Thank You Notes Correspondence


Thank You Notes Correspondence
Announcements for Saturday, March 17, 2012
Soror LaDonna Harris, Epistoleus
Thank You Notes
Soror Charlotte Bryant
“My deep appreciation for providing acts of love and support in response to the death of my brother. For the
many sympathy cards, telephone calls, visits, flowers, food, contributions and prayers……I love my beautiful Ivy
basket! I truly appreciate you all.”
Sorors Vivian Harrison and Jamelle Woodard
“With gratitude and thanksgiving we appreciate the very handsome and beautiful ivy plant. Its striking beauty
brought a ray of sunshine to our lives. Please accept our sincere thanks for your generosity and kindness. We are
indeed humbled by your thoughtfulness and consideration”
Soror Melody Collier
“I truly appreciate the beautiful plant- it was a lovely surprise! Thank you for your care and concern. Your
thoughts, prayers, phone calls, and loving visits, I am forever grateful.”
Soror Patricia Ingram
“Thanks so much for the beautiful plant sent for my mother’s homegoing services. I appreciate the prayers, calls,
cards and thoughts of so many sorors. Sisterhood is a great thing!”
To Raise A Child, Inc. is seeking the chapter’s support in their Celebration of Love fundraiser. The event will be
held on Friday, March 30, 2012 at 7:30 p.m. at the City of Refuge, 3150 Yellowstone, Houston, TX 77054.
Tickets are $100 per couple or $50 per person. All proceeds will benefit To Raise A Child, a 501(c)3
organization. For additional information, please contact Devona G. Martin at 713-440-7200 or via email at
[email protected]
The Dallas Alumni Greek Show invites the chapter to the Inaugural Dallas Alumni Greek Show. This event will
take place at 7:00 p.m. on Saturday, March 17, 2012 at the Historic Black Academy of Arts and Letters, located in
downtown Dallas. The show will consist of Alumni Chapters of NPHC Greek lettered organizations from Dallas,
Arkansas, Houston and Florida.
The chapter received the Winter 2012 copy of the Varnett School’s Varnett Gazette. The superintendent of the
school is Soror Annette Cluff.
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.
Alpha Kappa Omega Chapter
Committee Report Name of Committee : African American History Chairmen : Rita Smith and Janice Granger Co‐Chairmen : Shewanna Rochan, Regina Prevost, and Erica Smith “A Great Triple Play for AKA” The African American History Committee executed three outstanding events which were held for our chapter’s celebrations of African American History Month. On February 9th we recognized the first semester honor roll students of Jack Yates Senior High School. It was a wonderful collaboration of 62 Honor students, 14 parents, 43 uniformed band members, 7 ROTC cadets, and 10 faculty and staff. We had 29 chapter members present who served as hostesses. They welcomed parents and all other guests as they served refreshment to all attendees. The event took place in the Hazel Young Library with the chapter presenting an exemplary program of Scholarship recognition and historical tradition. On Sunday , February 26th chapter members were invited to Wesley Chapel AME Church to commemorate the chapter’s early history – As Wesley was the actual birthplace of the Alpha Kappa Omega Chapter, which met there to organize and plan for its chartering during the Spring of 1927. By early 1928, the fledgling group was approved to be chartered and thus became the first Alumnae chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha in the state of Texas. We were honored and recognized by this historic Church and felt happy to be able to celebrate the joy and Ministry of this “Spirit‐filled Church.” Sixty (60) Alpha Kappa Omega sorors attended the service. Immediately following the Church service, 48 Alpha Kappa Omega chapter members met to enjoy the traditional ”Soul‐Food” feast in the private dining room of the “THIS IS IT “ Restaurant. The Restaurant is a Houston tradition and was featured in the “break‐out” movie debut of Soror Jada Pinkett‐Smith in The film “Jason’s Lyric.’ The fun and fantastic food brought an end to a perfect day and concluded the terrific “TRIFECTA” for African American History Month. Special thanks to Sorors Lucy Bremond, Elnora Flewellen and Melba Henry of the Hazel Young Ad Hoc Committee who supplied the 62 wonderful “Academic‐ Achievement Medallions, “ which were presented to each Honor Roll student, as well as Erica Smith who designed the individualized certificates. Report submitted by: Soror Marianne Walker Chapter Program Chairman and Anti‐Basileus STANDING COMMITTEES
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.
