,
Last week, we received the
information on the numbers
of girls choosing EGA for
September 2014. Once
again, the number has risen
and there will be a high
demand for a place at the
school. This is not surprising,
results continue to rise and
girls achieve exceptional
outcomes. Past students
build on this experience at
the school and talk about
how the opportunity
they had to develop their
“softer skills” as well as their
academic success has made
such a difference to them.
The new building will also
have contributed to our
ever increasing popularity.
The learning environment
is second to none and we
are very close to the end of
having building contractors
on site. Once the handover
is complete, we can start
planning a celebration
which will take place in the
summer term. We very much
want it to be a family and
community event and we will
be asking you to be involved.
(We’re not in
PLACE: Lecture Theatre
Wednesday 18th December 2013
6.00 – 7.00pm
Set on the housing estate of
'Kansas' in London N1, we meet
Dorothy (who always seems to be
getting into trouble at school) as
she is transported by a computer
virus to 'Oz'. We follow her on her
discovery of valuing friendship,
family and the consideration of
others, and that somewhere over
the rainbow is a bright future and
fresh start.
Come and see this exciting new
production adapted from the
original story by EGA Drama Club
with exciting new choreography
and compositions from the
beautiful set and costume design
courtesy of our wonderful Art
and Technology Faculty.
Wednesday 18th December,
2pm - matinee to Year 7 and local
primary schools,
6pm - tickets available from Mrs.
Gold priced at £2 for students, £3
for adults
GCSE geographers visit Epping Forest
Friday 6th December is a
non-uniform day and the
girls have decided that the
funds should be used to
support those affected by the
devastating typhoon in the
Yours sincerely,
On Tuesday 3rd December 20 GCSE Geography students went to Epping Forest to
study Loughton Brook as part of their GCSE topic on Rivers. In Epping Forest the girls
did a number of different experiments in order to work out the potential of flooding at
that river. The river has flooded with devastating effects in the past; maybe these EGA
students will be the ones preventing river flooding in the future!? The students also
observed a number of river features that they had learned about in lessons.
The day was a lot of fun (despite all the muddy shoes!) and a great opportunity to get
out into the countryside and see real geography up close!
Key Stage 4
Girls Badminton Tournament
On Monday 2nd December, EGA
took part in the exiting badminton
tournament and COLA I. It was a
tough few games; however, it was just
On Thursday the 28th of November the Yr 9 EGA football team played
as fun! All of our games were very close
a friendly match against local school, Highbury fields at the EGA
in points. EGA played exceptionally
football pitch!
well and made their way to first place!
Holloway came second and by just a
The matches lasted 30 minutes finishing at approximately 5:00pm.
few points more, COLA I came third!
Considering we only had a few days
The game was 9 a side and we had plenty of subs on the side line.
practise, we did extremely well.
Congratulations to all the yr 9 girls who took part.
Just a quick note to say well done to the people that took
part, you did very well in representing EGA. (Jessie 11E,
Although we didn't win we were all proud of the excellent skills we
Shakeelah and Nadine 11L, Stephanie, Faith and Kourtnee
showed considering the fact this was our first match we did really
well. EGA won’t stop there though they will be completing many
more matches and we hope you can supports and watch us!!
Year 9 V Highbury Fields School
About the Youth Careers Team in Islington
Islington’s Youth Careers team (formally Information, Advice and Guidance/Connexions) provide Islington’s young
people aged 13 to 19 with information and advice on education, training and jobs.
Qualified career advisors provide this service through one-to-one sessions, as well as running regular events, such as
drop-in sessions and job clubs for young people to attend.
Advisors can help you:
• find the right education or
training course
• locate suitable job
• write your CV and apply
for jobs
• get in touch with other
local services e.g. housing
For more information you can visit,
call 020 7527 7031 or just come and
speak to an advisor at a drop-in session.
Thank you to all parents who sent
in their votes for our recent Parent
Governor Election. The new Parent
Governor on EGA’s governing body
Mr. Dayah Farah Ali
Governors welcomed Mr. Ali to the
governing body at a meeting held on
2nd December 2013.
Judith Redding
Clerk to the Governors
Year 7 Indoor
Athletics FINAL
On Wednesday 27th November, a group
of year 7 girls took part in an exciting
Indoor Athletics competition against other
schools in Islington. Dea, Lashay, Rashida,
Angel, Jasmia and Liyah raced to the finish
achieving 4th place out of 6 schools which
was a great success, as it was our first
athletic competition and despite just missing
out on the medals, EGA raced on with a high
It was a great four weeks which made EGA
proud. Overall, we had a great time and
hope to be taking part in other competitions.
Just a quick note to say, well done to
Sarya, Alvin and Fiza who also took
part but couldn't make it for this
Well done EGA and keep it up
All newsletters can be viewed in colour on the school website.
Season’s Greetings
Founded 2005
Friday 13th December 2013
Vol 11. Issue 13
Dear Families,
This will be the last newsletter
of the term and so a good time
to look back on some of the
achievements. We started the
school year by celebrating our
best ever examination results.
More recently we have received
the Ofsted document which
puts our results in the national
context and I am delighted that
the report shows that our girls
make outstanding progress
and that we are adding so
much value to their learning.
