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prodotto finale pon
“Competenze per lo Sviluppo”
2007 IT05 1 P0 007 F.S.E.
Con l’Europa Investiamo
nel Vostro Futuro
Centro Territoriale Permanente per l’Educazione e l’ Istruzione in Età Adulta
c/o Istituto Comprensivo Statale
Via Serrone—87010 Malvito (CS) Tel. e Fax 0984/509082
E-mail: [email protected]
S A N T ’ A G A TA
D ’ E S A RO
Culture, Landscape, Hospitality
A cura dei corsisti del Progetto PON: Exploring English
Maria Antonietta D’elia
Filomena Moretti
The origin:
According to historical sources and to legend Sant’Agata was founded by refugees from Artemisia, who for
unknown reasons abandoned the ancient city of Magna Grecia and came down to the valley of Esaro.
The origins of the town can also be traced back to the medieval period when for the particular position of
the territory Greek monks emigrated in mass from
Sicily and settled in the North Calabrian regions.
The name derives from the devotion for Saint
Agate, a famous martyr of Catania. In 1863 was
added “of Esaro “, name of the river which flows
across the territory.
Sant’Agata of Esaro is a small hinterland Calabrian
town in the province of Cosenza (distance 78 km).
The town is situated 461 metres above sea level and
has a population of about 2531 inhabitants. The
territory is mostly mountainous surrounded by the “Appennino Calabrese” and wet by the river Esaro.
Alluvial sediments mainly form the few plains placed on the banks of the river. The most important
emphasis is the Montea (1825 high above sea level). The territory boarders to the North- West with
Belvedere Marittimo; to the North with Buonvicino and Mottafollone; to the East with Bonifati and West
Sangineto. Sant’Agata is also part of the “Pollino Natural Park” a preserved natural area with various fauna
and flora. The Loricatus Pine is the symbol for excellence of the park and of the Montea.
The natural resources:
Among the natural resources are marked the Esaro’s gorges and waterfalls, the sulphurous water source in
the locality of Forge, the Step of the Staircase and the spectacular monoliths that have particular forms of
rock. The Table of Robbers has a special form of a pyramid upside down and
it is almost 2 meters high. The Devil’s Finger, with its form of a cylinder
made up of blocks stacked totem, evokes a primordial stone. The Cave of
the Monaca, located on the wall of Mount Cuppone, overhanging the river
Esaro, is particularly interesting for the
presence of a rock-shaped conformation
of nun. It offers one of the most beautiful
natural landscapes classified among the
most delightful of southern Italy.
The Cave of the Monaca
The Table of the Robbers
Sant’Agata boasts a tradition of workshops and of “wood masters”, experts in the construction of furniture,
doors and windows using the local chestnut wood matured for long periods. There is on the territory a
Professional Institute of State for Industry and Handicrafts to prepare the future carpentry masters.
Sant’Agata of Esaro is the ideal place for people who love
The majesty of nature and the search for tradition will immerse
you in a special atmosphere.
It is the ideal place to rest and regain energy, to relax and to
discover wild unspoiled places.
For those wishing to go to the sea the distance from the nearest
beach Belvedere Marittimo is not far. Therefore, it is possible
to have mixed seaside and mountain holidays. Another reason
to visit Sant’Agata is the very good hospitality and good traditional food. The village is very pretty and full
of churches. Places to visit are :
- Convent of St. Francis founded in 1593.
- Mother Church of The Annunziata. The church dates back to 13 October 1210 and in the centre there is
an altar dating back to 1600.
- Church of St Maria delle Grazie and the Church of
St Lucia
- The ruins of the Convent of St Domenico
- The ruins of St Caterina’s church
- Church "Domus Francisci” founded in 1955 in the
locality called “Scivolenta” to remind the miracle
operated by the Saint.
Mother Church of The Annunziata
- The church of
“Santa Maria della
Selva” in the locality of “Pancaly” built in honour of the “Madonna Del
Buon Consiglio” of Albanian origin.
- Church “Purgatorio” located outside the employee by the church Parish
dell’Annunziata. In times of disaster it welcomed the faithful for the
functions, but also discussions and decisions of public interest, and in
some cases of emergency meetings of the members of the Town Hall.
