A Spiritual Conversation - JSerra Catholic High School


A Spiritual Conversation - JSerra Catholic High School
Paw Print
JSerra Catholic High School
Volume 25 • September 2014
A Spiritual Conversation
With Father Damien and Mr. Laubacher
In T
Page 3
by Zoe Kaffen
Performing Arts–Dance:
Page 4
Pep Squad:
Page 8
Make a Wish
by Julia Sanchez
We caught up with Father Damien and
the newest campus minister, Mr. Laubacher, to
find out a little bit more about their spiritual
beliefs. What was surprising were the deep
spiritual experiences that both Father Damien
and Mr. Laubacher disclosed to us.
Father Damien, what sparked your
interest in joining the priesthood?
“I finished college at UC Irvine at about
age 23, and the last year of college I met a
Catholic who knew his faith very well. Through
him, I learned that life may be challenging and
there are many obstacles, and that the Cross
actually forces you to look within and find
solutions that are more meaningful than what
society has to offer. I suddenly found that the
answers I was looking for were in Jesus.”
Father Damien, was there a circumstance or
event or that made you suddenly realize your calling
to the priesthood or was it a gradual feeling?
“It was gradual. Often times, the things
that you think you need to be happy suddenly
get all turned around and you gradually begin to
realize that the things you thought you wanted
do not make you happy anymore.”
Father Damien, how did your parents
react to your decision to become a priest?
“At first my parents were not that
supportive. They really believed that this
was just a phase I was going through. At one
continued on page 2
Save the Date
Homecoming Game.......September 26
Homecoming Dance.....September 27
College Fair.........................October 22
JSerra Catholic High School • 26351 Junipero Serra Road
Most people are aware of cancer and
the many foundations and organizations that
revolve around raising money and finding a cure.
But the Make a Wish foundation differs from
the rest. Instead of simply raising money and
donating it, the Make a Wish Foundation offers
cancer patients—specifically young children
and teenagers—the opportunity to make one
wish, any wish, before cancer takes its course.
The wishes differ from traveling to Europe to
meeting wrestler John Cena.
To be eligible to “make a wish,” the child
must be between the ages of 2 and 18, with the
child’s physician deciding whether or not the child
is eligible. The Make a Wish Foundation grants
wishes through its 62 chapters throughout the
United States and the 47 other countries involved.
The foundation began in the spring of
1980 when seven-year-old Christopher James
Greicius (August 8, 1972–May 3, 1980) was
treated for leukemia, cancer of the blood. Greicius
had always wanted to be a police officer and U.S.
Customs Officer, Tommy Austin, befriended the
young child. Austin worked with the Arizona
Department of Public Safety to give Greicius
an experience he would never forget: to spend
one day as a police officer. He rode in a police
helicopter, received a custom-tailored police
uniform, and was sworn in as the first honorary
DPS patrolman in state history. Unfortunately,
Greicius died shortly afterwards, but his wish
was granted, thus beginning the biggest wishgranting, non-profit organization in the world.
The Make a Wish foundation is an
amazing organization which allows sick children
to have their dreams come true. JSerra is proud
to continue its own Make a Wish club on campus.
If you have any questions, e-mail the president of
the club, Sydni Brown, at [email protected].
San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 • (949) 493-9307 • JSerra.org
Page Two
My Meatless World
Hello New Teachers!
by Michael Elsanadi
by Mary Kaffen
With the recent rise in the popularity
of vegetables, such as kale and quinoa, and with
restaurants such as Veggie Grill and Native
Foods, one question remains: is vegetarian food
beneficial to one’s health?
Vegetarians do reap the benefits of
ample amounts of vitamins through organic
vegetables and dairy products. For example, one
cup of chopped kale contains only 33 calories
and includes 206% of the daily value of vitamin
A, 134% of vitamin C, and 684% of vitamin K.
However, with the benefit of consuming large
amounts vegetables, you sacrifice taste. Nothing
compares to devouring a juicy rare steak with
the benefits of Vitamin B3, B12, B6, and iron.
Conversely, these vitamins are only found in grassfed free roaming cows, who’s meat is expensive
relative to factory processed red meats. A study
confirmed that those who consumed high levels
of unprocessed and processed red meat suffered
from a 20% higher risk of mortality, cancer
mortality, and cardiovascular mortality.
