2016 Intermediate Division


2016 Intermediate Division
77th Pittsburgh Regional
Science & Engineering Fair
Intermediate Division
7th and 8th Grades
Student Project Abstracts
April 1, 2016
Notes to Judges
Students prepare Abstracts limited to 100 words that include the following:
Purpose of the experiment
Procedures used
Possible research applications
Minimal reference to previous work
For continuation projects, the abstract should focus on work done since the
last PRSEF
Should not include: a) acknowledgments, or b) work or procedures done by
the mentor
Many students continue their research after the Abstract is submitted, and
therefore the Abstract may not fully represent the Project.
Abstracts are available to the Judges prior to the Science Fair as an aid in prescreening the Projects. Judging is to be based on the actual Project as presented
by the student.
Project Numbers are assigned as XYYABC
M – Intermediate Division (7th and 8th grade)
Category Name
 BS – Behavioral and Social Science
 BI – Biology
 CH – Chemistry
 CM – Computer Science and Math
 CS – Consumer Science
 ES – Earth/Space/Environment
 ER – Engineering/Robotics
 MH – Medicine/Health/Microbiology
 PH – Physics
ABC: Project number
 1xx or 2xx – Individual student projects
 3xx – Team projects (2 or 3 students)
Table of Contents
Table of Contents ............................................................................................................. i
Intermediate – Behavioral and Social Science (MBS), 7th & 8th Grade .......................... 1
Intermediate – Biology (MBI), 7th & 8th Grade.............................................................. 11
Intermediate – Chemistry (MCH), 7th & 8th Grade ....................................................... 21
Intermediate – Computer Science / Math (MCM), 7th & 8th Grade ............................... 35
Intermediate – Consumer Science (MCS), 7th & 8th Grade.......................................... 38
Intermediate – Engineering / Robotics (MER), 7th & 8th Grade .................................... 47
Intermediate – Earth / Space / Environment (MES), 7th & 8th Grade ........................... 55
Intermediate – Medicine / Health / Microbiology (MMH), 7th & 8th Grade .................... 63
Intermediate – Physics (MPH), 7th & 8th Grade ........................................................... 71
PRSEF Student Abstracts
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Intermediate – Behavioral and Social Science (MBS), 7th & 8th Grade
Intermediate – Behavioral and Social Science (MBS), 7th & 8th Grade
MBS100 How Positive Reinforcement Affects Mood
My experiment proposed to find out how much positive reinforcement affects someone's mood and generosity. I sent
out two surveys to 16 random people. One had positive reinforcement (for example, smiley face) in the instructions.
The other just asked them to complete it. My hypothesis is that the respondents of the survey with positive
reinforcement will be in a better mood than the respondents without. My hypothesis was correct. Most respondents
that took the survey with positive reinforcement were in a better mood than respondents of the other survey. This
means that you can make someone happy just by smiling.
MBS101 Is Yawning Contagious?
The age-old question of whether or not yawning is contagious is answered in my science project. I worked with my
teacher to secretly test seventh grade for yawning, first by my teacher not yawning for 20 minutes and counting
students. Then my teacher yawned in an obvious way and then we counted student yawns for the next 20 minutes.
See my results!
MBS102 Are your Opionions your Opinions
Can your opinions be persuaded if you know the outcome ahead of time.
MBS103 Which Video Games Affect Behavior?
I believe that some video games cause behavior difference. My experiment ends the debate, Which Video Games
Cause Behavioral Differences. I wanted to end the debate of what video games cause behavior differences. To do
the project I did an online study of 4th-9th graders I knew and asked them a few questions. My experiment so far has
proven that action adventure games like GTA causes the most behavioral differences. My research is not complete
yet. Research will be available at the fair.
MBS104 Will Playing Three Types Of Tempos, Affect Someones Vital Signs?
The purpose of this experiment is to see if listening to three different types of songs change the blood pressure, heart
rate and breathing cycle of the human participants. To conduct this experiment, i will play three type of songs and
analyze to see if the blood pressure, heart rate, and breathing cycle change in the participant after each songs. The
experiments results will be measured by the amount of change, if any, in the blood pressure, heart rate and
respiratory rate of the participants.
MBS105 How Does Color Affect Mood?
Color often affects lots of human functions such as blood pressure, eyestrain, and pulse rate. All of this can lead to
change in emotion. In this project subjects will be asked to look at various colored lights and have their blood
pressure and pulse rate taken. They will also take a survey determine how the color made them feel. Final results will
be presented the day of the science fair.
MBS106 Does Music Affect Your Typing Accuracy
The purpose of this experiment is to see if listening to music with lyrics affects your typing accuracy. One participant
will go on http://www.typeonline.co.uk/copypractice.php and type up that paragraph they had. Then the researcher
will check errors and record the mistakes. Then this researcher will have them type it again with music. Once they
have finished the researcher will analyze his/her data and see if this hypothesis is correct. The results will be
available on fair day.
MBS107 Colors and How They Affect Your Mood While Taking a Test
The researcher plans have teenagers take a math test on various colors of paper to see if color affects your mood
while taking a test. The way the researcher will do it is time the participants while they are taking the test. Then, the
researcher will grade them and see which colors had higher or lower scores if any. The researcher hypothesizes, “if
students take a test on various colors of paper then they will do better on the green paper because it is more restful to
the eyes.” Results will be available on fair day.
PRSEF Student Abstracts
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Intermediate – Behavioral and Social Science (MBS), 7th & 8th Grade
MBS108 Affect of water bowl distances
My project strove to discover if cats drank more water if their food bowl was farther away. I tested by doing a 12day
test. I moved the water bowl every four days. I thought the cats would drink more water when bowl was far away.
Every morning I weighed the empty water/food bowl to see how much the cat ate. I filled bowls to the correct weight. I
repeated this. Clementine liked it better when the water bowl was far and Matilda didn't care. The water bowl should
be farther away from their food bowl, they will drink more.
MBS109 Do Middle School Students Concentrate Better in the Morning or in the
Ever wonder if students learn better in the morning or the afternoon? My hypothesis states that if middle school
students are tested in the morning and in the afternoon with intelligence tests, then the scores from the morning will
be higher. During this investigation, I administered a series of intelligences tests to middle school students in both the
morning and in the afternoon. This investigation was continued over the course of a week. After all tests were scored,
morning results were averaged and afternoon results were averaged. My science fair results can answer this
MBS110 Sleep on It
Sleep on it was about how Circadian rhythms change by age. What was done was, three test subjects. Each about
thirty three years apart. They took test at different times of day to see how their brain functioned the best. In
conclusion, the brain worked the best around noon. I got this idea while searches up science fair ideas and I came
across this particular one.
MBS111 Can YOur Hands Handle The Cold
Sometimes I have wondered how strong the nerves are in someone's hands. My project was that I wanted to see
what hand, dominant or non-dominant, could withstand the cold better. I thought that your dominant hand would
withstand the cold better. At first I used 10 participants, then had them hold ice over a container and after they were
done I asked them a series of questions. I calculated my data and I got a 90% result. When I concluded my project
90% of the participants stated that their dominant hand withstood the cold better.
MBS112 Please Stay Focused
I wanted to know what gender did better while testing during a series of distractions. I did this project to find ways to
improve testing environments for schools. I had boys and girls take a twenty-five question test at separate times.
During the test I preformed seven distractions and recorded all the times the participants became unfocused. I
learned girls tested better when unfocused than boys. Also I learned boys tend to become distracted easier. From my
results, girls will have a higher grade than boys when distracted. My results might support hypotheses for future
MBS113 Color Impact on Sleep
Sleep has been a necessary part of daily human life throughout recorded history. People value sleep and are always
finding new ways to improve sleep quality and quantity. My science project will test to see if different colors of light
impact sleep. I will be testing various colors to see if color affects sleep in a negative or positive way. I will test this by
wearing a Fitbit to sleep after exposure to various color light. The sleep data will be compared to sleep pattern
baseline to test the hypothesis that color light does impact sleep. Experiment is currently underway.
MBS114 How Do Different People React to Images?
The purpose for my project was to see how people of different ages and gender react to images that were the same.
The hypothesis that I investigated was do people of different age and gender react differently to different images. The
procedure is to test the subjects, who are in the age range of 11-13, from oldest to youngest and male then female,
repeat. The results have yet to be made. Still need to continue and conclude my project to find results that is all that
is unconcluded about my project.
PRSEF Student Abstracts
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Intermediate – Behavioral and Social Science (MBS), 7th & 8th Grade
MBS115 The Effect of Music on Memory
Music has been proven scientifically to have beneficial effects on mental development. I would like to find if music
could really help concentration. I sat subjects at a computer and they played a concentration game with no music.
Then they played the same game with classical and pop music and I recorded their times to complete the game. I did
this with ten different subjects. I found that no music is the best way to concentrate and focus. This rejects my
hypothesis that classical music would help concentration better than pop music or no music at all.
MBS116 Gratification Between Children and adults
Participants were recruited from East Catholic school and my mother's place of employment. All the participants were
informed that they would be asked questions that might seem silly and there is no right or wrong answer. They were
also informed that I would record their responses. The adults were also informed that the questions might seem very
simple because they were created for young children to understand. All the questions had pictures had pictures that
corresponded with question being asked. As the questions were being asked the pictures would be flipped over so
the participant could see them. The participants were asked ten questions each. After all the data was collected from
the participants the results were converted into graphs and charts.
MBS117 If You Know You'll Win, It Isn't a Risk!
Blackjack is a game of ages played among friends and sometimes a way to earn some money. My experiment shows
to most likely way somebody would win by either beating the dealer or getting 21. To do that, we played four hundred
games testing slow pace, fast pace, (at comfortable volume), silence, and loudness (at comfortable pace). After the
games, the most times players won were slow and silent games.
MBS118 Does Your Sibling Role Affect Your Grades?
The researcher will quiz the participants to see if their sibling roles affect their grades in school. The purpose of this is
to prove or disprove the theory that an oldest sibling has better grades than a younger sibling. Each participant will be
asked or shown a series of questions and then will be asked to show the researcher his or her grades from the
previous quarter. The researcher will then express the data in an average percentage for each sibling role: first,
middle, and last born. The data will be displayed at the time of the science fair.
MBS119 All Crossed Up
The purpose of this experiment is to determine whether a person with crossed hand/eye dominance has a better
shooting percentage then people with same hand/eye dominance. To conduct this experiment I will have each person
shoot ten foul shots with their non-dominate eye covered. The experimental results were measured by the total
success rate of making a basket with the non-dominate eye covered.
MBS120 Reactions to Money Found
The investigator will observe reactions to money found in a hallway dependent on the amount. The hypothesis is that
there will be a common reaction among the subjects for each amount. First to take place, is the placement of the
money a certain amount of money from one cent to twenty five in a hallway. Then, retrieve subjects to be walked
down the hallway with the money. Lastly, the investigator will record the reactions and observe if there is a common
reaction among participants, and if there is, record it. Results will be available on fair day.
MBS121 Which Color is Most Easily Seen in an Urban Traffic Setting?
Purpose: Determine which color is most easily seen in an urban traffic setting. Hypothesis: Colors in the blue
spectrum will be seen easier than colors in the red spectrum. Conclusion: Final results will be available at Fair.
PRSEF Student Abstracts
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Intermediate – Behavioral and Social Science (MBS), 7th & 8th Grade
MBS122 Middle School Maze
The purpose of my project was to find out if males or females have different motor skills. I chose this project was to
find out was differs between males and females brains.My hypothesis was If I test boys and girls, then males will
have a better time due to better motor skills. I completed my experiment by first building my maze and this is how I
did it. I put the wood on with cement glue and then I put in all the screws and countersink them so they didn't affect
the time of the volunteers. After that, I had the volunteers complete the maze. All of the volunteers started at the
same place. they went when I said go and wons the marble fell throught the ending hole at the back of the maze I
reacorded their times for my data.In this experiment, I found that boys have better motor skills than girls by four
seconds. Most of the boys have a hand full of boys that were under 40 seconds. The girls didn’t have one person that
had under 40 seconds.
MBS123 Is Beauty Skin Deep?
The title of the project is "Is Beauty Skin Deep?" MY hypothesis for this experiment is that I believe more people will
say composite faces are more attractive than a regular picture of a face. Test subjects were asked to look at two
pictures and tell me which of the two were more attractive. One picture was of a real person and the other was a
composite picture. For all of the pictures tested the composite picture was voted to be the more attractive. Over all
more people thought composite faces are more attractive.
MBS124 How does what you see with your eyes affect what you experience in other
parts of your body?
In the past, it has always been believed that only amputees could feel phantom pain. The purpose of this experiment
is to see if it is possible for a non-amputee to feel phantom pain sensations. To conduct this experiment, I will be
creating a situation where a participant will tell me if sensations are felt when actions on the body are not taking
place. The experimental results were measured by the number of sensations each participant felt. The results of this
experiment state that it is possible to feel phantom pain without having an amputated limb or being an amputee. The
results indicate that my hypothesis should be accepted, however, the results are not accepted 100% of the time. The
majority of this experiment proves my hypothesis to be correct, however, due to the impossible task of making every
detailed brush identical, the experiment was not always successful.
MBS125 Feel The Beat!
The scientist will investigate whether heart rate is impacted by different genres of music.
MBS126 Law and Order ETA Eyewitness Testimony Accuracy
There are so many trials that end in an innocent person going to jail just because of an inaccurate eyewitness. For
my project I wanted to test the accuracy of eyewitness testimony to see how reliable they truly are. I gathered 15
people and showed them a short clip of a robbery. After testing the participants on the clip, I concluded that my
hypothesis was correct - that eyewitness testimonies were unreliable. Most people did not do a good job
remembering the event. Hopefully less and less innocent people will be convicted guilty through new advancements
in our society.
MBS127 Common Sense Test
For this project, the researcher will test to see if toddlers have more common sense than adult professionals. The
researcher will have toddlers and adults take a common sense test. The researcher will take participants into an
empty room and show them a video, then record their answers. The researcher hypothesizes that toddlers will get
more questions correct, as opposed to adults, because toddlers are more open-minded and don’t overthink, while
many adults do overthink. Results will be available on fair day.
MBS128 Is Sensitivity to Cold Heightened On Your Dominant Side?
The purpose of this experiment is to see if your dominant hand can stay in ice water more or less time than your nondominant hand. To conduct this experiment I will ask the participants to put both of their hands in ice water. The
experimental results were measured by the dominant side staying in the ice water. The results of the experiment
show that the dominant hand can withstand more cold than the non-dominant hand. The results indicate that the
hypothesis should be accepted because the non-dominant hand was more sensitive.
PRSEF Student Abstracts
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Intermediate – Behavioral and Social Science (MBS), 7th & 8th Grade
MBS130 The Stroop Effect
The purpose of the Stroop Effect is to show as we age how our minds change. My main concern is to see how
someone’s age affects how quickly they can interpret aspects of words. What I did was make the test and then have
a participant name the ink color of the words while timing them. Afterwards I averaged all the times. I learned that the
younger participants can read ink colors the fastest. The oldest participants were the slowest. I can conclude that
people do not normally look at all aspects of words and could train themselves to.
MBS131 Pareidolia: People hear what they want to hear
Have you ever looked up at the moon and seen its face smiling down at you? Have you seen a face formed out of a
car's headlights? Have you ever looked at a stick that eerily resembled a human? These are all examples of
pareidolia, "the imagined perception of a pattern or meaning where it does not actually exist" - according to Collins
English Dictionary. In this project, I explored auditory pareidolia. My experiment's purpose was to see if some people
continued hearing a song playing, even when it wasn't playing anymore. The procedure involved participants listening
to a song that was slowly faded out and was covered by white noise. Once the song should have been fully inaudible,
I started a timer. Some people did, in fact, hear the song playing for up to 53 seconds more than it actually played!
Others either stopped hearing the song before it actually stopped, and a few people ceased to hear the music playing
exactly when they should have. In conclusion, my hypothesis that participants would experience pareidolia was
proven partially correct. Some subjects did continue hearing the song, but others did not.
MBS132 Gender vs. Short Term Memory
This researcher will determine whether males or females have the better short term memory. The researcher’s
hypothesis is that male participants will have better short term memory than female participants. To investigate, the
researcher will lay out 15 objects for the participants to see and then give the participants two minutes to look at the
objects. After that the researcher will give them another two minutes to recall everything they remember. By doing
this, the researcher will be able to determine whether or not males or females have better short term memory.
Results will be available on fair day.
MBS133 Brain Interpretation and Aging
My experiment will show if age affects how fast you see an illusion. I wanted to find out if younger people's eyes are
better at detecting illusions. To do that I had people of different ages look at illusions. I timed them on how fast they
saw the illusion changing. I added up all the times to get a total time. The results of my experiment support my
hypothesis that younger people detect illusions more quickly that older people.
MBS134 Music Speed!
The researcher has decided to conduct an experiment on whether the participants run faster with or without music. All
participants will be physically active. All participants will be from the ages 11 to 14. Each participant will run one time
around the track if weather is permitting and if not the participants will run 8 1/4 laps around the sixth grade and
related arts hallway. Results will be available on fair day.
MBS135 Is It Childproof?
The purpose of my project was to determine if childproof containers are really childproof. I cleaned and emptied four
childproof containers. The types of containers used were: a cough medicine container, Tylenol capsule container,
Target Pharmacy pill container, and a generic pill container. I gave the test subject one type of container to try and
open in one minute. If they couldn't open it initially, I then showed the tester how to open the container, with no verbal
clues. I gave the container back to the tester to try and open again. I concluded that childproof containers are mostly
PRSEF Student Abstracts
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Intermediate – Behavioral and Social Science (MBS), 7th & 8th Grade
MBS136 Do the Eyes Have it?
The researcher will be testing to see if students from ages 12 to 14 can memorize pictures or words better.
Participants will be shown a set of three PowerPoints. One PowerPoint will have pictures, one will have words, and
one will have pictures and words. After reviewing each PowerPoint, the students will have 60 seconds to write down
what they remember from the PowerPoint. The students will do this for each of the three PowerPoints. Once the
students finished their last PowerPoint, data will be collected, recorded and analyzed. Results will be available fair
MBS138 Color - Does It Help Us Remember?
Test participants will be evaluated to determine if different colors impact their ability to remember random objects.
MBS139 Don't Stress Out
The purpose of this project is to find out what stressor causes the most stress. I conducted my research by giving out
math tests to eighteen 6th graders over a six week period of time. Each week a different stressor was presented such
as time or color. I learned that certain colors can elevate stress, while the element of surprise can be one of the
greatest stressors. Based on my results, it is evident that different elements can trigger stress. I believe these
results can be beneficial in another project dealing with human reactions and thoughts.
MBS140 Pay Attention
Many people have difficulty focusing because of distractions. I wanted to find out what interrupts the brain's attention
more, television or video games. To do this, I gathered seven subjects, and had them watch the movie for eighteen
minutes and forty-seven seconds. Then I read them a story and write what they remembered. Then they played
Poptropica for eight minutes, were read another story, and recorded what they remembered. For five minutes, they
sat in silence, were read the last story, and wrote the details they remembered. The data showed playing video
games was the most distracting activity.
MBS141 Do Nutritional Facts Affect Students’ School Lunch Choices?
Childhood obesity is a major problem in the US. School lunches are being modified to tackle this problem. I studied if
knowledge of nutritional facts affects students’ lunch choices. This was a two week experiment, where the students
made lunch choices as usual in the first week. In the second week, I supplied the test subjects with nutritional
information for each main course on the menu. I found that among 50% of the test subjects, main course caloric
content decreased, while it increased in the other half. Consumption of other food groups is still being analyzed.
MBS142 Feline Pictures and Adoption
To find out if the picture framing increases adoption intentions. To find out if certain characteristics shown by the cat
in the photo will impact the opinion of people enough to increase the chance that it will be adopted from a shelter. The
researcher expects that peoples’ willingness to adopt the cats will be higher when the framing of the picture is
carefully done. The data collected from a survey the researcher has created will be compiled onto Microsoft Excel to
determine results.
MBS143 Can Students Tell When TEachers are Lying?
The purpose of this experiment was to see if students can identify when a teacher is telling a lie. This project is
important because it can help individuals that need to remain calm in difficult circumstances to maintain appropriate
facial expressions. For this experiment, I tested middle school students in grades five through eight. They viewed 5
videos of teachers answering 5 questions, with some of the answers being lies. Most of the scores were 2 or 3
correct. There were a few volunteers that were able to identify all 5 as truths or lies. My conclusion is that teachers
are believed to be telling the truth approximately 40 to 60% of the time.
PRSEF Student Abstracts
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Intermediate – Behavioral and Social Science (MBS), 7th & 8th Grade
MBS144 Did You Hear THAT?
The purpose of my experiment is to determine which gender hears better than the other. This idea for an experiment
came from curiosity. The testing will be done in a quiet environment and each participant will wear headphones. They
will listen to a tone of 110Hz which will gradually change until the participant notices the difference. This will be
repeated at 440Hz. Using 110Hz and 440Hz tones again, I will adjust the volume until a difference is detected.
Testing has not begun but results and conclusions will be drawn when completed.
MBS145 Stroop Effect
My science project on the Stroop Effect turned out to be very fascinating. It took older people much longer to identify
the color of the ink, and they made mistakes and got frustrated. When asking the preschoolers to identify the color of
the ink, they had no problems to tell you the colors. My hypothesis was correct. I learned a lot about how the brain
works from this project.
MBS146 Does Shap Pic Fram Aff Short Term Mem
Purpose:Determine if the shape of a picture frame affects a person’s short term memory. Hypothesis: A student will
remember more objects enclosed by straight lined frames than by curved. Conclusion: Available at fair.
MBS147 Are You Your Zodiac Sign?
1. Find the Myers-Briggs personality assessment online, and give it to many different teenagers and/or adults. Make
sure that you include at least 5 test subjects for each zodiac sign. 2. Record the birthday, zodiac sign, and MyersBriggs personality type of each participant. 3. Look for similarities or differences in the Myers-Briggs dichotomies
(extroversion/introversion; sensing/intuition; thinking/feeling; judgment/perception) among test subjects that represent
each astrological sign (Scorpio, Aquarius, Gemini, Aries, Virgo, Pisces, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn.) Do the
personalities of test subjects correlate with their predicted astrological character traits?
MBS148 Gender and the Stroop Effect
Is there a dramatic differences in how different genders react to the Stroop Effect.
MBS149 Colorful Fonts and Memory
Test subjects will be evaluated to determine if different colored fonts have an impact on the ability to memorize
MBS150 A Real Tongue Twister!
Purpose: To find out if a person's age or gender effects their ability to perform tongue twisters. Procedure: 1. Recruit
Participant 2. Obtain written consent form (if under 18 years of age) 3. Present Participant (ages 5-70) with several
tongue twisters. 4. Mark participant's age and gender. 5. start a timer of 5 minutes and have the participant recite as
many tongue twisters as they can in the time span. 6. have the participant restart the tongue twister they are on if
they mess up, and mark each mistake. 7. Repeat steps 1-6.
MBS151 We Got The Beat
This experiment revolves around heart health and exercise. The purpose of this experiment is to test whether heart
rate will change between different physical activities. My hypothesis states that I believe the heart rates will change
throughout the activities. 10 people participated in five physical activities - jogging, jump roping, hula hooping, lifting
weights, and crunches. Each participant performed the activities, then I measured and recorded their heart rates.My
results state that jogging had the highest overall average heart rate and crunches had the lowest overall average
heart rate. My conclusions proved that my hypothesis was correct.
MBS152 Testing Stress: How environmental Conditions Affect Test Anxiety
Test anxiety is something that affects many students and leads to much stress. What environmental or classroom
conditions could improve or worsen test anxiety? This questions was the basis of my experiment. I hypothesized that
taking a test in a tranquil environment will improve test scores. I created a test that 3 subjects took in a normal
classroom environment, then had them take a second similar test in a quieter, less stressful environment.
PRSEF Student Abstracts
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Intermediate – Behavioral and Social Science (MBS), 7th & 8th Grade
MBS153 Can Male/Female Multi-task Faster
Please visit student's exhibit for abstract.
MBS154 Stress Relief Testing
Stress can be a part of our daily lives. Many people have invented several remedies to help relive stress and its
effects. I took the top three main remedies(listening to classical music, sitting in a room with dim lights. that are used,
according to medical sources. I used ten people and took their blood pressure using a blood pressure machine( a
stress measuring method). I did this before and after a series of giving a challenging task, then giving a stress
relieving remedy. My study shows the results of which stress relieving method reduced stress most effectively.
MBS155 Auditory vs. Visual Memorization
My experiment compares the accuracy of recall of a list of nouns based on the method of studying. The four methods
were auditory and visual, both with and without delay. The auditory group listened to the words on an iPad and visual
silently read them from notecards. The delay groups waited two minutes after studying to write down words that they
recalled. The no delay group wrote what they recalled immediately. In my test, the auditory no delay and the visual
delay groups were overall more successful, rejecting my hypothesis that the visual no delay would be most
MBS156 Practice Makes Perfect
The purpose of this project is to prove that physical practice and memorization improve memory recall for dancers. I
taught combination to nine dancers. I divided them into three groups to see which group would remember the most
steps. The dancers who were able to practice as well as memorize the steps performed the steps better than the
dancers who did not practice. I learned that practice really does make perfect. In order to expect our bodies and
minds to recall what we have been taught, we need to study what we have learned.
MBS157 Teaching the Blind: Can Guinea Pigs Differentiate Between Shapes?
I am the owner of a guinea pig and I want to know if I can comunicate with her by shape. I set up an experiment to
see if she can differentiate between shapes using a sound cue. I built a box with different shaped openings and then I
played a note on my alto recorder and put a treat outside one of the openings so that she would associate the note
with a shape, and associate both with something good. I expect it to take 12 days to teach the guinea pig the
difference between the two shapes.
MBS158 short term memory recall
Please visit student's exhibit for abstract.
MBS159 To Infinity and Beyond!!!
Because I wanted to see if female left handed will see more lights then males
MBS160 Are Fingerprints Inherited?
Have you ever looked at two people and thought, “They look so alike, they must be related?” They may have similar
physical features like hazel eyes, blonde hair, or some other physical appearance that is alike. But, do they have the
same fingerprint pattern? The problem to be studied is: Are Fingerprints Inherited? The investigator’s hypothesis is
that, yes, fingerprint patterns will be inherited. The procedure was to rub the subject’s finger on graphite after
receiving their permission to do so. Then I will place it on the adhering side of clear tape. Then, I will identify it as one
of the three categories. Sixty percent of the patterns matched, while 67 percent of the unrelated pairs had similar
patterns. The data would indicate that fingerprints are not inherited. This may be caused by dominant and recessive
genes having been passed down to one child, but not the other. If this experiment were to be performed again, I
would take the prints of the parents of the siblings to see which genes were recessive and dominant.
PRSEF Student Abstracts
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Intermediate – Behavioral and Social Science (MBS), 7th & 8th Grade
MBS161 Effects of Video Games
In my experiment I saw whether 17-18 or 12-13 year olds' heart rate, blood pressure, and reaction time would rise or
improve more. I tested this by having five 12-13 year olds and five 17-18 year olds play halo 4. I took their resting
heart rate, blood pressure, and reaction time to start, their heart rate and blood pressure after 10 minutes, and their
heart rate and reaction time after 15 minutes. The data proved my hypothesis that the 17-18 group's heart rates and
blood pressures would not rise as much as the 12-13 aged groups.
MBS162 Does Age Affect the Perception of a Person Who Stutters?
Purpose: Determine if age affects attitude. Hypothesis: Middle-school & high-school will have a more negative
judgement. Final results are available at fair.
MBS163 Put Your Mind To It
The purpose of my project was to test if people can study better with or without music. First I got my testers one at a
time. I asked them to read the story. After that I wrote down their time and asked them what the story was about. I did
this twice for each tester, first with music then without. After testing I compared their times from each time they
performed this project. I had twelve testers total of six males and females, so I performed this project twenty-four
times! I used grade levels six-eight.
MBS164 Musical Styles
In my project I had the participants listen to different genres of music while looking at a set of words then take a quiz
on those words.
MBS300 Color Influences
Color Influences is a project that tests if color coordination influences the memory to remember something of a
corresponding color. While this project many steps, they are not complicated. You simply just put all of the subjects in
the same room, assign them a table that has a color theme, and have them study a list. Next, you give them 30
minutes of downtime before they sit back at the table and write or draw what they can remember. Finally, record the
results which will be available at the science fair.
MBS301 Can Adults Pass Eighth Grade Science Test?
For our science fair project, we created a test that consists of things we have learned in science class. To find out
which age group does the best we had people between ages 20 and 89 take the test. After each participant took the
test we collected and graded them. After the tests were graded we sorted them into these age groups: 20-29, 30-39,
40-49, 50-59, 60-69, and 70-79. We found the average of each age group and compared the averages to see what
age group did the best.
MBS302 Lyrics Versus Lessons
Is it true that teenagers can remember song lyrics better than facts? For our project, we taught two different seventh
grade classes. The first class was taught with a song about natural selection, and the other class was taught the
same lesson by reading from the book. Before our testing, we hypothesized that the students taught with a song
would do better because teenagers are able to memorize song lyrics so easily. The first class had an 81% average,
while the other only had a 52% average, proving our theory correct. We hope our findings will help others do better in
their own classes.
MBS303 Left Brain/Right Brain Illusion Perception
We have created a questionnaire and a series of optical illusions determining whether the dominant side of an
individual’s brain affects their perception of what they see. We are in the process of presenting this survey to students
in our school. We are in need of more participants, so we are expanding the reach of the survey by giving it to
students outside of the gifted program. We expect to have our experimentation completed by February 12, 2016.
PRSEF Student Abstracts
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Intermediate – Behavioral and Social Science (MBS), 7th & 8th Grade
MBS304 Does Physical Activity Affect memory?
For our project we had to get four people to help us out with our experiment. There were four different categories of
physical exercise. Each person had to study a list of fifteen foods, sports or drinks in three minutes while doing their
specific physical exercise. The four different groups were; sitting, riding a stationary bike, leg weights, and stretching.
Each group had exactly three minutes with the list and then three minutes with out the list. With out the list their
partner quizzed them on the items on the list. Each person did all of the stations one time
MBS305 ABC's and 123's: Visual vs. Auditory Memorization
Teachers claim some students learn better visually while others auditorily but waste time using both techniques,
limiting learning. Therefore, we conducted an experiment to determine which method benefits more. We administered
two tests to 30 girls and 30 boys, ages 8-14. We provided two random ten number sequences to participants, which
they memorized visually, then audibly, both for one minute. Based on our data, at least 50% of students in each
grade memorized more visually, making them visual learners. In conclusion, students acquire information more
efficiently by seeing material. Thus, if teachers use visual strategies, students retain information more effectively.
MBS306 How does music impact test scores?
Please visit student's exhibit for abstract.
MBS307 Placebo Effect: Mind Over Matter!
The purpose of this experiment is to test and see if the placebo effect works is effective. To conduct this experiment
we will compare the results of knowing the height of the hoop and thinking they know the height. The experimental
results were measured by the success rate of dunking the ball. The results indicate that the hypothesis should be
accepted because our subjects clearly pointed out that if you cannot dunk very well on a hoop that is at 2.43 meters
high, but you are told that it is at 2.28 meters then you will be able to dunk better if you believe the hoop is lower
MBS308 Human Arm Lie Detector Test
Have you ever heard a great singer imitate other famous songs? Or have you ever seen a great sports player do
moves over and over again? If so, you will realize you have been lied to. In this lie detector test you will discover how
your brain gets a workout when it moves from telling the truth to lying. Also, you will learn how your brain can detect
the shift from lying to telling the truth. That's the Truth!
MBS309 How Does Age Affect Fears?
The question we were trying to answer was; does age affect fears? In this project we collected asked people of
different ages if they had any fears and if so how extreme they were. We decided to do this project because many
people are tormented by fears that stem from childhood experiences. For instance an adult's fear of dogs
(Cynophobia) may be the result of the neighbor’s dog attacking them many years before. Many kids experience a fear
of the dark (Achluophobia), and most of them will overcome that fear with age. We wanted to look for patterns in fear
and age because the was an interesting topic to invest in. We went about this by; Marking down the test subject’s
birthday. Asking the test subject to rate how afraid they are of flying on a scale from 1-10. Asking the test subject to
rate how afraid they are of public speaking on a scale from 1-10. Continue by asking all the questions on the quiz
until the quiz is complete. The group with the highest fear ratings was the children group. The second was the preteens group. Then the teenagers, elderly, and the young adults and adults were last.In this experiment our hypothesis
was proven correct. Children had the highest levels of fear. One possible experimental error is that our test subjects
could have been lying with their responses because there was no way to see if they were telling the truth. Although
the age groups all displayed physical and mental fears, their greatest fears were mostly physical.
PRSEF Student Abstracts
Page 10
Intermediate – Biology (MBI), 7th & 8th Grade
Intermediate – Biology (MBI), 7th & 8th Grade
MBI100 Does Vinegar Slow Down Decomposition?
Vinegar will slow down decomposition because vinegar is acidic just like pine needles. Pine needles are waxy, acidic,
and very hard to decompose. That will lengthen their time on the ground and acidify the soil. Since vinegar is a pH of
4, it is considered mildly acidic. Another reason why vinegar is acidic is because of the large concentration of acetic
acid in the substance. Vinegar has the same properties as pine needles, therefore I think vinegar will slow down
decomposition. I will test this hypothesis by decomposing substances in sealed flasks, measuring the carbon dioxide
gas that is produced by capturing it in a balloon and using displacement to calculate volume.
MBI101 Does Cow Manure Containing Aureomycin Negatively Affect the Ability of
R.rubrum to Proliferate?
Please visit student's exhibit for abstract.
MBI102 What's going on behind those puppy dog eyes
My experiment is called what's going on behind those puppy dog eyes. The reason why I did this project was
because I love dogs and I wanted to know more about how their brain works. To do my experiment I did four different
test all involving a treat, so the dogs will have a reward when test is completed. At the end of my test I got that all of
the dogs I tested got higher scores on easier test than my more complex test. In conclusion if I did this experiment
again I would do different breeds and gender.
MBI103 Do Dogs Understand the English Language?
