From Birth to the Cradle


From Birth to the Cradle
Killer Cradles
Spirit Lake High School Wrestling
Lesson 1: Introduction to the Cradle Ride !
Lesson 2: Cross Face Roll Through Cradle!
Lesson 3: Pull Back Cradle!
Lesson 4: The Far Side Cradles !
Drive and Pull Cradle!
Pinch and Roll!
Helicopter Cradle!
Lesson 5: Near Side Cradle!
The Stud Cradle!
Spladle Cradle!
High Bridge Cradle!
Lift Cradle!
Lesson 6: The Pull Down NʼJam Cradle!
Lesson 7: Drive Nʼ Jam Cradle !
Lesson 8: Crash Cradle!
Lesson 9: Belly Down Cradle!
Lesson 10: Cradles and Legs!
Leg Rider Cradle Counter from Bottom!
Cradle Counter to Leg Defense!
Lesson 11: Front Headlock Cradle !
Near Leg Forward!
Far Leg Forward!
Lesson 1: Introduction to the Cradle Ride
• Jam the arm and leg forward to put the weight on the hands. It opens up the legs from
the back. Then slide into cradle ride position.
• Cradle Ride Position - Step over near leg, right hand grabs the peck, left hand grab
the ankle. Keep pressure forward on the hands.
Alternate Cradle Ride 1
• Start by jamming the near arm and far knee forward, putting the weight on your
opponentʼs hands and opening up his ankles.
• Change side and slide into the “Cradle Ride” by anchoring the leg, the ankle and
crossface arm.
• Keep the weight on your opponentʼs hands by pulling on the ankle and keeping your
anchor leg high.
Alternate Cradle Ride 2
• Start on right side. Move directly into cross face as you use the left hand through the
butt to jam opponent forward and stop their turn away. Keep weight on opponents
hands and a tight cross face.
Lesson 2: Cross Face Roll Through Cradle
• Hook up the cross face and encourage the raising of his far knee.
• Take your cross face hand from the chest to the cross face position, getting a tight grip
on your opponentʼs triceps.
• Once you have a tight cross face, release the pressure from the side leg keeping good
forward pressure, allowing your opponent to step up.
• Once your opponent steps up, slide off the hip and roll under the leg.
• Key points: Keep the hand on your opponentʼs triceps and lock on your own wrist. Do
not let the arm go.
• To finish the cradle, drive your knee into the inside hip and push the hip up.
Lesson 3: Pull Back Cradle
• What if opponent wonʼt step up? Push his ankle down.
• You will use the same first four steps as in the Roll Through Cradle. The only thing
different with the Pull Back Cradle is that once your opponent steps up, you will pull
your opponent back instead of rolling through.
• If your opponent will not step up you can force the knee up by pushing the outside
ankle down thereby setting you up for the Roll Through Cradle or the Pull Back
Lesson 4: The Far Side Cradles
Happens when they step up before we have a cross face
Drive and Pull Cradle
He steps up on the outside, just lock your hands. He will collapse back
down and you will be on the left side of him. Move both knees behind his
foot. Drive in till you feel him collapse. When he collapses hop over and
pull him back
Pinch and Roll
We have the cradle locked up and this time he drives into us. We pinch
the inside leg and roll through with it.
Helicopter Cradle
This time the hand is able to get out in between us. We jump over and
pull him back. Drive into him and use inside leg to helicopter over.
Lesson 5: Near Side Cradles
When the opponent pulls our arm in or transfers our arm to the other side of the head,
the near cradle series is available.
The Stud Cradle
Collapse on his head, the trailing leg slides toward the head and we use
our left hand to push his hip away. Lock the near cradle. Drive him
forward so he collapses on his left side. Pull your right leg back to now
put his leg in front of both your legs. Then stud him up for the finish.
Spladle Cradle
From the near cradle, sit to the inside hip. Inside leg reaches over and
grabs the far leg. Pull the leg tight. If you really want to finish it off, put his
heal behind your head
High Bridge Cradle
If when you have the near side cradle locked up you feel his head coming
up, go with it and go into a high bridge toward his butt area. Go through
with it and high leg over. to finish.
Lift Cradle
Hit the near cradle. He has gone completely flat on the mat and you canʼt
move him. Drive into him, toss your hips and knees into the air. When
they hit the ground suck him up, then drive him straight to his back.
Lesson 6: The Pull Down NʼJam Cradle
Take your left hand that is holding the ankle in the cradle ride and pull his ankle in a
wide counter-clockwise motion. Then jam the cross face and lock it up on your own
wrist. Finish with a pull back.
Lesson 7: Drive Nʼ Jam Cradle
Take the left hand that is usually holding his left ankle and switch it to his right ankle and
lift it hard. To keep from going over he must step his left leg up and set himself up for
cross face roll through finish or the cross face pull back finish.
Lesson 8: Crash Cradle
You can hit it from referees position or the optional start position. Must lift the inside leg
to the chest. When the opponent turns toward you, you crash on him.
Lesson 9: Belly Down Cradle
From the cradle ride, pull up on his outside leg and knock out his inside leg so he falls to
his belly. Set up for the cross face and slap the cross face on. Post your left hand
behind his left knee. KEEP your chest pressure on his back. Lift his chest and drive his
head and knee together, finish with the pull back.
Lesson 10: Cradles and Legs
Leg Rider Cradle Counter from Bottom
Opponent goes to a tripod for a roll, we slide off into a near side cradle
position. Front Head lock cradle. We can attack either the near or far leg.
We attack whichever knee is forward.
Cradle Counter to Leg Defense
When opponent tripods up to hit a roll, slide into a near side cradle.
Lesson 11: Front Headlock Cradle
Near Leg Forward
Far Leg Forward