Alpha Kappa Omega Chapter
2012 Committee Chairmen
Founders’ Day
Joint Chapter
Nkenge Berry-Owens
Camilla Jackson
Faye Phillips
Rita Roberts
Tamara Cubit
Paulette Frederick
VeRonique Williams
Jo-Carolyn Goode
Lillian Bourgeois
Program Planning
Public Relations
Bianca Anderson
Marianne Walker
Polly Sparks Turner
Nkenge Berry-Owens
Bettye Narcisse
Administrative Support
African American History
AKA Chorale
Erica Smith
Kim Harris
Veronica Johnson
Marianne Walker
Mary Butler
All Kare Action
Dorothy Booker
Chapter Cluster
Chapter Directory
Chapter News
Charity & Appeals
EAF Coordinator
Graduate Advisor’s Council (TSU)
Graduate Advisor’s Council (U of H)
Initiative #1 Emerging Young
Leaders (EYL)
Initiative #2 Health
Karen Harvey
Janice Warner
Jeanie Mitchell
Tiffany Green
Cheryl Mitchell
Ivy Ricketts
Evelyn Holloway
Jo-Carolyn Goode
Pam Lazard
Initiative #3 Global Poverty
Initiative #4 Economic Security
Initiative #5 Social Justice and
Human Rights
Initiative #6 Internal Leadership
Training for External Service
Fine Arts
High School Leadership
Housing Committee
Clara Cooper
Erica Moore
Sahira Abdool
Karen Aubrey, Christina AllenCrowder, Angela Price
Catherine Blackwell Gore, Saundra
Stephanie Meads
Allonie Moncriffe
Nicole Montgomery
Tamara Cubit
Karen Grays
L. Renee Lowe
Arneita McKinley
Kim Topps
Bayana Taylor
Katharine Brown
Martina Judge
Nekeidra Brown
Sheri Cole
Lucy Bremond
Darlene Johnson
Shonthenia Edwards
DiAnn Robinson
Elnora Flewellen
Deneen Ford
Cheryl Cash
Margie Taylor
Berna Greer
Dorothy Gabriel, Faye Moseley
National Pan Hellenic
Life-Long Learning
Margie Taylor
Patricia Sibley
Andrea Bonner
Tracy McFolling
Dawn Randale
Yvonne McCree
Lisa Brooks
Thearodesia Williams
Pamela Lazard
Anitra Provost, Susan Bynum,
Courtney Brown
Eugenia Cain
Elnora Flewellen
Jo-Carolyn Goode, Vickie Windham
Sandrina James, Lisa Brooks,
Shewanna Rochon
LaShane Eaglin
Jackie Columbus
Natosha Roberts
Janice Granger
Ardener Lewis-Franshaw, Clarice
Clara Boyd, Eve Nell Carothers,
Dorothy Lawson
Mae King
Vaniecia Williams
Yavaunda White
Clarinda Hopes
Gwendolyn Clemmons
Mary Thompson
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.