The purpose of my experiment was to see if dogs understand English or if they just go off of body movement and
voice tone. I sampled five dogs, having the owners give commands that sounded similar to everyday commands,
such as bit for sit, and I recorded the results. The dogs responded incorrectly to the commands, showing that they do
not understand the language, although another study with a dog named Rico had opposite results from mine. Some
future experiments could be done with different species of animals, or changing some of the procedure steps.
MBI104 Does Colored Mulch Affect Germination and Growth of Peas?
Purpose:Determine the effect of colored mulch on the growth,germination,and dry biomass of pea plants. Hypothesis:
The germination,growth,and dry biomass of pea plants will occur in the following order: 1.No Mulch(Control) 2.RedBest 3.Brown 4.Black-Worst Procedure: 1.Place 1pea seed in a cup containing 50g of topsoil not containing
mulch(control) and water with50mL of water. 2.Repeat Step1using29more cups. 3.Place the cups under a grow-light
for12hours(light phase), then turn the grow-light off for12hours(dark phase). 4.Every3days,water each plant with50mL
of water and determine the germination and growth of the plants. 5.Repeat Step1using red,brown,and black mulch
6.After30days, determine the dry biomass of each plant. Conclusion: Available at Fair.
MBI105 The Impact of Light on Plant Growth
I tested different light cycles on wheat plants to find out if the amount of light affects their growth. I tested by planting
wheat and letting the wheat grow while each section was given a different amount of light. I regulated the light by
setting the time to cover and uncover the plants and recorded how they grew. The experiments demonstrated that the
plant with most light grew the least and the plant the least light, grew very tall and had yellowish color. Plants need
light but also need shade in the right amount to support photosynthesis, and to fuel plant growth. The optimal amount
of light needed differs from plant to plant and needs to be considered by producers for getting healthy plants and best
results from their plants. At the end of my project, my results turned out a bit unexpected. My hypothesis stated that
the plant with 8hrs of light would be the tallest but it didn't. In fact, the plant that got 4hrs of light grew the best with
16.5cm. It had a very yellowish tint and looked weak. The plant that got 8hrs came second with 15.5cm but looked in
much better shape with a nice green shade. In third place came the plant with 16hrs with 14.5cm of height. This batch
looked healthy with another nice shade of green that was not too dark nor too light. Finally, the 24 hour light plant
came last with 13cm. This plant had few sprouts and had a very dark shade of green.
PRSEF Student Abstracts
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Intermediate – Biology (MBI), 7th & 8th Grade
MBI106 Radioactive Vegetation
Microwaves are harmful to plants because radiation killed plant B. Two plants where used in this experiment. 237 mL
of water were microwaved and poured onto plant B,and 237 mL of distilled water were poured onto plant A these
steps where repeated. Plant B shrank 6.35 cm and the leaves started to turn brown, plant A continued to grow to a
height of 20.32 cm and remained healthy.
MBI107 The affect of aspirin water on plants
The six pea plants that had been grown in my experiment all had different results, but the most drastic was the
control and the aspirin watered pea plants. When growing the plants the regular watered plant, the control, was
visible last and grew the shortest by at least 2 cm in comparison to the five aspirin watered pea plants. Seeing how all
of the plants had progressed faster and higher than the control, my hypothesis is now confirmed and supported with
evidence, that aspirin water does in fact have a positive effect on pea plants.
MBI108 What Color are Birds Attracted to?
The purpose of this project is to find out what colors birds are most attracted to. I have thought about doing a job that
deals with animals when I’m older; and birdwatchers, bird studiers, marketers, and just people who have or like
watching birds might want to know how to attract them. My hypothesis was “If different colored bird feeders are
placed outdoors with bird feed, then birds will prefer the blue feeder. I conducted my experiment by obtaining 5
different colored bird feeders, weighed 5 blocks of suet and wrote the weight in a data chart. Then placed 1 block of
suet in each feeder and placed them outdoors for a specific time period, and wrote each day how much they
weighed. This was continued for 4 weeks, changing the suet every 7 days. I found out that birds prefered the orange
feeder most, with a total of 14 grams eaten. Green was liked the second best, with a total of 11 grams eaten. Yellow
was third, with a total of 9 grams eaten. Blue came in fourth with a total of 8 grams eaten. Red came in last with a
total of 2 grams eaten. My project was successful, but could use a few modifications.
MBI109 Hybrid Plants
Hybrids, the combination of two separate DNA strands in one. Creating hybrids involves splicing DNA strands and
combining them again with a different half. My experiment will test if there is another way by placing DNA strands
adjacent to each other in early stages of growth. I will to determine whether two seed halves with similar DNA
sequences will grow a hybrid, by combining their DNA naturally. The growth and phenotype of the plant will
documented and juxtaposed the “parent plants’” phenotypes. If the plant has traits from both, it will be classified as a
hybrid, thus proving my hypothesis.
MBI110 Brand Coffee Affects Daphnia Most
Purpose Determine which brand of coffee will increase Daphnia heart-rate most. Hypothesis The coffee will increase
the Daphnia’s heart-rate in the following order: 1.Green Mountain Breakfast 2.Folgers Classic 3.Maxwell House
4.Starbucks House 5.Dunkin Donuts Original Procedure: 1.Prepare coffee being tested. 2.Place 1drop of coffee in the
cavity of a concave slide containing the daphnia culture-water. 3.Place 1Daphnia in the cavity of the concave slide
containing the liquid prepared in step3. 4.Allow Daphnia to acclimate for 3minutes. 5.Record heart-rate for 1minute.
6.Repeat steps 1-6using 29other Daphnia. 7.Repeat steps 1-7for all other brands of coffee being tested. Conclusion
Available at fair.
PRSEF Student Abstracts
Page 12
Intermediate – Biology (MBI), 7th & 8th Grade
MBI111 Distractions Behind the Wheel
The purpose of my project is to see which driving distraction (texting, loud music, eating, talking on the phone, or
conversation) causes the most errors while driving. This topic is useful to see how to prevent car crashes based from
distractions. My hypothesis is that as the driving distraction of texting is occurring, the number of driving errors will
increase .The project experiment involved twelve widely ranged subjects, both male and females. Subjects played
Mario Kart Wii game to simulate driving. Different types of distractions were presented such as texting, talking on the
phone, conversation, loud music, and eating. I collected my data by counting the number of errors while the subjects
were driving to determine which distraction was the most severe. I planned on having 20 subjects, but I ended up
having 12 due to lack of participation. The subjects were not biased by gender and age. I used the Mario Kart Wii
game with remote with remote to test the subjects. I also needed a phone to text and call on, loud music, and food.
The participants were given an optional chance to practice one time before the test begins based on if they have
played the game. I counted the number of errors and recorded them in my logbook. The result of my experiment
showed that texting while driving is the most significant distraction, proving my hypothesis. Texting had 360 total
errors out of 12 subjects. Talking on the phone had 127 total errors out of 12 subjects. Conversation had 109 total
errors out of 12 subjects. Listening to music 93 total errors out of 12 subjects. Lastly, eating had 111 total errors out
of 12 subjects. In conclusion, this science experiment met my goals of understanding distracted driving. These results
are important in stopping car crashes by communicating my results. This experiment could potentially save lives.
MBI112 Are plants as musically inclined as humans?
Does music alter plant growth? Do different kinds of music make a plant grow differently? I grew radish seeds in
music environments of hard rock, jazz and opera, expecting to see the most growth with rock music. Experimentation
revealed many technical factors that had to be finessed, and overall, the research concept was proven.
MBI113 Seed Quality vs. Seed Quantity
I tested if the number of seeds in apples and pears affects the amount that germinate. I put the seeds from 14 red
delicious apples and 15 d’anjou pears in petri dishes and germinated them. After 3 days of waiting, I would check
them every evening and record germinations. I would also see if they needed water, or if the paper towels grew mold.
There was an upward trend in my data, but the percentage graphs didn’t peak at the highest amount of seeds. I
would like to do more tests to see if I can strengthen my conclusion.
MBI114 Fancy Fertilizer
This experiment was designed to test what kind of fertilizer should be given to a plant. When I did the experiment, I
first measured out the soil and planted the seeds. Then I watered them everyday and recorded their growth. I grew
them for eleven days. When I looked at my data, I was a little surprised by it. I noticed the plants without fertilizer did
better than the ones with fertilizer drops. My conclusion is that potting soil helps plants grow healthier. Problems I
encountered were measurements and a source of light for the plants.
MBI115 Nutrition Impact on Mice Behavior
My project is on how a mouse’s behavior is changed by a different diet. I feed one mouse banana, one kale, and one
mouse food pellets. I separate them into three separate containers for feeding, the cage, a ½ of a bin, and the other
½ of the bin. I am comparing the mice’s behavior to the mouse I feed pellets to, because that mouse’s behavior will
remain at a neutral level. All mice had the same behavior before testing. My hypothesis for this project is that the
behavior of the mouse I feed banana to will change the most.
MBI116 Got Soil?
People believe organic soil is the best for growing plants. I did too. I investigated which soil would have higher
average growth over a period of six weeks. I planted six seeds in inorganic soil and organic soil in plastic cups, set
them on a windowsill to receiving twelve hours of sunlight. The average growth of the inorganic plants was higher, but
the average growth of leaves/stems on the inorganic plants was slightly lower. My hypothesis was wrong. The
organic plants had a lower average growth than the inorganic, but the organic stems/leaves average growth was
higher than the inorganic.
PRSEF Student Abstracts
Page 13
Intermediate – Biology (MBI), 7th & 8th Grade
MBI117 Which type of flower lasts the longest in water after picked?
The whole purpose of this experiment is to discover which flower lasts the longest in water after picked. I used a
carnation, a tulip, and a rose. I chose to do this experiment, because it can help people pick the best gifts for their
loved ones. To perform this experiment, I got carnations, tulips, and roses, and put them in a separate glass of water.
I then recorded the growth and death of the flowers for about two days. My conclusion for this experiment is that a
tulip lasts the shortest in water after picked and carnations last the longest
MBI118 How Does Aspirin Affect the Heart Rate of Daphnia Magna?
You start by grounding up a bottle of aspirin in a motor. When you receive the Daphnia magna make sure they are
room temp. Next make water and aspirin mixtures of 5.0 mL, 2.5mL and 1.0mL and then do one with just spring water
for your control. Next get your microscope slide with a well depression. Finally get your Daphnia magna and place
them on the slide and count the heart for a minute 30 times 10 for each mixtures. My results will be available the day
of the fair.
MBI119 How Smart Is Your dog
The purpose of my project is to determine the intelligence of different breeds and gender of dogs. I performed various
tests to measure each dog's intelligence. I tested 6 dogs(3 male and 3 female) over an eight week period. My
hypothesis is as each female dog was tested, the total female dog time to complete the test will be less than the male
MBI120 Does pesticide effect corn growth?
Instead of protecting plants, pesticide might be unhealthy for plants because of harsh chemicals. My experiment is
about how pesticides affect plant growth. I treated germinated corn kernels with different concentration of pesticides.
A total of 158 kernels were observed for 5 days. The results showed that pesticides slowed plant growth and the
effect varies on light and dark kernels. I concluded that pesticide does affect growth by decreasing growth rate of the
roots but the pesticides doesn’t affect the stems much. This suggests that not only does pesticide kill bugs, it also
affect our plants and the surrounding environment.
MBI121 Human-Dog Interaction and HR
I took subjects’ heart rates before and after interacting with dogs and stuffed animals to see which one affected heart
rate more. I did not find a significant difference in the impacts that interacting with dogs and stuffed animals made.
Heart rate both quickened and slowed. My hypothesis was that interacting with dogs would lower heart rate and
interacting with stuffed animals wouldn’t affect it.
MBI122 Effects of Fertilizer on Plants
For my science fair experiment I tested which fertilizer was best for growing lima beans and plants in general. The
three soils and fertilizers I used were Jobe's organic, Miracle-gro, and normal top soil. I tested 1 type of fertilizer on 4
plants each. I recorded data and measured every 4 days for about four weeks. One key thing I noticed with the
fertilized plants was that the leaves were a darker green opposed to the unfertilized plants. In the end the Jobe's
fertilizer won by a landslide with the tallest plant at around 90 centimeters.
MBI123 Which liquid will dissolve a squid the most?
My experiment is which liquid would dissolve a squid the most? I did this project because I wanted to see how much
tissue damage these liquids cause to the human stomach. I think Mountain Dew would dissolve the squid the most
because it has the most dangerous ingredients contained in it. After doing my experiment I found my hypothesis was
not supported because it was actually the orange juice that dissolved the squid the most. This is because orange
juice has the largest amount of acid, which is very hard on soft tissue. That is a little on my experiment.
MBI124 Effects of Fluoride on Planaria
Fluoride compounds are added to most public water systems and toothpastes but is it really safe? This experiment
uses various concentrations of sodium fluoride in water to measure the effects on planaria. There are four different
concentrations of sodium fluoride that are used in the experiment. The physical movement of the planaria will be
measured using graph paper and stress indicators such as splitting will be observed. The statistical analysis using
ANOVA will compare the different concentrations of sodium fluoride to the control group, which has only pure spring
PRSEF Student Abstracts
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Intermediate – Biology (MBI), 7th & 8th Grade
MBI125 A Study of Cone Cell Fatigue
The question my experiment answers is, ”Which type of cone cell will fatigue the fastest?” With this information,
people will know why they see afterimages. My experiment will have two people looking at pictures for various
amounts of time. The materials I will use will be: a picture of a red circle, a picture with a tricolor circle (red, blue,
green), a notebook/blank paper, colored pencils, pencils, chart to record data, graph paper, and 2 people. I believe
that red cone cells will fatigue the fastest. My final results will be available at the day of the fair.
MBI126 Dyeing Flowers
Plants have the ability to absorb water and nutrients and move it against gravity using capillary action. By allowing the
plants to absorb dyed water into their vascular system, the flowers may change color. This could help people save
money over paying more for colorful ones.I tested potted versus cut flowers. I also tested different cut and potted
flowers. The cut flowers absorbed the most dye. The potted flowers exhibited no change in the presences of dye. Cut
tulips absorbed the most color because the xylem was directly exposed to the dye, more so than in a potted flower.
MBI127 What Grows Grass the Fastest: Aspirin, Water or Fertilizer?
My project's purpose was to see what to use to grow grass the fastest. I researched to see if I could find any data to
support my hypothesis. I tested whether aspirin, water, or fertilizer grew grass the fastest by taking the average
height from each of the three differently grown grasses once a week for three weeks. I took all of the data that I
collected and made a graph. My conclusion is that fertilizer grows grass the fastest, not aspirin as I had predicted.
MBI128 Growing Aspirin
The question of my project is "Will the aspirin affect the growth of the plant?" The hypothesis of my project is "I
hypothesize that the aspirin will affect the plant growth because some of the ingredients might benefit the plant." My
procedure is, first I got the materials I needed. Then I planted the plant while watering daily. Last I recorded the
results. I concluded that my hypothesis was not correct because the average height of the plants was around the
same number.
MBI129 Does Eye Color Affect a Person's Ability to Identify Color in Low Light
I chose this project because when I was little I Always looked at people's eyes when they were talking to me. I was
always interested by color. So I decided to create a science experiment on it. I think people should take interest in my
project because it's about their eyesight! If they have a different type of eye color they can see how well their vision is.
My testable question is does eye color affect how well you can see in low light. My procedure is simple. First, I got 25
people to do the experiment. I then took them into a dark room and made them look at different sheets of paper. I did
that 2 more times. Once I finished I did my charts and graphs. My hypothesis was correct brown eyes do see better in
low light. Only 5 people got 1 incorrect, those were the people with lighter eye colors like blue and hazel. My
hypothesis was correct, the people with brown eyes had better sight in the dark than people with blue and hazel
MBI130 Which Type of Soil Best for Growing Corn?
Purpose: Determine best growing medium for growing corn. Hypothesis: Germination, growth, and biomass of corn
plants will occur in following order: 1.Compost/soybean-best 2.Topsoil 3.Topsoil/compost-worst. Procedure 1.Create
compost/soybean, compost/top soil & topsoil(control) mixtures 2.Determine seed viability placing 10seeds in a wet
paper towel in baggie 3.Place 1corn seed in 35different growing cells containing 166cm3 of growing medium being
tested 4.Place all growing cells under grow-light for 12hours(light-phase), then off for 12hours(dark-phase) 5.Water
every 3days & determine germination and growth of plants daily 6.At conclusion of experiment determine dry
biomass of each plant. 7.Repeat steps2-6using compost/soybean, compost/topsoil mixtures. Conclusion: Available at
MBI131 Tortoise maze challenge
My experiment focused on testing the sight, smell, and memory of a Russian tortoise. To do this I built a maze and
put kale into it. I then started my stopwatch. Each day I placed the tortoise into the maze to see if his times would
improve. They did not improve. This did not support my hypothesis.
PRSEF Student Abstracts
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Intermediate – Biology (MBI), 7th & 8th Grade
MBI132 The Effect of LED and CFL Light Sources on Bean Plant Growth
LED lights are replacing conventional bulbs in many current applications due to their energy efficiency, and this is
beginning to occur in the area of indoor plant growing. This experiment compared the effectiveness of two different
artificial light sources, one LED and one CFL, on the growth of bean plants. Light sources were matched on red &
blue spectrum output, and a growing station was built to house both sources in a controlled environment. Lights were
turned on for 12 hours each day, over a 28 day monitoring period. Results from daily measurements showed that the
CFL source produced slightly better average growth.
MBI133 Grey Water for Green Plants
My experiment tests the effect of two different types of household grey water on the growth of dried lima beans. I
hypothesized that watering the plants with grey water will have no negative effect on them, and that plants watered
with grey water will grow at the same rate as plants watered with regular tap water.
MBI134 Apple a Day...Keeping the Brown Away
The purpose of my experiment is to see which food wrapping method prevents spoilage. I wrapped apples in
aluminum foil, wax paper, plastic wrap, or a plastic container and observed the apples in the refrigerator for five days.
I left one set of apples unwrapped as my control. I hypothesized that the plastic container would keep the apples the
freshest because it is most air tight. The plastic container kept the apples the freshest.
MBI135 Enzymes in Detergents
When looking at the ingredients of expensive detergents, you will often see that it contains enzymes. But are
detergents with enzymes more effective food stain removers than detergents without enzymes? I filled three petri
dishes halfway with gelatin. I then cut 7mm holes into the gelatin and put fours drops of each detergent into the
designated holes. Twenty four hours later I measured the holes. The average for detergents with enzymes was 13.1
mm and the average for detergents without enzymes was 9.3 mm. In conclusion, detergents with enzymes removes
food stains better than detergents without enzymes.
MBI136 Regenerating Muscle Stem Cells with Tissue Engineered Scaffolds
Purpose-The purpose of the experiment was to determine the effects of FGF2 growth factor on two types of tissue
scaffolds. Design Methodology- C2C12 stem cells were grown in well plates. One well plate contained PLA scaffolds.
Another contained UBM scaffolds. Findings- The research indicated that the growth factor inhibited cell differentation
by preventing the formation of myotubes in both scaffolds. Value/Originality- The UBM was spincoated in pepsin a
technique that had not done prior to the experiment. Both scaffolds were effective in promoting cell behaviors. Tissue
engineering could be capable of regenerating defective muscle cells in soldiers, or missing tissue in cancer patients.
MBI137 Bug Activity on Natives & Cultivars
In June 2014, I planted a garden of native plants and cultivars. I was eager to provide a habitat that would encourage
insect activity and support the declining pollinator population. Consequently, I became interested in determining
whether native plants or cultivars attract the most insect activity and support the most pollinators. I hypothesize that
more insects will visit the native plants because those plants have always coexisted with local insects. Everyday from
June 2015-December 2015, I observed my garden for approximately one hour in the morning, the afternoon, and the
evening, for a total of approximately three hours of daily observation.
MBI138 Selecting Superior Seeds
I am going to grow genetically modified (GM) soybeans. These genetically engineered soybeans are engineered to
be resistant to the main ingredient in Round-Up. This active ingredient is called Glyphosate. Glyphosate kills plants
by stopping an enzyme they need to produce to live. The engineered plants have a modified enzyme called EPSPS
(5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase), (pronounced EE-nahl-py-ROO-vuhl-SHIH-kih-mate) that helps them
produce needed amino acids so they do not die from the Glyphosate.
PRSEF Student Abstracts
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Intermediate – Biology (MBI), 7th & 8th Grade
MBI139 Saturation Nation
In today's world everyone is health conscious. Saturated fat is bad for people with high cholesterol. My family has a
history of having high cholesterol. I wanted to figure out what type of cooking oil will have the least amount of
saturated fat and what would be the healthest to cook with. I assembled 50 beakers and labeled 10 each with 5
different types of oil. I added iodine to each beaker as well as the oil. I observed the results and charted them on a
graph. my conclusion is that canola oil has the least amount of saturated fat.
MBI140 Ozone
My project was to test where there is the most ozone and if plants will affect the ozone. First, I made the ozone test
strips. I did so by using a mixture of distilled water, cornstarch, and potassium iodine. Then I placed the strips in the
designated areas. The strips were supposed to turn purple when they came in contact with the ozone. The
experiment failed because the strips did not work. I continued the project by placing plants by the strip, but they once
again failed. If I could change anything I would try to find a different mixture for the strips.
MBI141 The Magic Gummy Bear
I have tested what happens to Gummy Bears when placed in various liquids over 24 hours. The Gummy Bears were
placed in orange juice, grapefruit juice, milk, and water. This lab will show the effects osmosis has on Gummy Bears.
Come visit my project to view the results!
MBI142 The Science of Growing Tomatoes
My science fair project about the growth of tomato plants. My father was having complications with his garden. He
wanted to produce more from his tomato plants and have the plants reach maximum growth. This provoked me to
use this as my project. My experiment needed a period of time for the plants to grow. I had fifteen different mixtures
to use. I had three plants in each trial. There was forty five plants in all. I took data over time and analyzed it. Overall,
I learned a lot, it met my objectives, and it was a very successful project.
MBI143 The Scoop on the Poop!
In this experiment I tested to see what kind of manure helped fertilize a tomato plant the best. I did this so I could help
local farmers, friends, and family in growing their gardens. I used cow manure, horse manure, chicken manure, and
pots with just organic fertilizer. I placed a tomato seed in each pot. I had three pots of each type of fertilizer by
measuring the height and size of the leaves, and size of the plant, I concluded cow manure worked the best with the
greatest plant growth.
MBI144 Are Fingerprints Really Unique?
The purpose of this project is to unearth the mysteries of fingerprints, and find out if familial fingerprints are of the
same kind. Even though each dactylogram is entirely unique to itself, I believe there will be some similarity between
related individuals. The experiment is fairly simple. I requested my family to ink their fingerprints on a balloon, and I
found out that, indeed, those of my brother and I are related. I performed this activity with another 10 families to
obtain the same result. My project number is and I hope that this project will make heads turn.
MBI145 Growing Without Soil
My hypothesis is that I think grass will grow better hydroponically than growth by soil the reasons, including that of the
fact that other tests have been made, supporting my theory. The reason I did this experiment is that I saw it
somewhere and I thought it was interesting, so I did it after conducting my research. the main achievement of my
experiment was to prove my theory correct.
MBI146 Does a Combination of Diffused Essential Oils Control the Growth Rate of
The purpose of this experiment is to see if essential oils can control the growth of potentially harmful fungi. To
conduct this experiment I picked a combination of essential oils and diffused them into the air near an agar plate of
cultured fungi. I measured the change in growth of colonies over time and compared it to that of fungi not exposed to
the essential oils to see if the oils affected the growth.
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Intermediate – Biology (MBI), 7th & 8th Grade
The experimental results were measured by seeing if essential oils slowed the growth of fungal colonies. The results
show that fungal colonies not exposed to diffused essential oils had an average growth of 0.5mm over seven days
while the colonies exposed to essential oils had an average regression of 0.9mm. The results indicate that the
hypothesis, which states that fungi exposed to essential oil grow at a slower rate than fungi not exposed to the same
combination, is rejected. The results actually indicate that the essential oil exposure results in regression of fungal
activity. This study thus suggests that essential oils may have more benefit on fungal activity than we initially
MBI147 Breaking Down Bones
The researcher will be testing to see if different acids in drinks will decompose chicken bones differently. The
hypothesis is that citric, lactic, and acetic acid will decompose bones at different speeds. First, the researcher will
gather materials needed such as water, milk, orange juice, vinegar, 400mL beakers, and cleaned chicken bones. The
researcher will fill four different containers with the liquids, then place one chicken bone in each container. The
researcher will record data every day for a period of time taking size, thickness, how much they bend, and mass.
Results will be available on fair day.
MBI148 Preventing Acid Erosion
The researcher will determine the effects of acid erosion on human teeth by investigating which type of Colgate
toothpaste prevents erosion the best. 5 teeth will be soaked in 118 milliliters of Pepsi, for 24 hours. At the end of 24
hours the researcher will brush four of the teeth in different toothpaste; Colgate Maxfresh, Colgate Baking Soda and
Peroxide, Colgate Whitening, and Colgate Cavity Protection. A fifth tooth will be left unbrushed to use as a control.
The mass and color of the teeth will be recorded for 7 days. Results will be available on fair day.
MBI149 Can Marinating Chicken Prior to Grilling Reduce Bacteria Levels?
The purpose of this experiment is to see if more or less bacteria is on marinated or plain chicken. To conduct this
experiment I will compare how much bacteria grew on the plain and marinated chicken. The results of this experiment
is that the plain chicken had the least amount of bacteria on it. The results indicate that the hypothesis should be
rejected because I said that the marinated chicken would have the least amount of bacteria on the chicken but the
plain chicken had less bacteria on the chicken.
MBI150 What Effects Do Common Beverages Have on the Breakdown of Teeth?
The purpose of my experiment is to determine which popular beverages contribute the most to teeth breakdown. My
hypothesis is that the Sprite will contribute the most to tooth decay because it contains citric acid, carbonation and
sugar. It will be followed by Gatorade, Coca-Cola and seltzer water. Procedure: 1. At room temperature, fill each
glass container with 60 ml of the purified water (control), seltzer water, Sprite, Gatorade, and Coca-Cola. 2. Add one
calcium phosphate tablet (tooth model) to each container. 3. Record the time for complete dissolution of each tablet.
4. Record the results. 5. Repeat the above steps 5 times 6. Chart the data.
MBI151 Hydroponics
Purpose - To test the growth of plants without soil in nutrient controlled water. Procedure - Hydroponic Growing
Environment. Place a quarter of the stones in to the bottom of each glass container. Press in half a nutrient tablet in
to the center of the stones. Put plant in to each glass container centered on top of the nutrient tablet. Fill around the
plant with remaining stones until the jar is three quarters full. The plant should be able to stand on its own. Gently fill
each glass container three quarters of the way full of water. Be careful not to disturb the plant or nutrient tablet's
positioning. Label each glass container with the name of the plant. Arrange glass containers in a well sunlit area.
Check progress weekly and record on data sheet. Data - as stated above in step 8 of the procedure, data will be
recorded weekly in a chart after the plants have been measured. Conclusions - While it did take over a week for the
plants to really start to move, once they were settled in and acclimated to the water, the roots started to take and
there was consistent growth that was able to be tracked. While no leaves have died and fallen off of the plants, after 5
weeks they have started to plateau in their growth. They still remain alive with no signs of decay.
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Intermediate – Biology (MBI), 7th & 8th Grade
MBI152 Conditions and Variables that Influence Growth and Fermentation of Yeast
Yeast fermenting time can greatly differ depending on air flow, temperature, and sugar concentration. The purpose
was to test different these variables and how they would affect the fermenting process to find the ideal conditions.
Containers of yeast and water were exposed to different temperatures, sugar concentrations and oxygen levels. The
products of fermentation were measured using pH strips and balloon expansion for carbon dioxide, a floating
hydrometer for alcohol content and a scale for yeast growth. The results confirmed my hypothesis that these
variables affect fermentation and that ideal conditions are higher temperatures, sugar concentrations and oxygen
MBI153 The Effects of Acid Rain on Radish and Bean Plants
The purpose of the project was to investigate the physiological effects of acid rain on plants in our environment. Acid
rain affects the flora and fauna in our environment, and is caused by nitrogen and sulfur oxides that are released into
the atmosphere by the burning of fossil fuels.These pollutants combine with oxygen and water vapor in the air to form
dilute solutions of nitric and sulfuric acids. The emission of toxic pollutants stems from areas where industry,
transportation, power generation and ore smelting contribute to the production of acid rain. According to a Penn State
University report on atmospheric deposition in PA, acid rain in western PA has a pH of 4.8. The procedure consisted
of the following steps: Grow 40 bean plants and 40 radish plants from seeds. Divide into 4 groups of 20 plants each:
control and variable groups for bean and radish plants. Make a solution of acid rain by adding drops of sulfuric acid to
water until it reached a pH of 4.8. Hydrate all plants in the experimental and control groups with the appropriate
solution. Conduct experiment for 8 weeks. Observe, record results, and take pictures of the plants. Results showed
that the hypothesis was correct. The watering of the plants with a low pH resulted in the leaching of vital nutrients
from the soil. Therefore, the acid rain plants withered. The control groups maintained a healthy and vibrant
physiological appearance. The control group of radish plants exhibited the highest growth rate of all. With further
research, it was found that radish plants can tolerate an acidic environment
MBI154 The Effects of Different Types of Fertilizers on Bean Plants
This experiment was intended to discover if plants grow best with liquid, solid or powder fertilizer. Plants need
nutrients to grow - especially nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. These primary nutrients help plants grow new
cells, and many enable different growth and food production processes to happen. Good quality fertilizers also
contain many other nutrients, including secondary nutrients like calcium, magnesium, and sulfur, which help plants
grow roots, make chlorophyll needed for photosynthesis and to make proteins and plants enzymes. 80 bean plants
were grown from seeds, then divided into into 4 groups, 3 to test the three types of fertilizers and one for the control
group with no fertilizer. After 8 weeks, it was found that the liquid fertilizer group produced the highest growth rate.
Further research revealed that liquid fertilizer has tiny pieces of fertilizer held in suspension in the water. Placing the
fertilizer into a liquid base helps that fertilizer move through the soil to the bean seed, and also helps the plant move
nutrients around. Osmosis is a process in which nutrients move from areas of low concentration to areas of high
concentration. This process allows nutrients to move from the soil into the center of a plant’s roots where there are
more nutrients. Once the water and nutrients are inside the xylem tissue of the plant, the xylem acts as a tube that
sends the water and nutrients up into the stem. The water molecules connect to each other through a process called
adhesion, and as molecules cling together, they move up through the plant. The water becomes a long, cohesive
column, and as water moves out of the plant’s leaves when the plant transpires, a new batch of nutrient-carrying
water moves upwards. Allowing nutrients to move through the soil in suspension helps those nutrients move more
easily, and it also helps the plant use those nutrients to grow.
MBI155 Science of Shriveled Hands
Looking at the practical reasoning for the biological response of hands shriveling in water.
MBI156 Effect of MiracleGro on Plants
For my project, I am growing plants with Miracle-Gro® to see the impact it has on them. Miracle-Gro® is a plant food
designed to get the maximum growth from your plants. I will be applying Miracle-Gro® to nine plants and feeding
another nine plants with regular tap water. I will be using windowbox sweet peas, curled parsley, and sweet basil as
my plants during experimentation. I will then compare the plants watered with a Miracle-Gro® solution to those plants
watered with the tap water. I will compare things such as color of the leaves and the height of the plants.
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Intermediate – Biology (MBI), 7th & 8th Grade
MBI157 Comparing Caloric Content in Organic vs. GMO Products
The purpose is to compare caloric contents in organically grown and genetically modified products. I chose to test this
because I was interested in differences between an organic makeup and a genetically modified makeup. My
hypothesis was the GMO products will have more calories; they are often engineered to have higher nutritional value.
The materials I test are one set of each type of the product. The procedure uses a lab calorimeter and a combustion
reaction will capture energy released from a fixed amount of each product. Experimentation is continuing.
MBI300 Which Monosaccharide Solution Does Bakers' Yeast Grow Best in?
Our objective was to determine which monosaccharide - glucose, fructose, or galactose - allows baker’s yeast to
grow the best. We tested growth at three different temperatures, 25ºC, 30ºC, and 37ºC. YP medium supplemented
with one of the monosaccharides was inoculated with yeast and growth measured using a spectrophotometer to
determine the optical density of the culture. Overall, yeast proliferated most in galactose, although initial growth in
galactose was slower than other monosaccharides. Growth was faster at warmer temperatures. These data show
that yeast growth is temperature-dependent and surprisingly suggest that galactose provides the best overall carbon
MBI301 Tunneling Titans
First, we researched Western Harvester Ants and their natural habitats. Then, we created our hypothesis that the
ants would dig better in the sand. Soon after that, we had purchased the ants through the mail, and then placed them
into their farms according to the directions. Then, we started taking measurements at four-hour intervals, starting at 8
in the morning, but skipping midnight and four in the morning. After ten days, we had enough data to find that the ants
had dug better in the gel.
MBI302 Natural Antimicrobial Agents without Causing Drug Resistant Microbes
Recently, an increase in antibiotic resistance has raised concerns, more bacterial pathogens have developed
resistance to many antibiotics limiting therapeutic options for treating infections. Garlic and ginger have long been
used as natural antimicrobial agents because of their potential antibacterial activity against bacterial pathogens.
Allicin, the main active compound in garlic is thought to be harder to develop resistance to and gingerol, the main
active component in ginger, can strengthen immune systems. We are testing garlic and ginger against ampicillin
resistant E. coli using the disk diffusion method to determine if natural antibiotics are a way to treat drug resistance.
MBI303 What are the Effects of Liquid Nutrients on the Cell Densities of Clamydomonas
The purpose of this experiment is to determine the effects of liquid nutrients on the cell densities of Chlamydomonas
reinhardtii. To conduct this experiment we will compare the cell densities of chlamydomonas reinhardtii in various
nutrients. The experimental results were measured by the cell density, or the amount of cells in the sample. The
results of the experiment showed that the fertilizer yielded the greatest increase of algal cells and agar yielded the
least compared to the control trial (water trial). The results indicate that the hypothesis should be accepted because
we hypothesized that the fertilizer trial would increase the cell density the most, and the experimental results proved
that true.