Among the architectural heritage, there are civil and artistic buildings
dated back to the XVIII sec. They are the palaces of the Pisani, the
Martirani, and the Giordanelli.
As in the most towns in southern Italy, traditions have been preserved through time and Sant’Agata’s ones
can be noticed in the every day life of the inhabitants. The traditions start in the typical hand- made pasta
and meat dishes but also in the nice friendly attitude of the people called “Santagatesi”.
Among the most typical recipes, we can mention the appetising macaroni made with wire, hand- made
noodles with beans. For those who prefer meat exquisite dishes are tasty meatballs of pork and corn bread,
soffritti with pig meat and olives, pork “vrasciole” preserved in lard, pork sausage preserved in lard,
“mazzacordi” made with the interior of lamb or goat. Other tasty dishes are dried peppers cooked in hot oil,
flat bread stuffed baked, deep fried flowers “zucchini”. Moreover, Sant’Agata is well-know for its tradition
in preparing different kinds of pastry, sweets, cakes, and jams made of chestnuts.
Hand-made wine produced from cultivated vineyards is also an exquisite tradition in this area.
Chestnut Jam recipe
- 1 kg of peeled chestnuts
- 800 g. sugar
- a sachet of vanilla
- a glass of water
- one liqueur glass of Rum
Remove the peel to get a kilo of chestnuts and cook holes in lightly salted boiling water.
Once boiled cool down and remove the second skin. Sieve into a bowl to obtain a homogeneous puree.
Add sugar, a sachet of vanilla and a glass of water. Cook another hour talking care to stir frequently.
At the last moment, pour a liqueur of rum into the pot. Remove from heat, stir, and let
cool down. Pour in glass jars and boil to sterilize.
During the year, many celebrations mark Sant'Agata.
One of the most famous celebrations is in autumn, the Chestnut Festival. This festival
begins on the second Sunday of November, to promote the use and marketing of this wonderful fruit that
grows in abundance in this territory. Many people around the town arrive to taste specialities like cakes,
jams and bread prepared with chestnut as the main ingredient, and of course to enjoy the chestnut roasting.
In wintertime, there are three main festivities: Saint Lucia's Eve, Carnival, and Saint'Agata Feast.
On December 12, Saint Lucia's Eve big bonfires made of wood and branches of broom are burned in the
evening. They are the symbol of light to honour the Saint who is the protector of
Carnival is the longest and the most assiduously festival. From January 17 until Lent
in santagatese's houses are organized dancing costume parties. Groups of people go
along the town streets in masks looking for a "festino" were they can drink a glass of
wine and stay in company.
On February 5, there is a feast in honour of Sant'Agata, whose name comes from the Greek language
Agatha. She was martyred at the time of persecutions against Christians.
Sant'Agata was born in Catania, about 235 AD during the Roman Empire. Her
relics are preserved in the cathedral of Catania where there is also a silver bust of
the saint, which bears a crown on her head given by King Richard the Lion heart.
Spring has other feasts like Easter and the Good Friday procession with statues of
saints dating back to the seventeenth century.
Finally, in summer, on the second Sunday of August there is the feast in honour of
St Francis of Paola. It involves the whole community. At the end of the traditional
procession there is a Holy Mass celebrated in the centre of the town. People share many events like
classical and folk concerts, theatrical events, photographic and art exhibitions. In the streets, there are fairmarkets during the day and fireworks and games at night.
How to get to Sant’ Agata of Esaro:
By train: Railway station Belvedere
Marittimo by car or by bus for 22 km on
the S.S.105
By car: from the motorway A3: exit
Tarsia Spezzano Terme- Scalo San
Marco Argentano- Variante Roggiano
Gravina- Bivio Malvito.
By air: Airport of Lamezia Terme- Take
the A3 motorway towards Salerno.
We hope you enjoy visiting our town!
Sant’Agata di Esaro è un paese in provincia di Cosenza, trae il suo nome dalla martire di Catania e dal
fiume Esaro. L’agglomerato di S.Agata è posto su una rupe a picco sull’Esaro, è circondato da catene
montuose dell’Appennino calabrese. Morfologicamente il territorio è in prevalenza montuoso, e si estende
su una superficie di kmq 47,20. Il monte più alto è Montea che raggiunge m.1825 s.l.m., ai cui piedi scorre
il fiume Esaro. I confini si sviluppano in massima parte su zone montane e toccano a Nord-Ovest
Belvedere Marittimo, a Nord Buonvicino e Mottafollone, a Est Malvito, a Sud Cetraro, a Sud –Ovest
Bonifati, a Ovest Sangineto.