After reading this research, I had decided
to become vegetarian for four weeks. Beginning
with the first week, I felt famished as my taste
buds longed for steak and chicken; sauntering
around the house, and fatigued due to my
body’s lack of protein, I thought I had made the
wrong decision. I hated being a vegetarian. The
faux-chicken made my stomach grumble, the
kale made my face sour, and I always felt hungry,
no matter how much I ate.
However, as I continued into the second
week, the increased intake of vegetables, and
the decreased intake of meat made, me feel
energized. Soon I began to actually enjoy being
vegetarian; the bitterness of kale and the whatI-thought-to-be-flavorless taste of a well-made
vegetarian dish were items I began to look
forward to. By week three, I had tamed my
meat-hungry stomach and began to enjoy living
a meatless life. Into week four, I began dreading
turning myself back to meat.
However, at 8:00 PM, on September
1st, I bit into a steak and felt nothing but guilt,
anxiety—and nausea. Little did I know, eating
large amounts of meat, after fasting from it
for over three weeks, can lead to waves of
headaches and nausea. Luckily, these symptoms
soon subsided.
I look back as to why I chose vegetarianism
for a month. Perhaps it was to challenge
myself and place myself in an uncomfortable
environment. However, as I dove deeper into
the vegetarian lifestyle, I understood the thought
process of a vegan “fanatic.” In challenging myself
I learned more about others.
Sister Maria Corazon teaches Religion1
to freshmen, as well as a Religion 3 Honors,
a junior-level religion class. Sister Corazon
belongs to the Carmelite Sisters of the Most
Sacred Heart of Los Angeles.
She leads an active life in Christ so I
asked her if she had gone on any mission trips.
She replied that she had volunteered to serve
at World Youth Day in Toronto, helping youths
with new technologies, such as the iPhone and
walkie talkies. Sister Maria Corazon recalls that
her high school religion classes at all-girls Bishop
Conaty Catholic High School, in Los Angeles,
helped influence her to become a sister, but
she recognized her calling at the age of eight
after watching the movie, “Song of Bernadette,”
depicting the life of Saint Bernadette.
Asked what her greatest religious
challenge was, Sister Maria said that in her life,
there have been times when she had to renew
her faith in Christ, asking herself is Jesus Christ
my Lord and Savior.
In the English department, Mrs. Hirsch
teaches Advanced Placement Literature, a
junior-level English class. Mrs. Hirsch attended
U.C. Riverside, and then obtained a Masters
degree at Pepperdine University. She has been
teaching for ten years at public school.
I asked Mrs. Hirsch what she liked about
a private school. She commented on the small
size of her classes, saying that at public schools
she would teach classes of about thirty or more
students. She enjoys the size of JSerra classes,
making it easier to connect with her students.
Mrs. Chenault is a new teacher in the
Paw Print
Katia Bergstrom
Sydney Brown
Olivia Coyle
Megan D’Souza
Michael Elsanadi
Connor Ferrell
Mary Kaffen
Zoe Kaffen
Emma McClellan
Garrett Prendiville
Julia Sanchez
Ryan Sánchez
Jenny Woo
Mr. Jeff Kahl, Advisor
science department. She teaches a freshmen
Conceptual Physics class here at JSerra and has
been teaching for thirteen years. In sixth grade,
Mrs. Chenault wanted to be either a teacher or
a hairstylist. I asked Mrs. Chenault what inspired
her to become a teacher; she replied that her
sixth-grade teacher influenced her to enter
into the profession.
When asked what she liked best about
JSerra, Mrs. Chenault praised her students for
being polite, respectful, and good listeners.
Father Damien
continued from page 1
point, my parents realized how important this
decision was for me. It was almost like a marriage
contract, and I promised myself I would persevere.
Nowadays, so many people constantly give up on
their choices, like getting a divorce, quitting your job
or dropping out of college, but for me sticking with
my choice and persevering was really important.
When my parents saw how serious I was about
the priesthood they began to support me.”
Mr. Laubacher, what were you like in
high school?