MBI304 Growing Plants in Nutrient Poor Soil
Is it truly possible to grow plants in nutrient poor soil, like Matt Damon did in the movie, The Martian? There is also an
over abundance of places struggling with the inability to grow crops effectively in nutrient poor soil. We decided to test
it! We grew marigolds in sand, with manure, fertilizer, or compost added. We hypothesize that the marigolds planted
planted in sand with compost will produce the best results.
MBI305 Should we Really Be Putting Salt on Our Driveways?
Our science fair project tested the salt endurance of bean plants. Our hypothesis stated the following: If you put road
salt into the water of a bean plant, then the bean plant will die. To conduct this experiment we planted three bean
plants and watered one with water, one with water infused with 10 grams of salt, and the third one with water infused
with 20 grams of salt. According to our conclusion, our hypothesis was correct. Our conclusion is that road salt kills
bean plants. To take this further, road salt kills plant life in a short matter of time.
PRSEF Student Abstracts
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Intermediate – Chemistry (MCH), 7th & 8th Grade
Intermediate – Chemistry (MCH), 7th & 8th Grade
MCH100 Fittest of the Fabric!
The purpose of this experiment was to determine what type of clothing material is easier to wash a stain out of. While
the cotton shirt was totally clear, the polyester shirt washed very well. My starting time, washing time, shirts and
amounts were well managed. However, when the materials were bought, and how consistent the days were, could
have been better. The materials are not only the most worn, but also the most adapt to change.
MCH101 Going Green: Environmental Impact of Fuels by Combustion
Although fuel is common in our lives, its combustion can result in production of toxicbyproducts, such as nitrogen
oxides, hydrocarbons, CO, and CO2. These gases trap heat, contributing to the “greenhouse effect,” a large factor of
global warming. For this project, environmental impact was based on net carbon dioxide emissions. The purpose of
this project was to predict the environmental impact of a homemade fuel, Veggie Diesel. In order to do so, Veggie
Diesel along with three common fuels – gasoline, diesel, and biodiesel – were tested to find their energy production
per gram. The fuels went through a combustion reaction in a spirit burner, releasing heat energy that raised the
temperature of water. The mass required for each fuel to produce the energy necessary to increase water
temperature was calculated. While Veggie Diesel’s environmental impact hasn’t been tested, the other three fuels
have known CO2 emissions. Of the three, diesel fuel has the highest net emission, while biodiesel has the lowest.
Assuming that the energy production of each fuel correlated with this trend of CO2 emissions, Veggie Diesel was
compared, and its environmental impact could be predicted. It was hypothesized that diesel, the fuel with the highest
CO2 emissions, will have the highest energy production per gram. Moreover, Veggie Diesel will be found to have the
least environmental impact because it requires little crude oil, and is made through plant products. By using Veggie
Diesel, we might not only have a cheaper fuel source, but also a cleaner environment.
MCH102 Death Of An Orange
Imagine that you are a detective investigating a murder. You have a body that was found in a swimming pool, and
someone reported hearing an argument near the pool at 10:00 PM the night before. Your first question might be "Was
this person killed around 10:00 PM last night, or at some other time?" One way to answer this question is to measure
the internal temperature of the body. The longer ago the killing occurred, the colder the body. But can you assign a
specific time of death to a specific temperature? In this science fair project, Iwill measure the rate of heat loss from an
orange and see how it depends on the temperature of the surroundings. I took oranges and placed them in different
temperatures for a period of time. I removed them from the environment and took their inside temperature. I
compared the results and graphed them. My conclusion was that the colder the environment the slower the rate of
heat loss from the orange.
MCH103 Type of Drink's affect on Electrolytes in Drink
This project is important because if there was a faster way to replenish electrolytes, it would be important to know
because electrolyte imbalance is a serious and dangerous thing. My hypothesis was that gatorade would have the
most electrolytes because it is a sports drink and was made to have electrolytes. The most important variable was
apple juice because it would have told me if juice had more electrolytes. I made a conductance sensor and measured
the conductance of gatorade, apple juice, and water. My results showed that the gatorade had the greatest amount of
electrolytes over all three trials. I met my objectives with this experiment. I wanted to find out if juice had more
electrolytes, and I found out that it did not, that gatorade did in fact have more electrolytes than juice.
MCH104 Electrifying Liquids
Sport drinks are most commonly used to replace electrolytes lost while sweating. The purpose of my project was to
determine which drink bests carries an electrical current in relation to its different ingredients. For this experiment I
used seven different liquids and used a multi-meter with an applied known voltage to measure the conductance for
each. My data shows that the measured conductance increased relative to the amount of sodium and potassium, the
two most common electrolytes. However, the data also shows that there seemed to be a decrease in conductance
with a higher level of carbohydrates.
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Intermediate – Chemistry (MCH), 7th & 8th Grade
MCH105 Endothermic and Exothermic Reactions
The purpose of this experiment is to see what liquids and additives make endothermic and exothermic reactions. To
conduct this experiment compare liquids to see if it's endothermic and exothermic. The experimental results were
measured reaction between the liquids. The results of this experiment is the acetone and Styrofoam gave the most
endothermic reaction.The hydrogen peroxide and yeast gave the most exothermic reaction. The results indicate that
the hypothesis is right. The Styrofoam and acetone gave the most endothermic reaction and hydrogen peroxide and
yeast gave the most exothermic reaction.
MCH106 Which Lip Balm Will Consumers Like Best?
I did this project to learn more about kitchen science and chemistry. My procedure was simple, and it consisted of me
melting different substances together to create a solid substance. After the melting process, I allowed the mixture to
set. In the end, I took observations and collected data. Overall, I believe I built a successful project, and learned that
consumers like lip balm A more than lip balm B.
MCH107 Which Insulation Keeps in the Most Heat?
In my project I tested fiberglass, foam, foil, paper, and cardboard to see which one would keep in the most heat for a
certain period of time. Which insulation would keep in the most heat? I’ve done this project because insulation is a big
part of building a house. People need to know which insulation to use. In my experiment I heated up a wooden box
meant to be a house to 95 degrees and I then waited till it gets back down to 80. My hypothesis was correct because
I guessed that fiberglass would have won and it did.
MCH108 The Effect Of Temperature On Glow Sticks
This investigation was based on the use of a glow stick in the rescue of miners in the accident at Quecreek, Somerset
County, PA. It was conducted to study the effect of temperature on chemiluminescence as determined by the
duration of glow time, intensity of light emitted, and spectral analysis of six colors of glow sticks. The investigator
constructed a compartmentalized styrofoam insulation box to maintain water bath temperatures of 10, 20, and 30
degrees Celsius for the glow sticks. Every thirty minutes, each glow stick was transferred to a dark view box with
black drapery, also constructed by the investigator to serve as a controlled environment, to take digital light meter
readings of the intensity of light emitted and to examine the spectra with a spectroscope. It was concluded that for all
six colors of glow sticks, an increase in temperature results in increased intensity but decreased duration of glow
time. A decrease in temperature results in decreased intensity, but increased duration of glow time. The colors
observed in the spectroscope were found to be a function of the intensity of lightemitted by the glow sticks.
MCH109 How Do Different Concentrations of Sodium Chloride Dissolved in Water Affect
its Freezing Point?
My project is “How do Different Concentrations of Sodium Chloride Dissolved in Water Affect its Freezing Point?” I
chose this project because I wanted to know how you are able to freeze ice cream by surrounding it in ice and salt. I
did this project by testing the freezing point of the solutions with different concentrations of sodium chloride in ice. My
results and conclusion will be available the day of the science fair.
MCH110 Must It Rust?
Which liquids cause steel wool to rust the most? My hypothesis is liquids with the highest pH will cause the most
rust. My procedure was to place five pieces of steel wool into separate bowls. 29.97 mLs of lemon juice, water,
vinegar, Coca-Cola, and liquid soap was poured over the pieces. After thirty seconds, the pieces were placed on
plates for one week. At that time, the area that was rusted was measured. In conclusion, water caused the most rust
because of the oxygen level in water. Based on the results, I discovered my hypothesis was incorrect.
PRSEF Student Abstracts
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Intermediate – Chemistry (MCH), 7th & 8th Grade
MCH111 Does UV Light Affect the Elasticity of Rubber Gum Bands
Purpose: Determine if UV Light affects the elasticity of rubber bands. Hypothesis: With increased exposure of the
rubber bands to UVLight, the elasticity of the rubber bands will decrease. Procedure: 1.Place 150rubber bands in a
closed box in order to prevent UV-light exposure(Control). 2.Randomly select one of the rubber bands from Step1
and place it on the testing apparatus and determine the amount it stretches at Ohrs. 3.Repeat Step2 using 29more
rubber bands. 4.Repeat Steps2-3 after 24, 48, 72and 96hrs. 5.Place 150rubber bands in a UV-C light cabinet and
repeat Steps 2-4. Conclusion:Available at fair
MCH112 How Strong is Surface Tension?
Even though an object with a greater density than water (1.0 g/m3) will usually sink, surface tension will often allow
the object to float. For my project, I tested how dense an object can be before it broke water’s surface tension. I used
pieces of paper that were equivalent in size and stacked them on top of one another until the bottom one sunk. I
found that my hypothesis was incorrect because my data did not stay consistent. Each time I did the experiment a
different number of pieces of paper were able to float before the bottom one sunk.
MCH113 Ice Breaker
Ice on a driveway at winter time is a big annoyance to everyone so the purpose of my experiment is to find out what
brand of salt melts ice the best. I used four different brands of salt and used them on four different ice cubes. Each
salt had ten minutes to prove its efficiency. After the experiment the salt blend proved to have the most melting
power. As a result the data supports my hypothesis.
MCH114 The Effect of Rock Salt Toxicity on Lettuce Seeds
Every year, toxicity from rock salt used in the winter affects vegetation. My experiment will help find which serial
dilution of NaCl and H20 is the least toxic to lettuce seeds. I tested this with 5 dilutions of NaCl and H20, with distilled
water as the control. Using 6 petri dishes, 2 mL of each solution was placed among 5 lettuce seeds. After 5 days,
seed growth in the different solutions was measured and results supported my hypothesis. 0.025 M NaCl was the
best condition for germination and seed growth, with the control and 0.050 M NaCl following.
MCH115 Hair Highlights
Have you tried to lighten parts of your hair? Did it not lighten or turn an orange color? This project will help you
understand why. Hydrogen peroxide is the most common way to lighten hair. Hydrogen peroxide based developers
come in volumes. (10, 20, 30, and 40 volume concentrations and contains 3%, 6%, 9%, 12%, hydrogen peroxide. I
will wear protective goggles, gloves, and lab coat. With four swatches of untreated hair, I will mix and apply cream
lighter with hydrogen peroxide developer of each volume. After 30 minutes, I will rinse swatches, dry and compare
the results of each. Experimentation on this project is continuing.
MCH116 Can You Really Flame Retard Fabric?
I hypothesize that you can flame retard fabric effecively. 1. Cut 15 10x10 cm swatches of fabric using a centimeter
grid. 2.Flame retard five samples of the originally flammable fabric with a flame retardant chemical. 3. Weigh all
samples. 4. Record Data. Place each sample one by one in the burning container and burn one by one. 6.Weigh
each sample. 7. Record burned area.8. Chart results.9.Comparisons made.10. Conclusions drawn.
PRSEF Student Abstracts
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Intermediate – Chemistry (MCH), 7th & 8th Grade
MCH117 OTC Antacids VS. Home Remedies
The topic of my science project was about whether home remedies or OTC antacids had more impact on pH levels. I
chose this project because I personally suffer from chronic acid reflux disease and would like to learn more about pH
levels in the body and how to increase them. I would also like to help others who have acid reflux and other forms of
indigestion to improve their quality of life. My hypothesis was: “If I test over the counter antacids versus home
remedies for pH levels in acidic liquids, then over the counter antacids will increase pH the most.” For my experiment,
I prepared both over the counter antacids and home remedies. Then I poured vinegar into a container and tested the
initial pH. I put the antacid into the vinegar and waited fifteen minutes for that to dissolve. I then tested the final pH
and recorded it in my notebook. During my experiment, the baking soda and honey solution had the highest impact
on the pH levels. The Tums and Alka Seltzer had a consistent impact on the pH levels. The papaya tablets had a
mostly consistent impact on pH except for the second trial. The Pepto Bismol and Aloe Vera had no effect on the pH.
In my experiment, I learned that home remedies could potentially increase pH more that OTC antacids, but further
experimentation can be used to be sure of this outcome. The baking soda and honey did the best, much to my
surprise, because I thought that the OTC antacids would increase pH more.
MCH118 Up In Smoke
The purpose of this project is to see if fabric softener affects the flammability of different fabrics. Each fabric was
tested with fabric softener and without fabric softener. I took the fabrics and measured them to be 8 inches each.
Next I burned each fabric with a lighter for 5 seconds each. I did the same steps with both the treated fabrics (with
fabric softener) and untreated fabrics (without fabric softener). After I burned all of the fabrics with the lighter, I then
recorded my results. My three fabrics that I tested for this project were cotton, polyester, and nylon.
MCH119 What Products Can Pretreat Sidewalks to Prevent Freezing
The purpose of this experiment was to see what product was more effective at keeping ice from forming. Dissolved
products were applied to patio stones, then water was applied as simulated precipitation and the stones frozen. The
resulted ice was scrapped and measured. Calcium chloride averaged at 16 ml, magnesium chloride at 41.8 ml, and
sodium chloride at 41.4 ml. It was learned that calcium chloride is more effective in preventing ice from forming. This
experiment can be used for consumer's use when deciding what type of ice deterrent should be used.
MCH120 The Effects of Antacids on the Neutralization of Gastric Juice
Antacids are commonly used non-prescription drugs that help with heartburn and acid indigestion. This experiment
was conducted to show which antacid works the fastest and raises the pH the highest to neutralize stomach acid
most effectively. Walgreens Ultra Strength was believed to work the best due to its active ingredients (Calcium
Carbonate and Magnesium Hydroxide). To test this hypothesis, 20 mL of hydrochloric acid was added into a beaker
containing a magnetic stirrer bar, and heated to body temperature. The initial pH was recorded, and the antacid was
added. The pH was measured every 10 seconds for the first minute and a half and then every 15 seconds for the last
three and a half minutes. Three trials were conducted for each of the 11 tests. Results were recorded using the
average of the 3 trials per antacid. The data showed that Walgreens Ultra strength was the most effective (raised the
pH the highest) and that Maalox worked the fastest. The reason may be that Walgreens Ultra Strength contained
1000 mg of calcium carbonate and 200 mg of magnesium hydroxide. However, Maalox, containing 225mg of
aluminum hydroxide and 200mg of magnesium hydroxide, raised the pH of the hydrochloric acid the fastest.
MCH121 Effects of Liquids on Teeth
Tooth decay is a major problem that is many times caused by soft drinks. I want to learn the effects of soft drinks and
other liquids on teeth. I poured Coca-Cola, Pepsi, ginger ale, vinegar, and water into five cups and performed three
trials over four days per trial. I put one piece of chalk into each cup. At the end of my experiment, Coke had the most
drastic effect on chalk. This partially proved my hypothesis.
MCH122 Mentos Vs. Coke
Please visit student's exhibit for abstract.
PRSEF Student Abstracts
Page 24
Intermediate – Chemistry (MCH), 7th & 8th Grade
MCH123 Analysis: Vitamin C Levels Over Time
This experiment was conducted to discover which orange or orange juice would contain more ascorbic acid over a
time period of one week. Navel and Cara Cara oranges were tested as well as leading brands of bottled and frozen
orange juices. It was hypothesized that Cara Cara oranges would have the most Vitamin C in the first test and the
least amount of Vitamin C lost over the one week period. Three trials were run on each of the 4 types of orange juice
one day after purchase and then one week proceeding first test. Each type of orange juice was titrated with a
dichloroindophenol indicator solution until a rose-pink color appeared, signifying the endpoint of the reaction. In my
results, the navel oranges had the most Vitamin C in the first test, and also had the most Vitamin C in the second test
that was one week later. All of the tested oranges and orange juices lost nearly half of their initial Vitamin C content
after one week.
MCH124 Produce Power
My purpose of "Produce Power" is to find out if a different mixture in a battery can lower our carbon footprint. I am
testing different fruits and vegetables to see if they produce voltage. After seeing if they produce voltage, I will look at
what elements or vitamins are in it. I can then see if this mixture can be put in a battery. If it can be put into a battery,
I can see if these things add or take away to our carbon footprint. The results will be at the science fair.
MCH125 Dissolution Solution
The purpose of this experiment is to determine if orange juice, root beer, milk, or Gatorade dissolves an
acetaminophen pill faster than water. To conduct this experiment I compared what different kinds of liquids dissolve
an acetaminophen pill the fastest. The experimental results were measured by dropping an acetaminophen pill in a
each cup filled with the different liquid and then observing them until each pill dissolved. The results of my experiment
were that on average of the three trials the root beer dissolved the pill the fastest followed by the water, Gatorade,
milk, and lastly the orange juice. In conclusion I do not support my hypothesis because my hypothesis stated that I
think that the Gatorade would dissolve the pill the fastest then followed by the orange juice, root beer, water, and
lastly the milk. I don't support this hypothesis because my results were that the root beer dissolved the pill the fastest
then followed by the water, Gatorade, milk, and lastly the orange juice.
MCH126 Dissolution, What's the Solution?
The rate of dissolution of Alka Seltzer tablets will be evaluated in a variety of solutions. Measurements will include the
amount of CO2 generated, as well as timing observable reaction times.
MCH127 Polar versus Non-polar Cleaners
Have you ever been faced with the problem of removing crayon from a wall? The goal of this experiment was to help
those faced with that situation. The problem studied was which cleaner will remove crayon best from painted drywall.
The answer lies in the polarity of the chemical makeup of the substances. The experimenter hypothesized that
mayonnaise will perform the best and that the other solutions would remove some crayon. The control group, water,
was not expected to remove any crayon at all. After conducting 24 trials, the results demonstrated that toothpaste
was clearly the superior product to erase crayons.
MCH128 Charge it Up
Lots of brands of batteries are at stores. The problem is, what batteries are the best to buy. I bought six different
brands of batteries and tested them in self-moving toy cars. I checked each brand of battery's charge every forty
minutes for six hours. After six hours were up, the Rite Aid brand had the most voltage left. The data did not support
my hypothesis that the Duracell batteries would be more efficient.
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Intermediate – Chemistry (MCH), 7th & 8th Grade
MCH129 Detecting Vitamin C in Fruits and Vegetables
Have you ever wondered how much vitamin C is in that juice you are drinking? Well, my project answers that
question. The purpose of my project is to find vitamin C in fruits and vegetables. I hypothesize that if I test several
juices for the concentration of vitamin C, then orange juice will contain the most vitamin C. Other than making the
solutions, the main procedure for this project is titration. You must titrate the juices to find out the concentration of
vitamin C. The number of drops determined the concentration of vitamin C. The results were surprising because
apple juice has the largest concentration of vitamin C. Apple juice also had more vitamin C than the vitamin C
standard. This project was interesting because I now know that apple juice has the highest concentration of vitamin
C. Also, the old statement “One apple a day will keep the doctor away” is true.
MCH130 The Mystery of Liquids Evaporating
This experiment provides us with information about which liquid evaporates at the quickest rate. The experiment
compared five liquids. The five liquids: orange juice, olive oil, rubbing alcohol, water, and nail polish remover, were
poured in beakers, and filled to 100mL. Each day the results were measured. After five days, the nail polish remover
evaporated at the quickest rate, and the olive oil at the slowest rate. The data did not support the hypothesis that the
nail polish remover would evaporate the quickest.
MCH131 Flammable Fabrics: How Fast Do Clothes Burn?
My experiment was to test the flammability of five different fabrics. Each fabric was 5.08 centimeters by 5.08
centimeters long and had fifteen trials. The fabrics I experimented with was denim, fleece, cotton, spandex, and vinyl.
I hypothesized that denim would be the safest. I took each fabric and put them into a candle’s flame for ten seconds.
After the ten seconds was up, I took the fabric out of the flame and held it in the air. I stopped the stopwatch after the
flame on the fabric had gone out. After the flame had gone out and I stopped the stopwatch I graphed the results.
MCH132 Comparing Evaporation
My question is does all liquids evaporate at the same rate. I hypothesize that the nail polish remover will evaporate
the quickest. Take three cups and fill them up with all the liquids and set on window sill. Let them sit there for two
days. After two days take the results and do it two more times. After taking the data I realized that trial 2 evaporated
the most. When you're doing your trials make sure that you write down what time you started and what time you
ended for each time so you don't mess up. When you are done, you will gather up all your information.
MCH133 Soaps vs stains
In my project I used white pieces of 100% cotton cloth and 2 tea bags, frozen then thawed blueberries, and tomatoes
cut in half to stain the cloth. Over all, laundry soap was the best, dish soap second best, and hand soap worst.
Blueberry stains were the hardest, tea stains were second hardest, and tomato easiest.
MCH134 Which Metal Is Most Resistant to Corrosion?
The problem to solve in this experiment is which metal is most resistant to corrosion. I hypothesize that out of the
three metal wires I am testing, the iron wire placed in salt water will have the most corrosion, and the aluminum wire
held constant in the air will show the least amount of corrosion. I will be filling 2 jars 2/3 of the way full with water. I
will add salt to one of the two jars, and I will leave one jar empty. I will then wrap one of each wire around a pencil. I
will immerse three wires in to every jar. I will record results every day in a lab notebook. So far, the iron wire has
shown the most corrosion, and the aluminum has shown the least amount of corrosion.
MCH135 Flammability Risks with Fabric Softener
The purpose of my experiment was to find out if fabrics treated with fabric softener made them burn easier. I first
treated three of each fabrics with fabric softener and three of each without. After measuring the burns on each fabric
piece, I recorded my results. My results showed that three out of the four fabrics tested burned to a greater extent
when treated with fabric softener. In conclusion, the fabrics treated with fabric softener burned more so than the
fabrics that were not treated. These results show that consumers should know the risks of the products that they use.
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Intermediate – Chemistry (MCH), 7th & 8th Grade
MCH136 EvapoRATEion
A question that I wanted to ask was do all liquids evaporate at the same rate. My experiment can help scientists and
people who work with certain amounts of liquid calculate evaporation. To test this question I set out my liquids to
evaporate over the course of two days. I set out the four liquids for two days and measured the weights of the liquids
every 12 hours. The data said that all liquids do not evaporate at the same rate. My hypothesis was not supported
because the nail polish remover was the fastest to evaporate.
MCH137 Which Liquids Evaporate Faster?
The purpose of this experiment is to see how fast liquids evaporate. The researcher will have 16 beakers with four
different liquids in each four beaker. Every day the researcher will observe how much liquid evaporated. The
researcher thinks that the isopropyl alcohol will evaporate first. Results will be available on fair day.
MCH138 Does Mint Cool Water Faster?
The purpose of this project is to see if adding mint extract to water will decrease the temperature faster than cooling
by itself. Two beakers of water will be heated to 60 degrees Celsius. One beaker will have a certain amount of mint
extract added to it, the other just plain tap water. The temperatures of each beaker will be recorded every 30 seconds
for five minutes. There will be several trials to see if different amounts of mint also affect the cooling process. Test
results will be available on fair day in the form of a line graph.
MCH139 Effects of Additives on Silicone and Latex Caulk Adhesion
The purpose of this experiment is to determine the adhesive strength of silicone and latex caulk and which additive
will increase strength. Additives are often used to increase the properties of other substances, and the introduction of
isopropyl alcohol, drying agents, or cleaner may impact the adhesive strength of caulk. This is tested using a specific
apparatus to isolate the caulking. Force is then applied to test the adhesive limits of the caulking. It is hypothesized
the drying agent will increase the adhesive strength of caulk. The final results will be available at my exhibit on the
Science Fair Day.
MCH140 Rusting out
The purpose of my project is to determine how acid affects the rate corrosion. I became interested because I am
eager to find out how acid will affect the corrosion because I actually didn’t know acid could affect corrosion. My
hypothesis is if I combine small sections of steel wool with three different liquids separately, then the steel wool will
release different amounts of heat. My prediction is that out of the three liquids that I will be using, the vinegar will
create the most heat because out of the liquids ,vinegar has the most acid. I will test this by soaking small sections of
steel wool in the various acids. I will then put the steel wool onto a thermometer and seal it, then record the
MCH141 Let It Shine
My science fair project, Let It Shine, is about what liquid cleans different coins the best. The six liquids that I used
were dish liquid, orange juice, lemon juice, cola-cola,baking soda paste(baking soda mixed with water), and water. I
tested all four coins; pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters. My results came out to being that the orange juice and
lemon juice cleaned the best. The water did not clean the coins, but still came out as a positive result because the
coins were not that dirty when they started. The results also showed that the baking soda paste and the dish liquid
cleaned the worst.
MCH142 Orange Juice Boost
Did you ever wonder which drink contains the most electrolytes? I did! I predicted orange juice would contain the
most because it contains the most potassium. To solve the problem, I built a sensor and used my multimeter kit to
measure the conductance of the electrolytes in the Gatorade, Pepsi, orange juice, and water. I placed the sensor in
the liquids and recorded the data. I found out that my hypothesis was correct. Oange juice did contain the most
electrolytes and water contained the least. Now you know anytime you are dehydrated do not drink sugary, unhealthy
sports drinks. Instead, drink orange juice for an energy boost!
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Intermediate – Chemistry (MCH), 7th & 8th Grade
MCH143 Iodine Contents In Common Salts
My Science Fair Project is on how much iodine is in different types of salt. I chose to do this project because when
looking at a container of salt, it will say whether it does or doesn't contain iodine. For my project I tested pickling, sea,
kosher, table, iodized, and rock salt. It was definitely an amazing learning experience for me. I started off this project
by only knowing that iodine was one of the 118 elements on the periodic table, but I have learned so much more!
MCH144 Which Beverage is the Best Conductor of Electricity at Different Temperatures?
PURPOSE:Which athletic beverage will conduct an electric current best at different temperatures?
HYPOTHESIS:Ability of the beverage to conduct an electric current at different temperatures will occur in this
order:1.Gatorade 2.O.J. 3.Iced Tea 4.Capri-Sun 5.Milk 6.Pepsi 7.Monster Drinks 8.Tap Water 9.Distilled Water
(Control). PROCEDURE 1.Calibrate multimeter. 2.Put 150mL of deionized water(Control) and measure its
conductivity in 22°C. 3.Repeat steps 1-2 testing the conductivity of 29 more test samples. 4.Repeat step 2-3 for the
other temperatures being tested. 5.Repeat step 2-4 for the other beverage being tested. CONCLUSION: Results
available at fair.
MCH145 All Sugared Up!
The purpose of this experiment is to test to see how much glucose is in two brands of fruit juices (apple and
orange)and two pieces of fresh fruits (apples and oranges). To conduct this experiment I will compare the glucose in
fresh fruits and fruit juices. The experimental results were measured by using cybow glucose strips to test the glucose
that is in the fruits and juices. I also used Benedict's solution to test to see if all of the products that I tested all have
sugar present.The results of my experiments shows that there is more glucose in fresh fruits than in fruit juices. The
results indicate that I reject my hypothesis because the fresh fruits have moderately more glucose than the fruit
MCH146 Icy Light and Burning Bright
The impact of temperature on the intensity of glow sticks will be investigated. A photometer will be used as part of this
MCH147 Sugar Rush
Abstract - The purpose of my experiment is to see witch liquid best grows sugar crystals. To conduct this experiment,
I put some 100% cotton string in with four solutions and put a pencil over top of a Mason jar. I used four liquids that
are, 7-up, Monster Energy, Coca-Cola, and my control, water. The Hypothesis for this experiment is that, I think the
Monster will grow the most crystals. The reason why I think this, is because Monster already has the most sugar
added to it originally, before I added sugar Monster had – 27 Grams of sugar.
MCH148 Evaporation Variables
Evaporation is effected by many variables. This experiment showed how surface area, temperature, and wind speed
effect evaporation rates. A volumes of 150 mL of water was placed in different scenarios; a control, a hot trial, a cold
trial, a small surface area trial, a large surface area trial and a wind trial. The water was measured in each trial after
24 hours. The hot trial, the large surface area trial and the wind trial lost more water than the control. The cold trial
and the small surface area trial lost less water than the control. The data supported my hypothesis.
MCH149 What is the Best Temperature For Growing Borax Crystals?
Growing borax crystals can help scientists find the best temperature for crystal’s growth. This research was intended
to find out which temperature is best for growing borax crystals. It was hypothesized that ice water would grow the
largest crystals. Saturated solution was made by boiling water and adding 227 grams of borax. A string was placed in
3 different jars containing the solution. The solution was left undisturbed for 5 hours. The average of all three trials
were as follows: The Ice Water’s final growth average was 10.4 cm. The Refrigerator’s final growth average was 8.4
cm. The Room Temperature’s final growth average was 23.7 cm. My hypothesis was not supported by this
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Intermediate – Chemistry (MCH), 7th & 8th Grade
MCH150 Protecting Our Earth - Analysis of Metal Pollutants Using Atomic Absorption
This experiment was to test the effects of metal pollutants on the environment. Three types of metal pollutants,
Copper, Magnesium, and Lead were being tested to see if they would affect the growth of grass. The grass seeds
were planted and each was watered with water that contained one of the metals. There was a control group that was
just watered with de-ionized water. The grass was observed for physical changes and then was going to be tested for
chemical changes. The grass once fully grown was acid digested and tested on an Atomic Absorption Spectrometer
to see if the grass contained any if the metal pollutants. In the results of this experiment, it will be determined if the
metal pollutants truly had an effect on the growth of the plants and show how they would affect the environment.
MCH151 Bubble-ology
The purpose of my experiment is to test which solution makes the largest bubble. The substances making the
solutions that will be diluted in the water are: glycerin, corn syrup, glycerin and corn syrup together, and store bought
bubble solution, creating 4 solutions. I did three trials of this experiment. I hypothesized that the solution with glycerin
and corn syrup would produce the largest bubble. Unfortunately my data did not support my hypothesis and the
solution made of the store bought bubble solution mixed with water produced the largest bubble. So pop in and check
out my wanderful experiment!
MCH152 What's in there: Before and After Baking
Sugar, Splenda, Truvia and Honey are sweeteners used in baking. In this project, I investigate whether the type of
sweetener reacts differently through the baking process. Testing before and after baking with Benedict’s solution
provides data for the experiment.
MCH153 The Salt Effect
This experiment was conducted to find out out which substance melts ice the fastest. Four bowls each containing
equal amounts of salt, sugar, and sand will be placed in a refrigerator for four hours. After that time the measurement
of the amounts melted will be recorded. Leave the remaining ice cubes at room temperature until completely
melted.At that time the amount remaining was recorded. Using this data the total amount of ice and the percentage
melted were calculated.
MCH154 Carbonation & Evaporation?
For my science fair project, I decided to conduct a test on whether carbonation affects evaporation. For my
experiment, I put out four clear, plastic cups filled with water, Sprite, Coke, and Gatorade. I set the time of my
experiment to fifteen days. I recorded changes every other day and took pictures of the liquids. Unfortunately, after
nine days, the Gatorade started growing mold due to its high concentration of sugar. So, I chose to conduct another
test. I found a few flaws in my original experiment, and decided to fix them. I chose to use water, seltzer, club soda,
and sparkling water. These four liquids eliminated the color variable, and now I had three carbonated liquids instead
of two. After finishing both experiments, I can conclude that carbonation does affect evaporation because the Sprite,
sparkling water, and club soda evaporated more than the water.
MCH155 Penny Picker
My experiment was preformed to discover what liquid cleans copper pennies the best. I predicted white vinegar
would, because it had the highest acidity of all the liquids. I placed one penny in each liquid (lemon juice, white
vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, and Pepsi)separately in three trials, lasting a day. Lemon juice's performance ranged
from mild cleaning to total cleaning of the pennies, vinegar completely cleaned the pennies in each trial, hydrogen
peroxide did not clean the pennies while turning parts of them black, and Pepsi cleaned the pennies somewhat. I
concluded that white vinegar cleans copper pennies the best.
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Intermediate – Chemistry (MCH), 7th & 8th Grade
MCH156 Does changing the pH of a test solution affect its ability to dissolve lead
The purpose of this experiment is to determine the affect of different pH levels in a solution to dissolve lead. To
conduct this experiment I will compare the ability of different levels of pH to dissolve lead in a certain amount of time.
The experimental results were measured by the color of the solution when the lead indicator was mixed with the liquid
that contains lead. The results of this experiment show that the vinegar solution and half water/vinegar solution were
able to dissolve the lead the compared to the water solutions. The results indicate that my hypothesis is supported by
my experimental results.
MCH157 Does Temperature affect Absorption
The purpose of my experiment is that I wanted to find out how temperatures affects things. I wanted to use something
with moisturizer and absorption. My project is important scientifically because it can help a person who has dry skin
find moisturizer that absorbs more into skin. I would say that moisturizers with SPF stay on the skin longer to protect
for the harmful rays of the sun. The oil-free moisturizer absorbed pretty quickly but not as fast as the Simple
MCH158 Which Battery Lasts the Longest?
Batteries are used commonly everyday in many places- in our cars, our PCs, laptops, portable mp3 players, and cell
phones. This work is intended to learn if Energizer commercials are advertising truthfully stating their battery lasts the
longest. Six different battery brands were put into six identical flashlights The voltage was tested after every two
hours, and the data was recorded until the batteries ran out. The entire test was completed three times to ensure
accuracy. It was determined that the Energizer Battery did last the longest; however, the Giant Eagle battery was
more cost efficient, lasting only one hour less than Energizer on average.
MCH159 Can sugar and potassium nitrate send a rocket flying?
For this project, rockets were built that used a mix of potassium nitrate and sugar as solid fuel. One set had a fuel that
was 60% sugar and 40% potassium nitrate and the other set had the percentages flipped. The rockets were made of
PVC pipe with clay caps made from kitty litter. The rockets were set up in the backyard. They were set up horizontally
to measure how far and how fast they would go. However, the fuses would not light the rockets. One rocket, which
had the clay caps removed, did light but did not move.
MCH160 A Better Chill
A practical problem of maintaining the chill in a bottle of water becomes a study of heat transfer between hot, humid
air and ice. In between the ice and air, covers of aluminum foil, bubble wrap, cardboard and towel are evaluated for
their ability to keep the ice from thawing.
