view - Gala Trophies
view - Gala Trophies
m "$" w' t m N'$M , w *, €1 ,a?.ii/) w* !( & !ilnK w ::l\N, .NN "-\\\\ t:i lili G w ,*,o*. ffi w *& K* ,iffi N xqq*ur;s .N "r\W* \\NI These terracotta money pots are hand thrown in ltaly and hand painted in London. They stand between 15cm and 19cm in height and there are over 30 vivid designs. History..... The Terramundi is an 'Etruscan Money Amphora'. These money pots have been traditionatly used in ltaly for over 2000 years filr srlM ry -i:- and their hand thrown design has remained w tr unchanged. Examptes of which can be seen in the British Museum. *lK Tradition .s' 6S xSSw \ratr \E$S \# These larger Terramundi Money Pots stand between 28cm in heiqhtand 20-22cm in diameter s N '\xx$ N $F * w {t Once the first coin is dropped the money pot must be fed untitfull upon which it must be smashed whilst making a wish. lt is customary to reptace the pot and spend the money on good things. Broken pots are sometimes used to house ptants and candtes. Money pots bring good fortune and there is a separate fortune coin with each pot.