“I grew up Catholic where faith was
a really important part of my life. When I was
younger I loved going to youth groups and learn
to play new instruments. I was really into sports
and surfing, so I ended up going to a public high
school where I got mixed up in a lot of bad
situations. I made friends that led me down the
wrong path and turned me away from my love of
God. I remember that during high school I was
really convinced that there wasn’t a God. I wasn’t
living a very moral life, but eventually I graduated
and got a couple wake-up calls that made me
question the purpose and meaning of my life.
Mr. L, what made you decide to study
theology and philosophy in college?
“I lived a pretty secular life, going to
concerts and parties and getting mixed up with
the wrong crowd until I had a conversion at a
retreat. I realized that if God is real and everything
I’ve learned about him is true, then theology is the
coolest and most important thing I could study.”
Campus Ministry
Swing Dancing
by Katia Bergstrom
by Katia Bergstrom
I leaned against the wall, sighing. I am
so not ready to do this, even though I need to
do this, I thought. I can’t do this. I haven’t been
in ten years. Even though I need to go, I’m way
too scared. I took a deep breath. I have to do
this, I reminded myself. I pushed myself through
the door of the Confessional.
down in front
of the priest, I
crossed myself.
“Father, forgive
me for I have
sinned. It has
been ten years
since my last
my sins…” I
paused. How
can I tell this
priest my sins? Will it even matter? What will
come out of this? Am I going to gain anything
more? Will it really take the chaos out of my
life? What if it just makes things worse? I was
having doubts. I knew I needed to do this, to
get the chaos out of my life and to bring God
back inside of me, but somehow I couldn’t do it.
I couldn’t force myself to spit my sins out.
Father Frassati noticed my hesitation.
“Don’t be nervous,” he told me. “Is it the fact
that you’re telling your sins to a priest that
makes you nervous?”
“That’s part of it,” I admitted.
“Then, just pretend I’m God.”
“Father Frassati, I don’t know if I can do
that. I’d be too afraid, even to confess my sins
to God.”
“You know you need healing. God will
wipe all of your sins away; it will be like they never
happened, if you only ask for forgiveness. Then, you
will find true peace and you will be happier because
you did it,” he said, leaning forward a little.
I laughed at that, a cackle bouncing out
of my throat. “Father, that’s ridiculous! Even if
God forgives me, I will still remember all of my
horrible mistakes, all of my mortal sins will still
haunt me! It doesn’t matter! Fine, I will tell you
what I’ve done! I will tell God what I’ve done!
But I guarantee it will make no difference! The
healing will only be in Heaven! Heaven will
rejoice, but I won’t because there will still be
the trembling of reality within me! Even if I do
feel peace, the peace won’t last! I will still keep
running into chaos!”
“This is why you are able to receive
this over and over again, no matter how
many times you have sinned. You can keep
coming back to get rid of the chaos within
you, you can keep coming back to ask God
to forgive you, and to find the peace and
happiness. You can come back and find
healing, as many times as you want!” His
voice softened. “Don’t you understand?
You can keep coming back! When you go
to Confession, think of it this way: it’s like
a telephone. You’re talking to God, through
me, the priest. You are really telling your
sins to God. And because I have the Seal of
Confession, I cannot tell your sins to anyone,
ever. Neither God, nor I am going to judge
you for what you’ve done. We are not here
to judge, but to absolve and forgive.”
“Picture it as though you’re just telling
me your story. It’s the story of your journey on
which things have gone wrong.”
“Okay. Well Father Frassati, I have lied
to people I care about, I fight with my siblings,
I have used inappropriate language, and I have
said mean things to my friends, I have gossiped
about others, and I have not always completed
my homework.”
“That’s fine. Do you know your Act of
I looked down in embarrassment. “No.
I’ve forgotten it.”
“That’s fine, then. Then just say you’re
I bowed my head, closing my eyes.
“Dear God, I am truly sorry for all of the sins
I have committed. I promise not to commit
them again, and if I mess up, please carry me to
the right path. Amen.” I opened my eyes.
“Good. For your penance, I would like
you to say a short prayer for your family and
I nodded.
Father Frassati leaned forward, making
the Sign of the Cross on my forehead as he
said; “I absolve you from your sins in the Name
of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy
Spirit. Go, and glorify the Lord by your life.”