MCH161 Protecting Un-Galvanized Nails
Given sufficient time, oxygen, and water, any iron mass will eventually convert entirely to rust (iron oxide) and
disintegrate. This experiment was intended to find which material protects un-galvanized nails from rust the best. I
hypothesized that Rust-Oleum Cold Galvanizing Compound would perform the best because of its 93% zinc content.
The nails were divided into 36 groups (18 groups of 3 nails for each condition – salt water soak and tap water soak),
and the mass of the nails was taken and recorded. Next, the nails in each group of nails were evenly coated with one
of the 9 different protectors using the same procedure, the mass of the nails was taken and recorded, soaked in
saltwater or tap water for 2 weeks, and then were air-dried for 24 hours. A control group of nails was soaked, but not
coated with any type of protector, for each condition, salt water and tap water. The nails were removed from the jars,
and their mass was recorded to calculate the amount of rust formed. My hypothesis was shown to be incorrect for this
experiment. It was determined that X-O Rust Protector protected the best in tap water, and Rust-Oleum Gloss
Protective Enamel Red protected the best in salt water. These 2 products protected the best against rust.
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Intermediate – Chemistry (MCH), 7th & 8th Grade
MCH162 Hyped Up on Sugar
The purpose of this experiment is to determine how much sugar is in Pepsi, Coca-cola, Sprite and ginger ale. To
conduct this experiment i will be comparing the sugar content from the four sodas and the sugar left behind will be
measured. The experimental results were measured by seeing how much sugar was left behind from the boiling. The
results of the experiment were the sodas were all boiled around 100C. Coke had 40.5 grams, Sprite had 40.5 grams,
Ginger ale had 32.5 grams and Pepsi had 45 grams. Pepsi had more sugar than all of the sodas. Therefore my
hypothesis is correct. I am accepting my hypothesis because Pepsi had the greater amount of sugar. The times i got
for the sodas were Coke took 23.62 minutes to boil down, Sprite took 17.52 minutes to boil down,Ginger ale took
15.73 minutes to boil down and Pepsi took 19.80 minutes to boil. Ginger ale took the least amount of time to boil and
coke took the longest to boil down.
MCH163 Biodegradable Plastics: A Solution to Plastic Waste?
Biodegradable Plastics: A Solution to Plastic Waste?: Compostable plastics can lower plastics impact on the
environment. My study was created to investigate how plastics (compostable and non-compostable) degrade in an
composting environment. I measured the change in mass of these plastics over a 35 days in a composter. I also
studied how these plastics changed in appearance and how they were affected by acid or base exposure prior to
composting. It was found that the plastic made of plant fibers degraded the fastest and that a chemical treatment
didn’t have a universal impact on all of the compostable plastics.
MCH164 Does the concentration of dye in Gatorade make a difference in the length of
time it takes to disappear?
In this experiment, I test four varieties of Gatorade (including my control) from darkest to lightest to see which one
disappears the fastest when treated with bleach. I did this project in particular because it relates to the problems of
many when it comes to stain removal, and will focus majorly on how long it will take remove. I simply added two
drops of bleach to the Gatorade separately, timed each, and found the averages. The lightest Gatorade was in fact
the fastest. In the future I would like to do something else with different kinds of liquid.
MCH165 Will Vegetable Ripeness Impact Vitamin C Levels?
Vitamin C levels in green, red, orange and yellow peppers will be evaluated using titration methods.
MCH166 The Fight for Electrolytes
I conducted my this experiment because it appealed to my interest in the composition of everyday things. The
purpose was to discover which drink would supply me, or anyone, with electrolytes. I took 5 drinks, Gatorade G2,
Gatorade G3, PowerAde, Orange Juice, and Chocolate Milk. I then measured the number of siemens they conducted
with their electrolyte content. I hypothesized that Gatorade G3 would contain the highest electrolyte content.
However, Gatorade G2 came in first with electrolyte content and PowerAde in fourth.
MCH167 Do surfactants or oxidizing agents remove stains faster?
The purpose of this experiment was to find whether surfactants or oxidizing agents remove stains faster. This
information is helpful to anyone who needs to remove stains effectively. I tested the removers on four different types
of stains- grease, enzymatic, oxidizable, and particulate. Oil represented grease stains, mud was particulate, coffee
was oxidizable, and for enzymatic I used grass stains. The data suggests that the oxidizing agent removed stains the
fastest. Even though the surfactant took longer to remove the stains, I found that it left the fabric cleaner and whiter
than before.
MCH168 Which Name Brand Antihistamine Dissolves Fastest in Water/Citric Acid?
Everyday people suffer from allergies. People who have allergies and a busy life style really want whatever pill to
dissolve the fastest so they can feel better throughout the day . I tested water and citric acid. I picked citric acid
because it is in juice and a lot of people drink juice .I poured10mL of water and citric acid into two beakers. Then I
dropped the pills into the solution and started to time. Once the pill was all dissolved I stopped the timer. My
hypothesis was denied, water made the pills dissolve faster.
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Intermediate – Chemistry (MCH), 7th & 8th Grade
MCH169 Does the Content of Fluoride Reverse Erosion?
1. Obtain 10 extracted teeth 2. Weigh teeth indivudually 3. Record data 4. Brush teeth with various levels of fluoride
5. Brush teeth with control toothpaste not containing fluoride 6. Soak teeth in cola for 12 consecutive hours 7. Set
teeth aside for 12 hours 8. Weigh invidual teeth 9. Brush teeth 10. Set teeth aside for 12 hours 11. Record data over
a 2 week time period 12. Comparisons made 13. Conclusions drawn
MCH170 The Fizz of Bath Bombs
I began out with 3 bathbombs that I bought from my local Lush. They are Butterball, Fizzbanger, and Ickle Baby Bot. I
set up in my laundry room and used 1 gallon milk cartons to fill the bucket with water. I tested the Fizzbanger
bathbomb first in 3 gallons of water. Before I dropped it in I cutter each bathbomb into half and then cut the halves in
half. I used ½ of the bath bombs for the experiment then saved the other half for myself. For each 1 and 3 gallons I
used individual ¼s. I put one in then rinsed the water out after. After I recorded the results on my iPad. And then
graphed them and put them on my board.
MCH171 Endo- and Exo- Thermic Reactions
Reactions are either endothermic or exothermic. My experiment determines what combinations of liquids and
additives make endothermic or exothermic reactions. I first collected materials and recorded the temperature of each
liquid alone. I then mixed the additive with the liquid and waited two minutes. I then recorded the new temperature.
My data showed that some of the reactions were endothermic while others were exothermic. Some combinations also
proved to have a substantial drop or major increase in temperature. My conclusion is every chemical reaction will
either be endothermic or exothermic. I can build on what I learned studying other reactions.
MCH172 Capacitance At Its Finest
Many scientists agree that electric cars will be the future, but what is holding it back? After some research, I have
found that the reason electric cars aren’t readily available is because most can’t travel for long distances. My
research is about how to make a better capacitor that stores more electricity. Many scientists suggest when making
a capacitor, the conductive plates used should be smooth. For this reason, my research finds out if smoother plates
influence the capacitance. While testing, I have found that pressure might affect the capacitance. New research is
going to be done in this topic.
MCH300 Cleaning a Penny: Ketchup vs. Copper Cleaner
the purpose of this experiment is to determine if heinz ketchup can remove patina from a copper penny better than
copper cleaning polish. To conduct this experiment we compared heinz ketchup an copper cleaning polish. The
experimental results were measured by the amount of patina that was removed after the cleaning.
MCH301 Reduce the Juice!
This experiment was designed to test the degeneration of teeth in different juices. We completed this project with
teeth, juice, a scale, and cups. So far our hypothesis has been wrong and the lemon juice is doing the worst. Some
problems that we ran into were that the teeth did not arrived on time. Along with that, we realized we needed more
time, and we should have started earlier. We would like to further this experiment with other juices to see if the
thickness of the juice makes a difference.
MCH302 How the pH level of a Liquid Effects a Penny
Penny Reaction It is known that pennies can be cleaned with liquids. We tested pennies in different liquids and pH’s;
following these steps: 1.Measure one and one-third cup of liquid 2.Test pH level of liquid 3.Place pennies into jars
4.Wait about three months. Dish soap cleaned the best.Laundry detergent did inferior cleaning. Lemon made the
pennies stick together. Lime semi cleaned the pennies. Olive oil did inferior cleaning. Vinegar cleaned copper
pennies; stripped non-copper penny’s non-copper metals. In conclusion, not all of the liquids cleaned the pennies,
but pH level affected them. Our hypothesis was correct.
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Intermediate – Chemistry (MCH), 7th & 8th Grade
MCH303 I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream for Ice Cream!
Have you ever made homemade ice cream at home? Most people just buy their ice cream from their local grocery
store or they even go to an ice cream parlor to enjoy this wonderful treat. Well, how do you make it? Our answer to
that is to find out with this “oh so delicious” experiment.
MCH304 Balloon Expansion and Contraction
Have you been to a party where the balloons either shrink or even get bigger? That is because the gases inside of
the balloon are expanding. The project "Transforming Air" is about how the air particles in the balloon react to the
temperature variations. For example, as the temperature get colder the balloon might either become smaller or
larger.Our experiment will show that balloons and air particles adjust with different temperatures. These temperatures
consist of cold, hot, and room temperature and we are going to test the balloons in each of them. It's going to teach
us about inside of the balloon and the air particle transformations. We hope that the balloons come out changed and
also we can see that the balloon really does change during the temperature differences.
MCH305 Making Ice and Snow Melt
If you live in a place that gets cold, icy, and snowy in the winter, you have probably seen trucks outside spreading a
mixture of sand and salt after a snowfall to deice the road. We wanted to experiment and find out if there is a quicker
way to melt ice than street salt. We sprinkled ice cubes with different substances such as street salt, refined salt,
sand, cat litter, and a combination of both salts. We think the combination of salts will melt ice the quickest.
MCH306 Does the Type of Flour Make a Difference?
For our science fair, we wanted to know how different types of flour affected chocolate chip cookies. Our hypothesis
was that if we put All-Purpose Flour, Bread Flour, and Almond Flour in chocolate chip cookies, then the Bread Flour
would make the cookies thicker and fluffier. To do this, we made three different batches of the cookies. One batch
had All-Purpose Flour, one had Bread Flour, and one had Almond Flour. After all the batches baked, we measured
the thickness and fluffiness of the different cookies. Our hypothesis was correct; the Bread Flour made the cookies
thicker and fluffier.
MCH307 Eating Away Enamel
We tested the decaying effects on soda on the enamel of people’s teeth. We filled containers with soda and placed
little pieces of enamel-coated rock into the containers. Every week for five weeks we checked the enamel and
observed results. We refilled the containers with new soda weekly. After experimenting for five weeks most pieces
had cracked texture, discoloration, and spots where the enamel wore through completely. We also found mold
growing on top of the Coca-Cola. As the weeks went on the mold would grow thicker.
MCH308 What's the Diff?
We were wondering what happens when we mix food coloring and dish soap in different types of milk. When we did
the experiment we used 3 types of milk , Dawn dish soap , and 4 colors of food coloring. After doing the procedure
we found the the 2% milk worked the best. We did research to see why this is and it turns out that 2% milk has more
proteins in it. With the 2% milk the food coloring spread further in the milk and the movement of the food coloring
lasted longer.This project was very fun and exciting.
MCH309 Reducing Rock Salt on Roads
For our project Brie and I are trying to reduce rock salt on our roads. We are going to make a machine that can suck
up snow into a vacuum and turn it to water. Using its own power source to melt the snow, we will hopefully reduce
rock salt on our roads.
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Intermediate – Chemistry (MCH), 7th & 8th Grade
MCH310 Elephant Toothpaste
As a recap about our experiment elephant toothpaste experiment. Our website in which we found our directions on
was Sciencebob.com. We were testing what explosion would be bigger. We used Dawn dish detergent, Ajax dish
detergent, and Joy dish detergent. On Sciencebob.com It said to use Dawn dish soap. Our hypothesis was that Dawn
dish detergent was going to win. So we looked up the ingredients and ratings on the dish detergents. Dawn looked
like it was going to have the biggest explosion. Then we did our experiment and it turned out that Dawn won, which
we expected to win.
MCH311 Baking Soda Rockets
In our project, we will test how high a film canister can fly using baking soda and vinegar. Our rocket will go as high
as 2ft, if we add the right amount of baking soda and vinegar. We hope that our hypothesis will be correct. By putting
1 teaspoon of baking soda in a bowl, placing 1/8 of a teaspoon of vinegar with the baking soda, then mixing it well.
Our rocket should get major air. We will try various amounts of different mixtures to see how high our rocket can fly.
MCH312 Dangers of Acids
Our project, Dangers of Acids, is a simple easy step experiment. We did this project to show the dangers of drinking
some beverages. All that is needed is three types of beverages that contain an acid, and three nails. We will record
how long it takes each nail to dissolve. Data and conclusions will be completed upon conclusion of the experiment.
MCH313 Acid in Water Bottles
For our science project my partner and I were trying to find the healthiest bottled water. We used Ph. testing strips
and the bottled waters VOSS, Icelandic Glacial, Fiji, Deer lakes, and Perrier. The previous are some of the most
popular in the Pittsburgh area.For results we have found that Fiji is the least acidic, and that Deer lakes is the most.
Interestingly the least expensive brands are the most acidic, while the most expensive are the least. We hope to help
raise awareness about high Ph. levels in bottled water.
MCH314 Egg Geodes
Our experiment is Egg Geodes. Egg geodes are egg shells coated with a thin layer of glue followed by alum powder
sprinkled on. They are then left in a growing solution that concludes of water, food coloring, and alum power. We then
left the egg in the water for different amounts of times. (Ex. 5 hours, 10 hours, 15 hours, 20 hours, 30 hours, and 40
hours) The amount of time that the eggs were left to sit was our variable. The best amount of time to make the best
crystals was 15 hours. After 30 and 40 hours, the eggs stopped growing crystals. In the end, we enjoyed the process
of making out crystallized geodes.
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Intermediate – Computer Science / Math (MCM), 7th & 8th Grade
Intermediate – Computer Science / Math (MCM), 7th & 8th Grade
MCM100 Designing an algebraic calculator for windows10 platform
This project was so a calculator can fully achieve what calculators are for. Calculators currently just do simple
expressions. This calculator can solve complicated algebraic expressions too. This calculator makes calculators
actually useful in a case where you can’t use mental math. I would consider my project successful despite the fact
that it doesn't work with equalitys, yet
MCM101 Mathletics: Practical Uses for Parabolic Predictability with Algebra
This experiment will illustrate how mathematical modeling of parabolas can be used for practical applications in
meaningful, authentic contexts. A catapult device, comprised of common materials, will be designed and constructed.
Trials with the catapult device and the projectile will be conducted. From the data recorded through numerous trials, a
quadratic model will ultimately be derived to represent the flight of the projectile. This quadratic model will be used to
calculate the height of the projectile in certain scenarios, horizontal velocity/maximum height of the projectile, to
model the flight path visually by graphing, and other calculations. The quadratic model used in conjunction with the
distance formula (D=rt) will be used to calculate the distance to place the catapult device to hit a designated target.
The derived calculations and predictability process will be applied to practical applications using real world situations.
MCM102 Analysis of Effectiveness of Sabermetrics in MLB
I examined whether sabermetrics were more effective than traditional statistics in MLB. I compared statistics in four
categories: offense, pitching, defense, and win expectation. My hypothesis was that all sabermetrics would be
significantly better than their counterparts. I took the correlation coefficient of the team ranks in each sabermetric and
ranks in an overall measure of success in that category. I repeated this with the ranks in each traditional statistic. The
Fisher r-to-z transformation was used to calculate statistical significance. My results showed that Fielding
Independent Pitching and Ultimate Zone Rating (defensive), both sabermetrics, were significantly better than their
MCM103 Improving Technology for STEM students
Currently America is trailing in STEM careers worldwide. We are 27th in Math and 20th in science. A basic computer
that can do the work that the kids need done starts at $400, but with the unemployment rate at 5%, kids might not get
the financial support from their parents to get said computer. For African-Americans the unemployment rate is at
10%, and the number of African-Americans in STEM fields is lower than any other ethnicity. STEM is said to be the
key to America’s economic future, but will America be able to support those who want to go into STEM fields? My
goal is to see if it is possible to make a technology that is cheaper and can adequately run programs to aid those who
want to pursue STEM careers. I will try to make a computer or 3D printer that is efficient and inexpensive.
MCM104 Stats Don't Lie
The purpose of my project was to find out which baseball stats teams should focus on in games. My data has
revealed revolutionary finds for baseball teams. Using Excel, I tested the correlation of pitching and hitting stats to
wins and found that runs-scored and a low ERA correlate the best to wins. Then I tested the correlation of pitching
and hitting stats to ERA and runs-scored respectively, and found the stats that team managers should look for in
players. If any baseball coaches found my study, they could use the results to find the best players for their teams.
MCM105 The Perfect Ratio
The purpose of this experiment was to create an algorithm that could determine body weight based upon body
MCM106 Easy Apps
The purpose of this project was to develop a kid friendly periodic table app. This app was made using MIT app
inventor.The app was tested using six fourth graders and one third grade student and a survey that resulted in
modifications of the app. The app was easy to use and different than the already existing apps.The app can be used
to introduce chemistry at a younger age.
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Intermediate – Computer Science / Math (MCM), 7th & 8th Grade
MCM107 Virtual Reality For A Safer Future
My project mixes technology, individuals with special needs, and Virtual Reality. In each of those topics I have
worked to design a program to assist with learning functionality regarding simple tasks, ie utilizing public
transportation. In pursuit of my project, I have run into limitations as well as accomplishments. The design and
programming phase required additional resources. This is limited to the coding aspects only. In the future I hope to
continue to make advancements by adding more complexity to the tasks. In conclusion,Virtual Reality can assist
individuals with special needs to safely learn to perform daily tasks.
MCM108 Bus Buddy
Most adolescents struggle with the everyday task of getting on the bus on time. For this predicament I have
engineered my own app that is called Bus Buddy. Bus Buddy is a modern, and diverse way to help you survive your
rough morning. The app includes a GPS to track your bus with alerts that inform you when your bus is near. It also
includes an alarm clock, and motivational quotes for the day. Bus Buddy is the new modern vision for student
transportation. Bus Buddy is not just your friend but your guide to a great educational morning.
MCM109 Web-Based Interactive Educational Software
The goal of this project is to build an interactive web page where students can learn basics of Human Genetics and
understand logic behind calculations of statistical significance of DNA match between parents and their children
(Parentage Index). Match Algorithm for Parentage Index was implemented using Python programming language. This
piece of software provides numerical answers to examples of parents-children short tandem repeat allele
combinations entered by students on the web page. HTML programming language was used to define the content of
web page and JavaScript programming languages was used to make the content of web page interactive.
MCM110 Does File Size Impact Speed in JavaScript?
Various programs will be written for this experiment. The impact of file size will then be evaluated and the speed of
images will be measured and compared.
MCM111 S.T.E.A.M.Y Music
What better hobby than music conveys all five attributes of the S.T.E.A.M program? My question is does music have
science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematical attributes or is it just art? My hypothesis is by inductive
reasoning, I should be able to prove that the attributes exist and through experimentation and logical deductive
reasoning, I should be able to prove it. A brief description of the procedure is: I will analyze music by showing it in its
simplest form; a simple sound and demonstrate that it is a waveform. I will analyze the waveform and how it
resonates and how an ear detects it. There will be extensive research and development of mathematical models to
illustrate each of the S.T.E.A.M attributes.
MCM112 How Ultrasonic Waves Are Affected by Different Materials.
The purpose of my experiment is to find out how different materials effect the outcome measurement devices that use
Ultrasonic Waves. The procedures i used while testing was first,taking wood, glass, and foam at 8.5 inches, 5.25
inches,and 11.5 inches to find the outcome and to see if any materials contrasted Ultrasonic Waves. My hypotheses
was that the foam material would absorb some of the waves energy and would produce longer distance results. In
conclusion, my hypotheses was correct.
MCM113 Connecting the World
Many people today have handicaps which prevent them from performing everyday tasks such as turning on lights,
appliances, etc. There are smartphone/bluetooth applications on the market to help with this. However, these
applications can be very costly. The purpose of my experiment was to see if there was a less expensive method to
turn on/off appliances and lights in the house. I created a new device and compared the cost of it to several devices
currently on the market. After tweaking the materials I used for my device I was able to create one that was 50% or
more cheaper than the devices on the market.
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Intermediate – Computer Science / Math (MCM), 7th & 8th Grade
MCM300 What are the Odds?
We will be testing if the number generator on the game programming app, GameSalad, is actually random, and how it
will affect your gaming experience. When somebody chooses a number using GameSalad, it affects their entire
game. If somebody was making a game with power-ups, the number they choose could determine the power-up
itself, the length of it, or many other things that have to do with the power-up. The randomness of the number can
affect many different things in a person’s game, and would affect the game as a whole.
PRSEF Student Abstracts
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Intermediate – Consumer Science (MCS), 7th & 8th Grade
Intermediate – Consumer Science (MCS), 7th & 8th Grade
MCS100 Grease Up
What kind of chips has the most grease? I hypothesize that Cheetos will have the most grease. I took the brand of
chips, and got a piece of lined paper and taped it. Then I put a piece of the brand of chip on the lined paper and put
the graph paper on top. Finally you roll them with a rolling pin. My prediction was wrong because Lays had the most
grease and I said that Cheetos will have the most.
MCS101 Use Your Melon
There are many different activities that require helmets, However, will some brands of helmets protect your head
better than others? I wanted to find this out. I decided to strap watermelons in four different brands of bicycle helmets,
and drop them from about 126 centimeters off the ground to see which helmet protected the watermelon the best. I
graded the damage dealt to the helmets on a scale of 1 to 5, 1 being no damage and 6 being broken in half. In the
end, three out of four helmets received a three, and one received a four.
MCS102 Shutdowned
The purpose of this experiment is to test if people feel safer with the availability of an app that prevents texting and
driving. To conduct this experiment I will survey various ages and ask if they feel safer with an app that prevents
texting and driving. The experimental results were measured by the percent of participants who would use the app.
The results of this experiment showed that the age group 49-64 had the most difficulty agreeing app protection. The
results indicate that my hypothesis should be denied. I thought people ages 16-32 would deny feeling safer, but the
age 49-64 had the most denial towards the app.
MCS103 Which Whitening Toothpaste Works?
Consumers are always searching for the right whitening toothpaste to use. My experiment aids consumers in being
able to find the most effective whitening toothpaste. I wanted to find an effective whitening toothpaste, that was
reasonably priced, but still whitens teeth. To find that out, I stained five white stone tiles with instant coffee. Then, I
brushed the tiles with toothbrushes over two weeks. After two weeks the Crest 3D White Vivid Anticavity whitened the
tile the best, therefore the data supported the hypothesis.
MCS104 Catching Fire
Every year there are 1,298,000 house fires. If we could help protect the people inside of those houses, it would save
lives. That is why I tested the flammability of nine different common fabrics to see which one took the longest to
completely burn. I tested cotton, linen, polyester, denim, rayon, wool, velvet, nylon, and corduroy. Nylon burnt the
fastest at 44 seconds before it melted. Denim took the longest to burn at 2 minutes and 56 seconds, and wool selfextinguished. I concluded that synthetic fabrics melted and natural fabrics took longer to burn.
MCS105 The Effects of Shield Rinses on Decay of Teeth from Acid Drinks
Acidic beverages cause harm to teeth, but is that damage preventable? The purpose of this experiment was to test
the effectiveness of Crest Pro Health Enamel Shield Rinse in the prevention of tooth decay. Fifty-four sterilized teeth
were obtained from a dentist. Prior to experimentation, each tooth’s mass was measured. Three teeth per drink were
then immersed in different acidic beverages for 10 days, with three teeth as a control. Three different teeth for each
drink were immersed in Crest Pro Health Enamel Shield Rinse for 24 minutes, followed by 24 hours in the same
acidic beverages used in the first test; this was repeated 10 times. This test also had a control group. The pH of each
beverage was tested initially and daily. Each tooth’s mass was again measured. My research found that phosphoric
and citric acid caused enamel loss, but Crest Pro Health Enamel Shield Rinse reduced the amount of damage done
to the enamel of the teeth from acids.
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Intermediate – Consumer Science (MCS), 7th & 8th Grade
MCS106 Which Drink Has the Most Electrolytes?
The human body depends on a proper electrolyte balance. This is important to athletes who are especially dependent
because they lose electrolytes through sweat. The problem studied in this experiment was which drink: sports drink,
energy drink, or milk (chocolate or 2%), contains the most electrolytes? The experimenter’s hypothesis is that
Gatorade would contain the most electrolytes. To measure electrolyte concentration, an open circuit was made with
copper wire, a nine-volt battery, a non-conductive spacer, and a multimeter. Eight beverages were tested two times
each for 16 trials in all. Results were converted to conductance measured in amps, which is proportional to the
electrolyte concentration. On average, 2% chocolate milk contained the most electrolytes with an average
conductance of 61.6 amps.
MCS107 What type of insulation holds heat the best?
Insulation is a substance that is made to keep in enough heat, but not keep too much in. The two main types are bulk
and reflective. Bulk keeps in heat, and reflective is made to reflect unnecessary heat back. My experiment was
putting four different types of insulation in a box, then leaving them outside for one hour. Each type of insulation had
ten trials. I predicted that the bulk insulation would hold in the most heat, but i was incorrect, and the rigid foam board
type held in the most heat.
MCS108 Which Method Whitens Teeth Best?
Whitening toothpastes will be evaluated by cleaning eggs stained with coffee. A tooth whiteness chart will be used to
evaluate effectiveness of the toothpastes.
MCS109 Which Toothpaste Whitens the Fastest and Makes Your Teeth the Whitest?
Many people are interested in whitening their teeth. According to the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry,
Americans spend more than $1.4 billion on over-the-counter teeth whitening products. There are many brands of
whitening toothpaste and I wanted to find out which one whitens teeth the fastest and the whitest. I used coffee
stained tiles and brushed each tile with a different toothpaste to determine which worked the best. Crest 3D did
whiten the fastest and whitest. I met my objective and learned what to consider when purchasing whitening
MCS110 The Paper Towel Challenge
Five brands of paper towels were tested for wet strength, absorbency, and scrubbing strength to determine which
would perform best. The tests each involved putting specific amounts of water on the paper towels, then testing for
wet strength with pennies, absorbency with drops of water, and scrubbing strength by rubbing on a rock surface.
Scott, Viva, and Sparkle brands performed the worst. The data did not directly support my hypothesis; because
Bounty Dura Towel and Brawny tied with the best overall results.
MCS111 Which Type of Nail Polish Lasts Longest?
My project is testing which type of nail polish lasts the longest. I used Teflon infused and Non Teflon polishes. I
painted 20 artificial nails, 10 with each type of polish. Every 12 hours for a total of 72 hours, I used a magnifying glass
to inspect the nails. The Non-Teflon infused nails chipped almost immediately. The Teflon infused nails did not have
any flaws for the entire 72 hours period. My hypothesis was proven that Teflon infused polish lasts longer than Non
infused polish.
MCS112 What Thermos Keeps Food the Warmest
In my experiment, I will find which is most economical for the consumer allowing them to save money and enjoy their
meal hot. This is important to anyone who wants to save money and enjoy a hot meal. My hypothesis is if the cost of
the thermos is increased, then the efficiency of the thermos will be increased as well. I think that Zojirushi food jar,
then the Stanley Adventure vacuum food jar, followed by Mira lunch food jar, THERMOS stainless steel compact food
jar and finally the Klean Kanteen food jar will be in the order of most efficient thermos. I tested each thermos by
making rice in a rice cooker and then cooling it. After cooled, I placed the rice in the thermoses and then set it for 3-6
depending on duration of the test. After that the temperature was recorded. In conclusion, Zojirushi kept the food the
warmest three out of the four tests, but lost to Stanley and Thermos in the three hour test. Overall, the best thermos
would be the Zojirushi thermos.
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Intermediate – Consumer Science (MCS), 7th & 8th Grade
MCS113 Which Detergent Impacts Flame Retardant Children's Sleepwear
The impact of washing children's sleepwear with different detergents will be evaluated with respect to flamability. This
is being done to confirm that flame resistant materials which are added to children's sleepwear by law are continuing
to provide flame resistance even after washing.
MCS114 Does Conventional Laundry Detergent Have a Higher Toxicity Level Than Green
Laundry Detergent?
People always want what is best for them, but they often don’t think that laundry detergent could cause harm. Some
conventional laundry detergents have caused rashes, or disease. In my project I will be injecting red worms with
conventional and green laundry detergent to figure out which has a higher toxicity level. I have yet to record the
results, therefore the will be presented at they science fair.
MCS115 What Apple device charges faster?
I did my project in order to find out which apple device charges faster. I did this project by charging five different types
of apple devices ten times each. I timed how long each device took to charge and used that as my data. My original
hypothesis was that the iPod 5 would charge faster than the iPhones 5c, 5s, and 4, as well as the Apple Watch. My
hypothesis was correct because on average, the iPod 5 charged faster than the other apple devices.
MCS116 How Does the Shape of an Eastern White Pine Log Affect It's Burn Life
The purpose of this experiment is to find the shape of an Eastern White Pine log that will burn the longest. The
shapes used were circle, half circle and ¼ shape and all burn times were the same as was the mass. The circle
shape had the least mass change, then the half circle, and last the ¼ shape. In conclusion choosing a circle shape
will make the fire more sustained for the consumer.
MCS117 Toxic Chicken
My project’s purpose is to find out which bacterial all-purpose cleaner performs the best against bacterial colonies
produced from chicken. Many people are always guessing and trying new products when the solution is the one they
already tried. This experiment proves to them which cleaner they should be using. My variables are simple. The
independent variable is the brand of cleaner. Since I will be changing the brand of cleaner by myself without any
needed factors, it is my independent variable. My dependent variable is the variable that changes during my
experiment, and in this case it is the amount of bacteria left on the Petri dish. When the cleaners are put to work, I
know they will all at least leave some bacteria to be visible. But, each amount will be different because they are
different cleaners. This is my dependent variable. My constants are the factors that do not change one bit. I have
several constants. The bacteria comes from the same package of chicken, the surface where the bacteria comes
from is the same, the amount of time the chicken was pressed onto the surface was the same(60 seconds), the
amount of cleaner used to wipe the surface, the cotton balls and swabs were from the same bag, and the amount of
time for the bacteria to grow were all the same. My experiment concluded with the results of Clorox coming in first
with the least amount of bacterial colonies in it’s Petri dish. It was closely contended by Method and 409, each also
lowering their numbers to 2 in one Petri dish. The 7th Generation cleaner, which was an eco-friendly cleaner, did not
perform well, and performed the worst. It wound up with a large number of 17 bacterial colonies overall. My results
did not support my hypothesis. Overall, my experiment was very successful for both me and my understanding of
bacteria and how it functions. I would recommend my experiment to anyone who is interested in microbiology or the
fundamentals of bacterial growth.
MCS118 Stains are Pains
Comparing the effectiveness of Organic Homemade cleaning products to Over the counter cleaning products.
MCS119 Pick Your Poison: Arsenic Detection in Brown Rice
The purpose of this experiment is to determine if the temperature of water used in the rinse preparation of brown rice
influences the level of arsenic. To conduct this experiment, I allowed the rice to soak in different temperatures of
water for two minutes, then I tested the arsenic level by using arsenic detector kits. The experimental results were
measured by comparing the level of arsenic in brown rice after the rinse preparation. The results of this experiment
concluded that soaking the rice in the hot water (43 degrees Celsius) extracted the most arsenic. In conclusion, I
support my hypothesis, which stated that the hot water trial would be the most effective in reducing the arsenic level.
PRSEF Student Abstracts
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Intermediate – Consumer Science (MCS), 7th & 8th Grade
MCS120 Which Brand of Insect Repellant Has the Greatest Negative Affect on the
Strength of Monofilament Fishing Line?
Purpose: Which brand of insect-repellant has greatest-negative-effect on strength-of-monofilament-fishing-line?
Hypothesis: Natural-insect-repellants will have less-effect on strength of monofilament-fishing-line than manmade
insect-repellents Procedure: 1.Materials 2.Pour 50mL of each manmade/natural-insect-repellant into separatesealed-glass-jars. 3.Cut 150testsamples of each-brand monofilament-fishing-line being-used-into-20cm-lengths.
4.Place the test-samples of the different-brands of monofilament-fishing-line being used into different sealed-glassjars containing different-brands of natural and manmade insect-repellant being-tested. 5.After 24hours remove 30
test-samples of each brand of monofilament-fishing-line being tested from each-jar-containing the different-brands of
natural/man-made insect-repellent being-used 6.Attach a test-sample of the brand of monofilament-fishing being
tested to testing-apparatus and determine&record-breaking-strength. 7.Repeat-step 6 using 29 remaining-testsamples 8.Repeat-step 5-7. For remaining natural-and-manmade insect-repellents. Conclusion: Results will be
provided at the Fair.
MCS121 Energy Bar Digestion Rates
The digestion of energy bars will be evaluated to determine which type will break down the fastest in simulated
stomach acid.
MCS122 Skidding to a Halt
I play basketball, which calls for shoes that have good traction against gym floors. For my project, I decided to figure
out what kind of tread has the best traction by carving treads into rubber blocks, then placing the tread (tread down)
on a slope that’s angle can be changed to simulate stopping running. This is done by screwing two wood floor
samples together, one being the base and the other the movable slope.
MCS123 Vitamin C is a must, so which orange juice can you trust?
The purpose of this experiment is to determine which orange juice, organic or non-organic, contains the most vitamin
C. To conduct this experiment, I compared orange juices using a starch indicator solution and iodine. The
experimental results were measured by the number of drops of iodine needed for each juice, and the control to turn
dark blue, and mathematical equations to determine the vitamin C content. The results of the experiment showed that
there was no significant difference between organic and non-organic orange juices. The results indicate that the
hypothesis should be rejected because there was no significant difference between the amount of Vitamin C in
organic and non-organic orange juices. Also, because there were some slight differences, overall, the Giant Eagle
Non-organic Orange Juice contained the most Vitamin C.
MCS124 Will More Expensive Airsoft BBs' Have a Greater Velocity and Penetrating
Ability Than Less Expensive Brands?