Attualmente la popolazione è di circa 2531 abitanti.
Il centro abitato è situato a m. 461 s.l.m.
Dista dal mare Km 22 e dal capoluogo Cosenza Km
Da un punto di vista architettonico la città antica è
strutturata secondo i criteri medioevali. Caratteristiche sono le mura di cinta e un’antica porta denominaCentro città
ta “tunno”.
Climaticamente è un tipico paese collinare dove il vento è sempre presente: freddo d’inverno e piacevolmente fresco d’estate.
E’ un luogo ricco di cultura, spiritualità e le celebrazioni ne sono la testimonianza, in particolare ricordiamo:
Festa in onore di S.Agata : il 5 febbraio viene onorata S. Agata ( dal greco Agathè), patrona del paese,
martirizzata durante le persecuzioni cristiane dell’anno 251.
Festa in onore di San Francesco di Paola: la seconda domenica di Agosto si festeggia la festa del compatrono di S.Agata, S. Francesco di Paola, caro alla popolazione perché ha
profuso attraverso i secoli segni tangibili della sua protezione. Il convento dei Minini (fondato nel 1605) è stato centro propulsore del culto di
San Francesco di Paola. La processione si snoda su tutte le vie del paese, accompagnata da preghiere, canti popolari e dalla banda musicale. In
onore del santo è usanza che i balconi vengano abbelliti con copriletti
lavorati a mano.
Sagra della castagna: la seconda domenica di novembre si svolge la
sagra della castagna. Le vie del paese si trasformano in una vetrina per
esporre tutti i prodotti tipici del nostro territorio, in particolare i dolci il
cui ingrediente principale è la castagna: il tronchetto, il dolce nero, la
Chiesa di S. Francesco
marmellata, i cannoli ripieni.
Carnevale - Il 17 gennaio inizia carnevale, una tradizione molto sentita dalla popolazione santagatese, che
ama ballare il liscio. Si organizzano i “Fistini” nelle case private, con musica, vino e qualcosa da mangiare
dove gruppi di maschere guidate dal “portatore”, ossia un accompagnatore, chiedono al padrone di casa di
poter ballare insieme agli invitati.
Gastronomia - Sant’Agata è un paese con una tradizione culinaria tipica calabrese. Il maiale ne è il protagonista con tutti i suoi
derivati: salsiccia, capicollo, prosciutto, soppressata, pancetta, “
vuccularu”, gelatina e braciole.
Sono rinomati i maccheroni assieme agli gnocchi di patate, e le
D’estate percorrendo i vicoli del centro storico è tutto un’ estasi
di profumi con le polpettine di melanzane, le “frittatelle” di fiori di zucca e patate e peperoni fritti.
Diversi sono i mestieri presenti sul territorio, ma ciò che ci
tutto il comprensorio
è la lavorazione del
Come raggiungere il paese:
In treno dalla stazione ferroviaria di Belvedere Marittimo è necessario proseguire in auto o con autolinee
per 22 km lungo la S.P. 118.
In automobile dall’autostrada A3, uscita Tarsia- Spezzano Terme- Scalo San Marco Argentano- Variante Roggiano Gravina- Bivio
Malvito- Scivolenta- Sant’Agata d’ Esaro.
Aereo: aeroporto di Lamenzia Terme – imboccare l’autostrada A3 in direzione SalernoUscita Tarsia- Spezzano Terme- Scalo San
Marco Argentano- Variante Roggiano Gravina- Bivio Malvito- Scivolenta- Sant’Agata d’
Scorcio panoramico
“Competenze per lo Sviluppo”
2007 IT05 1 P0 007 F.S.E.
Con l’Europa Investiamo
nel Vostro Futuro
Centro Territoriale Permanente per l’Educazione e l’ Istruzione in Età Adulta
c/o Istituto Comprensivo Statale
Via Serrone—87010 Malvito (CS) Tel. e Fax 0984/509082
E-mail: [email protected]
Pictures of the River Esaro