I stood up. “Thank you, Father Frassati.”
“You’re welcome.”
Club Night: Tuesdays @ 7 PM
Daily Mass: M,T, Th, F @ 7:15 am
Kairos: September 30-October 3
Guys, do you ever really want to impress
a girl with your dancing skills, but you don’t
know how? Girls, do you want a guy to spin
you really fast, twirl you a million times, so that
your skirt flies around your legs in an array of
colors? If you do, I think you should learn how
to dance! I mean, really dance.
I think we should all learn how to properly
dance with one another. At the dances now, the
slow songs are all reserved for the couples or
people with dates. And all the fast dances are
meant for dancing alone. On the dance floor right
now, when I see the couples dancing to their slow
songs, all I notice is guys and girls swaying back and
forth. It’s not even interesting to watch couples
on a dance floor anymore! If there are people
watching couples dance, don’t you want to see
some dance moves in action?
I believe that before the formal dances,
such as Homecoming, Winter Formal, and Prom,
we should get someone to teach us how to dance
different dances
that we can dance
to.That being said,
along with the
dancing, I think
we should get
for the dances. I
understand that
modern music is
popular right now,
but if we get some older songs, such as songs
from the fifties and sixties, we can dance to these
songs, whether it is with a partner or by yourself.
This summer I went up to Thomas
Aquinas College and I learned how to dance
the merengue, the rhumba, the waltz, and swing
dance! It is so much fun, and it’s so different!
Proper dancing teaches us to act like ladies and
gentlemen, because in this kind of dancing, the
men lead, and the women follow, girls wait for
a guy to ask them to dance. Also, this way, we
can all dance with one another, because in these
types of dancing, if a man sees a girl on the side,
he goes over and asks her to dance; even if she’s
not his date! It would be fun, more energetic,
and it would teach us how to act properly.
In addition to this, I think we should
make it a decades dance. Everyone could come
in their different decades of clothing, and we
could all have a fun time swinging to oldies!
This way, we can incorporate older
music and we can all dance with each other and
have fun! This is what dancing used to be like,
and I think we have the potential to bring it
back and make it popular again.
Fine Arts
JSerra Dance Program
by Olivia Coyle
JSerra serves as the foundation for its
students to grow and thrive as individuals by
focusing on the many talents the student body
collectively shares. Some of the school’s most
talented students study under the guidance
of JSerra’s outstanding dance teacher, Mrs.
McClellan. Her
passion for the
program drives
to success, and
she never fails
to put on dance
productions that
could very well
rival any other
professional program with unending creativity
and exceptional choreography incorporated into
each individual number.
Quetzal Arevalo
JSerra Catholic High School Performing Arts
proudly presents
Friday • November 21, 2014 • 7:30 PM
Laguna Hills Community Center
Claire Park
Taylor Stevens
Jenn Moon
Mixed Media
Christian Coufos • Blake Brewer
Maggie Armstrong-O’Brien • Claire Grace
Panorama Photography
Student Artwork
Claire Park
Prismacolor Pencil
There will be a special production taking
place this fall with the theme, “Frozen,” so clear
up your schedules because this performance is
something you will not want to miss.
Mrs. McClellan reveals, “The dancers
have been asked to choreograph pieces that
have the motif of snow, ice, cold weather,
winter,The production will be taking place on
November 21 at the Laguna Hills Community
Center at 7:30 PM. Tickets will be available
online for five dollars starting November 1.
Grey’s Anatomy Child Stars: Where Are They Now?
Season 11
Television Series Review
by Megan D’Souza
Has Grey’s Anatomy run its course? As
everyone knows, with every great beginning
comes a great end- but not for this ABC hit
medical drama in particular.The five-time Emmy
award winning show is sprinting headfirst into
their eleventh successful season. The premiere,
“I Must Have Lost it on the Wind,” is set to air
Thursday, September 27th with some exciting
new additions and quite the setup of dramatic
episodes sure to keep loyal fans on their toes.
In addition, it has been confirmed
that actress Geena Davis (Thelma and Louis),
and previously recurring actress, the beloved
Caterina Scorsone (Private Practice), will be
joining the cast for the eleventh installment of
the procedural drama.