PURPOSE Determine if more expensive airsoft BB’s have a greater velocity, accuracy and penetrating ability than
less expensive BB brands. HYPOTHESIS: More expensive BBs will travel at higher velocity, penetrate gelatin to a
greater depth and be more accurate than less expensive brands. PROCEDURE 1. Construct gun vise, prepare
ballistics gelatin 2. Attach rifle to vise 3. Mount chronograph and target 4. Weigh BB using balance scale 5. Load rifle,
shoot the BB through chronograph into gelatin target. 6. Record velocity, depth and accuracy 7. Repeat steps 4-6 30
times 8. Repeat step 7 3 times Conclusion: Results at fair.
MCS125 Candy Chromatography: M&Ms vs. SunDrops
I did this project to see whether M&M’s as the artificially dyed candy or SunDrops as the organically dyed candy used
more coats for coloring. M&M’s use the lake process for coloring and Sundrops use beet juice. To test this I put the
candy in a drop of water and let the coloring come off. Then, I used a pipet to take the dye and put it on a
chromatography paper strip with the tip just touching the water. After the dye moved up the strip, I recorded the data
to see whether my hypothesis was supported.
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Intermediate – Consumer Science (MCS), 7th & 8th Grade
MCS126 Fatty Milk
The purpose of this experiment was to see if fat content is a factor in how fast milk spoils. The experimenter first
measured out 236.59 mililitres of milk and poured the measured quantities into plastic cups. From there, the
experimenter waited. The experimenter found that whole milk spoiled, on average, after 38.4 hours, buttermilk, after
31.8 hours, skim, after 45.8 hours, and nonfat, after 50.2 hours. The experimenter thinks that this project has a
practical use for grocers, preppers, or likewise so they can factor un-refrigerated longevity into their purchases with
MCS127 Water Damage: How well do phones recover?
The purpose statement of my project was the following: which phone recovers the least from water damage after
using a method to try and salvage it? By making an educated guess I deducted that if I equally damage phones with
water then attempt to draw out the water with rice, the iPhone will be the least recovered from water damage,
because of its unprotected and complicated system (which is more susceptible to being damaged by water than other
phone brands). Next, I followed my procedure by submerging the phones in water, then in rice, and then removing
them from the rice. After each step I recorded data. At the very end of the experiment's procedure I analyzed the data
I collected. In the end, my hypothesis was proven correct. The iPhone was the least recovered from the water
damage. In fact, the iPhone seemed to be damaged even more after being in the rice for 48 hours. The Motorola after
being in the rice for 48 hours, however, was the same as after the water. The water seemed to penetrate the phones,
and force the air out in the form of bubbles. After being in the rice, the iPhone's damage was more visible. I believe
this could be from the rice not completely drawing the water out of the phone, but drawing it into view. Also, the rice
seemed to clog some of the holes in the iPhone, damaging it further. The HTC was not damaged at all by the water.
There were no bubbles that exited from the phone, which means that the water did not penetrate its inner system.
The only effect from staying in the rice for 48 hours was the decrease of battery. That was because the phone was
not shut off completely during any part of the experiment and the phone gradually lost battery from being in "sleep
mode" for 48 hours.
MCS128 Electrolyte Concentration and Conductance
Athletes drink various types of sports drinks to stay hydrated and replace electrolytes that escape their bodies while
they sweat. An electrolyte is a chemical that forms electrically charged particles called ions in body fluids. We need
ions to carry the energy necessary for many body functions, such as muscle contractions and the transmission of
nerve impulses. The more electrolytes a drink contains, the more beneficial it is in replacing ions. This experiment
was conducted to discover which sports drink contains the most electrolytes by measuring how well electricity passed
through the 8 drinks tested. Electrical current was measured in amperes with a multimeter device. Cords linked to the
multimeter were placed in each beverage, and the ampere reading was recorded in 3 separate trials. An average was
then calculated to reveal that Chocolate milk and white milk performed better than traditional sports drinks such as
Gatorade. These results provide valuable information to athletes seeking peak performance and overall good health
while training and competing.
MCS129 The Safest Helmet
In 1925 the first prototype of a hockey helmet was presented and it changed hockey forever. In my experiment I am
testing which hockey helmets protect against concussions the best. I am using eggs and water balloons two very
fragile objects to act as brains. My hypothesis was that the Warrior helmet is the safest helmet to use. And after I
dropped the helmets of of a balcony the results proved my hypothesis correct.
MCS130 Fitbit Accuracy
My project, Fitbit Accuracy, is about learning how accurate a Fitbit is in counting steps taken by children and adults. I
used 15 adult participants and 15 child participants. I had them walk 50 steps normally, walk 50 steps without moving
their arms, walk 50 steps while vigorously swinging their arms, and swing their arms 50 times while standing still. My
hypothesis was wrong. I had hypothesized that the adults would be more accurate in all of the tests and vigorously
swinging their arms while walking would be the most accurate of the tests. Three out of four of the activities were
more accurate for the kids, and vigorously swinging their arms was the most accurate for the kids, but the least
accurate for the adults.
PRSEF Student Abstracts
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Intermediate – Consumer Science (MCS), 7th & 8th Grade
MCS131 What Shape of Rubber Lure Will Catch the Greatest Amount of Bass?
The purpose is to determine what shape of rubber lure will catch the greatest amount of bass. Three different lures
were used at the same place for the same amount of time and the amount of bass were recorded per lure. The
crawfish lure caught the greatest amount of bass, the worm lure caught the second greatest and the minnow caught
the least amount. This data can help any fisherman who is looking to go fishing in the fall and wishes to catch the
greatest amount of bass possible.
MCS132 Accuracy of Nutrition Labels
The researcher will be investigating if the accuracy of a nutrition label increase or decrease as the size of the
package increases. The researcher believes that as the package becomes larger, the nutritional information will
become less accurate. The researcher will copy information from the nutritional label and weigh out serving sizes to
compare the difference. This will be repeated for all package sizes. Data will be analyzed to see which package is
most accurate. Results will be available on fair day.
MCS133 Is Your Food Fit For Flies?
Genetically modified always seems to have a negative connotation. Before this project, I perceived that GMOs had a
negative effect on human health. My project proves that this assumption is not always true. I used fruit flies to
experiment the health effects of genetically modified organisms. I measured the reproduction and longevity of fruit
flies that were fed a diet of GMOs. I hope that this project will give you a better understanding of the food you eat. Is
your food fit for a fly?
MCS134 Hot Head
The insulating efficiency of various hats will be evaluated.
MCS135 Vitamin C Content In Conventional vs. Organic Oranges
It was reported at a Great Lakes meeting of the American Chemical Society that organically-grown oranges can
contain up to 30% more vitamin C than those grown conventionally. This experiment was conducted to discover if
organic or conventional oranges contain more ascorbic acid. I hypothesized that organic oranges would provide more
Vitamin C. Six organic oranges and six conventional oranges from 3 different stores were tested (3 trials for each) for
a total of 18 oranges tested. I titrated each type of orange juice with indophenol indicator solution until a rose-pink
color appeared, signifying the endpoint of the reaction. In my results, all of the organic oranges were found to have
much more Vitamin C than any of the conventional oranges. Further research indicated that conventional oranges are
grown with nitrogen fertilizers, allowing for the uptake of more water in these oranges. This dilutes the Vitamin C
content, which was shown in this experiment.
MCS136 Which Insulation Material Provides the Best Result
Consumers have many choices of insulation to keep them warm in cold weather. This experiment was performed to
find out which of three selected insulation materials is the best. Three types of insulation were tested. Fiberglass,
Rockwool, and polyurethane foam were tested in-between two pieces of plywood. The experimenter then recorded
the temperature of both pieces of plywood. The experimenter repeated this process for each insulation material
multiple times. After five tests, fiberglass had the best result with an average of 18 degrees Celsius.
MCS137 Does the Type of Milk Affect the Height of Pancakes
The purpose of this experiment was to find out if the type of milk affected the height of pancakes. The procedure
included cooking pancakes, with three different types of milks, with the same circumference, letting them cool, and
measuring the pancakes in the very middle. The 2% milk ended up with the largest average of 0.9 centimeters, the
soy milk having the average of 0.8 centimeters, and the almond milk having the average of 0.7 centimeters. In
conclusion, the non-animal milk caused a minimal effect in height.
MCS138 Whiteout
I wanted to see if commercials for whitening toothpastes were misleading. The toothpastes that I tested were Crest
3D White, Arm and Hammer Advanced White, Colgate Optic White, and Aquafresh Whitening Action. I stained five
white stone tiles in coffee, and brushed four of them fourteen times for three days. At the end of my experiment Crest
3D White scored an 8 on my rating chart; because it has more abrasives which are used to remove stains than the
outers. While Colgate Optic White whitened the tiles the least scoring a 6.5 on my rating chart.
PRSEF Student Abstracts
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Intermediate – Consumer Science (MCS), 7th & 8th Grade
MCS139 How Does Hockey Stick Flex Affect Accuracy and Speed?
Many hockey players don’t know what stick flex is best for them. This experiment was meant to find out how the stick
flex affects accuracy and speed. I hypothesized the highest flex stick would be most accurate and the hardest. The
players shot with 47, 50, and 60 flex sticks at a target 30 feet away; an average was then taken for all trials and
subjects. Data concluded that the 60 flex stick was the most accurate. The players used the same sticks and shot in
the same manner. The speed of slap shots was taken using a radar gun and recorded. Data concluded that the 60
flex stick was the fastest. If I did this again, I would test more flexes.
MCS140 What chocolate melts the fastest?
In this project, I tested to see what type of Hershey’s chocolate would melt the quickest. I thought this would be an
interesting discovery due to the common occurrence of chocolate melting. I used five different types of chocolates:
Milk, Dark, Air Delight, Cookies and Creme, and Symphony. I did this project by melting the chocolate in five second
increments, taking the temperature, and timing how long it took to melt for eight trials. The Hershey’s Air Delight
chocolate melted the fastest. This was due to the air bubbles added to the chocolate. This conclusion supported my
MCS141 Turn That Down!
The effectiveness of different types of earplugs for reducing machine-generated noise was explored in this
experiment. Each year, there are nearly 1 million people that are exposed to loud sound levels from machine noise
that can cause hearing damage. First, decibel level readings were taken and averaged without the earplugs as a
control group. Eight types of earplugs and the control with no earplugs were tested 4 times each (36 trials in all) using
a simulated head, engine noise file (played at a controlled decibel level each time), and a decibel meter placed inside
the simulated head to record decibel levels. The noise reduction rates (NRR) of the foam earplugs were found to be
much lower than the NRR of the silicone earplugs. In conclusion, the silicone earplugs performed the best because
they conformed to the shape of the ear canal to block more noise.
MCS142 Which Burger Would Mold the Fastest: Homemade or Fast Food?
My project is “Which burger will mold the fastest; homemade or fast food burgers?” My project involves mold on
burgers and which burger would mold faster or not at all. I will buy the burgers from various restaurants and then put
them in Ziploc bags and set them in a room in my basement that we don't use that I can seal up and put a sign om
the door telling everyone in the house not to enter. Where mold will grow and every couple of days I will check on the
burgers and record the data and if any burgers are moldy I will immediately throw the burgers away. I will record data
on my project and throw away any signs of mold growth.
MCS143 Pop Secret
Do you like popcorn? Have you been frustrated with the number of unpopped kernels? Have you ever wondered
which microwave popcorn pops the most kernels? I have, which is why I performed this project. I popped 3 different
brands of popcorn in a microwave, counted the popped and unpopped kernels and averaged the total of each of the
10 trials. My results were then charted on a graph. In conclusion Orville Redenbacher had the most popped kernels.
Looking beyond my project this experiment will help people determine the best microwave popcorn value for their
MCS144 Gluten Free Cakes: Which Flour is Best
Have you ever wondered what kind of flour is in a Gluten Free bake mix? I have, since I love to bake I went through
and chose three gluten free flours for baking cakes. The flours were Potato starch, White Rice Flour and Tapioca
Flour, comparing them to All-Purpose flour. I then started baking, looking at several factors (height, baking time,
smell, look and texture). I found that White Rice Flour is best for baking cake because it is most like the All-Purpose
flour cakes. This conclusion rejected my hypothesis of Potato Starch being best for baking cakes.
MCS145 Waterproof Woods
There are many things that wear down wood. Just name a few like wind, sunlight, snow, and humidity, and they aren't
just from weather like termites, fungus, and animal deposits. I only thought about the climate and not the physical
wearing down of the wood. My experiment was successful in carrying out the most waterproof woods along with
going outside in moderate weather. My hypothesis was incorrect because of the data I found. The most waterproof
wood was the White wood it only gained 19 grams while oak and pine each gained 22 gras.
PRSEF Student Abstracts
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Intermediate – Consumer Science (MCS), 7th & 8th Grade
MCS300 Stain Removing 101
Stains can be difficult to extract from clothing. In our stain removing experiment, we are testing five different laundry
detergents on 6 different varieties of stains that have been placed on individual white t-shirt swatches. The detergents
include Tide Pods, Arm and Hammer Laundry Detergent, Hydrogen Peroxide and the Arm and Hammer Detergent, a
homemade laundry detergent, and Green Works Laundry Detergent. We expect the TOTALLY TRIPPIN Tide Pods to
be the most effective stain remover, but the RIDICULOUS red wine will be the toughest stain to remove. Find our
results in our experiment!
MCS300 Stain Removing 101
Stains can be difficult to extract from clothing. In our stain removing experiment, we are testing five different laundry
detergents on 6 different varieties of stains that have been placed on individual white t-shirt swatches. The detergents
include Tide Pods, Arm and Hammer Laundry Detergent, Hydrogen Peroxide and the Arm and Hammer Detergent, a
homemade laundry detergent, and Green Works Laundry Detergent. We expect the TOTALLY TRIPPIN Tide Pods to
be the most effective stain remover, but the RIDICULOUS red wine will be the toughest stain to remove. Find our
results in our experiment!
MCS301 Toothpaste Effectiveness
The previous experiment tested which drink stained teeth most intensely, and Coca-cola stained teeth the most. In
the experiment, Coca-Cola superceded others in those categories as most staining to teeth. In this year’s experiment,
Coca-Cola is the liquid used for tooth staining since it was the liquid that stained the teeth the most significantly. The
variables this year are differing toothpastes used to brush the teeth. The toothpastes include: Colgate Total
Toothpaste, CVS White Anti-Cavity Whitening (Generic), and Crest Pro Health Whitening Toothpaste and the control:
(Brushing of teeth with clean toothbrush without toothpaste). Our aim is to see which toothpaste prevents staining
from stain-inducing beverages the best, by seeing the differences in how much staining was left on the teeth after we
brushed them.
MCS302 Rub-a-Dub-Dub: Which Soap's a Dud?
The purpose of our experiment is to see which brand of soap (Dove, Dial, Irish Spring, Cetaphil, or Zest) was the best
quality of soap. To do so, we rubbed each soap in a wash cloth for 10 minutes each, first for 5 minutes, then 3
minutes, and finally 2 minutes. After each time increment we weighed and examined the soap. Based on final weight
vs. initial weight, Zest was the best value of soap in that respect. In the respect of the unit price per ounce, we still
calculating that information.
MCS303 Candles Burning
Does color matter? As we all know, candles come in different colors and sizes. Most people prefer white candles
because they match furniture and other household items. Although white candles are nice, we think they burn at
faster rate than colored candles. The added dye and chemicals in a colored candle could give it the ability to last
longer. We purchased 2 white candles, thinking they would burn faster than the colored candles we bought. As we
continued to test our theory, we found out that we were correct.
MCS303 Candles Burning
Does color matter? As we all know, candles come in different colors and sizes. Most people prefer white candles
because they match furniture and other household items. Although white candles are nice, we think they burn at
faster rate than colored candles. The added dye and chemicals in a colored candle could give it the ability to last
longer. We purchased 2 white candles, thinking they would burn faster than the colored candles we bought. As we
continued to test our theory, we found out that we were correct.
MCS304 Feel the Burn: The Potency of Heartburn Relievers
Imagine an intense burning flaming from your chest after eating spicy, Mexican food. It hurts so bad that you rush for
a heartburn reliever no matter the consequences. Our experiment determines which heartburn reliever ingredient is
most potent by combining a grape juice and heartburn reliever and adding drops of lemon juice. After fifteen trials of
Equate Extra Strength Antacid, Equate Maximum Strength Ranitidine, Equate Maximum Strength Famotidine, and
Equate Cimetidine, we determined that Famotidine held the most drops, which was the goal of the experiment.
Following Famotidine, the remaining order was Ranitidine, Cimetidine, and the Equate equivalent of Gaviscon.
PRSEF Student Abstracts
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Intermediate – Consumer Science (MCS), 7th & 8th Grade
MCS305 Is What You Are Drinking Staining Your Teeth?
This experiment was to determine whether the drinks coke, tea, and coffee might stain your teeth. We started the
experiment by emptying out three eggs to then just have the hollow shell. Then we put a good amount of the liquids in
a safe container. Then we placed the egg shells in the liquids. From there, we watched the eggs for five days. When
it was done we recorded the conclusion which was that all the liquids stained the teeth, but with different amounts of
PRSEF Student Abstracts
Page 46
Intermediate – Engineering / Robotics (MER), 7th & 8th Grade
Intermediate – Engineering / Robotics (MER), 7th & 8th Grade
MER100 Baseball Apparatus
The purpose was to create an apparatus to allow children that have very limited upper body muscle strength to have
an independent sense of the game of baseball. The procedure included gluing pieces of PVC pipes together, taking
measurements and drilling into PVC pipes. The apparatus was tested by a 7-year old child. Data shows the
apparatus works 89% of the time. As a conclusion, using the apparatus does indeed allow children to hit a baseball
off a tee because it takes away the factor of needing upper body strength.
MER101 Which type of insulator retains the most heat
The purpose of the project was, to find out whether denim or styrofoam insulation retains the most heat in a solar
cooker? Two solar cookers were constructed, one was a denim insulated solar cooker and the other was a styrofoam
insulated solar cooker. The solar cookers were the same size and built out of the same materials, except for the
insulators. Contrary to the hypothesis, the styrofoam insulated solar cooker retained more heat than the denim
insulated solar cooker. The styrofoam insulated solar cooker retained at most 20℃ higher than the denim insulated
solar cooker.
MER102 Aquabot: An Arduino-Based Robot for Testing and Monitoring Surface Water
Pennsylvania's waterways have recently been cited for their high levels of contamination. Currently, water quality
inspectors must enter into the waterway for sample collection. To increase the safety and convenience of testing
water quality, I developed Aquabot, an Arduino-based robot that can test and monitor surface water contamination.
This robot will test for conductivity and pH using sensors that convert conductivity readings into voltage. Aquabot also
includes an Arduino Bluetooth, which can communicate with any Bluetooth-enabled device on land. Currently,
experimentation of the robot prototype is ongoing.
MER103 Building a Better Book Light
The purpose of this project was to engineer a better book light. The problem was that the purchased lights formed a
small circular area of light that didn’t cover the entire opened book pages. The type of light that provided the largest
area of light were modified LED lights. The book light needed to hold the book open, be adjustable, and cover the
entire opened book pages with the same amount of light. The finished product provided all of the above.
MER104 Radio Shield: Safety by RFID Blocking
Please visit student's exhibit for abstract.
MER105 Bat Ball Speed
I tested whether or not the type of bat would affect the speed of the ball coming off the bat. I used metal, wooden,
BBcore, and a composite bat and hypothesized that the speed coming off of the composite bat would be the greatest.
MER106 Does the Type of Catapult Affect the Distance an Object can be Thrown?
The purpose of this project was to determine whether changing the design of a catapult would affect the distance an
object travels. A total of thirty tests (ten on each of three catapults) were conducted. The catapults were placed in the
same area, in the same conditions, and the same object was placed in the basket. The data demonstrates that the
Wyvern Torsion threw an average of 4.1 m, the Trebuchet 4.9 m, and the underhand 6.4 m. In conclusion, the
Wyvern Torsion was the most reliable because it didn’t produce any outliers.
MER107 Components of Modern Top Hit Songs
What characteristics do Top Hit Songs have in common? From my prior knowledge of music I hypothesized that a
tempo greater than 95 BPM, a major key, prominent drums in the chorus, 3-5 minutes in length and an ABAB
structure would dominate. Twenty-two songs were analyzed for tempo, key, low tone instruments, time length and
structure. The original hypothesis is partially supported.
PRSEF Student Abstracts
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Intermediate – Engineering / Robotics (MER), 7th & 8th Grade
MER108 Cool Off!
The purpose of my experiment is to find the fastest way to cool a 12 oz (371ml) can of soda. I wanted to do this
experiment for practical uses in the summer when I don't have much time to chill the cans. When conducting the
experiment , I put 10 cans in to each cooling device for 5 minutes and read the temperature. My results were that the
ice and ice baths chilled the cans an average of 8-10*C cooler than the fridge/freezer methods. I found that the ice
and ice baths affect the soda more than the fridge or freezer, proving my hypothesis correct.
MER109 Electric Coil Motor
I built and tested an electric coil motor to see how battery voltage effects the coil speed.
MER110 Can a Cheaper Solar Powered Charge Be Made?
The purpose of this experiment was to see if a cheaper solar powered phone charger could be made. The design
used consisted of a female car lighter charger connected to the solar panel and the male car charger lighter inside
the female car lighter charger. I had the usb in the male charger and was able to generate 6 volts after one hour of
charging. Instead of $30 only $15 dollars was spent . The conclusion was that a sustainable energy source can be
made for people's phones.
MER111 Sense This!
This project is testing the sensitivity of several robotic sensors.
MER112 Rubber Power
Have you ever wondered if light can be used to move objects? In my project I was trying to see how light can cause
rubber bands to contract. I was thinking that the bands would contract when under more heat from the light. I was
trying to find out how heat that is given off from light can cause rubber bands to contract. Unlike most substances
rubber will contract, most objects expand. In the end, my project actually failed, but I still did learn a lot. I learned that
it is indeed possible.
MER113 Radio Wave Propagation
I experimented radio wave propagation through different materials. Software controlled radiowaves were beamed out
to the receiving antenna, which was connected to a Powercast chip on the breadboard, which converted it to
electricity. Power was measured using multimeter. Amazingly, radio wave energy was converted to electrical energy
without using any wires. This technology is promising as dependence on batteries for power could be eliminated.
Space stations can be powered by radio waves instead of solar panels by tapping into this technology. As batteries
burst in extreme temperatures and constantly run out of charge, power from radio wave is novel alternative.
MER114 Testing the Strength of Wood
The rationale for my project is to test to see which type of wood is the strongest. My project is applicable to real life
because in real life wood is used to build houses and other structures. I found that pine was the strongest wood, and
that proved my hypothesis wrong.
MER115 Soarin'
This experiment determined which model of paper airplane would have the farthest flight distance. The second
component clarified which weight of paper increased the flight distance. Five airplanes were constructed of computer
paper and launched. The plane with the greatest flight distance was Concorde. The plane that traveled the greatest
distance was then tested to determine if the weight of material affected the flight distance. When the Concorde was
constructed with various paper weights,the heaviest paper, which was construction paper had the farthest flight
PRSEF Student Abstracts
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Intermediate – Engineering / Robotics (MER), 7th & 8th Grade
MER116 Does a common paper airplane fly farther with weight added to the front or
This project’s purpose is to learn if a paper airplane flies farther with weight added to the front or back. The
hypothesis was that the front weighted airplanes would fly farther. The experiment was conducted by launching
airplanes with added weight. There were five planes with front weight, 5 with back weight, and 1 plane with zero
weight. The highest average flown for the front weighted planes were 4.7 m. and the back weighted planes were 4.3
m. The conclusion of this project was that the front weighted paper airplanes flew farther than the back weighted
paper airplanes.
MER117 Aerodynamic: Effect of Mass and Mass Location
The project's purpose was to see how mass affects a plane’s flight distance, time of flight and speed of flight. The
project had 9 paper planes. The planes were thrown first without mass added, then with one, two and three paper
clips added to the front and repeated positioned in back. Last step was to spray paint the planes. The conclusion was
that mass in the front made the planes travel farther, fly longer and faster, mass in the back made the distance
shorter, time shorter and speed slower.
MER118 Keeping You In Suspens(ion)
Purpose-In this civil engineering science project, I compared a simple beam bridge with a suspension bridge to see
which one could hold the most weight. Hypothesis- I hypothesize the suspension bridge will hold more weight,
because the bridge cable will give more support to the main beam. I think that since the simple beam bridge has no
bridge cable to provide extra support it will not be able to hold as much weight as the suspension bridge, and
therefore will collapse sooner. Procedure-Preparing The Bridges. 1. Gather 15 non bendy straws. 2. Cut two short
pieces of straw each 3 cm. long. 3. Tape two regular sized straws on either side of the short pieces of straw. Do this
at only one end of the longer straws. Then tape the long straws together at the other end. This structure will act as a
tower for your bridge. 4. Repeat step 3 to create a second tower. 5. Tape the end of the tower with your 3 centimeter
straw piece to the edge of a piece of furniture. Tape the second tower to another piece of furniture the same height.
Position the towers far enough apart so you can fit another straw between. 6. Then, place a straw between the towers
so it will rest on the 3 centimeter pieces. This straw will act as your bridge deck. Now you have constructed a simple
beam bridge. 7. Make a load tester by un-bending a large paperclip and bending it into a V-shape. Poke the ends of a
paperclip into opposite sides of a cup. 8. Use a second large paperclip to hang the load tester over the bridge deck.
Do this by attaching the two large paper clips together, and then sliding the new one around the bridge deck straw. 9.
Now, you have your simple beam bridge ready to test. But now, you are going to change the beam bridge into a
suspension bridge. Tie the center of a 100 centimeter piece of thread around the middle of a new bridge deck straw,
this thread will act as your bridge cable. 10. To anchor the suspension bridge, tie each end of the cable around a
paperclip. Slide the paperclips away from you until the cables are tight. Then, tape the paperclips firmly to the
furniture. 11. Attach load tester cup. Testing The Bridges 1. Start, by testing the beam bridge. Add quarters one at a
time into the load tester cup. In your data table, record how many quarters the bridge tester could hold until the bridge
fails. This will be trial 1. 2. Weigh a paper cup, and record weight. Place number of quarters the bridge could hold in
the paper cup. Weigh the cup filled with quarters, then subtract the weight of the cup and record results. 3. Replace
the bridge deck with a new straw. 4. Repeat steps 1-3 until you have a total of 6 trials, Record findings in data table.
5. Repeat steps 1-4 for the suspension bridge. 6. Find the average of the quarters it took to make the bridge collapse.
7. Make a graph and analyze your results.
MER119 Do certain designs of dimples affect the flight pattern of a golf ball?
My science fair topic dealt with dimples on the surface of a golf ball causing certain flight patterns to occur. My
hypothesis was well supported as I said that the balls with larger, rounder dimples with a shallow diameter would
have a farther, straighter flight path. My dad and I tested out different brands of golf balls and that is where I figured
out my hypothesis was correct. In conclusion, the rubber and types of materials inside of the ball crucially help the
distance. The surface dimples are also vital by controlling the flight path
MER120 Ice Is Not Nice
I did this project because I have always been interested in aviation. My hypothesis was that wing 2 would not rise as
quickly as wing 1. First, I built the wind tunnel by using many materials. Next, I tested wing 1 three times by timing
how long it took until it rose in the air. Then, I tested wing 2 three times by timing how long it took until it rose in the
air. Finally, Find the average time for both wings. Once I found the averages, it proved that my hypothesis was
correct. Ice on airplanes is very dangerous.
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Intermediate – Engineering / Robotics (MER), 7th & 8th Grade
MER121 Flying Into The Future
The purpose of this experiment was to measure the effect of mass on velocity and performance of miniature drones.
MER122 Brain Wave: The Distraction Prevention Intervention
Human attention span is decreasing due to our increasingly tech-focused lifestyle. I want to use my interest in the
brain to combat this issue. Within the brain, neurons fire chemical and electrical signals via synapses. This generates
a small voltage that can be read by EEG (electroencephalography). The goal of this project is to create a wearable
device and web application as a distraction prevention solution for online and offline distraction. These solutions
would connect to an EEG device and, by reading the user’s brainwaves, alert the user when they are distracted, and
help the user to concentrate.
MER123 Can You Hear Me Now?
For mt project, I wanted to explore what basic household materials would block the most sound. The easiest way to
determine this is to measure it in decibels. I used an online application connected to speakers to emit the sounds.
With my phone, I sued an application to see how many decibels the sounds emitted, unobstructed. This was my
control. I put each material over the speakers, and saw how the sounds differed from the control. There were six
frequencies used. The results were that my hypothesis was partially correct, as the combination of cotton cloth and
drywall blocked the least. However, I was incorrect in my presumption that metal blocked sound the best. The
projects results would be useful for contractors and architects when designing sound proof buildings.
MER124 The Wonder of Wind
The purpose of this engineering project was to measure the effect of different wind mill blades on voltage production.
MER125 Going the Distance, Going for Speed
The purpose of my project was discover which rocket went the highest and sustained fewer injuries. a) Build rockets
b) Make skeleton c) Cover in plastic d) Attach fins e) Make two more rockets f) Steps a-c with vinyl and metal g)
Launch rockets h) Measure distance i) Record time. My results were, plastic did the best. Vinyl did the worst. Metal
was about in the middle. In conclusion, vinyl did badly and plastic did great. They were different weights with the
same amount of tape and paper on each one. If I were to do this project again I would Measure the force exerted on
the bottle.
MER126 Potential Energy
My project was to create a never ending power source. I did this project to try and solve the problem of phones dying
when they seem most needed. I twisted copper and attached magnets to the wire and this conducted electricity. I got
an average of 13.7 joules from this experiment. That is what my project was on.
MER127 Can you charge a cell phone using a solar-powered battery?
My science fair project was about if you could charge a cell phone using solar energy. Solar energy is a big thing so
to see if you could use it to charge phones would be interesting. I did this expirement because I thought it would be
fascinating to see if I could charge a phone using solar energy. Not only would it help everyday life for people not
close to an outlet to charge their phones, but also for the poor that maybe have a phone, but don't have electricity to
charge their cell phones.
MER128 How High Will it Bounce?
This researcher will determine whether a soccer ball filled with nitrogen or with oxygen will bounce higher. One
soccer ball will be filled with 8.5 psi of nitrogen and one with 8.5 psi of compressed air then dropped from a height of
20 feet. The ball filled with nitrogen will bounce higher, because nitrogen has a lower density than air. Determine the
height the ball bounced, by setting up a Slow Motion Device shooting area of where the balls will be dropped and
replaying the video. Results will be available on fair day.
MER129 Rubber Band Man
I am going to see if hot water has more of an effect on rubber bands elasticity. I am also going to see if cold water
has an effect on elasticity. Hot water had more of an effect at 54.4 Celsius. this happened because hot water made
the molecules move and expand. cold water made the molecules contract. Rubber bands are made out of vulcanized
rubber. Rubber bands are not made out of Rubber.
PRSEF Student Abstracts
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Intermediate – Engineering / Robotics (MER), 7th & 8th Grade
MER130 Does the Length of a Paper Airplane Affect How Far It Travels
The purpose of the experiment is to see if the length of the paper airplane affects how far the paper airplane travels.
Each paper airplane was tested in the same room and was launched at the same force for seven launches. The
shortest plane flew an averaged distance of 8.9 meters, the longest plane flew an averaged distance of 6.4 meters.
The shortest paper airplane flew the farthest distance and the longer paper airplanes the shortest distance. Some
things that the experimenter would like to test in the future is does the width affect how far it travels.
MER131 Optimal Rocket Design for TARC
Purpose is to determine which rocket performs best compared to Team America Rocketry Challenge requirements.
T.A.R.C. states that each rocket should achieve altitude of 259.08 meters, carry payload of two eggs, altimeter, with
flight time of 45 seconds. Design and build three rockets, launch three times each. Record altitude, flight time,
payload condition. Use three different fin designs, parachutes, and egg protecting materials. Data shows Delta fin
design performed best; all padding materials protected eggs. No models came close to altitude or required flight time.
In conclusion, Delta fin design performed closest to goals due to aerodynamic, stable, durable design.
MER132 Recreating the Game of Life for Middle Schoolers
The purpose of this experiment is to recreate the Game of Life for middle schoolers so they have a better game to
relate to than the original Life game. The experimenter studied the Original game to learn the rules then had test
subjects play the game. The Game of Life was used as a template to create the new version. In the end the middle
schoolers said they prefer to play the new middle school game than the original. This game could be marketed to the
middle school age group because it relates to them more than the original game.
MER133 Electricity from Falling Water
Electricity From Falling Water My question with Kelvin’s Thunderstorm is a very simple but important one. What
combination of metals and liquids will maximize the energy efficiency of Kelvin’s Thunderstorm? In other words, how
can I get Kelvin’s Thunderstorm to produce the most electricity in the least amount of time? Engineering Goal: The
engineering goal is once again simple but important to human society. It is to have a reliable source of electrical
energy that is cheap and efficiencient in terms of energy production. Water is one of the cheapest and most
abundantly occurring compound in nature. As an end result, I am hoping for this technology along with my findings
are implemented in modern energy society. For example, when we use our sinks, we can use the falling water to
produce electricity. Power plants that used Kelvin’s Thunderstorm to its maximum potential could drastically decrease
our dependence on fossil fuels. My engineering goal is to maximize the energy efficiency of Kelvin’s Thunderstorm to
revolutionize the energy industry. Hypothesis: If we test the metals copper and aluminum and the liquids water and
salt water, I believe that Kelvin’s Thunderstorm will work the most efficiently with copper and salt water as the
MER134 Testing Piezoelectric Materials
My experiment was designed to test which piezoelectric material generates the most electricity when under stress.
The quartz did respond and generated electricity. My results after testing four samples of hexagonal natural quartz
crystal under 200 pounds of stress were that two opposing sides generated more electricity than the other sides and
the ends. For example, crystal 3 produced an average of 44 mV across faces 3-6, 21 mV across faces 2-5, and 9 mV
across the ends. Those same crystals also generated voltage naturally due to the stress generated by temperature
changes. Finally, two other test materials didn’t yield results.
MER135 Dominant versus Non-dominant Eyes
My project is if whether or not you shoot better with your dominant or non-dominant eye. For my project I grabbed a
group of my friends and had them shoot foul shots with each eye open and the other closed. I found that shoo!ng with
the eye crossed from your shoo!ng hand made more shots. I feel like this will help coaches, players, and also
doctors. I actually interviewed a coach and a ref for this. Overall this project really is beneficial for people. I am happy
I did this project.
