Why is a Psychic Salon with Antoinette (Toni) Attell a winner?


Why is a Psychic Salon with Antoinette (Toni) Attell a winner?
Why is a Psychic Salon with Antoinette (Toni) Attell a winner?
We have all heard about “man’s sixth sense” and “ woman’s intuition.” We all have it!
Most people are intuitive but they never learn how to really use their knowledge. A good PsychicIntuitive gives you personal, future information. It’s like planning a road trip, using a weather
forecast and map to tell you, that if you are going to a snow environment you might need chains on
your tires. With this information you can make choices. You have the power and control to
positively use the information to your advantage.
Who is Antoinette (Toni) Attell?
Ms. Attell has performed at over 350 Colleges and cruise ships throughout the United States as a
Comedienne and Mime. She has created numerous shows for large organizations, like IBM, Levi
Strauss, Memorex and is also a popular speaker, presenter, performer at many conferences like the
Whole Life Expo, Body-Mind-Spirit Expo, (Canada) Conscious Life Expo, American Board of
Hypnosis, International Association of Counselors and Therapists and the International Hypnosis
Federation where she has won numerous awards.
Antoinette (Toni) Attell combines all her years as an Intuitive, Psychic,
Hypnotherapist, Comedienne, Actress and Mime to bring all these great qualities
together to create something “not-everyday” into a really memorable, fun, quirky
experience with positive results.
[email protected] • 818-787-8685
With someone like this …it’s never boring. She recently performed in China and Japan and is
always available to create something “different” in an entertaining way. Her warmth and humor is
inspiring. Toni refers to herself as a “dyslexic intuitive”, because she can see peoples’ past-lives and,
since she was a mime, she can non-verbally predict their future.
Salon: A gathering of people who wish to be inspired, amazed and amused.
Please choose or combine from the Menu below
Take 2 large cups of Intuition, 1 Tablespoon of Body Readings, mix well with Mirth, Laughter
and Improvisation. Season well with “The Food Cravings Tests” explaining why you are doing
what you do today. Mixes well with Humor and Insights. Rises Quickly. Serves large gatherings
as well as small ones. Please Choose from the Menu Below:
Antoinette (Toni) Attell
Body Readings/Body Talk :
Small Ceremonies :
Find out what your body movement and face structure says about
your life, your patterns and your future. Body Readings/Body Talk is
the science of reading peoples' faces and bodies. How well do you
really know yourself? Your body never lies. It tells you when you are
sick, lonely or in need of sustenance.
You will also learn:
• What the foods you crave tell you about yourself
• What your body communicates to you regarding health, love and
business and how to effectively look and listen for the signals.
• Learn how to read others peoples' bodieswith your own Intuition.
Mankind has always needed ceremonies to fill life with meaning and to
help find the meaning of life. From religious plays to tea ceremonies to
sporting events. Small ceremonies, unite mind, body and spirit, and help us
to find the power to speak our thoughts...our real thoughts and to bring us
into contact with what we really want. Great for audience particpation.
Psychic Salon :
Join Antoinette as her host for a Psychic Salon which can be used as a
performance-show, lecture, workshop or, presentation. For large
and/or small events .Create a day or evening of:
• Past- Life DNA Body Readings
• Face Readings and Tarot
• Hypnosis for Relaxation and Breaking the Cords.
• Humor mixed in with games and Intuition
Meant To Meet :
Kurt Vonnegut once said that someone that comes into close
proximity to you is connected to you in some way!
I believe we are Meant To Meet the people in our lives to learn our
lessons. Too often we think, “This is the One, this is someone who will
change my life.” Instead, another way to think would be: this new
person may guide me to a path where I might meet my lover, best
friend or future business partner. In this workshop you will learn how
to effectively begin brand new patterns in your life. Lots of fun and
games with audience participation.
Mask Ceremony & You Are What You Were :
T he mask ceremony is a truly bold and dynamic experience for those
driven to understand the course of their present and past lives. The
MASK CEREMONY itself can be compared to a chiropractic
adjustment. As body, mind and spirit come together in full alignment.
O ld patterns are released and space is allowed for new change.
All species instinctively transfer genetic codes of survival to their
offspring. The sum of your being is imprinted in you through
thousands of years of bio-energetic memory transference. These are
called DNA memories. On the cellular level, every body movement
reveals this transference. In essence, you are all that you were.
21 Day Get What You Want-Body-Mind-Spirit-Diet :
This program breaks old negative patterns creating space for positive
new patterns. It is a known fact that if you do something for 21 days, you
will create new ideas, patterns, behavior and mental outlook. You may
find out that what you think you want ...is not what you actually need.
Bringing Humor Into Your Life and Business :
Humor is one of the greatest healing forces available to us as humans.
Smiling has a positive effect on physiology, often resulting in total
relaxation of the body. Laughter heals. Like a pressure cooker releasing
steam, stress is relieved through laughter. Learn how to locate and use
your sense of humor.
Games For The Soul :
Have you ever wanted to really celebrate your life? This workshop
assists the participant in doing just that, by discovering who you are,
what you want, how you're going to get it and what you'll want to do
with it. The format is a series of improvisational, metaphysical games
that get you in contact with your child within, and it teaches you how
to use your own psychic ability.
Acting Tools For Business Professionals :
Use all the methods of Acting and Comedy to help present yourself to
the public, loosen up your inhibitions and get more attention from your
clients, customers and loved ones. These are the same methods taught by
Antoinette at USC Film and Television School for writers and directors.
Just Kidding:
Improvisation Games
Improvisation is a great way to break the ice and get out of over
thinking a situation. If you ask many of the Fortune 500 they always say
that they trust their gut instinct. This is a great way to get us over our
"Inner Babble" and is just good old fun for everyone. Adults, Teens
and Children. A great Salon.
For bookings contact: Jeannine Frank
Jeannine Frank Entertainment
[email protected]
North Carolina bookings:
Bonnie Cohen
919-932-3209 • C hapel Hill, NC
[email protected]
For Ms. Attell: www.attell.com • www.hypnosis4you.net
attell@a ttell.com • 818-787-8685
Available for Salons, Workshops, Lectures and Performances