Despite the new additions, many fans
have raised the question, “Is Grey’s Anatomy
running out of ideas?” After a whirlwind elevenyear run strung
crashes, gunmen
running loose in
the hospital, bus
fans are openly
skeptical of the
story lines for the
upcoming season.
Luckily, Rhimes
not to worry- season eleven will be chock-full of
character drama; a long-standing feud between
doctorsTorres and Robbins, a new baby for doctors
Kepner and Avery, and the recent appearance of
another half-sister for Meredith Grey- will distract
viewers from the painful split between Cristina
Yang and Chief Owen Hunt, who’s relationship fans
so fondly remember as “Crowen.”
In other news, The Grey’s cast has just
issued yet another tearful goodbye to lead actress
Sandra Oh, who plays the sarcastic, headstrong,
cardiothoracic surgeon Dr. Cristina Yang. After a
thriving ten years of playing Dr. Yang, Oh believes
she has exhausted her material and has put
away her stethoscope for now. However, Oh has
released a coy statement saying that the Grey’s
door will always be open for a potential return.
Hopefully Rhimes’ promises for the new
season will follow through. Despite the shaky
grounds for Season 11, if all of Rhimes’ hopes
come true, this may be the most successful
installments of them all.
by Garrett Prendiville
It is safe to say that TV shows on the
Disney Channel and Nickelodeon were the
staple of most childhoods, and the child actors
on the shows were envied and adored. However,
the media seems
about the stars
who have gone
“downhill,” such
as Lindsey Lohan
and Miley Cyrus.
happened to other
former stars who
haven’t messed up?
Some have decided
private lives, while some are still hungry for the
Raven Symoné: From 2003 to 2007
Raven Symoné was the star of the widely
popular Disney Channel show, That’s So Raven.
Since parting ways with Disney, Symoné has
tried to expand her career outside of television.
After her show ended, Symoné starred in her
first movie, College Road Trip. After her movie
Symoné starred in a reboot of the Broadway
musical, Sister Act. To top her appearances on
TV and Broadway, Symoné plans to release a
R&B album in late 2014. While working on her
music, Symoné is also going to school at the
Academy of Art in San Francisco.
Dylan and Cole Sprouse: These famous
twins co-starred in The Suite Life of Zack and
Cody from 2005 to 2008, followed by The
Suite Life on Deck, from 2008 to 2011. After
their two popular shows ended, the Sprouse
twins stopped acting and attended New York
University starting in the fall of 2011. Cole is
studying humanities and archaeology, while
Dylan is studying video game design. In 2013, the
Sprouse twins traveled together to Japan with
the Koyamada Foundation to help promote
world unity to children.
Drake Bell: Starring in the Nickelodeon
TV show, Drake and Josh, Drake Bell has tried
to keep his name relevant since the ending of his
show in 2007. His first big hit after Drake and Josh
was the made-for-TV movie A Fairly Odd Movie:
Grow Up Timmy Turner, starring as Timmy Turner
in a live action version of the respected cartoon.
In addition to acting, Bell has been working on an
album since 2012 with Surfdog Records with a
“1940’s and 1950’s vibe.”
Josh Peck: Co-starring with Bell in Drake
and Josh, Josh Peck has also continued his acting
career after his popular TV show. Since the
show ending in 2007, Peck has lost a significant
amount of weight, no longer being “the fat kid.”
As well as losing weight, Peck has participated
in various movies such as Ice Age: the Meltdown
and a remake of
the classic movie,
Red Dawn. Peck
has also took
share in social
media stardom in
the video sharing
app “Vine,” having
over 5.3 million
Aly and AJ: The
sister duo, Aly
and AJ Michalka
made their first appearance on the Disney
Channel when Aly starred in the show Phil
of the Future, from 2004 to 2006. Realizing
Aly and her sister were musicians, Disney
gave the sisters a record deal where they
released popular songs such as “Like Woah”
and “Potential Break Up Song.”
After leaving Disney, the sisters practically
ended their acting career to focus on their
band. Their band, “78violet,” tours around the
country yearly and are categorized as “rock” and
“Christian rock.”