Alpha Kappa Omega Chapter
2012 Committee Chairmen
Presidents’ Council
Senior Citizens
Charlotte Bryant
Jeania Mitchell
Beverly Dancer
Carolene Goffney-Sharpe
Vickie Windam
Cheryl Johnson
Clarice Lowe
Charlene James, Teresa Mason
Natosha Roberts
Shannon Smith
Alpha Kappa Omega Chapter’s EYL
Sugar Valley Chapter’s Top Teens
In Partnership
Committee Name: Emerging Young Leaders (EYL)
Chairman: Margie Taylor
Co-chairmen: Karen Aubrey, Christina Allen Crowder and Angela Price
February 11, 2012
Time: 9:30- 11:30
A Financial Literacy Workshop was sponsored by a cooperative Partnership of Alpha Kappa Omega Chapter and the Sugar Valley Chapter
of T.L.O.D. Saturday, February 11, 2012. The Top Teens joined with the EYL members at Attucks Middle School. Traditional Banking 101
was the topic of discussion for Workshop I; and Electronic Banking was the topic of discussion for Workshop II. Members of both
organizations served as presenters and facilitators. Students attending the seminar enjoyed a memorable experience because the
presenters were from various backgrounds who related well with the two groups. Willie Mae Evans was the chairman of Top Ladies of
Distinction’s Seminar and Margie Taylor provided the Door-prizes and snacks. Attendance included a combined number of 50 students
from each of the two groups and 25 members representing both organizations.
Kudos to: Participants of Top Ladies of Distinction and Alpha Kappa Omega Chapter Members; a remarkable idea and a job well done
Total Number of Participating Sorors and Top Ladies of Distinction: 25
Beverly Dancer
Douthulia Gardner
Edwina Johnson
Faye Phillips
Idaena Wade
Karen Allen
Karen Aubrey
Kim Harris
LaDonna Harris
Lillian Etienne
Lillie Lacy
Lisa Brooks
Marianne Walker
Margie Taylor
Minnie Bailey
Minnie Roy
Pamela Branch
Ronda Harris
Rita Roberts
Renee Lowe
Rosa Rush
Tamara Cubit
Vicky Windham
Willie Mae Evans
Yavaunda White
EYL’s parents met in Attucks cafeteria with Sorors Lisa Brooks, Karen Aubrey, LaDonna Harris, Rosa Rush and Margie
Taylor. These sorors enlightened the parents about past events of Alpha Kappa Omega’s EYL Program. They were shown
power point pictures of the EYL’s participating in workshops, field trips and other educational activities. Updates were given.
The parents asked questions and expressed their gratitude for the improvements which their girls have shown due to EYL’s
involvement. We asked them to help us recruit other parents to get involved. They agreed to call other parents and ask them
become intricate in the EYL Program. Meeting with The Parents had a successful outcome.
Submitted by: Margie Taylor
Alpha Kappa Omega Chapter
Name of Committee: Global Poverty Initiative
Chairman: Clara B. Cooper
Co-Chairman: Stephanie Meads
Date: February 1, 2012
Time: 7:15PM
Place: Conference Call
Number of Committee Members Present: 10
The Global Poverty committee discussed upcoming projects as well as the wrap-up from previous project.
Christmas Lunch with Seniors – Wrap-Up
On Thursday, December 15, 2011, the Global Poverty Committee hosted a Christmas party for
seniors at the Julia C. Hester House located at 2020 Solo. Sorors served lunch to the seniors and
also provided a small, gift bag with trinkets to each senior. Beverly Dancer facilitated the Bingo game
and awarded prizes to the winners. Soror Ardener Franshaw provided entertainment by playing
various Christmas songs and also special musical selections from requesting seniors. The executive
director of the Hester House thanked Alpha Kappa Alpha, Sorority for sponsoring the event and also
for the chapter’s continuous support.