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Intermediate – Engineering / Robotics (MER), 7th & 8th Grade
MER136 Rocketing Into Science
I was wondering what type of rocket would go higher, a store bought rocket or a homemade rocket. When I did the
experiment I used two different types of engines, an A engine and a B engine. When the rockets were in the air I
used an inclinometer to measure the angles. Both times I launched the rockets the store bought rocket when
increasingly higher than the homemade rocket did. Once I got the angles from the inclinometer I figured out the math
and got the height for each rocket and each engine that was used. The average height for the homemade rocket was
102.65 feet, and the average height for the store bought rocket was 171.66 feet.
MER137 Far Out Wings
What wing design helps the airplane go the farthest? I hypothesize from my research that the triangle wing design
would go the farthest, because the triangle wing design will make the plane cut rough the air better and make it go
farthest. First cut out three airplanes. Then cut out three wing designs. After that glue the three wing designs on each
of the airplanes. Next stand at a starting line, and throw the airplanes. Finally measure how far they went in
centimeters rough the air better and make it go far. In trial 1, the triangle-shaped wings went the farthest. In trial 2, the
rectangle wings the farthest. In trial 3, the rectangle wings went the farthest again. In the end the rectangle winged
plane went the farthest.
MER138 The Best Flying Bottle Rocket
Does adding water inside the bottles affect flight positively or negatively? Will the rockets fly better with or without
water added to them? To conduct this experiment, the following steps were taken: Empty two 2L bottles of soda and
rinse it with water. Add cone shaped and ballpoint shaped tip design to rockets. Place bottle on launcher and add 700
mL of water. Next, attach air pump to launcher, add air pressure to bottle (207 kPa), and launch. Record height at
which the rocket flew with altitude tracker; repeat for second trial. Repeat 2 more time without adding water to
rockets. Convert degrees to meters indicated by altitude tracker; record data. The hypothesis that the rockets flew
better when launched with water was shown to be correct in this experiment.
MER139 Ready for Takeoff
Which weight will have the greatest change of rpms on a flying drone? Based on research and my own knowledge, I
hypothesize that the 10 gram weight will affect the rpms the most.In this experiment, I am trying to determine the
greatest amount of rpms from three different weights. I placed the weight on top of the drone and raised it up 1 meter
above the ground. I recorded the rpms at this height and recorded that number. After this experiment, I found my
hypothesis was correct. The 10 gram weight made the drone produce the most rpms.
MER140 City of Bridges: Comparison of Strength in Three Bridge Designs
The purpose of this study was to find out the effect of three bridge designs (beam, truss, arch) on strength.
Hypothesis was the truss will work the best because a truss is made of connected elements that can be stressed
from tension and compression. All bridges were tested the same way by adding 2 pound sandbags. The arch bridge
was actually the strongest as it never collapsed after 12 pounds. The beam bridge just bent and bottomed out after
10 pounds and the truss collapsed to the side after 12 pounds. The results might be because I built the arch bridge
last and by that time was a better bridge builder.
MER141 "Superstorm" Stove
Natural disasters such as “Superstorm” Sandy show how fragile our modern world is. If you were caught unprepared,
how would you cook your food? Is there something better than a campfire? A stove was designed and built using
common bricks. The stove was tested using a standard Water Boil Test. A “three stone fire” was used as a control.
Time, temperature, and fuel data were recorded and graphed. The brick stove used less fuel than the traditional fire,
consistent with the hypothesis. The design goal of making an emergency cooking stove from simple materials was
MER142 How Important is Temperature For Magnet Strength?
Temperature has a significant impact on the strength of magnetic attraction. I hypothesize that increased temperature
will decrease magnetic strength and decreased temperature will result in increased magnetic strength. Three different
magnet temperatures were tested. Magnetic strength was measured by mass of paper clips picked up from a fixed
point. 20 repetitions for each magnet temperature allowed comparison of the temperatures with a t-test.
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Intermediate – Engineering / Robotics (MER), 7th & 8th Grade
MER143 Heat
Is it possible to create enough current to illuminate an LED light by only using body heat.
MER144 Mechanics Of A Trebuchet
The purpose of this engineering project was to test the effect of effort arm on performance for a small scale trebuchet.
MER145 A Robot that Uses Defense-like Behaviors When Interacting with Dogs
I am engineering a robot with a LEGO Mindstorms Kit that uses defense-like behaviors when interacting with dogs.
The goal of the robot is to have it try to protect a small treat from two dogs. I am building a robot that will emerge from
a cave carrying the treat, and will have four means of protecting the treat from the dogs. It will be equipped with an
ultrasonic sensor and will perform the protecting actions when senses that a dog is close by. A successful robot will
be able to perform the functions above. The Engineering project is currently underway.
MER146 Maze Solving Algorithms For Robots
The purpose of my project is to find a way how robots can efficiently pick and pack products in an order in a large
warehouse storing a multi-product inventory. To solve this problem, use a robot to travel to the various sections of the
warehouse to gather the items and then deliver them to the order dock. Though, in this experiment, I am only
focusing on navigating the robot through the warehouse(maze). Procedure: 1. Write/investigate computer programs
to test multiple maze solving algorithms. 2. Assemble the robot. 3. Write a program that gets the robot to move, turn,
and detect obstacles. 4. Write a maze solving program for the robot to use. 5. Construct the warehouse model. 6.
Test the robot in the warehouse model. 7. Repeat steps 5 and 6, debugging along the way. 8. Report results.
MER147 Solar Parabolas
We do not get that much sunlight in Pittsburgh, so my thought was how can we make solar panels better. The
problem that I have solved is being able to power your home without spending a lot of money. I tested several sizes
of parabolas to see which one was more effective. My results showed that the medium parabola did best. The biggest
took longer to reach a high temperature under the circumstances. My project could help people all around the world,
and I may go deeper into my research to find an even better solution.
MER300 Static Electricity
We decided on this project because we were always wondering why we would get shocked sometimes or when
objects were sticking to us. We found out that this was because of static electricity, so we wanted to find out more
about it. This research is important because it shows people how some things involving static electricity work, and
might show them things that use static electricity that they didn't know used it like xerography, air fresheners, pollution
control, and industrial car painting.
MER301 Electrolyte Challenge
This experiment was designed to test which kind of drink out of the choices of Gatorade, pickle juice, and orange
juice had the most electrolytes. We did this experiment by making a circuit and a conductance sensor to then hook
them up to a multimeter to find out the electricity conductance of the drink. In this experiment, we found out that
Gatorade conducted more electric current than the other drinks. Since Gatorade was a better conductor, we
concluded that Gatorade contains more electrolytes than the other drinks, which makes it a better choice for drinking
during sports games.
MER302 Homemade Hovercraft
Looking for a thrilling way to get around? Look no further! Our hovercraft made with household items glides over flat
surfaces and proves that you can make a hovercraft in your own backyard. For extra testing, we conducted a series
of experiments that assessed how much weight it could support. This project was a realization that physics and
engineering are applied every day. Building a hovercraft was a momentous success because the air pressure
conducted from the hovercraft was adequate to levitate itself. It sufficiently held up 235 pounds, more then we
predicted. Welcome to the 21st century!
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Intermediate – Engineering / Robotics (MER), 7th & 8th Grade
MER303 The Possibilities of Organic Electronics
This isn’t science fiction, but organic electronics have been researched for practical uses like training. We want to
show that electronics can use anything that is conductive and virtual training can be done for many jobs. We set up a
Makey Makey to a laptop and it allowed us to use organic objects to activate clicks or keys on the computer. We are
and have been testing several objects and we saw almost, if not all could activate the computer functions specified by
the Makey Makey. This testing is continuing and is going stellar.
MER304 Lift Those Weights!
Our project is a robotic hand, which we designed to pick up and hold weight. We wanted to know how much weight it
could hold, so we built the hand to resemble that of a human’s, and we predicted that it could hold between 6.6 and
11 kilograms. But after we experimented, our prediction was wrong, and the maximum weight it ever picked up in an
experiment was 0.80 kilograms. We had predicted that it could hold much more weight, but the design of the hand
made it difficult to hold weight, along with the lack of weights available.
MER305 Solar Powered Phone Charger
Too many times we have been out with friends and our phones died. We are determined to figure out if a solar panel
can charge an iPhone. By using forces of positive and negative wires with a solar panel, we will create a workable
charger. This device has a USB port and can charge multiple Apple devices. We will use that chord to use the sun's
energy to charge the device. Finally we can go out without worrying about our phones dying or being near an outlet.
We hope to improve the transition to more solar energy use.
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Intermediate – Earth / Space / Environment (MES), 7th & 8th Grade
Intermediate – Earth / Space / Environment (MES), 7th & 8th Grade
MES100 Insulation Situation
What material; aluminum foil, styrofoam, or cotton balls would make the best insulator? I hypothesized that aluminum
foil would make the best insulator because aluminum foil is packed with thin metal leaves, that keep things warm. The
purpose of my project was to find out which product insulated the best. What I did was filled cups up with water and
my insulation material, and then froze it. Then I recorded which one froze the fastest. When each cup was frozen, I
took them out of the freezer and placed the cups on a pan full of warm water. I let each cup melt. Recorded my
observations. When I finished with my project, I discovered that the aluminum foil melted the fastest, then the cotton,
and then the styrofoam. My hypothesis was correct; aluminum foil melted the ice the fastest.
MES101 Salty Polps
Polar icecaps are melting. Coral are a significant part of marine ecology. For my project I tried to see if saltwater
corals can adapt to freshwater. When the caps melt, freshwater enters the ocean, diluting the saltwater. My
hypothesis is that the corals will adapt as long as the change isn’t drastic. I set up two tanks (one control, one test)
and grew soft coral frags. I then eased one frag into the test tank (25% freshwater) and observed it. I kept adding
freshwater over a period. The coral adapted to a lower than normal salinity up to a point.
MES102 Coffee:Energy for You and Your Plants
I did this project to see if leftover coffee grounds worked as a fertilizer for marigolds. I planted seeds in three planters
with two different amounts of grounds, and no grounds in the soil. I learned 59 gr. of grounds in the soil produced
better results than 118 gr. of grounds and no grounds in the soil. My results mean that 118 gr. was too many grounds,
and no grounds was not enough. Future experimentation could be with different plants and amounts of coffee
MES103 Disapearing Act!
The researcher will gather brands of Bounty paper towels, to show how they decompose differently. The researcher
will use three different types of Bounty, Bounty Basic, 2x More Absorbent, and Bounty Duratowel. The researcher
hypothesizes that the Bounty Basic will decompose faster than the others two. Results will be available on fair day.
MES104 Maximizing Efficiency in Personal Water Desalination
During the Syrian civil war, drinkable water has been in short supply. Individual ocean water desalination has become
common. This project explores factors affecting the efficiency of desalination utilizing the boiling method, specifically
boiling time and steam tube diameter. We tested 30 and 60-minute boiling times utilizing 1.27cm and 2.54cm
diameter tubes. Boiling for 60 minutes using a 1” tube resulted in over 4.3 times more desalinated water (175 mL)
than the ½” tube for 30 minutes (40 mL). Clearly, the time and energy required to initiate boiling hugely impacts
efficiency. Also, the larger conduit enables more steam transportation.
MES105 Drink That Water
I did the project to see what water becomes cleaner using solar purification, and if the waters actually become
cleaner. In order to complete this project and figure out which water becomes cleaner I had to get a solar energy kit
and a water testing kit. I built the solar oven and put the oven in the sun for 6 hours. After that I put the water through
testing and recorded my results. After three trials of testing the waters, I figured out that what I hypothesized was
wrong. The river water became cleaner out of all the waters; tap, pool, and flavored.
MES106 Does Soil Affect the pH of Water?
Purpose: The purpose of this experiment is to determine if soil affects the pH of water. Hypothesis: Of the four areas
where I collected soil, the area by the pond had the most plants and greatest variety. Therefore, I hypothesize that
the soil taken from the area by the pond will have a lower pH (more Acidic) than soil taken from all other locations.
Procedure: • Gather experiment materials. • Using pH paper and the pH meter, measure the tap water and soil water.
(pond, road, garden, and tree trunk). • Repeat experiment steps at 24 hours and 48 hours.
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Intermediate – Earth / Space / Environment (MES), 7th & 8th Grade
MES107 How does salt water affect man made and natural materials?
Aloha everyone! For my project, I tested different materials in salt water and tap water to see what kind of water
degrades the materials more. This is an important project for other people like builders who build houses along the
beach to know what materials work best for keeping houses in place. My hypothesis is if manmade and natural
materials are soaked in fresh and salt water, then the salt water materials will break down faster than the materials in
the fresh water. For my experiment part of the project, I soaked different types of metal, wood, a piece of cloth, and a
seashell in salt and fresh water to determine what type of water breaks down faster. During my experiment, the water
started changing color in both salt and fresh water. The zinc started coming off the metal and the galvanized metal
started to rust. My hypothesis was and wasn’t correct in some ways. For some of the materials, like the wood in the
freshwater, gained weight and made the water change to a brownish color. Yes my project was successful and it
almost went according to plan. I could’ve added different types of solutions and chemicals. Maybe I can experiment
more sometime.
MES108 Can the Characteristics of the Crater Produced By a Meteorite Be Used to
Determine Its Properties?
Purpose:Determine if the size of an impact crater can be used to determine characteristics of the projectile that
strikes a surface. Hypothesis:The characteristics of an impact crater can be used to determine the density and angle
that a projectile strikes a surface. Procedure: 1: Determine the mass and density of the projectile being tested. 2:
Drop test projectile from testing apparatus perpendicularly and at a 45 degree angle. 3. Determine the density and
angle the projectile strikes the surface from the impact crater it produces. 4:Repeat Steps 2-3 29 more times. 5.
Repeat Steps 1-4 for the other projectiles being tested. Conclusion: Available at fair.
MES109 Insecticides: Harmful or Helpful?
The purpose of this experiment is to determine if insecticides stunt plant growth or affected the health. To conduct
this experiment I will observe three ivy plants, two with insecticides and one without and record the results of all the
plants.The experimental results were measured by the appearance of the plants. The results my experiment showed
that pesticides are indeed harmful to plants. The results indicate that my hypothesis should be considered correct
because I stated the insecticides would not only affect the plant but also end up killing it.
MES110 Conservation Nation
Can reusing contaminated water make plants grow? In today's world many are reusing, reducing and recycling. I
wanted to find out if using contaminated water will have an effect on plants. I planted 30 bean seeds in 30 pots and
water 10 each with either soapy water, tap water or vinegar water. I plotted my results on a graph. Tap water is still
the best to add to plants. Possible applications outside of this experiment would be to reduce, reuse and recycle the
water we use.
MES111 Neutralizing Rivers Polluted with Acid Mine Drainage
Please visit student's exhibit for abstract.
MES112 Depth vs. Speed
Tsunamis are traveling fast, and killing many lives. I wanted to figure out if the depth of the water affects the
tsunami’s speed. In this experiment, I used a water tank to determine if a tsunami goes faster in deeper water, and
slower in shallower waters. To do this, I filled the water tank and dropped a block of wood. The wood generated the
wave, and I timed how long it took for it to travel from one end to the other. In the end, I learned that a tsunami does
travel faster in deeper waters supporting my hypothesis.
PRSEF Student Abstracts
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Intermediate – Earth / Space / Environment (MES), 7th & 8th Grade
MES113 Shake It Up
The purpose of my experiment was to see which structure shapes hold up best against simulated earthquake
movements. I built each structure and tested it three times with different simulated earthquake movement. The
earthquake movements tested were horizontal and vertical. I also tested each structure under continuous movement
for 15 seconds. Overall, the horizontal movement did more damage to the structures than the vertical plate
movement. The triangular shaped buildings did the best against both plate movements while the, vertical, tall
buildings suffered from the horizontal plate movement and the vertical movement although, it was far less than the
horizontal movement. The horizontal, flat buildings did better on the vertical movement than the horizontal plate
movement also. The conclusion is that a triangular building would hold up best against an earthquake and horizontal
plate movement and that quick and powerful earthquakes are the most destructive.
MES114 What's In Your Water?
In this experiment, I wanted to find out what was the most efficient way to treat water that had substances like pH,
total alkalinity, etc. Then, I tested various water purification techniques to see how they effected the substances.
MES115 Does Fly Ash Negatively Affect the Germination and Growth of Winter Wheat?
Purpose: Does fly ash affect growth and germination of plants? Hypothesis: As concentration of fly ash increases
germination, dry biomass, and growth will decrease. Procedure 1.Prepare 0%(control), 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% fly
ash/soil mixtures 2. Place 100g of 0% (control) fly ash soil mixture in 40 cups each containing 1 bean seed moistened
with 50ml of water. 3. Repeat steps 2-3 for each fly ash soil mixture being tested. 4.Place all cups under a grow light
watering each cup with 50ml of water every 3 days. 5.Determine and record number of seeds that germinate and the
growth every 3 days. 6.After 60 days, determine the dry biomass of each plant. Conclusion: Results available at fair.
MES116 Drinking Seawater?
Desalination is a way for saltwater to turn into drinking water. Humans aren’t able to drink saltwater due to high levels
of salt concentrations in the water, causing humans to lose water in their body. In this experiment, I’ll be
experimenting with a handmade device that desalinates saltwater. I’ll build a device that contains saltwater, covered
in plastic wrap. As the saltwater starts to evaporate, the water droplets should separate from the salt and cling to the
plastic wrap.My conclusion is as the saltwater evaporates, the salt should seperate from the water and be deoposited
into a cup.
MES117 Hot N Cold
Every experiment has to have a hypothesis, independent, dependent, and a controlled variable and these tell you
what they are. My hypothesis is channel eleven will do the best. If channel 11 [nbc] has the best technology then
channel will be most accurate from better results. My independent variable is the weather. My dependent variable is
the meteorologists. My dependent variable [meteorologists] will DEPEND on my independent variable [weather] to
predict the weather for us. My controlled variable is that I am checking the weather in one city. I will look at the
weather predictions every day to test my hypothesis.
MES118 Soaking Seeds
My project if about seed growth and how it is affected after being soaking in various liquids. In order to conduct this
project, I got information about seed coats and how much it took to disrupt them. I also chose 5 different liquids
including water to soak the bean seeds in. I chose 2 acids and 2 bases. Vinegar and lemon juice were the acids, and
window cleaner and dish detergent were the bases. I wanted to choose various liquids because different liquids can
affect the growth of bean seeds. I observed the growth of 4 trials of bean seeds over a 4 week period. I hope this
project will help the growth of bean seeds.
MES119 Water sterilization
This experiment was to find out the best way to sterilize water. Unsafe drinking water is a major worldwide problem. I
thought that if heat was applied to water it would kill bacteria. So I got water from an E. coli-laden river and filtered it
using a U.V. lamp, bleach, or boiling. I then did the same thing to dirty fish tank water. The results for both were the
same. The boiling did the best and the U.V. lamp did the worst. While bleach did not do too poorly, it would not be my
first water cleaning choice.
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Intermediate – Earth / Space / Environment (MES), 7th & 8th Grade
MES120 Black Holes
The purpose of this experiment is to determine if the size of a star depends on how powerful a Black Hole will be. To
conduct this experiment I will build a contraption to represent a Black Hole, then set up 7 different sized washers
around the perimeter and use a powerful and weak magnet to pick up as many washers as possible. The
experimental results were measured by the amount of washers that were attracted during the experimentation. The
results of the experimentation show that the size of the star does depend on how powerful a Black Hole will be. The
results show that my Hypothesis should be accepted because it states that the more powerful magnet would pick up
the most washers.
MES121 What is the best angle for solar cell?
My Science Fair project is the study of solar cells. Specifically, whether certain angles in relation to the sun are more
beneficial. In conducting this examination, I determined that the “right” angle of incidence between the solar cell and
the sun will maximize power output. I performed this experiment because it is important to understand more about
renewable energy and experimenting with solar cells allowed me the opportunity to study this further. By wiring solar
cells to a resistor and then mounting them on blocks of differing angles, I was able to show that the experiment
supported my hypothesis.
MES122 Cold, Hot, Salt, Not?
First 25 brine shrimp eggs were placed in a sterile petri dish and taped shut in case of being accidently spilled. Then I
made a 1, 2, 3, and a 4% sodium chloride solution by adding 1, 2, 3, or 4 grams of sodium chloride to 100 mL of
spring water and using a magnetic stirrer. 20 mL of spring water were added to the 270 petri dishes. They were either
put in an incubator at 35°C, a dark closet in the science lab at 22°C, or in a refrigerator at 5°C for 48 hours and then
were counted.
MES123 Extreme Weather Simulation in Slow Motion
I want to study extreme weather because over the last Christmas holiday I kept seeing news about extreme weather,
like floods and tornadoes, that affected a lot of people in America. Sometimes people die because there was no
warning ahead of time. I was wondering if how such extreme weather can happen and if there are ways to predict it
so that people can be warned ahead of time. I saw on the news that even a few minutes of warning can save lives.
My research question is: How does the temperature difference between the two "fronts" of water affect the interaction
between them? Also, how to measure the interaction between two fluid bodies?
MES124 Rain of Terror
The purpose of this project is to determine the effect of acid rain on the development of lima bush bean plants. Lima
bean plants were purchased along with plastic cups sulfuric acid. The Lima bean plants were transplanted into the
cups. With goggles, a mask, gloves, and an apron, the sulfuric acid was diluted with distilled water. Seven gallons of
water were labeled 1-7 for the pH number. For eight weeks the plants were watered with the acid rain with the correct
MES125 Here Comes The Sun
The purpose of this experiment is to determine if using a magnifying glass on a solar panel effects the energy output,
if so what is the most effective range that the magnifying lens must be. To conduct this experiment I held a
magnifying glass 1 meter, ½ of a meter, and ¼ of a meter away from a solar panel. The experimental results were
measured by comparing the voltage of the different distances. The results of the experiment showed that the closer I
held the magnifying glass the more voltage was produced. The results indicate that the hypothesis should be
accepted because I predicted that the closest that I held the magnifying lens, or ¼ of a meter away, would produce
the most electricity.
MES126 Bright Idea for Growing Plants
I will be investigating the effects of different colors of light to see if they grow a plant better than others. This could
make for a great alternative method for growth without having to genetically modify the foods.
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Intermediate – Earth / Space / Environment (MES), 7th & 8th Grade
MES127 Second and Third Generation of Plant Cuttings: Is there A Difference
Hypothesis:Plant cuttings will make a difference. Procedure: 1.Pot plants and remove cuttings and place in water.
2.Pace cuttings with roots in soil three weeks later. 3.Measure plants` height. 4.Conduct study for eight weeks.
5.Remove cuttings from second generation plants and place in water for three weeks. 6.Place cuttings in soil and
measure height. 7.Conduct and study for eight weeks. 8.Measure plants. 9.Comparisons made. 10.Conclusions
drawn. Rationale:to investigate ways to increase the productivity of plants.
MES128 How Do Oil Spills Affect Plant Growth?
This study was conducted to test the hypothesis that oil spills affect plant growth. Plants studied were divided into
three groups. The first group of plant seeds grew in cooking oil. The second group grew in gasoline. The third group
grew in the absence of oil, serving as the control group. The parameters that were measured were the germination
rate, plant height, leaf size and the biomass above and below the ground. Plant growth was observed continuously
for four weeks. The results showed that cooking oil and gasoline had a significant negative effect on plant growth.
Plant seeds under the influence of cooking oil and gasoline had a slower germination rate, and these plants grew
shorter, were smaller, and had a lesser biomass above and below the ground than those in the control group.
MES129 Weathering the Windchill
In my research paper, I will summarize my project. In the introduction, I included my research/background, the
explanation of my project, and what I hoped to achieve when I started the project. The experimental methods will
include the methods I used to collect my data and observations.I will describe this information in detail. Also, graphs
and photographs will be included in this section. The next part of the report will be the discussion. In this section, I will
analyze my results. I will also write what i expected to happen, the actual results, and what I would do if I did the
project again. The next section, the conclusion, will summarize the results. The last sections are the
acknowledgements and references. I will include a thanks you to everyone that helped me and list the resources I
MES130 Could a device be created to melt ice and snow on solar panels and increase
their energy collection capacity during the winter months?
This experiment was conducted to see if building a heating device for solar panels in the winter would decrease the
amount of snow/ice on the panels and increase the energy collection capability. My hypothesis for this experiment is
that the heating device will melt the ice/snow on the solar panels and increase the amount of energy collection
capability in the winter months. In addition, I measured the time it took to melt the ice/snow for the different devices.
To conduct this experiment, I used the electric heating device as my independent variable. My dependent variable
was the energy collection capability. The heating device without use is the control. Milliamps (mA) on a multimeter
measure the experimental results. These results were obtained when the heating device was put on the solar panel
to melt the ice/snow and when testing the snow/ice on the solar panels without the device as a baseline collection.
The results gathered showed that all three devices decreased the amount of time it took to melt the ice/snow. The
3mil device was showed to be the most efficient device that was created because in baseline, it did not exclude too
much of the original panel and when testing with ice/snow it would lower the amount of time it took to melt it. I agree
with my hypothesis because my experiment and data show that when a heating device is placed on a panel, it will
decrease the amount of time it takes to melt the ice/snow.
MES131 Plants vs Oil
My purpose was to see if I could help aquatic plants by using synthetic oil. I did this by putting 40 ml. of each oil into
beakers filled with 300 ml. of water. I placed the plants inside and measured the amount of oxygen produced. My
hypothesis was supported; the amount of oxygen in the two with oil was lower. The type of oil you use will not
improve the effect on aquatic plants. This test showed how dangerous oil is to aquatic life. This shows in future
experiments that motor and synthetic oils will not help the plants.
PRSEF Student Abstracts
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Intermediate – Earth / Space / Environment (MES), 7th & 8th Grade
MES132 A Biodegradable Silt Fence
Plastic silt fences are used to prevent disturbed soil from contaminating nearby bodies of water. In a previous study,
cattail fluff was identified as an effective, natural filter media when compared to a plastic silt fence. In this study, six
biodegradable filter housing materials were combined with cattail fluff to determine how well they filtered water
compared to a plastic silt fence. The materials evaluated included burlap, cotton rib, canvas, terry cloth, felt, and
unbleached cotton. The study concluded that a filter housing made from felt performed significantly better than all
others in terms of filtration rate, efficiency, and durability.
MES133 Airborne Particles
Purpose: to compare the number of airborne particles at four different locations: Frick Park, Shadyside, school, and
near Route 28. Particles were collected on packing tape attached to a cardboard frame. Under the microscope, the
particles were counted in 1 cm2 section. Results ranged from a high of 31.3 near Route 28 to a low of 15 within the
park. The presence of more numerous and also larger sized particles near Route 28 reflect possible health risks for
families living nearby. The lower averages in the park might indicate that there is less particle pollution and slightly
cleaner air.
MES134 Macroinvertebrates
My purpose in doing this project was to use macroinvertebrates to find how clean or polluted two individual streams
were depending on their different locations. For my procedure, I went to each stream finding their characteristics and
recording them. I then found and identified the macroinvertebrates and their water tolerance. More pollution sensitive
macroinvertebrates were in Stream 1 compared to Stream 2 (farther from industry). This was surprising because it
was closer to industrial pollution. Surprisingly, Stream 1 was the cleaner stream, though Stream 2 was farther from
industry. This was not anticipated because visually Stream 2 appeared considerably cleaner.
MES135 Quartz and its Reaction with Household Chemicals
Since many people purchase quartz for their homes, my idea for my project was to test quartz to see if color has an
effect on its durability. My hypothesis was that color would have an effect. I used rose, purple, and clear quartz for my
experiment. I tested them with household chemicals of bleach, ammonia, and peroxide to see if they would wear the
quartz away. I set one sample in the chemicals and let them sit overnight, while the control group was placed water. I
tested the rocks using a streak plate. My results proved my hypothesis was correct.
MES136 Measuring the Power of Geothermal Energy
The purpose of the experiment is to determine how the amount of steam energy created by a model Geothermalpowered generator can affect the rate of speed on the model turbine. To determine this, I will build a power generator
from household materials to calculate the rate of RPMs. I found that as I put more holes in the foil, the rpm's
averaged out to be similar. The steam pushed through twenty holes at the same rate as only one hole.
MES137 Impact of Salt on Mud Batteries
Batteries constructed of mud, and containing the necessary bacteria and microbes to generate a current will be
evaluated. The impact of adding salt on current levels also will be investigated.
MES138 Combining the purifying power of Moringa oleifera seeds and activated carbon
About 748 million people worldwide don’t have access to clean drinking water, leading to deadly diseases, especially
in developing countries. One existing method used to purify water is to use activated carbon to remove chemicals,
particles, and odor. Seeds of the Moringa oleifera tree remove 90-95% of bacteria and reduce water pollution. My
hypothesis is that combining these two separate methods can result in an improved, more effective, and affordable
method of treating polluted water. The goal of my experiment is identifying and testing procedures of combining these
two methods into one system of water purification. Results will be posted.
MES139 Effect of Aerogel Particles on Oil Absorbtion
Aerogels are synthetic porous materials, which are made from subcritical drying of a gel, which allows the aerogel to
form in an unconventional means of evaporation. This “solid smoke” as it is called, is 99.6% air, made using
biodegradable resources, and they are reusable, so I hypothesized that the aerogel particles will be able to absorb
large quantities of oil. If my hypothesis is correct, aerogels will replace the current leading materials for oil absorption
to save the environment. If my hypothesis is proven, aerogels will be a cost effective, environmentally safe, and easy
to handle material for oil absorption.
PRSEF Student Abstracts
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Intermediate – Earth / Space / Environment (MES), 7th & 8th Grade
MES140 How Solar Flares Affect Earth's Magnetic Field
The researcher of this project will use a soda bottle magnetometer to determine the effect that solar flares have on
Earth’s magnetic field. The purpose of this experiment is that it can be used to further investigate the patterns
influenced by this factor. The researcher’s hypothesis is that if a solar flare is strong, then the magnetometer will
display more activity. The researcher will record the activity of the magnetometer every 40 minutes from 8:00 AM until
3:00PM for three days. They will use a planetary k-index to compare the data collected. Results will be available on
the fair day.
MES141 Effect of Carbon Dioxide on Plant Growth
Please visit student's exhibit for abstract.
MES142 Sunscreen... Enemy in the Sea?
The purpose of this project is to determine which brand of sunscreen is least toxic to sea life. I purchased Banana
Boat Sport sunscreen spf 30, Blue Lizard Sport sunscreen spf 30, and Coppertone Sport sunscreen spf 30. My
sponsor purchased me daphnia magna. Before testing, I put on a mask, gloves, and an apron. After I set up
microscopes, I put my sunscreen dilution in a well slide with one daphnia and started a timer. Once the daphnia
magna died, I recorded the time and ended up with a total of 120 tests.
MES143 Which Bioplastic Will Hold the Greatest Mass?
Bioplastic strengths will be evaluated by determining how much mass each can hold.
MES144 Electrical Soil?!
The purpose of my project is to determine if the type of soil affects the strength of electric charge. I became interested
because I have worked with plants in my previous experiment, and I never associated soil with electricity. My
hypothesis is if I add electricity to different types of soil then each type of soil will conduct different amounts of
electricity. I predict that the clay soil will conduct the most electricity because clay soil has the smallest particles
among all the other types of soil: garden and sand soil. Since the clay soil’s particles are so tiny, little air passes
through its spaces and causes the water to drain slower, and water conducts electricity. I will best testing this by
adding water to various types of soil and then testing their conductivity by adding an electrical current from a 6 volt
battery. I will add a multimeter and measure the current, as well as checking for soil particles on the probes of the
MES145 Is the Expiration Date on Seed Packets Valid
Hypothesis: The expiration date on seeds is not valid. Procedure: 1: Prepare containers. 2: Divide into groups
according to age of seeds. 3: Plant seeds. 4: Observe and record growth over eight weeks. 5: Measure roots. 6:
Weigh and record biomass. 7: Comparisons made. 8: Conclusions drawn. Purpose: To observe and record the
validity of package claims.
MES146 Building A Telescope
The purpose of this engineering project was to construct a Dobsonian Telescope for astronomical exploration.
MES147 Which Angle of Incidence Can be Captured by a Solar Panel Most Efficiently
Throughout the Day?
Many people buy solar panels and just put it at a random angle which is not at all efficient and provides less power for
that person. So which angle should consumers put their solar panels at to get the most electricity and efficiency out of
the panel? My experiment deals with this problem thoroughly. With every tenth angle out of 900 degrees and 10 trials
for each hour per angle, my project will find out which is the angle to put your solar panel to get the most out of it. The
final results will be presented at the science fair.
PRSEF Student Abstracts
Page 61
Intermediate – Earth / Space / Environment (MES), 7th & 8th Grade
MES148 Ashes, to Ashes, Dust to Dust, Earth to Earth
The purpose of my experiment was to see which type of soil would be the densest and most cooperative type of
foundation. For the procedure I used clay, sand and modified gravel for the soil types. I took each material and fill a
rectangular container, tampered the material and recorded the measurements. I then took water and addded it to the
material. I measured the denisity of the moist soil and recorded. Results were charted on a graph. My conclusion was
that a mixture of all three mateirals was the most dense. This project is useful to builders and architects who need to
know what kind of soil is the best foundation.
MES300 Recycling Greywater
Greywater is reused water being tested for safety of its conservation. One plant will be watered daily with tap water
and the other with same type of greywater. We decided to experiment on this project to find different ways of water
conservation but also test them for safety. We will conduct the experiment by watering the plant daily with its source
of water. Our results are expected that greywater won’t work to grow a plant. At the end we don’t think greywater is
safe for plants. We plan to compare and contrast both plants.
MES301 Water Treatments
The purpose of this experiment is to determine which water purification treatment works better. Activated carbon or
UV light water treatment. To conduct this experiment we compared the UV light water treatment to the activated
carbon treatment. The experimental results were measured by the amount of drops of bacteria that grew in the dishes
from the activated carbon and UV light. The results of the experiment show that the activated carbon treatment was
more successful at purifying the contaminated water than the UV light treatment. The results indicate that the
hypothesis should be rejected because the hypothesis states if trying to disinfect contaminated creek water using
sunlight and activated carbon then this project will show that using UV light will be more successful than using
activated carbon.