While some may think that all child stars
spiral into an inescapable pit of drugs, financial
troubles, and sadness, many do not.These former
stars listed above have all kept themselves
morally grounded and stayed on a positive track
to happiness in regards to their careers and
personal lives.
Putin with
the Shadow
of Hitler
Give Me iPads
or Give Me
Throughout time,
history has constantly
repeated itself. An example
of this is happening today
in Russia. Vladimir Putin is
re-creating the actions of
Hitler’s first steps to“world
domination”. Going back
to 1936, disregarding the
by Connor Ferrell
Treaty of Versailles to gain
back land that was previously Germany’s, Hitler fist
invaded the Rhineland, then proceeded to invade
Croatia without hesitation. Many countries cried
out against the country’s actions, but did not take
action. The final attack on Poland sparked World
War II.
Putin is mirroring these actions, by first
invading Crimea, which “was originally Russian
territory”. Yes, it was originally Russian territory,
but so was the rest of Ukraine. Putin has said that
Russian forces could invade and capture Kiev in
two weeks. He also added, “Ukraine would be
an easy conquest for Russia.” Although nations
have protested, none have taken action. So what
is stopping Putin from getting what he wants?
With this philosophy, Putin could slowly
capture Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Finland, parts
of Poland, Kazakhstan, and Afghanistan. These
include only a portion of what used to be
Russian territories. But there is one road block
in his way; many of these countries are a part
of NATO. Therefore, if Putin wished to take
all these lands back, he would inevitably start
World War 3.
Thus, Putin is truly a shadow of Hitler, as
he has started to slowly take back land that was
previously Russia’s. He has received protests
from countries and ignored them. Finally, the
only road block he has is starting another
World War.
As all JSerra
students know, we carry
tons of books. Some
classes require very
bulky textbooks, which
force us to buy large,
ungainly backpacks. The
cost to purchase or rent
textbooks is immense,
by Ryan Sánchez
with some students (such
as myself) spending upwards of $500 for books
they will only use for a year. I believe this new
digital age has brought a solution, in the form of
those slabs of metal and glass we all know and
love; our school needs to “get with the times” and
make the switch from paper to tablet.
There are innumerable reasons why
tablets are the superior choice, but the logistics
of ensuring that every student has the correct
model and version could seem complex and
difficult. However, the benefits of such an
endeavor far outweigh its drawbacks.
The Apple iPad and Samsung Galaxy Tab
are lighter and smaller than a single textbook and
cost about the same as a year’s worth of books.
The internal memory of just one tablet could
hold all the books needed for a Lion’s four years
at this school. Laptops would become obsolete
as well, because wireless keyboards can turn a
tablet into a formidable typing machine. Security
would also be improved, because “hacking” the
school’s network would become more difficult;
most tablets do not have the tools nor the
power to launch such a strike against our school.
I hope the administration seriously
considers this idea, and the student body helps
to convince them. If we students were to start
petitions and stay involved in our school’s
activities, I believe this transition could come
faster than you could say “tablet.”
Thanks President Obama
by Michael Elsanadi
The complaints made
by ill-informed students
at JSerra about President
Obama is deafening.
Students speak of the
in an objectionable way,
making claims that only
parrot Fox News anchors
such as Megyn Kelly, Sean
Hannity, and Bill O’Reilly.
Regardless of the many beneficial
policies, programs, and orders made by the
President, students condemn “Obummer” for
committing the heinous crime of completing his
duties as President. Students not only denounce
Obama’s domestic and foreign policies, but
also illogically criticize his clothing, daughters,
wife, and lifestyle. I am not asking students to
blindly support or criticize Obama and other
politicians, but to educate themselves and build
a foundation for their beliefs.
DMV Class
at School
In today’s society,
most teenagers receive
their driver’s license later
than they should. I myself
received my license eight
months after turning
sixteen and looking back,
I regret not getting it
by Garrett Prendiville
most people face today is that everyone has so
many things to do such as school and sports and
as a result, taking Driver’s Education is pushed
to the side. I think all schools, both public and
private, should bring back Driver’s Ed. as an
elective so teens can have the option to drive
An actual Driver’s Ed. class in a
classroom would be far more effective
because a certified teacher would teach the
class versus an online program that may not
be as helpful. I do see the concern of parents
and adults thinking that children should take
their time in learning to drive, but driving as
a teenager is an essential part of transitioning
into an adult.