“Loving Myself” Event – Wrap-up
The Global Poverty Initiative Committee in conjunction with the Social Justice and Human Rights
Committee hosted an event entitled “Empowering Women through Loving Myself.” The event took
place on Monday, February 13, 2012 at The Star of Hope Women’s Transitional Center with forty
women attending along with 16 sorors from Alpha Kappa Omega. The center provides emergency
housing and a host of services to help the homeless develop long-term solutions of structure,
accountability and the opportunity to learn basic living skills in a comprehensive and demanding
one-year program that prepares them to re-enter the mainstream of society. The seminar was
designed to celebrate the total woman: mind, body and spirit. Soror Alicia Lacy-Castille spoke on
healthy skin care, and Soror Andrea Bonner spoke on celebrating the inner and outer beauty of
women. Both presentations were interactive. After the presentations, the women were served a
light snack and each attendee was given a personal gift box. Target Hunger and a community
advocate, generously donated items for the gift boxes. Several door prizes were given including
four gift baskets with jewelry from Charming Charlie and personal care items. Several women
expressed their gratitude and also their desire for our sorority to conduct another activity in the
near future.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:50 PM
Next Meeting: April 4, 2012 @ 7:15 PM
Names of Committee Members Present: Clara Cooper, Christina Crowder-Allen, Darlene Johnson,
Karen Harvey, Tamara Cubit, Stephanie Meads, Jeania Mitchell, Marianne Walker, Pat Sibley, and Vicki
Report Submitted By: Clara Cooper and Stephanie Meads
Date: March 9, 2012
Name of Committee: Health Initiatives
Chairman: Patricia Sibley
Co-Chairmen: Catherine Blackwell-Gore
Co: Chairmen: Saundra Wiley
Date: March 17, 2012
Time: 11:00 AM
Place: Power Center
Purpose of the Committee: To encourage healthy life styles and personal fitness. The
committee will support organizations which advance access to treatment and coordinate
awareness and advocacy campaigns to reduce health disparities, save lives and impact health
related legislation. Health initiatives will address diseases which disproportionately affect
women and minorities, prevention and treatment options.
The Sisters Network, Inc., “Stop the Silence” Walk is scheduled for Saturday, April
14, 2012, departing form Discovery Green. Pre-registration, costing $30.00 per
person, ends on April 7. Chapter Walk coordinator is Camilla Jackson and Walk
registration and participation will be promoted via newsletter and phone tree.
The March for Babies Walk, Sunday, April 29th. Time: 9:00 AM Registration Time:
8:00 AM , University of Houston 2400 Calhoun, Houston , TX 77004. There is no
fee for registration, however donations will be accepted.
The “Pink and Green Challenge” has kicked-off and will continue until the first five
(5) days of June. This initiative supports weight loss, healthy eating habits, and
increased exercise among chapter members. Seven (7) team captains will lead the
challenge in seven (7) geographic areas. Team captains will provide monthly activity
updates as well as an interim team weigh in, percentage based, progress report in mid
–April. Prizes, to be determined, will be awarded at the June chapter meeting for the
highest percentages of weight loss as calculated by team captains during the first five
(5) days of June. The initiative will be promoted via newsletter, phone tree, and
onsite registration at the February chapter meeting.
Pink Goes Red Day Activities
a. Café Express- 38 sorors attended this activity, where we ate a healthy meal and
receive Healthy Living tips from Kenya Steele-Neal
b. Kappa Alpha Psi/Blood Pressure Screening- 61 sorors participated in this activity,
where members of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Houston Alumni chapter
conducted blood pressure screenings. Soror Tamara presented the Kappas with a
plaque, in appreciation of their partnership with us on this event.
Spotlighting the Good Works of the Gamma Psi Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. at Texas Southern University Volume 1 Issues 3
March 2012
The Gamma Psi Chapter has been very busy. Texas BASILEUS
Southern Tigers are a lot more heart smart due to the heart Latricia London
education students received from Gamma Psi at their “Pink Goes ANTI BASILEUS
Red” event. Following that success, Gamma Psi held a “pearlfekt” Kayla Hurse
AKA week. One of the week’s highlights was the “My Black is GRAMMATEUS
Raphael Freeney
Beautiful” event. The ladies mentored over 50 middle school girls [Date]
Sed porttitor imperdiet odio. Sed ut leo.