We had very successful open
mornings and evening, which
has resulted in an increase,
once again, in parents making
EGA their first choice of
secondary school. We have the
highest number of first choices
for girls for Islington schools.
The girls who joined us in
September are already real EGA
girls making the most of all that
the school has to offer, both
in and outside the classroom.
Hardly a day goes by without
us learning of yet another
sporting, musical or academic
The parents’ survey provided us
with very positive feedback and
will feed into our development
planning for the future which
will start in earnest in January.
Finally, very best wishes for
an enjoyable holiday. School
resumes at the normal time
on Monday 6th January 2014
and it will be WEEK 2 of the
Yours sincerely,
Elizabeth Garrett
School for Girls
Grafton Primary Students in Forensics
Investigation at EGA
We were very pleased to welcome a group of students from Grafton Primary School to our
science department. The year 5 students used our laboratory facilities to solve a staged
‘murder’ and learned how forensic scientists can use evidence from crime scenes to find
the perpetrators. It was fun for our teachers to work with the year 5 students, all of whom
enjoyed their first experience of secondary school.
Sports Roundup
EGA v. St Mary Magdelene
On Monday 9th December,
EGA played a friendly
against local school,
St Mary Magdalene
match kicked off at
4:10 at EGA itself on
the outdoor football
pitch. It was brilliant to see the EGA
football team of year 7, year 8 and year 9
girls play a very skilled match, eventually
winning 2-0!
St Mary Magdalene played really well,
showing good technique, but EGA had
that extra skill and determination!
The girls should be really proud and on
behalf of the players I’m sure they’d love to
say a big thank you to Sharon, George and
Ms Silva for training the EGA team and to
all the supporters who came and watched!
by Lisa Dawit, 7H
EGA v. Highbury Fields
On a very chilly Wednesday the 4th of
December, another victory was scored by
our very own EGA Netball team. The match,
against Highbury Fields, took place on the
EGA outdoor pitches at 4.30. EGA played
excellently, scoring six goals!
Highbury Fields were unable
to retaliate so the game
ended 6-0 to EGA! None
of this would have been
possible without the girls who
participated and they were:
Rose 7H, Caitlin 7H, Ruby 7H,
Iman 7H, Kitty 7H, Lydia 7Z,
Sarya 7Z and our joint star
scorers, Jasmia 7H and Saskia
7A, who scored three goals
each! And of course we
are very grateful to Ms
Howe for her coaching.
Well done EGA, yet another day for the
history book.
by Lisa Dawit, 7H
Reward Trip to the
National Gallery
Recently, Mr Hurley and Miss Howe offered the opportunity for some
Year 10 girls to take part in the Duke of Edinburgh Award at EGA. The
DofE is a well recognised award that has four parts to it: volunteering,
taking up a skill, doing a physical activity and going on an expedition.
The volunteering aspect helps encourage young people to take
action in their local community and support it. Some girls are
doing some work in a charity, working in a youth club and even
volunteering at school! In the skills section, people are developing
new skills such as: taking up a new language, cooking, and learning
a sport. This section is to help develop practical and social skills as
well as learning the new skill. The physical activities can range from
cycling to trampolining to table tennis, here the girls are improving
their fitness as well as learning sports related skills such as teamwork.
The final section (and the most fun) is the expedition which is going
to be done towards the end of the school year. The girls will develop
an aim for the expedition and plan what they are going to do for the
two days and one night they are away.
The interviews to qualify for the award were held last Tuesday and
Wednesday and twelve girls were chosen out of the twenty four that
initially applied. This Monday, the girls had their first experience of
what exactly is going to happen within this programme and how it
is going to work out. Looking at the timetable it seems like it is going
to be hard work but fun and challenging at the same time! The award
will help the girls gain lots of skills and experiences. The participants
are very much looking forward to the experience and are excited to
see what the year holds!
On Monday 9 December a group of year 8 students went
on a trip to the National Gallery. We all marvelled at the
20 metre Christmas tree in Trafalgar Square sent by
the city of Oslo in Norway. The Norwegians have been
sending the tree as an annual gift to the people of Britain
each year since 1947 as a token of gratitude for British
support of Norway during the Second World War. We also
saw a levitating Yoda near by! He was part of the street
entertainment along with a troupe of Elvis impersonators
fund raising for charity!
In the gallery we looked at the famous Sunflowers by Van
Gogh and Monet’s Water Lilies which were both wonderful.
We were fascinated by some of the Altar pieces dating back
to the 12th and 13th centuries and enjoyed looking at Da
Vinci’s delicate drawing known as the ‘Leonardo cartoon’
which was in a little dark room and behind glass to protect
It was a fascinating afternoon out and we look forward to
future reward trips in year 8.
Tasnia Yasmin, year 10
Year 7 Homework Projects
(We’re not in
PLACE: Lecture Theatre
Wednesday 18th December 2013
6.00 – 7.00pm
Year 7 have been submitting their geography homework
projects this week. These are based on coastlines and
coastal erosion. Their task was to tell the story of two rocks,
known as Old Harry and his wife, in a form that would be
accessible to small children. Girls have worked extremely
hard on this task and produced some beautiful work which
would make the subject of coastal erosion very clear to
younger children. All students in years 7 and 8
should be checking their
booklets to ensure that
they are up to date with
all of their projects. They
should also see if there
is any work that they
can do over the