This year, the
changed where students
can park. Now, all
sophomores and juniors
who can drive must park
on the athletic side; they
can no longer park in
the lots surrounding the
by Julia Sanchez
school buildings. Teachers need parking spaces too, I
understand that, however, combined with the
seniors, the total amount of people parking on
the academic side is less than the number of
parking spaces. By forcing underclassmen to
park across the street, finding a parking spot
is more difficult, and also causes more tardies.
Walking across the bridge adds more time to
getting over to school on time. Also, freshmen
are dropped off on the athletic side, causing
more traffic for student drivers.
The school should find a way to allow
juniors to park on both sides of the school, as well
as designate a drop-off location for all students
who don’t drive. The school needs to address
the issue of student parking that way there is less
conflict with parking spots, traffic and tardies.
The opinions expressed here are those of the student journalist.
They do not reflect the views of the JSerra faculty, staff or administration.
Late Start
Junior year. The
most dreaded year of high
school. For all the juniors
at JSerra Catholic High
School, the only thought
on our minds is the fact
that we’re graduating
next year. But, in order
to achieve our goal of
by Jenny Woo
graduating high school, we
must face the overwhelming trepidation of class
work, tests, and homework that consumes our
lives, sacrificing our sleep in order to make the
We have become accustomed to
malnutrition and horrid sleeping patterns; foodbars and energy drinks have become our best
friends. One way we might be able to solve the
issue of students trading sleep for Rock Stars
would be starting school at 8:30 everyday, and
switching over to a four day block schedule,
versus the two day block schedule we currently
have. Juniors would get enough time to actually
eat in the morning… Thirty minutes is all we
First Week
of School
The first week of
school should be a relaxing
week of getting to know
your teachers, where your
classes are, figuring out
your schedule and other
trivial activities that make
the starting of school and
completion of summer an
by Mary Kaffen
easy transition. It seems,
however, that instead of removing a summer slump
gently, teachers believe that a rude awakening of
quizzes, tests, and essays in the first week is vital to
galvanizing the student into action.
I think that during the summer, students
should be able to complete the assignments
without the added stress of having to take a test.
Instead of helping the student begin school in a
positive light, grades drop significantly the first
week, causing students to stress and parents to yell.
Although its understandable that many teachers
require summer homework, and test students to
see that they completed the work, it still doesn’t
change the fact that the first week of school is a
week of stress and tests.
Chocolate is an
important contribution
to any happy diet.
Unfortunately, the Bistro
fails to provide the
students and staff of
JSerra a direct source of
Sure, we have
by Olivia Coyle
chocolate chip cookies,
trail mix (or as I like to refer to as M&M's with
obstacles), and brownies (that I personally
confuse with over-baked cake minus the
frosting), but would it be too difficult to stock
the Bistro with some M&M's to cheer up
someone's rainy day?
Chocolate has been proven to release
positive endorphins in the brain that link to
happiness. Every time I glance at the various
choices of candy displayed near the cash
registers, I fail to comprehend the lack of
chocolate-based products being marketed. I
believe that the students and faculty of JSerra
would immensely benefit from having a more
tangible source of chocolate provided in the
Kingdoms have
fallen all throughout
Greece fell. Empires all
throughout the world
have fallen. Even in the
20th century, when the
stock market crashed, it
was the end of an era,
by Katia Bergstrom
the “kingdom” of the
twenties was gone.These kingdoms fell for many
reasons. One of the reasons kingdoms fell and
will fall is due to corruption and immorality, bad
leaders reigning, and people who weren’t doing
the right thing. All senses of morals and ethics
were wiped out because people just wanted to
do whatever they wanted without giving any
thought as to how their actions would affect
the world.
My point is, we have a kingdom at JSerra.