in workshops on skincare, exercise, and healthy eating. Arianna Williams
Ashlee Jones
Jasmine Owens
Evelyn Ramos
Alicia Duke
Dior Gardner IVY LEAF REPORTER Antoniece Porter HISTORIAN Deshara Goss PARLIAMENTARIAN Emerald Dixon CHARTER MEMBERS Clarice P. Lowe Mercedes Terry Evelyn B. Thornton GRADUATE ADVISOR Jo‐Carolyn Goode CAMPUS ADVISOR Dr. Fanny Hawkins Calendar Of Events March 2012 5­9 Midterms 12­16 Spring Break th
22­25 80 South Central Regional Conference Upcoming Events *Mr. Ivy Man Pageant *Tribute to a Black Man The Chosen Ones The award winning Gamma Psi Chapter’s step team was one of two teams chosen by Texas Southern University’s Student Activities to represent the school in Dallas, Texas at the Southwestern Athletic Conference 2012 Greek Step‐
Off. Mentors Wanted If you would like to serve as a mentor to a member of Gamma Psi and you are graduate advisor certified please send an email to [email protected]. THE OG EXPRESS
Omicron Gamma Chapter –University of Houston Downtown GRADUATE ADVISOR’S Keeping Track
…Through Timeless Services
Friday, March 9, 2012 brought the University of Houston
Downtown's Omicron Gamma Chapter - Pink and Green
Week to a stellar close. The week entitled “Welcome to
the Pearl AKAdemy" began on Sunday, March 4th with an
inspirational worship service located at St. John's Church
Downtown and a visit to the Bread of Life. Omicron
Gamma's dynamic and innovative week featured
interactive workshops touching on such initiatives as
Global Poverty, Human Trafficking, and Professional
Etiquette. Alpha Kappa Omega's own Sorors Sahira
Abdool, Alicia Lacy Castille and Clara Brown Cooper
selflessly contributed their time and talents to several
events displaying their expertise in professionalism and
service. The feedback from the week has been tremendous.
The personal and affective natures of the workshops were
cited stand out qualities by the attendees.
Omicron Gamma's Spring 2012 Rush was conducted on
Saturday, March 10, 2012. The Rush program was the first
of many by Omicron Gamma chapter members. However,
the dedicated members of the Graduate Advisor Council
were there to carefully guide and lend their support during
the program. Sorors Sandra Campbell, Helen Houston,
Karen Grays, and Marianne Walker graciously braved
the inclement weather to assist the undergraduate sorors
and me during this special and enrichment time.
Reflecting on all of the exciting events and changes in
Omicron Gamma, as the semester nears a close, is an
exciting and rewarding endeavor. Although much has been
accomplished, there are yet still engaging endeavors on the
horizon. As the 2012 South Central Regional Conference
nears, Omicron Gamma is gearing up to show up and show
Sorors of Alpha Kappa Omega thank you for your
continuous prayers and support. Please keep Soror Aasha
Gary in your prayers.
Soror Pamela Lazard
Graduate Advisor
Vol. 2 Issue 2, March 2012
Global Leadership Pink and Green Week
03/05 “Let’s talk Makeover” - Soror Alicia Lacy Castille
discussed embracing your elegance with lessons of etiquette
in various settings and circumstances
03/06 “Giving Back” - Chapter members held a Can Goods
Drive at UHD and Soror Clara Cooper presented insight on
our fight against global poverty
03/07 “Self Defense” – Chapter members and UHD students
broke a sweat while learning high impact moves in a
kickboxing session 03/08 “Without a Trace” – Soror Sahira Abdool discussed
the terrors of the Human trafficking process and system to
students at UHD and a special guest discussed the service of
03/14 “Back to the Bible” St. John Church Downtown and
Bread of Life – chapter members and students from UHD
attended worship service and participated with other
volunteers to serve the homeless at Bread of Life
OG’s Anniversary Celebration
June 24, 2012- Doors open @ 12:30 pm
Tickets and Raffle Tickets ON SALE
Please contact Soror Pam Lazard at 832-443-3805

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