MES302 H2sOlar!
Our project involves water purification and solar energy. We tested several samples of water in order to find how
efficient organic solar powered water purification is. We tested each sample of water before and after purification to
compare the results to the original test results. We created our solar panels by laying solar cells between two window
panes and soldering the wires together. We wired the panels to our beverage heater to purify the water. Finally, we
compared the samples’ purity after experimenting. Our results will be sent to a Mongolian missionary for possible use
in water purification.
MES303 How Does A Comet's Size Effect How Fast It Melts?
The purpose of our project is to investigate how fast comets with different sizes melt. To conduct this experiment, we
measured three small comets and three large comets in grams, then we recorded the initial mass. For two minutes
we held a hairdryer two inches away from the comet and let it melt. After the two minutes we measured the comet's
mass again. We repeated these steps for the rest of the comets. The experimental results were measured in grams.
The results of this experiment showed that the smaller comets melted faster than the larger comets. The results
indicated our hypothesis was incorrect. We reject our hypothesis because the smaller comets lost the most mass,
6.96%, compared to the larger comets loss in mass, 3.76%. We thought the larger comets would lose the most mass,
but we were wrong.
MES304 Living Roofs! How Cool Are They?
Our objective is to find out how “Living Roofs” affect the temperature inside a building under different weather
conditions. Our hypothesis is that the home with roof garden will be cooler on a hot summer day and it will keep the
heat inside on a cold day. We plan to simulate two identical homes, one with a roof garden and one without. We will
heat up the homes using a heat lamp and record the temperatures. Our intent is to repeat the same procedure for
winter like conditions. We will compile, analyze and present the data with our exhibit.
PRSEF Student Abstracts
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Intermediate – Medicine / Health / Microbiology (MMH), 7th & 8th Grade
Intermediate – Medicine / Health / Microbiology (MMH), 7th & 8th Grade
MMH100 Effect of Common Acids on Acne
Acne, a common skin problem, is caused by the bacterium Propionibacterium acnes. Current acne treatment,
salicylic acid, is expensive and ineffective, as resistant bacterial strains are developing. This experiment tests the
efficacy of Citric and Acetic acids in inhibiting P.acnes’ growth. Citric and acetic acids were administered to different
P.acnes plates in concentrations of 12.5%, 25%, 50%, and 100%. Discs were dipped into the solutions and the zone
of inhibition the acids produced was measured. Citric acid produced the largest zones of inhibition and it can be
concluded that it is more effective than salicylic acid wipes in inhibiting P.acnes.
MMH101 Onion Extract Effects on Pseudomonas Biofilms: Implications for Treatment
Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a major health threat, particularly to individuals with Cystic Fibrosis, causing dangerous
infections in the lung and in ventilators. Pseudomonas' resistance to the current drugs being used to treat lung
infections is increasing, making it important to identify alternative drugs for treatment. My project explored the effect
of crude onion extract and its constituent allicin, a known antibacterial, on Pseudomonas biofilms. My question was
'Can onion extract prevent and/or disrupt Pseudomonas biofilms on diverse surfaces?' I hypothesized that crude
onion extract would contain sufficient allicin to have such an effect, and that the effect would increase in proportion to
the strength of the onion extract. I tested onion extract on biofilms formed on plastic and in lung cells. Experimental
results showed that on both surfaces the onion extract prevented biofilm formations at between 40% and 60%
extract, and disrupted pre-formed biofilms at concentrations greater than 20% extract.
MMH102 Can Insulin Be Created as a Pill?
“Can Insulin be Created as a Pill,” was designed to figure out if pills could be created for people with II Diabetes.
Gelatin molds were placed in meat tenderizer (stomach acid) and red colored water (blood) to see how the “pills”
would react. After being check every thirty minutes for two hours, the insulin pills did not change their form. After
doing additional research, I had come to conclusion that these pills would not digest because your stomach acid
would destroy the insulin proteins before they reached the liver due to its complexity.
MMH103 The Cold-Hearted Killers
The purpose of this project is to find which of the tested cold remedies may increase the heart rate of daphnia magna.
I purchased Afrin, Sudafed, and raw organic honey. I ordered Daphnia and began by placing the daphnia under the
microscope and counting their heart rate for ten seconds and multiplied that number by six to provide a sixty second
count. I then placed them in a concentration of a cold remedy for two minutes and counted the heart rate again. I
tested 25%, 50%, and 75% concentrations for the three remedies and saline solution as my control.
MMH104 Vitamins Effect on Bacteria
This project was chosen to inform people about vitamins to take when sick. The vitamins used were Vitamin B, C, D,
and E, and the control was water. For this experiment, use 5 agar plates with 3uL of E.coli bacteria. Poke 4 holes in
each plate, then put 3uL of the vitamins in each hole. Put the agar plates in an incubator at 37 degrees C for 24
hours, then another 24 hours measuring in between. Vitamin C worked the best and was the only vitamin with an
effect on bacteria. However, the effect was small and would not have done much if taken when sick.
MMH105 Bacteria, Cutting Boards & Cleaners
The purpose of this experiment was to determine which cutting board (wood, plastic, or antimicrobial) and which
cleaner (distilled water, dish soap, dial soap, or bleach) was the most effective at eliminating bacteria. The boards
were rubbed with chicken, swabbed, and cultured in petri dishes. The process was repeated after cleaning products
were applied. The bacteria were counted for 2 days and 2 trials. The data showed that the wood surface and bleach
had the least amount of bacteria. These findings support the original hypothesis that the wood board and bleach
would be the most effective at eliminating bacteria.
MMH106 How to Get the Most Iron Out of Iron-Rich Foods
The purpose of my experiment is to test which foods allow for the fastest extraction of iron and to test whether iron is
extracted fastest on an empty or full stomach. I hypothesize, that an empty stomach will extract iron faster than the
full stomach. Also, since almond meal has a higher amount of iron than baby spinach, I predict that the empty
stomach will extract more iron faster from the almond meal. Procedure: Gather materials and prepare work space.
Prepare solutions and set up the experiment. Add iron-rich foods. Collect data and analyze it.
PRSEF Student Abstracts
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Intermediate – Medicine / Health / Microbiology (MMH), 7th & 8th Grade
MMH107 Got Soda?
My question was which soda decreases tooth enamel the most. My hypothesis was that root beer will decrease tooth
enamel the most because it contains the largest amount of sugar. When doing the procedure, I put each hard boiled
eggshell in five cups filled with different types of soda and let them sit for about two weeks. After two weeks, I took
them out, weighed each one in grams, and recorded the data. After my procedure, I found that root beer was the
worst for tooth enamel, proving my hypothesis correct.
MMH108 Can music you listen to affect the growth of bacteria growing on it?
For most people, phones are used throughout someone’s everyday life. With my experiment I am testing the
possibility to limit the amount of bacteria grown on your phone just by listening to a different style of music. To
conduct this experiment, I collected bacteria from a phone surface and labeled the different petri dishes with the three
different types of music, classical, country, and rock. I played the music for 24 hours into the bacteria that was
growing, then I examined the results. I came to the conclusion that the vibrations coming from the rock music sped up
the bacteria growth the most.
MMH109 What Surface in my house has the most bacteria?
My project 'What surface in my house has the most bacteria' is testing six surfaces in my house; the dining room
floor, door knob, cell phone, kitchen sink, shower tiles, and toilet bowl to see which surface contains the most
MMH110 Roundup's Effect on Bacteria
We examined the effect of the herbicide Roundup on the balance of beneficial and detrimental human gut bacteria.
The purpose of this study was to determine if Roundup negatively affects beneficial bacteria more than detrimental
bacteria. This could lead to gut dysbiosis, which is associated with diseases like diabetes, obesity, cancer, and
depression. Therefore, ingestion of Roundup residue on food may cause disease. Bacteria were exposed to varying
Roundup doses. Growth measured using optical density appeared inhibited in a dose-dependent way. Degree of
growth inhibition between beneficial and detrimental bacteria will be compared and results presented at the Fair
MMH111 When are glucose levels higher: morning or evening
AbstractMy project looks at when is a person’s glucose level the highest. I would like to know how people’s glucose
levels vary from when they are sleeping to when they are up all day. It was important for me to do this experiment
because my grandma has diabetes. My hypothesis was that a person’s glucose level is highest in the morning. The
experiment results do not support my hypothesis by proving that a person’s glucose level is lowest in the morning for
the majority of people we tested.
MMH112 Zit Zapper
The purpose of this project is to determine which acne medication eliminates the most bacteria and is the best value
for the consumer. While wearing gloves, an apron, and a mask I swabbed an agar plate with my bacteria and put a
paper disc in an acne medication. The disc was then placed on the plate, and put into the incubator. After 48 hours
they were taken out and the zone of inhibition was measured, for a total of 192 tests.
MMH113 Pop! oes the pH!
The original purpose of this experiment was to find the pH levels in various types of soda pops. My hypothesis was
that colas like Pepsi and Coca-Cola would have a lower pH than the other soda pops I would test. I conducted three
trials on each type of soda measuring 100ml. Then I placed the pH meter in each one for the exact amount of time,
afterwards I recorded my data. The results of the experiment were that Root beer had the highest pH of 4.24,
followed by Sprite at 3.29, and Mountain Dew at 3.27. The lowest pH scores were Orange at 2.90, Pepsi at 2.61, and
the soda with the lowest pH was Coca-Cola at 2.52. Therefore, Coca-Cola with the lowest pH is the Cola that
contains the most acid. It is the soda that is the unhealthiest for your body.
PRSEF Student Abstracts
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Intermediate – Medicine / Health / Microbiology (MMH), 7th & 8th Grade
MMH114 Does the time of exposure to irradiation affect bacterial growth?
What is the optimal irradiation time for E. coli, and subsequently, does incubation cause bacteria to regenerate? An
agar plate containing 3 uL of bacteria had 1side covered with cardboard and aluminum foil exposing the side to be
irradiated. After irradiation of 900, 600, 300, 60, and 30 seconds, bacteria was incubated for 24 hours, measured and
incubated for an additional 24 hours. The control was not irradiated, but incubated. Increasing irradiation time
decreased the bacteria. Longer incubation resulted in more regeneration. The data demonstrates that even at 900
seconds all of the bacteria was not completely destroyed.
MMH115 Spicing Things Up!
The purpose of this project is to determine whether or not spices lose their antibacterial properties when they are
diluted. While wearing goggles, a mask, an apron, and gloves, I made concentrations of the spices, soaked paper
discs in the spice, and then placed them on a bacteria-streaked agar plate. After 48 hours, I read the zone of
inhibition and recorded results for a total of 640 tests.
MMH116 Antibacterial Properties? or Tea Wrecks?
The purpose of this project was to determine whether different teas have antibacterial properties against Bacillus
Cereus. I then purchased chai, green, chamomile, and black tea. After disinfecting my workspace I boiled each tea to
100 degrees Celsius. I then streaked the agar plates with Bacillus cereus and then soaked paper discs in the tea and
placed them on the agar plate. 48 hours later I took the plates out of the incubator and measured their zone of
MMH117 The Cancer Answer
The purpose of this experiment is to test which method of reprogramming cells is more efficient. To conduct this
experiment I will compare methods of reprogramming to see which is more valid. The experimental results were
measured by determining the most reliable method for reprogramming cells. The results of this experiment showed
that nuclear reprogramming use the best method to use when reprogramming cells. The results indicate that the
hypothesis should be accepted because I thought cancer cells could be reprogrammed and through nuclear
reprogramming they could be reprogrammed back to health.
MMH118 Does Spring or Fall Honey Inhibit Bacteria More Effectively?
Purpose: Determine if spring or fall honey inhibits bacteria better. Hypothesis: Fall honey will inhibit bacteria better
than spring honey. Procedure: 1.Inoculate nutrient broth with S.epidermidis and incubate. 2.Prepare a 0%(control),
25%, 50%, 75%, 100% spring and fall honey/nutrient broth and inoculate each with S.epidermidis. 3.Determine initial
optical density of each solution using a Spec20. 4.Incubate the solutions from step 3 and determine their optical
density after 24, 48, 72 hours and then prepare a 10-8 serial dilution for each. 6.Inoculate 4 nutrient agar plates,
with1mL of one of the serial dilutions, from step 5 and repeat using each remaining serial dilution. 7.Incubate all
Petridishes for 72 hours and determine the colony count. Conclusion: Available at fair.
MMH119 Kindergarten Cleanliness
The purpose of this study was to determine if kindergarteners could wash their hands effectively. A group of 10
kindergarteners had their hands swabbed before and after hand washing. The samples were then streaked on a petri
dish and grown in an incubator. The results were mixed. Some student’s cleanliness improved after hand washing.
However, others samples were dirtier following the washing, which was not expected. There were differences by
gender: On average, girls showed more bacteria after hand washing while boys showed less. Overall, girls had less
bacteria on their hands before and after washing combined.
MMH120 Does Whitening Toothpaste Really Work better?
I chose this science fair topic because I was interested in whether more expensive whitening toothpastes were
actually better than cheaper regular toothpastes. My problem I needed to solve was, ‘Are Whitening Toothpastes
Really Better Than Regular Toothpastes?’ To solve the research question, I first had to choose an object that could
act in the place for teeth. I chose hard-boiled eggs because they can take in the stains that Coca-Cola provides just
like teeth. Then, I had to brush each egg with a different toothpaste to see which toothpaste erased the stain from the
egg the best. My experiment helped people realize what toothpaste to use and why.
PRSEF Student Abstracts
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Intermediate – Medicine / Health / Microbiology (MMH), 7th & 8th Grade
MMH121 Which Wipe Kills More Bacteria
The purpose of this experiment is to help consumers and the companies that make the wipes that I am testing. In the
experiment I tested eco-friendly and regular wipes to see which killed more bacteria. Four different types of wipes
Lysol, Clorox, Seventh Generation, and Whole Foods Brand as well as distilled water as a control were tested in
three trials. In the first and second trials Lysol did the best and in the third Clorox did the best. By a slight margin
Clorox killed the most bateria, then Lysol, then Seventh Generation and finally Whole Foods.
MMH122 Liver Bubbles!
The purpose of this experiment was to measure the enzymatic reactions of the liver.
MMH123 Exercises that Help Arthritis, RND, and Hypermobility
The purpose of this experiment is to determine which exercises best help people that have juvenile arthritis, RND,
and hypermobility. To conduct this experiment I compared different exercises. The experiment results were
measured by seeing which exercise helps better by having a physical therapist test to see if my hips are aligned. The
exercise that best helped with RND,Hypermobility,and arthritis was the rebounder because it strenghthens my hips
for all the problems that i have
MMH124 Natural vs. Synthetic
In this experiment, oregano oil, a common natural antibiotic, and erythromycin, a synthetic antibiotic, are tested for
efficiency. In this experiment, three agar plates are swabbed with a non-pathogenic strain of E.coli. Then, the
antibiotic samples and the control (water) are placed on them. After, the plates are put in an incubator (37°C) for 24
hours, then 48 hours, measuring the radii of an absence of E.coli each time. Finally, find the area using A=πr^2 for
the Zone of Inhibition. In conclusion, erythromycin was more consistent, but oregano oil was more efficient due to its
performance in the first trial.
MMH125 Do Eco-Friendly, Vinegar, or Chem.
The purpose of this experiment was to find out, if Vinegar, Eco-Friendly Cleaner, or Chlorine disinfect better. For this
experiment, I used bacteria covered agar plates. The plates had four holes that were filled with cleaning solution.
After 24 hours and 48 hours, I measured the zone of inhibition. The data shows that Clorox killed the most bacteria.
The eco friendly cleaner, which was the most expensive one, did the worst job.
MMH126 Which Soda Can has the most Bacteria
The purpose of this project was to identify storage conditions for soda cans (six pack, vending machine, carton box)
preventing bacterial growth. Procedures included dipping sterile swabs in distilled water, wiping them on top of cans,
streaking them on agar plates which were then left in an incubator (37 oC; 24 - 48 hours) before bacterial colonies
were counted. This was repeated two more times. Data showed six packs cans led to the most bacterial colonies
followed by box and vending machine cans. My hypothesis was incorrect: cans from the box had the least bacterial
growth, therefore are the best to use.
MMH127 How Does Music Affect Hearing?
I chose to do this project because I listen to music with my earbuds really loud. My parents tell me that I will lose my
hearing one day, and I wanted to see if that was true. The problem for my project is, ‘How does music affect hearing?’
I gave two groups a survey, my control (children and adolescences) and experimental group (adults). As of right now
I have not completed my research. With my research, I hope to find a way to prevent people from losing their hearing.
Results will be available the day of the fair.
MMH128 The Effects of Soap on E. coli Survivorship
My project is a microbial study of E. coli survivorship after inoculation with soap. Soap formulations with and without
Triclosan are studied. Raw data are derived from a visual count of colonies formed on agar plates.
MMH129 Does music altar the growth of baceteria?
The point of this experiment is to find out which type of music will cause more bacteria growth. To do so I used three
types of music, rock, classical, and r&b. Various songs were used from those genres of music. Mouths were swabbed
from the inside of a person’s mouth. Then I swabbed the pertie dishes and put a cover on them. It was important to
go find an answer to this question because if the bacteria can resemble our brains, then if we listen to a classical
music than it will stimulize ourbrains in a certain way.
PRSEF Student Abstracts
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Intermediate – Medicine / Health / Microbiology (MMH), 7th & 8th Grade
MMH130 Which Antacid will Neutralize the Most Stomach Acid?
The purpose of this project was to test antacids for the best effective brand. I wanted to get known brands so most
people can relate to my project. You know the fruit flavored stomach antacids, or the tablets that dissolve in water ?
My hypothesis was that the more expensive brand would have a better way of neutralizing the stomach acid. Let us
talk about why we use antacids. Our stomachs produce acid when we eat to help digest food . Sometimes we eat too
much, meaning our stomachs produce too much acid. Which causes pains in the stomach. The antacid then brings
the pH level back to normal. Everyone gets stomach aches so I thought in would help with picking the right antacid.
MMH131 In Which Sport Are You Most Likely to Get a Concussion: Baseball, Basketball,
or Football?
My project is “In Which Sport are you Most Likely to Suffer a Concussion?” I did this project because many teenagers
have been getting concussions while playing sports. The most common sports are Baseball, Basketball, and Football.
So, I am testing those three sports. I gave out surveys to teenagers that play those three different sports. The players
had to answer questions on how severe their concussions were and what physician they went to. My results and
conclusion will be available the day of the fair.
MMH132 Drug Solubility
My project was to find out which over-the-counter pain drug will come into effect the fastest. For my project you need
four pain reliever drugs, (I used Aleve, Advil, Tylenol, and Motrin) you will also need acid water, cups, and a timer. I
predicted if I put Aleve, Advil, Motrin, and Tylenol in the acid water then Advil will dissolve the fastest. My hypothesis
was wrong, Tylenol took two minutes, Advil dissolved in fifteen minutes, Aleve took forty-five minutes, and Motrin
dissolved in eighty minutes. If I were to do this again I would use gel covered and tablets.
MMH133 Fun with Fungi
Mold grows on surfaces. People don’t realize the risk they face by eating around moldy parts of food. I am in the
process of observing in what temperature non-preservative bread lasts longer. I am using the fridge and the closet as
my two different temperatures. I am keeping the bread samples sealed with sealed plastic bags throughout the
experiment. I will be measuring the growth of mold by estimating the surface area of bread visibly covered with mold
with photographs through the plastic. I hope to see that bread lasts longer in the fridge at the end of this experiment.
MMH134 Let's Squat! Measuring Tension on the Patellar Tendon
The purpose of this experiment is to determine which angle puts the most tension on the patellar tendon. To conduct
this experiment I built a model leg and bent the knee at each angle. The experimental results were measured by the
amount of tension on the patellar tendon. The results of the experiment are based on how much tension each angle
created. The results of the experiment indicate that the hypothesis should be accepted. The 30 degree angle put the
most tension on the patellar tendon. The data was inversely proportional.
MMH135 The Effect of Drugs Commonly Found in Recycled Water on Pollinator &
Disease Vector Insects
Antibiotics used in farming and medicine are found in run-off water that is recycled for other uses and may cause
antibiotic resistance. Additionally, antibiotics in recycled water may also have an effect upon both beneficial and
harmful insects. Eggs from painted lady butterflies and larvae of houseflies were exposed to erythromycin and
ciprofloxin at therapeutic concentrations and supra-therapeutic concentrations and compared to non-exposed
controls. The insects were observed daily and growth, development, pupae formation, adult transformation and death
rates were noted and compared between the groups.
PRSEF Student Abstracts
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Intermediate – Medicine / Health / Microbiology (MMH), 7th & 8th Grade
MMH136 Spice Up Your Life
The purpose of this study is to determine the effects of different spices on microorganisms as well as those of a spice
on different types of bacteria. Cinnamon will have the strongest effect because it has a very strong smell, taste, and
because it has been studied for its ability to help stop the growth of bacteria as well as fungi. In addition, E-Coli will
react to the spices the most because it is one of the most often contracted illness. In this experiment, the effects of
four different spices (cinnamon, chili, nutmeg, garlic, white pepper) on the growth of microorganisms (E Coli) were
evaluated, and secondly, the differences in the antibiotic effectiveness of a spice with various kinds of bacteria (E coli,
Pseudomonas fluorescens, Micrococcus luteus, Bacillus subtilis) were investigated. With regards to growth inhibition
of E Coli, the garlic had the strongest effects while cinnamon had the second strongest and all the others (chili,
nutmeg, pepper) did not demonstrate any inhibitory effects on E Coli growth. Regarding the differences in the
antibiotic effectiveness of a spice with various kinds of bacteria, Micrococcus reacted to the spices the most (three
out of five species). Some spices appear to have antibiotic activity while their sensitivity as well as the response of
various microorganisms to each of spices is different. By adding these natural food medicines to our life, we can
actively work to keep our body healthy and in balance.
MMH137 Does Hand Sanitizer Work?
The researcher of this project will be testing if the effectiveness of hand sanitizer decreases after every trial. This
project can influence the way we use hand sanitizers. The researcher’s hypothesis is that the effectiveness of hand
sanitizer will decrease after multiple applications. The researcher will apply hand sanitizer to a latex glove worn
throughout the day and swab the glove five times during the course of 24 hours and cultures will be collected on a
petri dish. The researcher will record the number of bacterial colonies grown. Results will be available on fair day.
MMH138 Watch CPR Demo. Learn. Save a Life
Hypothesis: Effective bystander CPR provided immediately after sudden cardiac arrest can double or triple a victim’s
chance of survival, but only 32 percent of cardiac arrest victims get CPR from a bystander. Sadly, less than eight
percent of people who suffer cardiac arrest outside the hospital survive. The American Heart Association trains more
than 12 million people in CPR annually, to equip us with the skills they need to perform bystander CPR. These
training sessions are a few hours long, and may not be conducive for most people to attend. Key aspects of CPR
should be taught and shared via a more user friendly medium to improve the quality of care provided by the firstresponders. Research Question: Can a three minute focused video demonstrating the technique of CPR and the use
of an AED improve perception and knowledge amongst adults and teens, who are not medical professionals?
Procedure: Baseline knowledge of 30 adults and teens (a representative sample) on their attitudes towards chest
compressions and bystander CPR will be ascertained using a 10-question survey. The intervention is the 3-minute
video, created by the student, which demonstrates 2-person CPR, and how to obtain and use an AED based on
geolocation. After watching the video, the post-intervention survey of the same 10 questions will be given to the 30
participants. Conclusions: I hypothesize that there will be an improvement in attitudes, knowledge and comfort level
on the use of CPR and AED amongst the participants, after the intervention. The scope of this project can be
expanded to various groups of the population at large, leading to a bigger societal impact of bystander CPR saving
lives. Final results will be available at the student's exhibit on Fair Day.
MMH139 5 Second Rule - Eat it or Leave it?
The purpose of this experiment is to determine the truth of the five second rule. Many people drop pieces of their food
daily and can’t resist picking it back up to take another bite. By being tempted, you could be holding and eating food
with common household bacteria on it. To investigate, lunch meat will be dropped on the ground for five seconds and
transfer the germs onto the petri dishes with agar. Data will be collected to see how much bacteria collects on the dry
and moist food. The results will be available on fair day.
MMH140 Are ants locomotion affected by the size of a particle?
Motivation for this project is to simulate an army of robots called into disaster relief duty with an army of ants. A major
design focus is for the feet of the robot. In this project, ant locomotion as a function of particle size is studied. I
hypothesize that smallest particles will clump together and hinder locomotion, that all particles smaller than ants feet
will hinder locomotion and that all particles larger than ants feet will have no effect on locomotion. Harvester ant
locomotion is measured over five particle sizes. Average ant speed vs. particle size will be analyzed.
PRSEF Student Abstracts
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Intermediate – Medicine / Health / Microbiology (MMH), 7th & 8th Grade
MMH141 Honey I Shrunk the Cancer! Can manuka honey kill cancer cells?
The purpose of this experiment is to determine how effectively manuka honey kills cancer cells in culture. To conduct
the experiment, I worked in a qualified laboratory to compare the effects of manuka honey versus generic honey on
the proliferation of cancer cells. Results were compared to those obtained with YM155, an inhibitor of the survivin
protein, which prevents apoptosis and allows tumor cells to thrive. An MTS proliferation assay measured cell death
with a spectrophotometer and showed that manuka honey killed more cancer cells than generic honey and at a rate
comparable to the control. The results support the hypothesis: Manuka honey killed more cancer cells than generic
MMH142 Evaluation of Methods for Controlling a Prosthetic Hand
The purpose of this project is to build a model prosthetic hand and develop and test some methods for controlling it.
The methods I used were toes of one foot, toes of two feet, arm muscles and ligaments, voice activation, and speech
recognition. I did this experiment because I plan on being a biomedical engineer. My procedure was to research
prosthetic, design, and build a prototype hand, experiment with the methods to see which worked the most
efficiently, and analyze the data to determine which method worked the best. My data concluded the "toes of one
foot" was most effective.
MMH143 What stains teeth most: coffee, tea, or pop?
Have you ever wanted a whiter and brighter smile? This experiment helped me investigate which drink would stain
teeth the most. It is very vital to life to take care of your teeth, and by knowing what foods and drink that can help or
damage the tooth. We could make healthier choices for our body and teeth. To test which drink would stain most I
soaked an egg in each drink (three). To conclude I believe that taking care of your teeth can make a grave impact on
your life. It would also save money from buying dentures!
MMH300 How Deep Does Your Knee Bend?”
The reason we chose to do our science project was because both partners have knee problems. Ashlyn’s knee was
injured twice from soccer. One injury was fatal and the other wasn’t as fatal. She recently had a Medial PatellaFemoral reconstruction with a Hamstring graft. Rena also has knee problems. We were trying to figure out how far
the average knee can bend with the least amount of stress put on it using guitar string and different springs. We used
a mechanical knee model we built to perform our experiment. We found out 30’ has less stress than 90’. We had our
model perform well.
MMH301 Bevarage Induced Dental Changes
We conducted this experiment to benefit dentists around the globe faced with various dental problems. Our project
was to see if temperature had any effect on dental staining and erosion. We conducted this experiment by placing
cups in two different temperatures, cold and room temperature. We took notes to see if the temperature affected the
pH of the liquid. This is because temperature is the main cause of staining and also erosion. We used various
beverages which people drink often, in order to have a more realistic idea of what constant exposure to certain liquids
can do to teeth.
MMH302 Do Concussion Guards Work?
A concussion is a disturbance in brain function that occurs following either a blow to the head or as a result of the
violent shaking of the head. In the United States, the annual incidence of sports-related concussion is estimated at
300,000. We want to know if concussion guards can prevent a concussion and protect the brain or if they just protect
the skull from skull fractures. After our experiment we found that the Bauer helmet was the best and the CCM was the
worst. We used a cantaloupe to represent the skull and an egg to represent the brain.
MMH303 Medicine in Digestion
In the experiment, Medicine in Digestion, we wanted to know which Tylenol tablet works fastest. Our hypothesis is
that the powder pressed will dissolve fastest and liquid gel slowest. To test our hypothesis we put each tablet in
lemon juice ,with a pH of 2, five times to find the average amount of time taken to dissolve. The powder pressed
came in first with an average time of nine minutes nine seconds. In second, the powder filled with 25 minutes 32
seconds. Liquid gel came in third with 36 minutes 13 seconds. Our hypothesis was confirmed by our conclusion.
PRSEF Student Abstracts
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Intermediate – Medicine / Health / Microbiology (MMH), 7th & 8th Grade
MMH304 Water Purification
Not all water is clean water. Most water must be purified before consumption by humans due to harmful bacteria. Our
project is to make a fast, easy, and portable way to purify water if you have run out or need drinkable water on hand.
In order to make the water filter, we had to take a bottle and cut it in half. We then layered rocks, two types of sand,
and coffee filters into the bottle. We then poured water into the bottle, the liquid seeped to the bottom. We think that
cleaner water nourishes your body better than contaminated.
MMH305 Materials that Help Prevent Concussions
Our project is based on helping to prevent concussions. Numbers of concussions are growing in sports and possibly
causing severe brain damage that could last a lifetime. Our project will test three materials that could help to prevent
concussions. Our method is to put a breakable material underneath the material being tested. We will drop a
weighted ball onto the material and see if it can protect what is underneath. Our project is designed to see which of
the three materials could provide the most protection. Our expectation is that the results of our tests will vary with
drop heights.
PRSEF Student Abstracts
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Intermediate – Physics (MPH), 7th & 8th Grade
Intermediate – Physics (MPH), 7th & 8th Grade
MPH100 Ranking of Baseball Positions
In this project I analyzed baseball statistics to see which l positions have the best overall batting statistics and to see
how batting statistics change over time. The years I looked at were 2015, 2005, 1995, 1985, 1975, and 1965. I
compared those years to see which years had the best batting statistics. I also compared which positions did better
than others. I got the data from MLB.com and I average many catagories like home runs, RBI, batting average, multibase hits home runs, slugging, on base percentage, walks, stolen bases and times caught stealing. I also calculate
the minimum, maximum, range, and standard deviation. After I gathered and analyzed all my data I determine which
position is best, how things changed and which decade had the best hittin
MPH101 Do Certain Materials Block WiFi Signals?
This science experiment examined the type of materials that can decrease and increase wireless signal strength. The
procedure used to conduct the experiment included testing the wireless signal with a WiFi analyzer application. The
wireless signal strength was identified as the dependent variable, while the level and distance were the constant and
the materials were the independent variables. Data was compiled into two graphs, one which depicted all the trials
and results and the other which showed the amount of decibel-milliwatts for each signal and the signal strength for
each material. While the results were not consistent with the original hypothesis, several things were noted, including
cardboard being the least resistant to Wi-Fi signal and aluminum being the best option for improving the signal.
MPH102 Triboelectric Power Generation
This was an experiment to determine how much electricity can be produced by the triboelectric effect between
different pairs of materials. By referring to the Triboelectric Series, I chose materials with the greatest difference in
their affinity for negative and positive charge, hypothesizing that these would produce the most electricity. Using a
glue stick, I attached the negative charge holding materials to a 15 square inch piece of cardboard covered in
aluminum foil. Two copper wires were attached to the interface between the aluminum and negative charge holding
material and the ends of these wires were then attached to a 1 M Ohm resistor with a multimeter placed across the
resistor to measure volts and microamps. The negative charge holding material was then brought into contact with a
15 inch square of a positive charge holding material by pressing and sliding the materials against each other for one
second and then separating them. This procedure was repeated 20 times in order that 20 volt and 10 microamp
measurements could be taken by the multimeter and recorded. Six different combinations of materials were tested
and all produced measurable amounts of electricity. Teflon (polytetrafluoroethylene) was much better at holding
negative charge than Saran wrap (polyvinylldene) as predicted by the Triboelectric Series. However, Box Sealing
Tape (Bi-Oriented Polypropylene) did not hold much positive charge and did worse than both nylon and silk which
occur further down in the positive charge holding side of the Triboelectric Series. Infact, Nylon and silk produced
nearly identical results though Nylon was predicted to be better at holding positive charge than silk. The electricity
produced from the contact of both Teflon/Nylon and Teflon/Silk was able to light a 25 milliamp LED which is
impressive given the short duration and small amount of force used in the experiment. This experiment demonstrates
that the Triboelectric Series can be used to harness electrical energy from bringing common materials in contact and
in the future, could be used anywhere friction exists, on sidewalks, bike paths and roads to power lights or charge
MPH103 Super Capacitors vs. Lithium Ion Batteries
In our mobile world, storing electricity is important. Devices like mobile devices, cars, bicycles or drones usually use
batteries. We are seeking to implement better, more efficient machines. A better form of storage than the battery
would hugely influence our lives. I have investigated whether super capacitors are more practical than lithium-ion
batteries. I powered an arm with the two forms, and charged them each time it swung around. I thought the
supercapacitor would charge fast and last longer, and found this to be true. I believe that supercapacitors have
potential, and that they may replace batteries.
PRSEF Student Abstracts
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Intermediate – Physics (MPH), 7th & 8th Grade
MPH104 Will a car go faster with weight in the front, middle or back?
My project tested whether the weight distribution of a car affected the speed. What I did was build four identical cars
and a ramp to test them on. Then I created a way using nails the weights could be located at the front, middle, or
back of the car. The control runs had the weight equally distributed. Each car was used for five trials with each
location of the weight, and all four weight locations were tested, for a total of eighty runs.
MPH105 Deflategate
My project involved Deflategate. I did this project because I love football and wanted to see if the ball could effect the
outcome of a game. I passed both balls 10 times. I punted both balls 10 times. I kicked both balls 10 times. In
conclusion, the inflated ball traveled farther than the deflated ball. I believe this because it stood in the air longer than
the deflated ball.
MPH106 3,2,1 Bounce
My purpose for my project was to determine what surface works better to give the basketball the higher amount of
energy to bounce. My data was fairly simple included me getting a basketball, grabbing a 6 foot ladder, choosing 3
different heights and 3 different surface to release the ball at waist level and then taking pictures at the height it had
bounced. My conclusion in all of this was that concrete would have been #1 in this experiment especially at the height
of 5 foot. It did but only by a 1/2 with its top competitor being gravel.