Yes, it is run by the administration and teachers,
but we, as students, have a duty to set the tone
and mood for the school. I believe we can help
the administration and teachers at JSerra. We
can uphold the kingdom of JSerra by being kind
to one another, uplifting one another, treating
each other with respect and dignity. Even if
you find someone you don’t get along with, at
least treat them with respect. Think about how
your actions, whether good or bad, will affect
our little kingdom of JSerra. If we think about
our actions, and strive to treat everyone with
respect, dignity, and kindness, our little kingdom
of JSerra will rise up on high this school year
and the school years to come.
Endless Summer?
The sun
is shining, its burning
hot, the beach is calling,
so why are we in school?
The answer is AP testing.
I believe that
JSerra should start at
the same time as all
the other schools and
by Zoe Kaffen
the AP board should
consider moving their national testing time.
All over America, every May, students
taking college courses in high school will sit
down to take a grueling three to four-hour long
test to prove they know the subject and receive
college credits for the course. Instead of making
hundreds of schools move their years forward
into the last month of summer, the AP testing
board should move the test to a later date and
JSerra should start alongside with the rest of
the schools.
Letters to the Editor
The Paw Print welcomes reader feedback. Letters must contain
your full name and grade level, or if a non-student, your full
name and city of residence. Please e-mail Mr. Kahl at jkahl@
jserra.org with a subject heading of “Letters to the Editor.”
For some, the
Bistro is the heart and
soul of JSerra. In my case,
it definitely is. However,
something I find seriously
concerning is the topic
of Uncrustables (or lack
For someone as
by Megan D’Souza
frighteningly pessimistic
as I, the sheer joy of unwrapping one of those
tragically beautiful, ready-made peanut butter
and jelly sandwiches melts away the stress of all
the AP classes I’m not taking. Granted, there are
many wonderful choices at the Bistro to settle
my angry stomach, but there are some days
when cheese quesadillas and peach rings just
aren’t doing it for me. Peanut butter and jelly
sandwiches should be available to every student
here at JSerra.
Pep Squad Kicking Off
the Year Right!
by Ryan Sanchez
This past week I had the pleasure of
meeting a few members of the JSerra Pep Squad,
including coach Mandy Morgan. Mrs. Morgan says
she wanted to lead the Pep Squad because she
was a member of her high school's pep squad and
because of her desire to
support her girls and help
give them confidence.
part about coaching is
helping her team follow
their dreams, and having
a part in their lives. Mrs.
Morgan wants more girls
on the team who "put
JSerra first," have lots
of spirit, and, while prior
experience is welcome,
it is not necessary.
The team is very
excited for this coming
“I can’t wait for
the craziness of Lion
Nation and going to
Ruby’s every Friday
after the home games!”
Mrs. Morgan wants us Lions to expect
bigger and better halftime shows, and many
trophies to be won.
Danielle Lugo, a senior and a four-year
member of the team, praised the new talent
the team has received,
and predicted that this
year will be better than
ever. She extolled her
coach's ability to utilize
all of the girls' strengths.
“If there is
anything beneficial I
have taken from being
on JSerra Pep Squad
it’s that every single
girl belongs to the
squad,” Danielle said.
“Each cheerleader and
dancer has a role on
this team and only they
can play their part, like
I play mine, as mascot.
Without each girl on
our squad, it would not
be as great as it is today.
With these new juniors
on our team, I have
no doubt in my mind
that they will expand
this program after we
seniors graduate.”
Amber Salas, a sophomore, says she loves
cheering at football games, and that her coach
is wonderful, and the team is close and very
strong. Madison Banker, a junior, says coach
Morgan is very hard-working and dedicated to
her girls, and that the team is very close.
Cori Gomez, a senior, loves the unity,
activities, and giving school spirit at the games.
Jenny Woo, a
junior, says that
the team is
"powerful" and
much stronger
season. She says
that they are
working very
hard to show
Mandy Morgan, Head Varsity Cheer
coach Coach, and Zoe Kinnee, Dance Coach
how much they
appreciate her efforts, and are very proud to
represent the school.
Jenny says that there is a lot of
misunderstanding and false beliefs about the
sport, and that cheer is much harder than
people may think.
The Pep Squad meets every Monday
and Wednesday, before and after school, and
attends football games on Friday, which can
run until 11:00 PM. Cheer is definitely not
for the faint of heart, but it is an important
member of the JSerra athletics family.