MPH107 Dimples
The purpose of my project is to determine if the dimples on a basketball have the same effect as dimples on a golf
ball. I became interested because I might be able to allow the NBA to find out how they can make differences to the
game ball. If I modify the the dimples on a basketballs then I might get a different result on the effect on the balls with
the dimples. I predict that the dimples on a basketball do not have the same effect as the dimples on a golf ball. I
think this because a basketball is bigger than a golf ball. I will test this by throwing a regular basketball repeatedly and
recording the average distance that the ball goes. I will then cover the dimples in a basketball and then test it by
throwing it repeatedly and recording the average distance too. I will compare the two averages to see which ball goes
the farthest.
MPH108 Which Grade of Leather on Dance Shoes Produces the Least Amount of Static
Purpose:Determine which leather produces the least amount of static friction on dance shoes. Hypothesis: The
smoother the leather the less frictional resistance. Procedure: 1.Attach one of the leather being tested to a 10cm x
10cm block of wood. 2.After allowing the adhesive to dry place the wood block on the starting line of the testing
apparatus. 3.Release the wood block and record the length of time required for it to reach the finish line. 4.Clean the
surface and repeat step2-3 for 29 more test runs. 5.Repeat steps 2-4 for each leather being tested. Conclusion: Final
results available at fair
MPH109 Do All Liquids Evaporate at the Same Rate?
The purpose is to observe if common household liquids evaporate at the same rate. I poured the liquids into
graduated containers of 130mL. My hypothesis was that the water would evaporate quicker than bleach, hydrogen
peroxide, alcohol, and vinegar. The liquid that evaporated quicker than water, bleach, hydrogen peroxide was the
rubbing alcohol. These four liquids are composed of different substances.
MPH110 Does the Temperature of a Soccer Ball Affect How Far It Goes?
The purpose is to determine whether the temperature of a soccer ball affects how far the ball goes. The temperatures
were 15.5 oC for room, 1.6 oC for cold, and 26.6 oC for warm. The experimenter put the ball on the machine and
launched each ball 7 times and the distance traveled recorded. The warm ball had an average of 503.6 centimeters,
the cold ball had an average of 422.1 centimeters, and the room temperature ball had an average of 463.5
centimeter. In conclusion the hotter the ball, the farther the ball goes.
PRSEF Student Abstracts
Page 72
Intermediate – Physics (MPH), 7th & 8th Grade
MPH111 Soundproof Switch-Up
The purpose in this experiment was to find out the best soundproofing material. I put an alarm into a box and
wrapped four different materials around it. I repeated this three times for each material and took an average. I
hypothesized that the carpet would be the best. The data supported my hypothesis and carpet was the most effective
material for soundproofing. From this experiment, I can conclude that carpet should be used in movie and home
theaters, to minimalize outside noise.
MPH112 Exploring Kinetic and Potential Energy
I conducted an experiment involving energy, magnetism and velocity. A Gauss rifle is created with two pair of wooden
sticks glued together, with neodymium magnets and balls bearing that are launched off of the sticks. The purpose of
my experiment was to find how to launch the ball bearings for the farthest distance. I taped the neodymium magnets
to the stick andmeasured how far the balls were launched. I found that when there are more magent stages, then the
ball bearing will be launched farther.
MPH113 The Sticky World of Tape
I measured peel and shear strength of 8 kinds of adhesive tape to determine the best for different projects. To test
peel strength, I used a spring scale to measure the force needed to pull a piece of tape off a board. To test shear
strength, I rolled a marble down a ramp with tape at the bottom to see how far the marble rolled. Heavy-duty duct
tape has the best over-all strength because it has both high peel and shear strength. Painter’s tape is bad for taping
stuff together, but it can be removed without taking off the paint.
MPH114 Take Flight
The purpose of this experiment was to measure the effect of different wing shapes on upward lift.
MPH115 Does the Thickness of a Guitar String Affect How Long It Rings Out
The purpose of this experiment is to see if the thickness of a electric guitar a string affects how long it will ring out.
This experiment was performed by plucking strings of different thickness. The times were recorded seven times each,
edited, and compared. The results were that the thinnest string rang out for 23 seconds on average, the control group
string rang out for 22.8 seconds on average, and the thickest string rang out for 25.5 seconds on average. The
hypothesis was supported because there was noticeable difference between the thickest string and the other two
MPH117 Launch Trajectory
Physics and mathematics combine to find the trajectory of a catapult in a textbook, but what if the results could be
predicted then tested in real life? For my experiment, that is precisely what I did. Using formulas, I calculated three
points on the trajectory of a ping pong ball from a catapult, then actually launched it at that angle to see if my results
were correct. My hypothesis was that it would be similar, but not the same due to small factors like air resistance. My
final results will be available at the day of the Science Fair.
MPH118 Does Temperature Affect Magnetism?
This experiment’s goal was to test the effects of temperature on magnets. The magnets were rested in ice water for
fifteen minutes and in boiling water for thirty seconds. Then, the magnets were lowered over a pile of paperclips. After
that, the number of paperclips attracted and the distance from the table that they were attracted was recorded. The
data supports that the chilled magnets are stronger than the boiled and room temperature magnets. The chilled
magnets picked up an average of 4.1 more paperclips than the boiled ones and at an average of 0.8 centimeters
MPH119 3 Strikes Your Out
Looking to calculate how the varying degrees of shoulder angle rotation will effect the distance a ball can be thrown.
PRSEF Student Abstracts
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Intermediate – Physics (MPH), 7th & 8th Grade
MPH120 Football Field Goals: Going the Distance
Have you ever watched a football game and wondered how many field goals they could make in a row. Me too!
That’s why I chose this project. In my project I will have six participants kick field goals from the 10, 20, 30, and 40
yard line. After all participants kick from each yard line I will switch the ball twice. In total I will be using three balls. A
peewee, high school/ college, and an NFL football all made by Wilson. I will measure all kicks and record them using
a pen and paper.
MPH121 The Ups and Downs of Physics
The purpose of this project is to determine how the width of a rollercoaster loop affects the speed of the cart. I
assembled a model roller coaster track. During my experiment, the height of the loop remained stationary. I recorded
my tests with a camera and reviewed the footage on Adobe Premiere. I will compare and contrast each test’s results.
MPH122 Wheel Size...Does It Matter?
The purpose of this experiment is to test different types of skateboard wheels preforming the best. To conduct this
experiment I will preform various tests that tests the wheels speed and turning ability. The experimental results were
measured by the time it takes the skateboard reaching the end point the farthest. The results of this experiment were
that it does not really matter which type of skateboard you use for speed and turning ability.From my results,the
54mm performed the best in the turning trials. The results indicated that the hypothesis should be rejected and
accepted because my hypothesis showed that the 60mm wheels were going to be the fastest and the 54mm were
going to be the best for turning. Therefore, it did not matter which type of wheel is used for speed but does matter
which type of wheel is used for turning ability.
MPH123 Does Distance Affect Impact
Please visit student's exhibit for abstract.
MPH124 Does elastic adhesive increase the trajectory of a projectile?
In track, you want the furthest distance, so you want to do anything to improve your throwing distance. My experiment
supports the idea of adding an adhesive such a tape to better the distance. I chose this idea because I compete in
shot out for track, and I wanted to find a safe and allowed way to improve my throwing distance. I conducted the
experiment by throwing, finding the averages of my throws, and comparing the results. The results proved that an
adhesive actually helps. I concluded that throwers should use tape. I plan to use tape in the future.
MPH125 Which Type of Wood is the Strongest When Wet?
Purpose Determine what type of wet wood has the highest breaking strength. Hypothesis Wet hardwoods will have a
greater breaking strength than softwoods. Procedure 1.Cut 30 dowel rods of the type of wood being tested into 30
cm lengths and soak them in water for 24 hours. 2.After soaking the wood for 24 hours in water, place them on a tray
to dry for 30 minutes. 3.Randomly select one of the dowelrods from step 2 and place it in the apparatus. 4.Determine
the amount of mass required to break the dowelrods. 5.Repeat steps 1-4 for the remaining 29 dowelrods. 6.Repeat
steps 1-5 for other woods being tested. Conclusion: Available at fair.
MPH126 Liqunet
I did this project for many reasons, but the biggest reason was because I was curious if magnets get affected by
liquids. My procedure was fairly simple it consisted of pouring liquids and dipping a magnet on a string into those
liquids. The data would have astounded me if I didn't do research but it still surprised me. The conclusion is that
magnets are not affected by any fluids. The only reason it took the object longer to reach the magnet was because
the higher viscosity was slowing it.
MPH127 How to make a rainbow?
My hypothesis is if I expose mist to a light, a rainbow will appear. Because after rain, the sunlight comes, and rainbow
appeared. Finally, I found three ways to make a rainbow in these experiments. The first way is diffraction and
interference of light, using a slit. Second way is a refraction of light in a prism (solid polygon). And the third way is
refraction of light in completely spherical bodies. (water in a glass, mist, and glass beads).
PRSEF Student Abstracts
Page 74
Intermediate – Physics (MPH), 7th & 8th Grade
MPH128 Does Temperature Affect the Height That a Soccer Ball Bounces?
Purpose: Determine the effect of temperature on the height that soccer-ball bounces. Hypothesis:As the temperature
of a soccer-ball decreases the height it will bounces will decrease. Procedure: 1.Inflate soccer balls with 62051.4
Pascal’s (9 PSI) of air. 2.Place the soccer balls from step1on a tray for30min at room temperature (22˚C) (Control).
3.Remove a soccer ball from the tray and place it on the testing apparatus. 4.Drop the soccer ball and record the
height the ball bounces. 5.Repeat step 4 using the other soccer balls prepared in step 2 for 29 more test drops.
6.Repeat steps 1-5 at the other temperatures being tested. Conclusion: Available at fair.
MPH129 Mix It Up - Concrete
I was interested in making different types of concrete and testing them for how much force each could withstand. This
project was interesting and indeed affects daily life since concrete is so much a part of our society.
MPH130 Electric and Magnetic fields
The purpose was to test eddy-currents with electric and magnetic fields. A copper pipe and magnet were used when
experimenting. To prove that the copper pipe changes the speed of a magnet by eddy-currents, a cardboard pipe
was used as a material without a field. A timer was used to collect data, the magnet usually took 0.277 seconds when
dropped in the cardboard pipe. However it took 0.859 seconds when dropped in the copper pipe. In conclusion the
eddy-current affected the magnet and its rate of speed when falling.
MPH131 Which Type of Metal Wire Wrapping on an Electromagnet Produces the
Strongesst Magnetic Field?
Purpose: Does the type of wiring on an electromagnet have an effect on the magnetic field strength it produces?
Hypothesis: The magnetic field’s strength produced by the different types of wire on an electromagnet will occur in
this order. Copper – Strongest, Silver, Aluminum, Steel – Weakest. Experimental Procedure: 1.Wrap 20 cm of 12
gage copper wire around a nail. 2.Calibrate the voltage regulator and attach wrapped nail. 4.Turn the voltage
regulator on and immerse it into a container of iron shot. 5.After 30sec remove it and determine the grams attached.
6.Repeat steps 1-5 for 29 tests. 7.Repeat steps 1-6 for the other metals tested. Conclusion at fair.
MPH132 Concussions: the Impact of Air
The purpose of this experiment is to find if air pressure affects the impact force of a soccer ball. To conduct this
experiment I will inflate a soccer ball to different air pressures and let it hit the target track at a constant speed. The
experimental results were measured by the distance the target traveled on the track. The results of this experiment
were that the ball inflated to 11 PSI (hyper-inflated) and 4 PSI (under inflated) produced the greatest impact on the
target. Within the recommended inflation range (7-10 PSI), the inflation to 10 PSI caused the greatest impact. The
lowest impact observed was produced by the ball inflated to 9 PSI. The results indicate that the hypothesis should be
rejected my hypothesis stated that the higher the air pressure the greater the impact force but if you under inflate the
ball, the impact force also increases.
MPH133 May The Force Be With You
The purpose of my experiment is to show how weight affects the distance in magnetic propulsion. I used a magnetic
levitation kit with an electromagnet to propel the car. I placed various weights of magnets at the back and measured
the distance. I used magnets as weights (0, 1, and 2) and a 12-volt battery as the energy source. I did not prove my
hypothesis that 0 weight would go the farthest. Without any weight the distance was only 2.5 inches. The car with 1
weight went the farthest at 3.625 inches.
MPH134 Will Rubber Tire Shavings in Concrete Increase It's Breaking Strength?
Purpose: Determine if rubber tire shavings added to concrete increases its fracture strength. Hypothesis: As the
concentration of tire shavings increases the fracture strength of concrete will increase. Procedure: 1.Mix theconcrete
according to the manufactures instructions and containing 0% rubber tire shavings (Control). 2. Pore it into a plastic
mold and allow it to cure for 96 hours under plastic. 3. After curing place one of the concrete test bars in the testing
apparatus and determine and record its fracture strength. 4. Repeat Step 3 for the remaining 29 concrete test bars. 5.
Repeat steps 1–6 using 25%, 50% and 75% rubber tire shavings. Conclusion: Available at fair.
PRSEF Student Abstracts
Page 75
Intermediate – Physics (MPH), 7th & 8th Grade
MPH135 Testing Shape Memory Alloys
I tested the effect of wire length on the compression of shape memory alloys. My initial task examined how the wire
behaves when an electrical current from a battery heats it which brings back its memory shape. The final procedure
involved attaching two lengths of Nitinol wire to a battery briefly, and measuring the change in length as the wire
compressed. Results show that the longer wire compressed more than the shorter wire. I conclude that the lower
electrical resistance of the shorter wire caused it to receive too much current, and burn out before it could compress
MPH136 Which Bat Will Make the Baseball Go Further?
The Purpose was to see how baseballs reacted when hit with both types of bats. My question was would baseballs
travel farther when hit with two types of bats. The Procedure was to hit baseballs with aluminum and wooden bats
and measure the distances. The Results revealed wooden bats are heavier and aluminum bats are lighter. The lighter
the bat, the greater the distance the baseball traveled. The Conclusion was each time the ball was hit with the
aluminum bat the ball traveled greater distances. I wish I was able to measure the speed of the baseballs coming off
the bats.
MPH137 Melting Ice
The purpose of this experiment is to see which type of salt melts ice the fastest. To conduct this experiment I will put
different types of salt on the ice and see how fast the ice melts. The experimental results were measured by the rate
at which the ice melted with each type of salt. The results of my experiment were that kosher salt melted the ice the
fastest. The results of my experiment indicate the my hypothesis was denied because I said rock salt was the best
salt but it was not.
MPH138 Does Distance Affect Sound Waves?
Many people have suffered from sound-related hearing loss, and people have suffered because of it. Sound waves
can travel through solids, liquids, and gases, and when another sound is nearby, the sounds connect to form one
single louder sound. I have found a way to help those people to preserve their hearing. My experiment consisted of a
meter stick, a speaker, and a 30-130db sound meter. What I did is play a steady stream of music and moved away,
meter by meter, until I was at 10 meters. I took three measurements for each meter that I moved away.
MPH139 How the amount of friction effects the speed of a toy car?
My science experiment was how the amount of friction affects the speed of a toy car. The reason that I did this is
because when I was a cub scout I always wondered why we sanded the axles. What I did was made five cars and
sanded 5 sets of axles one sanded to 800 grit, 1000, 1500, and 2000 and then one set that was unsanded. What I
found out is that the 1000 grit car had the most points. So in conclusion sanding the axles makes the car faster and
reduces the amount of friction on the axles.
MPH140 How Does Temperature Affect the Bounce of a Ball?
The purpose of the project was to see how temperature affected the bounce of a ball. Balls were placed in the
refrigerator, frozen, at room temperature, and heated. Tennis balls and bouncy balls were used. The balls were
dropped from a drop spot and the height of the bounce was recorded. The data showed that the higher the
temperature, the higher the bounce. In conclusion, the highest temperature tennis balls bounced the highest and
even though there was little effect on the bouncy balls, the heated ones still bounced higher.
MPH141 Why is it Easier For a Competitive Cheerleader to Perform a Tuck Compared to
a Layout?
My project is “Why is it Easier for a Competitive Cheerleader to do a Tuck Compared to a Layout.” I did this project
because am a competitive cheerleader and I am an experienced tumbler and I wanted to know why it is easier to do a
tuck compared to a layout. My dad built an apparatus so I could figure out my data and see which one is easier. My
results and my results and my conclusion will be available the day of the fair.
PRSEF Student Abstracts
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Intermediate – Physics (MPH), 7th & 8th Grade
MPH142 He Shoots, He Scores!
Hockey players need athleticism, balance, agility, strength and discipline. Most of all, a player needs a good stick;,
one that will score a goal. In my procedure I had three players use a 50 and a 60 flex stick to shoot hockey pucks for
accuracy and for speed. My results were graphed and supported my hypothesis. In conclusion the 50 flex stick
produced better shots and accuracy. They results of my experiment can be applied beyond the project's scope in
choosing a stick to play hockey
MPH143 Does Temperature Matter!
My question is does the temperature affect the conditions of cooperation of it's magnetic domain? I hypothesized that
the freezing test would collect at least, some paperclips. That the boiling water test was going to magnetize the most
paperclips. In my project I did an experiment on magnets and paperclips and their cooperation of it's magnetic
domain. In my experiment I had to put the magnet in four different types of test: freezing water, boiling water,
ice/water bath, and room temperature test. Afterwards place it over a pile of paperclips, take it out and measure how
many paperclips were magnetized.
MPH144 Loop the Loop
Step One: - the first step is to make the loop. cut the pipe insulation in half long-wise. then attach the half you cut of to
the end of the other one, so you have one long half-pipe. -next create the loop. First tape down the end of the pipe
insulation to the starting point of a sturdy surface. then take the other end and make a loop 30cm. in diameter. tape
down the endpoint to secure the loop. STEP TWO: - test the marbles from lightest to heaviest. - take the first marble
and place it at the starting point. - have an assistant time each marble, stopping the watch only when the marble has
competed the loop completely. - repeat step two for all the marbles being tested. STEP THREE: - record all the
marble times in a data table. - graph your results.
MPH145 The Power of Magnetism
Electromagnets were placed in front of a Vernier magnetic field sensor and current was applied from a battery
charged to specific amperage. I changed the amperage with resistors, the full amperage as the control. Materials
were tested by placing various metals between the electromagnet and the sensor the control was an air gap of equal
width to the metal plates. Core diameter was tested by wrapping enough wire to cover 6cm of my 0.64cm and 0.95cm
diameter steel cores. Copper wire placed in front of the sensor was the control. Each sample was repeated 30 times
and averaged for accuracy.
MPH146 What tires have the highest coefficient of friction?
The experiment conducted was to find out what type of tires have the highest coefficient of friction, as it could help
people figure out what type of tires to use on a car. The tires used were two smooth tires as the control, smooth
treaded tires, rough treaded tires, and tank treads. The experiment started by a robot going forward and pulling
rubber band. It was hypothesized that the tank treads would go the farthest due to how they move, this was not
supported as the smooth treads had the highest coefficient of friction, due to its surface area.
PRSEF Student Abstracts
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Intermediate – Physics (MPH), 7th & 8th Grade
MPH147 Space Elevator Friction
This experiment was inspired by the space elevator which is a major space exploration engineering project. Because
of the massive scale, the height of the elevator, friction will matter and is interesting. If not calculated correctly friction
could cause the machine to heat to temperatures that might wear the elevator's machinery down faster than if the
friction had been calculated correctly. This poses a problem because the repair would be difficult to make because it
would be costly to fix the damage if it was over 1000 miles or if the cable started in the middle of the ocean. In this
experiment the goal is to reduce friction by using different coatings such as oil and teflon on glass. Temperature is
varied during the experiment to see how the properties of the lubricants change when under the condition of heat
extremes. Prepare glass with each lubricant or non (control) and inclined plane on a 30 degree angle with wooden
blocks. Measure the time it takes for each object to reach the bottom of the inclined plane. Repeat the procedure by
changing the temperature of the glass and different coatings as well as the object going down the inclined plane.
Uncoated glass had lower friction than teflon and oil. Also the microscope slide and coverslip didn't slide down the
inclined plane. The marble went down all surfaces because it had less surface area making it less likely to become
stuck to the inclined plane. My hypothesis was both correct and incorrect. I was correct in the fact that all the coatings
were better lubricants as temperature increased. From the study of this project the conclusion is that coating glass
increases friction instead of reducing friction. Uncoated glass may reduce friction better than the other two lubricants
because the surface was completely flat and smooth thereby creating no friction except for that of the object that is
going down the incline.
MPH148 B-B-B-Bounce
Basketballs bounce the best when they are fully inflated. The experiment proves that basketballs bounce the highest
when correctly inflated. One ball was filled with six different air pressures, and dropped from the ceiling to see how
high it bounced. The fully inflated basketball showed the highest bonce height.
MPH149 Ballistics of a 9 mm
I chose this experiment to inform emergency/firwst repsonder personnel what will provide the best protection when in
the line of fire. I went to a firing range and and shot a variety of targets with a 9mm pistol. I shot each target with 3
different bullets- jacketed, hollow point and lead. I charted my results on a graph. My conclusion was that the
guardrail was the best for covereage and the hollow point was the best bullet was the best for penetration.
MPH150 Does Temperature Affect Strength Of a Neodymium Magnet?
Question: Does temperature affect the strength of the magnetic field produced by a neodymium magnet? Hypothesis:
As the temperature of a neodymium magnet increases the strength of its magnetic field magnetic field will increase
Procedure: 1.Place 29 Neodymium Magnets on a plastic tray for 2 hours at room temperature. 2.Place one of the
Neodymium magnets on testing apparatus and record the number of grams of iron fillings attached to the magnet
after 15 sec. 3.Repeat step 1-2 using 29 more Neodymium magnets. 4.Repeat steps 1-3 at each of the temperatures
being tested. Conclusion: Final results will be available at the fair.
MPH151 Can Solids Flow Like Liquids?
1. Cut a hole in one side of a cardboard box. place a plastic funnel in the hole and a mixing bowl underneath the
spout of the funnel. 2. prepare a data table in your lab notebook to track results. 3. measure the dimensions of a
sample grain from each material, and give a short description of that item. 4. measure the mass of each material
being tested. 5. plug the spout of the funnel with your hand and fill the funnel with the first material being tested. 6.
remove your hand from the funnel bottom and time how long it takes for all the material to leave the funnel while
gently shaking the funnel. 7. record all the times for the various materials in your data table. 8. calculate the mass
flow rate for the material tested. 9. repeat steps 3-8 for each material being tested. 10. calculate the average
dimension and the average volume flow rate for each tested material. 11. graph your results.
MPH152 Heat Energy
The purpose of this project was to try to find a way to use heat of convection as another means to use solar energy.
This project was to determine which spiral design spun three hundred sixty degrees in the least amount of time when
exposed to heat energy from an electric 60 watt lamp. In conclusion, the black 1.25 inch spiral took least amount of
time with 19.8 seconds and the 2.5 centimeter white spiral took 34.5 seconds. The best way to change heat energy
into mechanical energy is using the black 1.25 centimeter spiral.
PRSEF Student Abstracts
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Intermediate – Physics (MPH), 7th & 8th Grade
MPH153 Sugar Concentration and the Bending of Light
Knowing how to indirectly measure sugar concentration in a liquid can be very useful. For example, this would be
helpful to people with diabetes who often need to measure the amount of glucose in their blood. I wanted to
determine the sugar concentration of a liquid by measuring the solution's index of refraction. To do that, I poured the
solution of sugar in water into a hollow prism. Then I pointed a laser beam onto the prism and measured the angle of
refraction. I found out that the higher the sugar concentration was, the more the light refracted.
MPH154 Levitating - No Longer The Future
The purpose of this experiment was to measure gravitational fields and their ability to levitate different amounts of
MPH155 Which Thermos Works Best?
The purpose of this experiment was to see which vacuum flask brand (Stanley or Thermos) works best. To test this, I
boiled water and poured equal amounts of it into a Thermos brand and a Stanley brand. I also tested how fast water
cools while not in a vacuum flask. Then, I measured the temperature of the water every hour. In four trials, both
began at about 86℃. Stanley finished at a higher temperature than Thermos in every trial. In conclusion, Stanley
keeps liquids hotter longer than Thermos. People can now know that you should buy Stanley brand.
MPH156 Which Brand of Winter Glove is the Best at Insulating?
Purpose - Determine if more expensive brands of gloves are better insulators than less expensive brands of gloves.
Hypothesis - More expensive brands of gloves will insulate better than less expensive brands. Experimental
procedure - Step 1 Obtain materials. Step 2 Get a brand of gloves being tested. Place thermometer in the glove
being tested. Step 3 Place thermometer in the finger of the glove being tested. Step 4 Place glove containing
thermometer in the heating or cooling device and determine the temp after 1,2,4,6,8, and 10min. Step 5 Repeat steps
3-4 for 29 more tests. Conclusion at fair.
MPH157 Does the Shape of Soccer Cleats Affect the Amount of Static Friction
Purpose: Determine which shape of soccer-cleats produces least amount of static friction on an artificial turf surface.
Hypothesis: The amount of static friction produced by different shaped soccer-cleats will occur in the following order:
1.)Round-Least. 2.)Triangular. 3.)Rectangular-Most. Procedure: 1.)Randomly select shape of soccer-cleat for testing.
2.)Place the soccer shoe containing the soccer-cleats selected in step3 on the testing apparatus. 3.)Determine and
record amount of force required to overcome the static friction between the cleats on the soccer-shoe and acritical
turf. 4.)Repeat steps 2 and 3 for 29 more times. 5.)Repeat steps 1-4 using the other shaped soccer-cleats being
tested. Conclusion; Available at fair.
MPH158 Thermoelectric Generators
This experiment used handmade thermocouples to test which combination of metal wires, generates the most
electricity. Each wire type (nickel, copper, nichrome and silver) was paired with the others and twisted together to
form the junction of each thermocouple. Results matched expectations. The ranking of each metal combination
(based on differences in Seebeck Coefficients) corresponded to rankings based on power output. Finally, I built a
thermopile prototype to increase power output in order to promote electricity generation using thermocouples.
MPH159 Frisbee Aerodynamics
The purpose of the experiment is to see if different launch angles affect flight. The researcher is going to throw
various frisbees at different angles and see which frisbee will fly the farthest and stay the straightest. After throwing,
he or she will analyze the data and figure out if the hypothesis was correct or not. The researcher will then figure out
if weights, lengths, and launch angles affect objects in flight. The results will be available on fair day.
PRSEF Student Abstracts
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Intermediate – Physics (MPH), 7th & 8th Grade
MPH160 Does an Arrow's Penetration Strength Determine How Deep It Goes?
I want to find a sharp tip that I/others can use to penetrate deep enough into deer tissue and muscle to make critical
damage to the deer so it will not have to suffer and bleed out. From my research I believe I found a tip that can do
precisely that. Does an arrow tip’s penetration strength determine how deep it will go into set object? To find this, I
first started by getting a chronograph and shooting a Carbon Express Maxima with different tip types. My first, a bullet
tip. Second, a broadhead (spinning blades) tip.
MPH161 Radioactive
The purpose of my experiment was to find what everyday material would block the most radiation from three different
sources. If radiation is harming you, the best material that you probably have to block yourself with is cardboard
based on my data! To test this I built a stand to hold the Geiger counter just above the sample holder which had two
racks for the material and source of radiation. The cardboard blocked more than the paper or aluminum foil by about
30%. It may not have been the densest, but it was the thickest material.
MPH162 Is there a significant impact difference between airsoft bullets and BB's?
Hypothesis: A BB gun's bullet will have a greater impact than an airsoft bullet.Procedure: 1Establish test site 2.Set up
target 3. Fired airsoft gun and measured impact-(10 trials) 4.The distance fired was 6.1 meters-15.3 meters-30.5
meters for both devices 5. Fired BB gun and measured impact-(10 trials) 6.Data recorded 7. Comparisons made 8.
Conclusions drawn Purpose: To test a device for information related to safety measures. www.bb-guns.org
www.airsplat.com www.airsoftstation.com www.hobbytron.com www.streetdirectory.com
MPH300 Gauss Rifle!
The purpose of this experiment is to find out which stage will shoot the farthest. To conduct this experiment we used
3 wooden dowels, 8 neodymium magnets, 17 steel ball bearings, wood glue, tape measure, and a notebook. The
experiment results were measured by how far the steel ball bearings travel when they were shot. The results of the
experiment showed that the fifth stage gauss gun shot the farthest in all 3 trials. The fourth stage shot the second
farthest, the third stage shot the third farthest, the second stage shot the fourth farthest, and the first stage shot the
shortest. The results indicated that our hypothesis should be accepted. Our hypothesis stated that if we created a five
stage gauss gun with 2 ball bearings per magnet, the distance of the fifth stage will shot the farthest.
MPH301 Measuring Rocket Height
This project is a study of ways to measure the maximum height achieved by model rockets. In this experiment two
methods were tested. One of these uses trigonometry ;the other method involves a “stopwatch” based method. What
we did is compare the 2 methods to see which one is more accurate. Although the results were not as apparent as
we had predicted, the trigonometric method still proved to be more accurate compared to the “stopwatch” method. To
get more accurate results we would need to address the parachute deployment system, so as to reduce potential
MPH302 Right Wood, Right Heat
Our project will be testing different types of wood to see which one burns the best. The wood we will be using is oak,
cedar, maple, and pine. The wood will be burned in an indoor fireplace with a gas burner to keep the wood burning.
By doing this project, the outcome will tell us which wood is best for having fires when necessary.
MPH303 Wood It Matter?
We choose this experiment because we all enjoy playing baseball and we were interested in knowing what type of
bat hits the ball further. To start this project we went to Bianco (an indoor baseball field) to hit baseballs with both a
wooden bat and a composite bat. Measuring the average distances the baseballs travelled, we found out that the
composite hits the ball further by and average of .7 feet. Now that we know that the composite bat hits the ball further
we will start using that type of bat more in a baseball game.
PRSEF Student Abstracts
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Intermediate – Physics (MPH), 7th & 8th Grade
MPH304 Cool It Down
Water, Pop, and Gatorade, are all refreshing drinks, but which one cools the fastest when you need it most? Our
mission was to figure out that question with simple ingredients. We have tested those liquids at specific time intervals.
Our data has successfully illustrated which drink cools the fastest. The drink will be refreshing and delicious. Now
you can have a cold refreshing's drink, even if you forget to refrigerate it!
MPH305 Do You Speed Through School Zones?
We are experimenting to see if cars really follow the school zone speed limit of the Franklin Regional school district
area. We will timing cars to see how long it takes them to get through a portion of the school zone. After we collect
our data, we will do an equation to figure out the speed of each car. At the moment, we have not finished testing. Our
data will be compiled at the final event. We are hoping most cars will follow the speed limit however, we believe most
cars will speed through the school zone.
MPH306 PK Shoot Out
The purpose of this experiment is to find out if it is easier to shoot a penalty kick across your body or the way your
facing. To conduct this experiment we will take turns shooting the ball on the penalty spot alternating between
shooting across your body and shooting on the same side of your body.The experiment results were measured by the
amount of goals.The results of the experiment show that it is the easiest to score a penalty kick on the right side of
the goal.The results indicated that the hypothesis should be accepted because it is easier to score on the right side of
the goal than the left side.
MPH306 PK Shoot Out
The purpose of this experiment is to find out if it is easier to shoot a penalty kick across your body or the way your
facing. To conduct this experiment we will take turns shooting the ball on the penalty spot alternating between
shooting across your body and shooting on the same side of your body.The experiment results were measured by the
amount of goals.The results of the experiment show that it is the easiest to score a penalty kick on the right side of
the goal.The results indicated that the hypothesis should be accepted because it is easier to score on the right side of
the goal than the left side.
MPH307 Soccer: The Angles of Shooting
The object of our science fair project was to see which angle of shooting would be the best angle to score a goal in
soccer. We went out on a rainy, sunny, and snowy day to test our hypothesis, which was the 90 degree angle, would
be the best angle to score a goal. On each of these days we had our cousin shoot a soccer ball ten times from seven
different angles, which were 0, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, and 180 degrees. Out of the 70 shots taken, the best angle to
shoot at was 120 degrees.
MPH308 Driving the Ball to the Limit
Which golf ball will go the furthest that is the question we did For our science fair experiment we tested three different
types of golf balls they where Pinnacle,Nike,and Titleist golf balls. We hit all the golf balls with the same driver and
the same person hit all the golf balls so we could be as consistent as possible. We hit our golf balls at cool springs
because they have a very advanced tracking machine that gives you accurate distances if every golf ball we hit. We
had a lot of fun doing our project because both of us really like golf.
MPH309 Strength of Magnets with Varying Temperatures
Almost every home uses magnets in their kitchen. Our experiment is to improve the power of magnets under different
temperatures in an everyday kitchen environment. We tested magnet strength under four conditions that included
boiling water, room temperature, an ice bath, and in freezing temperatures. We found that magnets are strongest in
freezing temperatures were the strongest. In the future we would build a magnet wall. In order to do this we would
build the wall away from the stove and close to the refrigerator.
PRSEF Student Abstracts
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Intermediate – Physics (MPH), 7th & 8th Grade
MPH310 Best Baking Surfaces
What is the best surface for baking cookies? We wanted to find a surface that wouldn’t burn the cookies. We
experimented with parchment paper, foil and a grey cookie sheet to bake on. Each cookie was approximately the
same size. The cookies baked for 10 minutes at 375°. There were six cookies on each cookie sheet. We always
thought the best surface to bake on was parchment paper, but now we know!
MPH311 The Science of Shooting a Basketball
SWISH! The sound when the basketball lands perfectly in the hoop. Wouldn't you like to be the top scorer for you
basketball team? Well, this project will help you, because we are testing the 4 main factors for the best basketball
shot ever! The 4 main factors include trajectory, jump, spin, and position. By testing with these factors, we can help
anyone show improvement. So, are you willing to test your hot shot?
MPH312 Cold Colors, Hot Hues
In our project, we will try to determine if the color of your house will affect temperature inside it. We will paint 3
different boxes 3 different colors. We will then place each box under a heat lamp for thirty minutes & then record
these temperatures. We will then allow the boxes to cool back to original temperature. The boxes will be then placed
in a freezer for thirty minutes & their temperatures will be recorded again. We want people to be able to lower their
heating & cooling bill by making their house a certain color.
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